The University of Southampton


Matsumaru, Naoki, Centler, Florian, Zauner, Klaus-Peter and Dittrich, Peter (2004) Self-adaptive Scouting---Autonomous Experimentation for Systems Biology. Raidl, G. R., Cagnoni, S., Branke, J., Corne, D., Drechsler, R., Jin, Y., Johnson, C. G., Machado, P., Marchiori, E., Rothlauf, F., Smith, G. D. and Squillero, G. (eds.) In Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 3005. Springer Berlin. pp. 52-62 .

Conrad, M. and Zauner, K.-P. (1998) DNA as a vehicle for the self-assembly model of computing. Biosystems, 45 (1), 59-66.

Matsumaru, N., Colombano, S. and Zauner, K.-P. (2002) Scouting Enzyme Behavior. Fogel, D. B., El-Sharkawi, M. A., Yao, X., Greenwood, G., Iba, H., Marrow, P. and Shackleton, M. (eds.) In Proceedings of the 2002 World Congress on Computational Intelligence, May 12-17 Honolulu, Hawaii. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ. CEC19-24 .

Centler, F., Dittrich, P., Ku, L., Matsumaru, N., Pfaffmann, J. and Zauner, K.-P. (2003) Artificial Life as an Aid to Astrobiology: Testing Life Seeking Techniques. Banzhaf, W., Christaller, T., Dittrich, P., Kim, J. T. and Ziegler, J. (eds.) In Advances in Artificial Life---Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL). Springer Berlin. pp. 31-40 .

Pfaffmann, J. O. and Zauner, K.-P. (2001) Scouting Context-sensitive Components. In, Keymeulen, D., Stoica, A., Lohn, J. and Zebulum, R. S. (eds.) The Third NASA/DoD Workshop on Evolvable Hardware---EH-2001. IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, pp. 14-20.

Zauner, K.-P. (1998) Biomolekulare Rechner. Telepolis, Aug 19.

Zauner, K.-P. and Conrad, M. (2000) Enzymatic pattern processing. Naturwissenschaften, 87 (8), 360-362.

Zauner, K.-P. and Conrad, M. (2001) Enzymatic Computing. Biotechnology Progress, 17 (3), 553-559.

Zauner, K.-P. and Conrad, M. (2001) Molecular Approach to Informal Computing. Soft Computing, 5, 39-44.

Conrad, M. and Zauner, K.-P. (2003) Conformation-based computing: a rational and a recipe. In, Sienko, T., Adamatzky, A., Rambidi, N. and Conrad, M. (eds.) Molecular Computing. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. 1-31.

Conrad, M. and Zauner, K.-P. (2000) Molecular Computing with Artificial Neurons. Communications of the Korea Information Science Society, 18 (8), 78-89.

Zauner, K.-P. and Conrad, M. (1997) Conformation-driven molecular computing: the optical connection. Optical Memory and Neural Networks, 6 (3), 157-173.

Conrad, M. and Zauner, K.-P. (1998) Conformation-driven computing: a comparison of designs based on DNA, RNA, and protein. Supramolecular Science, 5, 787-790.

Zauner, K.-P. and Conrad, M. (1998) Conformation-driven computing: simulating the context-conformation-action loop. Supramolecular Science, 5, 791-794.

Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2005) Molecular Information Technology. Critical Reviews in Solid State and Material Sciences, 30 (1), 33-69. (doi:10.1080/10408430590918387).

Groth, Paul, Miles, Simon, Fang, Weijan, Wong, Sylvia C., Zauner, Klaus-Peter and Moreau, Luc (2005) Recording and using provenance in a protein compressibility experiment. The 14th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC-14), Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. 23 - 26 Jul 2005.

Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2005) From prescriptive programming of solid-state devices to orchestrated self-organisation of informed matter. In, Ban\^atre, J.-P., Giavitto, J.-L., Fradet, P. and Michel, O. (eds.) Unconventional Programming Paradigms. UPP 2004. (LNCS, 3566) Unconventional Programming Paradigms: International Workshop UPP 2004 (15/09/04 - 17/09/04) Germany. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 47-55. (doi:10.1007/11527800_4).

Tsuda, Soichiro, Zauner, Klaus-Peter and Gunji, Yukio-Pegio (2006) Robot Control: From Silicon Circuitry to Cells. Ijspeert, Auke Jan, Masuzawa, Toshimitsu and Kusumoto, Shinji (eds.) In Biologically Inspired Approaches to Advanced Information Technology, Second International Workshop, BioADIT 2006, Osaka, Japan, January 26-27, 2006, Proceedings. Springer. pp. 20-32 . (doi:10.1007/11613022_5).

Conrad, Michael and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (1995) Molecular computing: steps towards integration. Oyo Buturi (Journal of The Japan Society of Applied Physics ), 64 (10), 1002- 1006.

Zauner, Klaus-Peter (1992) Vorbild Natur--- Biologische Viren unter dem informationstheoretischen Mikroskop. c't---Magazin fuer Computer Technik, (11), 236- 241.

Zauner, K.-P. (2005) Information Science Meets the Material World. Towards 2020 Science, Venice. 29 Jun - 01 Jul 2005.

Conrad, Michael and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (1995) Biomaterials for intelligent systems. In, Arbib, M. A. (ed.) The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. 159-162.

Zauner, K.-P. (1995) Simulation system for studying spatially structured biochemical interactions. The 5th International Symposium on Bioelectronic and Molecular Electronic Devices and The 6th International Conference on Molecular Electronics and Biocomputing (BMED'95 & MEBC'95), Okinawa. 28 - 30 Nov 1995. pp. 90-91 .

Zauner, K.-P. and Conrad, M. (1996) Parallel computing with DNA: towards the anti-universal machine. In, Voigt, H.-M., Ebeling, W., Rechenberg, I. and Schwefel, H.-P. (eds.) Parallel Problem Solving from Nature---PPSN IV. Springer-Verlag, pp. 696-705.

Zauner, Klaus-Peter and Conrad, Michael (1996) Simulating the interplay of structure, kinetics, and dynamics in complex biochemical networks. Hofest\"adt, R., Lengauer, T., L\"offler, M. and Schomburg, D. (eds.) Computer Science and Biology GCB'96, Leipzig. 29 Sep - 01 Oct 1996. pp. 336-338 .

Conrad, Michael and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (1996) Molecular Computing: from conformational pattern recognition to complex processing networks. In, Hofest\"adt, R., Lengauer, T., L\"offler, M. and Schomburg, D. (eds.) Bioinformatics. Springer-Verlag, pp. 1-10.

Zauner, K.-P. and Conrad, M. (1997) The Context-Conformation-Action Loop Simulated. 7th International Symposium on Molecular Electronics and Biocomputing, Nanjing. 10 - 12 Nov 1997. pp. 122-123 .

Conrad, Michael and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (1998) Biomolecular processing of optical signals part I: general principles. Mikaelian, Andrei L. (ed.) Optical Information Science & Technology '97, Moscow. 26 - 29 Aug 1998. pp. 414-424 .

Zauner, Klaus-Peter and Conrad, Michael (1998) Biomolecular processing of optical signals part II: simulation tool for analysis and design. Mikaelian, Andrei L. (ed.) Optical Information Science & Technology '97, Moscow. 26 - 29 Aug 1998. pp. 425-433 .

Conrad, Michael and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (1999) Design for a DNA conformational processor. In, Rubin, H. and Wood, D. H. (eds.) DNA Based Computers III. American Mathematical Society, pp. 281-287.

Dasmahapatra, Srinandan, Werner, Joern and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2006) Noise as a Computational Resource. International Journal of Unconventional Computing, Volume (4), 305-319.

Zauner, Klaus-Peter (1985) Kopieren des MZ-700-Basic-Interpreters. mc - Die Mikrocomputer-Zeitschrift, (5), 80.

Zauner, Klaus-Peter, Brunak, Soren, Phillips, Andrew, Shapiro, Ehud and Muggleton, Stephen (2006) Molecular Machines.

Tsuda, Soichiro, Zauner, Klaus-Peter and Gunji, Yukio-Pegio (2007) Robot control with biological cells. Biosystems, 87, 215-223.

Tan, G. J. Shawn, Revilla, Ferran D. and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2007) Protein folding and the robustness of cells. Biosystems, 87, 289-298.

Matsumaru, Naoki, Ziagos, Sotirios, Centler, Florian, Zauner, Klaus-Peter, Wolfl, Stefan and Dittrich, Peter (2003) Autonomous Exploration of Dynamic Biological Systems by Scouting. Mewes, Hans-Werner, Heun, Volker, Frishman, Dmitrij and Kramer, Stefan (eds.) German Conference on Bioinformatics, Neuherberg/Garching. 11 - 13 Oct 2003. p. 210 .

Matsumaru, Naoki, Centler, Florian, Zauner, Klaus-Peter and Dittrich, Peter (2004) Autonomous Experimentation for Systems Biology. BioPerspectives, Wiesbaden, Germany. 03 - 05 May 2004.

Matsumaru, Naoki, Centler, Florian, Zauner, Klaus-Peter and Dittrich, Peter (2004) Towards applied systems biology: application centered models from autonomous experimentation. 5th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Heidelberg. 08 - 12 Oct 2004. p. 390 .

Zauner, Klaus-Peter and Shapiro, Ehud (2006) Postscript: Building blocks for a computing revolution.

Muggleton, Stephen and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2006) Artificial scientists.

Tsuda, Soichiro, Zauner, Klaus-Peter and Gunji, Yukio-Pegio (2006) Computing Substrates and Life. Artmann, Stefan and Dittrich, Peter (eds.) In Explorations in the Complexity of Possible Life. IOS Press. pp. 39-49 .

Miles, Simon, Wong, Sylvia C, Feng, Weijian, Groth, Paul, Zauner, Klaus-Peter and Moreau, Luc (2007) Provenance-based validation of e-science experiments. Journal of Web Semantics, 5 (1), 28-38. (doi:10.1016/j.websem.2006.11.003).

English, Stephen, Gough, Jeffrey, Johnson, Alexis, Spanton, Robert, Sun, Joanna, Crowder, Richard and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2008) Strategies for Maintaining Large Robot Communities. Artificial Life XI, Winchester. 04 - 07 Aug 2008. p. 763 .

Artmann, Stefan, Tsuda, Soichiro and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2008) Information-Theoretic Aspects of Control in a Bio-Hybrid Robot Device. Bullock, Seth, Noble, Jason, Watson, Richard and Bedau, Mark (eds.) In Artificial Life XI: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems. MIT Press. pp. 33-40 .

Sun, Tao, Tsuda, Soichiro, Green, Nicolas G., Zauner, Klaus-Peter and Morgan, Hywel (2008) On-chip electrical impedance tomography for monitoring the kinetics in the cell culture. 12th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2008), , San Diego, United States. 11 - 15 Oct 2008.

Sun, Tao, Tsuda, Soichiro, Zauner, Klaus-Peter and Morgan, Hywel (2008) On-chip electrical impedance tomography for 2D imaging of cells. 12th annual European conference on micro & nanoscale technologies for biosciences, Montreux, Switzerland. 16 - 19 Nov 2008.

Elliott, Terry, Kuang, Xutao, Shadbolt, Nigel and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2008) An Invariance Principle for Maintaining the Operating Point of a Neuron. Network: Computation in Neural Systems, 19 (3), 213-235.

Elliott, Terry, Kuang, Xutao, Shadbolt, Nigel and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2008) On Natural Statistics in Multisensory Integration. Computational and Systems Neuroscience 2008, Salt Lake City, Utah. 28 Feb - 02 Mar 2008. (In Press)

Tsuda, Soichiro, Zauner, Klaus-Peter and Gunji, Yukio-Pegio (2007) Real-time Requirements and Restricted Resources: The Role of the Computing Substrate in Robots. International Conference on Morphological Computation, European Center of Living Technology (ECLT), Venice, Italy. 25 - 27 Mar 2007. pp. 33-35 .

Lovell, C. J. and Zauner, K.-P. (2009) Towards Algorithms for Autonomous Experimentation. Eighth International Conference on Information Processing in Cells and Tissues (IPCAT 2009), Ascona, Switzerland. 04 - 08 Apr 2009. pp. 150-152 .

Ramlan, Effirul I. and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2008) An Extended Dot-Bracket-Notation for Functional Nucleic Acids. In, Csuhaj-Varj{\'u}, E., Freund, R., Oswald, M. and Salomaa, K. (eds.) International Workshop on Computing with Biomolecules, Wien, Austria, August 27, 2008. Oesterreichische Computer Gesellschaft, pp. 75-86.

Ramlan, E. I. and Zauner, K.-P. (2009) Nucleic acid enzymes: The fusion of self-assembly and conformational computing. International Journal of Unconventional Computing, 5 (2), 165-189.

Zauner, K.-P. (2008) Bio-chemistry based IT: Prerequisite for a Revolution. ICT Event, Lyon. 25 - 27 Nov 2008.

Sun, Tao, Tsuda, Soichiro, Zauner, Klaus-Peter and Morgan, Hywel (2009) Single cell imaging using electrical impedance tomography. 4th IEEE international conference of Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, Shenzhen, China. 05 - 08 Jan 2009.

Lovell, C.J., Jones, G. and Zauner, K.-P. (2009) Autonomous experimentation: coupling machine learning with computer controlled microfluidics. ELRIG Drug Discovery, Liverpool, United Kingdom. 06 - 07 Sep 2009.

Sun, Tao, Tsuda, Soichiro, Zauner, Klaus-Peter and Morgan, Hywel (2009) Electrical impedance imaging of biological cells in culture. DIELECTRICS 2009: MEASUREMENT ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS, 40TH ANNIVERSARY MEETING, University of Reading, United Kingdom. 14 - 16 Apr 2009.

Tsuda, Soichiro, Artmann, Stefan and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2009) The Phi-Bot: A Robot Controlled by a Slime Mould. In, Adamatzky, Andrew and Komosinski, Maciej (eds.) Artificial Life Models in Hardware. Springer-Verlag London, pp. 213-232.

Gough, Jeffrey, Jones, Gareth, Lovell, Chris, Macey, Paul, Morgan, Hywel, Revilla, Ferran, Spanton, Robert, Tsuda, Soichiro and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2009) Integration of Cellular Biological Structures Into Robotic Systems. Acta Futura, 3, 43-49.

Elliott, T, Kuang, XT, Shadbolt, NR and Zauner, KP (2009) Adaptation in multisensory neurons: Impact on cross-modal enhancement. Network: Computation in Neural Systems, 20, 1-31.

Sun, Tao, Tsuda, Soichiro, Zauner, Klaus-Peter and Morgan, Hywel (2010) On-chip electrical impedance tomography for imaging biological cells. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 25 (5), 1109-1115. (doi:10.1016/j.bios.2009.09.036).

Lovell, Chris, Jones, Gareth, Gunn, Steve and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2010) Autonomous Experimentation: Coupling Active Learning with Computer Controlled Microfluidics (abstract). Active Learning and Experimental Design Workshop, Sardinia, Italy. (In Press)

Lovell, Chris, Jones, Gareth, Gunn, Steve and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2010) Characterising Enzymes for Information Processing: Towards an Artificial Experimenter. In, 9th International Conference on Unconventional Computation. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 81-92.

Lovell, Chris, Jones, Gareth, Gunn, Steve and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2010) An Artificial Experimenter for Enzymatic Response Characterisation. In, 13th International Conference on Discovery Science. Springer-Verlag, pp. 42-56.

Szymanski, Jan, Gorecka, Joanna Natalia, Igarashi, Yasuhiro, Gizynski, Konrad, Gorecki, Jerzy, Zauner, Klaus-Peter and de Planque, Maurits R.R. (2011) Droplets with information processing ability. International Journal of Unconventional Computing, 7 (3), 185-200.

Lovell, Chris, Jones, Gareth, Gunn, Steve and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2011) Autonomous Experimentation: Active Learning for Enzyme Response Characterisation. JMLR: Workshop and Conference Proceedings, 16, 141-155.

Jones, Gareth, Lovell, Chris, Morgan, Hywel and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2011) Organising Chemical Reaction Networks in Space and Time with Microfluidics. International Journal of Nanotechnology and Molecular Computation (IJNMC), 3 (1), 35-56.

Ramlan, Effirul I. and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2011) Design of interacting multi-stable nucleic acids for molecular information processing. Biosystems, 105 (1), 14-24. (doi:10.1016/j.biosystems.2011.02.006). (PMID:21396427)

Lovell, Chris, Zauner, Klaus-Peter and Gunn, Steve (2011) Exploration and Exploitation in an Artificial Experimenter. ICML Workshop on On-line Trading of Exploration and Exploitation 2.

King, P.H., Corsi, J.C., Morgan, H., de Planque, M.R.R. and Zauner, K.P. (2011) Towards on-chip on-demand microfluidic production and manipulation of droplets for chemical computing. BioChemIT - 1st COBRA Workshop on Biological and Chemical Information Technologies, Paris, France. 07 Aug 2011. (In Press)

Corsi, J.C., King, P.H., Morgan, H., de Planque, M.R.R. and Zauner, K.P. (2011) Belousov-Zhabotinsky oscillations inside lipid-enclosed droplets. BioChemIT - 1st COBRA Workshop on Biological and Chemical Information Technologies, Paris, France. 07 Aug 2011. (In Press)

King, Philip H., Corsi, Josephine C., Morgan, Hywel, de Planque, Maurits R.R. and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2011) Microlitre droplet-in-oil arrays via rapid direct manufacture. NanoBioTech 2011, Montreux, Switzerland. 14 - 16 Nov 2011. (In Press)

King, Philip, Corsi, Josephine C., Pan, Ben-Hong, Morgan, Hywel, de Planque, Maurits R.R. and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2012) Towards molecular computing: co-development of microfluidic devices and chemical reaction media. Biosystems, 109 (1), 18-23. (doi:10.1016/j.biosystems.2012.01.003).

Lovell, Chris, Jones, Gareth, Zauner, Klaus-Peter and Gunn, Steve R. , Glowacka, Dorota, Dorard, Louis and Shawe-Taylor, John (eds.) (2012) Exploration and exploitation with insufficient resources. [in special issue: Proceedings of the Workshop on On-line Trading of Exploration and Exploitation 2, July 2, 2011, Bellevue, Washington, USA] JMLR: Workshop and Conference Proceedings, 26, 37-61.

Jones, Gareth, Lovell, Chris, Gunn, Steve, Morgan, Hywel and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2012) Enabling the Discovery of Computational Characteristics of Enzyme Dynamics. IEEE WCCI CEC 2012.

Abraham, Chinnu M., King, Philip H., Zauner, Klaus-Peter and de Planque, Maurits R.R. (2012) Selective propagation of Belousov-Zhabotinsky waves in milliscale channels. BioChemIT: 2nd COBRA Workshop on Biological and Chemical Information Technologies, Orlans, France. 02 - 06 Sep 2012.

Jones, Gareth, King, Philip H., Morgan, Hywel, de Planque, Maurits R.R. and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2012) Autonomous droplets: from neurons to muscles. BioChemIT: 2nd COBRA Workshop on Biological and Chemical Information Technologies, Orlans, France. 02 - 06 Sep 2012.

Crowder, Richard M. and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2012) A Project-Based Biologically-Inspired Robotics Module. IEEE Transactions on Education. (doi:10.1109/TE.2012.2215862).

King, Philip H., Abraham, Chinnu H., Zauner, Klaus-Peter and de Planque, Maurits R.R. (2015) Excitability modulation of oscillating media in 3D-printed structures. Artificial Life, 21 (2), 225-233. (doi:10.1162/ARTL_a_00158). (PMID:25622017)

King, Philip H., Jones, Gareth, Morgan, Hywel, de Planque, Maurits R.R. and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2013) Belousov-Zhabotinsky droplet mixing on-chip for chemical computing applications. 3rd COBRA Workshop on Biological and Chemical IT, Milan, Italy. 04 Jul 2013.

Adamatzky, Andrew, Holley, Julian, Dittrich, Peter, Gorecki, Jerzy, De Lacy Costello, Ben, Zauner, Klaus-Peter and Bull, Larry (2012) On architectures of circuits implemented in simulated Belousov-Zhabotinsky droplets. Biosystems, 109, 72-77. (doi:10.1016/j.biosystems.2011.12.007).

Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2012) Context-sensitive matter. In A Matter of Feeling. TEKS - Trondheim Electronic Arts Centre. pp. 195-201 .

Gruenert, Gerd, Dittrich, Peter and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2011) Artificial Wet Neuronal Networks from Compartmentalised Excitable Chemical Media. [in special issue: Unconventional Computing Paradigms] ERCIM News, (85), 30-32.

Ramlan, Effirul Ikhwan and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2013) In-silico design of computational nucleic acids for molecular information processing. Journal of Cheminformatics, 5 (1), 1-15. (doi:10.1186/1758-2946-5-22).

King, Philip H., Jones, Gareth, Morgan, Hywel, de Planque, Maurits R.R. and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2014) Interdroplet bilayer arrays in millifluidic droplet traps from 3D-printed moulds. Lab on a Chip, 14 (4), 722-729. (doi:10.1039/C3LC51072G).

Shang, Beining, Crowder, Richard and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2013) Simulation of hardware variations in swarm robots. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Manchester, United Kingdom. 12 - 15 Oct 2013. 6 pp .

Jones, Gareth, King, Philip H., Morgan, Hywel, de Planque, Maurits R.R. and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2015) Autonomous droplet architectures. Artificial Life, 21 (2), 195-204. (doi:10.1162/ARTL_a_00156). (PMID:25622015)

Shang, Beining, Crowder, Richard and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2014) Swarm behavioral sorting based on robotic hardware variation. Simultech 2014, Wien, Austria. 27 - 29 Aug 2014. 6 pp .

Adamatzky, Andrew, De Lacy Costello, Benjamin, Dittrich, Peter, Jerzy, Gorecki and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2014) On logical universality of Belousov-Zhabotinsky vesicles. [in special issue: Unconventional Computing] International Journal of General Systems, 43 (7), 757-769. (doi:10.1080/03081079.2014.921000).

Prothmann, C. and Zauner, K.-P. (2014) Semibiotic Persistence. [in special issue: Space Architecture] Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, 67 (7-9), 314-321.

Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2015) Molecular Information Technology. Algorithmic Cheminformatics (Dagstuhl Seminar 14452). p. 37 . (doi:10.4230/DagRep.4.11.22).

Shang, Beining, Crowder, Richard and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2016) An approach to sorting swarm robots to optimize performance. In ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE2016). vol. 5A, American Society Of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). 8 pp . (doi:10.1115/DETC2016-59984).

Chang, Kai, De Planque, Maurits and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2016) Fabricating millifluidic reaction-diffusion devices: droplet-in-oil networks structured by laser cutting. IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computational Intelligence (FOCI), Athens, Greece. 06 - 09 Dec 2016. 7 pp .

Chang, Kai Ming, De Planque, Maurits and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2018) Dataset for "Towards Functional Droplet Architectures: a Belousov-Zhabotinsky Medium for Networks". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0363 [Dataset]

Chang, Kai Ming, de Planque, Maurits R.R. and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2018) Towards functional droplet architectures: a Belousov-Zhabotinsky medium for networks. Scientific Reports, 8, [12656]. (doi:10.1038/s41598-018-30819-6).

Tarapore, Danesh, Gross, Roderich and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2020) Sparse robot swarms: Moving swarms to real world applications. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 7, [83]. (doi:10.3389/frobt.2020.00083).

Fischlechner, Martin, West, Jonathan and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2016) Droplet Kitchen. [Dataset]

Niu, Chaoyue (2020) Low-viewpoint forest depth dataset for sparse rover swarms. Zenodo doi:10.5281/zenodo.3945526 [Dataset]

Niu, Chaoyue, Tarapore, Danesh and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2020) Low-viewpoint forest depth dataset for sparse rover swarms. In 2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). IEEE. pp. 8035-8040 . (doi:10.1109/IROS45743.2020.9341435).


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Ben, Fang, Fernando, James, Ou, Jun-Yu and Tsuchiya, Yoshishige (2021) Development of Systematic Fitting Model for Nonlinear Nanoelectromechanical Resonance Analysis. 2021 IEEE 34th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Gainesville and Online, Gainesville, United States. 25 - 29 Jan 2021. pp. 611-614 . (doi:10.1109/MEMS51782.2021.9375461).

Ben, Fang, Fernando, James, Ou, Jun-Yu and Tsuchiya, Yoshishige (2021) Analysis of hysteric behaviour in nonlinear resonance of silicon nanoelectromechanical resonators. 47th Micro and Nano Engineering Conference, Turin and Online, Turin, Italy. 20 - 23 Sep 2021.

Fernando, James, Ben, Fang, Ou, Jun-Yu and Tsuchiya, Yoshishige (2021) Spectral characterisation and tuning effect of picometre-scale thermomechanical motion for silicon NEMS resonators. 47th Micro and Nano Engineering Conference, Turin and Online, Turin, Italy. 20 - 23 Sep 2021.

Ben, Fang, Fernando, James, Ou, Jun-Yu and Tsuchiya, Yoshishige (2022) Modelling of Nonlinear Resonance Behavior in 1-ω Mixing Measurement for 125-MHz Silicon Nanoelectromechanical Resonator. 48th Internaltional Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering - EuroSensor, , Leuven, Belgium. 19 - 23 Sep 2022. (In Press)


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van Berkel, Cees, Gwyer, James D., Deane, Steve, Green, Nicolas G, Holloway, Judith, Hollis, Veronica and Morgan, Hywel (2011) Integrated systems for rapid point of care (PoC) blood cell analysis. Lab on a Chip, 11 (7), 1249-1255. (doi:10.1039/C0LC00587H). (PMID:21331413)

Morgan, Hywel, Garcia-Izquierdo, Alberto, Bakewell, David J, Green, Nicolas G and Ramos, Antonio (2001) The dielectrophoretic and travelling wave forces for interdigitated electrode arrays: analytical solution using Fourier series. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 34, 1553-1561. (doi:10.1088/0022-3727/34/10/316).

Green, Nicolas G, Ramos, Antonio, Gonzalez, Antonio, Morgan, Hywel and Castellanos, Antonio (2002) Fluid flow induced by non-uniform AC electric fields in electrolytes on microelectrodes III: Observation of streamlines and numerical simulation. Physical Review E, 66 (26305), 26305. (doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.66.026305).

Green, Nicolas G., Ramos, Antonio and Morgan, Hywel (2002) Numerical solution of the dielectrophoretic and travelling wave forces for interdigitated electrode arrays using the finite element method. Journal of Electrostatics, 56 (2), 235-254. (doi:10.1016/S0304-3886(02)00069-4).

Castellanos, Antonio, Ramos, Antonio, Gonzalez, Antonio, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2003) Electrohydrodynamics and dielectrophoresis in microsystems: scaling laws. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 36 (20), 2584-2597. (doi:10.1088/0022-3727/36/20/023).

Ermolina, Irina, Morgan, Hywel, Green, Nicolas G, Milner, Joel J and Feldman, Yuri (2003) Dielectric spectroscopy of Tobacco Mosaic Virus. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1622, 57-63. (doi:10.1016/S0304-4165(03)00118-1).

Perch-Nielsen, Ivan R, Green, Nicolas G and Wolff, Anders (2004) Numerical simulation of travelling wave induced electrothermal fluid flow. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 37, 2323-2330. (doi:10.1088/0022-3727/37/16/016).

Green, Nicolas G, Ramos, Antonio and Morgan, Hywel (2004) Solid-State AC Electric Field Driven Micropumps. 15th MicroMechanics Europe Workshop, , Leuven, Belgium. 04 - 06 Sep 2004. pp. 187-190 .

Holmes, David, Neal, Becky, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2004) Microfabricated Device for Rapid Impedance Measurements on Single Biological Cells. 15th MicroMechanics Europe Workshop, , Leuven, Belgium. 04 - 06 Sep 2004. pp. 195-198 .

Green, Nicolas G, Morgan, Hywel and Ramos, Antonio (2005) AC Electric Field Microfluidic Control in Microsystems. Microtechnologies for the New Millenniumn 2005 SPIE, Seville, Spain. pp. 425-432 .

Green, Nicolas G, Tao, Sun, Holmes, David and Morgan, Hywel (2005) Impedance based flow sensors. Microtechnologies for the New Millennium 2005 SPIE. pp. 634-641 .

Morgan, Hywel, Holmes, David and Green, Nicolas G (2005) High speed simultaneous optical and impedance analysis of single particles. Microtechnologies for the New Millennium 2005, Seville, Spain. 08 - 10 May 2005. pp. 263-272 .

Holmes, David, Sandison, Mairi, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2005) On-chip high-speed sorting of micron-sized particles for high-throughput analysis. IEE Proceedings - Nanobiotechnology, 152 (4), 129-134. (doi:10.1049/ip-nbt:20050008).

Morgan, Hywel, Holmes, David and Green, Nicolas G (2003) 3D focusing of nanoparticles in microfluidic channels. IEE Proceedings - Nanobiotechnology, 150 (2), 76-81. (doi:10.1049/ip-nbt:20031090).

Holmes, David, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2003) Microdevices for Dielectrophoretic Flow-Through Cell Separation. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, 22 (6), 85-90. (doi:10.1109/MEMB.2003.1266051).

Ramos, Antonio, Gonzalez, Antonio, Castellanos, Antonio, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2003) Pumping of liquids with ac voltages applied to asymmetric pairs of microelectrodes. Physical Review E, 67, 56302. (doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.67.056302).

Morgan, Hywel, Sun, Tao, Holmes, David, Gawad, Shady and Green, Nicolas G (2007) Single cell dielectric spectroscopy. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 40, 61-70. (doi:10.1088/0022-3727/40/1/S10).

Sun, Tao, Gawad, Shady, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2007) Dielectric spectroscopy of single cells: time domain analysis using Maxwell’s mixture equation. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 40, 1-8. (doi:10.1088/0022-3727/40/1/S01).

Sun, Tao, Green, Nicolas G, Gawad, Shady and Morgan, Hywel (2007) Single-cell impedance spectroscopy: maximum length sequence analysis. SPIE, Smart Materials, Nano- & Micro-Smart Systems, Adelaide, Australia. 10 - 13 Dec 2006.

Sun, Tao, Gawad, Shady, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2006) Impedance Spectroscopy: Single Cell Cytometry using Maximum Length Sequences Analysis. The 10th Annual European Conference On Micro & Nanoscale Technologies for the Biosciences, Montreux, Switzerland. 14 - 16 Nov 2006.

Sun, Tao, Gawad, Shady, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2006) Broadband Impedance Spectroscopy for Single Particles in High Throughput Microfluidic Cytometer using Pseudorandom Noise. International Conference on Bio-Nano-Informatics Fusion & International Forum on Biochip Technologies, Beijing, China.

Sun, Tao, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2006) Current Analysis Model for the Single Particle Impedance Spectrum Sensitivity Analysis of Microfluidic Cytometers. International Conference on Bio-Nano-Informatics Fusion & International Forum on Biochip Technologies, Beijing, China.

Morgan, Hywel, Benazzi, Giuseppe, Sun, Tao, Green, Nicolas G, Holmes, David and Gawad, Shady (2006) Single Cell Impedance Spectroscopy. Bio-Dielectrics: Theories, Mechanisms and Applications, Annual Conference 2006 of the Dielectrics Group of the Institute of Physics, University of Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom. 09 - 11 Apr 2006.

Sun, Tao, Holmes, David, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2005) Impedance Spectroscopy Measurement of Biological Particles in Coplanar Electrodes Microfluidic Cytometer. The 2nd Life Science Interface Conference, University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom.

Sun, Tao, Gawad, Shady, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2006) Analytical and Numerical Modeling for Impedance Spectrum Analysis of Single cell in high throughput Microfluidic Cytometers. The Medicine, Health and Life Sciences (MHLS) PG conference, University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom. 05 - 06 Jun 2006.

Gawad, Shady, Sun, Tao, Holmes, David, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2005) Maximum Length Sequences for Dielectric Spectroscopy: Application to a Microflow Cytometer. The 9th Annual European Conference on Micro & Nanoscale Technologies for the Biosciences, Montreux, Switzerland. 15 - 17 Nov 2005.

Green, Nicolas G and Jones, Thomas B (2007) Numerical determination of the effective moments of non-spherical particles. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 40 (1), 78-85. (doi:10.1088/0022-3727/40/1/S12).

Gawad, Shady, Sun, Tao, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2007) Impedance spectroscopy using maximum length sequences: Application to single cell analysis. Review of Scientific Instruments, 78, 54301. (doi:10.1063/1.2737751).

Sun, Tao, Hywel, Morgan and Green, Nicolas G (2007) Electric field analysis using Schwarz-Christoffel mapping – for bio-particle manipulation and separation. The 12th international conference on Electrostatics, Oxford, United Kingdom. 25 - 28 Mar 2007.

Sun, Tao, Hywel, Morgan and Green, Nicolas G (2007) Analytical solutions of the dielectrophoretic and travelling wave force generated by interdigitated electrode arrays. The 12th international conference on Electrostatics, Oxford, United Kingdom. 25 - 28 Mar 2007.

Sun, Tao, Holmes, David, Gawad, Shady, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2007) High speed multi-frequency impedance analysis of single particles in a microfluidic cytometer using maximum length sequences. Lab on a Chip, 7. (doi:10.1039/B703546B).

Sun, Tao and Green, Nicolas G (2007) Modelling electrical interactions with biological cells. Comsol Multiphysics 2007, Southampton, United Kingdom.

Sun, Tao, Gawad, Shady, Bernabini, Catia, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2007) Broadband single cell impedance spectroscopy using maximum length sequences: theoretical analysis and practical considerations. Measurement Science and Technology, 18, 2859-2868. (doi:10.1088/0957-0233/18/9/015).

Sun, Tao, Green, Nicolas G, Gawad, Shady and Morgan, Hywel (2007) Analytical electric field and sensitivity analysis for two microfluidic impedance cytometer designs. IET Nanobiotechnology, 1 (5), 69-79. (doi:10.1049/iet-nbt:20070019).

Gonzalez, Antonio, Ramos, Antonio, Castellanos, Antonio, Morgan, Hywel and Green, Nicolas G. (2008) Electrothermal liquid motion in microsystems subjected to alternating and rotating electric fields. ASME 2003 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. 15 - 21 Nov 2003. pp. 257-262 . (doi:10.1115/IMECE2003-43272).

Holmes, David, Morgan, Hywel and Green, Nicolas G. (2006) High throughput particle analysis: combining dielectrophoretic particle focussing with confocal optical detection. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 21, 1621-1630. (doi:10.1016/j.bios.2005.10.017).

Holmes, David, Sandison, Mairi E, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2004) High speed particle sorting: combining dielectrophoresis and fluid flow. MicroTAS 2004, the 8th international conference on miniaturized systems for chemistry and life sciences, Malmo, Sweden. pp. 6-8 .

Sun, Tao, Bernabini, Catia, Holmes, David, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2007) High-Throughput, Non-invasive and label-free single cell analysis on a microfluidic chip. Electro-active Materials, Cranfield Management Development Centre, Cranfield, United Kingdom.

Sun, Tao, Holmes, David, Gawad, Shady, Green, Nicolas G. and Morgan, Hywel (2007) High speed multi-frequency impedance analysis of single biological particle using Maximum Length Sequences. 11th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2007), Paris, France. 06 - 10 Oct 2007. pp. 1086-1088 .

Sun, Tao, Morgan, Hywel and Green, Nicolas G (2007) Analytical solutions of ac electrokinetics in interdigitated electrode arrays: Electric field, dielectrophoretic and traveling-wave dielectrophoretic forces. Physical Review E, 76 (4), 46610. (doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.76.046610).

Sun, Tao, Green, Nicolas and Morgan, Hywel (2007) Adaptive noise cancellation for single cell impedance spectroscopy using Maximum Length Sequences. 11th annual European conference on micro & nanoscale technologies for biosciences, Montreux, Switzerland. 14 - 16 Nov 2007.

Sun, Tao, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2008) Analytical and numerical modeling methods for impedance analysis of single cells on-chip. Nano, 3 (1), 55-63. (doi:10.1142/S1793292008000800).

Morgan, Hywel, Green, Nicolas and Sun, Tao (2008) Electrokinetics of Particles and Fluids. In, Ho, Chih-Ming (ed.) Microtechnology and Nanotechnology in Biomedical Applications. Oxford University Press. (Submitted)

Yunus, Nurul A M and Green, Nicolas G (2008) Continuous Separation of Submicron Particles Using Angled Electrode. Electrostatics 2007: 12th international conference on Electrostatics, St Catherines College, Oxford, United Kingdom.

Sun, Tao, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2008) Analytical solutions for the electric field and dielectrophoretic force in a dielectrophoretic focusing electrode structure. Applied Physics Letters, 92 (17), 173901.1-173901.3. (doi:10.1063/1.2916827).

Sun, Tao, Berkel, Cees van, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2008) Digital signal processing methods for impedance microfluidic cytometry. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 6, 179-187. (doi:10.1007/s10404-008-0315-3).

Green, Nicolas G, Ramos, Antonio, Gonzalez, Antonio, Castellanos, Antonio and Morgan, Hywel (2001) Electrothermally induced fluid flow on microelectrodes. Journal of Electrostatics, 53 (2), 71-87. (doi:10.1016/S0304-3886(01)00132-2).

Ramos, Antonio, Gonzalez, Antonio, Green, Nicolas G, Morgan, Hywel and Castellanos, Antonio (2001) Comment on "Theoretical model of electrode polarization and AC electroosmotic fluid flow in planar electrode arrays". Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 243 (1), 265-266. (doi:10.1006/jcis.2001.7957).

Garcia-Sanchez, Pablo, Ramos, Antonio, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2006) Experiments on AC electrokinetic pumping of liquids using arrays of microelectrodes. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 13 (3), 670-677. (doi:10.1109/TDEI.2006.1657983).

Morgan, Hywel, Green, Nicolas G, Ramos, Antonio and Garcia-Sanchez, Pablo (2007) Control of two-phase flow in a microfluidic system using ac electric fields. Applied Physics Letters, 91. (doi:10.1063/1.2825835).

Castellanos, Antonio, Ramos, Antonio, González, Antonio, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2002) AC Electric-Field-Induced Fluid Flow in Microelectrode Structures: Scaling Laws. 14' International Conference on Dielectric Liquids (ICDL 2002). 06 - 11 Jul 2002. pp. 52-55 . (doi:10.1109/ICDL.2002.1022692).

Castellanos, Antonio, González, Antonio, Ramos, Antonio, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2002) Manipulation of bio-particles in microelectrode structures by means of non-uniform ac electric fields. ASME 2002 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. 17 - 22 Nov 2002. pp. 165-170 . (doi:10.1115/IMECE2002-39617).

Green, Nicolas G, Holmes, David and Morgan, Hywel (2003) Dielectrophoretic Focussing and Separation of Nanoparticles: Experimental Measurement and Numerical Simulation. Proceedings of MicroTAS 2003.

Castellanos, Antonio, González, Antonio, Ramos, Antonio, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2003) Electrohydrodynamics in microelectrode structures. Electrostatics 2003: The 11th international conference on Electrostatics. pp. 175-180 .

Morgan, Hywel, Holmes, David and Green, Nicolas G (2003) AC electrokinetic focussing in microchannels: micro- and nanoparticles. Electrostatics 2003: 11th international conference on Electrostatics. pp. 119-124 .

Morgan, Hywel, Holmes, David and Green, Nicolas (2005) High speed simultaneous optical and impedance analysis of particles. Proc SPIE Smart Sensors Actuators and MEMS II. pp. 263-272 .

Ramos, Antonio, González, A., Castellanos, A,, Green, Nicolas and Morgan, Hywel (2005) AC Electrokinetic pumping of liquids using arrays of microelectrodes. Microtechnologies for the new Millenium, Sevilla, Spain.

Ramos, Antonio, González, A, Castellanos, A, Green, Nicolas and Morgan, Hywel (2005) The scaling laws of dielectrophoresis and electrohydrodynamics. Microtechnologies for the new Millenium, Sevilla, Spain.

Garcia-Sanchez, P, Ramos, Antonio, Green, Nicolas and Morgan, Hywel (2007) Experiments on pumping of liquids using arrays of microelectrodes subjected to travelling wave potentials. Electrostatics 2007, Oxford, United Kingdom.

Rouabah, Hamza A., Park, P.Y., Zaouk, R.B., Morgan, Hywel, Madou, M.J. and Green, Nicolas (2007) Fabrication of fully functional AC-electroosmosis micropump with 3D high aspect ratio electrodes using only SU-8. Proceedings of Micromechanics Europe (MME 2007), Guimaraes, Portugal. 15 - 17 Sep 2007.

Martinez-Duarte, R, Rouabah, Hamza, Green, Nicolas, Madou, M and Morgan, Hywel (2007) High efficiency and throughput particle separation with 3D C-MEMS dielectrophoresis. , Proc. 11th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences.

Sun, Tao, Tsuda, Soichiro, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2008) Lab-on-a-chip technology for single cell manipulation and characterization using electrical methods. Physics Meets Biology Conference, Institute of Physics, Oxford, United Kingdom. 12 - 15 Jul 2008.

Sun, Tao, Tsuda, Soichiro, Green, Nicolas G., Zauner, Klaus-Peter and Morgan, Hywel (2008) On-chip electrical impedance tomography for monitoring the kinetics in the cell culture. 12th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2008), , San Diego, United States. 11 - 15 Oct 2008.

Sun, Tao, Green, Nicolas G. and Morgan, Hywel (2008) Adaptive line enhancer assisted single cell identification in a pseudorandom noise-stimulated microflow-cytometry. 7th IEEE Sensors Conference, Lecce, Italy. 25 - 29 Oct 2008.

Thomas, Rupert, Morgan, Hywel and Green, Nicolas G (2009) Negative DEP traps for single cell immobilisation. Lab on a Chip, 9, 1534-1540. (doi:10.1039/b819267g).

Garcia-Sanchez, Pablo, Ramos, Antonio, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2008) Traveling-wave electrokinetic micropumps: velocity, electrical current, and impedance measurements. Langmuir, 24 (17), 9361-9369. (doi:10.1021/la800423k).

Aghdaei, Sara, Sandison, Mairi E., Zagnoni, Michele, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2008) Formation of artificial lipid bilayers using droplet dielectrophoresis. Lab on a Chip, 8 (10), 1617-1620. (doi:10.1039/B807374K). (PMID:18813381)

Rouabah, H.A., Park, B.Y., Zaouk, R.B., Madou, M.J. and Green, N.G. (2008) Producing fluid flow using 3D carbon electrodes. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 012072 (4 pp.)-.

