Ada Lovelace invented the world’s first computer programme and is an inspirational role model for women in STEM everywhere.
Ada Lovelace invented the world’s first computer programme and is an inspirational role model for women in STEM everywhere. Be inspired by Ada Lovelace and celebrate her legacy with us.
Today Ada is recognised as the first computer programmer and her legacy is celebrated on Ada Lovelace Day, which is not only about celebrating but about keeping her legacy alive. Read on to find out more about Ada's life and achievements.
Find out more about ECS1815 - Ada was born, the daughter of Annabella Milbanke and the famous poet Lord Byron. Ada had an unusual education for a woman at that time as her mother, who had mathematical training, insisted that Ada learn mathematics.
1833 - Ada met Charles Babbage, who is credited with inventing the first mechanical computer, at a party. When Babbage demonstrated the small working section of an engine to her, Ada was inspired.
1843 - Ada published a translation of a French article on the Analytical Engine which included extensive notes of her own. These notes included the following:
- A visionary insight into the potential of computers to act upon things other than numbers, such as composing elaborate pieces of music with huge complexity or analysing all subjects in the universe.
- A step-by-step sequence of operations for solving mathematical problems, the world’s first complete computer programme - marking the significant leap from calculation to computation.
Did you know?
Nationally, levels of female participation in computer science are currently quite low - around 15%, yet female undergraduates achieve proportionally more first-class honours degrees than their male partner counterparts.
The university is active in exploring how to radically increase UK gender diversity in computer science. To help encourage more women into computer science, a scholarship was devised by the ECS community.
“A scholarship which aims to create a core group of excellent women scholars within ECS, who could really help to change perceptions of the discipline and go on to be future leaders in digital technology.”
To date, there are 17 Ada Lovelace Excellence Scholarship recipients. Celebrate Ada Lovelace Day by reading stories from some of the lives she continues to touch to this day.
"When I came for the applicant day I imagined myself as an amazing programmer, who would build a company that excelled at not only creating the most amazing innovation in Artificial Intelligence, but also giving young girls who had not seen anyone like them in Computer Science a reason to believe in themselves when they saw me. I spoke to one of the professors and she was delighted that I had decided to do Computer Science, explaining how in the recent years, the number of females in Computer Science had declined. When I told her that it was not uncommon for someone to challenge me about doing computer science with a reason that it was a male-dominated course, and how that increased my desire to do it, she told me about the scholarship and what it aims to do, so I applied. When I found out I got the scholarship I felt happy and surprised. I hope it will help me in my path to educate more young girls about how to follow their dreams and see what the future holds. It’s changed my mindset in a way that I am now more likely to do things that I have not done before. I’m more motivated to speak to people about the importance of diversity in science, especially in research. Just remember, it doesn’t matter if you are going to be the only female in the room, once you have mustered the courage to do what you believe in, only you can decide to quit pursuing it."
Oluwatosin Ogunribido, MEng Computer Science, first year"I was fascinated by mathematics ever since I started primary school, leading to me focus on more technical subjects in school such as physics and chemistry. When I started high school in Romania, programming became a mandatory subject in my class. I was immediately fascinated by the problem-solving skills required and the range of projects I could solve. I participated in a couple of mathematics and coding competitions which I enjoyed, so I decided to pursue a Computer Science degree at University. My university advisor told me about the scholarship. I applied with their help and it was straightforward and easy. When I found out I got it, I was very excited! It boosted my confidence as there was a sense of recognition from the University towards my opinions and values which made me feel appreciated. There was certainly a financial relief too as many costs were incurred at the beginning of my student life. I recently graduated with first class honours and started my first graduate role with Amazon as a Software Development Engineer. The scholarship led me to be more confident in my views and to learn to speak up. I would love to see more young women encouraged to try programming, especially if they are naturally talented at mathematics. Know that there is immense support for everyone to learn to succeed – if you wish to. STEM can also be a career path where you can make an impact on the whole world. Own your career, only work where you feel impactful. There are plenty of teams, companies and opportunities waiting for you."
