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Published: 11 February 2020
The Centre for Re-engineering for Electric Mobility will accelerate the development of sustainable electric transport systems.

Researchers across Engineering and Physical Sciences will address global challenges in four new Centres of Excellence at the University of Southampton.

Academics in Electronics and Computer Science will play an integral role in each of the four cross-disciplinary centres that focus on spearheading sustainable digital technologies.

The new Centres will tap into the University’s diverse strengths to deliver major research programmes in Continuous Digital Chemical Engineering Science, the Future of Human Communication, In-situ and Remote Intelligent Sensing, and Re-engineering for Electric Mobility.

Professor Bashir Al-Hashimi, Dean of Faculty, Engineering and Physical Sciences, says: “I am delighted to be formally launching these new hubs that will push the frontiers of research. This cross-disciplinary approach will channel expertise, both within and beyond our Faculty, and I firmly believe this will generate exceptional real-world impact.”

The Centre for Continuous Digital Chemical Engineering Science will develop smarter, greener and more efficient processes for the discovery and manufacture of new chemicals and materials. It aims to reduce the environmental footprint of chemicals and materials manufacture and open up new possibilities for industrial product development and scientific research.

The Centre for the Future of Human Communication is dedicated to developing digital technologies that will help people to communicate better. Its researchers are working on accessible devices and systems to improve the healthcare and wellbeing, and enhance the way we learn, work and consume entertainment and culture.

The Centre for In-situ and Remote Intelligent Sensing is the world’s only research hub dedicated to developing intelligent, connected, self-powered sensing systems. Operating in some of Earth’s most remote, harsh environments, they will provide better understanding of the world around us and help tackle pressing environmental and human challenges.

The Centre for Re-engineering for Electric Mobility will accelerate the development of sustainable, interconnected electric transport systems, re-engineering existing infrastructure and vehicles through advances in energy storage technology, the use of digital tribology to optimise components, and the redesign of the human-machine interface.

Professor Robert Wood, Associate Dean of Faculty (Research), Engineering and Physical Sciences, says: “Through these connected discipline centres we aim to transform the research landscape, connect to global and national challenges and drive research areas aligned to societal needs.

“We are very pleased to have received declarations of interest from dozens of researchers, including our vibrant early career research community, and these hubs will now begin to connect to the University Strategic Research Groups, University institutes and our industrial partners to launch ambitious programmes that will change the world for the better.”

Further information about the Centres and other activities within Engineering and Physical Sciences can be found on the Faculty’s webpage.

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Published: 11 February 2020
University of Southampton cleanroom complex

A rapid prototyping service for photonic integrated circuits is being expanded in a new funding success at the University of Southampton's £120m cleanroom complex.

Research partners, including experts from Electronics and Computer Science's Sustainable Electronic Technologies group, have been awarded around £1.5m by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) to extend the CORNERSTONE service.

CORNERSTONE is an industry compatible, flexible silicon photonics fabrication foundry that provides a multi-project-wafer (MPW) service for academics and industry. The scalable platform, which is unique in its design and process versatility, offers a clear route to market through the use of deep ultraviolet projection lithography.

The team will now develop six new silicon-based technology platforms for researchers to design next generation circuits. These platforms will extend the supported wavelength range into both the visible wavelengths and mid-infrared wavelengths, enabling a range of applications including LIDAR remote sensing and lab-on-a-chip devices.

Professor Harold Chong, Project Co-Investigator and Professor of Electronic Engineering, said: “The flexibility of the processes and the variety of the platforms available in CORNERSTONE 2 gives researchers numerous options when designing optoelectronics devices and systems.

The service is led by Southampton researchers from the Zepler Institute for Photonics and Nanoelectronics' Silicon Photonics Group and School of Electronics and Computer Science, alongside external partners from the University of Glasgow. The Glasgow team will be responsible for integrating light sources onto silicon photonics chips, a major step in the commercialisation of silicon photonics.

Professor Graham Reed, Project Principal Investigator and Deputy Director of the University's Optoelectronics Research Centre, said: "I'm delighted that the EPSRC are supporting the expansion of CORNERSTONE. I believe that it will enable UK researchers to have significant impact in a variety of silicon-based platforms."

The project officially launches on Sunday 1 March and will run for two years.

UK academics will have the opportunity to access the new platforms free-of-charge for the final six months of the project. Throughout the CORNERSTONE 2 project, the team will be consulting the community to determine if they would like to see CORNERSTONE become an EPSRC National Research Facility (NRF).

For more information, visit the CORNERSTONE website.

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Published: 11 February 2020
Thales and Southampton are working to address the current limitations of autonomous vessels

Autonomous vessel mission capability is being increased by a new software package developed in a strategic partnership between the University of Southampton and Thales.

