Telephone: +44 (0) 23 8059 9045
Sheng received the BEng degree in control engineering from the East China Petroleum Institute in January 1982 and the PhD degree in control engineering from the City University at London in September 1986. In 2005, he was awarded the higher doctoral degree, Doctor of Sciences (DSc), by the University of Southampton.
He joined the School of Electronics and Computer Science, the University of Southampton in September 1999, where he currently holds the post of Professor in Intelligent System and Signal Processing. He previously held research and academic appointments at the Universities of Sheffield, Edinburgh and Portsmouth. He is a Distinguished Visiting Professor at King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Professor Chen is a Chartered Engineer (CEng), a Fellow of IET (FIET), and a Fellow of IEEE (FIEEE). He was elected to a Fellow of the United Kingdom Royal Academy of Engineering in 2014.
Sheng's research interests are in learning theory and neural networks, adaptive signal processing for communications, wireless communications, modelling and identification of nonlinear systems, evolutionary computation methods and optimisation.
In the original database of the world's most highly cited researchers in various disciplines, compiled by Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) of the USA, Professor Chen is on the list of the highly cited researchers in the engineering category (March 2004). Web of Science Citations Google Scholar
An, P.E., Brown, M., Harris, C.J. and Chen, S. (1993) Comparative aspects of neural network algorithms for on-line modelling of dynamic processes. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 207 (4), 223-241. (doi:10.1243/PIME_PROC_1993_207_345_02).
Chen, S., McLaughlin, S., Mulgrew, B. and Grant, P. M. (1996) Bayesian decision feedback equaliser for overcoming co-channel interference. IEE Proceedings Communications, 143 (4), 219-225.
Chen, S., Chng, E. S. and Alkadhimi, K. (1996) Regularized orthogonal least squares algorithm for constructing radial basis function networks. International Journal of Control, 64 (5), 829-837.
Grant, P. M., Chen, S. and Mulgrew, B. (1996) Nonlinear adaptive filter performance in typical applications. Annual Reviews in Control, 20, 107-118.
Chng, E. S., Chen, S. and Mulgrew, B. (1996) Gradient radial basis function networks for nonlinear and nonstationary time series prediction. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 7 (1), 190-194.
Chen, S., Chng, E. S., Mulgrew, B. and Gibson, G. (1996) Minimum-BER linear-combiner DFE. Proceedings of 1996 IEEE International Conference on Communications. pp. 1173-1177 .
Chen, S., Wu, Y. and McLaughlin, S. (1997) Genetic algorithm optimization for blind channel identification with higher order cumulant fitting. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 1 (4), 259-265.
He, Z. and Chen, S. (1997) Using visual feature extraction neural network model to improve performance of quadtree based image coding. Proceedings of 5th IEE International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks. pp. 30-35 .
Qiu, G., He, Z. and Chen, S. (1997) Post-processing block coded images using artificial neural networks. Proceedings of 6th IEE International Conference on Image Processing and Its Applications. pp. 684-687 .
Chen, S., Wu, Y. and McLaughlin, S. (1997) Blind channel identification based on higher-order cumulant fitting using genetic algorithms. Proceedings of 5th IEEE Signal Processing Workshop on Higher-Order Statistics. pp. 184-188 .
Chen, S., McLaughlin, S., Mulgrew, B. and Grant, P.M. (1997) Joint channel estimation and data detection using a blind Bayesian decision feedback equaliser. Proceedings of 1997 IEE Colloquium on Blind Deconvolution - Algorithms and Applications. p4/1-5 .
Billings, S. A. and Chen, S. (1998) The determination of multivariable nonlinear models for dynamic systems. Leondes, C. T. (ed.) In Control and Dynamic Systems. Academic Press. pp. 231-278 .
Chen, S., Luk, B. L. and Liu, Y. (1998) Application of adaptive simulated annealing to blind channel identification with HOC fitting. Electronics Letters, 34 (3), 234-235.
Chen, S. and Wu, Y. (1998) Maximum likelihood joint channel and data estimation using genetic algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 46 (5), 1469-1473.
Yang, Z.R. and Chen, S. (1998) Robust maximum likelihood training of heteroscedastic probabilistic neural networks. Neural Networks, 11 (4), 739-747. (doi:10.1016/S0893-6080(98)00024-0).
Chen, S., Mulgrew, B., Chng, E. S. and Gibson, G. (1998) Space-translation properties and the minimum-BER linear-combiner DFE. IEE Proceedings Communications, 145 (5), 316-322.
Chen, S. and Wu, Y. (1998) Genetic algorithm optimization for maximum likelihood joint channel and data estimation. Proceedings of 1998 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. pp. 1157-1160 .
He, Z., Chen, S., Luk, B. L. and Istepanian, R. H. (1998) Postprocessing for image coding applications using neural network visual model. Proceedings of 8th IEEE Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing. pp. 557-566 .
Liu, Y., Abel, E. W., Belch, J. J. F. and Chen, S. (1998) An impulse response flow cytometric technique for blood cell characterisation - instrumentation and preliminary evaluation. Proceedings of 20th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. pp. 1881-1884 .
Chen, S., Istepanian, R. H., Whidborne, J. F. and Wu, J. (1998) Adaptive simulated annealing for designing finite-precision PID controller structures. Proceedings of IEE Colloquium on Optimisation in Control: Methods and Applications. 3/1-3/3 .
Pasparakis, G. K., Luk, B. L., Istepanian, R. H. and Chen, S. (1998) Unsupervised 3-dimensional construction of environments for walking and climbing robot applications. Proceedings of 1st International Symposium on Climbing and Walking Robots. part 2, 17-22 .
Kalyvas, T. K., Luk, B. L., Chen, S. and Istepanian, R. H. (1998) A landmark selection methodology for unsupervised walking and climbing robot navigation in dynamic 3-dimensional environments. Proceedings of 1st International Symposium on Climbing and Walking Robots. part 2, 7-10 .
Istepanian, R. H., Woodward, B., P. A, Balos, Chen, S. and Luk, B. L. (1999) The comparative performance of mobile telemedical systems based on the IS-54 and GSM cellular telephone standards. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 5 (2), 97-104.
Wu, J., Istepanian, R. H. and Chen, S. (1999) Stability issues of finite-precision controller structures for sampled-data systems. International Journal of Control, 72 (15), 1331-1342.
Chen, S. and Luk, B. L. (1999) Adaptive simulated annealing for optimization in signal processing applications. Signal Processing, 79 (1), 117-128.
Chen, S., He, Z. and Grant, P. M. (2000) Artificial neural network visual model for image quality enhancement. Neurocomputing, 30 (1-4), 339-346.
Chen, S., Wu, Y. and Luk, B.L. (1999) Combined genetic algorithm optimization and regularized orthogonal least squares learning for radial basis function networks. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 10 (5), 1239-1243.
Chen, S., Wu, J., Istepanian, R. H. and Chu, J. (1999) Optimizing stability bounds of finite-precision PID controller structures. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 44 (11), 2149-2153.
Istepanian, R. H., Chen, S., Wu, J. and Whidborne, J. F. (2000) Optimal finite-precision controller realization of sampled data systems. International Journal of Systems Science, 31 (4), 429-438.
Chen, S., Istepanian, R. H. and Wu, J. (1999) Optimizing stability bounds of finite-precision PID controllers using adaptive simulated annealing. Proceedings of 1999 American Control Conference. pp. 4316-4320 .
Wu, J., Istepanian, R. H., Chu, J., Whidborne, J. F., Chen, S. and Hu, J. (1999) Stability issues of finite precision controller structures using the delta operator for sampled data systems. Proceedings of 14th IFAC World Congress. pp. 417-422 .
Chen, S., Istepanian, R. H. and Luk, B. L. (1999) Signal processing applications using adaptive simulated annealing. Proceedings of the 1999 Congress on Evolutionary Computation. pp. 842-849 .
Chen, S., Istepanian, R. H., Wu, J. and Chu, J. (1999) A comparative study on optimizing closed-loop stability bounds of finite-precision PID controller structures with shift and delta operator realizations. In Proceedings of DYCON99. VI(A).1.1-VI(A).1.8 .
Wu, J., Istepanian, R. H., Chu, J., Whidborne, J. F., Chen, S. and Luk, B. L. (1999) The optimal controller realization using the delta operator for sampled data systems with finite word length consideration. Proceedings of 1999 European Control Conference. F933.1-F933.6 .
Istepanian, R. H., Petrosian, A. and Chen, S. (1999) Application of ECG data compression wavelets for a wireless telecardiology system. Proceedings of 21st Annual International Conference of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. p. 701 .
Galt, S., Luk, B. L., Chen, S., Istepanian, R. H., Cooke, D. S. and Hewer, N. D. (1999) Intelligent walking gait generation for legged robots. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots. pp. 605-613 .
Pasparakis, G. K., Luk, B. L., Istepanian, R. H. and Chen, S. (1999) Novel image processing technique for CLAWAR machine navigation. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Climbing & Walking Robots. pp. 623-629 .
Chen, S., Wu, J., Istepanian, R. H., Chu, J. and Whidborne, J. F. (1999) Optimizing stability bounds of finite-precision controller structures for sampled-data systems in the delta operator domain. Control Theory and Applications, IEE Proceedings, 146 (6), 517-526.
Chen, S. and Mulgrew, B. (1999) The minimum-SER linear-combiner decision feedback equalizer. IEE Proceedings Communications, 146 (6), 347-353.
Chen, S., Gunn, S.R. and Harris, C.J. (2000) Decision feedback equalizer design using support vector machines. IEE Proceedings - Vision, Image and Signal Processing, 147 (3), 213-219.
Wu, J., Chen, S., Li, G. and Chu, J. (2000) Optimal finite-precision state-estimate feedback controller realizations of discrete-time systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 45 (8), 1550-1554.
Chen, S., Istepanian, R. H., Wu, J. and Chu, J. (2000) Comparative study on optimizing closed-loop stability bounds of finite-precision controller structures with shift and delta operators. Systems & Control Letters, 40 (3), 153-163.
Chen, S. and Harris, C. J. (2000) Design of the optimal separating hyperplane for the decision feedback equalizer using support vector machines. Proceedings of 2000 IEEE International Conference on Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing. pp. 2701-2704 .
Wu, J., Chen, S., Li, G. and Chu, J. (2000) Digital finite-precision controller realizations with sparseness considerations. Proceedings of 3rd Chinese World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation. pp. 2869-2873 .
Istepanian, R. H., Wu, J. and Chen, S. (2000) Sparse realizations of optimal finite-precision teleoperation controller structures. Proceedings of 2000 American Control Conference. pp. 687-691 .
Chen, S. (2002) Importance sampling simulation for evaluating the lower-bound BER of the Bayesian DFE. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 50 (2), 179-182.
Billings, S. A. and Chen, S. (1995) Neural networks and system identification: 2nd. In, Irwin, G. W., Warwich, K. and Hunt, K. J. (eds.) Neural Network Application in Control. Neural Network Applications in Control (01/01/95) IEE, pp. 229-251.
Chen, S. (1995) Adaptive equalisation using neural networks. In, Murray, A. F. (ed.) Applications of Neural Networks. Applications of Neural Networks (01/01/95) Kluwer, pp. 241-265.
Chen, Sheng (1995) Nonlinear time series modelling and prediction using Gaussian RBF networks with enhanced clustering and RLS learning. Electronics Letters, 31 (2), 117-118.
Chng, E. S., Chen, S. and Mulgrew, B. (1995) Efficient computational schemes for the orthogonal least squares algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 43 (1), 373-376.
Chen, Sheng, McLaughlin, S., Mulgrew, B. and Grant, P. M. (1995) Adaptive Bayesian decision feedback equalizer for dispersive mobile radio channels. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 43 (5), 1937-1946. (doi:10.1109/26.387409).
Chen, S. and Wigger, J. (1995) Fast orthogonal least squares algorithm for efficient subset model selection. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 43 (7), 1713-1715.
Chen, S. (1995) Regularized OLS algorithm with fast implementation for training multi-output radial basis function networks. 4th IEE International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Cambridge, United Kingdom. 25 - 27 Jun 1995. pp. 290-294 .
Chng, E. S., Mulgrew, B., Chen, S. and Gibson, G. (1995) Optimum lag and subset selection for radial basis function equaliser. 5th IEEE Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing, Cambridge, United States. 30 Aug - 01 Sep 1995. pp. 593-602 .
Chen, S., Wu, Y. and Alkadhimi, K. (1995) A two-layer learning method for radial basis function networks using combined genetic and regularised OLS algorithm. 1st IEE/IEEE International Conference on GALESIA, Sheffield, United Kingdom. 11 - 13 Sep 1995. pp. 245-249 .
Chen, S., McLaughlin, S. and Mulgrew, B. (1994) Complex-valued radial basis function network, Part I: network architecture and learning algorithms. Signal Processing, 35, 19-31.
Chen, S., McLaughlin, S. and Mulgrew, B. (1994) Complex-valued radial basis function networks, Part II: application to digital communications channel equalisation. Signal Processing, 36 (2), 175-188.
Chen, S. (1994) Radial basis functions for signal prediction and system modelling. Journal of Applied Science and computations, 1.
Chng, E. S., Mulgrew, B. and Chen, S. (1994) Backtracking orthogonal least squares algorithm for model selection. IEE Colloquium on Maths. Aspects of Digital Signal Processing, Bristol, United Kingdom. 10/1-10/5 .
Chng, E. S., Chen, S. and Mulgrew, B. (1994) Reducing the computational requirement of the orthogonal least squares algorithm. ICASSP-94, Adelaide, Australia. 18 - 21 Apr 1994. pp. 529-532 .
Chen, S., McLaughlin, S., Mulgrew, B. and Grant, P. M. (1994) Adaptive Bayesian decision feedback equaliser incorporating co-channel interference compensation. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications. pp. 530-533 .
Chen, S., Chng, E. S. and Alkadhimi, K. (1994) Schemes for improving generalisation properties of the radial basis function network. 14th IMACS World Congress on Computational and Applied Mathematics, Atlanta, United States. 10 - 14 Jul 1994.
Chen, S. (1994) Modelling and identification of nonlinear dynamic systems. SPIE Advanced Signal Processing: Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations V, San Diego, United States. 23 - 28 Jul 1994. pp. 270-278 .
Chng, E.S., Chen, S. and Mulgrew, B. (1994) Improving the radial basis function network for homogeneous nonstationary time series prediction. EUSIPCO-94, , Edinburgh, United Kingdom. 10 - 15 Sep 1994. pp. 1819-1822 .
Brdys, M., Chen, S. and Roberts, P. D. (1986) An extension to the modified two-step algorithm for steady-state system optimisation and parameter estimation. International Journal of Systems Science, 17, 1229-1243.
Chen, S., Brdys, M. and Roberts, P. D. (1986) An integrated system optimisation and parameter estimation technique for hierarchical control of steady-state systems. International Journal of Systems Science, 17, 1209-1228.
Han, C., Ellis, J. E., Chen, S. and Roberts, P. D. (1986) An integrated algorithm for stochastic steady-state system optimisation and parameter estimation. IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, 3, 323-335.
Han, C., Chen, S. and Roberts, P. D. (1987) Modified algorithm for MIMO self-tuning control. International Journal of Control, 45, 1515-1526.
Lin, J., Chen, S. and Roberts, P. D. (1988) Modified algorithm for steady state integrated system optimisation and parameter estimation. IEE Proceedings Part D, 135, 119-126.
Billings, S. A., Korenberg, M. J. and Chen, S. (1988) Identification of non-linear output-affine systems using an orthogonal least-squares algorithm. International Journal of Systems Science, 19, 1559-1568.
Chen, S. and Billings, S. A. (1988) Prediction-error estimation algorithm for non-linear output-affine systems. International Journal of Control, 47, 309-332.
Chen, S. and Billings, S. A. (1988) Recursive maximum likelihood identification of a non-linear output-affine model. International Journal of Control, 48, 1605-1629.
Chen, S., Gibson, G. J., Cowan, C. F. N. and Grant, P. M. (1989) Recursive prediction error algorithm for training multilayer perceptrons. IEEE Colloquium on Adaptive Algorithms for Signal Estimation and Control, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. 10/1-10/7 .
Gibson, G. J., Siu, S., Chen, S., Cowan, C.F.N. and Grant, P.M. (1990) The application of nonlinear architectures to adaptive channel equalisation. ICC 1990, , Atlanta, United States. 312.8.1-313.8.5 .
Cowan, C. F. N., Grant, P. M., Chen, S. and Gibson, G. J. (1990) Nonlinear classification and adaptive structures. SPIE Advanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations, San Diego, United States. pp. 62-68 .
Chen, S., Mulgrew, B. and McLaughlin, S. (1992) Adaptive Bayesian decision feedback equaliser based on a radial basis function network. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'92), , Chicago, United States. 343.3.1-343.3.5 . (doi:10.1109/ICC.1992.268037).
Chen, S., Mulgrew, B., McLaughlin, S. and Grant, P. M. (1992) Adaptive Bayesian equaliser with feedback for mobile radio channels. 2nd COST 229 Workshop Adaptive Algorithms in Communications, Bordeaux-Technopolis, France. 29 Sep - 01 Oct 1992. pp. 111-120 .
Billings, S. A. and Chen, S. (1992) Neural networks and system identification. IEE Workshop on Neural Networks for Control and Systems: Principles and Applications, Reading, United Kingdom.
Grant, P. M., Mulgrew, B., McLaughlin, S. and Chen, S. (1993) Nonlinear architectures for equalisation, signal prediction and system modelling. DSP: The Enabling Technology for Communications, Asterdam. 09 - 10 Mar 1993. pp. 6301-6310 .
Chen, S., Grant, P. M., McLaughlin, S. and Mulgrew, B. (1993) Complex-valued radial basis function networks. 3rd IEE International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Brighton, United Kingdom. pp. 148-152 .
Chen, S., McLaughlin, S., Grant, P. M. and Mulgrew, B. (1993) Reduced-complexity multi-stage blind clustering equaliser. In Proceedings of ICC '93 - IEEE International Conference on Communications. IEEE. pp. 1149-1153 . (doi:10.1109/ICC.1993.397457).
Chen, S. (1993) Nonlinear modelling and identification using neural networks. 1st Chinese World Congress on Intelligent Control and Intelligent Automation, Beijing, China. 25 - 29 Aug 1993. pp. 707-712 .
Chen, S., McLaughlin, S., Mulgrew, B. and Grant, P. M. (1993) Joint channel estimation and data detection using a blind Bayesian decision feedback equaliser. IEEE GLOBECOM'93, Houston, United States. 29 Nov - 02 Dec 1993. pp. 2017-2021 .
Chen, S., Mulgrew, B. and Grant, P. M. (1993) A clustering technique for digital communications channel equalization using radial basis function networks. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 4 (4), 570-579.
Chen, S., Mulgrew, B. and McLaughlin, S. (1993) Adaptive Bayesian equalizer with decision feedback. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 41 (9), 2918-2927.
Chen, S., McLaughlin, S., Grant, P. M. and Mulgrew, B. (1993) Fast blind equalisation based on a Bayesian decision feedback equaliser. Electronics Letters, 29 (10), 891-893.
Chen, S., Billings, S. A. and Grant, P. M. (1992) Recursive hybrid algorithm for non-linear system identification using radial basis function networks. International Journal of Control, 55, 1051-1070.
Billings, S. A., Jamaluddin, H. B. and Chen, S. (1992) Properties of neural networks with applications to modelling nonlinear dynamical systems. International Journal of Control, 55, 193-224.
Chen, S., Grant, P. M. and Cowan, C. F. N. (1992) Orthogonal least squares algorithm for training multi-output radial basis function networks. IEE Proceedings, Part F, 139, 378-384.
Chen, S. and Mulgrew, B. (1992) Overcoming co-channel interference using an adaptive radial basis function equaliser. Signal Processing, 28, 91-107.
Chen, S. and Billings, S. A. (1992) Neural networks for nonlinear dynamic system modelling and identification. International Journal of Control, 56, 319-346.
Chen, S., Cowan, C.F.N. and Grant, P.M. (1992) Orthogonal least squares learning algorithm for radial basis function networks. In, Vemuri, V.R. (ed.) Artificial neural networks: concepts and control applications. Artificial Neural Networks: Concepts and Control Applications (01/01/92) IEEE Computer Society Press.
Billings, S. A. and Chen, S. (1992) Neural networks and system identification: 1st. In, Neural Networks for Control and Systems: Principles and Applications. Neural Networks for Control and Systems: Principles and Applications (01/01/92) Peter Peregrinus.
Billings, S. A., Jamaluddin, H. B. and Chen, S. (1991) A comparison of the backpropagation and recursive prediction error algorithms for training neural networks. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 5, 233-255.
Chen, S., Gibson, G. J., Cowan, C. F. N. and Grant, P. M. (1991) Reconstruction of binary signals using an adaptive radial-basis-function equalizer. Signal Processing, 22, 77-93.
Cowan, C. F. N., Grant, P. M. and Chen, Sheng (1991) Orthogonal least squares learning algorithm for radial basis function networks. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 2 (2), 302-309.
Chen, S., Gibson, G. J., Cowan, C. F. N. and Grant, P. M. (1990) Adaptive equalisation of finite non-linear channels using multilayer perceptrons. Signal Processing, 20 (2), 107-119. (doi:10.1016/0165-1684(90)90122-F).
Chen, S., Billings, S. A. and Grant, P. M. (1990) Non-linear system identification using neural networks. International Journal of Control, 51, 1191-1214.
Chen, S., Cowan, C. F. N., Billings, S. A. and Grant, P. M. (1990) Parallel recursive prediction error algorithm for training layered neural networks. International Journal of Control, 51, 1215-1228.
Chen, S., Gibson, G. J. and Cowan, C. F. N. (1990) Adaptive channel equalisation using a polynomial-perceptron structure. IEE Proceedings, Part I, 137, 257-264.
Chen, S., Billings, S. A., Cowan, C. F. N. and Grant, P. M. (1990) Practical identification of NARMAX models using radial basis functions. International Journal of Control, 52, 1327-1350.
Billings, S. A. and Chen, S. (1989) Identification of non-linear rational systems using a prediction-error estimation algorithm. International Journal of Systems Science, 20, 467-494.
Billings, S. A., Chen, S. and Backhouse, R. J. (1989) The identification of linear and non-linear models of a turbocharged automotive diesel engine. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 3, 123-142.
Chen, S. and Billings, S. A. (1989) Recursive prediction error estimator for non-linear models. International Journal of Control, 49 (2), 569-594. (doi:10.1080/00207178908559655).
Chen, S. and Billings, S. A. (1989) Representation of non-linear systems: the NARMAX model. International Journal of Control, 49 (3), 1012-1032.
Billings, S. A., Chen, S. and Korenberg, M. J. (1989) Identification of MIMO non-linear systems using a forward-regression orthogonal estimator. International Journal of Control, 49, 2157-2189.
Billings, S. A., Luo, W. and Chen, Sheng (1989) Orthogonal least squares methods and their application to non-linear system identification. International Journal of Control, 50 (5), 1873-1896.
Billings, S. A. and Chen, S. (1989) Extended model set, global data and threshold model identification of severely non-linear systems. International Journal of Control, 50, 1897-1923.
Chen, S. and Billings, S. A. (1989) Modelling and analysis of non-linear time series. International Journal of Control, 50 (6), 2151-2171.
Chen, S., He, Z. and Luk, B. L. (2001) A generic postprocessing technique for image compression. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 11 (4), 546-553.
Chen, S., Mulgrew, B. and Hanzo, L. (2000) Asymptotic Bayesian Decision Feedback Equalizer Using a Set of Hyperplanes. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 48 (12), 3493-3500.
Wu, J., Chen, S., Li, G. and Chu, J. (2001) Finite word length implementation for digital reduced order observer based controllers. Developments in Chemical Engineering and Mineral Processing, 9 (1/2), 41-48.
Mulgrew, B. and Chen, S. (2001) Adaptive minimum-BER decision feedback equalisers for binary signalling. Signal Processing, 81 (7), 1479-1489.
Chen, S., Istepanian, R. H. and Luk, B. L. (2001) Digital IIR filter design using adaptive simulated annealing. Digital Signal Processing, 11 (3), 241-251.
Wu, J., Chen, S., Li, G., Istepanian, R.H. and Chu, J. (2000) Shift and delta operator realizations for digital controllers with finite-word-length considerations. Control Theory and Applications, IEE Proceedings, 147 (6), 664-672.
Wu, J., Chen, S., Li, G., Istepanian, R. H., Chu, J. and Whidborn, J. F. (2000) Stability issues of finite precision state estimate feedback controller realizations for discrete time systems. Proceedings of 2000 American Control Conference. pp. 4189-4193 .
Mulgrew, B. and Chen, S. (2000) Stochastic gradient minimum-BER decision feedback equalisers. Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Adaptive Systems for Signal Processing, Communication and Control. pp. 93-98 .
Chen, S., Samingan, A.K., Mulgrew, B. and Hanzo, L. (2001) Adaptive Minimum-BER Linear Multiuser Detection for DS-CDMA Signals in Multipath Channels. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 49 (6), 1240-1247.
Luk, B.L., Galt, S. and Chen, S. (2001) Using genetic algorithms to establish efficient walking gaits for an eight-legged robot. International Journal of Systems Science, 32 (6), 703-713.
Chen, S., Samingan, A.K. and Hanzo, L. (2001) Support Vector Machine Multiuser Receiver for DS-CDMA Signals in Multipath Channels. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 12 (3), 604-611.
Chen, S., Samingan, A.K. and Hanzo, L. (2000) Optimal Decision Feedback Equalizer for M-PAM Signals Using a Support Vector Machine Solution. Electronics Letters, 36 (20), 1742-1744.
Chen, S., Wu, J., Istepanian, R.H. and Li, G. (2000) Optimal finite-precision digital controller realizations based on an improved closed-loop stability measure. Proceedings of UKACC International Conference on Control 2000 (Cambridge, UK),Sept.4-7, 2000.. CD-ROM, 6 pages .
Wu, J., Chen, S., Li, G., Istepanian, R. H. and Chu, J. (2001) An improved closed-loop stability related measure for finite-precision digital controller realizations. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 46 (7), 1162-1166.
Chen, S. and Wu, J. (2001) The determination of optimal finite precision controller realizations using a global optimization strategy: pole sensitivity approach. Istepanian, R.S.H. and Whidborne, J.F. (eds.) In Digital Controller Implementation and Fragility: A Modern Perspective. Springer. pp. 87-104 .
Chen, S., Wu, J. and Li, G. (2002) Two approaches based on pole sensitivity and stability radius measures for finite precision digital controller realizations. Systems & Control Letters, 45 (4), 321-329.
Chen, S. and Billings, S. A. (1994) Neural networks for non-linear dynamic systems modeling and identification. In, Harris, C. J. (ed.) Advances in Intelligent Control. Advances in Intelligent Control (01/01/94) Taylor & Francis.
Chen, S. (2000) IIR model identification using batch-recursive adaptive simulated annealing algorithm. Proceedings of 6th Annual Chinese Automation and Computer Science Conference in UK. pp. 151-155 .
Chen, S. and Wu, J. (2000) Comparative study on pole sensitivity and stability radius measures for finite- precision digital controller realizations. Proceedings of 6th Annual Chinese Automation and Computer Science Conference in UK. pp. 1-6 .
Chen, S., Samingan, A.K., Mulgrew, B. and Hanzo, L. (2001) Adaptive Minimum-BER Linear Multiuser Detection. ICASSP'01, Salt Lake City, Utah, United States. 06 - 10 May 2001. pp. 2253-2256 .
Chen, S., Samingan, A.K. and Hanzo, L. (2001) Adaptive Multiuser Receiver Using a Support Vector Machine Technique. VTC'2001 (Spring), , Rhodes, Greece. 05 - 08 May 2001. pp. 604-608 .
Urwin-Wright, S. and Chen, S. (2000) Potential improvement to terrain prediction for a legged robot using artificial neural networks. Journal of Computing in Systems Engineering, 6 (1), 2-4.
Samingan, A.K., Chen, S. and Hanzo, L. (2001) Adaptive Minimum-BER Linear Multiuser Detection for CDMA Signals in Multipath Channels with 4-QAM Constellation. Electronics Letters, 37 (11), 721-723.
Chen, S., Mulgrew, B. and Hanzo, L. (2001) Adaptive Least Error Rate Algorithm for Neural Network Classifiers. Neural Networks for Signal Processing, , Falmouth, Mass., United States. 09 - 11 Sep 2001. pp. 223-232 .
Chen, S., Gunn, S.R. and Harris, C.J. (2001) The relevance vector machine technique for channel equalization application. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 12 (6), 1529-1532.
Chen, S. (2002) Importance sampling simulation for evaluating lower-bound symbol error rate of the Bayesian DFE with multi-level signalling schemes. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 50 (5), 1229-1236.
Chen, S. and Hanzo, L. (2002) Importance Sampling Simulation and Multiple-Hyperplane Realization of the Bayesian Decision Feedback Equaliser. In, McWhirter, J. and Proudler, I.K. (eds.) Mathematics in Signal Processing V. (IMA Conference Series) Mathematics in Signal Processing V (31/03/02) Oxford University Press, pp. 157-167.
Wu, J., Chen, S. and Chu, J. (2001) Mixed $H_2/l_1$ optimization problem via Lagrange multiplier theory. 7th Annual Chinese Automation and Computer Science Conf. in UK. pp. 1-6 .
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Hong, X., Chen, S. and Harris, C.J. (2007) A sparse kernel density estimation algorithm using forward constrained regression. 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Qingdao, China. 19 - 23 Aug 2007. pp. 1354-1363 .
Wang, Li, Xu, Lei, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2008) MMSE Soft-Interference-Cancellation Aided Iterative Center-Shifting K-Best Sphere Detection for MIMO Channels. IEEE ICC'08, Beijing, China. 18 - 22 May 2008. pp. 3819-3823 .
Chen, S., Liu, S. and Hanzo, L. (2007) Symmetric Radial Basis Function Assisted Space-Time Equalisation for Multiple Receive-Antenna Aided Systems. IEEE VTC'07 (Fall), Baltimore, MD, United States. 29 Sep - 02 Oct 2007. pp. 740-743 .
Tan, S., Chen, S. and Hanzo, L. (2007) MBER Turbo Multiuser Beamforming Aided QPSK Receiver Design using EXIT Chart Analysis. IEEE VTC'07 (Fall), Baltimore, MD, United States. 29 Sep - 02 Oct 2007. pp. 561-565 .
Xu, L., Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, L. (2007) EXIT Chart Analysis of Low-Complexity Bayesian Turbo Multiuser Detection for Rank-Deficient Multiple Antenna Aided OFDM. IEEE VTC'07 (Fall), Baltimore, MD, United States. 29 Sep - 02 Oct 2007. pp. 576-580 .
Bonello, N., Chen, S. and Hanzo, L. (2008) Multilevel Structured Low-Density Parity-Check Codes. IEEE ICC'08, Beijing, China. 18 - 22 May 2008. pp. 729-733 .
Chen, S., Hong, X. and Harris, C.J. (2007) Sparse Kernel Modelling: A Unified Approach. 8th International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning, Birmingham, United Kingdom. 16 - 19 Dec 2007. pp. 27-36 .
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Hong, Xia, Chen, Sheng and Harris, Chris J. (2008) A forward-constrained regression algorithm for sparse kernel density estimation. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 19 (1), 193-198. (doi:10.1109/TNN.2007.908645).
Tan, Shuang, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2008) On multi-user EXIT chart analysis aided turbo-detected MBER beamformer designs. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 7 (1), 314-323. (doi:10.1109/TWC.2008.060534).
Hong, Xia, Chen, Sheng and Harris, Chris J. (2008) A fast linear-in-the-parameters classifier construction algorithm using orthogonal forward selection to minimize leave-one-out misclassification rate. International Journal of Systems Science, 39 (2), 119–125.
Abuthinien, M., Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2008) Semi-blind joint maximum likelihood channel estimation and data detection for MIMO systems. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 15, 202-205.
Chen, Sheng, Hong, X. and Harris, Chris J. (2008) An orthogonal forward regression technique for sparse kernel density estimation. Neurocomputing, 71 (4-6), 931-943.
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Wang, L, Xu, L, Hanzo, L and Chen, Sheng (2008) Three-Stage Serially Concatenated Codes and Iterative Center-Shifting K -Best Sphere Detection for SDM-OFDM: An EXIT Chart Aided Perspective. IEEE WCNC'08, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States. 30 Mar - 02 Apr 2008. pp. 611-615 .
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Chen, Sheng, Livingstone, A., Du, H.-Q. and Hanzo, Lajos (2008) Adaptive minimum symbol error rate beamforming assisted detection for quadrature amplitude modulation. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 7 (4), 1140-1145. (doi:10.1109/TWC.2007.060840).
Chen, Sheng, Wolfgang, Andreas, Harris, Chris J. and Hanzo, Lajos (2008) Symmetric RBF classifier for nonlinear detection in multiple-antenna aided systems. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 19 (5), 737-745.
