schraefel, mc, Hughes, Gareth, Mills, Hugo, Smith, Graham and De Roure, David
Smart Tea Project.
eScience Pilot Projects Meeting, NeSC, Edinburgh, UK.
25 - 26 Mar 2004.
2 pp
Frey, Jeremy, Hughes, Gareth V., Mills, Hugo R., Payne, Terry R., schraefel, mc and Smith, Graham M.
Making tea: a human centred approach to designing a pervasive smart lab notebook.
227th ACS National Meeting, Anaheim CA USA.
25 - 31 Mar 2004.
Frey, Jeremy G., Mills, Hugo R., Hughes, Gareth V., Robinson, Jamie, de Roure, Dave C., schraefel, mc and Moreau, Luc
Semantic Support for Smart Laboratories.
229th American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting, San Diego, USA.
13 - 17 Mar 2005.
Frey, Jeremy G., Hughes, Gareth V., Mills, Hugo R., Payne, Terry R., schraefel, monica m.c. and Smith, Graham M.
Making tea: a human-centered approach to designing a pervasive lab book.
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 227, .
Bretherton, David, Smith, D.A., schraefel, mc, Polfreman, Richard, Everist, Mark, Brooks, L. Jeanice and Lambert, Joe
Integrating musicology's heterogeneous data sources for better exploration.
In Proceedings of the 10th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference.
International Society for Music Information Retrieval.
Bretherton, David, schraefel, monica m.c., Smith, Daniel Alexander, Polfreman, Richard, Everist, Mark, Brooks, Jeanice and Lambert, Joe
musicSpace: improving access to musicology's data sources.
eScience for Musicology, Edinburgh, UK.
30 Jun - 01 Jul 2009.
Bretherton, David, schraefel, m.c., Smith, Daniel Alexander, Polfreman, Richard, Everist, Mark and Brooks, Jeanice
The 'musicSpace' project.
IAML (UK & Ireland) Academic Music Librarians' Seminar, Birmingham, UK.
20 May 2009.
Bretherton, David, Smith, Daniel Alexander, schraefel, monica m.c., Everist, Mark, Brooks, Jeanice, Polfreman, Richard and Lambert, Joe
musicSpace: integrating musicology's heterogeneous data sources.
InterFace 2009: 1st International Symposium for Humanities and Technology, Southampton, UK.
08 - 09 Jul 2009.
Bretherton, David, schraefel, monica m.c., Everist, Mark, Brooks, Jeanice, Polfreman, Richard, Smith, Daniel Alexander and Lambert, Joe
An introduction to musicSpace.
Introduction to e-Research in Arts and Humanities, Reading, UK.
10 Dec 2008.
Bretherton, David, Smith, Daniel Alexander, schraefel, monica m.c., Everist, Mark, Brooks, Jeanice, Polfreman, Richard and Lambert, Joe
Discovery and exploration using musicSpace.
Unlocking Audio 2: Connecting with Listeners, London, UK.
16 - 17 Mar 2009.
Bretherton, David, Smith, Daniel Alexander, schraefel (PI), mc, Polfreman, Richard, Everist, Mark, Brooks, Jeanice and Lambert, Joe
Orchestrating musical (meta)data to better address the real-world search queries of musicologists.
5th IEEE International Conference on e-Science (e-science 2009), Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom.
09 - 11 Dec 2009.
Bretherton, David, Smith, Daniel Alexander, schraefel, mc, Polfreman, Richard, Everist, Mark, Brooks, Jeanice and Lambert, Joe
The "musicSpace" Project: orchestrating musicological metadata.
International Association of Music Libraries Congress IAML, Moscow, Russian Federation.
26 Jun - 01 Jul 2010.
Smith, Daniel Alexander, Bretherton, David, Lambert, Joe and schraefel, m.c.
The MusicNet composer URI project.
UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2010, Cardiff, United Kingdom.
12 - 15 Sep 2010.
Smith, Daniel Alexander, Bretherton, David, schraefel, m.c., Polfreman, Richard, Everist, Mark, Brooks, Jeanice and Lambert, Joe
Using pivots to explore heterogeneous collections: A case study in musicology.
UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2009, , Oxford, United Kingdom.
07 - 09 Dec 2009.
Smith, Daniel Alexander, Lambert, Joe, schraefel, mc and Bretherton, David
QWIC: performance heuristics for large scale exploratory user interfaces.
In Proceedings of the 23nd Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology.
ACM Press.
2 pp
Bretherton, David, Smith, Daniel Alexander, schraefel, m.c. and Lambert, Joe
Findings and outcomes of the musicSpace project.
Supporting the Digital Humanities, Vienna, Austria.
18 - 19 Oct 2010.
schraefel, mc, Bretherton, David, Smith, Daniel Alexander and Lambert, Joe
MusicSpace: improving access to musicological data.
2010 Microsoft Research eScience Workshop, Berkeley, United States.
10 - 12 Oct 2010.
4 pp
Bretherton, David, Smith, Daniel Alexander, Lambert, Joe and schraefel, mc
MusicNet: aligning musicology's metadata.
Music Linked Data Workshop, London, United Kingdom.
Nürnberg, Peter J. and schraefel, monica m.c.
Relationships among structural computing and other fields.
Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 26 (1), .
Tzagarakis, Manolis, Avramidis, Dimitris, Kyriakopoulou, Maria, schraefel, monica m.c., Vaitis, Michalis and Christodoulakis, Dimitris
Wiil, U.K., Nurnberg, P.J. and Hicks, D.L.
Structuring primitives in the Callimachus component-based open hypermedia system.
Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 26 (1), .
schraefel, m.c., Zhu, Yuxiang, Modjeska, David, Wigdor, Daniel and Zhao, Shengdong
Hunter Gatherer: Interaction support for the creation and management of within-web-page collections.
International World Wide Web Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States.
schraefel, m.c. and Zhu, Yuxiang
Hunter gatherer: a collection making tool for the web.
CHI '02 extended abstracts on Human factors in computer systems, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States.
schraefel, m.c., Wigdor, Daniel, Zhu, Yuxiang and Modjeska, David
Hunter gatherer: within-web-page collection making.
CHI '02 extended abstracts on Human factors in computer systems, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States.
Kassios, Ioannis T. and schraefel, m.c.
Noema: A Metalanguage for Scripting Versionable Hypertexts.
Plaice, John, Kropf, Peter G., Schulthes, Peter and Slonim, Jacob
Distributed Communities on the Web, 4th International Workshop, DCW 2002, Sydney, Australia.
02 - 04 Apr 2002.
Whitehead, Jim, De Bra, Paul, Grønbæk, Kaj, Larsen, Deena, Legget, John and schraefel, monica m.c.
Seven Issues, Revisited.
thirteenth conference on Hypertext and hypermedia, College Park, Maryland, United States.
Pacheco, Paulo and schraefel, m.c.
Focus+Context+Orientation with the Phaser Tool.
Chalmers, Matthew and schraefel, m.c.
User Interface Software Technology, Paris.
schraefel, m.c.
Review: Adobe Acrobat 5: the professional user’s guide.
ACM Computing Reviews, Oct (2).
Millard, Ian C., Hughes, Gareth V., Michaelides, Danius T., Millard, David E., schraefel, m. c., Thompson, Mark K. and Weal, Mark J.