The Integrated Mission Management System (IMMS) project, which brings together experts from Engineering and Electronics & Computer Science, is addressing current limitations around autonomous vessels that require one human controller per vehicle.

IMMS scales up the potential for autonomous squads by providing a common interface that connects vessels and their payloads with a single human supervisor.

The joint team, led by the University's Dr Jon Downes and Thales' Ben Pritchard, successfully tested the software package this winter with a three-vessel trial at Thales' Maritime Autonomy Centre on the Plymouth waterfront.

The first year of the university-industry strategic research partnership was recently celebrated at an event on Boldrewood Innovation Campus.

Thales has also supported an Alan Turing Institute project, Flexible Autonomy for Swarm Robotics, led by Professor Sarvapali Ramchurn from the Agents, Interaction and Complexity Research Group.

Read the full story on the main news page.

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I am an Associate Professor in the School of Electronics & Computer Science at the University of Southampton. I received the MS and Ph.D degrees in electronic and electrical engineering from Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, in 2001 and 2005, respectively. I was employed as a researcher of Knowledge Science Lab (KSL) at Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR), Japan, from 2005 to 2008, and as a senior research fellow (RA-2) at the Centre for Vision, Speech, and Signal Processing (CVSSP) at the University of Surrey, UK, from 2008 to 2020.

I was involved in EU FP7 IMPART project for multi-modal big data processing as a work package leader in 2012-2015. I lead the computer vision team in the UK EPSRC project - S3A: Future Spatial Audio (2013-2019). I also served as a Principal Investigator for BEIS Global Partnership programme - Intelligent Virtual Reality: Deep Audio-Visual Representation Learning for Multimedia Perception and Reproduction (2017-2019). Currently I'm serving as the Principal Investigator for three projects: IfLS COMFY project to develope a contactless mask fit-testing system (2021-2022), EPSRC NIA project for Immersive Audio-Visual 3D Scene Reproduction (2021-2024) and Real-time 3D scene understanding and human pose estimation (2022-2023). 

PhD opportunities: I am looking for strong, highly-motivated PhD students to work on 3D computer vision. 


Research interests

My researches for last 20 years include 3D computer vision, Stereo image processing, 3D reconstruction, Augmented/Virtual Reality, Multi-modal data processing, Audio-visual data processing and Media production with over 100 published articles in 16 projects. 


COMP6223 Computer Vision, COMP1201 Algorithmics

PhD Alumni: Dr. Armin Mustafa (Univ. of Surrey), Dr. Sam Fowler (Univ. of Surrey), Dr. Matt Shere (Univ. of Surrey)

PhD Alumni (Partial/Visiting): Dr. Shishido Hidehiko (Univ. of Tskuba, Japan), Dr. Changjae Oh (Yonsei University, South Korea), Dr. Aloisio Dourado (Univ. of Brasilia)

PhD supervision (current): Mr. Yihong Wu (2020-), Mr. Yuwen Heng (2020-), Mr. Peter Hardy (2020-), Ms Mona Alawadh (2021-), Mr Sepehr Nem (2021-) , Mr Kieran Maguire (2021-)


Remaggi, L., Kim, H., Jackson, P.J.B., Fazi, F.M. and Hilton, Adrian (2018) Acoustic reflector localization and classification. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). IEEE. pp. 201-205 . (doi:10.1109/ICASSP.2018.8462146).

Woodcock, James, Francombe, Jon, Franck, A., Coleman, P., Hughes, R., Kim, H., Liu, Q., Menzies, D., Simón Gálvez, M.F., Tang, Y., Brookes, T., Davies, W.J., Fazenda, B.M., Mason, R., Cox, T.J., Fazi, F.M., Jackson, P.J.B., Pike, C. and Hilton, A. (2018) A framework for intelligent metadata adaptation in object-based audio. Audio Engineering Society Conference on Spatial Reproduction, , Tokyo, Japan. 06 - 09 Aug 2018. pp. 349-359 .

Kim, Hansung, Pabst, Simon, Sneddon, Justin, Waine, Ted, Clifford, Jeff and Hilton, Adrian (2015) Multi-modal big-data management for film production. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, , Quebec City, Canada. 27 - 30 Sep 2015. pp. 4833-4837 . (doi:10.1109/ICIP.2015.7351725).

Mustafa, Armin, Kim, Hansung, Guillemaut, Jean-Yves and Hilton, Adrian (2015) General dynamic scene reconstruction from multiple view video. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, , Santiago, Chile. 07 - 13 Dec 2015. pp. 900-908 . (doi:10.1109/ICCV.2015.109).

Mustafa, Armin, Kim, Hansung, Guillemaut, Jean-Yves and Hilton, Adrian (2016) Temporally coherent 4D reconstruction of complex dynamic scenes. In 2016 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). IEEE. pp. 4660-4669 . (doi:10.1109/CVPR.2016.504).

