The University of Southampton


Personal homepage

After completing my undergraduate degree at the University of Soutampton I have continued in the same department to learn and apply my skills in Electronics. Creating and discovering in the the world of Academic Research as a PhD Student.

Originally from Leicester , I enjoy living on the South Coast especially with the good connectivity Southampton provides and it's proximity to the New Forest and the Meons both of which for excellent cycling.

I have spent a couple of summers working in the Aviation industry in making and improving sensing equipment.

I have previously held a IET Diamond Jubilee Scholarship and UKESF Scholarship.


Research interests

Low power wireless sensor networks. Control theory. Energy Harvesting devices and power contstrained networking.


Longman, Edward (2021) Dataset for: Wake-up Radio-enabled Intermittently-powered Devices for Mesh Networking: A Power Analysis. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1643 [Dataset]

Longman, Edward, Cetinkaya, Oktay, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Merrett, Geoff (2021) Wake-up radio-enabled intermittently-powered devices for mesh networking: A power analysis. IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, , Virtual Conference. 09 - 12 Jan 2021. (doi:10.1109/CCNC49032.2021.9369557).

Longman, Edward (2021) Opportunistic Routing Stack for Intermittently Powered Devices using the INET Framework. University of Southampton [Dataset]

Longman, Edward, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Merrett, Geoff (2021) Intermittent opportunistic routing components for the INET framework. In 8th OMNeT++ Community Summit 2021. 5 pp .

Longman, Edward (2021) Dataset for: Mesh Networking for Intermittently-powered Devices: Architecture and Challenges. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D2044 [Dataset]

Longman, Edward, El-Hajjar, Mohammed, Cetinkaya, Oktay and Merrett, Geoff (2022) Mesh networking for intermittently-powered devices: Architecture and challenges. IEEE Network. (doi:10.1109/MNET.105.2000782).

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Associate Professor in the Sustainable Electronic Technologies research group

Senior Admissions Tutor for ECS Electronic and Electrical Engineering undergraduate programmes

Programme Leader for ECS Electronic Engineering undergraduate programmes






Stuart Boden is an associate professor in the School of Electronics and Computer Science (ECS) at the University of Southampton. He graduated from the University of Oxford in 2004 with a first-class honours degree in Materials Science. He then joined ECS and in 2009, he was awarded a PhD in Electronics and Electrical Engineering for his work on the development of nanostructured antireflective surfaces for photovoltaics. In 2009, Stuart secured a post-doctoral research fellowship in ECS, funded by Carl Zeiss, to develop applications for the helium ion microscope. Stuart was appointed as a lecturer for ECS in 2014 and promoted to Associate Professor in 2020. He now leads a team of researchers focusing on the fabrication and enhancement with nanoscale texturing of high efficiency interdigitated back contact silicon solar cells.  

Stuart managed Southampton’s involvement in the EPSRC Supersolar Solar Energy Hub (EP/J017361/1) through which he successfully bid for £150K of flexible funding for Southampton. He has been co-investigator on two further Supersolar Hub related grants (EP/M014797/1, £800K and EP/P02484X/1, £857K) and he is currently Co-I on an EPSRC joint grant with the University of Oxford (EP/R005303/1, £950K) entitled "Black Silicon Photovoltaics". He is also Co-I on the Supergen Solar Network + grant (EP/S000763/1, £1.02M) and sits on its management board. 

Stuart is a member of the steering committee for the Leverhulme Trust- funded International Network for Gas-Ion Patterning and Microscopy ( and is on the organising committee for the Photovoltaic Science, Applications and Technology Conference (PVSAT). He has delivered 8 invited talks at national and international conferences and workshops and has refereed for many high impact journals. He is a member of the IET, the IEEE, the UK division of the International Solar Energy Society and the EPSRC Peer Review Associate College.


Research interests


  • Crystalline silicon photovoltaics
  • Interdigitated back contact (IBC) solar cells
  • Nanostructured antireflective surfaces (black silicon)
  • Light trapping/scattering
  • Surface passivation
  • Optical modelling

Gas Field Ion Microscopy

  • Helium and neon ion microscopy
  • Nanofabrication with focused ion beams


ELEC2201: Devices

ELEC2205: Electronic Design

ELEC3202: Green Electronics

ELEC3207: Nanoelectronic Devices


Boden, Stuart Andrew (2009) Biomimetic nanostructured surfaces for antireflection in photovoltaics. University of Southampton, School of Electronics and Computer Science, Doctoral Thesis, 266pp.

Asadollahbaik, Asa, Boden, Stuart, Molinari, Marc, Cox, Simon and Bagnall, Darren (2010) Modelling biomimetic moth-eye structures for antireflection surfaces. Preprint. (Submitted)

Nikolaenko, Andrey E., De Angelis, Francesco, Boden, Stuart A., Papasimakis, Nikitas, Ashburn, Peter, Di Fabrizio, Enzo and Zheludev, Nikolay I. (2010) Carbon nanotubes in a photonic metamaterial. Physical Review Letters, 104 (15), 153902. (doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.153902).

Healy, Noel, Lagonigro, Laura, Sparks, Justin R., Boden, Stuart, Sazio, Pier J.A., Badding, John V. and Peacock, Anna C. (2011) Polycrystalline silicon optical fibers with atomically smooth surfaces. Optics Letters, 36 (13), 2480-2482. (doi:10.1364/OL.36.002480).

Rodenburg, Cornelia, Liu, Xiong, Jepson, Mark A.E., Boden, Stuart A. and Brambilla, Gilberto (2011) Surface morphology of silica nanowires at the nanometer scale. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 357 (15), 3042-3045. (doi:10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2011.03.005).

Boden, S.A. and Bagnall, D.M. (2006) Bio-mimetic subwavelength surface for near-zero reflection sunrise to sunset. 4th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, , Waikoloa, United States. 06 - 11 May 2006. pp. 1358-1361 .

Boden, S.A. and Bagnall, D.M. (2009) Sunrise to sunset optimization of thin film antireflective coatings for encapsulated, planar silicon solar cells. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 17, 241-252. (doi:10.1002/pip.884).

Boden, S.A. and Bagnall, D.M. (2008) Tunable reflection minima of nanostructured antireflective surfaces. Applied Physics Letters, 93 (13), 133108-133110. (doi:10.1063/1.2993231).

Temple, T.L., Boden, S.A. and Bagnall, D.M.. (2009) Plasmonic and Biomimetic light-trapping for photovoltaics. SPIE Optics and Photonics 2009, San Diego. 74110l-1 .

Boden, S.A. and Bagnall, D.M. (2009) Nanostructured biomimetic moth-eye arrays in silicon by nanoimprint lithography. SPIE Optics and Photonics 2009, San Diego. 74010J-1-74010J-12 .

Boden, Stuart, Moktadir, Zakaria, Bagnall, Darren and Rutt, Harvey (2010) Nano-patterning of Graphene in the Helium Ion Microscope. 2010 International Symposium on Atom-scale Si Hybrid Nanotechnologies, University of Southampton. 01 - 02 Mar 2010.

Boden, Stuart and Bagnall, Darren (2010) Optimization of moth-eye antireflection schemes for silicon solar cells. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 18 (3), 195-203. (doi:10.1002/pip.951).

Boden, S A, Moktadir, Zakaria, Bagnall, Darren, Mizuta, Hiroshi and Rutt, Harvey (2010) Focused Helium Ion Beam Milling and Deposition. 36th International Conference on Micro & Nano Engineering (MNE), Genoa, Italy. 18 - 21 Sep 2010. (Submitted)

Moktadir, Zakaria, Boden, Stuart, Mizuta, Hiroshi and Rutt, Harvey (2010) Graphene for Nano-Electro-Mechanical Systems. 21st Micromechanics and Micro Systems Europe Workshop (MME2010), Enschede, The, Netherlands. 25 - 28 Sep 2010. (Submitted)

Boden, Stuart, Moktadir, Zakaria, Bagnall, Darren, Mizuta, Hiroshi and Rutt, Harvey (2011) Focused helium ion beam milling and deposition. Microelectronic Engineering, 88 (8), 2452-2455. (doi:10.1016/j.mee.2010.11.041).

Moktadir, Zakaria, Boden, Stuart, Ghiass, Mohammad Adel, Rutt, Harvey and Mizuta, Hiroshi (2011) U-shaped bilayer graphene channel transistor with very high Ion/Ioff ratio. Electronics Letters, 47 (3).

Moktadir, Zakaria, Boden, Stuart, Ghiass, Mohammad Adel, Rutt, Harvey, Mizuta, Hiroshi, Miyazaki, H, Li, S-L and Tsukagoshi, K (2011) A graphene bilayer channel transistor with a very high Ion/Ioff ratio, graphene single electron devices and graphene nano-mechanical structures for NEMS. UK-Japan Workshop on Graphene, Lancaster. 03 - 04 Feb 2011.

Boden, Stuart, Asadollahbaik, Asa, Rutt, Harvey and Bagnall, Darren (2011) Helium ion microscopy of Lepidoptera scales. [in special issue: Helium Ion Microscopy] Scanning, 34 (2), 107-120. (doi:10.1002/sca.20267). (PMID:21796646)

Boden, Stuart, Moktadir, Zakaria, Bagnall, Darren, Rutt, Harvey and Mizuta, Hiroshi (2011) Beam-induced damage to graphene in the helium ion microscope. Graphene 2011 Conference, Bilbao, Spain. 10 - 13 Apr 2011. (In Press)

Payne, David N.R., Boden, Stuart, Clark, Owain, Delahoy, Alan and Bagnall, Darren (2010) Characterization of experimental textured ZnO:Al films for thin film solar cell applications and comparison with commercial and plasmonic alternatives. 35th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Honolulu HI. 19 - 24 Jun 2010.

Plotkin, M., Hod, I., Zaben, A., Boden, S. A., Bagnall, D. M., Galushko, D. and Bergman, D. J. (2010) Solar energy harvesting in the epicuticle of the oriental hornet (Vespa orientalis). Naturwissenschaften, 97, 1067-1076.

Gammon, P. M., Perez-Tomas, A., Jennings, M. R., Shah, V. A., Boden, S. A., Davis, M. C., Burrows, S. E., Wilson, N. R., Roberts, G. J., Covington, J. A. and Mawby, P. A. (2010) Interface characteristics of n-n and p-n Ge/SiC heterojunction diodes formed by molecular beam epitaxy deposition. Journal of Applied Physics, 107 (124512), 1-8.

Boden, Stuart and Bagnall, Darren (2010) Photovoltaic Energy Harvesting. In, Energy Harvesting for Autonomous Systems. Artech House, pp. 45-85.

Mizuta, Hiroshi, Husain, Muhammad, Alkhalil, Feras, Lin, Yun, Moktadir, Zakaria, Boden, Stuart, Tsuchiya, Yoshishige, Lambert, Nick, Ferguson, Andrew and Chong, Harold (2011) Silicon nanofabrication for QIP in Southampton (Invited Talk). UK Silicon QIP Meeting, Cambridge.

Papasimakis, N., Nikolaenko, A.E., Luo, Z., Shen, Z.X., De Angelis, F., Di Fabrizio, E., Boden, S.A., Uchino, T. and Zheludev, N.I. (2011) Tuning metamaterial properties by a single-layer of graphene. Nanometa 2011, , Seefeld, Austria. 03 - 06 Jan 2011.

Pearson, Andrew J., Boden, Stuart Andrew, Bagnall, Darren M., Lidzey, David G. and Rodenburg, Cornelia (2011) Imaging the bulk nanoscale morphology of organic solar cell blends using helium ion microscopy. Nano Letters, 11 (10), 4275-4281. (doi:10.1021/nl202269n).

Wang, Yudong, Boden, S.A., Bagnall, D.M., Rutt, H.N. and de Groot, C.H. (2012) Helium ion beam milling to create a nano-structured domain wall magnetoresistance spin valve. Nanotechnology, 23, 395302-1. (doi:10.1088/0957-4484/23/39/395302).

Asadollahbaik, Asa, Boden, Stuart, Cox, S.J. and Bagnall, D.M. (2012) Moth-eye antireflective surfaces: specular reflection as a function of angle of incidence and azimuth. PVSAT-8, Newcastle, UK. 01 - 03 Apr 2012.

Boden, Stuart A., Franklin, Thomas, Scipioni, Larry, Bagnall, Darren M. and Rutt, Harvey N. (2012) Ionoluminescence in the helium ion microscope. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 18 (6), 1253-1262. (doi:10.1017/S1431927612013463).

Stavroulakis, Petros I., Boden, Stuart A., Johnson, Thomas and Bagnall, Darren M. (2013) Suppression of backscattered diffraction from sub-wavelength ‘moth-eye’ arrays. Optics Express, 21 (1), 1-11. (doi:10.1364/OE.21.000001).

Quang, Ngo Khoa, Miyauchi, Yoshihiro, Mizutani, Goro, Charlton, Martin, Chen, Ruiqi, Boden, Stuart and Rutt, Harvey (2013) Optical second harmonic generation from V-shaped chromium nanohole arrays. EM-NANO 2013 (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, JAIST), Kanazawa, Japan. 16 - 19 Jun 2013.

Quang, Ngo Khoa, Miyauchi, Yoshihiro, Mizutani, Goro, Charlton, Martin D., Chen, Ruiqi, Boden, Stuart and Rutt, Harvey (2014) Optical second harmonic generation from V-shaped chromium nanohole arrays. [in special issue: JJAP Special Issue] Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 53 (2S), T21713. (doi:10.7567/JJAP.53.02BC11).

Wang, Yudong, Abb, Martina, Boden, Stuart, de Groot, C.H. and Muskens, Otto L. (2013) Controlled fabrication of plasmonic nanogaps using electron beam lithography and helium-ion beam milling. 39th International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering, , London, United Kingdom. 16 - 19 Sep 2013. 1 pp .

Wang, Yudong, Boden, Stuart, Bagnall, Darren, Rutt, H.N. and de Groot, C.H. (2012) Helium ion beam milling and electron beam lithography to create sub-20nm sized domain wall magnetoresistance spin-valve. 38th International Micro & Nano Engineering Conference, Toulouse, France. 15 - 19 Sep 2012.

Asadollahbaik, Asa, Boden, Stuart, Charlton, M.D.B., Payne, D.N.R., Cox, S.J. and Bagnall, D.M. (2014) Reflectance properties of silicon moth-eyes in response to variations in angle of incidence, polarisation and azimuth orientation. Optics Express, 22 (S2), a402-a415. (doi:10.1364/OE.22.00A402).

Nikolaenko, A.E., De Angelis, F., Boden, S.A., Papasimakis, N., Ashburn, P., Di Fabrizio, E.M. and Zheludev, N.I. (2010) Carbon nanotubes in a photonic metamaterial: Giant ultrafast nonlinearity through plasmon-exciton coupling. Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (CLEO/QELS 2010), San Jose, United States. 15 - 20 May 2010. (doi:10.1364/QELS.2010.QTuD5).

Banakar, Mehdi, Boden, Stuart A., Asadollahbaik, Asa, Payne, D.N.R. and Bagnall, D M (2014) Angle-resolved reflection and scattering studies of sub-wavelength surface mie resonators. PVSAT-10: 10th Photovoltaic Science Application and Technology Conference, Loughborough, United Kingdom. 22 - 24 Apr 2014.

Banakar, Mehdi, Boden, Stuart Andrew, Asadollahbaik, Asa, Payne, D.N.N. and Bagnall, D M (2014) Angle-resolved reflection spectroscopy of sub-wavelength surface mie resonators. Solar14: 52nd annual Australian Solar Council Industry Conference & Exhibition, Melbourne, Australia. 07 - 08 May 2014.

Wang, Yudong, Abb, Martina, Boden, Stuart A., Aizpurua, Javier, de Groot, C.H. and Muskens, Otto L. (2013) Ultrafast Nonlinear control of progressively loaded, single plasmonic nanoantennas fabricated using helium ion milling. Nano Letters, 13 (11), 5647-5653. (doi:10.1021/nl403316z). (PMID:24127754)

Wang, Yudong, Abb, Martina, Boden, Stuart A., Aizpurua, Javier, de Groot, C.H. and Muskens, Otto L. (2014) Ultrafine control of partially loaded single plasmonic nanoantennas fabricated using e-beam lithography and helium ion beam milling. CLEO:QELS Fundamental Science: Photonic Crystals and Complex Plasmonic Nanostructures (FF1K), , San Jose, United States. 08 - 13 Jun 2014. FF1K.1-FF1K.2 . (doi:10.1364/CLEO_QELS.2014.FF1K.1).

Kiang, Kian Shen, Zekonyte, Jurgita, Johnston, David A., Beers, Stephen A., Cragg, Mark S., Boden, Stuart A., Anteney, Iain and Chong, Harold M.H. (2014) Experimental studies on the effects of surface treatment materials on cell trapping micro-cavities template. 40th Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering, Lausanne, Switzerland. 21 - 25 Sep 2014.

Kalhor, Nima, Boden, Stuart A. and Mizuta, Hiroshi (2014) Sub-10nm patterning by focused He-ion beam milling for fabrication of downscaled graphene nano devices. Microelectronic Engineering, 114, 70-77. (doi:10.1016/j.mee.2013.09.018).

Lawrence, Matthew J., Kumar, Sendhil, Hawkins, Karl, Boden, Stuart, Rutt, Harvey, Mills, Gavin, Sabra, Ahmed, Morris, Roger H.K., Davidson, Simon J., Badiei, Nafieseh, Brown, Martin R., Williams, Phylip R. and Evans, Phillip A. (2014) A new structural biomarker that quantifies and predicts changes in clot strength and quality in a model of progressive haemodilution. Thrombosis Research, 134 (2), 488-494. (doi:10.1016/j.thromres.2014.05.039). (PMID:24965661)

Banakar, Mehdi, Aghdaei, Sara, Boden, S.A., Sari, Ibrahim and Bagnall, D.M. (2012) Silicon nanowires by self-organised reactive ion etching. 8th Photovoltaic Science Applications and Technology Conference, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom. 01 - 03 Apr 2012.

Mughal, W.J., Mughal, H.A., Laffoley, A.G., Bagnall, D.M., Cowern, N.E.B., Simdyankin, S. and Boden, S.A. (2014) A high-efficiency, low-cost IBC cell using doped laser cut back-side contacts. 10th Photovoltaic Science Applications and Technology Conference, Loughborough, United Kingdom. 22 - 24 Apr 2014.

Nawabjan, A., Tarazona, A., Bagnall, D.M. and Boden, S.A. (2014) Development of epitaxial interdigitated back contact solar cell by HWCVD process. 10th Photovoltaic Science Applications and Technology Conference, Loughborough, United Kingdom. 22 - 24 Apr 2014.

Crudgington, L.J., Rind, M.A., Boden, S.A. and Bagnall, D.M. (2014) High performance hetero-junction solar cells with plasmonic light trapping. 10th Photovoltaic Science Applications and Technology Conference, Loughborough, United Kingdom. 22 - 24 Apr 2014.

Rodenburg, C., Jepson, M.A.E., Boden, Stuart A. and Bagnall, Darren M. (2014) Helium ion microscopy and energy selective scanning electron microscopy – two advanced microscopy techniques with complementary applications. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 522, 12049. (doi:10.1088/1742-6596/522/1/012049).

Moktadir, Zakaria, Mizuta, Hiroshi, Boden, Stuart A., Kalhor, Nima, Hang, Shuojin, Schmidt, Marek E., Cuong, Nguyen Tien, Chi, Dam Hieu, Otsuka, Nobuo, Muruganathan, Manoharan, Tsuchiya, Yoshishige, Chong, Harold, Rutt, Harvey N. and Bagnall, Darren M. (2012) Fabrication and ab initio study of downscaled graphene nanoelectronic devices. In, Pribat, Didier, Lee, Young-Hee and Razeghi, Manijeh (eds.) Carbon Nanotubes, Graphene, and Associated Devices V. (Proceedings of SPIE, 8462) Bellingham, US. SPIE, p. 846206. (doi:10.1117/12.956439).

Mughall, W.J., Mughall, H.A., Laffoley, A.G., Tarazona, A., Simdyankin, S., Bagnall, D.M., Boden, Stuart A. and Cowern, N.E.B. (2014) HELICS cell: laser-cut grooves to create high-efficiency, low cost IBC solar cell. 40th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Denver, United States. 08 - 13 Jun 2014.

Boden, Stuart A. and Bagnall, Darren M. (2012) Moth-eye antireflective structures. In, Encyclopaedia of Nanotechnology. New York, US. Springer, pp. 1467-1477. (doi:10.1007/978-90-481-9751-4_262).

Robertson, Calum, Beanland, Richard, Boden, Stuart A., Hector, Andrew Lee, Kashtiban, Reza J., Sloan, Jeremy, Smith, David C. and Walcarius, Alain (2015) Ordered mesoporous silica films with pores oriented perpendicular to a titanium nitride substrate. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17 (6), 4763-4770. (doi:10.1039/c4cp05730a).

Nikolaenko, A.E., Atmatzakis, E., Papasimakis, N., Luo, Z., Shen, Z.X., Boden, S.A., Ashburn, P. and Zheludev, N.I. (2012) Terahertz bandwidth optical nonlinearity of graphene metamaterial. CLEO/QELS, , San Jose, United States. 05 - 10 May 2012. 2 pp .

Boden, Stuart A. and Temple, Tristan L. (2014) Light capture. In, Irvine, Stuart J.C. (ed.) Materials Challenges: Inorganic Photovoltaic Solar Energy. (RSC Energy and Environment Series, 12) London, GB. Royal Society of Chemistry, pp. 247-296. (doi:10.1039/9781849733465-00247).

Shi, Xiaoqing, Prewett, Philip, Huq, Ejaz, Bagnall, Darren M., Robinson, Alex P.G. and Boden, Stuart A. (2015) Helium ion beam lithography on fullerene molecular resists for sub-10 nm patterning. 41st International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering (MNE 2015), , Den Haag, Netherlands. 21 - 24 Sep 2015. 1 pp . (In Press)

Shi, Xiaoqing, Prewett, Philip, Huq, Ejaz, Bagnall, Darren M. and Boden, Stuart A. (2015) Proximity effect quantification and dose optimisation for high resolution helium ion beam lithography. 41st International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering (MNE 2015), , Den Haag, Netherlands. 21 - 24 Sep 2015. 1 pp . (In Press)

Nawabjan, Amirjan, Tarazona, Antulio, Bagnall, Darren M. and Boden, Stuart A. (2015) Development of epitaxial interdigitated back contact (IBC) solar cell as a test platform for novel antireflection and light-trapping schemes. 11th Photovoltaic Science Applications and Technology Conference (PVSAT-11), Leeds, United Kingdom. 14 - 16 Apr 2015. pp. 45-48 .

Baksh, Peter D., Odstrčil, Michal, Parsons, Aaron, Card, Rachel, Boden, Stuart, Brocklesby, William and Frey, J.G. (2015) Towards laser driven table-top coherent diffractive X-ray microscopy of cultured hippocampal neurons. BIO-NANO-Photonics 2015, Cardiff, United Kingdom. 06 - 08 Sep 2015. 1 pp .

Odstrčil, Michal, Baksh, Peter, Kim, Hyunsu, Boden, Stuart, Brocklesby, William and Frey, Jeremy (2015) Ultra-broadband ptychography with self-consistent coherence estimation from a high harmonic source. X-Ray Lasers and Coherent X-Ray Sources: Development and Applications XI, San Diego, United States. 08 - 12 Aug 2015. p. 958912 . (doi:10.1117/12.2188166).

Chee, Augustus K.W. and Boden, Stuart A. (2015) Dopant profiling based on scanning electron and helium ion microscopy. Ultramicroscopy, 1-18. (doi:10.1016/j.ultramic.2015.10.003).

Baksh, Peter, Odstrčil, Michal, Kim, Hyunsu, Boden, Stuart, Frey, Jeremy and Brocklesby, William (2016) Wide-field broadband extreme ultraviolet transmission ptychography using a high-harmonic source. Optics Letters, 41 (7), 1317-1320. (doi:10.1364/OL.41.001317).

Oo, S.Z., Silva, G., Carpignano, F., Noual, A., Pechstedt, K., Mateos, L., Grant-Jacob, J.A., Brocklesby, W.S., Horak, P., Charlton, M., Boden, S.A. and Melvin, Tracy (2016) A nanoporous gold membrane for sensing applications. Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research, 1-8. (doi:10.1016/j.sbsr.2016.01.001).

Grant-Jacob, James, Oo, Swe Zin, Carpignano, Francesca, Boden, Stuart A., Brocklesby, William S., Charlton, Martin D.B. and Melvin, Tracy (2015) Design and fabrication of a 3D-structured gold film with nanopores for local electric field enhancement in the pore. Nanotechnology, 27 (6), 1-11. (doi:10.1088/0957-4484/27/6/065302).

Odstrčil, M., Baksh, P.D., Boden, S.A., Brocklesby, W.S. and Frey, J.G. (2015) Laser driven table-top coherent EUV source for high resolution diffractive microscopy. Symposium on Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography, Maastricht, Netherlands. 04 - 06 Oct 2015.

Shi, Xiaoqing, Prewett, Philip, Huq, Ejaz, Bagnall, Darren, Robinson, Alex and Boden, Stuart (2016) Helium ion beam lithography on fullerene molecular resists for sub-10 nm patterning. Microelectronic Engineering, 155, 74-78. (doi:10.1016/j.mee.2016.02.045).

Odstrčil, Michal, Baksh, Peter, Boden, Stuart, Card, Rachel, Chad, John, Frey, Jeremy and Brocklesby, William (2016) Ptychographic coherent diffractive imaging with orthogonal probe relaxation. Optics Express, 24 (8), 8360-8369. (doi:10.1364/OE.24.008360).

Wood, Graham, Zhao, Chun, Pu, Suan-Hui, Boden, Stuart, Sari, Ibrahim and Kraft, Michael (2016) Mass sensor utilising the mode-localisation effect in an electrostatically-coupled MEMS resonator pair fabricated using an SOI process. [in special issue: Micro/Nano Devices and Systems 2015] Microelectronic Engineering, 159, 169-173. (doi:10.1016/j.mee.2016.03.035).

Rahman, Tasmiat, Bonilla, Ruy, Nawabjan, Amirjan, Wilshaw, Peter and Boden, Stuart (2017) Passivation of all-angle black surfaces for silicon solar cells. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 160, 444-453. (doi:10.1016/j.solmat.2016.10.044).

Debnath, Kapil, Khokhar, Ali, Boden, Stuart, Reed, Graham, Saito, Shinichi and Arimoto, Hideo (2016) Raw data for "Utilizing (111) surfaces to produce low-loss silicon slot waveguides". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/397774 [Dataset]

Nawabjan, Amirjan, Rahman, Tasmiat, Tarazona, Antulio, Bagnall, Darren and Boden, Stuart (2015) Epitaxial Interdigitated Back Contact (IBC) solar cell test platform for novel light trapping schemes. Proceedings of the 31st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC), Hamburg, Germany. 13 - 17 Sep 2015. pp. 783-787 . (doi:10.4229/EUPVSEC20152015-2AV.3.32).

Rahman, Tasmiat, Nawabjan, Amirjan, Tarazona, Antulio, Bagnall, Darren M. and Boden, Stuart (2016) Junction formation with HWCVD and TCAD model of an epitaxial back-contact solar cell. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 6 (6), 1-7. (doi:10.1109/JPHOTOV.2016.2598277).

Debnath, Kapil, Khokhar, Ali, Boden, Stuart, Oo, Swe Zin, Chong, Harold, Reed, Graham and Saito, Shin (2016) Low-loss slot waveguides with silicon (111) surfaces realized using anisotropic wet etching. Frontiers in Materials, 3 (51), 1-5. (doi:10.3389/fmats.2016.00051).

Quang, N.K., Miyauchi, Y., Mizutani, G., Charlton, M., Chen, R.Q., Boden, S. and Rutt, H. (2014) Optical second harmonic generation of V-shaped chromium nanoholes-dependence on the structure parameters of the nanoholes. [in special issue: Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Atomic Level Characterization for New Materials and Devices (ALC 2013)] Surface and Interface Analysis, 46 (12-13), 1240-1244. (doi:10.1002/sia.5643).

Mizuta, Hiroshi, Moktadiri, Zakaria, Boden, Stuart, Kalhori, Nima, Hang, Shuojin, Schmidt, Marek, Cuong, Nguyen Tien, Chi, Dam Hieu, Otsuka, Nobuo, Manoharan, Muruagnathan, Tsuchiya, Yoshishige, Chong, Harold, Rutt, Harvey and Bagnall, Darren (2012) Downscaled graphene nanodevices: fabrication and ab initio study. IEEE 11th International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology (ICSICT), Xi'an, China. 29 Oct - 01 Nov 2012. 4 pp . (doi:10.1109/ICSICT.2012.6467940).

