The University of Southampton

Published: 31 January 2019
Data Scientists from University of Southampton will contribute to the CLEOPATRA project alongside scientists from across Europe.

Researchers from the University of Southampton will help train AI algorithms to extract meaning from text in different languages as part of a multimillion pound project uniting scientists across Europe.

Data scientists from Southampton’s School of Electronics and Computer Science will scale crowdsourcing techniques that feed novel natural language processing models as part of the Cross-lingual Event-centric Open Analytics Research Academy (CLEOPATRA).

The four-year CLEOPATRA project, part of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, will develop frameworks and tools that explore massive digital coverage generated by the intense disruption in the continent over the past decade – including appalling terrorist incidents and the dramatic movement of refugees and economic migrants.

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network is funding 15 early-career researchers across eight European universities and research institutes to develop advanced techniques for cross-lingual processing of text and other media, which will be showcased in applications such as digital humanities. A particular focus will be on the user experience of the solutions, proposing concepts and guidelines to improve accessibility and interaction with multi-lingual resources.

Southampton researchers will contribute to the network by proposing crowdsourcing approaches that use the wisdom of crowds to produce the data needed to train and validate the AI algorithms in a scalable, ethical and fair way.

Professor Elena Simperl, Southampton’s CLEOPATRA lead, explains: “Text processing questions can increasingly be automated through the latest AI methods, but all algorithms need to be trained. Crowdsourcing techniques can deliver examples that these algorithms can learn from, but the challenge arises when scaling the process to manage thousands of people in parallel while still producing outcomes that provide additionality. Our researchers will be investigating how to plan and manage this process.â€?

Advances in the collaborative research will deliver an important step toward augmented intelligence systems that can understand, summarise and translate vast quantities of text. The CLEOPATRA project is led by the L3S Research Center at the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität in Hannover, Germany, and also includes researchers from the University of London, the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität and German National Library of Science and Technology in Germany, the Institut Jozef Stefan in Slovenia, the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands and University of Zagreb in Croatia.

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Halford, Susan (2004) Towards a sociology of organizational space. Sociological Research Online, 9 (1).

Halford, Susan and Leonard, Pauline (2003) Space and place in the construction and performance of gendered nursing identities. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 42 (2), 201-208. (doi:10.1046/j.1365-2648.2003.02601.x).

Halford, Susan (2003) Gender and organisational restructuring in the National Health Service: performance, identity and politics. Antipode, 35 (2), 286-308. (doi:10.1111/1467-8330.00324).

Cooke, Lorelei, Halford, Susan and Leonard, Pauline (2003) Racism in the medical profession: the experience of UK graduates , London, UK. British Medical Association, Health Policy and Economic Research Unit, 22pp.

Halford, Susan and Leonard, Pauline (2001) Gender, Power and Organisations , Palgrave Macmillan, 288pp.

Halford, Susan and Leonard, Pauline (1998) New identities? Professionalism, managerialism and the construction of self. In, Exworthy, Mark and Halford, Susan (eds.) Professionals and the New Managerialism in the Public Sector. Buckingham, UK. Open University, pp. 102-121.

Halford, Susan, Savage, Mike and Witz, Anne (1997) Gender, careers and organisations: current developments in banking, nursing and local government , Basingstoke, UK. Palgrave Macmillan, 304pp.

Halford, Susan and Savage, Mike (1997) Rethinking restructuring: embodiment, agency and identity in organizational change. In, Lee, Roger and Wills, Jane (eds.) Geographies of Economies. UK. Arnold.

Halford, Susan (1993) Feminist change in a patriarchal organisation: the experience of women's initiatives in local government and implications for feminist perspectives on state institutions. In, Savage, Mike and Witz, Anne (eds.) Gender and Bureaucracy. (Sociological Review Monographs, 40) London, UK. Blackwell.

Halford, Susan (2006) Gender performance and organizational change: a narrative analysis of nursing identities. Travail, Genre et Societies.

Halford, Susan and Leonard, Pauline (2006) Negotiating gendered identities at work: place, space and time , Basingstoke. Palgrave, 208pp.

Halford, Susan and Leonard, Pauline (2006) Place, Space and Time: The fragmentation of workplace subjectivities. Organizational Studies, 27 (5), 657-676. (doi:10.1177/0170840605059453).

Halford, Susan (2005) Hybrid workspace: re-spatialisations of work, organisation and management. New Technology, Work and Employment, 20 (1), 19-33. (doi:10.1111/j.1468-005X.2005.00141.x).

Halford, Susan, Duncan, Simon and Goodwin, Mark (1987) Politikmuster im lokalen Staat: Ungleiche Entwicklung und lokale soziale Verhaltnisse. Prokla, 68, 8-27.

Halford, Susan (1988) Women's initiatives in local government … where do they come from and where are they going? Policy & Politics, 16 (4), 251-260. (doi:10.1332/030557388782454957).

Duncan, Simon, Goodwin, Mark and Halford, Susan (1988) Policy variations in local states: uneven development and local social relations. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 12 (1), 107-128.

Halford, Susan (1989) Spatial divisions and women's initiatives in British local government. Geoforum, 20 (2), 161-174. (doi:10.1016/0016-7185(89)90037-7).

Brownill, Sue and Halford, Susan (1990) Understanding women's involvement in local politics: how useful is a formal/informal dichotomy? Political Geography Quarterly, 9 (4), 396-414. (doi:10.1016/0260-9827(90)90036-A).

Halford, Susan (1991) Positive policies for women in British local government. In, Povall, M. and Lankau-Herrmann, M. (eds.) Equal Opportunity Developments for Women in Local Government: an Anglo-German perspective. London, UK. Anglo-German Foundation for the Study of Industrial Society, pp. 29-43.

Halford, S., Goodwin, M. and Duncan, S. (1993) Regulation theory, the local state and transition of urban politics. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 11 (1), 67-88.

Halford, S. and Fielding, A. (1993) The geography of opportunity: an analysis of gender-specific occupational mobilities in England and Wales 1971-1981. Environment and Planning A, 25 (10), 1421-1440.

Halford, Susan and Savage, Mike (1995) The bureaucratic career: demise of adaptation? In, Butler, Tim (ed.) Social Change and the Middle Classes. Abingdon, UK. Routledge, pp. 117-132.

Witz, Ann, Halford, Susan and Savage, Mike (1995) Organised bodies: gender, sexuality and embodiment in contemporary organisations. In, Adkins, L. and Merchant, V. (eds.) Sexualising the Social: Power and the Organisation of Sexuality. (Explorations in Sociology, 47) Basingstoke, UK. Macmillan, pp. 173-191.

Halford, Susan and Fielding, Tony (2000) A longitudinal and regional analysis of gender-specific social and spatial mobilities in England and Wales 1981-91. In, Boyle, Paul and Halfacree, Keith (eds.) Migration and Gender in the Developed World. (Routledge Research in Population and Migration) London, UK. Routledge, pp. 30-54.

Halford, Susan and Knowles, Caroline (2005) More than words: some reflections on working visually. Sociological Research Online, 10 (1).

Halford, Susan (2006) Collapsing the boundaries? Fatherhood, organization and home-working. Gender, Work & Organization, 13 (4), 383-402. (doi:10.1111/j.1468-0432.2006.00313.x).

Halford, Susan and Savage, Mike (1995) Restructuring organisations, changing people: gender and restructuring in banking and local government. Work, Employment and Society, 9 (1), 97-122. (doi:10.1177/095001709591004).

Halford, Susan, Obstfelder, Aud and Lotherington, Ann Therese (2009) Beyond implementation and resistance: how the delivery of ICT policy is reshaping healthcare. Policy & Politics, 37 (1), 113-128. (doi:10.1332/030557308X313714).

Halford, Susan (2008) Sociologies of space, work and organization: from fragments to spatial theory. Sociology Compass, 2 (3), 925-943. (doi:10.1111/j.1751-9020.2008.00104.x).

Schroeder, Anna, Miles, Andrew, Savage, Mike, Halford, Susan and Tampubolon, Gindo (2008) Mobility, careers and inequalities: a study of work-life mobility and the returns from education (EHRC Research Report, 8), vol. 8, Manchester, UK. Equality and Human Rights Commission, 93pp.

Dyb, Kari and Halford, Susan (2009) Placing globalizing technologies: telemedicine and the making of difference. Sociology, 43 (2), 232-249. (doi:10.1177/0038038508101163).

Halford, Susan, Lotherington, Ann Therese, Dyb, Kari and Obstfelder, Aud (2010) Un/doing gender with ICT? NORA: Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Studies, 18 (1), 20-37. (doi:10.1080/08038741003626791).

Halford, S., Obstfelder, A. and Lotherington AT Dyb, K. (2010) Getting the Whole Picture? New information and communication technologies in healthcare work and organization. Information, Communication and Society, 13 (3).

Halford, Susan and Strangleman, Tim (2009) In search of the sociology of work: past, present and future. Sociology, 43 (5), 811 -828. (doi:10.1177/0038038509341307).

Halford, Susan and Savage, Mike (2010) Reconceptualizing digital social inequality. Information, Communication and Society, 13 (7), 937-955. (doi:10.1080/1369118X.2010.499956).

Halford, Susan, Obstfelder, Aud and Lotherington, Anne-Therese (2010) Changing the record: the inter-professional, subjective and embodied effects of electronic patient records. New Technology, Work and Employment, 25 (3), 210-222. (doi:10.1111/j.1468-005X.2010.00249.x).

Carr, Leslie, Pope, Catherine and Halford, Susan (2010) Could the Web be a temporary glitch? WebSci10, Raleigh, United States. 25 - 26 Apr 2010. pp. 1-6 .

Halford, Susan, Pope, Catherine and Carr, Leslie (2010) A manifesto for Web Science. Erickson, John and Gradmann, Stefan (eds.) Proceedings of the WebSci10: Extending the Frontiers of Society On-Line, Raleigh, United States. 25 - 26 Apr 2010. pp. 1-6 .

Tinati, Ramine, Halford, Susan, Carr, Leslie and Pope, Catherine (2011) Exploring the UK Open-PSI community. SharePSI: Removing the Roadblocks to a Pan European Market for Public Sector Information Re-Use, , Brussels, Belgium. 09 - 10 May 2011. 4 pp .

Tinati, Ramine, Halford, Susan, Carr, Leslie and Pope, Catherine (2012) Using mixed methods to track the growth of the Web: tracing open government data initiatives. World Wide Web 2012 (Web Science Track), , Lyon, France. 16 - 20 Apr 2012. 6 pp .

Davies, Huw C., Halford, Susan and Gibbins, Nicholas (2012) Digital natives? Investigating young people’s critical skills in evaluating web based information. WebSci 2012, , Evanston, United States. 22 - 24 Jun 2012. 4 pp .

Turnbull, Joanne, Prichard, Jane, Pope, Catherine, Halford, Susan and Salisbury, Chris (2012) Reconfiguring the emergency and urgent care workforce: mixed methods study of skills and the everyday work of non-clinical call-handlers in the NHS. Journal of Health Services Research & Policy, 17 (4), 233-240. (doi:10.1258/jhsrp.2012.011141). (PMID:23024183)

Tinati, Ramine, Halford, Susan, Carr, Les and Pope, Catherine (2012) Mixing Methods and Theory to Explore Web Activity. Third Annual Web Science Conference (WebSci2012), Evanston, United States. 9 pp .

Tinati, Ramine, Carr, Les, Halford, Susan and Pope, Catherine (2012) Exploring the Impact of Adopting Open Data in the UK Government. Digital Futures 2012, Aberdeen, United Kingdom. 3 pp .

Tinati, Ramine and Halford, Susan (2012) Interrogating big data for social scientific research - An analytical platform for visualising Twitter. Internet, Politics, Policy 2012: Big Data, Big Challenges?, , Oxford, United Kingdom.

Halford, Susan, Pope, Catherine and Weal, Mark J. (2013) Digital futures? Sociological challenges and opportunities in the emergent semantic web. Sociology, 47 (1), 173-189. (doi:10.1177/0038038512453798).

Pope, Catherine, Halford, Susan, Turnbull, Joanne, Prichard, Jane S., Calestani, Melania and May, Carl (2013) Using computer decision support systems in NHS emergency and urgent care: ethnographic study using normalisation process theory. BMC Health Services Research, 13 (111), 1-13. (doi:10.1186/1472-6963-13-111).

Tinati, Ramine, Halford, Susan, Carr, Les and Pope, Catherine (2014) Big Data: methodological challenges and approaches for sociological analysis. Sociology, 48 (4), 663-681. (doi:10.1177/0038038513511561).

Tinati, Ramine, Carr, Leslie, Halford, Susan and Pope, Catherine (2013) Exploring the Use of #OpenData in UK Open Government Data Community. Digital Economy 2013, , Salford, United Kingdom.

Tinati, Ramine, Halford, Susan, Carr, Leslie and Pope, Catherine (2013) The promise of big data: new methods for sociological analysis. The World Social Science Forum. 7 pp .

Tinati, Ramine, Carr, Leslie, Halford, Susan and Pope, Catherine (2013) The HTP Model: Understanding the development of social machines. SOCM Workshop, WWW2013: 22nd International World Wide Web conference, , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 12 - 16 May 2013.

Turnbull, Joanne, Halford, Susan, Jones, Jeremy, May, Carl, Pope, Catherine, Prichard, Jane S. and Rowsell, A.C. (2014) The work, workforce, technology and organisational implications of the ‘111’ single point of access telephone number for urgent (non-emergency) care: a mixed-methods case study (HS&DR Journal Series, Volume 2:3) Southampton, GB. NIHR Journals Library 164pp. (doi:10.3310/hsdr02030).

Welch, Jennifer R., Halford, Susan and Weal, Mark J. (2015) Conceptualising the Web for post-conflict governance building in fragile states. Peacebuilding, 3 (1), 58-74. (doi:10.1080/21647259.2014.973673).

Tinati, Ramine, Carr, Leslie, Halford, Susan and Pope, Catherine (2014) (Re)integrating the Web: beyond ‘socio-technical’. International World Wide Web Conference (WWW'14), , Seoul, Korea, Republic of. 13 - 17 Apr 2014. 2 pp . (doi:10.1145/2567948.2576958).

Pope, Catherine, Halford, Susan, Turnbull, J. and Prichard, Jane S. (2014) Cyborg practices: call-handlers and computerised decision support systems in urgent and emergency care. Health Informatics Journal, 20 (2), 118-126. (doi:10.1177/1460458213486470). (PMID:24810726)

Prichard, J., Turnbull, J., Halford, S. and Pope, C. (2014) Trusting technical change in call centres. Work, Employment and Society, 28 (5), 808-824. (doi:10.1177/0950017013510763).

Tinati, Ramine, Phillipe, Olivier, Pope, Catherine, Carr, Leslie and Halford, Susan (2014) Challenging social media analytics: Web Science perspectives. WebSci '14, , Bloomington, United States. 22 - 25 Jun 2014. 5 pp . (doi:10.1145/2615569.2615690).

Bazan, S., White, S., Staab, S., Vafopoulos, M., Halford, S., Hooper, Clare, Akkermans, H. and Weal, M. (2014) Web Science Education Workshop 2014. Web science education: sharing experiences and developing community. Web Science Education: Sharing experiences and developing community (workshop), ACM WebSci'14, Bloomington, United States. 22 Jun 2014.

Halford, Susan, Kukarenko, Natalia, Lotherington, Ann Therese and Obstfelder, Aud (2015) Technical change and the untroubling of gendered ageing in healthcare work. Gender, Work & Organization, 22 (5), 495-509. (doi:10.1111/gwao.12087).

Halford, Susan, Leonard, Pauline and Bruce, Katie (2012) Geographies of labour in the third sector: making hybrid workforces in place. Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, New York, United States. 24 - 28 Feb 2012.

Leonard, Pauline, Halford, Susan and Bruce, Katie (2016) ‘The new degree?’ Constructing internships in the third sector. Sociology, 50 (2), 383-399. (doi:10.1177/0038038515574456).

Halford, Susan and Tinati, Ramine (2016) Crowdsourcing. In, Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. Wiley-Blackwell. (doi:10.1002/9781405165518.wbeos0779).

Halford, Susan, Leonard, Pauline and Bruce, Katie (2015) Geographies of labour in the third sector: making hybrid workforces in place. Environment and Planning A, 47 (11), 2355-2372. (doi:10.1177/0308518X15599295).

