Gondal, Ali, Poppleton, Mike and Snook, Colin (2009) Feature composition - towards product lines of event-B models. 1st International Workshop on Model-Driven Product Line Engineering (MDPLE'09), , Enschede, Netherlands. 8 pp .
Sorge, Jennifer, Poppleton, Michael and Butler, Michael (2009) A Basis for feature-oriented modelling in Event-B s.n.
Poppleton, Michael and Banach, Richard (2002) Controlling control systems: an application of evolving retrenchment. Bert, Didier, Bowen, Jonathan P., Henson, Martin C. and Robinson, Ken (eds.) ZB2002: Formal Specification and Development in Z and B, Grenoble, France. pp. 42-61 .
Banach, Richard and Poppleton, Michael , Loucopoulos, Peri and Mylopoulos, John (eds.) (2003) Retrenching partial requirements into system definitions: A simple feature interaction case study. Requirements Engineering Journal, 8 (4), 266-288.
Poppleton, Michael R, and Banach, Richard N. (2003) Structuring Retrenchments in B by Decomposition. Araki, Keijiro, Gnesi, Stefania and Mandrioli, Dino (eds.) FME2003: International Symposium of Formal Methods Europe, Pisa, Italy. pp. 814-833 .
Banach, Richard and Poppleton, Michael (2001) Model Based Engineering of Specifications by Retrenching Partial Requirements. Menzies, Tim (ed.) IEEE Model Based Requirements Engineering Workshop, San Diego, CA..
Banach, Richard, Poppleton, Michael, Jeske, Czeslaw and Stepney, Susan (2005) Retrenching the Purse: Finite Sequence Numbers, and the Tower Pattern. Fitzgerald, John, Hayes, Ian and Tarlecki, Andrzej (eds.) FM 2005: International Symposium of Formal Methods Europe, Newcastle, United Kingdom. 17 - 21 Jul 2005. pp. 382-398 .
Snook, Colin, Poppleton, Michael and Johnson, Ian (2005) Towards a methodology for rigorous development of generic requirements patterns. Butler, M, Jones, C, Romanovsky, A and Troubitsyna, E (eds.) Workshop on Rigorous Engineering of Fault Tolerant Systems, Newcastle, United Kingdom. pp. 17-27 .
Snook, Colin, Poppleton, Michael and Johnson, Ian (2005) The engineering of generic requirements for failure management. Kamsties, Erik, Gervasi, Vincenzo and Sawyer, Pete (eds.) Eleventh International Workshop on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality, Oporto. 12 - 13 Jun 2005. pp. 145-160 .
Poppleton, Michael and Groves, Lindsay (2006) Formal perspectives on software evolution: from refinement to retrenchment. In, Madhavji, Nadim, Fernandez-Ramil, Juan and Perry, Dewayne (eds.) Software Evolution and Feedback: Theory and Practice. John Wiley, pp. 313-338.
Poppleton, Michael R. and Banach, Richard N. (2004) Requirements Validation by Lifting Retrenchments in B. Bellini, Pierfrancesco, Bohner, Shawn and Steffen, Bernhard (eds.) ICECCS2004: IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, Florence, Italy. pp. 87-96 .
Banach, Richard, Jeske, Czeslaw, Poppleton, Michael and Stepney, Susan , Skowron, A, Bartol, W, Polkowski, L and Rasiowa, H (eds.) (2007) Retrenching the purse: The balance enquiry quandary, and generalised and (1, 1) forward refinements. Fundamenta Informaticae, 77 (1-2), 29-69.
Yang, Letu and Poppleton, Michael (2007) Automatic Translation from Combined B and CSP specification to Java Programs. Juilland, Jacques and Kouchnarenko, Olga (eds.) 7th International B Conference, Besancon, France. 17 - 19 Jan 2007. pp. 64-78 .
Razali, R, Snook, C. F., Poppleton, M. R., Garratt, P. W. and Walters, R. J. (2007) Experimental Comparison of the Comprehensibility of a UML-based Formal Specification versus a Textual One. Kitchenham, B, Brereton, P and Turner, M (eds.) 11th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE'07), Keele, Staffordshire, United Kingdom. 01 - 02 Apr 2007. pp. 1-11 .
