The University of Southampton

ECS offers new PhD studentships up to £18k

Published: 12 March 2008

New enhanced PhD Studentships up to the value of £18,000 are being offered for graduate research students beginning PhDs in the School this year.

According to Professor Nick Jennings, Deputy Head of School (Research), the decision to provide these enhanced Studentships is an indication of the importance that the School places on doctoral research. 'The School continues to make a substantial strategic investment in research,' he said.

'As a leading research School we already offer our PhD students some of the best facilities and research training available. We are continually looking at ways that we can increase opportunities for our graduate researchers and this year we have decided to award five Studentships of £18,000 a year over the three years of the PhD and an additional five Studentships of up to £15,000.'

These Studentships are open to UK nationals (or EU students who make the DTA eligibility criteria) and will be awarded to outstanding candidates who apply to undertake a PhD in the School. Applications must be made by 31 April.

Find out more about PhD opportunities in the School on our Research pages and our PG Admissions pages.

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