Welch, Jennifer, Halford, Susan and Weal, Mark J. (2015) Information and communication technologies (ICTs) and peacebuilding: a conceptual framework. WebSci '15, Oxford, United Kingdom. 27 - 30 Jun 2015. (doi:10.1145/2786451.2786479).

Pope, Catherine, Halford, Susan, Tinati, Ramine and Weal, Mark (2014) What’s the big fuss about ‘big data’? Journal of Health Services Research & Policy, 19 (2), 67-68. (doi:10.1177/1355819614521181).

Halford, S., Hudson, M., Leonard, P., Parry, J. and Taylor, R. (2016) The new dynamics of work: a scoping study Southampton, GB. University of Southampton 53pp.

Britten, Nicky, Pope, Catherine, Halford, Susan and Richeldi, Luca (2016) Comment. What if we made stratified medicine work for patients? The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 4 (1), 8-10. (doi:10.1016/S2213-2600(15)00499-3).

Lotherington, Ann Therese, Obstfelder, Aud and Halford, Susan (2016) No place for old women: a critical inquiry into age in later working life. Ageing & Society, 1-23. (doi:10.1017/S0144686X16000064).

Webster, Jack, Gibbins, Nicholas, Halford, Susan and Hracs, Brian J. (2016) Towards a theoretical approach for analysing music recommender systems as sociotechnical cultural intermediaries. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Web Science (WebSci '16). ACM Press. pp. 137-145 . (doi:10.1145/2908131.2908148).

Ogden, Jessica, Halford, Susan, Carr, Les and Earl, Graeme (2015) This is for everyone? Some steps towards decolonizing the Web. Digital Divides Workshop at Web Science 2015, Oxford, United Kingdom. 27 - 30 Jun 2015.

Pope, Catherine, Turnbull, Joanne, Halford, Susan, Pritchard, Jane, Calestani, Melania, Salisbury, Chris, May, Carl, Barrett, Christine and Lattimer, Valerie (2011) Ethnography and survey analysis of a computer decision support system in urgent out-of-hours, single point of access and emergency (999) care Southampton, GB. NIHR Service Delivery and Organisation Programme 188pp.

Liotsiou, Dimitra, Moreau, Luc and Halford, Susan (2016) Social influence: from contagion to a richer causal understanding. In Social Informatics: 8th International Conference, SocInfo 2016, Bellevue, WA, USA, November 11-14, 2016, Proceedings, Part 2. vol. 10047, Springer. pp. 116-132 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-47874-6_9).

Murthy, Dhiraj, Powell, Alison B., Tinati, Ramine, Anstead, Nick, Carr, Les, Halford, Susan and Weal, Mark (2016) Automation, algorithms, and politics| bots and political influence: a sociotechnical investigation of social network capital. International Journal of Communication, 10, 4952-4971.

Halford, Susan and Savage, Mike (2017) Speaking sociologically with big data: symphonic social science and the future for big data research. Sociology, 51 (6), 1132-1148. (doi:10.1177/0038038517698639).

Ogden, Jessica, Halford, Susan and Carr, Leslie (2017) Observing web archives: The case for an ethnographic study of web archiving. In Proceedings of WebSci’17, Troy, NY, USA., June 25–28, 2017. ACM Press. 10 pp . (In Press) (doi:10.1145/3091478.3091506).

Pope, Catherine, Turnbull, Joanne, Jones, Jeremy, Prichard, Jane, Rowsell, Ali and Halford, Susan (2017) Has the NHS 111 urgent care telephone service been a success? Case study and secondary data analysis in England. BMJ Open, 7 (5), 1-8, [e014815]. (doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-014815).

Halford, Susan (2017) The ethical disruptions of social media data: Tales from the field. In, Woodfield, Kandy (ed.) Ethics of Internet-mediated Research and Using Social Media for Social Research. (Advances in Research Ethics and Integrity, 2) Bingley. Emerald Group Publishing. (In Press)

Halford, Susan, Weal, Mark, Tinati, Ramine, Pope, Catherine and Carr, Leslie (2018) Understanding the production and circulation of social media data: toward methodological principles and praxis. New Media and Society, 20 (9), 3341–3358. (doi:10.1177/1461444817748953).

Fuller, Alison, Halford, Susan, Lyle, Kate, Taylor, Rebecca and Teglborg, Anne-Charlotte (2018) Innovating for a cause: the work and learning required to create a new approach to healthcare for homeless people. Journal of Education and Work, 1-15. (doi:10.1080/13639080.2018.1447654).

Staab, Steffen, Halford, Susan and Hall, Wendy (2019) Web science in Europe: beyond boundaries. Communications of the ACM, 62 (4), 74-79. (doi:10.1145/3312569).

Halford, Susan, Fuller, Alison, Lyle, Katy and Taylor, Rebecca (2019) Organizing health inequalities?: employee-driven innovation and the transformation of care. Sociological Research Online, 24 (1), 3-20. (doi:10.1177/1360780418790272).

Taylor, Rebecca, Fuller, Alison, Halford, Susan, Lyle, Kate and Teglborg, Anne-Charlotte (2020) Translating employee-driven innovation in healthcare: Bricolage and the mobilization of scarce resources. Public Money & Management, 0, 1-11. (doi:10.1080/09540962.2020.1824408).

Hardcastle, Faranak, Halford, Susan and Moreau, Luc (2018) The future of the web? An STS speculation on alternatives. British Sociological Association (BSA) conference, Northumbria University, Northumbria, United Kingdom. 10 - 12 Apr 2018.


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Published: 30 January 2019
Centre for Health Technologies co-directors Dr Adriane Chapman and Prof. Neil White with Prof. Peter Smith, Director of the Institute of Life Sciences, at the FortisNet event

Academics and health professionals are uniting to solve challenging clinical problems through a new Centre for Health Technologies (CHT) at the University of Southampton.

The multidisciplinary centre, based in the School of Electronics and Computer Science (ECS), will enable new collaborations that inspire healthcare, wellbeing and rehabilitation technologies.

Researchers formally launched the CHT on Thursday at the third annual meeting of the Institute for Life Sciences’ (IfLS) FortisNet hub.

Dr Adriane Chapman, CHT co-director, says: “ECS has a strong track record of major achievements in health-related projects and continues to host a number of research grants in this domain. This research requires an active partnership with health practitioners who can assess the problem statement and solution evaluation, but this currently rests on individual relationships and navigating complex organisation structures.

“The new CHT will help overcome these hurdles and spark new innovative and pioneering research that will make a difference to people’s lives. I look forward to working closely with health practitioners, industry professionals and policy makers to address national and global challenges.â€?

The CHT is addressing four Centre Themes of optimising treatment and behaviours, novel medical devices and systems, community health and wellness, and AI and health. It is co-directed by Age and Professor Neil White, with support from an advisory committee that includes expertise from senior practising clinicians and staff from the IfLS and faculties of Medicine and Health Sciences.

In 2019, the Centre plans to create a first health-based project that draws upon several ECS research strengths, prepare for student-led Group Design Projects that explore initial relationships and host a joint event with ECS’s Centre for Machine Intelligence.

The CHT draws together researchers involved in health-based research from the Agents, Interaction and Complexity; Biomedical Electronics; Cyber Security; Smart Electronic Materials and Systems; Sustainable Electronic Technologies; Vision, Learning and Control; and Web and Internet Science groups.

Current collaborative research projects within the groups include Wearable Movement Sensor Development for Rehabilitation Technologies and Personalised Long-Term Follow-up of Cochlear Implant Patients Using Remote Care.

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Published: 28 January 2019
VivoPlex, a spinout company from University of Southampton, have raised £3m to advance a biosensor to help couples with fertility problems.

Interdisciplinary researchers from Electronics and Computer Science (ECS), the Institute for Life Sciences (IfLS), and Medicine are celebrating a £3m fundraising round by University of Southampton spin-out company Vivoplex. The funding will be used to advance a biosensor to help couples with fertility problems.

Vivoplex Group Ltd was set up in 2015 to continue development of the small, implantable, batteryless sensor that can help understand and improve fertility.

The financing round was led by existing investors with support from some new high net worth individuals and family offices. The proceeds will be used in the clinical development of the VivoPlex product, CE marking and development of a finalised production-ready device.

Vivoplex, a leader in real time and accurate intra-uterine monitoring, has also announced the appointment of experienced life sciences executive Joanna Smart as the company’s new CEO. Joanna, formerly the company’s COO, will lead the organisation as it takes its intra-uterine monitor through the next stages of product, clinical and regulatory development.

VivoPlex’s product is a wireless, battery-free sensor that monitors three influential factors in the uterine environment - pH, temperature and oxygen level - for the optimisation of fertility treatment and uterine health. It is the first insertable wireless device (no bigger than an intra-uterine device or coil) for the measurement of these parameters in vivo, and is expected to have a significant impact on low IVF success rates which currently stand at 25-30%. A wearable, in the form of washable, discreet briefs, provides wireless power to the device and transmits data to proprietary software for use by the fertility specialist. It has generated positive results in early studies, and has potential in a range of other applications.

The company brings together a multidisciplinary team of clinical fertility experts and world-class biosensor and digital technology engineers - led by the University’s Professor Hywel Morgan (Deputy Director of the IfLS and a Professor of Bioelectronics in ECS), and Professor Ying Cheong (Professor of Reproductive Medicine) - with experienced corporate and business development executives.

A future 30-patient clinical pilot study is being supported by the UK NIHR’s i4i Programme through funding to the University of Southampton in a joint project with VivoPlex.

Joanna Smart has worked with VivoPlex since 2016 and has played a key role in operational, product and corporate development. She has over 15 years’ experience in the healthcare sector in Europe and the US, at investment bank Nomura International and with senior business development roles at US biotechnology companies Onyx Pharmaceuticals and Chiron Corporation. Joanna has also worked with several companies as an independent consultant.

Dr Chris Dickson, Chairman of VivoPlex, said: “VivoPlex is pleased to have closed its Series A, which provides the funding to take our innovative intra-uterine monitor through its important next stages of development. I’d like to thank existing and new investors for their support and look forward to working with them as we take the company forward.

“Joanna has played a significant role in the evolution of VivoPlex and its intra-uterine monitor to this stage. Her background and experience make her the ideal leader of VivoPlex as it grows and develops, and I am pleased to welcome her to the CEO role.â€?

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Zepler Institute; Management Board, Deputy Head of School (Resources)

Zepler Institute; Chair of Cleanroom Operations Finance Subcommittee

Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences; Member of Infrastructure and Resources Committee

University of Southampton, TRAC Steering Group and Technician Commitment Steering Group

University of Southampton, Chair of Estates Programme Advisory Board, Medicine and Health Research Building

James S. Wilkinson joined the University of Southampton in 1985 and is Professor of Optoelectronics in Electronics & Computer Science, and in the Optoelectronics Research Centre of which he is a founder-member. He took his BSc and PhD, both in electronic engineering, from University College London in 1977 and 1985. He conducted research into optical fibre transmission systems at the GEC Hirst Research Centre, London, from 1977 – 1979, and into optical monitoring and control for haemodialysis procedures at St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London, between 1983 and 1985. His research focusses on optical materials and devices for sensing and telecommunications including integrated fluorescence multisensors, waveguide Raman biosensors and mid-IR waveguide spectroscopy for environmental monitoring and point-of-care medical diagnostics, and rare-earth-doped waveguide amplifiers and lasers. James is a Fellow of the IEEE, IET and the IoP, was a member of the Royal Society Working Group on the Detection and Decontamination of Chemical Weapons (2003/4) and has an h-index of 40. He was a cofounder of UoS spin-out Mesophotonics Ltd, which first commercialised Klarite SERS chips. James recently completed a €3M ERC Advanced Investigator Grant on “Wideband Integrated Photonics for Accessible Biomedical Diagnostics”, and is Co-I on a £6M Programme Grant on Silicon Photonics for Future Systems. From 2014-2018 he was Associate Dean, Planning and Strategy, for the Faculty of Physical Sciences and Engineering.


Research interests

Integrated Photonics, Lasers, Point-of-Care Diagnostics, Materials and Devices for Lab-on-a-Chip and Optical Telecommunications. Specific interests in on-chip Raman spectroscopy for rapid detection of infectious diseases, mid-IR chips for cancer diagnostics, nonlinear interactions in high-k dielectric materials and thulium-doped waveguide lasers and amplifiers on silicon.


Electromagnetism, Photonics, Optical Fibres, Integrated Photonics, Optical Materials


Tai, Chao-Yi, Wilkinson, James S., Perney, Nicholas M.B., Netti, M.C., Cattaneo, F., Finlayson, Chris and Baumberg, Jeremy (2004) Determination of nonlinear refractive index in a Ta2O5 rib waveguide using self-phase modulation. Optics Express, 12 (21), 5110-5116. (doi:10.1364/OPEX.12.005110).

Ng, L.N., Zervas, M.N., Wilkinson, J.S. and Luff, B.J. (2000) Manipulation of colloidal gold nanoparticles in the evanescent field of a channel waveguide. Applied Physics Letters, 76 (15), 1993-1995. (doi:10.1063/1.126232).

Hettrick, Simon, Mackenzie, Jacob, Harris, R.D., Wilkinson, J.S., Tropper, Anne and Shepherd, David (2000) Ion-exchanged tapered waveguide laser in neodymium-doped BK7 glass. Optics Letters, 25 (19), 1433-1435. (doi:10.1364/OL.25.001433).

Wilson, R., Schiffrin, D.J., Luff, B.J. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2000) Optoelectrochemical sensor for lead based on electrochemically-assisted solvent extraction. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 63 (1-2), 115-121. (doi:10.1016/S0925-4005(00)00332-4).

Pissadakis, S., Reekie, L., Hempstead, M., Zervas, Michael and Wilkinson, J.S. (2000) Relief gratings on Er/Yb-doped borosilicate glasses and waveguides by excimer laser ablation. Applied Surface Science, 153 (4), 200-210. (doi:10.1016/S0169-4332(99)00365-7).

Schabmueller, C.G.J., Pollard, J.R., Evans, A.G.R., Wilkinson, J.S., Ensell, G. and Brunnschweiler, A. (2001) Integrated diode detector and optical fibres for in situ detection within micromachined polymerase chain reaction chips. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 11 (4), 329-333. (doi:10.1088/0960-1317/11/4/307).

Wilkinson, J.S. (2002) New materials and processes for integrated optics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 85 (6), 1387-1390. (doi:10.1111/j.1151-2916.2002.tb00285.x).

Ng, L.N., Luff, B.J., Zervas, M.N. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2002) Propulsion of gold nanoparticles on optical waveguides. Optics Communications, 208 (1-3), 117-124. (doi:10.1016/S0030-4018(02)01590-0).

Pissadakis, S., Zervas, M.N., Sager, D.A. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2002) Superstrate index control of waveguide grating reflectivity. Optics Letters, 27 (5), 327-329. (doi:10.1364/OL.27.000327).

Bu, M., Melvin, T., Ensell, G., Wilkinson, J.S. and Evans, A.G.R. (2003) Design and theoretical evaluation of a novel microfluidic device to be used for PCR. Journal Micromechanics Microengineering, 13 (4), S125-S130. (doi:10.1088/0960-1317/13/4/321).

Pissadakis, S., Ikiades, A., Hua, Ping, Sheridan, A.K. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2004) Photosensitivity of ion-exchanged Er-doped phosphate glass using 248nm excimer laser radiation. Optics Express, 12 (14), 3131-3136. (doi:10.1364/OPEX.12.003131).

Yin, Huabing B., Brown, Tom, Greef, Robert, Mailis, Sakellaris, Eason, Rob W., Wilkinson, James S. and Melvin, Tracy (2004) Photo-patterning of DNA oligonucleotides on silicon surfaces with micron-scale dimensions. Biophotonics New Frontier: From Genome to Proteome, Strasbourg, France. 26 Apr 2004. pp. 1-8 . (doi:10.1117/12.545736).

Pissadakis, S., Ikiades, A., Tai, C.Y., Sessions, Neil and Wilkinson, J.S. (2004) Sub-micron period grating structures in Ta2O5 thin oxide films patterned using UV laser post-exposure chemically assisted selective etching. Thin Solid Films, 453-454, 458-461. (doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2003.11.175).