Tan, S., Wang, J., Ng, S.X., Hanzo, L. and Chen, Sheng (2008) Three-Stage Turbo MBER Multiuser Beamforming Receiver using Irregular Convolutional Codes. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 57 (3), 1657-1663.
Chen, Sheng, Hanzo, Lajos and Yao, Wang (2008) Semi-Blind Spatial Equalisation for MIMO Channels with Quadrature Amplitude Modulation. In ICC 2008. pp. 599-603 .
Zhang, Rong, Xu, Lei, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2008) Repeat accumulate code division multiple access and its hybrid detection. IEEE ICC'08, Beijing, China. 19 - 23 May 2008. pp. 4790-4794 .
Xu, L., El-Hajjar, M., Alamri, O., Chen, S. and Hanzo, L. (2008) Iterative Detected Sphere Packing Modulated OFDM: An EXIT Chart Perspective. IEEE ICC'08, Beijing, China. 18 - 22 May 2008. pp. 631-635 .
Liu, Song-hui, Wu, Jun, Xu, Wei-hua and Chen, Sheng (2008) An output-feedback networked control system and its stability. Journal of Zhejiang University, Engineering Science, 42 (3), 378-381.
Chen, Sheng, Liu, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2008) Adaptive Bayesian Space-Time Equalisation for Multiple Receive-Antenna Assisted Single-Input Multiple-Output Systems. Digital Signal Processing, 18 (4), 622-634.
Riaz, Raja, El Hajjar, Mohammed, Ahmed, Qasim, Ng, Soon, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2008) Convergence Analysis of Iteratively Detected Time Hopping and DS-CDMA Ultrawide Bandwidth Systems by EXIT Charts,. IEEE VTC'08 (Spring), Marina Bay, Singapore. 10 - 13 May 2008. pp. 1127-1131 .
Xu, Lei, Zhang, Rong, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2008) EXIT-chart aided hybrid multiuser detector design for frequency-domain-spread chip-interleaved MC-CDMA. IEEE VTC'08 (Spring), Marina Bay, Singapore. 10 - 13 May 2008. pp. 1816-1820 .
Wang, Li, Xu, Lei, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2008) Apriori-LLR-Threshold-Assisted K-Best Sphere Detection for MIMO Channels. IEEE VTC'08 (Spring), Marina Bay, Singapore. 10 - 13 May 2008. pp. 867-871 .
Chen, Sheng, Hong, Xia and Harris, Chris J. (2008) Sparse kernel density estimator using orthogonal regression based on D-optimality experimental design. WCCI 2008 (IJCNN 2008), Hong Kong, China. 31 May - 05 Jun 2008. pp. 1-6 .
Chen, Sheng, Hong, Xia and Harris, Chris J. (2008) Fully complex-valued radial basis function networks for orthogonal least squares regression. WCCI 2008 (IJCNN 2008), Hong Kong, China. 31 May - 05 Jun 2008. pp. 7-12 .
Chen, Sheng, Harris, Chris J. and Hanzo, Lajos (2008) Complex-valued symmetric radial basis function classifier for quadrature phase shift keying beamforming systems. WCCI 2008 (IJCNN 2008), Hong Kong, China. 31 May - 05 Jun 2008. pp. 13-18 .
Hong, Xia and Chen, Sheng (2008) A minimum approximate-BER beamforming approach for PSK modulated wireless systems. International Journal of Automation and Computing, 5 (3), 284-289.
Xu, Lei, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2008) EXIT chart analysis aided turbo MUD designs for the rank-deficient multiple antenna assisted OFDM uplink. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 7 (6), 2039-2044.
Bonello, Nicholas, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2008) Construction of regular quasi-cyclic protograph LDPC codes based on Vandermonde matrices. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 57 (4), 2583-2588. (doi:10.1109/TVT.2007.913180).
Hong, Xia, Mitchell, R.J., Chen, Sheng, Harris, Chris J., Li, K. and Irwin, G.W. (2008) Model selection approaches for nonlinear system identification: a review. International Journal of Systems Science, 39 (10), 925-946.
Chen, Sheng (2008) Adaptive beamforming assisted receiver. In, Handbook on Advancements in Smart Antenna Technologies for Wireless Networks. Information Science Reference, pp. 68-92.
Chen, Sheng, Hong, Xia, Harris, Chris J. and Hanzo, Lajos (2008) Fully complex-valued radial basis function networks: orthogonal least squares regression and classification. Neurocomputing, 71 (16-18), 3421–3433.
Chen, Sheng, Hanzo, L. and Tan, S. (2008) Symmetric complex-valued RBF receiver for multiple-antenna aided wireless systems. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 19 (9), 1657-1663.
Wu, Dongxiao, Wu, Jun and Chen, Sheng (2008) Stability of Networked Control Systems with Random Buffer Capacity. 14th International Conference on Automation & Computing, Brunel University, London, United Kingdom. 06 Sep 2008. pp. 24-29 .
Chen, Sheng, Yao, Wang and Hanzo, Lajos (2008) CMA and soft decision-directed scheme for semi-blind beamforming of QAM systems. 2008 IEEE 68th Vehicular Technology Conference, , Calgary, Canada. 20 - 23 Sep 2008. pp. 1-5 .
Wang, Li, Chen, Sheng, Hanzo, Lajos and Xu, Lei (2008) Channel coded iterative center-shifting K-best sphere detection for rank-deficient systems. In 2008 IEEE 68th Vehicular Technology Conference. IEEE. pp. 1-5 .
Bonello, Nicholas, Zhang, Rong, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2008) Channel code division multiple access and its multilevel structured LDPC based instantiation. Proceedings of VTC2008-Fall, Calgary, Canada. 20 - 23 Sep 2008. pp. 1-5 .
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Chen, Sheng, Yao, Wang and Hanzo, Lajos (2008) Semi-blind adaptive spatial equalisation for MIMO systems with high-order QAM signalling. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 7 (11), 4486-4491.
Hong, X. and Chen, Sheng (2009) A new RBF neural network with boundary value constraints. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics), 39 (1), 298-303.
Chen, Sheng (2009) Complex-valued symmetric radial basis function network for beamforming. In, Complex-Valued Neural Networks: Utilizing High-Dimensional Parameters. Information Science Reference, pp. 144-168.
Riaz, R.A., Butt, M.F.U., Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2008) Generic z-domain discrete-time transfer function estimation for ultra-wideband systems. Electronics Letters, 44 (25), 1491-1492.
Yang, Y., Wu, J., Xiong, R., Xu, W. and Chen, Sheng (2008) Single-input and single-output (SISO) controller reduction based on the $L_1$-norm. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 3 (6), 688-694.
Sugiura, Shinya, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2009) Reduced-complexity iterative Markov chain MBER detection for MIMO systems. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 16 (3), 160 -163.
Yao, Wang, Chen, Sheng, Tan, S. and Hanzo, Lajos (2009) Particle Swarm Optimisation Aided Minimum Bit Error Rate Multiuser Transmission. IEEE ICC'09, Dresden, Germany. 13 - 17 Jun 2009.
Sugiura, Shinya, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2009) Markov chain minimum bit error rate detection for multi-functional MIMO systems. IEEE ICC'09, Dresden, Germany. 13 - 17 Jun 2009.
Riaz, Raja, Maunder, Robert G., Butt, Muhammad Fasih, Ng, Soon, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2009) Three-Stage Concatenated Ultra-Wide Bandwidth Time-Hopping Spread-Spectrum Impulse Radio Using Iterative Detection. IEEE ICC'09, Dresden, Germany. 13 - 17 Jun 2009.
Tian, Xuemin, Zhang, Xiaoling, Deng, Xiaogang and Chen, Sheng (2009) Multiway kernel independent component analysis based on feature samples for batch process monitoring. Neurocomputing, 72 (7-9), 1584-1596.
Chen, Sheng, Hong, Xia, Luk, Bing L. and Harris, Chris J. (2009) Construction of tunable radial basis function networks using orthogonal forward selection. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics), 39 (2), 457-466.
Chen, Sheng, Hong, Xia, Luk, Bing L. and Harris, Chris J. (2009) Non-linear system identification using particle swarm optimisation tuned radial basis function models. International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation, 1 (4), 246-258. (doi:10.1504/IJBIC.2009.024723).
Yao, Wang, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2009) Improved MMSE vector precoding based on the MBER criterion. Proc. VTC 2009-Spring, Barcelona, Spain. 25 - 28 Apr 2009. 5 pages .
Riaz, Raja, Butt, Muhammad Fasih, Maunder, Robert G., Ng, Soon, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2009) Optimized irregular variable length coding design for iteratively decoded ultrawideband time-hoping spread-spectrum impulse radio. Proc. VTC 2009-Spring, Barcelona, Spain. 25 - 28 Apr 2009. 5 pages .
Bonello, Nicholas, Zhang, Rong, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2009) Reconfigurable rateless codes. Proceedings of VTC 2009-Spring, Barcelona, Spain. 25 - 28 Apr 2009. pp. 1-5 .
Wang, Li, Xu, Lei, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2009) Three-stage irregular convolutional coded iterative center-shifting K-best sphere detection for soft-decision SDMA-OFDM. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 58 (4), 2103-2109.
Chen, Sheng, Hong, Xia, Luk, Bing L. and Harris, Chris (2009) Orthogonal-least-squares regression: a unified approach for data modelling. Neurocomputing, 72 (10-12), 2670-2681.
Bonello, Nicholas, Zhang, Rong, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2009) Reconfigurable rateless codes. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 8 (11), 5592-5600.
Bonello, Nicholas, Yang, Du, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2010) Generalized MIMO transmit preprocessing using pilot symbol assisted rateless codes. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 9 (2), 754-763.
Bonello, Nicholas, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2009) Pilot symbol assisted coding. Electronics Letters, 45 (10), 518-519.
Bonello, Nicholas, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2011) Low-density parity-check codes and their rateless relatives. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 13 (1), 3-26.
Bonello, Nicholas, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2009) On the Design of Pilot Symbol Assisted Codes. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (Fall) 2009, Anchorage, Alaska, United States. 19 - 22 Sep 2009. 5 pages .
Ahmed, Qasim, Yang, Lie-Liang and Chen, Sheng (2009) Reduced-rank adaptive least bit error-rate detection in hybrid direct-sequence time-hoping ultrawide bandwidth systems. IEEE ICC'09, Dresden, Germany. 13 - 17 Jun 2009.
Riaz, Raja Ali, Maunder, Robert G, Butt, Muhammad Fasih Uddin, Ng, Soon X, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2009) EXIT-chart aided three-stage concatenated ultrawideband time-hopping spread-spectrum impulse radio design. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 58 (9), 5320-5324.
Palally, H.R., Chen, Sheng, Yao, Wang and Hanzo, Lajos (2009) Particle swarm optimisation aided semi-blind joint maximum likelihood channel estimation and data detection for MIMO systems. 2009 IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, Cardiff, UK, United Kingdom. 30 Aug - 02 Sep 2009. pp. 309-312 .
Chen, Sheng, Hong, Xia and Harris, Chris J. (2009) Grey-box radial basis function modelling: The art of incorporating prior knowledge. 2009 IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, Cardiff, UK, United Kingdom. 30 Aug - 02 Sep 2009. pp. 377-380 .
Chen, Sheng and Yang, Lie-Liang (2009) Downlink MBER beamforming transmitter based on uplink MBER beamforming receiver for TDD-SDMA systems. 2009 IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, Cardiff, UK, United Kingdom. 30 Aug - 02 Sep 2009. pp. 433-436 .
Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2009) Fast converging semi-blind space-time equalisation for dispersive QAM MIMO systems. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 8 (8), 3969-3974.
Chen, Sheng (2009) Orthogonal-least-squares forward selection for parsimonious modelling from data. Engineering, 1 (2), 55-74.
Chen, Sheng, Luk, Bing L., Harris, Chris J. and Hanzo, Lajos (2009) Blind equalisation of high-order QAM channels using a fuzzy-logic tuned constant modulus algorithm and soft decision-directed scheme. ICAC 2009, Luton, United Kingdom. pp. 143-148 .
Wu, D.-X., Wu, J. and Chen, Sheng (2009) Robust H∞ control for model-based networked control systems with uncertainties and packet dropouts. ICAC 2009, Luton, United Kingdom. pp. 64-69 .
Sugiura, Shinya, Yang, Du, Chen, Sheng, Yang, Lie-Liang and Hanzo, Lajos (2009) Effect of array geometry on the capacity of the turbo-coded beamforming aided uplink. VTC2009-Fall, Anchorage, Alaska, United States. 19 - 22 Sep 2009. 4 pages .
Riaz, Raja, Butt, Muhammad Fasih, Ng, Soon, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2009) Near-capacity UWB impulse radio using EXIT chart aided self-concatenated codes. VTC2009-Fall, Anchorage, Alaska, United States. 19 - 22 Sep 2009. 5 pages .
Yao, Wang, Chen, Sheng, Tan, S. and Hanzo, Lajos (2009) Minimum bit error rate multiuser transmission designs using particle swarm optimisation. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 8 (10), 5012-5017. (doi:10.1109/TWC.2009.090792).
Sugiura, Shinya, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2010) Cooperative differential space-time spreading for the asynchronous relay aided CDMA uplink using interference rejection spreading code. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 17 (2), 117-120.
Wu, Jun, Li, Gang, Chen, Sheng and Chu, Jian (2009) Robust finite word length controller design. Automatica, 45 (12), 2850-2856.
Chen, Sheng, Hanzo, Lajos and Cheng, Huiting (2009) Semi-blind gradient-Newton CMA and SDD algorithm for MIMO space-time equalisation. IEEE Globecom 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States. 30 Nov - 04 Dec 2009. 5 pages .
Chen, Sheng, Hong, Xia, Luk, Bing L. and Harris, Chris J. (2009) A tunable radial basis function model for nonlinear system identification using particle swarm optimisation. Joint 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and 28th Chinese Control Conference, , Shanghai, China. 16 - 18 Dec 2009. pp. 6762-6767 .
Wu, Jun, Li, Gang, Chen, Sheng and Chu, Jian (2009) Mixed $\mu$ robust finite word length controller design. 48th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control (CDC), Shanghai, China. 16 - 18 Dec 2009. pp. 6686-6691 .
Wu, Dongxiao, Wu, Jun and Chen, Sheng (2009) On separation principle for a class of networked control systems. Joint 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and 28th Chinese Control Conference, , Shanghai, China. 16 - 18 Dec 2009. pp. 5827-5831 .
Yao, Wang, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2010) Particle swarm optimisation aided multiuser transmission schemes for MIMO communication. 3rd Int. Conf. Bio-Inspired Systems and Signal Processing, Valencia, Spain. 20 - 23 Jan 2010. pp. 53-60 .
Chen, Sheng, Yao, Wang, Palally, H.R. and Hanzo, Lajos (2010) Particle swarm optimisation aided MIMO transceiver designs. In, Computational Intelligence in Expensive Optimization Problems. Springer-Verlag, pp. 487-511.
Zhang, Rong, Xu, Lei, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2010) EXIT-charts-aided hybrid multiuser detector for multicarrier interleave-division multiple access. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 59 (3), 1563-1567. (doi:10.1109/TVT.2009.2036874).
Chen, Sheng, Hong, Xia and Harris, Chris J. (2010) Regression based D-optimality experimental design for sparse kernel density estimation. Neurocomputing, 72 (4-6), 727-739.
Chen, Sheng, Luk, Bing L., Harris, Chris J. and Hanzo, Lajos (2010) Fuzzy-logic tuned constant modulus algorithm and soft decision-directed scheme for blind equalisation. Digital Signal Processing, 20 (3), 846-859.
Bonello, N., Zhang, Rong, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, L. (2009) Channel code-division multiple access and its multilevel-structured LDPC-based instantiation. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 58 (5), 2549-2553. (doi:10.1109/TVT.2008.2009560).
Choy, A.W.H., Luk, B.L., Liu, L.K.P. and Chen, Sheng (2010) CAN and Zigbee based distributed control architecture: electroplating applications. Measurement and Control, 43 (3), 89-94.
Chen, Sheng and Luk, Bing L. (2010) Digital IIR filter design using particle swarm optimisation. International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, 9 (4), 327-335.
Wu, Dongxiao, Wu, Jun, Chen, Sheng and Chu, Jian (2010) Stability of networked control systems with polytopic uncertainty and buffer constraint. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 55 (5), 1202-1208.
Wu, Dongxiao, Wu, Jun and Chen, Sheng (2010) Robust H∞ control for networked control systems with uncertainties and multiple-packet transmission. IET Control Theory and Applications, 4 (5), 701-709.
Chen, Sheng (2010) Semi-blind fast equalisation of QAM channels using concurrent gradient-Newton CMA and soft decision-directed scheme. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 24 (6), 467-476.
Sugiura, Shinya, Ng, Soon, Kong, Lingkun, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2010) Multiple-relay aided distributed turbo coding assisted differential unitary space-time spreading for asynchronous cooperative networks. VTC 2010 Spring, Taipei. 15 - 18 May 2010. 5 pages .
Bonello, Nichola, Yang, Du, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2010) Generalised MIMO transmit preprocessing using pilot symbol assisted rateless codes. VTC 2010 Spring, Taipei. 15 - 18 May 2010. 5 pages .
Sugiura, Shinya, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2010) Distributed differential space-time spreading for the asynchronous relay aided interference-free cooperative CDMA uplink. ICC 2010, Cape Town, South Africa. 22 - 26 May 2010. 5 pages .
Sugiura, Shinya, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2010) A unified MIMO architecture subsuming space shift keying, OSTBC, BLAST and LDC. IEEE VTC'10 Fall, Ottawa, Canada. 05 - 08 Sep 2010. 5 pages .
Yao, Wang, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2010) Generalised vector precoding design based on the MBER criterion for multiuser transmission. IEEE 72nd Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2010-Fall, Ottawa, Canada. 05 - 08 Sep 2010. 5 pages .
Wu, Dongxiao, Wu, Jun and Chen, Sheng (2010) Robust H∞ control of networked control systems with access constraints and packet dropouts. International Conference on Green Circuits and Systems (ICGCS), Shanghai, China. 20 - 22 Jun 2010. 6 pages .
Sugiura, Shinya, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2010) Space-time shift keying: A unified MIMO architecture. IEEE GLOBECOM 2010, Miami, Florida, United States. 06 - 10 Dec 2010. 5 pages .
Sugiura, Shinya, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2010) Packet-reliability-based decode-and-forward distributed space-time shift keying. IEEE GLOBECOM 2010, Miami, Florida, United States. 06 - 10 Dec 2010. 5 papers .
Wu, Dongxiao, Wu, Jun and Chen, Sheng (2010) Robust control for discrete-time networked control systems. 8th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Jinan, China. 06 - 08 Jul 2010. 6 pages .
Yao, Wang, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2010) A transceiver design based on uniform channel decomposition and MBER vector perturbation. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 59 (6), 3153-3159.
Chen, Sheng, Hong, Xia and Harris, Chris J. (2010) Radial basis function classifier construction using particle swarm optimisation aided orthogonal forward regression. IJCNN 2010, Barcelona, Spain. 17 - 22 Jul 2010. pp. 3418-3423 .
Hong, Xia, Chen, Sheng and Harris, Chris J. (2010) Sparse kernel density estimation technique based on zero-norm constraint. IJCNN 2010, Barcelona, Spain. 17 - 22 Jul 2010. pp. 3782-3787 .
Chen, Sheng, Hong, Xia and Harris, Chris J. (2010) Probability density estimation with tunable kernels using orthogonal forward regression. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics), 40 (4), 1101-1114. (doi:10.1109/TSMCB.2009.2034732).
Sugiura, Shinya, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2010) Coherent and differential space-time shift keying: a dispersion matrix approach. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 58 (11), 3219-3230. (doi:10.1109/TCOMM.2010.093010.090730).
Chen, Sheng, Hong, Xia and Harris, Chris J. (2010) Particle swarm optimization aided orthogonal forward regression for unified data modelling. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 14 (4), 477-499. (doi:10.1109/TEVC.2009.2035921).
Zhang, Peichang, Sugiura, Shinya, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2010) Adaptive space-time shift keying systems. The UK-China Science Bridges: UC4G 2010 Beijing Workshop, BUPT, Beijing. 22 - 23 Aug 2010.
Tian, Xuemin, Tu, Ling, Yang, Minghui and Chen, Sheng (2010) Inferential control with the aid of modified QPLS-based soft sensor for an industrial FCCU fractionator. International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, 11 (1/2), 59-70.
Chen, Sheng and Yang, Lie-Liang (2010) Downlink MBER transmit beamforming design based on uplink MBER receive beamforming for rank-deficient TDD-SDMA systems. Communications and Network, 2 (3), 145-151.
Wu, Dongxiao, Wu, Jun and Chen, Sheng (2010) Robust stabilisation control for discrete-time networked control systems. International Journal of Control, 83 (9), 1885-1894.
Bonello, Nicholas, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2010) Multilevel structured low-density parity-check codes for AWGN and Rayleigh channels. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 59 (7), 3311-3320.
Chen, Sheng, Yao, Wang and Hanzo, Lajos (2010) Semi-blind adaptive beamforming for high-throughput quadrature amplitude modulation systems. International Journal of Automation and Computing, 7 (4), 565-570.
Chen, Sheng, Sugiura, Shinya and Hanzo, Lajos (2010) Semi-blind joint channel estimation and data detection for space-time shift keying systems. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 17 (12), 993-996.
Tian, Xuemin, Chen, Gongquan and Chen, Sheng (2011) A data-based approach for multivariate model predictive control performance monitoring. Neurocomputing, 74 (4), 588-597.
Zhang, Jiankang, Chen, Sheng, Mu, Xiaomin and Hanzo, Lajos (2011) Joint channel estimation and multi-user detection for SDMA/OFDM based on dual repeated weighted boosting search. IEEE International Conference on Communications, Kyoto, Japan. 04 - 08 Jun 2011. 5 pp .
Yao, Wang, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2011) Generalised MBER-based vector precoding design for multiuser transmission. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 60 (2), 739-745.
Sugiura, Shinya, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2011) Generalized space-time shift keying designed for flexible diversity-, multiplexing- and complexity-tradeoffs. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 10 (4), 1144-1153. (doi:10.1109/TWC.2011.012411.100065).
Zhang, Chao, Wang, Zhaocheng, Pan, Changyong, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2011) Low-complexity iterative frequency domain decision feedback equalization. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 60 (3), 1295-1301.
He, Lifeng, Wang, Zhaocheng, Yang, Fang, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2011) Preamble design using embedded signalling for OFDM broadcast systems based on reduced-complexity distance detection. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 60 (3), 1217-1222.
Ahmed, Qasim, Yang, Lie-Liang and Chen, Sheng (2011) Reduced-rank adaptive least bit-error-rate detection in hybrid direct-sequence time-hopping ultrawide bandwidth systems. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 60 (3), 849-857.
Dai, Linglong, Wang, Zhaocheng and Chen, Sheng (2011) A novel uplink multiple access scheme based on TDS-FDMA. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 10 (3), 757-761.
Sugiura, Shinya, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2012) MIMO-aided near-capacity turbo transceivers: taxonomy and performance versus complexity. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 14 (2), Summer Issue, 421-442. (doi:10.1109/SURV.2011.032511.00136).
Wu, Dongxiao, Wu, Jun and Chen, Sheng (2011) Separation principle for networked control systems with multiple-packet transmission. IET Control Theory and Applications, 5 (3), 507-513.
Chen, Sheng, Hong, Xia and Harris, Chris (2011) Grey-box radial basis function modelling. Neurocomputing, 74 (10), 1564-1571.
Hong, Xia and Chen, Sheng (2011) Modeling of complex-valued Wiener systems using B-spline neural network. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 22 (5), 818-825.
Cheng, Huiting, Chen, Sheng and Yamao, Yasushi (2011) Adaptive semi-blind space-time equalisation for frequency selective Rayleigh fading MIMO systems. VTC 2011 Spring, Budapest, Hungary. 14 - 17 May 2011. 5 pages .
Zhang, Peichang, Dey, Indrakshi, Sugiura, Shinya and Chen, Sheng (2011) Semi-blind adaptive space-time shift keying systems based on iterative channel estimation and data detection. VTC 2011 Spring, Budapest, Hungary. 14 - 17 May 2011. 5 pages .
Dai, Linglong, Wang, Zhaocheng, Pan, Changyong and Chen, Sheng (2011) Positioning in Chinese digital television network using TDS-OFDM signals. IEEE International Conference on Communications, Kyoto, Japan. 04 - 08 Jun 2011. 5 pages .
He, Lifeng, Wang, Zhaocheng, Yang, Fang, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2011) A novel preamble design for OFDM transmission parameter signalling. IEEE International Conference on Communications, Kyoto, Japan. 04 - 08 Jun 2011. 5 pages .
Li, Yong, Wang, Zhaocheng, Jin, Depeng, Su, Li, Zeng, Lieguang and Chen, Sheng (2011) Optimal relaying in heterogeneous delay tolerant networks. IEEE International Conference on Communications, Kyoto, Japan. 04 - 08 Jun 2011. 5 pages .
Sugiura, Shinya, Chen, Sheng, Haas, Harald, Grant, Peter M. and Hanzo, Lajos (2011) Coherent versus non-coherent decode-and-forward relaying aided cooperative space-time shift keying. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 59 (6), 1707-1719.
Hong, Xia, Gong, Yu and Chen, Sheng (2011) A Wiener model for memory high power amplifiers using B-spline function approximation. IEEE 17th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, Corfu, Greece. 05 - 08 Jul 2011. 5 pages .
Hong, Xia, Chen, Sheng and Harris, Chris J. (2011) Construction of radial basis function networks with diversified topologies. In, Wang, Liuping and Garnier, Hugues (eds.) System Identification, Environmental Modelling, and Control System Design. Springer, pp. 251-270.
Chen, Sheng (2011) Orthogonal least squares regression: An efficient approach for parsimonious modelling from large data. 11th UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence, Manchester, United Kingdom. 06 - 08 Sep 2011.
Tian, Xuemin, Cao, Yuping and Chen, Sheng (2011) Process fault prognosis using a fuzzy-adaptive unscented Kalman predictor. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 25 (9), 813-830.
Gao, Ming, Hong, Xia, Chen, Sheng and Harris, Chris (2011) On combination of SMOTE and particle swarm optimization based radial basis function classifier for imbalanced problems. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, San Jose, California. 30 Jul - 04 Aug 2011. pp. 1146-1153 .
Hong, Xia, Gong, Yu and Chen, Sheng (2011) B-spline neural network based digital baseband predistorter solution using the inverse of De Boor algorithm. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, San Jose, California. 30 Jul - 04 Aug 2011. pp. 30-36 .
Page, Scott, Chen, Sheng, Harris, Chris and White, Neil (2011) Pareto repeated weighted boosting search for multiple-objective optimisation. 11th UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence, Manchester, United Kingdom. 06 - 08 Sep 2011. 6 pages .
Zhang, Jiankang, Chen, Sheng, Mu, Xiaomin and Hanzo, Lajos (2011) Differential evolution algorithm aided MBER beamforming receiver for quadrature amplitude modulation systems. 11th UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence, Manchester, United Kingdom. 06 - 08 Sep 2011. 6 pp .
Zhang, Jiankang, Chen, Sheng, Mu, Xiaomin and Hanzo, Lajos (2011) Joint Channel Estimation and Multiuser Detection for SDMA/OFDM Based on Dual Repeated Weighted Boosting Search. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 60 (7), 3265-3275.
Gao, Ming, Hong, Xia, Chen, Sheng and Harris, Chris (2011) A combined SMOTE and PSO based RBF classifier for two-class imbalanced problems. Neurocomputing, 74 (17), 3456-3466.
Sugiura, Shinya, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2012) A universal space-time architecture for multiple-antenna aided systems. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 14 (2), Summer Issue, 401-420. (doi:10.1109/SURV.2011.041911.00105).
Tian, Xuemin, Chen, Gongquan, Cao, Yuping and Chen, Sheng (2011) Performance monitoring of MPC based on dynamic principal component analysis. 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan, Italy. 27 Aug - 01 Sep 2011. 6 pages .
Cheng, Huiting and Chen, Sheng (2011) Fading performance evaluation of a semi-blind space-time equaliser for frequency selective MIMO systems. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 348 (10), 2823-2838.
Chen, Sheng (2011) An efficient predistorter design for compensating nonlinear memory high power amplifier. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, 57 (4), 856-865.
Bonello, Nicholas, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2011) Design of low-density parity-check codes: An overview. IEEE VechicularTechnology Magazine, 6 (4), 16-23.
Li, Yong, Wang, Zhaocheng, Jin, Depeng, Su, Li, Zeng, Lieguang and Chen, Sheng (2012) Optimal beaconing control for epidemic routing in delay tolerant networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 61 (1), 311-320.
Zhang, Jiankang, Chen, Sheng, Mu, Xiaomin and Hanzo, Lajos (2012) Turbo multi-user detection for OFDM/SDMA systems relying on differential evolution aided iterative channel estimation. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 60 (6), 1621-1633.
Hong, Xia and Chen, Sheng (2012) The system identification and control of Hammerstein system using non-uniform rational B-spline neural network and particle swarm optimization. Neurocomputing, 82, 216-223.
Yao, Wang, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2012) Particle Swarm Optimisation Aided MIMO Multiuser Transmission Designs. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, A Special Issue on A New Frontier of Cognitive Informatics and Cognitive Computing, 9 (2), 266-275.
Ma, Jian, Sun, Zeng-Qi, Chen, Sheng and Liu, Hong-Hai (2012) Dependence tree structure estimation via copula. International Journal of Automation and Computing, 9 (2), Spring Issue, 113-121. (doi:10.1007/s11633-012-0624-6).
Li, Yong, Wang, Zhaocheng, Jin, Depeng, Zeng, Lieguang and Chen, Sheng (2012) Collaborative data dissemination in opportunistic vehicular networks. 31st Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2012), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 5 pp .
Chen, Sheng, Zhang, Jiankang, Mu, Xiaomin and Hanzo, Lajos (2012) Minimum bit error rate beamforming receiver for space-division multiple-access based quadrature amplitude modulation systems. 2012 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, Paris, France. 31 Mar - 03 Apr 2012. 5 pp .
Li, Yong, Wang, Zhaocheng, Jin, Depeng, Zeng, Lieguang and Chen, Sheng (2012) Collaborative vehicular content dissemination with directional antennas. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 11 (4), Spring Issue, 1301-1306. (doi:10.1109/TWC.2012.021512.111252).
Zhang, Jiankang, Chen, Sheng, Mu, Xiaomin and Hanzo, Lajos (2012) Differential evolution algorithm aided minimum symbol error rate multi-user detection for multi-user OFDM/SDMA systems. 2012 IEEE 75th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2012-Spring), Yokohama, Japan. 5 pp .
Hong, Xia, Chen, Sheng and Harris, Chris J. (2012) Modelling and inverting complex-valued Wiener systems. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2012), Brisbane, Australia. 09 - 14 Jun 2012.
Gao, Ming, Hong, Xia, Chen, Sheng and Harris, Chris J. (2012) Probability density function estimation based over-sampling for imbalanced two-class problems. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Brisbane, Australia. 09 - 14 Jun 2012.
Dai, Linglong, Wang, Zhaocheng, Pan, Changyong and Chen, Sheng (2012) Wireless positioning using TDS-OFDM signals in single frequency networks. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, 58 (2), 236-246. (doi:10.1109/TBC.2011.2182431).
Hong, Xia and Chen, Sheng (2012) An elastic net orthogonal forward regression algorithm. 16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, Brussels, Belgium. 10 - 12 Jul 2012. 6 pp .
Page, Scott F., Chen, Sheng, Harris, Chris J. and White, Neil M. (2012) Repeated weighted boosting search for discrete or mixed search space and multiple-objective optimisation. Applied Soft Computing, 12 (9), 2740-2755. (doi:10.1016/j.asoc.2012.03.056).
Hong, Xia, Iplikci, S., Chen, Sheng and Warwick, kevin (2012) B-spline neural networks based PID controller for Hammerstein systems. 8th International Conference Intelligent Computing, Huangshan Shi, China. 24 - 28 Jul 2012. 12 pp .
Hong, Xia and Chen, Sheng (2012) PSO assisted NURB neural network identification. 8th International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Huangshan Shi, China. 24 - 28 Jul 2012. 11 pp .
Tian, Xuemin, Li, Chunming and Chen, Sheng (2012) Guaranteed cost control of linear uncertain time-delay switched singular systems based on an LMI approach. International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, 17 (2), 109-115.
Hong, Xia, Michell, Richard and Chen, Sheng (2012) Modeling and control of Hammerstein system using B-spline approximation and the inverse of De Boor algorithm. International Journal of Systems Science, 43 (10), 1976-1984. (doi:10.1080/00207721.2011.564320).
