The University of Southampton

I am so glad I accepted this placement. I learned so much about presenting, communicating – many things you don’t necessarily learn at university – and the amount of contacts I made was amazing.

Raj Shah - ElectroMechanical Engineering; industrial placement with IBM

Virtual open day

Tour more of our facilities with the University of Southampton’s virtual open day

Virtual open day

ECS Summer Graduation

Students graduating from Electronics and Computer Science last year talk about life as an ECS student and their future ambitions.


D4 System Design Exercise 2014

Our electrical and electronic engineering labs provide the perfect working environment for a range of individual and group projects. Find out about the “D4 System Design Exercise” that took place in the labs last year.


VOD - Virtual Open Day | ECS | Zepler Labs

Find out why students have enjoyed working – and playing – in the computing “Zepler” labs in recent years


Current students of electrical engineering have really timed it right ­– the job opportunities are amazing. We’ve got to invest in the UK power industry for the next 40 years, and there are challenging and financially very rewarding careers out there.

Professor Alun Vaughan - Electrical Power Engineering