Kim, Hansung, Evans, Alun, Blat, Josep and Hilton, Adrian (2018) Multimodal visual data registration for web-based visualization in media production. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 28 (4), 863 - 877. (doi:10.1109/TCSVT.2016.2642825).

Kim, Hansung, Remaggi, Luca, Jackson, Philip J.B. and Hilton, Adrian (2019) Immersive spatial audio reproduction for VR/AR using room acoustic modelling from 360 images. In 2019 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR). IEEE. pp. 120-126 . (doi:10.1109/VR.2019.8798247).

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Kim, H., de Campos, Teofilo and Hilton, Adrian (2016) Room layout estimation with object and material attributes information using a spherical camera. In 2016 Fourth International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV). IEEE. pp. 519-527 . (doi:10.1109/3DV.2016.83).

Kim, H., Hughes, R.J., Remaggi, L., Jackson, P.J.B., Hilton, A., Cox, T.J. and Shirley, B.G. (2017) Acoustic room modelling using a spherical camera for reverberant spatial audio objects. 142nd Audio Engineering Society International Convention, , Berlin, Germany. 20 - 23 May 2017.

Fowler, S., Kim, H. and Hilton, A. (2017) Towards complete scene reconstruction from single-view depth and human motion. British Machine Vision Conference, , London, United Kingdom. 04 - 07 Sep 2017.

Kim, H., Remaggi, L., Jackson, P.J., Fazi, F.M. and Hilton, A. (2018) 3D room geometry reconstruction using audio-visual sensors. In 2017 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV). IEEE. pp. 621-629 . (doi:10.1109/3DV.2017.00076).

Kim, Hansung, Remaggi, Luca, Jackson, P.J.B. and Hilton, Adrian (2020) Immersive virtual reality audio rendering adapted to the listener and the room. In, Magnor, M and Sorkin-Hornung, A (eds.) Real VR – Immersive Digital Reality. (HASH(0xcdee960), 11900) Cham. Springer, pp. 293-318. (doi:10.1007/978-3-030-41816-8_13).

Shere, M., Kim, Hansung and Hilton, Adrian (2019) 3D human pose estimation from multi person stereo 360 scenes. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop, , Long Beach, United States. 16 Jun 2019 - 20 Jun 2020 .

Hilton, Adrian, Kang, H.-G., Kim, H. and Sohn, K. (2018) AVSU: Workshop on audio-visual scene understanding for immersive multimedia. In MM '18: Proceedings of the 26th ACM international conference on Multimedia. ACM Press. pp. 2122-2124 . (doi:10.1145/3240508.3243725).

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Takeuchi, O., Shishido, H., Kameda, Y., Kim, H. and Kitahara, I. (2018) Generation method for immersive bullet-time video using an omnidirectional camera in VR platform. In AVSU'18: Proceedings of the 2018 Workshop on Audio-Visual Scene Understanding for Immersive Multimedia. ACM Press. pp. 19-26 . (doi:10.1145/3264869.3264872).

Fowler, S., Kim, H. and Hilton, A. (2018) Human-centric scene understanding from single view 360 video. In 10.1109/3DV.2018.00046. IEEE. pp. 334-342 . (doi:10.1109/3DV.2018.00046).

Takeuchi, O., Shishido, H., Kameda, Y., Kim, H. and Kitahara, I. (2020) Image-quality improvement of omnidirectional free-viewpoint images by generative adversarial networks. International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications: VISAPP 2020, , Valetta, Malta. 27 - 29 Feb 2020. pp. 299-306 .

Remaggi, Luca, Kim, Hansung, Neidhardt, A., Hilton, Adrian and Jackson, P.J.B. (2019) Perceived quality and spatial impression of room reverberation in VR reproduction from measured images and acoustics. 23rd International Congress on Acoustics, integrating 4th EAA Euroregio 2019, Eurogress Aachen, Aachen, Germany. 09 - 13 Sep 2019.

Remaggi, L., Kim, H., Jackson, P.J.B. and Hilton, A. (2019) Reproducing real world acoustics in virtual reality using spherical cameras. 2019 AES International Conference on Immersive and Interactive Audio: Creating the Next Dimension of Sound Experience, , York, United Kingdom. 27 - 29 Mar 2019.

Kim, Hansung, Remaggi, Luca, Jackson, P.J.B. and Hilton, Adrian (2019) Spatial audio reproduction system for VR using 360 cameras. 12th Asia Pacific Workshop on Mixed and Augmented Reality, , Osaka, Japan. 28 - 29 Mar 2019.