Aghdaei, S., Green, N.G., Jones, T.B. and Morgan, H. (2008) Droplet mixer based on electrowetting. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 142 (1), 12071-12071. (doi:10.1088/1742-6596/142/1/012071).

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Garcia-Sanchez, Pablo, Ramos, Antonio, Gonzalez, Antonio, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2009) Flow Reversal in Traveling-Wave Electrokinetics: An Analysis of Forces Due to Ionic Concentration Gradients. Langmuir, 25 (9), 4988-4997. (doi:10.1021/la803651e).

Sun, Tao, Morgan, Hywel and Green, Nicolas G (2009) Analytical Solutions of the Dielectrophoretic and Travelling Wave Forces Generated by Interdigitated Electrode Arrays. ELECTROSTATICS 2007, 142, 12011-12011.

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Williams, Stuart J, Kumar, Aloke, Green, Nicolas G and Wereley, Steven T (2010) Optically induced electrokinetic concentration and sorting of colloids. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 20 (1). (doi:10.1088/0960-1317/20/1/015022).

Kumar, Aloke, Kwon, Jae-Sung, Williams, Stuart J, Green, Nicolas G, Yip, Nung Kwan and Wereley, Steven T (2010) Optically modulated electrokinetic manipulation and concentration of colloidal particles near an electrode surface. Langmuir, 26 (7), 5262-5272. (doi:10.1021/la904661y).

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Lewis, Adam, Cranny, Andrew, Green, Nicolas, Nie, Menyang, Wharton, Julian, Wood, Robert, Stokes, Keith and Harris, Nick (2010) Improving separation resolution of capillary electrophoresis to aid corrosion monitoring by dynamic control of the EOF. IMCS13, Perth, Western, Australia. 10 - 13 Jul 2010.

Lewis, Adam, Cranny, Andrew, Green, Nicolas, Nie, Menyang, Wharton, Julian, Wood, Robert, Stokes, Keith and Harris, Nick (2010) Novel fabrication method for rapid creation of channels using PDMS for microfluidic networks on planar substrates. APCOT2010, Perth, Western, Australia. 05 - 08 Jul 2010.

Lewis, Adam, Cranny, Andrew, Green, Nicolas, Harris, Nick, Stokes, Keith, Wharton, Julian and Wood, Robert (2011) A Closed-loop, Non-linear, Miniaturised Capillary Electrophoresis System Enabled by Control of Electroosmotic Flow. The 15th International Symposium on Field- and Flow-based Separations (FFF 2011), San Francisco. 22 - 24 May 2011. (Submitted)

Nili, Hossein, Sun, Tao and Green, Nicolas (2011) Higher order dielectrophoretic force characterisation of non-spherical particles. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 301 (12061).

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Rouabah, Hamza, Park, Benjamin Y, Zaouk, Rabih B, Morgan, Hywel, Madou, Marc J and Green, Nicolas G (2011) Design and fabrication of an ac-electro-osmosis micropump with 3D high-aspect-ratio electrodes using only SU-8. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 21 (3), 35018. (doi:10.1088/0960-1317/21/3/035018).

Kumar, Aloke, Williams, Stuart J, Chuang, Han-Sheng, Green, Nicolas G and Wereley, Steven T (2011) Hybrid opto-electric manipulation in microfluidics—opportunities and challenges. Lab on a Chip, 11, 2135-2148. (doi:10.1039/C1LC20208A).

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Lowe, Benjamin M., Sun, Kai, Zeimpekis, Ioannis, Skylaris, Chris-Kriton and Green, Nicolas G. (2017) Field-effect sensors – from pH sensing to biosensing: sensitivity enhancement using streptavidin-biotin as a model system. Analyst, 142 (22), 4173-4200. (doi:10.1039/C7AN00455A).

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Yunus, Nurul Amziah Md, Halin, Izhal Abdul and Green, Nicolas G. (2015) Dielectrophoretic characterization of colloidal particles using angled microelectrode arrays. Arapatsakos, Charalampos (ed.) In Recent Advances in Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering. WSEAS Press. pp. 106-112 .

Lowe, Benjamin, Skylaris, Chris-Kriton, Green, Nicolas, Shibuta, Yasushi and Sakata, Toshiya (2017) Molecular dynamics investigation of surface potential changes at the oxide-electrolyte interface for field-effect transistor biosensors. 78th Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP) Autumn Meeting, Fukuoka International Congress Center, Fukuoka, Japan. 05 - 08 Sep 2017.

Lowe, Benjamin, Sun, Kai, Zeimpekis, Ioannis, Skylaris, Chris-Kriton and Green, Nicolas (2016) Limitations and possibilities for biologically-sensitive field-effect transistor-sensor design (BioFET): Complexity of the oxide-electrolyte interface. 5th International Conference on Material Science and Engineering Technology,, Tokyo, Japan. 29 - 31 Oct 2016.

Lowe, Benjamin, Shibuta, Yasushi, Sakata, Toshiya, Skylaris, Chris-Kriton and Green, Nicolas (2016) Complexity at the glass-water interface: Molecular dynamics and nanotechnology. CCS Warmup at the Conference on Complex Systems 2016, , Amsterdam, Netherlands. 16 - 18 Sep 2016.

Lowe, Benjamin, Skylaris, Chris-Kriton and Green, Nicolas (2016) Acid-base dissociation mechanisms at the silica-water interface: A DFT study. 251st American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition - Computers in Chemistry, San Diego, United States. 13 - 17 Mar 2016.

Lowe, Benjamin, Shibuta, Yasushi, Sakata, T., Skylaris, Chris-Kriton and Green, Nicolas (2016) Wet glass and the future of nanotechnology: Ion dynamics at the nanosensor-water interface. SET for Britain 2016, Portcullis House, Westminster, London, United Kingdom. 07 Mar 2016.

Lowe, Benjamin, Shibuta, Yasushi, Sakata, Toshiya, Skylaris, Chris-Kriton and Green, Nicolas (2015) The importance of understanding electrodynamics in understanding field effect biosensors. Early Career Reseachers Colloquium, London, United Kingdom. 15 Sep 2015.

Lowe, Benjamin, Shibuta, Yasushi, Sakata, Toshiya, Skylaris, Chris-Kriton and Green, Nicolas (2015) Investigation of the complex water-biomolecule-silica interface via molecular dynamics simulations. 5th Student Conference on Complexity Science, , Granada, United Kingdom. 09 - 11 Sep 2015.

Lowe, Benjamin, Skylaris, Chris-Kriton and Green, Nicolas (2014) Simulation of silicon nanowire field effect sensors. 4th Student Conference on Complexity Science, University of Susses, Brighton, United Kingdom. 19 - 22 Aug 2014.

Lowe, Benjamin, Skylaris, Chris-Kriton and Green, Nicolas (2014) Deprotonation at the silica/water interface: a DFT study. 4th Workshop on Theory, Modelling and Computational Methods for Semiconductors, University of Salford, Manchester, United Kingdom. 22 - 24 Jan 2014.

Lowe, Benjamin, Skylaris, Chris-Kriton, Green, Nicolas, Shibuta, Yasushi and Sakata, Toshiya (2017) Molecular dynamics investigation of the field-effect at the technologically relevant silica-electrolyte interface. 49th International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2017), , Sendai, Japan. 19 - 22 Sep 2017. pp. 949-950 .

Mirzaei, Sahar, Green, Nicolas, Rotaru, Mihai and Pu, Suan-Hui (2017) Detecting and identifying DNA via the THz backbone frequency using a metamaterial-based label-free biosensor. Sadwick, Laurence P. and Yan, Tianxin (eds.) In Terahertz, RF, Millimeter, and Submillimeter-Wave Technology and Applications X. vol. 10103, SPIE. 9 pp . (doi:10.1117/12.2263694).

Frame, James, Green, Nicolas, Kubo, Wakana and Fang, Xu (2018) Controlling the phase transition of vanadium oxide using plasmonic metamaterials. In The 7th Advanced Lases and Photon Sources Conference (ALPS2018). 1 pp .

Zhang, Yichi, Green, Nicolas, Saito, Shinichi and Tsuchiya, Yoshishige (2017) Surface-modified Scalable Silicon Heat Sink Technology for Electronics Cooling. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0080 [Dataset]

Frame, James, Green, Nicolas, Kubo, Wakana and Fang, Xu (2018) Plasmonic vanadium dioxide microbolometers with wavelength and polarization sensitivity. In SPIE Optics + Photonics: Nanoscience + Engineering. SPIE. 1 pp . (In Press)

Lowe, Benjamin, Skylaris, Chris-Kriton, Green, Nicolas, Shibuta, Yasushi and Sakata, Toshiya (2018) Calculation of surface potentials of the silica-water interface using molecular dynamics: challenges and opportunities. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 57 (4S), 1-10, [04FM02]. (doi:10.7567/JJAP.57.04FM02).

Lowe, Benjamin Mark, Skylaris, Chris-Kriton, Green, Nicolas G., Shibuta, Yasushi and Sakata, Toshiya (2018) Molecular dynamics simulation of potentiometric sensor response: Effect of biomolecules, surface morphology and surface charge. Nanoscale, 10 (18), 8650-8666. (doi:10.1039/C8NR00776D).

Yunus, Nurul Amziah Md, Ismail, Noor Faezah, Green, Nicolas G. and Ahmad, Desa (2018) Analysis of dielectrophoresis AC electrokinetic in equilibrium using Matlab. In 2017 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Postgraduate Research in Microelectronics and Electronics: Advancing Circuits and Systems Innovation for Connected World, PrimeAsia 2017 - Proceedings. vol. 2017-October, IEEE Computer Society. pp. 85-88 . (doi:10.1109/PRIMEASIA.2017.8280370).

Loukas, Christos-Moritz, Mowlem, Matthew C., Tsaloglou, Maria-Nefeli and Green, Nicolas G. (2018) A novel portable filtration system for sampling and concentration of microorganisms: demonstration on marine microalgae with subsequent quantification using IC-NASBA. Harmful Algae, 75, 94-104. (doi:10.1016/j.hal.2018.03.006).

Lowe, Benjamin, Mark, Green, Nicolas and Skylaris, Chris-Kriton (2018) Dataset for "Interfacial Physics of Field-Effect Biosensors". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/403915 [Dataset]

Frame, James, Green, Nicolas and Fang, Xu (2018) Modified Maxwell Garnett model for hysteresis in phase change materials. Optical Materials Express, 8 (7), 1-9. (doi:10.1364/OME.8.001988).

Frame, James D., Green, Nicolas G., Kubo, Wakana and Fang, Xu (2018) Plasmonic vanadium dioxide microbolometers with wavelength and polarisation sensitivity. In Plasmonics: Design, Materials Fabrication, Characterization, and Applications XVI. vol. 10722, SPIE.. (doi:10.1117/12.2320554).

Zhang, Yichi, Green, Nicolas, Saito, Shinichi and Tsuchiya, Yoshishige (2017) Surface-modified scalable silicon heat sink technology for electronics cooling. In 43rd International Conference on Micro and Nanoengineering (MNE2017), Braga, Portugal, Sep. 18-22 2017. (In Press)

Yin, Shengqi, He, Fei, Green, Nicolas and Fang, Xu (2019) Optical routing of nanospheres on plasmonic rails. 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2019, ICM – International Congress Centre, Munich, Germany. 22 - 26 Jun 2019. (In Press)

Thomas, Rupert, Mitchell, Peter D., Oreffo, Richard O. C., Morgan, Hywel and Green, Nicolas (2019) Image‐based sorting and negative dielectrophoresis for high purity cell and particle separation. Electrophoresis. (doi:10.1002/elps.201800489).

Green, Nicolas and Fang, Xu (2019) A modified Maxwell Garnett Model: Hysteresis in phase change materials. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1322, [012038]. (doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1322/1/012038).

Ralph, David, Li, Yunjia, Wills, Gary and Green, Nicolas G. (2019) Recommendations from cold starts in big data. Chang, Victor, Ramachandran, Muthu, Walters, Robert, Munoz, Victor Mendez and Wills, Gary (eds.) In IoTBDS 2019 - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security. Scitepress. pp. 185-194 .

Kalikavunkal, Prameen C., Green, Nicolas G. and De Planque, Maurits R.R. (2019) Tuning of salt separation efficiency by flow rate control in microfluidic dynamic dialysis. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 23 (111), 1-11. (doi:10.1007/s10404-019-2277-z).

Kalikavunkal, Prameen C, Green, Nicolas and De Planque, Maurits (2019) Dataset for "Tuning of salt separation efficiency by flow rate control in microfluidic dynamic dialysis". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0733 [Dataset]

Rashed, Mohamed, Williams, Stuart J. and Green, Nicolas (2019) Scaling law analysis of electrohydrodynamics and dielectrophoresis for isomotive dielectrophoresis microfluidic devices. Electrophoresis, 1-8, [201900311]. (doi:10.1002/elps.201900311).

Yin, Shengqi, He, Fei, Green, Nicolas and Fang, Xu (2020) Nanoparticle trapping and routing on plasmonic nanorails in a microfluidic channel. Optics Express, 28 (2), 1357-1368. (doi:10.1364/OE.384748).

Ralph, David, Li, Yunjia, Wills, Gary and Green, Nicolas G. (2020) Recommendations from cold starts in big data. Computing, 102 (6), 1323-1344. (doi:10.1007/s00607-020-00792-y).

Sriphum, Wiwat, Wills, Gary and Green, Nicolas (2020) FLOPTICS: A novel automated gating technique for flow cytometry data. 5th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk, Vienna House Diplomat Prague Evropska 15 16041 Prague, Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic. 08 - 09 May 2020. pp. 96-102 .

Yin, Shengqi, He, Fei, Kubo, Wakana, Wang, Qian, Frame, James, Green, Nicolas and Fang, Xu (2020) Coherently tunable metalens tweezers for optofluidic particle routing. Optics Express, 28 (26), 38949-38959. (doi:10.1364/OE.411985).

Yin, Shengqi, Green, Nicolas and Fang, Xu (2021) Metalens-based microfluidic sorter. Emerging Investigators in Microfluidics (EIMC), Online. 20 - 21 Jul 2021. 1 pp .

Yin, Shengqi, He, Fei, Green, Nicolas and Fang, Xu (2021) Metalens-based particle routing in continuous-flow micro-channels. CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021 Virtual Conference, , Virtual. 21 - 25 Jun 2021. 1 pp .

Smallwood, Jeremy, Green, Nicolas G. and Robinson, Kelly (2022) Evaluating the electrostatic discharge risk between small radius objects and charged planar insulating materials. Journal of Electrostatics, 115, [103680]. (doi:10.1016/j.elstat.2022.103680).

Williams, Stuart J, Schneider, Joseph D, King, Benjamin C and Green, Nicolas G. (2022) Particle-induced electrostatic repulsion within an Electric Curtain Operating below the Paschen Limit. Micromachines, 13 (2), [288]. (doi:10.3390/mi13020288).

Yin, Shengqi, Green, Nicolas G. and Fang, Xu (2022) Metalens doublets for self-sorting of fluorescent particles. CLEO, , San Jose, United States. 15 - 20 May 2022. 1 pp . (In Press)

Chang, Victor, Abdel-Basset, Mohamed, Ramachandran, Muthu, Green, Nicolas G. and Wills, Gary (2022) Novel AI and Data Science Advancements for Sustainability in the Era of COVID-19 , 1st ed. Academic Press, 275pp.

Sriphum, Wiwat, Wills, Gary and Green, Nicolas (2021) Floptics: A novel automated gating technique for flow cytometry data. International Journal of Organizational and Collective Intelligence, 12 (1).


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Lecturer in Cyber-Physical Systems

Programme Leader for Aerospace Electronic Engeering

Dr Son Hoang is a Lecturer in the Cyber-Physical Systems Group (a part of School of Electronics and Computer Science). He was awarded a first class honours degree in Computer Engineering from the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia in 2001.  Subsequently, he studied for a PhD (also at UNSW) and was awarded his PhD in 2006 for his thesis on "The Development of a Probabilistic B-Method and a Supporting Toolkit".


Research interests

Dr Son Hoang is interested in Formal System Development, including developing methods, tools and their application to industrial systems.

Research Projects


Dr Son Hoang lectures on programming, software engineering and system development. He supervises a number of Undergraduate and MSc projects, and is an Admissions Tutor for the undergraduate Aerospace Electronic Engineering (AEE) degree programme.


Hoang, Thai Son, Snook, Colin, Ladenberger, Lukas and Butler, Michael (2016) Validating the requirements and design of a hemodialysis machine using iUML-B, BMotion Studio, and co-simulation. Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM, and Z - 5th International Conference, ABZ 2016, Linz, Austria, May 23-27, 2016, Proceedings. pp. 360-375 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-33600-8_31).

Fürst, Andreas, Hoang, Thai Son, Basin, David, Sato, Naoto and Miyazaki, Kunihiko (2016) Large-scale system development using abstract data types and refinement. Science of Computer Programming, 131, 59-75. (doi:10.1016/j.scico.2016.04.010).

Hoang, Thai Son, Schneider, Steve, Treharne, Helen and Williams, David (2016) Foundations for using linear temporal logic in Event-B refinement. Formal Aspects of Computing, 28 (6), 909-935. (doi:10.1007/s00165-016-0376-0).

Hoang, Thai Son, Snook, Colin, Ladenberger, Lukas and Butler, Michael (2016) Formal specification of a Haemodialysis Machine (HD Machine) using Event-B. University of Southampton [Dataset]

Snook, Colin, Hoang, Thai Son and Butler, Michael (2016) iUML-B model of VLAN system. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/403533 [Dataset]

Hoang, Son, Voisin, Laurent, Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh, Butler, Michael, Wilkinson, Toby and Beauger, Nicolas (2017) Theory plug-in for Rodin 3.x. arXiv, abs/1701.08625, 1-9.

Hoang, Thai Son, Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh, Butler, Michael and Voisin, Laurent (2016) Theory plug-in for Rodin 3.x. 6th Rodin User and Developer Workshop, Linz, Austria. 22 May 2016. 2 pp .

Snook, Colin, Hoang, Thai Son and Butler, Michael (2017) Analysing security protocols using refinement in iUML-B. In, Barrett, Clark, Davies, Misty and Kahsai, Temesghen (eds.) NASA Formal Methods: 9th International Symposium, NFM 2017, Moffett Field, CA, USA, May 16-18, 2017, Proceedings. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10227) 9th NASA Formal Methods Symposium (15/05/17 - 18/05/17) Springer, pp. 84-98. (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-57288-8_6).

Hoang, Thai Son, Snook, Colin, Dghaym, Dana and Butler, Michael (2017) Class diagrams for Abstract Data Types. Hung, D. and Kapur, D. (eds.) In Theoretical Aspects of Computing – ICTAC 2017. vol. 10580, Springer. pp. 100-117 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-67729-3_7).

Butler, Michael, Dghaym, Dana, Fischer, Tomas, Hoang, Thai Son, Reichl, Klaus, Snook, Colin and Tummeltshammer, Peter (2017) Formal modelling techniques for efficient development of railway control products. Fantechi, A., Lecomte, T. and Romanovsky, A. (eds.) In RSSRail 2017 : Reliability, Safety, and Security of Railway Systems. Modelling, Analysis, Verification, and Certification. vol. 10598, Springer.. (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-68499-4_5).

Hoang, Thai, Snook, Colin, Dghaym, Dana and Butler, Michael (2017) RailGround using Theory plug-in. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0162 [Dataset]

Bogdiukiewicz, Chris, Butler, Michael, Hoang, Thai Son, Paxton, Martin, Snook, James, Harvey, Waldron, Xanthippe and Wilkinson, Toby (2017) Formal development of policing functions for intelligent systems. In 2017 IEEE 28th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE). IEEE. 11 pp . (doi:10.1109/ISSRE.2017.40).

Snook, Colin, Dghaym, Dana, Hoang, Thai Son, Butler, Michael, Reichl, Klaus, Fischer, Tomas and Tummeltshammer, Peter (2017) Railground RSSRail models - iUML-B/Event-B. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0184 [Dataset]

Hudon, Simon, Hoang, Thai Son and Ostroff, Jonathan S. (2016) The Unit-B method: refinement guided by progress concerns. Software and Systems Modeling, 15 (4), 1091-1116. (doi:10.1007/s10270-015-0456-2).

Bogdiukiewicz, Chris, Butler, Michael, Hoang, Thai Son, Paxton, Martin, Snook, James, Harvey, Waldron, Xanthippe and Wilkinson, Toby (2017) Route Validation in Event-B. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0217 [Dataset]

Hoang, Thai Son, Dghaym, Dana, Snook, Colin and Butler, Michael (2018) A composition mechanism for refinement-based methods. In Proceedings 2017 22nd International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems: ICECCS 2017. IEEE. 10 pp . (doi:10.1109/ICECCS.2017.27).

Hoang, Thai Son, Dghaym, Dana, Snook, Colin and Butler, Michael (2017) Development of a System Controlling Cars on a Bridge using Machine Inclusion. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0237 [Dataset]

Hoang, Thai Son, Snook, Colin, Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh, Butler, Michael and Ladenberger, Lukas (2017) Validating and verifying the requirements and design of a haemodialysis machine using the rodin toolset. Science of Computer Programming. (doi:10.1016/j.scico.2017.11.002).

Fischer, Tomas, Snook, Colin and Hoang, Thai Son (2018) Formal model validation through acceptance tests University of Southampton 14pp.

Hoang, Thai Son, Sato, Naoto, Myosin, Tomoyuki, Butler, Michael, Nakagawa, Yuichiroh and Ogawa, Hideto (2018) Policing functions for machine learning systems. Workshop on Verification and Validation of Autonomous Systems: Satellite Workshop of Floc 2018, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom. 18 - 19 Jul 2018. 10 pp . (In Press)

Hoang, Thai Son, Butler, Michael and Reichl, Klaus (2018) The hybrid ERTMS/ETCS level 3 case study. In Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM, and Z - 6th International Conference, ABZ 2018, Proceedings. vol. 10817 LNCS, Springer-Verlag. pp. 251-261 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-91271-4_17).

Hoang, Thai Son and Butler, Michael (2018) Rodin Developments for Formal Policing Functions based on Metamorphic Relations. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0528 [Dataset]

Snook, James, Harvey, Butler, Michael and Hoang, Thai Son (2018) Developing a new language to construct algebraic hierarchies for Event-B. In Dependable Software Engineering. Theories, Tools, and Applications: SETTA 2018. vol. 10998, Springer. pp. 135-141 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-99933-3_9).

Snook, Colin, Hoang, Thai Son, Dghaym, Dana, Butler, Michael, Fischer, Tomas, Schlick, Rupert and Wang, Keming (2018) Behaviour-driven formal model development. Sun, J. and Sun, M. (eds.) In Formal Methods and Software Engineering: 20th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods, ICFEM 2018, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, November 12-16, 2018, Proceedings. Springer. pp. 21-36 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-030-02450-5_2).

Dghaym, Dana, Hoang, Thai Son and Snook, Colin (2018) Requirements document, scenarios, and Event-B models for lift examples. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0604 [Dataset]

Snook, Colin, Morris, Karla and Hoang, Thai Son (2018) Rodin Prototype Plug-ins and Development of the SecBot Case Study. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0693 [Dataset]

Morris, Karla, Snook, Colin, Hoang, Thai Son, Armstrong, Robert and Butler, Michael (2018) Refinement of statecharts with run-to-completion semantics. The Sixth International Workshop on Formal Techniques for Safety-Critical Systems, , Gold Coast, Australia. 16 Nov 2018.

Butler, Michael, Raschke, Alexander, Hoang, Thai Son and Reichl, Klaus (2018) Preface. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 10817, III-VI.

Dghaym, Dana, Snook, Colin, Hoang, Thai Son and Butler, Michael (2018) Reusing formal models via lifting. In Proceedings - 23rd International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, ICECCS 2018. vol. 2018-December, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. pp. 189-192 . (doi:10.1109/ICECCS2018.2018.00029).

Sato, Naoto, Kuruma, Hironobu, Kaneko, Masanori, Nakagawa, Yuichiroh, Ogawa, Hideto, Hoang, Thai Son and Butler, Michael (2018) DeepSaucer: Unified environment for verifying Deep Neural Networks. arXiv.

Snook, Colin, Hoang, Thai Son, Dghaym, Dana and Butler, Michael (2019) Domain-specific scenarios for refinement-based methods. Attiogbe, C., Ferrarotti, F. and Maabout, S. (eds.) In DETECT 2019: moDeling, vErification and Testing of dEpendable CriTical systems. Springer. pp. 18-31 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-030-32213-7_2).

Dghaym, Dana, Turnock, Stephen, Butler, Michael, Downes, Jonathan, Hoang, Thai Son and Pritchard, Ben (2019) Developing a framework for trustworthy autonomous maritime systems. Valdez Banda, Osiris Alejandro, Kujala, Pentti, Hirdaris, Spyros and Basnet, Sunil (eds.) In Proceedings of the International Seminar on Safety and Security of Autonomous Vessels (ISSAV) and European STAMP Workshop and Conference (ESWC) 2019: ISSAV 2019. Sciendo. pp. 73-82 . (doi:10.2478/9788395669606-007).

Butler, Michael, Dghaym, Dana, Hoang, Thai Son, Omitola, Temitope, Snook, Colin, Fellner, Andreas, Schlick, Rupert, Tarrach, Thorsten, Fischer, Tomas and Tummeltshammer, Peter (2019) Behaviour-driven formal model development of the ETCS hybrid level 3. In The 24th International Conference on Engineering Of Complex Computer Systems: ICECCS 2019. pp. 1-10 . (In Press)

Dghaym, Dana, Fischer, Tomas, Hoang, Thai Son, Reichl, Klaus, Snook, Colin, Schlick, Rupert and Tummeltshammer, Peter (2019) Systematic verification and testing. In, Leitner, Andrea, Watzenig, Daniel and Ibanez-Guzman, Javier (eds.) Validation and Verification of Automated Systems : Results of the ENABLE-S3 Project. Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020. Springer, Cham, pp. 89-104. (doi:10.1007/978-3-030-14628-3_9).

Butler, Michael, Hoang, Thai Son, Raschke, Alexander and Reichl, Klaus (2020) Introduction to special section on the ABZ 2018 case study: Hybrid ERTMS/ETCS Level 3. International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, 22 (3), 249-255. (doi:10.1007/s10009-020-00562-3).

Fischer, Tomas, Reichl, Klaus, Tummeltshammer, Peter, Hoang, Thai Son and Butler, Michael (2020) Validation of railway control systems. In, Leitner, A., Watzenig, D. and Ibanez-Guzman, J. (eds.) Validation and Verification of Automated Systems. (HASH(0xd25dda8)) Cham. Springer International Publishing, pp. 221-229. (doi:10.1007/978-3-030-14628-3_17).

Snook, Colin, Hoang, Thai Son, Dghaym, Dana, Butler, Michael and Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh (2020) Dataset for: Domain-Specific Scenarios for Refinement-based Methods. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1026 [Dataset]

Snook, Colin, Hoang, Thai Son, Dghaym, Dana, Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh and Butler, Michael (2021) Domain-specific scenarios for refinement-based methods. Journal of Systems Architecture, 112, [101833].

Hoang, Thai Son, Voisin, Laurent and Butler, Michael (2020) Domain-specific developments using Rodin theories. In, Ait-Ameur, Yamine, Nakajima, Shin and Méry, Dominique (eds.) Implicit and Explicit Semantics Integration in Proof Based Developments of Discrete Systems: Communications of NII Shonan Meetings. Springer Nature.

Morris, Karla, Snook, Colin, Hoang, Thai Son, Hulette, G., Armstrong, Robert and Butler, Michael (2020) Formal verification of run-to-completion style statecharts using Event-B. Muccini, Henry, Avgeriou, Paris, Buhnova, Barbora, Camara, Javier, Caporuscio, Mauro, Franzago, Mirco, Koziolek, Anne, Scandurra, Patrizia, Trubiani, Catia, Weyns, Danny and Zdun, Uwe (eds.) In Software Architecture. ECSA 2020.: Communications in Computer and Information Science. vol. 1269, Springer, Cham. pp. 311-325 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-030-59155-7_24).

Snook, Colin, Hoang, Thai Son and Morris, Karla (2020) Dataset for "Formal verification of run-to-completion style statecharts using Event-B". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1475 [Dataset]

Sritharan, Sanjeevan and Hoang, Thai Son (2020) Towards generating SPARK from Event-B models. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on integrated Formal Methods. 18 pp .

Turnock, Stephen, Hoang, Thai Son, Ossont, Steven J, Downes, Jon, Lam, Joseph and Pritchard, Ben (2020) Challenges of mission planning for collaborative maritime autonomy. In Autonomous Ships: 17th-18th June 2020, London, UK. Royal Institution of Naval Architects..

Dghaym, Dana, Hoang, Thai Son, Turnock, Stephen, Butler, Michael, Downes, Jon and Pritchard, Ben (2021) An STPA-based formal composition framework for trustworthy autonomous maritime systems. Safety Science, 136 (0925-7535), [105139]. (doi:10.1016/j.ssci.2020.105139).

Hoang, Thai Son and Dghaym, Dana (2021) Dataset for "An STPA-based formal composition framework for trustworthy autonomous maritime systems". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1702 [Dataset]

Sritharan, Sanjeevan and Hoang, Thai Son (2021) Dataset for "Towards Generating SPARK from Event-B Models". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1554 [Dataset]

Hoang, Thai Son, Snook, Colin, Dghaym, Dana, Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh and Butler, Michael (2021) The CamilleX Framework for the Rodin Platform. ABZ 2021- 8th International Conference on Rigorous State Based Methods: ABZ 2021, virtual. 07 - 11 Jun 2021. pp. 124-129 .

Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh, Snook, Colin, Hoang, Thai Son, Dghaym, Dana and Butler, Michael (2021) Extensible Record Structures in Event-B. ABZ 2021- 8th International Conference on Rigorous State Based Methods: ABZ 2021, virtual. 07 - 11 Jun 2021. pp. 130-136 .

Dghaym, Dana, Hoang, Thai Son, Butler, Michael, Hu, Runshan, Aniello, Leonardo and Sassone, Vladimiro (2021) Verifying System-level Security of a Smart Ballot Box. In ABZ 2021 – 8th International Conference on Rigorous State Based Methods: ABZ 2021. Springer Nature Switzerland AG. 16 pp . (In Press)

Zhu, Chenyang, Butler, Michael, Cirstea, Corina and Hoang, Thai Son (2021) Reasoning About Real-Time Systems in Event-B Models with Fairness Assumptions. In Proceedings of TASE2021 Conference. (In Press)

Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh, Snook, Colin, Hoang, Thai Son, Dghaym, Dana and Butler, Michael (2021) Refinable record structures in formal methods. The International Workshop DETECT 2021. pp. 3-15 .

Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh, Aït Ameur, Yamine, Hoang, Thai Son and Snook, Colin (2021) Proceedings of the 9th Rodin User and Developer Workshop, 2021 ,

Hoang, Thai Son, Snook, Colin, Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh, Dghaym, Dana and Butler, Michael (2021) Towards CamilleX 3.0. 9th Rodin User and Developer Workshop, virtual. 08 - 11 Jun 2021.

Snook, Colin, Hoang, Thai Son, Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh, Dghaym, Dana and Butler, Michael (2021) Scenario Checker: An Event-B tool for validating abstract models. 9th Rodin User and Developer Workshop, virtual. 08 - 11 Jun 2021.

Sanwal, Usman, Hoang, Thai Son, Petre, Luigia and Petre, Ion (2022) Scalable reaction network modeling with automatic validation of consistency in Event-B. Scientific Reports, 12 (1), 1287, [1287]. (doi:10.1038/s41598-022-05308-6).

Morris, K., Snook, C., Hoang, T. S., Hulette, G., Armstrong, R. and Butler, M. (2022) Formal verification and validation of run-to-completion style state charts using Event-B. Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering. (doi:10.1007/s11334-021-00416-4).

Alotaibi, Fahad, Abduallah, Hoang, Thai Son and Butler, Michael (2022) High-level rigorous template for analysing safety properties of self-driving vehicle systems. In COMPSAC 2022. (In Press)


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Gary Wills is an associate professor in Computer Science at the University of Southampton.

He graduated from the University of Southampton with an Honours degree in Electromechanical Engineering, and then a PhD in Industrial Hypermedia Systems. He is a Chartered Engineer (CEng), a member of the Institute of Engineering Technology (MIET), a member of The International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP), and a Principal Fellow of the Higher Educational Academy (PFHEA). He is also a visiting professor at the University of Cape Town and a research professor at RLabs. 

Gary's research project focus on Secure Systems Engineering and applications for industry, medicine, and education. Gary is qualified to undertake audits for Information Assurance (IASME and ISO27001), Cyber Essentials, GDPR readiness and Consumer IoT Security.


Research interests

Gary's research project focus on Secure Systems Engineering and applications for industry, medicine, and education. Gary works cross-discipline with colleagues from industry, and academia. His research can be grouped under a number of themes: Internet of Things, Blockchain, Security, Data Protection, Cloud Computing, Games/Gamification, and ICT4D.

Completed PhD Student's titles by topic


PhD: An Information Security Governance Framework for the Organisations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

PhD: Information Assurance Framework for eGovernment in Indonesia

PhD: Developing Dynamic and Adaptive Risk-based Access Control Model for The Internet of Things

PhD: EEVi: A model developed to aid the design and evaluation process of cyber-security visualisation for cyber-security analysts

PhD: An Investigation Framework for the Internet of Things (IoT) Forensics

PhD: Security in Cloud Storage

PhD: Security of 3D objects

PhD: Security in DIS systems

PhD A framework to secure a document outside Its organization


PhD: The perceived relation between ICTs and social good

PhD: Mining Survey Data for SWOT Analysis

PhD: Critical success factors (CSFs) for the implementation of IT governance (ITG) in the public sector in Saudi Arabia

PhD: latency in Multi-core Multi-Cluster Computing

PhD: Norms in Web Service selection (part-time)

PhD: The viable system model for information security governance

PhD: Social Networking Theory and The Rise Of Digital Marketing In The Light Of Big Data

PhD: Modelling Economic Bubbles: Is Web 2.0 Next?

PhD: Investigating software customisation across distributed boundaries

PhD: Media fragment semantics: the linked data approach

PhD: Reuse of knowledge in costing aircraft design using link data

PhD: A model for assessing the impact of the mobile web in developing countries

PhD: A model to analyse risk and return for a large computing system adoption (part-time)

PhD: A model to describe the adaption of mobile internet in Sub-Saharan Africa.

PhD: Agile software development in Malaysia 

EngD: Development and Evaluation of a Design Support System

PhD: Agile software development

PhD: A comparison of Agent-based and Traditional Discrete-event Modelling

PhD: Contextual Annotation Framework using Ontology-Based Contextual Annotation Service Security


PhD: A framework, checklist and guidelines for motivating Arab children whilst using web-based story-writing tools 

PhD: A Framework for improving Engagement and the Learning Experience through Emerging Technologies

PhD: Learning material for people with a disability

PhD: An Investigation of the Factors Influence the Attitude of Students towards Summative e-assessment in a Saudi Arabian Universities Context

PhD: Navigational system for people with a visual impairment

PhD: The factors impacting the acceptance of E-assessment by academics in Saudi universities

PhD: Adoption of Web based Knowledge Sharing system amongst Academic Staffg

PhD: A Model to Facilitate Effective Use of E‑learning within Traditional Universities

PhD: Trust in e-learning systems

PhD: A framework for developing effective tools for dyslexic students in Saudi Arabia

PhD: A model for uptake and continuous use of e-learning systems in Thailand

PhD: Routing in intended learning outcome networks

PhD: Presence verification for summative e-assessments

PhD: Pedagogical feedback in sports training

PhD: ILO Diagram: A novel conceptual model of intended learning outcomes

PhD: A Competence-Based System for Recommending Study Materials From The Web

PhD: Inquiry-led Personalised Navigation System


PhD: A Framework for the Implementation of a Private Government Cloud in Saudi Arabia 

PhD: A model for cloud computing adoption by Saudi government overseas agencies

PhD: A critical success factors assessment instrument for cloud migration readiness status in Saudi Arabian universities

PhD: A security model for cloud computing adoption in Saudi Arabian government organisations

PhD: A model of a private sector organisation's intention to adopt cloud computing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

PhD: A fault-tolerant mechanism for desktop cloud systems

PhD: An integrated model for citizens to adopt e-government services in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


PhD: A Model of Electronic Health Record Systems Adoption by Primary Healthcare Physicians in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

PhD: A Randomised Control Trial to Explore Whether Gamification Increased Student Nurse Engagement with an E-Portfolio

PhD: Gamification for the Self-Management of Chronic-Illnesses

PhD: The framework of an anthropomorphic interface in gamification application for transitional healthcare

PhD: Data quality assessment instrument for electronic health record systems in Saudi Arabia

PhD: Factors affecting the introduction of Telemedicine in rural Sri Lanka

PhD: Barriers and Challenges to e-learning for Health Care professionals. (in Thailand)


PhD: Spatial representation framework for indoor navigation by people with visual impairment.

PhD: Modelling an agent to trade on behalf of V2G drivers

EngD Transport Advisor

PhD: Apply the linked data principles to a decision support system for accessible travelling


PhD: Social Games for carers of people with Dementia

PhD: Gamification for students acceptance of e-learning in KSA

PhD: A Randomised Control Trial to Explore Whether Gamification Increased Student Nurse Engagement with an E-Portfolio

PhD: Gamification for the Self-Management of Chronic-Illnesses

PhD: Serious Game Design for Developing Fluency in Crowdfunding

PhD: A framework for cross-cultural advergame design: a comparison between Brazil and the UK

PhD: Designing immersive serious games

PhD: The game challenge model

PhD: An Artificial Intelligence Framework for Feedback and Assessment Mechanisms in Simulations and Serious Games

PhD: A Conceptual Framework for Supporting Gender Inclusivity in Games

PhD: Towards Better Gameplay in Educational Computer Games


Current School Duties

CS Staff Teaching allocation


Previous School Duties

Information Technology in Organisations (ITO) Programme leader -2003 to 2021 (programme closed)

Computer Science with Cyber Security Programme leader

MSc in Cyber Security full GCHQ certification Programme leader

Software Engineering Programme leader

Examination officer (responsible for the ITO programme)

Post-graduate induction training (IAM & LSL Research Groups)

Group Budgets (ITO)

Currently teaching

COMP3222: Machine Learning Technologies

COMP6246: Machine Learning Technologies (MSc)

Have previously taught on many courses

Part1 (Level 4, certificate)

  • INFO1003: Web Design (Module Leader)
  • INFO1005: Information Systems Strategy (Module Leader)
  • ELEC1010: C# Programming (Module Leader)
  • COMP1208 Business Information Systems (Module Leader)
  • COMP1217 Foundations (Maths) of IT (Module Leader)

Part2 (level 5 Diploma)

  • INFO2007: Systems Analysis and Design
  • INFO2010: Information Systems and Contexts
  • INFO2011: Second Integrative Project (Module Leader)
  • COMP2006: Human-Computer Interaction (Module Leader)
  • COMP2206 Integrative Project (Module Leader)
  • COMP2202 Databases and Database Application (Module Leader)
  • COMP2204 Computer Networks in Organisations (Module leader)

Part 3 (level 6 BSc/BEng Degree)

  • INFO3003: Industrial & Commercial Systems (Module leader)
  • INFO3005:Security & Information Technology
  • COMP3201 Information Security
  • COMP3002: The IT Profession 
  • COMP3016: Hypertext and Web Technologies 
  • COMP3203 Serious Games
  • COMP3201 Cyber Security

Part 4 (LEVEL 7 Master's MComp/MEng/MSc  )

  • EL420 Industrial Applications
  • INFO6005: Rich Internet Applications (Module Leader) 
  • COMP6204 Software Project Management and Secure Development (Module Leader)
  • COMP6212 Computational Finance (Module Leader)
  • COMP6230 Implementing Cyber Security
  • COMP6236 Software Engineering and Cyber Security (Module leader)
  • ELEC6211 Project Preparation


Kingdon, D.G., Kinoshita, Y., Naeem, F., Swelam, W., Hansen, L., Vincent, S. and Rathod, S. (2007) Schizophrenia can and should be renamed. BMJ, 334 (7587), 221-222. (doi:10.1136/bmj.39108.396852.1F).

Naeem, Farooq, Irfan, Muhammad, Zaidi, Qaiser A., Kingdon, David and Ayub, Muhammad (2008) Angry wives, abusive husbands: relationship between domestic violence and psychosocial variables. Women's Health Issues, 18 (6), 453-462. (doi:10.1016/j.whi.2008.08.002).

Rathod, Shanaya, Naeem, Farooq, Phiri, Peter and Kingdon, David (2008) Correspondence - Expansion of psychological therapies. British Journal of Psychiatry, 193, 256-257. (doi:10.1192/bjp.193.3.256a).

Cherrett, Tom, Gates, James C., John, Pearl, Holdaway-Salmon, Laura, Price, Joseph, Wills, Gary B. and Dror, Itiel E. (2009) Making laser safety training more cognitively effective: making training videos interactive and adaptive. International Laser Safety Conference, , Reno, United States. 23 - 26 Mar 2009. 7 pp .

Naeem, Farooq, Gobbi, Mary, Ayub, Muhammad and Kingdon, David (2010) Psychologists experience of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy in a developing country: a qualitative study from Pakistan. International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 4 (2). (doi:10.1186/1752-4458-4-2).

Price, Joseph, Wills, Gary, Dror, Itiel E, Cherrett, Tom and Maynard, Sarah (2008) Risk assessment education: utilizing interactive video for teaching health and safety. In 2008 Eighth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies. IEEE. pp. 727-729 . (doi:10.1109/ICALT.2008.245).

Cherrett, Tom, Wills, Gary B., Price, Joe, Maynard, Sarah and Dror, Itiel E. (2009) Making training more cognitively effective: making videos interactive. British Journal of Educational Technology, 40 (6), 1124-1134. (doi:10.1111/j.1467-8535.2009.00985.x).

Yardley, Lucy, Osmond, Adrian, Hare, Jonathon, Wills, Gary, Weal, Mark, De Roure, Dave and Michie, Susan (2009) Introduction to the LifeGuide: software facilitating the development of interactive internet interventions. In Proceedings of the Persuasive Technology and Digital Behaviour Intervention Symposium.

Joseph, J.A., Yardley, Lucy, Hare, J., Osmond, A, Yang, Yang, Weal, Mark J., Wills, Gary B. and Michie, S (2009) Application of the LifeGuide: the development and quantitative analysis of the 'Internet Doctor'. 5th International Conference on e-Social Science, , Cologne, Germany. 24 - 26 Jun 2009. 6 pp .

