The University of Southampton


Paltani, S., Walter, R., McHardy, I. M., Dwelly, T., Steiner, C. and Courvoisier, T.J.-L. (2008) A deep INTEGRAL hard X-ray survey of the 3C 273/Coma region. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 485 (3), 707-718. (doi:10.1051/0004-6361:200809450).

Hartel, P., Butler, M., Currie, A., Henderson, P., Leuschel, M., Martin, A., Smith, A., Ultes-Nitsche, U. and Walters, R.J. (1999) Questions and Answers About Ten Formal Methods. Gnesi, S. and latella, D. (eds.) Proc. 4th Int. Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems. pp. 179-203 .

Phalp, K., Henderson, P., Abeysinghe, G. and Walters, R.J. (1998) RolEnact - Role Based Enactable Models of Business Processes. Information and Software Technology, 40 (3), 123-133.

Abeysinghe, G., Henderson, P., Phalp, K. and Walters, R.J. (1997) An Audience Centred Approach to Modelling for Business Processes ReEngineering. Gyorkos, J., Krisper, M. and Mayr, H. C. (eds.) Proc. 5th Int. Conf. Re-technologies for Information Systems (ReTis'97). pp. 63-80 .

Henderson, P. and Walters, R. J. (1999) Modelling Component-based Systems as an aid to Design Validation. 14th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE). pp. 303-6 .

Henderson, P. and Walters, R. J. (1999) System Design Validation Using Formal Models. Proc. 10th Int. Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping (RSP). pp. 10-14 .

Henderson, Peter, Howard, Yvonne Margaret and Walters, Robert John (2001) A Tool for Evaluation of the Software Development Process. Journal of Systems and Software, 59 (3), 355-362.

Henderson, Peter and Walters, Robert John (2001) Behavioural Analysis of Component-Based Systems. Information and Software Technology, 43 (3), 161-169.

Henderson, Peter, Crouch, Stephen and Walters, Robert John (2001) Inconsistency Tolerance across Enterprise Solutions. 8th IEEE Workshop on Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems. pp. 164-169 .

Henderson, Peter, Walters, Robert John and Crouch, Stephen (2002) RICES: Reasoning about Information Consistency across Enterprise Solutions. Henderson, Peter (ed.) Systems Enginerring for Business Process Change: New Directions. pp. 367-371 .

Walters, Robert John (2002) A Graphically based language for constructing, executing and analysing models of software systems. University of Southampton, Electronics and Computer Science, Doctoral Thesis.

Walters, Robert John (2002) A graphically based language for constructing, executing and analysing models of software systems. 26 th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference, Oxford, United Kingdom. 25 - 28 Aug 2002. pp. 363-369 .

Henderson, Peter, Crouch, Stephen, Walters, Robert John and Ni, Qinglai , Kowalcyzk, R, Muller, J.P, Tianfield, H and Unland, R (eds.) (2003) A Comparison of some Negotiation Algorithms using a Tournament-Based Approach. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2592, 137-150.

Henderson, Peter, Crouch, Stephen, Walters, Robert and Ni, Qinglai (2003) Effects of introducing survival behaviours into automated negotiators. Titsworth, Francis (ed.) The 27th Annual International Computer Software Applications Conference, Dallas, Texas. 03 - 06 Nov 2003. pp. 506-512 .

Walters, Robert John (2003) Automating Checking of Models Built Using a Graphically Based Formal Modelling Language. The Twenty-Seventh Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference, Dallas, Texas. 03 - 06 Nov 2003. pp. 98-104 .

Henderson, Peter, Walters, Robert John, Crouch, Stephen and Ni, Qinglai (2003) DataWarp: Building Applications which Make Progress in an Inconsistent World. Stefani, Jean-Bernard, Demeure, Isabelle and Hagimont, Daniel (eds.) 4th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems, Paris. 17 - 21 Nov 2003. pp. 167-178 .

Henderson, Peter, Crouch, Stephen and Walters, Robert John (2004) Information Invasion in Enterprise Systems: Modelling, Simulating and Analysing System-level Information Propagation. Seruca, Isabel, Filipe, Joaquim, Hammoudi, Slimane and Cordeiro, Jose (eds.) The 6th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2004), Porto, Portugal. 13 - 16 Apr 2004. pp. 473-481 .

Henderson, Peter, Walters, Robert John and Crouch, Stephen (2004) Implementing Hierarchical Features in a Graphically Based Formal Modelling Language. The Twenty-Eighth Annual International Computer Software & Applications Conference, Hong Kong. 27 - 29 Sep 2004. pp. 92-98 .

Walters, Robert John , Card, D N (ed.) (2005) Checking of models built using a graphically based formal modelling language. Journal of Systems and Software, 76 (1), 55-64.

Henderson, Peter, Crouch, Stephen, Walters, Robert John and Ni, Qinglai , Card, D N (ed.) (2005) Effects of introducing survival behaviours into automated negotiators specified in an environmental and behavioural framework. Journal of Systems and Software, 76 (1), 65-76.

Walters, Robert John and Crouch, Stephen (2005) M-grid: Using Ubiquitous Web Technologies to create a Computational Grid. European Grid Conference (EGC) 2005, Amsterdam. 14 - 16 Feb 2005.

Crouch, Stephen, Henderson, Peter and Walters, Robert John (2005) Building applications able to cope with problematic data using a datawarp approach. Chen, Chi-Sheng, Filipe, Joaquim, Seruca, Isabel and Cordeiro, Jose (eds.) Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Miami, United States. 24 - 27 May 2005. pp. 411-414 .

Walters, Robert J, Millard, David E, Bernnett, Philip, Argles, David, Crouch, Stephen, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2006) Teaching the Grid: Learning Distributed Computing with the M-grid Framework. ED-MEDIA 2006--World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Orlando, United States. 25 - 29 Jun 2006. pp. 3857-3864 .

Razali, R, Snook, C. F., Poppleton, M. R., Garratt, P. W. and Walters, R. J. (2007) Experimental Comparison of the Comprehensibility of a UML-based Formal Specification versus a Textual One. Kitchenham, B, Brereton, P and Turner, M (eds.) 11th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE'07), Keele, Staffordshire, United Kingdom. 01 - 02 Apr 2007. pp. 1-11 .

Argles, David, Pease, Alex and Walters, Robert J (2007) An Improved Approach to Secure Authentication and Signing. The 2007 International Symposium on Frontiers in Networking with Applications (FINA 2007) In conjunction with The IEEE 21st International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2007)., Niagara Falls, Canada. 20 - 22 May 2007.

Crouch, Stephen, Henderson, Peter and Walters, Robert J (2007) Selecting a Distributed Agreement Algorithm. The 2007 ACM Syposium on Applied Computing, Seoul, South Korea. 11 - 15 Mar 2007. pp. 586-587 .

Wills, Gary B., Abbas, Noura, Chandrasekharan, Rakhi, Crowder, Richard M., Gilbert, Lester, Howard, Yvonne, Millard, David E., Wong, Sylvia C. and Walters, Robert J (2007) An Agile Hypertext Design Methodology. 18th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, Manchester, United Kingdom. 09 - 11 Sep 2007.

Crouch, Stephen, Henderson, Peter and Walters, Robert John (2007) DataWarp: Empowering Applications to Make Progress in the Face of Contradictory or Inconsistent Data. The Thirty-first Annual (IEEE) International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC07), Beijing, China. 22 - 26 Jul 2007. pp. 583-590 .

Millard, David, Howard, Yvonne, Abbas, Noura, Davis, Hugh, Gilbert, Lester, Wills, Gary and Walters, Robert (2007) The Service Responsibility and Interaction Design Method: Using an Agile approach for Web Service Design. the 5th IEEE European Conference on Web Services (ECOWS), Halle, Germany. 26 - 28 Nov 2007.

Crouch, Stephen, Henderson, Peter and Walters, Robert (2008) Utilising Located Functions to Model and Optimise Distributed Computations. 32nd Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2008), Turku, Finland. 27 - 31 Jul 2008. (Submitted)

Longpradit, Panchit, Hall, Wendy, Walters, Robert, Gilbert, Lester, Gee, Quintin and Wills, Gary (2008) An Inquiry-led Personalised Navigation System (IPNS) using multi-dimensional linkbases. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, Special Issue on Hypermedia beyond the Desktop, 14 (1), 33-55.

Millard, David E., Howard, Yvonne, Abbas, Noura, Davis, Hugh C., Gilbert, Lester, Wills, Gary B. and Walters, Robert J. (2009) Pragmatic web service design: An agile approach with the service responsibility and interaction design method. Computer Science - Research and Development.

Douglas, Andrew, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2010) NPE - A Conceptual Model and Language for the Representation of Norms. Quality of Service-Based Systems (in conjustion with 10th International IEEE Conference on Quality Software), Zhang Jia Jie, China. 13 - 14 Jul 2010. (Submitted)

Chang, Victor, De Roure, David, Wills, Gary and Walters, Robert (2011) Case Studies and Organisational Sustainability Modelling presented by Cloud Computing Business Framework. International Journal of Web Services Research, 8 (3), 26-53.

Chang, Victor, Li, Chung-Sheng, De Roure, David, Wills, Gary, Walters, Robert and Chee, Clinton (2011) The financial clouds review. International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing, 1 (2), 41-63. (doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-0879-5.ch5.3).

Chang, Victor, De Roure, David, Walters, Robert John and Wills, Gary (2011) Organisational Sustainability Modelling for Return on Investment: Case Studies presented by a National Health Service (NHS) Trust UK. Journal of Computing and Information Technology, 19 (3).

Chang, Victor, Wills, Gary and Walters, Robert (2011) The positive impacts offered by Healthcare Cloud and 3D Bioinformatics. 10th e-Science All Hands Meeting 2011, York. 25 - 28 Sep 2011.

Chang, Victor, Wills, Gary and Walters, Robert (2011) Towards Business Integration as a Service 2.0. IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering, The 3rd International Workshop on Cloud Services - Platform Accelerating e-Business, Beijing, China. 18 - 20 Oct 2011.

Chang, Victor, Wills, Gary, Walters, Robert and Currie, Wendy (2012) Towards a structured Cloud ROI: The University of Southampton cost-saving and user satisfaction case studies. In, Sustainable ICTs and Management Systems for Green Computing. IGI Global, pp. 179-200. (doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-1839-8).

Chang, Victor, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2012) Business Integration as a Service. International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing, 2 (1), 16-40.

Chang, Victor, Walters, Robert John and Wills, Gary (2012) Cloud Storage in a private cloud deployment: Lessons for Data Intensive research (Best student paper). The second international conference on Cloud Computing and Service Sciences (CLOSER 2012), Porto, Portugal.

Walters, Robert John, Crouch, Stephen and Bennett, Phillip (2012) Building computational grids using ubiquitous web technologies. 13th IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, Bournemouth, Borough of, United Kingdom. 30 Sep - 02 Oct 2012. 8 pp .

Alwabel, Abdulelah, Walters, Robert John and Wills, Gary (2012) Towards a volunteer cloud architecture. UKPEW 2012 (the UK Performance Engineering Workshop), Edinburgh, United Kingdom. 2 pp .

Alwabel, Abdulelah, Walters, Robert John and Wills, Gary (2012) Towards performance evaluation in Volunteer Clouds. European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC2012). 18 - 20 Sep 2012.

Chang, Victor, Walters, Robert John and Wills, Gary (2013) The development that leads to the Cloud Computing Business Framework. International Journal of Information Management, 33 (3), 524-538. (doi:10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2013.01.005).

Chang, Victor, Walters, Robert John and Wills, Gary (2013) Cloud Storage and Bioinformatics in a private cloud deployment: Lessons for Data Intensive research. In, Cloud Computing and Service Science. Springer Lecture Notes Series, Springer Book. (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-04519-1_16).

Ridgeway, Jennifer, Walters, Robert John and Pau, Reena (2013) Diversifying computing teaching: building an online hub to promote inclusivity. 18th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, Canterbury, United Kingdom. 30 Jun - 02 Jul 2013. 1 pp .

Chang, Victor, Walters, Robert John and Wills, Gary (2014) Review of Cloud Computing and existing Frameworks for Cloud adoption. In, Advances in Cloud Computing Research. NOVA Publishers.

Chang, Victor, Walters, Robert John and Wills, Gary (2014) Financial Clouds and modelling offered by Cloud Computing Adoption Framework. In, Advances in Cloud Computing Research. NOVA Publishers.

Almutiry, Omar, Wills, Gary, Alwabel, Abdulelah, Crowder, Richard and Walters, Robert John (2013) Toward a framework for data quality in cloud-based health information system. 2013 International Conference on Information Scociety (i-society). 23 - 25 Jun 2013. pp. 153-157 .

Chang, Victor, Walters, Robert John and Wills, Gary (2015) Monte Carlo risk assessment as a service in the cloud. International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management, 7 (3).

Hamid, Norhazlina, Walters, Robert John and Wills, Gary Brian (2014) Performance evaluation of multi-core multi-cluster architecture. Emerging Software as a Service and Analytics, Barcelona, Spain. 02 - 04 Apr 2014. pp. 46-54 .

Alwabel, Abdulelah, Walters, Robert John and Wills, Gary Brian (2014) A view at desktop clouds. ESaaSA 2014: International Workshop on Emerging Software as a Service and Analytics, Barcelona, Spain. 02 - 04 Apr 2014. pp. 55-61 . (doi:10.5220/0004983400550061).

Hamid, Norhazlina, Walters, Robert J. and Wills, Gary B. (2015) An architecture for measuring network performance in multi-core multi-cluster architecture (MCMCA). International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, 7 (1), 57-61.

Chang, Victor, Walters, Robert John and Wills, Gary (2015) Cloud Computing and Frameworks for Organisational Cloud Adoption. In, Delivery and Adoption of Cloud Computing Services in Contemporary Organizations. IGI Global. (doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-8210-8.ch001).

Yahya, Fara, Chang, Victor, Walters, Robert J. and Wills, Gary B. (2014) Security challenges in cloud storage. 6th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (Enterprise Security 2014), Singapore, Singapore. 15 - 18 Dec 2014. 7 pp .

Alkhater, Nouf, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2014) An investigation of factors influencing an organisation's intention to adopt cloud computing. International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2014), London, United Kingdom. 10 - 12 Nov 2014. 2 pp .

Aguti, Beatrice, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2013) A framework for evaluating the effectiveness of blended E-learning within universities. 24th International Conference on Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE 2013). pp. 1982-1987 .

Aguti, Beatrice, Walters, Robert John and Wills, Gary (2014) An evaluation of the factors that impact on the effectiveness of blended e-learning within universities. International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2014), London, United Kingdom. 10 - 12 Nov 2014. 5 pp .

Alwabel, Abdulelah, Walters, Robert John, Wills, Gary B., Chang, V., Walters, R. and Wills, G. (2015) A resource allocation model for desktop clouds. In, Delivery and Adoption of Cloud Computing Services in Contemporary Organizations. (HASH(0xd2beb50)) Hershey, US. IGI Global, pp. 199-218. (doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-8210-8.ch008).

Alkhater, Nouf, Wills, Gary and Walters, Robert (2014) Factors influencing an organisation's intention to adopt cloud computing in Saudi Arabia. 6th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science, Singapore, Singapore. 15 - 18 Dec 2014. 5 pp .

Hamid, Norhazlina, Walters, Robert John and Wills, Gary Brian (2015) An analytical model of multi-core multi-cluster architecture (MCMCA). Open Journal of Cloud Computing (OJCC), 2 (1), 1-12.

Hamid, Norhazlina, Walters, Robert J. and Wills, Gary B. (2015) Performance evaluation of multi-core multi-cluster architecture (MCMCA). In, Chang, Victor, Walters, Robert John and Wills, Gary (eds.) Delivery and Adoption of Cloud Computing Services in Contemporary Organizations. Hershey, US. IGI Global.

Hamid, Norhazlina, Walters, Robert J. and Wills, Gary B. (2014) Analytical calculation of multi-core multi-cluster architecture (MCMCA). International Conference of Postgraduate in Education, Melaka, Malaysia. 17 - 18 Dec 2014.

Alwabel, Abdulelah, Walters, Robert John and Wills, Gary (2014) Evaluation of node failures in cloud computing using empirical data. Open Journal of Cloud Computing (OJCC), 1 (2), 15-24.

Alwabel, Abdulelah, Walters, Robert John and Wills, Gary (2015) DesktopCloudSim: simulation of node failures in the cloud. The Sixth International Conference on Cloud Coputing, GRIDs, and Virtualization (CLOUD COMPUTING 2015), Nice, France. 22 - 27 Mar 2015.

Yahya, Fara, Walters, Robert J. and Wills, Gary B. (2015) Protecting data in personal cloud storage with security classifications. Science and Information (SAI) Conference, London, United Kingdom. 27 - 29 Jul 2015. 6 pp .

Alharthi, Abdulrahman, Yahya, Fara, Walters, Robert John and Wills, Gary (2015) An overview of cloud services adoption challenges in higher education institutions. Emerging Software as a Service and Analytics 2015 Workshop (ESaaSA 2015), in conjunction with CLOSER 2015. 19 - 21 May 2015. pp. 102-109 .

Chang, Victor, Ramachandran, Muthu, Walters, Robert John and Wills, Gary (2015) Introductory Editorial. Open Journal of Big Data, 1 (1).

Alwabel, Abdulelah, Walters, Robert John and Wills, Gary (2015) Evaluation metrics for VM allocation mechanisms in desktop clouds. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Emerging Software as a Service and Analytics, Lisbon, Portugal. 19 - 21 May 2015. (doi:10.5220/0005525400630068).

Chang, Victor, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2016) Organisational Sustainability Modelling – an emerging service and analytics model for evaluating Cloud Computing adoption with two case studies. International Journal of Information Management, 36 (1), 167-179. (doi:10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2015.09.001).

Aguti, Beatrice, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2014) Effective use of e-learning technologies to promote student-centered learning paradigms within higher education institutions. International Journal for e-Learning Security (IJeLS), 1-8.

Chang, Victor, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2015) Emerging Software as a Service and Analytics. Open Journal of Cloud Computing (OJCC).

Alkhater, Nouf, Chang, Victor, Wills, Gary and Walters, Robert (2015) Towards an Integrated Conceptual Model for Cloud Adoption in Saudi Arabia. Emerging Software as a Service and Analytics 2015 Workshop (ESaaSA 2015), in conjunction with CLOSER 2015. 19 - 21 May 2015.

Chang, Victor, Ramacahdran, Muthu, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2015) Epilogue: Summary and Outlook. Open Journal of Big Data, 47-50.

Chang, Victor, Newman, Russell, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2016) Review of economic bubbles. International Journal of Information Management, 36 (4). (doi:10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2016.02.007).

Newman, Russell, Chang, Victor, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2016) Web 2.0 – The past and the future. International Journal of Information Management, 36 (4), 591-598. (doi:10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2016.03.010).

Newman, Russell, Chang, Victor, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2016) Model and experimental development for business data science. International Journal of Information Management, 36 (4), 607-617. (doi:10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2016.04.004).

Chang, Victor, Ramachandran, Muthu, Yen, Neil N, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2015) The Second International Workshop on Enterprise Security. The Second International Workshop on Enterprise Security (CloudCom 2015), Vancouver, Canada. 30 Nov - 03 Dec 2015. 2 pp .

Alreemy, Zyad, Chang, Victor, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2016) Critical success factors (CSFs) for information technology governance (ITG). International Journal of Information Management, 36 (6), part A, 907-916. (doi:10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2016.05.017).

Yahya, Fara, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2015) Modelling threats with security requirements in cloud storage. International Journal for Information Security Research (IJISR), 5 (2), 551-558. (doi:10.20533/ijisr.2042.4639.2015.0063).

Alharthi, Abdulrahman, Alassafi, Madini, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2016) Towards a framework to enable the migration process to educational clouds in Saudi higher education. In International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2016). IEEE. p. 7854179 . (doi:10.1109/i-Society.2016.7854179).

Alassafi, Madini, Obad, Alharthi, Abdulrahman, Ayad, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2016) Security risk factors that influence cloud computing adoption in Saudi Arabia government agencies. In International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2016). 4 pp .

Albugmi, Ahmed, Wills, Gary and Walters, Robert (2016) A framework for cloud computing adoption by Saudi Government overseas agencies. In Future Generation Communication Technologies (FGCT), 2016 Fifth International Conference on. IEEE. 5 pp . (doi:10.1109/FGCT.2016.7605063).

Albugmi, Ahmed, Nammas, Alassafi, Madini, Obad, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2016) Data security in cloud computing. In Future Generation Communication Technologies (FGCT), 2016 Fifth International Conference on : (FGCT 2016). IEEE. pp. 55-59 . (doi:10.1109/FGCT.2016.7605062).

Alharthi, Abdulrahman, Alassafi, Madini, Wills, Gary and Walters, Robert (2017) An exploratory study for investigating the critical success factors for cloud migration in the Saudi Arabian higher education context. Telematics and Informatics, 34 (2), 664-678. (doi:10.1016/j.tele.2016.10.008).

Ferdous, Md Sadek, Hussein, Raid, Khalid Hussein, Alassafi, Madini, Obad, Alharthi, Abdulrahman, Ayad, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2016) Threat taxonomy for cloud of things. In, Al-Sabbagh, Ali and Alsabah, Ruaa (eds.) Internet of Things and Big Data Analysis: Recent Trends and Challenges. Anaheim, US. United Scholars Publications, pp. 149-190.

Alassafi, Madini, Obad, Hussein, Raid, Khalid Hussein, Wills, Gary, Gashgari, Ghada, Abdalaziz A and Walters, Robert (2017) Security in organisations: governance, risks and vulnerabilities in moving to the cloud. In, Chang, V., Ramachandran, M., Walters, R. and Wills, G. (eds.) Enterprise Security: Second International Workshop, ES 2015, Vancouver, BC, Canada, November 30 – December 3, 2015, Revised Selected Papers. (HASH(0xd06fb10), 10131) Cham, Switzerland. Springer International Publishing. (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-54380-2_11).

Alassafi, Madini, Obad, Alharthi, Abdulrahman, Ayad, Alenezi, Ahmed, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2016) Investigating the security factors in cloud computing adoption: towards developing an integrated framework. Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (JITST), 5 (2), [1]. (doi:10.20533/jitst.2046.3723.2016.0061).

Alenezi, Ahmed, Hussein, Raid, Khalid Hussein, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2017) A Framework for Cloud Forensic Readiness in Organizations. In 2017 5th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Cloud Computing, Services, and Engineering (MobileCloud). IEEE. 199 - 204 . (doi:10.1109/MobileCloud.2017.12).

Atlam, Hany F., Alenezi, Ahmed, Alharthi, Abdulrahman, Ayad, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2017) Integration of cloud computing with internet of things: challenges and open issues. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom) and IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom) and IEEE Smart Data (SmartData),. IEEE. pp. 671-675 . (doi:10.1109/iThings-GreenCom-CPSCom-SmartData.2017.105).

Alenezi, Ahmed, Zulkipli, Nurul H. N., Atlam, H. F.,, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2017) The impact of cloud forensic readiness on security. In 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER). vol. 1, Scitepress. pp. 539-545 . (doi:10.5220/0006332705390545).

Atlam, Hany, Fathy, Alenezi, Ahmed, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2017) An overview of risk estimation techniques in risk-based access control for the internet of things. In 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security. INSTICC. pp. 254-260 . (doi:10.5220/0006292602540260).

Yahya, Fara, Walters, Robert J. and Wills, Gary B. (2017) Using Goal-Question-Metric (GQM) approach to assess security in cloud storage. In, Chang, Victor, Ramachandran, M., Walters, R. and Wills, Gary (eds.) Enterprise Security. (HASH(0xb758408), 10131) Springer, pp. 223-240. (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-54380-2_10).

Hussein, Raid Khalid, Alenezi, Ahmed, Wills, Gary B. and Walters, Robert J. (2016) A framework to secure the virtual machine image in cloud computing. In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Smart Cloud (SmartCloud). IEEE.. (doi:10.1109/SmartCloud.2016.19).

Atlam, Hany F., Wills, Gary B., Walters, Robert J., Alenezi, Ahmed and Daniel, Joshua (2017) Developing an adaptive Risk-based access control model for the Internet of Things. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom) and IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom) and IEEE Smart Data (SmartData). IEEE. pp. 655-661 . (doi:10.1109/iThings-GreenCom-CPSCom-SmartData.2017.103).

Hussein, Raid Khalid, Alenezi, Ahmed, Atlam, Hany F., Mohammed, Mohammed Q., Walters, Robert J. and Wills, Gary B. (2017) Toward confirming a framework for securing the virtual machine image in cloud computing. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, 2 (4), 44-50. (doi:10.25046/aj020406).

Yahya, Fara, Walters, Robert J and Wills, Gary B (2017) Clustering goal-driven security factors for protecting data in cloud storage using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA): an empirical study. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science. vol. 1 - CLOSER, INSTICC. p. 475 . (doi:10.5220/0006302304750482).

Alassafi, Madini O., Alharthi, Abdulrahman, Walters, Robert J. and Wills, Gary B. (2017) A framework for critical security factors that influence the decision of cloud adoption by Saudi government agencies. Telematics and Informatics, 31 (5), [TELE937]. (doi:10.1016/j.tele.2017.04.010).

Atlam, Hany F., Alassafi, Madini O., Alenezi, Ahmed, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2018) XACML for building access control policies in Internet of Things. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security: IoTBDS 2018. Scitepress. pp. 253-260 . (doi:10.5220/0006725102530260).

Hamid, Norhazlina, Chang, Victor, Walters, Robert John and Wills, Gary Brian (2017) A Multi-core architecture for a hybrid information system. Computers & Electrical Engineering. (doi:10.1016/j.compeleceng.2017.12.020).

Alzahrani, Abdullah, Ibrahim A, Alharthi, Abdulrahman, Ayad, Alassafi, Madini, Obad, Albugmi, Ahmed, Nammas, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2018) A framework for gamified E-learning systems acceptance in Saudi Arabian universities. In The IRES -332nd International Conference on E-Education, E- Business, E-Management and E-Learning (IC4E). The IRES.. (In Press)

Alkhater, Nouf, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2018) An empirical study of factors influencing cloud adoption among private sector organisations. Telematics and Informatics, 35 (1), 38-54. (doi:10.1016/j.tele.2017.09.017).

Atlam, Hany Fathy, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2018) Fog computing and the Internet of Things: a review. Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 2 (2), 1-18. (doi:10.3390/bdcc2020010).

Newman, Russell, Chang, Victor, Walters, Robert J. and Wills, Gary (2018) How to analyze data from unlisted but rich firms: From the perspective of data and analysis. IT Professional, 20 (2), 42-52. (doi:10.1109/MITP.2018.021921650).

Utomo, Rio Guntur, Walters, Robert J. and Wills, Gary B. (2018) Factors affecting the implementation of information assurance for eGovernment in Indonesia. In 2017 12th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, ICITST 2017. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. pp. 225-230 . (doi:10.23919/ICITST.2017.8356388).

Atlam, Hany, Fathy, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2019) Intelligence of things: opportunities & challenges. In 2018 3rd Cloudification of the Internet of Things (CIoT). IEEE. pp. 1-6 . (doi:10.1109/CIOT.2018.8627114).

Muñoz, Víctor Méndez, Wills, Gary, Walters, Robert, Firouzi, Farshad and Chang, Victor (2018) Foreword. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security. vol. 2018-March, Scitepress. XI-XII .

Atlam, Hany F., Walters, Robert J. and Wills, Gary B. (2018) Internet of Nano Things: Security issues and applications. In Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Cloud and Big Data Computing. ACM Press. 7 pp . (doi:10.1145/3264560.3264570).

Atlam, Hany Fathy, Walters, Robert and Wills, Gary (2018) Internet of Things: state-of-the-art, challenges, applications, and open issues. International Journal of Intelligent Computing Research (IJICR), 9 (3), 928 -938. (doi:10.20533/ijicr.2042.4655.2018.0112).

Atlam, Hany Fathy, Walters, Robert, Wills, Gary and Daniel, Joshua (2019) Fuzzy logic with expert judgment to implement an adaptive risk-based access control model for IoT. Mobile Networks and Applications, 1-13. (doi:10.1007/s11036-019-01214-w).

Utomo, Rio Guntur, Wills, Gary B. and Walters, Robert J. (2018) Towards confirming an Information Assurance framework for eGovernment in Indonesia. In Proceeding - 2018 International Conference on ICT for Smart Society: Innovation Toward Smart Society and Society 5.0, ICISS 2018. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. pp. 1-6 . (doi:10.1109/ICTSS.2018.8550010).

Utomo, Rio Guntur, Wills, Gary B. and Walters, Robert J. (2019) Investigating Factors in information assurance implementation: Towards developing an information assurance framework for eGovernment in Indonesia. In 2018 International Conference on Information Technology Systems and Innovation, ICITSI 2018 - Proceedings. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. pp. 10-15 . (doi:10.1109/ICITSI.2018.8695932).

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Personal homepage
  • Chair of Post graduate Research and Internship (sub-group of EREC Committee)
  • ECS PGR Senior Admissions Tutor
  • AI & Security champion of the GCHQ/EPSRC Academic Centre of Excellence for Cyber Security Education (ACE-CSE) Southampton
  • member of the management group of the ECS Centre for Internet of Things and Pervasive Systems (C-IoT)

Dr Leonardo Aniello is an Associate Professor in Cyber Security in the School of Electronics and Computer Science (ECS) at the University of Southampton. He is also

  • member of the GCHQ/EPSRC Academic Centre of Excellence for Cyber Security Research (ACE-CSR) Southampton
  • AI & Security champion of the GCHQ/EPSRC Academic Centre of Excellence for Cyber Security Education (ACE-CSE) Southampton
  • member of the management group of the ECS Centre for Internet of Things and Pervasive Systems (C-IoT)

Dr Aniello obtained a Ph.D. in Engineering in Computer Science in 2014 from "La Sapienza" University of Rome, with a thesis about techniques for efficient processing Big Data in large-scale collaborative environments. His research is currently focused on distributed systems and cyber security, including adaptive resource allocation strategies, automatic scaling of distributed systems, blockchain-based systems and IoT security. He is author of more than 30 papers (h-index 16, 1759 citations, source Google Scholar), published on international conferences, journals, and books.