'Forget About It': Signage at Preview Day 2003
schraefel, m.c., Shadbolt, Nigel R., Gibbins, Nicholas, Glaser, Hugh and Harris, Stephen
CS AKTive Space: Representing Computer Science in the Semantic Web.
World Wide Web Conference 2004.
Gibbins, Nicholas, Harris, Stephen and schraefel, monica
Applying mSpace Interfaces to the Semantic Web.
World Wide Web Conference 2004.
schraefel, monica m.c., Millard, Ian, Millard, Dave, Hughes, Gareth V., Weal, Mark J., Michaelides, Danius T., Harris, Steve and Gibbins, Nick
Connecting Physical+Temporal Events to Digital Contexts.
Shadbolt, Nigel R., schraefel, m.c., Gibbins, Nicholas, Glaser, Hugh and Harris, Stephen
Goble, Carol
Walking Through CS AKTive Space: A demonstration of an integrated SemanticWeb Application.
Journal of Web Semantics, 1 (4), .
schraefel, m.c., Hughes, Gareth, Mills, Hugo, Smith, Graham and Frey, Jeremy
Making tea: iterative design through analogy.
In Proceedings of Designing Interactive Systems.
ACM Press.
schraefel, m.c., Carr, Leslie, De Roure, David and Hall, Wendy
Ashman, Helen
You've Got Hypertext.
Journal of Digital Information, 5 (1.253).
Glaser, Hugh, Alani, Harith, Carr, Les, Chapman, Sam, Ciravegna, Fabio, Dingli, Alexei, Gibbins, Nicholas, Harris, Stephen, schraefel, m.c. and Shadbolt, Nigel
CS AKTive Space: Building a Semantic Web Application.
Bussler, Christopher, Davies, John, Fensel, Dieter and Studer, Rudi
In The Semantic Web: Research and Applications (First European Web Symposium, ESWS 2004).
schraefel, mc, Hughes, G., Mills, H., Smith, G., Payne, T. and Frey, J.
Breaking the Book: Translating the Chemistry Lab Book into a Pervasive Computing Lab Environment.
In Proceedings of CHI 2004.
Frey, J. G., De Roure, D., schraefel, mc, Mills, H., Fu, H., Peppe, S., Hughes, G., Smith, G. and Payne, T. R.
Context slicing the chemical aether.
Millard, D.
In Proceedings of First International Workshop on Hypermedia and the Semantic Web.
University of Nottingham.
schraefel, m.c.
ConTexts: Adaptable Hypermedia.
Brusilovsky, Peter, Stock, O. and Strapparava, C.
Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems International Conference, AH 2000, Trento, Italy.
Wadge, William, Brown, Gordon, schraefel, m.c. and Yildirim, Taner
Intensional HTML.
4th International Workshop, Principles of Digital Document Processing, , St Malo, France.
29 - 30 Mar 1998.
schraefel, m.c., Mancila, Blanca and Plaice, John
Geratsiykus, Manilis and Rodogiannis, Panos
Intensional Hypertext.
Intensional Programming II: Papers based on the1999 International Symposium on Lucid and Intensional Programming.
schraefel, m.c., Ho, Janet, Chignel, Mark and Milton, Michael
Building Virtual Communities for Research Collaboration.
AIWoRC'00 An International Working Conference and Industrial Expo on new advances and emerging trends in Next Generation Enterprises, Buffalo, NY.
26 - 28 Apr 2000.
Ho, Janet, schraefel, m.c. and Chignel, Mark
Towards an Evaluation Methodology for the Development of Research-Oriented Virtual Communities.
9th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative EnterprisesWETICE 2000, Gaithersburg, MD, United States.
13 - 15 Jun 2000.
schraefel, m.c.
Jacking In to the Virtual Self.
Brodribb, S
Reclaiming the Future: Women's Strategies for the 21st Century.
gynergy press, .
Wadge, William and schraefel, m.c.
Gergatsoulis, Manolis and Rondogiannis, Panos
Putting the Hyper back into Hypertext.
Intensional Programming II: Papers based on the 1999 International Symposium on Lucid and Intensional Programming., .
schraefel, m.c., Karam, Maria and Zhao, Shengdong
Listen to the Music: Audio Preview Cues for Exploration of Online Music.
Interact 2003 - Bringing the Bits Together, Zurich, Switzerland.
31 Aug - 04 Sep 2003.
schraefel, m.c., Karam, Maria and Zhao, Shengdong
Audio Preview Cues: Interaction Aides for Exploration of Online Music and Beyond.
HCI International 2003, Crete, Greece.
21 - 26 Jun 2003.
Tsandilas, Theophanis and schraefel, m.c.
User-Controlled Link Adaptation.
Fourteenth ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia, Nottingham, United Kingdom.
schraefel, m.c., Karam, Maria and Zhao, Shengdong
mSpace: interaction design for user-determined, adaptable domain exploration in hypermedia.
De Bra, Paul
AH 2003: Workshop on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web Based Systems, Nottingham, United Kingdom.
Tsandilas, Theophanis and schraefel, m.c.
Adaptive Presentation Supporting Focus and Context.
De Bra, Paul
AH 2003: Workshop on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web Based Systems, Nottingham, United Kingdom.
schraefel, m.c., Karam, Maria and Zhao, Shengdong
Audio Preview Cues: Support for Exploration of Music Information Spaces
Wadge, William and schraefel, m.c.
A Complementary Approach for Adaptive and Adaptable Hypermedia: Intensional Hypertext.
Reich, Siegfried, Tzagarakis, Manolis and De Bra, Paul
Third Workshop on Adaptive Hypermedia, held in conjunction with the Twelfth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, Aarhus, Denmark.
Shadbolt, Nigel R., Gibbins, Nicholas, Glaser, Hugh, Harris, Stephen and schraefel, m.c.
CS AKTive Space or how we stopped worrying and learned to love the Semantic Web.
IEEE Intelligent Systems, 19 (3), .
schraefel, m.c. and Dix, Alan
Within Bounds and Between Domains: Reflecting on Making Tea within the Context of Design Elicitation Methods.
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, forthc.
McGuffin, Michael J. and schraefel, m.c.
A Comparison of Hyperstructures: Zzstructures, mSpaces, and Polyarchies.
ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, 2004, Santa Cruz, California, United States.
08 - 12 Aug 2004.
Smith, Graham M. and schraefel, m.c.
The Radial Scroll Tool: Scrolling Support for Stylus- or Touch-Based Document Interaction.
User Interface Software Technology (UIST), Santa Fe, New , USA, Mexico.
Cooke, Ray and schraefel, m.c.
Signature Flip and Clip: Virtually Flipping and Dog Earing Pages in a Digital Lab Book.
User Interface Software Technology (UIST), Santa Fe, New , USA, Mexico.
schraefel, m.c., Wilson, Max L. and Karam, Maria
Preview Cues: Enhancing Access to Multimedia Content
Tsandilas, Theophanis and schraefel, m.c.
Usable Adaptive Hypermedia Systems.
New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 10 (1), .
Gibbins, Nicholas, Harris, Stephen, Dix, Alan and schraefel, mc
Applying mSpace interfaces to the Semantic Web - working paper
schraefel, m.c., Smith, Graham and Baudisch, Patrick
Curvature Dial: Eyes-free parameter entry for GUIs.
CHI 2005, Extended Abstracts, Portland, Oregon, United States.
01 - 06 Apr 2005.
