Price, Simon, Hall, Wendy, Earl, Graeme, Tiropanis, Thanassis, Tinati, Ramine, Wang, Xin, Gandolfi, Eleonora, Gatewood, Jane, Boateng, Richard, Denemark, David, Groflin, Alexander, Loader, Brian, Schmidt, Maxine, Billings, Marilyn, Spanakis, Gerasimos, Suleman, Hussein, Tsoi, Kelvin, Wessels, Bridgette, Xu, Jie and Birkin, Mark (2019) Worldwide universities network (WUN) web observatory: applying lessons from the web to transform the research data ecosystem. In WWW '17 Companion: Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion. International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee. pp. 1665-1667 . (doi:10.1145/3041021.3051691).
Simperl, Elena, Reeves, Neal, Phethean, Christopher J, Lynes, Todd and Tinati, Ramine (2018) Is virtual citizen science a game? ACM Transactions on Social Computing, 1 (2), 1-39. (doi:10.1145/3209960).
Halford, Susan, Weal, Mark, Tinati, Ramine, Pope, Catherine and Carr, Leslie (2018) Understanding the production and circulation of social media data: toward methodological principles and praxis. New Media and Society, 20 (9), 3341–3358. (doi:10.1177/1461444817748953).
Tinati, Ramine, Luczak-Roesch, Markus, Simperl, Elena and Hall, Wendy (2017) An investigation of player motivations in Eyewire, a gamified citizen science project. Computers in Human Behaviour, 1-29. (doi:10.1016/j.chb.2016.12.074).
Reeves, Neal, Tinati, Ramine, Zerr, Sergej, Van Kleek, Max and Simperl, Elena (2017) From crowd to community: a survey of online community features in citizen science projects. In Proceedings of the 2017CS W '17 : Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing. ACM Press. pp. 2137-2152 . (doi:10.1145/2998181.2998302).
Tinati, Ramine, Madaan, Aastha and Hall, Wendy (2017) The role of crowdsourcing in the emerging Internet-of-Things. In WWW '17 Companion: Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion. International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee. pp. 1669-1672 . (doi:10.1145/3041021.3051693).
Luczak-Roesch, Markus and Tinati, Ramine (2017) The social in the platform trap: why a microscopic system focus limits the prospect of social machines. Discover Society, (34), 1-6.
Tinati, Ramine, Simperl, Elena and Luczak-Roesch, Markus (2017) To help or hinder: real-time chat in citizen science. 11th International Conference on Web and Social Media, , Montreal, Canada. 15 - 18 May 2017. 10 pp . (In Press)
Tinati, Ramine and Luczak-Roesch, Markus (2017) Wikipedia: a complex social machine. SIGWEB Newsletter, (Winter 2017), Winter Issue, 1-10, [6]. (doi:10.1145/3027141.3027147).
Tinati, Ramine, Luczak-Roesch, Markus, Simperl, Elena and Hall, Wendy (2016) "Because science is awesome": studying participation in a citizen science game. 8th ACM Conference on Web Science, , Hannover, Germany. 21 - 24 May 2016. (doi:10.1145/2908131.2908151).
Luczak-Roesch, Markus, Tinati, Ramine, Aljaloud, Saud, Hall, Wendy and Shadbolt, Nigel (2016) A universal socio-technical computing machine. In, International Conference on Web Engineering. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9671) 16th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE2016) (05/06/16 - 08/06/16) Cham. Springer. (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-38791-8_48).
Murthy, Dhiraj, Powell, Alison B., Tinati, Ramine, Anstead, Nick, Carr, Les, Halford, Susan and Weal, Mark (2016) Automation, algorithms, and politics| bots and political influence: a sociotechnical investigation of social network capital. International Journal of Communication, 10, 4952-4971.
Halford, Susan and Tinati, Ramine (2016) Crowdsourcing. In, Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. Wiley-Blackwell. (doi:10.1002/9781405165518.wbeos0779).