Wu, Wei, Chen, Sheng and Qin, Shiqiao (2012) Determination of dynamic flexure model parameters for ship angular deformation measurement. UKACC International Conference on Control 2012, Cardiff, United Kingdom. 02 - 04 Sep 2012. 6 pp .
Zhang, Jiankang, Chen, Sheng, Mu, Xiaomin and Hanzo, Lajos (2012) Stochastic optimization assisted joint channel estimation and multi-user detection for OFDM/SDMA. 76th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2012 Fall), Québec, Canada. 02 - 05 Sep 2012. 5 pp .
Hong, Xia, Chen, Sheng and Harris, Chris J. (2012) Using zero-norm constraint for sparse probability density function estimation. International Journal of Systems Science, 43 (11), 2107-2113. (doi:10.1080/00207721.2011.564673).
Li, Yong, Jin, Depeng, Zhaocheng, Wang, Zeng, Lieguang and Chen, Sheng (2013) Exponential and power law distribution of contact duration in urban vehicular ad hoc networks. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 20 (1), 110-113. (doi:10.1109/LSP.2012.2231412).
Mohammad, Ismat Kadir, Sugiura, Shinya, Zhang, Jiayi, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2013) OFDMA/SC-FDMA aided space-time shift keying for dispersive multi-user scenarios. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 62 (1), 408-414.
Zhang, Peichang, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2013) Differential space-time shift-keying aided successive-relaying-assisted decode-and-forward cooperative multiuser CDMA. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 62 (5), 2156-2169.
Hong, Xia, Chen, Sheng and Harris, Chris J. (2013) Elastic net prefiltering for two class classification. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics), 43 (1), 286-295. (doi:10.1109/TSMCB.2012.2205677).
Zhang, Peichang, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2013) Near-capacity joint channel estimation and three-stage turbo detection for MIMO systems. 2013 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2013), , Shanghai, China. 06 - 09 Apr 2013. 6 pp .
Wang, Shuai, Chen, Sheng, Wang, Aihua, An, Jianping and Hanzo, Lajos (2013) Joint timing and channel estimation for bandlimited long-code-based MC-DS-CDMA: A low-complexity near-optimal algorithm and the CRLB. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 61 (5), 1998-2011.
Kadir, Mohammad Ismat, Li, Li, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2013) Successive-relaying-aided decode-and-forward coherent versus noncoherent cooperative multicarrier space–time shift keying. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 62 (6), 2544-2557.
Kadir, Mohammad Ismat, Sugiura, Shinya, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2013) MC-CDMA aided multi-user space-time shift keying in wideband channels. 2013 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2013), , Shanghai, China. 06 - 09 Apr 2013. 6 pp . (doi:10.1109/WCNC.2013.6554979).
Sugiura, Shinya, Ng, Soon Xin, Kong, Lingkun, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2012) Quasi-synchronous cooperative networks: a practical cooperative transmission protocol. IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, 7 (4), Winter Issue, 66-76. (doi:10.1109/MVT.2012.2193493).
Li, Yong, Jin, Depeng, Zeng, Lieguang and Chen, Sheng (2013) Revealing patterns of opportunistic contact durations and intervals for large scale urban vehicular mobility. IEEE ICC 2013, Budapest, Hungary. 09 - 13 Jun 2013. 5 pp .
Ahmad, Saeed, Riaz, Raja A., Chen, Sheng, Shafiq, Ghufran, Sugiura, Shinya and Hanzo, Lajos (2012) Stability analysis of the linear time-invariant ultra-wideband channel. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 2012 (1a), 218-221.
Hong, Xia, Chen, Sheng, Qatawneh, Abdulrohman, Daqrouq, Khaled, Sheikh, Muntasir and Morfeq, Ali (2013) Sparse probability density function estimation using the minimum integrated square error. Neurocomputing, 115, 122-129. (doi:10.1016/j.neucom.2013.02.003).
Chen, Sheng, Hong, Xia, Gong, Yu and Harris, Chris J. (2013) Digital predistorter design using B-spline neural network and inverse of De Boor algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 60 (6), 1584-1594. (doi:10.1109/TCSI.2012.2226514).
Hong, Xia, Mitchell, Richard J. and Chen, Sheng (2013) System identification of Wiener systems with B-spline functions using De Boor recursion. International Journal of Systems Science, 44 (9), 1666-1674. (doi:10.1080/00207721.2012.669863).
Zhang, Peichang, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2013) Reduced-complexity near-capacity joint channel estimation and three-stage turbo detection for coherent space-time shift keying. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 61 (5), 1902-1913.
Zhang, Jiankang, Chen, Sheng, Mu, Xiaomin and Hanzo, Lajos (2013) Benchmarking capabilities of evolutionary algorithms in joint channel estimation and turbo multi-User detection/decoding. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Cancun, Mexico. 19 - 22 Jun 2013. 9 pp .
Li, Yong, Wang, Zhaocheng, Su, Li, Jin, Depeng and Chen, Sheng (2013) An optimal relaying scheme for delay-tolerant networks with heterogeneous mobile nodes. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 62 (5), 2239-2252. (doi:10.1109/TVT.2012.2237046).
Hong, Xia, Chen, Sheng and Harris, Chris J. (2013) Complex-valued B-spline neural networks for modeling and inverse of Wiener systems. In, Hirose, Akira (ed.) Complex-Valued Neural Networks: Advances and Applications. (IEEE Press Series on Computational Intelligence) Hoboken, US. Wiley-IEEE Press, pp. 209-233.
Hong, Xia and Chen, Sheng (2013) A fast algorithm for sparse probability density function construction. 18th International Conference on Signal Processing, Santorini, Greece. 30 Jun - 02 Jul 2013. 6 pp .
Hong, Xia, Guo, Yi, Chen, Sheng and Gao, Junbin (2013) Sparse model construction using coordinate descent optimization. 18th International Conference on Signal Processing, Santorini, Greece. 30 Jun - 02 Jul 2013. 6 pp .
Wu, Wei, Qin, Shiqiao and Chen, Sheng (2013) Coupling influence of ship dynamic flexure on high accuracy transfer alignment. International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, 19 (3), 224-234.
Kadir, Mohammad Ismat, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2013) A Reduced-Complexity Detector for OFDMA/SC-FDMA-aided Space-Time Shift Keying. IEEE VTC 2013-Fall, Las Vegas, United States. 01 - 04 Sep 2013. 5 pp .
Wang, Qi, Xie, Qiuliang, Wang, Zhaocheng, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2014) A universal low-complexity symbol-to-bit soft demapper. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 63 (1), 119-130.
Deng, Xiaogang, Tian, Xuemin and Chen, Sheng (2013) Modified kernel principal component analysis based on local structure analysis and its application to nonlinear process fault diagnosis. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 127, 195-209. (doi:10.1016/j.chemolab.2013.07.001).
Wu, Wei, Chen, Sheng and Qin, Shiqiao (2013) Online estimation of ship dynamic flexure model parameters for transfer alignment. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 21 (5), 1666-1678. (doi:10.1109/TCST.2012.2214778).
Zhang, Peichang, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2014) Embedded iterative semi-blind channel estimation for three-stage-concatenated MIMO-aided QAM turbo-transceivers. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 63 (1), 439-446.
Zhang, Jiaqi, Ge, Ning, Wang, Zhaocheng and Chen, Sheng (2013) Fast antijamming timing acquisition using multilayer synchronization sequence. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 62 (7), 3497-3503. (doi:10.1109/TVT.2013.2253501).
Hong, Xia, Gao, Junbin, Chen, Sheng and Harris, Chris J. (2013) Particle swarm optimisation assisted classification using elastic net prefiltering. Neurocomputing, 122, 210-220. (doi:10.1016/j.neucom.2013.06.030).
Zhang, Jiankang, Chen, Sheng, Mu, Xiaomin and Hanzo, Lajos (2014) Evolutionary-algorithm-assisted joint channel estimation and turbo multiuser detection/decoding for OFDM/SDMA. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 63 (3), 1204-1222.
Dey, Indrakshi, Messier, G.G., Magierowski, S. and Chen, Sheng (2013) Semi-blind iterative joint channel estimation and K-best sphere decoding for MIMO. 2013 IEEE Pacific Rim Conf erence on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing, Victoria, Canada. 26 - 28 Aug 2013. 4 pp .
Cai, Lianfang, Tian, Xuemin and Chen, Sheng (2014) A process monitoring method based on noisy independent component analysis. Neurocomputing, 127, 231-246. (doi:10.1016/j.neucom.2013.07.029).
Wang, Qi, Wang, Zhaocheng, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2013) Enhancing the decoding performance of optical wireless communication systems using receiver-side predistortion. Optics Express, 21 (25), 30295-30305. (doi:10.1364/OE.21.030295).
Li, Yong, Jin, Depeng, Wang, Zhaocheng, Zeng, Lieguang and Chen, Sheng (2014) Coding or not: Optimal mobile data offloading in opportunistic vehicular networks. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 15 (1), 318-333. (doi:10.1109/TITS.2013.2281104).
Kadir, Mohammad Ismat, Chen, Sheng, Hari, K.V.S., Giridhar, K. and Hanzo, Lajos (2014) OFDM-aided differential space–time shift keying using iterative soft multiple-symbol differential sphere decoding. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 63 (8), 4102-4108. (doi:10.1109/TVT.2014.2306654).
Zhang, Jiankang, Zhang, Bo, Chen, Sheng, Mu, Xiaomin, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, L. (2014) Pilot contamination elimination for large-scale multiple-antenna aided OFDM systems. [in special issue: Signal Processing for Large-Scale MIMO Communications] IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 8 (5), 759-772. (doi:10.1109/JSTSP.2014.2309936).
Hong, Xia, Iplikci, Serdar, Chen, Sheng and Warwick, Kevin (2014) A model-based PID controller for Hammerstein systems using B-spline neural networks. [in special issue: Learning Issues in Feedback Control of Uncertain Dynamical Systems] International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 28 (3-5), 412-428. (doi:10.1002/acs.2293).
Tian, Xuemin, Wang, Ping, Huang, Dexian and Chen, Sheng (2014) Offset-free multistep nonlinear model predictive control under plant-model mismatch. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 28 (3-5), 444-463. (doi:10.1002/acs.2367).
Gao, Ming, Hong, Xia, Chen, Sheng, Harris, C.J. and Khalaf, Emad (2014) PDFOS: PDF estimation based over-sampling for imbalanced two-class problems. Neurocomputing, 138, 248-259. (doi:10.1016/j.neucom.2014.02.006).
Wang, Zhaocheng, Wang, Qi, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2014) An adaptive scaling and biasing scheme for OFDM-based visible light communication systems. Optics Express, 22 (10), 12707-12715. (doi:10.1364/OE.22.012707).
Zhang, Peichang, Chen, Sheng, Dong, Chen, Li, Li and Hanzo, Lajos (2014) Norm-based joint transmit/receive antenna selection aided and two-tier channel estimation assisted STSK systems. IEEE International Conference on Communications, Sydney, Australia. 09 - 13 Jun 2014. pp. 1-6 .
Hong, Xia, Chen, Sheng and Harris, Chris J. (2014) B-spline neural network based single-carrier frequency domain equalisation for Hammerstein channels. 2014 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Beijing, China. 05 - 10 Jul 2014. pp. 1-8 .
Chen, Sheng, Hong, Xia and Harrison, Christine J. (2014) On-line Gaussian mixture density estimator for adaptive minimum bit-error-rate beamforming receivers. 2014 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Beijing, China. 05 - 10 Jul 2014. pp. 1-8 .
Jiang, Junyi, Zhang, Peichang, Zhang, Rong, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2016) Aperture selection for ACO-OFDM in free-space optical turbulence channel. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 65 (8), 6089-6100. (doi:10.1109/TVT.2015.2471809).
Li, Yong, Wu, Ting, Hui, Pan, Jin, Depeng and Chen, Sheng (2014) Social-aware D2D communications: qualitative insights and quantitative analysis. IEEE Communications Magazine, 52 (6), 150-158. (doi:10.1109/MCOM.2014.6829957).
Zhang, Peizhang, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2015) Two-tier channel estimation aided near-capacity MIMO transceivers relying on norm-based joint transmit and receive antenna selection. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 14 (1), 122-137, [6853369]. (doi:10.1109/TWC.2014.2334325).
Li, Yong, Wang, Zhaocheng, Jin, Depeng and Chen, Sheng (2014) Optimal mobile content downloading in device-to-device communication underlaying cellular networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 13 (7), 3596-3608.
Li, Yong, Qian, Mengjiong, Jin, Depeng, Hui, Pan, Wang, Zhaocheng and Chen, Sheng (2014) Multiple mobile data offloading through disruption tolerant networks. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 13 (7), 1579-1596. (doi:10.1109/TMC.2013.61).
Hong, Xia, Chen, Sheng, Qatawneh, Abdulrohman, Daqrouq, Khaled, Sheikh, Muntasir and Morfeq, Ali (2014) A radial basis function network classifier to maximise leave-one-output mutual information. Applied Soft Computing, 23, 9-18. (doi:10.1016/j.asoc.2014.06.003).
Li, Yong, Jin, Depeng, Wang, Zhaocheng, Hui, Pan, Zeng, Lieguang and Chen, Sheng (2014) A Markov jump process model for urban vehicular mobility: modeling and application. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 13 (9), 1911-1926. (doi:10.1109/TMC.2013.159).
Hong, Xia, Chen, Sheng, Harris, Chris J. and Khalaf, Emad F. (2014) Single-carrier frequency domain equalization for Hammerstein communication systems using complex-valued neural networks. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 62 (17), 4467-4478. (doi:10.1109/TSP.2014.2333555).
Chen, Sheng, Hong, Xia, Junbin, Gao and Harris, Chris J. (2014) Complex-valued B-spline neural networks for modeling and inverting Hammerstein systems. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 25 (9), 1673-1685. (doi:10.1109/TNNLS.2014.2298535).
Hong, Xia and Chen, Sheng (2015) Elastic net orthogonal forward regression. Neurocomputing, 148, 551-560. (doi:10.1016/j.neucom.2014.07.008).
Hong, Xia, Chen, Sheng, Gong, Yu and Harris, Chris J. (2014) Nonlinear equalization of Hammerstein OFDM systems. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 62 (21), 5629-5639. (doi:10.1109/TSP.2014.2355773).
Li, Yong, Song, Chaoming, Jin, Depeng and Chen, Sheng (2014) A dynamic graph optimization framework for multihop device-to-device communication underlaying cellular networks. IEEE Wireless Communications, 21 (5), 52-61. (doi:10.1109/MWC.2014.6940433).
Tian, Xuemin, Cai, Lianfang and Chen, Sheng (2015) Noise-resistant joint diagonalization independent component analysis based process fault detection. Neurocomputing, 149 (B), 652-666. (doi:10.1016/j.neucom.2014.08.009).
Chen, Hao, Gong, Yu, Hong, Xia and Chen, Sheng (2014) Adaptive nonlinear equalizer using a mixture of Gaussians based on-line density estimator. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 63 (9), 4265-4276.
Zhang, Hui, Chen, Sheng, Feng, Liang, Xie, Yifeng and Hanzo, Lajos (2015) A universal approach to coverage probability and throughput analysis for cellular networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 64 (9), 4245-4256. (doi:10.1109/TVT.2014.2366597).
Tan, Jiandong, Wang, Qi, Qian, Chen, Wang, Zhaocheng, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2015) A reduced-complexity demapping algorithm for BICM-ID systems. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 64 (9), 4350-4356. (doi:10.1109/TVT.2014.2366195).
Li, Yong, Jin, Depeng, Hui, Pan, Wang, Zhaocheng and Chen, Sheng (2014) Limits of predictability for large-scale urban vehicular mobility. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 15 (6), 2671-2682. (doi:10.1109/TITS.2014.2325395).
Gao, Zhen, Zhang, Chao, Wang, Zhaocheng and Chen, Sheng (2015) Priori-information aided iterative hard threshold: a low-complexity high-accuracy compressive sensing based channel estimation for TDS-OFDM. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 14 (1), 242-251. (doi:10.1109/TWC.2014.2339330).
Kadir, Mohammad Ismat, Sugiura, Shinya, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2015) Unified MIMO-multicarrier designs: a space–time shift keying approach. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 17 (2), 550-579. (doi:10.1109/COMST.2014.2375321).
Li, Yong, Hui, Pan, Jin, Depeng and Chen, Sheng (2015) Delay-tolerant network protocol testing and evaluation. IEEE Communications Magazine, 53 (1), 258-266. (doi:10.1109/MCOM.2015.7010543).
Chen, Sheng, Hong, Xia, Khalaf, Emad, Morfeq, Ali and Alotaibi, Naif D. (2015) Adaptive B-spline neural network based nonlinear equalization for high-order QAM systems with nonlinear transmit high power amplifier. Digital Signal Processing, 40, 238-249. (doi:10.1016/j.dsp.2015.02.006).
Shao, Weiming, Tian, Xuemin, Wang, Ping, Deng, Xiaogang and Chen, Sheng (2015) Online soft sensor design using local partial least squares models with adaptive process state partition. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 144, 108-121. (doi:10.1016/j.chemolab.2015.04.003).
Zhao, Peiyao, Qian, Chen, Wang, Zhaocheng, Dai, Linglong and Chen, Sheng (2015) Shuffled iterative receiver for LDPC-coded MIMO systems. ICC 2015: IEEE International Conference on Communications, London, United Kingdom. 07 - 11 Jun 2015. pp. 1-6 .
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Hong, Xia, Gao, Junbin and Chen, Sheng (2020) Semi-blind joint channel estimation and data detection on sphere manifold for MIMO with high-order QAM signaling. Journal of the Frankin Institute, 357 (9), 5680-5697. (doi:10.1016/j.jfranklin.2020.04.009).
Liu, Tong, Chen, Sheng, Liang, Shan and Harris, Christopher (2020) Growing and pruning selective ensemble regression for nonlinear and nonstationary systems. IEEE Access, 8 (1), 73278-73292, [9066960]. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2987815).
Zhang, Xiaoyu, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2020) Dataset for On the Channel Capacity of Layered ACO-OFDM. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1380 [Dataset]
Xing, Chengwen, Liu, Dekang, Gong, Shiqi, Xu, Wei, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2020) Training optimization for hybrid MIMO communication systems. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 19 (8), 5473-5487, [9095239].
Zhang, Xiaoyu, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2020) On the discrete-input continuous-output memoryless channel capacity of layered ACO-OFDM. IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, 38 (18), 4955-4968, [9098085]. (doi:10.1109/JLT.2020.2996541).
Qiao, Li, Zhang, Jun, Gao, Zhen, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2020) Compressive sensing based massive access for IoT relying on media modulation aided machine type communications. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 69 (9), 10391-10396, [9130957]. (doi:10.1109/TVT.2020.3006318).
Zhao, Qilu, Dong, Junyu, Yu, Hui and Chen, Sheng (2021) Distilling ordinal relation and dark knowledge for facial age estimation. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 32 (7), 3108-3121, [9169852]. (doi:10.1109/TNNLS.2020.3009523).
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Tan, Chao, Chen, Sheng, Ji, Genlin and Geng, Xin (2022) Multilabel distribution learning based on multi-output regression and manifold learning. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 52 (6), 5064-5078. (doi:10.1109/TCYB.2020.3026576).
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Xing, Chengwen, Wang, Shuai, Chen, Sheng, Ma, Shaodan, Poor, H. Vincent and Hanzo, Lajos (2021) Matrix-monotonic optimization: Part I: single-variable optimization. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 69, 738-754, [9256999]. (doi:10.1109/TSP.2020.3037513).
Xing, Chengwen, Wang, Shuai, Chen, Sheng, Ma, Shaodan, Poor, H. Vincent and Hanzo, Lajos (2021) Matrix-monotonic optimization: Part II: multi-variable optimization. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 69, 179-194, [9257097].
Zhang, Jiankang, Chen, Sheng, Wang, Fasong, Ng, Soon Xin, Maunder, Robert and Hanzo, Lajos (2021) Priority-aware secure precoding based on multi-objective symbol error ratio optimization. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 69 (3), 1912-1929, [9311648]. (doi:10.1109/TCOMM.2020.3048351).
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Tan, Shuang, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2008) Minimum symbol error rate turbo multiuser beamforming aided QAM receiver. In IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference. IEEE. pp. 912-916 .
Bonello, Nicholas, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2008) Construction of regular quasi-cyclic protograph LDPC codes based on Vandermonde matrices. In 2008 IEEE 68th Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2008-Fall. IEEE. pp. 1-5 . (doi:10.1109/VETECF.2008.158).
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Telephone: +44 (0) 23 8059 6660
Bill Redman-White came to Southampton University after a period in engineering management in Post Office Telecommunications (now BT). He was one of the very few in the UK to mix a successful academic career with a senior staff position in industry.
Following 6 years part-time with GEC Research, he spent over 21 years with NXP (and its predecessor, Philips Semiconductors) as an Engineering Fellow, specialising in analogue and RF design, working in Southampton, UK, San Jose, California, and in Caen, France.
Concurrently within the University, he taught Analogue IC design and RF transceiver design for many years, taking the perspective of someone working at the forefront of industrial practise rather than from pure research, an approach much appreciated by successive cohorts of students.
He also maintained an active research group with projects evenly split between mainstream circuit design (mainly in collaboration with Phlips/NXP) in filters, data converters, RF and wireless power; and work on device characterisation, particularly modelling and design in more esoteric Silicon on Insulator technologies. The success in these fields brought both internal and external recognition, with a personal chair in 1998 and being elected as a Fellow of the IEEE in 2014.
He has been consistently active in publishing and conference organisation in the fields of circuits and devices, with over 120 refereed papers and 20 active patents. He was associate editor for IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits from 1996 to 2002, and has twice been technical programme chair of the European Solid State Circuits Conference.
He served on the TPC of the world’s premier IC design conference, the International Solid State Circuits Conference from 1999-2013; being asked to chair the conference's Analog Sub-Committee for 7 years was a particularly significant recognition in such a peer group. He remains active with the conference in organising educational events.
Since retirement and appointment as Emeritus Professor he has remained active both in academic research and in industry.
Presently he works with HiLight Semiconductors on IC design for optical communications as well as undertaking consultancy in design, training and IP cases. He now lives mostly in New Zealand where he is Honorary Professor at Waikato University, currently working on power management project.
Outside of professional work, he has returned to the activities of his teenage years: motorcycles, steam trains, amateur radio; together with undertaking long hiking trips in the unpopulated parts of NZ.
Analogue, RF, and power management circuit and system design
Analogue IC Design
Radio Transceiver IC Design
Dong, Yufeng, Kraft, Michael, Gollasch, Carsten and Redman-White, William (2005) A high-performance accelerometer with a fifth-order sigma-delta modulator. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 15 (7), S22-S29. (doi:10.1088/0960-1317/15/7/004).
Redman-White, William (1983) The measurement of structural wave intensity. University of Southampton, Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, Doctoral Thesis, 239pp.
Siabi-Shahrivar, N, Redman-White, W, Ashburn, P and Kemhadjian, H A (1995) Reduction of l/f noise in polysilicon emitter bipolar transistors.
Murray, D C, Siabi-Shahrivar, N, Evans, A G R, Carter, J C and Redman-White, W (1989) Increase of low frequency noise generating defects in todays CMOS/BICOM technologies.
Siabi-Shahrivar, N, Redman-White, W, Ashburn, P and Post, I (1990) Modelling and characterisation of noise of polysilicon emitter bipolar transistors.
Murray, D C, Siabi-Shahrivar, N, Carter, J C, Evans, A G R and Redman-White, W (1989) Increase of low frequency noise generating defects in today's CMOS/BICMOS technologies.
Siabi-Shahrivar, N, Redman-White, W, Ashburn, P and Kemhadjian, H A (1994) Reduction of l/f noise in Polysilicon Emitter Bipolar Transistors.
Redman-White, W, Easson, C., Benson, J., Rabe, R.L. and Uren, M.J. (1999) A ΣΔ modulator with extended supply voltages in 0.8µm SOI CMOS for direct ground-referred instrumentation interfacing. European Solid-State Circuits Conference, , Duisburg, Germany. 21 - 23 Sep 1999. (In Press)
Edwards, C F, Redman-White, W, Bracey, M, Tenbroek, B M, Lee, M S and Uren, M J (1999) A multi bit modulator in floating body silicon-on-sapphire for extreme radiation environments. Meeting, The Hague, Netherlands. 21 - 23 Sep 1998. pp. 937-948 .
Edwards, C F, Redman-White, W and Bracey, M (1997) A high speed offset-compensated differential comparator in floating body CMOS SOS technology for radiation-hard switched capacitor systems.
Tenbroek, B M, Lee, M S L, Redman-White, W, Bunyan, R J T and Uren, M J (1997) Characterisation of geometry dependence of SOI MOSFET thermal resistance and capacitance parameters.
Tenbroek, B M, Lee, M S L, Redman-White, W, Bunyan, R J T, Edwards, C F and Uren, M J (1997) Measurement and simulation of self-heating in SOI CMOS analogue circuits.
Redman-White, W, Duffee, R, Bramwell, S, Rijns, H, James, S, Tijou, J and Weide, G van der (1997) A robust analogue interface system for sub-micron CMOS video DSP.
Tenbroak, B M, Lee, M S L, Redman-White, W, Edwards, C F, Uren, M J and Bunyan, R J T (1997) Drain current mismatch in SOI current mirrors and D/A converters due to localised internal and coupled heating.
Tenbroek, B M, Whiting, G, Lee, M S L, Edwards, C F, Redman-White, W, Uren, M J and Bunyan, R J T (1997) Experimental investigations of thermal conductivity of buried oxides in SIMOX and BESOI wafers.
Edwards, C.F., Tenbroek, B.M., Lee, M.S.L. and Redman-White, W. (1997) Measurement and simulation of the effects of body tie resistance on PD-S0I amplifiers. Electrochemical Society Meeting, Paris.
Tenbroek, B M, Redman-White, W, Lee, M S L, Bunyan, R J T, Uren, M J and Brunson, K M (1996) Static and dynamic thermal coupling in SOI NMOS current mirrors.
Redman-White, W (1996) A high bandwidth constant gm and slew-rate rail-to-rail CMOS amplifier circuit for embedded low-voltage applications.
Bracey, M, Redman-White, W, Richardson, J and Hughes, J B (1995) A 70MS/s 8-bit differential switched current CMOS A/D converter using parallel interleaved pipelines.
Tenbroek, B M, Redman-White, W, Lee, M S L and Uren, M J (1995) Comparison of SOI MOSFET self-heating measurements by gate resistance thermometry and small-signal drain admittance extraction.
Richardson, J, Hughes, J B, Moulding, K, Bracey, M, Redman-White, W, Bennett, J and Soin, R S (1995) An integrated design and synthesis system for high performance switched current analogue filters.
Bracey, M., Redman-White, W., Richardson, J. and Hughes, J.B. (1996) A full Nyquist 15MS/s 8-bit differential switched-current A/D converter. European Solid State Circuits Conference, , Lille, France. 19 - 21 Sep 1995.
Tenbroek, B M, Redman-White, W, Lee, M S L and Uren, M J (1995) Experimental validation of simple electrothermal circuit models for SOI MOSFETs using direct DC-UHF measurement of drain admittance.
Glover, M, Redman-White, W, Srodzinski, D, Dobbs, S, Stavely, P and Fowers, P (1994) An integrated CMOS DQPSK demodulator for NICAM data recovery.
Tryzna, M., Neuteboom, H., Nandra, N. and Redman-White, W. (1994) An 8-bit 3MS/s CMOS two-step flash converter for low voltage mixed signal CMOS integration. In 1994 Second International Conference on Advanced A-D and D-A Conversion Techniques and their Applications. IEEE.. (doi:10.1049/cp:19940546).
Lee, M S L, Redman-White, W, Tenbroek, B M and Robinson, M (1993) Modelling of thin film SOI devices for circuit simulation including per-instance dynamic self heating.
Bracey, M, Tijou, J, Hopwood, C, Murray, B and Redman-White, W (1993) An analogue CMOS front-end for terrestrial and satellite MAC decoding.
Tenbroek, B M, Redman-White, W, Uren, M J, Lee, M S L and Ward, M C L (1993) Identification of thermal and electrical time constants in SOI MOSFETs from small signal measurements.
Redman-White, W, Bracey, M, Tijou, J and Barth, P J (1993) A frequency selective clamp for satellite video applications.
Redman-White, W, Lee, M S L, Uren, M J and Tenbroek, B M (1993) Characterisation and modelling of circuit level electrical and thermal behaviour of SOI MOSFETs.
Wegerif, S and Redman-White, W (1993) An integrated CMOS image-rejection mixer system for low-jitter secondary frequency references.
Redman-White, W, Uren, M J, Bunyan, R J T, Lee, M and Alderman, J C (1992) Electrical and thermal feedbacks effects on the small signal-drain characteristics of partially depleted SOI MOSFETs.
Durham, A M and Redman-White, W (1992) Integrated continuous-time balanced filters for 16-bit DSP interfaces.
Durham, A.M. and Redman-White, W (1992) Low-distortion continuous-time integrated CMOS filters for the audio-DSP interface. IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, , Rosemont, United States. 02 - 04 Jun 1992. (doi:10.1109/ICCE.1992.697144).
Howes, R. and Redman-White, W. (1991) Frequency dependent small-signal drain characteristics in silicon-on-sapphire MOSFETs. In, Proceedings of the European Solid State Device Research Conference. European Solid State Device Research Conference (01/09/91)
Redman-White, W and Durham, A M (1991) A fourth order converter with self-tuning continuous time noise shaper.
Howes, R, Redman-White, W, Nicols, K G, Robinson, M, Kerr, J and Mole, P J (1991) A SOS MOSFET SPICE model for confident analogue design.
Howes, R, Redman-White, W, Nicols, K G, Bird, S, Robinson, M and Mole, P J (1991) A charge conserving SOS MOSFET model including radiation effects for circuit simulation.
Durham, A M, Redman-White, W and Hughes, J B (1991) Low distortion VLSI compatible self-tuned continuous time monolithic filters.
Howes, R, Redman-White, W, Nicols, K G, Murray, S, Robinson, M and Mole, P (1991) A charge conserving silicon-on-sapphire SPICE MOSFET model for analogue design.
Howes, R, Redman-White, W, Nicols, K G, Murray, S J and Mole, P J (1990) Modelling and simulation of silicon on Sapphire MOSFETs for analogue circuit design.
Siabi-Shahrivar, N., Redman-White, W., Ashburn, P. and Post, I. (1990) Low frequency noise of NPN/PNP polysilicon emitter bipolar transistors. European Solid State Device Research Conference, , Montreux, Switzerland.
Siabi-Shahrivar, N, Redman-White, W, Ashburn, P and Post, I (1990) Low frequency noise performance of NPN/PNP polysilicon emitter bipolar transistors.
Redman-White, W, Lam, Y Y H, Bedworth, M and Bounds, D (1989) A limited connectivity switched capacitor neural processing element with digital storage of binary weighting elements.
Redman-White, W and Bourner, D J L (1989) Improved linearity in multi-level converters by spectral dispersion of D/A distortion products.
Murray, D C, Siabi-Shahrivar, N, Evans, A G R, Redman-White, W, Carter, J C and Altrip, J L (1989) Increased low frequency noise generating defects in today's CMOS/BICMOS technologies. European Materials Research Conference, Strasbourg, France.
Redman-White, W, Dunn, T R, Lucas, D R, Smithers, P A and Winchcombe, S A (1989) A radiation hard quartz oscillator.
Redman-White, W, Dunn, T R, Lucas, D R and Winchcombe, S A (1988) A radiation hard frequency reference IC.
Redman-White, W, Curtis, A R D and Nelson, P A (1986) The active control of flexural wave power flow in breams - experimental investigations.
Curtis, A R D, Redman-White, W and Nelson, P A (1986) The active control of flexural wave power flow in beams - theory.
Redman-White, W (1984) The experimental measurement of flexural wave power flow in structures.
Pinnington, R J, Redman-White, W and Brown, K T (1981) Methods for structural power transmission measurement.
Redman-White, W (1999) Some Dos and Don'ts for analogue design in SOI.
Redman-White, W (1999) Characterisation of PD SOI CMOS for analogue circuit design.
Redman-White, W (1999) Analogue design issues for low-power and radiation hard SOI CMOS.
Redman-White, W, Tenbroek, B M, Lee, M S L, Edwards, C F, Uren, M J and Bunyan, R J T (1997) Analogue design issues for low power SOI CMOS.
Redman-White, W, Tenbroek, B M, Lee, M S L, Edwards, C F, Uren, M J and Bunyan, R J T (1996) Analogue design issues for SOI CMOS.
Redman-White, W, Tembroek, B M, Lee, M S L, Edwards, C F, Uren, M J and Bunyan, R J T (1997) Analogue design issues for SOI CMOS.
Tenbroek, B M, Lee, M S L, Redman-White, W, Uren, M J and Bunyan, R J T (1997) Circuit modelling of SOI CMOS.
Durham, A M, Redman-White, W and Hughes, J B (1991) Digitally tunable continuous-time filters with high signal linearity.
