Palaniappan, J., Wang, H., Ogin, S.L., Thorne, A., Reed, G.T., Tjin, S.C. and McCartney, L.N.
Prediction of the reflected spectra from chirped fibre Bragg gratings embedded within cracked crossply laminates.
Measurement Science and Technology, 17 (6), .
Palaniappan, J., Wang, H., Ogin, S.L., Thorne, A., Reed, Graham, Crocombe, A.D. and Tjin, S.C.
Structural health monitoring of bonded composite joints using embedded chirped fibre Bragg gratings.
Advanced Composites Letters, 14 (6), .
Capell, T.F., Palaniappan, J., Ogin, S.L., Crocombe, A.D., Reed, G.T., Thorne, A.M., Mohanty, L. and Tjin, S.C.
The use of an embedded chirped fibre Bragg grating sensor to monitor disbond initiation and growth in adhesively bonded composite/metal single lap joints.
Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, 9 (6), .
Palaniappan, J., Wang, H., Ogin, S.L., Thorne, A.M., Reed, G.T., Crocombe, A.D., Rech, Y. and Tjin, S.C.
Changes in the reflected spectra of embedded chirped fibre Bragg gratings used to monitor disbonding in bonded composite joints.
Composites Science and Technology, 67 (13), .
Palaniappan, J., Ogin, S.L., Thorne, A.M., Reed, G.T., Crocombe, A.D., Capell, T.F., Tjin, S.C. and Mohanty, L.
Disbond growth detection in composite-composite single-lap joints using chirped FBG sensors.
Composites Science and Technology, 68 (12), .
Palaniappan, J., Wang, H., Ogin, S.L., Thomas, A., Reed, Graham and Tjin, S.C.
Use of conventional and chirped optical fibre Bragg gratings to detect matrix cracking damage in composite materials.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 15, .
Palaniappan, J., Wang, H., Ogin, S.L., Thorne, A., Crocombe, A.D., Reed, G.T. and Tjin, S.C.
Disbond growth detection in bonded composite joints using a fibre Bragg grating.
ECCM 12: 12th European Conference on Composite Materials, Biarritz, France.
28 - 31 Aug 2006.
Palaniappan, J., Ogin, S.L., Capell, T.F., Thorne, A.M., Reed, G.T., Crocombe, A.D., Tjin, S.C. and Mohanty, L.
Reflected spectra prediction for chirped fibre Bragg gratings used for disbond detection in composite/composite bonded joints.
16th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-16), , Kyoto, Japan.
07 - 12 Jul 2007.
8 pp
Capell, Tobias F., Ogin, Stephen L., Crocombe, Andrew D., Reed, Graham T., Thorne, Anthony M., Palaniappan, Jayanthi, Tjin, Swee Chuan and Mohanty, Lipi
Detection of disbond initiation and growth in a bonded joint using a chirped fibre Bragg grating sensor.
16th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-16), , Kyoto, Japan.
07 - 12 Jul 2007.
7 pp
Ogin, S.L., Palaniappan, J., Capell, T.F., Thorne, A.M., Reed, G.T., Crocombe, A.D., Tjin, S.C. and Mohanty, L.
The use of a CFBG fibre optical sensor to detect disbond development in composite/composite and metal/composite adhesively bonded joints.
Optical Fibres and Optoelectronics Measurement Conference (OFMC 2007), , Teddington, United Kingdom.
15 - 17 Oct 2007.
4 pp
Heymann, G., Clayton, C.R.I. and Reed, G.T.
Triaxial ultra-small strain measurements using laser interferometry.
Geotechnical Testing Journal, 28 (6), .
Palaniappan, J., Capell, T.F., Ogin, S., Thorne, A., Crocombe, A., Reed, G.T., Tjin, S.C. and Mohanty, L.
NDE detection of manufacturing defects in composite bonded joints using CFBG sensors.
13th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM13), , Stockholm, Sweden.
02 - 05 Jun 2008.
2 pp
Capell, T.F., Palaniappan, J., Ogin, S.L., Thorne, A.M., Reed, G.T., Crocombe, A.D., Tjin, S.C., Wang, Y. and Guo, Y.
Detection of defects in as manufactured GFRP-GFRP and CFRP-CFRP composite bonded joints using chirped fibre Bragg grating sensors.
Plastics, Rubber and Composites, 38 (2-4), .
Heymann, G., Clayton, C.R.I. and Reed, G.T.
Laser interferometry to evaluate the performance of local displacement transducers.
Géotechnique, 47 (3), .
Reed, Graham, Ogin, S.L., Crocombe, A.D., Thorne, A.M., Palaniappan, J., Capell, T.F., Tjin, S.C. and Mohanty, L.
The use of chirped fibre Bragg grating sensors to monitor disbond growth.
17th Annual International Conference on Composites or Nano Engineering (ICCM 17), , Honolulu, United States.
26 Jul 2009.
4 pp
Jackson, S.M., Reed, G.T., Tang, C.K., Evans, A.G.R., Clark, J., Aveyard, C. and Namavar, F.
Optical beamsteering using integrated optical modulators.
Journal of Lightwave Technology, 15 (12), .
Jackson, S.M., Hewitt, P.D., Reed, G.T., Tang, C.K., Evans, A.G.R., Clark, J., Aveyard, C. and Navamar, F.
A novel optical phase modulator design suitable for phased arrays.
Journal of Lightwave Technology, 16 (11), .
Reed, G.T., Tang, C.K., Jackson, S., Liberal, R., Evans, A. G. R. and Clarke, J.
Design of low cost optical modulators in SIMOX.
In Proceedings: PIERS 1997, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium.
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium..
Vonsovici, A., Reed, G.T., Evans, A.G.R and Namavar, F.
Loss Measurements for β-SiC on insulator waveguides for high speed silicon based photonic devices.
Houghton, Derek and Fitzgerald, Eugene
vol. 3630,
10 pp
Vonsovici, A., Reed, G.T. and Evans, A.G.R.
Simulation studies of a β-SiC on insulator Pockels phase modulator.
In Proceedings of SPIE Photonics West - Conference on Silicon-based Optoelectronics, San Jose CA, 23-29 Jan 1999.
Ang, T.W., Hewitt, P D, Vonsovici, A, Reed, G.T., Evans, A.G.R., Routley, P.R., Blackburn, T. and Josey, M.R.
Integrated Optics in UNIBOND for greater flexibility.
In 9th International Symposium on Silicon-on-Insulator Technology and Devices.
Ang, T.W., Vonsovici, A., Reed, G.T., Evans, A.G.R., Routley, P.R., Blackburn, T. and Josey, M.R.
Silicon-on-Insulator based grating couplers.
In Proceedings of PREP'99: Postgraduate research in electronics, photonics and related fields : 5-7 January 1999, UMIST, Manchester.
Ang, T.W., Vonsovici, A., Reed, G.T., Evans, A.G.R., Routley, P.R. and Josey, M.R.
0.15 dB/cm loss in Unibond SOI waveguides.
Electronics Letters, 35 (12), .
Ang, T.W., Vonsovici, A., Reed, G.T., Evans, A.G.R., Routley, P.R. and Josey, M.R.
Fabrication of Silicon blazed gratings for couplers.
Ang, T.W., Vonsovici, A., Reed, G.T., Evans, A.G.R., Routley, P.R. and Josey, M.R.
Blazed grating couplers on Unibond SOI.
Osinski, Marek, Chua, Soo-Jin and Chichibu, Shigefusa F.
In Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of Photonic Devices.
vol. 3896,
Ang, T.W., Reed, G.T., Vonsovici, A., Evans, A.G.R. and Routley, P.R.
Effects of grating heights on highly efficient Unibond SOI waveguide grating coupler.
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 12 (1), .
Vonsovici, A., Reed, G.T. and Evans, A.G.R.
β-SiC on insulator waveguide structures for high speed Pockels modulators.
E-MRS Symposium K, , Strasbourg, France.
31 May - 03 Jun 1999.
Vonsovici, A., Reed, G.T. and Evans, A.G.R.
β-SiC on insulator structures for modulators and sensor systems.
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 3 (5-6), .
Jackson, S.M., Hewitt, P., Ang, T.W., Reed, G.T., Reeson, K.J., Watts, J.F. and Stoemenos, J.
Integrated optical devices in SOI and beyond.
Workshop on Silicon on Insulator, DAR Ltd., Malvern, United Kingdom.
Reed, G.T., Evans, A.G.R. and Ang, T.W.
Grating couplers for integrated optics in silicon.
Reed, G.T., Evans, A.G.R. and Vonsovici, A.
Integrated optics in silicon carbide for sensors systems.
EPSRC Sensors Theme Day, , London, United Kingdom.
Ang, T.W., Vonsovici, A., Reed, G.T., Evans, A.G.R., Routley, P.R. and Josey, M.R.
Highly efficient Unibond SOI grating coupler.
ION Beam Workshop, , Guildford, United Kingdom.
31 Mar - 01 Apr 1999.
Reed, G.T., Png, C.E., Mashanovich, G.Z., Chan, S., Lim, S.T., Vonsovici, A., Evans, A.G.R., Atta, R., Jackson, S.M., Way, A.S. and Kewell, A.K.
Fabrication and evaluation of SiC optical modulators.
SPIE 2002.
Chan, S.P., Passaro, V.M.N., Lim, S.T., Png, C.E., Headley, W., Mashanovich, G.Z., Reed, G.T., Atta, R.M.H., Ensell, G. and Evans, A.G.R.
Characterisation of integrated Bragg gratings on SOI rib waveguides.
SPIE ITCom, Orlando, Florida, United States.
06 - 10 Sep 2003.
Atta, R.H.M., Ensell, G., Evans, A.G.R., Png, C.E. and Reed, G.T.
Fabrication of a highly efficient optical modulator based on SOI.
SPIE, , Maspalomas, Spain.
18 - 22 May 2003.
Png, C.E., Reed, G.T., Atta, R.M.H., Ensell, G. and Evans, A.G.R.
Development of small silicon modulators in SOI.
Integrated Optoelectronics Devices, 2003, , San Jose, Cal..
25 - 31 Jan 2003.
Mashanovich, G., Png, C.E., Passaro, V.M.N., Reed, G.T., Atta, R.M.H., Ensell, G. and Evans, A.G.R.
Coupling from optical fibres to fast silicon modulators.
SPIE Photonic Integrated Systems, San Jose, CA, United States.
25 - 31 Jan 2003.
Png, C.E., Reed, G.T., Headley, W., Homewood, K., Liu, A., Paniccia, M., Atta, R., Ensell, G., Evans, A., Hak, D. and Cohen, O.
Design and experimental results of small silicon-based optical modulators.
SPIE, San Jose, CA, United States.
24 - 29 Jan 2004.
Mashanovich, G.Z., Reed, G.T., Passaro, V.M.N., Headley, W., Josey, M., Ensell, G., Atta, R. and Evans, A.
A grating-based coupler for fiber-to-silicon waveguide excitation.
SPIE, San Jose, CA, United States.
24 - 29 Jan 2004.
Ang, M, Reed, G.T., Ensell, G., Evans, A., Foote, P., Pritchard, A. and Barber, D.
Bragg gratings interrogating system using MEMS and optical circuits.
SPIE, San Jose, CA, United States.
25 - 31 Jan 2003.
Mashanovich, Goran Z., Reed, Graham T., Passaro, Vittorio M.N., Headley, William R., Timotijevic, Branislav, Atta, Raghied M.H., Josey, Mike, Ensell, Graham and Evans, Alan G.R.
Preliminary Experimental Results of Dual Grating-Assisted Directional Coupler on SOI.
SPIE Photonics West, San Jose, California, United States.
22 - 27 Jan 2005.
Mashanovich, G.Z., Reed, G.T., Headley, W.R., Timotijevic, B., Passaro, V.M.N., Ensell, G., Atta, R. and Evans, A.
A high efficiency input/output coupler for small silicon photonic devices.
Optics Express, 13 (19), .
Hu, Y., Jenkins, R.M., Gardes, F.Y., Finlayson, E.D., Mashanovich, G.Z. and Reed, G.T.
Wavelength division (de)multiplexing based on dispersive self-imaging.
Optics Letters, 36 (23), .
Thomson, David, Gardes, Frederic Y., Fedeli, Jean-Marc, Zlatanović, Sanja, Hu, Youfang, Kuo, Bill Ping Piu, Myslivets, Evgeny, Alic, Nikola, Radic, Stojan, Mashanovich, Goran Z. and Reed, Graham T.
50-Gb/s silicon optical modulator.
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 24 (4), .
Thomson, D.J., Gardes, F.Y., Reed, G.T., Milesi, F. and Fedeli, J-M.
High speed silicon optical modulator with self aligned fabrication process.
Optics Express, 18 (18), .
Loiacono, Renzo, Reed, Graham T., Mashanovich, Goran Z., Gwilliam, Russell, Henley, Simon J., Hu, Youfang, Feldesh, Ran and Jones, Richard
Laser erasable implanted gratings for integrated silicon photonics.
Optics Express, 19 (11), .
Brimont, A., Thomson, D., Sanchis, P., Herrera, J., Gardes, F.Y., Fedeli, J.M., Reed, G.T. and Martí, J.
High speed silicon electro-optical modulators enhanced via slow light propagation.
Optics Express, 19 (21), .
Gardes, F.Y., Thomson, D.J., Emerson, N.G. and Reed, G.T.
40 Gb/s silicon photonics modulator for TE and TM polarisations.
Optics Express, 19 (12), .
Thomson, David, Gardes, F.Y., Hu, Y., Mashanovich, G., Fournier, M., Grosse, P., Fedeli, J-M. and Reed, G.T.
High contrast 40Gbit/s optical modulation in silicon.
Optics Express, 19 (12), .
Gardes, F.Y., Brimont, A., Sanchis, P., Rasigade, G., Marris-Morini, D., O'Faolain, L., Dong, F., Fedeli, J.M., Dumon, P., Vivien, L., Krauss, T.F., Reed, G.T. and Martí, J.
High-speed modulation of a compact silicon ring resonator based on a reverse-biased pn diode.
Optics Express, 17 (24), .
Lever, L., Hu, Y., Myronov, M., Liu, X., Owens, N., Gardes, F.Y., Marko, I.P., Sweeney, S.J., Ikonić, Z., Leadley, D.R., Reed, G.T. and Kelsall, R.W.
Modulation of the absorption coefficient at 1.3µm in Ge/SiGe multiple quantum well heterostructures on silicon.
Optics Letters, 36 (21), .
Loiacono, Renzo, Topley, Rob, Nakyobe, Agnes, Mashanovich, Goran Z., Gwilliam, Russell, Lulli, Giogio, Feldesh, Ran, Jones, Richard and Reed, Graham T.
Very low energy implanted Bragg gratings in SOI for wafer scale testing applications.
8th IEEE International Conference on Group IV Photonics, , London, United Kingdom.