Tinati, Ramine, Luczak-Roesch, Markus, Hall, Wendy and Shadbolt, Nigel (2016) More than an edit: using transcendental information cascades to capture hidden structure in Wikipedia. 25th International World Wide Web Conference, , Montreal, Canada. 10 - 14 Apr 2016. 2 pp . (In Press) (doi:10.1145/2872518.2889401).
Phethean, Christopher, Simperl, Elena, Tiropanis, Thanassis, Tinati, Ramine and Hall, Wendy (2016) The role of data science in web science. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 31 (3), 102-107. (doi:10.1109/MIS.2016.54).
Tinati, Ramine, Luczak-Rösch, Markus, Simperl, E., Hall, Wendy and Shadbolt, Nigel (2015) 'Command' and conquer: analysing discussion in a citizen science game. ACM Web Science 2015, , Oxford, United Kingdom. 27 - 30 Jun 2015. 10 pp . (doi:10.1145/2786451.2786455).
Tinati, Ramine, Wang, Xin, Brown, Ian, Tiropanis, Thanassis and Hall, Wendy (2015) A streaming real-time web observatory architecture for monitoring the health of social machines. Social Machines Workshop (SOCM) 2015. World Wide Web Conference, Florence, Italy. 17 - 21 May 2015. 6 pp . (doi:10.1145/2740908.2743977).
Tinati, Ramine, Wang, Xin, Tiropanis, Thanassis and Hall, Wendy (2015) Building a real-time web observatory. IEEE Internet Computing, 19 (6), 36-45. (doi:10.1109/MIC.2015.94).
Wang, Xin, Tinati, Ramine, Mayer, Wolfgang, Rowland-Campbell, Anni, Tiropanis, Thanassis, Brown, Ian, Hall, Wendy, O’Hara, Kieron, Stumptner, Markus and Koronios, Andy (2015) Building a web observatory for south Australian government: supporting an age friendly population. 3rd International workshop on Building Web Observatories (BWOW). 10 pp .
Tinati, Ramine, Van Kleek, Max, Simperl, E., Luczak-Rösch, Markus, Simpson, Robert and Shadbolt, Nigel (2015) Designing for Citizen Data Analysis: A Cross-Sectional Case Study of a Multi-Domain Citizen Science Platform. In CHI '15 Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: Seoul, Republic of Korea — April 18-23, 2015. ACM Press. pp. 4069-4078 . (doi:10.1145/2702123.2702420).
Tinati, Ramine, Luczak-Roesch, Markus, Simperl, Elena and Hall, Wendy (2015) Exploring the global adoption of citizen science. 2nd GESIS Computational Social Science Winter Symposium, Cologne, Germany. 02 - 03 Dec 2015. 3 pp .
Luczak-Rösch, Markus, Tinati, Ramine, Van Kleek, Max and Shadbolt, Nigel (2015) From coincidence to purposeful flow? Properties of transcendental information cascades. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), , Paris, France.
Leanne, Fry, Hall, Wendy, Koronios, Andy, Mayer, Wolfgang, O'Hara, Kieron, Rowland-Campbell, Anni, Stumptner, Markus, Tinati, Ramine, Tiropanis, Thanassis and Wang, Xin (2015) Governance in the age of social machines: the web observatory. The Australia and New Zealand School of Government, 1-34.
Luczak-Rösch, Markus, Tinati, Ramine, O'Hara, Kieron and Shadbolt, Nigel (2015) Socio-technical computation. The 18th ACM conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, , Vancouver, Canada. 14 - 18 Mar 2015. 4 pp . (doi:10.1145/2685553.2698991).
Tinati, Ramine, Luczak-Rösch, Markus, Hall, Wendy and Shadbolt, Nigel (2015) Using WikiProjects to measure the health of Wikipedia. Web Science Track, World Wide Web Conference, , Florence, Italy. 17 - 21 May 2015. 6 pp . (doi:10.1145/2740908.2745937).
Luczak-Rösch, Markus, Tinati, Ramine and Shadbolt, Nigel (2015) When resources collide: towards a theory of coincidence in information spaces. WWW 2015 Companion, Florence, Italy. 6 pp . (doi:10.1145/2740908.2743973).