Brown, A D, Zwolinski, M and Redman-White, W (1990) Mixed mode simulation of oversampled A/D converters.
Howes, R., Redman-White, W., Nicols, K.G., Murray, S.J., Lucas, R. and Mole, P.J. (1990) Device modelling and design techniques for analogue SOS circuits. IEE Colloquium on Analogue IC Design; Obstacles and Opportunities, , London, United Kingdom. 30 Apr 1990.
Brown, A D, Zwolinski, M and Redman-White, W (1990) Mixed mode simulation of oversampled A/D converters.
Haigh, D G and Redman-White, W (1995) MOSFET Biasing Circuits. In The Circuits and Filters Handbook, edited by W K Chen. CRC Press, Baton Rouge, F1 USA..
Hughes, J. and Redman-White, W. (1993) Switched-current limitations and non-ideal behaviour. In, Toumazou, C., Hughes, J.B. and Battersby, N.C. (eds.) Switched-Currents: An Analogue Technique for Digital Technology. (Circuits and Systems, 5) London, GB. IEEE, pp. 71-135.
Durham, A M, Redman-White, W and Hughes, J B (1992) Low distortion VLSI compatible self-tuned continuous time monolithic filters. In Continuous-time filters. IEEE Press, New York , Voorman and Tsividis. pp. 333-336 .
Brown, A D and Redman-White, W (1991) Bipolar analogue circuits. Brown, A D (ed.) In Circuits and systems on silicon. McGraw-Hill,London. 80 - 98 .
Redman-White, W. (1991) CMOS analogue circuits. In, Brown, A. (ed.) Circuits and Systems in Silicon. McGraw-Hill, London, pp. 124-142.
Redman-White, W, Lee, M S L, Tenbroek, B M, Uren, M J and Bunyan, R J T (1993) Direct extraction of MOSFET dynamic thermal characteristics from standard transistor structures using small signal measurements. Electronics Letters, 29 (13), 1180-1181.
Howes, R and Redman-White, W (1991) Measurement and analysis of small-signal drain admittance in SOS MOSFETs. Electronics Letters, 27 (24), 2290-2292.
Edwards, C F, Redman-White, W, Bracey, M, Tenbroek, B M, Lee, M S L and Uren, M J (1999) A multi-bit converter in floating body silicon on sapphire for extreme radiation environments. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 39 (7), 937-948.
Tenbroek, B. M., Bunyan, R. J. T., Whiting, G., Redman-White, W., Uren, M. J., Brunson, K. and Edwards, C. F. (1999) Measurement of buried oxide thermal conductivity for accurate electrothermal simulation of SOI. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 46 (1), 251-253.
Redman-White, W., Duffee, R., Bramwell, S., Rijns, H., James, S., Tijou, J. and van der Weide, G. (1998) A robust analogue interface system for submicron video DSP. IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, 33 (7), 1076-1081.
Tenbroek, B. M., Redman-White, W., Lee, M. S. L., Bunyan, R. J. T. and Uren, M. J. (1998) Impact of self-heating and thermal coupling on analogue circuits in SOI CMOS. IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, 33 (7), 1037-1046.
Edwards, C. F., Redman-White, W., Tenbroek, B. M., Lee, M. S. L. and Uren, M. J. (1997) The Effect of Body Contact Series Resistance on SOI CMOS Amplifier stages. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 44 (12), 2290-2294.
Redman-White, W. (1997) A high bandwidth constant gm and slew-rate rail-to-rail CMOS input stage and its application to analogue cells for low voltage VLSI systems. IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, 32 (5), 701-712.
Tenbroek, B. M., Redman-White, W., Lee, M. S. L., Bunyan, R. J. T., Uren, M. J. and Brunson, K. M. (1996) Characterisation of layout dependent thermal coupling in SOI CMOS current mirrors. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 43 (12), 2227-2232.
Tenbroek, B M, Redman-White, W, Lee, M S L, Bunyan, R J T and Uren, M J (1996) Self heating effects in SOI MOSFETS and their measurement by small signal conductance techniques. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 43 (12), 2240 - 2248.
Hughes, J.B., Moulding, K., Richardson, J., Redman-White, W., Bracey, M., Bennett, J. and Soin, R.S. (1996) Automated design of switched-current filters. IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, 31 (7), 898-907. (doi:10.1109/4.508201).
Bracey, M., Redman-White, W., Richardson, J. and Hughes, J.B. (1996) A full Nyquist 15MS/s 8-bit differential switched-current A/D converter. IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, 31 (7), 945-951. (doi:10.1109/4.508207).
Tenbroek, B M, Redman-White, W, Lee, M S L and Uren, M J (1996) Electrical measurement of silicon film and oxide thickness in partially depleted SOI technologies. Solid-State Electronics, 39 (7), 1011 - 1014.
Redman-White, W, Bracey, M, Tijou, J, Murray, B and Hopwood, C (1994) An analogue CMOS front-end for a D2-MAC TV decoder. IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, 29 (4), 998 - 1001.
Howes, R., Redman-White, W., Nichols, K.G., Robinson, M., Bird, S. and Mole, P.J. (1994) A silicon on sapphire MOSFET based on the calculation of surface potential. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 13 (4), 494 - 506. (doi:10.1109/43.275359).
Duram, A M and Redman-White, W (1993) Integrated continuous-time balanced filters for 16-bit DSP interfaces. IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, 28 (7), 835 - 839.
Duram, A M, Hughes, J B and Redman-White, W (1992) Circuit architectures for high-linearity monolithic continuous-time filters. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing, 39 (9), 651 - 657. (doi:10.1109/82.193320).
Durham, A M, Redman-White, W and Hughes, J B (1992) High linearity continuous-time filters in VLSI compatible CMOS. IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, 27 (9), 1270 - 1276.
Howes, R. and Redman-White, W. (1992) A small signal model for the frequency dependent drain admittance in floating substrate MOSFETs. IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, 27 (8), 1186 - 1193.
Howes, R., Redman-White, W., Nicols, K.G., Murray, S.J. and Mole, P.J. (1992) A silicon on sapphire model for analogue circuit simulation. IEE Proceedings - G, 139 (1), 33 - 36.
Redman-White, W, Dunn, R, Lucas, R and Smithers, P (1990) A radiation hard AGC stabilised SOS crystal oscillator. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 25 (1), 282 - 288.
redman-White, W, Dunn, T R, Lucas, D R and Winchcombe, S A (1988) A radiation hard frequency reference IC. IEEE Trans Nuclear Science, 35, 1368 - 1372.
Redman-White, W, Nelson, P A and Curtia, A R D (1987) Experiments on the active control of flexural wave power flow. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 112 (1), 187 - 191. (doi:10.1016/S0022-460X(87)80104-9).
Hall, A M and Redman-White, W (1987) A quartz crystal oscillator with current controlled frequency trimming. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, CAS-34 (9), 1132 - 1133.
Redman-White, W (1997) MIGAS Summers School, Grenoble, France.
Ashburn, P., Mubarek, H.A.W.El, Bonar, J.M. and Redman-White, W. (2001) SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistors on insulator. Electrochemical Society Spring Meeting: Tenth International Symposium on Silicon On Insulator Technology and Devices, Washington, United States. pp. 433-444 .
D'Halleweyn, N., Swanenberg, M., Benson, James and Redman White, W. (1999) A Circuit Simulation Model for Silicon-on-Insulator LDMOS Transistors, with accurate Simulation of High Side Behaviour. IEEE Engineering Academic Outreach - Device Research Symposium, Charlottesville, Virginia. pp. 195-199 .
Kraft, M., Redman-White, W. and Mokhtari, M.E. (2001) Closed loop micromachined sensors with higher order SD-Modulators. In Proceedings 4th Conference on Modelling and Simulation of Microsystems. pp. 104-107 .
Penning de Vries, Rene, Redman-White, William, Roovers, Raf, Warmerdam, Leo and Letavic, Ted (2009) Leaner and greener: adapting to the changing climate of innovation. International Solid State Circuits Conference, San Francisco, United States. 08 - 12 Feb 2009. (doi:10.1109/ISSCC.2009.4977290).
Redman-White, William (2006) Designing Around SOI. EuroSOI, Grenoble.
Redman-White, William, Bugbee, Martin, Dobbs, Steve, Wu, XinYan, Balmford, Richard, Nuttgens, Jonah, Kiami, Umer, Clegg, Richard and den Besten, Gerrit (2009) A robust high speed serial PHY architecture with feed-forward correction clock and data recovery. IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, 44 (7), 1914-1926. (doi:10.1109/JSSC.2009.2020230).
Benson, J, Redman-White, W, D'Halleweyn, N V, Easson, C A and Uren, M J (2002) Body Charge Modelling for Accurate Simulation of Small-Signal Behaviour in Floating Body SOI. Solid-State Electronics, 46 (4), 529-537.
Ashburn, P., El Mubarek, H.A.W., Bonar, J.M. and Redman-White, W. (2001) SiGe Heterojunction Bipolare Transistors on Insulator. Electrochemical Society Meeting, Seattle, United States.
Redman-White, W. and Bernstein, K. (2000) SOI CMOS Circuit Design Exposed - Another Dirty Tricks Campaign? European Solid State Circuit Conference, Stockholm, Sweden.
Redman-White, W. (1999) Some Do's and Don'ts for analogue design in SOI. IEEE Silicon on Insulator Conference, California, United States.
Redman-White, W. (2003) Analog IP - Stairway to SoC Heaven? International Solid State Circuits Conference, San Francisco, United States.
Waite, H., Ta, P., Chen, J., Li, H., Gao, M., Chang, C.S., Redman-White, W., Charlon, O., Fan, Y., Perkins, R., Brunel, D. and Soudee, E. (2004) A CDMA2000 Zero IF Receiver with Low-Leakage Integrated Front-End. Proceedings of European Solid State Circuits Conference, Portugal. pp. 1175-1179 .
Mistry, K., Redman-White, W., Benson, J. and D'Halleweyn, N.V. (2003) A high speed dual modulus divider in SOI CMOS with stacked current steering phase selection architecture. Proceedings of RF Integrated Circuit Symposium, Philadelphia, United States. pp. 471-474 .
Benson, J., D'Hallwewyn, N.V., Mistry, K. and Redman-White, W. (2003) A physical compact MOSFET mobility model including accurate calculation of saturation surface potential. Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, , San Francisco, United States. 23 - 27 Feb 2003.
Daanen, A., Aggarwal, S., Locher, M., Redman-White, W., Charlton, O., Landesman, A., Judson, M., Bracey, M., Duperray, D., Razzell, C., Akylas, V., Brunel, D. and Comte, R. (2003) A Silicon BiCMOS Direct Up-Conversion Transmitter IC for CDMA2000 with Linear-in-dB Power Optimised RF Level Control. Proceedings of the International Solid State Circuits Conference, San Francisco, United States.
D'Halleweyn, N. V., Tiemeijer, L. F., Benson, J. and Redman-White, W. (2001) A Charge Model for SOI LDMOST with Lateral Doping Gradient. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Power Semiconductors, Devices & ICs, Osaka, Japan. pp. 291-294 .
Redman-White, W. and Leenaerts, D. W. M. (2001) 1/f Noise in Passive CMOS Mixers for Low and Zero IF Integrated Receivers. Proceedings of the European Solid State Circuits Conference, Villach, Austria.
Mistry, K., Redman-White, W., Benson, J. and D'Halleweyn, N. (2001) Low Power Multi-Gigahertz Divider Architectures in SOI CMOS Employing Series Current Reuse. Proceedings of the European Conference on Circuit theory and Design, Helsinki, Finland.
D'Halleweyn, N., Benson, J., Swanenberg, M. and Redman-White, W. (2001) A Compact Model for Silicon-on-Insulator LDMOST, Including Accumulation, Lateral Doping Gradient and High Side Behaviour. Proceedings of the Electrochemical Society Meeting, Washington DC, United States.
Edwards, C. F., Redman-White, W., Bracey, M., Tenbroek, B. M., Lee, M. S. L. and Uren, M. J. (1999) A multibit ΣΔ modulator in floating-body silicon-on-sapphire for extreme radiation environments. European Solid State Circuits Conference, The Hague, The, Netherlands. 21 - 23 Sep 1998. pp. 937-948 . (doi:10.1109/ESSCIR.1998.186254).
Benson, J., Redman-White, W., Easson, C. A., D'Halleweyn, N. V. and Uren, M. J. (1999) Circuit Simulator and Compact Model Requisites for Accurate Simulation of AC Floating Body Behaviour in PD SOI. SOI Conference, Rohnert Park, California, United States. 03 - 06 Oct 1999. pp. 135-136 .
Edwards, C.F., Redman-White, W., Bracey, M., Tenbroek, B.M., Lee, M.S.L., Uren, M.J. and Brunson, K.M. (1999) Quantification, modelling and design for signal history dependent effects in mixed-signal SOS/SOI circuits. Fifth European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems, , Fontevraud, France. 13 - 17 Sep 1999. pp. 315-320 .
Hughes, J.B., Moulding, K.W., Richardson, J., Bennett, J., Redman-White, W. and Bracey, M. (1995) Automated design of switched-current filters. European Solid State Circuits Conference, , Lille, France. 19 - 21 Sep 1995.
Waite, H., Ta, P., Chen, J., Li, H., Gao, M., Chang, C.S., Chang, Y.S., Redman-White, W., Charlton, O., Fan, Y., Perkins, R., Brunel, D., Soudee, E., Lecacheur, N. and Clamagirand, S. (2004) A CDMA2000 Zero IF Receiver with Low-Leakage Integrated Front-End. IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, 39 (7), 1175-1179.
Gindila, M.V., Kraft, M., Houlihan, R. and Redman-White, W. (2004) Solid-State Electronic Interface For A Levitated Disc Accelerometer. Eurosensors XVII, Rome, Italy. 12 - 14 Sep 2004.
Redman-White, W. (2004) Device Characterisation and Analogue Design Styles for SOI CMOS. MIGAS International Summer School on Advanced Microelectronics, Grenoble, France.
Charlon, O. and Redman-White, W. (2004) Ultra High-Compliance CMOS Current Mirrors for Low Voltage Charge Pumps and References. European Solid State Circuits Conference, Leuven, Belgium.
D'Halleweyn, N.V.T., Benson, J., Redman-White, W., Mistry, K. and Swanenberg, M. (2004) MOOSE: A Physically Based Compact DC Model of SOI LDMOSFETs for Analogue Circuit Simulation. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 23 (10), 1399-1410.
Gindila, M., Kraft, M., Houlihan, R. and Redman White, W. (2004) Sigma-delta interface for a three axis levitated disc accelerometer Southampton. University of Southampton
Dong, Y, Kraft, M and Redman-White, W (2007) High order noise shaping filters for high performance inertial sensors. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 56 (5), 1666-1674. (doi:10.1109/TIM.2007.904477).
Benson, James, D'Halleweyn, Nele V., Redman-White, William, Easson, Craig A., Uren, Michael J., Faynot, Olivier and Pelloie, Jean-Luc (2001) A Physically Based Relation Between Extracted Threshold Voltage and Surface Potential Flat-Band Voltage for MOSFET Compact Modeling. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 48 (5), 1019.
Redman-White, W and Durham, A M (1994) An integrated fourth order converter with stable self-tuning continuous time noise shaper. IEE Proceedings on Circuits, Devices and Systems, 141 (3), 145 - 150.
Lee, M. S. L., Tenbroek, B. M., Redman-White, W., Benson, J. and Uren, M. J. (2001) A Physically Based Compact Model of Partially Depleted MOSFETs for Analog Circuit Stimulation. IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, 36 (1), 110-121.
Dong, Yufeng, Kraft, Michael and Redman-White, William (2007) Micromachined vibratory gyroscopes controlled by a high order band-pass sigma delta modulator. IEEE Sensors Journal, 7 (1), 59-69.
Dong, Yufeng, Kraft, Michael and Redman-White, William (2006) Force feedback linearization for higher-order electromechanical sigma-delta modulators. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 16, 54-60.
Hakim, M.M.A., Uchino, T., Redman-White, W., Ashburn, P., Tan, L., Buiu, O. and Hall, S. (2008) Improved sub-threshold Slope in RF vertical MOSFETS using a frame gate architecture. 38th European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC 2008), Edinburgh, United Kingdom. 14 - 18 Sep 2008. 4 pp .
Tan, L., Hakim, M.M.A., Connor, S., Bousquet, A., Redman-White, W., Ashburn, P. and Hall, S. (2009) Characterisation of CMOS compatible vertical MOSFETs with new architectures through EKV parameter extraction and RF measurement. 10th International Conference on ULtimate Integration of Silicon (ULIS), , Aachen, Germany. 18 - 20 Mar 2009. pp. 165-168 .
Tan, L., Hakim, M.M.A., Uchino, T., Redman-White, W., Ashburn, P. and Hall, S. (2008) Asymmetrical IV characteristics and junction regions in implantation defined surround gate vertical MOSFETs. 9th International Conference on Solid State and Integrated Circuit Technology (ICSICT), Beijing, China.
Hakim, M.M.A., Mallik, K., de Groot, C.H., Redman-White, W, Tan, L., Hall, S. and Ashburn, P. (2009) A self-aligned silicidation technology for surround-gate vertical MOSFETS. 39th European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC 2009), Athens, Greece. 13 - 17 Sep 2009. pp. 978-981 .
Dong, Y., Kraft, M., Hedenstierna, N. and Redman-White, W. (2008) Microgyroscope control system using a high-order band-pass continuous-time sigma-delta modulator. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 145-146, 299-305. (doi:10.1016/j.sna.2007.10.057).
Liang, SW and Redman-White, W (2009) Lumped Element Band Pass Filter Design on 130nm CMOS using Delta-Star Transformation. PRIME: PROCEEDINGS OF THE CONFERENCE 2009 PHD RESEARCH IN MICROELECTRONICS AND ELECTRONICS, 32-35.
Tan, L., Hall, S., Buiu, O., Hakim, M.M.A., Uchino, T., Ashburn, P. and Redman-White, W. (2008) Series resistance in vertical MOSFETs with reduced drain/source overlap capacitance. 9th International Conference on Ultimate Integration of Silicon (ULIS 2008), Udine, Italy. 12 - 14 Mar 2008. pp. 187-190 .
Tan, L., Hakim, M.M.A., Connor, S., Bousquet, A., de Groot, C.H., Redman-White, W, Hall, S. and Ashburn, P. (2010) Compact model extraction issues of nonstandard CMOS compatible vertical MOSFETs. 11th International Conference on ULtimate Integration of Silicon, , Glasgow, United Kingdom. 17 - 19 Mar 2010.
Hakim, M.M.A., Tan, L., Abuelgasim, A., de Groot, C.H., Redman-White, W., Hall, S. and Ashburn, P. (2010) Self-aligned silicidation of surround gate vertical MOSFETs for low cost RF applications. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 57 (12), 3318-3326. (doi:10.1109/TED.2010.2082293).
Hakim, M.M.A., Abuelgasim, A., Tan, L., de Groot, C.H., Redman-White, W., Hall, S. and Ashburn, P. (2011) Improved drive current in RF vertical MOSFETS using hydrogen anneal. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 32 (3), 279-281. (doi:10.1109/LED.2010.2101042).
Locher, M., Tomesen, M., Kuenen, J., Daanen, A., Visser, H., Essink, B., Vervoort, P.P., Nijrolder, M., Kopmeiners, R., Redman-White, W., Balmford, R. and El Waffaoui, R. (2008) A low power, high performance BiCMOS MIMO/diversity direct conversion transceiver IC for WiBro/WiMAX (802.16e). IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, 43 (8), 1731-1740. (doi:10.1109/CICC.2007.4405691).
Charlon, O, Locher, M, Visser, H, Dupperay, D, Chen, J, Judson, M, Landesman, A, Hritz, C, Kohlschuetter, U, Zhang, Y, Ramesh, C, Daanen, A, Gao, M, Haas, S, Mahashwari, V, Bury, A, Nitsche, G, Wrzyszcz, A, Redman-White, W, Bonakdar, H, El Waffaoui, R and Bracey, M (2006) A Low-Power High-Performance SiGe BiCMOS 802.11a/b/gTransceiver IC for Cellular and Bluetooth Co-Existence Applications. IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, 41 (7), 1503-1512.
Hakim, M M A, Tan, L., Buiu, O., Redman-White, W., Hall, S. and Ashburn, P (2009) Improved sub-threshold slope in short channel vertical MOSFETs using FILOX oxidation. Solid-State Electronics, 53 (7), 753-759. (doi:10.1016/j.sse.2009.02.016).
Balsom, Toby, Scott, Jonathan and Redman-White, William (2011) Third–order nulling effect in Darlington transistors. 18th Electronics New Zealand Conference, Palmerston North, New Zealand. 21 - 22 Nov 2011.
Liang, S. and Redman-White, W. (2011) Transformed lumped element integrated passive bandpass filters for gigahertz range spectrum monitor receivers. Electronics Letters, 47 (24), 1328-1330. (doi:10.1049/el.2011.1069).
Liang, Siwen and Redman-White, William (2011) A linear tuning ring VCO for spectrum monitor receiver in cognitive radio applications. 2011 European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, Linköping, Sweden. 28 - 30 Aug 2011.
Bodnar, Rares and Redman-White, William (2011) A 250W/30A fast charger for ultracapacitors with direct mains connection. 2011 20th European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD), Linkoping. 28 - 30 Aug 2011. pp. 813-816 . (doi:10.1109/ECCTD.2011.6043835).
Dekate, P., Redman-White, W., Leenaerts, D.M.W. and Long, J.R. (2012) Broad-band odd-number CMOS prescalers with quadrature/symmetrical outputs. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 59 (7), 399-403. (doi:10.1109/TCSII.2012.2198986).
Balsom, Toby, Redman-White, William and Scott, Jonathan (2012) Bipolar amplifier bias technique for robust IM3 null tracking independent of internal emitter resistance. IEEE 55th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS) 2012, Boise, United States. 04 - 07 Aug 2012. pp. 606-609 . (doi:10.1109/MWSCAS.2012.6292093).
Liang, Siwen and Redman-White, William (2012) Integrated CMOS wide tuning range integer-N frequency synthesiser for spectrum monitoring functions in cognitive radio systems. IET Circuits, Devices & Systems, 6 (6), 465 -472. (doi:10.1049/iet-cds.2012.0014).
Redman-White, William (2013) Mixers and modulators in wireless systems. In, Manganaro, Gabriele and Leenaerts, Dimine (eds.) Advances in Analog and RFIC Design for Wireless Communications Systems. Academic Press, pp. 115-140.
Bodnar, Rares and Redman-White, W. (2013) High-accuracy current memory in HV CMOS technology. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 60 (6), 321-325. (doi:10.1109/TCSII.2013.2258251).
Bodnar, Rares and Redman-White, W. (2013) An integrated ultracapacitor fast mains charger with combined power/current optimisation. European Solid State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC). 15 - 19 Sep 2013. (doi:10.1109/ESSCIRC.2013.6649097).
Serb, A., Redman-White, W., Papavassiliou, C. and Prodromakis, T. (2015) Practical determination of individual element resistive states in selectorless RRAM arrays. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 63 (6), 827-835. (doi:10.1109/TCSI.2015.2476296).
Serb, A., Redman-White, W, Papavassiliou, C., Berdan, R. and Prodromakis, T. (2015) Limitations and precision requirements for read-out of passive, linear, selectorless RRAM arrays. IEEE International Symposium in Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2015), Lisbon, Portugal. 23 - 26 May 2015. pp. 189-192 . (doi:10.1109/ISCAS.2015.7168602).
Serb, A., Berdan, R., Redman-White, W, Papavassiliou, C. and Prodromakis, T. (2015) Extracting resistive states from multi-level, selectorless, linear RRAM crossbars. International Workshop on Advances in ReRAM: Materials & Interfaces, Chania, Greece. 10 - 14 Oct 2015.
Morgan, Katrina, Huang, Ruomeng, Potter, Kenneth, Shaw, Chris, Redman-White, William and de Groot, Kees (2014) Total dose hardness of TiN/HfOx/TiN resistive random access memory. IEEE Transactions Nuclear Science, 61 (6), 1-6. (doi:10.1109/TNS.2014.2365058).
Balsom, T., Scott, J.B. and Redman-White, W. (2014) Analysis of circuit conditions for optimum intermodulation and gain in bipolar cascomp amplifiers with non-ideal error correction. IET Circuits Devices and Systems, 8 (6), 568-575. (doi:10.1049/iet-cds.2014.0105).
Boodhoo, L., Al Khalil, F., Chong, H.M.H., Tsuchiya, Y., Redman-White, W., Hasegawa, T. and Mizuta, H (2015) Novel saw tooth gate for stiction and pull-in voltage controlled ohmic silicon NEMS switch. 41st International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering (MNE 2015), , Den Haag, Netherlands. 21 - 24 Sep 2015.
Potter, Kenneth, Morgan, Katrina, Shaw, Chris, Ashburn, Peter, Redman-White, William and de Groot, Kees (2014) Total ionizing dose response of fluorine implanted silicon-on-insulator buried oxide. Microelectronics Reliability, 54 (9-10), 2339-2343. (doi:10.1016/j.microrel.2014.07.018).
Chatzikyriakou, Eleni, Potter, Kenneth, Redman-White, William and de Groot, Kees (2016) Three-dimensional Finite Elements method simulation of Total Ionizing Dose in 22 nm bulk nFinFETs. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 1-5. (doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2016.09.007).
Chatzikyriakou, Eleni, Redman-White, William and de Groot, Kees (2017) Total Ionizing Dose, Random Dopant Fluctuations and its combined effect in the 45 nm PDSOI node. Microelectronics Reliability, 68, 21-29. (doi:10.1016/j.microrel.2016.11.007).
Chatzikyriakou, Eleni, Morgan, Katrina, Ashburn, Peter, Redman-White, William and De Groot, Cornelis (2016) Total Ionizing Dose and random dopant fluctuation effects in 65-nm gate length partially depleted Silicon-on-Insulator nMOSFETs. In 2015 IEEE 15th International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO). IEEE. pp. 659-662 . (doi:10.1109/NANO.2015.7388691).
Redman-White, William, Bodnar, Rares and Kennedy, Henry (2017) Continuous tuning of inductive link antennae with zero voltage switched fractional capacitance. In 2016 IEEE 59th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS). (doi:10.1109/MWSCAS.2016.7870059).
Redman-White, William, Kennedy, Henry and Bodnar, Rares (2017) A Self-tuning resonant-inductive-link transmit driver using quadrature symmetric phase switched fractional capacitance. International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC 2017), San Francisco, United States. 05 - 09 Feb 2017. (doi:10.1109/ISSCC.2017.7870415).
Lee, Teerasak, Kennedy, Henry, Bodnar, Rares and Redman-White, William (2017) A CMOS MF energy harvesting and data demodulator receiver for wide area low duty cycle applications with 250 mV start-up voltage. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 13. (doi:10.1007/s10470-017-1000-9).
Redman-White, William, Kennedy, Henry, Bodnar, Rares and Lee, Teerasak (2017) Adaptive tuning of large-signal resonant circuits using phase-switched fractional capacitance. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 64 (9), 1072-1076.
Morgan, Katrina, Huang, Ruomeng, Potter, K, Shaw, Chris, Redman-White, William and De Groot, Cornelis (2014) Total dose hardness of TiN/HfOx/TiN resistive random access memory devices. IEEE Nuclear & Space Radiation Effects Conference, Marriott Rive Gauche, Paris, France. 14 - 18 Jul 2014. 4 pp .
Kennedy, Henry, Bodnar, Rares, Lee, Teerasak and Redman-White, William (2018) A self-tuning resonant-inductive-link transmit driver using quadrature symmetric delay trimmable phase-switched fractional capacitance. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 53 (6), 1694 - 1706. (doi:10.1109/JSSC.2018.2810206).
Lee, T., Kennedy, H.R.B., Bodnar, R.A. and Redman-White, W. (2018) An MF energy harvesting receiver with slow QPSK control data demodulator for wide area low duty cycle applications. In ESSCIRC 2018 - IEEE 44th European Solid State Circuits Conference. IEEE. pp. 278-281 . (doi:10.1109/ESSCIRC.2018.8494311).
Kennedy, Henry, Bodnar, Rares, Lee, Teerasak and Redman-White, William (2019) 28.4 A high-Q resonant inductive link transmit modulator/driver for enhanced power and FSK/PSK data transfer using adaptive-predictive phase-continuous switching fractional-capacitance tuning. In 2019 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference, ISSCC 2019. vol. 2019-February, IEEE. pp. 444-446 . (doi:10.1109/ISSCC.2019.8662329).
Shaw, Chris, Potter, Kenneth, Morgan, Katrina, Ashburn, Peter, De Groot, Kees and Redman-White, Bill (2019) Total dose radiation hardening of MOS transistors by fluorine implantation. In 2017 17th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems, RADECS 2017. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.. (doi:10.1109/RADECS.2017.8696125).
Lee, Teerasak (2019) Dataset for: Ultra Low Power CMOS medium frequency power collection and communications circuits for remote sensor nodes. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1103 [Dataset]
Telephone: +44 (0) 23 8059 44 7989 850764
I am a lecturer (assistant professor) in the Agents, Interaction and Complexity (AIC) research group at the School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton. I enjoy doing research and solving [preferably math-related] problems. Since 2003 I have been mostly focused on designing algorithms and proving theorems in the areas of Game Theory and Bioinformatics. My current research interests include computational social choice and algorithmic mechanism design with particular focus on matching theory.
I received my Ph.D. from the University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada, in 2013. My Ph.D. advisers were Anne Condon and Kevin Leyton-Brown. I also hold an M.Sc. in Computer Science from UBC (2004) and a B.Sc. in Computer Engineering from Sharif University of Technology, Iran (2002).
From 2013 to 2016, I was a postdoctoral research associate at the School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow. I was working with David Manlove on Efficient Algorithms for Mechanism Design Without Monetary Transfer, a joint EPSRC project between the University of Glasgow and the University of Liverpool. I was a lecturer at the Department of Computer Science, University of Bristol from April 2017 to August 2018.
Multiagent Systems, Algorithmic Game Theory, Algorithmic Mechanism Design, Articial Intelligence, Algorithm Design, Operations Research, Computational Complexity Theory, Bioinformatics
Aziz, Haris, Biro, Peter, de Haan, Ronald and Rastegari, Baharak (2018) Pareto optimal allocation under compact uncertain preferences. Thirty Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Hilton Hawaiian Village, Honolulu, United States. 27 Jan - 01 Feb 2019. (In Press)
Meeks, Kitty and Rastegari, Baharak (2018) Stable marriage with groups of similar agents. In Web and Internet Economics: WINE 2018. vol. 11316, Springer. pp. 312-326 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-030-04612-5_21).
Aziz, Haris, de Haan, Ronald and Rastegari, Baharak (2017) Pareto optimal allocation under uncertain preferences. In, Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems. International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, pp. 1472-1474.
Meeks, Kitty and Rastegari, Baharak (2017) Solving hard stable matching problems involving groups of similar agents. arXiv, [arXiv:1708.04109v1]. (Submitted)
Cechlárová, Katarína, Eirinakis, Pavlos, Fleiner, Tamás, Magos, Dimitrios, Manlove, David F., Mourtos, Ioannis, Oceľáková, Eva and Rastegari, Baharak (2015) Pareto optimal matchings in many-to-many markets with ties. In, Hoefer, M. (ed.) Lecture Notes in Computer Science. (Algorithmic Game Theory, 9347) Berlin; Heidelberg. Springer, pp. 27-39. (doi:10.1007/978-3-662-48433-3_3).
Rastegari, Baharak, Goldberg, Paul W. and Manlove, David (2016) Preference elicitation in matching markets via interviews: a study of offline benchmarks. In, Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Autonomous Agents & Multiagent Systems. AAMAS '16 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (08/05/16 - 13/05/16) Richland. International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, pp. 1393-1394.
Aziz, Haris, Biró, Péter, Gaspers, Serge, De Haan, Ronald, Mattei, Nicholas and Rastegari, Baharak (2016) Stable matching with uncertain linear preferences. In, Gairing, M. and Savani, R. (eds.) Lecture Notes in Computer Science. (Algorithmic Game Theory. SAGT 2016, 9928) Berlin; Heidelberg. Springer, pp. 195-206. (doi:10.1007/978-3-662-53354-3_16).
Cechlárová, Katarína, Eirinakis, Pavlos, Fleiner, Tamás, Magos, Dimitrios, Manlove, David, Mourtos, Ioannis, Ocel̆áková, Eva and Rastegari, Baharak (2016) Pareto optimal matchings in many-to-many markets with ties. Theory of Computing Systems, 59 (4), 700-721. (doi:10.1007/s00224-016-9677-1).
Rastegari, Baharak, Condon, Anne, Immorlica, Nicole, Irving, Robert and Leyton-brown, Kevin (2014) Reasoning about optimal stable matchings under partial information. In Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Economics and Computation. ACM Press. pp. 431-448 . (doi:10.1145/2600057.2602884).