13 - 15 Sep 2011.
Milošević, Milan, Nedeljković, Miloš, Ben Masaud, Taha M., Jaberansary, Ehsan, Chong, Harold M.H., Emerson, Neil G., Reed, Graham T. and Mashanovich, Goran Z.
Silicon waveguides and devices for the mid-infrared.
Applied Physics Letters, 101 (12), , [121105].
Ben Masaud, Taha M., Tarazona, A., Chen, Xia, Reed, Graham T. and Chong, Harold M.H.
Low temperature hot-wire polysilicon waveguides.
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim, , Kyoto, Japan.
30 Jun - 04 Jul 2013.
Debnath, Kapil, O'Faolain, Liam, Gardes, Frederic Y., Steffan, Andreas G., Reed, Graham T. and Krauss, Thomas F.
Cascaded modulator architecture for WDM applications.
Optics Express, 20 (25), .
Debnath, Kapil, Gardes, Frederic Y., Knights, Andrew P., Reed, Graham T., Krauss, Thomas F. and O'Faolain, Liam
Dielectric waveguide vertically coupled to all-silicon photodiodes operating at telecommunication wavelengths.
Applied Physics Letters, 102 (17), .
Lever, L., Ikonić, Z., Valavanis, A., Kelsall, R.W., Myronov, M., Leadley, D.R., Hu, Y., Owens, N., Gardes, F.Y. and Reed, G.T.
Optical absorption in highly strained Ge/SiGe quantum wells: the role of ⌈→Δ scattering.
Journal of Applied Physics, 112 (12), [123105].
Hu, Y., Gardes, F.Y., Thomson, D.J., Mashanovich, G.Z. and Reed, G.T.
Coarse wavelength division (de)multiplexer using an interleaved angled multimode interferometer structure.
Applied Physics Letters, 102 (25), [251116].
Thomson, David, Gardes, F.Y., Cox, D.C., Fedeli, J-M., Mashanovich, G.Z. and Reed, G.T.
Self-aligned silicon ring resonator optical modulator with focused ion beam error correction.
Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 30 (2), .
Reed, G.T., Mashanovich, G., Gardes, F.Y. and Thomson, David
Silicon optical modulators.
Nature Photonics, 4 (8), .
Teo, E.J., Bettiol, A.A., Yang, P., Breese, M.B.H., Xiong, B.Q., Mashanovich, G.Z., Headley, W.R. and Reed, G.T.
Fabrication of low-loss silicon-on-oxidized-porous-silicon strip waveguide using focused proton-beam irradiation.
Optics Letters, 34 (5), .
Timotijevic, B., Mashanovich, G., Michaeli, A., Cohen, O., Passaro, V.M.N., Crnjanski, J. and Reed, G.T.
Tailoring the spectral response of add/drop single and multiple resonators in silicon-on-insulator.
Chinese Optics Letters, 7 (4), .
Gardes, F.Y., Reed, G.T., Knights, A.P., Mashanovich, G., Jessop, P.E., Rowe, L., McFaul, S., Bruce, D. and Tarr, N.G.
Sub-micron optical waveguides for silicon photonics formed via the local oxidation of silicon (LOCOS).
Integrated Optoelectronic Devices 2008, , San Jose, Cal..
19 - 24 Jan 2008.
Wright, N.M., Thomson, D.J., Litvinenko, K.L., Headley, W.R., Smith, A.J., Knights, A.P., Deane, J.H.B., Gardes, F.Y., Mashanovich, G.Z., Gwilliam, R. and Reed, G.T.
Free carrier lifetime modification for silicon waveguide based devices.
Optics Express, 16 (24), .
Thomson, David, Gardes, Frederic Y., Mashanovich, Goran Z., Knights, Andrew P. and Reed, Graham T.
Using SiO2 carrier confinement in total internal reflection optical switches to restrict carrier diffusion in the guiding layer.
Journal of Lightwave Technology, 26 (10), .
Yang, Peng Yuan, Stanković, Stevan, Crnjanski, Jasna, Teo, Ee Jin, Thomson, David, Bettiol, Andrew A., Breese, Mark B.H., Headley, William, Giusca, Cristina, Reed, Graham T. and Mashanovich, Goran Z.
Silicon photonic waveguides for mid- and long-wave infrared region.
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 20 (Suppl 1), .
Milošević, Milan M., Matavulj, Petar S., Timotijevic, Branislav D., Reed, Graham T. and Mashanovich, Goran Z.
Design rules for single-mode and polarization-independent silicon-on-insulator rib waveguides using stress engineering.
Journal of Lightwave Technology, 26 (13), .
Bulk, M.P., Knights, A.P., Jessop, P.E., Waugh, P., Loiacono, R., Mashanovich, G.Z., Reed, G.T. and Gwilliam, R.M.
Optical filters utilizing ion implanted Bragg gratings in SOI waveguides.
Advances in Optical Technologies, 2008, , [276165].
Teo, Ee J., Bettiol, Andrew A., Breese, Mark B., Yang, Pengyuan, Mashanovich, Goran Z., Headley, William R., Reed, Graham T. and Blackwood, Daniel J.
Three-dimensional control of optical waveguide fabrication in silicon.
Optics Express, 16 (2), .
Passaro, Vittorio M.N., Dell'Olio, Francesco, Timotijevic, Branislav, Mashanovich, Goran Z. and Reed, Graham T.
Polarization-insensitive directional couplers based on SOI wire waveguides.
The Open Optics Journal, 2, .
Gardes, F.Y., Tsakmakidis, K.L., Thomson, D.J., Reed, G.T., Mashanovich, G.Z., Hess, O. and Avitabile, D.
Micrometer size polarisation independent depletion-type photonic modulator in silicon on insulator.
Optics Express, 15 (9), .
Mashanovich, G.Z., Milošević, M., Matavulj, P., Stanković, S., Timotijevic, B., Yang, P.Y., Teo, E.J., Breese, M.B.H., Bettiol, A.A. and Reed, G.T.
Silicon photonic waveguides for different wavelength regions.
Semiconductor Science and Technology, 23 (6), , [64002].
Chan, Seong Phun, Passaro, Vittorio M.N., Mashanovich, Goran Z., Ensell, Graham and Reed, Graham T.
Third order Bragg grating filters in small SOI waveguides.
Journal of the European Optical Society: Rapid Publications, 2, [07029].
Yang, P.Y., Mashanovich, G.Z., Gomez-Morilla, I., Headley, W.R., Reed, G.T., Teo, E.J., Blackwood, D.J., Breese, M.B.H. and Bettiol, A.A.
Freestanding waveguides in silicon.
Applied Physics Letters, 90 (24), [241109].
Reed, G.T., Mashanovich, G.Z., Headley, W.R., Chan, S.P., Timotijevic, B.D. and Gardes, F.Y.
Silicon photonics: are smaller devices always better?
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 45 (8B), .
Reed, Graham T., Mashanovich, Goran Z., Headley, William R., Timotijevic, Branislav, Gardes, Frederic Y., Chan, Seong Phun, Waugh, Peter, Emerson, Neil G., Png, Ching Eng, Paniccia, Mario J., Liu, Ansheng, Hak, Dani and Passaro, Vittorio M.N.
Issues associated with polarization independence in silicon photonics.
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 12 (6), .
Timotijevic, B.D., Gardes, F.Y., Headley, W.R., Reed, G.T., Paniccia, M.J., Cohen, O., Hak, D. and Mashanovich, G.Z.
Multi-stage racetrack resonator filters in silicon-on-insulator.
Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, 8 (7), .
Mashanovich, G.Z., Passaro, V.M.N. and Reed, G.T.
Coupling to nanophotonic waveguides using a dual grating-assisted directional coupler.
IEE Proceedings - Optoelectronics, 152 (1), .
Mashanovich, G.Z., Passaro, V.M.N. and Reed, G.T.
Dual grating-assisted directional coupling between fibers and thin semiconductor waveguides.
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 15 (10), .
Ben Masaud, Taha, Tarazona, Antulio, Jaberansary, Ehsan, Chen, Xia, Reed, Graham T., Mashanovich, Goran Z. and Chong, Harold M.H.
Hot-wire polysilicon waveguides with low deposition temperature.
Optics Letters, 38 (20), .
Mashanovich, G.Z., Nedeljković, M., Milošević, Milan, Sorel, M., Krauss, T.F., Peacock, A.C., Chong, H.M.H. and Reed, G.T.
Mid-infrared silicon photonics devices.
Photonics Global Conference, Singapore.
13 - 16 Dec 2012.
Mashanovich, G.Z., Nedeljković, M., Milošević, M.M., Hu, Y., Ben Masaud, T.M., Jaberansary, E., Chen, Xia, Strain, M., Sorel, M., Peacock, A.C., Chong, H.M.H. and Reed, G.T.
Mid-infrared photonics devices in SOI.
SPIE Photonics West 2013, , San Francisco, United States.
02 - 07 Feb 2013.
Mashanovich, G.Z., Nedeljković, M., Chen, X., Ben Masaud, T.M., Muneeb, M., Strain, M., Sorel, M., Krauss, T.F., Roelkens, G.C., Peacock, A.C., Chong, H.M.H. and Reed, G.T.
Group IV platforms for the mid-infrared.
SPIE Optics & Optoelectronics: Integrated Optics: Physics and Simulations, , Prague, Czech Republic.
14 - 17 Apr 2013.
Topley, R.P., Martinez-Jimenez, G., O'Faolain, L., Healy, N., Mailis, S., Thomson, D.J., Gardes, F.Y., Peacock, A.C., Payne, D.N.R., Mashanovich, G.Z. and Reed, G.T.
Erasable diffractive grating couplers in silicon on insulator for wafer scale testing.
SPIE Photonics West 2014, , San Francisco, United States.
01 - 06 Feb 2014.
8 pp
Thomson, David J., Porte, Henri, Goll, Bernhard, Knoll, Dieter, Lischke, Stefan, Gardes, Frederic, Hu, Youfang, Reed, Graham T., Zimmermann, Horst and Zimmermann, Lars
Silicon carrier depletion modulator with 10 Gbit/s driver realized in high-performance photonic BiCMOS.
Laser & Photonics Reviews, 8 (1), .
Topley, R., O'Faolain, L., Thomson, D.J., Gardes, F.Y., Mashanovich, G.Z. and Reed, G.T.
Planar surface implanted diffractive grating couplers in SOI.
Optics Express, 22 (1), .
Nedeljković, M., Khokhar, A.Z., Hu, Y., Chen, Xia, Soler Penadés, Jordi, Stanković, S., Chong, H.M.H., Thomson, D.J., Gardes, F.Y., Reed, G.T. and Mashanovich, G.Z.
Silicon photonic devices and platforms for the mid-infrared.
Optical Materials Express, 3 (9), .
Liu, S., Thomson, D., Gardes, F., Fedeli, J-M., Petropoulos, P. and Reed, G.T.
Characterization of the chirp of silicon optical modulators.
European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), , Amsterdam, Netherlands.
16 - 20 Sep 2012.
Reed, G., Gardes, F., Thomson, D., Liu, S., Petropoulos, P., Fedeli, J-M., O'Faolain, L., Debnath, Kapil, Krauss, T.F., Lever, L., Ikonić, Z. and Kelsall, R.W.
High speed silicon based optical modulators.
European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), , Amsterdam, Netherlands.
16 - 20 Sep 2012.
3 pp
Reed, Graham T., Mashanovich, Goran Z., Gardes, Frederic Y., Nedeljković, Miloš, Hu, Youfang, Thomson, David J., Li, Ke, Wilson, Peter R., Chen, Sheng-Wen and Hsu, Shawn S.
Recent breakthroughs in carrier depletion based silicon optical modulators.
Nanophotonics, 3 (4-5), .
Nedeljković, Miloš, Stanković, Stevan, Mitchell, Colin J., Khokhar, Ali Z., Reynolds, Scott, Thomson, David J., Gardes, Frederic Y., Littlejohns, Callum, Reed, Graham T. and Mashanovich, Goran Z.
Mid-infrared thermo-optic modulators in SoI.
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 26 (13), .
Topley, R.P., Martinez-Jimenez, G., O'Faolain, L., Healy, N., Mailis, S., Thomson, D.J., Gardes, F.Y., Peacock, A.C., Payne, D.N.R., Mashanovich, G.Z. and Reed, G.T.
Locally erasable couplers for optical device testing in silicon on insulator.
Journal of Lightwave Technology, 32 (12), .
Menezo, S., Charbonnier, B., Beninca De Farias, G., Grosse, P., Myko, A., Thomson, D.J., Reed, G.T., Lebreton, A, Fedeli, J.M. and Ben Bakir, B.
Reflective silicon Mach Zender modulator with Faraday rotator mirror effect for self-coherent and self-polarization-aligned transmission.
OFC 2013, , Anaheim, United States.
17 - 21 Mar 2013.
3 pp
Gutiérrez, A.M., Brimont, Antoine, Herrera, Javier, Aamer, Mariam, Thomson, Dave J., Gardes, Frederic Y., Reed, Graham T., Fedeli, J-M. and Sanchis, Pablo
Analytical model for calculating the nonlinear distortion in silicon-based electro-optic Mach-Zehnder modulators.
Journal of Lightwave Technology, 31 (23), .
Gutiérrez, A.M., Sanchis, P., Brimont, A., Thomson, D.J., Gardes, F.Y., Reed, G.T., Fedeli, J-M. and Vidal, B.
A photonic microwave filter based on an asymmetric silicon Mach-Zehnder modulator.
IEEE Photonics Journal, 5 (4), , [5501006].
Aamer, M., Thomson, D.J., Gutiérrez, A.M., Brimont, A., Gardes, F.Y., Reed, G.T., Fedeli, J.M., Hakansson, A. and Sanchis, P.
10Gbit/s error-free DPSK modulation using a push-pull dual-drive silicon modulator.
Optics Communications, 304 (1), .
Gutiérrez, A.M., Brimont, A., Herrera, J., Aamer, M., Thomson, D.J., Gardes, F.Y., Reed, G.T., Fedeli, J.M. and Sanchis, P.
Modeling of the nonlinear distortion in an electro-optic silicon-based Mach-Zehnder modulator.
In 10th International Conference on Group IV Photonics.
2 pp
Reed, G.T., Mashanovich, G.Z., Gardes, F.Y., Thomson, D.J., Hu, Youfang, Soler Penadés, J., Nedeljković, M., Khokhar, A.Z., Thomas, P., Littlejohns, Callum, Ahmad, A., Reynolds, Scott, Topley, Robert, Mitchell, C.J., Stanković, S., Owens, N., Chen, Xia, Wilson, P.R., Ke, L., Ben Masaud, T., Tarazona, A. and Chong, H.M.H.
Recent results in silicon photonics at the University of Southampton.
Eldada, Louay A. and Lee, El-Hang
Photonics West 2014, , San Francisco, United States.
