Meacham, Ken, Surridge, Mike, Taylor, Steve, Coles, Simon, Light, Mark, Bingham, Ann, Hursthouse, Mike, Peppe, Sam, Frey, Jeremy, Smith, Graham and Mills, Hugo
National Crystallography Service (NCS) Grid Service.
EPSRC eScience Testbed projects meeting, NeSC, Edinburgh, UK.
25 - 26 Mar 2004.
4 pp
Coles, Simon J, Frey, Jeremy G, Hursthouse, Michael B, Light, Mark E, DeRoure, David C, Mills, Hugo R, Smith, Graham, Marvin, Darren J, Meacham, Ken E, Surridge, Mike and Taylor, Steve J
The EPSRC National Crystallography Service in the 21st century: A new dimension!
British Crystallography Association Spring Meeting 2003, York, UK.
14 - 16 Apr 2003.
1 pp
Allen, P J and Taylor, S J
MARKET Final Demonstration System Documentation
IT Innovation
Risse, Thomas, Wombacher, Andreas, Surridge, Mike, Taylor, Steve and Aberer, Karl
Online Scheduling in Distributed Message Converter Systems.
Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems (PDCS 2001), Anaheim, United States.
20 - 23 Aug 2001.
Abdi, A-R and Taylor, S
SmartCities: Best practice for smart city card information analysis report
Ashri, R, Payne, T, Marvin, D, Surridge, M and Taylor, S
Towards a Semantic Web Security Infrastructure.
Semantic Web Services 2004 Spring Symposium Series, Stanford University, Stanford California.
22 - 26 Mar 2004.
Surridge, M, Taylor, S J and Marvin, D J
Grid Resources for Industrial Applications.
2004 IEEE International Conference on Web Services, San Diego, United States.
05 - 08 Jul 2004.
Risse, T, Aberer, K, Wombacher, A, Surridge, M and Taylor, S
Configuration of distributed message converter systems.
Performance Evaluation, 58 (1), .
Boniface, M. J., Leonard, T. A., Surridge, M., Taylor, S. J., Finlay, L. and McCorry, D.
Accessing Patient Records in Virtual Healthcare Organisations.
eChallenges 2005, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
18 - 20 Oct 2005.
Upstill, C., Addis, M. J., Choi, F., Taylor, S. J. and Watkins, E. R.
Data mining and fusion
Surridge, M, Taylor, S, De Roure, D and Zaluska, E
Experiences with GRIA — Industrial Applications on a Web Services Grid.
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing.
IEEE Press.
Surridge, Mike, Payne, Terry R., Taylor, Steve J., Watkins, E. Rowland, Leonard, Thomas, Jacyno, Mariusz and Ashri, Ronald
Semantic Security in Service Oriented Environments.
UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2006 (AHM2006), Nottingham, UK.
17 - 20 Sep 2006.
McKee, P., Taylor, S. J., Surridge, M., Lowe, R. and Ragusa, C.
Strategies for the Service Market Place.
Veit, D. J. and Altmann, J.
GECON 2007: 4th International Workshop on Grid Economics & Business Models, Rennes, France.
26 - 27 Aug 2007.
Jacyno, M., Payne, T. R., Watkins, E. R., Taylor, S. J. and Surridge, M.
Mediating Semantic Web Service Access using the Semantic Firewall.
UK e-Science Programme All Hands Meeting 2007 (AHM2007), Nottingham, United Kingdom.
09 - 12 Sep 2007.
Addis, Matthew, Taylor, Stephen, Fletcher, Rachel, Wilson, Caroline, Fallon, Freddy, Alani, Harith, Mutschke, Peter and Wandhoefer, Timo
New ways for policy makers to interact with citizens through open social network sites - a report on initial results.
Internet, Politics, Policy 2010: An Impact Assessment (IPP2010), Oxford, United Kingdom.
15 - 16 Sep 2010.
Beales, Richard, Taylor, Stephen and Walland, Paul
SNS-based eParticipation and cloud computing - a consideration of the issues raised.
ePart 2011, Delft, Netherlands.
28 - 31 Aug 2011.
Joshi, Somya, Wandhofer, Timo, Koulolias, Vasilis, van Eeckhaute, Catherine, Allen, Beccy and Taylor, Steve
Paradox of proximity – trust and provenance
within the context of social networks and policy.