Andronescu, Mirela and Rastegari, Baharak (2003) Motif-grasp and motif-ils: two new stochastic local search algorithms for motif finding. Mini Workshop on Stochastic Search Algorithms, Room 1613, Forest Sciences Centre, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. 25 Apr 2003. 68 pp .
Condon, Anne, Davy, Beth, Rastegari, Baharak, Zhao, Shelly and Tarrant, Finbarr (2004) Classifying RNA pseudoknotted structures. Theoretical Computer Science, 320 (1), 35-50. (doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2004.03.042).
Ren, Jihong, Rastegari, Baharak, Condon, Anne and Hoos, Holger H. (2005) HotKnots: heuristic prediction of RNA secondary structures including pseudoknots. RNA, 11 (10), 1494-1504. (doi:10.1261/rna.7284905).
Rastegari, Baharak and Condon, Anne (2005) Linear time algorithm for parsing RNA secondary structure. In, Casadio, R. and Myers, G. (eds.) Algorithms in Bioinformatics. WABI 2005. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Algorithms in Bioinformatics, 3692) Berlin; Heidelberg. Springer, pp. 341-352. (doi:10.1007/11557067_28).
Rastegari, Baharak and Condon, Anne (2007) Parsing nucleic acid pseudoknotted secondary structure: algorithm and applications. Journal of Computational Biology, 14 (1), 16-32. (doi:10.1089/cmb.2006.0108).
Rastegari, Baharak, Condon, Anne and Leyton-Brown, Kevin (2007) Revenue monotonicity in combinatorial auctions. Artificial Intelligence, 175 (2), 45-47.
Rastegari, Baharak, Condon, Anne and Leyton-brown, Kevin (2009) Stepwise randomized combinatorial auctions achieve revenue monotonicity. In, Mathieu, Claire (ed.) Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms. (Proceedings, PR132) Philadelphia. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, pp. 738-747. (doi:10.1137/1.9781611973068.81).
Rastegari, Baharak, Condon, Anne and Leyton-brown, Kevin (2011) Revenue monotonicity in deterministic, dominant-strategy combinatorial auctions. Artificial Intelligence, 175 (2), 441-456. (doi:10.1016/j.artint.2010.08.005).
Rastegari, Baharak, Condon, Anne, Immorlica, Nicole and Leyton-brown, Kevin (2013) Two-sided matching with partial information. In EC '13 Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce. ACM Press. pp. 733-750 . (doi:10.1145/2492002.2482607).
Krysta, Piotr, Manlove, David, Rastegari, Baharak and Zhang, Jinshan (2014) Size versus truthfulness in the house allocation problem. In EC '14 Proceedings of the fifteenth ACM conference on Economics and computation. ACM Press. pp. 453-470 . (doi:10.1145/2600057.2602868).
Krysta, Piotr, Manlove, David, Rastegari, Baharak and Zhang, Jinshan (2019) Size versus truthfulness in the House Allocation problem. Algorithmica, 81 (9), 3422-3463. (doi:10.1007/s00453-019-00584-7).
Aziz, Haris, Biró, Péter, de Haan, Ronald and Rastegari, Baharak (2019) Pareto optimal allocation under uncertain preferences: Uncertainty models, algorithms, and complexity. Artificial Intelligence, 276, 57-78. (doi:10.1016/j.artint.2019.08.002).
Aziz, Haris, Biró, Péter, Gaspers, Serge, de Haan, Ronald, Mattei, Nicholas and Rastegari, Baharak (2019) Stable matching with uncertain linear preferences. Algorithmica. (doi:10.1007/s00453-019-00650-0).
Burmann, Jan, Gerding, Enrico and Rastegari, Baharak (2020) Fair allocation of resources with uncertain availability. Nineteenth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, , Auckland, New Zealand. 09 - 13 May 2020. 9 pp .
Meeks, Kitty and Rastegari, Baharak (2020) Solving hard stable matching problems involving groups of similar agents. Theoretical Computer Science, 844, 171-194. (doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2020.08.017).
Aziz, Haris, Biró, Péter, Fleiner, Tamás, Gaspers, Serge, de Haan, Ronald, Mattei, Nicholas and Rastegari, Baharak (2022) Stable matching with uncertain pairwise preferences. Theoretical Computer Science, 909, 1-11. (doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2022.01.028).
Divband Soorati, Mohammad, Gerding, Enrico, Marchioni, Enrico, Naumov, Pavel, Norman, Timothy, Ramchurn, Sarvapali, Rastegari, Baharak, Sobey, Adam, Stein, Sebastian, Tarapore, Danesh, Yazdanpanah, Vahid and Zhang, Jie (2022) From Intelligent Agents to Trustworthy Human-Centred Multiagent Systems. AI Communications.
Currently Hugh is Professor of Computer Science supporting the University of Southampton Malaysia to start a Computer Science Degree and Foundation Year stream in Computer Science.
The Short Version
Previously Hugh was Professor of Computer Science and Learning Technologies in Electronics and Computer Science (ECS) at University of Southampton UK, where he worked from 1987, retiring in November 2021.
Hugh has a long history of research in Hypertext and in Learning Technologies, with over 250 publications in these areas (h=43, i10 = 141) and more than 35 grants. He also has significant experience as an educational change-agent in HE at both a local and national level, and, until stepping down in 2016, was Director of the Institute of Learning Innovation and Development (ILIaD) at the University of Southampton. A focus of Hugh's research has been how technology changes Higher Education, He has given a number of keynote talks about on-line learning and MOOCs, and the so-called 'disruptions' they cause.
In his retirement Hugh hopes to spend increasing time touring the world by bike and by campervan with his wife and partner, Dr Su White.
Hugh is no longer accepting new PhD students and has retired from most other other extrernal academic activities including conference commitees and editorial teams. However, he occasionally accepts suitably renumerated consultancy and examining tasks.
(CC: Please feel free to publish the above, or appropriate parts, as a Bio where needed)
I joined Electronics and Computer Science (ECS) at the University of Southampton in 1987 following four years of social work, a year of running a sailing school, a Bachelors in Ship Science (Southampton) and seven years of school teaching (including a part-time teaching qualification and a Masters in CS (City University)). Early work with (now Dame Professor) Wendy Hall in the area of video disc for educational purposes and archives led to ideas about Hypertext, and the early versions of the Microcosm open hypermedia system in 1989. I was a founder member of the Multimedia Research Group (MMRG) which became the Intelligence, Agents, Multimedia Group (IAM).
For a period of 10 years or so I worked at the leading edge of Hypertext research, with interests in both open system architectures and also the educational applications of hypertext. I was one of the inventors and patent holders of the Microcosm open hypermedia system and a founding director of Multicosm Ltd in 1994 - which later became Active Navigation Ltd.
In 1999, following a period of secondment to Multicosm working much of the time in the USA, I returned to the University and to my first research area of learning technologies. I was interested in the ways in which technology can improve the learning experience, particularly in a research-led learning and teaching environment. My research focus was on personal learning environments, learning analytics, web and grid service architectures for distributed eLearning, informal learning, assessment and social applications in e-learning.
In 2003, ECS created the Learning Societies Lab (LSL), with me as group leader. This group consisted of around 50 academic staff, research assistants and PhD students, and was successful in attracting significant grant funding. I have supervised 18 students to completion of their PhD�s and in addition have examined 18 external and international PhDs. In 2011 LSL was merged to create the Web and Internet Science group (WAIS).
Web Science looks at the technical, social, legal, economic, medical, scientific and educational changes caused by the disruption of the web and internet. Research in technology enhanced learning is a central part of web science, looking at changes in how students learn, and what they learn.
I have taught on many courses, particularly Programming Principles, Multimedia Systems, Advanced Hypertext and Web Technologies, eLearning and Learning Technologies, Personal and Professional Development, and Computational Thinking (for the Web Science MSc). I have always believed innovation in teaching to be one of the most important features of a research-led University, and have had many responsibilities in this area. I was one of the University Directors of Education and I chaired the University's Technology Enhanced Learning and Living Board (TELL). Between 1999 and 2003 I was Director of Learning and Teaching for the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science. I had the unique honour of having been promoted to professorial level twice, once for my contributions to education, and later gaining a personal chair for research.
In 2011, following a sabbatical in LIRMM in the wonderful city of Montpellier, I returned to take responsibility for creating the Centre for Innovation in Technologies in Education (CITE), a cross university collaboration to assist the University in improving its on-line and blended learning and to generally facilitate the digital literacy agenda. Two of the major outputs from CITE were the Southampton MOOCs that were delivered via FutureLearn, and the Digital Champions programme which used students as partners in a bottom up effort to improve digital literacy of staff and students.
In 2012 I was also asked to also take responsibility for the Professional Development Unit, which was responsible for staff development and academic practice.
In 2014 the University created The Institute for Learning Innovation and Development with the responsibility to lead on transforming education under my direction. This Institute subsumed CITE and the PDU but also has a research and strategy leadership remit, under my Directorship. From this date I became personally less involved in Reseach due to my significant administrative responsibilities.
In Oct 2015 I was hit by a car while cycling and sustained injuries to my head and brain. These injuries took longer to mend than I had hoped, so in April 2016 I stepped down as Director of ILIaD. and returned part-time to my Academic post in Web and Internet Science within ECS.
I normally live in Southampton with my partner and wife, Su White, and my other interests are camper-vanning, sailing, walking, cycle touring, wine tasting, and music festivals. In 2012 we bicycled from Lands End to John O'Groats covering a total distance of 1013 miles in 17 days. (See incomplete LEJOG Gently Blog) and in 2015 we took our bikes to Spain and cycled back home through France to Caen (See Atlantic Coast Expedition Blog). I believe passionately in the importance of cycling as the primary method of local transport, and the importance of making towns and cities into human scale areas owned by people, including children, rather than cars and HGVs. I am a European.
I am now retired from active reserach, but my research interests have generally been around:
I have taught on many courses, particularly Programming Principles, Python Programming, Multimedia Systems, Advanced Hypertext and Web Technologies, eLearning and Learning Technologies and Personal and Professional Development on the Bc/MEng as well as Computational Thinking for the Web Science MSc and Research Methods on the ECS Masters.
I have always believed innovation in teaching to be one of the most important features of a research-led University, and have had many responsibilities in this area. I was appointed a University Director of Education and for many years I chaired the University's Technology Enhanced Learning and Living Board (TELL).
Between 1999 and 2003 I was Director of Learning and Teaching for the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science. I have the unique honour of having been promoted to professorial level twice, once for my contributions to education, and later gaining a personal chair for research.
Bailey, Chris, Zalfan, Mohd T., Davis, Hugh C., Fill, Karen and Conole, Grainne (2006) Panning for gold: designing pedagogically inspired learning nuggets. Educational Technology and Society, 9 (1), 113-122.
Davis, H.C.D., Carr, L.A., Hey, J.M.N., Francois, S., Miles-Board, T., White, S.A. and Morris, D. (2009) Sharing and the institution: choosing, changing and engaging. ALT-C 2009 In Dreams Begin Responsibility: choice, Evidence and Change, Manchester, United Kingdom. 07 - 09 Sep 2009. 13 pp .
Milllard, David E., Davis, Hugh C., Howard, Yvonne, McSweeney, Patrick, Yorke, Chris, Solheim, Heidi and Morris, Debra (2011) Towards an institutional PLE. Perosnalised Learning Environment Conference 2011, Southampton, United Kingdom. 10 - 12 Jul 2011. 14 pp .
Griffiths, Jon-Paul, Reich, Sigi and Davis, Hugh C. (1999) The ContentSpec Protocol: Providing Document Management Services for OHP. Will, U.K. (ed.) Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Open Hypermedia Systems. 29--33 .
Davis, Hugh C., Hall, Wendy, Heath, Ian, Hill, Gary J. and Wilkins, Robert J. (1992) MICROCOSM: An Open Hypermedia Environment for Information Integration s.n.
Davis, Hugh C., Hall, Wendy, Hutchings, Gerard A., Rush, D. and Wilkins, Robert J. (1992) Hypermedia and the Teaching of Computer Science: Evaluating an Open System. Bateman, D. and Hopkins, T. (eds.) In Proceedings of the First Conference on Developments in the Teaching of Computer Science, University of Kent.. 122--129 .
Wilkins, Robert J., DeRoure, David C., Hall, Wendy and Davis, Hugh C. (1995) The role of intelligent agents in multimedia information systems. Proceedings of CKBS-SIG Meeting: Intelligent Agents and the Next Information Revolution.
Davis, Hugh C., Hall, Wendy, Heath, Ian, Hill, Gary J. and Wilkins, Robert J. (1992) Towards an Integrated Information Environment with Open Hypermedia Systems. In ECHT '92: Proceedings of the Fourth ACM Conference on Hypertext, Milan, Italy.. 181--190 .
Davis, Hugh C., Hutchings, Gerard A. and Hall, Wendy (1993) A Framework for Delivering Large-Scale Hypermedia Learning Material. In Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia Annual, 1993: Proceedings of ED-MEDIA '93-World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, Orlando, Florida.. 115--122 .
Davis, Hugh C., Knight, S. and Hall, Wendy (1994) Light Hypermedia Link Services: A Study of Third Party Application Integration. In Proceedings of the 1994 European Conference on Hypermedia Technology, Edinburgh..
Davis, H.C., Hutchings, G.A. and Hall, W. , Pickering, J.A. (ed.) (1993) Microcosm: a hypermedia platform for the delivery of learning materials Southampton. University of Southampton
Davis, Hugh C., Hall, Wendy and Heath, Ian (1993) Media Integration Issues within Open Hypermedia Systems. In Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia Technologies and Future Applications, Southampton, UK..
Davis, Hugh C., Millard, David E. and Reich, Sigi (1998) OHP - Communicating between Hypermedia Aware Applications. Whitehead, Jim (ed.) Towards a New Generation of HTTP. A workshop on global hypermedia infrastructure held in conjunction with the Seventh International World Wide Web Conference (WWW7), , Brisbane, Australia. 13 - 17 Apr 1998.
Davis, Hugh C., Millard, David E., Reich, Sigi, Bouvin, N., Grønbæk, K., Nürnberg, P. J., Sloth, L., Wiil, U. K. and Anderson, K. M. (1999) Interoperability between Hypermedia Systems: The Standardisation Work of the OHSWG. Hypertext '99, The 10th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, Darmstadt, February 21-25, 1999. 201--202 .
Lewis, Paul H., Davis, Hugh C., Griffiths, Steven R., Hall, Wendy and Wilkins, Robert J. (1995) Content Based Retrieval and Navigation with Images in the Microcosm model. International Conference on Multimedia Communications. pp. 86-90 .
Lewis, Paul H., Wilkins, Robert J., Griffiths, Steven R., Davis, Hugh C. and Hall, Wendy (1995) Content Based Navigation with Colour and Shape. Dept of Electronics and Computer Science: 1995 Research Journal.
Millard, David, Reich, Siegfried and Davis, Hugh (1998) Reworking OHP: the road to OHP-Nav. 4th Workshop on Open Hypermedia Systems, ACM Hypertext '98 Conference,, , Pittsburgh, United States. 19 - 23 Jun 1998. pp. 48-53 .
Carr, Les A., Davis, Hugh C., Hall, Wendy and Hey, Jessie M. N. (1996) Turning the Web into a Library. ELVIRA: The UK Digital Libraries Conference, De Montford University, UK.
Carr, Les A., Hill, Gary J., DeRoure, David C., Hall, Wendy and Davis, Hugh C. (1996) Open Information Services. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, 28 (7-11), 1027--1036.
Li, Z., Davis, Hugh C. and Hall, Wendy (1992) Hypermedia Links and Information Retrieval. Presented at British Computer Society 14th Information Retrieval Colloqium, Lancaster University..
Hall, Wendy, Heath, Ian, Hill, Gary J., Davis, Hugh C. and Wilkins, Robert J. (1992) The Design and Implementation of an Open Hypermedia System s.n.
Hall, Wendy, Colson, F.C, Davis, Hugh C. and Lewis, Paul H. (1996) New Approaches to Working with Images in Large Scale Multimedia Archives. Proceedings of EVA'96.
Lewis, Paul H., Wilkins, Robert J., Griffiths, Steven R., Davis, Hugh C. and Hall, Wendy (1995) Content Based Navigation in an Open Hypermedia Environment. Document Image Processing and Multimedia Environments. 5/1--5/6 .
Lewis, Paul H., Davis, Hugh C., Dobie, Mark R. and Hall, Wendy (1997) Towards Multimedia Thesaurus Support for media-based Navigation. Image Databases and Multi-Media Search, Series on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering. 111--118 .
Lewis, Paul H., Davis, Hugh C., Dobie, Mark R. and Hall, Wendy (1996) Towards Multimedia Thesaurus Support for Media-based Navigation. Presented at First International Workshop on Image Databases and Multimedia Search..
Lewis, Paul H., Kuan, Joseph K. P., Perry, Stephen T., Dobie, Mark R., Davis, Hugh C. and Hall, Wendy (1997) Navigating from Images using Generic Links Based on Image Content. Storage and Retrieval of Image and Video Databases V. 238--248 .
Carr, Les A., DeRoure, David C., Davis, Hugh C. and Hall, Wendy (1998) Implementing an Open Link Service for the World Wide Web. World Wide Web, 1 (2).
Carr, Les A., Davis, Hugh C., DeRoure, David C. and Hall, Wendy (1998) Application-Independent Link Processing. Seventh International World-Wide Web Conference.
Reich, Sigi, Millard, David E. and Davis, Hugh C. (1999) Naming in OHP. Wiil, Uffe K. (ed.) Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Open Hypermedia Systems, ACM Hypertext '99 Conference, Darmstadt, Germany, February 21-25. 43--47 .
Goose, Stuart, Lewis, Andy J. and Davis, Hugh C. (1997) OHRA: Towards an Open Hypermedia Reference Architecture and a Migration Path for Existing Systems. Journal of Digital Information.
Lewis, Paul H., Wilkins, Rob J., Griffiths, Steven R., Davis, Hugh C. and Hall, Wendy (1998) Content Based Navigation in an Open Hypermedia Environment. Image and Vision Computing, 16, 921--929.
Lewis, Paul H., Kuan, Joseph K. P., Perry, Stephen T., Dobie, Mark R., Davis, Hugh C. and Hall, Wendy (1998) Content Based Navigation from Images. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 7 (2), 275--281.
DeRoure, David C., Hall, Wendy, Davis, Hugh C. and Dale, Jonathan (1996) Agents for Distributed Multimedia Information Management. First International Conference on the Practical Application of Intellgient Agents and Multi-Agent Technology, (London, UK).. 91--102 .
Carr, Les A., Barron, David W., Davis, Hugh C. and Hall, Wendy (1994) Why Use HyTime? Electronic Publishing: Origination, Dissemination and Design, 7 (3).
Carr, Les A., Hall, Wendy, Davis, Hugh C., DeRoure, David C. and Hollom, R. (1994) The Microcosm Link Service and its Application to the World Wide Web. Proceedings of the First WWW Conference, Geneva..
Reich, Sigi, Griffiths, Jon-Paul, Millard, David and Davis, Hugh C. (1999) Solent --- a Platform for Distributed Open Hypermedia Applications. Database and Expert Systems Applications. 10th Intl. Conference, DEXA 99, Florence, Italy. pp. 802-811 .
Reich, S and Davis, H.C. (1999) The need for an open hypertext protocol. ACM SIGWEB Newsletter, 8 (1), 21-23.
Davis, H.C. (1999) Rapid Construction of Learning Resources using Microcosm Pro. Connections, 11 (1), 14-17.
Davis, Hugh C (1995) To Embed or Not to Embed... Communications of the ACM, 38 (8), 108-109.
Hall, W and Davis, H.C. (1994) Hypermedia Link Services and Their Application to Multimedia Information Management. Journal of Information and Software Technology, 36 (4), 197-202.
Millard, Dave, Moreau, Luc, Davis, Hugh and Reich, Sigi (2000) FOHM: A Fundamental Open Hypertext Model for Investigating Interoperability between Hypertext Domains. Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia HT'00. 93--102 .
Reich, Seigfied, Wiil, Uff K., Nuernberg, Peter J, Davis, Hugh C, Groenbaek, Kaj, Anderson, Kenneth M, Millard, David E and Haake, Joerg M , Groenbaek, Kay (ed.) (2000) Addressing Interoperability in Open Hypermedia: the Design of the Open Hypermedia Protocol. The New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 5, 207-248.
Davis, Hugh C. (1998) Wearables and Legacy Systems. The Proceedings of the 1998 International Conference on Wearable Computing, Fairfax, VA.
Davis, Hugh C. (1998) Referential Integrity of Links in Open Hypermedia Systems. The Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, Hypertext '98, Pittsugh, Pennsylvania. pp. 207-216 .
Andric, M., Griffiths, J-P., Reich, S., Davis, H.C. and Hall, W. (1998) Dynamically generating branching guided tours using agents and trails. In The Proceedings of ETRAN '98 - XLII Conference for Electronics, Computers, Automation, and Nuclear Engineering, Vrnjacka Banja, Yugoslavia.
Davis, H C and Hey, J M N (1995) Automatic Extraction of Hypermedia Bundles from the Digital Library. Shipman, FM, Furuta, R and Levy, DM (eds.) Digital Libraries '95, Austin,Texas. pp. 87-96 .
Hall, W, Davis, HC and Hutchings, GA (1996) Rethinking Hypermedia: the Microcosm Approach , Kluwer Academic Press
Davis, H., Hall, W. and Heath, I. (1994) Media integration issues in open hypermedia systems. In, Damper, R. I., Hall, W. and Richards, J. W. (eds.) Multimedia Technologies and Future Applications. Multimedia Technologies and Future Applications (01/01/94) Pentech Press, pp. 225-236.
Fountain, A, Hall, W, Heath, I and Davis, H (1990) Microcosm: An Open Model for Hypermedia with Dynamic Linking. Rizk, A, Streitz, N and Andre, J (eds.) Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications, Proceedings of ECHT'90, Paris, November 1990. pp. 298-311 .
Davis, HC, Pickering, JA, Hall, W and Wilkins, RJ (1993) Microcosm: An Open Hypermedia System. Proceedings of InterCHI'93 Conference. p. 526 .
Hall, W, Davis, HC, Hutchings, GA and Pickering, JA (1993) The Microcosm Link Service: an Integrating Technology. Proceedings of the 5th ACM Conference on Hypertext (Hypertext '93), Seattle, November 1993. pp. 231-232 .
Lewis, P.H., Davis, H.C., Griffiths, S.R., Hall, Wendy and Wilkins, R.J. (1996) Media-based navigation with generic links. Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Hypertext (HYPERTEXT '96). pp. 215-233 . (doi:10.1145/234828.234849).
Hall, W, Colson, F, Hutchings, GA and Davis, HC (1993) Microcosm in the Main Stream: a Case Study in History. Proceedings of CAL'93, University of York.
Hall, W., Hill, G.J. and Davis, H.C. (1993) The Microcosm Link Service: a technical briefing. In Proceedings of the 5th ACM Conference on Hypertext (Hypertext'93). pp. 256-259 .
Hutchings, GA, Hall, W, Davis, HC and White, SA (1994) Resource Based Learning: Creating Reusable Hypermedia for Education. Proceedings onf MediaActive'94, Liverpool.
Davis, HC, Hall, W and Heath, I (1994) Microcosm: an Architecture for Integrating Third Party Applications. Proceedings of the ECHT'94 Workshop on Open Hypermedia Systems, Edinburgh.
Wilkins, RJ, Griffiths, S, Lewis, PH, Hall, W and Davis, HC (1995) The MAVIS Microcosm Extensions for Content Based Navigation and Retrieval. Proceedings of the LIRM International Workshop on Hypermedia Design, Montpelier, France. pp. 77-80 .
Lewis, PH, Wilkins, RJ, Griffiths, SR, Davis, HC and Hall, W (1995) Content-based Retrieval and Navigation with Images in the Microcosm Model. Proceedings of the IEE Colloquium of Document Image Processing and Multimedia Environments.
Carr, LA, Davis, HC and Hall, W (1993) Experimenting with HyTime Architectural Forms for Hypertext Interchange. Information Services and Use, 13 (2), 111-120.
Davis, HC, Pickering, JA and Hall, W (1993) Microcosm: An Open Hypermedia System s.n.
Hall, W., Davis, H.C., Hutchings, G.A. and Pickering, J.A. (1993) The Microcosm Link service Southampton. University of Southampton
Davis, HC, Hall, W, Heath, I, Hill, GJ and Wilkins, RJ , Pickering, JA (ed.) (1993) Towards an Integrated Information Environment with Open Hypermedia Systems s.n.
Carr, L, Davis, HC and Hall, W , Pickering, JA (ed.) (1993) Using HyTime to Represent Microcosm Linkbases Department of Electronics & Computer Science, University of Southampton
Wilkins, RJ, Griffiths, SJ, Hall, W, Lewis, PH and Davis, HC , Pickering, JA (ed.) (1994) The MAVIS Project - Extending Generic Links and Content Based Retrieval to Non-textual Documents in the Microcosm Model Department of Electronics & Computer Science, University of Southampton
Davis, H.C., Knight, S.J. and Hall, W. , Pickering, J.A. (ed.) (1994) Enabling applications for hypertext functionality Southampton. University of Southampton
Wilkins, RJ, Griffiths, SJ, Hall, W, Lewis, PH and Davis, HC (1994) A Survey of Image Database Technology Department of Electronics & Computer Science, University of Southampton
Hall, W and Davis, HC (1997) A Southampton Scenario for OHS. Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Open Hypermedia Systems, Southampton, UK. pp. 81-85 .
Lewis, P.H., Davis, H.C., Dobie, M.R. and Hall, W (1999) Using Image Content for retrieval and Navigation. Journal of History and Computing, 10 (1), 112--119.
Davis, H.C (2000) Hypertext Link Integrity. ACM Computing Surveys, 31 (4es).
Millard, Dave, Davis, Hugh and Moreau, Luc (2000) Standardizing Hypertext: Where Next for OHP? The Sixth Workshop on Open Hypermedia Systems (OHS 6). 3--12 .
Davis, Hugh (1995) Data Integrity Problems in an Open Hypermedia Link Service. University of Southampton, ECS : University of Southampton, Doctoral Thesis.
Griffiths, Jon, Millard, David E., Davis, Hugh, Michaelides, Danius T. and Weal, Mark J. (2002) Reconciling Versioning and Context in Hypermedia Structure Servers. Nürnberg, Peter J. (ed.) Metainformatics International Symposium, MIS 2002, Esbjerg, Denmark. 06 - 09 Aug 2002. pp. 118-131 .
Davis, Hugh, Millard, David, Reich, Siegfried, Bouvin, Niels Olof, Gronbaek, Kaj, Nurnberg, Peter, Sloth, Lennert, Wiil, Uffe Kock and Anderson, Kenneth (1999) Interoperability between Hypermedia Systems: The Standardisation Work of the OHSWG (Technical Briefing). 1999 ACM Conference on Hypertext, Darmstadt, Germany. pp. 201-202 .
Millard, David, Reich, Siegfried and Davis, Hugh (1999) Dynamic Service Discovery and Invocation in OHP. 5th Workshop on Open Hypermedia Systems, ACM Hypertext '99 Conference, Available as Report No. CS-99-01 from the Dept. of Computer Science, 6700 Aalborg University Esbjerg, Denmark, Darmstadt, Germany. 21 - 25 Feb 1999. pp. 38-42 .
Kemp, M., Davis, H.C., Roche, W. and Hall, W. , Conole, G. (ed.) (2002) From classroom tutor to hypertext adviser: an evaluation. Alt-J - Association for Learning Technology Journal, 10 (3), 41-53.
Ohene-Djan, James, Gorle, Matt, Bailey, Christopher P, Wills, Gary B and Davis, Hugh C (2003) Understanding Adaptive Hypermedia: An Architecture for Personalisation and Adaptivity. Workshop on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems AH2003, Nottingham, United Kingdom. 25 - 29 Aug 2003.
Millard, David E., Davis, Hugh C., Weal, Mark J., Aben, Koen and De Bra, Paul (2003) AHA! meets Auld Linky : Integrating Designed and Freeform Hypertext Systems. Carr, L.A and Hardman, L (eds.) ACM Hypertext '03, Nottingham, United Kingdom. 25 - 29 Aug 2003. pp. 161-169 .
Wellington, S.J., Davis, H.C. and White, S.A. (2001) Populating the Testbank: Experiences within the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Curriculum. The 5th International Computer Assisted Assessment Conference., Loughborough.
Davis, H.C. and White, S.A. (2001) Linking Experiences: Issues Raised Developing Linkservices for Resource Based Learning and Teaching. Okamoto, T., Hartley, R., Kinshuk, None and Klus, J (eds.) Second IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Madison, United States. 0401-0405 .
d'Inverno, Ray A, Davis, Hugh C and White, Su (2003) Using a personal response system for promoting student interaction. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 22 (4), 163-169.
White, Su and Davis, Hugh C (2002) Harnessing Information Technology for Learning. In, Ketteridge, Steve, Marshall, Stephanie and Fry, Heather (eds.) The Efffective Academic: a handbook for enhanced academic practice. Kogan Page/Times Higher Education Supplement, pp. 232-246.
Carr, LA, Davis, HC and White, SA (2004) AnnAnn - a Tool to Scaffold Learning about Programs. LTSN-ICS Fifth Annual Conference, Ulster, United Kingdom.
Bull, Joanna, Danson, Myles, Conole, Grainne, Davis, Hugh, White, Su and Sclater, Niall (2002) Rethinking Assessment Through Learning Technologies. Proceedings of Winds of Change in the Sea of Learning: Charting the Course of Digital Learning (ASCILITE 2002) UNITEC, Institute of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand..
Wills, GB, Davis, HC and Cooke, EC (2004) Paired Programming for Non-Computing Students. LTSN-ICS Fifth Annual Conference, Ulster, United Kingdom.
Davis, HC, Carr, LA, Cooke, EC and White, SA (2001) Managing Diversity: Experiences Teaching Programming Principles. The 2nd LTSN-ICS Annual Conference, London. 27 - 29 Aug 2001.
Abdullah, NA, Bailey, CP and Davis, HC (2004) Augmenting SCORM Manifests with Adaptive Links. Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, Hypertext 2004, Santa Cruz.
Davis, HC and Bacon, RA (2004) Experiences Migrating Microcosm Learning Materials. Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, Hypertext 2004, Santa Cruz.
White, SA, Davis, HC, Anslow, M, Green, R and Milne, I (2002) An Evaluation of the Impact of C&IT in Engineering Education. 2nd IEE Annual Symposium on Engineering Education, London.
Davis, HC, White, SA and Dickens, KP (2001) Focusing on the Question: an XML Testbank. The 8th International Conference ALT-C, Edinburgh.
Davis, HC, White, SA and Dickens, KP (2002) Engineering a Testbank of Engineering Questions. ICEE 2002: The International Conference on Engineering Education, Manchester.
Davis, HC, Carr, LA and White, SA (2004) Conducting Examinations On-line. The 11th International Conference ALT-C, Exeter.
White, SA and Davis, HC (2004) Continuing Professional Development for the Computing Academic: Wheeling in the Trojan Horse. In, Irons, A and Alexander, S (eds.) Effective Learning and Teaching in Computing. RoutledgeFalmer, pp. 161-171.
Abdullah, NA and Davis, HC (2003) Is Simple Sequencing Simple Adaptive Hypermedia? Fouteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, Hypertext 2003, Nottingham. pp. 172-173 .
Davis, Hugh C and White, Su (2005) A Research-Led Curriculum in Multimedia: Learning about Convergence. ACM ITiCSE: The 10th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal. 26 - 28 Jun 2005. pp. 29-33 .
Tao, Feng, Davis, Hugh, Millard, David and Woukeu, Arouna (2005) The Semantic Aspects of e-Learning: Using the Knowledge Life Cycle to Manage Semantics for Grid and Service Oriented Systems. 1st International ELeGI Conference on Advanced Technology for Enhanced Learning, Hotel Oriente, Vico Equense - Napoli (), Italy. 14 - 16 Mar 2005.
Tao, Feng (Barry), Millard, David, Davis, Hugh and Woukeu, Arouna (2005) Managing the Semantic Aspects of Learning using the Knowledge Life Cycle. The 5th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2005), Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 04 - 07 Jul 2005. pp. 575-579 .
Davies, Will M and Davis, Hugh C (2005) Designing Assessment Tools in a Service Oriented Architecture. 1st International ELeGI Conference on Advanced Technology for Enhanced Learning, Hotel Oriente, Vico Equense - Napoli (), Italy. 14 - 16 Mar 2005.
Wills, GB, Gilbert, L, Gee, Q, Davis, HC, Miles-Board, T, Millard, DE, Carr, LA, Hall, W and Grange, S (2005) A Grid Services Implementation for a Virtual Research Environment. 1st International ELeGI Conference on Advanced Technology for Enhanced Learning, Hotel Oriente, Vico Equense - Napoli (), Italy. 14 - 16 Mar 2005.