Tai, C.Y., Grivas, C. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2004) UV photosensitivity in a Ta2O5 rib waveguide Mach-Zehnder interferometer. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 16 (6), 1522-1524. (doi:10.1109/LPT.2004.826757).

Grujic, K., Hellesø, O.G., Wilkinson, J.S. and Hole, J.P. (2004) Optical propulsion of microspheres along a channel waveguide produced by Cs+ ion-exchange in glass. Optics Communications, 239 (4-6), 227-235. (doi:10.1016/j.optcom.2004.05.037).

Pissadakis, S., Reekie, L., Zervas, M.N. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2004) Excimer laser inscribed submicron period relief gratings in INOx films and overlaid waveguides. Journal of Applied Physics, 95 (4), 1634-1641. (doi:10.1063/1.1640793).

Hettrick, S.J., Wang, J., Li, C., Wilkinson, J.S. and Shepherd, D.P. (2004) An experimental comparison of nonlinear and parabolic tapered waveguide lasers and a demonstration of broad-stripe diode pumping. IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, 22 (3), 845-849. (doi:10.1109/JLT.2004.824548).

Sheridan, Anna K., Harris, Richard, Bartlett, Philip N. and Wilkinson, James S. (2004) Phase interrogation of an integrated optical SPR sensor. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 97 (1), 114-121. (doi:10.1016/j.snb.2003.08.005).

Hickey, Louise M.B., Apostolopoulos, Vasilis, Eason, Robert W., Wilkinson, James S. and Anderson, Andrew A. (2004) Diffused Ti:sapphire channel-waveguide lasers. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 21 (8), 1452-1462. (doi:10.1364/JOSAB.21.001452).

Grujic, K., Hellesø, O.G., Hole, J.P. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2005) Sorting of polystyrene microspheres using a Y-branched optical waveguide. Optics Express, 13 (1), 1-7. (doi:10.1364/OPEX.13.000001).

Tschmelak, J., Proll, G., Riedt, J., Kaiser, J., Kraemmer, P., Bárzaga, L., Wilkinson, James, Hua, Ping, Hole, J.P., Nudd, R., Jackson, M.A., Abuknesha, R., Barceló, D., Rodriguez-Mozaz, S., López de Alda, M., Sacher, F., Stien, J., Slobodník, J., Oswald, P., Kozmenko, H., Korenková, E., Tóthová, L., Krascsenits, Z. and Gauglitz, G. (2005) Automated water analyser computer supported system (AWACSS): Part II: Intelligent remote-controlled cost-effective on-line water-monitoring measurement system. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 20 (8), 1509-1519. (doi:10.1016/j.bios.2004.07.033).

Tschmelak, J., Proll, G., Riedt, J., Kaiser, J., Kraemmer, P., Bárzaga, L., Wilkinson, J.S., Hua, Ping, Hole, J.P., Nudd, R., Jackson, M.A., Abuknesha, R., Barceló, D., Rodriguez-Mozaz, S., López de Alda, M., Sacher, F., Stien, J., Slobodník, J., Oswald, P., Kozmenko, H., Korenková, E., Tóthová, L., Krascsenits, Z. and Gauglitz, G. (2005) Automated water analyser computer supported system (AWACSS): Part I: project objectives basic technology immunoassay development software design and networking. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 20 (8), 1499-1508. (doi:10.1016/j.bios.2004.07.032).

Unal, B., Tai, C.Y., Shepherd, D.P., Wilkinson, J.S., Perney, N.M.B., Netti, M.C. and Parker, G.J. (2005) Nd:Ta2O5 rib waveguide lasers. Applied Physics Letters, 86 (2), 021110_1-021110_3. (doi:10.1063/1.1849419).

Tian, Y., Lewin, P.L., Pommerenke, D., Wilkinson, J.S. and Sutton, S.J. (2004) Partial discharge on-line monitoring for HV cable systems using electro-optic modulators. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation, 11 (5), 861-869. (doi:10.1109/TDEI.2004.1349792).

Sheridan, A.K., Gawith, C.B.E., Emmerson, G.D., Milton, J.A., Smith, P.G.R. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2004) Channel waveguides in ion-exchanged Pyrex by direct UV writing. Optics Communications, 242 (1-3), 109-114. (doi:10.1016/j.optcom.2004.08.014).

Hua, Ping, Hole, J.Patrick, Wilkinson, James S., Proll, Guenther, Tschmelak, Jens, Gauglitz, Guenter, Jackson, Michael A., Nudd, Richard, Griffith, Hannah M.T., Abuknesha, Ramadan A., Kaiser, Joachim and Krämmer, Peter (2005) Integrated optical fluorescence multisensor for water pollution. Optics Express, 13 (4), 1124-1130. (doi:10.1364/OPEX.13.001124).

Abanulo, J.C., Harris, R.D., Bartlett, P.N. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2000) Underpotential deposition of a copper monolayer on a gold film sensed by integrated optical surface plasmon resonance. OFS 2000, Venice, Italy. 10 - 12 Oct 2000.

Wilkinson, J.S. (2000) New materials and processes for integrated optics. American Ceramic Society Annual Meeting 2000, St Louis, USA. 26 Apr - 04 May 2000.

Hettrick, Simon, Mackenzie, Jacob, Wilkinson, J.S., Tropper, Anne and Shepherd, David (2000) Ion-exchanged Nd:glass tapered waveguide laser. CLEO/Europe, Nice, France. 09 - 14 Sep 2000.

Pissadakis, S., Reekie, L., Wilkinson, J.S. and Kiriakidis, G. (2000) Sub-micron period grating structures in Ta2O5 and InOx thin oxide films fabricated using 248nm interferometric excimer laser ablation. CLEO/Europe 2000, Nice, France. 09 - 14 Sep 2000.

Pissadakis, S., Reekie, L., Zervas, Michael, Wilkinson, J.S., Moschovis, K. and Kiriakidis, G. (2000) Indium oxide overlay gratings realised on glass waveguides using excimer laser ablation. EXMATEC 2000, Crete, Greece. 20 - 23 May 2000.

Pissadakis, S., Reekie, L., Zervas, Michael, Wilkinson, J.S., Moschovis, K. and Kiriakidis, G. (2000) High-index overlay gratings on K+-exchanged waveguides in BK-7 glass using excimer laser ablation. CLEO 2000, , San Francisco, United States. 06 - 11 May 2000. (doi:10.1109/CLEO.2000.907059).

Sam, Y.L., Lewin, P.L., Davies, A.E., Wilkinson, J.S., Sutton, S.J. and Swingler, S.G. (2002) The influence of local environmental conditions on surface discharge behaviour. Conference Record of the 2002 IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation, 2002, Boston, United States. 06 - 09 Apr 2002. pp. 439-443 . (doi:10.1109/ELINSL.2002.995969).

Hettrick, S.J., Wilkinson, J.S. and Shepherd, D.P. (2001) Neodymium and gadolinium diffusion in yttrium vanadate. 14th Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society (LEOS), San Diego, USA. 12 - 13 Nov 2001. (doi:10.1109/LEOS.2001.969204).

Hettrick, S.J., Li, C., Mackenzie, Jacob, Wilkinson, J.S. and Shepherd, D.P. (2001) Nd:Glass tapered planar waveguide laser. 14th Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society (LEOS), San Diego, USA. 12 - 13 Nov 2001. (doi:10.1109/LEOS.2001.969205).

Wilkinson, J.S., Apostolopoulos, V. and Hickey, L.M.B. (2001) Sapphire waveguide lasers. Integrated Photonics Research 2001, Monterey, United States. 12 - 14 Jun 2001.

Hua, Ping, Kawaguchi, K. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2001) Integrated optical dual Mach-Zehnder interferometer sensor. CLEO/Pacific Rim 2001: The 4th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, 2001, Chiba, Japan. 14 - 18 Jul 2001. 3 pp .

Pissadakis, S., Sager, D.A., Zervas, Michael N. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2001) Superstrate index control of waveguide grating reflectivity. CLEO/Pacific Rim 2001: The 4th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, 2001, Chiba, Japan. 14 - 18 Jul 2001. 2 pp .

Abanulo, Jude C., Harris, Richard D., Bartlett, Philip N. and Wilkinson, James S. (2001) Waveguide surface plasmon resonance sensor for electrochemically controlled surface reactions. Applied Optics, 40 (34), 6242-6245. (doi:10.1364/AO.40.006242).

Yin, H.B., Brown, T., Greef, R., Wilkinson, J.S. and Melvin, T. (2004) Chemical modification and micropatterning of Si(100) with oligonucleotides. Microelectronic Engineering, 73-73, 830-836. (doi:10.1016/j.mee.2004.03.060).

Yin, H.B., Brown, T., Wilkinson, J.S., Eason, R.W. and Melvin, T. (2004) Submicron patterning of DNA oligonucleotides on silicon. Nucleic Acids Research, 32 (14), e118-[7pp]. (doi:10.1093/nar/gnh113).

Hole, John Patrick, Wilkinson, James S, Grujic, Katarina and Hellesø, Olav Gaute (2005) Velocity distribution of gold nanoparticles trapped on an optical waveguide. Optics Express, 13 (10), 3896-3901. (doi:10.1364/OPEX.13.003896).

Tschmelak, Jens, Proll, Guenther, Riedt, Johannes, Kaiser, Joachim, Kraemmer, Peter, Bárzaga, Luis, Wilkinson, James, Hua, Ping, Hole, J. Patrick, Nudd, Richard, Jackson, Michael, Abuknesha, Ram, Barceló, Damià, Rodriguez-Mozaz, Sara, López de Alda, Maria J., Sacher, Frank, Stien, Jan, Slobodník, Jaroslav, Oswald, Peter, Kozmenko, Helena, Korenková, Eva, Tóthová, Lívia, Krascsenits, Zoltan and Gauglitz, Guenter (2005) Biosensors for unattended cost-effective and continuous monitoring of environmental pollution: Automated water analyser computer supported system (AWACSS) and river analyser (RIANA). International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 85 (12-13), 837-852. (doi:10.1080/03067310500149619).

Tian, Y., Lewin, P.L., Wilkinson, J.S., Schroeder, G., Sutton, S.J. and Swingler, S.G. (2005) An improved optically based PD detection system for continuous on-line monitoring of HV cables. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation, 12 (6), 1222-1234. (doi:10.1109/TDEI.2005.1561802).

Bu, Minqiang, Melvin, Tracy, Ensell, Graham J., Wilkinson, James S. and Evans, Alan G.R. (2004) A new masking technology for deep glass etching and its microfluidic application. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 115 (2-3), 476-482. (doi:10.1016/j.sna.2003.12.013).

Tai, Chao-Yi, Unal, Bayram, Wilkinson, James S., Ghanem, Mohamed A. and Bartlett, Philip N. (2004) Optical coupling between a self-assembled microsphere grating and a rib waveguide. Applied Physics Letters, 84 (18), 3513-3515. (doi:10.1063/1.1739275).

Tian, Y., Lewin, P.L., Wilkinson, J.S., Sutton, S.J. and Swingler, S.G. (2004) Continuous online monitoring of partial discharges in high voltage cables. In Conference Record of the 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation, 2004. IEEE. pp. 454-457 . (doi:10.1109/ELINSL.2004.1380640).

Mezzapesa, Francesco P., Carvalho, Isabel C.S., Corbari, Costantino, Kazansky, Peter G., Wilkinson, James S. and Chen, George (2005) Voltage-assisted cooling: a new route to enhance χ(2) during thermal poling. CLEO/QELS and PhAST 2005. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, , Baltimore, United States. 22 - 27 May 2005. 3 pp .

Grujic, Katarina, Hellesø, Olav Gaute, Hole, J.Patrick and Wilkinson, James S. (2005) Microsphere chain formation in the evanescent field of an optical waveguide. 12th European Conference on Integrated Optics. ECIO 2005, Grenoble, France. 05 - 07 Apr 2005. 4 pp .

Hole, J. Patrick, Wilkinson, James S., Grujic, Katarina and Hellesø, Olav Gaute (2005) Guiding and sorting of micro- and nano-particles with integrated optics. CLEO/Europe 2005: European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Munich, Germany. 11 - 16 Jun 2005. p.593 . (doi:10.1109/CLEOE.2005.1568369).

Wilkinson, James S. (2005) Integrated optical chemical sensing. ECIO'05: 12th European Conference on Integrated Optics, Grenoble, Switzerland. 06 - 08 Apr 2005. 8 pp .

Wilkinson, James S. (2005) Planar lightwave platforms for bio- and chemical sensing. International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics and International Conference on Lasers, Applications and Technologies. ICONO/LAT 2005, St. Petersburg, Russia. 10 - 14 May 2005. 1 pp .

Unal, Bayram, Netti, M.Caterina, Hassan, Majid A., Ayliffe, Peter J., Charlton, Martin D.B., Lahoz, Fernando, Perney, Nicolas M.B., Shepherd, David P., Tai, Chao-Yi, Wilkinson, James S. and Parker, Greg J. (2005) Neodymium-doped tantalum pentoxide waveguide lasers. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 41 (12), 1565-1573. (doi:10.1109/JQE.2005.858775).

Lahoz, F., Martín, I.R., Shepherd, David, Wilkinson, J.S. and Hassan, M.A. (2006) Room temperature infrared-laser-induced upconversion in Nd3+ doped Ta2O5 waveguides. Chemical Physics Letters, 421 (1-3), 198-204. (doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2006.01.076).

Yin, H.B., Brown, T., Mailis, Sakellaris, Wilkinson, James and Melvin, T. (2003) Chemical modification and patterning of Si(100) using interference photolithography. MNE 2003: Micro and Nano Engineering, Cambridge, UK. 21 - 24 Sep 2003.

Yin, H.B., Brown, T., Mailis, S., Wilkinson, J.S. and Melvin, T. (2003) Micro/submicro-patterning of DNA on Si(100) surface. Royal Society of Chemistry Frontiers in Chemical Biology: Biomolecular Dynamics and Force Generation, Manchester, UK. 03 - 05 Sep 2003.

Sheridan, A.K., Ngamukot, P., Evans, S.A.G., Wilkinson, J.S. and Bartlett, P.N. (2003) Simultaneous surface plasmon resonance and electrochemical investigations of alkane thiol monolayers on a gold electrode. Royal Society of Chemistry: Electrochem 03, Southampton, UK. 13 - 16 Sep 2003. 1 pp .

Bu, M., Melvin, T., Ensell, G., Wilkinson, James and Evans, A.G.R. (2003) New deep glass etching technology. Eurosensors XVII, , Guimarães, Portugal. 20 - 23 Sep 2003. 4 pp .

Unal, B., Netti, M.C., Perney, Nicolas, Hassan, M., Shepherd, David P., Baumberg, Jeremy and Wilkinson, J.S. (2003) Optical spectroscopy of neodymium-doped tantalum pentoxide slab waveguides. CLEO/Pacific Rim 2003: The 5th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/PR 2003), , Taipei, Taiwan. 15 - 19 Dec 2003.

Tai, C.Y., Wilkinson, J.S., Perney, Nicolas, Netti, M.C. and Baumberg, J.J. (2003) Self-phase modulation induced spectral broadening of ultrashort laser pulses in tantalum pentoxide (Ta2O5) rib waveguide. CLEO/Pacific Rim 2003: The 5th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/PR 2003), , Taipei, Taiwan. 15 - 19 Dec 2003. 3 pp .

Pissadakis, S., Ikiades, A., Tai, C.Y., Sessions, N.P. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2003) Sub-micron period grating structures in Ta2O5 thin oxide films patterned using UV laser post-exposure chemically assisted selective etching. E-MRS 2003 Spring Meeting, , Strasbourg, France. 09 - 12 Jun 2003. 1 pp .

Pissadakis, S., Reekie, L., Zervas, Michael and Wilkinson, J.S. (2003) High reflectivity Bragg gratings fabricated by 248nm excimer laser holographic ablation in thin Ta2O5 films overlaid on glass waveguides. COLA '03, Crete, Heraklion, Greece. 04 - 09 Oct 2003. 1 pp .

Hettrick, S.J., Wang, J., Li, C., Wilkinson, James and Shepherd, D.P. (2003) An experimental comparison of linear and parabolic tapered waveguide lasers. ECIO 2003: European Conference on Integrated Optics, Prague. 01 - 03 Apr 2003. 4 pp .

