The University of Southampton

The Southampton team developed the unique LifeGuide platform – the world’s first open source software that allows researchers who don’t have access to programming resources, the ability to create and modify online support for managing and preventing illness. There is no other existing software or research programme that allows non-programmers to develop these interventions.

 The interactive technology means that each individual’s situation, concerns and preferences can be used to provide a tailored support programme that includes delivering automated text or email reminders, personalised feedback, help with planning and the chance to communicate with health professionals.

The LifeGuide platform builds on previous Southampton research in the designing and implementing of software platforms to empower scientists with ability to create effective digital interventions. Previous Southampton projects such as myExperiment have developed platforms that enable scientists to share workflows and computer simulated experiments to promote transparency and reusability of scientific methods. These principles of reducing time-to-experiment, sharing expertise and avoiding reinvention have been embedded in the LifeGuide programme of work.