The University of Southampton

Published: 24 May 2022
Dame Wendy Hall

The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) has awarded Dame Wendy with the ACM Presidential Award in recognition of her leadership and impact in shaping technology policy and informatics education internationally, and her committed and inspired work to strengthen ACM?s geographically diverse footprint by fostering regional councils to promote ACM activities in China, India, and Europe.

Dame Wendy said: "It is an absolute honour to receive this award from the ACM, an organisation that is very dear to my heart. I have worked with them as a volunteer since my first term on the Publications Board in 1999. During that time, I grew to appreciate the global reach of the organisation and it has been a passion of mine to help leverage this for the good of the community.

"Looking back, it's been an amazing journey and a huge pleasure to be part of it. This award recognises not only me but also all the people who have been part of my ACM journey."

As the first ACM President from outside North America, Dame Wendy initiated the establishment of ACM Councils in Europe, India and China, extending the organisation's scope to a borderless audience. She also focused on the education of upcoming computer science generations, promoting gender diversity and nurturing talent in computing from all corners of the world.

She is one of the world's foremost computer scientists and plays a leading role in shaping science and engineering policy and education in the UK and internationally. She is the University of Southampton's second Regius Professor of Computer Science, the UK's first Artificial Intelligence (AI) Skills Champion and Executive Director of the Web Science Institute.

She was one of the first computer scientists to undertake serious research in multimedia and hypermedia. Together with Sir Tim Berners-Lee, Sir Nigel Shadbolt, and Daniel J Weitzner, she co-founded the Web Science Research Initiative and is the Managing Director of the Web Science Trust. Since 2014, she has served as a Commissioner for the Global Commission on Internet Governance.

Dame Wendy has been Senior Vice President of the Royal Academy of Engineering, President of the British Computer Society from 2003-2004 and was awarded its highest honour of Distinguished Fellowship in 2016, a member of the UK Prime Minister's Council for Science and Technology, was co-Chair of the UK government's AI Review, became a Dame Commander of the British Empire in the 2009 UK New Year's Honours list, is a Fellow of the Royal Society, and was appointed as Chair of the Ada Lovelace Institute.

• The ACM unites computing educators, researchers and professionals to inspire dialogue, share resources and address the field's challenges. It strengthens the computing profession's collective voice through strong leadership, promotion of the highest standards, and recognition of technical excellence, while supporting the professional growth of its members by providing opportunities for life-long learning, career development, and professional networking.

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Published: 24 May 2022
Professor Lajos Hanzo

Professor Lajos Hanzo from Electronics and Computer Science has been presented with the IEEE 2022 Eric E Sumner Award which is given to an individual or team of three or less people for their outstanding contributions to communications technology.

IEEE Fellow Lajos was selected by the panel for his essential contributions to multimedia signal compression; joint source and channel coding; modulation; networking; caching; and security aspects of 3G, 4G, 5G, and emerging mobile communications systems.

They also noted that his work on adaptive quadrature amplitude modulation (AQAM) provided a strong antifading countermeasure, and the AQAM-based high-speed packet access for 3G/4G systems has been used in countless mobile phones and digital audio//video broadcast, as well as WiFi systems.

Lajos has also contributed to the seminal research of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing, which became part of the 4G standard, and under his European Research Council Advanced Fellow Grant, he influenced the evolution of quantum signal processing and communications.

He said: "I was humbled, thrilled and deeply touched by this generous recognition, but research is a collaborative endeavour and the past 36 years of exhilarating collaborations at Southampton flashed through my mind when I was notified about this distinction. I have fond memories of our congenial journey in research with all of my academic colleagues, postdocs, visitors and the team of 125 PhD students. I feel very grateful for the enlightenment I gained throughout our close collaboration.

"Receiving this award fills me with further inspiration as an eternal student of my discipline."

The IEEE Eric E Sumner Award was established in 1995 and is named in honour of 1991 IEEE President Eric E Sumner, who retired as Vice-President, Operations Planning, at AT&T Bell Laboratories after a long and distinguished career.

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