Tinati, Ramine, Carr, Leslie, Halford, Susan and Pope, Catherine (2014) (Re)integrating the Web: beyond ‘socio-technical’. International World Wide Web Conference (WWW'14), , Seoul, Korea, Republic of. 13 - 17 Apr 2014. 2 pp . (doi:10.1145/2567948.2576958).
Van Kleek, Max, Smith, Daniel Alexander, Tinati, Ramine, O'Hara, Kieron, Hall, Wendy and Shadbolt, Nigel (2014) 7 billion home telescopes: observing social machines through personal data stores. SOCM2014 Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Social Machines, at WWW2014. (doi:10.1145/2567948.2578840).
Tinati, Ramine, Halford, Susan, Carr, Les and Pope, Catherine (2014) Big Data: methodological challenges and approaches for sociological analysis. Sociology, 48 (4), 663-681. (doi:10.1177/0038038513511561).
Tiropanis, Thanassis, Wang, Xin, Tinati, Ramine and Hall, Wendy (2014) Building a connected Web Observatory: architecture and challenges. 2nd International Workshop on Building Web Observatories (B-WOW14), ACM Web Science Conference 2014, , Bloomington, United States. 22 - 25 Jun 2014. 10 pp .
Tinati, Ramine, Phillipe, Olivier, Pope, Catherine, Carr, Leslie and Halford, Susan (2014) Challenging social media analytics: Web Science perspectives. WebSci '14, , Bloomington, United States. 22 - 25 Jun 2014. 5 pp . (doi:10.1145/2615569.2615690).
Tinati, Ramine, Simperl, Elena, Luczak-Rösch, Markus, Van Kleek, Max and Shadbolt, Nigel (2014) Collective intelligence in citizen science – a study of performers and talkers. Collective Intelligence 2014, , Cambridge, United States. 09 - 11 Jun 2014. 4 pp . (Submitted)
Tinati, Ramine, Gaskell, Paul, Tiropanis, Thanassis, Phillipe, Olivier and Hall, Wendy (2014) Examining Wikipedia across linguistic and temporal borders. In WWW '14 Companion: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on World Wide Web. ACM Press. pp. 445-450 . (doi:10.1145/2567948.2576931).
Tinati, Ramine, Luczak-Rösch, Markus, Simperl, Elena and Shadbolt, Nigel R. (2014) Motivations of citizen scientists - a quantitative investigation of forum participation. WebSci ’14, , Bloomington, United States. 22 - 25 Jun 2014. 2 pp . (doi:10.1145/2615569.2615651).
Hall, Wendy, Tiropanis, Thanassis, Tinati, Ramine, Wang, Xin, Luczak-Rösch, Markus and Simperl, Elena (2014) The Web Science Observatory - the challenges of analytics over distributed linked data infrastructures. ECRIM News, (96), 29-30.
Pope, Catherine, Halford, Susan, Tinati, Ramine and Weal, Mark (2014) What’s the big fuss about ‘big data’? Journal of Health Services Research & Policy, 19 (2), 67-68. (doi:10.1177/1355819614521181).
Luczak-Rösch, Markus, Tinati, Ramine, Simperl, Elena, Van Kleek, Max, Shadbolt, Nigel and Simpson, Robert (2014) Why won't aliens talk to us? Content and community dynamics in online citizen science. Eighth International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media, , Ann Arbor, United States. 01 - 04 Jun 2014. 10 pp . (Submitted)
Tinati, Ramine, Tiropanis, Thanassis and Carr, Leslie (2013) An approach for using Wikipedia to measure the flow of trends across countries. Web Observatories Workshop (WOW), WWW2013: 22nd International World Wide Web conference, 2013, , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 12 - 16 May 2013.
Tinati, Ramine, Carr, Leslie, Halford, Susan and Pope, Catherine (2013) Exploring the Use of #OpenData in UK Open Government Data Community. Digital Economy 2013, , Salford, United Kingdom.
Tinati, Ramine, Carr, Leslie, Halford, Susan and Pope, Catherine (2013) The HTP Model: Understanding the development of social machines. SOCM Workshop, WWW2013: 22nd International World Wide Web conference, , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 12 - 16 May 2013.