Yang, Yang, Osmond, A., Chen, X., Weal, Mark J., Wills, G., De Roure, D., Joseph, Judith A. and Yardley, Lucy (2009) Supporting the running and analysis of trials of web-based behaviour interventions: the LifeGuide. 5th IEEE International Conference on e-Science (e-science 2009), Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom. 09 - 11 Dec 2009. 8 pp .

Yang, Yang, Osmond, Adrian, Weal, Mark, Wills, Gary, De Roure, David, Joseph, Judith and Yardley, Lucy (2009) LifeGuide: an infrastructure for empowering behavioural intervention research. UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2009, , Oxford, United Kingdom. 07 - 09 Dec 2009.

Williams, Sarah, Yardley, Lucy, Weal, Mark and Wills, Gary (2010) Introduction to LifeGuide: Open-source Software for Creating Online Interventions for Health Care, Health Promotion and Training. In, Medetel: Global Telemedicine and eHealth Updates. Med-e-Tel 2010 (13/04/10 - 15/04/10) Zürich (Kreis 9), CH. International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth, pp. 187-190.

Williams, Sarah, Yardley, Lucy, Wills, Gary, Samangooei, Sina and Gilbert, Lester (2010) A Virtual Research Environment (VRE) to Support Sharing and Collaboration in Internet Intervention Projects. In, Med-e-tel: Global Telemedicines and eHealth Updates: Knowledge Resources. Med-e-Tel 2010 (13/04/10 - 15/04/10) Luxembourg, LU. Med-e-Tel, pp. 518-522.

Reed, Nicholas, Scanlan, Jim, Wills, Gary and Halliday, Steven (2010) The inertia problem: implementation of a holistic design support system. Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, 8 (3), 319-332.

Reed, Nicholas, Scanlan, Jim, Wills, Gary and Halliday, Steven T. (2011) Knowledge use in an advanced manufacturing environment. Design Studies, 32 (3), 292-312.

Yardley, Lucy, Joseph, Judith, Michie, Susan, Weal, Mark, Wills, Gary and Little, Paul (2010) Evaluation of a web-based intervention providing tailored advice for self-management of minor respiratory symptoms: exploratory randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 12 (4), e66. (doi:10.2196/jmir.1599). (PMID:21159599)

Crowder, Richard M., Wills, Gary B., Heath, Ian and Hall, Wendy (1997) An Open Hypermedia Solution to Information Overload in Industrial Applications. IEE colloquium on IT Strategies for Information Overload..

Hall, Wendy, Weal, Mark J., Heath, Ian, Wills, Gary B. and Crowder, Richard M. (1997) Flexible Interfaces in the Industrial Environment. International Conference Managing Enterprises- Stakeholders, Engineering, Logistics and Achievement (ME-SELA'97) Loughborough, UK.. 453--460 .

Wills, Gary B., Heath, Ian, Crowder, Richard M. and Hall, Wendy (1997) Evaluation of a user interface developed for industrial applications University of Southampton

Wills, Gary B., Heath, Ian, Crowder, Richard M. and Hall, Wendy (1997) Hypermedia Authoring in an Industrial Environment University of Southampton

Wills, Gary B., Crowder, Richard M., Heath, Ian and Hall, Wendy (1998) Industrial Hypermedia Design. s.n.

Wills, Gary B., Heath, Ian, Crowder, Richard M. and Hall, Wendy (1999) User Evaluation of an Industrial Hypermedia Application. University of Southampton

Wills, Gary B., Heath, Ian, Crowder, Richard M. and Hall, Wendy (1997) Factory Information Resource Management: Industrial Strength Hypermedia? s.n.

Wills, Gary B., Heath, Ian, Crowder, Richard M. and Hall, Wendy (1998) Expert Review for the Pilot of a Large-scale Industrial Hypermedia Application. s.n.

Wills, Gary B., Heath, Ian, Crowder, Richard M. and Hall, Wendy (1998) A Model for Authoring and Costing an Industrial Hypermedia Application. s.n.

Crowder, R M, Wills, G B, Heath, I and Hall, W (1997) The Application of Hypermedia in the Factory Information Environment. Proceedings of Factory 2000, 5th IEE Conference on Factory Automation. 411--415 .

Crowder, Richard M., Wills, Gary B., Heath, Ian and Hall, Wendy (1998) Hypermedia Information Management: A New Paradigm. 3rd International Conference on Managing Innovation in Manufacture, University of Nottingham, 6-8 July 1998, pages 329-334.

Crowder, Richard M., Hall, Wendy, Heath, Ian and Wills, Gary B. (1999) Integration of Manufacturing Information using Open Hypermedia. Computers in Industry, 38, 31--42.

Wills, Gary B. (1999) The Design and Evaluation of Industrial Hypermedia. University of Southampton, : University of Southampton, Masters Thesis.

Wills, G.B., Hughes, G.V. and Hall, W. (1999) Evaluation of AIMS-Academic Information Management System. University of Southampton

Hall, W., Hughes, G.V., Martinez, K., Weal, M.J. and Wills, G.B. (2000) Digitising the Turing Archive: A Pilot Study s.n.

Crowder, Richard M, Hall, Wendy, Health, Ian and Wills, Gary (2000) Industrial strength hypermedia : Design, Implementation and Application. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 13 (3), 173-86.

Crowder, R.M., Hall, W., Heath, I. and Wills, G. (1998) Factory information provision using hypermedia. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 11 (6), 422-53.

Crowder, R.M., Nadesakumar, A. and Wills, G. (1996) Electrically Powered Integrated Control Actuation. s.n.

Heath, I., Hall, W., Crowder, R.M. and Wills, G. (1999) The application of a hypermedia research system in industry. 10th ACM conf. on Hypertext and Hypermedia, Darmstadt. pp. 203-4 .

Heath, Ian, Wills, Gary, Crowder, Richard, Hall, Wendy and Ballantyne, Jim (2000) Towards a new authoring methodology for large scale hypermedia applications. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 12 (2/3), 129-44.

Crowder, Richard, Hall, Wendy, Wills, Gary, Humpreys, Dave and Ash, Jon (2001) Hypermedia Information Systems in Industry. Computing & Control Engineering Journal, 12 (1), 21-28.

Crowder, Richard, Sim, Y W, Wills, Gary and Greenough, Richard (2001) A review of the benefits of using hypermedia manuals. Davis, Hugh, Douglas, Yellowlees and Durand, David (eds.) Proceedings of the twelfth ACM conferance on Hypertext and Hypermedia. pp. 245-6 .

Crowder, Richard, Wills, Gary and Hall, Wendy (2001) Provision of industrial information resources through hypermedia. Proceedings of the ASME 2001 Design Engineering Technical Conferance and Computer and Information in Engineering Conference.

Power, G., Damper, R. I., Hall, W. and Wills, G. B. (2002) Realism and naturalness in a conversational multi-modal interface. ISCA Workshop on Interactive Dialogue in Mobile Environments, Kloster Irsee, Germany. CD-ROM .

Wills, Gary, Sim, Yee-Wai, Crowder, Richard and Hall, Wendy (2002) Open Hypermedia for Product Support. International Journal of Systems Science, 33 (6), 421-432.

Wills, Gary, Kim, Sanghee and Ashri, Ronald (2002) Capability Management s.n.

Grange, S, Setchell, C, Campbell, N, Wills, G and Bunker, T (2002) Integrating Learning And Visualization Technologies In Orthopaedics:- Establishing The Virtual Orthopaedic European University. Surgetica 2002, Grenoble. 17 - 19 Sep 2002. pp. 353-363 .

Wills, Gary, Hughes, Gareth, Martinez, Kirk and Hall, Wendy (1999) Practical aspects of capturing the Turing Archive (Electronics and Computer Science Technical Reports, ECSTR-MM99-7) Southampton, GB. University of Southampton

Wills, Gary, Alani, Harith, Ashri, Ronald, Crowder, Richard, Kalfoglou, Yannis and Kim, Sanghee (2002) Design Issues for Agent-based Resource Locator Systems. Karagiannis, Dimitris and Reimer, Ulrich (eds.) Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management, Vienna. 02 - 03 Dec 2002. pp. 156-168 .

Power, Guillermo, Wills, Gary and Hall, Wendy (2002) User Perception of Anthropomorphic Characters with Varying Levels of Interaction. HCI 2002, The 16th British HCI Group Annual Conference, London. 01 - 05 Sep 2002. pp. 37-51 .

Ohene-Djan, James, Gorle, Matt, Bailey, Christopher P, Wills, Gary B and Davis, Hugh C (2003) Understanding Adaptive Hypermedia: An Architecture for Personalisation and Adaptivity. Workshop on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems AH2003, Nottingham, United Kingdom. 25 - 29 Aug 2003.

Woukeu, Arouna, Wills, Gary, Conole, Grainne, Carr, Les, Kampa, Simon and Hall, Wendy (2003) Ontological Hypermedia in Education: A framework for building web-based educational portals. ED-MEDIA 2003-World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States. 22 - 27 Jun 2003. pp. 349-357 .

Conole, Grainne, Wills, Gary, Carr, Leslie, Vadcard, Lucile, Hall, Wendy and Grange, Simon (2003) Building a Virtual University for Orthopaedics. ED-Media: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications., Hawaii. 22 - 27 Jun 2003.

Grange, Simon, Wills, Gary, Power, Guillermo, Miles-Board, Timothy, Carr, Leslie and Hall, Wendy (2003) Building a Dynamic Review Journal (DRJ): Extending the Role of the Virtual Orthopaedic University. 3rd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Computer Assisted Surgery (CAOS International), Marbella, Spain. 17 - 20 Jun 2003. pp. 122-123 .

Grange, Simon, Wills, Gary, Humphrey, Nick, Burrill, Josh, Bunker, Tim and De Roure, David (2003) Integrating Surgical Training Video Simulation Into The Virtual Orthopaedic University. 3rd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Computer Assisted Surgery (CAOS International), Marbella, Spain. 17 - 20 Jun 2003. pp. 124-125 .

Woukeu, Arouna, Carr, Les, Wills, Gary and Hall, Wendy (2003) Rethinking Web Design Models: Requirements for Addressing the Content s.n.

Crowder, Richard, Wills, Gary and Hall, Wendy (2003) Evaluation of a hypermedia maintenance support application. Computers in Industry, 51 (3), 327-344.

Wills, Gary, Woukeu, Arouna, Carr, Leslie and Hall, Wendy (2003) The Need for Deeper Design in a Semantic Web. HTSW2003 - First International ACM Workshop on Hypermedia and the Semantic Web, at HT03, Nottingham, United Kingdom. 25 - 29 Aug 2003.

Carr, Leslie, Wills, Gary, Miles-Board, Timothy, Power, Guillermo, Bailey, Christopher, Hall, Wendy and Grange, Simon (2003) The Dynamic Review Journal: Support for Creating and Using the Literature. 1st International Workshop on Scholarly Hypertext, Nottingham, United Kingdom.

Wills, Gary, Woukeu, Arouna, Bailey, Christopher, Ong, A., Carr, Leslie, Conole, Grainne, Hall, Wendy and Grange, Simon (2004) Ontological Driven Learning Agreements. EDMEDIA 2004 - World Conference on Education Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, Lugano, Switzerland. 20 - 25 Jun 2004.

Carr, Leslie, Miles-Board, Timothy, Wills, Gary, Power, Guillermo, Bailey, Christopher, Hall, Wendy and Grange, Simon (2004) Extending the Role of Digital Library: Computer Support for Creating Articles. The Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, University of California, Santa Cruz, United States. 08 - 12 Aug 2004. pp. 12-21 .

Carr, Leslie, Miles-Board, Timothy, Woukeu, Arouna, Wills, Gary and Hall, Wendy (2004) The Case for Explicit Knowledge in Documents. ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 27 - 29 Oct 2004. pp. 90-98 .

Conole, Grainne, Wills, Gary, Carr, Les, Hall, Wendy and Grange, Simon (2003) Making pedagogy explicit - a Virtual University for Orthopaedics. ALT-C, Sheffield, United Kingdom. 07 - 09 Sep 2003.

Conole, Grainne, Wills, Gary and Grange, Simon (2003) A Virtual Learning Environment to enable CPD for Orthopaedic Surgeons across Europe. Computer Assisted Learning, Belfast.

Wills, GB, Davis, HC and Cooke, EC (2004) Paired Programming for Non-Computing Students. LTSN-ICS Fifth Annual Conference, Ulster, United Kingdom.

Carr, Leslie, Miles-Board, Timothy, Wills, Gary, Power, Guillermo, Bailey, Christopher, Hall, Wendy and Grange, Simon (2004) Evolving a Digital Library Environment to the Changing Needs of its Users. Healthcare Digital Libraries Workshop 2004 (HDL 2004), University of Bath, Bath, United Kingdom.

Carr, Leslie, Miles-Board, Timothy, Wills, Gary, Woukeu, Arouna and Hall, Wendy (2004) Towards a Knowledge-Aware Office Environment. Karagiannis, Dimitris and Reimer, Ulrich (eds.) 5th International Conference on Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management (PAKM 2004), Vienna, Austria. 02 - 03 Dec 2004. pp. 129-140 .

Maneewatthana, Thanyalak, Wills, Gary and Hall, Wendy (2004) Adaptive Link Services for the Semantic Web. Motta, Enrico, Shadbolt, Nigel, Stutt, Arthur and Gibbins, Nick (eds.) 14th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, Whittlebury Hall, United Kingdom. 04 - 07 Oct 2004. pp. 469-470 .

Miles-Board, Timothy, Carr, Leslie, Woukeu, Arouna, Wills, Gary and Hall, Wendy (2004) Towards Semantic Web Support for Writing Project Proposals. The Fourteenth International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2005), Chiba, Japan.

Wills, Gary, Fowler, David, Sleeman, Derek, Crowder, Richard, Kampa, Simon, Carr, Leslie and Knott, David (2004) Issues in Moving to a Semantic Web for a Large Corporation. Karagiannis, Dimitris and Reimer, Ulrich (eds.) 5th International Conference on Practical Aspects of Knowledge Mangement, Vienna, Austria. 02 - 03 Dec 2004. pp. 378-388 .

Argles, David and Wills, Gary (2005) CECIL – A Language for Learning Hardware Design. Kommers, Piet and Richards, Griff (eds.) EdMedia--World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecomunications, Montreal, Canada. 27 Jun - 01 Jul 2005. pp. 4181-4188 .

Fowler, David W., Sleeman, Derek, Wills, Gary, Lyon, Terry and Knott, David (2004) The Designers' Workbench: Using Ontologies and Constraints for Configuration. The Twenty-fourth SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Queens' College, Cambridge, United Kingdom. 13 - 15 Dec 2004.

Wills, GB, Gilbert, L, Gee, Q, Davis, HC, Miles-Board, T, Millard, DE, Carr, LA, Hall, W and Grange, S (2005) A Grid Services Implementation for a Virtual Research Environment. 1st International ELeGI Conference on Advanced Technology for Enhanced Learning, Hotel Oriente, Vico Equense - Napoli (), Italy. 14 - 16 Mar 2005.

Conole, G, Miles-Board, T, Bailey, C, Carr, L, Gee, Q, Grange, S, Hall, W, Power, G, Woukeu, A and Wills, G (2005) Tool Kits for a Dynamic Review Journal. EDMEDIA 2005 - World Conference on Education Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications., Montreal,, Canada. 26 Jun - 01 Jul 2005.

Wills, GB, Gilbert, L, Gee, Q, Davis, HC, Miles-Board, T, Millard, DE, Carr, LA, Hall, W and Grange, S (2005) Towards Grid Services for a Virtual Research Environment. The 5th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2005), Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 04 - 07 Jul 2005. pp. 863-867 .

Wills, G. B., Gilbert, L., Sim, Y. W., Wang, C. and Carr, L. (2005) Virtual Research Environments: A Literature Review s.n.

Argles, David, Gee, Quintin and Wills, Gary (2005) Developing a Computing Degree to Encourage Widening Participation. The 6th Annual Higher Education Academy Subject Network for Information Computer Science, York, United Kingdom. 29 - 31 Aug 2005. pp. 135-139 .

Sim, Y. W., Wang, C., Gilbert, L. and Wills, G. B. (2005) User Requirement Study for a Virtual Research Environment s.n.

Wang, C., Sim, Y. W., Gilbert, L. and Wills, G. B. (2005) Integrating Service Oriented Architecture with a Virtual Research Environment s.n.

Maneewatthana, Thanyalak, Wills, Gary and Hall, Wendy (2005) Adaptive Personal Information Environment based on the Semantic Web. HT 2005 - Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, Salzburg, Austria. 05 - 08 Sep 2005.

Gee, Quintin, Carr, Leslie, Conole, Gráinne, Grange, Simon, Hall, Wendy and Wills, Gary (2005) Building a Virtual University for Orthopaedics. IFIP World Conference on Computers in Education 2005, Stellenbosch, South Africa. 03 - 06 Jul 2005.

Sim, Y. W., Wang, C., Gilbert, L. and Wills, G. B. (2005) Towards a Collaborative Orthopaedic Research Environment. the IEEE 1st International Workshop on Service-Oriented Computing: Consequences for Engineering Requirements (SOCCER'05), Paris, France.

Wills, Gary, Miles-Board, Timothy, Bailey, Christopher, Carr, Leslie, Gee, Quintin, Hall, Wendy and Grange, Simon , Buckingham Shum, Simon (ed.) (2005) The Dynamic Review Journal: a scholarly archive. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 11 (1), 69-89.

Sim, Y. W., Wang, C., Carr, L. A., Davis, H. C., Gilbert, L., Grange, S., Millard, D. E. and Wills, G. B. (2005) A Web/Grid Services Approach for a Virtual Research Environment Implementation. the Fourth e-Science All Hands Meeting (AHM 2005), Nottingham, United Kingdom.

Crowder, Richard, Wills, Gary and Hall, Wendy (2005) Hypermedia maintenance support applications: Benefits and development costs. Computers in Industry, 56 (7), 681-698. (doi:10.1016/j.compind.2005.03.004).

Gee, Quintin H, Wills, Gary and Cooke, Eric (2005) A first programming language for IT students. 6th Annual Conference of the LTSN Centre for ICS, York, United Kingdom. 29 - 31 Aug 2005.

Sim, Y. W., Wang, C., Gilbert, L. and Wills, G. B. (2005) An Overview of Service-Oriented Architecture s.n.

Gilbert, Lester, Wills, Gary, Sim, Yee-Wai, Wang, Chu and Stenning, Matt (2005) e-Learning within a Collaborative Orthopaedic Research Environment (CORE). Association for Learning Technology (ALT-C 2005), University of Manchester. 05 - 07 Sep 2005. pp. 79-80 .

Millard, David, Howard, Yvonne, Bailey, Christopher, Davis, Hugh, Gilbert, Lester, Jeyes, Steve, Price, Joseph, Sclater, Niall, Sherratt, Robert, Tulloch, Iain, Wills, Gary and Young, Rowin (2005) Mapping the e-Learning Assessment Domain: Concept Maps for Orientation and Navigation. e-Learn 2005, Vancouver, Canada. 23 - 27 Oct 2005.

Miles-Board, T, Carr, L, Wills, G, Power, G, Bailey, C, Hall, W, Stenning, M and Grange, S (2006) Extending the role of a healthcare digital library environment to support orthopaedic research. Health Informatics Journal, 12 (2), 93-105.

Grange, S, Wang, C, Gilbert, L, Sim, YW, Millard, DE, Hall, W, Gardner, E and Wills, GB (2006) A Web/Grid Services Approach for Integration of Virtual Clinical & Research Environments. Integrated Health Records “Practice and Technologies”, National eScience Centre (NeSC), Edinburgh.

Gilbert, Lester, Sitthisak, Onjira, Sim, Yee Wai, Wang, Chu and Wills, Gary (2006) From collaborative virtual research environment to teaching and learning. TENcompetence Workshop: Learning Networks for Lifelong Competence Development, Sofia, Bulgaria. 29 - 30 Mar 2006.

Fraga, Eric S, Wills, Gary, Fairweather, Michael and Perris, Tony (2006) “Smart Models” - a framework for adaptive multi-scale modelling. 16th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering and 9th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. 08 - 12 Jul 2006.

Walters, Robert J, Millard, David E, Bernnett, Philip, Argles, David, Crouch, Stephen, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2006) Teaching the Grid: Learning Distributed Computing with the M-grid Framework. ED-MEDIA 2006--World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Orlando, United States. 25 - 29 Jun 2006. pp. 3857-3864 .

Wong, Sylvia C, Crowder, Richard M and Wills, Gary B (2006) On a Service-Oriented Approach for an Engineering Knowledge Desktop. 15th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2006), Edinburgh, United Kingdom. 22 - 25 May 2006.

Miles-Board, Timothy, Woukeu, Arouna, Carr, Leslie, Wills, Gary and Hall, Wendy (2005) Bringing the Semantic Web to the Office Desktop. 2005 ACM International Symposium on Document Engineering, Bristol, United Kingdom. 02 - 04 Nov 2005.

Wills, Gary and O'Hara, Kieron (2002) Ontologies. In, Grange, Simon, Rezajooi, Kia and Moore, Tim (eds.) Building a Digital World: ICT Skills for Healthcare Professionals. University of Southampton, pp. 181-186.

Sim, Y W, Crowder, R M and Wills, G B (2006) Expert Finding by Capturing Organisational Knowledge from Legacy Documents. IEEE International Conference on Computer & Communication Engineering (ICCCE '06), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 08 - 10 May 2006.

Argles, David, Frazer, Alex, Wills, Gary and Wald, Mike (2007) Learning Through Rich Environments. EdMedia, Vancouver. 24 - 28 Jun 2007.

Longpradit, Panchit, Bailey, Christopher, Hall, Wendy and Wills, Gary (2006) Personalised Navigation System with Multidimensional Linkbases. Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems 2006, National College of Ireland, Dublin. 20 - 22 Jun 2006.

Wong, Sylvia C, Crowder, Richard M, Wills, Gary B and Shadbolt, Nigel R (2006) Knowledge Engineering - From Front-line Support to Preliminary Design. Brailsford, David F (ed.) ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng), Amsterdam, The, Netherlands. 09 - 12 Oct 2006. pp. 44-52 .

Wills, Gary, Davis, Hugh, Chennupati, Swapna, Gilbert, Lester, Howard, Yvonne, Jam, Ehtesham-Rasheed, Jeyes, Steve, Millard, David, Sherratt, Robert and Willingham, Gavin (2006) R2Q2: Rendering and Reponses Processing for QTIv2 Question Types. 10th International CAA Conference, Loughborough University, United Kingdom. 03 - 04 Jul 2006.

Maneewatthana, Thanyalak, Wills, Gary and Hall, Wendy (2006) Adaptation in Adaptable Personal Information Environment. Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems, Dublin, Ireland. 19 - 22 Jun 2006.

Makola, D, Sim, YW, Wang, C, Gilbert, L, Grange, SAW and Wills, GB (2006) A Service-Oriented Architecture for a Collaborative Orthopaedic Research Environment. 8th Annual Conference on WWW Applications, Bloemfontein, Free State Province, South Africa. 05 - 07 Sep 2006.

Boulain, PR, Parker, MB, Millard, DE and Wills, GB (2006) Weerkat: An extensible semantic Wiki. 8th Annual Conference on WWW Applications, Bloemfontein, Free State Province, South Africa. 05 - 07 Sep 2006.

Parker, MB, Moleshe, V, De la Harpe, R and Wills, GB (2006) An evaluation of Information quality frameworks for the World Wide Web. 8th Annual Conference on WWW Applications, Bloemfontein.

Parker, Marlon, Stofberg, Cornell, De la Harpe, Retha, Venter, Isabella and Wills, Gary (2006) Data quality: how the flow of data influences data quality in a small to medium medical practice. Community informatics for developing countries: Understanding and organising for a participatory future information society, Cape Town, South Africa. 30 Aug - 01 Sep 2006.

White, SA, Carr, LA, Davis, HC, Hooper, CJ, Griffith, TP and Wills, GB (2006) ANNANN – Next Steps for Scaffolding Learning About Programs. The 6th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2006), Kerkrade, The, Netherlands. 04 - 06 Jul 2006.

Wong, Sylvia C, Crowder, Richard M, Shadbolt, Nigel R and Wills, Gary B (2006) Knowledge Management for a Large Service-Oriented Corporation. Reimer, Ulrich and Karagiannis, Dimitris (eds.) Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management (PAKM), Vienna, Austria. 30 Nov - 01 Dec 2006. pp. 326-337 . (doi:10.1007/11944935_29).

Millard, David, Bailey, Christopher, Davis, Hugh, Gilbert, Lester, Howard, Yvonne and Wills, Gary (2006) The e-Learning Assessment Landscape. International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT) 2006, Kerkrade, The, Netherlands. 04 - 06 Jul 2006.

Millard, David, Howard, Yvonne, Chennupati, Swapna, Davis, Hugh, Jam, Ehtesham-Rasheed, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2006) Design Patterns for Wrapping Similar Legacy Systems with Common Service Interfaces. European Conference on Web Services (ECOWS) 2006, Zurich, Switzerland. 04 - 06 Dec 2006.

Grange, S., Wills, G.B., Bailey, C., Carr, L., Hall, W. and Warwick, D. (2004) Using a dynamic review process for orthopaedic hand research. Wessex Gauvain Orthopaedic Meeting 2004, Ark Centre. Basingstoke.

Millard, David E., Howard, Yvonne, Jam, Ehtesham-Rasheed, Chennupati, Swapna, Davis, Hugh C., Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary B. (2006) FREMA method for describing Web Services in a Service Oriented Architecture. s.n.

Wang, Chu, Davis, Hugh, Dickens, Kate, Wills, Gary and White, Su (2007) Finding the Right Tool for the Community:Bringing a Wiki-Type Editor to the World of Reusable Learning Objects. The 7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2007), Niigata, Japan. 17 - 19 Jul 2007. v-xix .

Wills, Gary, Davis, Hugh, Gilbert, Lester, Hare, Jonathon, Howard, Yvonne, Jeyes, Steve, Millard, David and Sherratt, Robert (2007) Delivery of QTIv2 Question Types. International CAA Conference, Loughborough, United Kingdom. 09 - 10 Jul 2007.

Wills, Gary, Bailey, Christopher, Davis, Hugh, Gilbert, Lester, Howard, Yvonne, Jeyes, Steve, Millard, David, Price, Joseph, Sclater, Niall, Sherratt, Robert, Tulloch, Iain and Young, Rowin (2007) AN E-LEARNING FRAMEWORK FOR ASSESSMENT (FREMA). International CAA Conference, Loughborough, United Kingdom. 09 - 10 Jul 2007.

Abbas, Noura, Gravell, Andrew M and Wills, Gary B (2007) Agile Software Assurance. PhD Symposium in the 8th International Conference on Agile Processes in Software Engineering and eXtreme Programming (XP 2007), Como, Italy. 17 - 21 Jun 2007. pp. 165-166 .

Wang, Chu, Dickens, Kate, Davis, Hugh and Wills, Gary (2007) Community Tools for Repurposing Learning Objects. Second European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, Crete, Greece. 16 - 19 Sep 2007. pp. 378-392 .

Hooper, Clare, Carr, Leslie, Davis, Hugh, Millard, David, White, Su and Wills, Gary (2007) AnnAnn and AnnAnn.Net : Tools for Teaching Programming. Journal of Computers, 2 (5), 916.

Millard, David, Fill, Karen, Gilbert, Lester, Howard, Yvonne, Sinclair, Patrick, Senbanjo, Damilola and Wills, Gary (2007) Towards a Canonical View of Peer Assessment. International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT) 2007, Niigata, Japan. 17 - 19 Jul 2007.

Frazer, Alex, Argles, David and Wills, Gary (2007) Assessing The Usefulness Of Mini-games As Educational Resources. ALT-C 2007: Beyond Control, Nottingham, United Kingdom. 03 - 05 Sep 2007.

Frazer, Alex, Argles, David and Wills, Gary (2007) Is Less Actually More? The Usefulness Of Educational Mini-games. The 7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Niigata, Japan. 17 - 19 Jul 2007.

Wong, Sylvia C, Crowder, Richard M, Wills, Gary B and Shadbolt, Nigel R (2007) Informing Preliminary Design by Incorporating Service Knowledge. 16th International Conference on Engineering Design, Paris. 27 - 30 Aug 2007.

Wong, Sylvia C, Crowder, Richard M, Wills, Gary B and Shadbolt, Nigel R (2007) Lesson Learnt from a Large-Scale Industrial Semantic Web Application. 18th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, Manchester, United Kingdom. 09 - 11 Sep 2007.

Wills, Gary B., Abbas, Noura, Chandrasekharan, Rakhi, Crowder, Richard M., Gilbert, Lester, Howard, Yvonne, Millard, David E., Wong, Sylvia C. and Walters, Robert J (2007) An Agile Hypertext Design Methodology. 18th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, Manchester, United Kingdom. 09 - 11 Sep 2007.

Grange, Simon, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2007) A Collaborative Orthopaedic Research Environment. UK e-Science All Hands Meeting, Nottingham, United Kingdom. 09 - 12 Sep 2007.

Maneewatthana, Thanyalak, Wills, Gary and Hall, Wendy (2007) Adaptive Personal Information Environment based on the Semantic Web. Journal of Digital Information, 8 (3), 64-74.

Millard, David, Doody, Karl, Davis, Hugh, Howard, Yvonne, Gilbert, Lester, Tao, Feng and Will, Gary (2006) (Semantic Web) Services for e-Learning. 2nd International ELeGI Conference on Advanced Technology for Enhanced Learning, Barcelona, Spain. 30 Sep 2006.

Jadhav, Pooja, Wong, Sylvia C, Wills, Gary B, Crowder, Richard M and Shadbolt, Nigel R (2007) Data Mining to Support Engineering Design Decision. Workshop on Semantic Web and Web 2.0 in Architectural, Product and Engineering Design, 6th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), Busan, Korea.

Millard, David, Howard, Yvonne, Abbas, Noura, Davis, Hugh, Gilbert, Lester, Wills, Gary and Walters, Robert (2007) The Service Responsibility and Interaction Design Method: Using an Agile approach for Web Service Design. the 5th IEEE European Conference on Web Services (ECOWS), Halle, Germany. 26 - 28 Nov 2007.

Faulds, Sue, Howard, Yvonne, Zhang, Pei, Millard, David, Wills, Gary and Gobbi, Mary (2008) mPLAT Mobile Placement Learning and Assessment toolkit for Healthcare Students. The Higher Education Academy on ePortfolios, identity and personalised learning in healthcare education.

Chen-Wilson, Lisha, Newcombe, Patrick, Royce, Piers, Ong, Samuel, Wonnacott, Timothy, Argles, David and Wills, Gary (2008) Secure Certification for ePortfolios. ICALT 2008: The 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning, Santander, Cantabria, Spain. 30 Jun - 04 Jul 2008. (Submitted)

Zhang, Pei, Millard, David, Wills, Gary, Howard, Yvonne, Faulds, Sue, Gilbert, Lester and Sparks, Dan (2008) A Mobile Toolkit for Placement Learning. The 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2008), Santander, Cantabria, Spain. 30 Jun - 04 Jul 2008.

Millard, David, Faulds, Sue, Gilbert, Lester, Howard, Yvonne, Sparks, Dan, Wills, Gary and Zhang, Pei (2008) Co-design for conceptual spaces: an agile design methodology for m-learning. IADIS International Conference Mobile Learning 2008.

Millard, David, Howard, Yvonne, Wills, Gary, Watson, Julie and Arrebola, Miguel (2008) Towards an Open Repository of Teaching Resources. Open Repositories Conference 2008 (OR2008), Southampton, United Kingdom. 31 Mar - 03 Apr 2008.

Wong, Sylvia C., Crowder, Richard M., Wills, Gary B. and Shadbolt, Nigel R. (2008) Knowledge transfer: from maintenance to engine design. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 8 (1). (doi:10.1115/1.2840777).

Millard, David, Doody, Karl, Davis, Hugh, Gilbert, Lester, Howard, Yvonne, Tao, Feng and Wills, Gary (2008) (Semantic Web) Services for e-Learning. International Journal of Knowledge and Learning (IJKL), 4 (3&4), 298-315. (doi:10.1504/IJKL.2008.020670).

Abbas, Noura, Gravell, Andrew and Wills, Gary (2008) An Empirical Comparison of Two Agile Projects in the Same Organization. Agile 2008 Conference, Toronto, Canada. 03 - 07 Aug 2008.

Apampa, Kikelomo M, Wills, Gary B, Argles, David and Marais, Emil (2008) Electronic Integrity Issues in E-assessment Security. ICALT 2008: The 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning, Santander, Cantabria, Spain. 30 Jun - 04 Jul 2008.

Apampa, Kikelomo M, Zhang, Tian, Wills, Gary B and Argles, David (2008) Ensuring Privacy of Biometric Factors in Multi-Factor Authentication Systems. SECRYPT 2008, International Conference on Security and Cryptography in ICETE 08, Porto, Portugal. 25 - 28 Jul 2008.

Wills, Gary, Bailey, Christopher, Davis, Hugh, Gilbert, Lester, Howard, Yvonne, Jeyes, Steve, Millard, David, Price, Joseph, Sclater, Niall, Sherratt, Robert, Tulloch, Iain and Young, Rowin (2009) An E-Learning Framework for Assessment (FREMA). Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 34 (3), 273-292.

Wills, Gary, Davis, Hugh, Gilbert, Lester, Hare, Jonathon, Howard, Yvonne, Jeyes, Steve, Millard, David and Sherratt, Robert (2009) Delivery of QTIv2 question types. [in special issue: Emerging Frameworks for the Use of E-Assessment in Higher Education] Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 34 (3), 353-366. (doi:10.1080/02602930802071106).

Wills, Gary, Gilbert, Lester, Hare, Jonathan, Kajaba, Jiri, Argles, David and Millard, David (2008) Assessment Delivery Engine for QTIv2 Tests. 4th Ten Competence Open Workshop, Madrid. 09 - 10 Apr 2008.

Wills, Gary, Hare, Jonathan, Kajaba, Jiri, Argles, David, Gilbert, Lester and Millard, David (2008) A delivery engine for QTI assessments. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 3. (PMID:10.3991%2Fijet.v3i0.551)

Millard, David, Bailey, Christopher, Boulain, Philip, Chennupati, Swapna, Howard, Yvonne, Davis, Hugh and Wills, Gary (2008) Semantics on Demand: Can a Semantic Wiki Replace a Knowledge Base? New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, Special Issue on Hypermedia beyond the Desktop, 14 (1), 95-120. (Submitted)

Longpradit, Panchit, Hall, Wendy, Walters, Robert, Gilbert, Lester, Gee, Quintin and Wills, Gary (2008) An Inquiry-led Personalised Navigation System (IPNS) using multi-dimensional linkbases. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, Special Issue on Hypermedia beyond the Desktop, 14 (1), 33-55.

Frazer, Alex, Argles, David and Wills, Gary (2008) The Same, But Different: The Educational Affordances of Different Gaming Genres. ICALT 2008: The 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning, Santander, Cantabria, Spain. 30 Jun - 04 Jul 2008.

Frazer, Alex, Argles, David and Wills, Gary (2008) Demystifying the Educational Benefits of Different Gaming Genres. ALT-C 2008: Rethinking the digital divide, Leeds, United Kingdom. 08 - 10 Sep 2008.

Wills, Gary, Hare, Jonathan, Kajaba, Jiri, Argles, David, Gilbert, Lester and Millard, David (2008) Assessment delivery engine for QTIv2 tests. International CAA Conference, Loughborough, United Kingdom. 07 - 08 Jul 2008. 10 pp .

Chen, Wen-Pin, Millard, David E. and Wills, Gary B. (2011) Using Scrutable Learning Models to Support Personal learning Objectives on Mobile Devices. The PLE Conference 2011, Southampton, United Kingdom. 10 - 12 Jul 2011.

Chen, Wen-Pin, Millard, David and Wills, Gary (2008) Mobile VLE vs. Mobile PLE: How Informal is Mobile Learning? mLearn 2008 Conference, the University of Wolverhampton. 07 - 09 Oct 2008. (Submitted)

Wills, Gary Brian (2000) The Design and Evaluation of Industrial Hypermedia. University of Southampton, Department of Electrical Engineering, Doctoral Thesis.

Crowder, Richard, Wong, Sylvia, Shadbolt, Nigel and Wills, Gary (2008) Knowledge-Based Repository to Support Engineering Design. Proceedings of the ASME 2008 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering, New York. 02 - 05 Aug 2008.

Wald, Mike, Wills, Gary, Millard, David, Gilbert, Lester, Khoja, Shakeel, Kajaba, Jiri and Butt, Prins (2008) Multimedia Annotation and Community Folksonomy Building. World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (EDMEDIA), Vienna, Austria. 02 - 03 Jun 2008. pp. 2213-2220 .

Abbas, Noura, Gravell, Andrew and Wills, Gary (2008) Historical roots of Agile methods: where did “Agile thinking” come from? Agile Processes and eXtreme programming in Software Engineering, Limerick, Ireland. 09 - 13 Jun 2008. pp. 94-103 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-540-68255-4_10).

Chen, Wen-Pin, Millard, David and Wills, Gary (2008) A Four Dimensional Model of Formal and Informal Learning. The 16th International International Conference on Computers in Education, Howard International House Taipei. 27 - 31 Oct 2008.

Parker, Marlon, Wills, Gary and Wills, Julia (2008) Community in Tension (CiT) s.n.

P Iskandar, Yulita Hanum, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2008) Reducing latency when using Virtual Reality for teaching in sport. Information Technology, 2008. ITSim 2008. International Symposium on, KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia. 25 - 27 Aug 2008. pp. 1-5 .

Chen-Wilson, Lisha, Newcombe, Patrick, Royce, Piers, Ong, Samuel, Wonnacott, Timothy, Wills, Gary and Argles, David (2008) Secure Certification for e-Portfolios. Ed-media 2008, Vienna, Austria. 29 Jun - 03 Jul 2008.

Hare, Jonathan, Osmond, Adrian, Yang, Yang, Wills, Gary, Weal, Mark, De Roure, David, Joseph, Judith and Yardley, Lucy (2009) LifeGuide: a platform for performing web-based behavioural interventions. WebSci'09: Society On-Line, , Athens, Greece. 18 - 20 Mar 2009. 5 pp .

Zhang, Pei, Wills, Gary, Howard, Yvonne, Oussena, Samia, Kramer, Dean, Barn, Ravinder and Barn, Balbir (2009) An E-learning Support Toolkit for Social Work Students on Placement. IADIS e-Learning 2009, Algarve, Portugal. 16 - 19 Jun 2009.

Tiropanis, Thanassis, Davis, Hugh, Millard, David, Weal, Mark, White, Su and Wills, Gary (2009) Semantic Technologies in Learning and Teaching (SemTech) - JISC Report.

Guan, Tao, Fowler, David, Crowder, Richard, Shadbolt, Nigel, Tao, Feng and Wills, Gary (2009) A Semantic System for Rapid Information Search and Access. European Semantic Web Conference 2009, Heraklion, Greece. 27 May - 03 Jun 2009.

Millard, David, Howard, Yvonne, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2009) Co-design and Co-deployment Methodologies for Innovative m-Learning Systems. In, Multiplatform E-Learning Systems and Technologies: Mobile Devices for Ubiquitous ICT-Based Education. IGI Global.

Osmond, Adrian, Hare, Jonathan, Price, Joseph, Smith, Ashley, Weal, Mark, Wills, Gary, Yang, Yang, Yardley, Lucy and De Roure, David (2009) Designing authoring tools for the creation of on-line behavioural interventions. 5th International Conference on e-Social Science, , Cologne, Germany. 24 - 26 Jun 2009. 10 pp .

P Iskandar, Yulita Hanum, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2009) A Framework for Pedagogical Feedback in the Motor Skill Domain. The 9th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Riga, Latvia. 14 - 16 Jul 2009. pp. 37-39 .

Yusoff, Amri, Crowder, Richard, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2009) A conceptual framework for serious games. Ninth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Riga, Latvia. 14 - 16 Jul 2009.

P Iskandar, Yulita Hanum, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2010) A Conceptual Model For Learning Outcomes in the Motor Skill Domain. The Eighth IASTED International Conference on Web-based Education ~WBE 2010~, Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. 15 - 17 Mar 2010.

Gilbert, Lester, Gale, Veronica, Wills, Gary and Warburton, Bill (2009) JISC Report on E-Assessment Quality (REAQ) in UK Higher Education s.n.

Wills, Julia, Parker, Marlon and Wills, Gary (2009) Social and Community Informatics and Social Theories of Networks s.n.

Millard, David E., Howard, Yvonne, Abbas, Noura, Davis, Hugh C., Gilbert, Lester, Wills, Gary B. and Walters, Robert J. (2009) Pragmatic web service design: An agile approach with the service responsibility and interaction design method. Computer Science - Research and Development.

Li, Yunjia, Wald, Mike, Khoja, Shakeel, Wills, Gary, Millard, David, Kajaba, Jiri, Singh, Priyanaka and Gilbert, Lester (2009) Synote: Enhancing Multimedia E-Learning with Synchronised Annotation. First ACM international workshop on Multimedia technologies for distance learning, , Beijing, China. pp. 9-18 . (doi:10.1145/1631111.1631114).

Guan, Tao, Fowler, David, Crowder, Richard, Tao, Feng, Shadbolt, Nigel and Wills, Gary (2009) A Semantic Matching Approach for Distributed RDF Data Query on a Knowledge Bus. The Third Chinese Semantic Web Symposium, Nanjing, China. 28 - 30 Aug 2009.

Guan, Tao, Fowler, David, Bandara, Ayomi, Zaluska, Ed, De Roure, David, Crowder, Richard and Wills, Gary (2009) Enhancing Grid Service Discovery with a Semantic Wiki and the Concept Matching Approach. The 5th International Conference on Semantic, Knowledge and Grid. 09 - 11 Oct 2009.

Crowder, Richard, Wilson, Max L., Fowler, David, Shadbolt, Nigel, Wills, Gary and Wong, Sylvia (2009) Navigation Over a Large Ontology for Industrial Web Applications. International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, San Diago, CA, United States. 29 Aug - 01 Sep 2009.

Yang, Yang, Osmond, Adrian, Chen, Xiaoyu, Weal, Mark, Wills, Gary, De Roure, David, Joseph, Judith and Yardley, Lucy (2009) Supporting the running and analysis of trials of web-based behavioural interventions: the LifeGuide. 5th IEEE International Conference on e-Science (e-science 2009), Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom. 09 - 11 Dec 2009. 8 pp .

