The University of Southampton

There is a strong sense of community in ECS. We have created an environment that has inspired an extraordinary level of achievement. ECS is one of the world’s largest and most successful electronics and computer science schools.

There are eleven groups in ECS:

Agents, Interaction and Complexity (AIC) Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) Cyber Security (CYBER) Digital Health and Biomedical Engineering (DHBE)
Education (EDU)  Electrical Power Engineering (EPE) IT Innovation Next Generation Wireless (NGW)
Smart Electronic Materials and Systems (SEMS) Sustainable Electronic Technologies (SET) Vision, Learning and Control (VLC) Web and Internet Science (WAIS)

Each research group has developed its own unique programme of events including seminars, away days, coffee mornings and team building activities.

Numerous events and initiatives bring the whole School together. They include an ECS Staff Lunch, lecture series, an annual Away Day, an annual Professor Geoffrey Sims Lecture, an annual Diversity Talk, wellbeing initiatives and staff parties.

ECS puts a lot of emphasis on supporting female staff and students. A forum for female staff in ECS, known as The Campbell Group, was established in February 2019. Meetings are held monthly to support female colleagues in their career and to improve their working environment.

ECS was awarded an Athena Swan Bronze Award in April 2020 and is currently implementing an Action Plan to further improve gender equality. We plan to apply for a Silver Award in the near future.  

Equality, diversity and inclusion is at the centre of everything that we do in ECS. We are determined in our commitment to provide a supportive environment in which we value differences, respect diversity and treat each other with equality and respect. We collaboratively preserve a community in which positive working relationships are formed and everyone feels valued, encouraged and supported. In 2019 we developed a Code of Conduct, an email etiquette and a policy for email communication between students and staff.

We promote work-life balance. In 2014, we introduced core hours and we refrain from holding meetings before 10:00, after 16:00 and during lunch hours (12:00-14:00).

The ECS Mentoring Scheme was established in September 2017 to provide support for staff at all levels and in all job families. The scheme is led by the Senior Mentor, Professor Neil White. We celebrate International Mentoring Day every year. 

In May 2019, the first issue of the ECS monthly newsletter was distributed to staff. It is very popular with staff who happily share information for inclusion.

The ECS School mascot is called EcCleS.