01 - 06 Feb 2014.
Hu, Y., Li, T., Thomson, D.J., Chen, X., Soler Penadés, Jordi, Khokhar, A.Z., Mitchell, C.J., Reed, G.T. and Mashanovich, G.Z.
Mid-infrared wavelength division (de)multiplexer using an interleaved angled multimode interferometer on the silicon-on-insulator platform.
Optics Letters, 39 (6), .
Littlejohns, Callum, Hu, Youfang, Gardes, Frederic Y., Thomson, David J., Reynolds, Scott, Mashanovich, Goran Z. and Reed, Graham T.
50 Gb/s silicon photonics receiver with low insertion loss.
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 26 (7), .
Xu, Dan-Xia, Schmid, Jens H., Reed, Graham T., Mashanovich, Goran Z., Thomson, David J., Nedeljković, Miloš, Chen, Xia, Van Thourhout, Dries, Keyvaninia, Shahram and Selvaraja, Shankar K.
Silicon photonic integration platform - have we found the sweet spot?
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 20 (4), , [8100217].
Mashanovich, G.Z., Gardes, F.Y., Thomson, D.J., Hu, Y., Loiacono, R., Owens, N., Milošević, Milan, Nedeljković, Miloš, Ahmed, A.N., Thomas, P., Topley, Robert and Reed, G.T.
Silicijumski optički modulatori za novu generaciju računara i optičkih telekomunikacija.
Telekomunikacije, (7).
Zimmermann, L., Knoll, D., Lischke, S., Richter, H., Winzer, G., Thomson, D.J., Gardes, F.Y., Hu, Y., Reed, G.T., Goll, B., Porte, H., Voigt, K. and Tillack, B.
Modulator integration in high-performance BiCMOS.
10th International Conference on Group IV Photonics, , Seoul, Korea, Republic of.
28 - 30 Aug 2013.
Zimmermann, L., Porte, H., Thomson, D.J., Goll, B., Knoll, D., Lischke, S., Gardes, F.Y., Hu, Youfang, Reed, G.T. and Zimmermann, H.
Monolithically integrated 10Gbit/s silicon modulator with driver in 0.25µm SiGe:C BiCMOS.
European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), , London, United Kingdom.
22 - 26 Sep 2013.
3 pp
Gardes, F.Y., Littlejohns, C.G., Soler Penadés, Jordi, Mitchell, C.J., Khokhar, A.Z., Reed, G.T. and Mashanovich, G.Z.
Germanium for photonic applications.
ISTDM 2014: 7th International Silicon-Germanium Technology and Device Meeting, Singapore.
01 - 03 Jun 2014.
Gardes, F.Y., Domínguez Bucio, Thalía, Littlejohns, C.G., Reed, G.T., Debnath, K. and O'Faolain, L.
Group IV functionalization of low index waveguides.
Photonics North 2014, , Montreal, Canada.
28 - 30 May 2014.
Duan, Guang-Hua, Jany, Christophe, Le Liepvre, Alban, Accard, Alain, Lamponi, Marco, Make, Dalila, Kaspar, Peter, Levaufre, Guillaume, Girard, Nils, Lelarge, Francois, Fédéli, Jean-Marc, Descos, Antoine, Ben Bakir, Badhise, Messaoudene, Sonia, Bordel, Damien, Menezo, Sylvie, de Valicourt, Guilhem, Keyvaninia, Shahram, Roelkens, Gunter, Van Thourhout, Dries, Thomson, David J., Gardes, Frederic Y. and Reed, Graham T.
Hybrid III-V on silicon lasers for photonic integrated circuits on silicon.
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 20 (4), .
Bruck, Roman, Mills, Ben, Troia, Benedetto, Thomson, David J., Gardes, Frederic Y., Hu, Youfang, Mashanovich, Goran Z., Passaro, Vittorio M.N., Reed, Graham T. and Muskens, Otto L.
Device-level characterization of the flow of light in integrated photonic circuits using ultrafast photomodulation spectroscopy.
Nature Photonics, 9, .
Li, Ke, Thomson, D., Wilson, Peter R., Liu, Shenghao and Reed, Graham T.
A 30 Gb/s CMOS driver integrated with silicon photonics MZM.
RFIC 2015: 2015 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium, RFIC2015/Microwave Week 2015, Phoenix, United States.
16 - 18 May 2015.
Littlejohns, Callum, Nedeljković, Miloš, Mallinson, Christopher F., Watts, John F., Mashanovich, Goran Z., Reed, Graham T. and Gardes, Frederic Y.
Next generation device grade silicon-germanium on insulator.
Scientific Reports, 5, [8288].
Littlejohns, Callum, Gardes, Frederic Y., Nedeljković, Miloš, Mashanovich, Goran Z. and Reed, Graham T.
Silicon diffusion engineering in rapid melt growth of silicon-germanium on insulator.
ECS Transactions, 64 (6), .
Littlejohns, Callum, Nedeljković, Miloš, Mashanovich, Goran Z., Reed, Graham T. and Gardes, Frederic Y.
Silicon-germanium composition engineering for next generation multilayer devices and systems.
Group IV Photonics (GFP), 2014 IEEE 11th International Conference on, Paris, France.
26 - 28 Aug 2014.
2 pp
Ben Masaud, T.M., Tarazona, A., Petra, Rafidah, Mashanovich, Goran Z., Reed, G.T. and Chong, Harold M.H.
Effect of deposition temperature on the propagation loss of polysilicon waveguides using hot-wire CVD.
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics.
20 - 24 Jun 2015.
Bruck, Roman, Mills, Benjamin, Thomson, David, Troia, Benedetto, Passaro, Vittorio M.N., Mashanovich, Goran, Reed, Graham and Muskens, Otto
Picosecond optically reconfigurable filters exploiting full free spectral range tuning of single ring and Vernier effect resonators [supporting data].
University of Southampton
Bruck, Roman, Mills, B., Thomson, D.J., Troia, Benedetto, Passaro, Vittorio, Mashanovich, Goran Z., Reed, G.T. and Muskens, Otto L.
Picosecond optically reconfigurable filters exploiting full free spectral range tuning of single ring and Vernier effect resonators.
Optics Express, 23 (9), .
Goll, B., Thomson, D.J., Zimmermann, L., Porte, H., Gardes, F.Y., Hu, Y., Reed, Graham and Zimmermann, H.
10Gb/s 5Vpp AND 5.6Vpp drivers implemented together with a monolithically integrated silicon modulator in 0.25µm SiGe:C BiCMOS.
Optics Communications, 336, .
Ackert, Jason J., Thomson, David J., Shen, Li, Peacock, Anna C., Jessop, Paul E., Reed, Graham T., Mashanovich, Goran Z. and Knights, Andrew P.
High-speed detection at two micrometres with monolithic silicon photodiodes.
Nature Photonics, 9 (6), .
Topley, R.P., Martinez-Jimenez, G., O'Faolain, L., Healy, N., Mailis, S., Thomson, D.J., Gardes, F.Y., Peacock, A.C., Payne, D.N.R., Mashanovich, G.Z. and Reed, G.T.
Temporary grating coupler structures using localised refractive index engineering.
Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, Shanghai, China.
11 - 14 Nov 2014.
3 pp
Littlejohns, C.G., Khokhar, A.Z., Thomson, D.J., Hu, Y., Basset, L., Reynolds, Scott, Mashanovich, G.Z., Reed, G.T. and Gardes, F.Y.
Ge-on-Si plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition for low cost photodetectors.
IEEE Photonics Journal, 7 (4), .
Littlejohns, Callum, Khokhar, Ali, Thomson, David, HU, YOUFANG, Basset, L., Reynolds, Scott, Mashanovich, Goran, Reed, Graham and Gardes, Frederic
Ge-on-Si Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition for Low Cost Photodetectors.
University of Southampton
Reed, G.T., Thomson, D.J., Gardes, F.Y., Mashanovich, G.Z., Hu, Y., Ke, L., Wilson, P.W., Zimmermann, L., Knoll, D., Lischke, S., Porte, H., Goll, B., Zimmermann, H., Chen, S-W., Hsu, S.H., Fédéli, J-M., Debnath, K., O'Faolain, L., Krauss, T.F., Aamer, M., Brimont, A., Sanchis, P. and Hakansson, A.
Silicon on Insulator optical modulators for integration in photonic optical circuits.
SPIE Conference on Optical Interconnects XIV, San Francisco, United States.
03 - 05 Feb 2014.
Hu, Y., Thomson, D.J., Gardes, F.Y., Mashanovich, G.Z. and Reed, G.T.
The evolution of angled MMI structure on the SOI platform.
SPIE Conference on Silicon Photonics IX, San Francisco, United States.
03 - 05 Feb 2014.
Reed, G.T., Thomson, D.J., Gardes, F.Y., Hu, Y., Owens, N., Debnath, Kapil, O'Faolain, L., Krauss, T.F., Lever, L., Ikonić, Z., Kelsall, R.W., Myronov, M., Leadley, D.R., Marko, I.P., Sweeney, S.J., Cox, D.C., Brimont, A., Sanchis, P., Duan, G.-H., Le Liepvre, A., Jany, C., Lamponi, M., Make, D., Lelarge, F., Fédéli, J-M., Messaoudene, S., Keyvaninia, S., Roelkens, G., Van Thourhout, D., Liu, S., Yang, X. and Petropoulos, P.
High performance silicon optical modulators.
Conference on Nanophotonics and Micro/Nano Optics (SPIE; Chinese Opt Soc (COS)), , Beijing, China.
05 - 09 Nov 2012.
HU, YOUFANG, Thomson, David, Khokhar, Ali, Stankovic, Stevan, Mitchell, Colin, Gardes, Frederic, Soler Penades, Jordi, Mashanovich, Goran and Reed, Graham
Angled multimode interferometer for bidirectional wavelength division (de)multiplexing.
University of Southampton
Liu, Shenghao, Thomson, D., LI, K.E., Wilson, Peter and Reed, Graham
N-over-N cascode push-pull modulator driver in 130nm CMOS enabling 20Gb/s optical interconnection with Mach-Zehnder modulator.
Electronics Letters, 51 (23), .
(In Press)
Topley, R.P., Loiacono, R., Mashanovich, G.Z., Gwilliam, R.M., Henley, S.J., Lulli, G., Feldesh, R., Jones, R. and Reed, G.T.
Post testing removal of amorphous silicon Bragg gratings.
EOS Annual Meeting, , Aberdeen, United Kingdom.
24 - 27 Sep 2012.
Waugh, P.M., Topley, R.P., Loiacono, R., Emerson, N.G. and Reed, G.T.
Planar Bragg gratings in silicon on insulator fabricated using oxide synthesis.
EOS Annual Meeting - Best Student Poster Presentation Award, Aberdeen, United Kingdom.
24 - 27 Sep 2012.
Gardes, F.Y., Thomson, D.J., Hu, Youfang, Milošević, Milan, Topley, R.P., Thomas, P., Reed, G.T., O'Faolain, L., Debnath, Kapil, Krauss, T.F., Lever, L.J., Kelsall, R.W., Ikonić, Z., Ackert, J.J., Knights, A.P., Liu, X-C., Myronov, M., Dobbie, A., Morris, R.J. and Leadley, D.R.
High speed silicon optical modulation using the silicon-on-insulator platform.
Photonics West 2012, , San Francisco, United States.
21 - 26 Jan 2012.
Reed, G.T., Thomson, D.J., Gardes, F.Y., Mashanovich, G.Z., Hu, Youfang, Li, K., Wilson, P.W., Topley, Robert, Zimmermann, L., Porte, H., Goll, B., Zimmermann, H., Knoll, D., Lischke, S., Chen, S-W., Hsu, S.S.H., Fédéli, J-M., Debnath, Kapil, Krauss, T.F. and O'Faolain, L.
Silicon optical modulators for integrated transceivers.
SPIE Photonics North, , Ottawa, Canada.
03 - 05 Jun 2013.
Dominguez Bucio, Thalia, Nedeljkovic, Milos, Wang, Hong, Mashanovich, Goran, Reed, Graham and Gardes, Frederic
Towards a fully functional integrated photonic-electronic platform via a single SiGe growth step.
University of Southampton
Reed, G.T., Mashanovich, G.Z., Gardes, F.Y., Thomson, David, Hu, Y., Soler Penadés, J., Nedeljković, M., Khokhar, Ali, Thomas, P., Littlejohns, Callum, Ahmad, A., Reynolds, Scott, Topley, R., Mitchell, C., Stanković, S., Chen, X., Wilson, P.R., Ke, L., Ben Masaud, T.M., Tarazona, A. and Chong, Harold
Silicon photonics.
7th International Silicon-Germanium Technology and Device Meeting, Singapore, Singapore.
01 - 03 Jun 2014.
Mashanovich, G.Z., Nedeljković, M., Soler Penadés, J., Khokhar, A.Z., Mitchell, C.J., Hu, Youfang, Stanković, S., Thomson, D.J., Gardes, F.Y. and Reed, G.T.
Passive and active silicon photonic devices for the mid-IR.
ECIO '14, Nice, France.
23 - 26 Jun 2014.
Reed, G.T., Hu, Youfang, Mashanovich, G.Z., Gardes, F.Y., Thomson, D.J., Soler Penadés, J., Nedeljković, M., Khokhar, Ali, Thomas, P., Littlejohns, C.J., Ahmad, A., Reynolds, Scott, Topley, R., Mitchell, C., Stanković, S., Richardson, D.J., Petropoulos, P., Wilson, P.R., Ke, L., Ben Masaud, T.M., Tarazona, A. and Chong, Harold
Near infrared and the mid infrared silicon photonic devices.
Nano Korea '14 Symposium, Seoul, South Korea.
01 - 03 Jul 2014.
Reed, G.T., Mashanovich, G.Z., Gardes, F.Y., Thomson, D.J., Hu, Youfang, Soler Penadés, J., Nedeljković, M., Khokhar, A.Z., Thomas, P., Littlejohns, C., Ahmed, A., Reynolds, Scott, Topley, R.P., Mitchell, C., Stanković, S., Wilson, P.R., Ke, L., Ben Masaud, T.M., Tarazona, A. and Chong, H.M.H.
Silicon photonic devices for the near- and the mid-infrared wavelength ranges.
Third Mediterranean Photonics Conference, , Trani, Italy.
07 - 09 May 2014.
Reed, Graham, Hu, Youfang, Topley, R.P., Thomson, David, Khokhar, Ali, Stanković, Stevan, Reynolds, S., Mitchell, Colin, Gardes, Frederic, Martinez Jimenez, Gregorio, Healy, Noel, Mailis, Sakellaris, Peacock, Anna and Mashanovich, Goran
Silicon Photonics based optical devices and circuits.
Energy Materials Technology, Phuket, Thailand.
03 - 06 May 2015.