P Iskandar, Yulita Hanum, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2009) The design of effective feedback in computer-based sport training. 7th International Symposium on Computer Science in Sport, Canberra, Australia. 21 - 24 Sep 2009.

Parker, Marlon and Wills, Gary (2009) Improving the knowledge exchange landscape in the Cape Flats, a developing community in South Africa. South African Journal of Information Management, 11 (3).

Wald, Mike, Wills, Gary, Millard, David, Gilbert, Lester, Khoja, Shakeel, Kajaba, Jiri and Li, Yunjia (2009) Synchronised Annotation of Multimedia. : Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2009), Riga, Latvia. pp. 594-596 .

Wald, Mike, Wills, Gary, Millard, David, Gilbert, Lester, Khoja, Shakeel, Kajaba, Jiri, Li, Yunjia and Singh, Priyanaka (2009) Enhancing learning using synchronised multimedia annotation. EUNIS 2009: "IT: Key of the European Space for Knowledge", Santiago de Compostela, Spain. 22 - 25 Jun 2009.

P Iskandar, Yulita Hanum, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2010) Feedback in the Computer-based Sport Training. Global Learn Asia Pacific 2010 - Global Conference on Learning and Technology, Penang, Malaysia. 16 - 19 May 2010. (Submitted)

Apampa, K.M, Wills, G.B and Argles, D (2009) Towards Security Requirements in Online Summative Assessments. E-Learn 2009, Vancouver, BC, Canada. 26 - 30 Oct 2009.

Apampa, K.M, Wills, G.B and Argles, D (2009) Towards Security Goals in Summative E-Assessment Security. ICITST-2009, London, United Kingdom. 09 - 12 Nov 2009.

Chang, Victor, Bacigalupo, David, Wills, Gary and De Roure, David (2010) A Categorisation of Cloud Computing Business Models. CCGrid 2010, The 10th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing, Melbourne, Australia. 16 - 19 May 2010. pp. 509-512 .

Chang, Victor, Wills, Gary and De Roure, David (2010) A Review of Cloud Business Models and Sustainability. IEEE Cloud 2010, the third International Conference on Cloud Computing, Miami, Florida, United States. 04 - 09 Jul 2010. pp. 43-50 .

Chang, Victor, Wills, Gary and De Roure, David (2010) Towards Financial Cloud Framework - Modelling and Benchmarking of Financial Assets in Public and Private Clouds. IEEE Cloud 2010, the third International Conference on Cloud Computing, Miami, Florida, United States. 04 - 09 Jul 2010. (Submitted)

Crowder, RM, Wong, S, Shadbolt, N and Wills, G (2009) Knowledge-based repository to support engineering design. DETC 2008: proceedings of the ASME international design engineering technical conferences and computers and informational in engineering conference, Vol 3, Pts A and B . pp. 585-593., New York, NY. pp. 585-593 .

Nitchot, Athitaya, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2010) A Competence-based System for Recommending Study Materials from the Web (CBSR). The 9th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (ITHET 2010), Cappadocia, Turkey. 28 - 30 Apr 2010.

Nitchot, Athitaya, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2010) Towards a Competence based System for Recommending Study Materials (CBSR). The 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Sousse, Tunisia. 04 - 06 Jul 2010.

Douglas, Andrew, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2010) NPE - A Conceptual Model and Language for the Representation of Norms. Quality of Service-Based Systems (in conjustion with 10th International IEEE Conference on Quality Software), Zhang Jia Jie, China. 13 - 14 Jul 2010. (Submitted)

Chang, Victor, Wills, Gary and De Roure, David (2010) The Review of Cloud Business Models and Demonstrations in Finance and Health Clouds (Go to - 30 Euro). European Identity Conference, Cloud 2010, Munich, Germany. 03 - 06 May 2010.

Chang, Victor, Wills, Gary and De Roure, David (2010) Cloud business models and sustainability: impacts for businesses and e-research. UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2010, Cardiff, United Kingdom. 12 - 15 Sep 2010. 3 pp .

Chang, Victor, Wills, Gary, De Roure, David and Chee, Clinton (2010) Investigating the Cloud Computing Business Framework - modelling and benchmarking of financial assets and job submissions in clouds. UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2010 "Research Clouds: Hype or Reality?" Workshop, Cardiff, United Kingdom. 12 - 15 Sep 2010. 3 pp .

Bacigalupo, David, Warburton, Bill, Draffan, E.A., Zhang, Pei, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2010) A Formative eAssessment Co-Design Case Study. The 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Sousse, Tunisia. 04 - 06 Jul 2010.

Chen, Xiaoyu, Wills, Gary, Gilbert, Lester and Bacigalupo, David (2010) Using Cloud for Research: A Technical Review.

Abbas, Noura, Gravell, Andy and Wills, Gary (2010) The Impact of Organization, Project and Governance Variables on Software Quality and Project Success. Agile 2010, Orlando, Florida. 08 - 12 Aug 2010.

Abbas, Noura, Gravell, Andy and Wills, Gary (2010) Using Factor Analysis to Generate Clusters of Agile Practices. Agile 2010, Orlando, Florida. 08 - 12 Aug 2010.

P Iskandar, Yulita Hanum, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2010) Pedagogical Feedback for Computer-based Sport Training. 2010 International Computer Assisted Assessment (CAA) Conference: Research into E-Assessment, Southampton, United Kingdom. 19 - 20 Jul 2010. (Submitted)

Parker, Marlon, Wills, Julia and Wills, Gary (2010) Reconstructed Living Lab: Supporting drug users and families though co-operative counselling using mobile phone technology. South African Journal of Family Practice, 52 (3), 254-258.

Parker, Marlon, Wills, Gary and Wills, Julia (2010) Using Mobile Instant Messaging to support the Substance Abuse problem amongst youth in South Africa. International Development InformaticsConference, Cape Town. 03 - 05 Nov 2010.

Nitchot, Athitaya, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2010) A Competence Model to Design Assessment Questions for Self-Study. 2010 International Computer Assisted Assessment (CAA) Conference: Research into E-Assessment, Southampton, United Kingdom. 19 - 20 Jul 2010.

Bacigalupo, David, Warburton, Bill, Draffan, E.A., Zhang, Pei, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2010) The EASiHE Spanish and British Sign Language Formative eAssessment Case Studies. CAA 2010, , Southampton, United Kingdom. 19 - 20 Jul 2010.

Zhang, Pei, Wills, Gary, Gilbert, Lester, Warburton, Bill and Bacigalupo, David (2010) IMS QTIEngine on Android to Support Offline Mobile Learning. The 2010 International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology, Macau. 25 - 27 Jan 2010.

Zhang, Pei, Wills, Gary and Gilbert, Lester (2010) IMS QTIEngine on Android to Support Mobile Learning and Assessment. 2010 International Computer Assisted Assessment (CAA) Conference, Southampton, United Kingdom. 19 - 20 Jul 2010.

Fowler, David, Crowder, Richard, Guan, Tao, Shadbolt, Nigel and Wills, Gary (2010) Requirements for semantic web applications in engineering. ASME 2010 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, , Montreal Quebec, Canada. 14 - 17 Aug 2010.

Chen, Xiaoyu, Wills, Gary, Gilbert, Lester and Bacigalupo, David (2010) Guidance Notes for Cloud Infrastructure Service Provider.

Bacigalupo, David, Chen, Xiaoyu, Wills, Gary and Gilbert, Lester (2010) Guidance Notes for Cloud Research Users.

Ibrahim, Roziana, Wills, Gary and Gilbert, Lester (2010) deGendering Games: Towards the Development of a Gender-Inclusivity Framework (GIF). Grace Hopper Conference 2010: Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, Atlanta, Georgia. 27 Sep - 01 Oct 2010. p. 51 .

Ibrahim, Roziana, Wills, Gary and Gilbert, Lester (2010) deGendering Games: Towards A Gender-Inclusive Framework For Games. IADIS International Conference: Games and Entertainment Technologies part of the IADIS Multiconference on Computer Science & Information Systems (MCCSIS 2010), Freiburg., Germany. 25 - 27 Jul 2010. pp. 127-130 .

Ibrahim, Roziana, Wills, Gary and Gilbert, Lester (2010) A Conceptual Framework for Supporting Gender-Inclusivity in Games. the i Interactive Technologies and Games: Education, Health and Disability Conference., Nottingham, United Kingdom. 25 - 26 Oct 2010. (In Press)

Asnawi, Ani Liza, Gravell, Andrew and Wills, Gary (2010) An Empirical Study: Understanding Factors and Barriers for Implementing Agile Methods in Malaysia. 5th International Doctoral Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering (IDoESE), Bolzano-Bozen, Italy.

Crowder, Richard, Fowler, David, Reul, Quentin, Sleeman, Derek, Shadbolt, Nigel and Wills, Gary (2012) An information system to support the engineering designer. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 23 (5), 1545-1558. (doi:10.1007/s10845-010-0458-4).

Chang, Victor, De Roure, David, Wills, Gary and Walters, Robert (2011) Case Studies and Organisational Sustainability Modelling presented by Cloud Computing Business Framework. International Journal of Web Services Research, 8 (3), 26-53.

Chang, Victor, Li, Chung-Sheng, De Roure, David, Wills, Gary, Walters, Robert and Chee, Clinton (2011) The financial clouds review. International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing, 1 (2), 41-63. (doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-0879-5.ch5.3).

Yardley, Lucy, Osmond, Adrian, Hare, Jonathan, Wills, Gary, Weal, Mark, De Roure, David and Michie, Susan (2009) Introduction to the LifeGuide: software facilitating the development of interactive behaviour change internet interventions. Persuasive Technology and Digital Behaviour Intervention Symposium. (AISB 2009), Edinburgh, United Kingdom. 05 - 08 Apr 2009. 4 pp .

Wills, Gary, Gilbert, Lester, Grange, Simon and Recio, Alejandra (2010) VRIC-Virtual Research Integration Collaboration: A VRE aimed at creating a framework to manage the research life cycles of basic science and clinical research s.n. (Submitted)

P Iskandar, Yulita Hanum, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2011) Machine-processable Representation of Training Outcomes. IEEE Learning Technology Newsletter, 13 (1).

Wills, Gary, Gilbert, Lester, Grange, Simon, Recio, Alejandra, Santer, Michael, Smitham, Peter and Malikian, Raphael (2010) Virtual Research Integration Collaboration: Procedural report JISC (Submitted)

Bacigalupo, David A., van Hemert, Jano, Chen, Xiaoyu, Usmani, Asif, Chester, Adam P., He, Ligang, Dillenberger, Donna N., Wills, Gary, Gilbert, Lester and Jarvis, Stephen A. (2011) Managing Dynamic Enterprise and Urgent Workloads on Clouds Using Layered Queuing and Historical Performance Models. Simulation Modelling Practice & Theory, 19 (6), 1479-1495.

Chen, Xiaoyu, Khan, A., Wills, G.B. and Gilbert, L.H. (2011) Developing Resource Usage Service in WLCG. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 58 (2), 451-460. (doi:10.1109/TNS.2011.2112775).

Chang, Victor, De Roure, David, Walters, Robert John and Wills, Gary (2011) Organisational Sustainability Modelling for Return on Investment: Case Studies presented by a National Health Service (NHS) Trust UK. Journal of Computing and Information Technology, 19 (3).

Nitchot, Athitaya, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2011) Competence-based System for Recommending Study Materials from the Web: Design and Experiment. ED-MEDIA 2011-World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Lisbon, Portugal. 26 - 30 Jun 2011.

Zhang, Pei, Recio, Alejandra, Wills, Gary, Smitham, Peter, Gilbert, Lester, Santer, Mike, Kanani, Michael and Grange, Simon (2011) Catch before a fall – an iPad application for Osteoporosis Risk Assessment. IADIS e-Society, , Avila, Spain. 10 - 13 Mar 2011.

Ibrahim, Roziana, Wills, Gary and Gilbert, Lester (2011) Gender inclusivity framework (GIF): Inter-rater agreement towards the components of gender inclusivity in games. IADIS International Conference Game and Entertainment Technologies 2011, Rome, Italy. 21 - 23 Jul 2011. (Submitted)

Ibrahim, Roziana, Wills, Gary and Gilbert, Lester (2011) Development of a conceptual framework for supporting gender inclusivity in games. IADIS International Conference Game and Entertainment Technologies 2011, Rome, Italy. 21 - 23 Jul 2011. (Submitted)

Nitchot, Athitaya, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2011) Designing XML Schema of a Competence Structure from Course Intended Learning Outcomes. The 14th IASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in Education, Cambridge, United Kingdom. 10 - 12 Jul 2011.

Asnawi, Ani Liza, Gravell, Andrew and Wills, Gary (2011) Empirical Investigation on Agile Methods Usage: Issues Identified from Early Adopters in Malaysia. XP2011, 12th International conference on Agile Software Development,, Madrid, Spain. 09 - 12 May 2011. pp. 192-207 .

Yusoff, Amri, Wills, Gary, Crowder, Richard and Gilbert, Lester (2011) Pedagogy and Game Attributes for Teaching English as a Second Language. Universiti Malaysia Terengganu 10th International Annual Symposium (UMTAS 2011), Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia. 10 - 12 Jul 2011. (Submitted)

Li, Yunjia, Wald, Mike and Wills, Gary (2011) Interlinking Multimedia Annotations. ACM Web Science Conference 2011, , Koblenz, Germany. 13 - 16 Jun 2011.

Chang, Victor, Wills, Gary and Walters, Robert (2011) The positive impacts offered by Healthcare Cloud and 3D Bioinformatics. 10th e-Science All Hands Meeting 2011, York. 25 - 28 Sep 2011.

Nitchot, Athitaya, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2011) Designing a Competence Structure to Generate Learning Paths and Assessment Questions for Self-Study. 2011 International Computer Assisted Assessment (CAA) Conference, Southampton, United Kingdom. 04 - 05 Jul 2011.

Chang, Victor, Wills, Gary and Walters, Robert (2011) Towards Business Integration as a Service 2.0. IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering, The 3rd International Workshop on Cloud Services - Platform Accelerating e-Business, Beijing, China. 18 - 20 Oct 2011.

Chen-Wilson, Lisha, Gilbert, Lester, Wills, Gary, Gravell, Andrew and Argles, David (2011) A User-Centric Approach for Secured eDocument Transmission: Digital Signing Practical Issues and the eCert Solution. International Journal for Information Security Research (IJISR), 1 (3).

Yu, Tai-Tuck, Scanlan, James P., Crowder, Richard M. and Wills, Gary B. (2012) Approaches to modeling the gas-turbine maintenance process. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 12 (1), 011007-[9pp]. (doi:10.1115/1.3647876).

Chen-Wilson, Lisha, Wang, Xin, Wills, Gary, Argles, David and Shoniregun, Charles (2011) Healthcare Data Management Issues and the eCert Solution. International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2011), London, United Kingdom. 26 - 28 Jun 2011.

Purwandari, Betty, Hall, Wendy and Wills, Gary (2011) Methodology for Impact Analysis of the Mobile Web in Developing Countries: a Pilot Study in Nairobi, Kenya. ACM Web Science Conference 2011, , Koblenz, Germany. 13 - 16 Jun 2011.

Tangworakitthaworn, Preecha, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2011) Towards a Matching Strategy of Constructivism and Instructionism. The 19th International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2011, Chiang Mai, Thailand. 28 Nov - 02 Dec 2011.

Chang, Victor, Wills, Gary, Walters, Robert and Currie, Wendy (2012) Towards a structured Cloud ROI: The University of Southampton cost-saving and user satisfaction case studies. In, Sustainable ICTs and Management Systems for Green Computing. IGI Global, pp. 179-200. (doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-1839-8).

Apampa, Kikelomo Maria, Wills, Gary and Argles, David (2011) Towards a blob-based presence verification system in summative e-assessments. International Journal of e-Assessment, 1 (1).

Li, Yunjia, Wald, Mike, Wills, Gary, Khoja, Shakeel, Millard, David, Kajaba, Jiri, Singh, Priyanka and Gilbert, Lester (2011) Synote: development of a Web-based tool for synchronized annotations. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 17 (3), 1-18. (doi:10.1080/13614568.2011.558118).

Li, Yunjia, Wald, Mike and Wills, Gary (2011) Applying Linked Data to Media Fragments and Annotations. ISWC 2011: 10th International Semanctic Web Conference, Bonn, Germany.

Turnbull, Niruwan, Wills, Gary and Gobbi, Mary (2010) The challenge to the four-status eLearning model for healthcare professionals: a critique on a developing world case study. International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2010), Madrid, Spain. 15 - 17 Nov 2010.

Turnbull, Niruwan, Wills, Gary and Gobbi, Mary (2011) The Challenge of Four-Status Model of eLearning: Principles Toward a New Understanding for Healthcare Professionals. International eLearning Conference (IEC2011), Bangkok, Thailand. 13 - 14 Jan 2011.

Asnawi, Ani Liza, Gravell, Andrew and Wills, Gary (2012) Emergence of Agile Methods: Perceptions from Software Practitioners in Malaysia. International Conference on Agile and Lean Software Methods (AgileIndia2012), Bengaluru, India. 17 - 19 Feb 2012. (Submitted)

Asnawi, Ani Liza, Gravell, Andrew and Wills, Gary (2012) Factor Analysis: Investigating Important Aspects for Agile Adoption in Malaysia. International Conference on Agile and Lean Software Methods (AgileIndia2012), Bengaluru, India. 17 - 19 Feb 2012. (Submitted)

Chang, Victor, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2012) Business Integration as a Service. International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing, 2 (1), 16-40.

Li, Yunjia, Wald, Mike and Wills, Gary (2012) Applying linked data in multimedia annotations. [in special issue: Semantic Multimedia] International Journal of Semantic Computing, 6 (3), 289-313. (doi:10.1142/S1793351X12400090).

Parker, Marlon, Wills, Julia and Wills, Gary (2013) RLabs: A South African Perspective on a Community-driven Approach to Community Information. [in special issue: Special Issue: CI and the Co-Creation of Innovation] Journal of Community Informatics, 9 (3).

Nitchot, Athitaya, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2012) Competence Web-based System for Suggesting Study Materials Links: Approach & Experimental Design. EdMedia 2012 - World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, Denver, CO, United States.

Tangworakitthaworn, Preecha, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2012) An Equivalent Architecture of Learner's and Instructor's Knowledge through the Matching of Intended Learning Outcome. 5th World Summit on the Knowledge Society, Rome, Italy. 19 - 21 Jun 2012.

Qahtani, Abdulrahman, Wills, Gary and Gravell, Andrew (2012) Toward a Framework for Localisation of Product Software across Organisational Boundaries. (In Press)

Li, Yunjia, Wald, Mike, Omitola, Tope, Shadbolt, Nigel and Wills, Gary (2012) Synote: weaving media fragments and linked data. Linked Data on the Web (LDOW2012), Lyon, France. 15 Apr 2012. 10 pp . (Submitted)

Li, Yunjia, Wald, Mike and Wills, Gary (2012) Let Google index your media fragments. WWW2012 Developer Track, Lyon, France. 15 - 19 Apr 2012. 4 pp . (Submitted)

Syarif, Iwan, Prugel-Bennett, Adam and Wills, Gary B. (2012) Unsupervised clustering approach for network anomaly detection. Fourth International Conference on Networked Digital Technologies (NDT 2012), Dubai, United Arab Emirates. 23 - 25 Apr 2012. 11 pp .

Syarif, Iwan, Zaluska, Ed, Prugel-Bennett, Adam and Wills, Gary (2012) Application of bagging, boosting and stacking to intrusion detection. MLDM 2012: 8th International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining, Berlin, Germany. 12 - 19 Jul 2012. 10 pp .

Parker, Marlon, Wills, Julia, Aanhuizen, Lucille, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2012) Mobile instant messaging used to provide support and advice to South African youth. International Journal of ICT Research and Development in Africa (IJICTRDA), 3 (2).

Chang, Victor, Walters, Robert John and Wills, Gary (2012) Cloud Storage in a private cloud deployment: Lessons for Data Intensive research (Best student paper). The second international conference on Cloud Computing and Service Sciences (CLOSER 2012), Porto, Portugal.

Moss-Morris, Rona, McCrone, Paul, Yardley, Lucy, van Kessel, Kirsten, Wills, Gary and Dennison, Laura K. (2012) A pilot randomised controlled trial of an internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy self-management programme (MS Invigor8) for multiple sclerosis fatigue. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 50 (6), 415-421. (doi:10.1016/j.brat.2012.03.001). (PMID:22516321)

Qahtani, Abdulrahman, Gravell, Andrew and Wills, Gary (2012) Toward a framework for software development across organisational boundaries. PhD Symposium in 13th International Conference on Agile Software Development (XP2012), Malmo, Sweden. 20 - 24 May 2012. 4 pp .

Alwabel, Abdulelah, Walters, Robert John and Wills, Gary (2012) Towards a volunteer cloud architecture. UKPEW 2012 (the UK Performance Engineering Workshop), Edinburgh, United Kingdom. 2 pp .

Wills, Gary, Gilbert, Lester and Recio, Alejandra (2012) Towards a framework for games and simulations in STEM subject assessments. CAA 2012: International Computer Assisted Assessment Conference, Southampton, United Kingdom. 09 - 10 Jul 2012.

Chang, Victor and Wills, Gary (2013) A University of Greenwich Case Study of Cloud Computing – Education as a Service. In, E-Logistics and E-Supply Chain Management: Applications for Evolving Business. IGI Global.

Li, Yunjia, Rizzo, Giuseppe, Troncy, Raphael, Wald, Mike and Wills, Gary (2012) Creating enriched YouTube media fragments With NERD using timed-text. 11th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2012), Boston, United States. 11 - 15 Nov 2012. 4 pp .

Syarif, Iwan, Prugel-Bennett, Adam and Wills, Gary (2012) Data mining approaches for network intrusion detection: from dimensionality reduction to misuse and anomaly detection. Journal of Information Technology Review, 3 (2), 70-83.

Alwabel, Abdulelah, Walters, Robert John and Wills, Gary (2012) Towards performance evaluation in Volunteer Clouds. European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC2012). 18 - 20 Sep 2012.

Alateyah, Sulaiman, Crowder, Richard M. and Wills, Gary (2012) Towards an integrated model for citizen adoption of E-government services. International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science, 6, 47-57.

Alateyah, Sulaiman, Crowder, Richard M. and Wills, Gary B. (2012) Towards an integrated model for citizen adoption of E-government services in developing countries: A Saudi Arabia case study. International Journal for Digital Society, 3 (3/4), 666-676.

Yusoff, Amri, Crowder, Richard M., Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2012) A Conceptual Teacher-Learner Model for a Collaborative Learning with Serious Games. GAMES + LEARNING + SOCIETY CONFERENCE (GLS 8.0). 12 - 14 Jun 2012. pp. 601-602 .

Yosoff, Amri, Crowder, Richard, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2012) A Collaborative Learning with Conceptual Teacher-Learner Model. Pembentang Simposium Pendidikan Bestari 2012, Shah Alam, Malaysia. 9 pp .

Li, Yunjia, Draffan, E.A., Glaser, Hugh, Millard, Ian, Newman, Russell, Wald, Mike, Wills, Gary and White, Magnus (2012) RailGB: using open accessibility data to help people with disabilities. International Semantic Web Conference 2012, , Boston, United States. 11 - 15 Nov 2012.

Chang, Victor, Walters, Robert John and Wills, Gary (2013) The development that leads to the Cloud Computing Business Framework. International Journal of Information Management, 33 (3), 524-538. (doi:10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2013.01.005).

Grange, Simon, Qi, Liping, Frank, Cy, Ferguson-Pell, Martin, Holloway, Catherine, Taylor, Stephen, Wills, Gary and Tyler, Nick (2012) Establishing Translational Research Pipelines for Smart Devices. IFESS 2012 conference; Smart Machines – Neural Evolution, Banff, Alberta, Canada. 5 pp .

Chang, Victor, Walters, Robert John and Wills, Gary (2013) Cloud Storage and Bioinformatics in a private cloud deployment: Lessons for Data Intensive research. In, Cloud Computing and Service Science. Springer Lecture Notes Series, Springer Book. (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-04519-1_16).

Almutiry, Omar, Wills, Gary and Crowder, Richard (2013) Towards a framework for data quality in Electronic health records. IADIS International Conference, e-Society 2013, Lisbon, Portugal.

Ding, Chaohai, Wald, Mike and Wills, Gary (2013) Linked data for accessibility: from techniques to users. The IADIS International Conference on e-Society 2013, Lisbon, Portugal. 13 - 16 Mar 2013. pp. 514-516 .

Ding, Chaohai, Wald, Mike and Wills, Gary (2013) Travelling for all. The IADIS International Conference on e-Society 2013, Lisbon, Portugal. 13 - 16 Mar 2013. pp. 519-522 .

Li, Yunjia, Rizzo, Giuseppe, Garcia, Jose Luis Redondo, Troncy, Raphael, Wald, Mike and Wills, Gary (2013) Enriching media fragments with named entities for video classification. First Worldwide Web Workshop on Linked Media (LiME-2013), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 12 - 16 May 2013.

Al Rowais, Fadwa, Wald, Mike and Wills, Gary (2013) An Arabic framework for dyslexia training tools. 1st International Conference on Technology for Helping People with Special Needs (ICTHP-2013), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 19 - 20 Feb 2013. pp. 63-68 .

Tangworakitthaworn, Preecha, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2013) Facilitating Formative Assessment Through Learning Paths Extracted From a Logical Structure of Intended Learning Outcomes. International Computer Assisted Assessment (CAA 2013) Conference. 08 - 09 Jul 2013.

Tangworakitthaworn, Preecha, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary B. (2013) Designing and diagraming an intended learning outcome structure: a case study from the instructors' perspective. 13th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), Beijing, China. 14 - 17 Jul 2013. pp. 189-193 . (doi:10.1109/ICALT.2013.58).

Alateyah, Sulaiman, Crowder, Richard M and Wills, Gary B. (2013) An integrated model for influencing Saudi Arabian citizens to adopt E-government services. International Conference on Cloud Computing and eGovernance., Dubai, United Arab Emirates. pp. 38-44 .

Alateyah, Sulaiman, Crowder, Richard M. and Wills, Gary B. (2013) Identified Factors Affecting the Citizen’s Intention to Adopt E-government in Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering, 7 (8), 244-252.

Alateyah, Suilaiman, Crowder, Richard M. and Wills, Gary B. (2013) Factors Affecting the Citizen’s Intention to Adopt E-government in Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering, 7 (9), 80-85.

Tangworakitthaworn, Preecha, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2013) A conceptual model of intended learning outcomes supporting curriculum development. 32nd International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2013), Hong Kong, Hong Kong. 11 - 13 Nov 2013. pp. 161-173 .

Chang, Victor, Walters, Robert John and Wills, Gary (2014) Review of Cloud Computing and existing Frameworks for Cloud adoption. In, Advances in Cloud Computing Research. NOVA Publishers.

Chang, Victor, Walters, Robert John and Wills, Gary (2014) Financial Clouds and modelling offered by Cloud Computing Adoption Framework. In, Advances in Cloud Computing Research. NOVA Publishers.

Qahtani, Abdulrahman, Wills, Gary and Gravell, Andrew (2013) Customising software products in distributed software development a model for allocating customisation requirements across organisational boundaries. International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2013), Toronto, Canada. 23 - 25 Jun 2013.

Qahtani, Abdulrahman, Wills, Gary and Gravell, Andrew (2013) A framework of challenges and key factors for applying agile methods for the development and customisation of software products in distributed projects. International Journal for Digital Society, Special Issue (1/1), 766-773.

Alotaibi, Hanan, Crowder, Richard and Wills, Gary (2013) Investigating Factors for Knowledge Sharing Using Web Technologies. i-know 2013, Graz, Austria.

Fadhel, Nawfal, Wills, Gary and Argles, David (2011) Transparent authentication in e-learning. International Conference on Information Society (i-Society), 2011, London, United Kingdom. 26 - 28 Jun 2011. pp. 336-342 .

Wongse-ek, Woraluck, Wills, Gary and Gilbert, Lester (2013) Towards a trust model in e-learning: antecedents of a student’s trust. IADIS e-Learning 2013 Conference, Prague, Czech Republic. 22 - 25 Jul 2013.

Chaisriya, Somjit, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary B. (2013) The game challenge model. International Conferences: part of the IADIS Multi Conference MCCSIS 2013: e-Learning, Lisbon, Portugal. 21 - 23 Jul 2013. 4 pp . (In Press)

Wongse-ek, Woraluck, Wills, Gary and Gilbert, Lester (2012) Calculating learner’s trust in teaching activity. Reasoning Web 2012 Summer School, Vienna, Austria. 02 - 07 Sep 2012.

Stallwood, James, Ranchhod, Ashok and Wills, Gary (2013) A Model for in-Simulation Assessment. International Computer Assisted Assessment (CAA), Southampton, United Kingdom. 08 - 09 Jul 2013.

Almutiry, Omar, Wills, Gary, Alwabel, Abdulelah, Crowder, Richard and Walters, Robert John (2013) Toward a framework for data quality in cloud-based health information system. 2013 International Conference on Information Scociety (i-society). 23 - 25 Jun 2013. pp. 153-157 .

Alateyah, Suilaiman, Crowder, Richard and Wills, Gary (2013) Factors influencing citizen intention to adopt egovernment in Saudi Arabia. 2013 International Conference on Information Society (i-Society), Toronto, Canada. pp. 250-255 .

Baker, James, Ranchhod, Ashok and Wills, Gary (2013) A design model for effective serious games. IADIS Game and Entertainment Technologies 2013, Prague, Czech Republic. 21 - 23 Jul 2013.

Pinpathomrat, Nakarin, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2012) A model for the uptake and continued use of e-learning in Thai higher education. Asia Regional OpenCourseWare and Open Education Conference (AROOC2012), Bangkok, Thailand. 21 - 22 Jan 2012.

Pinpathomrat, Nakarin, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2013) A model of e-learning uptake and continued use in higher education institutions. IADIS International Conference: e-Learning 2013, Praha, Czech Republic. 22 - 25 Jul 2013.

Pinpathomrat, Nakarin, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2013) A model of e-learning adoption in higher education institutions: national culture consideration. E-LEARN 2013 - World Conference on E-Learning, Las Vegas, United States. 20 - 23 Oct 2013.

Alateyah, Sulaiman, Crowder, Richard M. and Wills, Gary B. (2013) An exploratory study of proposed factors to adopt e-government services. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 4 (11). (doi:10.14569/IJACSA.2013.041108).

Tangworakitthaworn, Preecha, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2013) ILO diagram: a conceptual model for curriculum development. IEEE Technology and Engineering Education, 8 (3), 12-19.

Fadhel, Nawfal, Wills, Gary and Crowder, Richard M. (2013) Approaches to maintaining provenance throughout the additive manufacturing process. 2013 World Congress on Internet Security (WorldCIS), London, United Kingdom. 09 - 11 Dec 2013. pp. 82-87 . (doi:10.1109/WorldCIS.2013.6751022).

Chang, Victor, Walters, Robert John and Wills, Gary (2015) Monte Carlo risk assessment as a service in the cloud. International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management, 7 (3).

Frazer, Alex, Recio, Alejandra, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2014) Profiling the educational value of computer games. [in special issue: Games for learning] Interaction Design & Architecture(s) Journal - IxD&A, 19, Winter Issue, 1-19.

Alotaibi, Hanan, Crowder, Richard and Wills, Gary (2014) Investigating factors for E-knowledge sharing amongst academic staff. Sixth International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management eKNOW 2014, Barcelona, Spain. 4 pp .

Ding, Chaohai, Wald, Mike and Wills, Gary (2014) A survey of open accessibility data. The 11th Web for All Conference 2014, Seoul, Korea, Republic of. 06 - 08 Apr 2014. 4 pp . (doi:10.1145/2596695.2596708).

Alateyah, Sulaiman, Chang, Victor, Crowder, Richard and Wills, Gary (2014) Citizen intention to adopt e-government services in Saudi Arabia. Emerging Software as a Service and Analytics - ESaaSA 2014, Barcelona, Spain. 02 - 04 Apr 2014.

Hamid, Norhazlina, Walters, Robert John and Wills, Gary Brian (2014) Performance evaluation of multi-core multi-cluster architecture. Emerging Software as a Service and Analytics, Barcelona, Spain. 02 - 04 Apr 2014. pp. 46-54 .

Alwabel, Abdulelah, Walters, Robert John and Wills, Gary Brian (2014) A view at desktop clouds. ESaaSA 2014: International Workshop on Emerging Software as a Service and Analytics, Barcelona, Spain. 02 - 04 Apr 2014. pp. 55-61 . (doi:10.5220/0004983400550061).

Hamid, Norhazlina, Walters, Robert J. and Wills, Gary B. (2015) An architecture for measuring network performance in multi-core multi-cluster architecture (MCMCA). International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, 7 (1), 57-61.

Alateeyah, Sulaiman, Crowder, Richard and Wills, Gary B. (2014) Identifying Factors Affecting the Intention of Saudi Arabian Citizens to Adopt E-government Services. International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, 5 (4). (doi:10.7763/IJIMT.2014.V5.527).

Chen-Wilson, Lisha, Argles, David, Schiano di Zenise, Michele and Wills, Gary (2014) “eCert” improving the security and controllability of digitally signed documents. In, Electronic Identity. (SpringerBriefs in Cybersecurity) London, GB. Springer, pp. 41-90. (doi:10.1007/978-1-4471-6449-4_2).

Ding, Chaohai, Wald, Mike and Wills, Gary (2014) Open accessibility data interlinking. 14th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, Paris, France. 08 - 10 Jul 2014. pp. 73-80 .

Ding, Chaohai, Wald, Mike and Wills, Gary (2014) Using open accessibility data for accessible travelling. Pre-Conference of 14th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, , Paris, France. 06 - 07 Jul 2014. 4 pp .

Chang, Victor, Walters, Robert John and Wills, Gary (2015) Cloud Computing and Frameworks for Organisational Cloud Adoption. In, Delivery and Adoption of Cloud Computing Services in Contemporary Organizations. IGI Global. (doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-8210-8.ch001).

Fadhel, Nawfal, Argles, David, Crowder, Richard M and Wills, Gary B. (2014) Transparent authentication methodology in electronic education. Engineering Management Reviews, 3, P23 - 32.

Naeem, Farooq, Farooq, Saeed and Kingdon, David (2014) Cognitive behavioural therapy (brief versus standard duration) for schizophrenia. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 4, CD010646. (doi:10.1002/14651858.CD010646.pub2). (PMID:24723312)

Fadhel, Nawfal, Crowder, Richard M. and Wills, Gary B. (2014) Maintaining provenance throughout the additive manufacturing process. International Journal for Information Security Research (IJISR), 3 (3/4).

Alqurashi, Ezzat, Wills, Gary and Gilbert, Lester (2013) A viable system model for information security governance: establishing a baseline of the current information security operations system. Janczewski, Lech J., Wolfe, Henry B. and Shenoi, Shujeet (eds.) In Security and Privacy Protection in Information Processing Systems. 28th IFIP TC 11 International Conference, SEC 2013, Auckland, New Zealand, July 8-10, 2013. Proceedings. Springer. pp. 245-256 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-642-39218-4_19).

Akeel, Fatimah Y., Wills, Gary B. and Gravell, Andrew M. (2013) SecureDIS: A Framework for Secure Data Integration Systems. The 8th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST-2013). pp. 588-593 . (doi:10.1109/ICITST.2013.6750270).

Yahya, Fara, Chang, Victor, Walters, Robert J. and Wills, Gary B. (2014) Security challenges in cloud storage. 6th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (Enterprise Security 2014), Singapore, Singapore. 15 - 18 Dec 2014. 7 pp .

Almarshedi, Alaa, Wanick Vieira, Vanissa and Wills, Gary et al. (2014) Towards a sustainable gamification impact. International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2014), London, United Kingdom. 10 - 12 Nov 2014.

Alkhater, Nouf, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2014) An investigation of factors influencing an organisation's intention to adopt cloud computing. International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2014), London, United Kingdom. 10 - 12 Nov 2014. 2 pp .

AlMarshedi, Alaa, Wills, Gary and Ranchhod, Ashok (2014) Gamification to improve adherence to diabetic treatment in Saudi Arabia. International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2014), London, United Kingdom. 10 - 12 Nov 2014. 2 pp .

Phadermrod, Boonyarat, Wills, Gary and Crowder, Richard (2014) Developing SWOT analysis from customer satisfaction surveys. The IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE 2015), Guangzhou, China. 05 - 07 Nov 2014. 8 pp .

Aguti, Beatrice, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2013) A framework for evaluating the effectiveness of blended E-learning within universities. 24th International Conference on Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE 2013). pp. 1982-1987 .

Aguti, Beatrice, Walters, Robert John and Wills, Gary (2014) An evaluation of the factors that impact on the effectiveness of blended e-learning within universities. International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2014), London, United Kingdom. 10 - 12 Nov 2014. 5 pp .

Li, Yunjia, Troncy, Raphael, Wald, Mike and Wills, Gary (2014) Media fragment indexing using social media. 2nd International Workshop on Linked Media (LiME2014), Crete, Greece. 24 May 2014. 14 pp .

Phadermrod, Boonyarat, Crowder, Richard and Wills, Gary B. (2015) Attribute importance measure based on back-propagation neural network: an empirical study. International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, 7 (2). (doi:10.7763/IJCEE).

Wanick Vieira, Vanissa, Ranchhod, Ashokkumar and Wills, Gary B. (2014) Effects and opportunities of mobile advergames into brand management and marketing: a content analysis. International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2014), London, United Kingdom. 10 - 12 Nov 2014. 2 pp .

Alwabel, Abdulelah, Walters, Robert John, Wills, Gary B., Chang, V., Walters, R. and Wills, G. (2015) A resource allocation model for desktop clouds. In, Delivery and Adoption of Cloud Computing Services in Contemporary Organizations. (HASH(0xd2beb50)) Hershey, US. IGI Global, pp. 199-218. (doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-8210-8.ch008).

Parker, Marlon, Recio, Alejandra, Wills, Gary B. and Wills, Julia (2014) RLABS: Una perspectiva Sudafricana de Informática Comunitaria (Programa de Investigaciones sobre la Sociedad de la Información del Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani) Buenos Aires, AR. Universidad de Buenos Aires

Alomar, Noura, Wanick Vieira, Vanissa and Wills, Gary B. (2014) The design considerations for gamifying agile project management systems for Arabic cultures. 4th Interreg Conference: Global Culture and Creativity – From Design to Innovation to Enterprise, Winchester, United Kingdom. 05 - 07 Nov 2014.

Wanick Vieira, Vanissa, Ranchhod, Ashokkumar and Wills, Gary (2014) Advergames and meaningful experiences: towards a conceptual framework for contextual advergames for cross-cultural consumer behaviour. 4th INTERREG Conference : "Global Culture and Creativity: from Design to Innovation and Enterprise?", Winchester School of Art, Winchester, United Kingdom. 06 - 07 Nov 2014. 23 pp .

Ding, Chaohai, Wald, Mike and Wills, Gary Brian (2014) Applying the linked data principles to open accessibility data for accessible way-finding. Accessible Way-Finding Using Web Technologies. Online Symposium. 03 Dec 2014.

Yusoff, Amri, Crowder, Richard, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2014) A conceptual design for a teacher-learner framework for educational serious games. Journal of ICT in Education, 1 (1), 1-10.

Aaber, Zeyad, Crowder, Richard, Fadhel, Nawfal and Wills, Gary B. (2014) Preventing Document Leakage through Active Document. 2014 World Congress on Internet Security (WorldCIS), London, United Kingdom. 08 - 10 Dec 2014. 6 pp .

Alkhater, Nouf, Wills, Gary and Walters, Robert (2014) Factors influencing an organisation's intention to adopt cloud computing in Saudi Arabia. 6th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science, Singapore, Singapore. 15 - 18 Dec 2014. 5 pp .

Aaber, Zeyad, Crowder, Richard M, Chang, Victor, Fadhel, Nawfal and Wills, Gary B. (2015) Towards a Framework for Securing a Document Outside an Organisational Firewall. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science, CloudCom. vol. 2015-February, IEEE Computer Society. pp. 1057-1062 . (doi:10.1109/CloudCom.2014.132).

Hamid, Norhazlina, Walters, Robert John and Wills, Gary Brian (2015) An analytical model of multi-core multi-cluster architecture (MCMCA). Open Journal of Cloud Computing (OJCC), 2 (1), 1-12.

Hamid, Norhazlina, Walters, Robert J. and Wills, Gary B. (2015) Performance evaluation of multi-core multi-cluster architecture (MCMCA). In, Chang, Victor, Walters, Robert John and Wills, Gary (eds.) Delivery and Adoption of Cloud Computing Services in Contemporary Organizations. Hershey, US. IGI Global.

Hamid, Norhazlina, Walters, Robert J. and Wills, Gary B. (2014) Analytical calculation of multi-core multi-cluster architecture (MCMCA). International Conference of Postgraduate in Education, Melaka, Malaysia. 17 - 18 Dec 2014.

Akeel, Fatimah Y., Wills, Gary and Gravell, Andrew (2014) Exposing data leakage in data integration systems. The 9th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST-2014), London, United Kingdom. 08 - 10 Dec 2014. 6 pp .

Alwabel, Abdulelah, Walters, Robert John and Wills, Gary (2014) Evaluation of node failures in cloud computing using empirical data. Open Journal of Cloud Computing (OJCC), 1 (2), 15-24.

Alwabel, Abdulelah, Walters, Robert John and Wills, Gary (2015) DesktopCloudSim: simulation of node failures in the cloud. The Sixth International Conference on Cloud Coputing, GRIDs, and Virtualization (CLOUD COMPUTING 2015), Nice, France. 22 - 27 Mar 2015.

Ding, Chaohai, Wald, Mike and Wills, Gary (2015) Linked data-driven decision support for accessible travelling. W4A (Web for All) 2015 – Doctoral Consortium, Florence, Italy. (doi:10.1145/2745555.2746681).

Yahya, Fara, Walters, Robert J. and Wills, Gary B. (2015) Protecting data in personal cloud storage with security classifications. Science and Information (SAI) Conference, London, United Kingdom. 27 - 29 Jul 2015. 6 pp .

Alharthi, Abdulrahman, Yahya, Fara, Walters, Robert John and Wills, Gary (2015) An overview of cloud services adoption challenges in higher education institutions. Emerging Software as a Service and Analytics 2015 Workshop (ESaaSA 2015), in conjunction with CLOSER 2015. 19 - 21 May 2015. pp. 102-109 .

