Jesus Adrian Rodriguez Rocha MSc Artificial Intelligence, 2019

When I was looking for the top-ranked universities for Computer Science, specifically in the area of MSc Artificial Intelligence (AI), Southampton turned out to be one of the best in this field. I also researched the teaching staff and was impressed that so many world-class professors are here. AI is a rapidly moving field and researchers are constantly making new discoveries. I’ve gained a lot of knowledge in a short time here and now feel ready to go out and look for a good job.
It feels as if I’m in a movie. Having world-class professors teaching you and studying in one of the most prestigious universities in the world is almost unbelievable.
If you are considering taking a masters degree, my advice is to take the step, it will be a once in a lifetime experience you’ll never regret. You will grow academically and personally and at the same time you’ll have a lot of fun.
Campus and Facilities
I love the library, and we also have access to the computer laboratories to carry out practical work.
When you need a break from studying, there are plenty of social events to meet people and make friends. Student societies also make you feel welcome, I joined the archery club and the sports centre is great.
The campus is green and cool and it’s a good place to relax.