The University of Southampton

Breaking the Mould: how technologies change the way we learn

Published: 9 October 2014

Hugh Davis, Professor of Learning Technologies in the Web and Internet Science Research Group (WAIS) and Director of the Institute for Innovation, Learning and Development (ILIaD), will be giving an inaugural lecture, “Breaking the Mould: how technologies change the way we learnâ€?, on Monday November 3rd 2014. His lecture will form part of the ILIaD inaugural conference, which will take place on the same day.

Professor Davis’ talk will take an affectionate tour through the evolution of technology-enhanced learning from the perspective of a teacher, academic and lifelong learner, and will consider the questions: has technology changed the way we go about learning and what we actually need to learn? Finally the talk will address the question of what 21st century higher education might look like.

A full abstract can be downloaded here.

The lecture will take place 18.15-19.30, Building 46 (Physics), Lecture Theatre A (Room 3001). Teas and coffees will be available beforehand.

All are welcome: if you wish to attend, please register in advance via Eventbrite, here. For more information on the ILIaD inaugural conference, please visit

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