Tai, Chao-Yi, Unal, Bayram, Wilkinson, James S., Ghanem, Mohamed A. and Bartlett, Philip N. (2003) Self-assembled microsphere gratings on rib waveguides. ECIO 2003: European Conference on Integrated Optics, Prague. 01 - 03 Apr 2003. 4 pp .

Sheridan, A.K., Gawith, C.B.E., Emmerson, G.D., Smith, Peter G.R. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2003) UV-written channel waveguides in ion-exchanged Pyrex. ECIO 2003: European Conference on Integrated Optics, Prague. 01 - 03 Apr 2003. 4 pp .

Pissadakis, Stavros, Ikiades, Aris, Hua, Ping, Sheridan, Anna K. and Wilkinson, James S. (2004) Strong refractive index changes induced in Ag+ ion-exchanged Er-doped phosphate glass using 248nm excimer laser radiation. 7th ESG Conference on Glass Science and Technology (Yalos 2004), Athens, Greece. 24 - 27 Apr 2004. 1 pp .

Mezzapesa, F.P., Corbari, Costantino, Deparis, O., Kazansky, Peter and Wilkinson, J.S. (2004) Second-order nonlinearity profile in thermally poled twin-hole fibre. CLEO/IQEC 2004: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, San Francisco. 15 - 20 May 2004. 2 pp .

Hua, Ping, Hole, J.P., Wilkinson, J.S., Proll, G., Tschmelak, J., Gauglitz, G., Jackson, M.A., Nudd, R., Abuknesha, R., Kaiser, J. and Krämmer, P. (2004) Integrated optical immunofluorescence multisensor for river pollution. EWOFS '04: Second European Workshop on Optical Fiber Sensors, Santander. 09 - 11 Jun 2004. 4 pp . (doi:10.1117/12.566560).

Sheridan, A.K., Ngamukot, P., Bartlett, P.N. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2004) Simultaneous SPR and electrochemical sensing of an alkane thiol Self-Assembly Monolayer (SAM): towards an optical biosensor. EWOFS '04: Second European Workshop on Optical Fiber Sensors, Santander. 08 - 10 Jun 2004. 4 pp . (doi:10.1117/12.566559).

Wilkinson, J.S. (2006) Optical waveguide tools for microsystems. 2006 Joint International Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Cancun, Mexico. 28 Oct - 03 Nov 2006. 1 pp .

Bahrami, M., Melvin, Tracy, Wilkinson, James S. and Evans, A.G.R. (2005) PCR device with integrated thermal cycling and fluorescence detection elements. SPIE 2005 - Microtechnologies for the New Millennium, , Sevilla, Spain. 08 - 10 May 2005. (doi:10.1117/12.608646).

Grujic, K., Hole, J.P., Hellesø, O.G. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2006) Morphology dependent resonances for a microparticle optically trapped on the surface of a waveguide. Northern Optics Conference 2006, Bergen, Norway. 13 - 15 Jun 2006. 1 pp .

Pissadakis, S., Zervas, Michael, Reekie, L. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2004) High-reflectivity Bragg gratings fabricated by 248-nm excimer laser holographic ablation in thin Ta2O5 films overlaid on glass waveguides. Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, 79 (4-6), 1093-1096. (doi:10.1007/s00339-004-2653-7).

Bahrami, M., Melvin, T., Wilkinson, J.S. and Evans, A.G.R. (2004) Micro-fabricated polymerase chain reaction device with integrated fluorescence detection elements. Proceedings of 15th MicroMechanics Europe Workshop, Leuven Belgium. 04 - 06 Sep 2004. pp. 203-206 .

Cattaneo, F., Finlayson, C.E., Baumberg, J., Netti, M.C., Wilkinson, J., Charlton, M. and Parker, G. (2004) Femtosecond time-of-flight measurements in photonic crystal waveguides. CLEO/IQEC 2004: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics: International Quantum Electronics Conference, San Francisco, United States. 15 - 20 May 2004.

Murugan, Ganapathy Senthil, Panitchob, Yuwapat, Tull, Elizabeth J., Bartlett, Philip N. and Wilkinson, James S. (2006) Micropositioning of microsphere resonators on planar optical waveguides. 5th International Conference on Optics-Photonics Design & Fabrication (ODF '06), Nara, Japan. 06 - 08 Dec 2006.

Sheridan, A.K., Ngamukot, P., Bartlett, P.N. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2006) Waveguide surface plasmon resonance sensing: Electrochemical desorption of alkane thiol monolayers. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 117 (1), 253-260. (doi:10.1016/j.snb.2005.11.047).

Hao, L., Lewin, P.L., Tian, Y., Wilkinson, J.S., Swingler, S.G. and Sutton, Simon (2006) Application of electro-optic modulation technique for PD monitoring of power transformers. 2006 IEEE Symposium on Electrical Insulation, Ontario, Canada. 10 - 13 Jun 2006. (doi:10.1109/ELINSL.2006.1665345).

Pissadakis, S., Ikiades, A., Hua, Ping, Sheridan, A.K. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2005) Strong refractive index changes induced in Ag ion exchanged Er doped phosphate glass using 248 nm excimer laser radiation. Glass Technology, 46 (2), 76-79.

Wilkinson, J.S., Hole, J.P., Grujic, K. and Hellesø, O.G. (2006) Propulsion and sorting of gold nanospheres on optical waveguides. 5th International Conference on Optics-photonics Design and Fabrication (ODF 06), Nara, Japan. 06 - 08 Dec 2006.

Wilkinson, J.S., Hellesø, O.G., Hole, J.P. and Grujic, K. (2006) Optical waveguide manipulation of micro- and nano-spheres. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2006), Cambridge, USA. 26 - 28 Mar 2006.

Hill, Martyn, Glynne-Jones, Peter, Townsend, Rosemary J., Harris, Nicholas R., Cranny, Andrew W., Melvin, Tracy, Zhang, Fan and Wilkinson, James S. (2007) Nodal position in planar resonators for ultrasonic manipulation. 19th International Congress on Acoustics (ICA 2007), Madrid, Spain. 01 - 06 Sep 2007.

Brambilla, G., Murugan, G.S., Wilkinson, J.S. and Richardson, D.J. (2007) Optical manipulation of microspheres along a subwavelength optical wire. Optics Letters, 32 (20), 3041-3043. (doi:10.1364/OL.32.003041).

Murugan, G.S., Brambilla, G., Richardson, D.J. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2007) Microsphere propulsion along sub-micron optical wires. 13th Microoptics Conference (MOC '07), Kagawa, Japan. 27 - 31 Oct 2007.

Murugan, G.S., Wilkinson, J.S. and Zervas, M.N. (2007) Waveguide coupling to size-mismatched bispheres. 13th Microoptics Conference (MOC '07), Kagawa, Japan. 27 - 31 Oct 2007. 2 pp .

Panitchob, Y., Murugan, G.S., Zervas, M.N. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2007) Q-factor and waveguide-sphere separation effects in waveguide-coupled microsphere resonators. International Workshop and Conference on Photonics and Nanotechnology (ICPN 2007), Pattaya, Thailand. 16 - 18 Dec 2007. 6 pp . (doi:10.1117/12.799260).

Elliott, Gregor R., Hewak, Daniel W., Murugan, G.S. and Wilkinson, James S. (2007) Chalcogenide glass microspheres: their production characterization and potential. Optics Express, 15 (26), 17542-17553. (doi:10.1364/OE.15.017542).

Wilkinson, James S., Murugan, G.S., Panitchob, Yuwapat and Zervas, Mikhail N. (2008) Microsphere resonators: a route to enhanced functionality in planar lightwave circuits. Norwegian Electro-Optics Meeting 2008, Hurtigruten, Norway. 26 - 29 Mar 2008. 1 pp .

Hunt, Hamish C. and Wilkinson, James S. (2008) Optofluidic integration for microanalysis. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 4 (1-2), 53-79. (doi:10.1007/s10404-007-0223-y).

Sam, Y.L., Lewin, P.L., Davies, A.E., Wilkinson, J.S., Sutton, S.J. and Swingler, S.G. (2001) Dynamic AC surface discharge characteristics of PMMA and LDPE. ICSD '01. Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE 7th International Conference on Solid Dielectrics, Eindhoven, Netherlands. 24 - 28 Jun 2001. pp. 159-162 . (doi:10.1109/ICSD.2001.955574).

Apostolopoulos, V., Hickey, L.M.B., Sager, D.A. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2006) Diffusion of gallium in sapphire. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 26 (13), 2695-2698. (doi:10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2005.06.039).

Praeger, Matthew, Brocklesby, William S., de Paula, Ana M., Frey, Jeremy, Baumberg, Jeremy J., Netti, Caterina M., Zoorob, Majd E., Perney, Nicholas M.B., Charlton, Martin D.B., Roberts, Stephen W., Wilkinson, James S., Parker, Gregory J. and Lincoln, John R. (2005) Generalised ultrafast dispersion scans of continuum generation induced by sub-50fs chirped pulses in highly nonlinear tapered planar waveguides. In Commercial and Biomedical Applications of Ultrafast Lasers V. vol. 5714, SPIE. pp. 200-207 . (doi:10.1117/12.589346).

Sager, D.A., Apostolopoulos, V. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2002) Diffusion of neodymium into sputtered films of tantalum pentoxide. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 85 (10), 2581-2583. (doi:10.1111/j.1151-2916.2002.tb00501.x).

Bahrami, M., Evans, A.G.R., Wilkinson, J.S., Husband, B., Sessions, N.P. and Melvin, T. (2005) Fabrication and testing of a micro-fabricated PCR Device with an integrated fluorescence detector. 16th MicroMechanics Europe Workshop (MME 2005), Gothenburg, Sweden. 03 - 05 Sep 2005.

Yin, H.B., Brown, T., Wilkinson, J.S., Eason, R.W. and Melvin, T. (2005) Photonic generation of DNA micropatterns for haplotype analysis. BioScience 2005, , Glasgow, United Kingdom. 01 Jul 2005.

Bahrami, M., Melvin, T., Wilkinson, J.S. and Evans, A.G.R. (2004) Optical filter technologies for integration into a silicon microfabricated PCR device with a PN diode. PREP 2004, Hertfordshire, UK. 05 Apr 2004.

Bu, M., Melvin, T., Ensell, G., Wilkinson, J.S. and Evans, A.G.R. (2003) Fabrication of a micro peristaltic pump. PREP 2003, Exeter. 13 - 15 Apr 2003.

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Glynne-Jones, Peter, Hill, Martyn, Townsend, Rosemary J., Harris, Nicholas R., Wilkinson, James S., Zhang, Fan and Melvin, Tracy (2008) An integrated multimodal acoustic particle manipulator and optical evanescent field waveguide. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 123 (5), p.3925. (doi:10.1121/1.2935963).

Benayas, A., Murugan, G.S., Panitchob, Y., Jaque, D. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2008) Time resolved confocal luminescence of Nd3+ doped BK7 glass microspheres. 15th International Conference on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter (ICL’08), Lyon, France. 06 - 10 Jul 2008. 1 pp .

Subramanian, Ananth, Oton, Claudio J., Greef, Robert and Wilkinson, James S. (2008) Er:Ta2O5 waveguide optimization & spectroscopy. 14th European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO '08), Eindhoven, Netherlands. 10 - 12 Jun 2008.

Panitchob, Y., Murugan, G.S., Zervas, M.N., Horak, P., Berneschi, S., Pelli, S., NunziConti, G. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2008) Whispering gallery mode spectra of channel waveguide coupled microspheres. Optics Express, 16 (15), 11066-11076. (doi:10.1364/OE.16.011066).

Zervas, M.N., Murugan, G.S. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2008) Demonstration of novel high-Q fibre WGM "bottle" microresonators. 10th Anniversary International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON '08), Athens, Greece. 21 - 25 Jun 2008.

Parker, G.J., Charlton, M.D.B., Zoorob, M.E., Baumberg, J.J., Netti, M.C., Cox, S.J. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2001) Silicon-based photonic crystal structures. The Knowledge Foundation International Conference on Photonic Nanostructures, San Diego, USA. 10 - 11 Oct 2001.

Brambilla, G., Murugan, G. Senthil, Wilkinson, J.S. and Richardson, D.J. (2008) Propulsion of clusters of microspheres along sub-wavelength optical wires. Photon '08, Edinburgh, UK. 25 - 28 Aug 2008.

Murugan, Ganapathy Senthil, Brambilla, Gilberto, Wilkinson, James S. and Richardson, David J. (2008) Optical propulsion of individual and clustered microspheres along sub-micron optical wires. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 47 (8), 6716-6718. (doi:10.1143/JJAP.47.6716).

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Glynne-Jones, Peter, Boltryk, Rosemary J., Hill, Martyn, Zhang, Fan, Dong, Liqin, Wilkinson, James S., Melvin, Tracy, Harris, Nicholas R. and Brown, Tom (2009) Flexible acoustic particle manipulation device with integrated optical waveguide for enhanced microbead assays. Analytical Sciences, 25 (2), 285-291. (doi:10.2116/analsci.25.285).

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Panitchob, Yuwapat, Murugan, G.Senthil, Zervas, Mikhail N. and Wilkinson, James S. (2006) Control of coupling between waveguides and microsphere resonators. 5th International Conference on Optics-photonics Design and Fabrication (ODF '06), Nara, Japan. 06 - 08 Dec 2006.

Tian, Y., Lewin, P.L., Wilkinson, J.S., Sutton, S.J. and Swingler, S.G. (2004) Optically-based partial discharge continuous monitoring system for HV cable joints. CEIDP '04. 2004 Annual Report Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Boulder, United States. 16 - 20 Oct 2004. pp. 21-24 . (doi:10.1109/CEIDP.2004.1364179).

Pissadakis, Stavros, Ikiades, Aris, Hua, Ping, Sheridan, Anna K. and Wilkinson, James S. (2004) Long refractive index changes induced in Ag+ ion-exchanged Er-doped phosphate glass using 248nm excimer laser radiation. 7th ESG Conference on Glass Science and Technology, Athens, Greece. 24 - 27 Apr 2004.

Ng, L.N., Wilkinson, J.S., Zervas, M.N. and Luff, B.J. (2000) Forces on a Rayleigh particle in the cover region of a planar waveguide. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 18 (3), 388-400. (doi:10.1109/50.827512).

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Brambilla, Gilberto, Xu, Fei, Horak, Peter, Jung, Yongmin, Koizumi, Fumihito, Sessions, Neil P., Koukharenko, Elena, Feng, Xian, Murugan, Ganapathy S., Wilkinson, James S. and Richardson, David J. (2009) Optical fiber nanowires and microwires: fabrication and applications. Advances in Optics and Photonics, 1 (1), 107-161. (doi:10.1364/AOP.1.000107).

Tian, Y., Lewin, P.L., Wilkinson, J.S., Sutton, S.J. and Swingler, S.G. (2005) Improvement on measurement sensitivity of the optical remote sensing based PD continuous on-line monitoring system for HV cable joints. Proceedings of 2005 International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materials (ISEIM 2005). Electrical Insulating Materials, 2005. (ISEIM 2005). Volume 3, Kitakyushu, Japan. 04 - 08 Jun 2005. pp. 841-844 . (doi:10.1109/ISEIM.2005.193510).

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Tran, T.N., Lewin, P.L., Wilkinson, J.S., Swingler, S.G. and Coventry, P.F. (2008) Dynamic measurement of surface discharge under different gaseous environments and pressures. IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation, Vancouver, Canada. 07 - 10 Jun 2008. pp. 424-427 . (doi:10.1109/ELINSL.2008.4570364).

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Murugan, Ganapathy Senthil, Wilkinson, James S. and Zervas, Michalis N. (2009) Selective excitation of whispering gallery modes in a novel bottle microresonator. Optics Express, 17 (14), 11916-11925. (doi:10.1364/OE.17.011916). (PMID:19582106)

Hewak, D.W., Elliott, G.R., Wilkinson, J.S., Zervas, M.N., Murugan, G.S. and Panitchob, Y. (2009) Chalcogenide glass microspheres and their applications. 8th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology, Vancouver, Canada. 30 May - 04 Jun 2009.

Glynne-Jones, P., Boltryk, R.J., Hill, M., Zhang, F., Dong, L., Wilkinson, J.S., Brown, T., Melvin, T. and Harris, N.R. (2009) Multi-modal particle manipulator to enhance bead-based bioassays. International Congress on Ultrasonics, Santiago, Chile. 11 - 17 Jan 2009.