Millard, David, Woukeu, Arouna, Tao, Feng (Barry) and Davis, Hugh (2005) Experiences with Writing Grid Clients for Mobile devices. 1st International ELeGI Conference on Advanced Technology for Enhanced Learning, Hotel Oriente, Vico Equense - Napoli (), Italy. 14 - 16 Mar 2005.
Power, Guillermo, Davis, Hugh C, Cristea, Alexandra I, Stewart, Craig and Ashman, Helen (2005) Goal Oriented Personalisation with SCORM. The 5th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2005), Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 05 - 08 Jul 2005. pp. 467-471 .
Wills, GB, Gilbert, L, Gee, Q, Davis, HC, Miles-Board, T, Millard, DE, Carr, LA, Hall, W and Grange, S (2005) Towards Grid Services for a Virtual Research Environment. The 5th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2005), Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 04 - 07 Jul 2005. pp. 863-867 .
Abdullah, Nor Aniza and Davis, Hugh C (2005) A Real-time Personalization Service for SCORM. The 5th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2005), Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 04 - 07 Jul 2005. pp. 61-63 .
Millard, David E. and Davis, Hugh C. (2000) Navigating Spaces: The Semantics of Cross Domain Interoperability. The 2nd Workshop on Structural Computing, San Antonio, Texas.
Tao, Feng, Millard, David, Woukeu,, Arouna and Davis, Hugh (2005) Semantic Grid based e-Learning using the Knowledge Life Cycle. International Workshop on Applications of Semantic Web Technologies for E-Learning (SW-EL), in conjuction with ICALT2005 and AIED'05, Kaohsiung and Amstdem. 07 - 17 Jul 2005. pp. 954-955 .
Millard, David, Woukeu, Arouna, Tao, Feng (Barry) and Davis, Hugh (2005) The Potential of Grid for Mobile e-Learning. The 4th World Conference on Mobile Learning (MLEARN 2005), Cape Town, South Africa. 24 - 27 Oct 2005.
Fill, Karen, Bailey, Christoper, Conole, Grainne, Davis, Hugh, Leung, Samuel and Priest, Sally (2005) Developing and using a learning design toolkit. 12th International Conference of the Association for Learning Technology (ALT-C 2005), Manchester, UK. 05 - 07 Sep 2005. pp. 22-23 .
Davies, Will M, Howard, Yvonne, Millard, David E, Davis, Hugh C and Sclater, Niall (2005) Aggregating Assessment Tools in a Service Oriented Architecture. 9th International CAA Conference, Loughborough. 04 - 05 Jul 2005.
Woukeu, Arouna, Millard, David, Tao, Feng and Davis, Hugh (2005) Challenges for Semantic Grid based Mobile Learning. IEEE SITIS 2005, Yaoundé. 27 Nov - 01 Dec 2005.
Sim, Y. W., Wang, C., Carr, L. A., Davis, H. C., Gilbert, L., Grange, S., Millard, D. E. and Wills, G. B. (2005) A Web/Grid Services Approach for a Virtual Research Environment Implementation. the Fourth e-Science All Hands Meeting (AHM 2005), Nottingham, United Kingdom.
Millard, David, Howard, Yvonne, Bailey, Christopher, Davis, Hugh, Gilbert, Lester, Jeyes, Steve, Price, Joseph, Sclater, Niall, Sherratt, Robert, Tulloch, Iain, Wills, Gary and Young, Rowin (2005) Mapping the e-Learning Assessment Domain: Concept Maps for Orientation and Navigation. e-Learn 2005, Vancouver, Canada. 23 - 27 Oct 2005.
Millard, David, Tao, Feng, Doody, Karl, Woukeu, Arouna and Davis, Hugh , Dicheva, Darina and Aroyo, Lora (eds.) (2006) The Knowledge Life Cycle for e-learning. International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Lifelong Learning: Special Issue on Application of Semantic Web Technologies in E-learning, 16 (1/2), 110-121.
Davies, Will M. and Davis, Hugh C. (2006) QuestionBuddy – A collaborative question search and play portal. Tenth International CAA Conference, Loughborough. 03 - 04 Jul 2006.
McDowell, Liz, White, Su and Davis, Hugh C (2004) Changing assessment practice in engineering: how can understanding lecturer perspectives help? European Journal of Engineering Education, 29 (2), 173-181.
Ounnas, Asma, Liccardi, Ilaria, Davis, Hugh C., Millard, David E. and White, Su A. (2006) Towards a semantic modeling of learners for social networks. SW-EL'06: Fourth Workshop on Application of Semantic Web Technologies for Adaptive Educational Hypermedia, at the AH2006 Conference, Dublin, Ireland. 19 Jun 2006. pp. 102-108 .
Wills, Gary, Davis, Hugh, Chennupati, Swapna, Gilbert, Lester, Howard, Yvonne, Jam, Ehtesham-Rasheed, Jeyes, Steve, Millard, David, Sherratt, Robert and Willingham, Gavin (2006) R2Q2: Rendering and Reponses Processing for QTIv2 Question Types. 10th International CAA Conference, Loughborough University, United Kingdom. 03 - 04 Jul 2006.
White, SA, Carr, LA, Davis, HC, Hooper, CJ, Griffith, TP and Wills, GB (2006) ANNANN – Next Steps for Scaffolding Learning About Programs. The 6th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2006), Kerkrade, The, Netherlands. 04 - 06 Jul 2006.
Tao, Feng, Millard, David, Zalfan, Mohd, Chen, liming and Davis, hugh (2006) Semantic Web Assisted Learning Experience Management – Architecture and Strategy for Collaborative Learning Experience Sharing s.n.
Millard, David, Bailey, Christopher, Davis, Hugh, Gilbert, Lester, Howard, Yvonne and Wills, Gary (2006) The e-Learning Assessment Landscape. International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT) 2006, Kerkrade, The, Netherlands. 04 - 06 Jul 2006.
Millard, David, Howard, Yvonne, Chennupati, Swapna, Davis, Hugh, Jam, Ehtesham-Rasheed, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2006) Design Patterns for Wrapping Similar Legacy Systems with Common Service Interfaces. European Conference on Web Services (ECOWS) 2006, Zurich, Switzerland. 04 - 06 Dec 2006.
Al-Khalifa, Hend S. and Davis, Hugh C. (2006) FolksAnnotation: A Semantic Metadata Tool for Annotating Learning Resources Using Folksonomies and Domain Ontologies. the Second International IEEE Conference on Innovations in Information Technology, Dubai, UAE. 17 - 21 Nov 2006.
Al-Khalifa, Hend S. and Davis, Hugh C. , Isaías, Pedro and Paprzycki, Marcin (eds.) (2006) Folksonomies versus Automatic Keyword Extraction: An Empirical Study. IADIS INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON COMPUTER SCIENCE AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS (IJCSIS), Vol. 1 (Number), 132-143.
Al-Khalifa, Hend S. and Davis, Hugh C. (2006) The Evolution of Metadata from Standards to Semantics in E-Learning Applications. Hypertext'06, Odense., Denmark. 21 - 24 Aug 2006.
Al-Khalifa, Hend S. and Davis, Hugh C. (2006) Harnessing the wisdom of crowds: how to semantically annotate web resource using folksonomies. IADIS Web Applications and Research 2006 (WAR2006), online. 14 - 18 May 2006.
Al-Khalifa, Hend S. and Davis, Hugh C. (2006) Measuring the Semantic Value of Folksonomies. the Second International IEEE Conference on Innovations in Information Technology, Dubai, UAE. 17 - 21 Nov 2006.
Al-Khalifa, Hend S. and Davis, Hugh C. (2006) Delicious Learning Resources. International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering, Online. 04 - 14 Dec 2006.
Al-Khalifa, Hend and Davis, Hugh (2005) AraCore: An Arabic learning object metadata for indexing learning resources. The First Online Metadata and Semantics Research Conference (MTSR'05), Online. 21 - 30 Nov 2005. pp. 38-43 .
Cook, John, White, Susan A, Sharples, Mike, Sclater, Niall and Davis, Hugh C (2006) The Design of Learning Technologies. In, Conole, Grainne and Oliver, Martin (eds.) Contemporary Perspectives in E-learning Research: Themes, methods and impact on. London. Routledge.
Al-Khalifa, Hend S., Davis, Hugh C. and Gilbert, Lester (2007) Creating structure from disorder: using folksonomies to create semantic metadata. the 3rd International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST), Barcelona, Spain. 03 - 06 Mar 2007.
Al-Khalifa, Hend S. and Davis, Hugh C. (2007) Exploring The Value Of Folksonomies For Creating Semantic Metadata. International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS), 3 (1), 13-39.
Liccardi, Ilaria, Davis, Hugh and White, Su (2007) CAWS: A wiki system to improve workspace awareness to advance effectiveness of co-authoring activities. ACM CHI 2007 Work-in-Progress, San Jose, California, United States. 27 Apr - 02 May 2007. pp. 2555-2560 .
Ounnas, Asma, Davis, Hugh C and Millard, David E (2007) Semantic Modeling for Group Formation. Workshop on Personalisation in E-Learning Environments at Individual and Group Level (PING) at the 11th International Conference on User Modeling UM2007, Corfu, Greece.
Millard, David E., Howard, Yvonne, Jam, Ehtesham-Rasheed, Chennupati, Swapna, Davis, Hugh C., Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary B. (2006) FREMA method for describing Web Services in a Service Oriented Architecture. s.n.
Sitthisak, Onjira, Gilbert, Lester, Zalfan, Mohd T and Davis, Hugh C (2007) Interactivity within IMS Learning Design and Question and Test Interoperability. the 3rd International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST), Barcelona, Spain. 03 - 06 Mar 2007.
Sitthisak, Onjira, Gilbert, Lester, Davis, Hugh C and Gobbi, Mary (2007) Adapting health care competencies to a formal competency model. 7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2007), Niigata, Japan. 17 - 19 Jul 2007. 4 pp .
Sitthisak, Onjira, Gilbert, Lester and Davis, Hugh C (2007) Towards a competency model for adaptive assessment to support lifelong learning. TENCompetence Workshop on Service Oriented Approaches and Lifelong Competence Development Infrastructures, Manchester, United Kingdom. 11 - 12 Jan 2007.
Ounnas, Asma, Davis, Hugh C and Millard, David E (2007) Towards Semantic Group Formation. The 7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2007), Niigata, Japan. 17 - 19 Jul 2007. pp. 825-827 .
Al-Khalifa, Hend S. and Davis, Hugh C. (2007) Replacing the Monolithic LOM: A Folksonomic Approach. The 7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2007), Niigata, Japan. 17 - 19 Jul 2007.
Ounnas, Asma, Davis, Hugh C and Millard, David E (2007) Semantic (Group Formation). Knowledge Web PhD Symposium 2007 (KWEPSY2007), in the 4th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2007), Innsbruck, Austria.
Wang, Chu, Davis, Hugh, Dickens, Kate, Wills, Gary and White, Su (2007) Finding the Right Tool for the Community:Bringing a Wiki-Type Editor to the World of Reusable Learning Objects. The 7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2007), Niigata, Japan. 17 - 19 Jul 2007. v-xix .
Tao, Feng, Millard, Dave, Zalfan, Mohd, Chen, Liming and Davis, Hugh (2007) Knowledge based Learning Experience Management on the Semantic Web. IADIS International Conference of e-Learning, Lisburn, Portugal. 05 - 07 Jul 2007.
Wills, Gary, Davis, Hugh, Gilbert, Lester, Hare, Jonathon, Howard, Yvonne, Jeyes, Steve, Millard, David and Sherratt, Robert (2007) Delivery of QTIv2 Question Types. International CAA Conference, Loughborough, United Kingdom. 09 - 10 Jul 2007.
Wills, Gary, Bailey, Christopher, Davis, Hugh, Gilbert, Lester, Howard, Yvonne, Jeyes, Steve, Millard, David, Price, Joseph, Sclater, Niall, Sherratt, Robert, Tulloch, Iain and Young, Rowin (2007) AN E-LEARNING FRAMEWORK FOR ASSESSMENT (FREMA). International CAA Conference, Loughborough, United Kingdom. 09 - 10 Jul 2007.
Wang, Chu, Dickens, Kate, Davis, Hugh and Wills, Gary (2007) Community Tools for Repurposing Learning Objects. Second European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, Crete, Greece. 16 - 19 Sep 2007. pp. 378-392 .
Hooper, Clare, Carr, Leslie, Davis, Hugh, Millard, David, White, Su and Wills, Gary (2007) AnnAnn and AnnAnn.Net : Tools for Teaching Programming. Journal of Computers, 2 (5), 916.
Al-Khalifa, Hend S. and Davis, Hugh C. (2007) FAsTA: A Folksonomy-Based Automatic Metadata Generator. EC-TEL 2007 - Second European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, Crete, Greece. 16 - 19 Sep 2007.
Al-Khalifa, Hend S. and Davis, Hugh C. (2007) Towards Better Understanding of Folksonomic Patterns. Eighteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia (HT 07), Manchester, United Kingdom. 09 - 11 Sep 2007. pp. 163-166 .
Carr, L.A., Davis, H.C. and White, S.A. (2005) AnnAnn - a tool to scaffold learning about programs. The 6th Higher Education Academy Conference on Infromation and Computer Science, Ulster.
Abdullah, Nor Aniza and Davis, Hugh C. (2007) Dynamic augmentation of SCORM pre-authored course materials with adaptive links to supplementary resources. IADIS International Conference of e-Learning 2007, Lisbon, Portugal.
Ounnas, Asma, Millard, David and Davis, Hugh (2007) A Metrics Framework for Evaluating Group Formation. ACM Group'07, Sanibel Island, Florida, United States. pp. 221-224 .
Liccardi, Ilaria, Davis, Hugh C. and White, Su A. (2007) CAWS: Improving users' awareness in collaborative authoring activities. ECSCW 2007 Workshop on The Challenges of Collaborative Work in Global Software Development, Limerick, Ireland. 23 - 27 Sep 2007.
Sitthisak, Onjira, Gilbert, Lester and Davis, Hugh C (2007) Transforming a competency model to assessment items. PROLIX Workshop 2007 in conjunction with EC-TEL07, Crete, Greece.
Davis, Hugh C and Fill, Karen , Davis, Hugh C and Eales, Susan (eds.) (2007) Embedding blended learning in a university’s teaching culture: experiences and reflections. British Journal of Educational Technology, 38 (5), 817-828.
Davis, Hugh C and Eales, Susan , Davis, Hugh C and Eales, Susan (eds.) (2007) Editorial introduction: BJET special Issue on critical success factors in institutional change. British Journal of Educational Technology, 38 (5), 769-772.
Millard, David, Doody, Karl, Davis, Hugh, Howard, Yvonne, Gilbert, Lester, Tao, Feng and Will, Gary (2006) (Semantic Web) Services for e-Learning. 2nd International ELeGI Conference on Advanced Technology for Enhanced Learning, Barcelona, Spain. 30 Sep 2006.
Millard, David, Howard, Yvonne, Abbas, Noura, Davis, Hugh, Gilbert, Lester, Wills, Gary and Walters, Robert (2007) The Service Responsibility and Interaction Design Method: Using an Agile approach for Web Service Design. the 5th IEEE European Conference on Web Services (ECOWS), Halle, Germany. 26 - 28 Nov 2007.
White, Su and Davis, Hugh C (2007) Experiences of Technology Enhanced Learning: What Went Wrong? What Went Wrong - workshop at theSecond European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning “Creating new learning experiences on a global scale”, Crete, Greece. 16 - 19 Sep 2007.
Sitthisak, Onjira, Gilbert, Lester and Davis, Hugh (2008) Transforming a competency model to assessment items. 4th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST), Funchal, Madeira -, Portugal. 03 - 06 May 2008. (Submitted)
Ounnas, Asma, Davis, Hugh and Millard, David (2008) A framework for semantic group formation. Eighth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT '08), Santander, Spain. 30 Jun - 04 Jul 2008. pp. 34-38 . (doi:10.1109/ICALT.2008.226).
Liccardi, Ilaria, Davis, Hugh and White, Su (2008) CAWS: an awareness based wiki system to improve team collaboration. ICALT 2008: The 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning, Santander, Cantabria, Spain. 30 Jun - 04 Jul 2008.
Sitthisak, Onjira, Gilbert, Lester and Davis, Hugh (2008) Deriving e-assessment from a competency model. The 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2008), Santander, Cantabria, Spain. 30 Jun - 04 Jul 2008.
Morris, D., Hey, J.M.N., Davis, H.C., White, S.A., Carr, L.A., Miles-Board, T. and Francois, S. (2008) EdShare: towards sharing resources for learning and teaching at the University of Southampton. Open Repositories 2008 - 3rd International Conference on Open Repositories, , Southampton, United Kingdom. 31 Mar - 03 Apr 2008.
Millard, David, Doody, Karl, Davis, Hugh, Gilbert, Lester, Howard, Yvonne, Tao, Feng and Wills, Gary (2008) (Semantic Web) Services for e-Learning. International Journal of Knowledge and Learning (IJKL), 4 (3&4), 298-315. (doi:10.1504/IJKL.2008.020670).
White, Su and Davis, Hugh C (2008) eMM Benchmarking at Southampton:the carpet, observations and reflections s.n.
Davis, H.C.D., Carr, L.A., Hey, J.M.N. and Morris, D. (2008) University of Southampton: EdSpace. JISC Institutional Exemplars Programme Meeting, , London, United Kingdom. 29 Jan 2008.
Kyriacou E, Demetris and Davis, Hugh (2008) Moving towards life-long User Modeling. The 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2008), Santander, Cantabria, Spain. 30 Jun - 04 Jul 2008.
Ounnas, Asma, Davis, Hugh and Millard, David (2008) Semantic Web-based Group Formation for E-learning. PhD Symposium in the 5th European Semantic Web Conference 2008.
Wills, Gary, Bailey, Christopher, Davis, Hugh, Gilbert, Lester, Howard, Yvonne, Jeyes, Steve, Millard, David, Price, Joseph, Sclater, Niall, Sherratt, Robert, Tulloch, Iain and Young, Rowin (2009) An E-Learning Framework for Assessment (FREMA). Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 34 (3), 273-292.
Wills, Gary, Davis, Hugh, Gilbert, Lester, Hare, Jonathon, Howard, Yvonne, Jeyes, Steve, Millard, David and Sherratt, Robert (2009) Delivery of QTIv2 question types. [in special issue: Emerging Frameworks for the Use of E-Assessment in Higher Education] Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 34 (3), 353-366. (doi:10.1080/02602930802071106).
Millard, David, Bailey, Christopher, Boulain, Philip, Chennupati, Swapna, Howard, Yvonne, Davis, Hugh and Wills, Gary (2008) Semantics on Demand: Can a Semantic Wiki Replace a Knowledge Base? New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, Special Issue on Hypermedia beyond the Desktop, 14 (1), 95-120. (Submitted)
Prince, Rikki and Davis, Hugh (2008) The scope of adaptive digital games for education. In 2008 Second IEEE International Conference on Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning. IEEE. pp. 167-169 . (doi:10.1109/DIGITEL.2008.29).
Sitthisak, Onjira, Gilbert, Lester and Davis, Hugh (2008) An evaluation of pedagogically informed parameterised questions for self assessment. [in special issue: Reframing E?assessment: Adopting New Media and Adapting Old Frameworks] Learning, Media and Technology, 33 (3), 235-248. (doi:10.1080/17439880802324210).
Tao, Feng, Khoja, Shakeel, Davis, Hugh and Gravell, Andy (2008) Academic administration and management scenarios on the semantic web. Eighth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT '08), Santander, Spain. 30 Jun - 04 Jul 2008. pp. 149-151 . (doi:10.1109/ICALT.2008.92).
Liccardi, Ilaria, Davis, Hugh and White, Su (2008) CAWS: Visualizing awareness to improve the effectiveness of co-authoring activities. Collaborative Computing in IEEE Distributed Systems Online.
Rees, Philip, Mackay, Louise, Martin, David, Conole, Graínne and Davis, Hugh (2008) Developing e-learning in geography. In, Rees, Philip, MacKay, Louise, Martin, David and Durham, Helen (eds.) E-Learning for Geographers: Online Materials, Resources, and Repositories. Hershey, USA. Information Science Reference, pp. 1-19.
Tiropanis, Thanassis, Davis, Hugh, Millard, David and Weal, Mark (2009) Semantic Technologies for Learning and Teaching in the Web 2.0 era - A survey. WebSci'09: Society On-Line, , Athens, Greece. 18 - 20 Mar 2009.
Yang, Yang, Au Yeung, Ching Man, Weal, Mark J. and Davis, Hugh (2009) The Researcher Social Network: a social network based on metadata of scientific publications. Proceedings of WebSci'09: Society On-Line, , Athens, Greece. 18 - 20 Mar 2009. 5 pp .
Kyriacou, Demetris, Davis, Hugh and Tiropanis, Thanassis (2009) Evaluating Three Scrutability and Three Privacy User Privileges for a Scrutable User Modelling Infrastructure. First and Seventeenth International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization (UMAP2009), Trento, Italy. 21 - 25 Jun 2009.
Sitthisak, Onjira, Gilbert, Lester and Davis, Hugh (2009) Transforming a competency model to parameterised questions in assessment. Cordeiro, J., Hammoudi, S. and Filipe, J. (eds.) In Web Information Systems and Technologies: WEBIST 2008. vol. 18, Springer. pp. 392-405 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-642-01344-7_29).
Davis, Hugh C., Carr, Leslie A., Hey, Jessie M.N., Howard, Yvonne, Millard, David E., Morris, Debra and White, Su (2010) Bootstrapping a culture of sharing to facilitate open educational resources. [in special issue: Open Educational Resources] IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 3 (2), 96-109. (doi:10.1109/TLT.2009.34).
Tiropanis, Thanassis, Davis, Hugh, Millard, David, Weal, Mark, White, Su and Wills, Gary (2009) Semantic Technologies in Learning and Teaching (SemTech) - JISC Report.
Kyriacou E, Demetris, Davis, Hugh and Tiropanis, Thanassis (2009) A (multi'domain'sional) Scrutable User Modelling Infrastructure for Enriching Lifelong User Modelling. Lifelong User Modelling Workshop (in conjunction with conference UMAP 2009), Trento, Italy.
Tiropanis, Thanassis, Davis, Hugh, Millard, David, Weal, Mark and White, Su (2009) Linked Data as a Foundation for the Deployment of Semantic Applications in Higher Education. SWEL'09: Ontologies and Social Semantic Web for Intelligent Educational Systems, AIED'09 Conference, Brighton, United Kingdom.
Ounnas, Asma, Davis, Hugh and Millard, David (2009) A Framework for Semantic Group Formation in Education. Educational Technology and Society, 12, 43-55.
Millard, David E., Howard, Yvonne, Abbas, Noura, Davis, Hugh C., Gilbert, Lester, Wills, Gary B. and Walters, Robert J. (2009) Pragmatic web service design: An agile approach with the service responsibility and interaction design method. Computer Science - Research and Development.
Tiropanis, Thanassis, Davis, Hugh, Millard, David, Weal, Mark and White, Su (2009) A roadmap for semantic technology adoption in UK higher education. Association for Learning Technology (ALT-C 2009), 16th International Conference, 8-10 September 2009, Manchester, UK, University of Manchester. 07 - 09 Sep 2009. p. 26 .
Tiropanis, Thanassis, Davis, Hugh, Millard, Dave and Weal, Mark (2009) Semantic technologies for learning and teaching in the Web 2.0 era. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 24 (6), 49-53. (doi:10.1109/MIS.2009.121).
White, Su, MacNeill, Sheila, Tiropanis, Thanassis and Davis, Hugh (2009) Semantic technologies in education: exploring the practitioners’ perspective. Association for Learning Technology (ALT-C 2009), 16th International Conference, 8-10 September 2009, Manchester, UK, University of Manchester. 07 - 09 Sep 2009. p. 47 .
White, Su, Davis, Hugh C, Morris, Debra and Hancock, Pete (2010) Making it rich and personal: meeting institutional challenges from next generation learning environments. The PLE conference 2010, Citilab, Cornella, Barcelona, Spain. 07 - 08 Jul 2010. (In Press)
Liccardi, Ilaria, Davis, Hugh C and White, Su (2009) Progressional awareness: designing a co-authoring tool to support the planning process. SIGDOC 27th ACM international conference on Design of communication, Bloomington, Indiana, United States. 04 - 06 Oct 2009. pp. 115-118 .
Sarker, Farhana, Davis, Hugh and Tiropanis, Thanassis (2010) The role of institutional repositories in addressing higher education challenges. SemHE '10: The Second International Workshop on Semantic Web Applications in Higher Education, University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom.
Sarker, Farhana, Davis, Hugh and Tiropanis, Thanassis (2010) A review of Higher Education challenges and data infrastructure responses. International Conference for Education Research and Innovation (ICERI2010), , Madrid, Spain. 15 - 17 Nov 2010. 10 pp .
Millard, David E., Davis, Hugh C., Howard, Yvonne, McSweeney, Patrick, Francois, Sebastien, Morris, Debra, Ramsden, Marcus and White, Su (2010) MePrints: Building User Centred Repositories. 5th International Conference on Open Repositories, Madrid, Spain. 05 - 08 Jul 2010.
Davis, Hugh (2010) The justification for a new Learning Environment at Southampton. LSL Seminar, University of Southampton. (In Press)
Cerri, Stefano, Davis, Hugh, Tiropanis, Thanassis, Weal, Mark and White, Su (2012) Web science. In, Seel, Norbert M. (ed.) Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning. (Springer Reference, 1) New York, US. Springer.
Tiropanis, Thanassis, Davis, Hugh and Cerri, Stefano (2012) Semantic technologies and learning. In, Seel, Norbert (ed.) Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning. New York, US. Springer.
White, Su and Davis, Hugh C (2011) Making it Rich and Personal: crafting an institutional personal learning environment. International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments.
White, Su and Davis, Hugh C (2011) Rich and personal revisited: translating ambitions for an institutional personal learning environment into a reality. The Second International PLE Conference: PLE_SOU, Southampton, United Kingdom. (Submitted)
White, Su, Croitoru, Madalina, Bazan, Stéphane, Cerri, Stefano, Davis, Hugh C, Folgieri, Raffaella, Jonquet, Clement, Scharffe, François, Staab, Steffen, Tiropanis, Thanassis and Vafopoulos, Michalis (2011) Negotiating the Web Science Curriculum through Shared Educational Artefacts. ACM WebSci '11, , Koblenz, Germany. 13 - 16 Jun 2011.
Duboc, Jean-Remy, Choi, Sunhea, Weal, Mark and Davis, Hugh (2011) Semantic virtual patients: using semantic web technology to improve virtual patients for medical education. 3rd international conference on web science, , Koblenz, Germany. 13 - 16 Jun 2011. (In Press)
Duboc, Jean-Remy, Choi, Sunhea, Weal, Mark and Davis, Hugh (2011) Modelling virtual patients and generating feedback using semantic web technologies. ASME Annual Scientific Meeting, , Edinburgh, United Kingdom. 12 - 14 Jul 2011. (In Press)
Davis, Hugh and White, Su (2011) The personalisation of a learning environment: student-led connections online and offline. HEA Enhancement Academy Team Leaders Meeting in May 201, University of Southampton. 24 - 25 May 2011. (In Press)
Aljohani, Naif, Davis, Hugh and Tiropanis, Thanassis (2011) HCI as a Differentiator Between Mobile and Ubiquitous Learning. Fifth International Conference on Next Generation Mobile Applications, Services and Technologies (NGMAST), Cardiff, United Kingdom. 13 - 15 Sep 2011. (Submitted)
Duboc, Jean-Remy, Weal, Mark, Davis, Hugh and Choi, Sunhea (2011) Automatic feedback generation in virtual patients using semantic web technologies. 2011 International Computer Assisted Assessment (CAA) Conference, Southampton, United Kingdom. 04 - 05 Jul 2011.
Davis, Hugh and White, Su (2011) Institutional PLEs. Paradise or paradox? Second International PLE Conference: PLE_SOU, Southampton, United Kingdom. 10 - 12 Jul 2011. 1 pp .
Wang, Xin, Tiropanis, Thanassis and Davis, Hugh (2011) Evaluating graph traversal algorithms for distributed SPARQL query optimization. Joint International Semantic Technology Conference (JIST 2011), Hangzhou, China. 04 - 07 Dec 2011. 16 pp .
Aljohani, Naif, Davis, Hugh and Tiropanis, Thanassis (2011) Comparison Between Mobile and Ubiquitous Learning From The Prospective Of Human-Computer Interaction. 10th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning- mLearn 2011, Beijing, China. 17 - 20 Oct 2011.
Aljohani, Naif and Davis, Hugh (2011) Significance of Semantic Web in Facilitating HCI in Mobile and Ubiquitous Learning. The Fifth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies-UBICOMM 2011, Lisbon, Portugal. 20 - 25 Nov 2011.
Nurjanah, Dade and Davis, Hugh C. (2012) Improving the workspace awareness of authors in asynchronous collaborative authoring of learning designs. EdMedia 2012 - World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, Denver, United States. 25 - 28 Jun 2012. 10 pp . (Submitted)
Aljohani, Naif R., Davis, Hugh C. and Loke, Seng W. (2012) A comparison between mobile and ubiquitous learning from the perspective of human-computer interaction. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation, Volume 6 (Number 3–4/2012), 218-231. (doi:10.1504/IJMLO.2012.050046).
Tiropanis, Thanassis, Millard, David and Davis, Hugh C. (2012) Guest editorial: special section on semantic technologies for learning and teaching support in Higher Education. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 5 (2), 102-103. (doi:10.1109/TLT.2012.13).
Aljohani, Naif R. and Davis, Hugh C. (2012) Learning analytics in mobile and ubiquitous learning environments. 11th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning: mLearn 2012, Helsinki, Finland. 15 - 17 Oct 2012.
Aljohani, Naif R. and Davis, Hugh C. (2012) Significance of learning analytics in enhancing the mobile and pervasive learning environments. NGMAST'12: 6th International Conference and Exhibition on Next Generation Mobile Applications, Services, and Technologies, Paris, France. 11 - 13 Sep 2012.
White, Su and Davis, Hugh C. (2012) Rich and personal agendas: organizational learning from co-creation of an institutional personal learning environment. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. (In Press)
White, Su, Davis, Hugh C., Dickens, Kate and Fielding, Sarah (2013) Rich and personal agendas: learning from co-creation of an institutional personal learning environment. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. (Submitted)
White, Su, Davis, Hugh C., Dickens, Kate and Fielding, Sarah (2013) Crafting a rich and personal blending learning environment: an institutional case study from a STEM perspective. 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Educacation, Aachen, Germany. 05 - 07 May 2013. (Submitted)
White, Su and Davis, Hugh C. (2013) Practice sharing paper: motivating computer scientists to engage with professional issues. LaTiCE: Learning and Teaching in Computing and Engineering, Macau Special Administrative Region, Macao. 22 - 24 Mar 2013. (Submitted)
White, Su and Davis, Hugh C. (2013) Computer scientists meet professional issues: blended learning for a persistent challenge. HEA-STEM: Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 2013, Birmingham, United Kingdom. 16 - 17 Apr 2013. (In Press)
White, Su and Davis, Hugh C. (2013) Capturing organisational knowledge from educational enhancement: identifying patterns for curriculum innovation. Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education, Glasgow, United Kingdom. 10 - 12 Jun 2013. (Submitted)
Wang, Xin, Tiropanis, Thanassis and Davis, Hugh C. (2013) LHD: optimising linked data query processing using parallelisation. Linked Data on the Web (LDOW2013), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 13 May 2013.
Lo, Mandy, Edwards, Julie-Ann, Bokhove, Christian and Davis, Hugh (2013) MathPen: identifying and solving the problems of online collaborative learning for mathematics. The 11th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching, Bari, Italy. 08 - 11 Jul 2013. pp. 168-173 . (In Press)
Lo, Mandy, Edwards, Julie-Ann, Bokhove, Christian and Davis, Hugh (2013) MathPen: exploring handwriting recognition technology for online mathematics education. The 37th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Kiel, Germany. 27 Jul - 01 Aug 2013. p. 110 . (In Press)
Sarker, Farhana, Tiropanis, Thanassis and Davis, Hugh C. (2013) Exploring student predictive model that relies on institutional databases and open data instead of traditional questionnaires. Linked Learning 2013: 3rd International Workshop on Learning and Education with the Web of Data (LILE2013), , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 12 - 16 May 2013. pp. 413-418 .
Sarker, Farhana, Tiropanis, Thanassis and Davis, Hugh C. (2013) Students’ performance prediction by using institutional internal and external open data sources. CSEDU 2013 : 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, , Aachen, Germany. 05 - 07 May 2013. 8 pp .
