The University of Southampton

Published: 29 October 2020
The virtual wards will monitor patients’ oxygen levels from home.

Oxygen levels will be remotely monitored in COVID-19 patients across the south east in a new virtual ward programme being supported by computer scientists from the University of Southampton.

The community monitoring will enable early identification of patient deterioration and timely and appropriate interventions, including escalations to higher levels of acute care through hospital admissions.

The University of Southampton IT Innovation Centre has won a major NHSX project with North and Mid Hants Integrated Care Partnership and the Wessex Academic Health Sciences Network to deploy and scale the remote pulse oximetry in the region.

COVID-19 has forced rapid, accelerated change within the NHS to embrace digital innovations such as remote consultation and remote monitoring. Remote interactions not only reduce infection rates by reducing physical contact but offer news ways of delivering emergency care.

Remote Community Oximetry Care (RECOxCARE) is one such innovation, providing a way for clinicians to remotely monitor patients at home, avoiding the need for attendances to GP practices or hospital.

The new insight will also allow the rapid follow up of patients post hospital discharge, particularly for those frail, elderly and vulnerable patients with multiple long-term conditions at high risk of adverse complication events and re-admission to hospital.

Dr Matt Inada-Kim, National Clinical Lead Deterioration & National Specialist Advisor Sepsis, NHS England and NHS Improvement, and Emergency Consultant at Hampshire Hospitals Foundation Trust, says: A characteristic of COVID-19 is that some patients suffer from silent hypoxia where oxygen saturation levels fall to dangerously low levels without noticeable difficulties when breathing.

During the first wave, patients were arriving at hospital in a serious condition, significantly more poorly than their symptoms would suggest. RECOxCARE aims to empower patients with oximetry at home and allow clinicians to spot early deterioration, initiate timely escalation and reduce mortality risk.

Professor Michael Boniface, Director of the University of Southampton IT Innovation Centre, and leader of the RECOxCARE digital work stream, says: The technology to remotely observe oximetry, vital signs and symptoms is relatively straight forward, but rapidly integrating observation data into safe clinical processes and across different primary and secondary clinical context raises significant challenges of interoperability and timely access to data needed for direct care.

Monitoring oximetry and other risk factors over the full disease trajectory also allows for greater understanding of COVID-19 and for better clinical models to be developed. Through the Wessex ARC PPDRCOM project (Predicting Patient Deterioration in Communities) we will exploring how predictive analytics techniques can be used to understand which COVID-19 patients are at most risk in different care settings.

The RECOxCARE project is funded by NHSX as part of a South East Regional scale programme to support people at home through report monitoring.

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Published: 23 October 2020
Cyber attacks pose an increasing threat to UK military systems

Computer scientists from the University of Southampton have collaborated with incident modelling solutions provider Riskaware to help defend UK military systems and networks from rapidly growing cyber threats.

The research partnership has produced CyberAware Predict, which takes a proactive approach to minimise risk and mitigate the impact of future cyber attacks.

Researchers from Southampton's Cyber Security Research Group have advanced the capability as part of a £1m innovation funding round from the UK's Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA).

Dr Leonardo Aniello, Southampton project lead, says: "In today's cyber threat landscape, attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated and can develop over many consecutive stages, from reconnaissance to first intrusion, from privilege escalation to data exfiltration.

"CyberAware Predict aims to protect an IT defence infrastructure in a proactive way: by anticipating how and where cyber-attacks can target the infrastructure, and how they can evolve over time, the platform can help operators develop a more precise cyber risk awareness and take appropriate countermeasures in advance."

Southampton researchers shared expertise in cyber security and machine learning to enable the system to make predictions about the likely next steps of an evolving cyber attack against the monitored IT defence infrastructure.

Dr Aniello adds: "As UK defence assets become increasingly integrated with and reliant on the cyber space, the need arises to protect defence IT infrastructures from cyber attacks to ensure security and continuity of critical operations. In this context, the capability to predict cyber threats in advance is a key enabler and presents a competitive advantage. After land, sea, air and space, cyberspace has become the new battlefield."

Riskaware's CyberAware platform includes visual analytics that enable organisations to understand and communicate current cyber risk, given analysis of real network vulnerabilities through cyber attack prediction and simulation.

The aim is to help organisations identify how critical assets might be impacted by cyber attacks, and ultimately facilitate the design of cost-effective cyber security controls that reduce cyber risk to acceptable levels.

This new predictive capability relies on machine learning techniques that seamlessly integrates existing software tools and cyber threat intelligence (CTI) knowledge bases.