Reed, G.T., Hu, Y., Thomson, D.J., Khokhar, A.Z., Stanković, S., Mitchell, C.J., Gardes, F.Y. and Mashanovich, G.Z.
Improvements in angled MMI multiplexers.
SPIE Photonics West '15, , San Francisco, United States.
07 - 12 Feb 2015.
Reed, G.T., Hu, Y., Thomson, D.J., Khokhar, A.Z., Stanković, S., Mitchell, C.J., Gardes, F.Y. and Mashanovich, G.Z.
Fabrication error tolerant SOI WDM device using bidirectional angled multimode interferometers.
SPIE Photonics West '15, , San Francisco, United States.
07 - 12 Feb 2015.
Debnath, Kapil, Arimoto, Hideo, Husain, Muhammad, Prasmusinto, Alyssa, Al-Attili, Abdelrahman, Zaher M R, Petra, Rafidah, Chong, Harold, Reed, Graham and Saito, Shinichi
Raw data for "Low loss silicon waveguides and grating couplers fabricated using anisotropic wet etching technique".
University of Southampton
Bruck, Roman, Vynck, Kevin, Lalanne, Philippe, Mills, Benjamin, Thomson, David, Mashanovich, Goran, Reed, Graham and Muskens, Otto
Data for 'An all-optical spatial light modulator for reconfigurable silicon photonic circuits'.
University of Southampton
Gutiérrez, A.M., Sanchis, P., Brimont, A., Thomson, D.J., Gardes, F.Y., Reed, G.T., Fedeli, J.-M. and Vidal, B.
Chirp characterization of a single-arm asymmetric silicon carrier depletion modulator.
IEEE International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP), , Alexandria, United States.
28 - 31 Oct 2013.
Marris-Morini, Delphine, Soref, Richard A., Thomson, David J., Reed, Graham T., Schaevitz, Rebecca K. and Miller, David A.B.
Optical modulation.
Vivien, Laurent and Pavesi, Lorenzo
Handbook of Silicon Photonics.
Taylor & Francis, .
Littlejohns, Callum, Domínguez Bucio, Thalía, Nedeljković, Miloš, Wang, Hong, Mashanovich, Goran, Reed, Graham and Gardes, Frederic
Towards a fully functional integrated photonic-electronic platform via a single SiGe growth step.
Scientific Reports, 6, [19425].
Ben Masaud, Taha, Tarazona, Antulio, Petra, Rafidah, Khokhar, Ali, Reed, Graham T. and Chong, Harold M.H.
Broadband 2D diamond grating couplers with variable pitch.
IEEE 6th International Conference on Photonics, Kuching, Malaysia.
14 - 16 Mar 2016.
3 pp
Jiang, Zhiyuan, Debnath, Kapil, Reed, Graham and Saito, Shinichi
Novel electro-absorption modulator with germanium fins evanescently coupled to silicon waveguide.
MRS Spring Meeting, Phoenix, United States.
(In Press)
Lacava, Cosimo, Liu, Zhixin, Thomson, Dave, Fédéli, Jean Marc, Richardson, David, Reed, Graham T. and Petropoulos, Periklis
Silicon photonic Mach Zehnder modulators for next-generation short-reach optical communication networks.
Photonics West 2016, , San Francisco, United States.
16 - 18 Feb 2016.
Lacava, Cosimo, Stanković, Stevan, Khokhar, Ali, Domínguez Bucio, Thalía, Gardes, Frederic, Richardson, David, Reed, Graham and Petropoulos, Periklis
CMOS-compatible silicon-rich nitride waveguides for ultrafast nonlinear signal processing.
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2016, , San Jose, United States.
04 - 09 Jun 2016.
Bruck, Roman, Vynck, Kevin, Lalanne, Philippe, Mills, Ben, Thomson, David J., Mashanovich, Goran Z., Reed, Graham and Muskens, Otto L.
An all-optical spatial light modulator for reconfigurable silicon photonic circuits.
Optica, 3 (4), .
Littlejohns, Callum, Mohamed, Said Rouifed, Qiu, Haodong, Guo Xin, Tina, Hu, Ting, Domínguez Bucio, Thalía, Nedeljković, Miloš, Mashanovich, Goran, Reed, Graham, Gardes, Frederic and Wang, Hong
Near- and mid- infrared group IV photonics.
Energy Materials and Nanotechnology Quantum Meeting, , Phuket, Thailand.
07 - 10 Apr 2016.
1 pp
Littlejohns, Callum, Dominguez Bucio, Thalia, Nedeljkovic, Milos, Mashanovich, Goran, Reed, Graham and Gardes, Frederic
Localised tuneable composition single crystal silicon-germanium-on-insulator for low cost devices.
University of Southampton
Littlejohns, Callum, Domínguez Bucio, Thalía, Nedeljković, Miloš, Mashanovich, Goran, Reed, Graham and Gardes, Frederic
Localised tuneable composition single crystal silicon-germanium-on-insulator for low cost devices.
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2016 (4154256), , [4154256].
Debnath, Kapil, Khokhar, Ali, Boden, Stuart, Reed, Graham, Saito, Shinichi and Arimoto, Hideo
Raw data for "Utilizing (111) surfaces to produce low-loss silicon slot waveguides".
University of Southampton
Chen, X., Thomson, D.J., Crudgington, Lee, Khokhar, A.Z., Gao, L., Song, X., Li, Y. and Reed, G.T.
Improving the efficiency of fibre-chip grating couplers near 1310 nm.
IEEE 13th International Conference on Group IV Photonics, Shanghai, China.
23 - 25 Aug 2016.
Hu, Ting, Qiu, Haodong, Zhang, Zecen, Guo, Xin, Liu, Chongyang, Rouifed, Mohamed Said, Littlejohns, Callum, Reed, Graham and Wang, Hong
A compact ultrabroadband polarization beam splitter utilizing a hybrid plasmonic Y-branch.
IEEE Photonics Journal, 8 (4), , [4802209].
Thomson, David, Zilkie, Aaron, Bowers, John, Komljenovic, Tin, Reed, Graham, Vivien, Laurent, Marris-Morini, Delphine, Cassan, Eric, Virot, Leopold, Fédéli, Jean-Marc, Hartmann, Jean-Michel, Schmid, Jens, Xu, Dan-Xia, Boeuf, Frederic, O'Brien, Peter, Mashanovich, Goran and Nedeljković, Miloš
Roadmap on silicon photonics.
Journal of Optics, 18 (7), .
Debnath, Kapil, Khokhar, Ali, Boden, Stuart, Oo, Swe Zin, Chong, Harold, Reed, Graham and Saito, Shin
Low-loss slot waveguides with silicon (111) surfaces realized using anisotropic wet etching.
Frontiers in Materials, 3 (51), .
Debnath, Kapil, Khokhar, Ali, Reed, Graham and Saito, Shin
Low-loss silicon slot waveguide realized by surface roughness reduction.
2016 IEEE 13th International Conference on Group IV photonics (GFP).
(IEEE Conferences)
2016 IEEE 13th International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFP) (24/08/16 - 26/08/16)
Piscataway, US.
Li, Ke, Meng, Fanfan, Thomson, David, Wilson, Peter and Reed, Graham
Analysis and implementation of an ultra-wide tuning range CMOS ring-VCO with inductor peaking.
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, .
Lacava, Cosimo, Stanković, Stevan, Khokhar, Ali, Domínguez Bucio, Thalía, Gardes, Frederic, Reed, Graham, Richardson, David and Petropoulos, Periklis
Si-rich silicon nitride for nonlinear signal processing applications.
Scientific Reports, 7 (22), .
Juvert, Joan, Eddie, Iain, Mitchell, Colin, Reed, Graham, Wilkinson, James, Kelly, Anthony and Neale, Steven
A low cost technique for adding microlasers to a silicon photonic platform.
Proceedings of SPIE, 9752.
Juvert, Joan, Zhang, Shuailong, Eddie, Iain, Mitchell, Colin, Reed, Graham, Wilkinson, James, Kelly, Anthony and Neale, Steven
Micromanipulation of InP lasers with optoelectronic tweezers for integration on a photonic platform.
Optics Express, 24 (16), .
Rouifed, Mohamed Said, Littlejohns, Callum, Guo Xin, Tina, Qiu, Haodong, Soler Penadés, Jordi, Nedeljković, Miloš, Zhang, Zecen, Liu, Chongyong, Thomson, David, Mashanovich, Goran, Reed, Graham and Wang, Hong
Ultra-compact MMI-based beam splitter demultiplexer for the NIR/MIR wavelengths of 1.55 μm and 2 μm.
Optics Express, 25 (10), .
Reed, Graham, Milošević, Milan, Chen, Xia and Thomson, David
Trimming of ring resonators via ion implantation in silicon.
Integrated Optics: Physics and Simulations III, Prague, Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic.
24 Apr 2017.
Debnath, Kapil, Khokhar, Ali, Reed, Graham and Saito, Shinichi
Raw data for "Low-loss silicon slot waveguide realized by surface roughness reduction".
University of Southampton
Debnath, Kapil, Khokhar, Ali, Reed, Graham and Saito, Shinichi
Fabrication of silicon slot waveguides with 10nm wide oxide slot.
In 2017 IEEE 14th International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFP).
Debnath, Kapil, Khokhar, Ali, Reed, Graham and Saito, Shinichi
Dataset for Random-Telegraph-Noise by Resonant Tunnelling at Low Temperatures.
University of Southampton
Chen, Xia, Milošević, Milan, Thomson, David, Khokhar, Ali, Franz, Yohann, Runge, Antoine, Mailis, Sakellaris, Peacock, Anna and Reed, Graham
Phase trimming of Mach-Zehnder Interferometers by laser annealing of germanium implanted waveguides.
2017 IEEE 14th International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFP), , Berlin, Germany.
23 - 25 Aug 2017.
2 pp
Chen, Xia, Thomson, David J., Crudginton, Lee, Khokhar, Ali Z. and Reed, Graham T.
Dual-etch apodised grating couplers for efficient fibre-chip coupling near 1310 nm wavelength.
Optics Express, 25 (15), .
Xie, Shiyu, Zhou, Xinxin, Zhang, Shiyong, Thomson, David, Chen, Xia, Reed, Graham, Ng, Jo and Tan, Chee
InGaAs/AlGaAsSb avalanche photodiode with high gain-bandwidth product.
Optics Express, 24 (21), .
Debnath, Kapil, Khokhar, Ali Z., Reed, Graham T. and Saito, Shinichi
Fabrication of arbitrarily narrow vertical dielectric slots in silicon waveguides.
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 29.
Debnath, Kapil, Khokhar, Ali, Reed, Graham and Saito, Shinichi
Raw data for manuscript "Fabrication of Arbitrarily Narrow Dielectric Slots in Silicon Waveguides".
University of Southampton
Reed, Graham, Milošević, Milan, Chen, Xia, Cao, Wei, Wang, Hong, Khokhar, Ali and Thomson, David
Ion implantation in silicon to facilitate testing of photonic circuits.
Chen, Xia, Milošević, Milan, Thomson, David, Khokhar, Ali, Franz, Yohann, Runge, Antoine, Mailis, Sakellaris, Peacock, Anna C. and Reed, Graham
Post-fabrication phase trimming of Mach-Zehnder Interferometers by laser annealing of germanium implanted waveguides.
Photonics Research, 5 (6), .
Chen, Xia, Milosevic, Milan, Thomson, David, Khokhar, Ali, Franz, Yohann, Runge, Antoine, Mailis, Sakellaris, Peacock, Anna and Reed, Graham
Dataset for: Post-fabrication Phase Trimming of Mach-Zehnder Interferometers by Laser Annealing of Germanium Implanted Waveguides.
University of Southampton
Ruan, Xiaoke, Li, Ke, Thomson, David J., Lacava, Cosimo, Meng, Fanfan, Demirtzioglou, Iosif, Petropoulos, Periklis, Zhu, Yixiao, Reed, Graham T. and Zhang, Fan
Experimental comparison of direct detection Nyquist SSB transmission based on silicon dual-drive and IQ Mach-Zehnder modulators with electrical packaging.
Optics Express, 25 (6), .
Thomson, D.J., Littlejohns, Callum, Li, K., Nedeljković, M., Khokhar, A.Z., Gardes, F.Y., Mashanovich, G.Z., Lacava, C., Petropoulos, P., Richardson, D.J., Rouifed, M.S., Qiu, H., Xin, T.G., Hu, T., Zhang, Z., Wang, H., Chiu, P.-W., Li, Y.-F., Hsu, S.H. and Reed, G.T.
Integrated silicon optical modulators.
In 2016 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS).
1 pp
Milošević, Milan, Chen, Xia, Cao, Wei, Khokhar, Ali Z., Thomson, David J. and Reed, Graham T.
Towards autonomous testing of photonic integrated circuits.
Reed, Graham T. and Knights, Andrew P.
In Proceedings of Spie: Silicon Photonics XII.
vol. 10108,
17 pp
Lacava, Cosimo, Thomson, David, Li, Ke, Demirtzioglou, Iosif, Shakoor, Abdul, Richardson, David, Zhang, Fan, Reed, Graham and Petropoulos, Periklis
Silicon photonic modulators for high speed optical links.
In Photonics in Switching 2017.
Lacava, Cosimo, Cardea, Ivan, Demirtzioglou, Iosif, Khoja, Alaa, Li, Ke, Thomson, David, Ruan, Xiaoke, Zhang, Fan, Reed, Graham, Richardson, David and Petropoulos, Periklis
49.6 Gb/s direct detection DMT transmission over 40 km single mode fibre using an electrically packaged silicon photonic modulator.
Optics Express, 25 (24), .
Mashanovich, G.Z., Gardes, F.Y., Thomson, D.J., Hu, Y., Li, K., Nedeljković, M., Soler Penadés, J., Khokhar, A.Z., Mitchell, C.J., Stanković, S., Topley, R., Reynolds, S.A., Wang, Y., Troia, B., Passaro, V.M.N., Littlejohns, C.G., Domínguez Bucio, Thalía, Wilson, P.R. and Reed, G.T.
Silicon photonic waveguides and devices for near- and mid-IR applications.
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 21 (4), .
Marchetti, Riccardo, Lacava, Cosimo, Khokhar, Ali, Chen, Xia, Cristiani, Ilaria, Richardson, David, Reed, Graham, Petropoulos, Periklis and Minzioni, Paolo
High-efficiency grating-couplers: demonstration of a new design strategy.
Scientific Reports, 7, [16670].
Chen, Bigeng and Muskens, Otto
Hybrid Photon-Plasmon Coupling and Ultrafast Control of Nanoantennas on a Silicon Photonic Chip.
University of Southampton
Demirtzioglou, Iosif, Lacava, Cosimo, Bottrill, Kyle, Thomson, David, Reed, Graham, Richardson, David and Petropoulos, Periklis
Dataset for: Frequency comb generation in a silicon ring resonator modulator.
