I am self funded, how much money will I need to support myself in addition to the course fee?
In addition to the tuition fee, we recommend that overseas and EU students allow around £6000-£7000 to cover your living expenses for a year. This figure includes essentials such as accommodation, meals, clothes, books and personal expenditure. You will need more if you plan to stay in Southampton over the summer vacation. It also excludes the cost of travel to and from Southampton. In planning your finances it is important to take into account the fact that living costs are likely to increase during the period of your stay. You must also consider the current exchange rate. Further information on fees and funding can be found our University website.
The British Council publishes a booklet Studying and Living in Britain (ISBN 07463 06563) which contains useful advice about life in the UK and you can obtain this through your local British Council office. Further information to help international students interested in studying for a UK course or qualification can be found www.educationuk.org