New ECS student branch of IEEE launches with talk by Lajos Hanzo
A new student branch of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) has been established in the School of Electronics and Computer Science. The new student branch will be launched by a seminar given by Professor Lajos Hanzo, himself a Fellow of the IEEE, on Wireless Media Communications. The seminar takes place on Tuesday 1 March at 5.30 pm in Zepler Building, Seminar Room 1. The new IEEE Student Branch at ECS is one of more than 1000 branches worldwide, and 15 in the UK. The Student Branch is planning to organize a full range of activities to benefit ECS students, including regular seminars and social events, and to provide news of the latest recruitment opportunities. Professor Hanzo is Head of the Communications group in ECS, which is recognized as world-leading in its research into mobile communications. Professor Hanzo's talk, 'Wireless Multimedia Communications: A tele-presence paradism for anyone, anywhere, anytime, or the dawn of the world wide wait?' will be given on Tuesday 1 March, at 5.30 pm in Seminar Room 1, Zepler Building, and refreshments will be available. All students in ECS are welcome.