Crudgington, Lee, Rahman, Tasmiat and Boden, Stuart (2016) Dataset for "Development of Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells with Plasmonic Light Scattering". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/404119 [Dataset]

Crudgington, Lee, Rahman, Tasmiat and Boden, Stuart (2017) Development of amorphous silicon solar cells with plasmonic light scattering. Vacuum, 139, 164-172.

Shi, Xiaoqing, Prewett, Philip, Huq, Ejaz, Bagnall, Darren, Robinson, Alex and Boden, Stuart (2017) Dataset for Helium Ion Beam Lithography on Fullerene Molecular Resists for Sub-10 nm Patterning. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/404189 [Dataset]

Carpignano, Francesca, Silva, Gloria, Noual, Adnane, Pechstedt, Katrin, Grant-Jacob, James, Brocklesby, W.S., Horak, Peter, Boden, Stuart and Melvin, Tracy (2016) Nanopores within 3D-structured gold film for sensing applications. 18th Italian National Conference on Photonic Technologies (Fotonica 2016), Rome, Italy. 05 - 07 Jun 2016. (doi:10.1049/cp.2016.0933).

Shi, Xiaoqing, Prewett, Philip, Huq, Ejaz, Bagnall, Darren and Boden, Stuart (2016) A quantitative comparison between helium ion and electron beam lithography on PMMA resist. 42nd International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering, Vienna, Austria. 19 - 23 Sep 2016. 1 pp .

Boden, Stuart (2016) Introduction to imaging techniques in the HIM. In, Hlawacek, Gregor and Golzhauser, Armin (eds.) Helium Ion Microscopy. (NanoScience and Technology, 1) 1 ed. Switzerland. Springer, pp. 149-172. (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-41990-9).

Boden, Stuart and Shi, Xiaoqing (2017) Helium ion beam lithography for sub-10nm pattern definition. SPIE Newsroom. (doi:10.1117/2.1201702.006839).

Boden, Stuart and Shi, Xiaoqing (2016) Scanning helium ion beam lithography. In, Robinson, Alex and Lawson, Richard (eds.) Materials and Processes for Next Generation Lithography. (Frontiers of Nanoscience, 11) 1 ed. Elsevier, pp. 563-594. (doi:10.1016/B978-0-08-100354-1.00017-X).

Rahman, Tasmiat, To, Alexander, Pollard, Michael E., Grant, Nicholas E., Colwell, Jack, Payne, David N.R., Murphy, John D., Bagnall, Darren M., Hoex, Bram and Boden, Stuart A. (2018) Minimising bulk lifetime degradation during the processing of interdigitated back contact silicon solar cells. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 26 (1), 38-47. (doi:10.1002/pip.2928).

Zelai, Taharh, Iwasaki, Takuya, Boden, Stuart, Chong, Harold, Mizuta, H. and Tsuchiya, Yoshishige (2017) Tip-Enhanced Raman characterization of He-ion-irradiated CVD graphene channels. 43rd International Conference on Micro and Nanoengineering, , Braga, Portugal. 18 - 22 Sep 2017. 1 pp .

Rahman, Tasmiat and Boden, Stuart A. (2017) Optical modelling of black silicon for solar cells using effective index techniques. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 7 (6), 1556-1562. (doi:10.1109/JPHOTOV.2017.2748900).

Koukharenko, E., Boden, S.A., Sessions, N.P., Frety, N., Nandhakumar, I. and White, N.M. (2018) Towards a thermoelectric nanostructured energy harvester for wearable applications. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 29 (4), 3423-3436. (doi:10.1007/s10854-017-8277-4).

Scheul, Tudor, Emilian, Khorani, Edris, Rahman, Tasmiat and Boden, Stuart (2018) Metal-assisted chemically etched black silicon for crystalline silicon solar cells. PV-SAT 14, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom. 18 - 20 Apr 2018. 4 pp .

Khorani, Edris, Scheul, Tudor, Emilian, Tarazona, Antulio, Rahman, Tasmiat and Boden, Stuart (2018) Optimisation of ex-situ annealing process for epitaxial silicon emitters via Hot Wire CVD. PV-SAT 14, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom. 18 - 20 Apr 2018.

Byers, J., Debnath, K., Arimoto, H., Husain, M.K., Sotto, M., Liu, F., Khokhar, A., Kiang, K., Boden, S.A., Thomson, D.J., Reed, G.T., Saito, S. and Li, Zuo (2018) 3D fin waveguide on 10nm gate oxide bonded double-SOI for low VΠL accumulation modulator. 15th International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFP), , Cancun, Mexico. 29 - 31 Aug 2018. pp. 1-2 . (doi:10.1109/GROUP4.2018.8478693).

Prewett, Philip, Hagen, Cornelis, Lenk, Claudia, Lenk, Steve, Kaestner, Markus, Ivanov, Tzvetan, Ahmad, Ahmad, Rangelow, Ivo W., Shi, Xiaoqing, Boden, Stuart, Robinson, Alex P.G., Yang, Dongxu, Hari, Sangeetha, Scotuzzi, Marijke and Huq, Ejaz (2018) Charged particle single nanometre manufacturing. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 9, 2855-2882. (doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.266).

Byers, James, Debnath, Kapil, Arimoto, Hideo, Husain, Muhammad, Sotto, Moise, Sala Henri, Li, Zuo, Liu, Fayong, Ibukuro, Kouta, Khokhar, Ali, Kiang, Kian Shen, Boden, Stuart, Thomson, David, Reed, Graham and Saito, Shinichi (2018) Silicon slot fin waveguide on bonded double-SOI for a low-power accumulation modulator fabricated by an anisotropic wet etching technique. Optics Express, 26 (25), 33180-33191. (doi:10.1364/OE.26.033180).

Tarazona, Antulio, Domínguez Bucio, Thalia, Oo, Swe, Petra, R., Khokhar, Ali, Boden, Stuart, Gardes, Frederic, Reed, Graham and Chong, Harold (2019) Hot wire chemical vapor deposition for silicon photonics: an emerging industrial application opportunity. Thin Solid Films, 676, 26-30, [676]. (doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2019.02.048).

Tyson, Jack, Rahman, Tasmiat and Boden, Stuart (2019) Optical simulation of black silicon surfaces using geometric randomisation and unit-cell based averaging. The 15th Photovoltaic Science, Applications and Technology Conference<br/>, University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom. 10 - 12 Apr 2019. 4 pp .

Tyson, Jack, Rahman, Tasmiat and Boden, Stuart (2019) Multiphysics simulations for robust computational modelling of stochastic nanostructures. 2019 COMSOL Conference, , Cambridge, United Kingdom. 24 - 26 Sep 2019.

Scheul, Tudor, Emilian, Khorani, Edris, Rahman, Tasmiat and Boden, Stuart (2019) Characterization of atomic layer deposited alumina thin films on black silicon textures using helium ion microscopy. In AIP Conference Proceedings. vol. 2147, AIP Publishing. 6 pp . (doi:10.1063/1.5123858).

Franklin, Thomas M., Boden, Stuart A., Bagnall, Darren M., Rutt, Harvey N. and Scipioni, Larry (2012) Luminescence imaging and spectroscopy of rare earth doped lanthanum nanoparticles in a helium ion microscope. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 18 (Suppl 2), 810-811. (doi:10.1017/S1431927612005909).

Tyson, Jack, Rahman, Tasmiat and Boden, Stuart (2021) Angle-resolved Hemispherical Reflectometry for the Optical Characterisation of Photovoltaic Materials. SuperSolar/PVSAT Conference 2021. 08 - 10 Jun 2021.

Tyson, Jack, Rahman, Tasmiat and Boden, Stuart (2021) Ray tracing coupled with electromagnetic wave optics for nanoscale light propagation studies. 2020 COMSOL Conference, , Grenoble, France. 14 - 15 Oct 2020.

Tyson, Jack, Rahman, Tasmiat and Boden, Stuart (2020) A new mathematical interpretation of disordered nanoscale material systems for computational modelling. Computer Physics Communications, 255, 1-15, [107399]. (doi:10.1016/j.cpc.2020.107399).

Scheul, Tudor Emilian, Khorani, Edris, Rahman, Tasmiat, Charlton, Martin and Boden, Stuart (2020) Wavelength and angle resolved reflectance measurements of pyramidal textures for crystalline silicon photovoltaics. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 28 (12), 1248-1257. (doi:10.1002/pip.3319).

Pi, Hailong, Rahman, Tasmiat, Boden, Stuart A., Ma, Tianjun, Yan, Jize and Fang, Xu (2020) Integrated vortex beam emitter in the THz frequency range: design and simulation. APL Photonics. (In Press)

Khorani, Edris, McNab, Shona, Scheul, Tudor Emilian, Rahman, Tasmiat, Bonilla, Ruy Sebastian, Boden, Stuart and Wilshaw, Peter (2020) Optoelectronic properties of ultrathin ALD silicon nitride and its potential as a hole-selective nanolayer for high efficiency solar cells. APL Materials, 8 (11), [111106]. (doi:10.1063/5.0023336).

Zelai, Taharh, Iwasaki, Takuya, Boden, Stuart, Chong, Harold, MIZUTA, HIROSHI and Tsuchiya, Yoshishige (2017) Tip-Enhanced Raman characterization of He-ion-irradiated CVD graphene channels. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0079 [Dataset]

Scheul, Tudor, Khorani, Edris, Rahman, Tasmiat, Charlton, Martin and Boden, Stuart (2022) Light scattering from black silicon surfaces and its benefits for encapsulated solar cells. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 235, [111448]. (doi:10.1016/j.solmat.2021.111448).

Tyson, Jack, Rahman, Tasmiat and Boden, Stuart (2022) Angle-resolved spectrophotometry for the optical characterisation of material surfaces. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 71. (doi:10.1109/TIM.2022.3146947).

Tyson, Jack, Rahman, Tasmiat and Boden, Stuart (2021) Hybrid black silicon nanotextures and their Implications on the time-varying performance of solar photovoltaic technologies in the real world. The 16th Photovoltaic Science, Applications and Technology Conference, University of Salford, Salford, United Kingdom. 06 - 08 Apr 2022. (Submitted)

Rwaimi, Malek, Bailey, Christopher, Shaw, Peter, Mercier, Thomas M, Krishnan, Chirenjeevi, Rahman, Tasmiat, Lagoudakis, Pavlos, Horng, Ray-Hua, Boden, Stuart and Charlton, Matthew B (2022) FAPbBr3 perovskite quantum dots as a multifunctional luminescent-downshifting passivation layer for GaAs solar cells. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 234, [111406]. (doi:10.1016/j.solmat.2021.111406).

Shi, Xiaoqing, Boden, Stuart, Yang, Dongxu, Chen, Xiangyi, He, Dongsheng, Frommhold, Andreas, Lebedeva, Maria A., V. Ershova, Olga, Palmer, Richard E., Li, Ziyou, Shi, Haofei, Gao, Jianzhi, Pan, Minghu, Khlobystov, Andrei N., Chamberlain, Thomas and Robinson, Alex P.G. (2022) A fullerene-platinum complex for direct functional patterning of single metal atom-embedded carbon nanostructures. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 13 (6), 1578–1586. (doi:10.1021/acs.jpclett.1c03877).


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Tinati, Ramine, Pope, Catherine, Halford, Susan and Carr, Leslie (2010) (re) configuring the web user in the digital economy. Digital Futures 2010: Digital Economy All Hands Meeting, , Nottingham, United Kingdom. 11 - 12 Oct 2010.

Tinati, Ramine, Halford, Susan, Carr, Leslie and Pope, Catherine (2011) Exploring the UK Open-PSI community. SharePSI: Removing the Roadblocks to a Pan European Market for Public Sector Information Re-Use, , Brussels, Belgium. 09 - 10 May 2011. 4 pp .

Tinati, Ramine, Halford, Susan, Carr, Leslie and Pope, Catherine (2011) Conceptualising a Web of Linked Actors. ACM WebSci '11, , Koblenz, Germany. 13 - 16 Jun 2011.

Tinati, Ramine (2011) Tracking the sustainability of Open Government Data. Open Government Data Camp 2011, , Warsaw, Poland.

Tinati, Ramine, Carr, Les, Halford, Susan and Pope, Catherine (2011) Digital Innovation - Investigating the Sustainability of New Kinds of Web. Digital Engagement 2011, Newcastle.

Tinati, Ramine, Carr, Leslie, Hall, Wendy and Bentwood, Jonny (2012) Identifying communicator roles in Twitter. Mining Social Network Dynamics (MSND 2012), , Lyon, France. 16 - 20 Apr 2012. 8 pp .

Tinati, Ramine, Halford, Susan, Carr, Leslie and Pope, Catherine (2012) Using mixed methods to track the growth of the Web: tracing open government data initiatives. World Wide Web 2012 (Web Science Track), , Lyon, France. 16 - 20 Apr 2012. 6 pp .

Tinati, Ramine, Halford, Susan, Carr, Les and Pope, Catherine (2012) Mixing Methods and Theory to Explore Web Activity. Third Annual Web Science Conference (WebSci2012), Evanston, United States. 9 pp .

Tinati, Ramine, Carr, Les, Hall, Wendy and Bentwood, Johnny (2012) Scale Free: Twitter’s Retweet Network Structure. Network Science 2012, Evanston, United States.

Tinati, Ramine, Carr, Les, Halford, Susan and Pope, Catherine (2012) Exploring the Impact of Adopting Open Data in the UK Government. Digital Futures 2012, Aberdeen, United Kingdom. 3 pp .

Tinati, Ramine and Carr, Leslie (2012) ReFluence: A Real-Time and Historic Visualization Application for Twitter Conversations. Social Media Visualisation (SocMedVis) Workshop - ICWSM2012.

Tinati, Ramine and Carr, Leslie (2012) Identifying user roles in Twitter. Information Communication Technology in Development 2012, , Atlanta, United States.

Tinati, Ramine and Halford, Susan (2012) Interrogating big data for social scientific research - An analytical platform for visualising Twitter. Internet, Politics, Policy 2012: Big Data, Big Challenges?, , Oxford, United Kingdom.

Hall, Wendy, Tiropanis, Thanassis, Tinati, Ramine, Booth, Paul, Gaskell, Paul, Hare, Jonathon and Carr, Les (2013) The Southampton University Web Observatory. 1st International workshop on Building Web Observatories, ACM Web Science 2013, 1-3 May 2013.

Tinati, Ramine, Halford, Susan, Carr, Les and Pope, Catherine (2014) Big Data: methodological challenges and approaches for sociological analysis. Sociology, 48 (4), 663-681. (doi:10.1177/0038038513511561).

Tinati, Ramine, Carr, Leslie, Halford, Susan and Pope, Catherine (2013) Exploring the Use of #OpenData in UK Open Government Data Community. Digital Economy 2013, , Salford, United Kingdom.

Tinati, Ramine, Halford, Susan, Carr, Leslie and Pope, Catherine (2013) The promise of big data: new methods for sociological analysis. The World Social Science Forum. 7 pp .

Tinati, Ramine, Tiropanis, Thanassis and Carr, Leslie (2013) An approach for using Wikipedia to measure the flow of trends across countries. Web Observatories Workshop (WOW), WWW2013: 22nd International World Wide Web conference, 2013, , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 12 - 16 May 2013.

Tinati, Ramine, Carr, Leslie, Halford, Susan and Pope, Catherine (2013) The HTP Model: Understanding the development of social machines. SOCM Workshop, WWW2013: 22nd International World Wide Web conference, , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 12 - 16 May 2013.

Hall, Wendy, Tiropanis, Thanassis, Tinati, Ramine, Wang, Xin, Luczak-Rösch, Markus and Simperl, Elena (2014) The Web Science Observatory - the challenges of analytics over distributed linked data infrastructures. ECRIM News, (96), 29-30.

Tinati, Ramine (2013) Towards an understanding of Web growth: an empirical study of socio-technical web activity of Open Government Data. University of Southampton, Physical Sciences and Engineering, Doctoral Thesis, 329pp.

Van Kleek, Max, Smith, Daniel Alexander, Tinati, Ramine, O'Hara, Kieron, Hall, Wendy and Shadbolt, Nigel (2014) 7 billion home telescopes: observing social machines through personal data stores. SOCM2014 Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Social Machines, at WWW2014. (doi:10.1145/2567948.2578840).

Luczak-Rösch, Markus, Tinati, Ramine, Simperl, Elena, Van Kleek, Max, Shadbolt, Nigel and Simpson, Robert (2014) Why won't aliens talk to us? Content and community dynamics in online citizen science. Eighth International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media, , Ann Arbor, United States. 01 - 04 Jun 2014. 10 pp . (Submitted)

Tinati, Ramine, Simperl, Elena, Luczak-Rösch, Markus, Van Kleek, Max and Shadbolt, Nigel (2014) Collective intelligence in citizen science – a study of performers and talkers. Collective Intelligence 2014, , Cambridge, United States. 09 - 11 Jun 2014. 4 pp . (Submitted)

Tinati, Ramine, Gaskell, Paul, Tiropanis, Thanassis, Phillipe, Olivier and Hall, Wendy (2014) Examining Wikipedia across linguistic and temporal borders. In WWW '14 Companion: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on World Wide Web. ACM Press. pp. 445-450 . (doi:10.1145/2567948.2576931).

Tinati, Ramine, Carr, Leslie, Halford, Susan and Pope, Catherine (2014) (Re)integrating the Web: beyond ‘socio-technical’. International World Wide Web Conference (WWW'14), , Seoul, Korea, Republic of. 13 - 17 Apr 2014. 2 pp . (doi:10.1145/2567948.2576958).

Tinati, Ramine and Carr, Les (2012) Understanding social machines. Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust (PASSAT), 2012 International Conference on and 2012 International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom), , Amsterdam, Netherlands. 03 - 05 Sep 2012. pp. 975-976 . (doi:10.1109/SocialCom-PASSAT.2012.25).

Tiropanis, Thanassis, Wang, Xin, Tinati, Ramine and Hall, Wendy (2014) Building a connected Web Observatory: architecture and challenges. 2nd International Workshop on Building Web Observatories (B-WOW14), ACM Web Science Conference 2014, , Bloomington, United States. 22 - 25 Jun 2014. 10 pp .

Tinati, Ramine, Luczak-Rösch, Markus, Simperl, Elena and Shadbolt, Nigel R. (2014) Motivations of citizen scientists - a quantitative investigation of forum participation. WebSci ’14, , Bloomington, United States. 22 - 25 Jun 2014. 2 pp . (doi:10.1145/2615569.2615651).

Tinati, Ramine, Phillipe, Olivier, Pope, Catherine, Carr, Leslie and Halford, Susan (2014) Challenging social media analytics: Web Science perspectives. WebSci '14, , Bloomington, United States. 22 - 25 Jun 2014. 5 pp . (doi:10.1145/2615569.2615690).

Luczak-Rösch, Markus, Tinati, Ramine, O'Hara, Kieron and Shadbolt, Nigel (2015) Socio-technical computation. The 18th ACM conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, , Vancouver, Canada. 14 - 18 Mar 2015. 4 pp . (doi:10.1145/2685553.2698991).

Tinati, Ramine, Van Kleek, Max, Simperl, E., Luczak-Rösch, Markus, Simpson, Robert and Shadbolt, Nigel (2015) Designing for Citizen Data Analysis: A Cross-Sectional Case Study of a Multi-Domain Citizen Science Platform. In CHI '15 Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: Seoul, Republic of Korea — April 18-23, 2015. ACM Press. pp. 4069-4078 . (doi:10.1145/2702123.2702420).

Luczak-Rösch, Markus, Tinati, Ramine and Shadbolt, Nigel (2015) When resources collide: towards a theory of coincidence in information spaces. WWW 2015 Companion, Florence, Italy. 6 pp . (doi:10.1145/2740908.2743973).

Halford, Susan and Tinati, Ramine (2016) Crowdsourcing. In, Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. Wiley-Blackwell. (doi:10.1002/9781405165518.wbeos0779).

Tinati, Ramine, Luczak-Rösch, Markus, Hall, Wendy and Shadbolt, Nigel (2015) Using WikiProjects to measure the health of Wikipedia. Web Science Track, World Wide Web Conference, , Florence, Italy. 17 - 21 May 2015. 6 pp . (doi:10.1145/2740908.2745937).

Tinati, Ramine, Wang, Xin, Brown, Ian, Tiropanis, Thanassis and Hall, Wendy (2015) A streaming real-time web observatory architecture for monitoring the health of social machines. Social Machines Workshop (SOCM) 2015. World Wide Web Conference, Florence, Italy. 17 - 21 May 2015. 6 pp . (doi:10.1145/2740908.2743977).

Tinati, Ramine, Luczak-Rösch, Markus, Simperl, E., Hall, Wendy and Shadbolt, Nigel (2015) 'Command' and conquer: analysing discussion in a citizen science game. ACM Web Science 2015, , Oxford, United Kingdom. 27 - 30 Jun 2015. 10 pp . (doi:10.1145/2786451.2786455).

Luczak-Rösch, Markus, Tinati, Ramine, Van Kleek, Max and Shadbolt, Nigel (2015) From coincidence to purposeful flow? Properties of transcendental information cascades. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), , Paris, France.

Leanne, Fry, Hall, Wendy, Koronios, Andy, Mayer, Wolfgang, O'Hara, Kieron, Rowland-Campbell, Anni, Stumptner, Markus, Tinati, Ramine, Tiropanis, Thanassis and Wang, Xin (2015) Governance in the age of social machines: the web observatory. The Australia and New Zealand School of Government, 1-34.

Wang, Xin, Tinati, Ramine, Mayer, Wolfgang, Rowland-Campbell, Anni, Tiropanis, Thanassis, Brown, Ian, Hall, Wendy, O’Hara, Kieron, Stumptner, Markus and Koronios, Andy (2015) Building a web observatory for south Australian government: supporting an age friendly population. 3rd International workshop on Building Web Observatories (BWOW). 10 pp .

Tinati, Ramine, Wang, Xin, Tiropanis, Thanassis and Hall, Wendy (2015) Building a real-time web observatory. IEEE Internet Computing, 19 (6), 36-45. (doi:10.1109/MIC.2015.94).

Tinati, Ramine, Luczak-Roesch, Markus, Simperl, Elena and Hall, Wendy (2015) Exploring the global adoption of citizen science. 2nd GESIS Computational Social Science Winter Symposium, Cologne, Germany. 02 - 03 Dec 2015. 3 pp .

Pope, Catherine, Halford, Susan, Tinati, Ramine and Weal, Mark (2014) What’s the big fuss about ‘big data’? Journal of Health Services Research & Policy, 19 (2), 67-68. (doi:10.1177/1355819614521181).

Tinati, Ramine, Luczak-Roesch, Markus, Hall, Wendy and Shadbolt, Nigel (2016) More than an edit: using transcendental information cascades to capture hidden structure in Wikipedia. 25th International World Wide Web Conference, , Montreal, Canada. 10 - 14 Apr 2016. 2 pp . (In Press) (doi:10.1145/2872518.2889401).

Tinati, Ramine, Luczak-Roesch, Markus, Simperl, Elena and Hall, Wendy (2016) "Because science is awesome": studying participation in a citizen science game. 8th ACM Conference on Web Science, , Hannover, Germany. 21 - 24 May 2016. (doi:10.1145/2908131.2908151).

Luczak-Roesch, Markus, Tinati, Ramine, Aljaloud, Saud, Hall, Wendy and Shadbolt, Nigel (2016) A universal socio-technical computing machine. In, International Conference on Web Engineering. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9671) 16th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE2016) (05/06/16 - 08/06/16) Cham. Springer. (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-38791-8_48).

Phethean, Christopher, Simperl, Elena, Tiropanis, Thanassis, Tinati, Ramine and Hall, Wendy (2016) The role of data science in web science. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 31 (3), 102-107. (doi:10.1109/MIS.2016.54).

Reeves, Neal, Tinati, Ramine, Zerr, Sergej, Van Kleek, Max and Simperl, Elena (2017) From crowd to community: a survey of online community features in citizen science projects. In Proceedings of the 2017CS W '17 : Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing. ACM Press. pp. 2137-2152 . (doi:10.1145/2998181.2998302).

Murthy, Dhiraj, Powell, Alison B., Tinati, Ramine, Anstead, Nick, Carr, Les, Halford, Susan and Weal, Mark (2016) Automation, algorithms, and politics| bots and political influence: a sociotechnical investigation of social network capital. International Journal of Communication, 10, 4952-4971.

Luczak-Roesch, Markus and Tinati, Ramine (2017) The social in the platform trap: why a microscopic system focus limits the prospect of social machines. Discover Society, (34), 1-6.

Tinati, Ramine, Luczak-Roesch, Markus, Simperl, Elena and Hall, Wendy (2017) An investigation of player motivations in Eyewire, a gamified citizen science project. Computers in Human Behaviour, 1-29. (doi:10.1016/j.chb.2016.12.074).

Tinati, Ramine and Luczak-Roesch, Markus (2017) Wikipedia: a complex social machine. SIGWEB Newsletter, (Winter 2017), Winter Issue, 1-10, [6]. (doi:10.1145/3027141.3027147).

Tinati, Ramine, Simperl, Elena and Luczak-Roesch, Markus (2017) To help or hinder: real-time chat in citizen science. 11th International Conference on Web and Social Media, , Montreal, Canada. 15 - 18 May 2017. 10 pp . (In Press)

Tinati, Ramine, Madaan, Aastha and Hall, Wendy (2017) The role of crowdsourcing in the emerging Internet-of-Things. In WWW '17 Companion: Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion. International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee. pp. 1669-1672 . (doi:10.1145/3041021.3051693).

Halford, Susan, Weal, Mark, Tinati, Ramine, Pope, Catherine and Carr, Leslie (2018) Understanding the production and circulation of social media data: toward methodological principles and praxis. New Media and Society, 20 (9), 3341–3358. (doi:10.1177/1461444817748953).

Simperl, Elena, Reeves, Neal, Phethean, Christopher J, Lynes, Todd and Tinati, Ramine (2018) Is virtual citizen science a game? ACM Transactions on Social Computing, 1 (2), 1-39. (doi:10.1145/3209960).

Price, Simon, Hall, Wendy, Earl, Graeme, Tiropanis, Thanassis, Tinati, Ramine, Wang, Xin, Gandolfi, Eleonora, Gatewood, Jane, Boateng, Richard, Denemark, David, Groflin, Alexander, Loader, Brian, Schmidt, Maxine, Billings, Marilyn, Spanakis, Gerasimos, Suleman, Hussein, Tsoi, Kelvin, Wessels, Bridgette, Xu, Jie and Birkin, Mark (2019) Worldwide universities network (WUN) web observatory: applying lessons from the web to transform the research data ecosystem. In WWW '17 Companion: Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion. International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee. pp. 1665-1667 . (doi:10.1145/3041021.3051691).


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Lechner, M, Schartinger, VH, Steele, CD, Nei, WL, Ooft, ML, Schreiber, L-M, Pipinikas, CP, Chung, G T-Y, Chan, YY, Wu, F, To, K-F, Tsang, CM, Pearce, W, Morelli, D, Philpott, M, Masterson, L, Ribhani, R, Wells, G, Bell, C, Koller, J, Delacuse, S, Yip, YL, Liu, J, Forde, CT, Forster, MD, Jay, A, Dudas, J, Krapp, A, Wan, S, Uprimny, C, Sprung, S, Haybaeck, J, Fenton, TR, Chester, K, Thirlwell, C, Royle, G, Marafioti, Teresa, Gupta, R, Indrasari, SR, Herdini, C, Slim, MAM, Indrawati, I, Sutton, L, Fles, R, Tang, B, Yeong, J, Jain, A, Han, S, Wang, H, Loke, KSH, He, W, Xu, R, Jin, H, Cheng, Z, Howard, D, Hwang, PH, Le, Q-T, Tay, JK, West, RB, Tsao, SW, Meyer, T, Riechelmann, H, Oppermann, U, Delecuse, H-J, Willems, SW, Chua, MLK, Busson, P, Lo, KW, Wollmann, G, Pillay, N, Vanhaesebroeck, B and Lund, VJ (2021) Somatostatin receptor 2 expression in nasopharyngeal cancer is induced by Epstein Barr virus infection: impact on prognosis, imaging and therapy. Nature Communications, 12, [117]. (doi:10.1038/s41467-020-20308-8).


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Programme Leader for the MSc in Software Engineering

I am a Lecturer in the Agents, Interaction and Complexity research group at the University of Southampton. I obtained my PhD at the University of Salamanca (Spain), in 2006. Between 2007 and 2008, I worked as a lecturer at the Open University of Catalonia (Spain), and, from 2008 to 2011, I was a Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral research fellow at the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute of the Spanish National Research Council (IIIA-CSIC). In 2012, after a brief research assistantship at the Mathematics institute of the University of Bern (Switzerland) at the end of 2011, I returned as a researcher at IIIA-CSIC. From 2012 to 2014, I was a Marie Curie postdoctoral research fellow at the Institut de Recherche en Informatique de ToulousePaul Sabatier University, in France. From 2014 to 2017, I was a researcher in a EPSRC funded project at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Oxford.


