The University of Southampton

Medical monitoring

Working in partnership with other universities, businesses and through spin-out companies of our own, the University is forging forward with the practical application of the technology, particularly in the healthcare sector.

In a project being led by Bristol University, Steve and his team are currently involved in developing wearable technology that can be used to monitor patients in their own home, providing data that can then be assessed by medics without the need for a face-to-face consultation – a field known as ambient assisted living.

The tech could also be used to assess disease progression by monitoring movement.

Steve explains: “The issue with monitoring patients in their own home using a watch-type device or wrist strap is one of compliance. If it doesn’t offer any functionality for the wearer they are less likely to put it on and we know that has an impact on compliance rates. If the tech was in their clothes that they are wearing anyway, it is monitoring them without them even knowing it.

“We are looking at having this technology in peoples’ homes so that we can detect activity and that can be incredibly useful information for doctors to have in terms of monitoring rehabilitation or to see, for example, the progression of diseases such as Parkinson’s.

“All that data can be collected in the home, analysed, then acted upon.”