He started working on portscan detection and collaborative distributed computations aimed at early detection of cyber threats (106 citations in total), then focused on the distributed system aspect of computations by investigating novel techniques to enhance performance in stream and batch processing (310 citations) and to integrate elastic proactive scalability in distributed systems (47 citations). He later moved to researching on machine learning for malware analysis (158 citations) and on blockchain-based systems (351 citations).

Dr Aniello investigated the integration of blockchain technology to improve IoT security within the context of peer-to-peer energy trading. This research was carried out as part of the EPSRC project Blockchain-empowered Infrastructure for IoT (BlockIT, £195K), where he worked as Co-I. He also investigated the opportunities and challenges of using blockchain to establish and manage federations of Cloud services and resources, as part of the H2020 EU project SecUre iNFormatIon SHaring in federated heterogeneous private clouds (SUNFISH, €4.5M).

Dr Aniello was also involved as Co-I in the Cyber Predictive Intelligence for Asset-based Analytics (CyPrIAAn, £96K) project funded by the UK Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) as part of Phase 1 of the Predictive Cyber Analytics competition. Furthermore, he is currently acting as PI for UoS in the Operational CyberspaCe Attack Modelling – Real-Time (OCCAM-RT, £180K) project, in partnership with Bristol-based company Riskaware. OCCAM-RT is funded as part of Phase 2 of the same competition. Within the OCCAM-RT project, Dr Aniello is overseeing two PDRAs. He is also supervising 9 PGR students (3 as primary supervisor and 6 as secondary). Furthermore, Dr Aniello oversaw two undergraduate students for their summer internship: one in 2018, funded by ECS and focused on generating a dataset for cyber-attacks against IoT networks; the other in 2020, funded by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), around the topic of IoT fingerprinting using machine learning techniques.


Research interests

Blockchain-based Systems

IoT Security

Malware Analysis


Aniello, Leonardo, Baldoni, Roberto, Gaetani, Edoardo, Lombardi, Federico, Margheri, Andrea and Sassone, Vladimiro (2017) A prototype evaluation of a tamper-resistant high performance blockchain-based transaction log for a distributed database. In 2017 13th European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC). IEEE. 4 pp . (doi:10.1109/EDCC.2017.31).

Gaetani, Edoardo, Aniello, Leonardo, Baldoni, Roberto, Lombardi, Federico, Margheri, Andrea and Sassone, Vladimiro (2017) Blockchain-based database to ensure data integrity in cloud computing environments. Italian Conference on Cybersecurity, , Venice, Italy. 17 - 20 Jan 2017. 10 pp .

De Angelis, Stefano, Aniello, Leonardo, Baldoni, Roberto, Lombardi, Federico, Margheri, Andrea and Sassone, Vladimiro (2018) PBFT vs proof-of-authority: applying the CAP theorem to permissioned blockchain. Italian Conference on Cyber Security, Milan, Italy. 11 pp .

Lombardi, Federico, Aniello, Leonardo, De Angelis, Stefano, Margheri, Andrea and Sassone, Vladimiro (2018) A blockchain-based infrastructure for reliable and cost-effective IoT-aided smart grids. Living in the Internet of Things Conference: Cybersecurity of the IoT - A PETRAS, IoTUK & IET Event, Savoy Place, London, United Kingdom. 28 - 29 Mar 2018. 6 pp .

Aniello, Leonardo, Bonomi, Silvia, Lombardi, Federico, Zelli, Alessandro and Baldoni, Roberto (2014) An architecture for automatic scaling of replicated services. In Network Systems NETYS 2014. Springer. 122 pp . (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-09581-3_9).

Heinze, Thomas, Aniello, Leonardo, Querzoni, Leonardo and Jerzak, Zbigniew (2014) Cloud-based data stream processing. In DEBS 2014 - Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems. ACM Press. pp. 238-245 . (doi:10.1145/2611286.2611309).

Lombardi, Federico, Aniello, Leonardo, Bonomi, Silvia and Querzoni, Leonardo (2018) Elastic symbiotic scaling of operators and resources in stream processing systems. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 29 (3), 572-585. (doi:10.1109/TPDS.2017.2762683).

Lodi, Giorgia, Aniello, Leonardo, Di Luna, Giuseppe A. and Baldoni, Roberto (2014) An event-based platform for collaborative threats detection and monitoring. Information Systems, 39, 175-195. (doi:10.1016/

Ucci, Daniele, Aniello, Leonardo and Baldoni, Roberto (2019) Survey of machine learning techniques for malware analysis. Computers and Security, 81, 123-147. (doi:10.1016/j.cose.2018.11.001).

Lombardi, Federico, Muti, Andrea, Aniello, Leonardo, Baldoni, Roberto, Bonomi, Silvia and Querzoni, Leonardo (2019) PASCAL: An architecture for proactive auto-scaling of distributed services. Future Generation Computer Systems, 98, 342-361. (doi:10.1016/j.future.2019.03.003).

Fadhel, Nawfal, Lombardi, Federico, Aniello, Leonardo, Margheri, Andrea and Sassone, Vladimiro (2019) Towards a semantic modelling for threat analysis of IoT applications: a case study on transactive energy. In IET Living in the Internet of Things 2019. Institute of Engineering and Technology, IET..

Lombardi, Federico, Baldoni, Roberto and Aniello, Leonardo (2016) A blockchain-based solution for enabling log-based resolution of disputes in multi-party transactions. Ciancarini, P., Litvinov, S., Messina, A., Sillitti, A. and Succi, G. (eds.) In Proceedings of 5th International Conference in Software Engineering for Defence Applications. SEDA 2016. vol. 717, Springer. pp. 53-58 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-70578-1_6).

Ciccotelli, Claudio, Aniello, Leonardo, Lombardi, Federico, Montanari, Luca, Querzoni, Leonardo and Baldoni, Roberto (2015) Nirvana: A non-intrusive black-box monitoring framework for rack-level fault detection. In 2015 IEEE 21st Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC). IEEE.. (doi:10.1109/PRDC.2015.22).

Aniello, Leonardo, Querzoni, Leonardo and Baldoni, Roberto (2015) High frequency batch-oriented computations over large sliding time windows. Future Generation Computer Systems, 43-44, 1-11. (doi:10.1016/j.future.2014.09.008).

Aniello, Leonardo, Halak, Basel, Chai, Peter, Dhall, Riddhi, Mihalea, Mircea and Wilczynski, Adrian (2020) Anti-BlUFf: towards counterfeit mitigation in IC supply chains using Blockchain and PUF. International Journal of Information Security, 445–460. (doi:10.1007/s10207-020-00513-8).

O'Sullivan, Michael, Aniello, Leonardo and Sassone, Vladimiro (2020) A methodology to select topology generators for ad hoc mesh network simulations. Journal of Communications, 15 (10). (doi:10.12720/jcm.15.10.741-746).

Pitolli, Gregorio, Laurenza, Giuseppe, Aniello, Leonardo, Querzoni, Leonardo and Baldoni, Roberto (2020) MalFamAware: automatic family identification and malware classification through online clustering. International Journal of Information Security, 371–386. (doi:10.1007/s10207-020-00509-4).

Yilmaz, Yildiran, Aniello, Leonardo and Halak, Basel (2021) ASSURE: A hardware-baSed SecUrity pRotocol for resourcE-constrained IoT systems. Journal of Hardware and Systems Security, 5, 1-18. (doi:10.1007/s41635-020-00102-0).

Dghaym, Dana, Hoang, Thai Son, Butler, Michael, Hu, Runshan, Aniello, Leonardo and Sassone, Vladimiro (2021) Verifying System-level Security of a Smart Ballot Box. In ABZ 2021 – 8th International Conference on Rigorous State Based Methods: ABZ 2021. Springer Nature Switzerland AG. 16 pp . (In Press)

Aniello, Leonardo, Halak, Basel, Chai, Peter, Dhall, Riddhi, Mihalea, Mircea and Wilczynski, Adrian (2021) Securing Hardware Supply Chain Using PUF. In, Halak, Basel (ed.) Authentication of Embedded Devices: Technologies, Protocols and Emerging Applications. Springer.

Massarelli, Luca, Aniello, Leonardo, Ciccotelli, Claudio, Querzoni, Leonardo, Ucci, Daniele and Baldoni, Roberto (2017) Android malware family classification based on resource consumption over time. In 2017 12th International Conference on Malicious and Unwanted Software (MALWARE). vol. 1, pp. 31-38 . (doi:10.1109/MALWARE.2017.8323954).

Yilmaz, Yildiran, Aniello, Leonardo and Halak, Basel (2021) ASSURE: A hardware-based security protocol for internet of things devices. In, Halak, Bael (ed.) Authentication of Embedded Devices: Technologies, Protocols and Emerging Applications. 1 ed. Springer International Publishing, pp. 55-87. (doi:10.1007/978-3-030-60769-2).

Aniello, Leonardo, Di Luna, Giuseppe Antonio, Lodi, Giorgia and Baldoni, Roberto (2011) A collaborative event processing system for protection of critical infrastructures from cyber attacks. Flammini, Francesco, Bologna, Sandro and Vittorini, Valeria (eds.) In Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security. SAFECOMP 2011. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. vol. 6894, pp. 310-323 .

Aniello, Leonardo, Lodi, Giorgia and Baldoni, Roberto (2011) Inter-domain stealthy port scan detection through complex event processing. In Proceedings of the 13th European Workshop on Dependable Computing. The Association for Computing Machinery..

Aniello, Leonardo, Di Luna, Giuseppe Antonio, Lodi, Giorgia and Baldoni, Roberto (2012) Collaborative inter-domain stealthy port scan detection using esper complex event processing. In, Collaborative Financial Infrastructure Protection: Tools, Abstractions, and Middleware.

Marchetti, Mirco, Colajanni, Michele, Messori, Michele, Aniello, Leonardo and Vigfusson, Ymir (2012) Cyber attacks on financial critical infrastructures. In, Collaborative Financial Infrastructure Protection: Tools, Abstractions, and Middleware.

Aniello, Leonardo, Baldoni, Roberto, Chockler, Gregory, Laventman, Gennady, Lodi, Giorgia and Vigfusson, Ymir (2012) Distributed attack detection using agilis. In, Collaborative Financial Infrastructure Protection: Tools, Abstractions, and Middleware.

Aniello, Leonardo, Baldoni, Roberto and Querzoni, Leonardo (2013) Adaptive online scheduling in storm. In Proceedings of the 7th ACM international conference on Distributed event-based systems.

Aniello, Leonardo, Bonomi, Silvia, Breno, Marta and Baldoni, Roberto (2013) Assessing data availability of Cassandra in the presence of non-accurate membership. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Dependability Issues in Cloud Computing.

Aniello, Leonardo, Querzoni, Leonardo and Baldoni, Roberto (2013) Input data organization for batch processing in time window based computations. In Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing.

Aniello, Leonardo, Baldoni, Roberto, Ciccotelli, Claudio, Di Luna, Giuseppe Antonio, Frontali, Francesco and Querzoni, Leonardo (2014) The overlay scan attack: inferring topologies of distributed pub/sub systems through broker saturation. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems.

Laurenza, Giuseppe, Ucci, Daniele, Aniello, Leonardo and Baldoni, Roberto (2016) An architecture for semi-automatic collaborative malware analysis for CIs. In International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Workshops (DSN-W).

Aniello, Leonardo, Ciccotelli, Claudio, Cinque, Marcello, Frattini, Flavio, Querzoni, Leonardo and Russo, Stefano (2016) Automatic invariant selection for online anomaly detection. In Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security. SAFECOMP 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science.

Shehu, Zigrid, Ciccotelli, Claudio, Ucci, Daniele, Aniello, Leonardo and Baldoni, Roberto (2016) Towards the usage of invariant-based app behavioral fingerprinting for the detection of obfuscated versions of known malware. In 2016 10th International Conference on Next Generation Mobile Applications, Security and Technologies (NGMAST).

Pitolli, Gregorio, Aniello, Leonardo, Laurenza, Giuseppe, Querzoni, Leonardo and Baldoni, Roberto (2017) Malware family identification with BIRCH clustering. In, 2017 International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology (ICCST).

Laurenza, Giuseppe, Aniello, Leonardo, Lazzeretti, Riccardo and Baldoni, Roberto (2017) Malware triage based on static features and public APT reports. In International Conference on Cyber Security Cryptography and Machine Learning.

Ucci, Daniele, Aniello, Leonardo and Baldoni, Roberto (2017) Share a pie?: Privacy-preserving knowledge base export through count-min sketches. In Seventh ACM on Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY).

Angelini, Marco, Aniello, Leonardo, Lenti, Simone, Santucci, Giuseppe and Ucci, Daniele (2017) The goods, the bads and the uglies: supporting decisions in malware detection through visual analytics. In 2017 IEEE Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security (VizSec).

Elingiusti, Michele, Aniello, Leonardo, Querzoni, Leonardo and Baldoni, Roberto (2018) PDF malware detection: a survey and taxonomy of current techniques. In, Cyber Threat Intelligence. (HASH(0xd20c060))

Massarelli, Luca, Aniello, Leonardo, Ciccotelli, Claudio, Querzoni, Leonardo, Ucci, Daniele and Baldoni, Roberto (2020) AndroDFA: android malware classification based on resource consumption. Information (Switzerland), 11 (6), [326]. (doi:10.3390/INFO11060326).

Grigorescu, Sorin, Cocias, Tiberiu, Trasnea, Bogdan, Margheri, Andrea, Lombardi, Federico and Aniello, Leonardo (2020) Cloud2Edge elastic AI framework for prototyping and deployment of AI inference engines in autonomous vehicles. Sensors (Switzerland), 20 (19), 1-21, [5450]. (doi:10.3390/s20195450).


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Prof Mike Wald leads research into accessible technologies in the Web and Internet Science Group, ECS and is a fellow of the Alan Turing Institute. He has advised HEFCE, JISC and Universities on enhancing learning through the use of technologies and established the University's DSA assessment centre and the Disability and Assistive Technology Services of 7 Universities in the South of England. He was a founder member of the International Liberated Learning Consortium that included other leading universities (e.g. MIT) and organisations (e.g. IBM, Nuance) investigating how speech recognition could make teaching and learning more accessible. His research led to the development of Synote to make video easier to access, search, manage, and exploit by supporting the creation of synchronised notes, bookmarks, tags, images, links and text captions.


Wald, Michael (1984) The scientific basis for the fitting of hearing aids. University of Southampton, Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, Doctoral Thesis, 424pp.

Wald, Mike, Seale, Jane and Draffan, E.A. (2008) Disabled learners experiences of e-learning. World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (EDMEDIA) 2008, Vienna, Austria. 29 Jun - 03 Jul 2008. pp. 6374-6383 .

Seale, Jane, Draffan, E.A. and Wald, Mike (2008) An evaluation of the use of participatory methods in exploring disabled learners' experiences of e-learning: LEXDIS Methodology Report to JISC Southampton, UK. University of Southampton 71pp.

Seale, Jane, Draffan, E.A and Wald, Mike (2008) Exploring disabled learners’ experiences of e-learning: LEXDIS Project Report Southampton, UK. University of Southampton 161pp.

Seale, Jane, Draffan, E.A. and Wald, Mike (2010) Digital agility and digital decision-making: conceptualising digital inclusion in the context of disabled learners in higher education. Studies in Higher Education, 35 (4), 445-461. (doi:10.1080/03075070903131628).

Wald, Mike, Bain, Keith and Basson, Sara H (2002) Speech recognition in university classrooms. Jacko, Julie (ed.) In Assets '02 Proceedings of the fifth international ACM conference on Assistive technologies. ACM Press. pp. 192-196 . (doi:10.1145/638249.638284).

Wald, Mike (2005) ‘SpeechText’: Enhancing Learning and Teaching by Using Automatic Speech Recognition to Create Accessible Synchronised Multimedia. ED-MEDIA 2005 World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Montreal. 26 Jun - 01 Jul 2005. pp. 4765-4769 .

Wald, Mike (2002) Developments in mobile telecommunications technology to increase access to education for deaf and hard of hearing students. Klause, Gerhard (ed.) In Proceedings of Mobile Telecommunications: Encouraging developments for persons with disabilities and elderly people worldwide. DVfR, Heidelberg/Germany. pp. 70-72 .

Wald, Mike and Bain, Keith (2005) Using Automatic Speech Recognition to Assist Communication and Learning. HCI International 2005: 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Las Vegas. 21 - 26 Jul 2005.

Wald, Mike (2005) Using Automatic Speech Recognition to Enhance Education for All Students: Turning a Vision into Reality. : Proceedings of 34th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana. 18 - 21 Oct 2005. pp. 22-25 .

Wald, Mike (2005) Automatic Speech Recognition Assisting and Enabling Receptive Communication. Balancing the Equation: Key issues in learner support in HE from the Assistive Technology perspective, University of Southampton. 04 - 05 Sep 2005.

Wald, Mike (2005) Personalised Displays. Speech Technologies: Captioning, Transcription and Beyond, IBM T.J. Watson Research Centre NY, United States. 02 - 29 Jun 2005.

Wald, Mike , Conoloe, G, Oliver, M and Seale, J (eds.) (2006) An exploration of the potential of Automatic Speech Recognition to assist and enable receptive communication in higher education. Alt-J - Association for Learning Technology Journal, 14 (1), 9-20.

Wald, Mike and Bain, Keith (2008) Universal access to communication and learning: the role of automatic speech recognition. Universal Access in the Information Society, 6 (4), 435-447. (doi:10.1007/s10209-007-0093-9).

Wald, M , Miesenberger, K (ed.) (2006) Captioning for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People by Editing Automatic Speech Recognition in Real Time. Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs ICCHP 2006, LNCS 4061, 683-690.

Wald, M , Mcewan, T and Cairncross, S (eds.) (2006) Creating Accessible Educational Multimedia through Editing Automatic Speech Recognition Captioning in Real Time. International Journal of Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 3 (2), 131-142.

Wald, M, Boulain, P, Bell, J, Doody, K and Gerrard, J , Damper, B (ed.) (2007) Correcting Automatic Speech Recognition Errors in Real Time. International Journal of Speech Technology, 10 (1), 1-15.

Wald, M , Pearson, Elaine and Bohman, Paul (eds.) (2006) Learning Through Multimedia: Automatic Speech Recognition Enabling Accessibility and Interaction. Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2006: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, 2965-2976.

Wald, M (2005) Enhancing Accessibility Through Automatic Speech Recognition. Proceedings of Accessible Design in the Digital World.

Argles, David, Frazer, Alex, Wills, Gary and Wald, Mike (2007) Learning Through Rich Environments. EdMedia, Vancouver. 24 - 28 Jun 2007.

Wald, Mike (2008) Learning Through Multimedia: Automatic Speech Recognition Enhancing Accessibility and Interaction. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 17 (2), 215-233.

Wald, M (2007) A Research Agenda for Transforming Pedagogy and Enhancing Inclusive Learning through Synchronised Multimedia Captioned Using Speech Recognition. Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2007: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, 4479-4484.

Wald, Mike and Bain, Keith (2007) Enhancing the Usability of Real-Time Speech Recognition Captioning through Personalised Displays and Real-Time Multiple Speaker Editing and Annotation. Stephanidis, C (ed.) HCI International 2007: 12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Beijing. 21 - 26 Jul 2007. pp. 446-452 .

Wald, Mike, Wills, Gary, Millard, David, Gilbert, Lester, Khoja, Shakeel, Kajaba, Jiri and Butt, Prins (2008) Multimedia Annotation and Community Folksonomy Building. World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (EDMEDIA), Vienna, Austria. 02 - 03 Jun 2008. pp. 2213-2220 .

Wald, Mike , Miesenberger, Klaus, Klaus, Joachim, Zagler, Wolfgang and Karshmer, Arthur (eds.) (2008) Design of a 10 Credit Masters Level Assistive Technologies and Universal Design Module. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 190-193.

wald, mike , Miesenberger, Klaus, Klaus, Joachim, Zagler, Wolfgang and Karshmer, Arthur (eds.) (2008) Captioning Multiple Speakers using Speech Recognition to Assist Disabled People. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 617-623.

Wald, Mike, Seale, Jane and Draffan, E.A. (2008) Disabled Learners’ Experiences of E-learning. Luca, Joseph and Weippl, Edgar R. (eds.) In ED-MEDIA 2008: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. pp. 6374-6383 .

Wald, Mike and Bain, Keith (2008) Using speech recognition for real-time captioning of multiple speakers. IEEE MultiMedia, 15 (4), 56-57. (doi:10.1109/MMUL.2008.99).

Draffan, E.A., Wald, Mike and Seale, Jane (2008) A Toolkit for Signposting ‘Access for All’ based on Student Experiences of on-line Teaching and Learning Practices. Accessible Design in the Digital World:new media, new users, new technologies, York. 21 - 23 Sep 2008.

Seale, Jane, Wald, Mike and Draffan, E.A. (2008) Reflections on the value of participatory research methods in developing accessible design in higher education. Accessible Design in the Digital World:new media, new users, new technologies, York. 21 - 23 Sep 2008. (Submitted)

Draffan, E.A. and Wald, Mike (2008) Post-16 students matching assistive technologies with e-learning materials and social networking applications. 23rd Annual International Conference on Technology and Persons with Disabilities, Northridge, California, United States.

Seale, J., Wald, M. and Draffan, E.A. (2008) Exploring the technology experiences of disabled learners in higher education: challenges for the use and development of participatory research methods. Journal of Assistive Technologies, 2 (3), 4-15.

Draffan, E.A., Wald, Mike and Seale, Jane (2009) LexDis - Disabled Learners' Experiences of e-learning. ALISS Quarterly, 4 (4), 38 -41.

Li, Yunjia, Wald, Mike, Khoja, Shakeel, Wills, Gary, Millard, David, Kajaba, Jiri, Singh, Priyanaka and Gilbert, Lester (2009) Synote: Enhancing Multimedia E-Learning with Synchronised Annotation. First ACM international workshop on Multimedia technologies for distance learning, , Beijing, China. pp. 9-18 . (doi:10.1145/1631111.1631114).

Wald, Mike, Draffan, E.A. and Seale, Jane (2009) Disabled Learners’ Experiences of E-learning. Jl. of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 18 (3), 341-361.

Wald, Mike, Wills, Gary, Millard, David, Gilbert, Lester, Khoja, Shakeel, Kajaba, Jiri and Li, Yunjia (2009) Synchronised Annotation of Multimedia. : Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2009), Riga, Latvia. pp. 594-596 .

Almohimeed, Abdulaziz, Wald, Mike and Damper, R. (2009) A New Evaluation Approach for Sign Language Machine Translation. In Assistive Technology from Adapted Equipment to Inclusive Environments - AAATE 2009. IOS Press. pp. 498-502 .

Wald, Mike (2009) Developing Assistive Technology to Enhance Learning for all Students. In, Assistive Technology from Adapted Equipment to Inclusive Environments - AAATE 2009. IOS Press, pp. 510-514.

Wald, Mike, Wills, Gary, Millard, David, Gilbert, Lester, Khoja, Shakeel, Kajaba, Jiri, Li, Yunjia and Singh, Priyanaka (2009) Enhancing learning using synchronised multimedia annotation. EUNIS 2009: "IT: Key of the European Space for Knowledge", Santiago de Compostela, Spain. 22 - 25 Jun 2009.

Wald, Mike and Bell, John (2009) Benefiting disabled students by developing an application that uses captioning of multimedia to enhance learning for all students. Conference & Workshop on Assistive Technologies for People with Vision & Hearing Impairments, Wrocslaw, Poland.

Wald, Mike (2009) Synote: Synchronised Annotations Enhancing Learning. Speech Technologies: Learning and Teaching Innovations, IBM TJ Watson Research Center, New York, United States.

Wald, Mike (2009) Getting in Synch. Journal of the British Universities Film and Video Council, (76).

Wald, Mike (2009) Real-time speech recognition subtitling in education. 2nd International Seminar on Real-Time Intralingual Subtitling, , Barcelona, Spain. 19 Jun 2009. (Submitted)

Wald, Mike (2008) Using Speech Recognition Captioning to Enhance Multimedia Learning. Languages and the Media: 7th International Conference on Language Transfer in Audiovisual Media, Berlin, Germany. 29 - 31 Oct 2008. (Submitted)

Almohimeed, Abdulaziz, Wald, Mike and Damper, Robert (2010) An Arabic Sign Language Corpus for Instructional Language in School. LREC 2010: 4th Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Languages: Corpora and Sign Language Technologies, Malta. 16 - 21 May 2010. pp. 81-82 .

Wald, Mike (2010) Synote: Accessible and Assistive Technology Enhancing Learning for All Students. ICCHP 2010, Part II, LNCS 6180, 177-184.

Wald, Mike (2010) SYNOTE: Supporting assessment using annotated recordings. CAA 2010, , Southampton, United Kingdom. 19 - 20 Jul 2010.

Draffan, E.A., Wald, Mike, Newman, Russell, Skuse, Sebastian and Phethean, Christopher (2010) A technology toolkit to support accessibility of formative e-assessment for disabled students. CAA 2010, , Southampton, United Kingdom. 19 - 20 Jul 2010. 10 pp .

Wald, Mike (2010) Synote: Multimedia Annotation ‘Designed for all'. International Journal of the Computer, the Internet and Management, 18 (SP1).

Wald, Mike (2010) Synote: Designed for all Advanced Learning Technology for Disabled and Non-Disabled People. Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Sousse, Tunisia. pp. 716-717 .

Alotaibi, Sara Jeza, Wald, Dr. Mike and Argles, Dr. David (2011) Using Fingerprint Recognition in a New Security Model for Accessing Distributed Systems. International Journal of Intelligent Computing Research (IJICR), 2 (1), 491-500. (Submitted)

Alotaibi, Sara Jeza, Wald, Dr. Mike and Argles, Dr.David (2011) From Access Management System (AMS) to a Ubiquitous Access Management System (UbAMS), over Federated Access Management System (FAMS). MUE 2011 Workshop: The IEEE/FTRA International Workshop on Multimedia, Communication and Convergence technologies (MCC 2011), Crete, Greece. 27 - 29 Jun 2011. (Submitted)

Li, Yunjia, Wald, Mike and Wills, Gary (2011) Interlinking Multimedia Annotations. ACM Web Science Conference 2011, , Koblenz, Germany. 13 - 16 Jun 2011.

Wald, Mike (2011) Crowdsourcing Correction of Speech Recognition Captioning Errors. W4A 2011: 8th International Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Web Accessibility, Hyderabad, India.

Alotaibi, Sara, Wald, Mike and Argles, David (2011) A New Model for Accessing Distributed Systems by Using Fingerprint as a Password. The 5th Saudi International Conference - SIC 2011, WMG, The University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom. 22 - 25 Jun 2011.

Almohimeed, Abdulaziz, Wald, M. and Damper, R.I. (2011) Arabic Text to Arabic Sign Language Translation System for the Deaf and Hearing-Impaired Community. EMNLP 2011: The Second Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies (SLPAT), Edinburgh, UK, United Kingdom. pp. 101-109 .

Wald, Mike (2011) Synote: A free collaborative multimedia web technology helping Teachers and Students transform teaching and learning in Schools, Colleges and Universities. In Proceedings of the 15th Biennial of the International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching (ISATT), Back to the Future: Legacies, Continuities and Changes in Educational Policy, Practice and Research. Universidade do Minho..

Li, Yunjia, Wald, Mike, Wills, Gary, Khoja, Shakeel, Millard, David, Kajaba, Jiri, Singh, Priyanka and Gilbert, Lester (2011) Synote: development of a Web-based tool for synchronized annotations. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 17 (3), 1-18. (doi:10.1080/13614568.2011.558118).

Cudd, Peter, Draffan, E.A., Wald, Mike and Lee, Steve (2011) Designing the marriage of Open Innovation and User Participation. Assistive Technology Research Series, 29, 354-361.

Draffan, E.A., Cudd, Peter, Wald, Mike, Skuse, Sebastian and Lee, Steve (2011) An experiment in online AT open innovation. Assistive Technology Research Series, 29, 378-385.

Draffan, E.A., Wald, Mike, Iwabuchi, Mamoru, Takahashi, Maiko and Nakamura, Kenryu (2011) Cross-cultural study into the use of text to speech with electronic files to aid access to textbooks. Assistive Technology Research Series, 29, 897-904.

Li, Yunjia, Wald, Mike and Wills, Gary (2011) Applying Linked Data to Media Fragments and Annotations. ISWC 2011: 10th International Semanctic Web Conference, Bonn, Germany.

Alotaibi, Sara Jeza, Argles, David and Wald, Mike (2012) Step By Step to Design A New Security Model for Accessing Distributed Systems by Using Fingerprint (3846554901), LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing

Li, Yunjia, Wald, Mike and Wills, Gary (2012) Applying linked data in multimedia annotations. [in special issue: Semantic Multimedia] International Journal of Semantic Computing, 6 (3), 289-313. (doi:10.1142/S1793351X12400090).

Alotaibi, Sara, Wald, Mike and Gilbert, Lester (2012) Limitations In The Current Federated Access Management Systems. International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology (IJIMT, ISSN: 2010-0248).

