The University of Southampton

All our halls offer high quality accommodation in a safe, friendly and diverse environment with excellent facilities.

UK students

If you are a full-time, registered* undergraduate student we will offer you a place in halls during your first year of study, providing you meet the following criteria:

International students

If you are a non-EU international undergraduate student commencing study before 2013/14, you are guaranteed an offer of accommodation for the duration of your studies in Southampton. You will need to apply by 1 August in the year in which your course begin, and before the start of the second semester in the following years.

If you are a non-EU international undergraduate student commencing study in 2013 or later, we are only able to guarantee you an offer of accomodation for your first year of study.

We guarantee accommodation for EU students in the first year of their studies.

Find out about your accommodation options at Southampton.

*Full-time and studying for a complete academic year

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