The University of Southampton

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Message from the Head of ECS

"I joined the University as a Lecturer in 1989 and like many of my colleagues have remained here ever since. This is not due to idleness on my part or lack of opportunity, but more because, at every stage of my career, ECS and the University have been supportive and proactive in ensuring that I can achieve my personal goals. Over a career, there are always going to be periods when you spend more time at work than with family and each of us needs to ensure that this is balanced. However, this is made far easier when working in an environment where colleagues are prepared to help and support you in times of need and where many are friends rather than associates. ECS is such a place. We have been proactive in ensuring that we have a good working environment not just in terms of well-equipped laboratories but also in the provision of facilities such as a Quiet Room, organisation of wellbeing activities and a comprehensive mentoring scheme. The following pages provide further detail and I hope demonstrate that we are a caring community where, if you choose to join us, you can thrive.’


There is a strong sense of community in ECS. We have created an environment that has inspired an extraordinary level of achievement. ECS is one of the world’s largest and most successful electronics and computer science schools.

There are eleven research Groups in ECS:
- Agents, Interaction and Complexity (AIC)
- Biomedical Electronics (BE)
- Cyber Physical Systems (CPS)
- Cyber Security (CYBER)
- Electrical Power Engineering (EPE)
- Next Generation Wireless (NGW)
- Smart Electronic Materials and Systems (SEMS)
- Sustainable Electronic Technologies (SET)
- The IT Innovation Centre (IT INNOVATION)
- Vision, Learning and Control (VLC)
- Web and Internet Science (WAIS)

Each research Group has developed its own unique programme of events including seminars, away days, coffee mornings and team building activities.