Hughes, Gareth, Mills, Hugo, de Roure, David, Frey, Jeremy, Moreau, Luc, schraefel, m.c., Smith, Graham and Zaluska, Ed
The semantic smart laboratory: a system for supporting the chemical eScientist.
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 2 (22), .
Frey, Jeremy, Hughes, Gareth, Mills, Hugo, schraefel, m.c., Smith, Graham and De Roure, David
Less is More: Lightweight Ontologies and User Interfaces for Smart Labs.
Cox, Simon J. and Cox, S.
In Proceedings of the UK e-Science All Hands Meeting, Nottingham, 6/9/04.
schraefel, m.c., Brostoff, Sacha, Cooke, Ray, Stevens, Robert and Gibson, Andrew
Transparent interaction; dynamic generation: context histories for shared science.
workshop ECHISE 2005 - 1st International Workshop on Exploiting Context Histories in Smart Environments held in Conjunction with The Third Internationl Conference on Pervasive Computing 2005, Munich, Germany.
schraefel, m.c., Preece, Alun, Gibbins, Nick, Harris, Steve and Millard, Ian
Ghosts in the Semantic Web Machine?
1st Workshop on Friend of a Friend, Social Networking and the Semantic Web, Galway, Ireland.
31 Aug - 01 Sep 2004.
schraefel, m.c., Smith, Daniel Alexander, Owens, Alisdair, Russell, Alistair, Harris, Craig and Wilson, Max L.
The evolving mSpace platform: leveraging the Semantic Web on the Trail of the Memex.
Hypertext, 2005, Salzburg.
05 - 08 Sep 2005.
schraefel, m.c.
Bernstein, Mark
Thinking Outside the Click, Or: a consideration of ontology, epistemology and technology of interaction in the Semantic Web.
Tekka, 2-3 (4-1).
Karam, Maria and schraefel, m c
A study on the use of semaphoric gestures for secondary task interactions.
CHI '05: CHI '05 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, .
schraefel, m.c., Smith, Daniel Alexander, Russel, Alistair, Owens, Alisdair, Harris, Craig and Wilson, Max L.
The mSpace Classical Music Explorer: Improving Access to Classical Music for Real People.
V MUSICNETWORK OPEN WORKSHOP: Integration of Music in Multimedia Applications, Vienna, Austria.
03 - 04 Jul 2005.
Lawrence, K. Faith and schraefel, m. c.
Amateur Fiction Online - The Web of Community Trust A Case Study in Community Focused Design for the SemanticWeb.
1st AKT Doctoral Colloquium, Milton Keynes.
Lawrence, K. Faith and schraefel, m. c.
OntoMedia - Creating an Ontology for Marking Up the Contents of Fiction and Other Media.
1st AKT Doctoral Colloquium, Milton Keynes.
Smart, Paul R, Shadbolt, Nigel R, Carr, Leslie A and schraefel, monica c
Knowledge-Based Information Fusion for Improved Situational Awareness.
8th International Conference on Information Fusion, Philadelphia, United States.
24 - 28 Jul 2005.
Wilson, Max L., Russell, Alistair, Smith, Daniel A., Owens, Alisdair and schraefel, m.c.
mSpace Mobile: A Mobile Application for the Semantic Web.
End User Semantic Web Workshop, ISWC2005, Galway, Ireland.
Karam, Maria and schraefel, m. c.
A Taxonomy of Gestures in Human Computer Interactions
Lawrence, K. Faith, Tuffield, Mischa M., Jewell, Mike O., Prugel-Bennett, Adam, Millard, David E., Nixon, Mark S., schraefel, m. c. and Shadbolt, Nigel R.
OntoMedia - Creating an Ontology for Marking Up the Contents of Heterogeneous Media.
Ontology Patterns for the Semantic Web ISWC-05 Workshop, Galway, Ireland.
Wilson, Max L., Russell, Alistair, Smart, Paul R., Shadbolt, Nigel, Carr, Leslie and schraefel, m.c.
Using Semantic Web Technologies to Support Enhanced Situation Awareness.
4th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), Galway, Ireland.
06 - 10 Nov 2005.
Smart, Paul R., Shadbolt, Nigel R., Carr, Leslie A., schraefel, monica c., Wilson, Max L. and Russell, Alistair
Knowledge-Intensive Fusion for Improved Situational Awareness.
2nd Annual DIF DTC Conference, JSCSC Shrivenham, United Kingdom.
27 - 28 Sep 2005.
Hare, Jonathon, Karam, Maria, Lewis, Paul and schraefel, m.c.
iGesture: A Platform for Investigating Multimodal, Multimedia Gesture-based Interactions
Gibson, Andrew, Stevens, Robert, Cooke, Ray, Brostoff, Sacha and schraefel, m.c.
myTea: Connecting the Web to Digital Science on the Desktop
Wilson, Max L., Russell, Alistair, Smith, Daniel A. and schraefel, m.c.
mSpace Mobile: Exploring Support for Mobile Tasks
Lawrence, K. Faith and schraefel, m. c.
Bringing Communities to the Semantic Web and the Semantic Web to Communities.
WWW2006, Edinburgh.
22 - 25 May 2006.
Lawrence, K. Faith and schraefel, m. c.
Web Based Semantic Communities – Who, How and Why We Might Want Them in the First Place.
Web Based Communities 2006, San Sebastian, Spain.
26 - 28 Feb 2006.
schraefel, m.c., Smith, Daniel Alexander and Carr, Leslie A.
mSpace meets EPrints: a Case Study in Creating Dynamic Digital Collections
Wilson, Max L., Smith, Daniel A., Russell, Alistair and schraefel, m.c.
mSpace Mobile: a UI Gestalt to Support On-the-Go Info-Interaction.
the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI06), Montreal, Canada.
21 - 26 Apr 2006.
Karam, Maria, Hare, Jonathon, Lewis, Paul and schraefel, m.c.
Ambient Gestures
Lawrence, K. Faith and schraefel, m. c.
Freedom and Restraint: Tags, Vocabularies and Ontologies.
2nd IEEE International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies: From Theory to Applications, Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic.
23 - 27 Apr 2006.
Karam, Maria and schraefel, m.c.
Investigating User Tolerance for Errors in Vision-Enabled Gesture-Based Interactions.
AVI, Venice, Italy.
schraefel, m.c., Wilson, Max L., Russell, Alistair and Smith, Daniel Alexander
mSpace: improving information access to multimedia domains with multimodal exploratory search.
Communications of the ACM, 49 (4), .
André, Paul, Chapman, Martin, Frazer, Alex, Hargood, Charlie, Hayton, Alex, Hooper, Clare, Willingham, Gavin, Martinez, Kirk and schraefel, m.c.
Rules of Engagement: design attributes for social interactions.
BCS HCI 2006: Engage!, London.
schraefel, m.c., Smith, D.A., Russell, A. and Wilson, M.L.
Semantic Web meets Web 2.0 (and vice versa): The Value of the Mundane for the Semantic Web
Wilson, Max L. and schraefel, m.c.
mSpace: What do Numbers and Totals Mean in a Flexible Semantic Browser.
The 3rd International Semantic Web User Interaction Workshop at ISWC2006, Athens, GA.
Wilson, Max L., Russell, Alistair, Smith, Daniel A. and schraefel, m.c.
mSpace Mobile: Exploring Support for Mobile Tasks.