Wilde, Adriana, Zaluska, Ed and Davis, Hugh (2013) 'Happiness': Can pervasive computing assist students to achieve success? UbiComp'13 (Doctoral School), , Zurich, Switzerland. 08 - 12 Sep 2013. 4 pp .
Wilde, Adriana, Zaluska, Ed and Davis, Hugh (2013) Can pervasive computing make you happy? Google Scholarship Retreat 2013 (Europe Middle East and Africa), , Zurich, Switzerland. 30 Jun - 03 Jul 2013. 1 pp .
Aljohani, Naif R. and Davis, Hugh C. (2013) Learning analytics and formative assessment to provide immediate detailed feedback using a student centered mobile dashboard. 7th International Conference on Next Generation Mobile Apps, Services and Technologies (NGMAST'13), Praha, Czech Republic. 24 - 26 Sep 2013.
Wilde, Adriana, Zaluska, Ed and Davis, Hugh (2013) Happiness. The 2013 ACM Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (Doctoral School), , Zurich, Switzerland. 08 - 12 Sep 2013. 1 pp .
Wang, Xin, Tiropanis, Thanassis and Davis, Hugh C. (2014) Optimising linked data queries in the presence of co-reference. 11th Extended Semantic Web Conference 2014 (ESWC 2014), Anissaras, Greece. 24 - 28 May 2014. 15 pp .
White, Su, Davis, Hugh C. and Dickens, Kate (2014) Making a MOOC: an interdisciplinary approach to teaching Web Science. HEA-STEM 2014: Enhancing the STEM Student Journey, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. 30 Apr - 01 May 2014.
Davis, Hugh C., Dickens, Kate, Leon Urrutia, Manuel, Sanchéz Vera, Maria del Mar and White, Su (2014) MOOCs for Universities and Learners An analysis of motivating factors. 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education. 31 Mar - 02 Apr 2014.
White, Su, Davis, Hugh, Dickens, K.P., Leon Urrutia, Manuel and Sanchez Vera, Ma Mar (2015) MOOCs: What motivates the producers and participants? Zvacek, S, Restivo, M, Uhomoibhi, J and Helfert, M (eds.) In Computer Supported Education: CSEDU 2014. Springer. pp. 99-114 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-25768-6_7).
Sarker, Farhana, Tiropanis, Thanassis and Davis, Hugh C. (2014) Linked data, data mining and external open data for better prediction of at-risk students. 2nd International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT) 2014, , Metz, France. 03 - 05 Nov 2014. pp. 652-657 . (doi:10.1109/CoDIT.2014.6996973).
Wintrup, Julie, Wakefield, Kelly, Morris, Debra and Davis, Hugh C. (2015) Liberating learning: experiences of MOOCs York, GB. Higher Education Academy 40pp.
Wintrup, Julie, Wakefield, Kelly and Davis, Hugh C. (2015) Engaged learning in MOOCs: a study using the UK Engagement Survey York, GB. Higher Education Academy 72pp.
Sánchez-Vera, Maria del Mar, Leon Urrutia, Manuel and Davis, Hugh C. (2015) Challenges in the creation, development and implementation of MOOCs: Web Science course at the University of Southampton. Comunicar, 22 (44), 37-43. (doi:10.3916/C44-2015-04).
Nazir, Usman, Davis, Hugh C. and Harris, Lisa J. (2015) First day stands out as most popular among MOOC leavers. International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning, 5 (3), 173-179.
Sunar, Ayse Saliha, Abdullah, Nor Aniza, White, Su and Davis, Hugh C. (2015) Personalisation of MOOCs: the state of the art. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computer Supported Education - Volume 1: CSEDU. vol. 1, Scitepress. pp. 88-97 . (doi:10.5220/0005445200880097).
Nazir, Usman, Davis, Hugh and Harris, Lisa (2015) First day stands out as most popular among MOOC leavers. 2015 International Conference on Learning and Teaching (ICLT 2015), Singapore, Singapore. 25 - 26 Mar 2015. 5 pp .
Lo, Mandy, Edwards, Julie-Ann, Bokhove, Christian and Davis, Hugh C. (2014) Supporting mathematical thinking during online communication. British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics Day Conference, United Kingdom. 13 Jun 2014.
Lo, Mandy, Edwards, Julie-Ann, Bokhove, C. and Davis, Hugh C. (2014) MathPen: promoting online communities of practice. British Congress of Mathematics Education, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United Kingdom. 13 - 16 Apr 2014.
Lo, Mandy, Edwards, Julie-Ann, Bokhove, Christian and Davis, Hugh C. (2015) The potential of handwriting recognition for interactive mathematics textbooks. International Conference on. Mathematics Textbook Research and Development 2014, Southampton, United Kingdom. 28 - 30 Jul 2014. p. 6 . (In Press)
Lo, Mandy, Edwards, Julie-Ann, Bokhove, Christian and Davis, Hugh C. (2015) The use of handwriting recognition technology in mathematics education: a pedagogical perspective. Amado, Nélia and Carreira, Susana (eds.) In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching (ICTMT 12). Universidade do Algarve. pp. 131-139 .
Lo, Mandy, Davis, Hugh C., Edwards, Julie-Ann and Bokhove, Christian (2015) The web practice of mathematicians on the web: an insight into significant but neglected web groups. In Proceedings of the ACM Web Science Conference. ACM Press.. (doi:10.1145/2786451.2786498).
Sunar, Ayse Saliha, Abdullah, Nor Aniza, White, Su and Davis, Hugh C (2015) Analysis of social learning networks on Twitter for supporting MOOCs education. ACM-W Europe womENcourage Celebration of Women in Computing, Uppsala, Sweden. 23 - 25 Sep 2015.
Sunar, Ayse Saliha, Abdullah, Nor Aniza, White, Susan and Davis, Hugh C. (2015) Analysing and predicting recurrent interactions among learners during online discussions in a MOOC. 11th International Conference on Knowledge Management ICKM 2015, Osaka, Japan. 04 - 06 Nov 2015.
Nazir, Usman, Davis, Hugh and Harris, Lisa (2015) Input on MOOC forums is dominated by completers. EDULEARN15: 7th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Barcelona, Spain. 05 - 07 Jul 2015. pp. 4003-4009 .
Sunar, Ayse Saliha, Abdullah, Nor Aniza, White, Su and Davis, Hugh (2016) Personalisation in MOOCs: a critical literature review. In, Zvacek, Susan, Restivo, Maria Teresa, Uhomoibhi, James and Helfert, Markus (eds.) Computer Supported Education. (Communications in Computer and Information Science, 583) Berlin, DE. Springer International Publishing, pp. 152-168. (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-29585-5_9).
Leon Urrutia, Manuel, Cobos, Ruth, Dickens, Kate, White, Su and Davis, Hugh (2016) Visualising the MOOC experience: a dynamic MOOC dashboard built through institutional collaboration. EMOOCs 2016, , Graz, Austria. 22 - 24 Feb 2016. pp. 1-8 .
Sunar, Ayse Saliha, White, Su, Abdullah, Nor Aniza and Davis, Hugh (2017) How learners’ interactions sustain engagement: a MOOC case study. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 10 (4), 475-487. (doi:10.1109/TLT.2016.2633268).
Shahini, Rana, Davis, Hugh.C and Borthwick, Kate (2019) Cultural challenges and research strategies in multicultural MOOCs. In INTED2019 Proceedings. IATED Digital Library. pp. 8364-8370 .
Shahini, Rana, Davis, Hugh and Borthwick, Kate (2019) Design recommendations to address cultural issues in multicultural MOOCs: a systematic literature review. Plutino, Alessia, Borthwick, Kate and Corradini, Erika (eds.) In New educational landscapes: innovative perspectives in language learning and technology (pp.). pp. 55-66 . (doi:10.14705/rpnet.2019.36.956).
De Lima Guedes, Karla Kerlley, Davis, Hugh and Schulz, John (2022) Integrating MOOCs into traditional higher education modules: a MOOC-based blend framework. Research in Learning Technology, 30. (doi:10.25304/rlt.v30.2702).
Telephone: +44 (0) 23 8059 44 (0)7753687967
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Thomas, Ken (2003) Teaching Databases at Southampton University. O'Reilly, Una, James, Anne and Jackson, Mike (eds.) Teaching, Learning and Assessment of Databases, Coventry Technocentre. pp. 123-126 .
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Zadorozhnyi, V.I., Sluckin, T.J., Reshetnyak, V.Y. and Thomas, K.S. (2008) The Frederiks effect and related phenomena in ferronematic materials. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 68 (6), 1688-1716. (doi:10.1137/070703831).
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Chair of ECS Athena SWAN SAT Committee
Co-Chair of ECS EDI Committee
UCAS Admissions Officer for Mechatronic Engineering Programme
Chris Freeman is Professor of Applied Control within Electronics and Computer Science. His research interests include iterative learning and repetitive control theory and their experimental application to industrial systems and biomedical engineering. He has led the engineering component on large UK government funded grants which have developed a range of upper limb systems using robotic and Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) technology that have each been trialled clinically with stroke patients. In this area his current focus is on biomechanics, motor learning and control, non-contact sensing, electrode-array based FES, and touch-table technology.
Chris has secured over €6.8 million in funding as either PI or Co-I, including:
Zhengzhou University China ‘Toward more intelligent high performance control system design: A learning based approach’, 1/2016 - 7/2021
Medical Research Council, ‘Low-cost personalised textiles for FES-based upper limb rehabilitation’, 6/2016 - 12/2018
Australian Research Council Discovery Project: "What learning is there in learning control?", 04/2016 - 03/2019. Co-Investigator.
EPSRC Grant EP/M026388/1: ‘Wearable Soft Robotics for Independent Living", 07/2015 - 06/2018. Co-Investigator.
Multiple Sclerosis Society Innovation Award: "Testing the feasibility of using FES mediated by ILC and robotics to improve arm movement for people with MS", 01/04/2013 - 31/03/2014. Co-Investigator.
Australian Research Council Discovery Project: "Motor Learning Control and Computational Models of Human Motor Systems", 01/2013 - 01/2016. Co-Investigator.
EU-funded Lifelong Learning Programme: ACTION ERASMUS MULTILATERAL PROJECTS: ERASMUS Support to the modernisation agenda of higher education: Curricular reform. "European MSc in Advanced Rehabilitation Technologies (ART)". 01/10/2012 - 01/10/2014. Co-Investigator.
EPSRC ‘Bridging the Gap’ - Pilot Scheme Award "User-centred development of a home-based stroke rehabilitation system”, 01/10/2012 – 31/03/2013. Principal-Investigator.
Wessex Medical Research – Innovation Fund Grant : “Development of a Low-Cost Home-based Rehabilitation System”, 07/2012 – 07/2013. Co-Investigator.
EPSRC Grant EP/I01909X/1 : “Restoration of Reach and Grasp in Stroke Patients using Electrical Stimulation and Haptic Feedback”, 04/2011 – 04/2014. Co-Investigator.
EPSRC First Grant EP/G014078/1 : “Objective-based Iterative Learning Control for Robotics and Rehabilitation”, 03/2009 – 03/2011. Principal-Investigator.
EU COST Action TD 1006 Network on Robotics for NeuroRehablitation funded Short Term Scientific Mission funding to Technischen Universität Berlin, 10/2012 - 10/2012
Visiting Research Fellowship to University of Melbourne, 08/2010 - 09/2010
Foundation for Human Potential and the Nuffield Travel Fellowship visit to Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 07/2006 - 07/2006
Royal Academy of Engineering Travel Fellowship Visit to Utah State University, 09/2004 - 10/2004
ELEC2226 Biomedical Control
ELEC1203 Mechanics
ELEC2214 Circuits and Systems
ELEC6228 Applied Control Systems
Freeman, C. T., Hughes, A.M., Burridge, J. H., Chappell, P. H., Lewin, P. L. and Rogers, E (2009) A model of the upper extremity using FES for stroke rehabilitation. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 131 (3), 031011-12pp. (doi:10.1115/1.3005332).
Hughes, A.M., Freeman, C.T., Burridge, J.H., Chappell, P.H., Lewin, P.L. and Rogers, E. (2009) Feasibility of iterative learning control mediated by functional electrical stimulation for reaching after stroke. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 23 (6), 559-568. (doi:10.1177/1545968308328718).
Hughes, A.M., Freeman, C., Burridge, J., Chappell, P., Lewin, P. and Rogers, E. (2008) Re-education of upper limb function post-stroke, using interative learning control (ILC) mediated by functional electrical stimulation (FES). International Journal of Stroke, 3 (s1), p.343. (doi:10.1111/j.1747-4949.2008.00231.x).
Hughes, A.M., Freeman, C., Burridge, J., Chappell, P., Lewin, P. and Rogers, E. (2010) Shoulder and elbow muscle activity during fully supported trajectory tracking in people who have had a stroke. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 20 (3), 465-476. (doi:10.1016/j.jelekin.2009.08.001). (PMID:19811934)
Freeman, C T, Hatonen, J J, Lewin, P L, Rogers, E and Owens, D H (2004) Experimental evaluation of a new repetitive control algorithm on a non-minimum phase spring-mass-damper system. IFAC Workshop on Adaption and Learning in Control and Signal Processing and the IFAC Workshop on Periodic Control Systems, Yokohama, Japan. 29 - 31 Aug 2004. pp. 681-686 .
Freeman, C T, Lewin, P L and Rogers, E (2004) Phase-lead based iterative learning control implemented experimentally on a non-minimum phase plant. 3rd IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems, Sydney, Australia. 05 - 07 Sep 2004. pp. 193-198 .
Freeman, C T, Lewin, P L and Rogers, E (2004) Experimental evaluation of simple structure ILC algorithms for non-minimum phase plants. 3rd IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems, Sydney, Australia. 05 - 07 Sep 2004. pp. 205-210 .
Freeman, C, Lewin, P L, Rogers, E, Hatonen, J, Harte, T and Owens, D H (2004) A novel repetitive control algorithm combining ILC and deadbeat control. 1st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, Setubal, Portugal. 24 - 27 Aug 2004. pp. 257-263 .
Hatonen, J J, Freeman, C T, Owens, D H, Lewin, P L and Rogers, E (2004) Robustness Analysis of a Gradient-Based Repetitive Control Algorithm. 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Atlantis, Paradise Island, Bahamas. 14 - 17 Dec 2004. pp. 1301-1306 .
Freeman, C.T., Lewin, P.L. and Rogers, E. (2005) Experimental evaluation of iterative learning control algorithms for non-minimum phase plants. International Journal of Control, 78 (11), 826-846. (doi:10.1080/00207170500158565).
Freeman, C T, Lewin, P L and Rogers, E (2005) Discrete predictive optimal ILC implemented on a non-minimum phase experimental testbed. 2005 American Control Conference, Portland, Oregan, United States. 07 - 09 Jun 2005. pp. 282-287 .
Freeman, C T, Lewin, P L and Rogers, E (2005) Robust ILC design using Mobius Transformations. 2nd International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, Barcelona, Spain. 13 - 16 Sep 2005. pp. 141-146 .
Freeman, C T, Hughes, A-M, Burridge, J H, Chappell, P H, Lewin, P L and Rogers, E (2006) Iterative Learning Control as an Intervention Aid to Stroke Rehabilitation. UKACC Control 2006 Mini Symposium: InstMC Control Concepts in Healthcare and Rehabilitation, Glasgow, UK, United Kingdom. pp. 225-233 .
Hatonen, J J, Freeman, C T, Owens, D H, Lewin, P L and Rogers, E (2006) A Gradient-based Repetitive Control Algorithm Combining ILC and Pole Placement. European Journal of Control, 12 (3), 278-292.
Freeman, C.T., Hughes, A.-M., Burridge, J.H., Chappell, P.H., Lewin, P.L. and Rogers, E. (2007) An experimental facility for the application of iterative learning control as an intervention aid to stroke rehabilitation. Measurement and Control, 40 (1), 20-23.
Freeman, C T, Lewin, P L and Rogers, E (2007) Further results on the experimental evaluation of iterative learning control algorithms for non-minimum phase plants. International Journal of Control, 80 (4), 569-582.
Freeman, C T, Hughes, A-M, Burridge, J, Chappell, P H, Lewin, P L and Rogers, E (2007) An Experimental Facility using Functional Electrical Stimulation for Stroke Rehabilitation of the Upper Limb. 10th IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, Noordwijk, The, Netherlands. 11 - 14 Jun 2007. pp. 393-400 .
Cai, Z, Freeman, C T, Lewin, P L and Rogers, E (2007) Reference Shift Iterative Learning Control for a Non-minimum Phase Plant. 2007 American Control Conference, New York, NY, United States. 10 - 12 Jul 2007. pp. 558-563 .
Cai, Z, Freeman, C.T., Lewin, P.L. and Rogers, E. (2008) Iterative learning control for a non-minimum phase plant based on a reference shift algorithm. Control Engineering Practice, 16 (6), 633-643. (doi:10.1016/j.conengprac.2007.07.001).
Hughes, A.M., Freeman, C.T., Burridge, J.H., Chappell, P.H., Lewin, P.L. and Rogers, E. (2007) Can Iterative Learning Control be used in the Re-education of Upper Limb Function, Mediated by Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES)? Progress in Motor Control VI, Santos, Brazil. 08 - 11 Aug 2007. S217-S218 .
Hladowski, L, Galkowski, K, Rogers, E, Lewin, P L and Freeman, C T (2007) A new iterative learning control scheme for linear time-varying discrete systems. 3rd IFAC Workshop on Periodic Control Systems (PSYCO 2007), St Petersburg, Russia. 28 - 30 Aug 2007. pp. 279-282 .
Hughes, A.M., Burridge, J.H., Freeman, C., Chappell, P., Lewin, P. and Rogers, E. (2007) Can Iterative Learning Control Be Used In The Re-Education of Upper Limb Function, Mediated by Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES)? The Future of Restorative Neuroscience in Stroke Rehabilitation, Windsor, United Kingdom. 23 - 25 Sep 2007.
Hughes, A.M., Burridge, J., Freeman, C., Chappell, P., Lewin, P. and Rogers, E. (2007) Can Iterative Learning Control be used in the Re-education of upper limb function? LSI Forum Conference, Southampton.
Hughes, A.M., Burridge, J., Freeman, C., Chappell, P., Lewin, P. and Rogers, E. (2006) What is the current role of rehabilitation robots in upper limb post stroke therapy? 1st UK Stroke Forum Conference, Harrogate, UK, United Kingdom. 07 - 08 Dec 2006.
Freeman, C T, Lewin, P L, Rogers, E, Owens, D H and Hatonen, J (2008) An Optimality Based Repetitive Control Algorithm for Discrete-Time Systems. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part 1: Fundamental Theory and Applications, 55 (1), 412-423.
Hughes, Ann-Marie, Freeman, Christopher, Burridge, Jane, Chappell, Paul, Lewin, Paul and Rogers, Eric (2007) Can Iterative Learning Control (ILC) mediated by Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) be used in the re-education of upper limb function post stroke? International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society Conference, Philadelphia, United States.
Hughes, Ann-Marie, Burridge, Jane, Freeman, Christopher, Chappell, Paul, Lewin, Paul and Rogers, Eric (2008) Robotic trajectory tracking for neurological rehabilitation. Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry, 12 (3), 22-24. (Submitted)
Freeman, Christopher, Hughes, Ann-Marie, Burridge, Jane, Chappell, Paul, Lewin, Paul and Rogers, Eric (2009) Iterative learning control of FES applied to the upper extremity for rehabilitation. Control Engineering Practice, 17 (3), 368-381. (doi:10.1016/j.conengprac.2008.08.003).
Freeman, Christopher, Hughes, Ann-Marie, Burridge, Jane, Chappell, Paul, Lewin, Paul and Rogers, Eric (2009) A robotic workstation for stroke rehabilitation of the upper extremity using FES. Medical Engineering & Physics, 31 (3), 364-373. (doi:10.1016/j.medengphy.2008.05.008). (PMID:18640865)
Freeman, Christopher, Lewin, Paul, Rogers, Eric, Owens, David and Hatonen, Jari (2009) Discrete Fourier Transform based Iterative Learning Control Design for Linear Plants with Experimental Verification. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 131 (3), 031006-1-031006-10.
Alsubaie, Muhammad Ali, Cai, Zhonglun, Freeman, Christopher T., Lewin, Paul L. and Rogers, Eric (2008) Repetitive and Iterative Learning Controllers Designed by Duality with Experimental Verification. The 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, Korea. 05 - 10 Jul 2008. pp. 3562-3567 .
Freeman, Christopher, Davies, Iain, Lewin, Paul and Rogers, Eric (2008) Iterative Learning Control of Upper Limb Reaching using Functional Electrical Stimulation. The 17th IFAC World Congress, July 6 - 11, 2008, Seoul, Korea. pp. 13444-13449 .
Davies, Iain, Freeman, Christopher, Lewin, Paul, Rogers, Eric and Owens, David (2008) Newton Method based Iterative Learning Control of the Upper Limb. 2008 American Control Conference, June 11 - 13, Seattle, Washington, USA. pp. 3887-3892 .
Hughes, Ann-Marie, Burridge, Jane, Freeman, Christopher, Chappell, Paul, Lewin, Paul and Rogers, Eric (2008) Re-education of upper limb function post stroke, using Iterative Learning Control (ILC) mediated by Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES). 6th World Stroke Congress, Vienna, Austria. 23 - 26 Sep 2008. p. 343 .
Hladowski, Lukasz, Galkowski, Krzysztof, Cai, Zhonglun, Rogers, Eric, Freeman, Christopher and Lewin, Paul (2008) A 2D systems approach to iterative learning control with experimental verification. The 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, Korea. 05 - 10 Jul 2008. pp. 2832-2837 .
Cai, Zhonglun, Freeman, Christopher, Lewin, Paul and Rogers, Eric (2008) Experimental Comparison of Stochastic Iterative Learning Control Algorithms. 2008 American Control Conference, Seattle, Washington, United States. 10 - 12 Jun 2008. pp. 4548-4553 .
Hughes, Ann-Marie, Burridge, Jane, Freeman, Christopher, Chappell, Paul, Lewin, Paul and Rogers, Eric (2008) Changes in upper limb isometric strength and error tracking following training using iterative learning control (ILC) mediated by functional electrical stimulation (FES). Annual Meeting of European Society For Movement Analysis For Adults and Children, Antalya, Turkey. 08 - 13 Sep 2008. p. 31 .
Hladowski, L, Cai, Z, Galkowski, K, Rogers, E, Freeman, C and Lewin, P L (2008) Using 2D Systems theory to Design Output Signal Based Iterative Learning Control Laws with Experimental Verification. 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, , Cancun, Mexico. 09 - 11 Dec 2008. pp. 3026-3031 . (In Press)
Freeman, Christopher, Cai, Zhonglun, Rogers, Eric and Lewin, Paul (2009) Objective-Driven ILC for Point-to-Point Movement Tasks. 2009 American Control Conference, St Louis, Missouri, United States. 09 - 11 Jun 2009. pp. 252-257 .
Hladowski, Lukasz, Cai, Zhonglun, Galkowski, Krzysztof, Rogers, Eric, Freeman, Christopher, Lewin, Paul and Paszke, Wojuech (2009) Repetitive Process based Iterative Learning Control designed by LMIs and Experimentally Verified on a Gantry Robot. 2009 American Control Conference, St Louis, Missouri, United States. 09 - 11 Jun 2009. pp. 949-954 .
Freeman, C T, Hughes, A-M, Burridge, J H, Chappell, P H, Lewin, P L and Rogers, E (2009) An Upper Limb Model Using FES for Stroke Rehabilitation. European Control Conference 2009 - ECC’09, Budapest, Hungary. 22 - 25 Aug 2009. pp. 3208-3213 .
Freeman, Christopher, Lewin, Paul, Rogers, Eric and Ratcliffe, James (2009) Synchronisation of Multi-Axis Automation Processes Using Iterative Learning Control. European Control Conference 2009 - ECC’09, Budapest, Hungary. 22 - 25 Aug 2009. pp. 1529-1534 .
Hladowski, Lukasz, Galkowski, Krzysztof, Cai, Zhonglun, Rogers, Eric, Freeman, Christopher and Lewin, Paul (2009) A 2D Systems Approach to Iterative Learning Control for Discrete Linear Processes with Zero First Markov Parameter. Symposium on Learning Control at IEEE CDC 2009, Shanghai. 14 - 15 Dec 2009.
Freeman, Christopher, Hughes, Ann-Marie, Burridge, Jane, Chappell, Paul, Lewin, Paul and Rogers, Eric (2008) Modelling of the upper Limb using electrical stimulation for stroke rehabilitation. 23rd IAR Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis, Coventry, United Kingdom. 27 - 28 Nov 2008. pp. 66-71 .
Freeman, Christopher, Lewin, Paul, Rogers, Eric and Ratcliffe, James (2008) Iterative Learning Control for Synchronisation of Multi-Axis Automation Processes. 23rd IAR Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis, Coventry, United Kingdom. 27 - 28 Nov 2008. pp. 309-314 .
Le, Fengmin, Markovsky, Ivan, Freeman, Christopher and Rogers, Eric (2008) Identification of the Dynamics of Human Arms after Stroke. 23rd IAR Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis, Coventry, United Kingdom. 27 - 28 Nov 2008. (Submitted)
Hughes, Ann-Marie, Freeman, Christopher, Burridge, Jane, Chappell, Paul, Lewin, Paul and Rogers, Eric (2008) Re-education of upper limb function post-stroke, using iterative learning control (ILC) mediated by functional electrical stimulation (FES). International Journal of Stroke, 3, 343-343.
Hughes, Ann-Marie, Freeman, Christopher, Burridge, Jane, Chappell, Paul, Lewin, Paul and Rogers, Eric (2008) Changes in upper limb isometric strength and error tracking following training using functional electrical stimulation. Gait & Posture, 28 (2), 31-31.
Freeman, Christopher, Cai, Zhonglun, Rogers, Eric and Lewin, Paul (2011) Iterative learning control for multiple point-to-point tracking application. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 19 (3), 590-600. (doi:10.1109/TCST.2010.2051670).
Freeman, Christopher, Lewin, Paul, Rogers, Eric and Ratcliffe, James (2010) Iterative Learning Control Applied to a Gantry Robot and Conveyor System. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 32 (3), 251-264.
Freeman, C., Hughes, A-M, Burridge, J., Chappell, P., Lewin, P.L. and Rogers, E. (2009) Design and control of an upper arm FES workstation for rehabilitation. 2009 IEEE 11th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR 2009), Kyoto, Japan. 22 - 25 Jun 2009. pp. 66-72 .
Hughes, A-M, Freeman, C T, Burridge, J H, Chappell, P H, Lewin, P L and Rogers, E (2009) Upper Limb Rehabilitation of Stroke Participants using Electrical Stimulation: Changes in Tracking and EMG Timing (best paper prize). 11th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, Kyoto, Japan. 22 - 25 Jun 2009. pp. 59-65 .
Hughes, Ann-Marie, Freeman, Christopher, Burridge, Jane, Chappell, Paul, Lewin, Paul, Rogers, Eric, Dibb, Bridget and Donovan-Hall, Maggie (2009) Efficacy of Iterative Learning Control for Stroke Rehabilitation. Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry, 13 (5), 16-20.
Freeman, Christopher, Cai, Zhonglun, Lewin, Paul and Rogers, Eric (2009) Iterative learning control for multiple point-to-point tracking. Joint 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and 28th Chinese Control Conference, , Shanghai, China. 16 - 18 Dec 2009. pp. 3288-3293 . (Submitted)
Hughes, Ann-Marie, Freeman, Christopher, Burridge, Jane, Chappell, Paul, Lewin, Paul, Pickering, Ruth and Rogers, Eric (2009) Shoulder and elbow muscle activity during fully supported trajectory tracking in neurologically intact older people. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 19 (6), 1025-1034. (doi:10.1016/j.jelekin.2008.09.015). (PMID:19101167)
Hughes, Ann-Marie, Freeman, Christopher, Burridge, Jane, Chappell, Paul, Lewin, Paul and Rogers, Eric (2009) Clinical effectiveness and patient perceptions of an ILC mediated by ES system using a robotic workstation. XVIII European Stroke Conference, Stockholm, Sweden. 25 - 28 May 2009.
Le, Fengmin, Markovsky, Ivan, Freeman, Christopher and Rogers, Eric (2009) System Identification of Muscle Dynamics for ILC-based Stroke Rehabilitation. UKACC Research Student Event, Institute of Engineering and Technology, Savoy Place, London.
Hughes, Ann-Marie, Freeman, Christopher, Burridge, Jane, Chappell, Paul, Lewin, Paul and Rogers, Eric (2009) Clinical effectiveness and patient perceptions of an ILC mediated by ES system using a robotic workstation. Cerebrovascular Diseases, 27, supplement 6, 239-239. (doi:10.1159/000221782).
Alsubaie, Muhammad A., Freeman, Christopher, Cai, Zhonglun, Lewin, Paul and Rogers, Eric (2009) ILC Initial Input Selection with Experimental Verification. Symposium on Learning Control at IEEE CDC 2009, Shanghai. 14 - 15 Dec 2009.
Hladowski, Lukasz, Galkowski, Krzysztof, Cai, Zhonglun, Rogers, Eric, Freeman, Chis T and Lewin, Paul L (2010) Experimentally supported 2D systems based iterative learning control law design for error convergence and performance. Control Engineering Practice, 18 (4), 339-348. (doi:10.1016/j.conengprac.2009.12.003).
Freeman, Christopher, Alsubaie, Muhammad, Cai, Zhonglun, Lewin, Paul and Rogers, Eric (2011) Initial Input Selection for Iterative Learning Control. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 133 (5), 54504.
Hladowski, Lukasz, Galkowski, Krzysztof, Cai, Zhonglun, Rogers, Eric, Freeman, Christopher and Lewin, Paul (2012) Output Information based Iterative Learning Control Law Design with Experimental Verification. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 134 (2), 021012/1-021012/10.
Dabkowski, P, Galkowski, K, Rogers, E, Cai, Z, Freeman, C T and Lewin, P L (2009) Iterative Learning Control Based on Strong Practical Stability of Repetitive Processes. Joint 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and 28th Chinese Control Conference, , Shanghai, China. 16 - 18 Dec 2009. pp. 4864-4869 .
Le, Fengmin, Markovsky, Ivan, Freeman, Christopher and Rogers, Eric (2009) Identification of Electrically Stimulated Muscle after Stroke. European Control Conference 2009 - ECC’09, Budapest, Hungary. 22 - 25 Aug 2009. pp. 1576-1581 .
Rogers, E, Freeman, C T, Lewin, P L and Owens, D H (2009) Iterative Learning Control with Application to Industrial and Rehabilitation Robots (Plenary paper). 20th International Conference on Systems Engineering, Coventry, United Kingdom. pp. 1-12 .
Freeman, C T, Lewin, P L, Rogers, E and Owens, D H (2010) Iterative Learning Control of the Redundant Upper Limb for Rehabilitation. 2010 American Control Conference (ACC), Baltimore, City of, United States. 29 Jun - 01 Jul 2010. pp. 1278-1283 .
Hladowski, Lukasz, Galkowski, Krzysztof, Cai, Zhonglun, Rogers, Eric, Freeman, Christopher and Lewin, Paul (2010) Experimentally Verified 2D Systems Theory based Robust Iterative Learning Control. 2010 American Control Conference (ACC), Baltimore, City of, United States. 29 Jun - 01 Jul 2010. pp. 3475-3480 .
Le, Fengmin, Markovsky, Ivan, Freeman, Christopher T. and Rogers, Eric (2010) Identification of electrically stimulated muscle models of stroke patients. Control Engineering Practice, 18, 396-407.
Freeman, Chris, Alsubaie, Muhammad, Cai, Zhonglun, Rogers, Eric and Lewin, Paul (2011) Model and Experience-based initial input construction for iterative learning control. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 25 (5), 430-447.
Burridge, Jane, Freeman, Chris, Hughes, Ann-Marie, Rogers, Eric, Lewin, Paul and Chappell, Paul (2010) Relationship between changes in tracking performance and timing and amplitude of biceps and triceps EMG following training in a planar arm robot in a sample of people with post-stroke hemiplegia. ISEK 2010: The XVIII Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, Aalborg, Dominica. 15 - 18 Jun 2010.
Tropea, Peppino, Freeman, Chris, Hughes, Ann-Marie, Burridge, Jane and Micera, Silvestro (2010) Modifications of upper limb muscle synergies in post-stroke patients during rehabilitation based on functional electrical stimulation. The XVIII Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, Aalborg, Denmark. (Submitted)
Dabkowski, P, Galkowski, K, Cai, Z, Rogers, E, Freeman, C T and Lewin, P L (2013) Iterative Learning Control Based on Relaxed 2D Systems Stability Criteria. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 21 (3), 1016-1023. (doi:10.1109/TCST.2012.2198477).
Alsubaie, Muhammad, Freeman, Chris, Cai, Zhonglun, Rogers, Eric and Lewin, Paul (2010) Iterative Learning and Repetitive Controller Design Via Duality with Experimental Verification. 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Atlanta, USA., Georgia. 15 - 17 Dec 2010. pp. 6961-6966 .