Li, Yunjia, Wald, Mike, Omitola, Tope, Shadbolt, Nigel and Wills, Gary (2012) Synote: weaving media fragments and linked data. Linked Data on the Web (LDOW2012), Lyon, France. 15 Apr 2012. 10 pp . (Submitted)

Li, Yunjia, Wald, Mike and Wills, Gary (2012) Let Google index your media fragments. WWW2012 Developer Track, Lyon, France. 15 - 19 Apr 2012. 4 pp . (Submitted)

Roberts, L., Whittle, C., Cleland, J. and Wald, M. (2013) Measuring verbal communication in initial physical therapy encounters. Physical Therapy, 93 (4), Spring Issue, 479-491. (doi:10.2522/ptj.20120089).

Wald, Mike, Draffan, E.A., Skuse, Sebastian, Newman, Russell and Phethean, Chris (2012) Access toolkit for education. 13th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (ICCHP 2012), , Linz, Austria. 10 - 12 Jul 2012. 8 pp .

Wald, Mike (2012) Important new enhancements to inclusive learning using recorded lectures. 13th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (ICCHP 2012), , Linz, Austria. 10 - 12 Jul 2012. 8 pp .

Wald, Mike and Li, Yunjia (2012) Synote: Important Enhancements to Learning with Recorded Lectures. ICALT 2012.

Alotaibi, Sara Jeza and Wald, Mike (2012) IAMS framework: a new framework for acceptable user experiences for integrating physical and virtual identity access management systems. In 2012 World Congress on Internet Security (WorldCIS). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. pp. 17-22 .

Alotaibi, Sara Jeza and Wald, Mike (2012) Security, user experience, acceptability attributes for the integration of physical and virtual identity access management systems. In 2012 International Conference on Information Society (i-Society). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. pp. 277-282 .

Li, Yunjia, Rizzo, Giuseppe, Troncy, Raphael, Wald, Mike and Wills, Gary (2012) Creating enriched YouTube media fragments With NERD using timed-text. 11th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2012), Boston, United States. 11 - 15 Nov 2012. 4 pp .

Alotaibi, Sara Jeza and Wald, Mike (2012) Towards a UTAUT-based model for studying the integrating physical and virtual identity access management systems in e-government domain. The 7th IEEE International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST-2012), London, United Kingdom. 10 - 12 Dec 2012. (Submitted)

Alotaibi, Sara Jeza and Wald, Mike (2012) Validating the IAMS Framework. International Journal of Intelligent Computing Research (IJICR), 3 (1-2).

Li, Yunjia, Draffan, E.A., Glaser, Hugh, Millard, Ian, Newman, Russell, Wald, Mike, Wills, Gary and White, Magnus (2012) RailGB: using open accessibility data to help people with disabilities. International Semantic Web Conference 2012, , Boston, United States. 11 - 15 Nov 2012.

Ding, Chaohai, Wald, Mike and Wills, Gary (2013) Linked data for accessibility: from techniques to users. The IADIS International Conference on e-Society 2013, Lisbon, Portugal. 13 - 16 Mar 2013. pp. 514-516 .

Ding, Chaohai, Wald, Mike and Wills, Gary (2013) Travelling for all. The IADIS International Conference on e-Society 2013, Lisbon, Portugal. 13 - 16 Mar 2013. pp. 519-522 .

Li, Yunjia, Rizzo, Giuseppe, Garcia, Jose Luis Redondo, Troncy, Raphael, Wald, Mike and Wills, Gary (2013) Enriching media fragments with named entities for video classification. First Worldwide Web Workshop on Linked Media (LiME-2013), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 12 - 16 May 2013.

Alotaibi, Sara Jeza and Wald, Mike (2013) Acceptance theories and models for studying the integrating physical and virtual identity access management systems. International Journal for e-Learning Security (IJeLS), 4 (1/2). (In Press)

Angkananon, Kewalin, Wald, Mike and Gilbert, Lester (2013) Technology enhanced interaction framework. CGAT 2013 - 6th Annual International Conference on Computer Games, Multimedia and Allied Technologies, Singapore, Singapore. 21 - 22 Apr 2013. 6 pp .

Angkananon, Kewalin, Wald, Mike and Gilbert, Lester (2013) Using the technology enhanced interaction framework for interaction scenarios involving disabled people. 2nd International Conference on Advances in Information Technology, Bangkok, Thailand. 05 - 06 Apr 2013.

Angkananon, Kewalin, Wald, Mike and Gilbert, Lester (2013) Designing mobile web solutions for interaction scenarios involving disabled people. 8th IASTED International Conference on Advances in Computer Science, Phuket, Thailand. 09 - 11 Apr 2013.

Angkananon, Kewalin, Wald, Mike and Gilbert, Lester (2013) Using the technology enhanced interaction framework for interaction scenarios involving disabled people. International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and its Applications, 3, 1-5. (doi:10.3850/978-981-07-5939-1_25).

Al Rowais, Fadwa, Wald, Mike and Wills, Gary (2013) An Arabic framework for dyslexia training tools. 1st International Conference on Technology for Helping People with Special Needs (ICTHP-2013), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 19 - 20 Feb 2013. pp. 63-68 .

Wald, Mike, Li, Yunjia, Draffan, E.A. and Jing, Wei (2013) Synote mobile HTML5 responsive design video annotation application. International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and its Applications, 3 (2), 207-211.

Wald, Mike, Li, Yunjia, Draffan, E.A. and Wei, Jing (2013) HTML5 video on mobile browsers. International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science, 9 (3), 61-67.

Wald, Mike, Draffan, E.A., Li, Yunjia and Jing, Wei (2013) Synote mobile: HTML5 responsive design video annotation application. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Advances in Information Technology (AIT 2013). pp. 12-16 .

Angkananon, Kewalin, Wald, Mike and Gilbert, Lester , Moscholios, Ioannis and Rychly, Marek (eds.) (2013) Issues in conducting expert validation and review and user evaluation of the technology enhanced interaction framework and method. Issues in conducting expert validation and review and user evaluation of the technology enhanced interaction framework and method, 124-128.

Wald, Mike, Li, Yunjia, Draffan, E.A, Brierley, James, Ivanova, Alyona, Streeting, Robert and Tucker, Matthew (2013) Synote Discussion. Extending Synote to support threaded discussions synchronised with recorded videos. In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services. International Academy, Research and Industry Association.. (In Press)

Wald, Mike (2013) Concurrent collaborative captioning. Arabnia, Hamid R., Deligiannidis, Leonidas and Jandieri, George (eds.) In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice SERP'13. CSREA Press..

Angkananon, Kewalin, Wald, Mike and Gilbert, Lester (2013) Findings of expert validation and review of the technology enhanced interaction framework. The 13th International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice, Las Vegas, United States. 21 - 24 Jul 2013.

Angkananon, Kewalin, Wald, Mike and Gilbert, Lester (2013) Applying technology enhanced interaction framework to accessible mobile learning. 5th International Conference on Software Development and Technologies for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion (DSAI 2013). 13 - 15 Nov 2013. 10 pp .

Angkananon, Kewalin, Wald, Mike and Gilbert, Lester (2013) Technology Enhanced Interaction Framework: issues in evaluating a new software design framework and method. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications. (Submitted)

Alotaibi, Sara Jeza and Wald, Mike (2013) Evaluation of the UTAUT model for acceptable user experiences in e-Government physical and virtual identity access management systems. 8th IEEE International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST-2013), London, United Kingdom. 09 - 12 Dec 2013.

Wald, Mike, Li, Yunjia and Draffan, E.A. (2013) Synote: collaborative mobile learning for all. Procedia Computer Science, 27, 1-10. (doi:10.1016/j.procs.2014.02.027).

Alotaibi, Sara Jeza and Wald, Mike (2014) Discussion and evaluation of the updated UTAUT Model in IAMSs. International Journal of Intelligent Computing Research (IJICR).

Ding, Chaohai, Wald, Mike and Wills, Gary (2014) A survey of open accessibility data. The 11th Web for All Conference 2014, Seoul, Korea, Republic of. 06 - 08 Apr 2014. 4 pp . (doi:10.1145/2596695.2596708).

Wald, Mike, Li, Yunjia, Cockshull, George, Hulme, David, Moore, Doug, Purdy-Say, Aidan and Robinson, James (2014) Synote second screening: using mobile devices for video annotation and control. Home 14th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (ICCHP 2014), , Paris, France. 08 - 10 Jul 2014. pp. 1-4 .

Ding, Chaohai, Wald, Mike and Wills, Gary (2014) Open accessibility data interlinking. 14th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, Paris, France. 08 - 10 Jul 2014. pp. 73-80 .

Ding, Chaohai, Wald, Mike and Wills, Gary (2014) Using open accessibility data for accessible travelling. Pre-Conference of 14th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, , Paris, France. 06 - 07 Jul 2014. 4 pp .

Angkananon, Kewalin, Wald, Mike and Gilbert, Lester (2014) User evaluation of technology enhanced interaction framework. The 14th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (ICCHP), Paris, France. 10 Jul 2014. 8 pp .

Li, Yunjia, Ding, Chaohai and Wald, Mike (2014) WhatTheySaid: enriching UK Parliament debates with Semantic Web. the 13th International Semantic Web Conference: Post and Demo Session, Riva del Garda, Italy. 18 - 22 Oct 2014. 4 pp .

Li, Yunjia, Troncy, Raphael, Wald, Mike and Wills, Gary (2014) Media fragment indexing using social media. 2nd International Workshop on Linked Media (LiME2014), Crete, Greece. 24 May 2014. 14 pp .

Ding, Chaohai, Wald, Mike and Wills, Gary Brian (2014) Applying the linked data principles to open accessibility data for accessible way-finding. Accessible Way-Finding Using Web Technologies. Online Symposium. 03 Dec 2014.

Wald, Mike, Li, Yunjia and Draffan, E.A. (2014) Accessible Collaborative Learning Using Mobile Devices. [in special issue: Information & Communication Technologies in Special Needs Education] Themes in Science & Technology Education, 7 (2), 67-82.

Draffan, E.A., Kadous, Amatullah, Amal, Idris, Zahid, Aejaz, Zeinoin, Nadine, Wald, Mike and Halabi, Nawar (2014) Arabic/English symbol dictionary: early challenges and technological opportunities. Communication Matters, 28 (3), 26-28.

Ding, Chaohai, Wald, Mike and Wills, Gary (2015) Linked data-driven decision support for accessible travelling. W4A (Web for All) 2015 – Doctoral Consortium, Florence, Italy. (doi:10.1145/2745555.2746681).

Ding, Chaohai, Halabi, Nawar, Alzaben, Lama, Li, Yunjia, Draffan, E.A. and Wald, Mike (2015) A web based multi-linguists symbol-to-text AAC application. W4A (Web for All) 2015 – TPG Accessibility Challenge, Florence, Italy. 17 - 19 May 2015. (doi:10.1145/2745555.2746674).

Draffan, E.A., Kadous, Amatulla, Amal, Idris, Zahid, Aejaz, Zeinoun, Nadine, Wald, Mike and Halabi, Nawar (2015) Synergistic teamwork using social media for innovative development of an Arabic symbol dictionary. Innovation Arabia 8: Final Conference Proceedings, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. 16 - 18 Feb 2015. pp. 371-385 .

Wald, Michael and Li, Yunjia (2015) Enhancing synote with quizzes, polls and analytics. The 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT 2015), Nusa Dua, Indonesia. 26 - 28 May 2015. pp. 402-407 . (doi:10.1109/ICoICT.2015.7231459).

Angkananon, Kewalin, Wald, Mike and Gilbert, Lester (2015) Technology enhanced interaction framework and method for accessibility in Thai museums. In 2015 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT). IEEE. pp. 316-321 . (doi:10.1109/ICoICT.2015.7231443).

Draffan, E.A., Wald, M. and Halabi, N. et al. (2015) Generating acceptable Arabic Core Vocabularies and Symbols for AAC users. 6th Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies, Dresden, Germany. pp. 91-96 . (doi:10.18653/v1/W15-5116).

Draffan, E.A., Wald, M., Halabi, N., Kadous, A, Idris, A., Zeinoun, N., Banes, D. and Lawand, D. (2015) A Voting System for AAC Symbol Acceptance. ASSETS ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, Lisbon, Portugal. pp. 371-372 . (doi:10.1145/2700648.2811374).

Mashat, Alaa, Wald, Mike and Parsons, Sarah (2014) Improving social and communication skills of adult Arabs with ASD through the use of social media technologies. [in special issue: Computers Helping People with Special Needs: 14th International Conference, ICCHP 2014, Paris, France, July 9-11, 2014, Proceedings, Part I] Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8547, 478-485. (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-08596-8_75).

Mashat, Alaa, Wald, Mike and Parsons, Sarah (2015) The role of photos in social media interactions of adult Arabs with autism spectrum disorder. INTED2015 Proceedings. 9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Madrid, Spain. 02 - 04 Mar 2015. pp. 2873-2879 .

Draffan, E.A., Wald, M., Dickens, K., Zimmermann, G., Kelle, S., Miesenberger, K. and Petz, A. (2015) Stepwise approach to accessible MOOC development. Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe (AAATE 2015), Budapest, Hungary. pp. 227-234 . (doi:10.3233/978-1-61499-566-1-227).

Angkananon, K., Wald, M. and Gilbert, L. (2014) Developing and evaluating a technology enhanced interaction framework and method that can enhance the accessibility of mobile learning. Themes in Science and Technology Education, 7 (2), 99-118.

Rogers, Neil, Wald, Michael and Draffan, E.A. (2014) Classic accessibility checks fail e-readers. IFLA WLIC 2014 Postconference Satellite, Paris, France. 21 - 22 Aug 2014.

Bono, Valentina, Narzisi, Antonio, Jouen, Anne-Lise, Tilmont, Elodie, Hommel, Stephane, Jamal, Wasifa, Xavier, Jean, Maharatna, Koushik, Wald, Mike, Chetouani, Mohamed, Cohen, David and Muratori, Filippo (2016) GOLIAH: A gaming platform for home based intervention in Autism - principles and design. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 7 (70), 1-16. (doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2016.00070). (PMID:27199777)

Draffan, E.A., James, Abi, Wald, Mike and Idris, Amal (2016) Framework for selecting assistive technology user-participation methods. Journal of Assistive Technologies, 10 (2), 92-101. (doi:10.1108/JAT-01-2016-0007).

Halabi, Nawar and Wald, Mike (2016) Phonetic inventory for an Arabic speech corpus. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), Slovenia, Slovenia. 22 - 27 May 2016. pp. 734-738 .

James, Abi, Draffan, E.A. and Wald, Mike (2016) Learning through videos: are disabled students using good note-taking strategies? Miesenberger, Klaus, Buhler, Christian and Penaz, Petr (eds.) In Computers Helping People with Special Needs; 15th International Conference, ICCHP 2016 Linz, Austria, July 13–15, 2016 Proceedings, Part I. Springer. pp. 461-467 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-41264-1_63).

Wald, Mike (2016) A personal reflection on developing a digital accessibility MOOC compared to developing a traditional course. In, Miesenberger, Klaus, Buhler, Christian and Penaz, Petr (eds.) Computers Helping People with Special Needs. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9758) Cham, CH. Springer, pp. 425-428. (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-41264-1_58).

Angkananon, Kewalin and Wald, Mike (2016) Extending the technology enhanced accessible interaction framework method for Thai visually impaired people. Miesenberger, Klaus, Buhler, Christian and Penaz, Petr (eds.) In Computers Helping People with Special Needs. Springer. pp. 555-559 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-41267-2_78).

Mashat, Alaa, Wald, Mike and Parsons, Sarah (2016) Investigating the use of social media technologies by adults with autism spectrum disorder in Saudi Arabia. 2016 HCI international conference, Toronto, Canada. 16 - 21 Jul 2016. pp. 224-236 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-40238-3_22).

Alruwais, Nuha, Wills, Gary and Wald, Mike (2016) Factors that impact the acceptance and usage of e-assessment by academics in Saudi universities. INTCESS2016 3rd International Conference on Education and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings. 08 - 10 Feb 2016. pp. 119-127 .

Alruwais, Nuha, Wills, Gary and Wald, Mike (2016) Identifying factors that affect the acceptance and use of E-assessment by academics in Saudi Universities. IJAEDU - International E-Journal of Advances in Education, 2 (4), 132-140. (doi:10.18768/ijaedu.20012).

Rogers, Neil, Wald, Mike and Draffan, E.A. (2016) Evaluating the mobile web accessibility of electronic text for print impaired people in higher education. In W4A '16 Proceedings of the 13th Web for All Conference. ACM Press. 2 pp . (doi:10.1145/2899475.2899504).

Jeamwatthanachai, Watthanasak, Wald, Mike and Wills, Gary (2017) Map data representation for indoor navigation - a design framework towards a construction of indoor map. In 2016 International Conference on Information Society (i-Society). IEEE. pp. 91-96 . (doi:10.1109/i-Society.2016.7854184).

Alruwais, Nuha, Wills, Gary and Wald, Mike (2016) Validating factors that impact the acceptance and use of e-assessment among academics in Saudi universities. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 7 (10), 1-8.

Mongkolsripattana, Sasithorn, Wald, Mike and Wills, Gary (2016) Matching learning material to people with disabilities based on competence and functional capability. The International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2016), Dublin, Ireland. 09 - 12 Oct 2016. 6 pp .

Wald, Michael (2017) Business model for captioning university lecture recordings. Journal of Manangement Science, Suratthani Rajabhat University, 3.

Jeamwatthanachai, Watthanasak, Wald, Michael and Wills, Gary (2017) Map data representation for indoor navigation by blind people. International Journal of Chaotic Computing, 4 (1), 70-78. (doi:10.20533/ijcc.2046.3359.2016.0009).

Wald, Michael, Angkananon, Kewalin and Gilbert, Lester (2016) Evaluation of technology for enhanced accessible interaction framework for local Thai museums. 28 pp .

James, Abi, Draffan, E.A. and Wald, Michael (2017) Comparing accessibility auditing methods for ebooks: crowdsourced, functionality-led versus web content methodologies. In Harnessing the Power of Technology to Improve Lives. vol. 242, IOS Press. pp. 969-976 . (doi:10.3233/978-1-61499-798-6-969).

James, Abi, Draffan, E.A. and Wald, Michael (2017) Designing Web-Apps for all: How do we include those with cognitive disabilities? In, Harnessing the Power of Technology to Improve Lives. (HASH(0xe7373c8), 242) Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe 2017: Harnessing the power of technology to improve lives (13/09/17 - 14/09/17) IOS Press, pp. 665-668. (doi:10.3233/978-1-61499-798-6-665).

Wald, Michael and Angkananon, Kewalin (2018) Online video in computing classes improves Thai students’ English. International Conference on Education and New Developments, , Budapest, Hungary. 23 - 25 Jun 2018. pp. 106-110 .

Wald, Michael (2018) Using Speech Recognition Transcription to enhance learning from lecture recordings. International Conference on Education and New Developments, , Budapest, Hungary. 23 - 25 Jun 2018. pp. 111-115 .

Eilas, Mirette, James, Abi, Lohmann, Steffen, Auer, Sören and Wald, Mike (2018) Towards an open authoring tool for accessible slide presentations. Miesenberger, K. and Kouroupetroglou, G. (eds.) In Computers Helping People with Special Needs. ICCHP 2018. vol. 10896, Springer. pp. 172-180 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-94277-3_29).

Draffan, E. A., Leon, Manuel, James, Abi, Aljaloud, Saud and Wald, Mike (2018) Completion, comments and repurposing a digital accessibility MOOC. In Computers Helping People with Special Needs - 16th International Conference, ICCHP 2018, Proceedings. vol. 10896 LNCS, Springer-Verlag. pp. 138-145 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-94277-3_24).

Wald, Michael and Angkananon, Kewalin (2018) An experimental study of subtitled online video supporting Thai students learning English IT Content. Teaching English with Technology, 18 (4), 48-70.

Jeamwatthanachai, Watthanasak, Wald, Michael and Wills, Gary (2019) Indoor navigation by blind people: behaviors and challenges in unfamiliar spaces and buildings. British Journal of Visual Impairment, 37 (2), 140–153. (doi:10.1177/0264619619833723).

Jeamwatthanachai, Watthanasak, Wald, Michael and Wills, Gary (2019) Spatial representation framework for better indoor navigation by people with visual impairment. Journal of Enabling Technologies, 13 (4), 212-227. (doi:10.1108/JET-12-2018-0068).

Jeamwatthanachai, Watthanasak, Wald, Michael and Wills, Gary (2019) Building rating system: an instrument for building accessibility measurement for better indoor navigation by blind people. Journal of Enabling Technologies, 13 (3), 158-172. (doi:10.1108/JET-12-2018-0060).

Draffan, E.A., Wald, Michael, Zeinoun, Nadine and Banes, David (2017) Democratisation of AAC symbol choices using technology. In, Cudd, Peter and de Witte, Luc (eds.) Harnessing the Power of Technology to Improve Lives. (Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 242) IOS Press, pp. 355-362. (doi:10.3233/978-1-61499-798-6-355).

Wald, Michael (2019) Enhancing learning through accessible lecture recordings. Media & Learning News, (April).

Wald, Michael, Angkananon, Kewalin and Plodaksorn, Piyabud (2019) Mobile application for Thai & foreign tourists visiting Thai temple. International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage, 7 (3), 75-96, [8].

Rogers, Neil, Edward (2019) Dataset for: Automatically evaluating the mobile web accessibility of Higher Education electronic texts for print impairments. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1064 [Dataset]

Wald, Michael and Angkananon, Kewalin (2020) Development and testing of a Thai website accessibility evaluation tool. International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, 10 (5), 4900-4909. (doi:10.11591/ijece.v10i5.pp%25p).

Draffan, E.A., Ding, Chaohai, Wald, Mike and Newman, Russell (2020) Multilingual symbolic support for low levels of literacy on the Web. In WebSci '20: 12th ACM Conference on Web Science Companion. ACM Press. pp. 60-63 . (doi:10.1145/3394332.3402831).

Wald, Michael (2020) Are universities finally complying with EU directive on accessibility? Media & Learning News.

Wald, Michael, Draffan, E.A. and Ding, Chaohai (2020) AI and global AAC symbol communication. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12376, 59-66. (doi:10.1007/978-3-030-58796-3_8).

Wald, Michael, Ding, Chaohai, Draffan, E.A. and Newman, Russell (2020) Can a web accessibility checker be enhanced by the use of AI? Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12376, 67-73. (doi:10.1007/978-3-030-58796-3_9).

Wald, Michael, Ding, Chaohai and Draffan, E.A. (2020) AccessKB: linked open data for accessible travel. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12377, 297-304. (doi:10.1007/978-3-030-58805-2_35).

McNaught, Alistair, Wilkinson, Piers, Wald, Michael, Watson, Ben, Duncan, Nik, Clark, Dan, Oliver, Olive and Charles, Elizabeth (2021) Guidance for captioning rich media: Institutional approaches to supporting disabled learners , Advance HE, 15pp.

Wald, Mike (2021) AI data driven personalisation and disability inclusion. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence-Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, 3, [571955]. (doi:10.3389/frai.2020.571955).

Wald, Michael, Angkananon, Kewalin and Phetkeaw, Thimaporn (2021) Development and evaluation of technology enhanced interaction framework method for designing accessible technologies for visually impaired people. Frontiers in Computer Science, 3, [671414]. (doi:10.3389/fcomp.2021.671414).

Wald, Michael, Ding, Chaohai and Draffan, E.A. (2021) Introduction to workshop: overcoming accessibility gaps on the social web. In WebSci 2021 - Proceedings of the 13th ACM Web Science Conference (Companion Volume). ACM Press. 2 pp . (


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Dr Jize Yan joined the University of Southampton as an Associate Professor in 2016. He received his first degree from Tsinghua University in China in 2003, and obtained his PhD from the University of Cambridge in 2007. Jize's research interest includes microsystem and sensor solution for industrial applications, and his work has resulted in 100+ peer-reviewed publications, 10+ patents and several best paper awards. Currently, he is leading a team of 2 researchers and 9 PhD students. He is the PI on an £836k EPSRC project (EP/V000624/1, Integrated levitated optomechanical gravimeter) focusing on an exciting innovation in quantifying gravity based on the frequency measurement of the gravity-induced precession in an optically levitated fast-spinning particle. He is a member of Zepler Institute ( and Southampton Nanofabrication Centre ( He is also working closely with Warwick Manufacturing Group (for Battery Monitoring), UC Berkeley (for Smart Infrastructure) and Singapore CREATE Centre/Cambridge Centre for Carbon Reduction in Chemical Technology (for Energy).

Before appointed as the Associate Professor in Southampton, Jize has held positions as a Research Associate, Senior Research Associate and Principal Investigator at the University of Cambridge, and led 17 pilot research projects. He has secured £13Mn+ research grants from various sources. Till 2015, he was a co-investigator of a £10Mn research programme funded by Cambridge Centre for Carbon Reduction in Chemical Technology: Electrochemical multi-scale science, engineering and technology. He was also a named researcher on a £2.3Mn EPSRC project (EP/K000314/1) and led the research of three subprojects within EP/K000314/1. He has worked with 30+ industrial collaborators, such as BP, NXP, IMEC, Samsung, Costain, VIAVI Solutions, Groupstars, Skanska, etc. He has served as an editorial board member for several international journals and a reviewer of 20+ journals. He is a scientific peer reviewer of grant applications for three countries and a technology reviewer for a list of venture capitals. 

Jize has developed research innovations and impacts in the following fields: 

(1) MEMS Mode-localization sensors. Jize and his collaborators have developed the concept of utilising vibration mode-localisation as a paradigm of mechanical sensing, which has profoundly impacted the design and development of ultra-sensitive micro-/nano-mechanical sensors. Unprecedented enhancements in sensor response exceeding three orders of magnitude relative to the more conventional resonant frequency shift based technique have been theoretically and experimentally demonstrated using this revolutionary sensing approach. Jize and his collaborators have licensed a patent (EP2577324B1, US9261525B2) to Silicon Microgravity Ltd ( The company focused on MEMS-based gravimeters and secured a $7Mn investment from VC in 2018.

(2) Parametric vibration energy harvester. Jize and his collaborators have developed an innovative energy harvester designed to access parametric resonance, which can outperform the conventional direct resonant approach by over an order of magnitude in terms of power output given the same drive acceleration. Jize and his collaborators have licensed several patents (US9871472B2, GB2572572A and GB2484454B) and led to 8Power Ltd (, in which Jize is a co-founder. The company specialised in self-powered wireless sensor solutions for industrial plant applications and secured a few runs of £Mn investment from VC. 

(3) Dynamic Distributed Fibre Optic Sensor (DFOS). Jize and his collaborators have developed a novel Brillouin optical time-domain reflectometry (BOTDR) using the small-gain stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) to replace the traditional spontaneous SBS. The sensor instrument has a significantly enhanced signal-to-noise ratio and can use the short-time Fourier transform to reduce the system complexity. It successfully measured the dynamic strain profile continuously and was implemented in many engineering sites of infrastructure and geotechnics ( As a critical research scheme in the Cambridge Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction and National Research Facility for Infrastructure Sensing, Jize's work makes DFOS technology more acceptable to the 'conservative' civil and infrastructure industries. It could significantly impact the way to manage infrastructure on a national scale through intelligent sensing. Jize and his collaborators had an international patent (WO2018005539A1), currently under commercialisation by the University of California, Berkeley. 

(4) Wireless sensor network and big data. Jize and his collaborators have developed low-power wireless sensor technology and a big-data blockchain framework. Jize has co-founded a Wireless Sensor Network company (Wisen, and a Blockchain Infrastructure company (TRACO, to develop industrial applications. His students have formed a Healthcare and Big Data company for Pharmaceutical Applications in the UK (Healthera,, which hold 40% of the UK market share) and a software solution company in Kenya (Henga,


Research interests


1) Silicon optomechanics (sensors, actuators, and levitation devices)

2) Distributed fibre optic sensors based on Brillouin and Rayleigh Scattering, and its system-on-a-chip solution

3) MEMS resonant sensors, and wireless sensor network with energy harvesting solution 

4) On-chip all-optical deep learning device (neural network and machine learning)

Sensor Solution for industrial applications, such as

1) Infrastructure (strain, tilt, vibration, noise etc.)

2) Battery (temperature, chemistry, ageing etc.)

3) Aeroplane (acceleration, rotation, impact etc.)

4) Pipeline (temperature, stress, crack etc.)


ELEC6203 Microsensor technology

ELEC6208 Bio/Micro/Nano Systems

ELEC2223 Aerospace Electronics Design

ELEC6219 Wireless and Mobile Networks

ELEC2205 / ELEC2217 Engineering Chip Design

ELEC6211 MSc Project Preparation

COMP3200 Part III Individual Project

ELEC6200 Group Design Project

Admission Tutor of MSc programmes


Luo, Linqing, Li, Bo, Yu, Yifei, Xu, Xiaomin, Soga, Kenichi and Yan, Jize (2016) Time and frequency localized pulse shape for resolution enhancement in STFT-BOTDR. Journal of Sensors, 2016 (3204130), 1-10. (doi:10.1155/2016/3204130).

Belsito, Luca, Ferr, Matteo, Mancarella, Fulvio, Masini, Luca, Yan, Jize, Seshia, Ashwin A., Soga, Kenichi and Roncaglia, Alberto (2016) Fabrication of high-resolution strain sensors based on wafer-level vacuum packaged MEMS resonators. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 239, 90-101. (doi:10.1016/j.sna.2016.01.006).

Yu, Yifei, Luo, Liqing, Li, Bo, Guo, Linfeng, Yan, Jize and Soga, Kenichi (2015) Double peak-induced distance error in STFT-BOTDR event detection and the recovery method. Applied Optics, 54 (28), E196-E202. (doi:10.1364/AO.54.00E196).

Funnell, Adam, Xu, Xiaomin, Yan, Jize and Soga, Kenichi (2015) Simulation of noise within BOTDA and COTDR system to study the impact on dynamic sensing. International Journal of Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems, 8 (3), 1576-1600.