Chang, Victor, Ramachandran, Muthu, Walters, Robert John and Wills, Gary (2015) Introductory Editorial. Open Journal of Big Data, 1 (1).

Ozulku, Omer, Fadhel, Nawfal, Argles, David and Wills, Gary (2014) Anomaly detection system: towards a framework for enterprise log management of security services. 2014 World Congress on Internet Security (WorldCIS), London, United Kingdom. 08 - 10 Dec 2014. pp. 97-102 . (doi:10.1109/WorldCIS.2014.7028175).

Butt, Prins and Wills, Gary (2015) Encouraging student engagement with collaborative serious games: the Coco framework. ICICTE 2015: International Conference on Information Comunication Technologies in Education, Kos, Greece. 08 - 10 Jul 2015. 10 pp .

Alotaibi, Hanan, Crowder, Richard and Wills, Gary (2017) Adoption of Web based Knowledge Sharing system amongst Academic Staff. Journal of Advanced Management Science, 5 (1), 57-63. (doi:10.18178/joams.5.1.57-63).

Fadhel, Nawfal, Crowder, Richard M. and Wills, Gary (2015) Provenance in the Additive Manufacturing Process. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 48 (3), 2345-2350. (doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2015.06.438).

Williams, S., Yardley, L. and Wills, G.B. (2013) A qualitative case study of LifeGuide: users' experiences of software for developing Internet-based behaviour change interventions. Health Informatics Journal, 19 (1), 61-75. (doi:10.1177/1460458212458915). (PMID:23486826)

Alwabel, Abdulelah, Walters, Robert John and Wills, Gary (2015) Evaluation metrics for VM allocation mechanisms in desktop clouds. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Emerging Software as a Service and Analytics, Lisbon, Portugal. 19 - 21 May 2015. (doi:10.5220/0005525400630068).

Chang, Victor, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2016) Organisational Sustainability Modelling – an emerging service and analytics model for evaluating Cloud Computing adoption with two case studies. International Journal of Information Management, 36 (1), 167-179. (doi:10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2015.09.001).

Aguti, Beatrice, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2014) Effective use of e-learning technologies to promote student-centered learning paradigms within higher education institutions. International Journal for e-Learning Security (IJeLS), 1-8.

Chang, Victor and Wills, Gary (2016) A Model to Compare Cloud and non-Cloud Storage of Big Data. Future Generation Computer Systems, 57, 56-76. (doi:10.1016/j.future.2015.10.003).

AlMarshedi, Alaa, wills, Gary, Wanick Vieira, Vanissa and Ranchhod, Ashokkumar (2015) SGI: a framework for increasing the sustainability of gamification impact. International Journal for Infonomics, 8 (1/2), 1044-1052. (doi:10.20533/iji.1742.4712.2015.0123).

AlMarshedi, Alaa, Wills, Gary and Ranchhod, Ashok (2015) The wheel of Sukr: a framework for gamifying diabetes self-management in Saudi Arabia. Procedia Computer Science, 63, 475-480. (doi:10.1016/j.procs.2015.08.370).

Chang, Victor, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2015) Emerging Software as a Service and Analytics. Open Journal of Cloud Computing (OJCC).

AlMarshedi, Alaa, Wanick Vieira, Vanissa, Wills, Gary and Ranchhod, Ashok (2015) Gamification and behaviour. In, Gamification: More than just games! Using Game Elements in Serious Contexts. Springer.

Wongse-Ek, Woraluck, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2014) Calculating trustworthiness based on learning outcome. E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2014, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States, United States. 27 - 30 Oct 2014. pp. 2085-2090 .

Wanick Vieira, Vanissa, Ranchhod, Ashok and Wills, Gary (2015) Cultural persuasive affordances in advergaming design across cultures: a conceptual model. AcademicMindTrek '15, , Tampere, Finland. 22 - 24 Sep 2015. pp. 63-68 . (doi:10.1145/2818187.2818293).

Almutiry, Omar, Wills, Gary and Crowder, Richard (2016) A dimension-oriented taxonomy of data quality problems in electronic health records. IADIS International Journal on WWW/Internet, 13 (2), 98-114.

Wills, Julia, Parker, Marlon and Wills, Gary (2015) Reflective evaluation of civil society development: a case study of RLabs Cape Town, South Africa. [in special issue: Research Methods in Community Informatics] The Journal of Community Informatics, 11 (3), 1-23.

Alkhater, Nouf, Chang, Victor, Wills, Gary and Walters, Robert (2015) Towards an Integrated Conceptual Model for Cloud Adoption in Saudi Arabia. Emerging Software as a Service and Analytics 2015 Workshop (ESaaSA 2015), in conjunction with CLOSER 2015. 19 - 21 May 2015.

Chang, Victor, Ramacahdran, Muthu, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2015) Epilogue: Summary and Outlook. Open Journal of Big Data, 47-50.

Wanick Vieira, Vanissa, Ranchhod, Ashok and Wills, Gary (2015) Advergames e influências culturais no comportamento do consumidor: uma análise do papel dos heróis, símbolos, rituais e experiências contextuais. XXXVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Ciências da Comunicação, , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 04 - 07 Sep 2015. 14 pp .

Walls, Eamonn, Santer, Mike, Wills, Gary and Vass, Jeff (2015) The Dreams Plan: a blupoint strategy for e-education provision in South Africa. The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 70 (7), 1-24. (doi:10.1002/j.1681-4835.2015.tb00507.x).

Chang, Victor, Newman, Russell, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2016) Review of economic bubbles. International Journal of Information Management, 36 (4). (doi:10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2016.02.007).

Newman, Russell, Chang, Victor, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2016) Web 2.0 – The past and the future. International Journal of Information Management, 36 (4), 591-598. (doi:10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2016.03.010).

Newman, Russell, Chang, Victor, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2016) Model and experimental development for business data science. International Journal of Information Management, 36 (4), 607-617. (doi:10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2016.04.004).

Phadermrod, Boonyarat, Crowder, Richard M. and Wills, Gary B. (2016) Importance-performance analysis based SWOT analysis. International Journal of Information Management, 1-10. (doi:10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2016.03.009).

Chang, Victor, Ramachandran, Muthu, Yen, Neil N, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2015) The Second International Workshop on Enterprise Security. The Second International Workshop on Enterprise Security (CloudCom 2015), Vancouver, Canada. 30 Nov - 03 Dec 2015. 2 pp .

Mohd Tuah, Nooralisa, Wills, Gary and Ranchhod, Ashok (2016) The characteristics and application of anthropomorphic interface: a design spectrum. ACHI 2016: The Ninth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions, Venice, Italy. 23 - 27 Apr 2016. pp. 398-402 .

Alreemy, Zyad, Chang, Victor, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2016) Critical success factors (CSFs) for information technology governance (ITG). International Journal of Information Management, 36 (6), part A, 907-916. (doi:10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2016.05.017).

Alomar, Noura, Wanick, Vanissa and Wills, Gary (2016) The design of a hybrid cultural model for Arabic gamified systems. Computers in Human Behavior, 64, 472-485. (doi:10.1016/j.chb.2016.07.045).

Jayasinghe, Dayani, Crowder, Richard and Wills, Gary (2016) Model for the adoption of telemedicine in Sri Lanka. SAGE Open, 1-14. (doi:10.1177/2158244016668565).

Jayasinghe, Dayani, Crowder, Richard and Wills, Gary (2016) Barriers preventing introduction of telemedicine. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/399944 [Dataset]

Alruwais, Nuha, Wills, Gary and Wald, Mike (2016) Factors that impact the acceptance and usage of e-assessment by academics in Saudi universities. INTCESS2016 3rd International Conference on Education and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings. 08 - 10 Feb 2016. pp. 119-127 .

Alruwais, Nuha, Wills, Gary and Wald, Mike (2016) Identifying factors that affect the acceptance and use of E-assessment by academics in Saudi Universities. IJAEDU - International E-Journal of Advances in Education, 2 (4), 132-140. (doi:10.18768/ijaedu.20012).

Yahya, Fara, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2015) Modelling threats with security requirements in cloud storage. International Journal for Information Security Research (IJISR), 5 (2), 551-558. (doi:10.20533/ijisr.2042.4639.2015.0063).

Baker, James, Wanick, Vanissa, Asiri, Mashael, Wills, Gary and Ranchhod, Ashok (2017) Immersion and narrative design in educational games across cultures. In, Serious Games and Edutainment Applications: Volume II. Berlin, DE. Springer International Publishing AG, pp. 605-621. (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-51645-5_26).

Alharthi, Abdulrahman, Alassafi, Madini, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2016) Towards a framework to enable the migration process to educational clouds in Saudi higher education. In International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2016). IEEE. p. 7854179 . (doi:10.1109/i-Society.2016.7854179).

Almarshedi, Alaa, Wills, Gary and Ranchhod, Ashok (2016) Gamifying self-management of chronic illnesses: amixed-methods study. JMIR Serious Games, 4 (2), 1-11, [e14]. (doi:10.2196/games.5943). (PMID:27612632)

Akeel, Fatmah, Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh, Paci, Federica, Gravell, Andy and Wills, Gary (2016) Formal modelling of data integration systems security policies. Data Science and Engineering, 1 (3), 139-148. (doi:10.1007/s41019-016-0016-y).

Alassafi, Madini, Obad, Alharthi, Abdulrahman, Ayad, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2016) Security risk factors that influence cloud computing adoption in Saudi Arabia government agencies. In International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2016). 4 pp .

Albugmi, Ahmed, Wills, Gary and Walters, Robert (2016) A framework for cloud computing adoption by Saudi Government overseas agencies. In Future Generation Communication Technologies (FGCT), 2016 Fifth International Conference on. IEEE. 5 pp . (doi:10.1109/FGCT.2016.7605063).

Albugmi, Ahmed, Nammas, Alassafi, Madini, Obad, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2016) Data security in cloud computing. In Future Generation Communication Technologies (FGCT), 2016 Fifth International Conference on : (FGCT 2016). IEEE. pp. 55-59 . (doi:10.1109/FGCT.2016.7605062).

Jeamwatthanachai, Watthanasak, Wald, Mike and Wills, Gary (2017) Map data representation for indoor navigation - a design framework towards a construction of indoor map. In 2016 International Conference on Information Society (i-Society). IEEE. pp. 91-96 . (doi:10.1109/i-Society.2016.7854184).

Alharthi, Abdulrahman, Alassafi, Madini, Wills, Gary and Walters, Robert (2017) An exploratory study for investigating the critical success factors for cloud migration in the Saudi Arabian higher education context. Telematics and Informatics, 34 (2), 664-678. (doi:10.1016/j.tele.2016.10.008).

Sethi, Aneesha, Paci, Federica and Wills, Gary (2017) EEVi – framework for evaluating the effectiveness of visualization in cyber-security. The 11th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST-2016), Barcelona, Spain. 05 - 07 Dec 2016. pp. 340-345 . (doi:10.1109/ICITST.2016.7856726).

Alruwais, Nuha, Wills, Gary and Wald, Mike (2016) Validating factors that impact the acceptance and use of e-assessment among academics in Saudi universities. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 7 (10), 1-8.

Ferdous, Md Sadek, Hussein, Raid, Khalid Hussein, Alassafi, Madini, Obad, Alharthi, Abdulrahman, Ayad, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2016) Threat taxonomy for cloud of things. In, Al-Sabbagh, Ali and Alsabah, Ruaa (eds.) Internet of Things and Big Data Analysis: Recent Trends and Challenges. Anaheim, US. United Scholars Publications, pp. 149-190.

Mongkolsripattana, Sasithorn, Wald, Mike and Wills, Gary (2016) Matching learning material to people with disabilities based on competence and functional capability. The International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2016), Dublin, Ireland. 09 - 12 Oct 2016. 6 pp .

Sethi, Aneesha, Paci, Federica and Wills, Gary (2016) EEVi –Framework and Guidelines to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Cyber-Security Visualization. International Journal of Intelligent Computing Research (IJICR), 7 (4), 761-770. (doi:10.20533/ijicr.2042.4655.2016.0094).

Almansour, Ibrahem, Abdullah, Gerding, Enrico and Wills, Gary (2017) An Agent Trading on Behalf of V2G Drivers in a Day-Ahead Price Market. International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems, , Porto, Portugal. 22 - 24 Apr 2017. 7 pp . (In Press)

Alassafi, Madini, Obad, Hussein, Raid, Khalid Hussein, Wills, Gary, Gashgari, Ghada, Abdalaziz A and Walters, Robert (2017) Security in organisations: governance, risks and vulnerabilities in moving to the cloud. In, Chang, V., Ramachandran, M., Walters, R. and Wills, G. (eds.) Enterprise Security: Second International Workshop, ES 2015, Vancouver, BC, Canada, November 30 – December 3, 2015, Revised Selected Papers. (HASH(0xd06fb10), 10131) Cham, Switzerland. Springer International Publishing. (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-54380-2_11).

Alassafi, Madini, Obad, Alharthi, Abdulrahman, Ayad, Alenezi, Ahmed, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2016) Investigating the security factors in cloud computing adoption: towards developing an integrated framework. Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (JITST), 5 (2), [1]. (doi:10.20533/jitst.2046.3723.2016.0061).

Aaber, Zeyad, Sabah, Wills, Gary B. and Crowder, Richard M. (2017) Protecting Document Outside Enterprise Network: A Confirmed Framework. In, Chang, Victor, Ramachandran, Muthu, Walters, Robert J. and Wills, Gary (eds.) Enterprise Security: Second International Workshop, ES 2015, Vancouver, BC, Canada, November 30 – December 3, 2015, Revised Selected Papers. Cham. Springer International Publishing, pp. 259-275. (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-54380-2_12).

Alenezi, Ahmed, Hussein, Raid, Khalid Hussein, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2017) A Framework for Cloud Forensic Readiness in Organizations. In 2017 5th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Cloud Computing, Services, and Engineering (MobileCloud). IEEE. 199 - 204 . (doi:10.1109/MobileCloud.2017.12).

Atlam, Hany F., Alenezi, Ahmed, Alharthi, Abdulrahman, Ayad, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2017) Integration of cloud computing with internet of things: challenges and open issues. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom) and IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom) and IEEE Smart Data (SmartData),. IEEE. pp. 671-675 . (doi:10.1109/iThings-GreenCom-CPSCom-SmartData.2017.105).

Zulkipli, Nurul H. N.,, Alenezi, Ahmed and Wills, Gary (2017) IoT Forensic: Bridging the Challenges in Digital Forensic and the Internet of Things. In 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS). vol. 1 (doi:10.5220/0006308703150324).

Alenezi, Ahmed, Zulkipli, Nurul H. N., Atlam, H. F.,, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2017) The impact of cloud forensic readiness on security. In 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER). vol. 1, Scitepress. pp. 539-545 . (doi:10.5220/0006332705390545).

Atlam, Hany, Fathy, Alenezi, Ahmed, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2017) An overview of risk estimation techniques in risk-based access control for the internet of things. In 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security. INSTICC. pp. 254-260 . (doi:10.5220/0006292602540260).

Yahya, Fara, Walters, Robert J. and Wills, Gary B. (2017) Using Goal-Question-Metric (GQM) approach to assess security in cloud storage. In, Chang, Victor, Ramachandran, M., Walters, R. and Wills, Gary (eds.) Enterprise Security. (HASH(0xb758408), 10131) Springer, pp. 223-240. (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-54380-2_10).

Hussein, Raid Khalid, Alenezi, Ahmed, Wills, Gary B. and Walters, Robert J. (2016) A framework to secure the virtual machine image in cloud computing. In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Smart Cloud (SmartCloud). IEEE.. (doi:10.1109/SmartCloud.2016.19).

Jeamwatthanachai, Watthanasak, Wald, Michael and Wills, Gary (2017) Map data representation for indoor navigation by blind people. International Journal of Chaotic Computing, 4 (1), 70-78. (doi:10.20533/ijcc.2046.3359.2016.0009).

Atlam, Hany F., Wills, Gary B., Walters, Robert J., Alenezi, Ahmed and Daniel, Joshua (2017) Developing an adaptive Risk-based access control model for the Internet of Things. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom) and IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom) and IEEE Smart Data (SmartData). IEEE. pp. 655-661 . (doi:10.1109/iThings-GreenCom-CPSCom-SmartData.2017.103).

Hussein, Raid Khalid, Alenezi, Ahmed, Atlam, Hany F., Mohammed, Mohammed Q., Walters, Robert J. and Wills, Gary B. (2017) Toward confirming a framework for securing the virtual machine image in cloud computing. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, 2 (4), 44-50. (doi:10.25046/aj020406).

Yahya, Fara, Walters, Robert J and Wills, Gary B (2017) Clustering goal-driven security factors for protecting data in cloud storage using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA): an empirical study. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science. vol. 1 - CLOSER, INSTICC. p. 475 . (doi:10.5220/0006302304750482).

Alassafi, Madini O., Alharthi, Abdulrahman, Walters, Robert J. and Wills, Gary B. (2017) A framework for critical security factors that influence the decision of cloud adoption by Saudi government agencies. Telematics and Informatics, 31 (5), [TELE937]. (doi:10.1016/j.tele.2017.04.010).

Alqahtani, Asma Aljarullah, Crowder, Richard and Wills, Gary (2017) A framework for the adoption of EHRs by primary healthcare physicians in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2017). Infonomics Society. 6 pp .

Alqahtani, Asma, Abdullah Jarullah Aljarullah, Crowder, Richard and Wills, Gary (2017) Barriers to the adoption of EHR systems in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: an exploratory study using a systematic literature review. Journal of Health Informatics in Developing Countries, 11 (2).

Wanick, Vanissa, Ranchhod, Ashok and Wills, Gary (2015) Position paper: culturally-oriented persuasive strategies for advergaming design. In Proceedings of the 2015 British HCI Conference. ACM Press..

Sethi, Aneesha and Wills, Gary (2017) Expert-interviews led analysis of EEVi - a model for effective visualization in cyber-security. IEEE Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security, , Phoenix, United States. 02 Oct 2017. 8 pp . (doi:10.1109/VIZSEC.2017.8062195).

Mohd Tuah, Nooralisa, Wanick, Vanissa, Ranchhod, Ashokkumar and Wills, Gary B. (2017) Exploring avatar roles for motivational effects in gameful environments. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies, 17 (10), [e3]. (doi:10.4108/eai.4-9-2017.153055).

Liu, Noreena, Wills, Gary and Ranchhod, Ashokkumar (2017) Games for change applications in dementia care. 27th Alzheimer Europe Conference: Care today, cure tomorrow, , Berlin, Germany. 02 - 04 Oct 2017. p. 79 .

Atkins, Adam, Wanick, Vanissa and Wills, Gary (2017) Metrics Feedback Cycle: measuring and improving user engagement in gamified eLearning systems. International Journal of Serious Games, 4 (4), 3-19, [1]. (doi:10.17083/ijsg.v4i4.192).

Atlam, Hany F., Alassafi, Madini O., Alenezi, Ahmed, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2018) XACML for building access control policies in Internet of Things. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security: IoTBDS 2018. Scitepress. pp. 253-260 . (doi:10.5220/0006725102530260).

Hamid, Norhazlina, Chang, Victor, Walters, Robert John and Wills, Gary Brian (2017) A Multi-core architecture for a hybrid information system. Computers & Electrical Engineering. (doi:10.1016/j.compeleceng.2017.12.020).

Alzahrani, Abdullah, Ibrahim A, Alharthi, Abdulrahman, Ayad, Alassafi, Madini, Obad, Albugmi, Ahmed, Nammas, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2018) A framework for gamified E-learning systems acceptance in Saudi Arabian universities. In The IRES -332nd International Conference on E-Education, E- Business, E-Management and E-Learning (IC4E). The IRES.. (In Press)

Alkhater, Nouf, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2018) An empirical study of factors influencing cloud adoption among private sector organisations. Telematics and Informatics, 35 (1), 38-54. (doi:10.1016/j.tele.2017.09.017).

Atlam, Hany F., Alenezi, Ahmed, Hussein, Raid Khalid Hussein and Wills, Gary (2018) Validation of an adaptive risk-based access control model for the Internet of Things. International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security, 10 (1), 26-35. (doi:10.5815/ijcnis.2018.01.04).

Ashok, Ranchhod, Zinopoulou, M., Atlam, Hany, F., Wills, Gary and Zulkipli NH, Nik (2016) Building on a secure foundation for the Internet of Things. In IoT Security Foundation Conference 2016. pp. 1-15 .

Almansour, Ibrahem, Abdullah, Gerding, Enrico and Wills, Gary (2018) The feasibility of using V2G to face the peak demand in warm countries. International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems, Madeira, Funchal, Portugal. 16 - 18 Mar 2018. 5 pp .

Atlam, Hany Fathy, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2018) Fog computing and the Internet of Things: a review. Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 2 (2), 1-18. (doi:10.3390/bdcc2020010).

Waterson, Ben, Osowski, Christopher, John, Wills, Gary and Baker, James (2017) Putting intelligence back into traffic lights. 59th Annual Conference of the Operational Research Society, , Loughborough, United Kingdom. 12 - 14 Sep 2017.

Waterson, Ben, Osowski, Chris, Wills, Gary, Baker, James and Nugraha, Aditya Tafta (2017) Small scale driving simulators: A source of realistic data ? 59th Annual Conference of the Operational Research Society, , Loughborough, United Kingdom. 12 - 14 Sep 2017.

Chang, Victor, Wang, Yuanyuan and Wills, Gary (2020) Research investigations on the use or non-use of hearing aids in the smart cities. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 153, 1-10, [119231]. (doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2018.03.002).

Newman, Russell, Chang, Victor, Walters, Robert J. and Wills, Gary (2018) How to analyze data from unlisted but rich firms: From the perspective of data and analysis. IT Professional, 20 (2), 42-52. (doi:10.1109/MITP.2018.021921650).

Almansour, Ibrahem, Abdullah, Gerding, Enrico and Wills, Gary (2018) Automated trading in vehicle-to-grid with price uncertainty using consensus. International Conference on New Energy Vehicle and Vehicle Engineering, , Seoul, Korea, Democratic People's Republic of. 26 - 28 Oct 2018. pp. 1-9 . (In Press)

Atlam, Hany F., Alenezi, Ahmed, Alassafi, Madini O. and Wills, Gary (2018) Blockchain with Internet of Things: benefits, challenges, and future directions. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications, 10 (6), 40-48, [2030]. (doi:10.5815/ijisa.2018.06.05).

Utomo, Rio Guntur, Walters, Robert J. and Wills, Gary B. (2018) Factors affecting the implementation of information assurance for eGovernment in Indonesia. In 2017 12th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, ICITST 2017. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. pp. 225-230 . (doi:10.23919/ICITST.2017.8356388).

Atlam, Hany, Fathy, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2019) Intelligence of things: opportunities & challenges. In 2018 3rd Cloudification of the Internet of Things (CIoT). IEEE. pp. 1-6 . (doi:10.1109/CIOT.2018.8627114).

Wanick, Vanissa, Stallwood, James, Ranchhod, Ashokkumar and Wills, Gary (2018) Can visual familiarity influence attitudes towards brands? An exploratory study of advergame design and cross-cultural consumer behaviour. Entertainment Computing, 27 (1), 194-208. (doi:10.1016/j.entcom.2018.07.002).

Muñoz, Víctor Méndez, Wills, Gary, Walters, Robert, Firouzi, Farshad and Chang, Victor (2018) Foreword. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security. vol. 2018-March, Scitepress. XI-XII .

Atlam, Hany F., Walters, Robert J. and Wills, Gary B. (2018) Internet of Nano Things: Security issues and applications. In Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Cloud and Big Data Computing. ACM Press. 7 pp . (doi:10.1145/3264560.3264570).

Liu, Noreena, Wills, Gary and Ranchhod, Ashok (2018) Game for supporting dementia carers. IEEE GEM 2018: Games, Entertainment, & Media Conference, National University of Ireland Galway, Galway, Ireland. 15 - 18 Aug 2018.

Liu, Noreena, Wills, Gary and Ranchhod, Ashok (2018) Support dementia carers in game. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Serious Games, 5 (16), [e3]. (doi:10.4108/eai.13-7-2018.155086).

Atlam, Hany Fathy, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2018) Internet of Things: state-of-the-art, challenges, applications, and open issues. International Journal of Intelligent Computing Research (IJICR), 9 (3), 928 -938. (doi:10.20533/ijicr.2042.4655.2018.0112).

Liu, Noreena, Wills, Gary and Ashok, Ranchhod (2018) Advergame for dementia awareness and supporting carers. Games for Health Europe: 8th Annual Conference, , Eindhoven, Netherlands. 08 - 09 Oct 2018. 13 pp .

Omitola, Tope and Wills, Gary (2018) Towards Mapping the security Challenges of the Internet of Things (IoT) supply Chain. Procedia Computer Science, 126, 441-450. (doi:10.1016/j.procS.2018.07.278).

Jeamwatthanachai, Watthanasak, Wald, Michael and Wills, Gary (2019) Indoor navigation by blind people: behaviors and challenges in unfamiliar spaces and buildings. British Journal of Visual Impairment, 37 (2), 140–153. (doi:10.1177/0264619619833723).

Jeamwatthanachai, Watthanasak, Wald, Michael and Wills, Gary (2019) Spatial representation framework for better indoor navigation by people with visual impairment. Journal of Enabling Technologies, 13 (4), 212-227. (doi:10.1108/JET-12-2018-0068).

Jeamwatthanachai, Watthanasak, Wald, Michael and Wills, Gary (2019) Building rating system: an instrument for building accessibility measurement for better indoor navigation by blind people. Journal of Enabling Technologies, 13 (3), 158-172. (doi:10.1108/JET-12-2018-0060).

Wanick, Vanissa, Dunn, Rima, Ranchhod, Ashok and Wills, Gary (2019) Analysing cross-cultural design in advergames: a comparison between the UK and Brazil. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Serious Games, 18 (1). (doi:10.4108/eai.13-9-2018.156150).

Atlam, Hany F. and Wills, Gary B. (2019) Intersections between IoT and distributed ledger. Advances in Computers, 115, 73-113. (doi:10.1016/bs.adcom.2018.12.001).

Atlam, Hany Fathy, Walters, Robert, Wills, Gary and Daniel, Joshua (2019) Fuzzy logic with expert judgment to implement an adaptive risk-based access control model for IoT. Mobile Networks and Applications, 1-13. (doi:10.1007/s11036-019-01214-w).

Utomo, Rio Guntur, Wills, Gary B. and Walters, Robert J. (2018) Towards confirming an Information Assurance framework for eGovernment in Indonesia. In Proceeding - 2018 International Conference on ICT for Smart Society: Innovation Toward Smart Society and Society 5.0, ICISS 2018. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. pp. 1-6 . (doi:10.1109/ICTSS.2018.8550010).

McInnes, Nathaniel, Wills, Gary and Zaluska, Edward (2019) Analysis of threats on a VoIP based PBX honeypot. In Analysis of threats on a VoIP Based PBX Honeypot. Infonomics Society. pp. 113-118 . (doi:10.2053/ICITST.WorldCIS.WCST.WCICSS.2018.0015).

Atlam, Hany F. and Wills, Gary B. (2018) Technical aspects of blockchain and IoT. In, Advances in Computers. (HASH(0xcf7d7d0)) Elsevier, pp. 1-39. (doi:10.1016/bs.adcom.2018.10.006).

Omitola, Temitope, Downes, Jonathan, Wills, Gary, Zwolinski, Mark and Butler, Michael (2018) Securing navigation of unmanned maritime systems. Schillai, Sophia M. and Townsend, Nicholas C. (eds.) In Proceedings of the 11th International Robotic Sailing Conference: Southampton, United Kingdom, August 31st - September 1st, 2018. vol. 2331, CEUR-WS. pp. 53-62 .

Atlam, Hany, Fathy and Wills, Gary (2020) IoT security, privacy, safety and ethics. In, Farsi, Maryam, Daneshkhah, Alireza, Hosseinian-Far, Amin and Jahankhani, Hamid (eds.) Digital Twin Technologies and Smart Cities. (Internet of Things) Springer International Publishing, pp. 1-27. (doi:10.1007/978-3-030-18732-3).

Utomo, Rio Guntur, Wills, Gary B. and Walters, Robert J. (2019) Investigating Factors in information assurance implementation: Towards developing an information assurance framework for eGovernment in Indonesia. In 2018 International Conference on Information Technology Systems and Innovation, ICITSI 2018 - Proceedings. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. pp. 10-15 . (doi:10.1109/ICITSI.2018.8695932).

Wiegand, Stefanie, Dickinson, Alexander and Wills, Gary (2019) Synchronising medical data in lower- and middle income countries. (In Press)

Wiegand, Stefanie, Dickinson, Alexander and Wills, Gary (2019) Open specification for synchronisation of electronic healthcare records used by P&O services in lower- and middle income countries. (In Press)

Bouchrika, Imed, Harrati, Nouzha, Wanick Vieira, Vanissa and Wills, Gary (2019) Exploring the impact of gamification on student engagement and involvement with e-learning systems. Interactive Learning Environments. (doi:10.1080/10494820.2019.1623267).

Ralph, David, Li, Yunjia, Wills, Gary and Green, Nicolas G. (2019) Recommendations from cold starts in big data. Chang, Victor, Ramachandran, Muthu, Walters, Robert, Munoz, Victor Mendez and Wills, Gary (eds.) In IoTBDS 2019 - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security. Scitepress. pp. 185-194 .

Kamien, David, Kelly, Michael, Omitola, Temitope and Wills, Gary (2016) MindCollect: An information needs management system for coalition situational awareness, sensemaking, decision making, and mission integration. In Knowledge Systems for Coalition Operations 2016. The University of Edinburgh. pp. 1-9 .

Atlam, Hany F. and Wills, Gary B. (2019) An efficient security risk estimation technique for risk-based access control model for IoT. Internet of Things, 6, 1-20, [100052]. (doi:10.1016/j.iot.2019.100052).

Midtrapanon, Soranut and Wills, Gary (2019) Linux patch management: With security assessment features. 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security, IoTBDS 2019, , Heraklion, Crete, Greece. 01 - 03 May 2019. pp. 270-277 .

Dickinson, Alexander, Donovan-Hall, Margaret, Kheng, Sisary, Wiegand, Stefanie, Wills, Gary, Ostler, Chantel, Srors, Samedy, Tech, Auntouch, Granat, Malcolm, Kenney, Laurence, Pathak, Pathik, Harte, Carson, Worsley, Peter and Metcalf, Cheryl (2019) Technologies to enhance quality and access to prosthetics & orthotics: the importance of a multidisciplinary, user-centred approach Geneva. World Health Organization 12pp. (doi:10.5258/SOTON/P0014).

Alenezi, Ahmed, Atlam, Hany F. and Wills, Gary B. (2019) Experts reviews of a cloud forensic readiness framework for organizations. Journal of Cloud Computing, 8 (1), [11]. (doi:10.1186/s13677-019-0133-z).

Gu, Michael, Van Der Meulen, Allan, Appolis, Kurt, Taphel, Christine, Parker, Marlon and Wills, Gary (2019) Zlto: increase and track positive behaviour using secure blockchain technology. International Journal for Information Security Research (IJISR), Volume 9 (Issue 2), 862 - 870, [2]. (doi:10.20533/ijisr.2042.4639.2019.0099).

McInnes, Nathaniel, Wills, Gary and Zaluska, Edward (2019) Analysis of a PBX toll fraud honeypot. International Journal for Information Security Research (IJISR), 9 (1), 821-830. (doi:10.20533/ijisr.2042.4639.2019.0094).

Pahl, Claus, Ramachandran, Muthu and Wills, Gary (2019) Special Issue: Intelligent Management of Cloud, IoT and Big Data Applications. Journal of Grid Computing. (doi:10.1007/s10723-019-09496-w).

Omitola, Temitope and Wills, Gary (2020) Appendices for: Developing A Framework and An Instrument For Measuring System Openness. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1211 [Dataset]

Omitola, Temitope and Wills, Gary (2020) Developing a framework and an instrument for measuring system openness. International Journal of Organizational and Collective Intelligence. (Submitted)

Obthong, Mehtabhorn, Tantisantiwong, Nongnuch, Jeamwatthanachai, Watthanasak and Wills, Gary (2020) A survey on machine learning for stock price prediction: algorithms and techniques. 2nd International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business, Vienna House Diplomat Prague, Prague, Czech Republic. 05 - 06 May 2020. pp. 63-71 . (doi:10.5220/0009340700630071).

Ralph, David, Li, Yunjia, Wills, Gary and Green, Nicolas G. (2020) Recommendations from cold starts in big data. Computing, 102 (6), 1323-1344. (doi:10.1007/s00607-020-00792-y).

Alkhlewi, Amal, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2020) Towards a framework for the successful implementation of a government cloud in Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management, 9 (4), 281-291. (doi:10.1504/IJBPIM.2019.105678).

Omitola, Temitope and Wills, Gary (2019) Emergency response ontology informatics: using ontologies to improve emergency and hazard management. International Journal of Intelligent Computing Research (IJICR), 10 (3), 1022-1032. (doi:10.20533/ijicr.2042.4655.2019.0124).

Sriphum, Wiwat, Wills, Gary and Green, Nicolas (2020) FLOPTICS: A novel automated gating technique for flow cytometry data. 5th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk, Vienna House Diplomat Prague Evropska 15 16041 Prague, Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic. 08 - 09 May 2020. pp. 96-102 .

Ghamri, Rayan, Mohamed S, Fadhel, Nawfal and Wills, Gary (2020) Investigating trusted records for employment and education. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security - Volume 1: IoTBDS. 412 - 219 . (doi:10.5220/0009489504120419).

Alzahrani, Ahmed Ghurmullah M, Alenezi, Ahmed, Mershed A, Atlam, Hany, Fathy Mousa and Wills, Gary (2020) A framework for data sharing between healthcare providers using Blockchain. Wills, Gary, Kacsuk, Peter and Chang, Victor (eds.) In IoTBDS 2020 - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security. vol. 1, Scitepress. pp. 349-358 . (doi:10.5220/0009413403490358).

Almarshedi, Alaa, Wills, Gary B., Wanick, Vanissa and Ranchhod, Ashok (2015) Towards a sustainable gamification impact. In International Conference on Information Society, i-Society 2014. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. pp. 195-200 . (doi:10.1109/i-Society.2014.7009041).

McInnes, Nathaniel and Wills, Gary (2021) The VoIP PBX Honeypot Advance Persistent Threat Analysis. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security - IoTBDS. Scitepress. pp. 70-80 . (doi:10.5220/0010443500700080).

Chang, Victor, Wills, Gary and Baudier, Patricia (2021) Impacts and investigations of disruptive technologies for Industry 4.0. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. (In Press)

McInnes, Nathaniel (2022) HoneyPot Data for PhD Thesis - A Multi-Level Governance Framework for Increasing Awareness and Reducing Cyber Misuse in Next Generation Cross Border Voice Communication Networks & IoT. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D2151 [Dataset]

McInnes, Nathaniel (2022) Stakeholder Interviews Data for PhD Thesis - A Multi-Level Governance Framework for Increasing Awareness and Reducing Cyber Misuse in Next Generation Cross Border Voice Communication Networks & IoT. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D2152 [Dataset]

Omitola, Temitope, Waterson, Ben, Tsakalakis, Niko, Gomer, Richard, Stalla-Bourdillon, Sophie, Cherrett, Thomas and Wills, Gary (2022) Provisioning security in a next generation mobility as a service system. In, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2022).

Omitola, Temitope, Gomer, Richard, Wills, Gary, Tsakalakis, Niko, Stalla-Bourdillon, Sophie, Waterson, Ben and Cherrett, Thomas (2022) User configurable privacy requirements elicitation in cyber-physical systems. In Adaptive and Personalized Privacy and Security. 15 pp . (In Press)

Zhang, Danni, Bayer, Steffen, Wills, Gary, Frei, Regina, Gerding, Enrico and Senyo, PK (2022) Using big data analytics to combat retail fraud. the 4th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business. pp. 85-92 . (doi:10.5220/0011042600003206).

Omitola, Temitope, Waterson, Ben, Tsakalakis, Niko, Gomer, Richard, Stalla-Bourdillon, Sophie, Cherrett, Thomas and Wills, Gary (2021) UMIS Stakeholders' User Requirements' Report Southampton. University of Southampton 55pp. (doi:10.5258/SOTON/P1071).

Zhang, Danni, Frei, Regina, Bayer, Steffen, Senyo, PK, Wills, Gary, Gerding, Enrico and Beck, Adrian (2022) The impact of COVID-19 on managing product returns in retail. In The 6th World Conference on Production and Operations Management. pp. 633-642 .

Chang, Victor, Abdel-Basset, Mohamed, Ramachandran, Muthu, Green, Nicolas G. and Wills, Gary (2022) Novel AI and Data Science Advancements for Sustainability in the Era of COVID-19 , 1st ed. Academic Press, 275pp.

Sriphum, Wiwat, Wills, Gary and Green, Nicolas (2021) Floptics: A novel automated gating technique for flow cytometry data. International Journal of Organizational and Collective Intelligence, 12 (1).


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I have joined University of Warwick since July 2020 and this website will not be maintained anymore. Please visit the website of my Human-Agent Learning Lab for more details:

I'm currently an Associate Professor in Computer Science at the University of Warwick and a Visiting Fellow at the University of Southampton.


Research Awards/Recognitions:

  • IJCAI 2019 Early Career Spotlight Talk (invited)
  • Vice-Chancellor's Award 2018 (Univ. of Southampton)
  • Royal Society Kan Tong Po Visiting Fellowship 2017
  • Visiting Fellowship at the University of Southern California CAIS Center 2017
  • AAAI 2012 Outstanding Paper Award, honourable mention
  • ECAI 2012 Best Student Paper Award, runner-up
  • ECCAI Artificial Intelligence Dissertation Award (for the best European PhD thesis in Artificial Intelligence in 2012), honourable mention
  • CPHC/BCS PhD Dissertation Award (for the best Computer Science PhD thesis in the UK in 2012/2013), runner-up


Teaching Awards:

  • Dean's Award 2017 (Faculty of Physical Sciences and Engineering, Southampton)
  • Most Engaging Lecturer (Univ. of Southampton) 2016


Research interests

Human-aware AI: My main research focus is on combining machine learning, game theory, optimisation, and incentive engineering to tackle optimisation problems within AI systems caused by strategic and selfish human users.

AI for Social Good: I also apply my core AI research to a number of societal challenges, including:

• Using machine learning (ML) and crowdsourced incentive engineering to develop air pollution monitoring system with low cost mobile sensor devices

• Developing smart devices that can use energy efficient algorithms to learn to detect a number of diseases such as TB, or to predict severe health issues such as asthma attacks.

• Designing intelligent housing management systems for homeless people.

• Applying AI and optimisation techniques for efficient suicide prevention.

• Building intelligent solutions for national/cyber security issues.

I also have 2 projects with my colleagues in Vietnam. One is about building low-cost sensor systems for air pollution monitoring in Saigon (joint work with Hien vo from VGU and Huy-Dzung Han from HUST), and the other one is about building stand-alone intelligent devices for tuberculosis testing (with Cuong Pham from PTIT). Apart from these, I am also interested in applying AI to governance (govtech) and education (edtech).   

Online learning: One of my core research areas is bandit theory. In particular, I investigate multi-armed bandit (MAB) models where pulling an arm (i.e., making a decision) requires a cost and the total spending is limited by a finite budget. To tackle this problem, I have introduced a new model, called the budget-limited MAB, and have also proposed a number of arm pulling algorithms for which I have provided both theoretical and empirical performance analyses. I am also interested in applying this bandit model (or its variances) to other domains of AI, such as: (i) decentralised controlling for UAVs; (ii) information collection in wireless sensor networks; and (iii) budget-limited online keyword bidding.

Game theory: My other core research area is game theory: I mainly focus on large coalition formation games from both game theoretical and decision making perspective. In more detail, I look at systems where the number of participants is very large (typically thousands or more). Within these systems, calculating different solution concepts (e.g., the core, nucleolus, Shapley-value, etc.) are very hard. Given this, my goal is to identify approximation techniques that can efficiently provide high quality results. To do so, with some of my colleagues, we have introduced a novel, vector-based, representation model of the participating agents, with which we can calculate the abovementioned concepts in a significantly more efficient way. We have also analysed the error bounds of approximating the Shapley value in large games.

I also study different games with resource allocation from both aspects of classical and behavioural game theory. In particular, I am interested in calculating different equilibria and price of anarchy. 

From the behavioural game theory perspective, I aim to identify players' favourite strategies when they repeatedly play such games against different opponents (Repeated Colonel Blotto).

Crowdsourcing: More recently, I investigate the performance of different crowdsourcing systems from a theoretical perspective, aiming to provide rigorous performance guarantees for task allocation algorithms. 

Home energy management: I am heavily involved in the research work on home energy management. In particular, we aim to improve the energy consumption profile of home owners, in order to reduce the CO2 emission of the domestic energy sector. To do so, as the first step, we mainly focussed on the accurate learning and prediction of homeowners' habit, such as appliance usage and heating preferences. Our results were published at ACM E-Energy 2013 and IJCAI 2013.

I am also interested in how to keep user annoyance at an efficient level while interacting with them. With my collaborators we have developed a number of techniques to achieve this goal, and our findings were published at IJCAI 2016 and AAMAS 2018.

Other research interests:

The cost of interference to closed evolving systems: We investigate what is the cost to interfere into closed systems, if we want the system to achieve some desirable states. As a first step, we look at evolving evolutionary games, where an external decision maker can invest his resources into the system (e.g., via a reward scheme) such that in the long term, the agents will follow a preferred behaviour. A preliminary result has been presented at COIN 2014 and NAG 2014, and our most recent results just got accepted to Nature’s Scientific Reports.

Non-monetary referral incentives: I am also investigating how non-monetary referral incentivisation work in social networks. You can find a preliminary version of our work here. For more details, you can visit the website of our project, or watch a video about it. 

Algebraic topology for machine learning: With my PhD student Tom Davies we are also investigating how to make the application of persistent diagrams and other techniques from algebraic topology more efficient and automated in machine learning systems. Our first result is a fuzzy clustering method for persistent diagrams.


I have taught the following modules at Southampton:

COMP1201 - Algorithmics (module leader)

COMP3222/6246 - Machine Learning Technologies (module leader)

COMP6247 - Reinforcement and Online Learning (module leader)


Kho, Johnsen, Tran-Thanh, Long, Rogers, Alex and Jennings, Nick (2009) Distributed Adaptive Sampling, Forwarding, and Routing Algorithms for Wireless Visual Sensor Networks. Third International Workshop on Agent Technology for Sensor Networks, a workshop of the 8th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS-09), Budapest, Hungary. 10 - 15 May 2009. pp. 63-70 .