Research interests

Game Theory, Reasoning under Uncertainty, Mathematical Logic


Teaching 2020-2021:

  • COMP1206: Programming II
  • COMP2210: Theory of Computing
  • COMP6203: Intelligent Agents
  • COMP6231: Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
  • COMP6233: Topics in Computer Science


Flaminio, Tommaso, Godo, Lluís and Marchioni, Enrico (2013) Logics for belief functions on MV-algebras. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 54 (4), 491-512. (doi:10.1016/j.ijar.2012.08.006).

Marchioni, Enrico and Metcalfe, George (2012) Craig interpolation for semilinear substructural logics. Mathematical Logic Quarterly, 58 (6), 468-481. (doi:10.1002/malq.201200004).

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Cortonesi, Tommaso, Marchioni, Enrico and Montagna, Franco (2011) Quantifier elimination and other model-theoretic properties of BL-algebras. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 52 (4), 339-379. (doi:10.1215/00294527-1499336).

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Marchioni, Enrico (2016) On deductive interpolation for the weak nilpotent minimum logic. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 292, 318-332. (doi:10.1016/j.fss.2015.12.016).

Marchioni, Enrico (2015) Some notes on elimination properties for the theory of Riesz MV-Chains. Mathematica Slovaca, 65 (4), 789-800. (doi:10.1515/ms-2015-0055).

Marchioni, Enrico (2012) Amalgamation through quantifier elimination for varieties of commutative residuated lattices. Archive for Mathematical Logic, 51 (1-2), 15-34. (doi:10.1007/s00153-011-0251-x).

Flaminio, Tommaso, Godo, Lluís and Marchioni, Enrico (2011) Reasoning about uncertainty of fuzzy events: an overview. In, Cintula, Petr, Fermuller, Cris, Godo, Lluis and Hajek, Peter (eds.) Understanding Vagueness - Logical, Philosophical, and Linguistic Perspectives. (Series in Logic) 978-1848900370. College Publications, pp. 367-400.

Esteva, Francesc, Godo, Lluís and Marchioni, Enrico (2011) Fuzzy logics with enriched language. In, Cintula, Petr, Hajek, Peter and Noguera, Carles (eds.) Handbook of Mathematical Fuzzy Logic. College Publications, pp. 627-712.

Dellunde, Pilar, Godo, Lluís and Marchioni, Enrico (2011) Extending possibilistic logic over Gödel logic. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 52 (1), 63-75. (doi:10.1016/j.ijar.2010.08.014).

Marchioni, Enrico (2008) On computational complexity of semilinear varieties. Journal of Logic and Computation, 18 (6), 941-958. (doi:10.1093/logcom/exn017).

Belluce, L.P., Di Nola, Antonio Di and Marchioni, Enrico (2010) Rings and Gödel algebras. Algebra Universalis, 64 (1), 103-116. (doi:10.1007/s00012-010-0092-1).

Flaminio, Tommaso, Godo, Lluís and Marchioni, Enrico (2011) On the logical formalization of possibilistic counterparts of states over n-valued Łukasiewicz events. Journal of Logic and Computation, 21 (3), 429-446. (doi:10.1093/logcom/exp012).

Marchioni, Enrico and Spada, Luca (2011) Advances in the theory of μŁΠ algebras. Journal of IGPL, 19 (3), 476-489. (doi:10.1093/jigpal/jzp089).

Marchioni, Enrico (2009) Ordered fields and ŁΠ1/2-algebras. Soft Computing, 13 (6), 559-564. (doi:10.1007/s00500-008-0315-y).

Flaminio, Tommaso and Marchioni, Enrico (2006) T-norm-based logics with an independent involutive negation. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 157 (24), 3125-3144. (doi:10.1016/j.fss.2006.06.016).

Godo, Lluís and Marchioni, Enrico (2006) Coherent conditional probability in a fuzzy logic setting. Journal of IGPL, 14 (3), 457-481. (doi:10.1093/jigpal/jzl019).

Marchioni, Enrico (2008) Representing upper probability measures over rational Lukasiewicz logic. Mathware & Soft Computing, 15, 159-173.

Marchioni, Enrico and Montagna, Franco (2008) On triangular norms and uninorms definable in ŁΠ½. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 47 (2), 179-201. (doi:10.1016/j.ijar.2007.04.003).

Flaminio, Tommaso and Marchioni, Enrico (2007) Mixed rational assessments of possibility and probability measures. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 169, 33-42. (doi:10.1016/j.entcs.2006.07.027).

Marchioni, Enrico and Montagna, Franco (2007) Complexity and definability issues in ŁΠ1/2. Journal of Logic and Computation, 17 (2), 311-331. (doi:10.1093/logcom/exl044).

Marchioni, Enrico (2006) Possibilistic conditioning framed in fuzzy logics. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 43 (2), 133-165. (doi:10.1016/j.ijar.2006.03.002).

Marchioni, Enrico and Wooldridge, Michael (2019) Łukasiewicz logics for cooperative games. Artificial Intelligence, 275, 252-278. (doi:10.1016/j.artint.2019.03.003).

Hosni, Hykel and Marchioni, Enrico (2019) Possibilistic randomisation in strategic-form games. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 114, 204-225. (doi:10.1016/j.ijar.2019.08.008).

Divband Soorati, Mohammad, Gerding, Enrico, Marchioni, Enrico, Naumov, Pavel, Norman, Timothy, Ramchurn, Sarvapali, Rastegari, Baharak, Sobey, Adam, Stein, Sebastian, Tarapore, Danesh, Yazdanpanah, Vahid and Zhang, Jie (2022) From Intelligent Agents to Trustworthy Human-Centred Multiagent Systems. AI Communications.


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Barat, David, Spencer, Daniel, Benazzi, Giuseppe, Mowlem, Matthew Charles and Morgan, Hywel (2012) Simultaneous high speed optical and impedance analysis of single particles with a microfluidic cytometer. Lab on a Chip, 12 (1), 118-126. (doi:10.1039/c1lc20785g).

Hollis, Veronica S, Holloway, Judith A., Harris, Scott, Spencer, Daniel, van Berkel, Cees and Morgan, Hywel (2012) Comparison of venous and capillary differential leukocyte counts using a standard hematology analyzer and a novel microfluidic impedance cytometer. PLoS ONE, 7 (9), e43702. (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0043702). (PMID:23028467)

Spencer, Daniel and Morgan, Hywel (2011) Positional dependence of particles in microfludic impedance cytometry. Lab on a Chip, 11, 1234-1239. (doi:10.1039/C1LC20016J).

Zmijan, Robert, Spencer, Daniel C., Mowlem, Matthew C. and Morgan, Hywel (2011) Differentiation of micro spheres by narrow angle scattered light detection on low cost PMMA micro flow cytometer chip. 15th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, Washington State Convention Center, Seattle, United States. 01 - 05 Oct 2011. pp. 1263-1265 .

Spencer, Daniel (2013) Advanced microfluidic impedance cytometry for point of care analysis. University of Southampton, Physical Sciences and Engineering, Doctoral Thesis, 210pp.

Spencer, Daniel, Elliott, Gregor R. and Morgan, Hywel (2013) Simultaneous fluorescence and impedance micro cytometry. The 17th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2013). 26 - 31 Oct 2013.

Spencer, Daniel, Hollis, Veronica and Morgan, Hywel (2012) Identification of tumour cells using microfluidic impedance cytometry. NanoBioTech- Montreux.

Spencer, Daniel and Morgan, Hywel (2012) Miniaturised point-of-care full blood count. Bringing Diagnostic Prototypes to the Point-of-Care, Nairobi, Kenya.

Spencer, Daniel, Elliott, Gregor and Morgan, Hywel (2014) A sheath-less combined optical and impedance micro-cytometer. Lab on a Chip, 14 (16), 3064-3073. (doi:10.1039/c4lc00224e).

Spencer, Daniel, Hollis, Veronica and Morgan, Hywel (2014) Microfluidic impedance cytometry of tumour cells in blood. Biomicrofluidics, 8 (6), 64124. (doi:10.1063/1.4904405).

Spencer, Daniel and Morgan, Hywel (2014) Single cell microfluidic impedance spectroscopy. Dielectrophoresis 2014, Institute of Physics, United Kingdom. 13 - 15 Jul 2014.

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Xavier, Miguel, Rosendahl, Philipp, Herbig, Maik, Kräter, Martin, Spencer, Daniel, Bornhäuser, Martin, Oreffo, Richard O.C., Morgan, Hywel, Guck, Jochen and Otto, Oliver (2016) Mechanical phenotyping of primary human skeletal stem cells in heterogeneous populations by real-time deformability cytometry. Integrative Biology, 8 (5), 616-623. (doi:10.1039/c5ib00304k). (PMID:26980074)

Spencer, Daniel and Morgan, Hywel (2016) Data for 'High accuracy particle analysis using sheathless microfluidic impedance cytometry'. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/395307 [Dataset]

Spencer, Daniel, Caselli, Frederica, Bisegna, Paolo and Morgan, Hywel (2016) High accuracy particle analysis using sheathless microfluidic impedance cytometry. Lab on a Chip, 16 (13), 2467-2473. (doi:10.1039/C6LC00339G).

McGrath, J.S., Honrado, C., Spencer, D., Horton, B., Bridle, H.L. and Morgan, H. (2017) Analysis of parasitic protozoa at the single-cell level using microfluidic impedance cytometry. Scientific Reports, 7 (1), 1-11, [2601]. (doi:10.1038/s41598-017-02715-y).

Honrado, Carlos, Manuel Fernandes and McGrath, John (2017) Dataset for "Analysis of Parasitic Protozoa at the Single-cell Level using Microfluidic Impedance Cytometry" article. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0047 [Dataset]

Xavier, Miguel, de Andrés, María C., Spencer, Daniel, Oreffo, Richard and Morgan, Hywel (2017) Size and dielectric properties of skeletal stem cells change critically after enrichment and expansion from human bone marrow: consequences for microfluidic cell sorting. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 14 (133), 1-13. (doi:10.1098/rsif.2017.0233).

Honrado, Carlos, Manuel Fernandes (2018) Dataset for "Dielectric characterization of Plasmodium falciparum infected red blood cells using microfluidic impedance cytometry" article. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0516 [Dataset]

Honrado, Carlos, Manuel Fernandes and Holm, Stefan (2018) Dataset for "Integrated Separation and Readout – Towards Field-diagnosis of Trypanosomiasis". University of Southampton [Dataset]

Honrado, Carlos, Manuel Fernandes, Ciuffreda, Laura, Spencer, Daniel, Ranford-Cartwright, Lisa and Morgan, Hywel (2018) Dielectric characterization of Plasmodium falciparum infected red blood cells using microfluidic impedance cytometry. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 15 (147). (doi:10.1098/rsif.2018.0416).

Queiros De Almeida Xavier, Jorge, Morgan, Hywel, Oreffo, Richard and Spencer, Daniel (2019) Dataset for Label-free enrichment of primary human skeletal progenitor cells using deterministic lateral displacement. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0694 [Dataset]

Queiros De Almeida Xavier, Jorge, Holm, Stefan, Beech, Jason, Spencer, Daniel, Tegenfeldt, Jonas, Oreffo, Richard and Morgan, Hywel (2019) Label-free enrichment of primary human skeletal progenitor cells using deterministic lateral displacement. Lab on a Chip, 19 (3), 513-523. (doi:10.1039/C8LC01154K).

Spencer, Daniel and Morgan, Hywel (2020) Dataset for: High-Speed Single-Cell Dielectric Spectroscopy. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1220 [Dataset]

Spencer, Daniel and Morgan, Hywel (2020) High-speed single-cell dielectric spectroscopy. ACS Sensors, 5 (2), 423-430. (doi:10.1021/acssensors.9b02119).

Elkington, Paul, Dickinson, Alexander, Mavrogordato, Mark, Spencer, Daniel, Gillams, Richard, De Grazia, Antonio, Rosini, Sebastian, Garay Baquero, Diana, Diment, Laura, Mahobia, Nitin, Mant, Alexandra, Baynham, Tom and Morgan, Hywel (2021) A Personal respirator to improve protection for healthcare workers treating COVID-19 (PeRSo). Frontiers in Medical Technology, 3 (664259), 1-11. (doi:10.3389/fmedt.2021.664259).

Spencer, Daniel, Morgan, Hywel, Sutton, J. Mark, Paton, Teagan and Inglis, Timothy J.J. (2020) Dataset for: A fast impedance-based antimicrobial susceptibility test. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1405 [Dataset]

Spencer, Daniel, Paton, Teagan, Mulroney, Kieran, Inglis, Timothy J.J., Sutton, J. Mark and Morgan, Hywel (2020) A fast impedance-based antimicrobial susceptibility test. Nature Communications, 11 (5328), [5328]. (doi:10.1038/s41467-020-18902-x).

Hayward, Nick, Shaban, Mahdi, Badger, James, Jones, Isobel, Wei, Yang, Spencer, Daniel, Isichei, Stefania, Knight, Martin, Otto, James, Rayat, Gurinder, Levett, Denny, Grocott, Michael, Akerman, Harry and White, Neil (2022) A capaciflector provides continuous and accurate respiratory rate monitoring for patients at rest and during exercise. Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing. (doi:10.1007/s10877-021-00798-7).


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Almusallam, Ahmed, Yang, Kai, Torah, Russel, Komolafe, Abiodun, Tudor, Michael and Beeby, Stephen (2016) Clamping Effect on the Piezoelectric Responses of Screen-printed Low Temperature PZT/Polymer Films on Flexible Substrates. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/377082 [Dataset]

Almusallam, Ahmed, Luo, Zhenhua, Komolafe, Abiodun, Yang, Kai, Robinson, Andrew, Torah, Russel and Beeby, Stephen (2017) Datafile - Flexible piezoelectric nano-composite films for kinetic energy harvesting from textiles. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/403388 [Dataset]

Komolafe, Abiodun, Torah, Russel, Tudor, John and Beeby, Steve (2017) Improving the durability of screen printed conductors on woven fabrics for e-textile applications. Proceedings, 1 (4), [613]. (doi:10.3390/proceedings1040613).

Komolafe, Abiodun (2017) Improving the durability of screen printed conductors on woven fabrics for e-textile applications. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0149 [Dataset]

Komolafe, Abiodun, Torah, Russel, Yang, Kai, Tudor, Michael and Beeby, Stephen (2015) Durability of screen printed electrical interconnections on woven textiles. In 2015 IEEE 65th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC). IEEE.. (doi:10.1109/ECTC.2015.7159738).

Li, Menglong, Tudor, Michael, Liu, Jingqi, Komolafe, Abiodun, Torah, Russel and Beeby, Stephen (2018) The thickness and material optimization of flexible electronic packaging for functional electronic textile. In 2018 Symposium on Design, Test, Integration &amp; Packaging of MEMS and MOEMS (DTIP). IEEE. 6 pp . (doi:10.1109/DTIP.2018.8394186).

Komolafe, Abiodun, Torah, Russel and Tudor, Michael (2018) Dataset for Modelling and experimental validation of the effect of the elastic properties of fabrics on the durability of screen printed e-textiles. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0366 [Dataset]

Komolafe, Abiodun (2018) Modelling and experimental validation of the effect of the elastic properties of fabrics on the durability of screen printed e-textiles. Smart Materials and Structures, 27 (7), 1-13. (doi:10.1088/1361-665X/aac3fe).

Hardy, Dorothy, Anastasopoulos, Ioannis, Nashed, M. Nour, Oliveira, Carlos, Hughes-Riley, Theodore, Komolafe, Abiodun, Tudor, John, Torah, Russel, Beeby, Steve and Dias, Tilak (2018) An automated process for inclusion of package dies and circuitry within a textile yarn. In Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS, DTIP 2018. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. pp. 1-5 . (doi:10.1109/DTIP.2018.8394189).

Li, Menglong, Tudor, John, Liu, Jingqi, Torah, Russel, Komolafe, Abiodun and Beeby, Steve (2019) Novel electronic packaging method for functional electronic textiles. IEEE Transactions on Components Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 9 (2), 216-225, [8610309]. (doi:10.1109/TCPMT.2019.2892404).

Beeby, Stephen, Torah, Russel, Tudor, John, Li, Menglong, Komolafe, Abiodun and Yang, Kai (2018) Functional electronic textiles: circuit integration and energy harvesting power supplies. In 2018 International Flexible Electronics Technology Conference (IFETC). IEEE. 3 pp . (doi:10.1109/IFETC.2018.8583839).

Hardy, Dorothy Anne, Anastasopoulos, Ioannis, Nashed, Mohamad Nour, Oliveira, Carlos, Hughes-Riley, Theodore, Komolafe, Abiodun, Tudor, John, Torah, Russel, Beeby, Steve and Dias, Tilak (2019) Automated insertion of package dies onto wire and into a textile yarn sheath. Microsystem Technologies, 1-13. (doi:10.1007/s00542-019-04361-y).

Torah, Russel, Komolafe, Abiodun, Li, Menglong, Ojuroye, Olivia, Olamide and Beeby, Stephen (2018) Novel manufacturing methods for functional electronic textiles. In Printed and Stretchable Congress.

Torah, Russel, Komolafe, Abiodun, Li, Menglong, Tudor, John, Ojuroye, Olivia, Olamide, Wei, Yang, Beeby, Stephen, Hardy, Dorothy, Dias, Tilak, Nunes Matos, Helga and Nashed, M. Nour (2018) FETT: Novel manufacturing methods for functional electronic textiles. 1 pp .

Komolafe, Abiodun, Torah, Russel, Wei, Yang and Li, Menglong (2019) Dataset for Integrating Flexible Filament Circuits for E‐Textile Applications. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0365 [Dataset]

Komolafe, Abiodun, Torah, Russel, Wei, Yang, Nunes‐matos, Helga, Li, Menglong, Hardy, Dorothy, Dias, Tilak, Tudor, Michael and Beeby, Stephen (2019) Integrating flexible filament circuits for e‐textile applications. Advanced Materials Technologies, 1900176. (doi:10.1002/admt.201900176).

Ojuroye, Olivia, Olamide, Torah, Russel, Komolafe, Abiodun and Beeby, Stephen (2019) Embedded capacitive proximity and touch sensing flexible circuit system for electronic textile and wearable systems. IEEE Sensors Journal, 1-11. (doi:10.1109/JSEN.2019.2911561).

Komolafe, Abiodun, Torah, Russel, Tudor, Michael and Beeby, Stephen (2019) Integration of temperature sensors in fabrics. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems (FLEPS). IEEE. 2 pp . (doi:10.1109/FLEPS.2019.8792294).

Fagbohungbe, Michael O., Komolafe, Abiodun O. and Okere, Uchechukwu V. (2019) Renewable hydrogen anaerobic fermentation technology: Problems and potentials. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 114, [109340]. (doi:10.1016/j.rser.2019.109340).

Wagih, Mahmoud, Komolafe, Abiodun, Zaghari, Bahareh, Weddell, Alex S. and Beeby, Steve (2020) A broadband outlook on flexible and textile RF energy harvesting and wireless power transfer: from near-field to 5G. Innovations in Large-Area Electronics Conference (innoLAE 2020), , Cambridge, United Kingdom. (In Press)

Komolafe, Abiodun, Wagih, Mahmoud, Valavan, Ashwini, Ahmed, Zeeshan, Stuikys, Aleksas and Zaghari, Bahareh (2019) A smart cycling platform for textile-based sensing and wireless power transfer in smart cities. Proceedings, 32 (1), 1-5, [7]. (doi:10.3390/proceedings2019032007).

Komolafe, Abiodun, Torah, Russel, Tudor, Michael and Beeby, Stephen (2019) Modelling reliable electrical conductors for e-textile circuits on polyamide filaments. In E-Textiles 2019: International Conference on the Challenges, Opportunities, Innovations and Applications in Electronic Textiles. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI).. (In Press)

Wagih, Mahmoud, Komolafe, Abiodun O. and Zaghari, Bahareh (2019) Position independent wearable 6.78 MHz near-field radiative wireless power transfer using electrically-small embroidered textile coils. PowerMEMS 2019: International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power generation and Energy Conversion Applications, , Krakow, Poland. 03 - 06 Dec 2019. 5 pp .

Mohamed, Mahmoud (2020) Dataset for "Separation-Independent Wearable 6.78 MHz Near-Field Radiative Wireless Power Transfer using Electrically-Small Embroidered Textile Coils". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1205 [Dataset]

Komolafe, Abiodun, Torah, Russel, Tudor, Michael and Beeby, Stephen (2019) Integration of flexible circuits in textiles for wearable health monitoring. 13th Vienna International Workshop on Functional Electrical Stimulation<br/>, , Vienna, Austria. 23 - 25 Sep 2019.

Torah, Russel, Komolafe, Abiodun, Yang, Kai, Tudor, Michael, Paul, Gordon and Beeby, Stephen (2019) Printed electrode structures for bio-potential monitoring in wearable e-textile garments. 13th Vienna International Workshop on Functional Electrical Stimulation<br/>, , Vienna, Austria. 23 - 25 Sep 2019.

Wagih, Mahmoud, Komolafe, Abiodun and Zaghari, Bahareh (2020) Dual-receiver wearable 6.78 MHz resonant inductive wireless power transfer glove using embroidered textile coils. IEEE Access, 8, 24630-24642, [8978636]. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2971086).

Komolafe, Abiodun, Torah, Russel, Li, Menglong, Tudor, Michael and Beeby, Stephen (2020) Wearable functional e-textiles based on flexible filament circuits. In Innovations in Large-Area Electronics Conference (innoLAE 2020), Cambridge, United Kingdom. (In Press)

Mohamed, Mahmoud, Komolafe, Abiodun and Zaghari, Bahareh (2020) Dataset for the paper: Dual-Receiver Wearable 6.78 MHz Resonant Inductive Wireless Power Transfer Glove using Embroidered Textile Coils. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/1217 [Dataset]

Wagih, Mahmoud, Komolafe, Abiodun and Zaghari, Bahareh (2020) Separation-independent wearable 6.78 MHz near-field radiative wireless power transfer using electrically-small embroidered textile coils. Energies, 13 (3), 1-14, [528]. (doi:10.3390/en13030528).

Wagih, Mahmoud, Komolafe, Abiodun and Zaghari, Bahareh (2020) Wearable wireless power transfer using direct-write dispenser printed flexible coils. IEEE FLEPS 2020: IEEE International Conference on Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems, , Manchester, United Kingdom. 16 - 19 Aug 2020. (In Press)

Komolafe, Abiodun, Torah, Russel, Tudor, Michael and Beeby, Stephen (2019) Dataset for: Modelling Reliable Electrical Conductors for E-Textile Circuits on Polyimide Filaments. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1172 [Dataset]

Komolafe, Abiodun, Nunes Matos, Helga, Glanc-Gostkiewicz, Monika and Torah, Russel (2020) Dataset for: Influence of textile structure on the wearability of printed e-textiles. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1448 [Dataset]

Wagih, Mahmoud, Wei, Yang, Komolafe, Abiodun, Torah, Russel and Beeby, Stephen (2020) Reliable UHF long-range textile-integrated RFID tag based on a compact flexible antenna filament. Sensors, 20 (12), 1-15, [3435]. (doi:10.3390/s20123435).

Mohamed, Mahmoud, Wei, Yang, Komolafe, Abiodun, Torah, Russel and Beeby, Stephen (2020) Dataset for the paper: Reliable UHF Long-Range Textile-Integrated RFID Tag based on a Compact Flexible Antenna Filament. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1422 [Dataset]

Komolafe, Abiodun, Nunes‐matos, Helga, Glanc-Gostkiewicz, Monika and Torah, Russel (2020) Influence of textile structure on the wearability of printed e-textiles. IEEE FLEPS 2020: IEEE International Conference on Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems, , Manchester, United Kingdom. 16 - 19 Aug 2020.

Li, Yi, Grabham, Neil, Komolafe, Abiodun and Tudor, John (2020) Battery free smart bandage based on NFC RFID technology. IEEE FLEPS 2020: IEEE International Conference on Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems, , Manchester, United Kingdom. 16 - 19 Aug 2020.

Torah, Russel, Beeby, Stephen, Komolafe, Abiodun, Dosen, Strahinja, Spaich, Erika, Kostic, Milos, Strbac, Matija, Keller, Thierry, Perinka, Nikola, Lanceros-Mendez, Senentxu, Pelaez Murciego, Luis, Andersson Ersman, Peter, Mulla, Yusuf, Hubler, Arved, Polomoshnov, Maxim, Wendelbo, Rune, Motealleh, Azadeh, Chardonnens, Severine, Junker, Katja, Tauriainen, Antti, Isotalo, Jenni and Aalpoel, Roelof (2020) Introduction to EU-H2020 project WEARPLEX: wearable multiplexed biomedical electrodes - alpha results. Innovations in Large-Area Electronics Conference (innoLAE 2020), , Cambridge, United Kingdom. 20 pp .

Valavan, Ashwini, Komolafe, Abiodun, Harris, Nicholas and Beeby, Stephen (2019) Encapsulation process and materials evaluation for E-textile gas sensor. International Conference on the Challenges, Opportunities, Innovations and Applications in Electronic Textiles (E-TEXTILES 2019), , London, United Kingdom. 12 Nov 2019. 5 pp . (doi:10.3390/proceedings2019032008).

Komolafe, Abiodun (2021) Dataset for: Evaluating the effect of textile material and structure for printable and wearable e-textiles. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1830 [Dataset]

Komolafe, Abiodun and Torah, Russel (2021) Effect of textile primer layer on screen printed conductors for e-textiles. In IEEE International Conference on Flexible, Printable Sensors and Systems (FLEPS 2021). 4 pp . (In Press)

Komolafe, Abiodun and Torah, Russel (2021) Dataset for: Effect of textile primer layer on screen printed conductors for e-textiles. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1839 [Dataset]

Komolafe, Abiodun, Glanc-Gostkiewicz, Monika, Nunes Matos, Helga and Torah, Russel (2021) Evaluating the effect of textile material and structure for printable and wearable e-textiles. IEEE Sensors Journal, 21 (16), 18263-18270, [9446849].

Komolafe, Abiodun, Zaghari, Bahareh, Torah, Russel, Weddell, Alexander, Khanbareh, Hamideh, Michail Tsikriteas, Zois, Vousden, Mark, Wagih, Mahmoud, Tronco Jurado, Ulises, Shi, Junjie, Li, Yi, Yang, Kai, Savelli, Guillaume, White, Neil and Beeby, Stephen (2021) E-textile technology review: from materials to applications. IEEE Access, 9, 97152-97179, [9471836]. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3094303).

Wagih, Mahmoud, Komolafe, Abiodun, Torah, Russel, Weddell, Alex S. and Beeby, Steve (2021) Screen printing reliable wearable microstrip antennas on rough textile substrates. In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Symposium. IEEE. pp. 1-2 . (In Press)

Wagih, Mahmoud, Komolafe, Abiodun and Hillier, Nicholas (2022) Screen-Printable Flexible Textile-Based Ultra-Broadband Millimeter-Wave DC-Blocking Transmission Lines based on Microstrip-Embedded Printed Capacitors. IEEE Journal of Microwaves. (doi:10.1109/JMW.2021.3126927).

Yong, Sheng, Liu, Meijing, Komolafe, Abiodun, Tudor, Michael and Yang, Kai (2021) Development of a screen printable carbon paste to achieve washable conductive textiles. 14 pp . (doi:10.3390/textiles1030022).

Mohamed, Mahmoud (2022) Data spporting the Screen-Printable Flexible Textile-Based Ultra-Broadband Millimeter-Wave DC-Blocking Transmission Lines based on Microstrip-Embedded Printed Capacitors. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D2128 [Dataset]

Wagih, Mahmoud, Komolafe, Abiodun, Weddell, Alex S. and Beeby, Steve (2022) Broadband compact substrate-independent textile wearable antenna for simultaneous near- and far-field wireless power transmission. IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 3, 398 - 411. (doi:10.1109/OJAP.2022.3167089).

Wagih, Mahmoud, Komolafe, Abiodun, Weddell, Alex S. and Beeby, Steve (2022) 1 μW-3.75 W dual-mode near/far-field wearable wireless power transfer using a hybrid rectenna. In IEEE Wireless Power Week (WPW 2022). IEEE. 4 pp .

Wagih, Mahmoud, Komolafe, Abiodun, Weddell, Alex S. and Beeby, Steve (2022) Watt-level low-SAR near-field wearable wireless power transfer using an all-textile receiver. In 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting. IEEE. 2 pp . (In Press) (doi:10.1109/MAP.2021.3121522).


