Jia Bi MSc Artificial Intelligence, 2015
Studying for a PhD in Computer Science

“I chose to come to Southampton to study my MSc in Artificial Intelligence because Electronics and Computer Science (ECS) at the university has a good reputation and is in the top rank in the UK. It has great research staff, advanced experimental facilities, and I had such a good supervisor that I decided to stay here to do my PhD in Computer Science.
The University is also very strong at helping graduates find jobs. ECS holds an annual careers fair that attracts lots of famous companies
Algorithm development
“My research aims to develop a smart algorithm that can be used in embedded systems. This could be applicable in the real world such as in an automatic car that can make decisions by itself to avoid barriers, or a blind person being able to identify a viewpoint and tell people what is in front of them.
“With the help and encouragement of my supervisor, I had full confidence to be able to do my PhD research, find a new method to resolve the problem, and complete my first major project by myself.
Valuable opportunity
“As an international student, moving to the UK from China, I attended the University’s pre-sessional English course which helped me improve my speaking and writing ability.
“The University is also very strong at helping graduates find jobs. ECS holds an annual careers fair that attracts lots of famous companies.”