The University of Southampton

For UK and EU students, we have a number of Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) Research Studentships to award each year from the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). These studentships pay tuition fees and, for UK students (and some eligible EU students) they also provide a tax-free maintenance grant (stipend) to cover living expenses for three years. For students starting in September 2017, the stipend is £14,553. These studentships are awarded on a competitive basis by ECS after an offer of a PhD place has been made. If you would like to be considered for one of these studentships, please indicate this in the funding section of the online application form. Click here to check whether you meet the EPSRC eligibility criteria for a DPT studentship by consulting the EPSRC guidance.

In addition to our DTP studentships, there are several other funding schemes to which academic supervisors can apply to provide financial support during your PhD. Please contact your proposed supervisor for more information.