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Deputy Head of Department Research,  Electronics and Computer Science

Deputy Director Institue for Life Sciences

Hywel Morgan is professor of Bioelectronics in the School of Electronics and Computer Science (ECS), University of Southampton.  He studied Electronic Engineering at the University of Wales, Bangor, after which he completed a PhD in biophysics, graduating in 1985.  After a post-doc at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, he moved to the University of Glasgow in 1993 and was promoted to a personal chair in 2001.  In the same year he was awarded a Royal Society-Leverhulme Senior Research Fellowship for a sabbatical at the University of Oxford.  In 2003 he moved to Southampton as Professor of Bioelectronics.  From 2013 to 2017 he was a Royal Society Industry Fellow with Sharp Labs Europe. His research interests are in microfluidics and electrokinetics with applications in areas including diagnostics, organ on chip and environmental sensing.

He has published seminal papers on the fundamentals of microfluidics and electrokinetics.  He has over 250 journal publications (H-index = 77), 12 granted patents, and a text-book on AC electrokinetics. He is associate editor of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics. In 2016 he co-founded Vivoplex, a spinout that develops implantable wireless sensors to continually record vital signs.   In 2004 he was awarded the Desty memorial prize for innovation in separation science. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Physics, the Royal Society of Chemistry and the IET. From 2014 to 2019 he held a Royal Society Wolfson research merit award. In 2019 he was elected a Fellow of Learned Society of Wales.

In 2020 he co-directed a team that developed a personal respirator during the COVID19 pandemic (PeRSo). The project was awarded the Royal Academy of Engineering President’s Medal for Pandemic Service.  In 2020 he received an MBE for services to biomedical engineering in the Queen's Birthday Honours.


Cavalli, Gabriel, Banu, Shahanara, Ranasinghe, Rohan T., Broder, Graham R., Martins, Hugo F.P., Neylon, Cameron, Morgan, Hywel, Bradley, Mark and Roach, Peter L. (2007) Multistep synthesis on SU-8: Combining microfabrication and solid-phase chemistry on a single material. Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry, 9 (3), 462-472. (doi:10.1021/cc060079p).

Broder, Graham R., Ranasinghe, Rohan T., She, Joseph K., Banu, Shahanara, Birtwell, Sam W., Cavalli, Gabriel, Galitonov, Gerasim S., Holmes, David, Martins, Hugo F.P., MacDonald, Kevin F., Neylon, Cameron, Zheludev, Nikolay, Roach, Peter L. and Morgan, Hywel (2008) Diffractive micro bar codes for encoding of biomolecules in multiplexed assays. Analytical Chemistry, 80 (6), 1902-1909. (doi:10.1021/ac7018574).

Birtwell, S., Galitonov, G.S., Whitton, A., Morgan, H. and Zheludev, N. (2006) Diffraction bar-codes as high capacity optical microtags for chemical and biological applications. QEP-17 at Photon06, Manchester, UK. 03 - 06 Sep 2006.

Benazzi, G., Holmes, D., Sun, T., Mowlem, M.C. and Morgan, H. (2007) Discrimination and analysis of phytoplankton using a microfluidic cytometer. IET Nanobiotechnology, 1 (6), 94-101. (doi:10.1049/iet-nbt:20070020).

Taberham, A., Kraft, M., Mowlem, M. and Morgan, H. (2008) The fabrication of lab-on-chip devices from fluoropolymers. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 18 (6), 064011-[8pp]. (doi:10.1088/0960-1317/18/6/064011).

Gong, Weidong, Mowlem, M., Kraft, M. and Morgan, H. (2008) Oceanographic Sensor for in-situ temperature and conductivity monitoring. In OCEANS 2008 - MTS/IEEE Kobe Techno-Ocean. MTS/IEEE. pp. 1-6 .

Chen, Y., Wang, X., Banu, S., Schwanecke, A.S., Morgan, H. and Zheludev, N.I. (2006) Nano metamaterials and photonic gratings by nanoimprint and hot embossing. In, International Symposium on Biophotonics, Nanophotonics and Metamaterials, 2006. Metamaterials 2006. International Symposium on Biophotonics, Nanophotonics and Metamaterials (15/10/06 - 17/10/06) IEEE, pp. 420-425. (doi:10.1109/METAMAT.2006.334938).

Banu, S., Birtwell, S., Galitonov, G., Whitton, A., Chen, Y., Zheludev, N. and Morgan, H. (2006) Nano-imprinting lithography - a novel way to fabricate diffractive barcoded particles. 17th workshop on Micromachining, Micromechanics and Microsystems, Southampton, United Kingdom. 02 - 04 Sep 2006.

Banu, S., Birtwell, S., Chen, Y., Galitonov, G., Morgan, H. and Zheludev, N. (2006) High capacity nano-optical diffraction barcode tagging for biological and chemical applications. Nano Science and Technology Institute Nanotech - Conference on Nano Electronics &amp; Photonics, Boston, United States. 06 - 10 May 2006.

Holmes, D., Whitton, A., Cavalli-Petraglia, G., Galitonov, G., Birtwell, S., Banu, S., Zheludev, N. and Morgan, H. (2006) Optical and impedance detection of DNA hybridisation on barcoded micro particles in a microfluidic device. Nano Science and Technology Institute Nanotech - Conference on Nano Electronics &amp; Photonics, Boston, United States. 06 - 10 May 2006.

Galitonov, Gerasim, Morgan, Hywel and Zheludev, Nikolay I. (2005) Nano-optical bar-code tagging for biological and chemical applications. In Proceedings of Nanophotonics for Information Systems (NPIS). Optical Society of America..

Gedge, Michael, Boltryk, Rosemary J., Glynne Jones, Peter, Hill, Martyn, Mowlem, Matthew and Morgan, Hywel (2009) Modelling of a standing surface acoustic wave device for flow cytometry in an oceanographic sensor. USWNet (Ultrasonic Standing Wave Network) 2009, Stockholm, Sweden. 30 Nov - 01 Dec 2009.

Gong, Weidong, Mowlem, Matt, Kraft, Michael and Morgan, Hywel (2009) A Simple, Low-Cost Double Beam Spectrophotometer for Colorimetric Detection of Nitrite in Seawater. IEEE Sensors Journal, 9 (7), 862-869. (doi:10.1109/JSEN.2009.2020659).

Barat, David, Benazzi, Guiseppe, Mowlem, Matthew Charles, Ruano, Jesus Miguel and Morgan, Hywel (2010) Design, simulation and characterisation of integrated optics for a microfabricated flow cytometer. Optics Communications, 283 (9), 1987-1992. (doi:10.1016/j.optcom.2009.12.046).

Holmes, David, Pettigrew, David, Reccius, Christian H., Gwyer, James D., van Berkel, Cess, Holloway, Judith, Davies, Donna E. and Morgan, Hywel (2009) Leukocyte analysis and differentiation using high speed microfluidic single cell impedance cytometry. Lab on a Chip, 9 (20), 2881-2889. (doi:10.1039/b910053a).

Marius, Phedra, Zagnoni, Michele, Sandison, Mairi E., East, J. Malcolm, Morgan, Hywel and Lee, Anthony G. (2008) Binding of anionic lipids to at least three nonannular sites on the potassium channel KcsA is required for channel opening. Biophysical Journal, 94 (5), 1689-1698. (doi:10.1529/biophysj.107.117507).

Sun, Tao, Swindle, Emily J., Collins, Jane E., Holloway, Judith A., Davies, Donna E. and Morgan, Hywel (2010) On-chip epithelial barrier function assays using electrical impedance spectroscopy. Lab on a Chip, 10 (12), 1611-1617. (doi:10.1039/c000699h). (PMID:20379587)

Igata, E., Arundell, M., Morgan, H. and Cooper, J. M. (2002) Interconnected reversible lab-on-a-chip technology. Lab on a Chip, 2 (2), 65-69. (doi:10.1039/b200928p).

Ogilvie, I.R.G., Sieben, V,J., Floquet, C.F.A., Zmijan, R., Mowlem, M.C. and Morgan, H. (2010) Reduction of surface roughness for optical quality microfluidic devices in PMMA and COC. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 20 (6), 65016. (doi:10.1088/0960-1317/20/6/065016).

Sieben, Vincent J., Floquet, Cedric F.A., Ogilvie, Iain R.G., Mowlem, Matthew C. and Morgan, Hywel (2010) Microfluidic colourimetric chemical analysis system: Application to nitrite detection. Analytical Methods, 2 (5), 484-491. (doi:10.1039/c002672g).

Birtwell, Sam W., Banu, Shahanara, Zheludev, Nikolay I. and Morgan, Hywel (2009) Holographically encoded microparticles for bead-based assays. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 42 (5), 55507. (doi:10.1088/0022-3727/42/5/055507).

Bahi, M.M., Tsaloglou, M-N., Mowlem, M. and Morgan, H. (2011) Electroporation and lysis of marine microalga Karenia brevis for RNA extraction and amplification. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 8 (57), 601-608. (doi:10.1098/rsif.2010.0445). (PMID:21084344)

Broder, Graham R., Ranasinghe, Rohan T., Neylon, Cameron, Morgan, Hywel and Roach, Peter L. (2011) Kinetics and thermodynamics of biotinylated oligonucleotide probe binding to particle-immobilized avidin and implications for multiplexing applications. Analytical Chemistry, 83 (6), 2005-2011. (doi:10.1021/ac102762q). (PMID:21291180)

Floquet, Cedric F.A., Sieben, Vincent J., Milani, Ambra, Joly, E, Ogilvie, Iain R.G., Morgan, Hywel and Mowlem, Matthew C. (2011) Nanomolar detection with high sensitivity microfluidic absorption cells manufactured in tinted PMMA for chemical analysis. Talanta, 84 (1), 235-239. (doi:10.1016/j.talanta.2010.12.026).

van Berkel, Cees, Gwyer, James D., Deane, Steve, Green, Nicolas G, Holloway, Judith, Hollis, Veronica and Morgan, Hywel (2011) Integrated systems for rapid point of care (PoC) blood cell analysis. Lab on a Chip, 11 (7), 1249-1255. (doi:10.1039/C0LC00587H). (PMID:21331413)

Thomas, Rupert S.W., Mitchell, Peter D., Oreffo, Richard O. and Morgan, Hywel (2010) Trapping single human osteoblast-like cells from a heterogeneous population using a dielectrophoretic microfluidic device. [in special issue: Dielectrophoresis] Biomicrofluidics, 4 (2), 22806. (doi:10.1063/1.3406951). (PMID:20697594) (Submitted)

de Planque, Maurits R.R., Aghdaei, Sara, Roose, Tiina and Morgan, Hywel (2011) Electrophysiological characterization of membrane disruption by nanoparticles. ACS Nano, 5 (5), 3599-3606. (doi:10.1021/nn103320j).

Ogilvie, I.R.G., Sieben, V.J., Mowlem, M.C. and Morgan, H. (2011) Temporal Optimization of Microfluidic Colorimetric Sensors by Use of Multiplexed Stop-Flow Architecture. Analytical Chemistry, 83 (12), 4814-4821. (doi:10.1021/ac200463y).

Ogilvie, I.R.G., Sieben, V.J., Cortese, B., Mowlem, M.C. and Morgan, H. (2011) Chemically resistant microfluidic valves from Viton® membranes bonded to COC and PMMA. Lab on a Chip, 11 (14), 2455-2459. (doi:10.1039/c1lc20069k).

Beaton, Alexander D., Sieben, Vincent J., Floquet, Cedric F.A., Waugh, Edward M., Abi Kaed Bey, Samer, Ogilvie, Iain R.G., Mowlem, Matthew C. and Morgan, Hywel (2011) An automated microfluidic colourimetric sensor applied in situ to determine nitrite concentration. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 156 (2), 1009-1014. (doi:10.1016/j.snb.2011.02.042).

Tsaloglou, Maria-Nefeli, Bahi, Mahadji M., Waugh, Edward M., Morgan, Hywel and Mowlem, Matthew (2011) On-chip real-time nucleic acid sequence-based amplification for RNA detection and amplification. Analytical Methods, 3 (9), 2127-2133. (doi:10.1039/C1AY05164D).

Barat, David, Spencer, Daniel, Benazzi, Giuseppe, Mowlem, Matthew Charles and Morgan, Hywel (2012) Simultaneous high speed optical and impedance analysis of single particles with a microfluidic cytometer. Lab on a Chip, 12 (1), 118-126. (doi:10.1039/c1lc20785g).

Huang, Xi, Pascal, Robin W., Chamberlain, Katie, Banks, Christopher J., Mowlem, Matthew and Morgan, Hywel (2011) A miniature, high precision conductivity and temperature sensor system for ocean monitoring. IEEE Sensors Journal, 11 (12), 3246-3252. (doi:10.1109/JSEN.2011.2149516).

Cortese, Barbara, Mowlem, Matt C. and Morgan, Hywel (2011) Characterisation of an irreversible bonding process for COC–COC and COC–PDMS–COC sandwich structures and application to microvalves. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 160 (1), 1473-1480. (doi:10.1016/j.snb.2011.07.040).

Morgan, Hywel, Garcia-Izquierdo, Alberto, Bakewell, David J, Green, Nicolas G and Ramos, Antonio (2001) The dielectrophoretic and travelling wave forces for interdigitated electrode arrays: analytical solution using Fourier series. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 34, 1553-1561. (doi:10.1088/0022-3727/34/10/316).

Cui, L, Zhang, T and Morgan, H (2002) Optical particle detection integrated in a dielectrophoretic lab-on-a-chip. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 12, 7-12.

Green, Nicolas G, Ramos, Antonio, Gonzalez, Antonio, Morgan, Hywel and Castellanos, Antonio (2002) Fluid flow induced by non-uniform AC electric fields in electrolytes on microelectrodes III: Observation of streamlines and numerical simulation. Physical Review E, 66 (26305), 26305. (doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.66.026305).

Green, Nicolas G., Ramos, Antonio and Morgan, Hywel (2002) Numerical solution of the dielectrophoretic and travelling wave forces for interdigitated electrode arrays using the finite element method. Journal of Electrostatics, 56 (2), 235-254. (doi:10.1016/S0304-3886(02)00069-4).

Castellanos, Antonio, Ramos, Antonio, Gonzalez, Antonio, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2003) Electrohydrodynamics and dielectrophoresis in microsystems: scaling laws. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 36 (20), 2584-2597. (doi:10.1088/0022-3727/36/20/023).

Ermolina, Irina, Morgan, Hywel, Green, Nicolas G, Milner, Joel J and Feldman, Yuri (2003) Dielectric spectroscopy of Tobacco Mosaic Virus. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1622, 57-63. (doi:10.1016/S0304-4165(03)00118-1).

Cui, L, Holmes, D and Morgan, H (2001) The dielectrophoretic levitation and separation of latex beads in microchips. Electrophoresis, 22 (18), 3893-3901.

Sandison, M E, Mendes, G, Berry, R, Watts, A and Morgan, H (2004) Microfabricated Devices for Supported Artificial Bilayer Lipid Membranes. 15th MicroMechanics Europe Workshop, , Leuven, Belgium. 04 - 06 Sep 2004. pp. 171-174 .

Green, Nicolas G, Ramos, Antonio and Morgan, Hywel (2004) Solid-State AC Electric Field Driven Micropumps. 15th MicroMechanics Europe Workshop, , Leuven, Belgium. 04 - 06 Sep 2004. pp. 187-190 .

Holmes, David, Neal, Becky, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2004) Microfabricated Device for Rapid Impedance Measurements on Single Biological Cells. 15th MicroMechanics Europe Workshop, , Leuven, Belgium. 04 - 06 Sep 2004. pp. 195-198 .

Ermolina, Irina and Morgan, Hywel (2005) The electrokinetic properties of latex particles: comparison of electrophoresis and dielectrophoresis. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 285 (1), 419-428. (doi:10.1016/j.jcis.2004.11.003).

Banu, Shahanara, Birtwell, Sam, Galitonov, Gerasim, Holmes, David, Zheludev, Nikolay and Morgan, Hywel (2005) Microfabricated barcodes for particle identification. In Proceedings of 16th MME MicroMechanics Europe Workshop. MME. pp. 252-255 .

Green, Nicolas G, Morgan, Hywel and Ramos, Antonio (2005) AC Electric Field Microfluidic Control in Microsystems. Microtechnologies for the New Millenniumn 2005 SPIE, Seville, Spain. pp. 425-432 .

Green, Nicolas G, Tao, Sun, Holmes, David and Morgan, Hywel (2005) Impedance based flow sensors. Microtechnologies for the New Millennium 2005 SPIE. pp. 634-641 .

Sandison, Mairi E, Malleo, Daniele, Holmes, David, Berry, Richard and Morgan, Hywel (2005) Artificial bilayer lipid membranes (BLMs) on-chip for single molecule sensing. Microtechnologies for the New Millennium 2005 SPIE. pp. 252-257 .

Morgan, Hywel, Holmes, David and Green, Nicolas G (2005) High speed simultaneous optical and impedance analysis of single particles. Microtechnologies for the New Millennium 2005, Seville, Spain. 08 - 10 May 2005. pp. 263-272 .

Holmes, David, Sandison, Mairi, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2005) On-chip high-speed sorting of micron-sized particles for high-throughput analysis. IEE Proceedings - Nanobiotechnology, 152 (4), 129-134. (doi:10.1049/ip-nbt:20050008).

Morgan, Hywel, Holmes, David and Green, Nicolas G (2003) 3D focusing of nanoparticles in microfluidic channels. IEE Proceedings - Nanobiotechnology, 150 (2), 76-81. (doi:10.1049/ip-nbt:20031090).

Holmes, David, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2003) Microdevices for Dielectrophoretic Flow-Through Cell Separation. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, 22 (6), 85-90. (doi:10.1109/MEMB.2003.1266051).

Bakewell, David J and Morgan, Hywel (2006) Dielectrophoresis of DNA Time-and Frequency-Dependent Collections on Microelectrodes. IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience, 5 (1).

Galitonov, G.S., Birtwell, S., Zheludev, N.I. and Morgan, H. (2006) High capacity tagging using nanostructured diffraction barcodes. Optics Express, 14 (4), 1382-1387. (doi:10.1364/OE.14.001382).

Bakewell, David and Morgan, Hywel (2004) Quantifying dielectrophoretic collections of sub-micron particles on microelectrodes. Measurement Science and Technology, 15, 254-266.

de Planque, M R R, Mendes, G P, Zagnoni, M, Sandison, M E, Fisher, K H, Berry, R M, Watts, A and Morgan, H (2006) Controlled delivery of membrane proteins to artificial lipid bilayers by nystatin-ergosterol modulated vesicle fusion. IEE Proceedings - Nanobiotechnology, 153 (2), 21-30.

Martines, Elena, Seunarine, Kris, Morgan, Hywel, Gadegaard, Nikolaj, Wilkinson, Chris DW and Riehle, Mathis O (2005) Superhydrophobicity and Superhydrophilicy of Regular Nanopatterns. Nano Letters, 5 (10), 2097-2103.

Ramos, Antonio, Gonzalez, Antonio, Castellanos, Antonio, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2003) Pumping of liquids with ac voltages applied to asymmetric pairs of microelectrodes. Physical Review E, 67, 56302. (doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.67.056302).

Morgan, Hywel, Sandison, Mairi S, Mendes, Gabriel, Berry, Richard and Watts, Anthony (2004) Artificial lipid bilayers in a microfabricated system. 8th International Conference on Minitiarized for Chemistry and Life Science, Malmo, Sweden. pp. 330-332 .

Sandison, Mairi E., Abu-Hantash, Mustafa and Morgan, Hywel (2006) Micromachined Glass Apertures for Artificial Lipid Bilayer Formation in a Microfluidic System. 17th MicroMechanics Workshop Europe (MME06), Southampton, UK, United Kingdom. 02 - 04 Sep 2006. pp. 169-172 .

Morgan, Hywel, Sun, Tao, Holmes, David, Gawad, Shady and Green, Nicolas G (2007) Single cell dielectric spectroscopy. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 40, 61-70. (doi:10.1088/0022-3727/40/1/S10).

Sun, Tao, Gawad, Shady, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2007) Dielectric spectroscopy of single cells: time domain analysis using Maxwell’s mixture equation. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 40, 1-8. (doi:10.1088/0022-3727/40/1/S01).

Sun, Tao, Green, Nicolas G, Gawad, Shady and Morgan, Hywel (2007) Single-cell impedance spectroscopy: maximum length sequence analysis. SPIE, Smart Materials, Nano- &amp; Micro-Smart Systems, Adelaide, Australia. 10 - 13 Dec 2006.

Sun, Tao, Gawad, Shady, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2006) Impedance Spectroscopy: Single Cell Cytometry using Maximum Length Sequences Analysis. The 10th Annual European Conference On Micro &amp; Nanoscale Technologies for the Biosciences, Montreux, Switzerland. 14 - 16 Nov 2006.

Sun, Tao, Gawad, Shady, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2006) Broadband Impedance Spectroscopy for Single Particles in High Throughput Microfluidic Cytometer using Pseudorandom Noise. International Conference on Bio-Nano-Informatics Fusion &amp; International Forum on Biochip Technologies, Beijing, China.

Sun, Tao, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2006) Current Analysis Model for the Single Particle Impedance Spectrum Sensitivity Analysis of Microfluidic Cytometers. International Conference on Bio-Nano-Informatics Fusion &amp; International Forum on Biochip Technologies, Beijing, China.

Morgan, Hywel, Benazzi, Giuseppe, Sun, Tao, Green, Nicolas G, Holmes, David and Gawad, Shady (2006) Single Cell Impedance Spectroscopy. Bio-Dielectrics: Theories, Mechanisms and Applications, Annual Conference 2006 of the Dielectrics Group of the Institute of Physics, University of Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom. 09 - 11 Apr 2006.

Gawad, Shady, Sun, Tao and Morgan, Hywel (2006) MLS Spectroscopy for broadband high speed single cell analysis. Bio-Dielectrics: Theories, Mechanisms and Applications, Annual Conference 2006 of the Dielectrics Group of the Institute of Physics, University of Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom. 09 - 11 Apr 2006.

Sun, Tao, Gawad, Shady and Morgan, Hywel (2006) Time Domain Maxwell's Mixture Equation for Dielectric Spectroscopy: Application to Shelled Spherical Particles in Suspension. Bio-Dielectrics: Theories, Mechanisms and Applications, Annual Conference 2006 of the Dielectrics Group of the Institute of Physics, University of Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom. 09 - 11 Apr 2006.

Sun, Tao, Holmes, David, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2005) Impedance Spectroscopy Measurement of Biological Particles in Coplanar Electrodes Microfluidic Cytometer. The 2nd Life Science Interface Conference, University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom.

Sun, Tao, Gawad, Shady, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2006) Analytical and Numerical Modeling for Impedance Spectrum Analysis of Single cell in high throughput Microfluidic Cytometers. The Medicine, Health and Life Sciences (MHLS) PG conference, University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom. 05 - 06 Jun 2006.

Gawad, Shady, Sun, Tao, Holmes, David, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2005) Maximum Length Sequences for Dielectric Spectroscopy: Application to a Microflow Cytometer. The 9th Annual European Conference on Micro &amp; Nanoscale Technologies for the Biosciences, Montreux, Switzerland. 15 - 17 Nov 2005.

Gawad, Shady, Sun, Tao, Holmes, David and Morgan, Hywel (2005) Broadband dielectric cytometry using nanoporous electrodes and maximum length sequences. BioNano 3: An International Conference on Bionanotechnology Research, University of Sussex, Brighton, United Kingdom. 18 - 20 Sep 2005.

Gawad, Shady, Sun, Tao, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2007) Impedance spectroscopy using maximum length sequences: Application to single cell analysis. Review of Scientific Instruments, 78, 54301. (doi:10.1063/1.2737751).

Sun, Tao, Hywel, Morgan and Green, Nicolas G (2007) Electric field analysis using Schwarz-Christoffel mapping – for bio-particle manipulation and separation. The 12th international conference on Electrostatics, Oxford, United Kingdom. 25 - 28 Mar 2007.

Sun, Tao, Hywel, Morgan and Green, Nicolas G (2007) Analytical solutions of the dielectrophoretic and travelling wave force generated by interdigitated electrode arrays. The 12th international conference on Electrostatics, Oxford, United Kingdom. 25 - 28 Mar 2007.

Sun, Tao, Holmes, David, Gawad, Shady, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2007) High speed multi-frequency impedance analysis of single particles in a microfluidic cytometer using maximum length sequences. Lab on a Chip, 7. (doi:10.1039/B703546B).

Sun, Tao, Gawad, Shady, Bernabini, Catia, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2007) Broadband single cell impedance spectroscopy using maximum length sequences: theoretical analysis and practical considerations. Measurement Science and Technology, 18, 2859-2868. (doi:10.1088/0957-0233/18/9/015).

Sun, Tao, Green, Nicolas G, Gawad, Shady and Morgan, Hywel (2007) Analytical electric field and sensitivity analysis for two microfluidic impedance cytometer designs. IET Nanobiotechnology, 1 (5), 69-79. (doi:10.1049/iet-nbt:20070019).

Sandison, M.E., Zagnoni, M., Abu-Hantash, M. and Morgan, H. (2007) Micromachined glass apertures for artificial lipid bilayer formation in a microfluidic system. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 17, S189-S196.

Sandison, M.E., Zagnoni, M. and Morgan, H. (2007) Air-Exposure Technique for the Formation of Artificial Lipid Bilayers in Microsystems. Langmuir, 23, 8277-8284. (doi:10.1021/la7007528).

Zagnoni, M., Sandison, M.E., Wood, R.J., Roach, P.L. and Morgan, H. (2006) Controlled delivery of calcium gated MthK channels into an on-chip bilayer lipid membrane for electrophysiology measurements. The 10th Int. Conf. on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, Tokyo. pp. 1342-1344 .

Zagnoni, Michele, Sandison, Mairi E., Marius, Phedra, Lee, Anthony G. and Morgan, Hywel (2007) Controlled delivery of proteins into bilayer lipid membranes on chip. Lab on a Chip, 7 (9), 1176-1183. (doi:10.1039/b703818f).

Rowe, Alexander D., Leake, Mark C., Morgan, Hywel and Berry, Richard M. (2003) Rapid rotation of micron and submicron dielectric particles measured using optical tweezers. Journal of Modern Optics, 50 (10), 1539-1554. (doi:10.1080/09500340308235228).

Gonzalez, Antonio, Ramos, Antonio, Castellanos, Antonio, Morgan, Hywel and Green, Nicolas G. (2008) Electrothermal liquid motion in microsystems subjected to alternating and rotating electric fields. ASME 2003 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. 15 - 21 Nov 2003. pp. 257-262 . (doi:10.1115/IMECE2003-43272).

Sandison, M E and Morgan, H (2005) Rapid fabrication of polymer microfluidic systems for the production of artificial lipid bilayers. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 15, S139-S144.

Holmes, David, Morgan, Hywel and Green, Nicolas G. (2006) High throughput particle analysis: combining dielectrophoretic particle focussing with confocal optical detection. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 21, 1621-1630. (doi:10.1016/j.bios.2005.10.017).

Sandison, Mairi E and Morgan, Hywel (2005) Polymer microfluidic devices for the formation and investigation of artificial bilayer lipid membrane (BLM) systems. microTAS 2005, the 9th international conference on miniaturized systems for chemistry and life sciences, Boston, United States. pp. 1249-1251 .

Holmes, David, Sandison, Mairi E, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2004) High speed particle sorting: combining dielectrophoresis and fluid flow. MicroTAS 2004, the 8th international conference on miniaturized systems for chemistry and life sciences, Malmo, Sweden. pp. 6-8 .

Sun, Tao, Bernabini, Catia, Holmes, David, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2007) High-Throughput, Non-invasive and label-free single cell analysis on a microfluidic chip. Electro-active Materials, Cranfield Management Development Centre, Cranfield, United Kingdom.

Sun, Tao, Holmes, David, Gawad, Shady, Green, Nicolas G. and Morgan, Hywel (2007) High speed multi-frequency impedance analysis of single biological particle using Maximum Length Sequences. 11th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2007), Paris, France. 06 - 10 Oct 2007. pp. 1086-1088 .

Sun, Tao, Morgan, Hywel and Green, Nicolas G (2007) Analytical solutions of ac electrokinetics in interdigitated electrode arrays: Electric field, dielectrophoretic and traveling-wave dielectrophoretic forces. Physical Review E, 76 (4), 46610. (doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.76.046610).

Holmes, David, Sun, Tao, Holloway, Judith, Cakebread, Julie, Davies, Donna and Morgan, Hywel (2007) Label-Free Differential Leukocyte Counts Using a Microfabricated, Single-Cell Impedance Spectrometer. The 6th Annual IEEE Conference on Sensors, Hyatt Regency Atlanta, United States. 27 - 31 Oct 2007. pp. 1452-1456 .

Sun, Tao, Green, Nicolas and Morgan, Hywel (2007) Adaptive noise cancellation for single cell impedance spectroscopy using Maximum Length Sequences. 11th annual European conference on micro &amp; nanoscale technologies for biosciences, Montreux, Switzerland. 14 - 16 Nov 2007.