Hughes, Josie, Yan, Jize and Soga, Kenichi (2015) Development of wireless sensor network using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) for construction noise monitoring. International Journal of Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems, 8 (2), 1379-1405.

Jia, Yu, Yan, Jize, Soga, Kenichi and Seshia, Ashwin A. (2014) Parametric resonance for vibration energy harvesting with design techniques to passively reduce the initiation threshold amplitude. Smart Materials and Structures, 23 (6), 1-13, [065011]. (doi:10.1088/0964-1726/23/6/065011).

Jia, Yu, Yan, Jize, Soga, Kenichi and Seshia, Ashwin A. (2013) Parametrically excited MEMS vibration energy harvester with design approaches to overcome the initiation threshold amplitude. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 23 (11), 1-10. (doi:10.1088/0960-1317/23/11/114007).

Jia, Yu, Yan, Jize, Soga, Kenichi and Seshia, Ashwin A. (2014) A parametrically excited vibration energy harvester. Journal of Intelligent Materials Systems and Structures, 25 (3), 278-289. (doi:10.1177/1045389X13491637).

Lee, Joshua E.-Y., Yan, Jize and Seshia, Ashwin A. (2009) Low loss HF band SOI wine glass bulk mode capacitive square-plate resonator. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 19 (7), 1-10. (doi:10.1088/0960-1317/19/7/074003).

Ferri, Matteo, Mancarella, Fulvio, Belsito, Luca, Roncaglia, Alberto, Yan, Jize, Seshia, Ashwin A., Soga, Kenichi and Zaleshy, Jan (2010) Strain sensing on steel surfaces using vacuum packaged MEMS resonators. [in special issue: Eurosensor XXIV Conference] Procedia Engineering, 5, 1426-1429. (doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2010.09.383).

Zou, Xudong, Yan, Jize and Seshia, Ashwin A. (2010) A novel tunable band-pass filter based on a single square-ring MEMS resonator. [in special issue: Eurosensor XXIV Conference] Procedia Engineering, 5, 1446-1449. (doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2010.09.388).

Lin, Angel T.-H., Yan, Jize and Seshia, Ashwin A. (2010) 2.2MHz piezoresistive MEMS oscillator operating in air. [in special issue: Eurosensor XXIV Conference] Procedia Engineering, 5, 1498-1501. (doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2010.09.401).

Lin, Angel T.-H., Yan, Jize and Seshia, Ashwin A. (2010) Mechanically coupled bulk-mode dual resonator mass sensor. [in special issue: Eurosensor XXIV Conference] Procedia Engineering, 5, 1454-1457. (doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2010.09.390).

Lin, A.T.-H., Lee, J.E.-Y., Yan, J. and Seshia, A.A. (2010) Methods for enhanced electrical transduction and characterization of micromechanical resonators. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 158 (2), 263-272. (doi:10.1016/j.sna.2010.01.024).

Thiruvenkatanathan, P., Yan, J., Woodhouse, J., Aziz, A. and Seshia, A.A. (2010) Ultrasensitive mode-localized mass sensor with electrically tunable parametric sensitivity. Applied Physics Letters, 96 (81913), 1-3. (doi:10.1063/1.3315877).

Thiruvenkatanathan, Pradyumna, Yan, Jize and Seshia, Ashwin A. (2010) Differential amplification of structural perturbations in weakly coupled MEMS resonators. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 57 (3), 690-697. (doi:10.1109/TUFFC.2010.1466). (PMID:20211789)

Yan, Jize, Seshia, Ashwin A., Phan, Kim L. and van Beek, Joost T.M. (2010) Internal electrical and mechanical phase inversion for coupled resonator array MEMS Filters. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 158 (1), 18-29. (doi:10.1016/j.sna.2009.12.011).

Thiruvenkatanathan, Pradyumna, Woodhouse, Jim, Yan, Jize and Seshia, Ashwin A. (2011) Limits to mode-localized sensing using micro- and nanomechanical resonator arrays. Journal of Applied Physics, 109 (10), 1-12. (doi:10.1063/1.3590143).

Thiruvenkatanathan, Pradyumna, Woodhouse, Jim, Yan, Jize and Seshia, Ashwin A. (2011) Manipulating vibration energy confinement in electrically coupled microelectromechanical resonator arrays. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 20 (1), 157-164. (doi:10.1109/JMEMS.2010.2090501).

Lee, Joshua E.-Y., Yan, Jize and Seshia, Ashwin A. (2011) Study of lateral mode SOI-MEMS resonators for reduced anchor loss. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 21 (4), 1-10. (doi:10.1088/0960-1317/21/4/045010).

Lin, Angel T.-H., Yan, Jize and Seshia, Ashwin A. (2012) Electrically addressed dual resonator sensing platform for biochemical detection. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 21 (1), 34-43. (doi:10.1109/JMEMS.2011.2174420).

Xu, Xiaomin, Fidler, Paul R.A., Rodenas-Herraiz, David, Li, Wei, Kumar, Varindra, Birks, Jules, Yan, Jize and Soga, Kenichi (2016) Monitoring on the performance of temporary props using wireless strain sensing. ICSIC 2016 / ANCRiSST 2016, Cambridge, United Kingdom. 26 - 29 Jun 2016. 6 pp .

Xu, Xiaomin, Nawaz, Sarfraz, Filder, Paul, Rodenas-Herraiz, David, Yan, Jize and Soga, Kenichi (2016) Wireless sensor monitoring of Paddington Station Box corner. ICSIC 2016 / ANCRiSST 2016, Cambridge, United Kingdom. 26 - 29 Jun 2016. 6 pp .

Kumar, Varindra, Yan, Jize, Xu, Xiaomin, Qian, Yuchen and Soga, Kenichi (2016) Low power DSP with wireless monitoring for civil constructions. ICSIC 2016 / ANCRiSST 2016, Cambridge, United Kingdom. 26 - 29 Jun 2016. 5 pp .

Luo, Linqing, Li, Bo, Yu, Yifei, Xu, Xiaomin, Yan, Jize and Soga, Kenichi (2016) Iterative filtering for time-frequency localised pulse optimisation in STFT-BOTDR. ICSIC 2016 / ANCRiSST 2016, Cambridge, United Kingdom. 26 - 29 Jun 2016. 6 pp .

Yu, Yifei, Luo, Linqing, Li, Bo, Yan, Jize and Soga, Kenichi (2016) Multiple windows algorithm for event detection in STFT-BORDER. ICSIC 2016 / ANCRiSST 2016, Cambridge, United Kingdom. 26 - 29 Jun 2016. 6 pp .

Mei, Ying, Xu, Xiaomin, Yan, Jize and Soga, Kenichi (2016) Characterization on the distributed fibre optic sensors using a newly developed calibration system. ICSIC2016 / ANCRiSST2016, Cambridge, United Kingdom. 26 - 29 Jun 2016. 6 pp .

Yu, Yifei, Luo, Linqing, Bo, Li, Soga, Kenichi and Yan, Jize (2016) Frequency resolution quantification of Brillouin distributed optical fibre sensors. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 1-1. (doi:10.1109/LPT.2016.2594084).

Do, Cuong, Erbes, Andreja, Yan, Jize and Seshia, A. Ashwin (2016) Design and implementation of a low-power hybrid capacitive MEMS oscillator. Microelectronics Journal, 1-21. (In Press)

Cui, Zhihao and Yan, Jize (2016) User behaviour monitoring using mobile phones to improve 5G services and performance. International Journal of Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems, 9 (3), 1189-1219.

Belsito, Luca, Ferri, Matteo, Mancarella, Fulvio, Roncaglia, Alberto, Yan, Jize, Seshia, A. Ashwin and Soga, Kenichi (2013) High-resolution strain sensing on steel by Silicon-On-Insulator flexural resonators fabricated with chip-level vacuum packaging. Transducers & Eurosensors XXVII: The 17th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Transducers (Transducers & Eurosensors XXVII), Barcelona, Spain. 15 - 19 Jun 2013. pp. 992-995 . (doi:10.1109/Transducers.2013.6626936).

Erbes, Andreja, Thiruvenkatanathan, Pradyumna, Yan, Jize and Seshia, A Ashwin (2013) Investigating vibration dynamics of cross-coupled MEMS resonators for reduced motional resistance. In 2013 Transducers & Eurosensors XXVII: The 17th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS & EUROSENSORS XXVII). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. pp. 1711-1714 . (doi:10.1109/Transducers.2013.6627116).

Zou, Xudong, Yan, Jize and Seshia, A Ashwin (2011) Voltage programmable dual-band bandpass/bandstop filter response in a single micro-electro-mechanical device. 2011 16th International Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Conference, Beijing Shi, China. 04 - 08 Jun 2011. pp. 836-839 . (doi:10.1109/TRANSDUCERS.2011.5969694).

Ferri, Matteo, Belsito, Luca, Mancarella, Fulvio, Masini, Luca, Roncaglia, Alberto, Yan, Jize, Seshia, A Ashwin and Soga, Kenichi (2011) Fabrication and testing of a high resolution extensometer based on resonant MEMS strain sensors. Transducers 2011: 16th International Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Conference, Beijing. 04 - 08 Jun 2011. pp. 1056-1059 . (doi:10.1109/TRANSDUCERS.2011.5969171).

Thiruvenkatanathan, Pradyumna, Yan, Jize, Lee, Joshua and Seshia, A Ashwin (2009) Enhancing parametric sensitivity in electrically coupled MEMS resonators. Transducers 2009 - 2009 International Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Conference, Denver, United States. 20 - 24 Jun 2009. pp. 2350-2353 . (doi:10.1109/SENSOR.2009.5285444).

Matteo, Ferri, Mancarella, Fulvio, Yan, Jize, Lee, Joshua, Seshia, A Ashwin, Zalesky, Jan, Soga, Kenichi and Roncaglia, Alberto (2009) Design and prototyping of a MEMS-based crackmeter for structural monitoring. Transducers 2009 - 2009 International Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Conference, Denver, United States. 20 - 24 Jun 2009. pp. 315-318 . (doi:10.1109/SENSOR.2009.5285501).

Lin, Angel T-H, Lee, Joshua, Yan, Jize and Seshia, A Ashiwn (2009) Enhanced transduction methods for electrostatically driven MEMS resonators. Transducers 2009 - 2009 International Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Conference, Denver, United States. 20 - 24 Jun 2009. pp. 561-564 . (doi:10.1109/SENSOR.2009.5285386).

Agrawal, Deepak, Thiruvenkatanathan, Pradyumna, Yan, Jize and Seshia, A. Ashwin (2011) Electrically coupled MEMS oscillators. 2011 Joint Conference of the IEEE International Frequency Control and the European Frequency and Time Forum (FCS), San Francisco, United States. 01 - 04 May 2011. 5 pp . (doi:10.1109/FCS.2011.5977776).

Lin, Angel, Yan, Jize and Seshia, A. Ashwin (2010) Electrostatically transduced face-shear mode silicon MEMS microresonator. 2010 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (FCS). 31 May - 03 Jun 2010. pp. 534-538 . (doi:10.1109/FREQ.2010.5556271).

Thiruvenkatanathan, Pradyumna, Yan, Jize and Seshia, A. Ashwin (2010) Ultrasensitive mode-localized micromechanical electrometer. 2010 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (FCS). 31 May - 03 Jun 2010. pp. 91-96 . (doi:10.1109/FREQ.2010.5556368).

Thiruvenkatanathan, Pradyumna, Yan, Jize and Seshia, A. Ashwin (2009) Common mode rejection in electrically coupled MEMS resonators utilizing mode localization for sensor applications. 2009 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium Joint with the 22nd European Frequency and Time forum. 19 - 23 Apr 2009. pp. 358-362 . (doi:10.1109/FREQ.2009.5168201).

Yan, Jize, Seshia, A. Ashwin, Phan, L. Kim and Steeneken, G. Peter (2007) Narrow bandwidth single-resonator MEMS tuning fork filter. 2007 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium Joint with the 21st European Frequency and Time Forum. pp. 1366-1369 . (doi:10.1109/FREQ.2007.4319300).

Yan, Jize, Lin, Angel and Seshia, Ashwin (2009) Suppression of parasitic resonance in piezoresistively transduced longitudinal mode MEMS resonators. 2009 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Roma, Italy. 19 - 22 Sep 2009. pp. 2149-2152 . (doi:10.1109/ULTSYM.2009.5441572).

Lin, Angel, Yan, Jize and Seshia, A Ashwin (2009) Dynamic response of water droplet coated silicon MEMS resonators. 2009 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Roma, Italy. 19 - 22 Sep 2009. pp. 669-672 . (doi:10.1109/ULTSYM.2009.5441588).

Thiruvenkatanathan, Pradyumna, Yan, Jize, Woodhouse, Jim, Aziz, A. and Seshia, A Seshia (2009) Effects of mechanical and electrical coupling on the parametric sensitivity of mode localized sensors. 2009 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Roma, Italy. 19 - 22 Sep 2009. pp. 1183-1186 . (doi:10.1109/ULTSYM.2009.5441687).

Ye, Guoliang, Yan, Jize, Wong, Zi Jing, Soga, Kenichi and Seshia, A Ashwin (2009) Optimisation of a piezoelectric system for energy harvesting from traffic vibrations. 2009 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Roma, Italy. 19 - 22 Sep 2009. pp. 759-862 . (doi:10.1109/ULTSYM.2009.5441942).

Yan, Jize, Seshia, A Ashwin, Phan, Kim Le and van Beek, Joost T-M (2008) Internal phase inversion narrow bandwidth MEMS filter. 2008 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium. 02 - 05 Nov 2008. pp. 705-708 . (doi:10.1109/ULTSYM.2008.0168).

Lee, Joshua, Yan, Jize and Seshia, A. Ashwin (2008) Anchor limited Q in flexural mode resonators. 2008 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS 2008). 02 - 05 Nov 2008. pp. 2213-2216 . (doi:10.1109/ULTSYM.2008.0548).

Yu, Jia, Yan, Jize, Feng, Tao, Du, Sijun, Fidler, Paul, Soga, Kenichi, Middleton, Campell and Seshia, Ashwin (2015) A vibration powered wireless mote on the Forth Road Bridge. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 660 (12094), 1-5. (doi:10.1088/1742-6596/660/1/012094).

Yu, Jia, Yan, Jize, Soga, Kenichi and Seshia, A. Ashwin (2013) Multi-frequency operation of a MEMS vibration energy harvester by accessing five orders of parametric resonance. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 476 (12126), 1-6. (doi:10.1088/1742-6596/476/1/012126).

Yu, Jia, Yan, Jize, Soga, Kenichi and Seshia, A Ashwin (2012) Parametrically excited mems vibration energy harvesters. 12th International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications (Power MEMS 2012), Atlanta, United States. 02 - 05 Dec 2012. 4 pp .

Wong, Zi Jing, Yan, Jize, Soga, Kenichi and Seshia, Ashwin (2009) A multi-degree-of-freedom electrostatic mems power harvester. International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications, Washington, United Kingdom. 01 - 04 Dec 2009. 4 pp .

Do, Cuong D., Erbes, Andreja, Yan, Jize, Soga, Kenichi and Seshia, Ashwin A. (2016) Vacuum packaged low-power resonant MEMS strain gauge. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 25 (5), 851-858. (doi:10.1109/JMEMS.2016.2587867).

Chunawala, Taizoon, Ghandchi Tehrani, Maryam and Yan, Jize (2016) An optimum design of a double pendulum in autoparametric resonance for energy harvesting applications. The 22nd Vibroengineering Conference, Moscow, Russian Federation. 03 - 06 Oct 2016. pp. 163-168 .

Li, Bo, Luo, Linqing, Yu, Yifei, Soga, Kenichi and Yan, Jize (2017) Dynamic strain measurement using small gain stimulated Brillouin scattering in STFT-BOTDR. IEEE Sensors Journal, 17 (09), 2718-2724, [7837678]. (doi:10.1109/JSEN.2017.2657119).

Du, Lidong, Fang, Zhen, Yan, Jize and Zhao, Zhan (2017) Enabling a wind energy harvester based on ZnO thin film as the building skin. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 260, 35-44. (doi:10.1016/j.sna.2017.04.008).

Du, Lidong, Zhao, Zhan, Fang, Zhen, Feng, Yu and Yan, Jize (2017) Thermodynamic control of MEMS meteorology pressure sensing element in low-temperature application down to −45°C. IET Science, Measurement & Technology. (doi:10.1049/iet-smt.2017.0057).

Yu, Yifei, Luo, Linqing, Bo, Li, Soga, Kenichi and Yan, Jize (2017) Quadratic time-frequency transforms based Brillouin optical time domain reflectometry. IEEE Sensors Journal, 17 (20), 6622-6626. (doi:10.1109/JSEN.2017.2736606).

Luo, Linqing, Parmigiani, Francesca, Yu, Yifei, Li, Bo, Soga, Kenichi and Yan, Jize (2018) Frequency uncertainty improvement in a STFT-BOTDR using highly nonlinear optical fibers. Optics Express, 26 (4), 3870-3881. (doi:10.1364/OE.26.003870).

Jia, Yu, Yan, Jize, Du, Sijun, Feng, Tao, Fidler, Paul, Middleton, Campbell, Soga, Kenichi and Seshia, Ashwin A. (2018) Real world assessment of an auto-parametric electromagnetic vibration energy harvester. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 29 (7), 1481-1499. (doi:10.1177/1045389X17740964).

Mbuthia, Kenneth, Dai, Jin, Zavrakas, Stavros and Yan, Jize (2018) Patient-centric health-care data processing using streams and asynchronous technology. International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems, 11 (1), 1-18. (doi:10.21307/IJSSIS-2018-003).

Zhong, Ping, Zhang, Yiwen, Gao, Jianliang, Zhang, Yiming and Yan, Jize (2018) Markov fluid queue model for rechargeable sensor nodes with abnormal death. In Proceedings - 15th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications and 16th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Communications, ISPA/IUCC 2017. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. pp. 801-806 . (doi:10.1109/ISPA/IUCC.2017.00122).

Luo, Linqing, Parmigiani, Francesca, Yu, Yifei, Li, Bo, Soga, Kenichi and Yan, Jize (2016) Research data supporting “Frequency uncertainty improvement in STFT-BOTDR using highly nonlinear optical fibers”. Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository doi:10.17863/CAM.4438 [Dataset]

Xuan, Tingting, Yan, Jize, Wang, Junhua, Kong, Wenwen and Chang, Aimin (2020) Characterization of Al-doped Mn-Co-Ni-O NTC thermistor films prepared by the magnetron co-sputtering approach. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 831, [154831].

Pi, Hailong, Rahman, Tasmiat, Boden, Stuart A., Ma, Tianjun, Yan, Jize and Fang, Xu (2020) Integrated vortex beam emitter in the THz frequency range: design and simulation. APL Photonics. (In Press)

Xu, Xiangming, Thomson, David and Yan, Jize (2020) Optimisation and scaling effect of dual-waveguide optical trapping in the SOI platform. Optics Express, 28 (22), 33285-33297. (doi:10.1364/OE.403151).

Xu, Xiangming, Ulbricht, Hendrik, Thomson, David, Mashanovich, Goran and Yan, Jize (2020) Scaling effect and optimization of SOI dual-waveguide optical trapping. IEEE Photonics Conference 2020, Saint Barthélemy. 28 Sep - 01 Oct 2020. 2 pp . (In Press)

Feng, Yu, Thomson, David, Mashanovich, Goran and Yan, Jize (2020) Performance analysis of a silicon NOEMS device applied as optical modulator based on a slot waveguide. Optics Express, 28 (25), 38206-38222. (doi:10.1364/OE.411933).

Han, Gaoce, Yan, Jize, Guo, Zhen, Greenwood, David, Marco, James and Yu, Yifei (2021) A review on various optical fibre sensing methods for batteries. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 150 (111514), `, [111514]. (doi:10.1016/j.rser.2021.111514).

Guo, Zhen, Han, Gaoce, Yan, Jize, Greenwood, David, Marco, James and Yu, Yifei (2021) Ultimate spatial resolution realisation in optical frequency domain reflectometry with equal frequency resampling. Sensors, 21 (14), [4632]. (doi:10.3390/s21144632).

Pi, Hailong, He, Fei, Yan, Jize and Fang, Xu (2021) Nonlinear generation of THz vortex beams with tunable orbital angular momentum in si microdisks. CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021 Virtual Conference, , Virtual. 21 - 25 Jun 2021. 1 pp .

Feng, Yu, Wang, Shumeng, Mashanovich, Goran and Yan, Jize (2021) Theory analysis of the optical mode localized sensing based on coupled ring resonators. Optics Express, 29 (20), 32505-32522. (doi:10.1364/OE.434400).

Xu, Xiangming, Pi, Hailong, Yu, Wangke and Yan, Jize (2021) On-chip optical pulse train generation through the optomechanical oscillation. Optics Express, 29 (23), 38781-38795. (doi:10.1364/OE.431955).

Pi, Hailong, Campanella, Carlo Edoardo, Thomson, David and Yan, Jize (2021) Positive and negative pull-back instabilities in mode splitting optomechanical devices. ACS Photonics, 9 (1), 123 - 131. (doi:10.1021/acsphotonics.1c01241).

Pi, Hailong, Yu, Wangke, Yan, Jize and Fang, Xu (2022) Coherent generation of arbitrary first-order Poincaré sphere beams on an Si chip. Optics Express, 30 (5), 7342-7355. (doi:10.1364/OE.438695).

Li, Peng (2022) Dataset for Tailorable Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in a Partially Suspended Aluminium Nitride Waveguide in the Visible Range. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D2225 [Dataset]

Li, Peng, Ou, Jun-Yu and Yan, Jize (2022) Method for optimising the performance of PML in anchor-loss limited model via COMSOL. IET Science, Measurement & Technology, 16 (6), 327-336. (doi:10.1049/smt2.12107).

Li, Peng, Yan, Jize, Ou, Jun-Yu and Mashanovich, Goran (2022) Tailorable stimulated Brillouin scattering in a partially suspended aluminium nitride waveguide in the visible range. Optics Express. (doi:10.1364/OE.462356).

Guo, Zhen, Yan, Jize, Han, Gaoce, Greenwood, David, Marco, James and Yu, Yifei (2022) High sensing accuracy realisation with millimetre/sub-millimetre resolution in optical frequency domain reflectometer. IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, 40 (12), 4050-4056. (doi:10.1109/JLT.2022.3141596).

He, Fei, Feng, Yu, Pi, Hailong, Yan, Jize, MacDonald, Kevin F. and Fang, Xu (2022) Coherently switching the focusing characteristics of all-dielectric metalenses. Optics Express. (doi:10.1364/OE.461264).

Sun, Chuang and Yan, Jize (2022) A hybrid method to calculate optical torque: application to a nano-dumbbell trapped by a metalens. AIP Advances, 12 (7), [075024]. (doi:10.1063/5.0094665).


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At present I am an Associate Professor (Methods of Modelling and Simulation of Systems) at the Electrical Power Engineering Group.

Previous appointments:

  • Senior Research Associate, 04/2004 - 09/2007, Dept. of Materials Science & Metallurgy, University of Cambridge, UK;
  • Research Associate, 02/2001 - 04/2004, Dept. of Materials Science & Metallurgy, University of Cambridge, UK;
  • Senior Research Associate, 07/1995 - 01/2001, Institute for Mathematical Modelling Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia;
  • Junior Research Associate, 08/1992-07/1995, Institute for Mathematical Modelling Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia;


  • PhD (Mathematics and Physics), Institute for Mathematical Modelling, Moscow, Russia;
  • MSc (Applied Mathematics and Physics), Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow, Russia;


Research interests

My research interests include numerical modelling of various coupled electrical, thermal and mechanical phenomena with emphasis on free and moving boundaries problems: gaseous discharges and arcs; electric propulsion systems for spacecraft, e.g. Pulsed Plasma Thrusters, Gridded Ion Engines, Hollow Cathodes; lightning strikes damage, aircrafts and wind turbines; eddy currents in electrical machines; oil and dust migrations in transformers; gas flow and heat exchange in fibre network materials; heat transfer, sintering and residual stresses in various coatings; transient liquid phase bonding technique; plastic deformation of multilayer materials and structures; laser drilling and surface modification of metals and composites.


Mechanics, Electromagnetism, Computational Physics, Physics of Plasma, Energy


Clyne, T.W., Golosnoy, I.O., Tan, J.C. and Markaki, A.E. (2006) Porous materials for thermal management under extreme conditions. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 364 (1838), 125-146. (doi:10.1098/rsta.2005.1682).

Plati, A., Tan, J.C., Golosnoy, I.O., Persoons, R., van Acker, K. and Clyne, T.W. (2006) Residual stress generation during laser cladding of steel with a particulate metal matrix composite. Advanced Engineering Materials, 8 (7), 619-624. (doi:10.1002/adem.200600063).

Illingworth, T.C., Golosnoy, I.O. and Clyne, T.W. (2007) Modelling of transient liquid phase bonding in binary systems — A new parametric study. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 445-446, 493-500. (doi:10.1016/j.msea.2006.09.090).

Tan, J.C., Tsipas, S.A., Golosnoy, I.O., Curran, J.A., Paul, S. and Clyne, T.W. (2006) A steady-state Bi-substrate technique for measurement of the thermal conductivity of ceramic coatings. Surface and Coatings Technology, 201 (3-4), 1414-1420.

Illingworth, T.C. and Golosnoy, I.O. (2005) Numerical solutions of diffusion-controlled moving boundary problems which conserve solute. Journal of Computational Physics, 209 (1), 207-225. (doi:10.1016/

Illingworth, T.C., Golosnoy, I.O., Gergely, V. and Clyne, T.W. (2005) Numerical modelling of transient liquid phase bonding and other diffusion controlled phase changes. Journal of Materials Science, 40 (9-10), 2505-2511.

Golosnoy, I.O. (2001) Analytic approximations for the broadening of the spectral lines of hydrogen-like ions. Plasma Physics Reports, 27 (6), 497-506. (doi:10.1134/1.1378127).

Golosnoy, I.O., Tsipas, S.A. and Clyne, T.W. (2005) An analytical model for simulation of heat flow in plasma-sprayed thermal barrier coatings. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 14 (2), 205-214. (doi:10.1361/10599630523764).

Tsipas, S.A., Golosnoy, I.O. and Clyne, T.W. (2003) The Effect of a High Thermal Gradient on Sintering and Stiffening in the Top Coat of a Thermal Barrier Coating (TBC) System. In, Marple, B.R. and Moreau, C. (eds.) Thermal Spray 2003. Advancing the Science and Applying the Technology. ASM International, pp. 1547-1552.

Golosnoy, I.O. (2001) Analytical model for ion-dynamic effects in Stark-broadening theory of hydrogenic emitters. In, Seidel, J. (ed.) Spectral Line Shapes, Vol.11 - 15th International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes. American Institute of Physics, pp. 76-78.

Golosnoy, I.O. (2001) Simple approximation for plasma microfield distribution. In, Seidel, J. (ed.) Spectral Line Shapes, Vol.11 - 15th International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes. American Institute of Physics, pp. 179-181.

Xie, L., Dorfman, M.R., Cipitria, A., Paul, S., Golosnoy, I.O. and Clyne, T.W. (2007) Properties and Performance of High-Purity Thermal Barrier Coatings. Marple, B.R., Hyland, M.M., Lau, Y.-C., Li, C.-J., Lima, R.C. and Montavon, G. (eds.) 2007 International Thermal Spray Conference, Beijing, China. 13 - 15 May 2007.

Cipitria, A., Golosnoy, I.O. and Clyne, T.W. (2007) Sintering Kinetics of Plasma-Sprayed Zirconia TBCs. Marple, B.R., Hyland, M.M., Lau, Y.-C., Li, C.-J., Lima, R.S. and Montavon, G. (eds.) 2007 International Thermal Spray Conference, Beijing, China. 13 - 15 May 2007. pp. 434-439 .

Paul, S., Cipitria, A., Golosnoy, I.O., Clyne, T.W., Xie, L. and Dorfman, M.R. (2007) Effect of Heat Treatment on Pore Architecture and Associated Property Charges in Plasma Sprayed TBCs. Marple, B.R., Hyland, M.M., Lau, Y.-C., Li, C.-J., Lima, R.S. and Montavon, G. (eds.) 2007 International Thermal Spray Conference, Beijing, China. 13 - 15 May 2007. pp. 411-416 .

Paul, S., Cipitria, A., Golosnoy, I.O., Xie, L., Dorfman, M.R. and Clyne, T.W. (2007) Effects of Impurity Content on the Sintering Characteristics of Plasma-Sprayed Zirconia. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 16 (5-6), 798-803. (doi:10.1007/s11666-007-9097-5).

Xie, L., Dorfman, M.R., Cipitria, A., Paul, S., Golosnoy, I.O. and Clyne, T.W. (2007) Properties and Performance of High-Purity Thermal Barrier Coatings. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 16 (5-6), 804-808. (doi:10.1007/s11666-007-9079-7).

Cipitria, A., Golosnoy, I.O. and Clyne, T.W. (2007) Sintering Kinetics of Plasma-Sprayed Zirconia TBCs. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 16 (5-6), 809-815. (doi:10.1007/s11666-007-9080-1).

Golosnoy, I.O., Paul, S. and Clyne, T.W. (2008) Modelling of gas permeation through ceramic coatings produced by thermal spraying. Acta Materialia, 56 (4), 874-883. (doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2007.09.045).

Tsipas, S.A., Golosnoy, I.O., Damani, R. and Clyne, T.W. (2004) The effect of a high thermal gradient on sintering and stiffening in the top coat of a thermal barrier coating (TBC) system. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 13 (3), 370-376. (doi:10.1361/10599630420380).