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I am a senior research engineer at the IT Innovation Centre, part of the school of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton, UK. I received my PhD in Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) from the University of Greenwich in 1997 and have published over 40 academic papers.


Research interests

The core theme of my research is computational assistance for governance and regulation, and its current focus is computational governance & risk evaluation applied to governance. I am investigating how to represent regulatory compliance requirements as threats, so as to provide decision support for practitioners, where compliance requirements are recognised, actions are recommended to enable compliance, and an audit trial to demonstrate compliance is recorded. Current domains include the EC GDPR concerning data protection and ISO 27001 concerning IT security. This work is in a wider context of risk evaluation that is the focus of a team within IT Innovation, which has led to the development of an IT system security modelling toolkit that has been developed over seven years and provides a platform for research.


Meacham, Ken, Surridge, Mike, Taylor, Steve, Coles, Simon, Light, Mark, Bingham, Ann, Hursthouse, Mike, Peppe, Sam, Frey, Jeremy, Smith, Graham and Mills, Hugo (2004) National Crystallography Service (NCS) Grid Service. EPSRC eScience Testbed projects meeting, NeSC, Edinburgh, UK. 25 - 26 Mar 2004. 4 pp .

Coles, Simon J, Frey, Jeremy G, Hursthouse, Michael B, Light, Mark E, DeRoure, David C, Mills, Hugo R, Smith, Graham, Marvin, Darren J, Meacham, Ken E, Surridge, Mike and Taylor, Steve J (2003) The EPSRC National Crystallography Service in the 21st century: A new dimension! British Crystallography Association Spring Meeting 2003, York, UK. 14 - 16 Apr 2003. 1 pp .

Allen, P J and Taylor, S J (1999) MARKET Final Demonstration System Documentation IT Innovation

Risse, Thomas, Wombacher, Andreas, Surridge, Mike, Taylor, Steve and Aberer, Karl (2001) Online Scheduling in Distributed Message Converter Systems. Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems (PDCS 2001), Anaheim, United States. 20 - 23 Aug 2001. pp. 177-184 .

Abdi, A-R and Taylor, S (2003) SmartCities: Best practice for smart city card information analysis report s.n.

Ashri, R, Payne, T, Marvin, D, Surridge, M and Taylor, S (2004) Towards a Semantic Web Security Infrastructure. Semantic Web Services 2004 Spring Symposium Series, Stanford University, Stanford California. 22 - 26 Mar 2004.

Surridge, M, Taylor, S J and Marvin, D J (2004) Grid Resources for Industrial Applications. 2004 IEEE International Conference on Web Services, San Diego, United States. 05 - 08 Jul 2004. pp. 402-409 .

Risse, T, Aberer, K, Wombacher, A, Surridge, M and Taylor, S (2004) Configuration of distributed message converter systems. Performance Evaluation, 58 (1), 43-80.

Boniface, M. J., Leonard, T. A., Surridge, M., Taylor, S. J., Finlay, L. and McCorry, D. (2005) Accessing Patient Records in Virtual Healthcare Organisations. eChallenges 2005, Ljubljana, Slovenia. 18 - 20 Oct 2005.

Upstill, C., Addis, M. J., Choi, F., Taylor, S. J. and Watkins, E. R. (2006) Data mining and fusion s.n.

Surridge, M, Taylor, S, De Roure, D and Zaluska, E (2005) Experiences with GRIA — Industrial Applications on a Web Services Grid. In Proceedings of the First International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing. IEEE Press. pp. 98-105 .

Surridge, Mike, Payne, Terry R., Taylor, Steve J., Watkins, E. Rowland, Leonard, Thomas, Jacyno, Mariusz and Ashri, Ronald (2006) Semantic Security in Service Oriented Environments. UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2006 (AHM2006), Nottingham, UK. 17 - 20 Sep 2006.

McKee, P., Taylor, S. J., Surridge, M., Lowe, R. and Ragusa, C. (2007) Strategies for the Service Market Place. Veit, D. J. and Altmann, J. (eds.) GECON 2007: 4th International Workshop on Grid Economics & Business Models, Rennes, France. 26 - 27 Aug 2007. pp. 58-70 .

Jacyno, M., Payne, T. R., Watkins, E. R., Taylor, S. J. and Surridge, M. (2007) Mediating Semantic Web Service Access using the Semantic Firewall. UK e-Science Programme All Hands Meeting 2007 (AHM2007), Nottingham, United Kingdom. 09 - 12 Sep 2007.