University of Southampton
Chen, Bigeng, Bruck, Roman, Traviss, Daniel, Khokhar, Ali Z., Reynolds, Scott, Thomson, David J., Mashanovich, Goran Z., Reed, Graham T. and Muskens, Otto L.
Hybrid photon–plasmon coupling and ultrafast control of nanoantennas on a silicon photonic chip.
Nano Letters, 18 (1), .
Li, Yan-Feng, Chiu, Po-Wei, Li, Ke, Thomson, David, Reed, Graham and Hsu, Shawn S.H.
A 40-Gb/s 4-Vpp differential modulator driver in 90 nm CMOS.
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 28 (1), .
Demirtzioglou, Iosif, Lacava, Cosimo, Bottrill, Kyle R.H., Thomson, David J., Reed, Graham T., Richardson, David J. and Petropoulos, Periklis
Frequency comb generation in a silicon ring resonator modulator.
Optics Express, 26 (2), .
Milošević, M.M., Chen, X., Cao, W., Runge, A.F.J., Franz, Y., Littlejohns, C.G., Mailis, S., Peacock, A.C., Thomson, D.J. and Reed, G.T.
Ion implantation in silicon for trimming the operating wavelength of ring resonators.
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 24 (4), .
Milosevic, Milan, Chen, Xia, Cao, Wei, Runge, Antoine FJ, Franz, Yohann, Littlejohns, Callum G., Mailis, Sakellaris, Peacock, Anna, Thomson, David and Reed, Graham
Dataset for: Ion implantation in silicon for trimming the operating wavelength of ring resonators.
University of Southampton
Meng, Fanfan, Li, Ke, Thomson, David, Wilson, Peter and Reed, Graham
Advanced layout techniques for high-speed analogue circuits in a 28nm HKMG CMOS process.
Electronics Letters, 54 (8), .
Debnath, Kapil, Thomson, David, Zhang, Weiwei, Khokhar, Ali, Littlejohns, Callum, Byers, James, Mastronardi, Lorenzo, Husain, Muhammad, Gardes, Frederic, Reed, Graham and Saito, Shinichi
Raw data for "High speed all-silicon carrier accumulation modulator based on a lateral MOS-capacitor".
University of Southampton
Zhang, Zecen, Ng, Geok Ing, Hu, Ting, Qiu, Haodong, Guo, X., Wang, Wanjun, Rouifed, Mohamed Said, Liu, Chongyang, Xia, Jiaxu, Zhou, Jin, Littlejohns, Callum G., Reed, Graham T. and Wang, Hong
Mid-infrared sensor based on suspended microracetrack resonator with lateral sub-wavelength-grating metamaterial cladding.
IEEE Photonics Journal, .
Chen, Guoyao, Du, Jiangbing, Sun, Lin, Zhang, Wenjia, Xu, Ke, Chen, Xia, Reed, Graham T. and He, Zuyuan
Nonlinear distortion mitigation by machine learning of SVM classification for PAM-4 and PAM-8 modulated optical interconnection.
Journal of Lightwave Technology, 36 (3), .
Debnath, Kapil, Thomson, David, Zhang, Weiwei, Khokhar, Ali, Littlejohns, Callum, Byers, James, Mastronardi, Lorenzo, Husain, Muhammad K, Ibukuro, Kouta, Gardes, Frederic, Reed, Graham and Saito, Shinichi
All-silicon carrier accumulation modulator based on a lateral MOS-capacitor.
Photonics Research, 6 (5), , [318121].
Mashanovich, Goran, Nedeljkovic, Milos, Soler Penades, Jordi, Qu, Zhibo, Cao, Wei, Osman, Ahmed, Wu, Yangbo, Stirling, Callum, Qi, Yanli, Xu Cheng, Yolanda, Reid, Lauren, Littlejohns, Callum G., Takenaka, Mitsuru, Sanchez-Postigo, Alejandro, Ortega-Moñux, Alejandro, Wangüemert-Pérez, Gonzalo, Cheben, P., Gardes, Frederic, Thomson, David and Reed, Graham
Data for Group IV mid-infrared photonics.
University of Southampton
Zhang, Weiwei, Debnath, Kapil, Thomson, David, Khokhar, Ali, Littlejohns, Callum, Byers, James, Mastronardi, Lorenzo, Husain, Muhammad, Gardes, Frederic, Reed, Graham and Saito, Shinichi
Raw data for "20Gbps silicon lateral MOS-Capacitor electro-optic modulator".
University of Southampton
Meng, Fanfan, Li, Ke, Thomson, David J., Lacava, Cosimo, Wilson, Peter and Reed, Graham T.
Ultra wide-band inductive peaking VCO with cascode noise reduction.
In 2018 International Symposium on Circuits and Systems.
Debnath, Kapil, Thomson, David, Zhang, Weiwei, Khokhar, Ali, Littlejohns, Callum, Byers, James, Mastronardi, Lorenzo, Husain, Muhammad K., Gardes, Frederic, Reed, Graham and Saito, Shinichi
20Gbps silicon lateral MOS-Capacitor electro-optic modulator.
In CLEO: Science and Innovations, San Jose CA, 13-18 May 2018.
Mashanovich, G.Z., Nedeljković, M., Soler-Penadés, J., Qu, Z., Cao, W., Osman, A., Wu, Y., Stirling, C.J., Qi, Y., Xu-Cheng, Y., Reid, L., Littlejohns, C.G., Kang, J., Zhao, Z., Takenaka, M., Li, T., Zhou, Z., Gardes, F.Y., Thomson, D.J. and Reed, G.T.
Group IV mid-infrared photonics [Invited].
Optical Materials Express, 8 (8), .
Dinsdale, Nicholas, Joseph, Vynck, Kevin, Chen, Bigeng, Bruck, Roman and Muskens, Otto
Dataset for Ultrafast perturbation maps as a quantitative tool for testing of multi-port photonic devices.
University of Southampton
Lacava, C., Demirtzioglou, I., Cardea, I., Khoja, A.E., Li, Ke, Thomson, D.J., Ruan, X., Zhang, F., Reed, G.T., Richardson, D.J. and Petropoulos, P.
Spectrally efficient DMT transmission over 40 km SMF using an electrically packaged silicon photonic intensity modulator.
In 2017 European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC).
vol. 2017-September,
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Vynck, Kevin, Dinsdale, Nicholas J., Chen, Bigeng, Bruck, Roman, Khokhar, Ali Z., Reynolds, Scott A., Crudgington, Lee, Thomson, David J., Reed, Graham T., Lalanne, Philippe and Muskens, Otto L.
Ultrafast perturbation maps as a quantitative tool for testing of multi-port photonic devices.
Nature Communications, 9 (1), .
Littlejohns, Callum G., Nedeljković, Miloš, Cao, Wei, Soler Penadés, Jordi, Hagan, David, Ackert, Jason J., Rouifed, Mohamed Saïd, Wang, Wanjun, Zhang, Zecen, Qiu, Haodong, Guo Xin, Tina, Knights, Andrew P., Reed, Graham T., Mashanovich, Goran Z., Wang, Hong and Thomson, David J.
All silicon approach to modulation and detection at λ = 2 μm.
In Optical Interconnects XVIII.
vol. 10538,
Zhang, Zecen, Ng, Geok Ing, Hu, Ting, Qiu, Haodong, Guo, X., Wang, Wanjun, Rouifed, Mohamed Said, Liu, Chongyang, Xia, Jiaxu, Zhou, Jin, Littlejohns, Callum G., Nedeljković, Miloš, Reed, Graham T. and Wang, Hong
Experimental demonstration of thermally tunable fano and EIT resonances in coupled resonant system on SOI platform.
IEEE Photonics Journal, 10 (3), .
Thomson, David, Gardes, Frederic, Debnath, Kapil, Zhang, Weiwei, Li, Ke, Liu, Shenghao, Meng, Fanfan, Khokhar, Ali, Littlejohns, Callum, Byers, James, Mastronardi, Lorenzo, Husain, Muhammad, Saito, Shinichi, Chen, Xia, Milošević, Milan, Franz, Yohann, Runge, Antoine F.J., Mailis, Sakellaris, Peacock, Anna, Wilson, Peter and Reed, Graham
Towards high speed and low power silicon photonic data links.
In 20th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON).
4 pp
Oo, Swe, Tarazona, Antulio, Pg Hj Petra, Dk Rafidah, Khokhar, Ali, Reed, Graham, Peacock, Anna and Chong, Harold
Hot-wire CVD a-Si:H for low loss silicon photonic waveguides.
2018 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, San Jose, United States.
12 - 17 May 2018.
Yu, Xingshi, Chen, Bigeng, Chen, Xia, Milošević, Milan, Saito, Shinichi, Reed, Graham and Muskens, Otto
Real-time phase trimming of Mach-Zehnder interferometers by femtosecond laser annealing of Germanium implanted waveguides.
In 2018 IEEE 15th International Conference on Group IV Photonics, GFP 2018.
vol. 2018-August,
(In Press)
Scholl, Senta, Lisa, Domínguez Bucio, Thalía, Banakar, Mehdi, Khokhar, Ali, Reynolds, Scott, Reed, Graham and Gardes, Frederic
Flat-top spectral response angled multimode interferometer (AMMI).
Photonex Europe 2017, , Coventry, UK.
11 - 12 Oct 2017.
Muskens, Otto L., Chen, Bigeng, Dinsdale, Nicholas, Bruck, Roman, Thomson, David J., Mashanovich, Goran, Reed, Graham T., Vynck, Kevin and Lalanne, Philippe
New all-optical and plasmonic strategies for controlling light on a silicon chip.
In CLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science, CLEO_QELS 2018.
vol. Part F93-CLEO_Q,
Lacava, C., May, S., Richardson, D. J., Reed, G. T., Sorel, M. and Petropoulos, P.
All-optical wavelength conversion of phase-encoded signals in silicon-rich silicon nitride waveguides.
In CLEO: Applications and Technology, CLEO_AT 2018.
vol. Part F92-CLEO_A,
Sun, Chunlei, Wu, Wenhao, Yu, Yu, Chen, Guanyu, Zhang, Xinliang, Chen, Xia, Thomson, David J. and Reed, Graham T.
De-multiplexing free on-chip low-loss multimode switch enabling reconfigurable inter-mode and inter-path routing.
Nanophotonics, 7 (9), .
Wang, Wanjun, Zhang, Zecen, Guo, Xin, Zhou, Jin, Brian, Sia Jia Xu, Rouifed, Mohamed S., Liu, Chongyang, Littlejohns, Callum, Reed, Graham T. and Wang, Hong
Mid-infrared (MIR) Mach-Zehnder silicon modulator at 2μm wavelength based on interleaved PN junction.
In 2018 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2018 - Proceedings: Science and Innovations, CLEO_SI 2018.
Chen, Bigeng, Yu, Xingshi, Chen, Xia, Milošević, Milan, Thomson, David, Khokhar, Ali, Saito, Shinichi, Muskens, Otto and Reed, Graham
Real-time monitoring and gradient feedback enable accurate trimming of ion-implanted silicon photonic devices.
Optics Express, 26 (19), .
Tarazona, Antulio, Oo, Swe, Domínguez Bucio, Thalía, Pg Hj Petra, Dk Rafidah, Khokhar, Ali, Mittal, Vinita, Gardes, Frederic, Reed, Graham and Chong, Harold
Hot Wire Chemical Vapour Deposition (HWCVD) for silicon photonics: a new industrial application.
10th Hot Wire (Cat) Chemical Vapour Deposition Conference, Kitakyushu International Conference Center, Kitakyushu, Japan.
03 - 06 Sep 2018.
Chen, Bigeng
Dataset for [Real-time monitoring and gradient feedback enable accurate trimming of ion-implanted silicon photonic devices].
University of Southampton
Petropoulos, Periklis, Lacava, Cosimo, Demirtzioglou, Iosif, Li, Ke, Shakoor, Abdul, Thomson, David, Zhang, F., Richardson, David and Reed, Graham
Silicon photonic transmitters for short-reach communication applications.
In 14th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies.
Chen, Xia, Milošević, Milan M., Stanković, Stevan, Reynolds, Scott, Domínguez Bucio, Thalía, Li, Ke, Thomson, David J., Gardes, Frederic and Reed, Graham T.
The emergence of silicon photonics as a flexible technology platform.
Proceedings of the IEEE, 106 (12), .
Sun, Chunlei, Wu, Wenhao, Yu, Yu, Zhang, Xinliang and Reed, Graham T.
Integrated tunable mode filter for a mode-division multiplexing system.
Optics Letters, 43 (15), .
Cao, Wei, Hagan, David, Thomson, David J., Nedeljković, Miloš, Littlejohns, Callum G., Knights, Andy, Alam, Shaif Ul, Wang, Junjia, Gardes, Frederic, Zhang, Weiwei, Liu, Shenghao, Li, Ke, Rouifed, Mohamed Said, Xin, Guo, Wang, Wanjun, Wang, Hong, Reed, Graham T. and Mashanovich, Goran Z.
High-speed silicon modulators for the 2 μm wavelength band.
Optica, 5 (9), .
Cao, W., Nedeljković, M., Littlejohns, C.G., Li, T., Zhou, Z., Gardes, F.Y., Thomson, D.J., Reed, G.T. and Mashanovich, G.Z.
Silicon and germanium mid-infrared optical modulators.
In IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topicals Meeting Series, SUM 2018.
Cao, Wei, Hagan, David, Thomson, David, Nedeljkovic, Milos, Littlejohns, Callum G., Knights, Andy, Alam, Shaif-Ul, Wang, Junjia, Gardes, Frederic, Zhang, Weiwei, Liu, Shenghao, Li, Ke, Rouifed, Mohamed Saïd, Guo, Xin, Wang, Wanjun, Wang, Hong, Reed, Graham and Mashanovich, Goran
Dataset for High-speed silicon modulators for the 2 μm wavelength band.
University of Southampton
Cao, W., Thomson, D.J., Nedeljković, M., Alam, S.U., Wang, Junjia, Gardes, F., Reed, G.T., Mashanovich, G.Z., Littlejohns, C.G. and Rouifed, M.S.
20-Gb/s silicon optical modulators for the 2 μm wavelength band.
In 2018 IEEE 15th International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFP).
Li, Ke, Thomson, David, Liu, Shenghao, Meng, Fanfan, Shakoor, Abdul, Khokhar, Ali, Cao, Wei, Zhang, Weiwei, Wilson, Peter and Reed, Graham
Co-design of electronics and photonics components for Silicon Photonics transmitters.
In 44th European Conference on Optical Communication.