Banach, Richard, Poppleton, Michael, Jeske, Czeslaw and Stepney, Susan , Bergstra, J. (ed.) (2007) Engineering and theoretical underpinnings of retrenchment. Science of Computer Programming, 67, 301-329.
Yang, Letu and Poppleton, Michael (2007) JCSProB: Implementing Integrated Formal Specifications in Concurrent Java. McEwan, A.A., Schneider, S., Ifill, W. and Welch, P.H. (eds.) Communicating Process Architectures, Surrey. pp. 67-88 .
Poppleton, Michael (2007) Towards Feature-Oriented Specification and Development with Event-B. Sawyer, Peter, Paech, Barbara and Heymans, Patrick (eds.) REFSQ 2007: Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality, Trondheim, Norway. pp. 367-381 .
Razali, R, Snook, C, Poppleton, M and Garratt, P (2007) Comprehensibility of UML-B - A Series of Controlled Experiments s.n.
Joochim, Tossaporn and Poppleton, Mike (2007) Transforming timing diagrams into knowledge acquisition in automated specification. IAIT2007: The 2nd International Conference on Advances in Information Technology 2007, Thailand.
Razali, R, Snook, C. F. and Poppleton, M. R. (2007) Comprehensibility of UML-based Formal Model – A Series of Controlled Experiments. 1st ACM International Workshop on Empirical Assessment of Software Engineering Languages and Technologies (WEASELTech) 2007, Atlanta, US, Georgia. pp. 25-30 .
Razali, Rozilawati, Snook, Colin, Poppleton, Michael and Garratt, Paul (2008) Usability Assessment of a UML-based Formal Modelling Method Using Cognitive Dimensions Framework. Human Technology: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Humans in ICT Environments. (In Press)
Poppleton, Michael (2008) The composition of Event-B models. Abstract State Machines, B and Z: First International Conference (ABZ 2008), London, United Kingdom. 15 - 17 Sep 2008. pp. 209-222 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-540-87603-8_17).
Snook, Colin, Poppleton, Michael and Johnson, Ian (2008) Rigorous engineering of product-line requirements: a case study in failure management. [in special issue: Section 1: Most-cited software engineering articles in 2001. Section 2: Requirement engineering: Foundation for software quality] Information and Software Technology, 50 (1-2), 112-129. (doi:10.1016/j.infsof.2007.10.010).
Banach, R., Jeske, C. and Poppleton, M. (2008) Composition mechanisms for retrenchment. Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming, 75 (2), 209-229. (doi:10.1016/j.jlap.2007.11.001).
Joochim, Tossaporn and Poppleton, Michael (2008) Timing diagrams add Requirements Engineering capability to Event-B Formal Development. 16th IEEE INTERNATIONAL REQUIREMENTS, Barcelona, Spain. 07 - 11 Sep 2008. (In Press)
Poppleton, M., Fischer, B., Franklin, C., Gondal, A., Snook, C. and Sorge, J. (2008) Towards Reuse with "Feature-Oriented Event-B". McGPLE: Workshop on Modularization, Composition, and Generative Techniques for Product Line Engineering, Nashville, TN. pp. 1-6 .
Sorge, Jennifer, Poppleton, Mike and Butler, Michael (2010) A Basis for Feature-Oriented Modelling in Event-B. ABZ2010, Orford, Canada. 23 - 25 Feb 2010.
Joochim, Tossaporn, Snook, Colin, Poppleton, Mike and Gravell, Andrew (2010) Timing diagrams requirements modeling using Event-B formal methods. IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering (SE2010), Innsbruck, Austria. 16 - 18 Feb 2010.
Gondal, Ali, Poppleton, Mike, Butler, Michael and Snook, Colin (2010) Feature-Oriented Modelling Using Event-B. International Conference on Software Engineering Theory and Practice (SETP-10), Orlando, FL., United States. 11 - 13 Jul 2010.
Yang, Letu and Poppleton, Michael (2009) Java implementation platform for the integrated state- and event-based specification in PROB. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 22 (8), 1007-1022. (doi:10.1002/cpe.1425).
Gondal, Ali, Poppleton, Mike and Butler, Michael (2011) Composing Event-B Specifications - Case-Study Experience. Apel, S and Jackson, E (eds.) 10th International Conference on Software Composition, Zurich, Switzerland. 29 - 30 Jun 2011. pp. 100-115 .