The 20th BCS HCI Group conference in co-operation with ACM (HCI06), Queen Mary, London.
10 - 14 Sep 2006.
Lawrence, K. Faith, Jewell, Michael O, schraefel, m. c. and Prugel-Bennett, Adam
Annotation of Heterogenous Media Using OntoMedia.
First International Workshop on Semantic Web Annotations for Multimedia (SWAMM), Edinburgh.
schraefel, m.c. and Karger, David
The Pathetic Fallacy of RDF.
International Workshop on the Semantic Web and User Interaction (SWUI) 2006, Athens, Georgia.
Wilson, Max L. and schraefel, m.c.
Bridging the Gap: Using IR Models for Evaluating Exploratory Search Interfaces.
SIGCHI 2007 Workshop on Exploratory Search and HCI, San Jose, CA, United States.
Bernstein, Michael, Van Kleek, Max, schraefel, m.c. and Karger, David
Management of Personal Information Scraps.
CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors - Late Breaking Results, San Jose, CA, United States.
Tsandilas, T. and schraefel, mc
Bubbling menus: a selective mechanism for accessing hierarchical drop-down menus.
ACM Computer/Human Interaction 2007 Conference (CHI 2007), San Jose, USA.
27 Apr - 02 May 2007.
schraefel, m.c. and Wang, Taowei
Rules Interface Mockup
White, Ryen W., Kules, Bill, Drucker, Steven M. and schraefel, m.c.
Supporting Exploratory Search, Introduction, Special Issue, Communications of the ACM.
Communications of the ACM, 49 (4), .
Wilson, Max L., schraefel, m.c. and White, Ryen
Evaluating Advanced Search Interfaces using Established Information-Seeking Models
André, Paul, Wilson, Max L., Russell, Alistair, Smith, Daniel A., Owens, Alisdair and schraefel, m.c.
Continuum: designing timelines for hierarchies, relationships and scale.
UIST2007 (ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology), Newport, Rhode Island.
Van Kleek, Max, Bernstein, Michael, Karger, David and schraefel, m.c.
GUI— Phooey! : The Case for Text Input.
UIST 2007, Rhode Island.
Pitzalis, D., Lahanier, C., Pillay, R., Aitken, G., Russell, A., Smith, D. A., Sinclair, P. A. S., Addis, M. J., Lowe, R., Hafeez, S., Lewis, P. H., Martinez, K. and schraefel, m. c.
Semantically Exposing Existing Knowledge Repositories: a Case Study in Cultural Heritage.
The first international conference on Semantics And digital Media Technology (SAMT 2006), Divani Palace Acropolis, Athensm, Greece.
06 - 08 Dec 2006.
schraefel, m.c.
What is an Analogue for the Semantic Web and Why is Having One Important?
ACM Hypertext 2007, Manchester, United Kingdom.
31 Aug - 11 Sep 2007.
Wilson, Max L., schraefel, m.c. and White, Ryen W.
Evaluating advanced search interfaces using established information-seeking model.
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60 (7), .
Smart, Paul R, Russell, Alistair, Shadbolt, Nigel R, schraefel, monica c and Carr, Leslie A
AKTiveSA: A Technical Demonstrator System for Enhanced Situation Awareness.
The Computer Journal, 50 (6), .
Smith, Daniel Alexander, Owens, Alisdair, schraefel, mc, Sinclair, Patrick, André, Paul, Wilson, Max, Russell, Alistair, Martinez, Kirk and Lewis, Paul
Challenges in Supporting Faceted Semantic Browsing of Multimedia Collections.
The Second International Conference on Semantic and Digital Media Technologies (SAMT2007), Genova, Italy.
05 - 07 Dec 2007.
André, Paul, Drucker, Steven and schraefel, m.c.
Informal Online Decision Making: Current Practices and Support System Design
André, Paul, Wilson, Max L. and schraefel, m.c.
Continuum: A Task-Based Evaluation of Temporal Visualisations
Wilson, Max L., André, Paul, Smith, Daniel A. and schraefel, m.c.
Spatial Consistency and Contextual Cues for Incidental Learning in Browser Design
(In Press)
Bernstein, Michael, Van Kleek, Max, Karger, David and schraefel, m.c.
Wicked Problems and Gnarly Results: Reflecting on Design and Evaluation Methods for Idiosyncratic Personal Information Management Tasks
schraefel, m.c., André, Paul and Van Kleek, Max
This Time It's Personal: from PIM to the Perfect Digital Assistant.
CHI2008 PIM Workshop.
Berners-Lee, T., Hollenbach, J., Lu, K., Presbrey, J., Pru d'ommeaux, E. and schraefel, m.c.
Tabulator Redux: writing Into the Semantic Web
Southampton, GB.
University of Southampton
André, Paul, schraefel, mc, Van Kleek, Max and Karger, David
Bringing the Semantic Web home: a research agenda for local, personalized SWUI.
CHI 2008 SWUI Workshop.
Van Kleek, Max, Bernstein, Michael, André, Paul, Perttunen, Mikko, Karger, David and schraefel, mc
Simplifying knowledge creation and access for end-users on the SW.
CHI 2008 SWUI Workshop.
Smith, Daniel Alexander, Lambert, Joe and schraefel, m c
Rich Tags: Cross-Repository Browsing.
Open Repositories Conference 2008 (OR2008), Southampton, United Kingdom.
31 Mar - 03 Apr 2008.
(In Press)
Wilson, Max L. and schraefel, m.c.
A Validated Framework for Measuring Interface Support for Interactive Information Seeking
Wilson, Max L. and schraefel, m.c.
A Longitudinal Study of Exploratory and Keyword Search.
ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libaries, Pittsburgh, PA, United States.
15 - 19 Jun 2008.
Wilson, Max L. and schraefel, m.c.
EPrintCast – A Document Repository Podcast.
The 3rd International Conference on Open Repositories, Southampton, United Kingdom.
31 Mar - 03 Apr 2008.
Kules, William, Wilson, Max L., schraefel, m.c. and Shneiderman, Ben
From Keyword Search to Exploration: How Result Visualization Aids Discovery on the Web
André, Paul, schraefel, mc, Wilson, Max L. and Smith, Daniel A.
The Metadata is the Message.
Web Science Workshop at WWW'08, , Beijing, China.
21 Apr 2008.
Wilson, Max L., Andre, Paul and schraefel, m.c.
Backward Highlighting: Enhancing Faceted Search.
Proceedings of the 21st Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST2008), Monterey, CA, United States.
18 - 21 Oct 2008.
Van Kleek, Max, Andre, Paul, Perttunen, Mikko, Bernstein, Michael, Karger, David, Miller, Rob and schraefel, mc
AtomsMasher: Personalised Context-Sensitive Automation for the Web
Wilson, Max L. and schraefel, m.c.
Evaluating Collaborative Search Interfaces with Information Seeking Theory.
1st International Collaborative Search Workshop, Pittsburgh, PA, United States.
(In Press)
Smith, Daniel A., Owens, Alisdair, schraefel, mc, Sinclair, Patrick, André, Paul, Wilson, Max, Russell, Alistair, Martinez, Kirk and Lewis, Paul
Challenges in Supporting Faceted Semantic Browsing of Multimedia Collections.
Smith, Daniel A., Lambert, Joe and schraefel, mc
Richtags: Cross Repository Browsing.