Addis, Matthew, Taylor, Stephen, Fletcher, Rachel, Wilson, Caroline, Fallon, Freddy, Alani, Harith, Mutschke, Peter and Wandhoefer, Timo (2010) New ways for policy makers to interact with citizens through open social network sites - a report on initial results. Internet, Politics, Policy 2010: An Impact Assessment (IPP2010), Oxford, United Kingdom. 15 - 16 Sep 2010. (Submitted)

Beales, Richard, Taylor, Stephen and Walland, Paul (2011) SNS-based eParticipation and cloud computing - a consideration of the issues raised. ePart 2011, Delft, Netherlands. 28 - 31 Aug 2011.

Joshi, Somya, Wandhofer, Timo, Koulolias, Vasilis, van Eeckhaute, Catherine, Allen, Beccy and Taylor, Steve (2012) Paradox of proximity – trust and provenance within the context of social networks and policy. Aberer, Karl, Flache, Andreas, Jager, Wander, Liu, Lang and Gueret, Christophe (eds.) In Social Informatics. Springer. pp. 517-530 .

Wandhofer, Timo, van Eeckhaute, Catherine and Taylor, Steve (2012) WeGov toolbox - politicians engage with citizens. Fernandez, Miriam (ed.) In Proceedings of the Eleventh Conference on Electronic Government (Ongoing Research and Projects of IFIP EGOV and IFIP ePart). Springer. pp. 267-268 .

Wandhofer, Timo, Taylor, Steve, Alani, Harith, Joshi, Somya, Sizov, Sergej, Walland, Paul, Thamm, M., Bleier, A. and Mutschke, P. (2012) Engaging politicians with citizens on social networking sites: the WeGov Toolbox. International Journal of Electronic Government Research, 8 (3), 22-43. (doi:10.4018/jegr.2012070102).

Wandhofer, Timo, van Eeckhaute, Catherine, Taylor, Stephen and Fernandez, Miriam (2012) WeGov analysis tools to connect policy makers with citizens online. tGovernment Workshop 2012 (tGov2012), London, United Kingdom. 07 - 08 May 2012. p. 7 .

Geana, Ruxandra, Taylor, Steve and Wandhofer, Timo (2012) Bringing citizens’ opinions to members of Parliament: the newspaper story. International Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government ( CeDEM12), Krems an der Donau, Austria. 03 - 04 May 2012. pp. 125-136 .

Wandhofer, Timo, Taylor, Steve, Walland, Paul, Geana, Ruxandra, Weichselbaum, Robert, Fernandex, Miriam and Sizov, Sergej (2012) Determining citizens’ opinions about stories in the news media. eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government, 4 (2), 198-221.

Taylor, Stephen and Boniface, Michael (2016) Techniques for increasing trust in federated experimental platforms. European Conference on Networks and Communications 2016, Athens, Greece. 26 - 29 Jun 2016.

Saif, Hassan, Bashevoy, Maxim, Taylor, Stephen, Fernandez, Miriam and Alani, Harith (2016) SentiCircles: a platform for contextual and conceptual sentiment analysis. ESWC2016: European Semantic Web Conference, Crete, Greece. 28 May - 01 Jun 2016. 5 pp . (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-47602-5_28).

Taylor, Stephen, Uzdavinyte, Rasa, Wandhoefer, Timo and Fox, Ruth (2015) Issues arising from the specification of an information acquisition and analysis toolkit for policy makers in governmental and legislative institutions. e-Challenges 2015, Vilnius, Lithuania. 25 - 26 Nov 2015.

Boniface, Michael, Taylor, Stephen and Calisti, Monique (2017) Digital Innovation Networks: exploring how digitisation and Internet connectivity influence networks of innovation for the Next Generation Internet Lahnisfire 7pp.

Taylor, Stephen, Surridge, Michael, Laria, Giuseppe, Ritrovato, Pierluigi and Schubert, Lutz (2009) Business collaborations in Grids: The BREIN Architectural Principals and VO Model. Buyya, Rajkumar and Rana, Omer F. (eds.) In Grid Economics and Business Models: 6th International Workshop, GECON 2009, Delft, The Netherlands, August 24, 2009, Proceedings. Springer, Heidelberg. pp. 171-181 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-642-03864-8_14).