Sun, Tao, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2008) Analytical and numerical modeling methods for impedance analysis of single cells on-chip. Nano, 3 (1), 55-63. (doi:10.1142/S1793292008000800).

Sun, Tao and Morgan, Hywel (2008) Impedance Measurements of Cells. In, Li, Dongqing (ed.) Encyclopedia of Micro- and Nano-fluidics. Springer-Verlag.

Morgan, Hywel, Green, Nicolas and Sun, Tao (2008) Electrokinetics of Particles and Fluids. In, Ho, Chih-Ming (ed.) Microtechnology and Nanotechnology in Biomedical Applications. Oxford University Press. (Submitted)

Sun, Tao and Morgan, Hywel (2008) Single cell impedance spectroscopy. Mini-Symposium on Opto-Microfluidics for Biological Large Scale Integration, The Rank Prize Funds, Windermere, United Kingdom. 20 - 23 Apr 2008.

Sun, Tao, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2008) Analytical solutions for the electric field and dielectrophoretic force in a dielectrophoretic focusing electrode structure. Applied Physics Letters, 92 (17), 173901.1-173901.3. (doi:10.1063/1.2916827).

Sun, Tao, Berkel, Cees van, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2008) Digital signal processing methods for impedance microfluidic cytometry. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 6, 179-187. (doi:10.1007/s10404-008-0315-3).

Morgan, H., Bone, S., Behi, J. and Pethig, R. (1982) Effect of Deuterium-Hydrogen Exchange on the Electrical Conductivity in Lysozyme. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 9, 367-374. (doi:10.1002/qua.560220734).

Taberham, A.., Kraft, M., Mowlem, M. and Morgan, H. (2008) Fabrication of Lab-on-Chip devices from Fluoropolymers. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 18 (6), 0604011.

Bakewell, D. J and Morgan, Hywel (2001) Measuring the frequency dependent polarisability of colloidal particles from dielectrophoretic collection data. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation, 8 (3), 566-571.

Green, Nicolas G, Ramos, Antonio, Gonzalez, Antonio, Castellanos, Antonio and Morgan, Hywel (2001) Electrothermally induced fluid flow on microelectrodes. Journal of Electrostatics, 53 (2), 71-87. (doi:10.1016/S0304-3886(01)00132-2).

Ramos, Antonio, Gonzalez, Antonio, Green, Nicolas G, Morgan, Hywel and Castellanos, Antonio (2001) Comment on "Theoretical model of electrode polarization and AC electroosmotic fluid flow in planar electrode arrays". Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 243 (1), 265-266. (doi:10.1006/jcis.2001.7957).

Hughes, M.P, Morgan, Hywel and Rixon, F.J (2001) Dielectrophoretic Manipulation and Characterisation of Herpes SimplexVirus-1 Capsids. European Biophysics Journal, 30 (4), 268-272.

Zhang, T, Morgan, Hywel, Riehle, M and Curtis, A (2001) Measuring particle-substrate distance with Surface Plasmon Resonance Microscopy. Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, 3 (5), 333-337. (doi:10.1088/1464-4258/3/5/304).

Hughes, M.P, Morgan, Hywel and Rixon, F.P (2002) Measurements of the properties of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 virions with dielectrophoresis. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects, 1571 (1), 1-8. (doi:10.1016/S0304-4165(02)00161-7).

Garcia-Sanchez, Pablo, Ramos, Antonio, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2006) Experiments on AC electrokinetic pumping of liquids using arrays of microelectrodes. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 13 (3), 670-677. (doi:10.1109/TDEI.2006.1657983).

Holmes, D., She, J.K., Roach, P.L. and Morgan, H. (2007) Bead-based immunoassays using a micro-chip flow cytometer. Lab on a Chip, 7 (8), 1048-1056. (doi:10.1039/b707507n).

Morgan, Hywel, Green, Nicolas G, Ramos, Antonio and Garcia-Sanchez, Pablo (2007) Control of two-phase flow in a microfluidic system using ac electric fields. Applied Physics Letters, 91. (doi:10.1063/1.2825835).

Birtwell, S.W., Galitonov, G.S., Morgan, H. and Zheludev, N.I. (2008) Superimposed Nanostructured Diffraction Gratings as High Capacity Barcodes for Biological and Chemical Applications. Optics Communications, 281 (7), 1789-1795. (doi:10.1016/j.optcom.2007.04.066).

Holmes, David and Morgan, Hywel (2001) Particle focusing and separation using dielectrophoresis in a microfluidic device , Kluwer Academic Publishers

Castellanos, Antonio, Ramos, Antonio, González, Antonio, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2002) AC Electric-Field-Induced Fluid Flow in Microelectrode Structures: Scaling Laws. 14' International Conference on Dielectric Liquids (ICDL 2002). 06 - 11 Jul 2002. pp. 52-55 . (doi:10.1109/ICDL.2002.1022692).

Holmes, David and Morgan, Hywel (2002) Cell positioning and sorting using dielectrophoresis. In, Eur. Cells Mat. pp. 120-122.

Holmes, David and Morgan, Hywel (2002) Dielectrophoretic chromatography of cells , Kluwer Academic Publishers

Castellanos, Antonio, González, Antonio, Ramos, Antonio, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2002) Manipulation of bio-particles in microelectrode structures by means of non-uniform ac electric fields. ASME 2002 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. 17 - 22 Nov 2002. pp. 165-170 . (doi:10.1115/IMECE2002-39617).

Holmes, David and Morgan, Hywel (2003) Impedance based single cell detection using resonance frequency interrogation. , Kluwer Academic Publishers

Green, Nicolas G, Holmes, David and Morgan, Hywel (2003) Dielectrophoretic Focussing and Separation of Nanoparticles: Experimental Measurement and Numerical Simulation. Proceedings of MicroTAS 2003.

Castellanos, Antonio, González, Antonio, Ramos, Antonio, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2003) Electrohydrodynamics in microelectrode structures. Electrostatics 2003: The 11th international conference on Electrostatics. pp. 175-180 .

Morgan, Hywel, Holmes, David and Green, Nicolas G (2003) AC electrokinetic focussing in microchannels: micro- and nanoparticles. Electrostatics 2003: 11th international conference on Electrostatics. pp. 119-124 .

Holmes, David and Morgan, Hywel (2003) Cell Sorting and Separation using Dielectrophoresis. IoP Publishing, 107-112.

Mendes, G.P, Berry, R, Morgan, Hywel, Sandison, Mairi and Watts, A (2004) Simultaneous optical and electrical measurements on membrane proteins at the single molecule level. Biophysical Journal, J 86 (1), 474A-474A.

Morgan, Hywel, Holmes, David and Green, Nicolas (2005) High speed simultaneous optical and impedance analysis of particles. Proc SPIE Smart Sensors Actuators and MEMS II. pp. 263-272 .

Ramos, Antonio, González, A., Castellanos, A,, Green, Nicolas and Morgan, Hywel (2005) AC Electrokinetic pumping of liquids using arrays of microelectrodes. Microtechnologies for the new Millenium, Sevilla, Spain.

Ramos, Antonio, González, A, Castellanos, A, Green, Nicolas and Morgan, Hywel (2005) The scaling laws of dielectrophoresis and electrohydrodynamics. Microtechnologies for the new Millenium, Sevilla, Spain.

Galitonov, Gerasim, Morgan, Hywel and Zheludev, N.I. (2005) Nano-optical diffraction bar-code tagging for biological and chemical applications. Proc. SPIE 2005.

Sandison, Mairi, Zagnoni, Michele and Morgan, Hywel (2006) On chip formation of lipid bilayers using an air-exposure technique. MICROTAS: The 10th Int. Conf. on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences.

Mowlem, M., Benazzi, G., Holmes, D., Morgan, H., Haas, C., Kraft, M., Taberham, A., Chavagnac, V., Statham, P.J. and Burkill, P. (2006) Micro system technology for marine measurement. In Proceedings of IEEE/MTS Oceans'06 Conference, Boston MA, September 18-21, 2006. IEEE..

Garcia-Sanchez, P, Ramos, Antonio, Green, Nicolas and Morgan, Hywel (2007) Experiments on pumping of liquids using arrays of microelectrodes subjected to travelling wave potentials. Electrostatics 2007, Oxford, United Kingdom.

Rouabah, Hamza A., Park, P.Y., Zaouk, R.B., Morgan, Hywel, Madou, M.J. and Green, Nicolas (2007) Fabrication of fully functional AC-electroosmosis micropump with 3D high aspect ratio electrodes using only SU-8. Proceedings of Micromechanics Europe (MME 2007), Guimaraes, Portugal. 15 - 17 Sep 2007.

Taberham, Alan, Mowlem, M, Kraft, Michael and Morgan, Hywel (2007) Fabrication of Lab on Chip devices from fluoropolymers. Proc. Micromechanics Europe, Guimaraes, Portugal.

Holmes, David, Cakebread, J, Holloway, J, Davies, D and Morgan, Hywel (2007) Impedance spectroscopy for label-free differential leukocyte counts. Proc. MICROTAS 2007, Paris, France.

Malleo, Daniele, Di Carlo, D, Neville, J.T, Lee, L.P and Morgan, Hywel (2007) Examining cytotoxic effects on single cells using an impedance spectroscopic platform. Proc. 11th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences.

Martinez-Duarte, R, Rouabah, Hamza, Green, Nicolas, Madou, M and Morgan, Hywel (2007) High efficiency and throughput particle separation with 3D C-MEMS dielectrophoresis. , Proc. 11th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences.

Sun, Tao, Tsuda, Soichiro, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2008) Lab-on-a-chip technology for single cell manipulation and characterization using electrical methods. Physics Meets Biology Conference, Institute of Physics, Oxford, United Kingdom. 12 - 15 Jul 2008.

Sun, Tao, Tsuda, Soichiro, Green, Nicolas G., Zauner, Klaus-Peter and Morgan, Hywel (2008) On-chip electrical impedance tomography for monitoring the kinetics in the cell culture. 12th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2008), , San Diego, United States. 11 - 15 Oct 2008.

Sun, Tao, Green, Nicolas G. and Morgan, Hywel (2008) Adaptive line enhancer assisted single cell identification in a pseudorandom noise-stimulated microflow-cytometry. 7th IEEE Sensors Conference, Lecce, Italy. 25 - 29 Oct 2008.

Sun, Tao, Molnar, Camelia, Davies, Donna and Morgan, Hywel (2008) Monitoring kinetics in the artificial human asthmatic airway using electrical impedance spectroscopy. 12th annual European conference on micro &amp; nanoscale technologies for biosciences, Montreux, Switzerland. 16 - 19 Nov 2008.

Sun, Tao, Tsuda, Soichiro, Zauner, Klaus-Peter and Morgan, Hywel (2008) On-chip electrical impedance tomography for 2D imaging of cells. 12th annual European conference on micro &amp; nanoscale technologies for biosciences, Montreux, Switzerland. 16 - 19 Nov 2008.

Thomas, Rupert, Morgan, Hywel and Green, Nicolas G (2009) Negative DEP traps for single cell immobilisation. Lab on a Chip, 9, 1534-1540. (doi:10.1039/b819267g).

Birtwell, Sam and Morgan, Hywel (2009) Microparticle encoding technologies for high-throughput multiplexed suspension assays. Integrative Biology, 1 (5), 337-436.

Sun, Tao, Tsuda, Soichiro, Zauner, Klaus-Peter and Morgan, Hywel (2009) Single cell imaging using electrical impedance tomography. 4th IEEE international conference of Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, Shenzhen, China. 05 - 08 Jan 2009.

Sun, Tao, Tsuda, Soichiro, Zauner, Klaus-Peter and Morgan, Hywel (2009) Electrical impedance imaging of biological cells in culture. DIELECTRICS 2009: MEASUREMENT ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS, 40TH ANNIVERSARY MEETING, University of Reading, United Kingdom. 14 - 16 Apr 2009.

Sun, Tao, Swindle, Emily, Davies, Donna and Morgan, Hywel (2009) Epithelial cell monolayer barrier functioning assay using electrical impedance technologies. Gorden Research Conference on Microfluidics, Physics &amp; Chemistry, Lucca, Italy. 27 Jun - 02 Jul 2009.

Sun, Tao, Swindle, Emily, Davies, Donna and Morgan, Hywel (2009) On chip label-free epithelial barrier function assay in artificial human asthmatic airway. 13th international conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2009, Jeju, Korea. 01 - 05 Nov 2009.

Sun, Tao and Morgan, Hywel (2010) Microfluidic impedance cytometry-measuring single cells at high speed. In, Microfluidics based microsystems for security-fundamentals and applications. Springer. (In Press)

Morgan, Hywel and Sun, Tao (2010) AC electrokinetic particle manipulation in microsystems. In, Microfluidics based microsystems for security-fundamentals and applications. Springer. (In Press)

Gough, Jeffrey, Jones, Gareth, Lovell, Chris, Macey, Paul, Morgan, Hywel, Revilla, Ferran, Spanton, Robert, Tsuda, Soichiro and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2009) Integration of Cellular Biological Structures Into Robotic Systems. Acta Futura, 3, 43-49.

Sun, Tao and Morgan, Hywel (2010) Single cell microfluidic impedance cytometry – a review. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, (Invit. (Submitted)

Martines, E, Csaderova, L, Morgan, H, Curtis, ASG and Riehle, MO (2008) DLVO interaction energy between a sphere and a nano-patterned plate. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 318, 45-52.

Garcia-Sanchez, Pablo, Ramos, Antonio, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2008) Traveling-wave electrokinetic micropumps: velocity, electrical current, and impedance measurements. Langmuir, 24 (17), 9361-9369. (doi:10.1021/la800423k).

Aghdaei, Sara, Sandison, Mairi E., Zagnoni, Michele, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2008) Formation of artificial lipid bilayers using droplet dielectrophoresis. Lab on a Chip, 8 (10), 1617-1620. (doi:10.1039/B807374K). (PMID:18813381)

Aghdaei, S., Green, N.G., Jones, T.B. and Morgan, H. (2008) Droplet mixer based on electrowetting. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 142 (1), 12071-12071. (doi:10.1088/1742-6596/142/1/012071).

Garcia-Sanchez, P., Ramos, A., Green, N.G. and Morgan, H. (2008) Experiments on pumping of liquids using arrays of microelectrodes subjected to travelling wave potentials. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 012055 (6 pp.)-.

Zagnoni, Michele, Sandison, Mairi E., Marius, Phedra and Morgan, Hywel (2009) Bilayer lipid membranes from falling droplets. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 393, 1601-1605.

Garcia-Sanchez, Pablo, Ramos, Antonio, Gonzalez, Antonio, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2009) Flow Reversal in Traveling-Wave Electrokinetics: An Analysis of Forces Due to Ionic Concentration Gradients. Langmuir, 25 (9), 4988-4997. (doi:10.1021/la803651e).

Sun, Tao, Morgan, Hywel and Green, Nicolas G (2009) Analytical Solutions of the Dielectrophoretic and Travelling Wave Forces Generated by Interdigitated Electrode Arrays. ELECTROSTATICS 2007, 142, 12011-12011.

Sun, T, Green, NG and Morgan, H (2009) Electric Field Analysis using Schwarz-Christoffel Mapping - art. no. 012029. ELECTROSTATICS 2007, 142, 12029-12029.

Zagnoni, M., Sandison, M.E. and Morgan, H. (2009) Microfluidic array platform for simultaneous lipid bilayer membrane formation. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 24 (5), 1235-1240. (doi:10.1016/j.bios.2008.07.022). (PMID:18760585)

Malleo, D, Nevill, J T, van Ooyen, A, Schnakenberg, U, Lee, L P and Morgan, H (2010) Characterization of electrode materials for dielectric spectroscopy. Review of Scientific Instruments, 81, 16104.

Sun, Tao, Tsuda, Soichiro, Zauner, Klaus-Peter and Morgan, Hywel (2010) On-chip electrical impedance tomography for imaging biological cells. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 25 (5), 1109-1115. (doi:10.1016/j.bios.2009.09.036).

Holmes, D and Morgan, H (2010) Single Cell Impedance Cytometry for Identification and Counting of CD4 T-Cells in Human Blood Using Impedance Labels. Analytical Chemistry, 82, 1455-1461.

Sun, T, Bernabini, C and Morgan, H (2010) Single-colloidal particle impedance spectroscopy: complete equivalent circuit analysis of polyelectrolyte microcapsules. Langmuir, 26, 3821-3828. (doi:10.1021/la903609u).

Sun, K., Hakim, M.M.A., Kong, J., de Planque, M.R.R., Morgan, H., Roach, P.L., Davies, D.E., Howarth, P. and Ashburn, P. (2010) Polycrystalline silicon nanowires patterned by top-down lithography for biosensor applications. The 36th International Conferenece on Micro &amp; nano Engineering, Genoa, Itlay. 18 - 21 Sep 2010.

Sun, Kai, Hakim, M.M.A., Kong, J., de Planque, M.R.R., Morgan, H., Roach, P.L., Davies, D.E., Howarth, P. and Ashburn, P. (2010) Low cost nanowire biosensor fabrication using thin film amorphous silicon crystallisation technologies. IDRN, Leceister, United Kingdom. 14 May 2010.

Aghdaei, Sara, Heslington, Thomas, Rogers, Nik, Morgan, Hywel and de Planque, Maurits R.R. (2010) Assessment of nanoparticle cytotoxicity with on-chip suspended bilayers. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, Groningen, The, Netherlands. 02 - 06 Oct 2010. pp. 298-300 .

Sun, K., Hakim, M.M.A., Lombardini, M., Davies, D.E., Roach, P.L., de Planque, M.R.R., Ashburn, P. and Morgan, H. (2010) Sensors for chemical detection based on top-down fabricated polycrystalline silicon nanowires. NanoBioTech 2010, Montreux, Switzerland. 15 - 17 Nov 2010.

Morgan, Hywel and de Planque, Maurits R.R. (2010) Suspended lipid bilayers in microfluidic platforms. NanoBioTech 2010, Montreux, Switzerland. 15 - 17 Nov 2010. (In Press)

Aghdaei, Sara, Morgan, Hywel and de Planque, Maurits R.R. (2010) Silica nanoparticles permeabilize lipid bilayers. 54th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, San Francisco, United States. 20 - 24 Feb 2010. 401a-402a . (In Press)

Jones, Gareth, Lovell, Chris, Morgan, Hywel and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2011) Organising Chemical Reaction Networks in Space and Time with Microfluidics. International Journal of Nanotechnology and Molecular Computation (IJNMC), 3 (1), 35-56.

King, P.H., Corsi, J.C., Morgan, H., de Planque, M.R.R. and Zauner, K.P. (2011) Towards on-chip on-demand microfluidic production and manipulation of droplets for chemical computing. BioChemIT - 1st COBRA Workshop on Biological and Chemical Information Technologies, Paris, France. 07 Aug 2011. (In Press)

Corsi, J.C., King, P.H., Morgan, H., de Planque, M.R.R. and Zauner, K.P. (2011) Belousov-Zhabotinsky oscillations inside lipid-enclosed droplets. BioChemIT - 1st COBRA Workshop on Biological and Chemical Information Technologies, Paris, France. 07 Aug 2011. (In Press)

King, Philip H., Corsi, Josephine C., Morgan, Hywel, de Planque, Maurits R.R. and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2011) Microlitre droplet-in-oil arrays via rapid direct manufacture. NanoBioTech 2011, Montreux, Switzerland. 14 - 16 Nov 2011. (In Press)

Lombardini, Marta, Al Hakim, Mohammad, Sun, Kai, Broder, Graham, Giustiniano, Francesco, de Planque, Maurits R.R., Roach, Peter, Davies, D.E., Howarth, P.H., Morgan, Hywel and Ashburn, Peter (2011) Inflammatory biomarker sensing using rectangular polycrystalline silicon nanowires made by dry etching. 15th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, Washington State Convention Center, Seattle, United States. 01 - 05 Oct 2011. pp. 1086-1088 .

King, Philip, Corsi, Josephine C., Pan, Ben-Hong, Morgan, Hywel, de Planque, Maurits R.R. and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2012) Towards molecular computing: co-development of microfluidic devices and chemical reaction media. Biosystems, 109 (1), 18-23. (doi:10.1016/j.biosystems.2012.01.003).

Al Hakim, Mohammad M., Lombardini, Marta, Sun, Kai, Giustiniano, Francesco, Roach, Peter L., Davies, Donna E., Howarth, Peter H., de Planque, Maurits R.R., Morgan, Hywel and Ashburn, Peter (2012) Thin film polycrystalline silicon nanowire biosensors. Nano Letters, 12 (4), 1868-1872. (doi:10.1021/nl2042276). (PMID:22432636)

Jones, Gareth, Lovell, Chris, Gunn, Steve, Morgan, Hywel and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2012) Enabling the Discovery of Computational Characteristics of Enzyme Dynamics. IEEE WCCI CEC 2012.

Jones, Gareth, King, Philip H., Morgan, Hywel, de Planque, Maurits R.R. and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2012) Autonomous droplets: from neurons to muscles. BioChemIT: 2nd COBRA Workshop on Biological and Chemical Information Technologies, Orléans, France. 02 - 06 Sep 2012.

Beaton, Alexander D., Cardwell, Christopher L., Thomas, Rupert S., Sieben, Vincent J., Legiret, François-Eric, Waugh, Edward M., Statham, Peter J., Mowlem, Matthew C. and Morgan, Hywel (2012) Lab-on-Chip Measurement of Nitrate and Nitrite for In Situ Analysis of Natural Waters. Environmental Science & Technology, 46 (17), 9548-9556. (doi:10.1021/es300419u).

Powl, A.M., de Planque, M.R.R., Morgan, H. and Wallace, B.A. (2010) The NaChBac pore: creation and characterisation of a KcsA-like sodium channel. Biophysical Journal, 98 (3), supplement S1, p.7a. (doi:10.1016/j.bpj.2009.12.043).

Friddin, Mark S., Smithers, Natalie P., Lee, Anthony G., Morgan, Hywel and de Planque, Maurits R.R. (2012) Cell-free expression and electrophysiological measurements of the KcsA channel with interdroplet bilayers. NanoBioTech 2012, Montreux, Switzerland. 12 - 14 Nov 2012.

Tsaloglou, Maria-Nefeli, Laouenan, Florian, Loukas, Christos-Moritz, Monsalve, Lisandro Gabriel, Thanner, Christine, Morgan, Hywel, Ruano-López, Jesus M. and Mowlem, Matthew C. (2013) Real-time isothermal RNA amplification of toxic marine microalgae using preserved reagents on an integrated microfluidic platform. Analyst, 138 (2), 593-602. (doi:10.1039/c2an36464f).

Friddin, Mark S., Morgan, Hywel and de Planque, Maurits R.R. (2013) Cell-free protein expression systems in microdroplets: stabilization of interdroplet bilayers. Biomicrofluidics, 7 (1), 14108. (doi:10.1063/1.4791651).

Hollis, Veronica S, Holloway, Judith A., Harris, Scott, Spencer, Daniel, van Berkel, Cees and Morgan, Hywel (2012) Comparison of venous and capillary differential leukocyte counts using a standard hematology analyzer and a novel microfluidic impedance cytometer. PLoS ONE, 7 (9), e43702. (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0043702). (PMID:23028467)

Kalsi, Sumit, Morgan, Hywel and de Planque, Maurits R.R. (2013) Suspended bilayers in shaped apertures enable 24-hour ion channel recordings. 57th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, Philadelphia, United States. 02 - 06 Feb 2013.

Friddin, Mark S., Smithers, Natalie P., Lee, Anthony G., Morgan, Hywel and de Planque, Maurits R.R. (2013) Electrophysiology of a cell-free expressed potassium channel in microdroplets without protein purification. Advances in Microfluidics and Nanofluidics (AMN2013), Notre Dame, Indiana, United States. 23 - 25 May 2013.

Hu, Chunxiao, Dillon, James, Kearn, James, Murray, Caitriona, O'Connor, Vincent, Holden-Dye, Lindy and Morgan, Hywel (2013) NeuroChip: a microfluidic electrophysiological device for genetic and chemical biology screening of Caenorhabditis elegans adult and larvae. PLoS ONE, 8 (5), e64297-[17pp]. (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0064297). (PMID:23717588)

Cao, C., Birtwell, S.W., Hogberg, J., Morgan, H., Wolff, A. and Bang, D.D. (2012) Gold nanoparticles-coated SU-8 for sensitive fluorescence-based detections of DNA. [in special issue: Microfluidics Lab on a Chip Platforms for High Performance Diagnostics] Diagnostics, 2 (4), Winter Issue, 72-82. (doi:10.3390/diagnostics2040072).

Spencer, Daniel and Morgan, Hywel (2011) Positional dependence of particles in microfludic impedance cytometry. Lab on a Chip, 11, 1234-1239. (doi:10.1039/C1LC20016J).

King, Philip H., Jones, Gareth, Morgan, Hywel, de Planque, Maurits R.R. and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2013) Belousov-Zhabotinsky droplet mixing on-chip for chemical computing applications. 3rd COBRA Workshop on Biological and Chemical IT, Milan, Italy. 04 Jul 2013.

Kiang, Kian Shen, Kalsi, Sumit, Ritter, Daniel, Unal, Nezih, Morgan, Hywel, Anteney, Iain, Chong, Harold M. H. and de Planque, Maurits R.R. (2013) Fabrication of tapered edgewall apertures using grayscale lithography. 39th International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering, , London, United Kingdom. 16 - 19 Sep 2013.

Saha, Shimul Chandra, Thei, Federico, de Planque, Maurits R.R. and Morgan, Hywel (2013) Scaleable BLM arrays for parallel ion channel recording. 17th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, Freiburg, Germany. 26 - 31 Oct 2013.

Rushworth, Cathy M., Yogarajah, Yathukulan, Zhao, Yan, Morgan, Hywel and Vallance, Claire (2013) Sensitive analysis of trace water analytes using colourimetric cavity ringdown spectroscopy. Analytical Methods, 5 (1), 239. (doi:10.1039/c2ay25889g).

Arcenegui, Juan J., Ramos, Antonio, García-Sánchez, Pablo and Morgan, Hywel (2013) Electrorotation of titanium microspheres. [in special issue: Dielectrophoresis 2013] Electrophoresis, 34 (7), 979-986. (doi:10.1002/elps.201200403). (PMID:23348799)

García-Sánchez, Pablo, Ren, Yukun, Arcenegui, Juan J., Morgan, Hywel and Ramos, Antonio (2012) Alternating current electrokinetic properties of gold-coated microspheres. Langmuir, 28 (39), 13861-13870. (doi:10.1021/la302402v).

Hadwen, B., Broder, G. R., Morganti, D., Jacobs, A., Brown, C., Hector, J. R., Kubota, Y. and Morgan, H. (2012) Programmable large area digital microfluidic array with integrated droplet sensing for bioassays. Lab on a Chip, 12 (18), 3305-3313. (doi:10.1039/C2LC40273D). (PMID:22785575)

Ramos, Antionio, Garcia-Sanchez, P., Arcenegui, J.J., Ren, Y. and Morgan, Hywel (2012) Experiments on electrorotation and dielectrophoresis of metallic microparticles. The 10th International Symposium on Electrokinetic Phenomena (ELKIN 10th), Tsukuba, Japan. 19 - 23 May 2012.

Zmijan, R., Bey, S.K.A.K., Mowlem, M. and Morgan, Hywel (2012) Micro flow cytometry miniaturisation - towards in-situ optical phytoplankton analysis. EGU General Assembly 2012 (EGU2012), Vienna, Austria. 21 - 26 Apr 2012.

Han, Xiaojun, van Berkel, Cees, Gwyer, James, Capretto, Lorenzo and Morgan, Hywel (2011) Microfluidic lysis of human blood for leukocyte analysis using single cell impedance cytometry. Analytical Chemistry, 84 (2), 1070-1075. (doi:10.1021/ac202700x).

Cortese, Barbara and Morgan, Hywel (2011) Controlling the wettability of hierarchically structured thermoplastics. Langmuir, 28 (1), 896-904. (doi:10.1021/la203741b).

Birtwell, S.W., Broder, G.R., Roach, P.L. and Morgan, H. (2012) Multiplexed suspension array platform for high-throughput protein assays. Biomedical Microdevices, 14 (4), 651-657. (doi:10.1007/s10544-012-9641-z).

Ren, Yu K., Morganti, Diego, Jiang, Hong Y., Ramos, Antonio and Morgan, Hywel (2011) Electrorotation of metallic microspheres. Langmuir, 27 (6), 2128-2131. (doi:10.1021/la104784m).

Morganti, Diego and Morgan, Hywel (2011) Characterization of non-spherical polymer particles by combined electrorotation and electroorientation. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 376 (1-3), 67-71. (doi:10.1016/j.colsurfa.2010.09.031).