Aberer, Karl, Flache, Andreas, Jager, Wander, Liu, Lang and Gueret, Christophe
In Social Informatics.
Wandhofer, Timo, van Eeckhaute, Catherine and Taylor, Steve
WeGov toolbox - politicians engage with citizens.
Fernandez, Miriam
In Proceedings of the Eleventh Conference on Electronic Government (Ongoing Research and Projects of IFIP EGOV and IFIP ePart).
Wandhofer, Timo, Taylor, Steve, Alani, Harith, Joshi, Somya, Sizov, Sergej, Walland, Paul, Thamm, M., Bleier, A. and Mutschke, P.
Engaging politicians with citizens on social networking sites: the WeGov Toolbox.
International Journal of Electronic Government Research, 8 (3), .
Wandhofer, Timo, van Eeckhaute, Catherine, Taylor, Stephen and Fernandez, Miriam
WeGov analysis tools to connect policy makers with citizens online.
tGovernment Workshop 2012 (tGov2012), London, United Kingdom.
07 - 08 May 2012.
Geana, Ruxandra, Taylor, Steve and Wandhofer, Timo
Bringing citizens’ opinions to members of Parliament:
the newspaper story.
International Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government ( CeDEM12), Krems an der Donau, Austria.
03 - 04 May 2012.
Wandhofer, Timo, Taylor, Steve, Walland, Paul, Geana, Ruxandra, Weichselbaum, Robert, Fernandex, Miriam and Sizov, Sergej
Determining citizens’ opinions about stories in the news media.
eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government, 4 (2), .
Taylor, Stephen and Boniface, Michael
Techniques for increasing trust in federated experimental platforms.
European Conference on Networks and Communications 2016, Athens, Greece.
26 - 29 Jun 2016.
Saif, Hassan, Bashevoy, Maxim, Taylor, Stephen, Fernandez, Miriam and Alani, Harith
SentiCircles: a platform for contextual and conceptual sentiment analysis.
ESWC2016: European Semantic Web Conference, Crete, Greece.
28 May - 01 Jun 2016.
5 pp
Taylor, Stephen, Uzdavinyte, Rasa, Wandhoefer, Timo and Fox, Ruth
Issues arising from the specification of an information acquisition and analysis toolkit for policy makers in governmental and legislative institutions.
e-Challenges 2015, Vilnius, Lithuania.
25 - 26 Nov 2015.
Boniface, Michael, Taylor, Stephen and Calisti, Monique
Digital Innovation Networks: exploring how digitisation and Internet connectivity influence networks of innovation for the Next Generation Internet
Taylor, Stephen, Surridge, Michael, Laria, Giuseppe, Ritrovato, Pierluigi and Schubert, Lutz
Business collaborations in Grids: The BREIN Architectural Principals and VO Model.
Buyya, Rajkumar and Rana, Omer F.
In Grid Economics and Business Models: 6th International Workshop, GECON 2009, Delft, The Netherlands, August 24, 2009, Proceedings.
Springer, Heidelberg.
Taylor, Stephen, Oliveros, Eduardo, Muñoz, Henar and Cantelar, David
BREIN, Towards an Intelligent Grid for Business.
In Grid Economics and Business Models: 5th International Workshop, GECON 2008, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, August 26, 2008, Proceeedings.
vol. 5206,
Springer, Heidelberg.
Taylor, Steve and Boniface, Michael
Next generation internet: The emerging research challenges: Key issues arising from multiple consultations concerning the next generation of the internet.
(In Press)
Taylor, Steve and Boniface, Michael
HUB4NGI:: D2.1 NGI Guide V1
University of Southampton, IT Innovation
Wandhoefer, Timo, Taylor, Steve, Fernandez, Miriam, Allen, Beccy, Alani, Harith, Joshi, Somya, Walland, Paul W., Sizov, Sergej, van Eeckhaute, Catherine, Thamm, Mark, Bleier, Arnim, Mutschke, Peter and Koulolias, Vasilis
Supporting policy-makers with social media analysis tools to get aware of citizens’ opinions.
Mahmood, Zaigham
IT in the Public Sphere: Applications in Administration, Government, Politics, and Planning: Applications in Administration, Government, Politics, and Planning.
IGI Global, .