Kho, Johnsen, Tran-Thanh, Long, Rogers, Alex and Jennings, Nicholas R. (2010) An Agent-Based Distributed Coordination Mechanism for Wireless Visual Sensor Nodes Using Dynamic Programming. The Computer Journal, 53 (8), 1277-1290.

Tran-Thanh, Long, Chapman, Archie, Munoz De Cote Flores Luna, Jose Enrique, Rogers, Alex and Jennings, Nicholas R. (2010) Epsilon–First Policies for Budget–Limited Multi-Armed Bandits. Twenty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Atlanta, USA, Georgia. 10 - 14 Jul 2010. pp. 1211-1216 .

Tran-Thanh, Long (2010) Multi–Armed Bandit Models for Efficient Long–Term Information Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks s.n. (In Press)

Tran-Thanh, Long, Rogers, Alex and Jennings, Nick (2012) Long–term information collection with energy harvesting wireless sensors: a multi–armed bandit based approach. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 25 (2), 352-394. (doi:10.1007/s10458-011-9179-0).

Tran-Thanh, Long, Polukarov, Maria, Chapman, Archie, Rogers, Alex and Jennings, Nicholas R. (2011) On the Existence of Pure Strategy Nash Equilibria in Integer-Splittable Weighted Congestion Games. 4th International Symposium, SAGT 2011, Amalfi, Italy. pp. 236-253 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-642-24829-0_22).

Stranders, Ruben, Tran-Thanh, Long, Delle Fave, Francesco Maria, Rogers, Alex and Jennings, Nick (2012) DCOPS and bandits: Exploration and exploitation in decentralised coordination. Proc. 11th Int. Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS), Valencia, Spain. pp. 289-297 .

Tran-Thanh, Long, Chapman, Archie, Rogers, Alex and Jennings, Nicholas R. (2012) Knapsack based optimal policies for budget-limited multi-armed bandits. Twenty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-12), Toronto, Canada. 21 Jul 2012. pp. 1134-1140 .

Tran-Thanh, Long (2012) Budget-limited multi-armed bandits. University of Southampton, Faculty of Physical and Applied Sciences, Doctoral Thesis, 173pp.

Truong, Ngoc Cuong, Tran-Thanh, Long, Costanza, Enrico and Ramchurn, Sarvapali D. (2012) Predicting energy consumption activities for home energy management. Agent Technologies for Energy Systems (ATES 2012), Valencia, Spain. 8 pp .

Tran-Thanh, Long, Stein, Sebastian, Rogers, Alex and Jennings, Nicholas R. (2012) Efficient crowdsourcing of unknown experts using multi-armed bandits. 20th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2012), Montpellier, France. 26 - 30 Aug 2012. pp. 768-773 . (doi:10.3233/978-1-61499-098-7-768).

Tran-Thanh, Long, Venanzi, Matteo, Rogers, Alex and Jennings, Nicholas R. (2013) Efficient Budget Allocation with Accuracy Guarantees for Crowdsourcing Classification Tasks. AAMAS '13 Proceedings of the 2013 international conference on Autonomous agents and multi-agent systems. pp. 901-908 .

Tran-Thanh, Long, Nguyen, Tri-Dung, Rahwan, Talal, Rogers, Alex and Jennings, N. R. (2013) An efficient vector-based representation for coalitional games. IJCAI'13 Proceedings of the Twenty-Third international joint conference on Artificial Intelligence. pp. 383-389 .

Truong, Ngoc Cuong, Tran-Thanh, Long, Costanza, Enrico and Ramchurn, D. Sarvapali (2013) Activity prediction for agent-based home energy management. Agent Technologies for Energy Systems (ATES 2013), Minnesota, United States. 05 - 06 May 2013. 8 pp .

Truong, Ngoc Cuong, Tran-Thanh, Long, Costanza, Enrico and Ramchurn, Sarvapali D. (2013) Towards appliance usage prediction for home energy management. ACM E-Energy 2013, Berkeley, United States. 20 - 23 May 2013. 2 pp .

Truong, Ngoc Cuong, McInerney, James, Tran-Thanh, Long, Costanza, Enrico and Ramchurn, Sarvapali D. (2013) Forecasting multi-appliance usage for smart home energy management. 23rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2013), , Beijing, China. 03 - 09 Aug 2013.

Tran-Thanh, Long, Huynh, Trung Dong, Rosenfeld, A, Ramchurn, Sarvapali and Jennings, Nicholas R. (2014) BudgetFix: budget limited crowdsourcing for interdependent task allocation with quality guarantees. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems: AAMAS '14. ACM Press. pp. 477-484 .

Tran-Thanh, Long, Stein, Sebastian and Rogers, Alex et al. (2014) Efficient crowdsourcing of unknown experts using bounded multi-armed bandits. Artificial Intelligence, 214, 89-111. (doi:10.1016/j.artint.2014.04.005).

Tran-Thanh, Long, Stavrogiannis, Lampros C., Naroditskiy, Victor, Robu, Valentin, Jennings, Nicholas R. and Key, Peter (2014) Efficient regret bounds for online bid optimisation in budget-limited sponsored search auctions. Zhang, Nevin L. and Tian, Jin (eds.) In Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Proceedings of the Thirtieth Conference (2014): July 23-27, 2014, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. AUAI Press. pp. 809-818 .

Han, TheAnh, Tran-Thanh, Long and Jennings, Nicholas R. (2014) The cost of interference in evolving systems. COIN 2014: The 17th International Workshop on Coordination, Organisations, Institutions and Norms, Paris, France. 05 Jun 2014.

Naroditskiy, Victor, Stein, Sebastian, Tonin, Mirco, Tran-Thanh, Long, Vlassopoulos, Michael and Jennings, N.R. (2014) Referral incentives in crowdfunding. HCOMP2014: Conference on Human Computation & Crowdsourcing, Pittsburgh, United States. 02 - 04 Nov 2014. pp. 171-183 .

Tran-Thanh, Long, Huynh, Trung Dong, Rosenfeld, Avi, Ramchurn, Sarvapali D. and Jennings, Nicholas R. (2015) Crowdsourcing complex workflows under budget constraints. In AAAI'15 Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. ACM Press. pp. 1298-1304 .

Tran-Thanh, Long, Xia, Yingce, Qin, Tao and Jennings, Nicholas R. (2015) Efficient algorithms with performance guarantees for the stochastic multiple-choice knapsack problem. In IJCAI'15 Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. ACM Press. pp. 403-409 .

Tran-Thanh, Long, Xu, Haifeng and Jennings, Nicholas R. (2016) Playing repeated security games with no prior knowledge. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2016), Singapore, Singapore. 08 - 12 May 2016. 9 pp .

Kawale, Jaya, Bui, Hung, Kveton, Branislav, Tran-Thanh, Long and Chawla, Sanjay (2015) Efficient Thompson sampling for online matrix-factorization recommendation. In NIPS'15: Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems - Volume 1. vol. 1, ACM Press. pp. 1297-1305 .

Truong, Ngoc Cuong, Baarslag, Tim, Ramchurn, Gopal and Tran-Thanh, Long (2016) Interactive scheduling of appliance usage in the home. 25th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-160, New York, United States. 08 - 14 Jul 2016. 7 pp .

Waniek, Marcin, Tran-Thanh, Long, Michalak, Tomasz P. and Jennings, Nicholas (2017) The dollar auction with spiteful players. In Proceedings of the Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the Twenty-Ninth Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference. vol. 1, AAAI. 7 pp .

Guo, Qingyu, An, Bo and Tran-Thanh, Long (2017) Playing repeated network interdiction games with semi-bandit feedback. In Twenty-Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-17). 9 pp . (In Press)

Zhang, Youzhi, An, Bo, Tran-Thanh, Long, Wang, Zhen, Gan, Jiarui and Jennings, Nicholas R. (2017) Optimal escape Interdiction on transportation networks. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, MCEC (Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Center), Melbourne, Australia. 19 - 25 Aug 2017. 9 pp .

Gunes, Taha, Norman, Timothy and Tran-Thanh, Long (2017) Budget limited trust-aware decision making. In, AAMAS 2017: Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10643) Springer International Publishing, pp. 101-110. (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-71679-4_7).

Truong, Nhat, Van Quoc, Stein, Sebastian, Tran-Thanh, Long and Jennings, Nick (2018) Adaptive incentive selection for crowdsourcing contests. 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, , Stockholm, Sweden. 11 - 12 Jul 2018. pp. 2100-2102 .

Khan, Md. Mosaddek, Tran-Thanh, Long, Yeoh, William and Jennings, Nicholas (2018) A near-optimal node-to-agent mapping heuristic for GDL-based DCOP algorithms in multi-agent systems. In 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. pp. 1613-1621 .

Khan, Md. Mosaddek, Tran-Thanh, Long and Jennings, Nicholas (2018) A generic domain pruning technique for GDL-based DCOP algorithms in cooperative multi-agent systems. In 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. vol. 3, International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. pp. 1595-1603 .

Manino, Edoardo, Tran-Thanh, Long and Jennings, Nicholas (2018) On the efficiency of data collection for crowdsourced classification. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, , Stockholm, Sweden. 13 - 19 Jul 2018. 8 pp .

Güneş, Taha D., Tran-Thanh, Long and Norman, Timothy J. (2018) Strategic attacks on trust models via bandit optimization. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2154, 87-95.

Schlenker, Aaron, Thakoor, Omkar, Xu, Haifeng, Fang, Fei, Tambe, Milind, Tran-Thanh, Long, Vayanos, Phebe and Vorobeychik, Yevgeniy (2018) Deceiving cyber adversaries: A game theoretic approach. In 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS 2018. vol. 2, International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. pp. 892-900 .

Le, Tiep, Tabakhi, Atena M., Tran-Thanh, Long, Yeoh, William and Son, Tran Cao (2018) Preference elicitation with interdependency and user bother cost. In 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS 2018. vol. 2, International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. pp. 1459-1467 .

Serb, Alexantrou, Manino, Edoardo, Messaris, Ioannis, Tran-Thanh, Long and Prodromakis, Themis (2017) Hardware-level Bayesian inference. In Neural Information Processing Systems. 7 pp .

Guo, Qingyu, Gan, Jiarui, Fang, Fei, Tran-Thanh, Long, Tambe, Milind and An, Bo (2018) Inducible equilibrium for security games. In 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS 2018. vol. 3, International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (IFAAMAS). pp. 1947-1949 .

Han, The Anh and Tran-Thanh, Long (2018) Cost-effective external interference for promoting the evolution of cooperation. Scientific Reports, 8 (1), 1-9, [15997]. (doi:10.1038/s41598-018-34435-2).

Han, The Anh, Lynch, Simon, Tran-Thanh, Long and Santos, Francisco C. (2018) Fostering cooperation in structured populations through local and global interference strategies. In Proceedings of the 27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2018. vol. 2018-July, International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence. pp. 289-295 .

Shi, Zheyuan Ryan, Tang, Ziye, Tran-Thanh, Long, Singh, Rohit and Fang, Fei (2018) Designing the game to play: Optimizing payoff structure in security games. In Proceedings of the 27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2018. vol. 2018-July, International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence. pp. 512-518 .

Chan, Hau, Tran-Thanh, Long, Wilder, Bryan, Rice, Eric, Vayanos, Phebe and Tambe, Milind (2018) Utilizing housing resources for homeless youth through the lens of multiple multi-dimensional knapsacks. In AIES 2018 - Proceedings of the 2018 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society. ACM Press. pp. 41-47 . (doi:10.1145/3278721.3278757).

Gualán, Ronald, Gualán, Ronald, Saquicela, Víctor and Tran-Thanh, Long (2019) EDA and a tailored data imputation algorithm for daily ozone concentrations. Botto-Tobar, M., Barba-Maggi, L., Gonzalez-Huerta, J., Villacres-Cevallos, P., Gomez, O.S. and Uvidia-Fassler, M. (eds.) In Information and Communication Technologies of Ecuador (TIC.EC) : TICEC 2018. vol. 884, Springer. pp. 372-386 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-030-02828-2_27).

Gholami, Shahrzad, Yadav, Amulya, Tran-Thanh, Long, Dilkina, Bistra and Tambe, Milind (2019) Don’t put all your strategies in one basket: Playing green security games with imperfect prior knowledge. Agmon, N., Taylor, M.E., Elkind, E. and Veloso, M. (eds.) In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems. International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. pp. 395-403 .

Guo, Qingyu, Gan, Jiarui, Fang, Fei, Tran-Thanh, Long, Tambe, Milind and An, Bo (2019) On the inducibility of Stackelberg Equilibrium for security games. In 33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. AAAI. 8 pp .

Zhang, Youzhi, Guo, Qingyu, An, Bo, Tran-Thanh, Long and Jennings, Nicholas R. (2019) Optimal interdiction of urban criminals with the aid of real-time information. In 33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. AAAI. 8 pp .

Gunes, Taha, Tran-Thanh, Long and Norman, Timothy (2019) Identifying vulnerabilities in trust and reputation systems. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI-19, Macao, China, August 10-16, 2019. International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization. pp. 308-314 . (doi:10.24963/ijcai.2019/44).

Gunes, Taha, Tran-Thanh, Long and Norman, Timothy (2019) Attack strategies and analysis for trust and reputation systems. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0937 [Dataset]

Gan, Jiarui, Xu, Haifeng, Guo, Qingyu, Tran-Thanh, Long, Rabinovich, Zinovi and Wooldridge, Michael (2019) Imitative follower deception in Stackelberg games. In ACM EC 2019 - Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Conference on Economics and Computation. ACM Press. pp. 639-657 . (doi:10.1145/3328526.3329629).

Manino, Edoardo, Tran-Thanh, Long and Jennings, Nicholas (2019) On the efficiency of data collection for multiple Naïve Bayes classifiers. Artificial Intelligence, 275, 356-378. (doi:10.1016/j.artint.2019.06.010).

Truong, Nhat, Van Quoc, Stein, Sebastian, Tran-Thanh, Long and Jennings, Nick (2019) What prize is right? How to learn the optimal structure for crowdsourcing contests. Nayak, Abhaya and Sharma, Alok (eds.) In PRICAI 2019: Trends in Artificial Intelligence. vol. 1160, Springer. pp. 85-97 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-030-29908-8_7).

Romero Moreno, Guillermo, Tran-Thanh, Long and Brede, Markus (2020) Shielding and shadowing: a tale of two strategies for opinion control in the voting dynamics. Cherifi, Hocine, Gaito, Sabrina, Mendes, José Fernendo, Moro, Esteban and Rocha, Luis Mateus (eds.) In Complex Networks and Their Applications VIII: Volume 1: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications COMPLEX NETWORKS 2019. vol. 881, Springer. pp. 682-693 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-030-36687-2_57).

Serafino, Paolo, Ventre, Carmine, Tran-Thanh, Long, Zhang, Jie, An, Bo and Jennings, Nick (2019) Social cost guarantees in smart route guidance. Nayak, A. and Sharma, A. (eds.) In PRICAI 2019: Trends in Artificial Intelligence. PRICAI 2019. vol. 11671, Springer, Cham. pp. 482-495 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-030-29911-8_37).

Leelavimolsilp, Tin, Nguyen, Viet, Stein, Sebastian and Tran-Thanh, Long (2019) Selfish mining in Proof-of-Work blockchain with multiple miners: An empirical evaluation. Baldoni, Matteo, Dastani, Mehdi, Liao, Beishui, Sakurai, Yuko and Zalila-Wenkstern, Rym (eds.) In PRIMA 2019: Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems. vol. 11873, Springer. pp. 219-234 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-030-33792-6_14).

Manino, Edoardo, Tran-Thanh, Long and Jennings, Nicholas (2019) Streaming Bayesian inference for crowdsourced classification. 33rd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2019), , Vancouver, Canada. 08 - 14 Dec 2019. 11 pp .

Xun, Lei, Tran-Thanh, Long, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Merrett, Geoff (2020) Optimising resource management for embedded machine learning. Di Natale, Giorgio, Bolchini, Cristiana and Vatajelu, Elena-Ioana (eds.) In Proceedings of the 2020 Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition, DATE 2020. pp. 1556-1561 . (doi:10.23919/DATE48585.2020.9116235).

Xun, Lei (2019) Dataset for "Optimising Resource Management for Embedded Machine Learning". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1154 [Dataset]

Xun, Lei (2020) Dataset for "Incremental Training and Group Convolution Pruning for Runtime DNN Performance Scaling on Heterogeneous Embedded Platforms". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1245 [Dataset]

Romero Moreno, Guillermo, Manino, Edoardo, Tran-Thanh, Long and Brede, Markus (2020) Zealotry and influence maximization in the voter model: when to target zealots? Barbosa, Hugo, Menezes, Ronaldo, Gomez-Gardenes, Jesus, Gonçalves, Bruno, Mangioni, Giuseppe and Oliveira, Marcos (eds.) In Complex Networks XI - Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Complex Networks, CompleNet 2020: Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Complex Networks CompleNet 2020. Springer. pp. 107-118 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-030-40943-2_10).

Romero Moreno, Guillermo, Tran-Thanh, Long and Brede, Markus (2020) Continuous influence maximisation for the voter dynamics: is targeting high-degree nodes a good strategy? International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 2020, , Auckland, New Zealand. 09 - 13 May 2020. 3 pp .

Manino, Edoardo (2020) Source code of binary_sims.exe and related datasets. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1505 [Dataset]

Ortega Alban, Andre Paola, Ramchurn, Sarvapali, Tran-Thanh, Long and Merrett, Geoffrey (2020) Dataset for: Partner selection in self-organised wireless sensor networks for opportunistic energy negotiation: A multi-armed bandit based approach. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1659 [Dataset]

Bishop, Nicholas, Chan, Hau, Mandal, Debmalya and Tran-Thanh, Long (2020) Adversarial blocking bandits. Larochelle, H., Ranzato, M., Hadsell, R., Balcan, M.F. and Lin, H. (eds.) In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33 (NeurIPS 2020). NeurIPS..

Bishop, Nicholas, Tran-Thanh, Long and Gerding, Enrico (2020) Optimal learning from verified training data. Larochelle, H., Ranzato, M., Hadsell, R., Balcan, M.F. and Lin, H. (eds.) In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33 (NeurIPS 2020). NeurIPS..

Ortega, Andre P., Ramchurn, Sarvapali, Tran-Thanh, Long and Merrett, Geoff (2021) Partner selection in self-organised wireless sensor networks for opportunistic energy negotiation: A multi-armed bandit based approach. Ad Hoc Networks, 112, [102354]. (doi:10.1016/j.adhoc.2020.102354).

Mahmud, Saaduddin, Choudhury, Moumita, Khan, Md. Mosaddek, Tran-Thanh, Long and Jennings, Nicholas R. (2020) AED: An Anytime Evolutionary DCOP Algorithm. An, B, Yorke-Smith, N, Fallah Seghrouch, El and Sukthank, G (eds.) In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2020. International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (IFAAMAS). pp. 825-833 .


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 BEng, MSc, IET

ECS Labs Demonstrators Administrator



Michail is an electronics engineer and entrepreneur with multiple honorary awards for academic excellence. Currently working in the position of the Demonstrators’ Administrator of the ECS Labs.

Experienced as a laboratory demonstrator for undergraduate students and a mentor for postgraduates. Trained in Equality Diversity and Inclusion, Academic Integrity, Orientation to Teaching & Demonstrating (OTD) and teaching skills for undergraduate and postgraduate students. Experienced in organizing and chairing academic events and conferences. Nominated for two continuous years for the Vice-Chancellor awards in mentoring receiving 4.9/5 feedback from MSc students.

Inventor of a patent candidate for a second one and experienced in R&D management and Analog/Digital electronics designing (speciality FPGAs) in nuclear accelerators and industrial applications. Trained on Data Acquisition systems and intellectual property strategies from CERN and Intellectual Property Office respectively.  He worked in the past as an inter-engineer in the renowned research institute for heavy-ion acceleration GSI in Germany. He founded an electronics consultancy company, specialized in FPGAs and PCB designing. The company is fully equipped with a high-end laboratory offering testing and fabrication services for digital and analogue electronics.

Some of his ideas/projects ranked amongst the top 5 innovative business ideas in the UK from the Royal Academy of Engineering. He is awarded by the Ministry of Defence for his contributions to the Military Engineering Department.


Research interests

  • Hardware accelerated algorithms on multicore FPGA platforms.
  • Efficient Sparse Matrix Vector Multiplication formatting.
  • Switched Capacitor Integrators.
  • Low-cost PCB fabrication methods through polarised light.


  • Creation of a Printed Circuit Board through polarised light (ID: 1007856)
  • Liquid flow sensor apparatus (under construction)


  • M. Pligouroudis, R. A. G. Nuno and T. Kazmierski, "Modified Compressed Sparse Row Format for Accelerated FPGA-Based Sparse Matrix Multiplication," 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Seville, Spain, 2020                                                                                                                                                                                   
  • M. Pligouroudis, A. Khiat, A. Serb, T. Prodromakis, “Reconfigurable memristor-based Gain Instrumentation Amplifier,” International Conference on Memristive Materials, Devices & Systems (MEMRISYS 2017) , Athens Greece
  • M. Pligouroudis, K. Papadimitriou, D. Evans, T. Prodromakis, “A dual Switched-Capacitor integrator architecture for versatile, real-time amperometric biosensing”, ISCAS 2017 International Conference

  • P. Zumbruch, M. Traxler, M. Pligouroudis, “The credit-card sized, general purpose controls platform: HadCon2”, GSI Scientific report, Darmstadt, 2013

  • M. Pligouroudis, “One-Wired multichannel ADC”, White Paper, Darmstadt, 2013

  • M. Pligouroudis, M. Traxler, “Remote waveform generator & digital random generator “, White Paper, Darmstadt, 2013


  •  ECS Labs Demonstrators Administrator 
  •  L9 X7 X8 modules for PCB Designing 
  •  Mentor of the MSc programmes: "System on Chip",  "Microelectronic System Design" 
  •  Laboratory Demonstrator 


Pligouroudis, Michail, Papadimitriou, Konstantinos, Evans, Daniel J. and Prodromakis, Themistoklis (2017) A dual switched-capacitor integrator architecture for versatile, real-time amperometric biosensing. In 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS). IEEE.. (doi:10.1109/ISCAS.2017.8050728).


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Personal homepage


Professor Bashir M. Al-Hashimi is a Visiting Professor in Electronics and Computer Science (ECS) at the University of Southampton and an ARM Professor of Computer Engineering at King's College London. He worked in the electronics design industry for eight years prior to embarking on an academic career with ECS in 1999, where he was awarded a personal Chair in 2004.

His research focuses on studying the interaction between hardware and software of energy-constrained computing to design systems that are more energy efficient and more reliable through theoretical and experimental advances. He has made contributions to the field of energy-efficient mobile computing systems, low-power test and test-data compression of digital integrated circuits and energy-harvesting computing. His research is supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). See here. In 2008, he founded the Arm-ECS industry-academia centre of research excellence in energy-efficient computing. He has supervised 40 PhD students to successful completion, published 380 referred technical papers, authored or co-authored 7 books and his recent edited book can be found here.

Bashir is an interdisciplinary researcher and he has led successfully a number of large-scale interdisciplinary research programmes funded by the EPSRC and industry. As examples, he was the principal investigator of an EPSRC Programme Grant PRiME as well as the Holistic project. Bashir has established numerous international research collaborations and he is currently a member of the EPSRC-funded international centre-to-centre research consortia in Spatial Computational Learning. He was awarded a CBE in 2018 for services to engineering and industry, was elected a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering in 2013 and as a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in 2011a. He served on the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2014 Electrical, Electronics and Materials Panel and will serve again in REF2021 as a member of the Engineering Panel.

Bashir is currently the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Natural & Mathematical Sciences at King’s College London and served previously at the University of Southampton as Executive Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences.


Research interests

EP/P010164/1 Wearable and Autonomous Computing for Future Smart Cities: A Platform Grant

EP/K031910/1 EPSRC IRC 'SPHERE' - a Sensor Platform for HEalthcare in a Residential Environment

EP/L010550/1 Highly-parallel algorithms and architectures for high-throughput wireless receivers(C)

EP/L000563/1 Continuous on-line adaptation in many-core systems: From graceful degradation to graceful amelioration(C)

EP/K034448/1 PRiME: Power-efficient, Reliable, Many-core Embedded systems(P)

EP/K000810/1 Resilient and Testable Energy-Efficient Digital Hardware(P)

EP/J015520/1 Channel Decoder Architectures for Energy-Constrained Wireless Communication Systems: Holistic Approach(C)

EP/H014608/1 Configurable Analogue Transistors: Conquering Unreliability in a Shrinking World(C)

EP/H011420/1 Variation-Aware Test for NanoScale CMOS Integrated Circuits(P)

EP/G067740/1 Next Generation Energy-Harvesting Electronics - holistic approach 1763(P)

EP/E035965/1 Electronics Design(P)

EP/D042917/1 PLATFORM: New directions for intelligent sensors(C)

EP/D057663/1 Reliable Low Power Embedded Computing Systems (ROPEUST)(P)

EP/D022797/1 Support for the 11th European Test Symposium (ETS) Conference in Southampton(P)

EP/C512804/1 Next Generation Of Interconnection Technology For Multiprocessor SoC(P)

GR/S95770/01 PLATFORM: System-on-chip design methods and tools(P)

GR/S41135/01 Test Resource Partitioning: A Low-Cost Test Scheme for Systems-on-Chip (TRAP)(P)

GR/S05557/01 Low-Power Built-in-Self-Test (LOBIST)(P)



Al-Hashimi, B. (1996) Current mode filter structure based on dual output transconductance amplifiers.

Lind, L.F., Al-Hashimi, B. M. and Somerset, W.P. (1996) Linear programming design of FIR raised cosine filters with >100% excess bandwidth.

Dudek, F., Al-Hashimi, B.M. and Moniri, M. (1997) CMOS equaliser for compensating sinc(x) distortion of video D/A converters.

Al-Hashimi, B.M., Dudek, F., Moniri, M. and Living, J. (1998) Integrated universal biquad based on triple-output OTAs and using digitally programmable zeros. IEE Proceedings - Circuits, Devices and Systems, 145 (3), 192-196. (doi:10.1049/ip-cds:19981990).

Nicolici, N. and Al-hashimi, B.M. (1998) Correction to the proof of theorem 2 in "Parallel signature analysis design with bounds on aliasing". IEEE Transactions on Computers, 47 (12), 1426-7.

Moniri, M. and Al-Hashimi, B.M. (1997) Systematic generation of current mode dual output OTA filters using a building block approach. International Journal of Electronics, 83 (1), 37-48. (doi:10.1080/002072197135625).

Kollig, P., al-hashimi, b.m. and abbott, k.m. (1997) Efficient scheduling of behavioral descriptions in high-level synthesis.

Kollig, P. and Al-Hashimi, B.M. (1999) Reduction of latency and resource usage in bit-level pipelined data paths for FPGAs. In FPGA '99 Proceedings of the 1999 ACM/SIGDA Seventh International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays. ACM Press. pp. 227-234 .

Nicolici, N. and Al-Hashimi, B.M. (1999) Efficient BIST hardware insertion with low test application time for synthesized data paths. IEEE/ACM Design, Automation and Test in Europe. pp. 289-295 .

Dudek, F., Al-Hashimi, B.M. and Moniri, M. (1999) Compensation of non-ideal effects in video frequency sinc(x) equalisers using tunable gm_c structure. pp. 148-51 .

Living, J and Al-Hashimi, B.M. (1999) Mixed arithmetic architecture: a solution to the iteration bound for resources FPGA and CPLD recursive digital filters. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, USA. pp. 478-81 .

Living, J and Al-Hashimi, B.M. (1999) New resource saving differential coefficient coding algorithm for recursive FIR filter design. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, USA. pp. 478-81 .

Kollig, P. and Al-Hashimi, B.M. (1997) FPGA Implementation of high performance FIR Filters. pp. 2240-43 .

Lancaster, J., Al-Hashimi, B.M. and Moniri, M. (1998) Efficient design of switched current lowpass elliptic filters using Bruton transformations. pp. 115-18 .

Somerset, W., Al-Hashimi, B.M. and Moniri, M. (1998) Constrained genetic algorithm design of finite precision FIR linear phase raised cosine filters. pp. 445-8 .

Al-Hashimi, B.M. (1996) New dual output transconductance amplifier based biquad. pp. 1200-1204 .

Kollig, P. and Al-Hashimi, B.M. (1998) ARGEN: A behavioral level compiler for hardware realisation of DSP systems.

Al-Hashimi, B.M. (1995) Behavioral models of electronic filters. pp. 51-5 .

Kollig, P. and AL-Hashimi, B.M. (1996) Design and implementation of digital systems for automatic control based on behavioral descriptions. pp. 21-4 .

AL-Hashimi, B.M. (1995) Current mode filters: design, simulation and implementation. pp. 61-5 .

Holdcroft, D, Moniri, M. and AL-Hashimi, B.M. (1996) Comparative study of recursive digital filters using Z and delta operators. pp. 91-6 .

Al-Hashimi, B.M. (1995) The Art of SPICE Simulation: Analog and Digital: 1st , CRC Press, The Art of SPICE Simulation: Analog and Digital

Al-Hashimi, B.M. , Whitaker, Jerry C. (ed.) (1996) The Electronics Handbook: 1st edition , CRC Press in cooperation with IEEE Press

Dudek, F., AL-Hashimi, B.M. and Moniri, M. (1998) Analysis and compensation of OTA non-ideal effects in video frequency CMOS sinc(x) equaliers. pp. 294-297 .

Living, J., AL-Hashimi, B.M. and Moniri, M. (1998) High performance distributed arithmetic FPGA decimators for video frequency applications. pp. 294-297 .

Somerset, W., Al-Hashimi, B.M. and Moniri, M. (1996) A computer program for the design and analysis of linear phase FIR raised cosine filters. pp. 627-30 .

Moniri, M. and Al-Hashimi, B.M. (1996) Generation of current mode filter structures using dual output transconductance amplifiers. IEEE Proceedings of the 39th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems. pp. 903-906 .

AL-HASHIMI, B.M. , Browne, Jack (ed.) (1996) Understand the Fundamental of Passive Video Filters. Microwave & RF, 35 (5), 171-78.

Lancaster, J. and Al-Hashimi, B.M. (1999) Efficient Switched Current Wave Elliptic Filters Based on Direct and Inverse Bruton Transformations. pp. 235-241 .

Al-Hashimi, B.M., Dudek, F. and Sun, Y. (2000) CMOS Design of Group Delay Equaliser. pp. 163-169 .

Dudek, F., Al-Hashimi, B.M. and Moniri, M. (2000) Current mode elliptic filter design based on symmetrical current switching. pp. 163-77 .

Nicolici, Nicola and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2000) Scan Latch Partitioning into Multiple Scan Chains for Power Minimization in Full Scan Sequential Circuits. IEEE/ACM Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE). pp. 715-722 .

Al-Hashimi, B.M. (1991) On the implementation of video filters using current feedback amplifiers. pp. 1154-1158 .

Al-Hashimi, B.M. and Fidler, J.K. (1990) Novel high frequency continuous time lowpass OTA based filters. pp. 1171-1173 .

Al-Hashimi, B.M. and Holden, A.G. (1990) On the practical implementation of high performance active audio filters using the FDNR concept.

Nicolici, N., Al-Hashimi, B.M. and Williams, A.C. (2000) Minimising power dissipation during test application in full scan sequential circuits by primary input freezing. IEE Proceedings - Computers and Digital Techniques, 147 (5), 313-322. (doi:10.1049/ip-cdt:20000537).

Living, J. and Al-Hashimi, B.M. (1999) FPGA based video signal decimators for sample rate reduction from 27/28.64 MHz to 13.5/14.32 MHz. pp. 38-42 .

Living, J and Al-Hashimi, B.M. (1999) Architecture-mapped concurrent-transform programmable 2D FIR filters for serial image processing. pp. 112-116 .

Al-Hashim, B.M., Dudek, F. and Moniri, M. (2000) Current mode group delay equalisation using pole-zero mirroring techniques. pp. 257-63 .

Nicolici, Nicola and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M (2000) Power Minimisation Techniques for Testing Low Power VLSI Circuits. IEE Postgraduate Research and Electronics and Photonics (PREP). pp. 7-12 .

Nicolici, Nicola and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2000) Power Conscious Test Synthesis and Scheduling. IEEE International Test Conference (ITC). pp. 662-671 .

Nicolici, N., Al-Hashimi, B.M., Brown, A.D. and Williams, A.C. (2000) BIST hardware synthesis for RTL data paths based on test compatibility classes. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 19 (11), 1375-1385. (doi:10.1109/43.892861).

Schmitz, Marcus T. and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2000) Energy Minimisation for Processor Cores using Variable Supply Voltages. IEE System on a Chip Workshop. 10/1-10/4 .

Gonciari, Paul T. and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2000) Modified Isolation Rings for Parallel Test Access in Core Based SoC. IEE System on a Chip Workshop. 10/1-10/4 .

Al-hashimi, Bashir and Nicolici, Nicola (2000) Low Power Testing of Digital ICs: Overview. pp. 3-4 .

Varea, Mauricio and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2001) Dual Transitions Petri Net based Modelling Technique for Embedded Systems Specification. Conference on Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), Munich, Germany. 13 - 16 Mar 2001. pp. 566-571 .

Nicolici, N and Al-Hashimi, B M (2001) Testability Trade-offs for BIST RTL Data Paths: The Case for Three Dimensional Design Space.

Schmitz, Marcus T. and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2000) Low Power Process Assignment for Distributed Embedded Systems using Dynamic Voltage Scaling. IEE Hardware-Software Co-Design. 7/1-7/4 .

Rosinger, Paul, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Nicolici, Nicola (2001) Power constrained test scheduling using power profile manipulation. International Symposium on Circuits and Systems 2001. pp. 251-254 .

Schmitz, Marcus T and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M (2001) Considering Power Variations of DVS Processing Elements for Energy Minimisation in Distributed Systems. Proceedings of 14th International Symposium on System Synthesis. pp. 250-255 .

Nicolici, N. and Al-Hashimi, B.M. (2001) Tackling Test Trade-offs for BIST RTL Data Paths: BIST Area Overhead, Test Application Time and Power Dissipation.

Wilcock, R. and Al-Hashimi, B. M. (2002) A New BIST Methodology for Fully-Balanced OTA-C Filters. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Phoenix, Arizona.

Nicolici, N. and Al-Hashimi, B.M. (2001) Minimising power dissipation in partial scan sequential circuits.

Nicolici, N. and Al-Hashimi, B.M. (2001) Low power test compatibility classes: exploiting regularity for simultaneous reduction in test application time and power dissipation.

Al-Hashimi, B.M. and Xie, Y. (2001) Non ideal performance of Bruton transformations switched current wave filters+.

Schmitz, Marcus T., Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and Eles, Petru (2001) Co-Synthesis with Energy Minimisation for Heterogeneous Distributed Systems containing Power Managed Processing Elements.

Varea, Mauricio and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2001) Embedded Systems Modelling and Validation based on Extended Petri Nets. 1st U.K. SIGDA Workshop on Design Automation, London, United Kingdom.

Schmitz, Marcus T., Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and Eles, Petru (2002) Energy-Efficient Mapping and Scheduling for DVS Enabled Distributed Embedded Systems.

Schmitz, Marcus T., Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and Eles, Petru (2002) Synthesising Energy-Efficient Embedded Systems with LOPOCOS.

Rosinger, Paul, Gonciari, Theo, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Nicolici, Nicola , IEE, None (ed.) (2001) Simultaneous Reduction in Volume of Test Data and Power Dissipation for Systems-on-a-Chip. Electronics Letters, 37 (24), 1434-1436.

Rosinger, P, Gonciari, P, Al-Hashimi, B.M and Nicolici, Nicola (2002) Analysing trade-offs in scan power and test data compression for Systems-on-a-chip.

Nicolici, Nicola and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2002) Multiple Scan Chains for Power Minimization during Test Application in Sequential Circuits. pp. 721-733 .

Rosinger, Paul, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Nicolici, Nicola (2002) Low Power Mixed-Mode BIST Based on Mask Pattern Generation Using Dual LFSR Re-seeding. International Conference on computer Design, Freiburg.

Rosinger, Paul, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Nicolici, Nicola (2002) Power Profile Manipulation: A New Approach for Reducing Test Application Time Under Power Constraints. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems.

Wilcock, R and Al-Hashimi, B. M. (2002) Analogue Filter IP Cores for Design Reuse. IEE Conference on Analog Signal Processing, Oxford, United Kingdom. 2.1-2.6 .

Oikonomakos, P., Zwolinski, M. and Al-Hashimi, B. M. (2003) Versatile High-Level Synthesis of Self-Checking Datapaths Using an On-Line Testability Metric. Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), Munich. 03 - 07 Mar 2003. pp. 596-601 .

Wu, D., Al-Hashimi, B. M. and Eles, P. (2003) Scheduling and Mapping of Conditional Task Graphs for the Synthesis of Low Power Embedded Systems. Design, Automation and Test in Europe, Munich, Germany. 03 - 07 Mar 2003. pp. 90-95 .

Wu, Dong, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M, Schmitz, Marcus T and Eles, Petru (2005) Power-Composition Profile Driven Co-Synthesis with Power Management Selection for Dynamic and Leakage Energy Reduction. 8th EUROMICRO Conference on Digital System Design, Porto, Portugal. 29 Aug - 02 Sep 2005.

Chang, Chun-Ming, Al-Hashimi, B. M., Chen, H. P., Tu, S. H. and Wan, J. A. (2002) Current mode single resistance controlled oscillators using only grounded passive components. Electronics Letters, 38 (19), 1071-1072.

Chang, Chun-Ming, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M., Wang, C. L. and Hung, C. W. (2003) A Single Fully Differential Current Conveyor Biquad Filters. IEE Proceedings - Circuits, Devices and Systems.

Al-Hashimi, Bashir, Xie, Yan and Zwolinski, Mark (2003) Analysis of mirror mismatch and clock-feedthrough in Brouton transformation switched current wave filters. IEE Proceedings - Circuits, Devices and Systems, 150 (1), 6-15.

Gaur, Manoj Singh, Zwolinski, Mark and Al-Hashimi, Basheer (2003) Concurrent Optimisation of Self-testable Designs from Behavioural Descriptions by Controller based Estimation Technique. Gaur, Manoj Singh (ed.) IEEE European Test Workshop, Mastricht, The, Netherlands. 24 - 27 May 2003.

Varea, Mauricio, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M., Cortes, Luis A., Eles, Petru and Peng, Zebo (2002) Symbolic Model Checking of Dual Transition Petri Nets. International Symposium on Hardware/Software Codesign (CODES), Estes Park, Colorado, United States. 05 - 07 May 2002. pp. 43-48 .

Varea, Mauricio, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Leuschel, Michael (2002) Finite and Infinite Model Checking of Dual Transition Petri Net Models. Second Workshop on Automated Verification of Critical Systems (AVOCS), Birmingham, United Kingdom. 14 - 15 Apr 2002. pp. 265-269 .

Varea, Mauricio, Leuschel, Michael and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2003) Improving Compositional Verification of State-based Models by Reducing Modular Unbalance. 2nd International Workshop on Refinement of Critical Systems, Turku, Finland.

Wilcock, R and Al-Hashimi, B. M. (2003) A CAD Methodology for Switched Current IP Cores. 9th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Lisbon, Portugal. 15 - 18 Sep 2003. pp. 434-437 .

Gonciari, Paul Theo, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Nicolici, Nicola (2003) Test data compression: The system integrator’s perspective. Design Automation and Test in Europe, , Munich, Germany. 03 - 07 Mar 2003. pp. 726-731 .

Gonciari, Paul Theo, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Nicolici, Nicola (2003) Variable-Length Input Huffman Coding for System-on-a-Chip Test. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 22 (6), 783-783.

Wilcock, R and Al-Hashimi, B. M. (2004) Power-Aware Design Method for Class-A Switched-Current Wave Filters. IEE Proceedings - Circuits Devices and Systems.

Nicolici, Nicola and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M (2002) Power-conscious test synthesis and scheduling. IEEE Proceedings of Design and Test of Computers, 20 (4), 48-55.

Rosinger, Paul, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M and Nicolici, Nicola (2003) Dual multiple-polynomial LFSR for low-power mixed-mode BIST. IEE Proceedings - Computers and Digital Techniques, 150 (4), 209-218. (doi:10.1049/ip-cdt:20030666).

Schmitz, Marcus T., Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and Eles, Petru (2004) Iterative schedule optimisation for voltage scalable distributed embedded systems. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 3 (1), 182-217.

Gonciari, PT, Al-Hashimi, B and Nicolici, N (2003) Addressing Useless Test Data in Core-Based System-on-a-Chip Test. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design, 22 (11), 1568-1590.

Nicolici, Nicola and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2003) Power-Constrained Testing of VLSI Circuits (Frontiers in Electronic Testing), Kluwer Academic Publishers

Wehn, Norbert and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. , Wehn, Norbert and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (eds.) (2003) IEE Proceedings: Computers and Digital Techniques Special issue on "Design and Test Conference in Europe", DATE 03. IEE Proceedings - Computers and Digital Techniques, 150 (4), 253-355.

Wu, D., Al-Hashimi, B. M. and Eles, P. (2003) Scheduling and Mapping of Conditional Task Graph for the Synthesis of Low Power Embedded Systems. IEE Proceedings - Computers and Digital Techniques, 150 (5), 262-273.

Xie, Yan and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2004) 'Switched-Current Wave Group Delay Equalizers'. IEE Proceedings - Circuits, Devices and Systems.

Andrei, A., Schmitz, M, Eles, P, Peng, Z and Al-Hashimi, B.M. (2003) Overhead-Conscious Voltage Selection for Dynamic and Leakage Energy Reduction of Time-Constrained Systems. Design, Automation and Test in Europe, DATE 04,, Paris.

Lampropoulos, Matheos, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Rosinger, Paul (2003) Minimization of Crosstalk Noise, Delay and Power Using a Modified Bus Invert Technique. Design, Automation and Test in Europe.

Chang, Chun-Ming, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M., Sun, Y. and Ross, Neil J. (2004) New High Order Filter Structures Using Only Single-Ended-Input OTAs and Grounded Capacitors. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part 1: Regular Papers.

Morrissey, Q.R., Waltham, N.R., Turchetta, R., French, M.J., Bagnall, D.M. and Al Hashimi, B.M. (2003) Design of a 3µm pixel linear CMOS sensor for earth observation. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 512 (1-2), 350-357. (doi:10.1016/S0168-9002(03)01913-2).