Netti, M.C., Baumberg, J.J., Charlton, M.D.B., Zoorob, M.E., Parker, G.J., Wilkinson, J.S. and Cox, S.J. (2002) Separation of photonic crystal modes using femtosecond time-of-flight in waveguides. CLEO 2002, Long Beach, United States. 18 - 23 May 2002. (doi:10.1109/CLEO.2002.1034017).

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Grujic, Katarina, Hole, J.Patrick, Hellesø, Olav Gaute and Wilkinson, James S. (2006) Whispering gallery modes excitation in borosilicate glass microspheres by K+ ion-exchanged channel waveguide coupler. SPIE : Photonics West: 8th International Conference on Laser Beam Control and Applications, San José, Costa Rica. 22 - 26 Jan 2006. (doi:10.1117/12.669565).

Glynne-Jones, Peter, Hill, Martyn, Boltryk, Rosemary J., Harris, Nicholas R., Melvin, Tracy, Zhang, Fan and Wilkinson, James S. (2008) Multi-modal particle manipulation with integrated optical waveguide detection. 6th USW/Net Conference, Zurich, Switzerland. 13 - 14 Nov 2008.

Murugan, G.S., Wilkinson, J.S. and Zervas, M.N. (2009) Experimental demonstration of a bottle microresonator. International Quantum Electronics Conference CLEO/IQEC 2009, , Baltimore, Maryland. 31 May - 05 Jun 2009.

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Shepherd, D.P., Tai, C.Y., Unal, B. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2006) Nd3+ doped Ta2O5 waveguide lasers. SPIE Photonics North, Quebec. 04 - 07 Jun 2006.

Hellesø, O.G., Grujic, K., Hole, J.P., Jaising, H. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2005) Manipulation of microparticles with integrated optics. Conference on Integrated Optics - Devices, Materials, and Technologies IX, San Jose, United States. 23 - 25 Jan 2005. (doi:10.1117/12.647325).

Bu, M., Husband, B., Melvin, T., Ensell, G., Wilkinson, J.S. and Evans, A. (2004) An improved micro peristaltic pump for pumping air and its application in a micro PCR device. Eurosensors, Rome, Italy. 11 - 14 Sep 2004.

Finlayson, C.E., Netti, M.C., Baumberg, J., Charlton, M., Zoorob, M.E., Parker, G., Wilkinson, J.S. and Cox, S. (2002) Separation of photonic crystal modes using femtosecond time-of-flight measurements in a waveguide. Photon 02, Cardiff, United Kingdom. 01 - 04 Sep 2002.

Baumberg, J., Netti, M.C., Finlayson, C.E., Charlton, M., Zoorob, M.E., Wilkinson, J.S., Cox, S. and Parker, G. (2002) Trirefringence and time-resolved propagation in photonic crystal waveguides. PECS IV: International Workshop on Photonic & Electromagnetic Crystal Structures, Los Angeles, United States. 28 - 31 Oct 2002.

Klotz, Albrecht, Barzen, C., Brecht, Andreas, Harris, Richard D., Quigley, G, Wilkinson, James S. and Gauglitz, Guenter (1999) Sensitivity enhancement of transducers for total internal reflection fluorescence. Righini, Giancarlo C. and Najafi, S. Iraj (eds.) In Sensors. vol. 3620, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. p. 345 . (doi:10.1117/12.343754).

Wilkinson, James S. (1999) Integrated optical chemical and biochemical sensors. Fallahi, Mahmoud and Swanson, Basil I. (eds.) Advanced Materials and Optical Systems for Chemical and Biological Detection, Boston. 19 - 21 Sep 1999. pp. 42-53 . (doi:10.1117/12.372928).

Pissadakis, S., Reekie, L., Hempstead, M., Zervas, M.N. and Wilkinson, J.S. (1999) Ablated gratings on borosilicate glass by 193nm excimer laser radiation. 5th International Conference on Laser Ablation (COLA 99), Goettingen, Germany. 18 - 22 Jul 1999.

Harris, R.D., Quigley, G.R., Wilkinson, J.S., Klotz, A., Barzen, C., Brecht, A., Gauglitz, G. and Abuknesha, R.A. (1998) Waveguide immunofluorescence sensor for water pollution analysis. SPIE International Symposium on Industrial & Environmental Monitors & Biosensors, Boston, United States. 01 - 06 Nov 1998.

Harris, R.D., Quigley, G.R., Wilkinson, J.S., Klotz, A., Barzen, C., Brecht, A., Gauglitz, G. and Abuknesha, R.A. (1998) Integrated optical immunofluorescence sensor for environmental monitoring. Biosensors '98, Berlin, Germany. 02 - 04 Jun 1998.

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Luff, B.J., Kawaguchi, K. and Wilkinson, J.S. (1998) Integrated optical sensor system for beverage analysis. Buettgenbach, Stephanus (ed.) In Optical Sensing. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. p. 10 . (doi:10.1117/12.333741).

Luff, B.J., Kawaguchi, K. and Wilkinson, J.S. (1998) Integrated optical sensor utilising a 1D CCD array for multiple output addressing. Eurosensors XII Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom. 13 - 16 Sep 1998.

Gnewuch, H., Ulrich, R. and Wilkinson, J.S. (1998) Tunable spatial mode beating for distributed sensing. Europt(R)ode IV, Muenster, Germany. 29 - 31 Mar 1998.

Hickey, L.M.B., Quigley, G.R., Wilkinson, J.S., Moya, E.G., Moya, F. and Grattepain, C. (1998) Ti-diffusion in sapphire for active and passive waveguide devices. In Proceedings of Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe '98. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. 1 pp .

Hickey, L.M.B., Anderson, A.A. and Wilkinson, J.S. (1997) Ti:sapphire channel waveguide laser by thermal diffusion of titanium into sapphire. 8th European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO '97), Stockholm, Sweden. 01 - 03 Apr 1997.

Luff, B.J. and Wilkinson, J.S. (1997) Determination of complex refractive indices of absorbing media using a directional coupler. 8th European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO'97), Stockholm, Sweden. 01 - 03 Apr 1997.

Quigley, G.R., Harris, R.D. and Wilkinson, J.S. (1997) Sensitivity enhancement of integrated optics sensors by thin high index films. European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO '97), Stockholm, Sweden. 01 - 03 Apr 1997.

Hickey, L.M.B. and Wilkinson, J.S. (1997) Characterisation of Ti:diffused channel waveguides in sapphire. 8th European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO '97), Stockholm, Sweden. 01 - 03 Apr 1997.

Hickey, L.M.B., Román, J.E., Wilkinson, J.S., Moya, E.G. and Moya, F. (1996) Thermal diffusion of Ti3+ into sapphire for active integrated optical devices. International Quantum Electronics Conference International Conference on Quantum Electronics (IQEC '96), Sydney, Australia. 13 - 18 Jul 1996.

Hickey, L.M.B., Anderson, A.A. and Wilkinson, J.S. (1996) Titanium diffused waveguides in sapphire. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO Europe), , Hamburg, Germany. 08 - 13 Sep 1996.

van der Plaats, J.C., Willems, F.W., Muys, W., Koonen, A.M.J., Camy, P., Prel, C., Béguin, A., Prassas, M., Lerminiaux, C., Román, J.E., Hempstead, M. and Wilkinson, J.S. (1996) Ion-exchanged planar lossless splitter for analog CATV distribution systems at 1.5µm. Optical Society of America Topical Meeting on Optical Amplifiers and Their Applications (OAA 96), , Monterey Park, United States. 11 - 13 Jul 1996. 5 pp .

Gnewuch, H., Román, J.E., Harris, R.D., Wilkinson, J.S. and Ulrich, R. (1996) Measurement of complex coupling coefficients of directional coupling by thermo-optic modulation. In Proceedings of Integrated Photonics Research. Optical Society of America..

Luff, B.J., Harris, R.D., Wilkinson, J.S., Piehler, J., Brecht, A., Gauglitz, G. and Abuknesha, R.A. (1996) Integrated optical directional coupler sensor for pesticide analysis. International Conference on Applications of Photonic Technology, Montreal, Canada. 28 - 31 Jul 1996.

Harris, R.D., Luff, B.J., Wilkinson, J.S., Wilson, R., Schiffrin, D.J., Piehler, J., Brecht, A., Abuknesha, R.A. and Mouvet, C. (1996) Waveguide surface plasmon resonance biosensor for simazine analysis. 11th Optical Fiber Sensors Conference (OFS 11), Hokkaidō, Japan. 20 - 23 May 1996.

Almeida, J.M., Leite, A.P., De La Rue, R.M., Ironside, C.N., Amin, J., Hempstead, M. and Wilkinson, J.S. (1996) Spectroscopy and optical amplification in Cr doped LiNbO3. In Proceedings of Advanced Solid State Lasers (ASSL). Optical Society of America. 4 pp .

Amin, J., Dussardier, B., Schweizer, T., Hempstead, M. and Wilkinson, J.S. (1995) Spectroscopic characteristics of Er-doped LiNbO3. Quantum Electronics Conference (QE12), Southampton, United Kingdom. 03 - 07 Sep 1995. 1 pp .

Hickey, L.M.B., Martins, E., Brocklesby, W.S., Wilkinson, J.S. and Moya, F. (1995) Spectroscopic characteristics of Ti-indiffused sapphire. 12th UK National Quantum Electronics Conference (QE12), , Southampton, United Kingdom. 03 - 07 Sep 1995.

Camy, P., Béguin, A., Lerminiaux, C., Prel, C., Román, J.E., Hempstead, M., Wilkinson, J.S., Vander, J.C., Willems, F.W. and Koonen, A.M.J. (1995) Diode-pumped, planar lossless splitter at 1.5 microns for optical networks. European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC '95), , Brussels, Belgium. 17 - 21 Sep 1995. 4 pp .

Román, J.E., Hempstead, M., Brocklesby, W.S., Nouh, S., Wilkinson, J.S., Camy, P., Lerminiaux, C. and Béguin, A. (1995) Diode-pumped, ion-exchanged Er/Yb waveguide laser at 1.5µm in phosphorus-free silicate glass. 7th European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO '95), Delft, Netherlands. 02 - 05 Apr 1995.

Luff, B.J., Harris, R.D. and Wilkinson, J.S. (1995) Directional coupler sensor using a low-index fluoropolymer isolation layer. 7th European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO '95), Delft, Netherlands. 02 - 05 Apr 1995.

Amin, Jaymin, Loh, Wei Hung, Hempstead, Martin and Wilkinson, James S. (1995) Multiple function waveguide laser in Nd-diffused Ti:LiNbO3. 7th European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO '95), Delft, Netherlands. 02 - 05 Apr 1995. 4 pp .

Harris, R.D., Luff, B.J., Wilkinson, J.S., Wilson, B.J. and Schiffrin, D.J. (1995) Waveguide surface plasmon resonance biosensor for the aqueous environment. 7th European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO '95), Delft, Netherlands. 02 - 05 Apr 1995. 3 pp .

Hempstead, Martin, Román, Jose E., Ye, Chen Chun, Wilkinson, James S., Camy, Patrice, Laborde, Pascale and Lerminiaux, Christian (1995) Anomalously high uniform upconversion in an erbium-doped waveguide amplifier. In 7th European Conference on Integrated Optics. pp. 233-236 .

Kremeskotter, J., Wilson, R., Schiffrin, D.J., Luff, B.J. and Wilkinson, J.S. (1995) Study of luminol electrochemiluminescence with a planar optical waveguide for peroxide sensor application. In The Electrochemical Society Extended Abstracts. Electrochemical Society. p. 1054 .

Luff, B.J., Harris, R.D., Gnewuch, H. and Wilkinson, J.S. (1994) Optical biosensor techniques for monitoring organic pollutants in the aquatic environment. In, 2nd European Workshop on Biosensors for Environmental Monitoring, 17-18 Feb 1994, London. Luxembourg, LU. European Commission, pp. 111-117.

Amin, J., Hempstead, M., Román, J.E. and Wilkinson, J.S. (1994) Neodymium-diffused tunable Y-branch waveguide laser in LiNbO3 operating at room temperature. Union of Radio Science (URSI) National Radio Science Conference (NRSC) '94, Liverpool, United Kingdom.

Gambling, W.A. and Wilkinson, J.S. (1993) Integrated fibre circuits - prospects and possibilities. MOC/GRIN '93: 4th Micro-Optics Conference and the 11th Topical Meeting on Gradient-Index Optical Systems, Kawasaki, Japan. 19 - 21 Oct 1993.

Jones, J.K., de Sandro, J.P., Hempstead, M., Shepherd, D.P., Tropper, A.C. and Wilkinson, J.S. (1993) Spectra and energy levels of the trivalent ytterbium ion doped into lithium niobate by thermal indiffusion. Materials Research Society Symposium New Materials for Advanced Solid State Lasers, Boston, United States. 29 Nov - 03 Dec 1993.

Lavers, C.R., Piraud, C., Wilkinson, J.S., Brust, M. and Schiffrin, D.J. (1993) Electrochemically controlled optical waveguide sensors. OFS: 9th Optical Fibre Sensors Conference, Florence, Italy. 03 - 05 May 1993.

Wilkinson, J.S., Mwarania, E.K., Hempstead, M. and Reekie, L. (1992) Tunable line-narrowed lasers employing Y-junction waveguide resonators. Institute of Physics Meeting on Waveguides for Lasers and Nonlinear Optics, Southampton, United Kingdom.

Hempstead, M., Wilkinson, J.S. and Reekie, L. (1992) Neodymium-diffused lithium niobate waveguide lasers at 1084nm. CLEO'92: Conference on Lasers & Electro-Optics, , Anaheim, United States. 30 Apr 1992.

Wilkinson, J.S. and Mwarania, E.K. (1991) Rare-earth doped planar waveguide lasers. 3rd Micro-Optics Conference (MOC '91), Pacifico Yokohama, Japan. 23 - 24 Oct 1991.

Mwarania, E.K., Wang, J., Piraud, C., Chow, Y.T., Reekie, L. and Wilkinson, J.S. (1991) Monomode glass waveguide lasers pumped by a single-stripe laser diode. ASSL'91: Advanced Solid-State Lasers, South Carolina, United States. 18 - 20 Mar 1991.

Mwarania, E.K., Chow, Y.T., Reekie, L., Wang, J. and Wilkinson, J.S. (1990) Laser diode pumped waveguide lasers in neodymium-doped BK-7 glass. IOP Meeting: Miniature and Waveguide Solid State Lasers, Southampton, United Kingdom.

Quigley, G.R., Harris, R.D. and Wilkinson, J.S. (1999) Sensitivity enhancement of integrated optical sensors by use of thin high-index films. Applied Optics, 38 (28), 6036-6039. (doi:10.1364/AO.38.006036).

Pissadakis, S., Reekie, L., Hempstead, M., Zervas, M.N. and Wilkinson, J.S. (1999) Ablated gratings on borosilicate glass by 193nm excimer laser radiation. Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, 69 (7), S739-S741. (doi:10.1007/s003390051519).

Pissadakis, S., Mailis, S., Reekie, L., Wilkinson, J.S., Eason, R.W., Vainos, N.A., Moschovis, K. and Kiriakidis, G. (1999) Permanent holographic recording in indium oxide thin films using 193nm excimer laser radiation. Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, 69 (3), 333-336. (doi:10.1007/s003390051009).

Harris, R.D., Luff, B.J., Wilkinson, J.S., Piehler, J., Brecht, A., Gauglitz, G. and Abuknesha, R.A. (1999) Integrated optical surface plasmon resonance immunoprobe for simazine detection. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 14 (4), 377-386. (doi:10.1016/S0956-5663(99)00014-7).

Klotz, A., Brecht, A., Barzen, C., Gauglitz, G., Harris, R.D., Quigley, G.R., Wilkinson, J.S. and Abuknesha, R.A. (1998) Immunofluorescence sensor for water analysis. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 51 (1-3), 181-187. (doi:10.1016/S0925-4005(98)00187-7).

Čtyroký, J., Homola, J., Lambeck, P.V., Musa, S., Hoekstra, H.J.W.M., Harris, R.D., Wilkinson, J.S., Usievich, B. and Lyndin, N.M. (1999) Theory and modelling of optical waveguide sensors utilising surface plasmon resonance. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 54 (1-2), 66-73. (doi:10.1016/S0925-4005(98)00328-1).

