Glass panels under manufacture for Mountbatten Building
The glass panels for the external wall of the new £55M Mountbatten Building are currently under manufacture in Austria.
The glass panels are being made by Eckelt Glass and will form a striking feature of the new Mountbatten Building when it opens in 2008.
The new building will provide a world-class interdisciplinary clean room and office complex for the School of Electronics and Computer Science and the Optoelectronics Research Centre.
The new Mountbatten Building will be a four-storey concrete-framed building, fully linked at all levels to the Zepler Building, with an associated central utilities building and external single-storey service buildings. The building features an exciting design by specialist architects Jestico+Whiles ensuring not only that it provides flexible interdisciplinary space for research in nanotechnology and photonics, but that the world-leading research to be carried out there is visible and accessible from the south concourse.
To find out more watch video podcasts of the construction progress.