Web site of ECS student branch of IEEE is named best in the world
The web site of the Southampton student branch of the prestigious IEEE (the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) has been named best in the world in a competition that was open to all IEEE student branches.
The Southampton student branch is administered from the School of Electronics and Computer Science and it has gone from strength to strength since it was established in 2004. Earlier this year the group also received an award from the IEEE for registering the best membership expansion in Europe, Africa and the Middle East.
Professor Harvey Rutt, Head of School, commented: 'ECS is delighted that the student branch of the IEEE has achieved such success. Congratulations go to the Committee for their hard work and commitment in running such a strong programme of events throughout the year, and also to Geoff Merrett, for designing and managing a very dynamic web site.'
The IEEE is the world's leading professional association for the advancement of technology. The Southampton branch is the 15th in the UK and the first to be Women-in-Engineering affiliated.
The IEEE student branch runs a full programme of events throughout the year, including technical presentations, careers talks, and social events. For further information, see the group's web site.