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Murugan, Ganapathy Senthil, Wilkinson, James S. and Zervas, Michalis N. (2012) Optical microdiscus resonators by flattening microspheres. Applied Physics Letters, 101 (7), 1-4, [071106]. (doi:10.1063/1.4746256).

Ying, C.Y.J., Murugan, G.S., Brambilla, G., Sones, C.L., Soergel, E., Wilkinson, J.S., Eason, R.W., Zervas, M.N. and Mailis, S. (2011) Surface tension reshaped lithium niobate whispering gallery mode micro-resonators. CLEO/QELS 2011: Lasers and Electro-Optics and Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, Baltimore, United States. 30 Apr - 02 May 2011.

Ying, C.Y.J., Murugan, G.S., Brambilla, G., Sones, C.L., Soergel, E., Wilkinson, J.S., Eason, R.W., Zervas, M.N. and Mailis, S. (2011) LiNbO3 whispering-gallery mode micro-resonator. SOPO2011: International Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics, Wuhan, China. 15 - 17 May 2011.

Ying, C.Y.J., Murugan, G.S., Brambilla, G., Sones, C.L., Soergel, E., Wilkinson, J.S., Eason, R.W., Zervas, M.N. and Mailis, S. (2011) Optical characterization of LiNbO3 whispering gallery mode micro-resonators fabricated by surface tension reshaping. CLEO/EQEC 2011: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - European Quantum Electronics Conference, Munich, Germany. 21 - 25 May 2011.

Wang, Pengfei, Brambilla, G., Murugan, G.S., Semenova, Y., Wu, Q., Wilkinson, J.S. and Farrell, G. (2011) Chalcogenide microsphere fabricated from fibre taper-drawn using resistive heating. ICCE-19: International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering, Shanghai, China. 23 - 29 Jul 2011.

Hellesø, Olav Gaute, Løvhaugen, Pål, Subramanian, Ananth Z., Wilkinson, James S. and Ahluwalia, Balpreet Singh (2012) Surface transport and stable trapping of particles and cells by an optical waveguide loop. Lab on a Chip, 12 (18), 3436-3440. (doi:10.1039/c2lc40375g).

Pearce, Stuart, Charlton, M.D.B., Hiltunen, J., Puustinen, J., Lappalainen, J. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2012) Structural characteristics and optical properties of plasma assisted reactive magnetron sputtered dielectric thin films for planar waveguiding applications. Surface and Coatings Technology, 206 (23), 4930-4939. (doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2012.05.110).

Pearce, Stuart, Charlton, M.D.B, Parker, Greg J. and Wilkinson, James S. (2011) Structural and optical properties of different dielectric thin films for planar waveguiding applications. SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, United States. 22 - 27 Jan 2011.

Pearce, Stuart, Parker, Greg J., Charlton, M.D.B and Wilkinson, James S. (2011) Properties of rare earth doped thin film dielectric layers for upconversion laser waveguides. SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, United States. 22 - 27 Jan 2011.

Murugan, Ganapathy Senthil, Wilkinson, James S. and Zervas, Michalis N. (2010) Novel fiber bottle microresonator add-drop filters. Jiang, Shibin, Digonnet, Michel J.F., Glesener, John W. and Dries, J. Christopher (eds.) Optical Components and Materials VII co-located with SPIE Photonics West 2010, San Francisco, United States. 26 - 28 Jan 2010. 75980K-75980K . (doi:10.1117/12.841798).

Hua, P. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2013) Reconfigurable optical waveguide multi-analyte system for river water pollution monitoring. 3rd International Conference on Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control (EPSC 2013), , Beijing, China. 07 - 08 Nov 2013. 2 pp .

Mosayyebi, Ali, Karabchevsky, Alina and Wilkinson, J.S. (2013) Nanoparticle-enhanced chemiluminescence in micro-flow injection analysis. 6th Mediterranean Conference on Nano-Photonics (MediNano-6), Lyon, France. 30 - 31 Oct 2013.

Karabchevsky, Alina, Hua, P. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2013) Simple evanescent field sensor for NIR spectroscopy. 6th Mediterranean Conference on Nano-Photonics (MediNano-6), Lyon, France. 30 - 31 Oct 2013.

Lewis, R.J., Lim, E.L., Rowe, D.J., Alam, S.-U., Nilsson, J., Baik, C.-W., Gurel, O., Wilkinson, J.S. and Richardson, D.J. (2013) High-resolution broadly-tunable MOPA-based terahertz spectrometer to non-destructively probe and modulate protein electrodynamics. IRMMW-THz 2013: The Joint 38th International Conference on Infrared & Millimetre Waves and 21st International Conference on Terahertz Electronics, Mainz, Germany. 31 Aug - 05 Sep 2013. (doi:10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2013.6665817).

Mittal, Vinita, Wilkinson, J.S. and Murugan, G.S. (2014) High-contrast, GeTe4 waveguides for mid-infrared biomedical sensing applications. Photonics West 2014, , San Francisco, United States. 01 - 06 Feb 2014. 10 pp . (doi:10.1117/12.2036972).

Wilkinson, J.S. (2012) Integrated photonics for bioanalytical microsystems. CIMTEC 2012, Montecatini-Terme, Italy. 09 - 13 Jun 2012.

Aghajani, A., Murugan, G.S., Sessions, N.P., Apostolopoulos, V. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2013) Ytterbium-doped tantalum pentoxide waveguides: spectroscopy for compact waveguide lasers. Advanced Solid State Lasers (ASSL), Paris, France. 26 Oct - 01 Nov 2013. (doi:10.1364/ASSL.2013.AM4A.38).

Butement, J.T.G., Hunt, H.C., Rowe, D.J., Karabchevsky, Alina, Hua, P., Murugan, G.S., Clark, O., Holmes, C., Carpenter, L.G., Gates, J.C., Smith, P.G.R, Chad, J.E. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2014) A microflow cytometer for microsphere-based immunoassays using integrated optics and inertial particle focussing. Biosensors '14, Melbourne, Australia. 26 - 29 May 2014.

Rowe, D.J., Evans, N.D., Murugan, G.S., Pearce, S.J. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2014) Mid-infrared Ta2O5 waveguides for evanescent sensing of stem cell differentiation. 17th European Conference on Integrated Optics, 19th MicroOptics Conference, , Nice, France. 24 - 27 Jun 2014. 2 pp .

Butt, M.A., Solé, R., Pujol, M.C., Ródenas, A., Lifante, G., Wilkinson, J.S., Choudhary, A., Murugan, G.S., Shepherd, D.P., Aguiló, M. and Díaz, F. (2014) Fabrication of Y-splitters and Mach-Zehnder interferometers on (Yb, Nb):RbTiOPO4/ RbTiOPO4 epitaxial layers by reactive ion etching and on RbTiOPO4 by Cs+ diffusion. European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO), , Nice, France. 24 - 27 Jun 2014.

Aghajani, A., Murugan, G.S., Sessions, N.P., Pearce, S.J., Apostolopoulos, V. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2014) Spectroscopy of ytterbium-doped tantalum pentoxide rib waveguides on silicon. Optical Materials Express, 4 (8), 1505-1514. (doi:10.1364/OME.4.001505).

Karabchevsky, A., Zervas, M.N. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2014) Orthonormal complex hybrid guided mode coupling over a discontinuity in a plasmonic waveguide. OWTNM 2014: The XXII International Workshop on Optical Wave & Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling, Nice, France. 26 - 27 Jun 2014. 1 pp .

Wilkinson, James S. (2014) Integrated photonics in CMOS-compatible dielectric platforms. ICOOPMA '14: Sixth International Conference on Optical, Optoelectronic and Photonic Materials and Applications, Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom. 26 Jul - 30 Aug 2014.

Aghajani, Armen, Wilkinson, James S., Murugan, G.S., Apostolopoulos, Vasilis and Sessions, Neil (2014) Spectroscopy of high index contrast Yb:Ta2O5 waveguides for lasing applications. ICOOPMA '14: Sixth International Conference on Optical, Optoelectronic and Photonic Materials and Applications, Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom. 26 Jul - 30 Aug 2014.

Aghajani, A., Murugan, G.S., Sessions, N.P., Apostolopoulos, V. and Wilkinson, James S. (2014) Ytterbium-doped tantalum pentoxide waveguide lasers. ECIO-MOC: European Conference on Integrated Optics and Microoptics Conference, , Nice, France. 24 - 27 Jun 2014. 2 pp .

Murugan, Ganapathy Senthil, Mohd Nasir, Mohd Narizee, Ding, Ming, Petrovich, Marco N., Wilkinson, James S. and Zervas, Michalis N. (2013) Resonance spectroscopy of novel bottle microresonators and their applications in sensing. Indo-US International Workshop on Spectroscopy: Application to National Security, Varanasi, India. 18 - 20 Jan 2013. 1 pp .

Butt, M.A., Solé, R., Pujol, M.C., Ródenas, A., Lifante, G., Choudhary, A., Murugan, G.S., Shepherd, D.P., Wilkinson, J.S., Aguiló, M. and Díaz, F. (2014) Reactive Ion Etching on (Yb,Nb):RbTiOPO4/RbTiOPO4 epitaxial layers for the fabrication of Y-splitters and Mach-Zehnder Interferometers. 8th French-Spanish meeting on Solid State Chemistry and Physics, , Castellón, Spain. 01 - 03 Apr 2014.

Ding, M., Murugan, G.S., Brambilla, G., Wilkinson, J.S. and Zervas, M.N. (2012) Robust mode-selection in optical bottle microresonators. CLEO/QELS 2012, , San Jose, United States. 06 - 11 May 2012.

Murugan, Ganapathy S., Belal, Mohammad, Grivas, Christos, Ding, Ming, Wilkinson, James S. and Brambilla, Gilberto (2014) An optical fiber optofluidic particle aspirator. Applied Physics Letters, 105 (10), 101103. (doi:10.1063/1.4895576).

Karabchevsky, Alina, Buscemi, G., Abdul Khudus, M.I.M., Lagoudakis, P., Zervas, M.N. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2015) Broadband near-infrared spectroscopy of organic molecules on compact photonic devices. 5th International Topical Meeting on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials (NANOMETA '15), Seefield, Austria. 05 - 08 Jan 2015.

Mittal, Vinita, Carpenter, Lewis, Gates, J.C., Wilkinson, J.S. and Murugan, G.S. (2014) GeTe4 channel waveguides for the mid-wave infrared spectral band. International Conference on Fibre Optics and Photonics, , Kharagpur, India. 13 - 16 Dec 2014.

Butt, M.A., Solé, R., Pujol, M.C., Ródenas, A., Lifante, G., Choudhary, A., Murugan, G.S., Shepherd, D.P., Wilkinson, J.S., Aguiló, M. and Díaz, F. (2015) Fabrication of y-splitters and Mach-Zehnder structures on (Yb,Nb):RbTiOPO4/RbTiOPO4 epitaxial layers by reactive ion etching. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 33 (9), 1863-1871. (doi:10.1109/JLT.2014.2379091).

Murugan, G.S., Wilkinson, J.S. and Zervas, M.N. (2012) New configurations and novel fabrication of optical microresonators. Fifth International Conference on Optical, Optoelectronic and Photonic Materials and Applications (ICOOPMA), Nara, Japan. 02 - 06 Jun 2012.

Martínez de Mendíbil, J., Cantelar, E., Lifante, G., Murugan, G.S., Wilkinson, J.S., Berrospe, C., Mateos, X., Bolaños, W., Carvajal, J.J., Aguiló, M. and Díaz, F. (2012) (Er3+, Yb3+) doped K(Y,Gd,Lu)W waveguide fabrication. European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO), Sitges Barcelona, Spain. 17 - 19 Apr 2012.

Zervas, M.N., Murugan, G.S. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2012) Optical microdiscus resonators. CLEO/QELS 2012, , San Jose, United States. 06 - 11 May 2012. 2 pp .

Aghajani, Armen, Murugan, Ganapathy S., Sessions, Neil, Apostolopoulos, Vasileios and Wilkinson, James (2015) Waveguide lasers in ytterbium-doped tantalum pentoxide on silicon. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/376707 [Dataset]

Aghajani, A., Murugan, G.S., Sessions, N.P., Apostolopoulos, V. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2015) Waveguide lasers in ytterbium-doped tantalum pentoxide on silicon. Optics Letters, 40 (11), 2549-2552. (doi:10.1364/OL.40.002549).

Mittal, Vinita, Aghajani, Armen, Carpenter, Lewis, Gates, James C., Butement, Jonathan, Smith, Peter G.R., Wilkinson, James S. and Murugan, Ganapathy Senthil (2015) Fabrication and characterization of high-contrast mid-infrared GeTe4 channel waveguides. Optics Letters, 40 (9), 2016-2019. (doi:10.1364/OL.40.002016).

Ahluwalia, Balpreet Singh, McCourt, Peter, Oteiza, Ana, Wilkinson, James S., Huser, Thomas R. and Hellesø, Olav Gaute (2015) Squeezing red blood cells on an optical waveguide to monitor cell deformability during blood storage. Analyst, 140 (1), 223-229. (doi:10.1039/c4an01181c).

Karabchevsky, Alina, Wilkinson, James S. and Zervas, Michalis N. (2015) Transmittance and surface intensity in 3D composite plasmonic waveguides. Optics Express, 23 (11), 14407-14423. (doi:10.1364/OE.23.014407).

Wang, Zilong, Zervas, Michalis N., Bartlett, Philip N. and Wilkinson, James S. (2015) Power budget analysis for waveguide enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Optical Wave and Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling Workshop (OWTNM 2015), , London, United Kingdom. 17 - 18 Apr 2015. 1 pp .

Murugan, G.S., Mittal, Vinita, Craig, C., Hewak, D. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2015) Chalcogenide waveguides for mid-infrared biomedical sensing applications. Photonics North '15, Ottawa, Canada. 08 - 10 Jun 2015. 1 pp .

Aghajani, A., Murugan, G.S., Sessions, N.P., Apostolopoulos, V. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2015) CMOS-compatible high index contrast ytterbium-doped tantalum pentoxide rib waveguide lasers. European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO Europe), Munich, Germany. 21 - 25 Jun 2015. 1 pp .

Mittal, Vinita, Craig, Christopher, Sessions, Neil, Hewak, Daniel, Wilkinson, James and Murugan, Ganapathy S. (2015) Mid-infrared GeTe4 waveguides on silicon with a ZnSe isolation layer. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/379693 [Dataset]

Choudhary, Amol, Chong, H., Pradeesh, Kannan, Murugan, G.S., Wilkinson, J.S., Shepherd, D.P., Cugat, J., Aguiló, M., Díaz, F. and Solé, R. (2012) Waveguide lasers in (Yb,Nb):RbTiOPO4. European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO), Sitges Barcelona, Spain. 17 - 19 Apr 2012. 2 pp .

Mittal, Vinita, Craig, C., Sessions, N.P., Hewak, Daniel W., Wilkinson, James S. and Murugan, Ganapathy Senthil (2015) Mid infrared GeTe4 waveguides on silicon with a ZnSe isolation layer. SPIE Optics + Photonics, San Diego, United States. 08 - 12 Aug 2015. 8 pp . (doi:10.1117/12.2196663).

Mittal, Vinita, Wilkinson, James S. and Murugan, Ganapathy Senthil (2015) High contrast mid-infrared chalcogenide waveguides for biosensing applications. Glass Reflections, Cambridge, United Kingdom. 06 - 08 Sep 2015.

Zervas, M.N., Murugan, G.S., Petrovich, M.N. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2011) Hollow-bottle optical microresonators. CLEO/QELS 2011, , Baltimore, United States. 01 - 06 May 2011.

Bolaños, W., Carvajal, J.J., Mateos, X., Cantelar, E., Lifante, G., Griebner, U., Petrov, V., Panyutin, V.L., Murugan, G.S., Wilkinson, J.S., Aguiló, M. and Díaz, F. (2011) Tm-doped KY(WO4)2 planar waveguide laser operating in the continuous-wave and Q-switched regimes. CLEO/QELS 2011, , Baltimore, United States. 01 - 06 May 2011. (doi:10.1364/CLEO_SI.2011.CWP5).

