Primary school liaison
University workshops and primary schools visits giving a hands-on introduction to computing, robotics and code breaking.
Electronics and Computer Science (ECS) has been at the forefront of leading-edge technology for more than 60 years with a global reputation for web science, nanotechnology, energy harvesting, wireless communications and much more. To help nurture the next generation of scientists and inspire young people to think about a career in electronics and electrical engineering, computer science and IT, we aim to introduce them to the subject matter in a relevant and engaging way early in their academic life.
University workshops and primary schools visits giving a hands-on introduction to computing, robotics and code breaking.
Tasters and events to encourage interest and enthusiasm in science, technology, engineering and maths.
World class resources in a thriving campus community – find out what it’s like to be an ECS student at the University of Southampton.
ECS can support your school careers events as well as hosting meetings to share hints and tips for teaching computer science.
Keep up to date with ECS Outreach Activities
Contact Reena Pau, Outreach Coordinator
We want to encourage as many young people as possible to come to the University of Southampton. By going out to schools and colleges, or inviting them to come and join us for a day, we can share the exciting opportunities that studying electronics and computer science can bring.