The University of Southampton

High Voltage Engineering, Liquid dielectrics

In order to improve overall HV plant efficiency, there is increased use of thermosyphon technology to provide temperature control, replacing conventional pumps, fans and radiators. Hydrofluoroethers [C4F9OCH3] and Fluorinated ketone [CF3CF2C(O)CF(CF3)2] are two low global warming potential coolants. One use of these fluids in high voltage plant is as the coolants within a thermosyphon. This project aims to characterise the dielectric properties of the candidate coolants and their coupled thermal-electrical performance.

Primary investigators

  • Paul Lewin
  • Dr Richard Chippendale
  • Jaroslav Hemrle (ABB)

Secondary investigator

  • sw10g13

Associated research group

  • Electronics and Computer Science
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Applied Electromagnetism, Plasma and Space Science

his project aims to investigate the characteristics of the plasma generated by the use of a carbon films in a Triggered Vacuum Gap. Various different types of carbon film with different thicknesses and preparation techniques will be used to obtain the required data. This should allow for future devices to be engineered to more efficient designs with the increased understanding of the physical mechanics involved with the operation of this kind of device.

Primary investigators

Secondary investigator

  • dihb1g14

Associated research group

  • Electronics and Computer Science
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High Voltage Engineering, Liquid dielectrics

This project is concerned with the development of techniques to identify transformers at risk of catastrophic failure due to the presence of corrosive compounds in the insulating oil. Work will concentrate on further development of techniques to measure corrosive sulphur content in the oil with the aim of producing an on-line data acquisition system that will allow the changes in copper concentration and sulphur concentration to be measured in real-time on in-service plant. The ultimate aim being to develop prognostic tools that can be widely applied to electrical transmission networks to reduce the risk of unplanned outages.

Primary investigators

Secondary investigator

  • Mohd Shahril Bin Ahmad Khiar

Associated research group

  • Electronics and Computer Science
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Applied Electromagnetism, Plasma and Space Science
European Commission, H2020

Within the European GIESEPP project, investigations of the operation of the thrusters with alternative propellants will be performed to ensure their functionality. A combination of analytic modelling and experimental testing will be used to evaluate the impacts of alternative propellants to achieve the objective of reducing the dependence of electric propulsion systems from the expensive and limited Xenon.

Primary investigators

Secondary investigator

Associated research group

  • Electronics and Computer Science
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High Voltage Engineering, Condition monitoring
National Grid plc

This project is concerned with using machine learning to identify potential operational issues among National Grid's 700+ 400/132 kV autotransformers. One tool for condition assessment is dissolved gas analysis of oil samples from operational transformers. Oil samples are typically taken at 6 monthly intervals and the aim of this project is to establish from analysis of historical data whether it is possible to predict ultimate modes of failure, whether there are similarities in development of degradation mechanisms because of manufacturer, operational age, location on the network etc. and ultimately if it is possible to use current measurement data and previous data trends to predict future issues within the fleet.

Primary investigators

Secondary investigator

Associated research group

  • Electronics and Computer Science
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Submarine export cable rating diagram
Modelling and Simulation, High Voltage Engineering, Marine Energy
CONACyT, Mexico, SENER, Mexico

This investigation considers the use of historical data from offshore locations to develop a probabilistic methodology to predict a risk of thermal overheating in submarine cables connecting offshore wind farms back to land. An hours ahead thermal risk estimation performed on-line could be used as a tool for the system operators to avoid the cost of energy curtailed when the amount of power generated is higher than the cable maximum ampacity but the cable temperature is low. Increments in load current delivered through the cable without risk of thermal damage would decrease the levelized cost of the energy generated offshore increasing the capacity utilization of offshore installations.

Primary investigator

  • jp2

Secondary investigator

  • mahc1n14

Associated research group

  • Electronics and Computer Science
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Nanomaterials and Dielectrics, Solid dielectrics
Schlumberger Foundation Faculty For the Future

Primary investigators

Secondary investigator

  • Istebreq Saeedi

Associated research group

  • Electronics and Computer Science
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Nanomaterials and Dielectrics, Solid dielectrics
General Electric

Gas insulated switchgear (GIS) is used widely in high voltage substations. Existing formulations combine an epoxy resin with a micro-alumina filler, the filler provides good thermal conductivity, good chemical stability and excellent dielectric properties. The first area of the project involves modifying these existing formulations by introducing controlled amount of nano-alumina in an attempt to improve both the thermal conductivity and dielectric properties. A second facet of the project aims to explore alternative formulations where the alumina is replaced with silica (a much cheaper materials), thus providing lower cost GIS components suitable for less demanding applications.

Primary investigators

  • asv
  • Gary Stevens

Secondary investigators

Associated research group

  • Electronics and Computer Science
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Applied Electromagnetism, Plasma and Space Science

The project aims to design, manufacture, and test a lanthanum hexaboride neutralizer cathode for an ion engine. The design is oriented around manufacture using techniques normally used for microchip manufacture in the semiconductor industry, but which have not been used in the manufacture of ion engine components. The effectiveness of the design will be modeled in COMSOL and it will be manufactured within the university cleanrooms, with testing carried out in Padua. A lifespan of 10,000 hours operation is hoped.

Primary investigators

Secondary investigator

  • Hector Hamilton

Associated research group

  • Electronics and Computer Science
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Modelling and Simulation

A detailed electromagnetic and thermal modelling of a Bi-2223 superconducting cable will be performed in COMSOL. This modelling will be complemented by a coupled power grid model in MATLAB. The combination of both would allow for an interaction between the modelling of the power grid aspect and the cable design aspect dynamically. Newly-developed homogenized technique for modelling of the superconducting tapes will be used.

Primary investigators

Secondary investigator

  • anp2u12

Associated research group

  • Electronics and Computer Science
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