Dourado, A., Kim, H., de Campos, T. and Hilton, A. (2020) Semantic scene completion from a single 360-degree image and depth map. International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications: VISAPP 2020, , Valetta, Malta. 27 - 29 Feb 2020. pp. 36-46 .

Shishido, H., Kim, H. and Kitahara, I. (2019) Super long interval time-lapse image generation for proactive preservation of cultural heritage using crowdsourcing. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). IEEE. pp. 4632-4637 . (doi:10.1109/BigData47090.2019.9006399).

Kim, H. and Hilton, Adrian (2015) Influence of colour and feature geometry on multi-modal 3D point clouds data registration. 2nd International Conference on 3D Vision, , Tokyo, Japan. 08 - 11 Dec 2014. pp. 202-209 . (doi:10.1109/3DV.2014.51).

Pabst, S., Kim, H., Polok, L., Ila, V., Waine, T., Hilton, Adrian and Clifford, J. (2015) Jigsaw: multi-modal big data management in digital film production. Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference: SIGGRAPH'15, , Los Angeles, United States. (doi:10.1145/2787626.2792617).

Mustafa, A., Kim, H., Imre, E. and Hilton, Adrian (2015) Segmentation based features for wide-baseline multi-view reconstruction. International Conference on 3D Vision, , Lyon, France. 19 - 22 Oct 2015. pp. 282-290 . (doi:10.1109/3DV.2015.39).

Orman, Neal, Kim, Hansung, Sakamoto, R., Toriyama, T., Kogure, K. and Lindeman, Robert (2008) GPU-based optimization of a free-viewpoint video system. Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis, 7 (2), 120-133. (doi:10.1145/1342250.1357027).

Mustafa, Armin, Volino, Marco, Kim, Hansung, Guillemaut, Jean-Yves and Hilton, Adrian (2020) Temporally coherent general dynamic scene reconstruction. International Journal of Computer Vision. (doi:10.1007/s11263-020-01367-2).

Shere, M., Kim, Hansung and Hilton, Adrian (2020) 3D Multi Person Tracking With Dual 360° Cameras. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). 25 - 28 Oct 2020. pp. 2765-2769 . (doi:10.1109/ICIP40778.2020.9191269).

Shere, M., Kim, Hansung and Hilton, Adrian (2021) Temporally consistent 3D human pose estimation using dual 360° cameras. Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision 2021. 05 - 09 Jan 2021. pp. 81-90 .

Dourado, Aloisio, de Campos, Teofilo E., Kim, Hansung and Hilton, Adrian (2021) EdgeNet: Semantic scene completion from a single RGB-D image. In Proceedings of ICPR 2020 - 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. pp. 503-510 . (doi:10.1109/ICPR48806.2021.9413252).

Kim, Hansung, Remaggi, Luca, Fowler, Sam, Jackson, Philip J. B. and Hilton, Adrian (2020) Acoustic Room Modelling using 360 Stereo Cameras. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. (doi:10.1109/TMM.2020.3037537).

Wu, Yihong, Heng, Yuwen, Niranjan, Mahesan and Kim, Hansung (2021) Depth estimation from a single omnidirectional image using domain adaptation. 18th ACM SIGGRAPH European Conference on Visual Media Production, CVMP 2021, , Virtual, Online, United Kingdom. 06 - 07 Dec 2021. 9 pp . (doi:10.1145/3485441.3485649).

Kim, Hansung, Remaggi, Luca, Dourado, A., de Campos, Teofilo, Jackson, Philip J. B. and Hilton, Adrian (2021) Immersive audio-visual scene reproduction using semantic scene reconstruction from 360 cameras. Virtual Reality. (doi:10.1007/s10055-021-00594-3).

Chopra, Jagrati, Abiakam, Nkemjika, Kim, Hansung, Metcalf, Cheryl, Worsley, Peter and Cheong, Ying (2021) The influence of gender and ethnicity on facemasks and respiratory protective equipment fit – a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Global Health, 6 (11), [e005537]. (doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2021-005537).

Hardy, Peter, Timothy David, Dasmahapatra, Srinandan and Kim, Hansung (2022) Can super resolution improve human pose estimation in low resolution scenarios? International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Online. 06 - 08 Feb 2022. 14 pp .

Heng, Yuwen, Wu, Yihong, Dasmahapatra, Srinandan and Kim, Hansung (2022) CAM-SegNet: A context-aware dense material segmentation network for sparsely labelled datasets. International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Online. 06 - 08 Feb 2022. (doi:10.5220/0010853200003124).

Hilton, Adrian, Kang, Hong Goo, Kim, Hansung and Sohn, Kwanghoon (2018) AVSU 2018 chairs’ welcome. 2018 Workshop on Audio-Visual Scene Understanding for Immersive Multimedia, AVSU 2018, co-located with MM 2018, , Seoul, Korea, Republic of. III .


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