Golosnoy, I.O., Tan, J.C. and Clyne, T.W. (2008) Ferrous Fibre Network Materials for Jet Noise Reduction in Aeroengines. Part I: Acoustic Effects. Advanced Engineering Materials, 10 (3), 192-200. (doi:10.1002/adem.200700302).

Golosnoy, I.O., Cockburn, A. and Clyne, T.W. (2008) Optimisation of Metallic FibreNetwork Materials for Compact Heat Exchangers. Advanced Engineering Materials, 10 (3), 210-218. (doi:10.1002/adem.200800021).

Borisov, A.S. and Golosnoy, I.O. (1997) Distribution of charged aerosol in aerial turbulent streams. Mathematical Modelling (in Russian), 9 (7), 100-112.

Denisov, O.B., Golosnoy, I.O. and Orlov, N.Yu. (1994) Calculations of optical properties of aluminium by the ionic model of substance with microfield broadening of spectral lines. Mathematical Modelling (in Russian), 6 (9), 3-6.

Golosnoy, I.O., Kalitkin, N.N. and Volokitin, V.S. (1993) Plasmas microfield and thermal properties of matter. Mathematical Modelling (in Russian), 5 (8), 87-107.

Golosnoy, I.O. (1993) Simple representations of electric microfield distribution in plasmas. Mathematical Modelling (in Russian), 5 (6), 11-23.

Golosnoy, I.O. (1992) Polarized charge model for ionic microfield in plasmas. Mathematical Modelling (in Russian), 4 (6), 3-12.

Golosnoy, I.O. (1991) Microfield modelling in nonideal multicomponent plasmas. Mathematical Modelling (in Russian), 3 (9), 49-54.

Golosnoy, I.O., Guzev, D.S. and Kalitkin, N.N. (1996) An Algorithm for Corporate-Account Transactions through Banks. Doklady Mathematics, 54 (1), 538-540.

Golosnoy, I.O. (1996) Microfield modeling in nonideal multicomponent plasmas. In, Trzeciakowski, W.A. (ed.) High Pressure Science & Technology. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., pp. 986-988.

Golosnoy, I.O., Kalitkin, N.N. and Volokitin, V.S. (1994) Wide-range equation of state of matter. I. Analysis of nonideality models. Russian Physics Journal, 37 (11), 1029-1047. (doi:10.1007/BF00559211).

Golosnoy, I.O., Kalitkin, N.N. and Volokitin, V.S. (1995) Wide-range equation of state of matter. II. Microfield model. Russian Physics Journal, 38 (4), 336-354. (doi:10.1007/BF00560096).

Golosnoy, I. O. and Sykulski, J. K. (2008) Evaluation of the front-fixing method capabilities for numerical modelling of diffusion in moving systems. The IET 7th International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics CEM 2008, Old Ship Hotel Brighton, United Kingdom. 06 - 09 Apr 2008. pp. 94-95 .

Golosnoy, I. O. and Sykulski, J. K. (2008) Application of the Front-Fixing Method for Numerical Modelling of Field Diffusion in Non-linear Systems. 13th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation CEFC 2008, Athens, Greece. 10 - 14 May 2008. p. 246 .

Golosnoy, I. O. and Sykulski, J. K. (2008) Application of the Front-Fixing Method for Numerical Modelling of a Thermistor Problem. In Proceedings of the XX Symposium Electromagnetic Phenomena in Nonlinear Circuits. PTETiS Publishers. pp. 95-96 .

Tran, T N, Lewin, P L, Golosnoy, I O and Georghiou, G E (2008) Numerical Modelling of Positive Surface Streamer in Air. 17th International Conference on Gas Discharges and their Applications, GD2008, Cardiff, United Kingdom. 06 - 11 Sep 2008. pp. 257-260 .

Golosnoy, I.O. and Sykulski, J.K. (2008) Evaluation of the front-fixing method capabilities for numerical modelling of field diffusion in high-temperature superconducting tapes. IET Science, Measurement & Technology, 2 (6), 418-426.

Cipitria, A., Golosnoy, I.O. and Clyne, T.W. (2009) A sintering model for plasma-sprayed zirconia TBCs. Part I: Free-standing coatings. Acta Materialia, 57 (4), 980-992. (doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2008.10.024).

Cipitria, A., Golosnoy, I.O. and Clyne, T.W. (2009) A sintering model for plasma-sprayed zirconia thermal barrier coatings. Part II: Coatings bonded to a rigid substrate. Acta Materialia, 57 (4), 993-1003. (doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2008.10.058).

Golosnoy, I.O. and Sykulski, J.K. (2009) Application of the Front-Fixing Method to Numerical Modeling of Field Diffusion in Nonlinear Systems. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 45 (3), 1376-1379.

Golosnoy, I.O. and Sykulski, J.K. (2009) Numerical modelling of non-linear coupled thermo-electric problems: A comparative study. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 28 (3), 639-655.

Dunleavy, C.S., Golosnoy, I.O., Curran, J.A. and Clyne, T.W. (2009) Characterisation of discharge events during plasma electrolytic oxidation. Surface and Coatings Technology, 203 (22), 3410-3419. (doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2009.05.004).

Golosnoy, I.O., Cipitria, A. and Clyne, T.W. (2009) Heat Transfer Through Plasma-Sprayed Thermal Barrier Coatings in Gas Turbines: A Review of Recent Work. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 18 (5-6), 809-821. (doi:10.1007/s11666-009-9337-y).

Golosnoy, I.O. and Sykulski, J.K. (2009) Modelling of impulse loading in high temperature superconductors: assessment of accuracy and performance of computational techniques. XIVth International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics Electrical and Electronic Engineering, ISEF’09, , Arras, France. 09 - 11 Sep 2009.

Tran, T N, Golosnoy, I O, Lewin, P L and Georghiou, G E (2009) Two Dimensional Studies of Trichel Pulses in Air Using the Finite Element Method. 2009 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States. 17 - 20 Oct 2009. CD-ROM .

Golosnoy, I. O. and Sykulski, J. K. (2009) Efficient Numerical Modelling of Field Diffusion in High-Temperature Superconducting Wires. 17th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields COMPUMAG 2009, Florianopolis, Brazil. 22 - 26 Nov 2009. pp. 229-230 .

Tran, T N, Golosnoy, I O, Lewin, P L and Georghoiu, G E (2010) On the Development of a Negative Surface Discharge Model in Air. IEEE 2010 International Symposium on Electrical Insulation, San Diego, California, United States. 05 - 08 Jun 2010. CD-ROM .

Golosnoy, Igor O. and Sykulski, Jan K. (2010) Critical evaluation of numerical techniques for highly non-linear field diffusion modelling. XXI Symposium on Electromagnetic Phenomena in Nonlinear Circuits (EPNC 2010), Dortmund and Essen, Germany. 28 Jun - 01 Jul 2010. pp. 13-14 .

Chippendale, Richard D., Zhang, Chi, Golosnoy, Igor O., Lewin, Paul L. and Sykulski, Jan K. (2010) Transport properties and current flow patterns in homogeneous strongly anisotropic materials. XXI Symposium on Electromagnetic Phenomena in Nonlinear Circuits (EPNC 2010), Dortmund and Essen, Germany. 28 Jun - 01 Jul 2010. pp. 45-46 .

Golosnoy, Igor O. and Sykulski, Jan K. (2010) Modelling of impulse loading in high-temperature superconductors. Assessment of accuracy and performance of computational techniques. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 29 (4), 1047-1059.

Golosnoy, Igor O. and Sykulski, Jan K. (2010) Efficient Numerical Modeling of Field Diffusion in High-Temperature Superconducting Wires. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 46 (8), 3173-3176.

Chippendale, Richard D., Golosnoy, Igor O., Lewin, Paul L., Murugan, G.S. and Lambert, Jack (2010) Model of structural damage to carbon fibre composites due to thermo-electric effects of lightning strikes. International Conference on Lightning Strike Protection, , Cagliari, Italy. 13 - 17 Sep 2010. 1113/1-1113/5 .

Tran, T N, Golosnoy, I O, Lewin, P L and Georghiou, G E (2011) Numerical modelling of negative discharges in air with experimental validation. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 44 (1), 015203/1-015203/15. (doi:10.1088/0022-3727/44/1/015203).

Chippendale, Richard, Golosnoy, Igor O., Lewin, Paul, Murugan, G.S. and Lambert, J. (2011) Preliminary Investigation into Modeling The Damage to Carbon Fibre Composites Due to the Thermo-electric Effects of a Lightning Strikes. UHVnet 2011, Winchester, United Kingdom. 18 - 19 Jan 2011. p. 24 .

Chippendale, Richard and Golosnoy, Igor O (2011) Percolation Effects In Electrical Conductivity Of Carbon Fibre Composites. CEM 2011, Wroclaw, Poland. 10 - 13 Apr 2011. pp. 186-187 .

Lewin, P L, Golosnoy, I O and Mohamed, R (2011) Locating Partial Discharge Sources in High Voltage Transformer Windings. IEEE 2011 Electrical Insulation Conference, Annapolis, Maryland, United States. 04 - 07 Jun 2011. pp. 196-200 .

Chippendale, R.D., Golosnoy, I.O., Lewin, P.L. and Sykulski, J.K. (2011) Transport properties and current flow patterns in homogeneous strongly anisotropic materials. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 30 (3), 1047-1055.

Chippendale, Richard, Golosnoy, Igor O. and Lewin, Paul (2011) Numerical modelling of the damage caused by a lightning strike to carbon fibre composites. International Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity, Oxford, United Kingdom. 05 - 07 Sep 2011. 7 pp .

Chippendale, Richard, Golosnoy, Igor O and Lewin, Paul (2011) Effects of different components of a lightning strike waveform on the heating of different material: Aluminium Alloys vs. Carbon Fibre. International Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity, Oxford, United Kingdom. 05 - 07 Sep 2011. CD-ROM .

Tsipas, S.A. and Golosnoy, I.O. (2011) Effect of substrate temperature on the microstructure and properties of thick plasma-sprayed YSZ TBCs. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 31 (15), 2923-2929. (doi:10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2011.07.022).

Mahmud, S, Chen, G, Golosnoy, I O, Wilson, G and Jarman, P (2012) Experimental Investigation on Bridge Formation in Contaminated Transformer Oil. The Fifth UHVnet Colloquium, University of Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom. 18 - 19 Jan 2012. p. 10 .

Mahmud, S, Golosnoy, I O, Chen, G, Wilson, G and Jarman, P (2012) Mathematical Modelling on Bridge Formation in Contaminated Transformer Oil. The Fifth UHVnet Colloquium, University of Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom. 18 - 19 Jan 2012. p. 35 .

Chippendale, R, Golosnoy, I O and Lewin, P L (2012) Two Dimensional Numerical Model to Predict the Thermal-Chemical Degradation of a piece of Carbon Fibre Composite (CFC) due to Laser Ablation. The Fifth UHVnet Colloquium, University of Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom. 18 - 19 Jan 2012. p. 37 .

Mahmud, Skekhar, Chen, George, Golosnoy, Igor O., Wilson, George and Jarman, Paul (2012) Bridging phenomenon in contaminated transformer oil. In Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. pp. 180-183 .

Mahmud, S., Golosnoy, I.O., Chen, G., Wilson, G. and Jarman, P. (2012) Numerical simulations of bridging phenomena in contaminated transformer oil. 2012 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Montreal, Canada. 13 - 16 Oct 2012. pp. 383-386 .

Cernuschi, F., Golosnoy, I.O., Bison, P., Moscatelli, A., Vassen, R., Bossmann, H.-P. and Capelli, S. (2013) Microstructural characterization of porous thermal barrier coatings by IR gas porosimetry and sintering forecasts. Acta Materialia, 61 (1), 248-262. (doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2012.09.055).

Mahmud, S, Chen, G, Golosnoy, I O, Wilson, G and Jarman, P (2013) Bridging in contaminated transformer oil under DC and AC electric field. Dielectrics 2013, Reading, United Kingdom. 09 - 11 Apr 2013. p. 15 .

Chippendale, R.D., Golosnoy, I.O. and Lewin, P. (2014) Numerical modelling of thermal decomposition processes and associated damage in carbon fibre composites. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 47 (38), [385301]. (doi:10.1088/0022-3727/47/38/385301).

Mahmud, S., Chen, G., Golosnoy, I. O., Wilson, G. and Jarman, P. (2013) Bridging in contaminated transformer oil under DC and AC electric field. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 472, 012007- (6p). (doi:10.1088/1742-6596/472/1/012007).

Mahmud, S., Chen, G., Golosnoy, I.O., Wilson, G. and Jarman, P. (2014) Effect of different shapes of electrodes on bridging in contaminated transformer oil. 2014 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, , Des Moines, United States. 18 - 21 Oct 2014. pp. 114-117 . (doi:10.1109/CEIDP.2014.6995785).

Mahmud, S., Chen, G., Golosnoy, I.O., Wilson, G. and Jarman, P. (2014) Effect of Kraft Paper barriers on bridging in contaminated transformer oil. 2014 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, , Des Moines, United States. 18 - 21 Oct 2014. pp. 110-113 . (doi:10.1109/CEIDP.2014.6995865).

Mahmud, S., Chen, G., Golosnoy, I.O., Wilson, G. and Jarman, P. (2015) Experimental studies of influence of DC and AC electric fields on bridging in contaminated transformer oil. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 22 (1), Winter Issue, 152-160. (doi:10.1109/TDEI.2014.004573).

Golosnoy, I.O., Gabriel, S.B., Ciaralli, Simone and Coletti, M. (2015) Development of an engineering optimization tool for miniature Pulsed Plasma Thrusters. 34th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Kobe city, Hyogo, Japan. 04 - 10 Jul 2015. 11 pp .

Daykin-Iliopoulos, A., Gabriel, S.B., Golosnoy, I.O., Kubota, K. and Funaki, I. (2015) Investigation of heaterless hollow cathode breakdown. 34th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Kobe city, Hyogo, Japan. 04 - 10 Jul 2015. 9 pp .

Shin, D., Golosnoy, I.O. and McBride, J.W. (2015) Numerical analysis of switching performance evaluators in low-voltage switching devices. ISEF 2015 - XVII International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Valencia, Spain. 09 - 11 Sep 2015. 8 pp .

Mahmud, S., Chen, G., Golosnoy, I.O., Wilson, G. and Jarman, P. (2015) Experimental studies of influence of different electrodes on bridging in contaminated transformer oil. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 22 (5), 2433-2441. (doi:10.1109/TDEI.2015.004846).

Golosnoy, I.O., Gabriel, S.B., Ciaralli, S. and Coletti, M. (2016) Development of an engineering optimization tool for miniature pulsed plasma thrusters. Space Propulsion 2016 (the 5th conference on space propulsion), Rome, Italy. 01 - 05 May 2016. 11 pp .

Shin, Dongkyu, Golosnoy, Igor O. and McBride, John W. (2016) Arc modelling for switching performance evaluation in low-voltage switching devices. In 28th International Conference on Electric Contacts: ICEC2016. Herriot-Watt University. pp. 41-46 .

Daykin-Iliopoulos, Alexander, Gabriel, S.B. and Golosnoy, I.O. (2016) An investigation into the glow discharge phase of an LaB6 heaterless hollow cathode. Space Propulsion 2016 (the 5th conference on space propulsion), Rome, Italy. 01 - 05 May 2016. 13 pp .

Shin, Dongkyu, Golosnoy, Igor O. and McBride, J.W (2017) A study of arc modelling in low-voltage switching devices. 21st International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, Daejeon Convention Center, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of. 18 - 22 Jun 2017. 2 pp .

Shin, Dongkyu, Golosnoy, Igor O., McBride, John W. and Bull, Thomas G. (2017) Experimental study on the influence of vent aperture size and distribution on arc motion and interruption in low-voltage switching devices. ICEPE-ST 2017: 4th International Conference on Electric Power Equipment - Switching Technology, Xi'an Grand Park Hotel, Xi'an, China. 22 - 24 Oct 2017. 5 pp . (In Press)

Golosnoy, Igor O. and Cockburn, Andrew (2017) Metal fiber network materials for compact heat exchangers. In, Zweben, Carl H. and Beaumont, Peter (eds.) Comprehensive Composite Materials II. 2 ed. Oxford. Elsevier Science & Technology Books, 397–424.

Shin, Dongkyu, Golosnoy, Igor O. and McBride, John (2018) Development of switching performance evaluator and arc modelling tool for low-voltage switching devices. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 37 (5), 1943-1957. (doi:10.1108/COMPEL-03-2016-0112).

Senis, Evangelos, Golosnoy, Igor O., Thomsen, Ole, Barton, Janice and Madsen, Soren (2017) Characterization of through-thickness thermal conductivity of wind turbine blade CFRP materials using a steady-state technique. 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Qujiang International Convention Center, Xi’an, China. 20 - 25 Aug 2017.

Shin, Dongkyu, Golosnoy, Igor O. and McBride, John (2018) Experimental study of reignition evaluators in low voltage switching devices. IEEE Transactions on Components Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 8 (6), 950-957. (doi:10.1109/TCPMT.2018.2805719).

Gabriel, Stephen B., Golosnoy, Igor O. and Daykin-Iliopoulos, Alexander (2017) Electric propulsion at the University of Southampton. Electric Propulsion Innovation & Competitiveness Workshop 2017, CDTI, Madrid, Spain. 23 - 24 Oct 2017. 14 pp .

Daykin-Iliopoulos, Alexander, Golosnoy, Igor and Gabriel, Stephen (2017) Thermal profile of a lanthanum hexaboride heaterless hollow cathode. 35th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States. 08 - 12 Oct 2017. IEPC -2017 -291 .

Callender, George, Golosnoy, Igor O., Rapisarda, Paolo and Lewin, Paul (2018) Critical analysis of partial discharge dynamics in air filled spherical voids. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 51 (12), [125601]. (doi:10.1088/1361-6463/aaae7c).

Callender, George (2018) Critical Analysis of Partial Discharge Dynamics in Air Filled Spherical Voids - Plot Data. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0419 [Dataset]

Senis, Evangelos, Vryonis, Orestis, Golosnoy, Igor O., Thomsen, Ole, Barton, Janice and Madsen, Soren (2017) Reducing the electrical anisotropy in unidirectional CFRP materials for wind turbine blade applications. International Conference on Lightning & Static Electricity, Winc Aichi, Nagoya, Japan. 13 - 15 Sep 2017. pp. 1-5 .

Mahmud, Shekhar, Golosnoy, Igor O., Chen, George, Wilson, Gordon and Jarman, Paul (2018) Numerical simulation of charging and discharging of particles in contaminated transformer oil. In CEIDP 2017 - IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomenon. vol. 2017-October, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. pp. 588-591 . (doi:10.1109/CEIDP.2017.8257502).

Daykin-Iliopoulos, Alexander, Golosnoy, Igor O. and Gabriel, Stephen (2018) Development of a high current heaterless hollow cathode. Space Propulsion 2018, , Seville, Spain. 13 - 18 May 2018. pp. 1-8 .

Fazio, Nazareno, Gabriel, Stephen and Golosnoy, Igor O. (2018) Alternative propellants for gridded ion engines. Space Propulsion 2018, Barcelo Renacimiento Hotel, Convention Center, Avenida Alvaro Alonso Barba, Isla de la Cartuja, 41092 Seville, Spain, Seville, Spain. 14 - 18 May 2018. SP2018_00102 .

Dobranszki, Cristian, Golosnoy, Igor O. and Gabriel, Stephen (2018) Development of ignition unit for a liquid pulsed plasma thruster. Space Propulsion Conference, Barcelo Renacimiento Hotel, Seville, Spain. 14 - 18 May 2018. 8 pp .

Senis, Evangelos, Golosnoy, Igor O., Barton, Janice and Thomsen, Ole (2018) Assessing the dispersion of nanoinclusions in nanoreinforced CFRP laminates using electrical resistance measurements. In ECCM18 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials. Convin. pp. 1-7 .

Petrov, A.N., Pilgrim, J.A. and Golosnoy, I.O. (2019) Revisiting the homogenized domain model for fast simulation of AC transport power losses in first generation high temperature superconducting tapes and cables. Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, 557, 33-40. (doi:10.1016/j.physc.2018.12.006).

Shin, Dongkyu, McBride, John W. and Golosnoy, Igor O. (2019) Arc modeling to predict arc extinction in low-voltage switching devices. In 2018 IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts. vol. 2018-October, IEEE. pp. 222-228 . (doi:10.1109/HOLM.2018.8611712).

Senis, E.C., Vryonis, Orestis, Golosnoy, I.O., Dulieu-Barton, J.M., Thomsen, O.T., Carloni, L. and Madsen, S.F. (2017) The Influence of Graphene Oxide on the electrical conduction in unidirectional CFRP laminates for wind turbine blade applications. In 2017 International Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity. 5 pp .

Senis, Evangelos C., Golosnoy, Igor O., Dulieu-Barton, Janice M. and Thomsen, Ole T. (2018) Assessing the dispersion of nanoinclusions in anoreinforced CFRP laminates using electrical resistance measurements. In ECCM18 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials. Convin..

Senis, Evangelos, Golosnoy, Igor O., Thomsen, Ole and Barton, Janice (2018) Analysis of through-thickness thermal conductivity of wind turbine blade CFRP materials. Universities High Voltage Network Colloquium 2018, Winchester Guildhall, Winchester, United Kingdom. 15 - 16 Jan 2018.

Senis, Evangelos, Golosnoy, Igor O., Dulieu-Barton, Janice M. and Thomsen, Ole T. (2019) Enhancement of the electrical and thermal properties of unidirectional carbon fibre/epoxy laminates through the addition of graphene oxide. Journal of Materials Science, 54 (12), 8955-8970. (doi:10.1007/s10853-019-03522-8).

Petrov, Alexander N., Pilgrim, James and Golosnoy, Igor O. (2018) Fast FEM modelling of first generation high temperature superconducting power cables via homogenization. Applied Superconductivity Conference, Washington State Convention Center, Seattle, United States. 28 Oct - 02 Nov 2018.

Petrov, Alexander, Nikolaev, Golosnoy, Igor O. and Pilgrim, James (2019) 2D finite element modelling of the AC transport power loss in multi-layer Bi-2223 cables. European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, Scottish Event Centre, Glasgow, United Kingdom. 01 - 05 Sep 2019.

Fazio, Nazareno, Gabriel, Stephen, Golosnoy, Igor O. and Wollenhaupt, Birk (2019) Mission cost for gridded ion engines using alternative propellants. 36th International Electric Propulsion Conference: IEPC, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria. 15 - 20 Sep 2019. 21 pp .

Dobranszki, Cristian, Golosnoy, Igor O., Gabriel, Stephen and Gessini, Paolo (2019) Development of electrostrictive force-feeding sub-system for liquid pulsed plasma thrusters. 36th International Electric Propulsion Conference: IEPC, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria. 15 - 20 Sep 2019. 11 pp .

Daykin-Iliopoulos, Alexander, Golosnoy, Igor O., Gabriel, Stephen and Bosi, Franco (2019) Characterisation of a 30 a heaterless hollow cathode. 36th International Electric Propulsion Conference: IEPC, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria. 15 - 20 Sep 2019. 14 pp .

Gessini, Paolo, Possa, Gabriela C., Intini Marques, Rodrigo, Dobranszki, Cristian, Golosnoy, Igor O. and Gabriel, Stephen (2019) Enabling low-cost high-energy missions with small spacecraft by using pulsed plasma thrusters. 36th International Electric Propulsion Conference: IEPC, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria. 15 - 20 Sep 2019. 9 pp .

Laudani, Antonio A.M., Golosnoy, Igor O., Kremer, Jochen, Senis, Evangelos C., Thomsen, Ole T. and Lewin, Paul L. (2019) Experimental characterisation of contact resistivity for CFRP wind turbine Spars9 equipotential bonding. In 2019 IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts: Electrical Contacts 2019. vol. 2019-September, IEEE. pp. 278-286 . (doi:10.1109/HOLM.2019.8923926).

Senis, Evangelos, Golosnoy, Igor O., Andritsch, Thomas, Dulieu-Barton, Janice and Thomsen, Ole (2020) The influence of graphene oxide filler on the electrical and thermal properties of unidirectional carbon fibre/epoxy laminates: effect of out-of-plane alignment of the graphene oxide nanoparticles. Polymer Composites, 41 (9), 3510-3520. (doi:10.1002/pc.25637).

Petrov, Alexander N., Pilgrim, James and Golosnoy, Igor O. (2020) 2D finite element modelling of the AC transport power loss in multi-layer Bi-2223 cables. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1559 (1), [012134]. (doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1559/1/012134).

Petrov, Alexander (2020) Data and COMSOL files supporting a PhD thesis in multiphysics finite element modelling of superconducting cables. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1461 [Dataset]

Laudani, Antonio AM, Carloni, Lisa, Thomsen, Ole, Lewin, Paul and Golosnoy, Igor O. (2020) Efficient method for the computation of lightning current distributions in wind turbine blades using the Fourier transform and the finite element method. IET Science, Measurement & Technology, 14 (7), 786 – 799. (doi:10.1049/iet-smt.2019.0343).

Daykin-Iliopoulos, Alexander, Bosi, Franco, Coccaro, Fabio, Magarotto, Mirko, Papadimopoulos, Athanasios, Del Carlo, Paola, Dobranszki, Cristian, Golosnoy, Igor O. and Gabriel, Stephen (2020) Characterisation of a thermionic plasma source apparatus for high-density gaseous plasma antenna applications. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 29 (11), [115002]. (doi:10.1088/1361-6595/abb21a).

Laudani, Antonio Andrea Maria, Senis, Evangelos C., Lewin, Paul L., Golosnoy, Igor O., Kremer, Jochen, Klein, Hendrik and Thomsen, Ole T. (2021) Estimation of Contact Resistivity in Lightning Protection Equipotential Bonding Joints of Wind Turbine Blades. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY, 63 (4), 1163-1178, [9374673]. (doi:10.1109/TEMC.2021.3059365).

Petrov, Alexander N., Golosnoy, Igor O. and Pilgrim, James (2021) Efficient multiphysics finite element simulation of a transient fault in a Bi-2223 HTS power cable. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 31 (4), [4802812]. (doi:10.1109/TASC.2021.3074470).

Laudani, A.A.M., Vryonis, O., Lewin, P.L., Golosnoy, I.O., Kremer, J., Klein, H. and Thomsen, O.T. (2022) Numerical simulation of lightning strike damage to wind turbine blades and validation against conducted current test data. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 152, [106708]. (doi:10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106708).

Vryonis, Orestis, Laudani, Antonio, Andrea Maria, Andritsch, Thomas, Golosnoy, Igor O. and Vaughan, Alun (2021) Lightning Protection of Wind Turbine Blades – How Supersizing Has Created New Challenges for Nanodielectrics Research. IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine, 37 (6), 6-20. (doi:10.1109/MEI.2021.9580820).

Laudani, Antonio, Andrea Maria (2022) Contact Resistivity and Epoxy Thermal Degradation. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D2215 [Dataset]

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Liu, Meijing, Arumugam, Sasikumar, Li, Yi, Yong, Sheng, White, Neil, Yang, Kai and Beeby, Steve (2019) Printable piezoresistive carbon formulation for stretch and flex sensors in e-textile applications. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems (FLEPS). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.. (doi:10.1109/FLEPS.2019.8792236).

Liu, Meijing, Ward, Tyler, Young, Dan, Matos, Helga, Wei, Yang, Adams, Joanna and Yang, Kai (2020) Electronic textiles based wearable electrotherapy for pain relief. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 303, [111701]. (doi:10.1016/j.sna.2019.111701).

Liu, Meijing, Beeby, Stephen and Yang, Kai (2019) Electrode for wearable electrotherapy. Proceedings, 32 (1), [5]. (doi:10.3390/proceedings2019032005).

Liu, Meijing, Glanc-Gostkiewicz, Monika, Beeby, Stephen and Yang, Kai (2021) Fully printed wearable electrode textile for electrotherapy application. In MDPI proceedings. vol. 68, 5 pp . (doi:10.3390/proceedings2021068012).

Yong, Sheng, Liu, Meijing, Komolafe, Abiodun, Tudor, Michael and Yang, Kai (2021) Development of a screen printable carbon paste to achieve washable conductive textiles. 14 pp . (doi:10.3390/textiles1030022).


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Newman, David R. (2011) The building and application of a semantic platform for an e-research society. University of Southampton, Faculty of Physical and Applied Sciences, Doctoral Thesis, 303pp.

De Roure, David, Goble, Carole, Bhagat, Jiten, Cruickshank, Don, Goderis, Antoon, Michaelides, Danius and Newman, David (2008) myExperiment: Defining the Social Virtual Research Environment. 4th IEEE International Conference on e-Science, Indianapolis, Indiana, United States. 07 - 12 Dec 2008. pp. 182-189 .

Millard, David, Sinclair, Patrick and Newman, David (2008) PeerPigeon: A Web Application to Support Generalised Peer Review. E-Learn 2008 - World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States. 17 - 21 Nov 2008.