Thei, Federico, Rossi, Michele, Bennati, Marco, Crescentini, Marco, Lodesani, Francesco, Morgan, Hywel and Tartagni, Marco (2010) Parallel recording of single ion channels: a heterogeneous system approach. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 9 (3), 295-302. (doi:10.1109/TNANO.2009.2039489).

Ogilvie, I.R.G., Sieben, Vincent J., Floquet, C.F.A., Mowlem, M.C. and Morgan, Hywel (2010) Solvent processing of PMMA and COC chips for bonding devices with optical quality surfaces. Verpoorte, S., Andersson-Svahn, H., Emnéus, J. and Pamme, N. (eds.) In 14th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences. The Printing House for Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society. pp. 1244-1246 .

Malleo, Daniele, Nevill, J. Tanner, Lee, Luke P. and Morgan, Hywel (2010) Continuous differential impedance spectroscopy of single cells. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 9 (2-3), 191-198. (doi:10.1007/s10404-009-0534-2).

Gawad, Shady, Morgan, H., Guigliano, M. and Heuschkel, M.O. (2009) Substrate arrays of iridium oxide microelectrodes for in vitro neuronal interfacing. Frontiers in Neuroengineering, 2 (1), 1-7. (doi:10.3389/neuro.16.001.2009).

Wang, Xudi, Chen, Yifang, Banu, Shahanara, Morgan, Hywel, Fu, Shaojun and Cui, Zheng (2007) High density patterns fabricated in SU-8 by UV curing nanoimprint. [in special issue: Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Micro- and Nano-Engineering] Microelectronic Engineering, 84 (5-8), 872-876. (doi:10.1016/j.mee.2007.01.027).

Martines, Elena, Seunarine, Kris, Morgan, Hywel, Gadegaard, Nikolaj, Wilkinson, Chris D.W. and Riehle, Mathis O. (2006) Air-trapping on biocompatible nanopatterns. Langmuir, 22 (26), 11230-11233. (doi:10.1021/la061611t). (PMID:17154608)

Ermolina, Irina, Milner, Joel and Morgan, Hywel (2006) Dielectrophoretic investigation of plant virus particles: Cow Pea Mosaic Virus and Tobacco Mosaic Virus. Electrophoresis, 27 (20), 3939-3948. (doi:10.1002/elps.200500928). (PMID:17054097)

Morgan, Hywel, Holmes, David and Green, Nicolas G (2006) High speed simultaneous single particle impedance and fluorescence analysis on a chip. [in special issue: Second International Conference on Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology] Current Applied Physics, 6 (3), 367-370. (doi:10.1016/j.cap.2005.11.020).

Ramos, Antonio, Morgan, Hywel, Green, Nicolas G, González, Antonio and Castellanos, Antonio (2005) Pumping of liquids with traveling-wave electroosmosis. Journal of Applied Physics, 97 (8), 84906. (doi:10.1063/1.1873034).

González, Antonio, Ramos, Antonio, Morgan, Hywel, Green, Nicolas G and Castellanos, Antonio (2006) Electrothermal flows generated by alternating and rotating electric fields in microsystems. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 564, 415-433. (doi:10.1017/S0022112006001595).

Bakewell, D., Ermolina, I., Morgan, H., Milner, J. and Feldman, Y. (2000) Dielectric relaxation measurements of 12 kbp plasmid DNA. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Gene Structure and Expression, 1493 (1-2), 151-158. (doi:10.1016/S0167-4781(00)00176-7). (PMID:10978517)

Green, Nicolas G, Ramos, Antonio, Gonzalez, Antonio, Morgan, Hywel and Castellanos, Antonio (2000) Fluid flow induced by nonuniform ac electric fields in electrolytes on microelectrodes I: experimental measurements. Physical Review E, 61 (4), 4011-4018. (doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.61.4011). (PMID:11088192)

Gonzalez, Antonio, Ramos, Antonio, Green, Nicolas G, Castellanos, Antonio and Morgan, Hywel (2000) Fluid flow induced by nonuniform ac electric fields in electrolytes on microelectrodes II: a linear double-layer analysis. Physical Review E, 61 (4), 4019-4028. (doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.61.4019). (PMID:11088193)

Green, Nicolas G, Ramos, Antonio and Morgan, Hywel (2000) Ac electrokinetics: a survey of sub-micrometre particle dynamics. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 33 (6), 632-641. (doi:10.1088/0022-3727/33/6/308).

Cui, L. and Morgan, H. (2000) Design and fabrication of travelling wave dielectrophoresis structures. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 10 (1), 72-79. (doi:10.1088/0960-1317/10/1/310).

Green, Nicolas G, Ramos, Antonio, González, Antonio, Castellanos, A. and Morgan, Hywel (2000) Electric field induced fluid flow on microelectrodes: the effect of illumination. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 33 (2), L13-L17. (doi:10.1088/0022-3727/33/2/102).

Chan, K., Morgan, H., Morgan, E., Cameron, I. and Thomas, M. (2000) Measurements of the dielectric properties of peripheral blood mononuclear cells and trophoblast cells using AC electrokinetic techniques. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Basis of Disease, 1500 (3), 313-322. (doi:10.1016/S0925-4439(99)00115-5). (PMID:10699373)

Hu, Chunxiao, O'Connor, Vincent, Holden-Dye, L. and Morgan, Hywel (2012) An integrated microfluidic device for high-throughput electrophysiological analysis of c. elegans. Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, Okinawa, Japan. 27 Oct - 01 Nov 2012.

Zmijan, Robert, Spencer, Daniel C., Mowlem, Matthew C. and Morgan, Hywel (2011) Differentiation of micro spheres by narrow angle scattered light detection on low cost PMMA micro flow cytometer chip. 15th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, Washington State Convention Center, Seattle, United States. 01 - 05 Oct 2011. pp. 1263-1265 .

Cao, C, Birtwell, S.W., Hogberg, J, Wolff, A., Morgan, H. and Duobg Bang, D. (2011) Surface modification of photoresist SU-8 for low autofluorescence and bioanalytical applications. 15th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, Washington State Convention Center, Seattle, United States. 01 - 05 Oct 2011. pp. 1161-1163 .

Rossi, M., Thei, F., Morgan, H. and Tartagni, M. (2010) A disposable microfluidic array platform for automatic ion channel recording. 14th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, , Groningen, Netherlands. 02 - 06 Oct 2010. pp. 1913-1915 .

Rouabah, Hamza A., Park, Benjamin Y., Zaouk, Rabih B., Madou, Marc J., Morgan, Hywel and Green, Nicolas G. (2010) Increasing the fluid flow velocity in a microchannel using 3D non-metallic electrodes. 14th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, , Groningen, Netherlands. 02 - 06 Oct 2010. pp. 1784-1786 .

Pugo, Raj M., Deane, Steven C., Glasse, Carl, Burcher, Michael R., Morgan, Hywel and Reccius, Christian H. (2010) Flow speed particle focussing in microfluidic impedance measurements. 14th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, , Groningen, Netherlands. 02 - 06 Oct 2010. pp. 1307-1309 .

Friddin, Mark S., Smithers, Natalie P., Lee, Anthony G., Morgan, Hywel and de Planque, Maurits R.R. (2013) Ion channel characterization with microdroplets of protein expression mixtures. 7th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering (IEEE-NANOMED 2013), Phuket, Thailand. 10 - 13 Nov 2013.

King, Philip H., Jones, Gareth, Morgan, Hywel, de Planque, Maurits R.R. and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2014) Interdroplet bilayer arrays in millifluidic droplet traps from 3D-printed moulds. Lab on a Chip, 14 (4), 722-729. (doi:10.1039/C3LC51072G).

Sieben, Vincent J., Beaton, Alexander D., Floquet, Cedric F.A., Bey, S .Abi Kaed, Ogilvie, I.R.G., Waugh, Edward M., Ang, K.C., Mowlem, M. and Morgan, Hywel (2010) Autonomous microfluidic sensors for nutrient detection applied to nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, manganese and iron. 14th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2010, , Groningen, Netherlands. 02 - 06 Oct 2010. pp. 1016-1018 .

Friddin, Mark S., Smithers, Natalie P., Beaugrand, Maïwenn, Marcotte, Isabelle, Williamson, Philip T.F., Morgan, Hywel and de Planque, Maurits R.R. (2013) Single-channel electrophysiology of cell-free expressed ion channels by direct incorporation in lipid bilayers. Analyst, 138 (24), 7294-7298. (doi:10.1039/C3AN01540H).

Kalsi, Sumit, Powl, Andrew M., Wallace, B.A., Morgan, Hywel and de Planque, Maurits R.R. (2014) Shaped apertures in photoresist films enhance the lifetime and mechanical stability of suspended lipid bilayers. Biophysical Journal, 106 (8), 1650-1659. (doi:10.1016/j.bpj.2014.02.033).

Zhao, Yan, Pereira, Fiona, deMello, Andrew, Morgan, Hywel and Niu, Xize (2014) Droplet-based in situ compartmentalization of chemically separated components after isoelectric focusing in a Slipchip. Lab on a Chip. (doi:10.1039/C3LC51067K).

Crescentini, Marco, Thei, Federico, Bennati, Marco, Saha, Shimul C., de Planque, Maurits R.R., Morgan, Hywel and Tartagni, Marco (2014) A distributed amplifier system for bilayer lipid membrane (BLM) arrays with noise and individual offset cancellation. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 9, 334-344. (doi:10.1109/TBCAS.2014.2346402). (PMID:25252284)

Saha, Shimul C., Thei, Federico, de Planque, Maurits R.R. and Morgan, Hywel (2014) Scaleable micro-cavity bilayer lipid membrane array for parallel ion channel recording. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 199, 76-82. (doi:10.1016/j.snb.2014.03.111).

Sun, Kai, Zeimpekis, Ioannis, Lombardini, Marta, Ditshego, N.M. Jack, Pearce, Stuart J., Kiang, Kian Shen, Thomas, Owain, de Planque, Maurits R.R., Chong, Harold M.H., Morgan, Hywel and Ashburn, Peter (2014) Three mask polysilicon thin film transistor biosensor. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 61 (6), 2170-2176. (doi:10.1109/TED.2014.231566).

Jones, Gareth, King, Philip H., Morgan, Hywel, de Planque, Maurits R.R. and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2015) Autonomous droplet architectures. Artificial Life, 21 (2), 195-204. (doi:10.1162/ARTL_a_00156). (PMID:25622015)

Spencer, Daniel, Elliott, Gregor R. and Morgan, Hywel (2013) Simultaneous fluorescence and impedance micro cytometry. The 17th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2013). 26 - 31 Oct 2013.

Spencer, Daniel, Hollis, Veronica and Morgan, Hywel (2012) Identification of tumour cells using microfluidic impedance cytometry. NanoBioTech- Montreux.

Spencer, Daniel and Morgan, Hywel (2012) Miniaturised point-of-care full blood count. Bringing Diagnostic Prototypes to the Point-of-Care, Nairobi, Kenya.

Hu, Chunxiao, Kearn, James, Urwin, Peter, Lilley, Catherine, O'Connor, Vincent, Holden-Dye, Lindy and Morgan, Hywel (2014) StyletChip: a microfluidic device for recording host invasion behaviour and feeding of plant parasitic nematodes. Lab on a Chip, 14, 2447-2455. (doi:10.1039/C4LC00292J). (PMID:24839944)

Arcenegui, Juan J, García-Sánchez, Pablo, Morgan, Hywel and Ramos, Antonio (2013) Electro-orientation and electrorotation of metal nanowires. Physical Review E, 88 (6), 63018. (doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.88.063018). (PMID:24483568)

Arcenegui, Juan J., García-Sánchez, Pablo, Morgan, Hywel and Ramos, Antonio (2014) Electro-orientation of a metal nanowire counterbalanced by thermal torques. Physical Review E, 89 (6). (doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.89.062306).

Spencer, Daniel, Elliott, Gregor and Morgan, Hywel (2014) A sheath-less combined optical and impedance micro-cytometer. Lab on a Chip, 14 (16), 3064-3073. (doi:10.1039/c4lc00224e).

Tsaloglou, Maria-Nefeli, Jacobs, Adrian and Morgan, Hywel (2014) A fluorogenic heterogeneous immunoassay for cardiac muscle troponin cTnI on a digital microfluidic device. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 406 (24), 5967-5976. (doi:10.1007/s00216-014-7997-z).

Tsaloglou, M.-N., Watson, R.J., Rushworth, C.M., Zhao, Yi, Niu, Xize, Sutton, J.M. and Morgan, H. (2014) Real-time microfluidic recombinase polymerase amplification for the toxin B gene of clostridium difficile on a SlipChip platform. Analyst. (doi:10.1039/C4AN01683A).

Chandra Saha, S., Powl, A.M., Wallace, B.A., de Planque, R.R.M and Morgan, Hywel (2014) Passive pumping: a new method for delivering ligands to bilayer membrane micro-chamber for electrophysiology. Lab on a Chip. (Submitted)

Kalsi, Sumit, Saha, Shimul C., Kiang, Kian Shen, de Planque, Maurits R.R. and Morgan, Hywel (2014) Micro-cavity array with shaped apertures for optically and electrically accessible suspended BLMs. NanoBioTech 2014, Montreux, Switzerland. 17 - 19 Nov 2014.

Sun, Kai, Zeimpekis, Ioannis, Hu, Chunxiao, Thomas, Owain, de Planque, Maurits R.R., Chong, Harold M.H., Morgan, Hywel and Ashburn, Peter (2014) Top-down polysilicon nanowires by ion beam etching for biosensing applications. Micro and Nano Engineering, Lausanne, Switzerland. 21 - 25 Sep 2014.

Zeimpekis, Ioannis, Sun, Kai, Hu, Chunxiao, Thomas, Owain, de Planque, Maurits R.R., Chong, Harold M.H., Morgan, Hywel and Ashburn, Peter (2014) A differential measurement technique to eliminate parasitic resistance effects in ion sensitive sensors. Micro and Nano Engineering, Lausanne, Switzerland. 21 - 25 Sep 2014.

Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (1997) Dielectrophoretic separation of nano-particles. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 30, L41-L44. (doi:10.1088/0022-3727/30/11/001).

Morgan, Hywel, Green, Nicolas G, Hughes, M P, Monaghan, W and Tan, T C (1997) Large-area travelling-wave dielectrophoresis particle separator. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 7 (2), 65. (doi:10.1088/0960-1317/7/2/004).

Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (1997) Dielectrophoretic investigations of sub-micrometre latex spheres. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 30 (18), 2626. (doi:10.1088/0022-3727/30/18/018).

Green, Nicolas G, Morgan, Hywel and Milner, J J (1997) Manipulation and trapping of sub-micron bioparticles using dielectrophoresis. Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods, 35 (2), 89-102. (doi:10.1016/S0165-022X(97)00033-X).

Morgan, Hywel and Green, Nicolas G (1997) Dielectrophoretic manipulation of rod-shaped viral particles. Journal of Electrostatics, 42 (3). (doi:10.1016/S0304-3886(97)00159-9).

Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (1998) Separation of submicrometre particles using a combination of dielectrophoretic and electrohydrodynamic forces. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 31, L25. (doi:10.1088/0022-3727/31/7/002).

Ramos, Antonio, Morgan, Hywel, Green, Nicolas G and castellanos, Antonio (1998) Ac electrokinetics: a review of forces in microelectrode structures. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 31, 2338. (doi:10.1088/0022-3727/31/18/021).

Ramos, Antonio, Morgan, Hywel, Green, Nicolas G and Castellanos, Antonio (1999) The role of electrohydrodynamic forces in the dielectrophoretic manipulation and separation of particles. Journal of Electrostatics, 47, 71-81. (doi:10.1016/S0304-3886(99)00031-5).

Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (1999) Dielectrophoresis of Submicrometer Latex Spheres. 1. Experimental Results. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 103 (1). (doi:10.1021/jp9829849).

Morgan, Hywel, Hughes, Michael P and Green, Nicolas G (1999) Separation of Submicron Bioparticles by Dielectrophoresis. Biophysical Journal, 77 (1), 516-525. (doi:10.1016/S0006-3495(99)76908-0).

Ramos, Antonio, Morgan, Hywel, Green, Nicolas G and Castellanos, Antonio (1999) AC Electric-Field-Induced Fluid Flow in Microelectrodes. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 217 (2). (doi:10.1006/jcis.1999.6346).

Morgan, Hywel, Garcia-Izquierdo, Alberto, Bakewell, David J, Green, Nicolas G and Ramos, Antonio (2001) Erratum: The dielectrophoretic and travelling wave forces for interdigitated electrode arrays: analytical solution using Fourier series. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 34, 2708. (doi:10.1088/0022-3727/34/17/501).

Ramos, Antonio, González, Antonio, Castellanos, Antonio, Green, Nicolas G and Morgan, Hywel (2003) Pumping of electrolytes using arrays of asymmetric pairs of microelectrodes subjected to ac voltages. Electrostatics 2003: The 11th international conference on Electrostatics.

Rouabah, Hamza, Park, Benjamin Y, Zaouk, Rabih B, Morgan, Hywel, Madou, Marc J and Green, Nicolas G (2011) Design and fabrication of an ac-electro-osmosis micropump with 3D high-aspect-ratio electrodes using only SU-8. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 21 (3), 35018. (doi:10.1088/0960-1317/21/3/035018).

Saha, Shimul C., Powl, Andrew M., Wallace, B. A., de Planque, Maurits R.R. and Morgan, Hywel (2015) Screening ion-channel ligand interactions with passive pumping in a microfluidic bilayer lipid membrane (BLM) chip. Biomicrofluidics, 9, 14103. (doi:10.1063/1.4905313).

Rushworth, Cathy M., Jones, Gareth, Fischlechner, Martin, Walton, Emma and Morgan, Hywel (2015) On-chip cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy using a white light-emitting diode and polymer mirrors. Lab on a Chip, 15 (3), 711-717. (doi:10.1039/C4LC01264J).

Spencer, Daniel, Hollis, Veronica and Morgan, Hywel (2014) Microfluidic impedance cytometry of tumour cells in blood. Biomicrofluidics, 8 (6), 64124. (doi:10.1063/1.4904405).

Spencer, Daniel and Morgan, Hywel (2014) Single cell microfluidic impedance spectroscopy. Dielectrophoresis 2014, Institute of Physics, United Kingdom. 13 - 15 Jul 2014.

Morgan, Hywel and Spencer, Daniel (2015) CHAPTER 10. Microfluidic impedance cytometry for blood cell analysis. In, Microfluidics for Medical Applications. London, GB. Royal Society of Chemistry, pp. 213-241. (doi:10.1039/9781849737593-00213).

Zeimpekis, Ioannis, Sun, Kai, Hu, Chunxiao, Thomas, Owain, de Planque, Maurits R.R., Chong, Harold M.H., Morgan, Hywel and Ashburn, Peter (2015) Study of parasitic resistance effects in nanowire and nanoribbon biosensors. Nanoscale Research Letters, 10, 79. (doi:10.1186/s11671-015-0794-6).

Crescentini, Marco, Bennati, Marco, Saha, Shimul C., Ivica, Josip, de Planque, Maurits R.R., Morgan, Hywel and Tartagni, Marco (2016) A low-noise transimpedance amplifier for BLM-based ion channel recording. Sensors, 16 (5, 709), 1-20. (doi:10.3390/s16050709).

Hassan, Sammer-ul, Morgan, Hywel, Zhang, Xunli and Niu, Xize (2015) Droplet interfaced parallel and quantitative microfluidic-based separations. Analytical Chemistry, 87 (7), 3895-3901. (doi:10.1021/ac504695w).

Moschou, D., Trantidou, T., Regoutz, A., Carta, D., Morgan, H. and Prodromakis, T. (2015) Surface and electrical characterization of Ag/AgCl pseudo-reference electrodes manufactured with commercially available PCB technologies. Sensors, 15. (doi:10.3390/s150818102).

Saha, Shimul C., Henderson, Alexander J., Powl, Andrew M., Wallace, B.A., de Planque, Maurits R.R. and Morgan, Hywel (2015) Characterization of the prokaryotic sodium channel NavSp pore with a microfluidic bilayer platform. PLoS ONE, 10 (7), 1-9. (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0131286). (PMID:26147601)

Zeimpekis-Karakonstantinos, Ioannis, Sun, Kai, HU, CHUNXIAO, Ditshego, Jack Nonofo, Thomas, O, De Planque, Maurits, Chong, Harold, Morgan, Hywel and Ashburn, Peter (2016) Dataset for Dual-Gate Polysilicon Nanoribbon Biosensors Enable High Sensitivity Detection of Proteins. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/379790 [Dataset]

Sun, Kai, Zeimpekis-Karakonstantinos, Ioannis, HU, CHUNXIAO, Ditshego, Jack Nonofo, Owain, Thomas, Chong, Harold, De Planque, Maurits, Morgan, Hywel and Ashburn, Peter (2015) Dataset for Effect of Subthreshold Slope on the Sensitivity of Nanoribbon Sensors. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/380117 [Dataset]

Kalsi, Sumit, Valiadi, Martha, Tsaloglou, Maria-Nefeli, Parry-Jones, Lesley, Jacobs, Adrian, Watson, Rob, Turner, Carrie, Amos, Robert, Hadwen, Ben, Buse, Jonathan, Brown, Chris, Sutton, Mark and Morgan, Hywel (2015) Rapid and sensitive detection of antibiotic resistance on a programmable digital microfluidic platform. Lab on a Chip, 15 (14), 3065-3075. (doi:10.1039/c5lc00462d).

Papadimitriou, Konstantinos I., Zeimpekis, Ioannis, Moschou, D., Kai, S., Hu, C., Ashburn, P, Morgan, Hywel and Prodromakis, T. (2015) Towards a high-precision, embedded system for sensitive biosensing measurements. IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems (BioCAS) Conference, Atlanta, United States. 21 - 23 Oct 2015.

Sun, Kai, Zeimpekis, Ioannis, Ditshego, Nonofo M.J., Hu, Chunxiao, Thomas, Owain, de Planque, Maurits R.R., Chong, Harold M.H., Morgan, Hywel and Ashburn, Peter (2015) Top-down zinc oxide nanowires by ion beam etching for biosensing applications. 41st International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering (MNE 2015), , Den Haag, Netherlands. 21 - 24 Sep 2015.

Sun, Kai, Zeimpekis-Karakonstantinos, Ioannis, HU, CHUNXIAO, Ditshego, Jack Nonofo, De Planque, Maurits, Chong, Harold, Morgan, Hywel and Ashburn, Peter (2016) Dataset for Low-cost Top-down Zinc Oxide Nanowire Sensors through a Highly Transferable Ion Beam Etching for Healthcare Applications. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/383154 [Dataset]

MOSCHOU, DESPINA, Trantidou, Tatiana, Regoutz, Anna, CARTA, DANIELA, Morgan, Hywel and Prodromakis, Themistoklis (2015) Surface and electrical characterization of Ag/AgCl pseudo-reference electrodes manufactured with commercially available PCB technologies. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/383996 [Dataset]

Vasilakis, N., Moschou, D. and Carta, D. et al. (2016) Long-lasting FR-4 surface hydrophilisation towards commercial PCB passive microfluidics. Applied Surface Science, 368, 69-75. (doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2015.12.123).

Vasilakis, Nikolaos-Sotirios, MOSCHOU, DESPINA, CARTA, DANIELA, Morgan, Hywel and Prodromakis, Themistoklis (2016) Dataset for "Long-lasting FR-4 surface hydrophilisation towards commercial PCB passive microfluidics". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/385535 [Dataset]

Valiadi, Martha, Kalsi, Sumit, Jones, Isaac, Turner, Carrie, Sutton, Mark and Morgan, Hywel (2016) Simple and rapid sample preparation system for the molecular detection of antibiotic resistant bacteria in human urine. Biomedical Microdevices, 18 (1), 1-10, [18]. (doi:10.1007/s10544-016-0031-9).

Hu, Chunxiao, Holden-Dye, L., O'Connor, V. and Morgan, Hywel (2013) Electrophysiological analysis of nematode larvae with an integrated microfluidic platform. MicroTAS 2013, Freiburg, Germany. 26 - 30 Oct 2013. (In Press)

Hu, Chunxiao, Zeimpekis, I., Sun, Kai, Ashburn, Peter and Morgan, Hywel (2015) Low cost thin-film transistor nanoribbon sensors for detection of proteins using a miniature bead-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa). MicroTAS 2015, Gyeongju, Korea, Republic of. 24 - 29 Oct 2015. (In Press)

HU, CHUNXIAO, Zeimpekis-Karakonstantinos, Ioannis, Sun, Kai, Anderson, Sally, Ashburn, Peter and Morgan, Hywel (2016) Dataset for low cost nanoribbon sensors for protein analysis in human serum using a miniature bead-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/386454 [Dataset]

Sun, Kai, Zeimpekis, Ioannis, Hu, Chunxiao, Ditshego, N.M.J., Thomas, Owain, de Planque, Maurits R.R., Chong, Harold M.H., Morgan, Hywel and Ashburn, Peter (2016) Low-cost top-down zinc oxide nanowire sensors through a highly transferable ion beam etching for healthcare applications. Microelectronic Engineering, 153, 96-100. (In Press)

Zeimpekis, Ioannis, Sun, Kai, Hu, Chunxiao, Ditshego, Nonofo, Owain, Thomas, de Planque, Maurits R.R., Chong, Harold M.H., Morgan, Hywel and Ashburn, Peter (2016) Dual-gate polysilicon nanoribbon biosensors enable high sensitivity detection of proteins. Nanotechnology, 27 (16), 1-8. (doi:10.1088/0957-4484/27/16/165502).

Blume, Cornelia, Reale, Riccardo, Held, Marie, Millar, Timothy M., Collins, Jane E., Davies, Donna E., Morgan, Hywel and Swindle, Emily J. (2015) Temporal monitoring of differentiated human airway epithelial cells using microfluidics. PLoS ONE, 10 (10), 1-13, [e0139872]. (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0139872). (PMID:26436734)

Xavier, Miguel, Rosendahl, Philipp, Herbig, Maik, Kräter, Martin, Spencer, Daniel, Bornhäuser, Martin, Oreffo, Richard O.C., Morgan, Hywel, Guck, Jochen and Otto, Oliver (2016) Mechanical phenotyping of primary human skeletal stem cells in heterogeneous populations by real-time deformability cytometry. Integrative Biology, 8 (5), 616-623. (doi:10.1039/c5ib00304k). (PMID:26980074)

Kannan, Padmanathan Karthick, Hu, Chunxiao, Morgan, Hywel and Rout, Chandra Sekhar (2016) One-Step electrodeposition of NiCo2S4 nanosheets on patterned platinum electrodes for non-enzymatic glucose sensing. Chemistry - An Asian Journal, 11 (12), 1837-1841. (doi:10.1002/asia.201600362).

Crescentini, Marco, Rossi, Michele, Ashburn, Peter, Lombardini, Marta, Sangiorgi, Enrico, Morgan, Hywel and Tartagni, Marco (2016) AC and phase sensing of nanowires for biosensing. Biosensors, 6 (2), 1-14. (doi:10.3390/bios6020015).

Morgan, Hywel, Crescentini, Marco, Bennati, Marco, SAHA, SHIMUL, Ivica, Josip, De Planque, Maurits and Tartagni, Marco (2016) A low-noise transimpedance amplifier for BLM-Based ion channel recording. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/394680 [Dataset]

Crescentini, Marco, Rossi, Michele, Ashburn, Peter, LOMBARDINI, MARTA, Morgan, Hywel and Tartagni, Marco (2016) AC and phase sensing of nanowires for biosensing. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/394688 [Dataset]

Sun, Kai, Zeimpekis, Ioannis, Hu, Chunxiao, Ditshego, Nonofo M.J., Thomas, Owain, de Planque, Maurits R.R., Chong, Harold M.H., Morgan, Hywel and Ashburn, Peter (2016) Effect of subthreshold slope on the sensitivity of nanoribbon sensors. Nanotechnology, 27 (28), [285501]. (doi:10.1088/0957-4484/27/28/285501).

Spencer, Daniel and Morgan, Hywel (2016) Data for 'High accuracy particle analysis using sheathless microfluidic impedance cytometry'. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/395307 [Dataset]

Spencer, Daniel, Caselli, Frederica, Bisegna, Paolo and Morgan, Hywel (2016) High accuracy particle analysis using sheathless microfluidic impedance cytometry. Lab on a Chip, 16 (13), 2467-2473. (doi:10.1039/C6LC00339G).