Lacava, Cosimo, Aghajani, Armen, Hua, Ping, Richardson, David, Petropoulos, Periklis and Wilkinson, James (2016) Dataset for Nonlinear optical properties of ytterbium-doped tantalum pentoxide rib waveguides on silicon at telecom wavelengths. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/382841 [Dataset]

Rowe, D.J., Lewis, R.J., Lim, Ee Leong, Alam, S.-U., Nilsson, J., Baik, C.-W., Gurel, O., Wilkinson, J.S. and Richardson, D.J. (2013) Terahertz spectroscopy to non-destructively probe and modulate protein electrodynamics: fundamental basis for THz medicine. Bioelectrics 2013, , Karlsruhe, Germany. 16 - 19 Sep 2013.

Wilkinson, J.S. (2013) Integrated photonics for bioanalytical microsystems. ICAS 2013, Taipei, Taiwan. 23 - 24 Oct 2013.

Mashanovich, G.Z., Nedeljković, M., Soler Penadés, J., Mitchell, C.J., Khokhar, A.Z., Littlejohns, C.J., Stanković, S., Troia, B., Wang, Y., Reynolds, Scott, Passaro, V.M.N., Shen, L., Healy, N., Peacock, A.C., Alonso-Ramos, C., Ortega-Moñux, A., Wangüemert-Pérez, G., Molina-Fernández, Íñigo, Rowe, David, Wilkinson, J.S., Cheben, P., Ackert, J.J., Knights, A.P., Thomson, D.J. and Gardes, F.Y. (2015) Mid-IR group IV photonics. SPIE Photonics West '15, , San Francisco, United States. 07 - 12 Feb 2015.

Mashanovich, G.Z., Nedeljković, M., Soler Penadés, J., Mitchell, C.J., Khokhar, A.Z., Littlejohns, C.J., Stanković, S., Troia, B., Wang, Y., Reynolds, Scott, Passaro, V.M.N., Shen, Li, Healy, N., Peacock, A.C., Alonso-Ramos, C., Ortega-Moñux, A., Wangüemert-Pérez, G., Molina-Fernández, Íñigo, Rowe, D.J., Wilkinson, J.S., Cheben, P., Ackert, J.J., Knights, A.P., Thomson, D.J. and Gardes, F.Y. (2015) Group IV mid-infrared photonics. SPIE Conference on Silicon Photonics X, San Francisco, United States. 09 - 12 Feb 2015.

Butt, M.A., Pujol, M.C., Solé, R., Ródenas, A., Lifante, G., Wilkinson, J.S., Aguiló, M. and Díaz, F. (2015) Channel waveguides and Mach-Zehnder structures on RbTiOPO4 by Cs+ ion exchange. Optical Materials Express, 5 (5), 1183-1194. (doi:10.1364/OME.5.001183).

Wilkinson, James and Murugan, Ganapathy Senthil (2015) Wideband integrated photonics for chemical detection at surfaces. PACIFICHEM 2015, , Honolulu, United States. 15 - 20 Dec 2015.

Lacava, Cosimo, Aghajani, Armen, Hua, Ping, Richardson, David, Petropoulos, Periklis and Wilkinson, James (2016) Nonlinear optical properties of ytterbium-doped tantalum pentoxide rib waveguides on silicon at telecom wavelengths. Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2016, , Anaheim, CA. 20 - 24 Mar 2016. 3 pp . (doi:10.1364/OFC.2016.W4E.4).

Wang, Zilong, Pearce, Stuart, Lin, Yung-Chun, Zervas, Michael, Bartlett, Philip and Wilkinson, James (2016) Power budget analysis for waveguide-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Applied Spectroscopy, 70 (8), 1384-1391. (doi:10.1177/0003702816654042). (PMID:27301326)

Butement, Jonathan, Hunt, Hamish, Rowe, David, Sessions, Neil, Clark, Owain, Hua, Ping, Ganapathy, Senthil, Chad, John and Wilkinson, James (2016) DATASET - Integrated optical waveguides and inertial focussing microfluidics in silica for microflow cytometry applications. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/391390 [Dataset]

Mittal, Vinita, Wilkinson, James and Murugan, Ganapathy Senthil (2016) Optical quality ZnSe films on silicon for mid-IR waveguides. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2016, , San Jose, United States. 04 - 09 Jun 2016. 2 pp .

Murugan, Ganapathy Senthil, Mittal, Vinita and Wilkinson, James (2016) Chalcogenide waveguides on silicon for mid-infrared sensing applications. The 7th International Conference on Optical, Optoelectronic and Photonic Materials and Applications, Montreal, Canada. 11 - 16 Jun 2016.

Murugan, Ganapathy Senthil, Mittal, Vinita and Wilkinson, James (2016) Mid-infrared chalcogenide waveguides on silicon. EMN Meeting on Optoelectronics, Phuket, Thailand. 11 - 14 Apr 2016.

Butement, Jonathan, Hunt, Hamish, Rowe, David, Sessions, Neil, Clark, Owain, Hua, Ping, Murugan, G. Senthil, Chad, John and Wilkinson, James (2016) Integrated optical waveguides and inertial focussing microfluidics in silica for microflow cytometry applications. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 26 (10), [105004]. (doi:10.1088/0960-1317/26/10/105004).

Wang, Zilong, Zervas, Michael, Bartlett, Philip and Wilkinson, James (2016) Surface and waveguide collection of Raman emission in waveguide-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Optics Letters, 41 (17), 4146-4149. (doi:10.1364/OL.41.004146).

Mittal, Vinita, Wilkinson, James and Murugan, G.S. (2016) Mid-infrared liquid spectroscopy using chalcogenide optical waveguide. EMN Meeting on Photonics 2016, Barcelona, Spain. 18 - 22 Sep 2016. 2 pp .

Mittal, Vinita, Wilkinson, James and Senthil Murugan, Ganapathy (2016) Dataset for Mid-infrared liquid spectroscopy using chalcogenide optical waveguide. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/401126 [Dataset]

Mashanovich, Goran, Mitchell, Colin, Soler Penades, Jordi, Khokhar, Ali, Littlejohns, Callum, Cao, Wei, Qu, Zhibo, Stankovic, Stevan, Gardes, Frederic, BEN MASAUD, TAHA M, Chong, Harold, Mittal, Vinita, Senthil Murugan, Ganapathy, Wilkinson, James, Peacock, Anna and Nedeljkovic, Milos (2016) Germanium Mid-Infrared Photonic Devices data. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/401414 [Dataset]

Mashanovich, Goran, Mitchell, Colin, Soler Penadés, Jordi, Khokhar, Ali, Littlejohns, Callum, Cao, Wei, Qu, Zhibo, Stanković, Stevan, Gardes, Frederic, Ben Masaud, Taha, Chong, Harold, Mittal, Vinita, Murugan, Ganapathy Senthil, Wilkinson, James, Peacock, Anna and Nedeljković, Miloš (2017) Germanium mid-infrared photonic devices. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 35 (4), 624-630. (doi:10.1109/JLT.2016.2632301).

Mittal, Vinita, Sessions, Neil, Wilkinson, James and Senthil Murugan, Ganapathy (2017) Optical quality ZnSe films and low loss waveguides on Si substrates for mid-infrared applications. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/403509 [Dataset]

Juvert, Joan, Eddie, Iain, Mitchell, Colin, Reed, Graham, Wilkinson, James, Kelly, Anthony and Neale, Steven (2016) A low cost technique for adding microlasers to a silicon photonic platform. Proceedings of SPIE, 9752. (doi:10.1117/12.2209357).

Juvert, Joan, Zhang, Shuailong, Eddie, Iain, Mitchell, Colin, Reed, Graham, Wilkinson, James, Kelly, Anthony and Neale, Steven (2016) Micromanipulation of InP lasers with optoelectronic tweezers for integration on a photonic platform. Optics Express, 24 (16), 18163-18175. (doi:10.1364/OE.24.018163).

Mittal, Vinita, Sessions, Neil, Wilkinson, James and Murugan, Ganapathy Senthil (2017) Optical quality ZnSe films and low loss waveguides on Si substrates for mid-infrared applications. Optical Materials Express, 7 (3), 712-725. (doi:10.1364/OME.7.000712).

Wilkinson, James (2017) Integrated photonic sensors for water pollution monitoring. In Optofluidics 2017.

Veluthandath, Aneesh V., Bhattacharya, Shubhayan, Murugan, Ganapathy Senthil, Wilkinson, James and Bisht, Prem B. (2017) Numerical investigation of plasmonic photonic hybrid whispering gallery modes. In 2017 International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD). IEEE. 2 pp . (doi:10.1109/NUSOD.2017.8009986).

Liu, Lanhua, Zhou, Xiaohong, Wilkinson, James S., Hua, Ping, Song, Baodong and Shi, Hanchang (2017) Integrated optical waveguide-based fluorescent immunosensor for fast and sensitive detection of microcystin-LR in lakes: optimization and analysis. Scientific Reports, 7 (1), [3655]. (doi:10.1038/s41598-017-03939-8).

Rowe, David, Wilkinson, James and Smith, David (2017) Complex refractive index spectra of whole blood and aqueous solutions of anticoagulants, analgesics and buffers in the mid-infrared. Scientific Reports, 7, [7356]. (doi:10.1038/s41598-017-07842-0).

Tong, Amy S.K., Mitchell, Colin J., Mackenzie, Jacob I. and Wilkinson, James S. (2017) Photoluminescence of Tm-doped Ta2O5 waveguides. CLEO-Pacific Rim 2017, , Singapore, Singapore. 31 Jul - 04 Aug 2017. 3 pp . (doi:10.1109/CLEOPR.2017.8119077).

Welsh, Joshua A., Holloway, Judith A., Wilkinson, James S. and Englyst, Nicola A. (2017) Extracellular vesicle flow cytometry analysis and standardization. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 5, [78]. (doi:10.3389/fcell.2017.00078).

Wilkinson, James (2017) Integrated photonic sensors for water pollution monitoring. 5th International Conference on Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control, , Beijing, China. 09 - 10 Nov 2017.

Nedeljkovic, Milos (2017) Data for Germanium-on-silicon waveguides operating at mid-infrared wavelengths up to 8.5um. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0250 [Dataset]

Nedeljković, Milos, Soler Penadés, Jordi, Mittal, Vinita, Murugan, Ganapathy Senthil, Khokhar, Ali Z., Littlejohns, Callum, Carpenter, Lewis G., Gawith, Corin B. E., Wilkinson, James S. and Mashanovich, Goran Z. (2017) Germanium-on-silicon waveguides operating at mid-infrared wavelengths up to 8.5 μm. Optics Express, 25 (22), 27431-27441. (doi:10.1364/OE.25.027431).

Rowe, David (2017) Dataset - Complex refractive index spectra of whole blood and aqueous solutions of anticoagulants, analgesics and buffers in the mid-infrared. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/405161 [Dataset]

Mashanovich, G.Z., Soler Penadés, J., Cao, W., Qu, Z., Osman, A., Wu, Yangbo, Khokhar, A.Z., Littlejohns, C., Stanković, S., Reynolds, S., Mittal, V., Murugan, G.S., Wilkinson, J.S., Qi, Y., Gardes, F.Y., Thomson, D.J. and Nedeljković, M. (2018) Group IV mid-infrared devices and circuits. In Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XXII. vol. 10535, SPIE. pp. 1-6 . (doi:10.1117/12.2289531).

Chen-Sverre, T., Woods, J.R.C., Shaw, E.A., Hua, Ping, Apostolopoulos, V., Wilkinson, J.S. and Tropper, A.C. (2018) Tantalum pentoxide waveguides and microresonators for VECSEL based frequency combs. In Vertical External Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers (VECSELs) VIII. vol. 10515, SPIE. pp. 1-10 . (doi:10.1117/12.2289773).

Mittal, Vinita (2018) Data for "Chalcogenide glass waveguides with paper-based fluidics for mid-infrared absorption spectroscopy". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0499 [Dataset]

Mittal, Vinita, Nedeljković, Miloš, Rowe, David, Murugan, Ganapathy Senthil and Wilkinson, James (2018) Chalcogenide glass waveguides with paper-based fluidics for mid-infrared absorption spectroscopy. Optics Letters, 43, 2913-2916. (doi:10.1364/OL.43.002913).

Wilkinson, James and Murugan, Ganapathy Senthil (2018) Wideband amorphous materials for integrated photonic devices. International Commission on Glass Annual Meeting 2018, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan. 23 - 26 Sep 2018. p. 1 .

Wilkinson, James (2018) Lanthanide-doped photonic circuits. International Conference on f Elements, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland. 03 - 06 Sep 2018. 1 pp .

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Mittal, Vinita, Nedeljković, Miloš, Khokhar, Ali, Carpenter, Lewis Glynn, Murugan, Ganapathy Senthil, Chong, Harold, Bartlett, Philip N., Mashanovich, Goran and Wilkinson, James S. (2019) Waveguide mid-infrared absorption spectroscopy of proteins in the spectral fingerprint region. In Optical Manipulation and Its Applications 2019: Biophotonics Congress: Optics in the Life Sciences Congress 2019 (BODA,BRAIN,NTM,OMA,OMP). Optical Society of America. 2 pp .

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Mittal, Vinita, Nedeljković, Miloš, Carpenter, Lewis Glynn, Khokhar, Ali, Chong, Harold, Mashanovich, Goran, Bartlett, Philip N. and Wilkinson, James S (2019) Waveguide absorption spectroscopy of bovine serum albumin in the mid-infrared fingerprint region. ACS Sensors, 4 (7), 1749-1753. (doi:10.1021/acssensors.9b00215).

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Chen, Yangyang, Liu, Jinchuan, Yang, Zhenchuan, Wilkinson, James S. and Zhou, Xiaohong (2019) Optical biosensors based on refractometric sensing schemes: A review. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 144, [111693]. (doi:10.1016/j.bios.2019.111693).

Murugan, Ganapathy Senthil, Mourgelas, Vasileios and Wilkinson, James S (2019) III-V semiconductor based Mid-IR spectrometer on chip. Photonics & Electromagnetics Research Symposium, , Xiamen, China. 17 - 20 Dec 2019.

Murugan, Ganapathy Senthil, Mittal, Vinita, Vlk, Marek, Jágerská, Jana and Wilkinson, James S (2019) Mid-infrared waveguide evanescent wave sensing. Photonics West, The Moscone Center, San Francisco, United States. 01 - 06 Feb 2019. pp. 10914-13 . (doi:10.1117/12.2508591).

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Jung, Youngho, Thomson, David J., Hu, Youfang, Shim, Jaeho, Gardes, F.Y., Mashanovich, G.Z., Yu, Kyoungsik, Wilkinson, J.S. and Reed, G.T. (2015) Wavelength division demultiplexer and integrated III-V semiconductor Lasers on a silicon photonics platform with microbubble manipulation. 12th IEEE International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFP), , Vancouver, Canada. 26 - 28 Aug 2015. pp. 5-6 . (doi:10.1109/Group4.2015.7305926).

Mashanovich, G.Z., Soler Penadés, J., Mittal, V., Murugan, G.S., Khokhar, A.Z., Littlejohns, C.J., Stanković, S., Ortega-Moñux, A., Wangüemert-Pérez, G., Halir, R., Molina-Fernández, I., Alonso-Ramos, C., Benedikovic, D., Villafranca, A., Cheben, P., Ackert, J.J., Knights, A.P., Wilkinson, J.S. and Nedeljković, M. (2016) Mid IR applications of Si photonics. OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2016), , Niigata, Japan. 03 - 07 Jul 2016.

Reed, G.T., Nedeljković, M., Soler Penadés, J., Mittal, V., Murugan, G.S., Khokhar, A.Z., Littlejohns, C.J., Stanković, S., Ortega-Moñux, A., Wangüemert-Pérez, G., Halir, R., Molina-Fernández, I., Alonso-Ramos, C., Benedikovic, D., Villafranca, A., Cheben, P., Ackert, J.J., Knights, A.P., Wilkinson, J.S. and Mashanovich, G.Z. (2016) Mid IR silicon photonics. Frontiers in Optics 2016, , Rochester, United States. 16 - 20 Oct 2016. (doi:10.1364/FIO.2016.FTu5D.1).

Ahluwalia, Balpreet Singh, McCourt, Peter, Wilkinson, James S., Huser, Thomas R. and Hellesø, Olav Gaute (2014) Optical deformation of red blood cells trapped on a narrow waveguide. Conference on Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation XI: SPIE 9164, , San Diego, United States. 17 - 21 Aug 2014. (doi:10.1117/12.2062590).