De Roure, David, Goble, Carole, Aleksejevs, Sergejs, Bechhofer, Sean, Bhagat, Jiten, Cruickshank, Don, Michaelides, Danius and Newman, David (2009) The myExperiment Open Repository for Scientific Workflows. Open Repositories 2009, Atlanta, US, Georgia. (Submitted)

De Roure, David, Goble, Carole, Aleksejevs, Sergejs, Bechhofer, Sean, Bhagat, Jiten, Cruickshank, Don, Fisher, Paul, Hull, Duncan, Michaelides, Danius, Newman, David, Procter, Rob, Lin, Yuwei and Poschen, Meik (2009) Towards Open Science: The myExperiment approach. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. (Submitted)

Newman, David, Bechhofer, Sean and De Roure, David (2009) myExperiment: An ontology for e-Research. Semantic Web Applications in Scientific Discourse, Washington DC, United States. (Submitted)

Goble, Carole, Bhagat, Jiten, Aleksejevs, Sergejs, Cruickshank, Don, Michaelides, Danius, Newman, David, Borkum, Mark, Bechhofer, Sean, Roos, Marco, Li, Peter and De Roure, David (2010) myExperiment: a repository and social network for the sharing of bioinformatics workflows. Nucleic Acids Research. (Submitted)

De Roure, David, Goble, Carole, Aleksejevs, Sergejs, Bechhofer, Sean, Bhagat, Jiten, Cruickshank, Don, Fisher, Paul, Kollara, Nandkumar, Michaelides, Danius, Missier, Paolo, Newman, David, Ramsden, Marcus, Roos, Marco, Wolstencroft, Katy, Zaluska, Ed and Zhao, Jun (2010) The Evolution of myExperiment. Sixth IEEE e–Science conference (e-Science 2010), Brisbane, Australia. (In Press)

Bechhofer, Sean, Ainsworth, John, Bhagat, Jitenkumar, Buchan, Iain, Couch, Phillip, Cruickshank, Don, Delderfield, Mark, Dunlop, Ian, Gamble, Matthew, Goble, Carole, Michaelides, Danius, Missier, Paolo, Owen, Stuart, Newman, David, De Roure, David and Sufi, Shoaib (2010) Why Linked Data is Not Enough for Scientists. Sixth IEEE e–Science conference (e-Science 2010), Brisbane, Australia. (Submitted)

Roos, Marco, Bechhofer, Sean, Zhao, Jun, Missier, Paolo, Newman, David, De Roure, David and Marshall, M. Scott (2010) A Linked Data Approach to Sharing Workflows and Workflow Results. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6415, 340-354.

De Roure, David, Bechhofer, Sean, Goble, Carole and Newman, David (2011) Scientific Social Objects: The Social Objects and Multidimensional Network of the myExperiment Website. 1st International Workshop on Social Object Networks (SocialObjects 2011), Boston, MA, United States. (In Press)

Hare, Jonathon, Newman, David, Peters, Wim, Greenwood, Mark and Eggink, Jana (2014) SemanticNews: Enriching publishing of news stories University of Southampton

Basford, Philip, Bragg, Graeme, Hare, Jonathon, Jewell, Mike, Martinez, Kirk, Newman, David, Pau, Reena, Smith, Ash and Ward, Tyler (2016) Erica the Rhino: a case study in using Raspberry Pi Single Board Computers for interactive art. [in special issue: Raspberry Pi Technology] ELECTRONICS,, 5 (3), 1-18. (doi:10.3390/electronics5030035).


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Jeffery, P.A., Sykulski, J.K. and McBride, J.W. (1997) 3D finite element analysis modelling of the arc chamber of a current limiting miniature circuit breaker. Proceedings of International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Electrical Engineering (ISEF'97), Gdansk, Poland. 24 - 26 Sep 1997. pp. 130-133 .

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Al-Khoury, A.H. and Sykulski, J.K. (1998) Field modelling and characteristic simulation in electromechanical transducers. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 17 (1,2,3), 146-50.

Al-Khoury, A.H. and Sykulski, J.K. (1998) Automation of finite element aided design of brushless pm motors. ICEM'98. pp. 614-8 .

Biddlecombe, C.S., Jay, A.P., Lapaul, S. and Sykulski, J.K. (1997) Transient electromagnetic analysis coupled to electric circuits and motion. COMPUMAG Rio de Janeiro. p. 361 .

Biddlecombe, C.S., Parker, C.F., Sykulski, J.K. and Taylor, S.C. (1996) The Design Environment for Electromagnetics. Software for Electrical Engineering Analysis and Design.

Biddlecombe, C.S., Simkin, J., Jay, A.P., Sykulski, J.K. and Lepaul, S. (1998) Transient electromagnetic analysis coupled to electric circuits and mechanical systems. 4th Intn. Workshop on Electric and Magnetic Fields. pp. 237-42 .

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Cheng, Y.B. and Sykulski, J.K. (1996) Automated design and optimization of electromechanical actuators. International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, 9 (1), 59-69.

Goddard, K.F., Sykulski, J.K. and Stoll, R.L. (1998) A new approach to modelling dominant ac loss in HTc superconducting solenoidal windings. CEFC'98 Tucson. p. 3 .

Goddard, K.F., Sykulski, J.K. and Stoll, R.L. (1999) A method of estimating the total AC loss in a high-temperature superconducting transformer winding. COMPUMAG. pp. 66-7 .

Goddard, K.F., Sykulski, J.K. and Stoll, R.L. (1999) A new approach to modelling dominant AC loss in HTc superconducting solenoidal windings. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 35 (3), 1195-8.

Harris, M.R. and Sykulski, J.K. (1995) Magnetic field and force characteristics of a solenoid actuator for display board application. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 14 (4), 239-43.

Jay, A.P., Sykulski, J.K., Lepaul, S., Biddlecombe, C.S. and Simkin, J. (1998) Coupling of motion and circuits with electromagnetic analysis. CEFC '98 Tucson. p. 420 .

Jeffery, P.A., Sykulski, J.K. and McBride, J.W. (1998) 3D finite element analysis modelling of the arc chamber of a current limiting miniature circuit breaker. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 17 (2), 244-251. (doi:10.1108/03321649810369401).

Lepaul, S., Sykulski, J.K., Biddlecombe, C.S., Jay, A.P. and Simkin, J. (1999) Coupling of motion and circuits with electromagnetic analysis. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 35 (3), 1602-5.

Mahdi, A.E., Hughes, T., Beduz, C., Yang, Y., Stoll, R.L., Sykulski, J.K., Haldar, P., Sokolowski, R.S. and Power, A. (1997) Thermometric measurements of the self-field losses in silver sheathed PbBi2223 multifilamentary tapes. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 7 (2), 1658-1661. (doi:10.1109/77.620896).

Parker, C.F., Sykulski, J.K., Taylor, S.C. and Biddlecombe, C.S. (1996) Parametric environment for EM computer aided design. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 32 (3), 1433-6.

Rawlings, R.H.D. and Sykulski, J.K. (1999) Ground source heat pumps: technology review. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 20 (3), 119-130.

Seguin, J., Dandurand, D., Lowther, D.A. and Sykulski, J.K. (1999) The optimization of electromagnetic devices using a combined finite element / neutral network approach with on-line training. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 18 (3), 266-74.

Stoll, R.L., Mahdi, A.E. and Sykulski, J.K. (1995) Modelling AC losses in high-temperature superconductors as a non-linear diffusion process. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 14 (4), 269-73.

Sykulski, J.K. and Al-Khoury, A.H. (1999) A system for interactive design and optimisation of brushless pm motors. ISEF International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Electrical Engineering. pp. 409-12 .

Sykulski, J.K., Beduz, C., Stoll, R.L., Harris, M.R., Goddard, K. and Yang, Y. (1999) High temperature superconducting power transformers: conclusions from a design study. IEE Proceedings: Electric Power Applications, 146 (1), 41-52.

Sykulski, J.K., Goddard, K. and Stoll, R.L. (1999) High temperature superconducting demonstrator transformer: design considerations and first test results. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 35 (5), 3559-61.

Sykulski, J.K., Goddard, K. and Stoll, R.L. (1999) High temperature superconducting demonstrator transformer: design considerations and first test results. INTERMAG 99, Conference Digest. ED-11 .

Sykulski, J.K., Goddard, K.F. and Stoll, R.L. (1998) Design and construction of a high temperature superconducting transformer. ICEM'98. pp. 971-5 .

Sykulski, J.K., Krawczyk, A. and Wiak, S. (1998) Computational electromagnetics in Poland: a review. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 17 (4), 427-38.

Sykulski, J.K., Rotaru, M., Sabene, M. and Santilli, M. (1998) Comparison of optimization techniques for electromagnetic applications. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 17 (2), 171-176.

Sykulski, J.K., Rotaru, M. and Stoll, R.L. (1998) Highly non-linear field diffusion in Htc superconducting tapes. EPNC'98 Liege. pp. 18-21 .

Sykulski, J.K., Rotaru, M. and Stoll, R.L. (1999) Highly non-linear field diffusion in HTc superconducting tapes. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 18 (2), 215-24.

Sykulski, J.K., Rotaru, M. and Stoll, R.L. (1999) 2D modelling of field diffusion and AC losses in high temperature superconducting tapes. COMPUMAG. pp. 224-25 .

Sykulski, J.K. and Santilli, M. (1997) A procedure for magnetic design and optimisation of permanent magnet brushless dc motors. International Symposium on Theoretical Electrical Engineering ISTET'97. pp. 466-9 .

Sykulski, J.K. and Santilli, M. (1998) A procedure for magnetic design and optimisation of permanent magnet brushless dc motors. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 17 (5,6), 749-56.

Sykulski, J.K., Stoll, R.L., Mahdi, A.E. and Please, C.P. (1997) Modelling HTc Superconductors for AC Power Loss Estimation. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 33 (2), 1568-1571. (doi:10.1109/20.582565).

Sykulski, J.K., Stoll, R.L., Goddard, K., Beduz, C., Yang, Y. and Power, A. (1998) Design of a HTS demonstrator transformer. Dew-Hughes, D., Scurlock, R. and Watson James, H.P. (eds.) In Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Cryogenic Engineering Conference. Taylor & Francis. pp. 571-574 .

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Sykulski, J.K., Stoll, R.L., Goddard, K., Beduz, C., Yang, Y. and Power, A. (1999) Power applications of HTS materials - the Southampton perspective. Institute of Physics Publishing, 333-6.

Sykulski, J.K., Stoll, R.L. and Mahadi, A.E. (1996) Modelling HTc superconductors for AC power loss estimation. IEEE Conf. on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC'96). p. 193 .

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Sykulski, J.K., Stoll, R.L., Goddard, K., Beduz, C., Yang, Y. and Power, A. (1998) Power applications of HTS materials- the Southampton perspective. ICEC 17 Bournemouth. S1.1 .

Sykulski, J.K. and Trowbridge, C.W. (1998) Computational electromagnetics: Some conjectures for industrial & teaching requirements. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 17 (1,2,3), 36-46.

Sykulski, J.K. (1996) Editorial. International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, 9 (1&2), 1-1.

Sykulski, J.K. (1999) Power applications of high temperature superconductivity: the Southampton perspective. ISEM - Intn. Symposium on Non-linear Electromagnetic Systems. p. 12 .

Sykulski, J.K. (1999) Editor of the International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

Sykulski, J.K. (1996) Editor of International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields.

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Taylor, S. and Sykulski, J.K. (1998) Anisotropic adaptive mesh refinement for EM finite element analysis in 2 dimensions. CEFC '98 Tucson. p. 36 .

Taylor, S. and Sykulski, J.K. (1999) Anisotropic adaptive mesh refinement for EM finite element analysis in 2 dimensions. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 35 (3), 1322-5.

Taylor, S. and Sykulski, J.K. (1999) Adaptive meshing in 2D using dynamic bubbles: some practical considerations. X Intn. Symposium on Theoretical Electrical Engineering. pp. 195-200 .

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Sykulski, J.K. (1997) Editor of International Compumag Society Newsletter.

Sykulski, J.K. (1996) Editor of International Compumag Society Newsletter.

Sykulski, J.K. (1995) Editor of International Compumag Society Newsletter.

Sykulski, J.K. (1994) Editor of International Compumag Society Newsletter.

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Sykulski, J.K. (1997) Editor of the International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

Sykulski, J.K. (1996) Editor of the International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

Sykulski, J.K. (1995) Editor of the International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

Sykulski, J.K. (1988) Computer package for calculating electric and magnetic fields exploiting dual energy bounds. IEE Proceedings A, 135 (3), 145-150.

Sykulski, J.K. and Hammond, P. (1988) Calculation of Electric and Magnetic Field by Means of the Method of Tubes and Slices. In Electromagnetic Fields in Electrical Engineering. Plenum Press. pp. 63-8 .

Davies, A., Sykulski, J.K., Loveridge, R. and Milburn, J. (1989) Simulation of the electrical performance of inverter supplied ESP systems. In Advances in Underwater Technology, Ocean Science and Offshore Engineering. Society for Underwater Technology. pp. 121-30 .

Tampion, A.A., Stoll, R.L. and Sykulski, J.K. (1991) The variation of turbogenerator stator core vibration with load. IEE Proceedings C, 138 (5), 389-400.

Sykulski, J.K. and Stoll, R.L. (1992) Magnetic field modelling and calculation of reflected impedance of inductive sensors. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 28 (2), 1426-9.

Sykulski, J.K., Sykulska, E. and Hughes, S. (1992) Application of finite element modelling in LVDT design. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 11 (1), 73-76.

Sykulski, J.K. and Stoll, R.L. (1992) Finite element modelling of inductive sensors. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 11 (1), 69-72.

Stoll, R.L. and Sykulski, J.K. (1992) Modelling tooth ripple losses in the solid pole faces of synchronous machines. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 11 (1), 105-8.

Harris, M.R. and Sykulski, J.K. (1992) Simple method for calculating the peak torque of a switched reluctance motor: a computational investigation. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 11 (1), 193-6.

Sykulski, J.K. and Hammond, P. (1992) Teaching electromagnetism: a new approach using tubes and slices. In 4th International Journal of Theoretical Electrotechnics. Wydawn Politech. pp. 235-42 .

Hammond, P. and Sykulski, J.K. (1992) Tubes and Slices: A New Way of Teaching the Principles of Electric and Magnetic Fields. IEEE Transactions on Education, 35 (4), 300-6.

Cheng, Y.B. and Sykulski, J.K. (1993) A design shell for force calculations of solenoid actuators. In Software Applications in Electrical Engineering. Computational Mechanics Publications. pp. 39-46 .

Sykulski, J.K. (1993) Tubes and slices: a software package for dual field calculations. In Software Applications in Electrical Engineering. Computational Mechanics Publications. pp. 247-54 .

Harris, M.R., Stoll, R.L. and Sykulski, J.K. (1994) Generic field problems in design studies of high temperature superconducting transformers. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 13 (1), 167-70.

Cheng, Y.B., Sykulski, J.K. and Stoll, R.L. (1994) Force optimization in dc actuators. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 13 (1), 163-6.

Biddlecombe, C.S., Sykulski, J.K. and Taylor, S.C. (1994) Design Environment Modules for Non-specialist Users of EM Software. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 30 (5), 3625-8.

Mahdi, A.E., Stoll, R.L., Sykulski, J.K., Beduz, C., Hughes, T., Yang, Y., Harris, M.R. and Arnold, R.J. (1994) Modelling of AC Losses in High-Tc Superconductors with Flux Creep E-J Characteristics. Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, 235-24, 2419-20.

Hughes, T., Yang, Y., Beduz, C., Jansak, L., Mahdi, A.E., Stoll, R.L., Sykulski, J.K., Harris, M.R. and Arnold, R.J. (1994) Measurement of Self-field AC Losses in PbBi-2223 Ag-sheathed Tapes. Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, 235-24, 3423-4.

Sykulski, J.K. (1994) Dual field modelling using tubes and slices. Advances in Engineering Software, 21 (1), 21-26.

Davies, A., Sykulska, E., Sykulski, J.K. and German, D. (1985) Simulation of Dynamic Overvoltages Following Fault Conditions on the Cross Channel Link. Fourth International Conference on AC and DC Power Transmission.

Sykulski, J.K. and Hammond, P. (1987) Calculation of Electric and Magnetic Fields by Means of the Method of Tubes and Slices. International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Electrical Engineering.

Tampion, A.A., Stoll, R.L. and Sykulski, J.K. (1990) Turbogenerator stator core vibration. International Conference on Electrical Machines. pp. 1142-7 .

Tampion, A.A., Stoll, R.L. and Sykulski, J.K. (1990) Electromechanical modelling of turbogenerator stator core vibration. XXVI International Symposium on Electrical Machines.

Biddlecombe, C.S., Parker, C.F., Sykulski, J.K. and Taylor, S.C. (1994) Implementation of Design Environment Modules Using Variational Geometry. 10th ISPE/IFAC International Conference on CAD/CAM, Robotics and Factories of the Future CARs & FOF '94. pp. 220-5 .

Cheng, Y.B. and Sykulski, J.K. (1994) CAD and optimization of electromechanical actuators. International Conference on Electrical Machines ICEM'94. pp. 187-92 .

Sykulski, J.K. and Cheng, Y.B. (1995) Application of Optimization to the Design of Electromechanical Devices. 11th Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics, Monterey, USA. pp. 378-85 .

Biddlecombe, C.S., Parker, C.F., Sykulski, J.K. and Taylor, S.C. (1995) Parametric Environment for EM Computer Aided Design. 10th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, COMPUMAG'95 Berlin. pp. 106-7 .

Mahdi, A.E., Stoll, R.L. and Sykulski, J.K. (1995) Nonlinear diffusion model for AC losses calculation in High-Tc superconductors. European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, EUCAS'95, Edinburgh.

Abu Sharkh, S., Harris, M.R., Crowder, R.M., Chappell, P.H., Stoll, R.L. and Sykulski, J.K. (1995) Design considerations for electric drives for the thrusters of unmanned underwater vehicles. 6th European Conference on peer Electronics and Applications, Sevilla. pp. 799-801 .

Sykulski, J.K. (1991) LVDT Design using Finite Elements. USITT NEWS, 5 (4), 1-2.

Sykulski, J.K. (1992) CAD in Electrostatics. Electrostatics News, (2), 1-2.

Sykulski, J.K. (1992) Dual Bound Calculations using Tubes and Slices. Computer Modelling of Electrostatic Fields (colloquium digest). Paper 1 .

Smallwood, J.M., Bailey, A.G. and Sykulski, J.K. (1993) Electrostatic Discharge Ignition Mechanisms in Sensitive Dust Layers. Author's Original.

Sykulski, J.K. (1994) Computer aided solution of electrostatic field problems. Electrostatic problems during material handling. 3/1-3/2 .

Sykulski, J.K. (1994) Approximate field computation exploiting dual energy bounds. Approximation Techniques in Electromagnetics.

Sykulski, J.K. (1994) Electro-Magnetic Finite Element Modelling. Transducer Design & Simulation Using Computers. pp. 57-71 .

Mahdi, A.A., Stoll, R.L. and Sykulski, J.K. (1995) AC Losses in High-Temperature Superconductors: colloquium digest no: 1995/097.

Sykulski, J.K. (1988) Review of the book: 'Introduction to Electrical Energy Systems'.

Sykulski, J.K. (1993) Review of the book 'The Finite Element Method in Electromagnetics'.

Sykulski, J.K., Al-Khoury, A.H. and Goddard, K.F. (2000) Minimal Function Calls Approach with On-Line Learning and Dynamic Weighting for Computationally Intensive Design Optimisation. CEFC'2000 IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation. p. 356 .

Sykulski, J.K. and Al-Khoury, A.H. (2000) A system for interactive design and optimisation of brushless PM motors. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 19 (2), 664-8.

Sykulski, J.K., Rotaru, M. and Stoll, R.L. (2000) Modelling of external field penetration and losses in high temperature superconductors. In ICEF'2000 Conference on Electromagnetic Field Problems and Applications. International Academic Publishers. pp. 199-202 .

Rashid, K., Ramirez, J.A., Freeman, E.M., Farina, M. and Sykulski, J.K. (2000) A comparison of two generalized response surface methods for optimisation in electromagnetics. 6th International Workshop on Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism, OIPE 2000. pp. 67-68 .

Sykulski, J.K., Stoll, R.L., Beduz, C., Power, A.J., Goddard, K.F. and Al-Mosawi, M.K. (2000) The design, construction and operation of high temperature superconducting transformers - practical considerations. In Proceedings of the 38th Session of the International Conference on Large High Voltage Electric Systems (CIGRE). CIGRE (International Council on Large Electric Systems)..

Sykulski, J.K. (2000) Editor of International Compumag Society Newsletter.

Sykulski, J.K. (2000) From the Editor. Sykulski, JK (ed.) International Compumag Society Newsletter. p. 1 .

Sykulski, J.K. (2000) Editor of the International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

Sykulski, J.K., Goddard, K.F. and Stoll, R.L. (2000) A method of estimating the total AC loss in a high-temperature superconducting transformer winding. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 36 (4), 1183-7.

Sykulski, J.K., Rotaru, M. and Stoll, R.L. (2000) 2D modelling of field diffusion and AC losses in high temperature superconducting tapes. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 36 (4), 1178-82.

Sykulski, J.K., Al-Khoury, A.H. and Goddard, K.F. (2001) Minimal function calls approach with on-line learning and dynamic weighting for computationally intensive design optimization. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 37 (5), 3423-3426. (doi:10.1109/20.952628).

Ciesla, A., Garda, B. and Sykulski, J.K. (2001) Shaping of Magnetic Field Distribution in a High Gradient Magnetic Filter. COMPUMAG. pp. 62-3 .

Kim, Chang-Eob and Sykulski, J.K. (2001) Harmonic Analysis of Output Voltage in Synchronous Generator Using Finite Element Method Taking Account of the Movement. COMPUMAG. pp. 48-9 .

Demenko, A. and Sykulski, J.K. (2001) Network equivalents of nodal and edge elements in electromagnetics. COMPUMAG. pp. 112-13 .

Rashid, K., Farina, M., Ramirez, J.A., Sykulski, J.K. and Freeman, E.M. (2001) A comparison of two generalized response surface methods for optimisation in electromagnetics. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 20 (3), 740-52.

Sykulski, J.K. (2001) Editor of International Compumag Society Newsletter.

Sykulski, J.K. (2001) Editor of the International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

Sykulski, J.K. (2001) From the Editor. Sykulski, JK (ed.) International Compumag Society Newsletter. p. 1 .

Farina, M. and Sykulski, J.K. (2001) Comparative study of evolution strategies combined with approximation techniques for practical electromagnetic optimization problems. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 37 (5), 3216-3220.

Abu-Sharkh, S.M., Hussien, Z.F. and Sykulski, J.K. (2000) Current control of three-phase PWM inverters for embedded generators. In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Power Electronics and Variable Speed Drives 2000. Institution of Electronic and Electrical Engineers. pp. 524-529 . (doi:10.1049/cp:20000302).

Sykulski, J.K. (1997) Modelling electromagnetic fields and power losses in high temperature superconductors. Computer Methods for Material Modelling in Electromagnetics. 2/1-2/6 .

Mahdi, A.E., Stoll, R.L. and Sykulski, J.K. (1995) AC losses in high-temperature superconductors. Practical Applications of High Temperature Superconductors, IEE Colloquium on. 8/1-8/4 .

Sykulski, J.K. (2001) Electromagnetics problems in high temperature superconductors in power applications (invited plenary paper). In 5th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics PES 2001. University of Nis. p. 1 .

Trowbridge, C.W. and Sykulski, J.K. (2002) Computational Electromagnetics and Industry. The Fourth International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics CEM2002.

Ship, K.S., Goddard, K.F. and Sykulski, J.K. (2002) Field Optimisation in a Synchronous Generator with High Temperature Superconducting Field Winding and Magnetic Core. The Fourth International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics CEM2002.

Kim, Chang Eob and Sykulski, J.K. (2002) Harmonic Analysis of Output Voltage in Synchronous Generator Using Finite-Element Method Taking Account of the Movement. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 38 (2), 1249-52.

Sykulski, J.K. (2002) Editor of International Compumag Society Newsletter.

Sykulski, J.K. (2002) Editor of the International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

Sykulski, J.K. (2002) From the Editor. Sykulski, JK (ed.) International Compumag Society Newsletter. p. 1 .

Kim, Dong-Hun, Park, Il-Han., Shin, Myoung-Chul and Sykulski, J.K. (2002) Generalized Continuum Sensitivity Formula for Optimum Design of Electrode and Dielectric Contours. CEFC'2002 IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, Perugia, Italy. 15 - 18 Jun 2002. p. 295 .

Sykulski, J.K., Goddard, K. F. and Ship, K. S. , Krawczyk, A. and Wiak, S. (eds.) (2002) Modelling and Evaluation of Eddy-Current Loss in High Temperature Superconducting Synchronous Generator. Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 22 (1), 142-147.

Sykulski, J.K. (2002) Guest Editor of the Special Issue on Computational Electromagnetics, IEE Proceedings (Science, Measurement and Technology).

Ship, K.S., Goddard, K.F. and Sykulski, J.K. (2002) Field optimisation in a synchronous generator with high temperature superconducting field winding and magnetic core. IEE Proceedings - Science, Measurement and Technology, 149 (5), 194-198.

Sykulski, J.K. (2002) Reducing computational effort in field optimisation problems (invited paper). PMAPS Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, Naples, Italy. 21 - 25 Sep 2002. pp. 125-130 .

Demenko, A. and Sykulski, J.K. (2002) 3D eddy current calculations in electromechanical energy converters. EPE-PEMC Power Electronics and Motion Control, Cavtat & Dubrovnik, Croatia. 08 - 10 Sep 2002. p. 108 .

Al-Mosawi, M.K., Beduz, C., Goddard, K., Sykulski, J.K., Yang, Y., Xu, B., Ship, K.S., Stoll, R. and Stephen, N.G. (2002) Design of a 100 kVA high temperature superconducting demonstration synchronous generator. Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, 372-376 (3), 1539-1542. (doi:10.1016/S0921-4534(02)01076-6).

Sykulski, J.K. (2002) Electromagnetics of high temperature superconductors: achievements and challenges (invited paper). V Congresso Brasileiro de Electromagnetismo CBMag 2002, , Gramado, Brazil. 04 - 06 Nov 2002. p. 12 .

Zakrzewski, K and Sykulski, J.K. (1977) Image Reflection of Alternating Currents in One Sided Conducting Shield Using Vector Potential Method. Rozprawy Elektrotechniczne, Journal of the Polish Academy of Science, 23 (1), 73-92.

Zakrzewski, K and Sykulski, J.K. (1977) Electromagnetic Field of Parallel Conductors with One Sided Solid Iron Shield. Rozprawy Elektrotechniczne, Journal of the Polish Academy of Science, 23 (1), 59-72.

Zakrzewski, K and Sykulski, J.K. (1981) The Effect of Eddy Currents on Physical Modelling of Magnetic Field Strength at Increased Frequencies. Rozprawy Elektrotechniczne, Journal of the Polish Academy of Science, 27 (1).

Sykulski, J.K. (1979) Electromagnetic Field due to A.C. Flowing Through Finite Length Conductors in the Presence of Semi Infinite Solid Shield. Rozprawy Elektrotechniczne, Journal of the Polish Academy of Science, 25 (1), 3-34.

Sykulski, J.K. (1981) Two Dimensional Analysis of Electromagnetic Field Distribution in Solid Metallic Structures in Vicinity of Current Carrying Bar Conductors. Rozprawy Elektrotechniczne, Journal of the Polish Academy of Science, 27 (1), 37-52.

Sykulski, J.K. (1981) Three Dimensional Analysis of Electromagnetic Field Distribution in Solid Metallic Structures in Vicinity of Current Carrying Finite Length Bar Conductors. Rozprawy Elektrotechniczne, Journal of the Polish Academy of Science, 27 (1), 387-401.

Sykulski, J.K. (1981) Analysis of Transformer Tank Shielding Effectiveness. Rozprawy Elektrotechniczne, Journal of the Polish Academy of Science, 27 (3), 687-695.

Sykulski, J.K. (1982) A Numerical Method of Solving Three Dimensional Electromagnetic Field Problems. Conference on the Theory of Electromagnetic Fields, Warsaw, Poland.

Sykulski, J.K. (1984) A Hybrid Method of Solving Three Dimensional Magnetostatic Fields. Conference on the Theory of Electromagnetic Fields, Warsaw, Poland.

Ship, K.S., Sykulski, J.K. and Goddard, K.F. (2002) Load characteristics analysis of a 100kVA synchronous generator with high temperature superconducting field winding using finite element modelling. Lee, H.P. and Kumar, K. (eds.) International Conference on Scientific & Engineering Computation (IC-SEC) 2002, Raffles City Convention Centre, Singapore. 03 - 05 Dec 2002. pp. 295-298 .

Kim, Dong-Hun, Park, Il-Han, Shin, Myoung-Chul and Sykulski, J.K. (2003) Generalized Continuum Sensitivity Formula for Optimum Design of Electrode and Dielectric Contours. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 39 (3), 1281-1284.

Ciesla, A., Garda, B. and Sykulski, J.K. (2002) Shaping of magnetic field distribution in a high-gradient magnetic filter. Archives of Electrical Engineering, 51 (4), 403-415.

Sykulski, J.K. (2003) Editor of International Compumag Society Newsletter.

Sykulski, J.K. (2003) From the Editor. International Compumag Society Newsletter. p. 1 .

Sykulski, J.K. (2003) Editor of the International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

Kim, Dong-Hun, Ship, K.S. and Sykulski, J.K. (2003) Applying Continuum Design Sensitivity Analysis combined with standard EM software to shape optimisation in magnetostatic problems. COMPUMAG, Saratoga Springs, NY, United States. 12 - 16 Jul 2003. pp. 112-113 .

Sykulski, J.K. (2003) Computational Electromagnetics: a tool, an art or black magic? ISEF 2003 XI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Electrical Engineering, Maribor, Slovenia. 17 - 19 Sep 2003. pp. 1-8 .

Ship, K.S., Goddard, K.F. and Sykulski, J.K. (2003) Two dimensional finite-element simulation of a high temperature superconducting synchronous generator during three-phase short-circuit fault condition using full transient non-linear rotating machine model. ISEF 2003 XI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Electrical Engineering, Maribor, Slovenia. pp. 285-288 .

Sykulski, J.K. (2004) Reducing computational effort in field optimisation problems. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 23 (1), 159-172.

