The University of Southampton

Sean wins UK Student of the Year Award

Published: 11 September 2008

ECS 2008 graduate Sean Nuzum has been named UK Student of the Year in the Real-World Magazine Awards for his contribution to university life.

Sean graduated this summer with a 2.1 Master of Engineering degree in Electronic Engineering. Throughout his four years at the University his organizational skills, energy and motivation have been enormously valued by the Students’ Union, the entrepreneurial society, Fish on Toast, and the School of Electronics and Computer Science. He has also been a keen member of the University’s JuJitsu squad, and has made a number of videos to promote student events.

At ECS he played a major role in the organization and running of the Electronics and Computer Science Society, of which he was President in 2005-6, organized the School’s JumpStart student induction event in 2007 and is running it again this year. He is currently designing a Careers Hub web site for the School’s students and planning an entrepreneurial career in which motivation of others will play a strong part.

Eric Cooke, Senior Tutor in ECS, said: ‘Sean has contributed a huge amount to the academic support that the School needs from its students and to the School’s social life which is also very important. The students in ECS have benefited enormously from his efforts.’

At this year’s Graduation ceremony in July Sean was awarded the Head of School prize for his contribution to ECS.

He is delighted with the prize of £500, which he says will be ploughed straight back into activities that will benefit students. ‘I’m going to work with the Entrepreneurs Club and we’ll use the money to generate more funds, which will be split between a donation to charity and funding for the company I plan to establish which will help students decide on their future careers.’

You can Sean's video entry for the awards on YouTube.

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