The University of Southampton

Our record for graduate employability is outstanding and our students have a great reputation with the UK’s leading companies. We run our own Careers and Employability initiative in ECS, working closely with a wide range of partner companies and supported by ECS graduates who are keen to pass on their knowledge and experience in mentoring our students. We aim to ensure that our students are fully aware of the choices and opportunities open to them in their graduate careers, and that they are well prepared for the application and interview process with every opportunity to achieve their full potential.

Around 400 graduate jobs and summer internships are advertised each year to ECS students on our Careers Hub. We run our own annual Careers Fair in February each year, with over 90 companies present in 2016, and we support a full programme of employer visits to ECS, including recruitment presentations and workshops. 

The majority of our graduates will enter business or industry as engineers, consultants, analysts, or developers across transport, energy, security, future technology development, global manufacturing, online retailing, gaming, banking and finance, communications and the media. A large number of our graduates (over 70%) secure roles with our Laureate and Affiliated Companies and we continue to build partnerships with leading companies each year.

Our courses, our project work, and the vitality of our ECS community are fundamental to our students’ success in gaining excellent graduate positions.