Larsson, Aron, Taylor, Steve, Wandhoefer, Timo and Koulolias, Vasilis
Exploiting online data in the policy making process.
In EEPM 2015: Enabling Effective Policy Making: Proceedings of the Workshop on Enabling Effective Policy Making 2015 - Coupling the Power of Data with the Wisdom of the Crowd co-located with 14th IFIP Electronic Government and 7th Electronic Participation Co.
11 pp
Taylor, Steve, Wandhoefer, Timo, Allen, Beccy, Walland, Paul and Sizov, Sergej
Online forums vs. social networks: two case studies to support eGovernment with topic opinion analysis.
International Conference on Electronic Government, Koblenz, Germany.
16 - 19 Sep 2013.
Taylor, Steve, Boniface, Michael, Pickering, Brian, Grace, Paul, Bakir, Vian, boyd, danah, Engesser, Sven, Epstein, Robert, Fawzi, Nayla, Fernbach, Philip, Fisher, Dana, R, Gardner, Beth Gharrity, Jacobs, Kristof, Jacobson, Susan, Krämer, Benjamin, Kucharski, Adam, McStay, Andrew, Mercier, Hugo, Metzger, Miriam, Polletta, Francesca, Quattrociocchi, Walter, Sloman, Steven, Sperber, Dan, Spierings, C.H.B.M., Wardle, Claire, Zollo, Fabiana and Zubiaga, Arkaitz
Opinion forming in the digital age
HUB4NGI Consortium
Taylor, Steve, Boniface, Michael, Pickering, Brian, Anderson, Michael, Danks, David, Følstad, Asbjørn, Leese, Matthias, Müller, Vincent, Sorell, Tom, Winfield, Alan and Woollard, Fiona
Responsible AI – Key themes, concerns & recommendations for European research and innovation
HUB4NGI Consortium
Taylor, Steve, Rodriguez, Adrian Quesada and Scudiero, Lucio
D2.01: Initial Guidelines on Data Management
Fed4FIRE+ Consortium
Taylor, Steve, Boniface, Michael and Pickering, Brian
HUB4NGI Consortium
Pickering, Brian, Taylor, Steve and Boniface, Michael
Private citizen perceptions of fake news, echo chambers and populism.
Karpasitis, Christos
In Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Social Media.
Academic Conferences and Publishing International.
[Unknown type: UNSPECIFIED]
Boniface, Michael, Carmichael, Laura, Hall, Wendy, Pickering, Brian, Stalla-Bourdillon, Sophie and Taylor, Steve
A blueprint for a social data foundation: Accelerating trustworthy and collaborative data sharing for health and social care transformation
(Web Science Institute White Papers, 4)
University of Southampton
Data Rate Performance Measurements of NFV Cloud Native Scaling for a Media Application.
Data Rate Performance Measurements of NFV Cloud Native Scaling for a Media Application.
Boniface, Michael, Carmichael, Laura, Hall, Wendy, Pickering, Brian, Stalla-Bourdillon, Sophie and Taylor, Steve
The Social Data Foundation model: Facilitating health and social care transformation through datatrust services.
Data & Policy, 4 (e6).
Taylor, Steve, Surridge, Michael and Pickering, Brian
Regulatory compliance modelling using risk management techniques.
In 2021 IEEE World AI IoT Congress (AIIoT).
Taylor, Steve, Boniface, Michael, Phillips, Stephen, Melas, Panagiotis, Braunschweiler, Manuel, Hansge, Kay, Poulakos, Steven and Robitzsch, Sebastian
Location-aware cloud native media service delivery.
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management.
Boniface, Michael, Hall, Wendy, Stalla-Bourdillon, Sophie, Pickering, Brian, Taylor, Steve, Carmichael, Laura and Hardinges, Jack
HSCT 2021-Joined up data equals better care: facilitating health and social care transformation through trustworthy and collaborative data sharing: welcome and workshop summary.
In WebSci 2021 - Proceedings of the 13th ACM Web Science Conference (Companion Volume).
ACM Press.
Taylor, Steve, Boniface, Michael, Pickering, Brian, Grace, Paul J, Carosella, Giulia, Stevens, Richard, Siviero, Andrea, Van Daele, Peter, Dadzie, Aba-Sah, Doble, Claire and Calisti, Monique