The University of Southampton

ECS success in Complete University Guide league table

Published: 29 April 2015

Electronics and Computer Science (ECS) achieved excellent results in this year’s Complete University Guide. With first and second place graduate prospect scores for Electronics and Electrical Engineering and for Computer Science, these UK university league tables endorse ECS' success in ensuring its graduates have strong employability skills and industrial experience.

Electronics and Electrical Engineering at Southampton retained its third place position on a range of criteria that included student satisfaction, graduate job prospects, research, and entry standards. In this table, Southampton shares the top three places with Cambridge and Imperial College London and jointly leads the table for graduate prospects.

Computer Science at Southampton saw an increase of five places this year, bringing it to eighth place and sharing second place for graduate prospects with Cambridge.

Alongside ECS within the Faculty of Physical Sciences and Engineering, Physics and Astronomy retained its top-20 position at 19th place for the third year running.

Engineering at Southampton did well across the board, with Aeronautical, Civil and Mechanical Engineering all achieving top five places. Overall, the University of Southampton has moved up to 14th place from last year’s 16th.

Professor Bashir M Al-Hashimi, Dean of the Faculty of Physical Sciences and Engineering commented: “We are very pleased to see these excellent results for Electronics and Computer Science, which reflect the high quality education our students receive within the context of world-class research activity. Our commitment to building strong partnerships with employers – as well as providing state of the art, industry relevant facilities – helps ensure that students are very much in demand by leading high-tech companies for the breadth of their technical understanding.â€?

The Complete University Guide – one of three principal UK-based rankings for UK universities – is compiled by the independent Mayflower Consultants and based on a wide range of criteria.

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