Li, Tiantian, Nedeljković, Miloš, Hattasan, Nannicha, Khokhar, Ali Z., Reynolds, Scott A., Stanković, Stevan, Banakar, Mehdi, Cao, Wei, Qu, Zhibo, Littlejohns, Callum G., Soler Penadés, Jordi, Grabska, Katarzyina, Mastronardi, Lorenzo, Thomson, David J., Gardes, Frederic Y., Reed, Graham T., Wu, Hequan, Zhou, Zhiping and Mashanovich, Goran Z.
Mid-infrared Ge-on-Si electro-absorption modulator.
In 2017 IEEE 14th International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFP).
Chen, Guoyao, Du, Jiangbing, Sun, Lin, Zheng, Lifang, Xu, Ke, Tsang, Hon Ki, Chen, Xia, Reed, Graham T. and He, Zuyuan
Machine learning adaptive receiver for PAM-4 modulated optical interconnection based on silicon microring modulator.
Journal of Lightwave Technology, 36 (18), .
Byers, James, Debnath, Kapil, Arimoto, Hideo, Husain, Muhammad, Sotto, Moise, Sala Henri, Li, Zuo, Liu, Fayong, Ibukuro, Kouta, Khokhar, Ali, Kiang, Kian, Boden, Stuart, Thomson, David, Reed, Graham and Saito, Shinichi
Dataset for "Silicon Slot Fin Waveguide on Bonded Double-SOI for Low-Power Accumulation Modulator Fabricated by Anisotropic Wet Etching Technique".
University of Southampton
Byers, J., Debnath, K., Arimoto, H., Husain, M.K., Sotto, M., Liu, F., Khokhar, A., Kiang, K., Boden, S.A., Thomson, D.J., Reed, G.T., Saito, S. and Li, Zuo
3D fin waveguide on 10nm gate oxide bonded double-SOI for low VΠL accumulation modulator.
15th International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFP), , Cancun, Mexico.
29 - 31 Aug 2018.
Nedeljkovic, Milos, Littlejohns, Callum G., Khokhar, Ali, Banakar, Mehdi, Cao, Wei, Soler Penades, Jordi, Tran, Denh, Gardes, Frederic, Thomson, David, Reed, Graham, Wang, Hong and Mashanovich, Goran
Dataset for "Silicon-on-insulator free-carrier injection modulators for the mid-infrared".
University of Southampton
Chen, Xia, Milošević, Milan M., Yu, Xingshi, Chen, Bigeng, Runge, Antoine F.J., Khokhar, Ali Z., Mailis, Sakellaris, Thomson, David J., Peacock, Anna C., Saito, Shinichi, Muskens, Otto L. and Reed, Graham T.
Germanium implanted photonic devices for post-fabrication trimming and programmable circuits.
In Nanophotonics and Micro/Nano Optics IV.
vol. 10823,
Byers, James, Debnath, Kapil, Arimoto, Hideo, Husain, Muhammad, Sotto, Moise, Sala Henri, Li, Zuo, Liu, Fayong, Ibukuro, Kouta, Khokhar, Ali, Kiang, Kian Shen, Boden, Stuart, Thomson, David, Reed, Graham and Saito, Shinichi
Silicon slot fin waveguide on bonded double-SOI for a low-power accumulation modulator fabricated by an anisotropic wet etching technique.
Optics Express, 26 (25), .
Reed, Graham T., Chen, Xia, Milošević, Milan M., Cao, Wei, Littlejohns, Callum, Khokhar, Ali Z., Franz, Yohann, Runge, Antoine F.J., Mailis, Sakellaris, Thomson, David J. and Peacock, Anna C.
Advancing silicon photonics by germanium ion implantation into silicon.
In Smart Photonic and Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits XX.
vol. 10536,
Oo, Swe, Tarazona, Antulio, Khokhar, Ali, Petra, Rafidah, Franz, Yohann, Mashanovich, Goran, Reed, Graham, Peacock, Anna and Chong, Harold
Hot-wire chemical vapor deposition low-loss hydrogenated amorphous silicon waveguides for silicon photonic devices.
Photonics Research, 7 (2), , [331501].
Chen, Xia, Milošević, Milan M., Khokhar, Ali Z., Thomson, David J. and Reed, Graham T.
Optical waveguides by germanium ion implantation on silicon-on-insulator platform.
In CLEO Pacific Rim Conference 2018.
Nedeljković, M., Littlejohns, C.G., Khokhar, A.Z., Banakar, M., Cao, W., Soler Penadés, J., Tran, D.T., Gardes, F.Y., Thomson, D.J., Reed, G.T., Wang, H. and Mashanovich, G.Z.
Silicon-on-insulator free-carrier injection modulators for the mid-infrared.
Optics Letters, 44 (4), .
Schmidt, M.K., Poulton, C.G., Mashanovich, G.Z., Reed, G.T., Eggleton, B.J. and Steel, M.J.
Suspended mid-infrared waveguides for stimulated Brillouin scattering.
Optics Express, 27 (4), .
Tarazona, Antulio, Domínguez Bucio, Thalia, Oo, Swe, Petra, R., Khokhar, Ali, Boden, Stuart, Gardes, Frederic, Reed, Graham and Chong, Harold
Hot wire chemical vapor deposition for silicon photonics: an emerging industrial application opportunity.
Thin Solid Films, 676, , [676].
Shakoor, Abdul, Grande, Marco, Al-Rawhani, Mohammed, Chong Cheah, Boon, Grant, James, Cumming, David, Reed, Graham and Thomson, David
Photonic applications of dielectric materials in sensing and telecommunications.
In D-photon 2018: 1st International Conference on Dielectric Photonic Devices and Systems Beyond Visible.
Sun, Chunlei, Lai, Yaxiao, Yu, Yu, Fu, Songnian, Zhang, Xinliang, Shum, Perry Ping and Reed, Graham T.
Crossing-free on-chip 2×2 polarization-diverse switch.
In 2018 European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC 2018.
vol. 2018-September,
Du, H., Zhang, W., Littlejohns, C.G., Stanković, S., Yan, X., Tran, D.T., Sharp, G. J., Gardes, F.Y., Thomson, D.J., Sorel, M., Mashanovich, G.Z. and Reed, G.T.
Ultra-sharp asymmetric Fano-like resonance spectrum on Si photonic platform.
Optics Express, 27 (5), .
Sun, Chunlei, Wu, Wenhao, Yu, Yu, Zhang, Xinliang and Reed, Graham T.
Integrated tunable mode filter for mode-division multiplexed system.
In 2018 European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC 2018.
vol. 2018-September,
Petra, Rafidah, Oo, Swe Zin, Tarazona, Antulio, Cernansky, Robert, Reynolds, Scott A., Khokhar, Ali Z., Mittal, Vinita, Thomson, David J., Politi, Alberto, Mashanovich, Goran Z., Reed, Graham T. and Chong, Harold M.H.
HWCVD a-Si:H interlayer slope waveguide coupler for multilayer silicon photonics platform.
Optics Express, 27 (11), .
Oo, Swe, Tarazona, Antulio, Khokhar, Ali, Reed, Graham, Peacock, Anna and Chong, Harold
Vertically coupled a-Si:H multimode interference waveguides for multi-layer silicon photonics platform.
2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2019, San Jose Convention Center, San Jose, United States.
05 - 10 May 2019.
Rahim, Abdul, Goyvaerts, Jeroen, Szelag, Bertrand, Fédéli, Jean Marc, Absil, Philippe, Aalto, Timo, Harjanne, Mikko, Littlejohns, Callum G., Reed, Graham T., Winzer, Georg, Lischke, Stefan, Lars, Zimmermann, Knoll, Dieter, Geuzebroek, Douwe, Leinse, Arne, Geiselmann, Michael, Zervas, Michael, Jans, Hilde, Stassen, Andim, Dominguez, Carlos, Munoz, Pascual, Domenech, David, Giesecke, Anna Lena, Lemme, Max Christian and Baets, Roel
Open-access silicon photonics platforms in Europe.
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 25 (5), .
Milošević, Milan M., Yu, Xingshi, Chen, Xia, Aktaş, Ozan, Oo, Swe Zin, Khokhar, Ali Z., Thomson, David J., Chong, Harold M.H., Peacock, Anna C., Saito, Shinichi and Reed, Graham T.
Germanium ion implantation for trimming the coupling efficiency of silicon racetrack resonators.
Reed, Graham T. and Knights, Andrew P.
In Silicon Photonics XIV.
vol. 10923,
Petra, Rafidah, Oo, Swe, Tarazona, Antulio, Cernansky, Robert, Reynolds, Scott, Thomson, David, Khokhar, A.Z., Politi, Alberto, Mashanovich, Goran, Reed, Graham and Chong, H.M.H.
HWCVD a-Si:H interlayer slope waveguide coupler for multilayer silicon photonics platform.
14th International Conference on Group IV Photonics, GFP 2017, , Berlin, Germany.
22 - 24 Aug 2017.
Sia, Jia Xu Brian, Wang, Wanjun, Guo, Xin, Zhou, Jin, Zhang, Zecen, Rouifed, Mohamed Said, Li, Xiang, Qiao, Zhong Liang, Liu, Chong Yang, Littlejohns, Callum, Reed, Graham T. and Wang, Hong
Mid-infrared, ultra-broadband, low-loss, compact arbitrary power splitter based on adiabatic mode evolution.
IEEE Photonics Journal, 11 (2), , [8688691].
Mittal, Vinita, Tarazona, Antulio, Khokhar, Ali, Banakar, Mehdi, Thomson, David, Reed, Graham and Chong, Harold
3D vertical directional coupler using slope waveguides on Si.
In CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2019.
(In Press)
Brian Sia, Jia Xu, Wang, Wanjun, Qiao, Zhongliang, Li, Xiang, Guo, Xin, Zhou, Jin, Zhang, Zecen, Littlejohns, Callum, Liu, Chongyang, Reed, Graham T. and Wang, Hong
Compact, ultra-tunable InGaSb/AlGaAsSb Si external cavity laser at the Mid-Infrared (MIR).
In 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2019 - Proceedings.
Milošević, Milan M., Zhou, Wen, Tsang, Hon K., Osman, Ahmed, Stanković, Stevan, Qi, Yanli, Nedeljković, Miloš, Qu, Zhibo, Yan, Xingzhao, Khokhar, Ali Z., Reed, Graham T. and Mashanovich, Goran Z.
Hyperuniform disordered polarisers for the mid-infrared.
In 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO).
2 pp
Lacava, Cosimo, Stanković, Stevan, Khokhar, Ali, Domínguez Bucio, Thalia, Gardes, Frederic, Reed, Graham, Richardson, David and Petropoulos, Periklis
Low loss Si-rich silicon nitride for nonlinear signal processing applications.
Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Sands Expo and Convention Centre, Singapore.
31 Jul - 04 Aug 2017.
Saito, Shinichi, Byers, James, Sotto, Moise, Sala Henri, Debnath, Kapil, Byers, James, Al-Attili, Abdelrahman, Tomita, Isao, Burt, Daniel, Husain, Muhammad K, Ibukuro, Kouta, Thomson, David, Zhang, Weiwei, Chen, Bigeng, Gardes, Frederic, Reed, Graham and Rutt, Harvey
Novel Si photonic waveguides and applications to optical modulators.
In 24th Microoptics Conference.
3 pp
Zhang, Zanyun, Chen, Xia, Chen, Qian, Khokhar, Ali, Yan, Xingzhao, Huang, Beiju, Chen, Hongda, Liu, Hongwei, Li, Hongqiang, Thomson, David and Reed, Graham
High-efficiency apodized bidirectional grating coupler for perfectly vertical coupling.
Optics Letters, 44 (20), , [OL.44.005081].
Zhang, Weiwei, Thomson, David, Khokhar, Ali, Littlejohns, Callum, Chen, Bigeng, Mashanovich, Goran, Gardes, Frederic, Saito, Shinichi, Reed, Graham, Cao, Wei, Li, Ke, Liu, Shenghao, Banakar, Mehdi, Debnath, Kapil, Byers, James, Reynolds, Scott, Reynolds, Jamie Dean, Ebert, Martin and Husain, Muhammad K
Raw data for "High speed silicon capacitor modulators for TM polarization".
University of Southampton
Zhang, Weiwei, Debnath, Kapil, Chen, Bigeng, Husain, Muhammad K, Khokhar, Ali, Liu, Shenghao, Byers, James, Cao, Wei, Ebert, Martin, Reynolds, Jamie Dean, Banakar, Mehdi, Littlejohns, Callum, Reynolds, Scott, Li, Ke, Gardes, Frederic, Mashanovich, Goran, Reed, Graham, Saito, Shinichi and Thomson, David
High speed silicon capacitor modulators for TM polarisation.
In 2019 IEEE 16th International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFP).
Saito, Shinichi, Tomita, Isao, Sotto, Moise, Sala Henri, Debnath, Kapil, Byers, James, Al-Attili, Abdelrahman, Burt, Daniel, Husain, Muhammad K, Arimoto, Hideo, Ibukuro, Kouta, Charlton, Martin, Thomson, David, Zhang, Weiwei, Chen, Bigeng, Gardes, Frederic, Reed, Graham and Rutt, Harvey
Si photonic waveguides with broken symmetries: applications to modulators and quantum simulations.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics.
(In Press)
Sia, Jia Xu Brian, Reed, Graham T., Wang, Hong, Wang, Wanjun, Guo, Xin, Zhou, Jin, Zhang, Zecen, Li, Xiang, Qiao, Zhong Liang, Liu, Chong Yang and Littlejohns, Callum
SiN-SOI multilayer platform for prospective applications at 2 μm.
IEEE Photonics Journal, 11 (6), , [8894868].
Milosevic, Milan and Dinsdale, Nicholas, Joseph
Dataset for: Ion implantation of germanium into silicon for critical coupling control of racetrack resonators.
University of Southampton
Du, H., Zhang, X., Littlejohns, C.G., Tran, D.T., Yan, X., Banakar, M., Wei, C., Thomson, D. J. and Reed, G.T.
Nonconservative coupling in a passive silicon microring resonator.
Physical Review Letters, 124 (1), , [013606].
Sia, Jia Xu Brian, Wang, Wanjun, Qiao, Zhongliang, Li, Xiang, Guo, Xin, Zhou, Jin, Littlejohns, Callum G., Zhang, Zecen, Liu, Chongyang, Reed, Graham T. and Wang, Hong
Compact silicon photonic hybrid ring external cavity (SHREC)/InGaSb-AlGaAsSb wavelength-tunable laser diode operating from 1881-1947 nm.
Optics Express, 28 (4), .
Li, Ke, Liu, Shenghao, Ruan, Xiaoke, Thomson, David, Hong, Yang, Yang, Fan, Zhang, Lei, Lacava, Cosimo, Meng, Fanfan, Zhang, Weiwei, Petropoulos, Periklis, Zhang, Fan and Reed, Graham
Co-design of differential transimpedance amplifier and balanced photodetector for sub-pJ/bit silicon photonics receiver.
Optics Express, 28 (9), .
