The University of Southampton

University Open Days 2010 - Come and visit ECS!

Published: 27 May 2010

Open Days for prospective students take place this year on Saturday 3 July and on Wednesday 8 and Thursday 9 September.

On 3 July the School of Electronics and Computer Science will be holding a day of tours, presentations, demonstrations and drop-in sessions, highlighting the opportunities available on our degree programmes, and emphasizing the unique character of the School. Visitors will have the chance to see all our undergraduate labs, and to meet past and current students, as well as to find out about our students' excellent career prospects.

Presentations begin at 10 am with a welcome from the Deputy Head of School (Education), Professor Alun Vaughan; there will then be separate tours and presentations for Computer Science & Software Engineering; Electrical & Electromechanical Engineering; Electronic Engineering; and Information Technology in Organisations. These presentations and tours are repeated at 11 am, 2 pm, and 3 pm.

Between 12 noon and 2 pm we will be holding two drop-in sessions in the Mountbatten Building, where visitors can see demonstrations, tour the labs with our students, see videos of our Careers Fair and student project work, and find out more from ECS Admissions Tutors. Refreshments will be available. There will also be a presentation on Robotics in ECS by Dr Richard Crowder, with a demonstration of the School's Formica swarm robots.

Bookings are now closed for 3 July since the event has reached maximum capacity. The University of Southampton Open Day web site on the University Open Day Web Site provides further information.

'Visiting universities is extremely important in enabling students to find the best place for their study,' said Professor Alun Vaughan. 'There are many factors which make a difference to the kind of educational experience that will suit a particular student and we urge prospective students to take advantage of these visit days to find out as much as they can about what we can offer them.'

ECS Open Day Hotline: +44(0)23 8059 4506

View our Introduction to ECS Open Days by Professor Alun Vaughan.

Electronics and Electrical Engineering is ranked 1st and 2nd in the UK in recent league tables (May 2010) and Computer Science and IT is ranked 4th or 5th. Find out more about our excellent league table performance and our exceptional graduate career prospects.

For further information contact Joyce Lewis; tel.+44(0)23 8059 5453.

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