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Taylor, Steve and Boniface, Michael (2017) Next generation internet: The emerging research challenges: Key issues arising from multiple consultations concerning the next generation of the internet. (doi:10.5281/zenodo.1284073). (In Press)

Taylor, Steve and Boniface, Michael (2017) HUB4NGI:: D2.1 NGI Guide V1 Southampton. University of Southampton, IT Innovation 70pp.

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Larsson, Aron, Taylor, Steve, Wandhoefer, Timo and Koulolias, Vasilis (2016) Exploiting online data in the policy making process. In EEPM 2015: Enabling Effective Policy Making: Proceedings of the Workshop on Enabling Effective Policy Making 2015 - Coupling the Power of Data with the Wisdom of the Crowd co-located with 14th IFIP Electronic Government and 7th Electronic Participation Co. 11 pp .

Taylor, Steve, Wandhoefer, Timo, Allen, Beccy, Walland, Paul and Sizov, Sergej (2013) Online forums vs. social networks: two case studies to support eGovernment with topic opinion analysis. International Conference on Electronic Government, Koblenz, Germany. 16 - 19 Sep 2013. pp. 322-334 . (doi:10.1007%2F978-3-642-40358-3_27).

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Taylor, Steve, Boniface, Michael, Pickering, Brian, Anderson, Michael, Danks, David, Følstad, Asbjørn, Leese, Matthias, Müller, Vincent, Sorell, Tom, Winfield, Alan and Woollard, Fiona (2018) Responsible AI – Key themes, concerns & recommendations for European research and innovation Geneva. HUB4NGI Consortium 35pp. (doi:10.5281/zenodo.1303252).

Taylor, Steve, Rodriguez, Adrian Quesada and Scudiero, Lucio (2018) D2.01: Initial Guidelines on Data Management Fed4FIRE+ Consortium 66pp.

Taylor, Steve, Boniface, Michael and Pickering, Brian (2017) D2.2 NGI GUIDE V2 HUB4NGI Consortium 63pp.

Pickering, Brian, Taylor, Steve and Boniface, Michael (2020) Private citizen perceptions of fake news, echo chambers and populism. Karpasitis, Christos (ed.) In Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Social Media. Academic Conferences and Publishing International. pp. 212-221 .

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Boniface, Michael, Carmichael, Laura, Hall, Wendy, Pickering, Brian, Stalla-Bourdillon, Sophie and Taylor, Steve (2020) A blueprint for a social data foundation: Accelerating trustworthy and collaborative data sharing for health and social care transformation (Web Science Institute White Papers, 4) Southampton. University of Southampton 46pp. (doi:10.5258/SOTON/WSI-WP004).

(2020) Data Rate Performance Measurements of NFV Cloud Native Scaling for a Media Application. IEEE doi:10.21227/4wpd-me36 [Dataset]

(2020) Data Rate Performance Measurements of NFV Cloud Native Scaling for a Media Application. IEEE doi:10.21227/2e1c-rd87 [Dataset]

Boniface, Michael, Carmichael, Laura, Hall, Wendy, Pickering, Brian, Stalla-Bourdillon, Sophie and Taylor, Steve (2022) The Social Data Foundation model: Facilitating health and social care transformation through datatrust services. Data & Policy, 4 (e6).

Taylor, Steve, Surridge, Michael and Pickering, Brian (2021) Regulatory compliance modelling using risk management techniques. In 2021 IEEE World AI IoT Congress (AIIoT). IEEE. 0474-0481 . (doi:10.1109/AIIoT52608.2021.9454188).

Taylor, Steve, Boniface, Michael, Phillips, Stephen, Melas, Panagiotis, Braunschweiler, Manuel, Hansge, Kay, Poulakos, Steven and Robitzsch, Sebastian (2021) Location-aware cloud native media service delivery. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management. (Submitted)

Boniface, Michael, Hall, Wendy, Stalla-Bourdillon, Sophie, Pickering, Brian, Taylor, Steve, Carmichael, Laura and Hardinges, Jack (2021) HSCT 2021-Joined up data equals better care: facilitating health and social care transformation through trustworthy and collaborative data sharing: welcome and workshop summary. In WebSci 2021 - Proceedings of the 13th ACM Web Science Conference (Companion Volume). ACM Press. pp. 44-45 . (doi:10.1145/3462741.3466646).

Taylor, Steve, Boniface, Michael, Pickering, Brian, Grace, Paul J, Carosella, Giulia, Stevens, Richard, Siviero, Andrea, Van Daele, Peter, Dadzie, Aba-Sah, Doble, Claire and Calisti, Monique (2019) D2.3 NGI GUIDE V3 78pp.


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