Al-Mosawi, M., Xu, B., Beduz, C., Goddard, K., Sykulski, J.K., Yang, Y., Stephen, N.G. and Stoll, R. (2003) Recent progress of 100kVA High Temperature Superconducting Generator. 6th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity EUCAS 2003, Sorrento, Italy. 13 - 17 Sep 2003.

Ship, K.S., Sykulski, J.K. and Goddard, K.F. (2003) Design and performance evaluations of a synchronous generator with high temperature superconducting field winding and magnetic core using finite element modelling. EMF 2003 Sixth International Symposium on Electric and Magnetic Fields, , Aachen, Germany. 05 - 08 Oct 2003. pp. 183-186 .

Sykulski, J.K. (2003) Applications of High Temperature Superconductivity in Electrical Power Devices: the Southampton perspective. Superconductivity UK, IEE Savoy Place, London.

Sykulski, J.K. (2004) Computational Electromagnetics: the Past, the Present and the Future (invited keynote lecture). Application of Electromagnetic Phenomena in Electrical and Mechanical Systems (JANZS), Auckland, New Zealand. 22 - 23 Jan 2004. pp. 11-12 .

Sykulski, J.K. (2004) Editor of the International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

Kim, Dong-Hun, Ship, K.F. and Sykulski, J.K. (2004) Applying Continuum Design Sensitivity Analysis combined with standard EM software to Shape Optimisation in Magnetostatic Problems. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 40 (2), 1156-1159.

Sykulski, J.K. (2004) Editor of International Compumag Society Newsletter.

Ship, K.S. and Sykulski, J.K. (2004) Field modelling and optimisation of a high temperature superconducting synchronous generator with a coreless rotor. Fifth IEE International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics, 109-110.

Kim, Dong-Hun, Loukaides, N., Sykulski, J.K. and Georghiou, G.E. (2004) Numerical investigation of the electric field distribution induced in the brain by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Fifth IEE International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics, 153-154.

Al-Mosawi, M.K., Xu, B., Beduz, C., Goddard, K., Sykulski, J.K., Yang, Y., Stephen, N.G., Webb, M., Ship, K.S. and Stoll, R. (2002) 100kVa High Temperature Superconducting Generator. In Proceedings of 19th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference (ICEC19). International Cryogenic Engineering Conference. pp. 237-240 .

Sykulski, J.K., Roy, A.A., Goddard, K.F., Swatton, D. and Brown, J. (2004) Use of images to model off-axis forces in an electric armour array. IEE Proceedings - Science, Measurement and Technology, 151 (3), 151-158.

Griffiths, D.R. and Sykulski, J.K. (2004) Automation of Finite Element Aided Design Optimisation of Induction Motors Using Multi-Slice 2D Models. The Eleventh Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation CEFC, Seoul, Korea. 05 - 08 Jun 2004. p. 308 .

Kim, D.H., Lowther, D.A. and Sykulski, J.K. (2004) Efficient Force Calculations Based on Continuum Sensitivity Analysis. The Eleventh Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation CEFC, Seoul, Korea. 05 - 08 Jun 2004. p. 237 .

Kim, D.H., Sykulski, J.K. and Lowther, D.A. (2004) A Novel Scheme for Material Updating in Source Distribution Optimisation of Magnetic Devices using Sensitivity Analysis. The Eleventh Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation CEFC, Seoul, Korea. 05 - 08 Jun 2004. p. 37 .

Sykulski, J.K. (2004) Power Applications of High Temperature Superconductivity: Achievements and Challenges (invited lecture). 5th Seminar on Applications of Superconductivity, Naleczow, Poland. 22 - 25 Jun 2004.

Sykulski, J.K. (2004) Finite-Element Aided Optimisation in Electromagnetics (invited paper). XVIII Symposium on Electromagnetic Phenomena in Nonlinear Circuits, Poznan, Poland. 27 - 29 Jun 2004. pp. 7-8 .

Kim, D., Loucaides, N., Sykulski, J.K. and Georghiou, G. E. (2004) Numerical investigation of the electric field distribution induced in the brain by transcranial magnetic stimulation. IEE Proceedings - Science, Measurement and Technology, 151 (6), 479-483.

Griffiths, D.R. and Sykulski, J.K. (2004) Automation of Finite Element Aided Design of Induction Motors Using Multi-Slice 2D Models. 16th International Conference on Electrical Machines, Krakow, Poland. 04 - 07 Sep 2004. pp. 583-584 .

Sykulski, J.K. (2004) Computational Electromagnetics: the Achievements, the Challenges and the Future (invited plenary lecture). The 11th International IGTE Symposium on Numerical Field Calculation in Electrical Engineering, Graz, Austria. 12 - 14 Sep 2004. p. 1 .

Riley, C., Michaelides, A., Hoffer, K., Griffiths, D. and Sykulski, J.K. (2004) Automated finite element aided design of skewed rotor induction motors. Magnews, 16-19.

Sykulski, J.K. (2004) From the Editor. International Compumag Society Newsletter, 11 (3), 1-1.

Sykulski, J.K. (2004) Superconducting Transformers. Advanced Research Workshop, Vigo, Spain. 27 - 29 Oct 2004. pp. 55-60 .

Sykulski, J.K. (2004) Computational Electromagnetics. International PhD Workshop, Wisla, Poland. 15 - 17 Oct 2004.

Ship, K.S. and Sykulski, J.K. (2004) Field simulation studies for a high temperature superconducting synchronous generator with a coreless rotor. IEE Proceedings - Science, Measurement and Technology, 151 (6), 414-418.

Goddard, K.F., Roy, A.A. and Sykulski, J.K. (2005) Inductance and resistance calculations for isolated conductors. IEE Proceedings - Science, Measurement and Technology, 152 (1), 7-14.

Sykulski, J.K. (2005) Computational Electromagnetics: a Tool, an Art or Black Magic? In, Wiak, S., Krawczyk, A. and Trlep, M. (eds.) Computer Engineering in Applied Electromagnetism. Springer, pp. 3-10.

Goddard, K.F., Roy, A.A. and Sykulski, J.K. (2005) Inductance and resistance calculations for a pair of rectangular conductors. IEE Proceedings - Science, Measurement and Technology, 152 (2), 73-78. (doi:10.1049/ip-smt:20041058).

Sykulski, J.K. (2005) Editor of the International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

Sykulski, J.K. (2005) Editor of International Compumag Society Newsletter.

Kim, Dong-Hun, Lowther, D. and Sykulski, J.K. (2005) Efficient Force Calculations Based on Continuum Sensitivity Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 41 (5), 1404-1407.

Kim, Dong-Hun, Sykulski, J.K. and Lowther, D. (2005) A Novel Scheme for Material Updating in Source Distribution Optimization of Magnetic Devices using Sensitivity Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 41 (5), 1752-1755.

Ship, K.S., Goddard, K.F. and Sykulski, J.K. (2005) Two dimensional finite-element simulation of a high temperature superconducting synchronous generator during three-phase short-circuit fault condition using full transient non-linear rotating machine model. In, Wiak, S., Krawczyk, A. and Trlep, M. (eds.) Computer Engineering in Applied Electromagnetism. Springer, pp. 355-358.

Sykulski, J.K. (2005) The state of the art and future of superconducting transformers (invited paper). Transformer 05, Pieczyska, Poland. 16 - 18 May 2005. pp. 11-19 .

Trowbridge, C.W. and Sykulski, J.K. (2005) Some Key Developments in CEM and their Attribution (invited keynote paper). COMPUMAG, Shenyang, China. 25 - 29 Jun 2005. pp. 2-3 .

Kim, Dong-Hun, Sykulski, J.K., Lowther, D., Choi, Jong-Woo and Kim, Tae-Young (2005) Further advances in applying continuum design sensitivity analysis in combination with commercial electromagnetic software to aid design optimization. COMPUMAG, Shenyang, China. 25 - 29 Jun 2005. pp. 184-185 .

Sykulski, J.K. (2005) High temperature superconducting transformers. ELMECO-5, Electromagnetic Devices and Processes in Environment Protection, Naleczow, Poland. 05 - 06 Sep 2005. p. 38 .

Demenko, A. and Sykulski, J.K. (2005) Magneto-electric network models in electromagnetism. In Proceedings of XII International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, ISEF 2005. pp. 1-6 .

Sykulski, J.K. (2005) Computational Electromagnetics: the Past, the Present and the Future. JSAEM Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Auckland, New Zealand. 22 - 23 Jan 2004. pp. 1-8 .

Swaffield, D J, Lewin, P L, Chen, G and Sykulski, J K (2005) Cryogenic Dielectrics and HTS Power Apparatus: Research at the University of Southampton. IEEE DEIS Workshop on Cryogenic Dielectrics, Nashville, Tennessee, United States. CD-ROM .

Trowbridge, C.W. and Sykulski, J.K. (2006) Some Key Developments in Computational Electromagnetics and their Attribution. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 42 (4), 503-508.

Hawe, G.I. and Sykulski, J.K. (2006) The consideration of surrogate model accuracy in single-objective electromagnetic design optimization. In Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics. pp. 115-116 .

Kim, Dong-Hun, Sykulski, J.K. and Lowther, D.A. (2006) Design Optimisation of Electromagnetic Devices Using Continuum Design Sensitivity Analysis Combined with Commercial EM Software. In Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics. pp. 133-135 .

Griffiths, D.R. and Sykulski, J.K. (2006) Automation of finite element aided design of induction motors using multi-slice 2D models. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 25 (2), 309-319.

Hawe, G.I. and Sykulski, J.K. (2006) Balancing Exploration and Exploitation using Kriging Surrogate Models in Electromagnetic Design Optimization. In, Digest Book of the Twelfth Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation. IEEE, p. 226.

Kim, D.H., Lowther, D.A. and Sykulski, J.K. (2006) Efficient Global and Local Force Calculations Based on Continuum Sensitivity Analysis. In, Digest Book of the Twelfth Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation. IEEE, p. 157.

Sykulski, J.K. (2006) Power Applications of High Temperature Superconductivity: the Southampton Perspective. 7th Seminar & Workshop on Applications of Superconductors, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland. 31 May - 02 Jun 2006. pp. 12-13 .

Kacprzak, D. and Sykulski, J.K. (2006) Magnetic Design Considerations to Improve Non-Linear Characteristics of Inductively Coupled Power Transfer Systems. In Proceedings of the XIX Symposium on Electromagnetic Phenomena in Nonlinear Circuits, June 28-30, 2006, Maribor, Slovenia. PTETiS Publishers. pp. 43-44 .

Zamanan, N., Sykulski, J.K. and Al-Othman, A.K. (2006) A Digital Technique for Online Identification and Tracking of Power System Harmonics Based on Real Coded Genetic Algorithm. Sixth IASTED International Conference EURPEAN POWER AND ENERGY SYSTEMS, Rhodes, Greece. 25 - 27 Jun 2006. pp. 144-148 .

Demenko, A. and Sykulski, J.K. (2006) Magneto-electric network models in electromagnetism. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 25 (3), 581-588.

Sykulski, J.K. (2006) Field Simulation as an Aid to Machine Design: The State of the Art. 12th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference EPE-PEMC 2006, Portoroz, Slovenia. 29 - 31 Aug 2006. pp. 1937-1943 .

Kacprzak, D. and Sykulski, J.K. (2006) Finite Element Assisted Study of Magnetic Configurations of Flat Pickups for Inductively Coupled Power Transfer Systems. XVII International Conference on Electrical Machines ICEM 2006, Chania, Crete Island, Greece. 01 - 04 Sep 2006.

Zamanan, N., Sykulski, J.K. and Al-Othman, A.K. (2006) Real Coded Genetic Algorithm Compared to the Classical Method of Fast Fourier Transform in Harmonics Analysis. 41st International Universities Power Engineering Conference, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom. 05 - 07 Sep 2006.

Sykulski, J.K. (2006) High Temperature Superconducting Machines - the State of the Art. In Proceedings of XV International Symposium Micromachines and Servosystems. pp. 14-17 .

Hawe, G. I. and Sykulski, J. K. (2006) A hybrid one-then-two stage algorithm for computationally expensive electromagnetic design optimization. In Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism, OIPE 2006, 13th – 15th September 2006, Sorrento (Italy). pp. 191-192 .

Swaffield, D.J., Lewin, P.L., Chen, G. and Sykulski, J.K. (2006) Cryogenic dielectrics and HTS power apparatus: research at the University of Southampton. IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine, 22 (5), 29-37. (doi:10.1109/MEI.2006.1705855).

Sykulski, J.K. (2006) Editor of International Compumag Society Newsletter.

Sykulski, J.K. (2006) Editor of COMPEL, the International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

Sykulski, J.K. (2006) Field Simulation as an Aid to Electromechanical Design: The State of the Art. International PhD Workshop, Wisla, Poland. 20 - 22 Oct 2006.

Demenko, A. and Sykulski, J.K. (2006) Network models of three-dimensional electromagnetic fields. International Compumag Society Newsletter, 13 (3), 3-13.

Zamanan, N. and Sykulski, J.K. (2006) Modelling arcing high impedances faults in relation to the physical processes in the electric arc. WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems, 1 (8), 1507-1512.

Hawe, G. and Sykulski, J.K. (2007) Considerations of Accuracy and Uncertainty with Kriging Surrogate Models in Single-Objective Electromagnetic Design Optimization. IET Science, Measurement & Technology, 1 (1), 37-47.

Kim, D.H., Sykulski, J.K. and Lowther, D.A. (2007) Design optimisation of electromagnetic devices using continuum design sensitivity analysis combined with commercial EM software. IET Science, Measurement & Technology, 1 (1), 30-36.

Kim, D.H., Lowther, D.A. and Sykulski, J.K. (2007) Efficient Global and Local Force Calculations Based on Continuum Sensitivity Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 43 (4), 1177-1180.

Hawe, G. and Sykulski, J.K. (2007) A hybrid one-then-two stage algorithm for computationally expensive electromagnetic design optimization. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 26 (2), 236-246.

Zamanan, N., Sykulski, J.K. and Al-Othman, A.K. (2007) Arcing High Impedance Fault Detection Using Real Coded Genetic Algorithm. Third IASTED Asian Conference Power and Energy Systems, Phuket, Thailand. 01 - 03 Apr 2007. pp. 35-39 .

Alsumait, J.S., Sykulski, J.K. and Alothman, A.K. (2007) Application of Pattern Search Method to Power System Economic Load Dispatch. Third IASTED Asian Conference Power and Energy Systems, Phuket, Thailand. 01 - 03 Apr 2007. pp. 90-95 .

Sykulski, J.K. (2007) Editor of COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

Sykulski, J.K. (2007) Editor of International Compumag Society Newsletter.

Sykulski, J.K. (2007) New trends in optimization in electromagnetics. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 83 (6), 13-18.

Trowbridge, C.W. and Sykulski, J.K. (2007) Towards Establishing a Definitive Archive of CEM Papers. 16th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields COMPUMAG, Aachen, Germany. 24 - 27 Jun 2007. pp. 7-8 .

Li, M., Kim, D.H., Lowther, D.A. and Sykulski, J.K. (2007) A Sensitivity Approach to Force Calculation in Electrostatic MEMS Devices. 16th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields COMPUMAG, Aachen, Germany. 24 - 27 Jun 2007. pp. 315-316 .

Demenko, A. and Sykulski, J.K. (2007) Network Representation of Conducting Regions in 3D Finite Element Description of Electrical Machines. 16th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields COMPUMAG, Aachen, Germany. 24 - 27 Jun 2007. pp. 455-456 .

Hawe, G.I. and Sykulski, J.K. (2007) An Enhanced Probability of Improvement Utility Function for Locating Pareto Optimal Solutions. 16th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields COMPUMAG, Aachen, Germany. 24 - 27 Jun 2007. pp. 965-966 .

Hawe, G.I. and Sykulski, J.K. (2007) A Scalarizing One-Stage Algorithm for Efficient Multi-Objective Optimization. 16th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields COMPUMAG, Aachen, Germany. 24 - 27 Jun 2007. pp. 967-968 .

Sykulski, J.K. (2007) Modern Design of Electromechanical Devices. XLIII International Symposium on Electrical Machines, Poznan, Poland. 01 - 04 Jul 2007. pp. 11-16 .

Sykulska, E. and Sykulski, J.K. (2007) Renewable Energy: A Review of Technologies and Policies. XLIII International Symposium on Electrical Machines, Poznan, Poland. 02 - 05 Jul 2007. pp. 47-48 .

Kacprzak, D. and Sykulski, J.K. (2007) Magnetic design considerations to improve nonlinear characteristics of inductively coupled power transfer systems. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 26 (4), 965-973.

Hawe, G.I. and Sykulski, J.K. (2007) Scalarizing cost-effective multiobjective optimization algorithms made possible with kriging. In Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering ISEF'2007. Czech Technical University. pp. 232-233 .

Al-Sumait, J.S., AL-Othman, A.K. and Sykulski, J.K. (2007) Application of pattern search method to power system valve-point economic load dispatch. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 29 (10), 720-730.

Spackman, D., Kacprzak, D. and Sykulski, J.K. (2007) Magnetic Interference in Multi-Pickup Monorail Inductively Coupled Power Transfer Systems. Journal of the Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 15 (3), 238-241.

Al-Sumait, J.S., Sykulski, J.K. and Al-Othman, A.K. (2008) Solution of Different Types of Economic Load Dispatch Problems Using a Pattern Search Method. Electric Power Components and Systems, 36 (3), 250-265.

Kim, D-H, Lowther, D. A. and Sykulski, J. K. (2008) Smooth boundary topology optimization applied to an electrostatic actuator. The IET 7th International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics CEM 2008, Old Ship Hotel Brighton, United Kingdom. 06 - 09 Apr 2008. pp. 54-55 .

Lukasik, B., Goddard, K. F. and Sykulski, J. K. (2008) Finite element assisted method to reduce harmonic content in the airgap flux density of a high temperature superconducting coreless rotor generator. The IET 7th International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics CEM 2008, Old Ship Hotel Brighton, United Kingdom. 06 - 09 Apr 2008. pp. 56-57 .

Hawe, G. I. and Sykulski, J. K. (2008) Probability of improvement methods for constrained multi-objective optimization. The IET 7th International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics CEM 2008, Old Ship Hotel Brighton, United Kingdom. 06 - 09 Apr 2008. pp. 50-51 .

Nihat, N., Napieralska-Juszczak, E., Lecointe, J. Ph. and Sykulski, J. K. (2008) Computational and experimental verification of the equivalent permeability of the step-lap joints of transformer cores. The IET 7th International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics CEM 2008, Old Ship Hotel Brighton, United Kingdom. 06 - 09 Apr 2008. pp. 38-39 .

Golosnoy, I. O. and Sykulski, J. K. (2008) Evaluation of the front-fixing method capabilities for numerical modelling of diffusion in moving systems. The IET 7th International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics CEM 2008, Old Ship Hotel Brighton, United Kingdom. 06 - 09 Apr 2008. pp. 94-95 .

Rotaru, M. and Sykulski, J. K. (2008) Numerical investigation on compact multimode dielectric resonator antennas of very high permittivity. The IET 7th International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics CEM 2008, Old Ship Hotel Brighton, United Kingdom. 06 - 09 Apr 2008. pp. 189-190 .

Trowbridge, C. W. and Sykulski, J. K. (2008) Establishing an archive of papers in computational electromagnetics. The IET 7th International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics CEM 2008, Old Ship Hotel Brighton, United Kingdom. 06 - 09 Apr 2008. pp. 64-65 .

Sykulski, J. K. (2008) New trends in optimization in electromagnetics. The IET 7th International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics CEM 2008, Old Ship Hotel Brighton, United Kingdom. 06 - 09 Apr 2008. pp. 44-49 .

Demenko, A., Sykulski, J. K. and Wojciechowski, R. (2008) Calculation of inducted currents using edge elements and T-T0 formulation. The IET 7th International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics CEM 2008, Old Ship Hotel Brighton, United Kingdom. 06 - 09 Apr 2008. pp. 104-105 .

Lukasik, B., Goddard, K. F. and Sykulski, J. K. (2008) Finite element assisted method of estimating equivalent circuit parameters for a superconducting synchronous generator with a coreless rotor. 13th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation CEFC 2008, Athens, Greece. 10 - 14 May 2008.

Golosnoy, I. O. and Sykulski, J. K. (2008) Application of the Front-Fixing Method for Numerical Modelling of Field Diffusion in Non-linear Systems. 13th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation CEFC 2008, Athens, Greece. 10 - 14 May 2008. p. 246 .

Rotaru, M. D. and Sykulski, J. K. (2008) Design and Analysis of a Novel Compact High Permittivity Dielectric Resonator Antenna. 13th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation CEFC 2008, Athens, Greece. 10 - 14 May 2008. p. 197 .

Kim, D. H., Sykulski, J. K. and Lowther, D. A. (2008) The Implications of the Use of Composite Materials in Electromagnetic Device Topology and Shape Optimization. 13th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation CEFC 2008, Athens, Greece. 10 - 14 May 2008. p. 3 .

Hawe, G. I. and Sykulski, J. K. (2008) A Scalarizing One-Stage Algorithm for Efficient Multi-Objective Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 44 (6), 1094-1097. (doi:10.1109/TMAG.2007.915977).

Demenko, A., Sykulski, J. K. and Wojciechowski, R. (2008) Network Representation of Conducting Regions in 3-D Finite-Element Description of Electrical Machines. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 44 (6), 714-717.

Li, M., Kim, D. H., Lowther, D. A. and Sykulski, J. K. (2008) A Sensitivity Approach to Force Calculation in Electrostatic MEMS Devices. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 44 (6), 1610-1613.

Golosnoy, I. O. and Sykulski, J. K. (2008) Application of the Front-Fixing Method for Numerical Modelling of a Thermistor Problem. In Proceedings of the XX Symposium Electromagnetic Phenomena in Nonlinear Circuits. PTETiS Publishers. pp. 95-96 .

Hawe, G. and Sykulski, J.K. (2008) Scalarizing cost-effective multi-objective optimization algorithms made possible with kriging. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 27 (4), 836-844.

Demenko, A., Wojciechowski, R. and Sykulski, J.K. (2008) Network representation of conducting regions in the field models of electrical machines – the case of simply connected regions. Scientific Papers of the Institute of Electrical Machines, Drives and Measurements of the Wroclaw University of Technology, 62 (28), 40-45.

Demenko, A., Wojciechowski, R. and Sykulski, J.K. (2008) Network representation of conducting regions in the field models of electrical machines – the case of multiply connected regions. Scientific Papers of the Institute of Electrical Machines, Drives and Measurements of the Wroclaw University of Technology, 62 (28), 46-51.

Sykulski, J.K. (2008) Modern design optimisation exploiting field simulation. 13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE-PEMC 2008), , Poznan, Poland. 31 Aug - 02 Sep 2008. pp. 2414-2415 .

Goddard, K.F., Lukasik, B. and Sykulski, J.K. (2008) Alternative designs of a superconducting synchronous generator: the Southampton approach. International Conference on Electrical Machines ICEM, Vilamoura, Portugal. 05 - 08 Sep 2008. pp. 1-6 .

Golosnoy, I.O. and Sykulski, J.K. (2008) Evaluation of the front-fixing method capabilities for numerical modelling of field diffusion in high-temperature superconducting tapes. IET Science, Measurement & Technology, 2 (6), 418-426.

Kim, D.H., Lowther, D.A. and Sykulski, J.K. (2008) Smooth boundary topology optimisation applied to an electrostatic actuator. IET Science, Measurement & Technology, 2 (6), 427-433.

Demenko, A., Sykulski, J.K. and Wojciechowski, R. (2008) Calculation of inducted currents using edge elements and T–T0 formulation. IET Science, Measurement & Technology, 2 (6), 434-439.

Lukasik, B., Goddard, K.F. and Sykulski, J.K. (2008) Finite-element assisted method to reduce harmonic content in the air-gap flux density of a high-temperature superconducting coreless rotor generator. IET Science, Measurement & Technology, 2 (6), 485-492.

Sykulski, J.K. (2008) Editor of COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

Sykulski, J.K. (2008) Editor of International Compumag Society Newsletter.

Demenko, A., Wojciechowski, R. and Sykulski, J.K. (2008) A network description of conducting regions in electrical machines. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 84 (12), 111-114.

Rotaru, M. and Sykulski, J.K. (2009) Design and analysis of a novel compact high permittivity dielectric resonator antenna. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 45 (3), 1052-1055. (doi:10.1109/TMAG.2009.2012573).

Kim, D.H., Sykulski, J.K. and Lowther, D.A. (2009) The implications of the use of composite materials in electromagnetic device topology and shape optimization. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 45 (3), 1154-1157. (doi:10.1109/TMAG.2009.2012661).

Lukasik, B., Goddard, K.F. and Sykulski, J.K. (2009) Finite element assisted method of estimating equivalent circuit parameters for a superconducting synchronous generator with a coreless rotor. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 45 (3), 1226-1229. (doi:10.1109/TMAG.2009.2012572).

Golosnoy, I.O. and Sykulski, J.K. (2009) Application of the Front-Fixing Method to Numerical Modeling of Field Diffusion in Nonlinear Systems. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 45 (3), 1376-1379.

Rotaru, M. and Sykulski, J.K. (2009) Numerical investigation on compact multimode dielectric resonator antennas of very high permittivity. IET Science, Measurement & Technology, 3 (3), 217-228. (doi:10.1049/iet-smt:20080122).

Golosnoy, I.O. and Sykulski, J.K. (2009) Numerical modelling of non-linear coupled thermo-electric problems: A comparative study. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 28 (3), 639-655.

Sykulski, J.K. (2009) Computational electromagnetics for design optimisation: the state of the art and conjectures for the future. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences; Technical Sciences, 57 (2), 123-131.

Wojciechowski, R., Demenko, A. and Sykulski, J.K. (2009) Inducted currents analysis in multiply connected conductors using reluctance – resistance networks. XIVth International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics Electrical and Electronic Engineering, ISEF’09, , Arras, France. 09 - 11 Sep 2009.

Rotaru, M.D. and Sykulski, J.K. (2009) Dual-Band Electromagnetic Band Gap Structure for Noise Isolation in Mixed Signal SiP. XIVth International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics Electrical and Electronic Engineering, ISEF’09, , Arras, France. 09 - 11 Sep 2009.

Golosnoy, I.O. and Sykulski, J.K. (2009) Modelling of impulse loading in high temperature superconductors: assessment of accuracy and performance of computational techniques. XIVth International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics Electrical and Electronic Engineering, ISEF’09, , Arras, France. 09 - 11 Sep 2009.

Goddard, K.F., Lukasik, B., Rotaru, M. and Sykulski, J.K. (2009) Design study of a high temperature superconducting generator with YBCO windings. XIVth International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics Electrical and Electronic Engineering, ISEF’09, , Arras, France. 09 - 11 Sep 2009.

Sykulski, J.K. (2009) Modern design optimisation exploiting field simulation. XIVth International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics Electrical and Electronic Engineering, ISEF’09, , Arras, France. 09 - 11 Sep 2009.

Al-Sumait, J.S. and Sykulski, J.K. (2009) Solving Economic Dispatch Problem using Hybrid GA-PS-SQP Method. EUROCON 2009, Saint Petersburg, Russia. 17 - 22 May 2009. pp. 351-356 .

Golosnoy, I. O. and Sykulski, J. K. (2009) Efficient Numerical Modelling of Field Diffusion in High-Temperature Superconducting Wires. 17th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields COMPUMAG 2009, Florianopolis, Brazil. 22 - 26 Nov 2009. pp. 229-230 .

Kim, Dong-Hun, Jeung, Giwoo, Kim, Dong-Wook, Lowther, D. A. and Sykulski, J. K. (2009) Robust Optimization Utilizing the Second-order Design Sensitivity Information. 17th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields COMPUMAG 2009, Florianopolis, Brazil. 22 - 26 Nov 2009. pp. 534-535 .

Lukasik, B., Goddard, K. F., Rotaru, M. D. and Sykulski, J. K. (2009) Kriging assisted design of a synchronous superconducting generator with YBCO windings. 17th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields COMPUMAG 2009, Florianopolis, Brazil. 22 - 26 Nov 2009. pp. 310-311 .

Rotaru, M. D. and Sykulski, J. K. (2009) Compact Electromagnetic Bandgap Structures for Notch Band in Ultra-Wideband Applications. 17th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields COMPUMAG 2009, Florianopolis, Brazil. 22 - 26 Nov 2009. pp. 638-639 .

Demenko, A., Sykulski, J. K. and Wojciechowski, R. (2009) On the equivalence of Finite Element and Finite Integration formulations. 17th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields COMPUMAG 2009, Florianopolis, Brazil. 22 - 26 Nov 2009. pp. 677-678 .

Goddard, K. F., Lukasik, B. and Sykulski, J. K. (2010) Alternative designs of high-temperature superconducting synchronous generators. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 19 (6), 3805-3811. (doi:10.1109/TASC.2009.2031626).

Alsumait, J. S., Sykulski, J. K. and Al-Othman, A. K. (2010) A hybrid GA–PS–SQP method to solve power system valve-point economic dispatch problems. Applied Energy - Elsevier, 87 (5), 1773-1781.

Rotaru, Mihai D. and Sykulski, Jan K. (2010) Dual-band electromagnetic band gap structure for noise isolation in mixed signal SiP. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 2010 (5), 95-99.

Rotaru, Mihai and Sykulski, Jan (2010) Electromagnetic Design of Dual Resonant Structures for Improved Sensitivity of Terahertz Label Free Bio-Sensing. CEFC2010 Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, Chicago, United States. 08 - 11 May 2010.

Goddard, Kevin, Lukasik, Bartosz, Rotaru, Mihai D. and Sykulski, Jan K. (2010) Design study of a high temperature superconducting generator with YBCO windings. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 2010 (5), 136-140.