Xavier, Miguel, Oreffo, Richard O.C. and Morgan, Hywel (2016) Skeletal stem cell isolation: a review on the state-of-the-art microfluidic label-free sorting techniques. Biotechnology Advances, 1-30. (doi:10.1016/j.biotechadv.2016.05.008). (PMID:27236022)

MOSCHOU, DESPINA, Greathead, Louise, Pantelidis, Panagiotis, Kelleher, Peter, Morgan, Hywel and Prodromakis, Themistoklis (2016) Dataset for Amperometric IFN-gamma immunosensors with commercially fabricated PCB sensing electrodes. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/398438 [Dataset]

Moschou, Despina, Greathead, Louise, Pantelidis, Panagiotis, Kelleher, Peter, Morgan, Hywel and Prodromakis, Themis (2016) Amperometric IFN-gamma immunosensors with commercially fabricated PCB sensing electrodes. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 1-17. (doi:10.1016/j.bios.2016.07.075).

Ramos, Antonio, Garcia-Sanchez, Pablo and Morgan, Hywel (2016) AC electrokinetics of conducting microparticles: a review. Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science, 24, 79-90. (doi:10.1016/j.cocis.2016.06.018).

Garcia-Sanchez, Pablo, Arcenegui, Juan, Morgan, Hywel and Ramos, Antonio (2015) Self-assembly of metal nanowires induced by alternating current electric fields. Applied Physics Letters, 106 (23110), 1-4. (doi:10.1063/1.4905924).

Kannan, Padmanathan Karthick, Gelamo, Rogerio V., Morgan, Hywel, Palaniswamy, Suresh and Rout, Chandra Sekhar (2016) Electrochemical 4-chlorophenol sensing properties of plasma-treated multilayer graphene modified photolithography patterned platinum electrode. RSC Advances, 6, 105920-105929. (doi:10.1039/C6RA24136K).

Blume, Cornelia, Reale, Riccardo, Held, Marie, Loxham, Matthew, Millar, Tim, Collins, Jane, Swindle, Emily, Morgan, Hywel and Davies, Donna (2017) Cellular crosstalk between airway epithelial and endothelial cells regulates barrier functions during exposure to double-stranded RNA. Immunity, Inflammation and Disease, 5 (1), 45-56. (doi:10.1002/iid3.139).

Kannan, Padmanathan Karthick, Hu, Chunxiao, Morgan, Hywel, Moshkalev, Stanislav A. and Rout, Chandra Sekhar (2016) Electrochemical sensing of bisphenol using a multilayer graphene nanobelt modified photolithography patterned platinum electrode. Nanotechnology, 27 (37), 1-10. (doi:10.1088/0957-4484/27/37/375504).

Morgan, Hywel, Green, Nicolas and Ramos, Antonio (2016) Nano-scale AC electrokinetics and electrohydrodynamics. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 50 (1), 1-3. (doi:10.1088/1361-6463/50/1/011001).

Hu, Chunxiao, Zeimpekis, Ioannis, Sun, Sun Kai, Anderson, Sally, Ashburn, Peter and Morgan, Hywel (2016) Low-cost nanoribbon sensors for protein analysis in human serum using a miniature bead-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Analytical Chemistry, 88 (9), 4872-4878. (doi:10.1021/acs.analchem.6b00702).

Crescentini, M., Tartagni, M., Morgan, H. and Traverso, P.A. (2017) A compact low-noise broadband digital picoammeter architecture. Measurement, 100, 194-204. (doi:10.1016/j.measurement.2016.12.040).

PAPADIMITRIOU, KONSTANTINOS, EVANS, DANIEL J, Greathead, Louise, Vasilakis, Nikolaos-Sotirios, Pantelidis, Panagiotis, Kelleher, Peter, Morgan, Hywel and Prodromakis, Themistoklis (2017) An Assay System For Point-of-Care Diagnosis Of Tuberculosis using Commercially Manufactured PCB Technology. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0031 [Dataset]

Evans, Daniel J., Papadimitriou, Konstantinos, Greathead, Louise, Vasilakis, Nikolaos-Sotirios, Morgan, Hywel and Prodromakis, Themistoklis (2017) An assay system for point-of-care diagnosis of tuberculosis using commercially manufactured PCB technology. Scientific Reports, 7, [685 (2017)]. (doi:10.1038/s41598-017-00783-8).

Hu, Chunxiao, Kalsi, Sumit, Zeimpekis, Ioannis, Sun, Kai, Ashburn, Peter, Turner, Carrie, Sutton, J. Mark and Morgan, Hywel (2017) Ultra-fast electronic detection of antimicrobial resistance genes using isothermal amplification and thin film transistor sensors. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 96, 281-287. (doi:10.1016/j.bios.2017.05.016).

Vasilakis, Nikolaos, Papadimitriou, Konstantinos I., Morgan, Hywel and Prodromakis, Themistoklis (2017) High-performance PCB-based capillary pumps for affordable Point-of-Care diagnostics. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 21, [103]. (doi:10.1007/s10404-017-1935-2).

McGrath, J.S., Honrado, C., Spencer, D., Horton, B., Bridle, H.L. and Morgan, H. (2017) Analysis of parasitic protozoa at the single-cell level using microfluidic impedance cytometry. Scientific Reports, 7 (1), 1-11, [2601]. (doi:10.1038/s41598-017-02715-y).

Honrado, Carlos, Manuel Fernandes and McGrath, John (2017) Dataset for "Analysis of Parasitic Protozoa at the Single-cell Level using Microfluidic Impedance Cytometry" article. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0047 [Dataset]

Morgan, Hywel, Kalsi, Sumit, Valiadi, Martha, Zeimpekis, Ioannis, Hu, Chunxiao, Sun, Kai and Ashburn, Peter (2015) From smartphones to diagnostics: Low cost electronics for programmable digital microfluidics and sensing. International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, , Gyeongju, Korea, Republic of. 24 - 29 Oct 2015. pp. 254-256 .

Kalsi, Sumit, Sellars, Samuel, Lee, Turner, Carrie, Sutton, Mark and Morgan, Hywel (2017) Programmable digital microfluidic assay for simultaneous detection of multiple anti-microbial resistance genes. Micromachines, 8 (4). (doi:10.3390/mi8040111).

Xavier, Miguel, de Andrés, María C., Spencer, Daniel, Oreffo, Richard and Morgan, Hywel (2017) Size and dielectric properties of skeletal stem cells change critically after enrichment and expansion from human bone marrow: consequences for microfluidic cell sorting. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 14 (133), 1-13. (doi:10.1098/rsif.2017.0233).

Ng, Ka Ying Bonnie, Mingels, Roel, Morgan, Hywel, Macklon, Nick and Cheong, Ying (2018) In-vivo oxygen, temperature and pH dynamics in the reproductive tract and their importance in human conception. Human Reproduction Update, 24 (1), 15-34. (doi:10.1093/humupd/dmx028).

Walker, David I., McQuillan, Jonathan S., Taiwo, Michael, Parks, Rachel, Stenton, Craig A., Morgan, Hywel, Mowlem, Matthew C. and Lees, David N. (2017) A highly specific Escherichia coli qPCR and its comparison with existing methods for environmental waters. Water Research, 126, 101-110. (doi:10.1016/j.watres.2017.08.032).

Zeimpekis, Ioannis, Papadimitriou, Konstantinos, Sun, Kai, Hu, Chunxiao, Ashburn, Peter, Morgan, Hywel and Prodromakis, Themistoklis (2017) A sub-30 mpH resolution thin film transistor-based nanoribbon biosensing platform. Sensors, 17 (9), 1-12. (doi:10.3390/s17092000).

Honrado, Carlos, Manuel Fernandes (2018) Dataset for "Dielectric characterization of Plasmodium falciparum infected red blood cells using microfluidic impedance cytometry" article. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0516 [Dataset]

HU, CHUNXIAO, Kalsi, Sumit, Zeimpekis, Ioannis, Sun, Kai, Ashburn, Peter, Turner, Carrie, Sutton, J. Mark and Morgan, Hywel (2018) Dataset for Ultra-fast electronic detection of antimicrobial resistance genes using isothermal amplification and thin film transistor sensors. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/404101 [Dataset]

Nakano, MIchihiko (2018) Dataset for Fast and sensitive isothermal DNA assay using micro-bead dielectrophoresis for detection of anti-microbial resistance genes. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0572 [Dataset]

Kalsi, Sumit, Sellars, Samuel, Lee, Turner, Carrie, Sutton, Mark and Morgan, Hywel (2018) Programmable digital microfluidic assay for simultaneous detection of multiple anti-microbial resistance genes. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/404856 [Dataset]

Honrado, Carlos, Manuel Fernandes and Holm, Stefan (2018) Dataset for "Integrated Separation and Readout – Towards Field-diagnosis of Trypanosomiasis". University of Southampton [Dataset]

Nakano, MIchihiko, Kalsi, Sumit and Morgan, Hywel (2018) Fast and sensitive isothermal DNA assay using micro-bead dielectrophoresis for detection of anti-microbial resistance genes. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 117, 583-589. (doi:10.1016/j.bios.2018.06.063).

Honrado, Carlos, Manuel Fernandes, Ciuffreda, Laura, Spencer, Daniel, Ranford-Cartwright, Lisa and Morgan, Hywel (2018) Dielectric characterization of Plasmodium falciparum infected red blood cells using microfluidic impedance cytometry. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 15 (147). (doi:10.1098/rsif.2018.0416).

Kalsi, Sumit, Valiadi, Martha, Turner, Carrie, Sutton, J. Mark and Morgan, Hywel (2019) Sample pre-concentration on a digital microfluidic platform for rapid AMR detection in urine. Lab on a Chip, 19, 168-177. (doi:10.1039/C8LC01249K).

Evans, Daniel, Papadimitriou, Konstantinos I., Vasilakis, Nikolaos, Pantelidis, Panagiotis, Kelleher, Peter, Morgan, Hywel and Prodromakis, Themistoklis (2018) A novel microfluidic point-of-care biosensor system on printed circuit board for cytokine detection. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 18 (11), 1-14. (doi:10.3390/s18114011).

Kalsi, Sumit (2018) Dataset for Sample pre-concentration on a digital microfluidic platform for rapid AMR detection in urine. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0731 [Dataset]

Kalsi, Sumit, Mingels, Roeland, Lu, Shilong, Cheong, Ying and Morgan, Hywel (2018) Metal oxide sensors for long term pH monitoring. NanoBioTech Montreux Conference, , Montreux, Switzerland. 2 pp .

Queiros De Almeida Xavier, Jorge, Morgan, Hywel, Oreffo, Richard and Spencer, Daniel (2019) Dataset for Label-free enrichment of primary human skeletal progenitor cells using deterministic lateral displacement. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0694 [Dataset]

Queiros De Almeida Xavier, Jorge, Holm, Stefan, Beech, Jason, Spencer, Daniel, Tegenfeldt, Jonas, Oreffo, Richard and Morgan, Hywel (2019) Label-free enrichment of primary human skeletal progenitor cells using deterministic lateral displacement. Lab on a Chip, 19 (3), 513-523. (doi:10.1039/C8LC01154K).

Vasilakis, Nikolaos, Papadimitriou, Konstantinos I., Morgan, Hywel and Prodromakis, Themistoklis (2019) Modular pressure and flow rate-balanced microfluidic serial dilution networks for miniaturised point-of-care diagnostic platforms. Sensors, 19 (4). (doi:10.3390/s19040911).

Calero Martin, Victor (2019) Data for AC electrokinetic biased Deterministic Lateral Displacement for tunable particle separation. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0822 [Dataset]

Calero Martin, Victor, Garcia-Sanchez, Pablo, Honrado, Carlos M, Ramos, Antonio and Morgan, Hywel (2019) AC electrokinetic biased deterministic lateral displacement for tunable particle. Lab on a Chip, 19 (8), 1386-1396. (doi:10.1039/C8LC01416G).

Thomas, Rupert, Mitchell, Peter D., Oreffo, Richard O. C., Morgan, Hywel and Green, Nicolas (2019) Image‐based sorting and negative dielectrophoresis for high purity cell and particle separation. Electrophoresis. (doi:10.1002/elps.201800489).

Walker, David I., McQuillan, Jonathan, Taiwo, Michael, Parks, Rachel, Stenton, Craig A., Morgan, H., Mowlem, Matthew C. and Lees, David N. (2019) Corrigendum to “A highly specific Escherichia coli qPCR and its comparison with existing methods for environmental waters” (Water Research (2017) 126 (101–110), (S0043135417306942), (10.1016/j.watres.2017.08.032)). Water Research, 161, 652. (doi:10.1016/j.watres.2019.06.070).

Calero Martin, Victor, Garcia-Sanchez, Pablo, Ramos, Antonio and Morgan, Hywel (2019) Combining DC and AC electric fields with Deterministic Lateral Displacement for Micro- and Nano-particle separation. Biomicrofluidics, 13, [054110]. (doi:10.1063/1.5124475).

Calero Martin, Victor (2019) Data for Combining DC and AC electric fields with Deterministic Lateral Displacement for Micro- and Nano-particle separation. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1106 [Dataset]

Spencer, Daniel and Morgan, Hywel (2020) Dataset for: High-Speed Single-Cell Dielectric Spectroscopy. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1220 [Dataset]

Spencer, Daniel and Morgan, Hywel (2020) High-speed single-cell dielectric spectroscopy. ACS Sensors, 5 (2), 423-430. (doi:10.1021/acssensors.9b02119).

Karra, Nikita, Swindle, Emily and Morgan, Hywel (2020) Drug delivery for traditional and emerging airway models. Organs-on-a-Chip, 1-19, [100002]. (doi:10.1016/j.ooc.2020.100002).

Elkington, Paul, Dickinson, Alexander, Mavrogordato, Mark, Spencer, Daniel, Gillams, Richard, De Grazia, Antonio, Rosini, Sebastian, Garay Baquero, Diana, Diment, Laura, Mahobia, Nitin, Mant, Alexandra, Baynham, Tom and Morgan, Hywel (2021) A Personal respirator to improve protection for healthcare workers treating COVID-19 (PeRSo). Frontiers in Medical Technology, 3 (664259), 1-11. (doi:10.3389/fmedt.2021.664259).

Elkington, Paul, Dickinson, Alexander, Mavrogordato, Mark, Spencer, Daniel and Morgan, Hywel (2020) Dataset for "A Personal Respirator for Healthcare Professionals Treating COVID-19 (PeRSo)". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1300 [Dataset]

Calero Martin, Victor (2020) Data for Electrokinetic biased Deterministic Lateral Displacement: Scaling Analysis and Simulations. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1341 [Dataset]

Elkington, Paul and Morgan, Hywel (2020) Personal respirators for population level control of the COVID19 pandemic. Journal of Infection, 81 (2), 318-356. (doi:10.1016/j.jinf.2020.04.025).

Calero, Victor, Morgan, Hywel, Garcia-Sanchez, Pablo and Ramos, Antonio (2020) Electrokinetic biased deterministic lateral displacement: scaling analysis and simulations. Journal of Chromatography A, 1623, [461151]. (doi:10.1016/j.chroma.2020.461151).

Spencer, Daniel, Morgan, Hywel, Sutton, J. Mark, Paton, Teagan and Inglis, Timothy J.J. (2020) Dataset for: A fast impedance-based antimicrobial susceptibility test. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1405 [Dataset]

Desalvo, Anna, Bateman, Faith, James, Edward, Morgan, Hywel and Elliott, Tim (2020) Time-resolved microwell cell-pairing array reveals multiple T cell activation profiles. Lab on a Chip, 20 (20), 3772-3783. (doi:10.1039/d0lc00628a).

Spencer, Daniel, Paton, Teagan, Mulroney, Kieran, Inglis, Timothy J.J., Sutton, J. Mark and Morgan, Hywel (2020) A fast impedance-based antimicrobial susceptibility test. Nature Communications, 11 (5328), [5328]. (doi:10.1038/s41467-020-18902-x).

Calero, Víctor, Fernandez-Mateo, Raul, Morgan, Hywel, García-Sánchez, Pablo and Ramos, Antonio (2021) Stationary electro-osmotic flow driven by ac fields around insulators. Physical Review Applied, 15 (1), [014047]. (doi:10.1103/PhysRevApplied.15.014047).

Fernandez-Mateo, Raul (2021) Dataset: Stationary Electroosmotic Flow Driven by AC Fields Around Charged Dielectric Spheres. University of Southampton 10.52.58/SOTON/D1898 [Dataset]

Fernández-Mateo, Raúl, García-Sánchez, Pablo, Calero, Víctor, Morgan, Hywel and Ramos, Antonio (2021) Stationary electro-osmotic flow driven by AC fields around charged dielectric spheres. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 924 (R2), [650]. (doi:10.1017/jfm.2021.650).

Munro, Alasdair, Prieto, Jacqui, Mentzakis, Emmanouil, Mansour, Mohammed AM, Mahobia, Nitin, Baker, Peter, Herbert, Sarah, Smith, Trevor, Hine, Matthew, Hall, Joann, McClarren, Angie, Davidson, Mike, Brooks, Julie, Fisher, Jane, Griffiths, David, Morgan, Hywel, Giulietti, Corrado, Faust, Saul and Elkington, Paul (2021) Powered respirators are effective, sustainable, and cost-effective personal protective equipment for SARS-CoV-2. Frontiers in Medical Technology, 3 (October 2021), 1-13, [729658]. (doi:10.3389/fmedt.2021.729658).

Fernandez-Mateo, Raul (2021) Dataset: Short Communication: A simple and accurate method of measuring the Zeta-Potential of microfluidic channels. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1998 [Dataset]

Fernandez-Mateo, Raul (2021) Dataset: Concentration-Polarization Electroosmosis Near Insulating Constrictions within Microfluidic Channels. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D2008 [Dataset]

Fernandez-Mateo, Raul and Calero martin, Victor (2022) Dataset: Wall Repulsion of Charged Colloidal Particles during Electrophoresis in Microfluidic Channels. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D2120 [Dataset]

Fernandes, Joao, Cabaco and Karra, Nikita (2022) Data to support the article Real-time monitoring of epithelial barrier function by impedance spectroscopy in a microfluidic platform. University of Southampton [Dataset]

Karra, Nikita (2022) Data associated with Chapter 3, 4 and 5 of the thesis ‘ Development of an integrated aerosol drug delivery device for an in vitro airway barrier on a chip platform’. University of Southampton [Dataset]

Fernandez-Mateo, Raul, Calero, Víctor, Morgan, Hywel, Garcia-Sanchez, Pablo and Ramos, Antonio (2022) Wall repulsion of charged colloidal particles during electrophoresis in microfluidic channels. Physical Review Letters, 128 (7), [074501]. (doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.074501).

Ng, Ka Ying Bonnie, Evans, Rhiannon, Morgan, Hywel, Mentzakis, Emmanouil and Cheong, Ying C. (2022) Discrete choice experiment exploring women's preferences in a novel device designed to monitor the womb environment and improve our understanding of reproductive disorders. BMJ Open, 12 (4), e058419, [e058419]. (doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-058419).

Garcia Garcia, Fernando, Carlos, Candarlioglu, Pelin, Porter, James, Swindle, Emily, Davies, Donna and Morgan, Hywel (2022) Microfluidic technologies for ex vivo tissue biopsies: a review. Organs-on-a-Chip. (doi:10.1016/j.ooc.2022.100020). (In Press)

Fernandes, Joao, Cabaco, Karra, Nikita, Bowring, Joel, Reale, Riccardo, James, Jonathan, Pell, Theresa, Blume, Cornelia, Rowan, Wendy, Davies, Donna, Swindle, Emily and Morgan, Hywel (2022) Real-time monitoring of epithelial barrier function by impedance spectroscopy in a microfluidic platform. Lab on a Chip. (doi:10.1039/D1LC01046H).

Caselli, Federica, Reale, Riccardo, Ninno, Adele De, Spencer, Daniel, Morgan, Hywel and Bisegna, Paolo (2022) Deciphering impedance cytometry signals with neural networks. Lab on a Chip, 22, 1714-1722. (doi:10.1039/D2LC00028H). (In Press)

Humbert, Maria Victoria, Spalluto, Cosma Mirella, Bell, Joseph, Blume, Cornelia, Conforti, Franco, Davies, Elizabeth R, Dean, Lareb S N, Elkington, Paul, Haitchi, Hans Michael, Jackson, Claire, Jones, Mark G, Loxham, Matthew, Lucas, Jane S, Morgan, Hywel, Polak, Marta, Staples, Karl J, Swindle, Emily J, Tezera, Liku, Watson, Alastair and Wilkinson, Tom M A (2022) Towards an artificial human lung: modelling organ-like complexity to aid mechanistic understanding. The European respiratory journal, 60 (2). (doi:10.1183/13993003.00455-2022).

Fernandez-Mateo, Raul (2022) Dataset: Electrokinetic deterministic lateral displacement for fractionation of vesicles and nano-particles. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D2347 [Dataset]

Karra, Nikita (2022) Integrating an aerosolised drug delivery device with conventional static cultures and a dynamic airway barrier microphysiological system. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D2252 [Dataset]


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Williams, Sarah, Yardley, Lucy, Wills, Gary, Samangooei, Sina and Gilbert, Lester (2010) A Virtual Research Environment (VRE) to Support Sharing and Collaboration in Internet Intervention Projects. In, Med-e-tel: Global Telemedicines and eHealth Updates: Knowledge Resources. Med-e-Tel 2010 (13/04/10 - 15/04/10) Luxembourg, LU. Med-e-Tel, pp. 518-522.

Gilbert, Lester and de Watteville, Alastair (2001) Advanced VCE in Information and Communication Technology Tutor's File , Heinemann

Nitsun, M, Ryan, M, Gilbert, L and Mason, H (2005) A Prospective Study of the Effectiveness of Group and Individual Psychotherapy for Women CSA Survivors. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 78 (4), 419-469.

Bantock, Graham and Gilbert, Lester (2003) Some notes on bulb inclination and on using a general VPP for modelling its effects. The Modern Yacht, Southampton. 16 - 17 Sep 2003. pp. 59-66 .

Gilbert, Lester (2001) The Revised IOM Class Rules. Marine Modelling International, Februa, 26-29.

de Watteville, Alastair and Gilbert, Lester (2000) Information and Communication Technology , Heinemann

Gilbert, Lester, Sim, Yee-Wai and Wang, Chu (2005) Modelling the Learning Transaction. The 5th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 04 - 07 Jul 2005. pp. 615-616 .

Gilbert, Lester, Sim, Yee-Wai and Wang, Chu (2005) An e-Learning Systems Engineering Methodology. The 5th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 04 - 07 Jul 2005. pp. 150-154 .

Wills, GB, Gilbert, L, Gee, Q, Davis, HC, Miles-Board, T, Millard, DE, Carr, LA, Hall, W and Grange, S (2005) A Grid Services Implementation for a Virtual Research Environment. 1st International ELeGI Conference on Advanced Technology for Enhanced Learning, Hotel Oriente, Vico Equense - Napoli (), Italy. 14 - 16 Mar 2005.

Wills, GB, Gilbert, L, Gee, Q, Davis, HC, Miles-Board, T, Millard, DE, Carr, LA, Hall, W and Grange, S (2005) Towards Grid Services for a Virtual Research Environment. The 5th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2005), Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 04 - 07 Jul 2005. pp. 863-867 .

Wills, G. B., Gilbert, L., Sim, Y. W., Wang, C. and Carr, L. (2005) Virtual Research Environments: A Literature Review s.n.

Sim, Y. W., Wang, C., Gilbert, L. and Wills, G. B. (2005) User Requirement Study for a Virtual Research Environment s.n.

Wang, C., Sim, Y. W., Gilbert, L. and Wills, G. B. (2005) Integrating Service Oriented Architecture with a Virtual Research Environment s.n.

Sim, Y. W., Wang, C., Gilbert, L. and Wills, G. B. (2005) Towards a Collaborative Orthopaedic Research Environment. the IEEE 1st International Workshop on Service-Oriented Computing: Consequences for Engineering Requirements (SOCCER'05), Paris, France.

Sim, Y. W., Wang, C., Carr, L. A., Davis, H. C., Gilbert, L., Grange, S., Millard, D. E. and Wills, G. B. (2005) A Web/Grid Services Approach for a Virtual Research Environment Implementation. the Fourth e-Science All Hands Meeting (AHM 2005), Nottingham, United Kingdom.

Sim, Y. W., Wang, C., Gilbert, L. and Wills, G. B. (2005) An Overview of Service-Oriented Architecture s.n.

Gilbert, Lester, Wills, Gary, Sim, Yee-Wai, Wang, Chu and Stenning, Matt (2005) e-Learning within a Collaborative Orthopaedic Research Environment (CORE). Association for Learning Technology (ALT-C 2005), University of Manchester. 05 - 07 Sep 2005. pp. 79-80 .

Stenning, M., Grange, S., Sim, Y. W., Wang, C., Gilbert, L. and Wills, G. (2005) CORE User Requirement Study s.n.

Millard, David, Howard, Yvonne, Bailey, Christopher, Davis, Hugh, Gilbert, Lester, Jeyes, Steve, Price, Joseph, Sclater, Niall, Sherratt, Robert, Tulloch, Iain, Wills, Gary and Young, Rowin (2005) Mapping the e-Learning Assessment Domain: Concept Maps for Orientation and Navigation. e-Learn 2005, Vancouver, Canada. 23 - 27 Oct 2005.

Gilbert, Lester and Gale, Veronica (2008) Principles of E-learning Systems Engineering , Chandos

Grange, S, Wang, C, Gilbert, L, Sim, YW, Millard, DE, Hall, W, Gardner, E and Wills, GB (2006) A Web/Grid Services Approach for Integration of Virtual Clinical & Research Environments. Integrated Health Records “Practice and Technologies”, National eScience Centre (NeSC), Edinburgh.

Gilbert, Lester, Sitthisak, Onjira, Sim, Yee Wai, Wang, Chu and Wills, Gary (2006) From collaborative virtual research environment to teaching and learning. TENcompetence Workshop: Learning Networks for Lifelong Competence Development, Sofia, Bulgaria. 29 - 30 Mar 2006.

Walters, Robert J, Millard, David E, Bernnett, Philip, Argles, David, Crouch, Stephen, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2006) Teaching the Grid: Learning Distributed Computing with the M-grid Framework. ED-MEDIA 2006--World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia &amp; Telecommunications, Orlando, United States. 25 - 29 Jun 2006. pp. 3857-3864 .

Wills, Gary, Davis, Hugh, Chennupati, Swapna, Gilbert, Lester, Howard, Yvonne, Jam, Ehtesham-Rasheed, Jeyes, Steve, Millard, David, Sherratt, Robert and Willingham, Gavin (2006) R2Q2: Rendering and Reponses Processing for QTIv2 Question Types. 10th International CAA Conference, Loughborough University, United Kingdom. 03 - 04 Jul 2006.

Makola, D, Sim, YW, Wang, C, Gilbert, L, Grange, SAW and Wills, GB (2006) A Service-Oriented Architecture for a Collaborative Orthopaedic Research Environment. 8th Annual Conference on WWW Applications, Bloemfontein, Free State Province, South Africa. 05 - 07 Sep 2006.

Millard, David, Bailey, Christopher, Davis, Hugh, Gilbert, Lester, Howard, Yvonne and Wills, Gary (2006) The e-Learning Assessment Landscape. International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT) 2006, Kerkrade, The, Netherlands. 04 - 06 Jul 2006.

Millard, David, Howard, Yvonne, Chennupati, Swapna, Davis, Hugh, Jam, Ehtesham-Rasheed, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2006) Design Patterns for Wrapping Similar Legacy Systems with Common Service Interfaces. European Conference on Web Services (ECOWS) 2006, Zurich, Switzerland. 04 - 06 Dec 2006.

Al-Khalifa, Hend S., Davis, Hugh C. and Gilbert, Lester (2007) Creating structure from disorder: using folksonomies to create semantic metadata. the 3rd International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST), Barcelona, Spain. 03 - 06 Mar 2007.

Millard, David E., Howard, Yvonne, Jam, Ehtesham-Rasheed, Chennupati, Swapna, Davis, Hugh C., Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary B. (2006) FREMA method for describing Web Services in a Service Oriented Architecture. s.n.

Sitthisak, Onjira, Gilbert, Lester, Zalfan, Mohd T and Davis, Hugh C (2007) Interactivity within IMS Learning Design and Question and Test Interoperability. the 3rd International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST), Barcelona, Spain. 03 - 06 Mar 2007.

Sitthisak, Onjira, Gilbert, Lester, Davis, Hugh C and Gobbi, Mary (2007) Adapting health care competencies to a formal competency model. 7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2007), Niigata, Japan. 17 - 19 Jul 2007. 4 pp .

Sitthisak, Onjira, Gilbert, Lester and Davis, Hugh C (2007) Towards a competency model for adaptive assessment to support lifelong learning. TENCompetence Workshop on Service Oriented Approaches and Lifelong Competence Development Infrastructures, Manchester, United Kingdom. 11 - 12 Jan 2007.

Wills, Gary, Davis, Hugh, Gilbert, Lester, Hare, Jonathon, Howard, Yvonne, Jeyes, Steve, Millard, David and Sherratt, Robert (2007) Delivery of QTIv2 Question Types. International CAA Conference, Loughborough, United Kingdom. 09 - 10 Jul 2007.