JISC Preservation and Digital Repositories Workshop, Bristol, United Kingdom.
Bernstein, Michael, Van Kleek, Max, Karger, David and schraefel, mc
Information scraps: how and why information eludes our personal information management tools.
ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 26 (4), .
Wilson, Max L. and schraefel, m.c.
Improving Exploratory Search Interfaces: Adding Value or Information Overload?
Second Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval, Redmond, WA, United States.
Wilson, Max L. and schraefel, m.c.
Structured Inspections of Search Interfaces: A Practitioners Guide
Van Kleek, Max, André, Paul, Perttunen, Mikko, Bernstein, Michael, Karger, David, Miller, Rob and schraefel, mc
AtomsMasher: Personal Reactive Automation for the Web.
UIST 08, Monteray.
18 - 21 Oct 2008.
Wilson, Max L. and schraefel, m.c.
The Importance of Conveying Inter-Facet Relationships for Making Sense of Unfamiliar Domains.
CHI2009 Workshop on Sensemaking, Boston, MA, United States.
Miller, Robert C., Chou, Victoria H., Bernstein, Michael, Little, Greg, Van Kleek, Max, Karger, David and schraefel, m.c.
Inky: A Sloppy Command Line for the Web with Rich Visual Feedback.
UIST 08, Monteray.
18 - 21 Oct 2008.
Owens, Alisdair, Seaborne, Andy, Gibbins, Nick and schraefel, mc
Clustered TDB: A Clustered Triple Store for Jena
(In Press)
Owens, Alisdair, Gibbins, Nick and schraefel, mc
Effective Benchmarking for RDF Stores Using Synthetic Data
Van Kleek, Max, André, Paul, Karger, David and schraefel, m.c.
Personalized Experiences for End-User Programming on the Web.
EUP Workshop at CHI'09.
schraefel, m.c. and André, Paul
Interacting with eHealth – Towards Grand Challenges for HCI.
Panel at CHI'09.
Smith, Daniel Alexander and schraefel, mc
Interactively using Semantic Web knowledge: Creating scalable abstractions with FacetOntology
(In Press)
Stewart, Robin and schraefel, m.c.
Graph Sketcher: extending illustration to quantitative graphs.
CHI 2009 Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Boston, United States.
03 - 08 Apr 2009.
schraefel, m.c., White, Ryen W., André, Paul and Tan, Desney
Investigating Web Search Strategies and Forum Use to Support Diet and Weight Loss.
CHI '09 Extended Abstracts.
van kleek, max, bernstein, michael, Panovich, Katrina, Vargas, Greg, Karger, David and schraefel, mc
Note to Self: Examining Personal Information Keeping in a Lightweight Note-Taking Tool.
ACM CHI 2009.
Wilson, Max L. and schraefel, m.c.
Evaluating Collaborative Information Seeking Interfaces with a Search-Oriented Inspection Method and Re-framed Information Seeking Theory.
Information Processing & Management, 16 Pag.
Wilson, Max L. and schraefel, m.c.
Sii: the lightweight analytical search interface inspector.
JCDL09 Workshop: Lightweight User-Friendly Evaluation Knowledge for Digital Librarians, Austin, TX, United States.
Wilson, Max L. and schraefel, m.c.
Reading between the lines: identifying user behaviour between logged interactions.
SIGIR09 Workshop: Understanding the User - Logging and interpreting user interactions in information search and retrieval, Boston, MA, United States.
(In Press)
André, Paul, schraefel, m.c., Teevan, Jaime and Dumais, Susan T.
Discovery Is Never By Chance: Designing for (Un)Serendipity.
ACM Creativity & Cognition 2009.
André, Paul, schraefel, m.c. and Dix, Alan
I feel so 1323 today: Capturing, Portraying, and Interpreting Well-being Online.
UIST09, , Victoria, Canada.
03 - 06 Oct 2009.
Wilson, Max L. and schraefel, m.c.
Exploring Heterogeneous Datasets from Different Searcher Perspectives.
Semantic Web User Interaction at ISWC 2009: Sharing Ideas for Complex Problems in User Interaction, Washington DC.
André, Paul and schraefel, m.c.
Designing for (un)serendipity - computing and chance.
[in special issue: Serendipity in Science]
The Biochemist, 31 (6), .
André, Paul, schraefel, m.c., Dix, Alan and White, Ryen W.
Experience in Social Affective Applications: Methodologies and Case Study.
alt.chi 2010.
Van Kleek, Max, André, Paul, Moore, Brennan, Karger, David and schraefel, m.c.
Mixing the reactive with the personal: Opportunities for end-user programming in personal information management.
No Code Required: Giving Users Tools to Transform the Web.
Morgan Kaufman.
André, Paul, schraefel, m.c., Dix, Alan, White, Ryen W., Bernstein, Michael and Luther, Kurt
Designing for Schadenfreude (or, how to express well-being and see if you're boring people).
CHI 2010 Workshop on Microblogging.
schraefel, m.c.
Building knowledge: what's beyond keyword search?
Computer, 42, .
Smith, Daniel Alexander, Popov, Igor and schraefel, m.c.
Data picking Linked Data: enabling users to create faceted browsers.
Web Science Conference 2010, , Raleigh, United States.
25 - 26 Apr 2010.
Van Kleek, Max, Moore, Brennan, Karger, David, André, Paul and schraefel, m.c.
Atomate It! End-user Context-Sensitive Automation using Heterogeneous Information Sources on the Web.
Smith, Daniel A., Lambert, Joe, schraefel, mc and Bretherton, David
QWIC: Performance Heuristics for Large Scale Exploratory User Interfaces.
23nd Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST '10), New York, New York, United States.
03 - 06 Oct 2010.
schraefel, m.c.
What does It Look Like, Really? Imagining how Citizens might Effectively, Usefully and Easily Find, Explore, Query and Re-present Open/Linked Data.
International Semantic Web Conference, shanghai.
André, Paul, schraefel, m.c., Dix, Alan and White, Ryen W.
Expressing Well-Being Online: Towards Self-Reflection and Social Awareness.
iConference 2011.
Bretherton, David, Smith, Daniel Alexander, schraefel, mc and Lambert, Joe
Introducing musicSpace.
Musicology in the Digital Age, Institute of Musical Research, London, United Kingdom.
(In Press)
Bretherton, David, Smith, Daniel Alexander, schraefel, mc and Lambert, Joe
musicSpace: Music and the Semantic Web.
International Association of Music Libraries (UK & Ireland) Annual Study Weekend, Nottingham, United Kingdom.
08 - 11 Apr 2010.
(In Press)
Bretherton, David, Smith, Daniel Alexander, schraefel, mc and Lambert, Joe
musicSpace: Orchestrating Musicological Metadata.
Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, Southampton, United Kingdom.
(In Press)
Bretherton, David, schraefel, mc, Smith, Daniel Alexander, Polfreman, Richard, Everist, Mark, Brooks, Jeanice and Lambert, Joe
The musicSpace Project.
eScience in Musicology, eScience Institute, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
30 Jun - 01 Jul 2009.
(In Press)
Bretherton, David, schraefel, mc, Smith, Daniel Alexander, Polfreman, Richard, Everist, Mark, Brooks, Jeanice and Lambert, Joe
The musicSpace Project.