Lorena Mitoi, Bsc Computer Science, 2020Telephone: +44 (0) 23 8059 7511698792
Abdul Saleem Mir was born in Beerwah, J&K, in 1993. He received his B. Tech. degree (with gold medal) in Electrical Engineering from National Institute of Technology, Srinagar, J&K, and Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India, in 2014 and 2020 respectively. He received POSOCO Power System Award-2020 from POSOCO-NLDC (India's Largest Utility) and FITT-IITD for research accomplishments in doctoral category. From October 2020 till December, 2021, He worked as ROSES Research Fellow at the University of Southampton with Imperial College London as collaboration partner. He joined the Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Roorkee as an Assistant Professor in December 2021. He is a member of IEEE PES Task Force on Dynamic State and Parameter Estimation. His research interests include dynamic state estimation and control, power system dynamics and modeling/control of renewable energy systems.
Power System Control
Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS): Modelling and Control
Dynamic State Estimation
Energy Storage Systems (Modelling and Control)
Adaptive/Optimal Control: Applications to Power Systems
Basic Electrical Engineering
Power Engineering/Power Systems
Power System Dynamics and Control
Electrical Machines
Control Systems
Basic Power Electronics.
Mir, Abdul Saleem, Singh, Abhinav Kumar and Senroy, Nilanjan (2021) Robust observer based methodology for frequency and rate of change of frequency estimation in power systems. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 36 (6), 5385-5395. (doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2021.3076562). (In Press)
Mir, Abdul Saleem and Senroy, Nilanjan (2019) Self-tuning neural predictive control scheme for ultrabattery to emulate a virtual synchronous machine in Aautonomous power systems. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 31 (1), 136-148. (doi:10.1109/TNNLS.2019.2899904).
Mir, Abdul Saleem, Bhasin, Shubhendu and Senroy, Nilanjan (2019) Decentralized nonlinear adaptive optimal control scheme for enhancement of power system stability. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 35 (2), 1400 - 1410. (doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2019.2939394).
Mir, Abdul Saleem and Senroy, Nilanjan (2019) DFIG damping controller design using robust CKF-based adaptive dynamic programming. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 11 (2), 839 - 850. (doi:10.1109/TSTE.2019.2910262).
Mir, Abdul Saleem and Senroy, Nilanjan (2018) Intelligently controlled flywheel storage for enhanced dynamic performance. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 10 (4), 2163 - 2173. (doi:10.1109/TSTE.2018.2881317).
Liu, Yu, Singh, Abhinav Kumar, Zhao, Junbo, Meliopoulos, A. P., Pal, Bikash Pal, Ariff, M. A. M., Van Cutsem, Thierry, Glavic, Mevludin, Huang, Zhenyu, Kamwa, Innocent, Mili, Lamine, Mir, Abdul Saleem, Taha, Ahmad, Terzija, Vladimir and Yu, Shenglong (2021) Dynamic state estimation for power system control and protection. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. (doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2021.3079395).
Mir, Abdul Saleem and Senroy, Nilanjan (2019) Resource-Mix Variability Mitigation: EWT Based Optimal Sizing/Control of Hybrid Storage System. In 2019 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM). IEEE.. (doi:10.1109/PESGM40551.2019.8973543).
Mir, Abdul Saleem and Senroy, Nilanjan (2018) Intelligently Controlled Flywheel Storage for Wind Power Smoothing. In 2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM). IEEE.. (doi:10.1109/PESGM.2018.8585853).
Zhao, Junbo, Singh, Abhinav Kumar, Mir, Abdul Saleem, Taha, Ahmad, Abur, Ali, Gomez-Exposito, Antonio, Meliopoulos, A.P. Sakis, Pal, Bikash, Kamwa, Innocent, Qi, Junjian, Mili, Lamine, Ariff, M.A.M., Netto, Marcos, Glavic, Mevludin, Yu, Samson Shenglong, Wang, Shaobu, Bi, Tianshu, Van Cutsem, Thierry, Terzija, Vladimir, Liu, Yu and Huang, Zhenyu (2021) Power system dynamic state and parameter estimation-transition to power electronics-dominated clean energy systems: IEEE task force on power system dynamic state and parameter estimation (IEEE Technical Report, PES-TR88) IEEE 90pp.
Mir, Abdul, Singh, Abhinav Kumar, Pal, Bikash Pal, Senroy, Nilanjan and Tu, Junjie (2022) Adequacy of lyapunov control of power systems considering modelling details and control indices. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 1-12. (doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2022.3180397). (In Press)