Wills, Gary, Bailey, Christopher, Davis, Hugh, Gilbert, Lester, Howard, Yvonne, Jeyes, Steve, Millard, David, Price, Joseph, Sclater, Niall, Sherratt, Robert, Tulloch, Iain and Young, Rowin (2007) AN E-LEARNING FRAMEWORK FOR ASSESSMENT (FREMA). International CAA Conference, Loughborough, United Kingdom. 09 - 10 Jul 2007.

Millard, David, Fill, Karen, Gilbert, Lester, Howard, Yvonne, Sinclair, Patrick, Senbanjo, Damilola and Wills, Gary (2007) Towards a Canonical View of Peer Assessment. International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT) 2007, Niigata, Japan. 17 - 19 Jul 2007.

Wills, Gary B., Abbas, Noura, Chandrasekharan, Rakhi, Crowder, Richard M., Gilbert, Lester, Howard, Yvonne, Millard, David E., Wong, Sylvia C. and Walters, Robert J (2007) An Agile Hypertext Design Methodology. 18th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, Manchester, United Kingdom. 09 - 11 Sep 2007.

Grange, Simon, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2007) A Collaborative Orthopaedic Research Environment. UK e-Science All Hands Meeting, Nottingham, United Kingdom. 09 - 12 Sep 2007.

Sitthisak, Onjira, Gilbert, Lester and Davis, Hugh C (2007) Transforming a competency model to assessment items. PROLIX Workshop 2007 in conjunction with EC-TEL07, Crete, Greece.

Gilbert, Lester and Sitthisak, Onjira (2007) Pedagogically informed metadata content and structure for learning and teaching. TENCompetence Open Workshop on Current research on IMS Learning Design and Lifelong Competence Development Infrastructures, Barcelona, Spain. 20 - 21 Jun 2007.

Millard, David, Doody, Karl, Davis, Hugh, Howard, Yvonne, Gilbert, Lester, Tao, Feng and Will, Gary (2006) (Semantic Web) Services for e-Learning. 2nd International ELeGI Conference on Advanced Technology for Enhanced Learning, Barcelona, Spain. 30 Sep 2006.

Millard, David, Howard, Yvonne, Abbas, Noura, Davis, Hugh, Gilbert, Lester, Wills, Gary and Walters, Robert (2007) The Service Responsibility and Interaction Design Method: Using an Agile approach for Web Service Design. the 5th IEEE European Conference on Web Services (ECOWS), Halle, Germany. 26 - 28 Nov 2007.

Sitthisak, Onjira, Gilbert, Lester and Davis, Hugh (2008) Transforming a competency model to assessment items. 4th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST), Funchal, Madeira -, Portugal. 03 - 06 May 2008. (Submitted)

Sitthisak, Onjira, Gilbert, Lester and Davis, Hugh (2008) Deriving e-assessment from a competency model. The 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2008), Santander, Cantabria, Spain. 30 Jun - 04 Jul 2008.

Zhang, Pei, Millard, David, Wills, Gary, Howard, Yvonne, Faulds, Sue, Gilbert, Lester and Sparks, Dan (2008) A Mobile Toolkit for Placement Learning. The 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2008), Santander, Cantabria, Spain. 30 Jun - 04 Jul 2008.

Millard, David, Faulds, Sue, Gilbert, Lester, Howard, Yvonne, Sparks, Dan, Wills, Gary and Zhang, Pei (2008) Co-design for conceptual spaces: an agile design methodology for m-learning. IADIS International Conference Mobile Learning 2008.

Millard, David, Doody, Karl, Davis, Hugh, Gilbert, Lester, Howard, Yvonne, Tao, Feng and Wills, Gary (2008) (Semantic Web) Services for e-Learning. International Journal of Knowledge and Learning (IJKL), 4 (3&4), 298-315. (doi:10.1504/IJKL.2008.020670).

Wills, Gary, Bailey, Christopher, Davis, Hugh, Gilbert, Lester, Howard, Yvonne, Jeyes, Steve, Millard, David, Price, Joseph, Sclater, Niall, Sherratt, Robert, Tulloch, Iain and Young, Rowin (2009) An E-Learning Framework for Assessment (FREMA). Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 34 (3), 273-292.

Wills, Gary, Davis, Hugh, Gilbert, Lester, Hare, Jonathon, Howard, Yvonne, Jeyes, Steve, Millard, David and Sherratt, Robert (2009) Delivery of QTIv2 question types. [in special issue: Emerging Frameworks for the Use of E-Assessment in Higher Education] Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 34 (3), 353-366. (doi:10.1080/02602930802071106).

Wills, Gary, Gilbert, Lester, Hare, Jonathan, Kajaba, Jiri, Argles, David and Millard, David (2008) Assessment Delivery Engine for QTIv2 Tests. 4th Ten Competence Open Workshop, Madrid. 09 - 10 Apr 2008.

Wills, Gary, Hare, Jonathan, Kajaba, Jiri, Argles, David, Gilbert, Lester and Millard, David (2008) A delivery engine for QTI assessments. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 3. (PMID:10.3991%2Fijet.v3i0.551)

Longpradit, Panchit, Hall, Wendy, Walters, Robert, Gilbert, Lester, Gee, Quintin and Wills, Gary (2008) An Inquiry-led Personalised Navigation System (IPNS) using multi-dimensional linkbases. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, Special Issue on Hypermedia beyond the Desktop, 14 (1), 33-55.

Sitthisak, Onjira, Gilbert, Lester and Davis, Hugh (2008) An evaluation of pedagogically informed parameterised questions for self assessment. [in special issue: Reframing E?assessment: Adopting New Media and Adapting Old Frameworks] Learning, Media and Technology, 33 (3), 235-248. (doi:10.1080/17439880802324210).

Wills, Gary, Hare, Jonathan, Kajaba, Jiri, Argles, David, Gilbert, Lester and Millard, David (2008) Assessment delivery engine for QTIv2 tests. International CAA Conference, Loughborough, United Kingdom. 07 - 08 Jul 2008. 10 pp .

Wald, Mike, Wills, Gary, Millard, David, Gilbert, Lester, Khoja, Shakeel, Kajaba, Jiri and Butt, Prins (2008) Multimedia Annotation and Community Folksonomy Building. World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia &amp; Telecommunications (EDMEDIA), Vienna, Austria. 02 - 03 Jun 2008. pp. 2213-2220 .

P Iskandar, Yulita Hanum, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2008) Reducing latency when using Virtual Reality for teaching in sport. Information Technology, 2008. ITSim 2008. International Symposium on, KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia. 25 - 27 Aug 2008. pp. 1-5 .

Gilbert, Lester (1999) Some Valuable Lessons from the Teaching & Learning Technology Programme in the UK. Journal of Interactive Learning and Research, 10 (1), 67-85.

Sitthisak, Onjira, Gilbert, Lester and Davis, Hugh (2009) Transforming a competency model to parameterised questions in assessment. Cordeiro, J., Hammoudi, S. and Filipe, J. (eds.) In Web Information Systems and Technologies: WEBIST 2008. vol. 18, Springer. pp. 392-405 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-642-01344-7_29).

Millard, David, Howard, Yvonne, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2009) Co-design and Co-deployment Methodologies for Innovative m-Learning Systems. In, Multiplatform E-Learning Systems and Technologies: Mobile Devices for Ubiquitous ICT-Based Education. IGI Global.

P Iskandar, Yulita Hanum, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2009) A Framework for Pedagogical Feedback in the Motor Skill Domain. The 9th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Riga, Latvia. 14 - 16 Jul 2009. pp. 37-39 .

Yusoff, Amri, Crowder, Richard, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2009) A conceptual framework for serious games. Ninth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Riga, Latvia. 14 - 16 Jul 2009.

P Iskandar, Yulita Hanum, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2010) A Conceptual Model For Learning Outcomes in the Motor Skill Domain. The Eighth IASTED International Conference on Web-based Education ~WBE 2010~, Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. 15 - 17 Mar 2010.

Gilbert, Lester, Gale, Veronica, Wills, Gary and Warburton, Bill (2009) JISC Report on E-Assessment Quality (REAQ) in UK Higher Education s.n.

Millard, David E., Howard, Yvonne, Abbas, Noura, Davis, Hugh C., Gilbert, Lester, Wills, Gary B. and Walters, Robert J. (2009) Pragmatic web service design: An agile approach with the service responsibility and interaction design method. Computer Science - Research and Development.

Li, Yunjia, Wald, Mike, Khoja, Shakeel, Wills, Gary, Millard, David, Kajaba, Jiri, Singh, Priyanaka and Gilbert, Lester (2009) Synote: Enhancing Multimedia E-Learning with Synchronised Annotation. First ACM international workshop on Multimedia technologies for distance learning, , Beijing, China. pp. 9-18 . (doi:10.1145/1631111.1631114).

P Iskandar, Yulita Hanum, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2009) The design of effective feedback in computer-based sport training. 7th International Symposium on Computer Science in Sport, Canberra, Australia. 21 - 24 Sep 2009.

Wald, Mike, Wills, Gary, Millard, David, Gilbert, Lester, Khoja, Shakeel, Kajaba, Jiri and Li, Yunjia (2009) Synchronised Annotation of Multimedia. : Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2009), Riga, Latvia. pp. 594-596 .

Wald, Mike, Wills, Gary, Millard, David, Gilbert, Lester, Khoja, Shakeel, Kajaba, Jiri, Li, Yunjia and Singh, Priyanaka (2009) Enhancing learning using synchronised multimedia annotation. EUNIS 2009: "IT: Key of the European Space for Knowledge", Santiago de Compostela, Spain. 22 - 25 Jun 2009.

Sitthisak, Onjira and Gilbert, Lester (2009) Improving the pedagogical expressiveness of IMS LD. International conference on Technology Enhanced Learning Conference, Taipei., Taiwan.

Sitthisak, Onjira and Gilbert, Lester (2009) Affordances of machine-processable competency modelling. Conference Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age, Rome, Italy.

P Iskandar, Yulita Hanum, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2010) Feedback in the Computer-based Sport Training. Global Learn Asia Pacific 2010 - Global Conference on Learning and Technology, Penang, Malaysia. 16 - 19 May 2010. (Submitted)

Yusoff, Amri, Crowder, Richard and Gilbert, Lester (2010) Validation of Serious Games Attributes Using the Technology Acceptance Model. The 2nd International IEEE Conference on Serious Games and Virtual Worlds for serious applications (VSGAMES 2010), Braga, Portugal. 25 - 26 Mar 2010. pp. 45-51 .

Nitchot, Athitaya, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2010) A Competence-based System for Recommending Study Materials from the Web (CBSR). The 9th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (ITHET 2010), Cappadocia, Turkey. 28 - 30 Apr 2010.

Nitchot, Athitaya, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2010) Towards a Competence based System for Recommending Study Materials (CBSR). The 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Sousse, Tunisia. 04 - 06 Jul 2010.

Bacigalupo, David, Warburton, Bill, Draffan, E.A., Zhang, Pei, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2010) A Formative eAssessment Co-Design Case Study. The 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Sousse, Tunisia. 04 - 06 Jul 2010.

Chen, Xiaoyu, Wills, Gary, Gilbert, Lester and Bacigalupo, David (2010) Using Cloud for Research: A Technical Review.

P Iskandar, Yulita Hanum, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2010) Pedagogical Feedback for Computer-based Sport Training. 2010 International Computer Assisted Assessment (CAA) Conference: Research into E-Assessment, Southampton, United Kingdom. 19 - 20 Jul 2010. (Submitted)

Nitchot, Athitaya, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2010) A Competence Model to Design Assessment Questions for Self-Study. 2010 International Computer Assisted Assessment (CAA) Conference: Research into E-Assessment, Southampton, United Kingdom. 19 - 20 Jul 2010.

Bacigalupo, David, Warburton, Bill, Draffan, E.A., Zhang, Pei, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2010) The EASiHE Spanish and British Sign Language Formative eAssessment Case Studies. CAA 2010, , Southampton, United Kingdom. 19 - 20 Jul 2010.

Zhang, Pei, Wills, Gary, Gilbert, Lester, Warburton, Bill and Bacigalupo, David (2010) IMS QTIEngine on Android to Support Offline Mobile Learning. The 2010 International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology, Macau. 25 - 27 Jan 2010.

Zhang, Pei, Wills, Gary and Gilbert, Lester (2010) IMS QTIEngine on Android to Support Mobile Learning and Assessment. 2010 International Computer Assisted Assessment (CAA) Conference, Southampton, United Kingdom. 19 - 20 Jul 2010.

Chen, Xiaoyu, Wills, Gary, Gilbert, Lester and Bacigalupo, David (2010) Guidance Notes for Cloud Infrastructure Service Provider.

Bacigalupo, David, Chen, Xiaoyu, Wills, Gary and Gilbert, Lester (2010) Guidance Notes for Cloud Research Users.

Ibrahim, Roziana, Wills, Gary and Gilbert, Lester (2010) deGendering Games: Towards the Development of a Gender-Inclusivity Framework (GIF). Grace Hopper Conference 2010: Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, Atlanta, Georgia. 27 Sep - 01 Oct 2010. p. 51 .

Ibrahim, Roziana, Wills, Gary and Gilbert, Lester (2010) deGendering Games: Towards A Gender-Inclusive Framework For Games. IADIS International Conference: Games and Entertainment Technologies part of the IADIS Multiconference on Computer Science &amp; Information Systems (MCCSIS 2010), Freiburg., Germany. 25 - 27 Jul 2010. pp. 127-130 .

Ibrahim, Roziana, Wills, Gary and Gilbert, Lester (2010) A Conceptual Framework for Supporting Gender-Inclusivity in Games. the i Interactive Technologies and Games: Education, Health and Disability Conference., Nottingham, United Kingdom. 25 - 26 Oct 2010. (In Press)

Wills, Gary, Gilbert, Lester, Grange, Simon and Recio, Alejandra (2010) VRIC-Virtual Research Integration Collaboration: A VRE aimed at creating a framework to manage the research life cycles of basic science and clinical research s.n. (Submitted)

P Iskandar, Yulita Hanum, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2011) Machine-processable Representation of Training Outcomes. IEEE Learning Technology Newsletter, 13 (1).

Wills, Gary, Gilbert, Lester, Grange, Simon, Recio, Alejandra, Santer, Michael, Smitham, Peter and Malikian, Raphael (2010) Virtual Research Integration Collaboration: Procedural report JISC (Submitted)

Bacigalupo, David A., van Hemert, Jano, Chen, Xiaoyu, Usmani, Asif, Chester, Adam P., He, Ligang, Dillenberger, Donna N., Wills, Gary, Gilbert, Lester and Jarvis, Stephen A. (2011) Managing Dynamic Enterprise and Urgent Workloads on Clouds Using Layered Queuing and Historical Performance Models. Simulation Modelling Practice & Theory, 19 (6), 1479-1495.

Chen, Xiaoyu, Khan, A., Wills, G.B. and Gilbert, L.H. (2011) Developing Resource Usage Service in WLCG. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 58 (2), 451-460. (doi:10.1109/TNS.2011.2112775).

Gilbert, Lester (2009) Re-purpose, Re-use: Reconsider. IEEE Learning Technology Newsletter, 11 (4), 36-39.

Nitchot, Athitaya, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2011) Competence-based System for Recommending Study Materials from the Web: Design and Experiment. ED-MEDIA 2011-World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia &amp; Telecommunications, Lisbon, Portugal. 26 - 30 Jun 2011.

Zhang, Pei, Recio, Alejandra, Wills, Gary, Smitham, Peter, Gilbert, Lester, Santer, Mike, Kanani, Michael and Grange, Simon (2011) Catch before a fall – an iPad application for Osteoporosis Risk Assessment. IADIS e-Society, , Avila, Spain. 10 - 13 Mar 2011.

Ibrahim, Roziana, Wills, Gary and Gilbert, Lester (2011) Gender inclusivity framework (GIF): Inter-rater agreement towards the components of gender inclusivity in games. IADIS International Conference Game and Entertainment Technologies 2011, Rome, Italy. 21 - 23 Jul 2011. (Submitted)

Ibrahim, Roziana, Wills, Gary and Gilbert, Lester (2011) Development of a conceptual framework for supporting gender inclusivity in games. IADIS International Conference Game and Entertainment Technologies 2011, Rome, Italy. 21 - 23 Jul 2011. (Submitted)

Sitthisak, Onjira and Gilbert, Lester (2010) An evaluation of generated question sequences based on competency modelling. The 18th International Conference on Computers in Education, Malaysia.

Sitthisak, Onjira and Gilbert, Lester (2010) Extension of IMS LD for improved pedagogical expressiveness in assessment. The International Computer Assisted Assessment (CAA) Conference: Research into E-Assessment, Southampton, United Kingdom. (In Press)

Nitchot, Athitaya, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2011) Designing XML Schema of a Competence Structure from Course Intended Learning Outcomes. The 14th IASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in Education, Cambridge, United Kingdom. 10 - 12 Jul 2011.

Yusoff, Amri, Wills, Gary, Crowder, Richard and Gilbert, Lester (2011) Pedagogy and Game Attributes for Teaching English as a Second Language. Universiti Malaysia Terengganu 10th International Annual Symposium (UMTAS 2011), Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia. 10 - 12 Jul 2011. (Submitted)

Nitchot, Athitaya, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2011) Designing a Competence Structure to Generate Learning Paths and Assessment Questions for Self-Study. 2011 International Computer Assisted Assessment (CAA) Conference, Southampton, United Kingdom. 04 - 05 Jul 2011.

Chen-Wilson, Lisha, Gilbert, Lester, Wills, Gary, Gravell, Andrew and Argles, David (2011) A User-Centric Approach for Secured eDocument Transmission: Digital Signing Practical Issues and the eCert Solution. International Journal for Information Security Research (IJISR), 1 (3).

Tangworakitthaworn, Preecha, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2011) Towards a Matching Strategy of Constructivism and Instructionism. The 19th International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2011, Chiang Mai, Thailand. 28 Nov - 02 Dec 2011.

Schiano di Zenise, Michele, Vitaletti, Andrea, Chen-Wilson, Lisha, Gilbert, Lester and Argles, David (2011) eIDeCert: a user-centric solution for mobile identification. International Journal for Infonomics, 4 (1).

Alotaibi, Sara, Wald, Mike and Gilbert, Lester (2012) Limitations In The Current Federated Access Management Systems. International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology (IJIMT, ISSN: 2010-0248).

Nitchot, Athitaya, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2012) Competence Web-based System for Suggesting Study Materials Links: Approach & Experimental Design. EdMedia 2012 - World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, Denver, CO, United States.

Whitelock, Denise M., Gilbert, Lester, Hatzipanagos, Stylianos, Watt, Stuart, Zhang, Pei, Gillary, Paul and Recio, Alejandra (2012) Addressing the Challenges of Assessment and Feedback in Higher Education: A collaborative effort across three UK Universities. INTED 2012, Valencia, Spain. (In Press)

Gilbert, Lester, Whitelock, Denise and Gale, Veronica (2011) Synthesis report on assessment and feedback with technology enhancement s.n.

Tangworakitthaworn, Preecha, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2012) An Equivalent Architecture of Learner's and Instructor's Knowledge through the Matching of Intended Learning Outcome. 5th World Summit on the Knowledge Society, Rome, Italy. 19 - 21 Jun 2012.

Parker, Marlon, Wills, Julia, Aanhuizen, Lucille, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2012) Mobile instant messaging used to provide support and advice to South African youth. International Journal of ICT Research and Development in Africa (IJICTRDA), 3 (2).

Whitelock, Denise, Gilbert, Lester, Hatzipanagos, Stylianos, Watt, Stuart, Zhang, Pei, Gillary, Paul and Recio, Alejandra (2012) Supporting tutors with their feedback using Open Mentor. 10th International Conference on Computer Based Learning in Science. 25 May - 28 Jun 2012. 12 pp .

Recio, Alejandra, Gillary, Paul, Hatzipanagos, Stylianos, Watt, Stuart, Whitelock, Denise, Zhang, Pei and Gilbert, Lester (2012) Improving a tutor’s feedback assessment tool: transforming Open Mentor following two recent deployments. CAA 2012: International Computer Assisted Assessment Conference, Southampton, United Kingdom. 09 - 10 Jul 2012.

Wills, Gary, Gilbert, Lester and Recio, Alejandra (2012) Towards a framework for games and simulations in STEM subject assessments. CAA 2012: International Computer Assisted Assessment Conference, Southampton, United Kingdom. 09 - 10 Jul 2012.

Yusoff, Amri, Crowder, Richard M., Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2012) A Conceptual Teacher-Learner Model for a Collaborative Learning with Serious Games. GAMES + LEARNING + SOCIETY CONFERENCE (GLS 8.0). 12 - 14 Jun 2012. pp. 601-602 .

Yosoff, Amri, Crowder, Richard, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2012) A Collaborative Learning with Conceptual Teacher-Learner Model. Pembentang Simposium Pendidikan Bestari 2012, Shah Alam, Malaysia. 9 pp .

Angkananon, Kewalin, Wald, Mike and Gilbert, Lester (2013) Technology enhanced interaction framework. CGAT 2013 - 6th Annual International Conference on Computer Games, Multimedia and Allied Technologies, Singapore, Singapore. 21 - 22 Apr 2013. 6 pp .

Angkananon, Kewalin, Wald, Mike and Gilbert, Lester (2013) Using the technology enhanced interaction framework for interaction scenarios involving disabled people. 2nd International Conference on Advances in Information Technology, Bangkok, Thailand. 05 - 06 Apr 2013.

Angkananon, Kewalin, Wald, Mike and Gilbert, Lester (2013) Designing mobile web solutions for interaction scenarios involving disabled people. 8th IASTED International Conference on Advances in Computer Science, Phuket, Thailand. 09 - 11 Apr 2013.

Angkananon, Kewalin, Wald, Mike and Gilbert, Lester (2013) Using the technology enhanced interaction framework for interaction scenarios involving disabled people. International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and its Applications, 3, 1-5. (doi:10.3850/978-981-07-5939-1_25).

Angkananon, Kewalin, Wald, Mike and Gilbert, Lester , Moscholios, Ioannis and Rychly, Marek (eds.) (2013) Issues in conducting expert validation and review and user evaluation of the technology enhanced interaction framework and method. Issues in conducting expert validation and review and user evaluation of the technology enhanced interaction framework and method, 124-128.

Angkananon, Kewalin, Wald, Mike and Gilbert, Lester (2013) Findings of expert validation and review of the technology enhanced interaction framework. The 13th International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice, Las Vegas, United States. 21 - 24 Jul 2013.

Angkananon, Kewalin, Wald, Mike and Gilbert, Lester (2013) Applying technology enhanced interaction framework to accessible mobile learning. 5th International Conference on Software Development and Technologies for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion (DSAI 2013). 13 - 15 Nov 2013. 10 pp .

Tangworakitthaworn, Preecha, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2013) Facilitating Formative Assessment Through Learning Paths Extracted From a Logical Structure of Intended Learning Outcomes. International Computer Assisted Assessment (CAA 2013) Conference. 08 - 09 Jul 2013.

Tangworakitthaworn, Preecha, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary B. (2013) Designing and diagraming an intended learning outcome structure: a case study from the instructors' perspective. 13th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), Beijing, China. 14 - 17 Jul 2013. pp. 189-193 . (doi:10.1109/ICALT.2013.58).

Recio, Alejandra, Whitelock, Denise, Gilbert, Lester, Hatzipanagos, Stylianos, Gillary, Paul, Watt, Stuart and Zhang, Pei (2013) Improving a tutor’s feedback assessment tool: transforming Open Mentor following two recent deployments. International Journal of e-Assessment, 3 (1), 1-16.

Tangworakitthaworn, Preecha, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2013) A conceptual model of intended learning outcomes supporting curriculum development. 32nd International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2013), Hong Kong, Hong Kong. 11 - 13 Nov 2013. pp. 161-173 .

Angkananon, Kewalin, Wald, Mike and Gilbert, Lester (2013) Technology Enhanced Interaction Framework: issues in evaluating a new software design framework and method. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications. (Submitted)

Wongse-ek, Woraluck, Wills, Gary and Gilbert, Lester (2013) Towards a trust model in e-learning: antecedents of a student’s trust. IADIS e-Learning 2013 Conference, Prague, Czech Republic. 22 - 25 Jul 2013.

Chaisriya, Somjit, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary B. (2013) The game challenge model. International Conferences: part of the IADIS Multi Conference MCCSIS 2013: e-Learning, Lisbon, Portugal. 21 - 23 Jul 2013. 4 pp . (In Press)

Wongse-ek, Woraluck, Wills, Gary and Gilbert, Lester (2012) Calculating learner’s trust in teaching activity. Reasoning Web 2012 Summer School, Vienna, Austria. 02 - 07 Sep 2012.

Pinpathomrat, Nakarin, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2012) A model for the uptake and continued use of e-learning in Thai higher education. Asia Regional OpenCourseWare and Open Education Conference (AROOC2012), Bangkok, Thailand. 21 - 22 Jan 2012.

Pinpathomrat, Nakarin, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2013) A model of e-learning uptake and continued use in higher education institutions. IADIS International Conference: e-Learning 2013, Praha, Czech Republic. 22 - 25 Jul 2013.

Pinpathomrat, Nakarin, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2013) A model of e-learning adoption in higher education institutions: national culture consideration. E-LEARN 2013 - World Conference on E-Learning, Las Vegas, United States. 20 - 23 Oct 2013.

Tangworakitthaworn, Preecha, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2013) ILO diagram: a conceptual model for curriculum development. IEEE Technology and Engineering Education, 8 (3), 12-19.

Frazer, Alex, Recio, Alejandra, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2014) Profiling the educational value of computer games. [in special issue: Games for learning] Interaction Design & Architecture(s) Journal - IxD&A, 19, Winter Issue, 1-19.

Angkananon, Kewalin, Wald, Mike and Gilbert, Lester (2014) User evaluation of technology enhanced interaction framework. The 14th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (ICCHP), Paris, France. 10 Jul 2014. 8 pp .

Alqurashi, Ezzat, Wills, Gary and Gilbert, Lester (2013) A viable system model for information security governance: establishing a baseline of the current information security operations system. Janczewski, Lech J., Wolfe, Henry B. and Shenoi, Shujeet (eds.) In Security and Privacy Protection in Information Processing Systems. 28th IFIP TC 11 International Conference, SEC 2013, Auckland, New Zealand, July 8-10, 2013. Proceedings. Springer. pp. 245-256 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-642-39218-4_19).

Sitthisak, Onjira and Gilbert, Lester (2014) Competence modelling and technology-enhanced learning , Scholars Press, 288pp.

Yusoff, Amri, Crowder, Richard, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2014) A conceptual design for a teacher-learner framework for educational serious games. Journal of ICT in Education, 1 (1), 1-10.

Wongse-Ek, Woraluck, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2014) Calculating trustworthiness based on learning outcome. E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2014, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States, United States. 27 - 30 Oct 2014. pp. 2085-2090 .

Angkananon, Kewalin, Wald, Mike and Gilbert, Lester (2015) Technology enhanced interaction framework and method for accessibility in Thai museums. In 2015 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT). IEEE. pp. 316-321 . (doi:10.1109/ICoICT.2015.7231443).

Angkananon, K., Wald, M. and Gilbert, L. (2014) Developing and evaluating a technology enhanced interaction framework and method that can enhance the accessibility of mobile learning. Themes in Science and Technology Education, 7 (2), 99-118.

Zhang, Pei, Stalla-Bourdillon, Sophie and Gilbert, Lester (2016) A content-linking-context model for “notice-and-takedown” procedures. In WebSci '16 Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Web Science. ACM New York, NY, USA. pp. 161-165 . (doi:10.1145/2908131.2908171).

Wald, Michael, Angkananon, Kewalin and Gilbert, Lester (2016) Evaluation of technology for enhanced accessible interaction framework for local Thai museums. 28 pp .

Nitchot, Athitaya, Wettayaprasit, Wiphada and Gilbert, Lester (2018) Assistive tool for constructing knowledge structures and suggesting related study materials links. Education and Information Technologies, 1-12. (doi:10.1007/s10639-018-9762-y).

Tangworakitthaworn, Preecha, Gilbert, Lester and Maneerattanasak, Urairat (2018) A study of students’ conception of problem situations: Using conceptualization in scenario-based learning. Hanke, G, Spaniol, M, Osathanunkul, K, Unankard, S and Klamma, R (eds.) In Advances in Web-Based Learning – ICWL 2018. vol. 11007, Springer-Verlag. pp. 47-53 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-96565-9_5).

Nitchot, Athitaya, Wettayaprasit, Wiphada and Gilbert, Lester (2018) Personalized learning system for visualizing knowledge structures and recommending study materials links. E-Learning and Digital Media. (doi:10.1177/2042753018817615).

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