Hall, Wendy, Tiropanis, Thanassis, Tinati, Ramine, Booth, Paul, Gaskell, Paul, Hare, Jonathon and Carr, Les (2013) The Southampton University Web Observatory. 1st International workshop on Building Web Observatories, ACM Web Science 2013, 1-3 May 2013.
Tinati, Ramine, Halford, Susan, Carr, Leslie and Pope, Catherine (2013) The promise of big data: new methods for sociological analysis. The World Social Science Forum. 7 pp .
Tinati, Ramine (2013) Towards an understanding of Web growth: an empirical study of socio-technical web activity of Open Government Data. University of Southampton, Physical Sciences and Engineering, Doctoral Thesis, 329pp.
Tinati, Ramine, Carr, Les, Halford, Susan and Pope, Catherine (2012) Exploring the Impact of Adopting Open Data in the UK Government. Digital Futures 2012, Aberdeen, United Kingdom. 3 pp .
Tinati, Ramine, Carr, Leslie, Hall, Wendy and Bentwood, Jonny (2012) Identifying communicator roles in Twitter. Mining Social Network Dynamics (MSND 2012), , Lyon, France. 16 - 20 Apr 2012. 8 pp .
Tinati, Ramine and Carr, Leslie (2012) Identifying user roles in Twitter. Information Communication Technology in Development 2012, , Atlanta, United States.
Tinati, Ramine and Halford, Susan (2012) Interrogating big data for social scientific research - An analytical platform for visualising Twitter. Internet, Politics, Policy 2012: Big Data, Big Challenges?, , Oxford, United Kingdom.
Tinati, Ramine, Halford, Susan, Carr, Les and Pope, Catherine (2012) Mixing Methods and Theory to Explore Web Activity. Third Annual Web Science Conference (WebSci2012), Evanston, United States. 9 pp .
Tinati, Ramine and Carr, Leslie (2012) ReFluence: A Real-Time and Historic Visualization Application for Twitter Conversations. Social Media Visualisation (SocMedVis) Workshop - ICWSM2012.
Tinati, Ramine, Carr, Les, Hall, Wendy and Bentwood, Johnny (2012) Scale Free: Twitter’s Retweet Network Structure. Network Science 2012, Evanston, United States.
Tinati, Ramine and Carr, Les (2012) Understanding social machines. Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust (PASSAT), 2012 International Conference on and 2012 International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom), , Amsterdam, Netherlands. 03 - 05 Sep 2012. pp. 975-976 . (doi:10.1109/SocialCom-PASSAT.2012.25).
Tinati, Ramine, Halford, Susan, Carr, Leslie and Pope, Catherine (2012) Using mixed methods to track the growth of the Web: tracing open government data initiatives. World Wide Web 2012 (Web Science Track), , Lyon, France. 16 - 20 Apr 2012. 6 pp .
Tinati, Ramine, Halford, Susan, Carr, Leslie and Pope, Catherine (2011) Conceptualising a Web of Linked Actors. ACM WebSci '11, , Koblenz, Germany. 13 - 16 Jun 2011.
Tinati, Ramine, Carr, Les, Halford, Susan and Pope, Catherine (2011) Digital Innovation - Investigating the Sustainability of New Kinds of Web. Digital Engagement 2011, Newcastle.
Tinati, Ramine, Halford, Susan, Carr, Leslie and Pope, Catherine (2011) Exploring the UK Open-PSI community. SharePSI: Removing the Roadblocks to a Pan European Market for Public Sector Information Re-Use, , Brussels, Belgium. 09 - 10 May 2011. 4 pp .
Tinati, Ramine (2011) Tracking the sustainability of Open Government Data. Open Government Data Camp 2011, , Warsaw, Poland.
Tinati, Ramine, Pope, Catherine, Halford, Susan and Carr, Leslie (2010) (re) configuring the web user in the digital economy. Digital Futures 2010: Digital Economy All Hands Meeting, , Nottingham, United Kingdom. 11 - 12 Oct 2010.
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