Poppleton, Michael R. and Merrett, Geoff V. (2012) Towards a Principled and Evolvable Approach to Software Development for Future Wireless Sensor Networks. Third International Workshop on Software Engineering for Sensor Network Applications, Zurich, Switzerland. 2 pp .
Poppleton, Michael and Rezazadeh, Abdolbaghi (2012) Modelling the pacemaker in event-B: towards methodology for reuse Southampton, GB. University of Southampton 16pp.
Mery, Dominique and Poppleton, Michael (2013) Formal modelling and verification of population protocols. iFM 2013: 10th International Conference on integrated Formal Methods, Turku, Finland. 09 - 13 Jun 2013. 15 pp . (In Press)
Intana, Adisak, Poppleton, Michael R. and Merrett, Geoff V. (2013) Adding value to WSN simulation through formal modelling and analysis. Fourth International Workshop on Software Engineering for Sensor Network Applications (SESENA), 2013, San Francisco, United States. 17 - 25 May 2013.
Intana, Adisak, Poppleton, Michael R. and Merrett, Geoff V. (2013) Proof-based formal methods for WSN development with Simulation Approach. 2013 Rodin Workshop, Turku, Finland. 09 - 10 Jun 2013.
Intana, Adisak, Poppleton, Michael R. and Merrett, Geoff V. (2014) A formal co-simulation approach for wireless sensor network development. Electronic Communications of the EASST, 70, 1-15.
Sulskus, Gintautas, Poppleton, Michael and Rezazadeh, Abdolbaghi (2015) An Interval-Based Approach to Modelling Time in Event-B. In Fundamentals of Software Engineering. vol. 9392, pp. 292-307 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-24644-4_20).
Intana, Adisak, Poppleton, Michael R. and Merrett, Geoff V. (2015) A model-based trace testing approach for validation of formal co-simulation models. Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation 2015, Spring Simulation Multi-Conference 2015, Alexandria, United States. 11 - 14 Apr 2015. 8 pp .
Birch, Geoff, Fischer, Bernd and Poppleton, Michael (2015) Fast model-based fault localisation with test suites. In Tests and Proofs: 9th International Conference, TAP 2015, Held as Part of STAF 2015, L’Aquila, Italy, July 22-24, 2015. Proceedings. vol. 9154, Springer. pp. 38-57 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-21215-9_3).
Mery, Dominique and Poppleton, Michael (2015) Towards an integrated formal method for verification of liveness properties in distributed systems: with application to population protocols. Software and Systems Modeling, 1-33. (doi:10.1007/s10270-015-0504-y).
Sulskus, Gintautas, Poppleton, Michael and Rezazadeh, Abdolbaghi (2016) Modelling complex timing requirements with refinement. In Information Reuse and Integration (IRI), 2016 IEEE 17th International Conference on. IEEE. 9 pp .
Birch, Geoff, Fischer, Bernd and Poppleton, Michael (2016) Using fast model-based fault localisation to aid students in self-guided program repair and to improve assessment. In ITiCSE '16: Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education. ACM Press. pp. 168-173 . (doi:10.1145/2899415.2899433).
Dghaym, Dana, Poppleton, Michael and Snook, Colin (2018) ERTMS Hybrid Level 3 - model using iUML-B/Event-B. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0403 [Dataset]
Dghaym, Dana, Poppleton, Michael and Snook, Colin (2018) Diagram-led formal modelling using iUMLB for Hybrid ERTMS Level 3. In Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM, and Z: ABZ 2018. vol. 10817, Springer. pp. 338-352 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-91271-4_23).
Birch, Geoff, Fischer, Bernd and Poppleton, Michael (2019) Fast test suite-driven model-based fault localisation with application to pinpointing defects in student programs. Software and Systems Modeling, 18 (1), 445-471. (doi:10.1007/s10270-017-0612-y).
Dghaym, Dana and Snook, Colin (2019) Dataset for: Formalising the Hybrid ERTMS Level 3 specification in iUML-B and Event-B. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0991 [Dataset]
Dghaym, Dana, Dalvandi, Mohammad Sadegh, Poppleton, Michael and Snook, Colin (2019) Formalising the hybrid ERTMS level 3 specification in iUML-B and Event-B. International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer. (doi:10.1007/s10009-019-00548-w).