Gonciari, Paul Theo, Al-Hashimi, Bashi and Nicolici, Nicola (2003) Test Cost Reduction Through Compression. Electronics Systems and Software, 1 (3), 37-41.

Schmitz, Marcus T., Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and Eles, Petru (2004) System-Level Design Techniques for Energy-Efficient Embedded Systems (CAD Frameworks), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston

Xie, Yan and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2004) Analogue Adaptive Filters Using Wave Synthesis Technique. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems 2004 (ISCAS2004), Vancouver, Canada.

Xie, Yan and Al Hashimi, Bashir (2002) Synthesis of switched-current Ladder Derived Group delay Equalizers. Proc. IEE Analog Signal Processing Symposium, Oxford, United Kingdom. 1/1- 6/1 .

Chang, Chun-Ming, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and Ross, Neil J. (2004) Unified Active Filter Structures. IEE Proceedings - Circuits, Devices and Systems.

Rosinger, Paul, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Nicolici, Nicola (2004) Scan architecture with mutually exclusive scan segment activation for shift and capture power reduction. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design, 23 (7), 1142-1153.

Wilcock, R and Al-Hashimi, B. M. (2004) Power-Conscious Design Methodology for Class-A Switched-Current Wave Filters. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Vancouver, Canada.

Nicolici, Nicola and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2004) Testability Trade-offs for BIST Data Paths. Journal of Electronic Testing, 20, Is.

Chang, Chun-Ming and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2003) Analytical Synthesis of Current-Mode High-Order OTA-C Filters. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part 1: Regular Papers, 50 (509), 1188-1192.

Schmitz, Marcus T., Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and Eles, Petru (2004) Co-Synthesis of Energy Efficient Multi-Mode Embedded Systems. IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design of ICs and Systems Design.

Schmitz T., Marcus, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and Eles, Petru (2005) Co-Synthesis of Energy-Efficient Multi-Mode Embedded Systems with Consideration of Mode Execution Probabilities. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 24 (2), 153-169.

Gonciari, Paul Theo and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2004) A Compression-Driven Test Access Mechanism Design Approach. European Test Synposium, Corsica, France. 22 - 25 May 2004.

Gonciari, Paul Theo, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Nicolici, Nicola (2005) Synchronization Overhead in SOC Compressed Test. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 13 (1), 140-152.

Jafaripanah, Mehdi, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and White, Neil M. (2004) Design Consideration and Implementation of Analog Adaptive Filters for Sensor Response Correction. 12th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2004), Mashhad, Iran, Islamic Republic of. 10 - 12 May 2004. pp. 109-114 .

Jafaripanah, Mehdi, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and White, Neil M. (2003) Load Cell Response Correction Using Analog Adaptive Techniques. 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS2003), Bangkok, Thailand. 24 - 27 May 2003. IV-752-IV-755 .

Merrett, Geoff and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2004) Leakage Power Analysis and Comparison of Deep Submicron Logic Gates. IEEE 14th International Workshop on Power And Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS 2004), Santorini, Greece. pp. 198-207 .

Andrei, A, Schmitz, M, Eles, P, Peng, Z and Al-Hashimi, B.M. (2004) Simultaneous Communication and Processor Voltage Scaling for Dynamic and Leakage Energy Reduction in Time-Constrained Systems. IEEE International Conference on Computer Aided Design (ICCAD), SAn Jose, CA. 07 - 11 Nov 2004. pp. 361-367 .

Wu, Dong, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M and Eles, Petru (2004) Dynamic and Leakage Power-Composition Profile Driven Co-Synthesis for Energy and Cost Reduction. System-On-Chip Design, Test and Technology, Loughborough, United Kingdom.

Schmitz, Marcus T, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M and Eles, Petru (2002) Synthesizing Energy-Efficient Embedded Systems with LOPOCOS. Design Automation for Embedded Systems, 6, 401-424.

Andrei, Alexandru, Schmitz, Marcus T, Eles, Petru, Peng, Zebo and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M (2005) Quasi-Static Voltage Scaling for Energy Minimization with Time Constraints. Design, Automation and Test Europe Conference (DATE2005), Munich, Germany.

Andrei, Alexandru, Schmitz, Marcus T, Eles, Petru, Peng, Zebo and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M (2004) Overhead-Conscious Voltage Selection for Dynamic and Leakage Power Reduction of Time-Constraint Systems. Design, Automation and Test Europe Conference (DATE2004), Paris, France. pp. 518-523 .

Schmitz, Marcus T, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M and Eles, Petru (2003) A Co-Design Methodology for Energy-Efficient Multi-Mode Embedded Systems with Consideration of Mode Execution Probabilities. Design, Automation and Test Europe Conference (DATE2003), Munich, Germany. pp. 960-965 .

Schmitz, Marcus T, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M and Eles, Petru (2002) Energy-Efficient Mapping and Scheduling for DVS Enabled Distributed Embedded Systems. Design, Automation and Test Europe Conference (DATE2002), Paris, France. pp. 514-521 .

Rosinger, Paul, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Chakrabarty, Krishnendu (2005) Rapid generation of thermal-safe test schedules. Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), Munich, Germany. 07 - 11 Mar 2005.

Jafaripanah, Mehdi, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and White, Neil M. (2005) Adaptive Sensor Response Correction Using Analog Filter Compatible with Digital Technology. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ( ISCAS 2005), Kobe, Japan. 22 - 25 May 2005.

Jafaripanah, Mehdi, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and White, Neil M. (2005) Application of Analog Adaptive Filters for Dynamic Sensor Compensation. IEEE Transaction On Instrumentation and Measurement, 54 (1), 245-251.

Wilcock, Reuben, Wilson, Peter R. and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2005) A Novel Switch-Current Phase Locked Loop. ISCAS 2005, Kobe, Japan.

Jafaripanah, Mehdi, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and White, Neil M. (2005) Dynamic Sensor Compensation Using Analogue Adaptive Filter Compatible with Digital Technology. IEEE Proceedings on Circuits, Devices and Systems.

Ochoa-Montiel, M A, Al-Hashimi, B M and Kollig, P (2005) Impact of Multicycled Scheduling on Power-Area Tradeoffs in Behavioural Synthesis. 2005 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Kobe, Japan. 22 - 25 May 2005.

Cai, Yuan, Reddy, Sudhakar, Pomeranz, Irith and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2005) Battery-aware dynamic voltage scaling in multiprocessor embedded system. IEEE ISCAS, Japan.

Merrett, Geoff, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M., White, Neil M. and Harris, Nick R. (2005) Information Managed Wireless Sensor Networks with Energy Aware Nodes. 2005 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show (NanoTech 2005), Anaheim, California. 07 - 11 May 2005. pp. 367-370 .

Collins, Matthew, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Ross, Neil (2005) A Programmable Time Measurement Architecture for Embedded Memory Characterization. 10th IEEE European Test Symposium (ETS'05), Tallinn, Estonia. 21 - 24 May 2005. pp. 128-133 .

Wilcock, Reuben, Al-Hasmimi, Bashir M. and Wilson, Peter (2005) Integrated High Bandwidth Wave Elliptic Low-Pass Switched-Current Filter in Digital CMOS Technology. Electronics Letters.

Ejlali, Alireza, Schmitz, Marcus, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M, Miremadi, Seyed Ghassem and Rosinger, Paul (2005) Energy Efficient SEU-Tolerance in DVS-Enabled Real-Time Systems through Information Redundancy. International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED 2005), San Diego, California, United States. 08 - 10 Aug 2005.

Merrett, Geoff V., Al-Hashimi, Bashir M., White, Neil M. and Harris, Nick R. (2005) Resource Aware Sensor Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensors & their Applications XIII, Chatham Maritime, Kent. 05 - 07 Sep 2005. pp. 137-142 .

Varea, Mauricio, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M., Cortés, Luis A., Eles, Petru and Peng, Zebo (2005) Dual Flow Nets: Modelling the Control/Data-Flow Relation in Embedded Systems. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems.

Cai, Yuan, Schmitz, Marcus T., Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and Reddy, Sudhakar M. (2005) Workload-Ahead-Driven Online Energy Minimization Techniques for Battery-Powered Embedded Systems with Time-Constraints. IFIP International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SOC), Australia.

Tafaj, Enkelejda, Rosinger, Paul, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Chakrabarty, Krisnendu (2005) Improving Thermal-Safe Test Scheduling for Core-Based Systems-on-Chip Using Shift Frequency Scaling. International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI Systems, Monterey, CA. 02 - 04 Oct 2005.

Wilson, Peter R., Brown, Andrew D., Wilcock, Reuben and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2005) Behavioural modeling and simulation of a switch-current phase locked loop. IEEE International Behavioral Modeling and Simulation Conference, San Jose, United States.

Ogg, S and Al-Hashimi, B (2005) Improved Data Compression for Serial Interconnected Network on Chip through Unused Significant Bit Removal. 19th International Conference on VLSI Design, Hyderabad, India. 03 - 07 Jan 2006.

Cai, Yuan, Schmitz, Marcus, Ejlali, Alireza, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Reddy, Sudhakar (2006) Cache Size Selection for Performance, Energy and Reliability of Time-Constrained Systems. 11th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC 2006), Japan.

Wu, Dong, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and Schmitz, Marcus T. (2006) Improving Routing Efficiency for Network-on-Chip through Contention-Aware Input Selection. 11th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC 2006), Japan.

Rosinger, Paul, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Chakrabarty, Krishnendu (2005) Thermal-Safe Test Scheduling for Core-Based System-on-a-Chip Integrated Circuits. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design, 25 (11), 2502-2512.

DILILLO, L., ROSINGER, P., AL-HASHIMI, B. M. and GIRARD, P. (2006) Minimizing Test Power in SRAM through Reduction of Pre-charge Activity. DATE - Design Automation and Test in Europe, Munich, Germany. 06 - 10 Mar 2006.

Jafaipanah, Mehdi, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and White, Neil (2005) Dynamic sensor compensation using adaptive filter compatible with digital technology. IEEE Proceedings on Circuits, Devices and Systems, 152 (6), 745-751.

Ejlali, Ali, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M., Schmitz, Marcus, Rosinger, Paul and Miremadi, Seyed G. (2006) Combined Time and Information Redundancy for SEU-Tolerance in Energy-Efficient Real-Time Systems. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems.

Collins, Matthew and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2006) On-chip time measurement architecture with femtosecond timing resolution. 11th IEEE European Test Symposium (ETS'06), , Southampton, United Kingdom. 20 - 24 May 2006. 6 pp . (doi:10.1109/ETS.2006.36).

Zhang, Zhuo, M. Reddy, Sudhakar, Pomeranz, Irith, Rajski, Janusz and M. Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2006) Enhancing delay fault coverage through low power segmented scan. In Eleventh IEEE European Test Symposium, 2006. ETS '06. IEEE.. (doi:10.1109/ETS.2006.18).

Wuertemberger, Armin, Rosinger, Paul, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Chakrabarty, Krishnendu (2006) Cost Model-Driven Test Resource Partitioning for SoCs. Electronics Letters.

Collins, Matthew, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Wilson, Peter (2006) On-chip timing measurement architecture with femtosecond resolution. Electronics Letters, 42 (9), 528-530.

Zain Ali, Noohul Basheer, Zwolinski, Mark, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M and Harrod, Peter (2006) Dynamic Voltage Scaling Aware Delay Fault Testing. European Test Symposium, Southampton. 21 - 25 May 2006.

Merrett, G. V., Harris, N. R., Al-Hashimi, B. M. and White, N. M. (2006) Rule Managed Reporting in Energy Controlled Wireless Sensor Networks. Eurosensors XX, Gothenburg, Sweden. 16 - 19 Sep 2006. pp. 402-403 .

Dilillo, Luigi, Rosinger, Paul, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and Girard, Patrick (2006) Reducing Power Dissipation in SRAM during Test. Journal of Low Power Electronics.

Cai, Yuan, Schmitz, Marcus, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and Reddy, Sudhakar M. (2006) Workload-Ahead-Driven Online Energy Minimization Techniques for Battery-Powered Embedded Systems with Time-Constraints. ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems.

Zhiyuan, He, Peng, Zebo, Eles, Petru, Rosinger, Paul and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2006) Thermal-aware SoC test scheduling with test set partitioning and interleaving. ”, International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI System, Washington DC. 02 - 03 Oct 2006.

Merrett, Geoff V., Weddell, Alex S., Harris, Nick R., White, Neil M. and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2006) The Unified Framework for Sensor Networks: A Systems Approach University of Southampton

Merrett, Geoff V., Harris, Nick R., Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and White, Neil M. (2006) Energy Controlled Reporting for Industrial Monitoring Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Sensors 2006, Daegu, Korea. 21 - 24 Oct 2006. pp. 892-895 .

Wilson, Peter R, Al Hashimi, Bashir, Brown, Andrew D and Zwolinski, Mark (2006) A Masters Course in System on Chip. European Workshop on Microelectronics Education, Stockholm. pp. 11-14 .

Ochoa-Montiel, M. A., Al-Hashimi, B.M. and Kollig, P. (2007) Exploiting Power-Area Tradeoffs in Behavioural Synthesis through clock and operations throughput selection. ASPDAC, Japan. 23 - 27 Jan 2007.

Dilillo, Luigi, Hashimi, B. M., Rosinger, Paul and Girard, Patrick (2006) Leakage Read Fault in Nanoscale SRAM: Analysis, Test and Diagnosis. International Design and Test Workshop, Duday. 19 - 20 Nov 2006.

Ejlali, Alireza, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M., Rosinger, Paul and Miremadi, Seyed Ghassem (2007) Joint Consideration of Fault-Tolerance, Energy-Efficiency and Performance in on-Chip Networks. Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE07), , Nice, France. 16 - 20 Apr 2007.

Andrei, Alexandru, Eles, Pertu, Peng, Zebo, Schmitz, Marcus and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2007) Energy optimization of multiprocessor systems on chip by voltage selection. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 15 (3), 262-275. (doi:10.1109/TVLSI.2007.891101).

Zhiyuan, He, Peng, Zepo, Eles, Petru, Rosinger, Paul and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2007) Thermal-Aware Soc Test Scheduling with Test Set Partitioning and Interleaving. JETTA.

Zhang, Zhuo, Reddy, Sudhakar M., Pomeranz, Irith, Rajski, Janusz and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2007) Enhancing delay fault coverage through low power segmented scan. IEE Proceedings: Computer and Digital Techniques.

Dilillo, L and Al-Hashimi, B M (2007) March CRF: an Efficient Test for Complex Read Faults in SRAM Memories. X Workshop on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems, Krakow, Poland. 10 - 12 Apr 2007.

Ali, Haider and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2007) Architecture level power-performance trade-offs for pipelined design. IEEE Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 07), , New Orleans, United States. 26 - 29 May 2007.

Ogg, S, Valli, E, D'Allesandro, C, Yakovlev, A, Al-Hashimi, B and Benini, L (2007) Reducing Interconnect Cost in NoC through Serialized Asynchronous Links. The 1st ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip, Princeton, NJ. 05 - 08 May 2007.

Wang, Leran, Kazmierski, Tom, Al-Hashimi, Bashir, Beeby, Steve and Torah, Russel (2007) An Integrated Approach to Energy Harvester Modeling and Performance Optimization. IEEE Behavioral Modeling and Simulation Conference (BMAS 2007), San Jose, California, United States. 19 - 20 Sep 2007. pp. 121-125 .

Wang, Leran, Kazmierski, Tom, Al-Hashimi, Bashir, Beeby, Steve and Torah, Russel (2008) Integrated approach to energy harvester mixed technology modelling and performance optimisation. Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE 2008), Munich, Germany. 10 - 14 Mar 2008.

Kazmierski, Tom, Zhou, Dafeng and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2008) Efficient circuit-level modelling of ballistic CNT using piecewise non-linear approximation of mobile charge density. DATE08. pp. 146-151 .

Ogg, Simon, Valli, Enrico, Al-Hashimi, Bashir, Yakovlev, Alex, D'Alessandro, Crescenzo and Benini, Luca (2008) Serialized Asynchronous Links for NoC. DATE, Munich.

Khursheed, Saqib, Ingelsson, Urban, Rosinger, Paul, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Harrod, Peter (2008) Bridging fault test method with adaptive power management awareness. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 27 (6), 1117-1127. (doi:10.1109/TCAD.2008.923247).

Merrett, Geoff V., Harris, Nick R., Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and White, Neil M. (2008) Energy managed reporting for wireless sensor networks. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 142 (1), 379-389. (doi:10.1016/j.sna.2007.04.040).

Zain Ali, Noohul Basheer, Zwolinski, Mark and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2007) Testing of Level Shifters in Multiple Voltage Designs. 14th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, Morocco. 10 - 13 May 2007.

Weddell, Alexander S., Merrett, Geoff V., Harris, Nick R. and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2008) Energy Harvesting and Management for Wireless Autonomous Sensors. Measurement + Control, 41 (4), 104-108.

Darbari, Ashish and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2008) Symbolic Simulation based Transient Fault Injection Methodology s.n.

Shafik, Rishad Ahmed, Rosinger, Paul and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2008) MPEG-based Performance Comparison between Network-on-Chip and AMBA MPSoC. 2008 IEEE Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems, Bratislava, Slovakia. 15 - 17 Apr 2008. pp. 98-103 .

Shafik, Rishad, Rosinger, Paul and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2008) SystemC-based Minimum Intrusive Fault Injection Technique with Improved Fault Representation. International On-line Test Symposium (IOLTS), Rhodes, Greece. 06 - 08 Jul 2008. pp. 99-104 . (Submitted)

Maunder, R. G., Weddell, A. S., Merrett, G. V., Al-Hashimi, B. M. and Hanzo, L. (2008) Iterative Decoding for Redistributing Energy Consumption in Wireless Sensor Networks. International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands. 03 - 07 Aug 2008.

Shafik, Rishad Ahmed, Rosinger, Paul and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2008) SystemC-based Fault Injection Technique with Improved Fault Representation. European Test Symposium (ETS), Italy. 24 - 27 May 2008.

Merrett, Geoff V., Weddell, Alexander S., Lewis, Adam P., Harris, Nick R., Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and White, Neil M. (2008) An Empirical Energy Model for Supercapacitor Powered Wireless Sensor Nodes. 17th International IEEE Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, St Thomas, Virgin Islands (), United States. 02 - 06 Aug 2008.

Merrett, Geoff V, Weddell, Alex S., Harris, Nick R, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M and White, Neil M (2008) A Structured Hardware/Software Architecture for Embedded Sensor Nodes. 17th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, St Thomas, Virgin Islands (), United States. 02 - 06 Aug 2008.

Wilson, Peter, McNally, Iain, Swabey, Matthew and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2008) IC Design and Manufacture for Undergraduates: Theory, Design and Practice. 7th European Workshop on Microelectronics Education, Budapest, Hungary. pp. 22-23 .

Darbari, Ashish, Al-Hashimi, Bashir, Harrod, Peter and Bradley, Daryl (2008) A New Approach for Transient Fault Injection using Symbolic Simulation. IOLTS 2008.

Merrett, Geoff V., Weddell, Alex S., Berti, Luca, Harris, Nick R., White, Neil M. and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2008) A Wireless Sensor Network for Cleanroom Monitoring. Eurosensors 2008, Dresden, Germany. 06 - 10 Sep 2008. pp. 1553-1556 .

Ejlali, Alireza, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M., Rosinger, Paul, Miremadi, Seyed Ghassem and Benini, Luca (2010) Performability/energy trade-off in error-control schemes for on-chip networks. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 18 (1), 1-14. (doi:10.1109/TVLSI.2008.2000994).

Wilson, Peter, Wilcock, Reuben, McNally, Iain, Swabey, Matthew and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2008) The Superchip: Innovative Teaching of IC Design and Manufacture. Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, San Jose, United States.

El Shabrawy, Karim, Maharatna, Koushik, Bagnall, Darren and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2008) A new analytical model for predicting SWCNT band-gap from geometric properties. International Conference on IC design and technology (ICICDT 2008), Grenoble, France. 01 - 03 Jun 2008. pp. 211-214 .

Darbari, Ashish, Al-Hashimi, Bashir, Harrod, Peter and Bradley, Daryl (2008) A Novel Transient Fault Injection Methodology Based on STE Model Checking. European Test Symposium (ETS), Italy. 24 - 27 May 2008.

Mishra, Biswajit and M. Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2008) Subthreshold FIR Filter Architecture for Ultra Low Power Applications. In LNCS. Springer. pp. 1-10 .

Maharatna, Koushik, El Shabrawy, Karim and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2008) Reduced Z-datapath CORDIC rotator. IEEE ISCAS, Seattle, Washington, United States. pp. 3374-3377 .

Darbari, Ashish and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2008) Hardware Dependability in the Presence of Soft Errors. BCS Visions of Computer Science, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom. 21 - 23 Sep 2008. (Submitted)

Ingelsson, Urban, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and Harrod, Peter (2008) Variation aware analysis of bridging fault testing. 17th Asian Test Symposium, , Sapporo, Japan. 24 - 27 Nov 2008. 6 pp .

Ogg, Simon, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Yakovlev, Alex (2008) Asynchronous Transient Resilient Links for NoC. CODES+ISSS, Atlanta. 18 - 23 Oct 2008.

Mishra, Biswajit, Wilson, Peter and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2008) Advancement in Color Image Processing using Geometric Algebra. EUSIPCO.

Mishra, B, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Zwolinski, Mark (2009) Variation Resilient Adaptive Controller for Subthreshold Circuits. Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE '09), , Nice, France. 20 - 24 Apr 2009. (doi:10.1109/DATE.2009.5090648).

Spikings, Stephen, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Harris, Nick (2008) Unobtrusive Welfare Monitoring System. (In Press)

Darbari, Ashish, Al Hashimi, Bashir M, Flynn, David and Biggs, John (2009) Selective State Retention Design using Symbolic Simulation. DATE 2009, , Nice, France. 19 - 23 Apr 2009. (doi:10.1109/DATE.2009.5090927).

Khursheed, Syed Saqib, Al-Hashimi, Bashir, Reddy, Sudhakar M. and Harrod, Peter (2009) Diagnosis of Multiple-Voltage Design with Bridge Defect. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 28 (3), 406-416.

Acharyya, Amit, Maharatna, Koushik and M. Al Hashimi, Bashir (2008) Hardware Development for Pervasive Healthcare Systems: Current Status and Future Directions. 2008 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, Macao, China. 30 Nov - 03 Dec 2008. pp. 1304-1307 .

Khursheed, Syed Saqib, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Harrod, Peter (2009) Test Cost Reduction for Multiple-Voltage Designs with Bridge Defects through Gate-Sizing. Design, Automation and Test in Europe, Nice, France. (Submitted)

Wang, Leran, Kazmierski, Tom, Al-Hashimi, Bashir, Beeby, Steve and Zhu, Dibin (2009) An automated design flow for vibration-based energy harvester systems. Design, Test and Automation in Europe (DATE 2009), Nice, France. 19 - 23 Apr 2009. pp. 1391-1396 . (In Press)

Kazmierski, Tom, Zhou, Dafeng and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2007) A Fast, Numerical Circuit-Level Model of Carbon Nanotube Transistor. Nanoscale Architectures, 2007. NANOSARCH 2007. IEEE International Symposium on, San Jose, CA. 20 - 21 Oct 2007. pp. 33-37 .

Zhou, Dafeng, Kazmierski, Tom and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2008) VHDL-AMS implementation of a numerical ballistic CNT model for logic circuit simulation. Specification, Verification and Design Languages, 2008. FDL 2008. Forum on, Stuttgart. 22 - 24 Sep 2008. pp. 94-98 .

Zhou, Dafeng, Kazmierski, Tom and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2009) VHDL–AMS implementation of a numerical ballistic CNT model. In, Radetski, Martin (ed.) Languages for Embedded Systems and their Applications. (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 36) Heidelberg, DE. Springer, pp. 87-100.

Kazmierski, Tom, Zhou, Dafeng, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Ashburn, Peter (2010) Numerically efficient modeling of CNT transistors with ballistic and non-ballistic effects for circuit simulation. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 9 (1), 99-107. (doi:10.1109/TNANO.2009.2017019).

Ingelsson, Urban, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M., Khursheed, Saqib, Reddy, Sudhakar M. and Harrod, Peter (2009) Process variation-aware test for resistive bridges. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 28 (8), 1269-1274. (doi:10.1109/TCAD.2009.2021728).

Acharyya, Amit, Maharatna, Koushik, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Gunn, Steve (2009) Memory Reduction Methodology for Distributed-Arithmetic-Based DWT/IDWT Exploiting Data Symmetry. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 56 (4), 285-289.

Merrett, Geoff, White, Neil, Harris, Nick and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2009) Energy-Aware Simulation for Wireless Sensor Networks. Sixth Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (SECON 2009), Rome, Italy. 21 - 25 Jun 2009.

Shafik, Rishad Ahmed and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2009) Comparative Reliability Analysis between AMBA and Network-on-Chip: An MPEG-2 Case Study. 22nd International System-on-Chip Conference (SOCC), Belfast, Northern Ireland, Belfast, United Kingdom. 08 - 10 Sep 2009. pp. 247-250 . (Submitted)

Shafik, Rishad Ahmed, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M., Kundu, Sandip and Ejlali, Alireja (2009) Soft error-aware voltage scaling technique for power minimization in application-specific MPSoC. Journal of Low Power Electronics, 5 (2), 145-156. (doi:10.1166/jolpe.2009.1016).

Khursheed, Syed Saqib and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2009) Test Strategies for Multi-Voltage Designs. In, Girard, Patrick, Nicolici, Nicola and Wen, Xiaoqing (eds.) Power-Aware Testing and Test Strategies for Low Power Devices. Springer.

Li, Liang, Maunder, Robert G., Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and Hanzo, Lajos (2010) An energy-efficient error correction scheme for IEEE 802.15.4 wireless sensor networks. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 57 (3), 233-237. (doi:10.1109/TCSII.2010.2043379).

Acharyya, Amit, Maharatna, Koushik and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2009) Hardware reduction methodology for 2-dimensional Kurtotic Fast ICA based on algorithmic analysis and architectural symmetry. IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems, Tampere, Finland. 06 - 08 Oct 2009.

Srivastava, Saket, Melouki, Aissa and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2009) Repair Techniques for Hybrid Nano/CMOS Computational Architecture. IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology, IEEE NANO 2009, Genoa, Italy. 25 - 30 Jul 2009.

Srivastava, Saket, Melouki, Aissa and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2009) Defect Tolerance in Hybrid nano/CMOS Architecture using Tagging Mechanism. IEEE/ACM Symposium on Nanoscale Architectures, San Francisco, United States. 29 - 30 Jul 2009.

El Shabrawy, K., Maharatna, K., Bagnall, D. and Al-Hashimi, B.M. (2010) Modeling SWCNT bandgap and effective mass variation using a Monte Carlo approach. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 9 (2), 184-193. (doi:10.1109/TNANO.2009.2028343).

El-Maleh, Aiman, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Melouki, Aissa (2009) Defect Tolerant N2-Transistor Structure for Reliable Nanoelectronic Designs , IET Computers & Digital Techniques (Submitted)

Kazmierski, Tom, Zhou, Dafeng and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2009) HSPICE implementation of a numerically efficient model of CNT transistor. Forum on Specification and Design Languages (FDL 2009), Germany. 21 - 23 Sep 2009. (Submitted)

Ejlali, Alireza, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Eles, Petru (2009) A standby-Sparing Technique with Low Energy-Overhead for Fault-Tolerant Hard Real-Time Systems. International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis, Grenoble, France. 11 - 16 Oct 2009.

Melouki, Aissa, Srivastava, Saket and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2009) Fault Tolerance Techniques for Hybrid CMOS/Nano Architecture. IET Computers & Digital Techniques. (Submitted)

Acharyya, Amit, Maharatna, Koushik, Sun, Jinhong, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Gunn, Steve (2009) Hardware Efficient Fixed-Point VLSI Architecture for 2D Kurtotic FastICA. 19th European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, Antalya, Turkey. 22 - 26 Aug 2009. pp. 165-168 .

Shafik, Rishad Ahmed, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and Chakrabarty, Krish (2010) Soft Error-Aware Design Optimization of Low Power and Time-Constrained Embedded Systems. Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), Dresden, Germany.

Yang, Sheng, Al-Hashimi, Bashir, Flynn, David and Khursheed, Saqib (2010) Scan based methodology for reliable state retention power gating designs. Design, Automation and Test in Europe, Dresden, Germany. 08 Mar 2010. pp. 69-74 .

Ali, Mustafa, Al-Hashimi, Bashir, Recas, Joaquin and Atienza, David (2010) Evaluation and Design Exploration of Solar Harvested-Energy Prediction Algorithm. DATE 2010 - Design Automation and Test in Europe 2010, Dresden, Germany. 08 - 12 Mar 2010. (Submitted)

El Shabrawy, Karim, Maharatna, Koushik and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2009) Exploiting SWCNT Structural Variability Towards the Development of a Photovoltaic Device. International Symposium on Integrated Circuits (ISIC2009), Singapore.

Srivastava, Saket, Melouki, Aissa and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2011) Tagged repair techniques for defect tolerance in hybrid nano/CMOS architecture. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 10 (3), 424-432. (doi:10.1109/TNANO.2010.2045393).

Acharyya, Amit, Maharatna, Koushik and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2010) Co-ordinate Rotation Based Low Complexity 2D FastICA Algorithm and Architecture. International Conference on Green Circuits and Systems (ICGCS), Shanghai, China. 20 - 22 Jun 2010. (Submitted)

Khursheed, Syed Saqib, Al-Hashimi, Bashir, Chakrabarty, Krishnendu and Harrod, Peter (2010) Gate-sizing-based single Vdd test for bridge defects in multi-voltage designs. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 29 (9), 1409-1421. (doi:10.1109/TCAD.2010.2059310).

Kazmierski, Tom, Zhou, Dafeng, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Ashburn, Peter (2010) Numerically efficient modelling of CNT transistors with ballistic and non ballistic effects for circuit simulation. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 9 (1), 99-107.

Shafik, Rishad and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2011) Reliability Analysis of On-Chip Communication Architectures: An MPEG-2 Video Decoder Case Study. Embedded Hardware Design (MICPRO), 35 (2), 285-296.

Li, Liang, Maunder, Robert G., Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and Hanzo, Lajos (2010) Design of Fixed-Point Processing Based Turbo Codes Using Extrinsic Information Transfer Charts. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Ottawa, Canada.

Acharyya, Amit, Tudugalle, Hasitha, Maharatna, Koushik, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Gunn, Steve (2010) VLSI architecture for fetal ECG extraction for personalized healthcare application within resource constrained environmentT. Sixth UK Embedded Forum, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, United Kingdom. 29 - 30 Jun 2010.

Acharyya, Amit, Mondal, Sayanta, Maharatna, Koushik and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2010) Automated and Robust Channel Identification Algorithm and Architecture to Solve Permutation Problem of ICA for Artifacts Removal from ECG in Remote Health Monitoring Environment. Sixth UK Embedded Forum, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, United Kingdom. 29 - 30 Jun 2010.

Acharyya, Amit, Maharatna, Koushik, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Mondal, Sayanta (2010) Robust Channel Identification Scheme: Solving Permutation Indeterminacy of ICA for Artifacts Removal from ECG. 32nd Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 30 Aug - 03 Sep 2010. (Submitted)

Khursheed, Syed Saqib, Zhong, Shida, Al-Hashimi, Bashir, Aitken, Robert and Kundu, Sandip (2010) Modeling the Impact of Process Variation on Resistive Bridge Defects. International Test Conference, Austin, Texas, United States.

Acharyya, Amit, Maharatna, Koushik and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2011) Algorithm and architecture for N-D vector cross-product computation. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 59 (2), 812-826. (doi:10.1109/TSP.2010.2090523).

Mistry, Jatin, Al-Hashimi, Bashir, Flynn, David and Hill, Stephen (2011) Sub-Clock Power-Gating Technique for Minimising Leakage Power During Active Mode. Design, Automation and Test in Europe, Grenoble, France. 14 - 18 Mar 2011.

Wang, Leran, Kazmierski, Tom, Al-Hashimi, Bashir, Weddell, Alex, Merrett, Geoff and Ayala Garcia, Ivo (2011) Accelerated simulation of tunable vibration energy harvesting systems using a linearised state-space technique. Design, Test and Automation in Europe (DATE 2011), Grenoble, France. 14 - 18 Mar 2011.

Weddell, Alex, Merrett, Geoff and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2011) Ultra low-power photovoltaic MPPT technique for indoor and outdoor wireless sensor nodes. Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), Grenoble, France. 14 - 18 Mar 2011. 4 pp .

Li, Liang, Maunder, Robert G., Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Hanzo, Lajos (2013) A low-complexity turbo decoder architecture for energy-efficient wireless sensor networks. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 21 (1), 14-22. (doi:10.1109/TVLSI.2011.2177104).

Acharyya, Amit, Maharatna, Koushik, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Tudugalle, Hasitha (2011) Simplified Logic Design Methodology for Fuzzy Membership Function based Robust Detection of Maternal Modulus Maxima Location : a Low Complexity Fetal ECG Extraction Architecture for Mobile Health Monitoring Systems. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 14 - 17 May 2011.

Khursheed, Syed Saqib, Yang, Sheng, Al-Hashimi, Bashir, Huang, Xiaoyu and Flynn, David (2011) Improved DFT for Testing Power Switches. 16th IEEE European Test Symposium (ETS 2011), Trondheim, Norway. 22 - 26 May 2011.

De Jager, Dirk, Wood, Alex L., Merrett, Geoff V., Al-Hashimi, Bashir M., O'Hara, Kieron, Shadbolt, Nigel R. and Hall, Wendy (2011) A low-power, distributed, pervasive healthcare system for supporting memory. 1st ACM MobiHoc Workshop on Pervasive Wireless Healthcare (MobileHealth 2011), Paris, France.

Acharyya, Amit, Maharatna, Koushik, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Reeve, Jeff (2011) Co-ordinate Rotation based Low Complexity N-D FastICA Algorithm and Architecture. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 59 (8), 3997-4011. (doi:10.1109/TSP.2011.2150219).

Acharyya, Amit, Maharatna, Koushik and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2011) Predictive Algorithm Based Low Complexity 2D FastICA. UK Electronics Forum 2011, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom. 03 - 04 Jul 2011. (Submitted)

Zhong, Shida, Khursheed, Saqib and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2011) A Fast and Accurate Process Variation-aware Modeling Technique for Resistive Bridge Defects. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. (Submitted)

Zhong, Shida, Khursheed, Saqib, Al-Hashimi, Bashir, Reddy, Sudhakar and Chakrabarty, Krishnendu (2011) Analysis of Resistive Bridge Defect Delay Behavior in the Presence of Process Variation. Asian Test Symposium 2011, New Delhi, India. 21 - 23 Nov 2011. (In Press)

Yang, Sheng, Khursheed, Syed Saqib, Al-Hashimi, Bashir, Flynn, David and Idgunji, Sachin (2011) Reliable state retention-based embedded processors through monitoring and recovery. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 30 (12), 1773-1785.

Zhao, Yi, Khursheed, Saqib and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2011) Cost-Effective TSV Grouping for Yield Improvement of 3D-ICs. ATS 2011, India. (Submitted)

Weddell, Alex, Merrett, Geoff V., Kazmierski, Tom and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2011) Accurate supercapacitor modeling for energy-harvesting wireless sensor nodes. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 58 (12), 911-915. (doi:10.1109/TCSII.2011.2172712).

Weddell, Alex S., Merrett, Geoff V. and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2012) Photovoltaic sample-and-hold circuit enabling MPPT indoors for low-power systems. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 59 (6), 1196-1204. (doi:10.1109/TCSI.2011.2173393).

Ejlali, Alireza, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Eles, Petru (2012) Low-energy standby-sparing for hard real-time systems. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 31 (3), Autumn Issue, 329-342. (doi:10.1109/TCAD.2011.2173488).

Kazmierski, Tom, Wang, Leran, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Merrett, Geoff V. (2012) An explicit linearized state-space technique for accelerated simulation of electromagnetic vibration energy harvesters. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 31 (4), 522-531. (doi:10.1109/TCAD.2011.2176124).

Wood, Alex L., Merrett, Geoff V., de Jager, Dirk, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M., O'Hara, Kieron, Shadbolt, Nigel R. and Hall, Wendy (2012) DejaView: Help with memory, when you need it. SenseCam 2012: Third Annual Symposium, Oxford, United Kingdom. 03 - 04 Apr 2012. 20 pp .

Kazmierski, Tom, Merrett, Geoff V., Wang, Leran, Al-Hashimi, Bashir, Weddell, Alex and Ayala Garcia, Ivo (2012) Modeling of Wireless Sensor Nodes Powered by Tunable Energy Harvesters: HDL-Based Approach. IEEE Sensors Journal, 12 (8), 2680-2689. (doi:10.1109/JSEN.2012.2196037).

Weddell, Alex S., Merrett, Geoff V., Barrow, Stuart and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2012) Vibration-powered sensing system for engine condition monitoring. IET Wireless Sensor Systems 2012, London, United Kingdom. 18 - 19 Jun 2012. 5 pp .

Wood, Alex L., Merrett, Geoff V., Gunn, Steve R., Al-Hashimi, Bashir M., Shadbolt, Nigel R and Hall, Wendy (2012) Adaptive sampling in context-aware systems: a machine learning approach. IET Wireless Sensor Systems 2012, London, United Kingdom. 18 - 19 Jun 2012. 5 pp .

Wang, Leran, Kazmierski, Tom, Al-Hashimi, Bashir, Aloufi, Mansour and Wenninger, Joseph (2012) Response-surface-based design space exploration and optimisation of wireless sensor nodes with tunable energy harvesters. DATE2012: Design, Test and Automation in Europe, Dresden, Germany. 12 - 16 Mar 2012.

Mistry, Jatin N., Biggs, John, Myers, James, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and Flynn, David (2012) dRail: a novel physical layout methodology for power gated circuits. Power and Timing Modelling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS) 2012, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom. 03 - 05 Sep 2012. 10 pp .

Weddell, Alex S., Zhu, Dibin, Merrett, Geoff V., Beeby, S.P. and Al-Hashimi, B.M. (2012) A practical self-powered sensor system with a tunable vibration energy harvester. PowerMEMS 2012, Atlanta, United States. 02 - 05 Dec 2012. 4 pp .

Perez-Andrade, I., Zuo, X., Maunder, R.G., Al-Hashimi, B.M. and Hanzo, L. (2013) Analysis of voltage- and clock-scaling-induced timing errors in stochastic LDPC decoders. 2013 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2013), , Shanghai, China. 07 - 10 Apr 2013. pp. 4293-4298 . (doi:10.1109/WCNC.2013.6555268).

Li, L., Maunder, R.G., Al-Hashimi, B.M., Zwolinski, M. and Hanzo, L. (2013) Energy-conscious turbo decoder design: a joint signal processing and transmit energy reduction approach. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 62 (8), 3627-3638.

Mistry, Jatin, Myers, James, Al-Hashimi, Bashir, Flynn, David, Biggs, John and Merrett, Geoff V. (2013) Active mode subclock power gating. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 1-11. (doi:10.1109/TVLSI.2013.2280886).

Khursheed, Syed Saqib, Shi, Kan, Al-Hashimi, Bashir, Wilson, Peter R. and Chakrabarty, Krishnendu (2013) Delay test for diagnosis of power switches. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, n/a, 1-10. (doi:10.1109/TVLSI.2013.2239319).

Boettcher, Matthias, Gabrielli, Giacomo, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and Kershaw, Danny (2013) MALEC: a multiple access low energy cache. DATE2013: Design Automation and Test Conference in Europe, Grenoble, France. 19 - 22 Mar 2013. 6 pp .

Yang, Sheng, Khursheed, Saqib, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M., Flynn, David and Merrett, Geoff V. (2013) Improved state integrity of flip-flops for voltage scaled retention under PVT variation. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 60 (11), 1-9. (doi:10.1109/TCSI.2013.2252640).

Weddell, Alexander S., Magno, Michele, Merrett, Geoff V., Brunelli, Davide, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Benini, Luca (2013) A Survey of Multi-Source Energy Harvesting Systems. Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), Grenoble, France. 18 - 22 Mar 2013. 4 pp . (doi:10.7873/DATE.2013.190).

Umoh, Ime, Kazmierski, Tomasz and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2013) A dual-gate graphene FET model for circuit simulation - SPICE implementation. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 12 (3), 427-435. (doi:10.1109/TNANO.2013.2253490).

Kazmierski, Tom, Wang, Leran, Merrett, Geoff V., Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Aloufi, Mansour (2013) Fast design space exploration of vibration-based energy harvesting wireless sensors. IEEE Sensors Journal, 13 (11), 4393-4401. (doi:10.1109/JSEN.2013.2263792).

Kazmierski, Tom J., Wang, Leran, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Merrett, Geoff V. (2013) DoE-based performance optimization of energy management in sensor nodes powered by tunable energy-harvesters. Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE 13), Grenoble, France. 18 - 22 Mar 2013. p. 484 . (doi:10.7873/DATE.2013.110).

Shafik, R.A., Al-Hashimi, B.M., Mathew, J., Pradhan, D.K. and Mohanty, S.P. (2012) RAEF: a power normalized system-level reliability analysis and estimation framework. IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI, Amherst, United States. 18 - 20 Aug 2012.

Shafik, Rishad Ahmed, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and Reeve, Jeff S. (2012) System-level design optimization of reliable and low power multiprocessor system-on-chip. Microelectronics Reliability, 52 (8), 1735-1748. (doi:10.1016/j.microrel.2012.03.002).

Beeby, S.P., Wang, Leran, Zhu, Dibin, Weddell, Alex, Merrett, Geoff V., Stark, Bernard, Szarka, Gyorgy and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2013) A comparison of power output from linear and non-linear kinetic energy harvesters using real vibration data. Smart Materials and Structures, 22 (7), 75022. (doi:10.1088/0964-1726/22/7/075022).

Jalal, Asim, Gibbins, Nicholas, Millard, David and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2012) Enabling the discovery of Adaptive Learning Resources for mobile learner. 11th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning (mLearn 2012), Helsinki, Finland. 15 - 17 Oct 2012. 6 pp .

Jalal, Syed Asim, Gibbins, Nicholas M., Millard, David and Al Hashimi, Bashir (2013) Content-aware power saving multimedia adaptation for mobile learning. 7th International Conference on Next Generation Mobile Applications, Services, and Technologies (NGMAST' 2013), Prague, Czech Republic. 24 - 26 Sep 2013. 6 pp .

