The University of Southampton



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Dr Stephen Hart is a visiting fellow and PhD graduate from Southampton University. His PhD is titled “A pedagogical design model to create serious games for cyber security”. His research is about creating serious games to teach cyber security.

He currently works as a cyber security manager in the payments industry, protecting over 8 billion annual payment worth approx. £7.4 trillion. As a cyber security professional, he has shaped and delivered strategic visions underpinning national IT Information security, leading to a dramatic transformation of corporate landscapes, including eradicating IT vulnerabilities. Champions change and process re-engineering envisions innovative solutions to complex problems, uses the latest tools & technologies within the IT & cyber security arena, and generates business cases for presentation to C-Level stakeholders for radical programmes. Stephen is a true advocate for safeguarding business-critical systems, networks and infrastructures. He has experience creating short, medium and long-term strategies for the deployment of information security technologies, including consolidating data centres, secure web hosting and ITIL-based service delivery.


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Zepler Scholarship

attended our Electronics and Computer Science or Biomedical Electronic Engineering Taster Course - all students that attended will be considered;
* enrol on an ECS undergraduate degree at Southampton;
* meet (or exceed) their offer and obtain at least A*AA at A-Level (to include/exclude any subjects specified in the wording);
* are eligible for UK fees.

Scholarships are payable at the end of the first term of study in year 1.

Students may only receive one scholarship from the University of Southampton in any one year (however they may hold both a University scholarship and bursary). 

Professor Eric Zepler

Professor Eric Zepler

Eric Zepler founded the Department of Electronics, Telecommunications and Radio Engineering at Southampton in 1947. It was the first electronics department in this country.

Discover more about Eric Zepler

I am a PhD student in computer science at the cyber physical systems research group. I have a BSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering and an MSc in Artificial Intelligence. I worked as a mobile application developer after my bachelor's graduation degree. After that, I started my Teaching Assistant position where I thought the labs of multiple courses such as Advanced Programming (Java) and Fundamentals of Digital Hardware.

Moved to Southampton to work on obtaining my postgraduate degrees. My research interests started with IoT, mobile apps, and NLP using machine learning. Currently, I'm focused on incorporating artificial intelligence in healthcare. My motivation for doing the PhD is to work on projects and research that help in improving lives.


Research interests

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Healthcare
  • Signal Processing
  • NLP


  • Advanced Programming (Java, C++, C#, Python)
  • Digital Hardware
  • Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals
  • Robotics 


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