International Association of Music Libraries (UK and Ireland) Academic Music Librarians Seminar, Birmingham Conservatoire, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
(In Press)
schraefel, mc, Smith, Daniel Alexander, Popov, Igor, Van Kleek, Max and Shadbolt, Nigel
Will this work for Susan? Challenges for delivering usable and useful generic linked data browsers
University of Southampton
(In Press)
Popov, Igor, Smith, Daniel Alexander, Van Kleek, Max, schraefel, monica, Correndo, Gianluca and Shadbolt, Nigel
GEORDi: Supporting lightweight end-user authoring and exploration of Linked Data
University of Southampton
(In Press)
André, Paul, Sellen, Abigail, schraefel, m.c. and Wood, Ken
Making Public Media Personal: Nostalgia and Reminiscence in the Office.
BCS HCI 2011.
Bretherton, David, Smith, Daniel Alexander, Lambert, Joe and schraefel, mc
MusicNet: Aligning Musicology’s Metadata.
Music Linked Data Workshop, London, United Kingdom.
Popov, Igor, schraefel, monica, Hall, Wendy and Shadbolt, Nigel
Connecting the dots: a multi-pivot approach to data exploration.
International Semantic Web Conference, , Bonn, Germany.
23 - 27 Oct 2011.
Smith, Daniel Alexander, Van Kleek, Max, Seneviratne, Oshani, schraefel, m.c., Bertails, Alexandre, Berners-Lee, Tim, Hall, Wendy and Shadbolt, Nigel
WebBox: Supporting Decentralised and Privacy-respecting Micro-sharing with Existing Web Standards
University of Southampton
schraefel, m.c.
Burn the chair, we’re wired to move: Towards design implications for innovation, discovery and creativity in HCI via neural science and human performance studies
University of Southampton
(In Press)
Fisher, Danyel, Popov, Igor, Drucker, Steven and schraefel, monica
Trust me, I'm partially right: incremental visualization lets analysts explore large datasets faster.
CHI 2012, , Austin, United States.
05 - 12 May 2012.
Van Kleek, Max, Smith, Daniel Alexander, Shadbolt, Nigel and schraefel, m.c.
A decentralized architecture for consolidating personal information ecosystems: The WebBox.
PIM 2012, Seattle, Washington.
Van Kleek, Max, Smith, Daniel Alexander, Stranders, Ruben and schraefel, m.c.
Twiage: a game for finding good advice on Twitter.
CHI2012: Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Austin, United States.
06 - 09 May 2012.
10 pp
schraefel, m.c., Smith, Daniel Alexander and Van Kleek, Max
Webbox+Page Blossom: exploring design for AKTive data interaction.
CHI2012 - Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Austin, United States.
04 - 09 May 2012.
6 pp
Saunders, Jack, Van Kleek, Max and schraefel, m.c.
Drag it together with Groupie: making RDF data authoring easy and fun for anyone.
24th UIST (ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology) 2011, Santa Barbara, United States.
15 - 18 Oct 2011.
11 pp
Al-Mahrubi, Ali, Correndo, Gianluca, Glaser, Hugh, Grieze, Augustinas, Lynch, Stephen, Millard, Ian C., Munyadzwe, Emmanuel, Omitola, Tope, Popov, Igor, Richardson, Darren P., Salvadores, Manuel, Smith, Daniel Alexander, Van Kleek, Max, Yang, Yang, schraefel, m.c., Hall, Wendy, Berners-Lee, Tim and Shadbolt, Nigel
(2011) - A personal news + data recommender for your day.
LISC 2011: 1st International Workshop on Linked Science 2011, , Bonn, Germany.
24 Oct 2011.
Popov, Igor, schraefel, m.c., Correndo, Gianluca, Hall, Wendy and Shadbolt, Nigel
Interacting with the Web of Data through a Web of inter-connected lenses.
WWW2012 Workshop: Linked Data on the Web (LDOW2012), , Lyon, France.
16 Apr 2012.
9 pp
Gao, Feng, Costanza, Enrico and schraefel, mc
“Honey=sugar” means unhealthy: investigating how people apply knowledge to rate food’s healthiness.
14th ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp 2012), Pittsburgh, United States.
04 - 07 Sep 2012.
10 pp
(In Press)
schraefel, m.c. and Andersen, Kenneth Jay
Are you sitting down? Towards cognitive performance informed design.
ECS Tech Report, (340535), .
Shadbolt, Nigel, O'Hara, Kieron, Berners-Lee, Tim, Gibbins, Nicholas, Glaser, Hugh, Hall, Wendy and schraefel, m.c.
Linked open government data: lessons from
IEEE Intelligent Systems, 27 (3), Spring Issue, .
Popov, Igor, schraefel, m.c., Hall, Wendy and Shadbolt, Nigel
mashpoint: browsing the web along structured lines.
UIST (ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology) 2012, , Cambridge, United States.
07 - 12 Oct 2012.
Gomer, Richard Charles, Mendes Rodrigues, Eduarda, Milic-Frayling, Natasa and schraefel, m.c.
Network analysis of third party tracking: user exposure to tracking cookies through search.
IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology WI-IAT 13, , Atlanta, United States.
17 - 20 Nov 2013.
8 pp
Caroll, Erin, Czerwinski, Mary, Roseway, Asta and schraefel, m.c.
Food and Mood: Just-in-Time Support for Emotional Eating.
ACII '13 Proceedings of the 2013 Humaine Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, Swiss Confederation, Switzerland.
Kay, Matthew, Morris, Dan, schraefel, m.c. and Kientz, Julie
There's no such thing as gaining a pound: reconsidering the bathroom scale user interface.
UbiComp '13 Proceedings the 2013 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, Zurich, Switzerland.
08 - 12 Sep 2013.
schraefel, m.c., Jay, Kenneth and Andersen, Lars L
Assessing the effect of self-positioning on cognitive executive function.
Journal of Ergonomics, 2 (110).
Jay, Kenneth, schraefel, m.c., Andersen, CH, Ebessen, FH, Christiansen, DH, Skotte, J, Zebis, MK and Andersen, LL
Effect of brief daily resistance training on rapid force development in painful neck and shoulder muscles: randomized controlled trial.
Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging, 33 (5).
Caroll, Erin, schraefel, m.c. and Czerwinski, Mary
Food & Mood: Explorations in Technological Intervention.
Using Technology to Facilitate Behaviour Change and Support Healthy, Sustainable Living : Workshop inHCI2012 - People & Computers XXVI, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
12 Sep 2012 - 14 Sep 2014 .
Gomer, Richard Charles, Milic-Frayling, Natasa and schraefel, m.c.
The Grey Web: dataveillance vision fulfilled
through the evolving Web
Southampton, GB.
University of Southampton
Gomer, Richard Charles, schraefel, m.c. and Gerding, Enrico
Consenting agents: semi-autonomous interactions for ubiquitous consent.
Workshop, UbiComp'14: How Do You Solve a Problem like Consent?, , Seattle, United States.
13 - 17 Sep 2014.
schraefel, mc and Churchill, Elizabeth
Wellth Creation: Using Computer Science to Support Proactive Health.
Computer, 47 (11), part Invisible Computing, .
Churchill, Elizabeth and schraefel, m.c.
mHealth + proactive well-being = well creation.
Interactions, 22 (1), .
schraefel, m.c.
From field to office: translating brain-body benefits from sport to knowledge work.
[in special issue: Special Topic: HCI and Sports]
Interactions, 22 (2), .