Bischoff, Sascha, Hansson, Andreas and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2013) Applying quality of experience to system optimisation. 23th International Workshop on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS 2013), Karlsruhe, Germany. 08 - 10 Sep 2013. (Submitted)

Jalal, Syed Asim, Gibbins, Nicholas, Millard, David and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2013) Energy-aware adaptation of educational multimedia in mobile learning. 11th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia (MoMM2013), Vienna, Austria. 02 - 04 Dec 2013.

Weddell, Alex S., Zhu, Dibin, Merrett, Geoff V., Beeby, Stephen P. and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2013) Tunable vibration energy harvester. 1st International Workshop on Energy Neutral Sensing Systems (ENSsys 2013), Rome, Italy. 14 Nov 2013. (doi:10.1145/2534208.2534226).

Boettcher, Matthias, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M., Eyole, Mbou, Gabrielli, Giacomo and Reid, Alastair (2014) Advanced SIMD: extending the reach of contemporary SIMD architectures. Design, Automation, and Test in Europe Conference, DATE2014, Dresden, Germany. 24 - 28 Mar 2014. (In Press)

Kufel, Jedrzej, Wilson, Peter, Hill, Stephen, Al-Hashimi, Bashir, Whatmough, Paul N. and Myers, James (2014) Clock-modulation based watermark for protection of embedded processors. Design, Automation and Test in Europe, Dresden, Germany. 24 - 28 Mar 2014. 6 pp .

Das, Anup K., Shafik, Rishad Ahmed, Merrett, Geoff V., Al-Hashimi, Bashir M., Kumar, Akash and Veeravalli, Bharadwaj (2014) Reinforcement learning-based inter- and intra-application thermal optimization for lifetime improvement of multicore systems. DAC2014: Design Automation Conference, San Francisco, United States. 31 May - 04 Jun 2014.

Shafik, Rishad Ahmed, Das, Anup K., Yang, Sheng, Merrett, Geoff V. and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2014) Design considerations for reliable embedded systems. In, Swingler, Jonathan (ed.) Reliability Characterisation of Electrical and Electronic Systems. (Woodhead Publishing Series in Electronic and Optical Materials, 74) London, GB. Woodhead Publishing.

Umoh, Ime Jarlath, Kazmierski, Tom and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2014) Multi-layer graphene FET compact circuit-level model with temperature effects. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 13 (4), 805-813. (doi:10.1109/TNANO.2014.2323129).

Tenentes, Vasileios, Khursheed, Syed Saqib, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M., Zhong, Shida and Yang, Sheng (2014) High quality testing of grid style power gating. 23rd Asian Test Symposium (ATS), Hangzhou, China. 16 - 19 Nov 2014. pp. 1-6 . (doi:10.1109/ATS.2014.37).

Jalal, Syed Asim, Gibbins, Nicholas, Millard, David, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Aljohani, Naif (2014) Learner-Battery Interaction in Energy-Aware Learning Multimedia Systems. The 13th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia 2014, Melbourne, Australia. 24 - 28 Nov 2014. (doi:10.1145/2677972.2678005).

Das, Anup K., Shafik, Rishad Ahmed, Merrett, Geoff V., Hashimi, B.M., Kumar, Akash and Veeravalli, Bharadwaj (2015) Workload uncertainty characterization and adaptive frequency scaling for energy minimization of embedded systems. Conference on Design, Automation & Test in Europe, Grenoble, France. 09 - 13 Mar 2015. 6 pp .

Jalal, Syed Asim, Gibbins, Nicholas, Millard, David, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Aljohani, Naif R. (2014) Energy-Aware Streaming Multimedia Adaptation: An Educational Perspective. International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia (MoMM2014), Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. 08 - 10 Dec 2014. 9 pp . (In Press)

Balsamo, Domenico, Weddell, Alex, Merrett, Geoff V., Al-Hashimi, Bashir M., Brunelli, Davide and Benini, Luca (2015) Hibernus: sustaining computation during intermittent supply for energy-harvesting systems. IEEE Embedded Systems Letters, 7 (1), 15-18. (doi:10.1109/LES.2014.2371494).

Shafik, Rishad Ahmed, Das, Anup K., Yang, Sheng, Merrett, Geoff V. and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2014) Learning-based runtime management of energy-efficient and reliable many-core systems. ESWEEK Workshop on Compiler Assisted SoC Assembly (CASA), Delhi, Union Territory of, India. 1 pp .

Maeda-Nunez, Luis Alfonso, Das, Anup K., Shafik, Rishad A., Merrett, Geoff V. and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2015) PoGo: an application-specific adaptive energy minimisation approach for embedded systems. HiPEAC Workshop on Energy Efficiency with Heterogenous Computing (EEHCO). 19 - 21 Jan 2015. 6 pp .

Shafik, Rishad Ahmed, Das, Anup K., Yang, Sheng, Merrett, Geoff V. and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2015) Adaptive energy minimization of OpenMP parallel applications on many-core systems. 6th Workshop on Parallel Programming and Run-Time Management Techniques for Many-core Architectures, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 21 Jan 2015. 6 pp .

Walker, Matthew J., Das, Anup K., Merrett, Geoff V. and Hashimi, B.M. (2015) Run-time power estimation for mobile and embedded asymmetric multi-core CPUs. HIPEAC Workshop on Energy Efficiency with Heterogenous Computing, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 19 - 21 Jan 2015. 6 pp .

Shafik, Rishad Ahmed, Das, Anup K., Yang, Sheng, Merrett, Geoff V. and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2015) Thermal-aware adaptive energy minimization of open MP parallel applications. DATE2015: Workshop on Designing with Uncertainty - Opportunities & Challenges in Conjunction with Design and Test in Europe (DATE) Conference, Grenoble, France. 09 - 13 Mar 2015. pp. 1-3 .

Kufel, Jedrzej, Wilson, Peter R., Hill, Stephen and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2015) Sequence-aware watermark design for soft IP embedded processors. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, Summer Issue, 1-14. (doi:10.1109/TVLSI.2015.2399457).

Das, Anup K., Walker, Mathew J., Merrett, Geoff V. and Hashimi, B.M. (2015) Reinforcement learning-based DPM-DVFS trade-off for thermal-aware power optimization of embedded systems. WIP at Design Automation Conference (DAC), San Francisco, United States. 06 - 10 Jun 2015. (In Press)

Hailes, Peter, Xu, Lei, Maunder, Robert G., Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and Hanzo, Lajos (2015) A survey of FPGA-based LDPC decoders. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 1-26. (doi:10.1109/COMST.2015.2510381).

Shafik, Rishad Ahmed, Yang, Sheng, Das, Anup K., Maeda-Nunez, Luis Alfonso, Merrett, Geoff V. and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2016) Learning transfer-based adaptive energy minimization in embedded systems. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 35 (6), 877-890, [7308001]. (doi:10.1109/TCAD.2015.2481867).

Rossi, Daniele, Tenentes, Vasileios, Khursheed, Saqib and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2015) NBTI and leakage aware sleep transistor design for reliable and energy efficient power gating. In 20th IEEE European Test Symposium: ETS 2015. IEEE.. (doi:10.1109/ETS.2015.7138752).

Brejza, Matthew F., Zhang, Wenbo, Maunder, Robert G., Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and Hanzo, Lajos (2015) Adaptive iterative detection for expediting the convergence of a serially concatenated unary error correction decoder, turbo decoder and an iterative demodulator. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC): "Smart City & Smart World", London, United Kingdom. 07 - 11 Jun 2015. 6 pp .

Perez Andrade, Isaac, Zhong, Shida, Maunder, Robert, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Hanzo, Lajos (2015) Supplemental data of Stochastic Computing Improves the Timing-Error Tolerance and Latency of Turbo Decoders: Design Guidelines and Trade-offs. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/375728 [Dataset]

Das, Anup K., Walker, Matthew, Hansson, Andreas, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Merrett, Geoff V. (2015) Hardware-software interaction for run-time power optimization: a case study of embedded linux on multicore smartphones. International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design, Rome, Italy. 21 - 23 Jul 2015.

Rossi, Daniele, Tenentes, Vasileios, Khursheed, Saqib and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2015) BTI and leakage aware dynamic voltage scaling for reliable low power cache memories. In 2015 IEEE 21st International On-Line Testing Symposium (IOLTS). IEEE. 6 pp . (doi:10.1109/IOLTS.2015.7229858).

Tenentes, Vasileios, Rossi, Daniele, Khursheed, Saqib and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2015) Diagnosis of power switches with power-distribution-network consideration. In 20th IEEE European Test Symposium: ETS 2015. IEEE. 6 pp . (doi:10.1109/ETS.2015.7138774).

Das, Anup, Walker, Matthew, Hansson, Andreas, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Merrett, Geoffrey (2015) Hardware-Software Interaction for Run-time Power Optimization: A Case Study of Embedded Linux on Multicore Smartphones (Dataset). University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/377395 [Dataset]

Salehi, Mohammad, Ejlali, Alireza and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2015) Two-phase low-energy N-modular redundancy for hard real-time multi-core systems. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 1-14. (doi:10.1109/TPDS.2015.2444402).

Brejza, Matthew F., Li, Liang, Maunder, Robert G., Al-Hashimi, Bashir, Berrou, Claude and Hanzo, Lajos (2015) 20 years of turbo coding and energy-aware design guidelines for energy-constrained wireless applications. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 18 (1), 8-28. (doi:10.1109/COMST.2015.2448692).

Tenentes, Vasileios, Khursheed, Saqib, Rossi, Daniele, Yang, Sheng and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2015) DFT architecture with power-distribution-network consideration for delay-based power gating test. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 1-12. (doi:10.1109/TCAD.2015.2446939).

Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh, Maeda-Nunez, Luis Alfonso, Butler, Michael, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Merrett, Geoff (2015) Towards automatic code generation of run-time power management for embedded systems using formal methods. 9th International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-core Systems-on-Chip (MCSoC-15), Turin, Italy. 22 - 24 Sep 2015. 8 pp .

Yang, Sheng, Shafik, Rishad Ahmed, Merrett, Geoff V., Stott, Edward, Levine, Joshua, Davis, James and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2015) Adaptive energy minimization of embedded heterogeneous system using regression-based learning. In 2015 25th International Workshop on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS). IEEE. 8 pp . (doi:10.1109/PATMOS.2015.7347594).

Yang, Sheng, Shafik, Rishad Ahmed, Khursheed, Saqib, Flynn, David, Merrett, Geoff V. and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2015) Application-specific memory protection policies for energy-efficient reliable design. IEEE International ESWEEK Symposium on Rapid System Prototyping, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 08 - 09 Oct 2015. 7 pp .

Savanth, Anand, Weddell, Alex, Myers, James, Flynn, David and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2015) Photovoltaic cells for micro-scale wireless sensor nodes: measurement and modeling to assist system design. 3rd International Workshop on Energy Neutral Sensing Systems (ENSsys 2015), Seoul, Korea, Republic of. 6 pp . (In Press) (doi:10.1145/2820645.2820653).

Das, Anup, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Merrett, Geoff (2016) Adaptive and hierarchical run-time manager for energy-aware thermal management of embedded systems. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 15 (2), [24]. (doi:10.1145/2834120).

Das, Anup, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Merrett, Geoffrey (2015) Adaptive and Hierarchical Run-time Manager for Energy-Aware Thermal Management of Embedded Systems. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/382855 [Dataset]

Das, Anup, Merrett, Geoffrey, Tribastone, Mirco and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2015) Workload Change Point Detection for Run-time Thermal Management of Embedded Systems. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/383667 [Dataset]

Das, Anup, Merrett, Geoffrey, Tribastone, Mirco and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2015) Workload change point detection for run-time thermal management of embedded systems. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 1-16. (In Press)

SHAFIK, RISHAD A, Yang, Sheng, Das, Anup, Maeda-Nunez, Luis, Alfonso, Merrett, Geoffrey and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2015) Learning transfer-based adaptive energy minimization in embedded systems. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/383899 [Dataset]

Das, Anup, Merrett, Geoff V. and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2015) The Slowdown or Race-to-idle Question: Workload-Aware Energy Optimization of SMT Multicore Platforms under Process Variation. Conference on Design, Automation and Test in Europe 2016, Dresden, Germany. 14 - 18 Mar 2016. 4 pp . (In Press) (doi:10.5258/SOTON/404445).

Hailes, Peter, Xu, Lei, Maunder, Robert, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Hanzo, Lajos (2015) A survey of FPGA-based LDPC decoders. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/384946 [Dataset]

Li, An, Maunder, Robert, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Hanzo, Lajos (2016) BER plot - FPTD vs. Log-BCJR. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/385323 [Dataset]

Li, An, Xiang, Luping, Chen, Taihai, Maunder, Robert G., Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and Hanzo, Lajos (2016) VLSI implementation of fully-parallel LTE turbo decoders. IEEE Access, 4, 323-346, [7378273]. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2016.2515719).

Zuo, Xin, Perez Andrade, Isaac, Maunder, Robert G., Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Hanzo, Lajos (2016) Improving the tolerance of stochastic LDPC decoders to overclocking-induced timing errors: a tutorial and design example. IEEE Access, 4, 1607-1629. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2016.2550179).

Perez-Andrade, Isaac, Zhong, Shida, Maunder, Robert, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Hanzo, Lajos (2016) Stochastic computing improves the timing-error tolerance and latency of turbo decoders: design guidelines and trade-offs. IEEE Access, 1-30. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2016.2523063). (In Press)

Balsamo, Domenico, Das, Anup, Weddell, Alex, Brunelli, Davide, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M., Merrett, Geoff V. and Benini, Luca (2016) Graceful performance modulation for power-neutral transient computing systems. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 35 (5), 738-749, [7403941]. (doi:10.1109/TCAD.2016.2527713).

Rossi, Daniele, Tenentes, Vasileios, Yang, Sheng, Khursheed, Saqib and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2016) Reliable power gating with NBTI aging benefits. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 24 (8), 2735 - 2744. (doi:10.1109/TVLSI.2016.2519385).

Balsamo, Domenico, Das, Anup, Weddell, Alexander, Brunelli, Davide, Al-Hashimi, Bashir, Merrett, Geoffrey and Benini, Luca (2016) Dataset supporting the article entitled “Graceful performance modulation for power neutral transient computing systems". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/386876 [Dataset]

ZUO, XIN, Perez Andrade, Isaac, Maunder, Robert, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Hanzo, Lajos (2016) Improving the Tolerance of Stochastic LDPC Decoders to Overclocking-Induced Timing Errors: A tutorial and Design Example. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/388828 [Dataset]

Balsamo, Domenico, Weddell, Alexander, Das, Anup, Rodriguez Arreola, Alberto, Brunelli, Davide, Al-Hashimi, Bashir, Merrett, Geoffrey and Benini, Luca (2016) Data-set supporting the article entitled "Hibernus++: A Self-calibrating and Adaptive System for Transiently-Powered Embedded Devices". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/389749 [Dataset]

Balsamo, Domenico, Weddell, Alex S., Das, Anup, Rodriguez Arreola, Alberto, Brunelli, Davide, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M., Merrett, Geoff V. and Benini, Luca (2016) Hibernus++: a self-calibrating and adaptive system for transiently-powered embedded devices. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 35 (12), 1968-1980. (doi:10.1109/TCAD.2016.2547919).

Rodriguez Arreola, Alberto, Balsamo, Domenico, Das, Anup, Weddell, Alex S., Brunelli, Davide, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Merrett, Geoff (2015) Approaches to Transient Computing for Energy Harvesting Systems - A Quantitative Evaluation. ENSsys '15 Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Energy Harvesting Energy Neutral Sensing Systems, Seoul, Korea, Republic of. 01 - 04 Nov 2015. pp. 3-8 . (doi:10.1145/2820645.2820652).

Rossi, Daniele, Tenentes, Vasileios, Yang, Sheng, Khursheed, Saqib and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2017) Aging benefits in nanometer CMOS designs. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 64 (3), 324-328. (doi:10.1109/TCSII.2016.2561206).

Walker, Matthew, Diestelhorst, Stephan, Hansson, Andreas, Das, Anup, Yang, Sheng, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Merrett, Geoffrey (2016) Dataset supporting the article entitled "Accurate and Stable Run-Time Power Modeling for Mobile and Embedded CPUs". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/393673 [Dataset]

Walker, Matthew, Diestelhorst, Stephan, Hansson, Andreas, Das, Anup, Yang, Sheng, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and Merrett, Geoff V. (2017) Accurate and stable run-time power modeling for mobile and embedded CPUs. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 36 (1), 106-119. (doi:10.1109/TCAD.2016.2562920).

BREJZA, MATTHEW F, Wang, Tao, ZHANG, WENBO, Al-Khalili, David, Maunder, Robert, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Hanzo, Lajos (2016) Supplemental data of Exponential Golomb and Rice Error Correction Codes for Generalized Near-Capacity Joint Source and Channel Coding. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/393928 [Dataset]

Brejza, Matthew, Wang, Tao, Zhang, Wenbo, Al-Khalili, David, Maunder, Robert, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Hanzo, Lajos (2016) Exponential Golomb and Rice Error Correction codes for generalized near-capacity joint source and channel coding. IEEE Access, 1-20. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2016.2584982).

Li, An, Maunder, Robert G., Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Hanzo, Lajos (2016) Implementation of a fully-parallel turbo decoder on a general-purpose graphics processing unit. IEEE Access, 1-20. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2016.2586309).

AL-DUJAILY, RAAED, Li, An, Maunder, Robert, Mak, Terrence, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Hanzo, Lajos (2016) A Scalable Turbo Decoding Algorithm for High-Throughput Network-on-Chip Implementation. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/397738 [Dataset]

Salehi, Mohammad, Ejlali, Alireza and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2016) Dataset supporting the article entitled "Two-Phase Low-Energy N-Modular Redundancy for Hard Real-Time Multi-Core Systems". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/397799 [Dataset]

Walker, Matthew, Diestelhorst, Stephan, Hansson, Andreas, Balsamo, Domenico, Merrett, Geoffrey and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2016) Dataset supporting the paper entitled "Thermally-Aware Composite Run-Time CPU Power Models". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/398554 [Dataset]

Walker, Matthew J., Diestelhorst, Stephan, Hansson, Andreas, Balsamo, Domenico, Merrett, Geoff V. and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2016) Thermally-aware composite run-time CPU power models. International Workshop on Power And Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS 2016), Bremen, Germany. 20 - 22 Sep 2016. 8 pp . (In Press)

Li, An, Hailes, Peter, Maunder, Robert G., Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and Hanzo, Lajos (2016) 1.5 Gbit/s FPGA implementation of a fully-parallel turbo decoder designed for mission-critical machine-type communication applications. IEEE Access, 1-1. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2016.2599408).

Chahal, Hardeep, Tenentes, Vasileios, Rossi, Daniele and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2016) BTI aware thermal management for reliable DVFS designs. Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems Symposium (DFT'16), Connecticut, United States. 18 - 19 Sep 2016. 6 pp .

Brejza, Matthew, Maunder, Robert, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Hanzo, Lajos (2016) Supplemental data of A High-Throughput FPGA Architecture for Joint Source and Channel Decoding. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/400924 [Dataset]

Tenentes, Vasileios, Rossi, Daniele, Yang, Sheng, Khursheed, Saqib, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and Gunn, Steve R. (2017) Coarse-grained online monitoring of BTI aging by reusing power gating infrastructure. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 25 (4), 1397-1407. (doi:10.1109/TVLSI.2016.2626218).

Tenentes, Vasileios, Rossi, Daniele, Yang, S, Khursheed, Saqib, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Gunn, Stephen (2016) Data-set supporting the article entitled "Coarse-grained Online Monitoring of BTI Aging by Reusing Power Gating Infrastructure". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/402489 [Dataset]

Brejza, Matthew, Maunder, Robert G., Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Hanzo, Lajos (2017) A flexible iterative receiver architecture for wireless sensor networks: a joint source and channel coding design example. IET Wireless Sensor Systems, 1-11. (doi:10.1049/iet-wss.2015.0139).

Al-Dujaily, Ra'ed, Li, An, Maunder, Robert G, Mak, Terrence, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and Hanzo, Lajos (2016) A scalable turbo decoding algorithm for high-throughput network-on-chip implementation. IEEE Access, 1-1. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2016.2628801).

Brejza, Matthew, Maunder, Rob, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Hanzo, Lajos (2016) A high-throughput FPGA architecture for joint source and channel decoding. IEEE Access, 5, 2921-2944. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2016.2633441).

Brejza, Matthew, Maunder, Robert, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Hanzo, Lajos (2016) Supplemental data for flexible iterative receiver architecture for wireless sensor networks: a joint source and channel coding design example. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/403404 [Dataset]

Merrett, Geoffrey and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2016) Dataset supporting the article entitled "Energy-Driven Computing: Rethinking the Design of Energy Harvesting Systems". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/404058 [Dataset]

Biswas, Dwaipayan, Balagopal, Vibishna, Shafik, Rishad, Ahmed, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Merrett, Geoffrey (2016) Dataset supporting the article entitled "Machine Learning for Run-Time Energy Optimisation in Many-Core Systems". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/404064 [Dataset]

Merrett, Geoff V and Al-Hashimi, Bashir B M (2017) Energy-Driven Computing: Rethinking the Design of Energy Harvesting Systems. In Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 2017. IEEE. 6 pp . (doi:10.23919/DATE.2017.7927130).

Das, Anup, Merrett, Geoffrey and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2017) Dataset supporting the article entitled "The Slowdown or Race-to-idle Question: Workload-Aware Energy Optimization of SMT Multicore Platforms under Process Variation". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/404445 [Dataset]

Biswas, Dwaipayan, Balagopal, Vibishna, Shafik, Rishad, Al-Hashimi, Bashir B M and Merrett, Geoff V (2017) Machine Learning for Run-Time Energy Optimisation in Many-Core Systems. In 2017 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE). IEEE. 5 pp .

Savanth, Parameshwarappa, Myers, James, Weddell, Alex, Flynn, David and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2017) A 0.68nW/kHz supply-independent relaxation oscillator with ±0.49%/V and 96ppm/C stability. International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC 2017), San Francisco, United States. 05 - 09 Feb 2017. 3 pp .

Savanth, Parameshwarappa, Weddell, Alex, Myers, James, Flynn, David and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2017) A 50nW voltage monitor scheme for minimum energy sensor systems. 30th International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSID 2017), Hyderabad, India. 07 - 11 Jan 2017. 6 pp .

Hailes, Peter, Xu, Lei, Maunder, Robert, Hanzo, Lajos and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2017) Research data for "A Flexible FPGA-Based Quasi-Cyclic LDPC Decoder". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/405769 [Dataset]

Basireddy, Karunakar Reddy, Singh, Amit, Merrett, Geoff V. and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2017) ITMD: run-time management of concurrent multi-threaded applications on heterogeneous multi-cores. Conference on Design, Automation and Test in Europe 2017 (DATE'17), Swisstech, Lausanne, Switzerland. 27 - 31 Mar 2017. 1 pp .

Hailes, Peter, Xu, Lei, Maunder, Robert, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Hanzo, Lajos (2017) A flexible FPGA-based quasi-cyclic LDPC decoder. IEEE Access, 5, 20965-20984. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2678103).

Balsamo, Domenico, Elboreini, Ali, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Merrett, Geoffrey (2017) Dataset supporting the Paper titled: Exploring ARM mbed Support for Transient Computing in Energy Harvesting IoT Systems. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0102 [Dataset]

Leech, Charles, Basireddy, Karunakar Reddy, Singh, Amit, Merrett, Geoffrey and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2017) Dataset for Learning-based Run-time Power and Energy Management of Multi/Many-core Systems: Current and Future Trends. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0109 [Dataset]

Bantock, James, Robert Benjamin, Tenentes, Vasileios, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Merrett, Geoffrey (2017) Online tuning of Dynamic Power Management for efficient execution of interactive workloads. In IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design. IEEE. 6 pp . (doi:10.1109/ISLPED.2017.8009195).

Balsamo, Domenico, Elboreini, Ali, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Merrett, Geoffrey (2017) Exploring ARM mbed support for transient computing in energy harvesting IoT systems. 7th IEEE International Workshop on Advances in Sensors and Interfaces, 2017. 15 - 16 Jun 2017. (doi:10.1109/IWASI.2017.7974230).

Bantock, James, Robert Benjamin, Tenentes, Vasileios, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Merrett, Geoffrey (2017) Dataset for Online Tuning of Dynamic Power Management for Efficient Execution of Interactive Workloads. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0100 [Dataset]

Savanth, Parameshwarappa Anand, Kumar, Weddell, Alexander, Myers, James, Flynn, David and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2017) Integrated reciprocal conversion with selective direct operation for energy harvesting systems. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 64 (9), 2370-2379. (doi:10.1109/TCSI.2017.2707304).

Vougioukas, Ilias (2017) Complementary dataset to "Nucleus: Finding the sharing limit of heterogeneous cores". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0161 [Dataset]

Singh, Amit, Prakash, Alok, Basireddy, Karunakar Reddy, Merrett, Geoffrey and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2017) Dataset supporting the article entitled "Energy-Efficient Run-time Mapping and Thread Partitioning of Concurrent OpenCL Applications on CPU-GPU MPSoCs". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0164 [Dataset]

Vala, Charan Kumar, Leech, Charles and Merrett, Geoffrey (2017) High Speed Low Complexity Guided Image Filtering Based Disparity Estimation. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0170 [Dataset]

Basireddy, Karunakar Reddy, Walker, Matthew, Balsamo, Domenico, Diestelhorst, Stephan, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Merrett, Geoffrey (2017) Dataset for Empirical CPU Power Modelling and Estimation in the gem5 Simulator. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0173 [Dataset]

Tenentes, Vasileios, Rossi, Daniele, Khursheed, Saqib, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Chakrabarty, Krishnendu (2017) Dataset for: Leakage Current Analysis for Diagnosis of Bridge Defects in Power-Gating Designs. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0189 [Dataset]

Rossi, Daniele, Tenentes, Vasileios, Reddy, Sudhakar, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Brown, Andrew (2018) Exploiting aging benefits for the design of reliable drowsy cache memories. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 37 (7), 1345-1357. (doi:10.1109/TCAD.2017.2729399).

Tenentes, Vasileios, Rossi, Daniele, Khursheed, Saqib, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Chakrabarty, Krishnendu (2018) Leakage current analysis for diagnosis of bridge defects in power-gating designs. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 37 (4), 883-895. (doi:10.1109/TCAD.2017.2729462).

Singh, Amit, Prakash, Alok, Basireddy, Karunakar Reddy, Merrett, Geoffrey and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2017) Energy efficient run-time mapping and thread partitioning of concurrent OpenCL applications on CPU-GPU MPSoCs. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems. (doi:10.1145/3126548).

Basireddy, Karunakar Reddy, Walker, Matthew, Balsamo, Domenico, Diestelhorst, Stephan, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Merrett, Geoffrey (2017) Empirical CPU power modelling and estimation in the gem5 simulator. In 2017 27th International Symposium on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS). IEEE. pp. 1-8 . (doi:10.1109/PATMOS.2017.8106988).

Singh, Amit, Leech, Charles, Basireddy, Karunakar Reddy, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Merrett, Geoffrey (2017) Learning-based run-time power and energy management of multi/many-core systems: current and future trends. Journal of Low Power Electronics. (doi:10.1166/jolpe.2017.1492).

Vougioukas, Ilias, Sandberg, Andreas, Diestelhorst, Stephan, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Merrett, Geoffrey (2017) Nucleus: finding the sharing limit of heterogeneous cores. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 16 (5s). (doi:10.1145/3126544).

Tenentes, Vasileios, Leech, Charles, Bragg, Graeme, Merrett, Geoffrey, Al-Hashimi, Bashir, Amrouch, Hussam, Henkel, Jörg and Das, Shidhartha (2017) Hardware and software innovations in energy-efficient system-reliability monitoring. In IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems. IEEE. 5 pp . (In Press) (doi:10.1109/DFT.2017.8244435).

Leech, Charles (2017) Dataset supporting the paper entitled "Run-time Performance and Power Optimization of a Parallel Disparity Estimation Algorithm on Many-Core Platforms". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0221 [Dataset]

Leech, Charles, Vala, Charan Kumar, Acharyya, Amit, Yang, Sheng, Merrett, Geoffrey and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2017) Run-time performance and power optimization of parallel disparity estimation on many-core platforms. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems. (In Press)

Vala, Charan Kumar, Immadisetty, Koushik, Acharyya, Amit, Leech, Charles, Balagopal, Vibishna, Merrett, Geoff V. and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2018) High-speed low-complexity guided image filtering-based disparity estimation. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 65 (2), 606-617. (doi:10.1109/TCSI.2017.2729084).

Basireddy, Karunakar Reddy, SINGH, AMIT K, Biswas, Dwaipayan, Merrett, Geoff and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2017) Dataset supporting the article entitled "Inter-cluster Thread-to-core Mapping and DVFS on Heterogeneous Multi-cores". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0249 [Dataset]

Weber Wachter, Eduardo and Singh, Amit (2017) Dataset for Reliable Mapping and Partitioning of Performance-constrained OpenCL Applications on CPU-GPU MPSoCs. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0258 [Dataset]

Reddy, Basireddy Karunakar, Singh, Amit, Biswas, Dwaipayan, Merrett, Geoff and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2017) Inter-cluster thread-to-core mapping and DVFS on heterogeneous multi-cores. IEEE Transactions on Multiscale Computing Systems, 1-14. (doi:10.1109/TMSCS.2017.2755619).

Weber Wachter, Eduardo, Merrett, Geoff V., Singh, Amit and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2017) Reliable mapping and partitioning of performance-constrained OpenCL Applications on CPU-GPU MPSoCs. 15th IEEE/ACM Symposium on Embedded Systems for Real-Time Multimedia, , Seoul, Korea, Republic of. 15 - 20 Oct 2017. (doi:10.1145/3139315.3157088).

Sugiarto, Indar, Furber, Stephen, Shang, Delong, Singh, Amit, Ouni, Bassem, Merrett, Geoff and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2018) Software-defined PMC for runtime power management of a many-core neuromorphic platform. In Proceedings of ICCES 2017 12th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems. vol. 2018-January, IEEE. pp. 641-646 . (doi:10.1109/ICCES.2017.8275383).

Basireddy, Karunakar Reddy, Singh, Amit, Merrett, Geoff and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2017) Dataset supporting the article entitled "Online Concurrent Workload Classification for Multi-core Energy Management". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0308 [Dataset]

Basireddy, Karunakar Reddy, Singh, Amit, Merrett, Geoff and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2018) Online concurrent workload classification for multi-core energy management. IEEE Design, Automation & Test in Europe, , Dresden, Germany. 19 - 23 Mar 2018. pp. 621-624 .

Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh, Butler, Michael J., Yang, Sheng, Maeda-Nunez, Luis, Bantock, James, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and Merrett, Geoff V. (2018) A model-based framework for software portability and verification in embedded power management systems. Journal of Systems Architecture, 82, 12-23. (doi:10.1016/j.sysarc.2017.12.001).

Hailes, Peter, Xu, Lei, Maunder, Robert, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Hanzo, Lajos (2018) Hardware-efficient node processing unit architectures for flexible LDPC decoder implementations. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 1-6. (doi:10.1109/TCSII.2018.2807362).

Walker, Matthew, Bischoff, Sascha, Diestelhorst, Stephan, Merrett, Geoff and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2018) Hardware-validated CPU performance and energy modelling. 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software, Queens University, Belfast, United Kingdom. 02 - 04 Apr 2018. 10 pp . (doi:10.1109/ISPASS.2018.00013).

Walker, Matthew (2018) Dataset supporting the paper entitled "Hardware-Validated CPU Performance and Energy Modelling". Southampton, UK doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0420 [Dataset]

Basireddy, Karunakar Reddy, Weber Wachter, Eduardo, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Merrett, Geoff (2018) Dataset for "Workload-Aware Runtime Energy Management for HPC Systems". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0517 [Dataset]

Basireddy, Karunakar Reddy, Wachter, Eduardo W., Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and Merrett, Geoff V. (2018) Workload-aware runtime energy management for HPC systems. In International Workshop on Optimization of Energy Efficient HPC & Distributed Systems (OPTIM 2018). 8 pp . (In Press)

Basireddy, Karunakar Reddy, Weber Wachter, Eduardo, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Merrett, Geoff (2018) Dataset supporting the article entitled "Memory and Thread Synchronization Contention-Aware DVFS for HPC systems". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0547 [Dataset]

Basireddy, Karunakar Reddy, Weber Wachter, Eduardo, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Merrett, Geoff (2018) Memory and thread synchronization contention-aware DVFS for HPC systems. Adaptive Many-Core Architectures and Systems Workshop, , York, United Kingdom. 13 - 15 Jun 2018. 1 pp .

Walker, Matthew, Diestelhorst, Stephan, Merrett, Geoff and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2018) Accurate and stable empirical CPU power modelling for multi- and many-core systems. Adaptive Many-Core Architectures and Systems Workshop, , York, United Kingdom. 13 - 15 Jun 2018.

Bragg, Graeme McLachlan, Leech, Charles R., Balsamo, Domenico, Davis, James J., Weber Wachter, Eduardo, Merrett, Geoff, Constantinides, George A. and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2018) An application- and platform-agnostic control and monitoring framework for multicore systems. 3rd International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing, , Porto, Portugal. 29 - 30 Jul 2018.

Leech, Charles R., Bragg, Graeme McLachlan, Balsamo, Domenico, Weber Wachter, Eduardo, Merrett, Geoff and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2018) Application control and monitoring in heterogeneous multiprocessor systems. 13th International Symposium on Reconfigurable Communication-centric Systems-on-Chip, , Lille, France. 09 - 11 Jul 2018. 8 pp .

Vougioukas, Ilias, Sandberg, Andreas, Diestelhorst, Stephan, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Merrett, Geoff (2018) Will it blend? Merging heterogeneous cores. Adaptive Many-Core Architectures and Systems Workshop, , York, United Kingdom. 13 - 15 Jun 2018. 3 pp . (In Press)

Balsamo, Domenico, Fletcher, Benjamin, James, Weddell, Alexander, Karatziolas, Giorgos, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Merrett, Geoff (2019) Power neutral performance scaling with intrinsic MPPT for energy harvesting computing systems. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 17 (6), 93:1-93:25, [93]. (doi:10.1145/3281300).

Balsamo, Domenico, Fletcher, Benjamin, James, Weddell, Alexander, Karatziolas, Giorgos, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Merrett, Geoff (2018) Data-set supporting the article entitled "Power Neutral Performance Scaling with Intrinsic MPPT for Energy Harvesting Computing Systems". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0679 [Dataset]

Vala, Charan Kumar, French, Mark, Acharyya, Amit and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2019) Dataset for Low-Complexity Architecture for Cyber-Physical Systems Model Identification. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0712 [Dataset]

Kollig, P. and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (1997) Simultaneous scheduling, allocation and binding in high level synthesis. Electronics Letters, 33 (18), 1516 - 1518. (doi:10.1049/el:19971039).

Vala, Charan Kumar, French, Mark, Acharyya, Amit and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2018) Low-complexity architecture for cyber-physical systems model identification. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 1-6. (doi:10.1109/TCSII.2018.2881481).

Vougioukas, Ilias, Sandberg, Andreas, Nikoleris, Nikos, Diestelhorst, Stephan, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Merrett, Geoff (2018) BRB: mitigating branch predictor side-channels. International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture, Washington DC, Washington DC, United States. 16 - 20 Feb 2019. 12 pp . (In Press)

Vougioukas, Ilias (2019) Complementary dataset to "BRB: Mitigating Branch Predictor Side-Channels.". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0739 [Dataset]

Reddy Basireddy, Karunakar, Wachter, Eduardo Weber, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and Merrett, Geoff (2018) Workload-Aware runtime energy management for HPC Systems. In Proceedings - 2018 International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation, HPCS 2018. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. pp. 292-299 . (doi:10.1109/HPCS.2018.00057).

Tenentes, Vasileios, Rossi, Daniele and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2018) Collective-aware system-on-chips for dependable IoT applications. In 2018 IEEE 24th International Symposium on On-Line Testing and Robust System Design, IOLTS 2018. IEEE. pp. 57-60 . (doi:10.1109/IOLTS.2018.8474172).

Shao, Shuai, Hailes, Peter, Wang, Tsang-Yi, Wu, Jwo-Yuh, Maunder, Robert, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Hanzo, Lajos (2019) Survey of turbo, LDPC and polar decoder ASIC implementations. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials. (doi:10.1109/COMST.2019.2893851).

Weber wachter, Eduardo, Bellefroid, Cédric de, Basireddy, Karunakar Reddy, Singh, Amit Kumar, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Merrett, Geoff (2019) Dataset Supporting the article entitled "Predictive Thermal Management for Energy-efficient Execution of Concurrent Applications on Heterogeneous Multi-cores". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0793 [Dataset]

Xiang, Luping, Brejza, Matthew, Maunder, Robert, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Hanzo, Lajos (2019) Dataset for Arbitrarily Parallel Turbo Decoding for Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communication in 3GPP LTE. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0791 [Dataset]

Wächter, Eduardo Weber, De Bellefroid, Cédric, Basireddy, Karunakar Reddy, Singh, Amit Kumar, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and Merrett, Geoff (2019) Predictive thermal management for energy-efficient execution of concurrent applications on heterogeneous multicores. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 27 (6), 1404-1415, [8645825]. (doi:10.1109/TVLSI.2019.2896776).

Xiang, Luping, Brejza, Matthew, Maunder, Robert, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Hanzo, Lajos (2019) Arbitrarily parallel turbo decoding for ultra-reliable low latency communication in 3GPP LTE. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas of Communications, 37 (4), 826-838. (doi:10.1109/JSAC.2019.2898654).

Das, Anup, Balsamo, Domenico, Merrett, Geoff, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Catthoor, Francky (2018) Graceful performance adaption through hardware-software interaction for autonomous battery management of multicore smartphones. THE 9th International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference. 6 pp . (Submitted)

Walker, Matthew, James, Merrett, Geoff and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2019) Power modelling of multicore systems. In, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and Merrett, Geoff (eds.) Many-Core Computing: Hardware and Software.

Singh, Amit Kumar, Dziurzanski, Piotr, Merrett, Geoff and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2019) Tools and workloads for many-core computing. In, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and Merrett, Geoff V. (eds.) Many-Core Computing: Hardware and software. Institution of Engineering and Technology.

Aquino, Gibeon, Queiroz, Rafael, Merrett, Geoff and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2019) The circuit breaker pattern targeted to future IoT applications. Yangui, S., Bouassida Rodriguez, I., Drira, K. and Tari, Z. (eds.) In Service-Oriented Computing. ICSOC 2019. vol. 11895, Springer. pp. 390-396 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-030-33702-5_30).

Basireddy, Karunakar Reddy, Singh, Amit K, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Merrett, Geoffrey (2018) Dataset supporting the article entitled "AdaMD: Adaptive Mapping and DVFS for Energy-efficient Heterogeneous Multi-cores". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1041 [Dataset]

Basireddy, Karunakar R., Singh, Amit Kumar, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Merrett, Geoff V. (2019) AdaMD: Adaptive mapping and DVFS for energy-efficient heterogeneous multi-cores. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. (doi:10.1109/TCAD.2019.2935065).

Singh, Amit Kumar, Basireddy, Karunakar Reddy, Prakash, Alok, Merrett, Geoffrey and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2019) Dataset supporting the article entitled "Collaborative Adaptation for Energy-Efficient Heterogeneous Mobile SoCs". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1077 [Dataset]

Singh, Amit Kumar, Merrett, Geoff and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2018) Adaptation in heterogeneous multi-core SoCs. Adaptive Many-Core Architectures and Systems Workshop, , York, United Kingdom. 13 - 15 Jun 2018. 3 pp .

Singh, Amit Kumar, Basireddy, Karunakar Reddy, Prakash, Alok, Merrett, Geoff and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2020) Collaborative adaptation for energy-efficient heterogeneous mobile SoCs. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 69 (2), 185-197, [8859334]. (doi:10.1109/TC.2019.2943855).

Xun, Lei, Tran-Thanh, Long, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Merrett, Geoff (2020) Optimising resource management for embedded machine learning. Di Natale, Giorgio, Bolchini, Cristiana and Vatajelu, Elena-Ioana (eds.) In Proceedings of the 2020 Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition, DATE 2020. pp. 1556-1561 . (doi:10.23919/DATE48585.2020.9116235).

Xun, Lei (2019) Dataset for "Optimising Resource Management for Embedded Machine Learning". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1154 [Dataset]

Xun, Lei (2020) Dataset for "Incremental Training and Group Convolution Pruning for Runtime DNN Performance Scaling on Heterogeneous Embedded Platforms". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1245 [Dataset]

Xun, Lei, Tran-Thanh, Long, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Merrett, Geoff (2020) Incremental training and group convolution pruning for runtime DNN performance scaling on heterogeneous embedded platforms. In 1st ACM/IEEE Workshop on Machine Learning for CAD (MLCAD 2019). pp. 1-6 .

Sliper, Sivert T., Cetinkaya, Oktay, Weddell, Alexander, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Merrett, Geoff (2020) Energy-driven computing. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 378 (2164), 1-4, [20190158]. (doi:10.1098/rsta.2019.0158).

Singh, Amit Kumar, Dey, Somdip, Basireddy, Karunakar Reddy, McDonald-Maier, Klaus, Merrett, Geoff and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2020) Dynamic energy and thermal management of multi-core mobile platforms: a survey. IEEE Design and Test, 37 (5), 25-33, [9044742]. (doi:10.1109/MDAT.2020.2982629).

Bantock, James, Robert Benjamin, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Merrett, Geoff (2020) Dataset for Mitigating Interactive Performance Degradation from Mobile Device Thermal Throttling. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1351 [Dataset]

Bantock, James, Robert Benjamin, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Merrett, Geoff (2020) Mitigating interactive performance degradation from mobile device thermal throttling. IEEE Embedded Systems Letters. (In Press)

Ashraf Mamun, Sayed, Gilday, Alexander, Singh, Amit Kumar, Ganguly, Amlan, Merrett, Geoff, Wang, Xiaohang and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2020) Intra- and inter-server smart task scheduling for profit and energy optimization of HPC data centers. Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications, 10 (4), [32]. (doi:10.3390/jlpea10040032).

Sabetsarvestani, Mohammadamin, Hare, Jonathon and Merrett, Geoffrey (2021) Data for Similarity-aware CNN for Efficient Video Recognition at the Edge. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D2067 [Dataset]


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