Zhang, Zanyun, Chen, Xia, Cheng, Qian, Khokhar, Ali Z, Zhang, Zan, Yan, Xingzhao, Huang, Beiju, Chen, Hongda, Liu, Hongwei, Li, Hongqiang, Thomson, David and Reed, Graham
Two-dimensional apodized grating coupler for polarization-independent and surface-normal optical coupling.
Journal of Lightwave Technology, 38 (15), , [9060954].
Milošević, Milan, Chen, Xia, Yu, Xingshi, Dinsdale, Nicholas, Joseph, Aktaş, Ozan, Oo, Swe, Khokhar, Ali, Thomson, David, Muskens, Otto, Chong, Harold, Peacock, Anna, Saito, Shinichi and Reed, Graham
Ion implantation of germanium into silicon for critical coupling control of racetrack resonators.
IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, 38 (7), , [8963701].
Chen, Xia, Milošević, Milan, Runge, Antoine, Yu, Xingshi, Khokhar, Ali Z., Mailis, Sakellaris, Thomson, David, Peacock, Anna, Saito, Shinichi and Reed, Graham
Silicon erasable waveguides and directional couplers by germanium ion implantation for configurable photonic circuits.
Optics Express, 28 (12), .
Brimont, A., Thomson, D.J., Gardes, F.Y., Fédéli, J.M., Reed, G.T., Martí, J. and Sanchis, P.
High-contrast 40 Gb/s operation of a 500 µm long silicon carrier-depletion slow wave modulator.
Optics Letters, 37 (17), .
Gutiérrez, A.M., Brimont, A., Herrera, J., Aamer, M., Martí, J., Thomson, D.J., Gardes, F.Y., Reed, G.T., Fédéli, J.M. and Sanchis, P.
Silicon slow-light-based photonic mixer for microwave-frequency conversion applications.
Optics Letters, 37 (10), .
Song, Weiwei, Chahal, M., Celler, G.K., Jaluria, Y., Reed, G.T. and Jiang, W.
The influence of substrate on SOI photonic crystal thermo-optic devices.
Optics Express, 21 (4), .
Rouifed, M.-Said, Littlejohns, Callum G., Tina, Guo Xin, Haodong, Qiu, Hu, Ting, Zhang, Zecen, Liu, Chongyong, Reed, Graham T. and Wang, Hong
Low loss SOI waveguides and MMIs at the MIR wavelength of 2 µm.
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 28 (24), .
Debnath, Kapil, Arimoto, Hideo, Husain, Muhammad K., Prasmusinto, Alyssa, Al-Attili, Abdelrahman, Petra, Rafidah, Chong, Harold M.H., Reed, Graham T. and Saito, Shinichi
Low-loss silicon waveguides and grating couplers fabricated using anisotropic wet etching technique.
Frontiers in Materials, 3, , [10].
Mittal, V., Petra, R., Tarazona, A., Dinsdale, N.J., Khokhar, A., Banakar, M., Thomson, D., Musken, O.L., Reed, G.T. and Chong, H.M.H.
Vertical directional coupler network using a-Si slope waveguides.
Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology (ACOFT) and Australian Conference on Optics, Lasers, and Spectroscopy (ACOLS) 2019, , Melbourne, Australia.
08 - 12 Dec 2019.
2 pp
Schmidt, M.K., O'Brien, M., Poulton, C.G., Mashanovich, G.Z., Reed, G.T., Eggleton, B.J. and Steel, M.J.
Novel designs of optoacoustic waveguides.
Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology (ACOFT) and Australian Conference on Optics, Lasers, and Spectroscopy (ACOLS) 2019, , Melbourne, Australia.
08 - 12 Dec 2019.
2 pp
Hong, Y., Li, Ke, Lacava, C., Liu, Shenghao, Thomson, D.J., Meng, Fanfan, Ruan, Xiaoke, Zhang, Fan, Reed, G.T. and Petropoulos, P.
Beyond 100-Gb/s direct-detection transmission using an optical receiver co-integrated with a 28-nm CMOS gain-tunable fully-differential TIA.
In Optical Fiber Communication Conference 2020.
Yu, X., Chen, Xia, Milošević, M.M., Yan, X., Saito, S. and Reed, G.T.
Electrical annealing for Ge ion-implanted directional couplers.
Reed, Graham T. and Knights, Andrew P.
In Silicon Photonics XV.
vol. 11285,
Chong, H.M.H., Oo, S.Z., Petra, R., Tarazona, A., Mittal, V., Peacock, A.C. and Reed, G.T.
Hot-wire CVD hydrogenated amorphous silicon for multi-layer photonic applications.
Reed, Graham T. and Knights, Andrew P.
In Silicon Photonics XV.
vol. 11285,
Cao, Wei, Nedeljković, M., Liu, Shenghao, Littlejohns, C.G., Thomson, D.J., Gardes, F., Ren, Zhengqi, Li, Ke, Reed, G.T. and Mashanovich, G.Z.
25 Gbit/s silicon based modulators for the 2 µm wavelength band.
In Optical Fiber Communication Conference 2020.
Wang, W., Wang, H., Brian Sia, J.X., Qiao, Z., Li, X., Guo, X., Zhou, J., Liu, C., Littlejohns, C.G. and Reed, G.T.
Two-mode multiplexer based on the multilayer Si-SiN platform for 2μm waveband.
In 2019 18th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN).
Rouifed, M-Said, Littlejohns, Callum G., Guo, Tina X., Wang, Wanjun, Thomson, David J., Reed, Graham T. and Wang, Hong
Electrooptic silicon-based modulator for short-wave infrared.
1st International Conference on Optics, Photonics and Lasers (OPAL), , Barcelona, Spain.
09 - 11 May 2018.
Chen, X., Milošević, M.M., Reed, G.T., Saito, S., Yan, X. and Yu, X.
Ion implantation and electrical annealing for trimming silicon MZIs and facilitating one-time programmable photonic circuits.
In 2019 IEEE 16th International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFP).
Thomson, D.J., Li, K., Cao, W., Hagan, D., Liu, S., Meng, F., Nedeljković, M., Khokhar, A.Z., Littlejohns, C.G., Zhang, W., Ebert, M., Shakoor, A., Chen, B., Alam, S.-U., Wang, J., Chen, X., Mastronardi, L., Banakar, M., Crudgington, L., Gardes, F.Y., Xu Brian Sia, J., Wang, W., Qiao, Z., Li, X., Guo, X., Wang, H., Wilson, P., Mashanovich, G.Z., Knights, A. and Reed, G.T.
Silicon optical modulators for data transmission in different wavelength bands.
In 2019 21st International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON).
Sia, J.X.B., Wang, W., Qiao, Z., Li, X., Guo, X., Zhou, J., Littlejohns, C.G., Zhang, Z., Liu, C., Reed, G.T. and Wang, H.
Silicon nitride waveguiding for prospective technologies at the 2 μm waveband.
In 2019 IEEE 16th International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFP).
Jung, Youngho, Thomson, David J., Hu, Youfang, Shim, Jaeho, Gardes, F.Y., Mashanovich, G.Z., Yu, Kyoungsik, Wilkinson, J.S. and Reed, G.T.
Wavelength division demultiplexer and integrated III-V semiconductor Lasers on a silicon photonics platform with microbubble manipulation.
12th IEEE International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFP), , Vancouver, Canada.
26 - 28 Aug 2015.
Reed, G.T.
Some of the remaining challenges for Silicon Photonics.
2nd International Conference on Opto-Electronics and Applied Optics (IEM OPTRONIX 2015), , Vancouver, Canada.
15 - 17 Oct 2015.
1 pp
Reed, G.T., Li, Ke, Thomson, D.J., Liu, S., Wilson, P.R., Hu, Y., Topley, R., Gardes, F.Y., Khokhar, A.Z., Stanković, S., Reynolds, S., Mitchell, C.J., Martinez-Jimenez, G., O'Faolain, L., Healy, N., Mailis, S., Peacock, A.C. and Mashanovich, G.Z.
Facilitating an integrated Silicon Photonics platform.
Asia Communications and Photonics Conference 2015, Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
19 - 23 Nov 2015.
Littlejohns, C.G., Rouifed, M.S., Qiu, H., Xin, Tina Guo, Hu, Ting, Domínguez Bucio, T., Nedeljković, M., Thomson, D.J., Khokhar, A.Z., Mashanovich, G.Z., Reed, G.T., Wang, Hong and Gardes, F.Y.
Single crystal silicon-germanium-on-insulator for high density optical interconnects.
Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium, , Shanghai, China.
07 - 10 Aug 2016.
Gardes, F.Y., Littlejohns, C.G., Domínguez Bucio, Thalia, Nedeljković, M., Mashanovich, G. and Reed, G.T.
CMOS-compatible deposition of tunable crystalline SiGe composition on insulator.
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2016, , San Jose, United States.
04 - 09 Jun 2016.
Gardes, F.Y., Littlejohns, C.G., Tina, G.X., H., Qiu, Hu, T., Zhang, Z., Liu, C., Reed, G.T. and Wang, H.
Group IV compounds for integrated photonic applications.
IEEE 13th International Conference on Group IV Photonics, Shanghai, China.
23 - 25 Aug 2016.
Reed, G.T., Nedeljković, M., Soler Penadés, J., Mittal, V., Murugan, G.S., Khokhar, A.Z., Littlejohns, C.J., Stanković, S., Ortega-Moñux, A., Wangüemert-Pérez, G., Halir, R., Molina-Fernández, I., Alonso-Ramos, C., Benedikovic, D., Villafranca, A., Cheben, P., Ackert, J.J., Knights, A.P., Wilkinson, J.S. and Mashanovich, G.Z.
Mid IR silicon photonics.
Frontiers in Optics 2016, , Rochester, United States.
16 - 20 Oct 2016.
Chen, Shen-Wen, Chiu, Po-Wei, Li, Yan-Feng, Hsu, Shawn S.H., Li, K., Thomson, D.J. and Reed, G.T.
High speed and low power silicon-based receiver front-end for optical interconnect.
IEEE 13th International Conference on Group IV Photonics, Shanghai, China.
23 - 25 Aug 2016.
Milošević, Milan M., Chen, Xia, Cao, Wei, Thomson, David J., Reed, Graham T., Littlejohns, Callum G. and Wang, Hong
Ion implantation in silicon for photonic device trimming.
In 2017 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR).
Reed, G.T.
Towards 2-14 µm Silicon Photonics.
Asia Communications and Photonics Conference 2016, , Wuhan, China.
02 - 05 Nov 2016.
Reed, G.T., Nedeljković, M., Soler Penadés, J., Mitchell, C.J., Khokhar, A.Z., Littlejohns, C.J., Stanković, S., Troia, Benedetto, Passaro, V.M.N., Shen, L., Healy, N., Peacock, A.C., Ortega-Moñux, A., Wangüemert-Pérez, G., Molina-Fernández, I., Cheben, P., Ackert, J.J., Knights, A.P., Thomson, D.J., Gardes, F.Y. and Mashanovich, G.Z.
Group IV mid-IR photonics.
Summer Topicals Meeting Series 2015, Nassau, Bahamas.
12 - 14 Jul 2015.
Mashanovich, G.Z., Nedeljković, M., Soler Penadés, J., Mitchell, C.J., Khokhar, A.Z., Littlejohns, C.J., Stanković, S., Troia, B., Passaro, V.M.N., Shen, L., Healy, N., Peacock, A.C., Ortega-Moñux, A., Wangüemert-Pérez, G., Halir, R., Molina-Fernández, I., Benediković, D., Murugan, G.S., Wilkinson, J.S., Cheben, P., Villafranca, A., Ackert, J.J., Knights, A.P., Thomson, D.J., Gardes, F.Y. and Reed, G.T.
Group IV photonics for the mid-infrared.
In Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics 2015.
Optical Society of America..
Reed, G.T., Li, Ke, Thomson, D.J., Liu, S., Wilson, P.R., Hu, Y., Gardes, F.Y. and Mashanovich, G.Z.
Devices for an integrated Silicon Photonics platform.
In Optoelectronic Devices and Integration 2015.
Optical Society of America..
Goll, Bernard, Thomson, David J., Zimmermann, Lars, Porte, Henri, Gardes, Frederic Y., Hu, Youfang, Knoll, Dieter, Lischke, Stefan, Tillack, Bernd, Reed, Graham T. and Zimmermann, Horst
A monolithically integrated silicon modulator with a 10 Gb/s 5 Vpp or 5.6 Vpp driver in 0.25 µm SiGe:C BiCMOS.
Frontiers in Physics, 2.
Zimmermann, L., Petousi, D., Knoll, D., Lischke, S., Richter, H., Winzer, G., Thomson, D.J., Gardes, F.Y., Hu, Y., Reed, G.T., Goll, B., Porte, H., Voigt, K., Petermann, K. and Tillack, B.
Linear modulators in photonic BiCMOS technology.
2014 IEEE Photonics Conference.
27th IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC) (12/10/14 - 16/10/14)
Reed, G.T., Hu, Y., Thomson, D.J., Gardes, F.Y. and Mashanovich, G.Z.
A robust and fabrication tolerant (de)multiplexer on the SOI platform.
In Asia Communications and Photonics Conference 2014.
Optical Society of America..
Thomson, D.J., Gardes, F.Y., Hu, Y., Mashanovich, G., Reed, G.T., Zimmermann, L., Knoll, D., Lischke, S., Porte, H., Goll, B., Zimmermann, H., Ke, L., Wilson, P., Chen, S.-W., Hsu, S.S.H., Duan, G.-H., Le Liepvre, A., Jany, C., Accard, A., Lamponi, M., Make, D., Lelarge, F., Messaoudene, S., Bordel, D., Fédéli, J.-M., Keyvaninia, S., Roelkens, G. and Van Thourhout, D.
Integration of high performance silicon optical modulators.
In 10th International Conference on Group IV Photonics.
Duan, G.-H., Jany, C., Le Liepvre, A., Lamponi, M., Accard, A., Make, D., Lelarge, F., Messaoudene, S., Bordel, D., Fédéli, J.-M., Keyvaninia, S., Roelkens, G., Van Thourhout, D., Thomson, D.J., Gardes, F.Y. and Reed, G.T.
III-V on silicon transmitters.
OFC/NFOEC 2013: Conference on Optical Fibre Communications, , Anaheim, United States.
17 - 21 Mar 2013.
Reed, G.T., Thomson, D.J., Gardes, F.Y., Mashanovich, G.Z., Hu, Y., Li, K., Wilson, P.W., Zimmermann, L., Porte, H., Goll, B., Zimmermann, H., Knoll, D., Lischke, S., Chen, S.W., Hsu, S.S.H., Fédéli, J.-M., Debnath, K., Krauss, T.F. and O'Faolain, L.
Options for silicon based modulators.
Frontiers in Optics (FiO/LS) 2013, , Orlando, United States.
06 - 10 Oct 2013.