Al-Sumait, Jamal, Qasem, Mohamed, Sykulski, J.K. and Al-Othman, A.K. (2010) An improved Pattern Search based algorithm to solve the Dynamic Economic Dispatch problem with valve-point effect. Energy Conversion and Management, 51, 2062-2067.

Golosnoy, Igor O. and Sykulski, Jan K. (2010) Critical evaluation of numerical techniques for highly non-linear field diffusion modelling. XXI Symposium on Electromagnetic Phenomena in Nonlinear Circuits (EPNC 2010), Dortmund and Essen, Germany. 28 Jun - 01 Jul 2010. pp. 13-14 .

Chippendale, Richard D., Zhang, Chi, Golosnoy, Igor O., Lewin, Paul L. and Sykulski, Jan K. (2010) Transport properties and current flow patterns in homogeneous strongly anisotropic materials. XXI Symposium on Electromagnetic Phenomena in Nonlinear Circuits (EPNC 2010), Dortmund and Essen, Germany. 28 Jun - 01 Jul 2010. pp. 45-46 .

Rotaru, Mihai and Sykulski, Jan (2010) Trapped mode resonances in metalo-dielectric structures with electric asymmetry. Electromagnetic Phenomena in Nonlinear Circuits EPNC2010, Dortmund and Essen, Germany. 28 Jun - 01 Jul 2010. (In Press)

Parel, Thomas, Rotaru, Mihai, Sykulski, Jan and Hearn, Grant (2010) Design study of a tubular linear machine with permanent magnets for wave power generation. Electromagnetic Phenomena in Nonlinear Circuits EPNC2010, Dortmund and Essen, Germany. 28 Jun - 01 Jul 2010. pp. 143-144 .

Golosnoy, Igor O. and Sykulski, Jan K. (2010) Modelling of impulse loading in high-temperature superconductors. Assessment of accuracy and performance of computational techniques. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 29 (4), 1047-1059.

Golosnoy, Igor O. and Sykulski, Jan K. (2010) Efficient Numerical Modeling of Field Diffusion in High-Temperature Superconducting Wires. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 46 (8), 3173-3176.

Wojciechowski, R.M., Demenko, A. and Sykulski, J.K. (2010) Inducted currents analysis in multiply connected conductors using reluctance-resistance networks. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 29 (4), 908-918.

Kim, Nam-Kyung, Kim, Dong-Hun, Kim, Dong-Wook, Kim, Heung-Geun, Lowther, D.A. and Sykulski, J.K. (2010) Robust optimization utilizing the second-order design sensitivity information. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 46 (8), 3117-3120. (doi:10.1109/TMAG.2010.2043719).

Demenko, A., Sykulski, J.K. and Wojciechowski, R. (2010) On the equivalence of finite element and finite integration formulations. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 46 (8), 3169-3172. (doi:10.1109/TMAG.2010.2043506).

Rotaru, M. and Sykulski, J.K. (2010) Compact Electromagnetic Bandgap Structures for Notch Band in Ultra-Wideband Applications. Sensors, 10 (11), 9620-9629. (doi:10.3390/s101109620).

Hihat, N., Napieralska-Juszczak, E., Lecointe, J-P., Sykulski, J.K. and Komeza, K. (2011) Equivalent Permeability of Step-Lap Joints of Transformer Cores: Computational and Experimental Considerations. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 47 (1), 244-251.

Rotaru, Mihai D and Sykulski, Jan K. (2011) Trapped mode resonances in metalo-dielectric structures with electric asymmetry materials. Archives of Electrical Engineering, 60 (1), 85-93.

Rotaru, Mihai D. and Sykulski, Jan K. (2011) Improved sensitivity of terahertz label free bio-sensing application through trapped-mode resonances in planar resonators. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 47 (5), 1026-1029. (doi:10.1109/TMAG.2010.2091946).

Parel, Thomas S., Rotaru, Mihai D., Sykulski, Jan K. and Hearn, Grant E. (2011) Optimisation of a tubular linear machine with permanent magnets for wave energy extraction. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 30 (3), 1056-1068. (doi:10.1108/03321641111110997).

Rotaru, Mihai and Sykulski, Jan K. (2011) Numerical investigation of Fano resonances in metamaterials with electric asymmetry. CEM 2011, Wroclaw, Poland. 10 - 13 Apr 2011. pp. 106-107 .

Wojciechowski, R. M., Demenko, A. and Sykulski, J. K. (2011) Comparative analysis of A-V and A-T-T0 calculations of induced currents in multiply connected regions. Computation in Electromagnetics (CEM), Sofitel Hotel, Wroclaw, Poland. 10 - 13 Apr 2011. pp. 10-11 .

Chippendale, R.D., Golosnoy, I.O., Lewin, P.L. and Sykulski, J.K. (2011) Transport properties and current flow patterns in homogeneous strongly anisotropic materials. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 30 (3), 1047-1055.

Rotaru, Mihai, Tan, Yen Kheng and Sykulski, Jan K. (2011) Numerical Analysis and Optimization of an Electromagnetic Micro-Generator for Vibration Energy Harvesting Applications. COMPUMAG 2011 - 18'th International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, Sydney, Australia. 11 - 14 Jul 2011.

Demenko, A. and Sykulski, J.K. (2011) Geometric Formulation of Edge and Nodal Finite Element Equations in Electromagnetics. In, ISEF 2011 - XV International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering. OS1.3.

Dems, M., Komeza, K. and Sykulski, J.K. (2011) Analysis of Effects of Magnetic Slot Wedges on Characteristics of Large Induction Motors. In, ISEF 2011 - XV International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering. PS.3.5.

Xiao, Song, Rotaru, M and Sykulski, J.K. (2011) Exploration versus Exploitation Using Kriging Surrogate Modelling in Electromagnetic Design. In, ISEF 2011 - XV International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering. OS.1.6.

Donuk, Atilla, Rotaru, M. and Sykulski, J.K. (2011) Defining and Computing Equivalent Inductances of Gapped Iron Core Reactors. In, ISEF 2011 - XV International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering. PS.4.7.

Al-Enezi, F.Q., Sykulski, J.K. and Ahmed, N.A. (2011) Visibility and potential of solar energy on horizontal surface at Kuwait Area. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid and Clean Energy Technologies (IEEE- ICSGCE), 27-30 September 2011, Chengdu, China. International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology Press. pp. 536-541 .

Al-Enezi, F.Q. and Sykulski, J.K. (2012) Modeling of a Photovoltaic Module Considering the Solar Energy Available from Horizontal Surfaces over Kuwait Area. Journal of Electronic Science and Technology, 10 (2), Summer Issue, 173-180. (doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-862X.2012.02.015).

Trowbridge, C.W. and Sykulski, J.K. (2012) Computational Electromagnetics: a global perspective. Sixth International Conference on Electromagnetic Field Problems and Applications, Dalian, China. 18 - 20 Jun 2012. p. 38 .

Demenko, A. and Sykulski, J.K. (2012) On the equivalence of finite difference and edge element formulations in magnetic field analysis using vector potential. Sixth International Conference on Electromagnetic Field Problems and Applications, Dalian, China. 18 - 20 Jun 2012. p. 173 .

Xiao, Song, Rotaru, M. and Sykulski, J.K. (2012) Strategies for balancing exploration and exploitation in electromagnetic optimisation. XXII Symposium on Electromagnetic Phenomena in Nonlinear Circuits, Pula, Croatia. 25 - 28 Jun 2012. pp. 1-2 .

Sykulski, J.K. (2012) Superconducting Transformers. In, Transformers: analysis, design and measurement. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 95-108.

Donuk, A., Rotaru, M. and Sykulski, J.K. (2012) Defining and computing equivalent inductances of gapped iron core reactors. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 88 (7b), 52-55.

Demenko, A. and Sykulski, J.K. (2012) Geometric formulation of edge and nodal finite element equations in electromagnetics. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 31 (5), 1347-1357. (doi:10.1108/03321641211246392).

Xiao, Song, Rotaru, M. and Sykulski, J.K. (2012) Exploration versus exploitation using kriging surrogate modelling in electromagnetic design. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 31 (5), 1541-1551. (doi:10.1108/03321641211248291).

Dems, M., Komeza, K. and Sykulski, J.K. (2012) Analysis of effects of magnetic slot wedges on characteristics of large induction motor. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 88 (7b), 73-77.

Wojciechowski, R.M., Demenko, A. and Sykulski, J.K. (2012) Comparative analysis of A-V and A-T-T0 calculations of induced currents in multiply connected regions. [in special issue: Special Issue on Computation in Electromagnetics] IET Science, Measurement & Technology, 6 (5), Autumn Issue, 312-318. (doi:10.1049/iet-smt.2011.0114).

Rotaru, M. and Sykulski, J.K. (2012) Numerical investigation of Fano resonances in metamaterials with electric asymmetry. [in special issue: Special Issue on Computation in Electromagnetics] IET Science, Measurement & Technology, 6 (5), Autumn Issue, 386-393. (doi:10.1049/iet-smt.2011.0111).

Xiao, Song, Rotaru, M. and Sykulski, J.K. (2013) Adaptive Weighted Expected Improvement With Rewards Approach in Kriging Assisted Electromagnetic Design. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 49 (5), Spring Issue, 2057-2060. (doi:10.1109/TMAG.2013.2240662).

Trowbridge, C. W. and Sykulski, J. K. (2013) On the Shoulders of Giants. COMPUMAG 2013, 19th International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, Budapest, Hungary. 29 Jun - 03 Jul 2013.

Xiao, Song, Rotaru, M. and Sykulski, J. K. (2013) Robust Global Optimization of Electromagnetic Designs Utilizing Gradient Indices and Kriging. COMPUMAG 2013, 19th International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, Budapest, Hungary. 29 Jun - 03 Jul 2013. 2 pp .

Demenko, A., Sykulski, J.K. and Wojciechowski, R.M. (2013) 2D versus 3D electromagnetic field modelling in electromechanical energy converters. COMPUMAG 2013. 19th International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, Budapest, Hungary. 29 Jun - 03 Jul 2013. 2 pp .

Xiao, Song, Rotaru, M. and Sykulski, J. K. (2013) Strategies for balancing exploration and exploitation in electromagnetic optimisation. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 32 (4), 1176-1188. (doi:10.1108/03321641311317004).

Liang, Yongchun, Rotaru, Mihai D. and Sykulski, Jan K. (2013) Electromagnetic simulations of a fully superconducting 10-MW-Class wind turbine generator. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 23 (6), 5202805-5202809. (doi:10.1109/TASC.2013.2277778).

Al-Enezi, F.Q., Sykulski, J.K. and Rotaru, M. (2014) Grid-connected photovoltaic module and array sizing based on an iterative approach. SGCE International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy, 3 (2), Spring Issue, 247-254.

Demenko, Andrzej, Wojciechowski, Rafal and Sykulski, Jan K. (2014) 2-D versus 3-D electromagnetic field modeling in electromechanical energy converters. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 50 (2), 1-4. (doi:10.1109/TMAG.2013.2282415).

Demenko, Andrzej and Sykulski, Jan K. (2014) On the equivalence of finite difference and edge element formulations in magnetic field analysis using vector potential. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 33 (1/2), 47-55. (doi:10.1108/COMPEL-10-2012-0231).

Bernat, Jakub, Kolota, Jakub, Stepien, Slawomir and Sykulski, Jan K. (2014) A steady state solver for modelling rotating electromechanical devices exploiting the transformation from time to position domain. International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, 27 (2), 213-228. (doi:10.1002/jnm.1916).

Rotaru, M., Tanzania, R., Ayoob, R., Kheng, T.Y. and Sykulski, J.K. (2014) Numerical and experimental study of the effects of load and distance variation on wireless power transfer systems using magnetically coupled resonators. Ninth International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics CEM 2014, London, United Kingdom. 30 - 31 Mar 2014. 2 pp .

Wojciechowski, R.M., Jedryczka, C., Demenko, A. and Sykulski, J.K. (2014) Strategies for 2D and 3D field computation in the design of permanent magnet motors. Ninth International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics CEM 2014, London, United Kingdom. 30 - 31 Mar 2014. 2 pp .

Xiao, Song, Li, Yinjiang, Rotaru, M. and Sykulski, J.K. (2014) Correlation matrices in kriging assisted optimisation of electromagnetic devices. Ninth International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics CEM 2014, London, United Kingdom. 30 - 31 Mar 2014. 2 pp .

Rotaru, M., Tan, Yen Kheng and Sykulski, J.K. (2014) A wireless power transfer system for electrical vehicles exploiting magnetically coupled resonance and a tapped capacitance impedance transformer. UPEC2014: International Universities' Power Engineering Conference, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 01 - 04 Sep 2014. 6 pp .

Tarmizi, A.I., Rotaru, M. and Sykulski, J.K. (2014) Electromagnetic compatibility studies within smart grid automated substations. UPEC2014: International Universities' Power Engineering Conference, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 02 - 05 Sep 2014. 6 pp .

Zamanan, N. and Sykulski, J. (2014) The evolution of high impedance fault modeling. 2014 IEEE 16th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power (ICHQP), Bucharest, Romania. 24 - 27 May 2014. pp. 77-81 . (doi:10.1109/ICHQP.2014.6842852).

Song, Xiao, Li, Yinjiang, Rotaru, Mihai and Sykulski, Jan K. (2014) Considerations of uncertainty in robust optimisation of electromagnetic devices. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 46 (2), 427-436. (doi:10.3233/JAE-141954).

Bernat, J., Stepien, S., Stranz, A., Szymanski, G. and Sykulski, J.K. (2014) Infinite time horizon optimal current control of a stepper motor exploiting a finite element model. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences, 62 (4), Winter Issue, 835-841. (doi:10.2478/bpasts-2014-0092).

Al-Enezi, F.Q., Rotaru, M. and Sykulski, J. K. (2014) Modelling and Simulation of a Grid-Connected PV System based on Efficient Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithm. International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, 4 (11), Autumn Issue, 1-9.

Rotaru, M., Tanzania, R., Ayoob, R., Kheng, T.Y. and Sykulski, J.K. (2015) Numerical and experimental study of the effects of load and distance variation on wireless power transfer systems using magnetically coupled resonators. IET Science, Measurement & Technology, 9 (2), 160-171. (doi:10.1049/iet-smt.2014.0175).

Xiao, Song, Rotaru, M. and Sykulski, J. K. (2015) Correlation matrices in kriging assisted optimisation of electromagnetic devices. IET Science, Measurement & Technology, 9 (2), 189-196. (doi:10.1049/iet-smt.2014.0194).

Wojciechowski, R., Jedryczka, C., Demenko, A. and Sykulski, J.K. (2015) Strategies for two-dimensional and three-dimensional field computation in the design of permanent magnet motors. IET Science, Measurement & Technology, 9 (2), 224-233. (doi:10.1049/iet-smt.2014.0189).

Xiao, S., Li, Y., Rotaru, M. and Sykulski, J.K. (2015) Six sigma quality approach to robust optimization. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 51 (3), 1-4. (doi:10.1109/TMAG.2014.2360435).

Stuikys, A., Rotaru, M. and Sykulski, J.K. (2015) A refined approach exploiting tubes of flux for analysis of linear switched reluctance motors. In ISEF 2015 Conference Proceedings. Universitat Politecnica de Valencia..

Sykulski, J.K. (2015) New challenges in design optimisation of electromagnetic devices. In ISEF 2015 Conference Proceedings. Universitat Politecnica de Valencia..

Demenko, A. and Sykulski, J.K. (2015) On the Equivalence of Finite Difference and Finite Element Formulations in Magnetic Field Analysis. Compumag 2015. 27 Jun - 01 Jul 2015. 2 pp .

Li, Yinjiang, Xiao, Song, Rotaru, M. and Sykulski, J.K. (2015) A Dual Kriging Approach with Improved Points Selection Algorithm for Memory Efficient Surrogate Optimisation in Electromagnetics. Compumag 2015. 27 Jun - 01 Jul 2015. 2 pp .

Boczkowski, T., Demenko, A., Wojciechowski, R.M. and Sykulski, J.K. (2015) Applying superposition of 2D results to model 3D field distributions in magnetically linear devices using an example of an axial flux permanent magnet coreless motor. Compumag 2015. 27 Jun - 01 Jul 2015.

Rotaru, Mihai and Sykulski, Jan (2015) Band widening technique for small integrated packaged antennas. 17th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC 2015), Singapore, Singapore. 02 - 04 Dec 2015. 4 pp .

Li, Yinjiang, Xiao, Song, Rotaru, Mihai and Sykulski, Jan (2016) A dual kriging approach with improved points selection algorithm for memory efficient surrogate optimization in electromagnetics. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 52 (3), 1-4. (doi:10.1109/TMAG.2015.2486522).

Demenko, Andrzej and Sykulski, Jan (2016) Analogies between finite difference and finite element methods for scalar and vector potential formulations in magnetic field calculations. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 52 (6), 1-6. (doi:10.1109/TMAG.2016.2521345).

Stuikys, Aleksas, Rotaru, Mihai and Sykulski, Jan (2016) A refined approach exploiting tubes of flux for analysis of linear switched reluctance motors. [in special issue: Selected Papers from ISEF 2015] International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 51 (s1), S13-S21. (doi:10.3233/JAE-2022).

Li, Yinjiang, Rotaru, Mihai and Sykulski, Jan (2016) Kriging based robust optimisation algorithm for minimax problems in electromagnetics. XXIV Symposium Electromagnetic Phenomena in Nonlinear Circuits (EPNC), Helsinki, Finland. 27 - 30 Jun 2016. pp. 77-78 .

Stuikys, Aleksas and Sykulski, Jan (2016) Analysis and design framework for nonlinear switched reluctance machines. XXIIth International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM'2016), Lausanne, Switzerland. 03 - 06 Sep 2016. 7 pp .

Xiao, Song, Rotaru, Mihai and Sykulski, Jan (2015) Robust design optimisation of electromagnetic devices exploiting gradient indices and Kriging. IET Science, Measurement & Technology, 9 (4), 400-409. (doi:10.1049/iet-smt.2014.0054).

Tarmizi, Aine, Rotaru, Mihai and Sykulski, Jan (2016) Magnetic field calculations within substation environment for EMC studies. IEEE 16th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC), Florence, Italy. 07 - 10 Jun 2016. 6 pp . (doi:10.1109/EEEIC.2016.7555613).

Xiao, Song, Liu, Guoqing, Zhang, Kunlun, Rotaru, Mihai and Sykulski, Jan (2016) Multiobjective optimum design of single-sided linear induction motor using kriging surrogate model. 7th International Conference on Electromagnetic Field Problems and Applications (ICEF2016), Xi'an, China. 17 - 19 Sep 2016. pp. 137-138 .

Sykulski, Jan (2016) State of the art and new challenges in design optimisation of electromagnetic devices. 7th International Conference on Electromagnetic Field Problems and Applications (ICEF2016), Xi'an, China. 17 - 19 Sep 2016. 2 pp .

Demenko, Andrzej and Sykulski, Jan (2016) On the equivalence of finite element, finite difference and finite integral methods in computational electromagnetics. 7th International Conference on Electromagnetic Field Problems and Applications (ICEF2016), Xi'an, China. 17 - 19 Sep 2016. 1 pp .

Sykulski, Jan (2017) From the Editor. IET Science, Measurement & Technology, 11 (1), 1. (doi:10.1049/iet-smt.2016.0411).

Stuikys, Aleksas and Sykulski, Jan (2017) An efficient design optimization framework for nonlinear switched reluctance machines. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 53 (3), 1985 - 1993. (doi:10.1109/TIA.2017.2665345).

Li, Yinjiang, Xiao, Song, Rotaru, Mihai and Sykulski, Jan (2017) A kriging based optimization approach for large datasets exploiting points aggregation techniques. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. (doi:10.1109/TMAG.2017.2665703).

Li, Yinjiang, Rotaru, Mihai and Sykulski, Jan (2016) Kriging based robust optimisation algorithm for minimax problems in electromagnetics. Archives of Electrical Engineering, 65 (4), 843-854. (doi:10.1515/aee-2016-0059).

Xiao, Song, Liu, G. Q., Zhang, K. L., Jing, Y. Z., Duan, J. H., Di Barba, Paolo and Sykulski, Jan (2017) Multiobjective Pareto optimization of electromagnetic devices exploiting hybrid kriging. 21st International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, Daejeon Convention Center, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of. 18 - 22 Jun 2017. 2 pp .

Putek, Piotr A., ter Maten, E. Jan W., Gunther, Michael and Sykulski, Jan (2017) Variance-based robust optimization of permanent magnet synchronous machine. 21st International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, Daejeon Convention Center, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of. 18 - 22 Jun 2017. 2 pp . (In Press)

Jedryczka, Cezary, Knypinski, Lukasz, Demenko, Andrzej and Sykulski, Jan (2017) Methodology for cage shape optimization of a permanent magnet synchronous motor under line start conditions. 21st International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, Daejeon Convention Center, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of. 18 - 22 Jun 2017. 2 pp . (In Press)

Stuikys, Aleksas, Mohammadi, M. H., Lowther, David and Sykulski, Jan (2018) Rapid electromagnetic analysis and design using flux tubes. 21st International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, Daejeon Convention Center, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of. 18 - 22 Jun 2017. 2 pp .

Di Barba, Paolo, Mognaschi, Maria Evelina, Xiao, Song, Lowther, David A. and Sykulski, Jan (2017) A benchmark TEAM problem for multiobjective pareto optimization of electromagnetic devices. 21st International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, Daejeon Convention Center, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of. 18 - 22 Jun 2017. 2 pp .

Bernat, Jakub, Stepien, Slawomir and Sykulski, Jan (2017) Determining switched reluctance motor current waveforms exploiting the transformation from the time to the position domain. Energies, 10 (6). (doi:10.3390/en10060799).

Napieralska-Juszczak, Ewa, Komeza, Krzysztof, Morganti, Fabrice, Vega, Guillaume, Sykulski, Jan and Zeroukhi, Youcef (2017) Measurement of contact resistance for copper and aluminium conductors. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 53 (4), 617-629. (doi:10.3233/JAE-160025).

Xiao, Song, Zhang, Kunlun, Liu, Guoqing, Jing, Yongzhi and Sykulski, Jan (2017) Optimal design of a hybrid suspension magnet for middle-low-speed maglev trains. 18th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland. 14 - 16 Sep 2017. 2 pp .

Li, Yinjiang, Xiao, Song, Rotaru, Mihai and Sykulski, Jan (2017) Localized probability of improvement for Kriging based multi-objective optimization. 18th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland. 14 - 16 Sep 2017. 2 pp .

Di Barba, Paolo, Mognaschi, Maria Evelina, Lowther, David A. and Sykulski, Jan K. (2017) A benchmark TEAM problem for multi-objective Pareto optimization of electromagnetic devices. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. (doi:10.1109/TMAG.2017.2750901).

Deng, Zhida, Rotaru, Mihai and Sykulski, Jan (2017) Harmonic Analysis of LV distribution networks with high PV penetration. In 2017 International Conference on Modern Power Systems (MPS). IEEE. 6 pp . (doi:10.1109/MPS.2017.7974392).

Stuikys, Aleksas and Sykulski, Jan (2018) Rapid multi-objective design optimization of switched reluctance motors exploiting magnetic flux tubes. IET Science, Measurement & Technology, 12 (2), 223-229. (doi:10.1049/iet-smt.2017.0213).

Putek, Piotr, ter Maten, E. Jan W., Gunther, Michael and Sykulski, Jan (2017) Variance-based robust optimization of a permanent magnet synchronous machine. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 54 (3). (doi:10.1109/TMAG.2017.2750485).

Xiao, Song, Liu, G. Q., Zhang, Y. Z., Jing, Y. Z., Duan, J. H., Di Barba, Paolo and Sykulski, Jan (2018) Multi-objective Pareto optimization of electromagnetic devices exploiting kriging with lipschitzian optimized expected improvement. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. (doi:10.1109/TMAG.2017.2771561).

Li, Yinjiang, Xiao, Song, Di Barba, Paolo, Rotaru, Mihai and Sykulski, Jan (2017) Localized probability of improvement for kriging based multi-objective optimization. Open Physics, 15 (1), 954-958. (doi:10.1515/phys-2017-0117).

Jedryczka, Cezary, Knypinski, Lukasz, Demenko, Andrzej and Sykulski, Jan (2018) Methodology for cage shape optimization of a permanent magnet synchronous motor under line start conditions. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. (doi:10.1109/TMAG.2017.2764680).

Xiao, Song, Zhang, Kunlun, Liu, Guoqing, Jing, Yongzhi and Sykulski, Jan (2018) Optimal design of a for middle-low-speed maglev trains. Open Physics, 16, 168-173. (doi:10.1515/phys-2018-0024).

Duan, Jiaheng, Xiao, Song, Zhang, Kunlun, Rotaru, Mihai and Sykulski, Jan (2019) Analysis and optimization of asymmetrical double-sided electrodynamic suspension devices. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 55 (6). (doi:10.1109/TMAG.2019.2894709).

You, J., Liao, X., Wang, R., Liang, H. and Sykulski, J. (2018) A nonlinear permanent magnet working point migration model and its application to simulation of a polarized magnetic system. In 2018 IEEE International Magnetic Conference, INTERMAG 2018. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.. (doi:10.1109/INTMAG.2018.8508236).

Li, Bo, Liang, Huimin, You, Jiaxin, Xiong, Fangyuan and Sykulski, Jan (2019) A non-linear permanent magnet working point migration model and its application to simulation of a polarized magnetic system. Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society, 24 (3), 448-453. (doi:10.4283/JMAG.2019.24.3.448).

Di Barba, Paolo, Dughiero, Fabrizio, Forzan, Michele, Lowther, David A., Mognaschi, Maria Evelina, Sieni, Elisabetta and Sykulski, Jan K. (2020) A benchmark TEAM problem for multi-objective Pareto optimization in magnetics: The time-harmonic regime. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 56 (1), 1-4, [8937062]. (doi:10.1109/TMAG.2019.2951946).

Xia, Meng, Zhou, Qiang, Sykulski, Jan, Yang, Shiyou and Ma, Yanhong (2020) A multi-objective topology optimization methodology based on Pareto optimal min-cut. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 56 (3), [8957397]. (doi:10.1109/TMAG.2019.2955386).

Duan, Jiaheng, Zhang, Wenlong, Xiao, Song, Zhang, Kunlun and Sykulski, Jan (2020) Investigation of the characteristics of the electrodynamic wheel suspension device with two-DOF motion. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 48 (6), 2274-2279, [9097451]. (doi:10.1109/TPS.2020.2994096).

Sykulski, Jan (2020) Multiphysics analysis of a hybrid suspension system for middle-low-speed maglev trains. The European Physical Journal Applied Physics, 90 (1), 1-8, [10903]. (doi:10.1051/epjap/2020200015).

Deng, Zhida, Rotaru, Mihai D. and Sykulski, Jan K. (2020) Kriging assisted surrogate evolutionary computation to solve optimal power flow problems. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 35 (2), 831-839, [8809848]. (doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2019.2936999).

Wajnert, Dawid, Sykulski, Jan K. and Tomczuk, Bronislaw (2020) An enhanced dynamic simulation model of a hybrid magnetic bearing taking account of the sensor noise. Sensors (Switzerland), 20 (4), [1116]. (doi:10.3390/s20041116).

Xiao, Song, Zhang, Can, Luo, Yuanpei, Wu, Jingchi, Rao, Yang and Sykulski, Jan K. (2020) A study on the detachment characteristics of the tramwave catenary-free electrification system for urban traffic. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 48 (10), 3670-3678, [9211525]. (doi:10.1109/TPS.2020.3025323).

Di Barba, Paolo, Mognaschi, Maria Evelina, Lowther, David A. and Sykulski, Jan K. (2020) Improved solutions to a TEAM problem for multi-objective optimisation in magnetics. IET Science, Measurement & Technology, 14 (8), 964-968. (doi:10.1049/iet-smt.2019.0488).

Stuikys, Aleksas and Sykulski, Jan (2020) Average rated torque calculations for switched reluctance machines based on vector analysis. In, Esteves Araújo, Rui and Roberto Camacho, José (eds.) Modelling and Control of Switched Reluctance Machines. London, UK. IntechOpen, pp. 277-303. (doi:10.5772/intechopen.89097).

Sykulski, Jan (2021) From the Editor. IET Science, Measurement & Technology, 15 (1), 1-1. (doi:10.1049/smt2.12013).

Stuikys, Aleksas, Zaghari, Bahareh and Sykulski, Jan K. (2021) Instantaneous electromagnetic torque waveform calculations for switched reluctance machines exploiting vector analysis. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 57 (1), [9241795]. (doi:10.1109/TMAG.2020.3034565).

Xiao, Song, Luo, Yuanpei, Wu, Jingchi, Zhang, Can, Rao, Yang, Wu, Guangning and Sykulski, Jan (2020) Multi-physics analysis of a novel circular pantograph catenary system for high-speed trains. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 40 (2), 95-108. (doi:10.1108/COMPEL-01-2020-0014).

Wu, Jingchi, Xiao, Song, Zhang, Can, Luo, Yuanpei, Rao, Yang, Gao, Guoqiang, Wu, Guangning and Sykulski, Jan K. (2020) Multiobjective Optimization of the Integrated Grounding System for High-Speed Trains by Balancing Train Body Current and Overvoltage. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 7 (3), 1712-1723, [9276434]. (doi:10.1109/TTE.2020.3041869).

Xiao, Song, Li, Yuhang, Tong, Mengyuan, Ye, Zhizong, Wu, Jingchi, Rao, Yang, Wu, Guangning, Gao, Guoqiang and Sykulski, Jan K. (2021) 3D modelling of an integrated grounding system for high-speed trains considering rail-train current reflux. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 70 (11), 11269-11282. (doi:10.1109/TVT.2021.3115360).


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