Baarslag, Tim, Liccardi, Ilaria, Gerding, Enrico H., Gomer, Richard and schraefel, m.c.
Negotiating mobile app permissions.
Amsterdam Privacy Conference (APC 2015), , Amsterdam, Netherlands.
23 - 26 Oct 2015.
3 pp
schraefel, m.c.
The Inbodied5: a provisional Wellbeing model for Users and Interactive Technology Designers
AIC, ECS, USouthampton
schraefel, m.c.
Mobile Being:: How inbodied & embodied practice may inform mobile cognition.
Mobile Cognition, Part of Mobile HCI Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
12 pp
Baarslag, Tim, Gerding, Enrico H., Aydogan, Reyhan and schraefel, m.c.
Optimal negotiation decision functions in time-sensitive domains.
In Proceedings - 2015 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, WI-IAT 2015.
vol. 2,
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Marreiros, Helia, Gomer, Richard, Vlassopoulos, Michael, Tonin, Mirco and schraefel, m.c.
Exploring user perceptions of online privacy disclosures.
IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet - ICWI 2015, , Dublin, Ireland.
07 - 08 Jun 2015.
12 pp
Choe, Eun Kyoung, Lee, Bongshin and schraefel, m.c.
Characterizing visualization insights from quantified selfers' personal data presentations.
[in special issue: Personal Visualisation and Personal Visual Analytics]
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 35 (4), .
Biswas, Dwaipayan, Bono, Valentina and Scott-South, Michael et al.
Analysing wireless EEG based functional connectivity measures
with respect to change in environmental factors.
The IEEE International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI2016), Las Vegas, United States.
25 - 27 Feb 2016.
Marreiros, Helia, Vlassopoulos, Michael and Tonin, Mirco et al.
“Now that you mention it”: a survey experiment on information, salience and online privacy.
Author's Original, .
Gomer, Richard C. and schraefel, m.c.
Consentful surveillance: supporting user understanding and control.
Everyday Surveillance Workshop, CHI 2016, , San Jose, United States.
08 May 2016.
3 pp
Snow, Stephen, Gough, Hannah, Chatterjee, Shre, Soska, Anna and schraefel, m.c.
Exploring the influence of social factors on indoor environment quality.
Indoor Air, .
Snow, Stephen, Soska, Anna, Chatterjee, Shre Kumar and schraefel, m.c.
Keep calm and carry on: exploring the social determinants of indoor environment quality.
In CHI EA '16 Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
ACM Press.
Baarslag, Tim, Alan, Alper T., Gomer, Richard C., Liccardi, Ilaria, Marreiros, Helia, Gerding, Enrico and schraefel, m.c.
Negotiation as an interaction mechanism for deciding app permissions.
In CHI EA '16: Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
ACM Press.
Marreiros, Helia, Gomer, Richard, Vlassopoulos, Michael, Tonin, Mirco and schraefel, m.c.
Scared or naïve? An exploratory study on users perceptions of online privacy disclosures.
IADIS International Journal on WWW/Internet, 13 (2), .
Choe, Eun Kyoung, Lee, Bongshin and schraefel, m.c.
Revealing Visualization Insights from Quantified-Selfers' Personal Data Presentations.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications.
Jay, Kenneth, Brandt, Mikkel, Hansen, Klaus, Sundstrup, Emil, Jakobsen, Markus D, schraefel, m.c., Sjøgaard, Gisela and Andersen, Lars L
Effect of individually tailored biopsychosocial workplace interventions on chronic musculoskeletal pain and stress among laboratory technicians: Randomized Controlled Trial.
Pain Physician, 18 (5), .
Jay, Kenneth, Brandt, Mikkel, Jakobsen, Markus Due, Sundstrup, Emil, Berthelsen, Kasper Gymoese, schraefel, m.c., Sjøgaard, Gisela and Andersen, Lars L
Ten weeks of physical-cognitive-mindfulness training reduces fear-avoidance beliefs about work-related activity: Randomized controlled trial.
Medicine (United States), 95 (34), .
Jay, Kenneth, Brandt, Mikkel, schraefel, m.c., Jakobsen, Markus Due, Sundstrup, Emil, Sjøgaard, Gisela, Vinstrup, Jonas and Andersen, Lars L
Neurocognitive performance and physical function do not change with physical-cognitive-mindfulness training in female laboratory technicians with chronic musculoskeletal pain: Randomized controlled trial.
Medicine (United States), 95 (50), .
Jay, Kenneth, Brandt, Mikkel, Sundstrup, Emil, schraefel, m.c., Jakobsen, Markus D, Sjøgaard, Gisela and Andersen, Lars L
Effect of individually tailored biopsychosocial workplace interventions on chronic musculoskeletal pain, stress and work ability among laboratory technicians: randomized controlled trial protocol.
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 15, , [444].
Jay, Kenneth, schraefel, m.c., Brandt, Mikkel and Andersen, Lars L
Effect of video-based versus personalized instruction on errors during elastic tubing exercises for musculoskeletal pain: a randomized controlled trial.
BioMed Research International, 2014, .
Snow, Stephen, Auffenberg, Frederik and schraefel, m.c.
Log it while it’s hot: designing human interaction with smart thermostats for shared work environments.
In CHI '17: Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
ACM Press.
Baarslag, Tim, Alan, Alper, Gomer, Richard, Alam, Muddasser, Charith, Perera, Gerding, Enrico and Schraefel, Monica
Meaningful Consent Study 2 Dataset.
University of Southampton
Baarslag, Tim, Alper, Alan, Gomer, Richard, Alam, Muddasser, Charith, Perera, Gerding, Enrico and schraefel, m.c.
An automated negotiation agent for permission management.
In AAMAS 2017: Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems.
ACM Press.
Rosa Marreiros, Helia, Vlassopoulos, Michael, Tonin, Mirco and Schraefel, Monica
Dataset for "Now that you mention it: A Survey Experiment on Information, Inattention and Online Privacy".
University of Southampton
Rosa Marreiros, Helia, Tonin, Mirco, Vlassopoulos, Michael and Schraefel, Monica
“Now that you mention it”: a survey experiment on information, inattention and online privacy.
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 140, .
Gomer, Richard, Charles, schraefel, m.c., Gerding, Enrico, Alan, Alper and Filipczuk, Dorota
Building a consentful economy
University of Southampton
Thomas, Darshana, Snow, Steve, schraefel, m.c. and MIstry, Bhumika
Indoor Air Quality Monitoring (IAQ): A low-cost alternative to CO2 monitoring in comparison to an industry standard device.
SAI Computing Conference 2018, Holiday Inn London - Regent's Park, London, United Kingdom.
09 - 11 Jul 2018.
8 pp
Wakenshaw, Susan Y.L., Maple, Carsten, schraefel, mc, Gomer, Richard and Ghirardello, Kevin
Mechanisms for meaningful consent in internet of things.
In IET Conference Publications.
vol. 2018,
Institution of Engineering and Technology..
schraefel, m.c., Andres, Josh and Van Den Hoven, Elise
The body as starting point: Exploring inside and around body boundaries for body-centric computing design.
In CHI 2018 - Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: Engage with CHI.
vol. 2018-April,
ACM Press..
Snow, Stephen, Wilde, Adriana G., Denny, Paul and schraefel, m.c.
A discursive question: supporting student-authored multiple-choice questions through peer-learning software in non-STEMM disciplines.