Mittal, Vinita (2020) Dataset for: Ge on Si waveguide mid-infrared absorption spectroscopy of proteins and their aggregates. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1471 [Dataset]

Mashanovich, G.Z., Nedeljković, M., Soler Penadés, J., Mitchell, C.J., Khokhar, A.Z., Littlejohns, C.J., Stanković, S., Troia, B., Passaro, V.M.N., Shen, L., Healy, N., Peacock, A.C., Ortega-Moñux, A., Wangüemert-Pérez, G., Halir, R., Molina-Fernández, I., Benediković, D., Murugan, G.S., Wilkinson, J.S., Cheben, P., Villafranca, A., Ackert, J.J., Knights, A.P., Thomson, D.J., Gardes, F.Y. and Reed, G.T. (2015) Group IV photonics for the mid-infrared. In Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics 2015. Optical Society of America.. (doi:10.1364/IPRSN.2015.IT3A.2).

Mittal, Vinita, Mashanovich, Goran and Wilkinson, James S. (2020) Perspective on thin film waveguides for on-chip mid-infrared spectroscopy of liquid biochemical analytes. Analytical Chemistry, 92 (16), 10891-10901. (doi:10.1021/acs.analchem.0c01296).

Tong, Amy Sen Kay, Mitchell, Colin, Aghajani, Armen, Sessions, Neil, Murugan, Ganapathy Senthil, Mackenzie, Jacob and Wilkinson, James S (2020) Spectroscopy of thulium-doped tantalum pentoxide waveguides on silicon. Optical Materials Express, 10 (9), 2201-2211. (doi:10.1364/OME.397011).

Mourgelas, Vasileios, Wilkinson, James S and Murugan, Ganapathy Senthil (2019) Mid-IR thermo-optic on-chip spectrometer on a III-V semiconductor platform. 19th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada. 08 - 12 Jul 2019. pp. 1-2 .

Mitchell, Colin, Schachler, Ralph, Li, Ke, Khokhar, Ali Z, Chen, Xia, Stankovic, Stevan, Sessions, Neil, Grabska, Katarzyna, Wang, Xiangjun, Thomson, David, Daedlow, Christoph, Reed, Graham and Wilkinson, James S (2020) Dataset for: Tooling and procedures for hybrid integration of lasers by flip-chip technology. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1419 [Dataset]

Mitchell, Colin, Schachler, Ralph, Li, Ke, Khokhar, Ali Z, Chen, Xia, Stanković, Stevan, Sessions, Neil, Grabska, Katarzyna, Wang, Xiangjun, Thomson, David, Daedlow, Christoph, Reed, Graham and Wilkinson, James S (2020) Tooling and procedures for hybrid integration of lasers by flip-chip technology. Electronics System-Integration Technology Conference 2020, Tønsberg Pier, Vestfold, Norway. 15 - 18 Sep 2020. 7 pp . (In Press)

Mittal, Vinita, Devitt, George, Nedeljković, Miloš, Carpenter, Lewis Glynn, Chong, Harold, Wilkinson, James S., Mahajan, Sumeet and Mashanovich, Goran (2020) Ge on Si waveguide mid-infrared absorption spectroscopy of proteins and their aggregates. Biomedical Optics Express, 11 (8), 4714-4722. (doi:10.1364/BOE.398013).

Woods, Jonathan, Daykin, Jake, Tong, Amy SK, Lacava, Cosimo, Petropoulos, Periklis, Tropper, Anne, Horak, Peter, Wilkinson, James S and Apostolopoulos, Vasileios (2020) Dataset for "Supercontinuum generation in tantalum pentoxide waveguides for pump wavelengths in the 900 nm to 1500 nm spectral region". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1529 [Dataset]

Woods, Jonathan, Daykin, Jake, Tong, Amy S.K., Lacava, Cosimo, Petropoulos, Periklis, Tropper, Anne, Horak, Peter, Wilkinson, James S and Apostolopoulos, Vasileios (2020) Supercontinuum generation in tantalum pentoxide waveguides for pump wavelengths in the 900 nm to 1500 nm spectral region. Optics Express, 28 (21), 32173-32184. (doi:10.1364/OE.403089).

Murugan, Ganapathy Senthil, Mourgelas, Vasileios, Ahmed, Waseem, Veluthandath, Aneesh Vincent, Rowe, David and Wilkinson, James S (2020) Mid-IR spectroscopy: On-chip devices and biodiagnostic applications. In IEEE 5th International Conference on Emerging Electronics.

Mitchell, Colin, Tong, Amy Sen Kay, Sessions, Neil, Wilkinson, James S and Mackenzie, Jacob (2021) A thulium-doped tantalum pentoxide waveguide laser. OSA Advanced Photonics Congress 2021, Le Centre Sheraton Montreal Hotel, Montreal, Canada. 26 - 29 Jul 2021. (In Press)

Ahmed, Waseem, Veluthandath, Aneesh Vincent, Madsen, Jens, Clark, Howard W., Postle, Antony D., Wilkinson, James S. and Murugan, Ganapathy Senthil (2021) ATR based infrared spectroscopy for the diagnosis of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome. In Proceedings Volume 11651: Optical Diagnostics and Sensing XXI: Toward Point-of-Care Diagnostics. vol. 11651, SPIE. 6 pp . (doi:10.1117/12.2578818).

Mourgelas, Vasileios, Sessions, Neil, Wilkinson, James S. and Murugan, Ganapathy Senthil (2021) Modelling of a miniature mid-IR thermo-optic spectrometer on chip based on a GaAs/In0.49Ga0.51P waveguide platform. Optics Communications, 495, [127044]. (doi:10.1016/j.optcom.2021.127044).

Mourgelas, Vasileios, Wilkinson, James S and Senthil Murugan, Ganapathy (2021) Dataset for "Modelling of a miniature mid-IR thermo-optic spectrometer on chip based on a GaAs/In0.49Ga0.51P waveguide platform". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1335 [Dataset]

Coucheron, David A., Helle, Øystein I., Wilkinson, James S., Murugan, Ganapathy Senthil, Dominguez-Carrió, Carlos, Angelskår, Hallvard and Ahluwalia, Balpreet S. (2021) Study of waveguide background at visible wavelengths for on-chip nanoscopy. Optics Express, 29 (13), 20735-20746. (doi:10.1364/OE.420844).

Ettabib, Mohamed, Marti, Almudena, Liu, Zhen, Bowden, Bethany M., Zervas, Michael N., Bartlett, Philip N. and Wilkinson, James S. (2021) Waveguide enhanced Raman spectroscopy for biosensing: a review. ACS Sensors, 6 (6), 2025–2045. (doi:10.1021/acssensors.1c00366).

Rowe, David (2021) Dataset for: The Effect of Haematocrit on Measurement of the Mid-Infrared Refractive Index of Plasma in Whole Blood. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1621 [Dataset]

Rowe, David, Owens, Daniel, Parker, Suzanne, Faust, Saul, Wilkinson, James S and Mashanovich, Goran (2021) The Effect of Haematocrit on Measurement of the Mid-Infrared Refractive Index of Plasma in Whole Blood. Biosensors, 11 (11), [417]. (doi:10.3390/bios11110417).

Qi, Yanli, Zheng, Zhexuan, Banakar, Mehdi, Wu, Yangbo, Gangnaik, Anushka, Rowe, David, Mittal, Vinita, Butement, Jonathan, Wilkinson, James S, Mashanovich, Goran and Nedeljković, Miloš (2021) Integrated switching circuit for low-noise self-referenced mid-infrared absorption sensing using silicon waveguides. IEEE Photonics Journal, 13 (6), [6600110]. (doi:10.1109/JPHOT.2021.3121331).

Murugan, Ganapathy Senthil, Mourgelas, Vasileios and Wilkinson, James S (2021) Long-wave IR Chalcogenide Integrated Photonic Devices without Post-deposition Processing. PIERS (PhotonIcs and Electromagnetics Research Symposium), China, Hangzhou. 21 - 25 Nov 2021. 2 pp .

Mourgelas, Vasileios, Wilkinson, James S and Murugan, Ganapathy Senthil (2021) Demonstration of an etchless chalcogenide waveguide platform for mid-IR device applications. In OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2021). vol. OFT.2021, 2 pp . (doi:10.1364/OFT.2021.OW2B.3).

Mitchell, Colin, Khokhar, Ali Z., Reed, Graham, Wilkinson, James S., Jung, Youngho, Bae, Sunghyun, Kwon, Kyungmok, Chung, Yun C. and Yu, Kyoungsik (2021) High-bandwidth InGaAs photodetectors heterogeneously integrated on silicon waveguides using optofluidic assembly. Laser & Photonics Reviews. (doi:10.1002/lpor.202100306).

Mourgelas, Vasileios (2021) Εtchless Pedestal Chalcogenide Waveguide Platform for Long-Wave IR Sensing Applications. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1980 [Dataset]

Mourgelas, Vasileios, Sessions, Neil, Wilkinson, James S. and Murugan, Ganapathy Senthil (2022) Etchless pedestal chalcogenide waveguide platform for long-wave IR applications. Optical Materials Express, 12 (3), 1154 - 1162.

Aghajani, A., Murugan, G.S., Sessions, N.P., Apostolopoulos, V. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2015) Spectroscopy of high index contrast Yb:Ta2O5 waveguides for lasing applications. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 619, [012031]. (doi:10.1088/1742-6596/619/1/012031).

Klokkou, Nicholas T., Rowe, David J., Bowden, Bethany M., Sessions, Neil P., West, Jonathan J., Wilkinson, James S. and Apostolopoulos, Vasilis (2022) Structured surface wetting of a PTFE flow-cell for terahertz spectroscopy of proteins. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 352, [131003]. (doi:10.1016/j.snb.2021.131003).

Ahmed, Waseem (2022) Prediction of Neonatal Respiratory Distress Biomarker Concentration by Application of Machine Learning to Mid Infrared Spectra. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1829 [Dataset]

Ahmed, Waseem, Veluthandath, Aneesh Vincent, Rowe, David J., Madsen, Jens, Clark, Howard, Postle, Anthony D., Wilkinson, James S. and Murugan, Ganapathy Senthil (2022) Prediction of neonatal respiratory distress biomarker concentration by application of machine learning to mid-infrared spectra. Sensors, 22 (5), [1744]. (doi:10.3390/s22051744).

Ahmed, Waseem, Veluthandath, Aneesh Vincent, Madsen, Jens, Clark, Howard W., Postle, Anthony D., Wilkinson, James S. and Murugan, Ganapathy Senthil (2021) Machine learning assisted point of care mid infrared spectroscopy for neonatal respiratory distress syndrome diagnosis. In Summer School in Photonic Imaging, Sensing and Analysis.

Klokkou, Nicholas, Gorecki, Jon, Wilkinson, James S. and Apostolopoulos, Vasilis (2022) Artificial neural networks for material parameter extraction in terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. Optics Express, 30 (9), 15583-15595. (doi:10.1364/OE.454756).

Woods, Jonathan, Gorecki, Jonathan, Bek, Roman, Richardson, Stephen, Constantine, Daykin, Jake, Hooper, Grace, Branagan-Harris, Emelia, Tropper, Anne, Wilkinson, James, Jetter, Michael, Michler, Peter and Apostolopoulos, Vasileios (2022) Dataset for "Coherent waveguide laser arrays in semiconductor quantum well membranes". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D2216 [Dataset]


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Published: 22 January 2019
Findings from the collaborative research has been published in Dalton Transactions.

Scientists at the University of Southampton have developed a molecular reagent for a highly functional chemical compound used in phase change memory units and thermoelectric generators.

The chemical reagent can deposit thin films of germanium telluride (GeTe) with high purity and good functional properties, making it attractive for future technological applications.

Findings from the collaborative research, which has included expertise from the Schools of Chemistry and Electronics and Computer Science (ECS), has been published in Dalton Transactions.

The scientists’ method devised a single source reagent containing both the germanium and tellurium atoms required for the target GeTe material, bypassing the conventional need for compatible substances for each element where the molar ratio can be more difficult to control.

“GeTe is a very useful material so we are pleased to have made this significant advance,â€? Research Fellow Dr Ruomeng Huang explains. “This provides us with the potential of applying these films into functional devices to produce better performance. Our next step will be to conduct thorough functional characterisation of the deposited GeTe thin films and benchmark them with the state-of-art performance.â€?

The GeTe compound is often used in the field of phase change memory, a non-volatile memory technique used in place of flash memory in electronic devices. It can also be found in thermoelectric generators, an energy harvesting technique that coverts waste heat into electricity.

The work continued a long-standing collaboration between the Functional Inorganic, Materials and Supramolecular Chemistry group, led by Professor Gill Reid, and the Sustainable Electronics Technologies group in ECS, led by Professor Kees De Groot.

Further to the current work on GeTe, the interdisciplinary team has developed a range of other functional semiconducting materials such as SnSe2, Bi2Te3, Sb2Te3 and jointly authored over 10 publications in international journals.

Previous projects have demonstrated molecular reagents with unique behaviours during deposition, such as selectively growing materials onto specific areas on a patterned substrate. “These areas can be in dimensions from hundreds of micrometres to tens of nanometres,â€? Ruomeng explains. “This unique selective deposition behaviour will greatly simplify the fabrication process for any functional device and if a similar behaviour can be achieved using our GeTe reagent it will represent another important breakthrough.â€?

Several specialist research facilities were used during this latest project including multinuclear NMR spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray analysis. The substrates for the deposition were fabricated in the University’s state-of-art Southampton Nanofabrication Centre.

Scientists also collaborated with Dr Gavin Stenning and Dr Marek Jura from the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Oxford, operated by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC).

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Published: 8 January 2019
PragmatIC flexible integrated circuits (FlexICs) introduce electronics into everyday objects.

Electronics experts at the University of Southampton are collaborating on a design tool that could help introduce interactivity into everyday objects such as smart packaging.

Researchers in the Sustainable Electronic Technologies Group are working with industrial partner PragmatIC to devise a Process Design Kit (PDK) that will expand the potential for its mass market uses of flexible electronics.

PragmatIC create ultra low cost flexible integrated circuits (FlexICs) thinner than a human hair that can be embedded into everyday objects. The technology enables concepts like smart packaging, which can personalise product information and promotional offers, and interactive toys that can track moving pieces and dynamically change rules during play.

The new PDK at Southampton is being tailored to be used with industry-standard tools, making the new technology available to a wider community of designers for future applications.

Project lead Professor Mark Zwolinski says: “We have been researching, developing and using Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools for many years in the School of Electronics and Computer Science (ECS) and this project benefits from over 30 years of expertise that includes student projects and design exercises. We are excited to be working with PragmatIC on this promising technology and look forward to seeing creative uses of its FlexICs in smart everyday objects in homes around the world.â€?

The collaborative project, known as a knowledge transfer partnership (KTP) and which is supported by InnovateUK, will make use of design tools that are already used in teaching and research in IC design within ECS. PragmatIC and ECS have worked together on several objectives in recent years, with this latest venture being sparked by joint work with tech giant Arm.

“Over the next three years we will develop a prototype PDK, together with examples of cells and applications such as cryptographic elements,â€? Mark says. “This knowledge transfer partnership offers a valuable opportunity for ECS to demonstrate real-world impact from our research, while our industrial partner benefits from access to the University’s expertise.â€?

PragmatIC VP Device Engineering, Dr Catherine Ramsdale, says: “PragmatIC is pleased to be collaborating with ECS at the University of Southampton through the KTP scheme. The prototype PDK developed through the project applies the ECS school’s world-leading design flow expertise to PragmatIC’s innovative flexible transistor technology, ultimately making FlexIC design more easily accessible to the wider design community. We are looking forward to developing our relationship with Southampton through this mutually beneficial partnership.â€?

Design Engineer Dr Waqas Mughal, KTP Associate for the project, says: “I am very pleased to be part of such a great collaborative project between ECS, PragmatIC and InnovateUK through this KTP programme. The process design kit will help the design community in making FlexIC design effortlessly. The KTP project is supporting me to improve my research and personal development and gives me an opportunity to learn new skills. In addition, there is a lot of support available for project completion. Overall, I am very excited about the development of a FlexIC PDK.’’

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