Hsu, Shawn S.H., Li, Yan-Feng, Wang, Hao-Ju, Chen, Tai-Chun, Tseng, Chih-Kuo, Lee, M., Li, Ke, Thomson, David J. and Reed, Graham T.
Integration of CMOS front-end circuits with silicon photonic devices for high speed PAM-4 optical links.
In 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Radio-Frequency Integration Technology (RFIT).
Sun, Lin, Du, Jiangbing, Chen, Guoyao, He, Zuyuan, Chen, Xia and Reed, Graham T.
Machine-learning detector based on support vector machine for 122-Gbps multi-CAP optical communication system.
In 2017 Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC) and Photonics Global Conference (PGC).
Rouifed, M-Said, Littlejohns, Callum G., Tina, Guo X., Sia, Jia Xu, Qiu, Haodong, Soler Penadés, Jordi, Nedeljković, Milos, Zhang, Zecen, Liu, Chongyong, Thomson, David J., Mashanovich, Goran Z., Reed, Graham T. and Wang, Hong
Silicon photonic devices for the mid-infrared.
In 2017 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR).
Debnath, Kapil, Shakoor, Abdul, Welna, Karl, Gardes, Frederic, Reed, Graham T., Ferrera, Marcello, Deasy, Kieran, Lidzey, David, Lo Savio, R., Cardile, P., Portalupi, S., Gerace, D., Boninelli, S., Franzo, G., Priolo, F., Knights, A. P., Galli, M., Krauss, Thomas F. and O'Faolain, Liam
Silicon photonic crystals: light emission, modulation and detection.
Proceedings of SPIE, 8990.
Sanchis, P., Aamer, M., Brimont, A., Gutiérrez, A.M., Sotiropoulos, N., de Waardt, H., Thomson, D.J., Gardes, F.Y., Reed, G.T., Ribaud, K., Grosse, P., Hartmann, J.M., Fédéli, J-M., Marris-Morini, D., Cassan, E., Vivien, L., Vermeulen, D., Roelkens, G. and Hakansson, A.
Silicon CMOS photonics platform for enabling high-speed DQPSK transceivers.
15th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Cartagena, Spain, Cartagena, Spain.
23 - 27 Jun 2013.
Reed, G.T.
Silicon based modulators and systems for short reach interconnect.
In Asia Communications and Photonics Conference 2012.
Gardes, F.Y., Thomson, D.J., Reed, G.T., Fédéli, J-M., O'Faolain, Liam, Debnath, K., Krauss, T.F., Lever, L., Ikonić, Z. and Kelsall, R.W.
Silicon on insulator modulator structures for data rates of 40 Gb/s and above.
In Asia Communications and Photonics Conference 2012.
Chen, H., Koonen, T., Snyder, B., O'Brien, P., Chen, Xia, Reed, G.T., Van Den Boom, H. and Raz, O.
Packaged mode multiplexer based on silicon photonics.
In Asia Communications and Photonics Conference 2012.
Reed, G.T., Thomson, D., Gardes, F.Y., Emerson, N.G. and Fédéli, J-M.
High speed silicon optical modulators.
Asia Communications and Photonics Conference and Exhibition (ACP), Shanghai, China.
13 - 16 Nov 2011.
Duan, G.-H., Jany, C., Le Liepvre, A., Provost, J.-G., Make, D., Lelarge, F., Lamponi, M., Poingt, F., Fédéli, J.-M., Messaoudene, S., Bordel, D., Brision, S., Keyvaninia, S., Roelkens, G., Van Thourhout, D., Thomson, D.J., Gardes, F.Y. and Reed, G.T.
10 Gb/s integrated tunable hybrid III-V/Si laser and silicon Mach-Zehnder modulator.
European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), , Amsterdam.
16 - 20 Sep 2012.
Thomson, D.J., Gardes, F.Y., Fédéli, J-M., Zlatanovic, S., Hu, Y., Kuo, B.P.-P., Myslivets, E., Alic, N., Radic, S., Mashanovich, G.Z. and Reed, G.T.
High data rate silicon optical modulator with self-aligned fabrication process.
Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition, , Los Angeles, United States.
04 - 08 Mar 2012.
Nedeljković, M., Milošević, M.M., Ben Masaud, T.M., Jaberansary, E., Reimer, C., Stothard, D.J.M., Krauss, T.F., Chong, H.M.H., Reed, G.T. and Mashanovich, G.Z.
SOI mid-infrared silicon photonics for the 3-4 µm wavelength range.
Frontiers in Optics (FiO), , Rochester, United States.
14 - 18 Oct 2012.
Mashanovich, G.Z., Reed, G.T., Nedeljković, M., Soler Penadés, J., Mitchell, C.J., Khokhar, A.Z., Littlejohns, C.J., Stanković, S., Chen, Xia, Shen, L., Healy, N., Peacock, A.C., Alonso-Ramos, C., Ortega-Moñux, A., Wangüemert-Pérez, G., Molina-Fernández, I., Cheben, P., Ackert, J.J., Knights, A.P., Gardes, F.Y. and Thomson, D.J.
Silicon and germanium mid-infrared photonics.
Proceedings of SPIE, 9755.
Mitchell, Colin, Schachler, Ralph, Li, Ke, Khokhar, Ali Z, Chen, Xia, Stankovic, Stevan, Sessions, Neil, Grabska, Katarzyna, Wang, Xiangjun, Thomson, David, Daedlow, Christoph, Reed, Graham and Wilkinson, James S
Dataset for: Tooling and procedures for hybrid integration of lasers by flip-chip technology.
University of Southampton
Mitchell, Colin, Schachler, Ralph, Li, Ke, Khokhar, Ali Z, Chen, Xia, Stanković, Stevan, Sessions, Neil, Grabska, Katarzyna, Wang, Xiangjun, Thomson, David, Daedlow, Christoph, Reed, Graham and Wilkinson, James S
Tooling and procedures for hybrid integration of lasers by flip-chip technology.
Electronics System-Integration Technology Conference 2020, Tønsberg Pier, Vestfold, Norway.
15 - 18 Sep 2020.
7 pp
(In Press)
Hong, Yang, Li, Ke, Lacava, Cosimo, Liu, Shenghao, Thomson, David, Meng, Fanfan, Ruan, Xiaoke, Zhang, Fan, Reed, Graham and Petropoulos, Periklis
Data for 'High-speed DD Transmission using a Silicon Receiver Co-integrated with a 28-nm CMOS Gain-tunable Fully-differential TIA'.
University of Southampton
Li, Ke
Dataset for: Electronic-Photonic Convergence for Silicon Photonics Transmitters Beyond 100Gbit/s On-Off Keying.
University of Southampton
Li, Ke, Liu, Shenghao, Thomson, David, Zhang, Weiwei, Yan, Xingzhao, Meng, Fanfan, Littlejohns, Callum, Du, Han, Banakar, Mehdi, Ebert, Martin, Cao, Wei, Chen, Bigeng, Tran, Denh, Shakoor, Abdul, Petropoulos, Periklis and Reed, Graham
Electronic-photonic convergence for silicon photonics transmitters beyond 100 Gbps on-off keying.
Optica, 7 (11), .
Hong, Yang, Li, Ke, Lacava, Cosimo, Liu, Shenghao, Thomson, David, Meng, Fanfan, Ruan, Xiaoke, Zhang, Fan, Reed, Graham and Petropoulos, Periklis
High-speed DD transmission using a silicon receiver co-integrated with a 28-nm CMOS gain-tunable fully-differential TIA.
Journal of Lightwave Technology, 394, .
Yu, Xingshi, Chen, Xia, Milošević, Milan, Yan, Xingzhao, Saito, Shinichi and Reed, Graham
Electrically erasable optical I/O for wafer scale testing of silicon photonic integrated circuits.
IEEE Photonics Journal, 12 (5).
Littlejohns, Callum, Rowe, David, Du, Han, Li, Ke, Zhang, Weiwei, Cao, Wei, Dominguez Bucio, Thalia, Yan, Xingzhao, Banakar, Mehdi, Tran, Denh, Liu, Shenghao, Meng, Fanfan, Chen, Bigeng, Qi, Yanli, Chen, Xia, Nedeljkovic, Milos, Mastronardi, Lorenzo, Maharjan, Rijan, Bohora, Sanket, Dhakal, Ashim, Crowe, Iain, Khurana, Ankur, Balram, Krishna, Zagaglia, Luca, Floris, Francesco, O'Brien, Peter, Di Gaetano, Eugenio, Chong, Harold, Gardes, Frederic, Thomson, David, Mashanovich, Goran, Sorel, Marc and Reed, Graham
Dataset for: CORNERSTONE’s silicon photonics rapid prototyping platforms: Current status and future outlook.
University of Southampton
Littlejohns, Callum, Rowe, David, Du, Han, Li, Ke, Zhang, Weiwei, Cao, Wei, Domínguez Bucio, Thalia, Yan, Xingzhao, Banakar, Mehdi, Tran, Denh, Liu, Shenghao, Meng, Fanfan, Chen, Bigeng, Qi, Yanli, Chen, Xia, Nedeljković, Miloš, Mastronardi, Lorenzo, Maharjan, Rijan, Bohora, Sanket, Dhakal, Ashim, Crowe, Iain, Khurana, Ankur, Balram, Krishna, Zagaglia, Luca, Floris, Francesco, O'Brien, Peter, Di Gaetano, Eugenio, Chong, Harold, Gardes, Frederic, Thomson, David, Mashanovich, Goran, Sorel, Marc and Reed, Graham
CORNERSTONE’s silicon photonics rapid prototyping platforms: current status and future outlook.
Applied Sciences, 10 (22), , [8201].
Rogers, Christopher, Piggott, Alexander, Thomson, David, Wiser, Robert, Opris, Ion, Fortune, Steven, Compston, Andrew, Gondarenko, Alexander, Meng, Fanfan, Chen, Xia, Reed, Graham and Nicolaescu, Remus
Dataset for: A universal 3D imaging sensor on a silicon photonics platform.
University of Southampton
Dinsdale, Nicholas Joseph, Wiecha, Peter, Delaney, Matthew, Reynolds, Jamie Dean, Ebert, Martin, Zeimpekis-Karakonstantinos, Ioannis, Thomson, David, Reed, Graham, Lalanne, Philippe, Vynck, Kevin and Muskens, Otto
Dataset for Deep learning enabled design of complex transmission matrices for universal optical components.
University of Southampton
Dinsdale, Nicholas J., Wiecha, Peter R., Delaney, Matthew, Reynolds, Jamie, Ebert, Martin, Zeimpekis, Ioannis, Thomson, David J., Reed, Graham T., Lalanne, Philippe, Vynck, Kevin and Muskens, Otto L.
Deep learning enabled design of complex transmission matrices for universal optical components.
ACS Photonics, 8 (1), .
Byers, James J
Dataset for: 10nm SiO2 TM Slot Mode in Laterally Mismatched Asymmetric Fin-Waveguides.
University of Southampton
Cao, Wei
Dataset for High-speed silicon Michelson interferometer modulator and streamlined IMDD PAM-4 transmission of Mach-Zehnder modulators for the 2 μm wavelength band.
University of Southampton
Cao, Wei, Liu, Shenghao, Littlejohns, Callum G., Thomson, David J., Nedeljković, Miloš, Zhang, Weiwei, Li, Ke, Banakar, Mehdi, Tran, Ying, Yan, Xingzhao, Du, Han, Ren, Zhengqi, Gardes, Frederic, Reed, Graham T. and Mashanovich, Goran Z.
High-speed silicon Michelson interferometer modulator and streamlined IMDD PAM-4 transmission of Mach-Zehnder modulators for the 2 μm wavelength band.
Optics Express, 29 (10), .
Sia, Jia Xu Brian, Wang, Wanjun, Qiao, Zhongliang, Li, Xiang, Guo, Tina Xin, Zhou, Jin, Littlejohns, Callum, Liu, Chongyang, Reed, Graham and Wang, Hong
Analysis of compact Silicon Photonic Hybrid Ring External Cavity (SHREC) wavelength-tunable laser diodes operating from 1881-1947 nm.
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 55 (8), [2001311].
Pant, Bharat
Study into the spread of heat from thermo-optic silicon photonic elements.
University of Southampton
Byers, James J., Debnath, Kapil, Arimoto, Hideo, Husain, Muhammad K., Sotto, Moise, Hillier, Joseph, William, Kiang, Kian Shen, Thomson, David, Reed, Graham T., Charlton, Martin and Saito, Shinichi
10 nm SiO2 TM slot mode in laterally mismatched asymmetric fin-waveguides.
Frontiers in Physics, 9, , [659585].
Du, Han, Zhang, Weiwei, Thomson, David, Littlejohns, Callum, Yan, Xingzhao, Banakar, Mehdi, Tran, Denh and Reed, Graham
Dataset for 'A Si Optical Modulator based on Fano-like Resonance'.
University of Southampton
Du, Han, Zhang, Weiwei, Cao, Wei, Thomson, David, Littlejohns, Callum, Yan, Xingzhao, Tran, Denh, Banakar, Mehdi and Reed, Graham
A Si Optical Modulator based on Fano-like Resonance.
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters.
(In Press)
Mitchell, Colin, Khokhar, Ali Z., Reed, Graham, Wilkinson, James S., Jung, Youngho, Bae, Sunghyun, Kwon, Kyungmok, Chung, Yun C. and Yu, Kyoungsik
High-bandwidth InGaAs photodetectors heterogeneously integrated on silicon waveguides using optofluidic assembly.
Laser & Photonics Reviews.
Chen, Xia, Meng, Fanfan, Fortune, Steven, Compston, Andrew, Ebert, Martin, Yan, Xingzhao, Du, Han, Banakar, Mehdi, Tran, Denh, Littlejohns, Callum, Thomson, David, Nicolaescu, Remus and Reed, Graham
Silicon photonic beam steering module with backside coupling elements toward dense heterogeneous integration with drive electronics.
APL Photonics, 6, [116106].
Muskens, Otto L., Delaney, Matthew, Dinsdale, Nicholas, Zeimpekis, Ioannis, Hewak, Dan, Reed, Graham and Lawson, Daniel
Reconfigurable nanophotonics using ultrafast photomodulation and phase change materials.
Subramania, Ganapathi S. and Foteinopoulou, Stavroula
Active Photonic Platforms XII: Proceedings of the SPIE 11461, 2020, Online Only, United States.
24 - 28 Aug 2020.
Muskens, Otto L., Bruck, Roman, Dinsdale, Nicholas, Vynck, Kevin, Lalanne, Philippe, Mashanovich, Goran Z., Reed, Graham T., Subramania, Ganapathi S. and Foteinopoulou, Stavroula
Reconfigurable silicon photonics: shaping light on a chip (Conference Presentation).
Active Photonic Platforms IX, San Diego, United States.
06 - 10 Aug 2017.