British Journal of Educational Technology, 50 (4), .
Thomas, Darshana, Mistry, Bhumika, Snow, Steven and schraefel, m.c.
Indoor air quality monitoring (IAQ): a low-cost alternative to CO2 monitoring in comparison to an industry standard device.
Arai, K., Kapoor, S. and Bhatia, R.
In Intelligent Computing - Proceedings of the 2018 Computing Conference.
vol. 858,
Visuri, Aku, Asare, Kennedy Opoku, Kuosmanen, Elina, Nishiyama, Yuuki, Ferreira, Denzil, Sarsenbayeva, Zhanna, Goncalves, Jorge, Van Berkel, Niels, Wadley, Greg, Kostakos, Vassilis, Clinch, Sarah, Matthews, Oludamilare, Harper, Simon, Jenkins, Amy, Snow, Stephen and schraefel, m.c.
Ubiquitous mobile sensing: Behaviour, mood, and environment.
In UbiComp/ISWC 2018 Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers.
ACM Press.
schraefel, m.c.
in5 a model for inbodied interaction.
In CHI EA '19 Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
ACM Press.
6 pp
Snow, Stephen, Boyson, Amy, H.W. Paas, Karlien, Gough, Hannah, King, Marco-Felipe, Barlow, Janet, Noakes, Catherine and schraefel, m.c
Exploring the physiological, neurophysiological and cognitive performance effects of elevated carbon dioxide concentrations indoors.
Building and Environment, 156, .
Terzimehić, Nađa, Häuslschmid, Renate, Hussmann, Heinrich and schraefel, m.c.
A review & analysis of mindfulness research in HCI : framing current lines of research and future opportunities.
In Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Snow, Stephen, Boyson, Amy, Felipe-King, Marco, Malik, Obaid, Coutts, Louise, Noakes, Catherine J., Gough, Hannah, Barlow, Janet and schraefel, m.c.
Using EEG to characterise drowsiness during short duration exposure to elevated indoor carbon dioxide concentrations.
Andres, Josh, schraefel, m.c., Tabor, Aaron and Hekler, Eric B.
The body as starting point: Applying inside body knowledge for inbodied design.
In CHI EA'19 Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Hekler, Eric B., Taylor, Jennifer C., Dow, Steven P., Morris, Michèle, Grant, Faren J., Phatak, Sayali S., Norman, Don, schraefel, m.c. and Lewis, Dana M.
Advancing community-driven design for social impact.
In Companion Publication of the 2019 on Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2019 Companion.
Snow, Stephen, Oakley, Michael and schraefel, m.c.
Performance by design: supporting decisions around indoor air quality in offices.
In DIS '19 Proceedings of the 2019 Designing Interactive Systems Conference.
schraefel, m.c.
Inbodied Interaction: 3 things you need to know about how your body works to lead HCI innovation.
In CHI EA '17 Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
ACM Press.
schraefel, m.c.
Interactions, 24 (5), .
schraefel, m.c., Gomer, Richard, Alan, Alper, Gerding, Enrico and Maple, Carsten
The Internet of Things: Interaction challenges to meaningful consent at scale.
Interactions, 24 (6), .
Mueller, Florian "Floyd", Andres, Josh, Marshall, Joe, Svanæs, Dag, schraefel, m. c., Gerling, Kathrin, Tholander, Jakob, Martin-Niedecken, Anna Lisa, Segura, Elena Márquez, van den Hoven, Elise, Graham, Nicholas, Höök, Kristina and Sas, Corina
Body-centric computing: Results from a weeklong Dagstuhl seminar in a German castle.
Interactions, 25 (4), .
Shneiderman, Ben, schraefel, mc, Churchill, Elizabeth, Jones, Matt, Lazar, Jonathan, Olson, Gary, Olson, Judith, Plaisant, Catherine, Preece, Jennifer and Winograd, Terry
How the CHI community got its groove: and changed the world!
Mark, Gloria and Fussell, Susan
In Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
ACM Press.
schraefel, m.c., Hekler, Eric and Taylor, Jennifer
WellComm2019: Towards tools for groups to build their own healthful workplace cultures.
Gilbert, Eric and Karahalios, Karrie
In CSCW '19: Conference Companion Publication of the 2019 on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing.
ACM Press.
Van Kleek, Max, Karger, David, Bernstein, Michael, schraefel, m. c., André, Paul and Perttunen, Mikko
Simplifying knowledge acquisition from end-users on the semantic web.
5th International Workshop on Semantic Web User Interaction Collocated with the Computer Human Interaction Conference, CHI 2008, , Florence, Italy.
05 Apr 2008.
Snow, Stephen, Auffenberg, Frederik and schraefel, m c
Crowd-sourcing thermal (dis)comfort.
30th International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference, HCI 2016, , Poole, United Kingdom.
11 - 15 Jul 2016.
schraefel, m.c., Gomer, Richard, Gerding, Enrico and Maple, Carsten
Rethinking transparency for the Internet of Things.
Hildebrandt, Mireille and O'Hara, Kieron
Life and the Law in the Era of Data-Driven Agency.
Edward Elgar Publishing, .
schraefel, m.c. and Rutledge, Lloyd
Editorial: User interaction in semantic web research.
SSRN Electronic Journal.
Gomer, Richard, Stein, Sebastian, Gerding, Enrico, schraefel, m.c., Maple, Carsten and Yazdanpanah, Vahid
AutoTrust in 2020 and beyond: The landscape, stakeholders and possible futures of the Internet of Vehicles
The Autotrust Platform
Yazdanpanah, Vahid, Gerding, Enrico H., Stein, Sebastian, Cirstea, Corina, schraefel, m.c., Norman, Timothy J. and Jennings, Nicholas R.
Collective responsibility in multiagent settings.
ACM Collective Intelligence Conference 2021 (CI-2021), Virtual, Copenhagen, Denmark.
29 - 30 Jun 2021.
4 pp
(In Press)
Yazdanpanah, Vahid, Stein, Sebastian, Gerding, Enrico H. and schraefel, m.c.
Multiagent strategic reasoning in the IoV: A logic-based approach.
ACM Collective Intelligence Conference 2021 (CI-2021), Virtual, Copenhagen, Denmark.
29 - 30 Jun 2021.
4 pp
(In Press)
Gomer, Richard and schraefel, m.c.
Meaning, motive and reconfiguration: could Activity Theory provide design directions for personal fitness technology?
Body as Starting Point 4: CHI2021 Workshop on inbodied interaction, Online.
11 pp
Zavvos, Efstathios, Gerding, Enrico, Yazdanpanah, Vahid, Maple, Carsten, Stein, Sebastian and schraefel, m.c.
Privacy and Trust in the Internet of Vehicles.
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
(In Press)
Yazdanpanah, Vahid, Gerding, Enrico, Stein, Sebastian, Cirstea, Corina, schraefel, m.c., Norman, Timothy and Jennings, Nicholas R.
Different Forms of Responsibility in Multiagent Systems: Sociotechnical Characteristics and Requirements.
IEEE Internet Computing, 25 (6), .
Leonard, Pauline, Parry, Jane, Meers, Steven, Presencer, Lohan and schraefel, m.c.
Work after Covid19: What do our futures look like?
Filipczuk, Dorota, Baarslag, Tim, Gerding, Enrico and schraefel, m.c.
Dataset for "Automated privacy negotiations with preference uncertainty".
University of Southampton