Cai, Zhonglun, Tong, Daisy, Heck, Dennis, Freeman, Christopher, Rogers, Eric, Hughes, Anne-Marie and Burridge, Jane (2010) ILC for 3D Rehabilitation Robotics. UK-Japan Network EPSRC Postgraduate Workshop on Human Adaptive Mechatronics, Loughborough University. 12 - 13 May 2010.
Alsubaie, Muhammad, Cai, Zhonglun, Freeman, Christopher, Rogers, Eric and Lewin, Paul (2010) Selecting the Initial Input for Iterative Learning Control: Algorithms with Experimental Verification. UKACC International Conference on CONTROL 2010, Coventry, United Kingdom. 06 - 09 Sep 2010. pp. 61-66 .
Chu, B, Cai, Z, Owens, D H, Rogers, E, Freeman, C T and Lewin, P L (2010) Experimental Verification of Accelerated Norm-Optimal Iterative Learning Control. UKACC International Conference on CONTROL 2010, Coventry, United Kingdom. 06 - 09 Sep 2010. pp. 211-216 .
Rogers, E, Owens, D H, Werner, H, Freeman, C T, Lewin, P L, Kichhoff, S, Schmidt, C and Lichtenberg, G (2010) Norm Optimal Iterative Learning Control with Application to Problems in Accelerator based Free Electron Lasers and Rehabilitation Robotics. European Journal of Control, 16 (5), 497-524.
Hughes, Ann-Marie, Freeman, Christopher, Chappell, Paul, Lewin, Paul, Rogers, Eric, Burridge, Jane, Donovan-Hall, Maggie and Dibb, Bridget (2011) Stroke participants’ perceptions of robotic and electrical stimulation therapy: a new approach. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 6 (2), 130-138. (doi:10.3109/17483107.2010.509882). (PMID:20698789)
Wang, L, Chai, S, Freeman, C T and Rogers, E (2010) Structure Selection for Multivariable Repetitive-predictive Controllers. 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Atlanta, USA., Georgia. 15 - 17 Dec 2010. pp. 6973-6978 .
Freeman, Christopher, Tong, D, Meadmore, Katie, Cai, Z, Rogers, E, Hughes, A M and Burridge, J H (2011) Phase-lead Iterative Learning Control Algorithms for Functional Electrical Stimulation based Stroke Rehabilitation. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 225 (6), 850-859.
Wang, Liuping, Freeman, Chris T., Rogers, Eric and Owens, David H. (2010) Experimentally validated continuous-time repetitive control of non-minimum phase plants with a prescribed degree of stability. Control Engineering Practice, 18 (10), 1158-1165. (doi:10.1016/j.conengprac.2010.06.004).
Le, Fengmin, Markovsky, Ivan, Freeman, Christopher and Rogers, Eric (2012) Recursive Identification of Hammerstein Systems with application to Electrically Stimulated Muscle. Control Engineering Practice, 20 (4), 386-396.
Le, Fengmin, Markovsky, Ivan, Freeman, Christopher and Rogers, Eric (2011) Online Identification of Electrically Stimulated Muscle Models. American Control Conference 2011, San Francisco, California, USA, June 29 - July 1, 2011. pp. 90-95 .
Le, Fengmin, Markovsky, Ivan, Freeman, Christopher and Rogers, Eric (2011) Recursive Identification of Hammerstein Structure. 18th IFAC World Congress, Milano, Italy, August 28 - September 2, 2011.
Meadmore, Katie L., Hughes, Anne-Marie, Cai, Zhonglun, Tong, Daisy, Freeman, Christopher, Burridge, Jane and Rogers, Eric (2010) Stroke Rehabilitation using Learning Control Mediated by Electrical Stimulation. Southampton Neuroscience Group. (In Press)
Cai, Zhonglun, Bristow, Douglas A., Rogers, Eric and Freeman, Christopher (2011) Experimental Implementation of an Iteration-Varying Optimal Stochastic Iterative Learning Control Algorithm. IEEE Multi-conf on Systems and Control. (Submitted)
Freeman, Christopher (2012) Constrained Point-to-Point Iterative Learning Control with Experimental Verification. Control Engineering Practice, 20 (5), 489-498.
Freeman, Christopher and Tan, Ying (2011) Point-to-Point Iterative Learning Control with Mixed Constraints. 2011 American Control Conference, San Francisco, California, United States. 28 - 30 Jun 2011. pp. 3657-3662 .
Freeman, Christopher (2011) Constrained Point-to-Point Iterative Learning Control. 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan, Italy. 27 Aug - 01 Sep 2011. pp. 3611-3616 .
Tan, Ying, Xu, Jian-Xin, Norrlof, Mikael and Freeman, Christopher (2011) On reference governor in iterative learning control for dynamic systems with input saturation. Automatica, 47 (11), 2412-2419.
Owens, D H, Chu, B, Cai, Z, Rogers, E, Freeman, C T and Lewin, P L (2010) Modelling the Influence of Non-Minimum Phase Zeros on Gradient Based Linear Iterative Learning Control. 2010 IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control. pp. 392-397 .
Cai, Zhonglun, Tong, Daisy, Freeman, Christopher and Rogers, Eric (2011) Application of Newton-method Based ILC to 3D Stroke Rehabilitation. 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan, Italy. 27 Aug - 01 Sep 2011. pp. 4851-4856 .
Hughes, Anne-Marie, Burridge, Jane, Freeman, Christopher, Chappell, Paul, Lewin, Paul and Rogers, Eric (2008) Research and development work relating to assistive technology 2007–08: Presented to Parliament pursuant to section 22 of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970.
Meadmore, Katie, Cai, Zhonglun, Tong, Daisy, Hughes, Ann-Marie, Freeman, Christopher, Rogers, Eric and Burridge, Jane (2011) SAIL: A 3D rehabilitation system to improve arm function following stroke. Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry, 15 (2), 6-10.
Cai, Zhonglun, Tong, Daisy, Meadmore, Katie, Freeman, Christopher, Hughes, Anne-Marie, Rogers, Eric and Burridge, Jane (2011) Design and Control of a 3D Stroke Rehabilitation Platform. International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, Zurich, Switzerland. pp. 1-6 .
Meadmore, Katie, Cai, Zhonglun, Tong, Daisy, Hughes, Anne-Marie, Freeman, Christopher, Rogers, Eric and Burridge, Jane (2011) Upper Limb Stroke Rehabilitation: The Effectiveness of Stimulation Assistance through Iterative Learning (SAIL). International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, Zurich, Switzerland.
Cai, Zhonglun, Tong, Daisy and Freeman, C.T. (2011) 3D stroke rehabilitation using electrical stimulation and robotics. Set for Britain 2011, The Parliament, United Kingdom. 14 Mar 2011. (In Press)
Wang, L, Freeman, C T, Chai, S and Rogers, Eric (2011) Multivariable Repetitive-predictive Control of a Robot Arm with Experimental Results. 18th IFAC World Congress, Milano, Italy, August 28 - September 2, 2011. pp. 7672-7677 .
Hladowski, L, Galkowski, K, Cai, Z, Rogers, E, Freeman, C T and Lewin, P L (2011) A 2D systems approach to iterative learning control for discrete linear processes with zero Markov parameters. International Journal of Control, 84 (7), 1246-1262.
Tong, Daisy, Cai, Zhonglun, Meadmore, Katie, Hughes, Anne-Marie, Freeman, Christopher, Burridge, Jane and Rogers, E (2011) 3D stroke rehabilitation using electrical stimulation and robotics. Multidisciplinary Postgraduate Research Showcase.
Burridge, J H, Hughes, Ann-Marie, Freeman, Christopher, Rogers, Eric and Tedesco-Triccas, L (2011) Using technology to optimize recovery in upper limb stroke rehabilitation. Festival of International Conferences on Caregiving, Disability, Aging and Technology - FICCDAT 2011, Toronto, Canada. 04 - 07 Jun 2011.
Le, F, Freeman, C T, Markovsky, I and Rogers, E (2011) Progress and open questions in the identification of electrically stimulated human muscle for stroke rehabilitation. In, System Identification, Environment Modelling and Control System Design L .Wang and H. Garnier eds. Springer.
Freeman, Christopher and Tan, Ying (2011) Guest Editorial: Iterative Learning Control and Repetitive Control. International Journal of Control, 84 (7), 1193-1195.
Hughes, Ann-Marie, Freeman, Christopher, Meadmore, Katie, Burridge, Jane and Rogers, Eric (2011) Research and development work relating to assistive technology 2010-11: Presented to Parliament pursuant to Section 22 of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970.
Meadmore, Katie, Hughes, Ann-Marie, Freeman, Christopher, Tong, Daisy, Rogers, Eric and Burridge, Jane (2011) Iterative Learning Mediated FES in Stroke Rehabilitation. 16th IFESS Annual Conference, 2011, São Paulo, Brazil. 07 - 10 Sep 2011. 3 pp .
Freeman, Christopher, Alsubaie, Muhammad, Cai, Zhonglun, Rogers, Eric and Lewin, Paul (2013) A Common Setting for the Design of Iterative Learning and Repetitive Controllers with Experimental Verification. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 27 (3), 230-249. (doi:10.1002/acs.2299).
Dinh Van, Thanh, Freeman, Christopher and Lewin, Paul (2011) Development of a multivariable test facility for the evaluation of iterative learning controllers. UKACC PhD Student Presentation Event, London, United Kingdom. 10 Mar 2011.
Leyland, Louise-Ann Leyland, Meadmore, Katie L., Godwin, Hayward J., Benson, Valerie, Burridge, Jane H., Freeman, Christopher, Hughes, Ann-Marie, Rogers, Eric and Liversedge, Simon P. (2011) Patterns of Eye Movements during Cancellation Tasks in Stroke Patients Exhibiting Hemispatial Neglect. European Conference on Eye Movements, Marseille, France. (Submitted)
Wang, L, Chai, S, Rogers, E and Freeman, C T (2012) Multivariable Repetitive-predictive Controllers using Frequency Decomposition. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 20 (6), 1597-1604.
Freeman, Christopher T., Rogers, Eric, Hughes, Anne-Marie, Burridge, Jane H. and Meadmore, Katie L. (2012) Iterative learning control in healthcare electrical stimulation and robotic-assisted upper limb stroke rehabilitation. IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 32 (1), 18-43. (doi:10.1109/MCS.2011.2173261).
Freeman, Christopher and Tan, Ying (2012) Iterative Learning Control with Mixed Constraints for Point-to-Point Tracking. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 21 (3), 604-616.
Meadmore, Katie, Hughes, Anne-Marie, Freeman, Christopher, Benson, Victoria, Tong, Daisy, Burridge, Jane and Rogers, Eric (2011) User feedback driving change in the design of new technologies. Southampton Neurosciences Group, Life Sciences, University of Southampton.
Meadmore, Katie, Hughes, Anne-Marie, Freeman, Christopher, Tong, Daisy, Burridge, Jane and Rogers, Eric (2011) Investigating the effectiveness of Stimulation Assistance through Iterative Learning for upper limb stroke rehabilitation. UK Stroke Forum, Glasgow, United Kingdom. 29 Nov - 01 Dec 2011. p. 49 .
Freeman, Christopher, Tong, Daisy, Meadmore, Katie, Hughes, Ann-Marie, Rogers, Eric and Burridge, Jane (2012) FES based Rehabilitation of the Upper Limb using Input/Output Linearization and ILC. 2012 American Control Conference, Montreal. 26 - 28 Jun 2012. pp. 4825-4830 .
Soska, Anna, Freeman, Christopher and Rogers, Eric (2012) ILC for FES-based Stroke Rehabilitation of Hand and Wrist. IEEE Multiconference on Systems and Control (MSC 2012), Dubrovnik, Croatia. 02 - 04 Oct 2012. pp. 1267-1272 .
Dinh Van, Thanh, Freeman, Christopher and Lewin, Paul (2012) Development of a multivariable test facility for the evaluation of iterative learning controllers. 2012 American Control Conference, Montreal. 26 - 28 Jun 2012. pp. 621-626 .
Hughes, Ann-Marie, Meadmore, Katie, Freeman, Christopher, Burridge, Jane and Rogers, Eric (2012) Arm rehabilitation using combined technologies: Experiences with stroke, potential for use with MS. Rehabilitation in Multiple Sclerosis (RIMS), Hamburg, Germany. 30 May - 01 Jun 2012.
Hughes, Anne-Marie, Meadmore, Katie, Freeman, Christopher, Benson, Valerie, Tong, Daisy, Burridge, Jane and Rogers, Eric (2012) ILC mediated FES for stroke arm rehabilitation. 7th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation, Melbourne, Australia. 15 - 18 May 2012.
Meadmore, K L, Hughes, A-M, Freeman, C T, Cai, Z, Tong, D, Burridge, J H and Rogers, E (2012) Functional Electrical Stimulation mediated by Iterative Learning Control and 3D robotics reduces motor impairment in chronic stroke. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 9 (32), 1-11.
Hughes, Anne-Marie, Exell, Timothy, Meadmore, Katie, Soska, Anna, Freeman, Chris, Burridge, Jane and Rogers, Eric (2012) Functional Electrical Stimulation and Iterative Learning in stroke rehabilitation for the upper limb. SET for Britain 2012, London, United Kingdom. 12 Mar 2012.
Hladowski, L, Galkowski, K, Rogers, E, Cai, Z, Freeman, C T and Lewin, P L (2011) Iterative Learning Control for Discrete Linear Systems with Zero Markov Parameters Using Repetitive Process Stability Theory. 2011 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control, Denver, Colorado, United States. 27 - 29 Oct 2011. CD-ROM .
Soska, Anna, Freeman, Christopher and Rogers, Eric (2011) Modelling for control of human hand and wrist motion for robotic assisted stroke rehabilitation. UKACC PhD Student Presentation Event, London, United Kingdom. 10 Mar 2011.
Wang, L., Freeman, C.T., Chai, S. and Rogers, E. (2012) Repetitive-predictive control of a robot arm with constraints. 2012 American Control Conference (ACC 2012), Montreal, Canada. 26 - 28 Jun 2012. pp. 5495-5500 .
Dabkowski, Pawel, Galkowski, Krzysztof, Rogers, Eric, Cai, Zhonglun, Freeman, Chris T., Lewin, Paul L., Hurák, Zdenek and Kummert, Anton (2012) Experimentally verified iterative learning control based on repetitive process stability theory. 2012 American Control Conference (ACC 2012), Montreal, Canada. 26 - 28 Jun 2012. pp. 604-609 .
Exell, T., Burridge, J.H., Freeman, C.T., Hallewell, E., Hughes, A.M., Meadmore, K.L ., Rogers, E. and Warner, M.B. (2012) Upper limb coordination during reach to grasp tasks performed at self-selected and maximal speeds. Biomechanics Interest Group 2012 (BIG 2012), Jordanstown, Nicaragua. 03 Apr 2012.
Tan, Y., Dai, H.D. and Freeman, C.T. (2012) A dual iterative learning control loops for cascade systems. 24th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, Hefei, China. 24 - 26 Jul 2012. pp. 694-699 .
Dinh Van, Thanh, Freeman, Chris T., Lewin, Paul L. and Tan, Ying (2012) Assessment of gradient-based point-to-point ILC for MIMO systems with varying interaction. IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control (MSC 2012), Dubrovnik, Croatia. 02 - 04 Oct 2012. pp. 1220-1225 .
Verstappen, R.J.L.M., Freeman, C.T., Rogers, E., Sampson, T. and Burridge, J.H. (2012) Robust higher order repetitive control applied to human tremor suppression. IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control (MSC 2012), Dubrovnik, Croatia. 02 - 04 Oct 2012. pp. 1214-1219 .
Brend, O., Freeman, C.T. and French, M. (2012) Application of multiple model adaptive control to upper limb stroke rehabilitation. IEEE Multiconference on Systems and Control (MSC 2012), Dubrovnik, Croatia. 02 - 04 Oct 2012. pp. 69-74 .
Chu, B, Cai, Z, Owens, D H, Rogers, E, Freeman, C T and Lewin, P L (2012) Experimental Verification of Constrained Iterative Learning Control Using Successive Projection. UKACC International Conference on Control 2012, Cardiff, United Kingdom. 02 - 04 Sep 2012. pp. 351-356 .
Hughes, A -M, Meadmore, K L, Freeman, C T, Cai, Z, Tong, D, Rogers, E and Burridge, J H (2012) SAIL: A 3D rehabilitation system to improve arm function following stroke. Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry, 16 (4), 17-19.
Owens, D.H., Freeman, C.T. and Chu, B. (2013) Multivariable norm optimal iterative learning control with auxiliary optimization. International Journal of Control, 86 (6), 1026-1045.
Dinh Van, T., Freeman, C.T. and Lewin, P.L. (2014) Assessment of gradient-based iterative learning controllers using a multivariable test facility with varying interaction. Control Engineering Practice, 29, 158-173.
Owens, D.H., Freeman, C.T. and Dinh Van, T. (2013) Norm optimal iterative learning control with intermediate point weighting: theory, algorithms and experimental evaluation. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 21 (3), 999-1007. (doi:10.1109/TCST.2012.2196281).
Owens, D H, Freeman, C T and Dinh Van, T (2012) Intermediate Point Norm Optimal Iterative Learning Control. 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, United States. 10 - 13 Dec 2012. pp. 3954-3959 .
Dinh Van, T, Freeman, C T, Lewin, P L and Tan, Y (2012) Convergence and Robustness of a Point-to-Point Iterative Learning Control Algorithm. 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, United States. 10 - 13 Dec 2012. pp. 4678-4683 .
Owens, D H, Freeman, C T and Chu, B (2014) An Inverse Approach to Intermediate Point Norm Optimal Iterative Learning Control with Auxiliary Optimization. International Journal of Control, 87 (8), 1646-1671. (doi:10.1080/00207179.2014.880951).
Wang, Liuping, Freeman, C T, Chai, Shan and Rogers, E (2013) Predictive-repetitive Control with Constraints: from Design to Implementation. Journal of Process Control, 23, 956-967.
Freeman, C.T. and Dinh Van, T. (2014) Experimentally verified point-to-point iterative learning control for highly coupled systems. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 89 (3), 302-324. (doi:10.1002/acs.2472).
Owens, D H, Freeman, C T and Chu, Bing (2013) Norm Optimal Iterative Learning Control with Auxiliary Optimization – An Inverse Model Approach. American Control Conference, 17-19 June 2013, Washington DC. 16 - 18 Jun 2013. pp. 6691-6696 .
Zhou, Shou-Han, Tan, Ying, Oetomo, Denny, Freeman, C T, Burdet, Etienne and Mareels, Iven (2013) Point-to-point Learning in Human Motor Systems. American Control Conference, 17-19 June 2013, Washington DC, United States. pp. 5923-5928 .
Zhou, Shou-Han, Tan, Ying, Oetomo, Denny, Freeman, C T and Mareels, Iven (2013) Trajectory Redundancy in Point-to-Point Tracking and Applications to Obstacle Avoidance. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, , Karlsruhe, Germany. 05 - 09 May 2013. (Submitted)
Owens, D H, Freeman, C T and Chu, Bing (2013) Norm Optimal Iterative Learning Control with Auxiliary Optimization: A Switching Approach. IFAC International Workshop on Adaptation and Learning in Control and Signal Processing 2013, Caen, France. 02 - 04 Jul 2013. pp. 140-145 .
Dinh Van, Thanh, Freeman, C T and Lewin, P.L. (2013) Evaluation of iterative learning control using a multivariable test facility. 5th IFAC International Workshop on Adaption and Learning. 02 - 04 Jul 2013. pp. 146-151 .
Soska, Anna, Freeman, Christopher, Exell, Timothy and Rogers, Eric (2013) Surface Electrode Array based Control of the Wrist and Hand. IFAC International Workshop on Adaptation and Learning in Control and Signal Processing, Caen, France. 02 - 04 Jul 2013. pp. 164-169 .
Hughes, Ann-Marie, Freeman, Christopher, Meagher, Claire, Pollet, Sebastien, Winstein, Carolee and Requejo, Philip (2014) Innovative rehabilitation technologies for the home. World Federation for NeuroRehabilitation (WFNR), Istanbul, Turkey. 07 - 11 Apr 2014.
Owens, D.H., Freeman, C.T. and Chu, B. (2013) Norm Optimal Iterative Learning Control for Planar Tracking Tasks. IFAC International Workshop on Adaptation and Learning in Control and Signal Processing, Caen, France. pp. 683-688 .
Zhou, S. H., Tan, Y., Oetomo, D. and Freeman, C. T. (2013) On On-line Sampled-data Optimal Learning for Dynamic Systems with Uncertainties. 9th Asian Control Conference, Istanbul, Turkey. 22 - 25 Jun 2013. 7 pp .
Cai, Zhonglun, Bristow, D.A., Rogers, E. and Freeman, C.T. (2011) Experimental implementation of an iteration-varying optimal stochastic iterative learning control algorithm. 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, Denver, United States. 27 - 29 Sep 2011. pp. 406-411 . (doi:10.1109/ISIC.2011.6045408).
Freeman, Christopher, Exell, Timothy, Meadmore, Katie, Hallewell, E., Hughes, Ann-Marie and Burridge, J.H. (2013) Computational models of upper limb movement during functional reaching tasks for application in electrical stimulation based stroke rehabilitation. 4th European Conference on Technically Assisted Rehabilitation, Berlin, Germany.
Exell, Timothy, Freeman, Christopher, Meadmore, Katie, Kutlu, Mustafa, Hallewell, Emma, Hughes, Ann-Marie, Burridge, Jane H. and Rogers, Eric (2013) Goal Orientated stroke rehabilitation utilising electrical stimulation, iterative learning and Microsoft Kinect. International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics 2013. 23 - 25 Jun 2013.
Meadmore, Katie, Exell, Timothy, Hallewell, E., Freeman, Christopher, Hughes, Ann-Marie, Kutlu, Mustafa, Burridge, J.H. and Rogers, E. (2013) Upper limb stroke rehabilitation using functional electrical stimulation mediated by iterative learning control. 4th Annual Conference of the International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society (UK and Ireland Chapter).
Meadmore, Katie, Exell, Timothy, Hughes, Ann-Marie, Hallewell, E., Freeman, Christopher, Kutlu, Mustafa, Burridge, Jane and Rogers, E. (2013) Electrical stimulation and iterative learning control for functional recovery in the upper limb post-stroke. International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics 2013. 23 - 25 Jun 2013. (doi:10.1109/ICORR.2013.6650359).
Zhou, Shou-Han, Oetomo, Denny, Tan, Ying, Freeman, Christopher, Burdet, Etienne and Mareels, Iven (2013) Kinematic learning in humans and robots. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Karlsruhe, Germany. 05 - 09 May 2013.
Owens, D.H., Chu, B., Rogers, E., Freeman, C.T. and Lewin, P.L. (2014) The influence of non-minimum phase zeros on the performance of optimal continuous-time iterative learning control. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 22 (3), 1151-1158. (doi:10.1109/TCST.2013.2267743).
Soska, Anna, Freeman, Christopher and Rogers, Eric (2013) Hand Restoration System using Surface Electrode Array Stimulation. Multidisciplinary Research Showcase 2013, Southampton, United Kingdom. 01 May 2013.
Brend, O., Freeman, C.T. and French, M. (2013) Adaptive control of functional electrical stimulation for upper limb stroke rehabilitation. IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, Hyderabad, India. 27 - 29 Aug 2013. pp. 97-102 .
Brend, O., Freeman, C.T. and French, M. (2013) Norm optimal iterative learning control based on a multiple model switched adaptive framework. 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, , Florence, Italy. 10 - 13 Dec 2013. pp. 7297-7302 .
Al-Gburi, A., French, M. and Freeman, C.T. (2013) Robustness Analysis of Nonlinear Systems with Feedback Linearizing Control. 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, , Florence, Italy. 10 - 13 Dec 2013. pp. 3055-3060 .
Brend, O., Robles-Garcia, V., Banks, T., Luo, L., Zheng, J., Freeman, C.T., French, M., Hughes, A.M. and Burridge, J. (2013) An investigation into functional electrical stimulation induced fatigue and compensation in healthy young and older adults. Research on Ageing Exhibition, Southampton, United Kingdom. 04 Sep 2013.
Yang, Kai, Freeman, C T, Torah, R.N., Beeby, S P and Tudor, M. J. (2013) Flexible Screen Printed Fabric Electrode Array for Wearable Functional Electrical Stimulation for Medical Application. International Conference on Flexible and Stretchable Electronics, Eindhoven, Netherlands. 12 - 13 Nov 2013.
Hallewell, E., Exell, T., Meadmore, K.L ., Freeman, C.T., Kutlu, Mustafa, Hughes, Ann-Marie and Burridge, J.H. (2013) Goal-orientated Functional Rehabilitation using Electrical Stimulation and Iterative Learning Control for Motor Recovery in the Upper Extremity Post-Stroke. UK Stroke Forum Conference. 04 - 05 Dec 2013.
Freeman, C T (2014) Newton-method based iterative learning control for robot-assisted rehabilitation using FES. Mechatronics, 24, 934-943. (doi:10.1016/j.mechatronics.2014.04.001).
Meadmore, K.L ., Hughes, Ann-Marie, Freeman, C.T., Benson, V. and Burridge, J.H. (2013) Participant Feedback in the Evaluation of Novel Stroke Rehabilitation Technologies. Journal of Rehabilitation Robotics, 1, 82-92.
Zhou, S.-H., Tan, Y., Oetomo, D., Freeman, C.T., Burdet, E and Mareels, I (2017) Modeling of endpoint feedback learning implemented through point-to-point learning control. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 25 (5), 1576-1585. (doi:10.1109/TCST.2016.2615083).
Freeman, C.T. (2015) Upper limb electrical stimulation using input-output linearization and iterative learning control. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 23 (4), 1546-1554. (doi:10.1109/TCST.2014.2363412).
Freeman, C.T., Sampson, P.A., Burridge, J.H. and Hughes, A.M. (2015) Repetitive control of functional electrical stimulation for induced tremor suppression. Mechatronics, 32, 79-87. (doi:10.1016/j.mechatronics.2015.10.008).
Freeman, C.T., Exell, T., Meadmore, K. L., Hallewell, E. and Hughes, A.-M. (2015) Computational models of upper limb motion during functional reaching tasks for application in FES based stroke rehabilitation. Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik, 60 (3), 179-191. (doi:10.1515/bmt-2014-0011).
Freeman, C.T. (2014) Electrode Array-based Electrical Stimulation using ILC with Restricted Input Subspace. Control Engineering Practice, 23 (2), 32-43.
Brend, O., Freeman, C.T. and French, M. (2015) Multiple model adaptive control of functional electrical stimulation. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 23 (5), 1901-1913. (doi:10.1109/TCST.2015.2394508).
Cannella, G., Laila, D.S. and Freeman, C.T. (2014) Low Cost Support Device for Stroke Rehabilitation. International Workshop on Medical and Service Robotics (MESROB), EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland. 09 - 11 Jul 2014.
Freeman, C.T., Zhou, S.-H., Tan, Y,, Oetomo, D., Burdet, E. and Mareels, I. (2014) On Experimentally Validated Iterative Learning Control in Human Motor Systems. American Control Conference, Portland, OR. 03 - 05 Jun 2014. pp. 4262-4267 .
Freeman, C.T. (2014) Iterative Learning Control with Restricted Input Subspace for Electrode Array-based FES. American Control Conference, Portland, OR. 03 - 05 Jun 2014. pp. 4243-4248 .
Copur, E. H., Freeman, C.T., Chu, B. and Laila, D.S. (2014) Repetitive Control Based Tremor Suppression using Electrical Stimulation. UKACC 10th International Conference on Control, Loughborough, United Kingdom. 08 - 10 Jul 2014. 6 pp .
Freeman, C.T. (2014) Phase-lead ILC based electrode array stimulation using reduced input subspace. UKACC 10th International Conference on Control, Loughborough, United Kingdom. 08 - 10 Jul 2014. pp. 591-596 .
Kutlu, M., Exell, T., Hallewell, E., Meadmore, K.L ., Freeman, C.T., Hughes, A.M. and Laila, D.S. (2014) Goal-Orientated Upper Limb Stroke Rehabilitation Utilizing Functional Electrical Stimulation and Advanced Sensing and Control Technologies. World Congress for NeuroRehabilitation, Istanbul, Turkey. 07 - 11 Apr 2014.
Brend, O., Banks, T., Freeman, C.T., Hughes, A.M., Luo, L., Robles-Garcia, V., Zheng, J. and Burridge, J.H. (2013) An investigation into functional electrical stimulation induced fatigue and compensation. Healthy Young and Older Adults Aging Research Exhibition, Southampton, United Kingdom. 04 Sep 2013.
Exell, T., Freeman, C.T., Meadmore, K. L., Hughes, A.M., Hallewell, E. and Burridge, J.H. (2013) Optimisation of Hand Posture Stimulation Using an Electrode Array and Iterative Learning Control. Journal of Automatic Control, 21 (1), 1-5.
Exell, T., Meadmore, K. L., Burridge, J. H., Freeman, C. T., Hallewell, E., Hughes, A. M., Rogers, E. and Warner, M.B. (2013) Robotic support during stroke rehabilitation: A case study comparison of robot-assisted and free movement during a functional reaching task. The Society for Research in Rehabilitation Winter Conference, Bath, United Kingdom. 05 Feb 2013.
Exell, T., Freeman, C. T., Meadmore, K. L., Hughes, A. M., Hallewell, E. and Burridge, J. H. (2013) Stimulation of Hand Postures Using an Electrode Array and Iterative Learning Control. 18th IFESS Annual Conference, Donostia, San Sebastián. 05 - 07 Jun 2013. pp. 88-91 .
Hallewell, E., Meadmore, K. L., Hughes, A. M., Exell, T., Freeman, C.T. and Burridge, J. H. (2013) Goal-orientated functional rehabilitation using Electrical Stimulation and Iterative Learning Control for motor recovery in the Upper Extremity Post-Stroke. 18th IFESS Annual Conference, Donostia, San Sebastián. 05 - 07 Jun 2013. pp. 104-107 .
Tan, Y., Freeman, C.T., Zhou, S.-H., Davis, R., Oetemo, D. and Mareels, I. (2014) Iterative Learning Control and its Applications in Computational Modelling of Human Motor Systems. International Conference on the Analysis and Mathematical Applications in Engineering and Science, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia. 19 - 22 Jan 2014.
Exell, T., Freeman, C.T., Meadmore, K. L., Kutlu, M., Hughes, A. M., Hallewell, E., Rogers, E. and Burridge, J. H. (2014) Iterative Learning Control as an Enabler for Goal Oriented Upper Limb Stroke Rehabilitation. American Control Conference, Portland, OR. 03 - 05 Jun 2014. pp. 4796-4801 .
Yang, K., Freeman, C.T., Torah, R.N., Beeby, S.P. and Tudor, J. (2014) Screen printed fabric electrode array for wearable functional electrical stimulation. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 213, 108-115. (doi:10.1016/j.sna.2014.03.025).
Wang, L, Freeman, C. T. and Rogers, E (2014) Iterative Learning Control with Time Domain Prediction using Laguerre Functions. 19th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control. 23 - 27 Aug 2014. pp. 395-400 .
Hladowski, L, Dinh Van, Thanh, Galkowski, K., Rogers, E and Freeman, C T (2014) 2D systems based iterative learning control design for multiple-input multiple-output systems. 19th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics, Międzyzdroje, Poland. pp. 27-32 .
Owens, David H., Freeman, Christopher and Chu, Bing (2015) Generalized Norm Optimal Iterative Learning Control with Intermediate Point and Sub-interval Tracking. International Journal of Automation and Computing, 12 (3), 243-253.
Cannella, G, Laila, D.S. and Freeman, C.T. (2014) Adaptive low cost gravity balanced orthosis. International Symposium on Multibody Systems and Mechatronics 2014, Huatulco, Mexico. 20 - 23 Oct 2014.
Meadmore, K.L ., Exell, T., Hallewell, E., Hughes, A.M., Freeman, C.T., Kutlu, M., Benson, V., Rogers, E and Burridge, J.H. (2014) The application of precisely controlled functional electrical stimulation to the shoulder, elbow and wrist for upper limb stroke rehabilitation: a feasibility study. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 11 (105).
Sampson, P., Freeman, C.T., Coote, S., Demain, S., Feys, P., Meadmore, K. L. and Hughes, A. -M. (2016) Using functional electrical stimulation mediated by iterative learning control and robotics to improve arm movement for people with Multiple Sclerosis. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 24 (2), 235-248. (doi:10.1109/TNSRE.2015.2413906).
Exell, Timothy, Freeman, Christopher T., Meadmore, Katie, Hughes, Ann-Marie, Hallewell, Emma, Rogers, Eric and Burridge, Jane H. (2014) Control in stroke rehabilitation. In, Samad, Tariq and Annaswamy, Anuradha (eds.) The Impact of Control Technology: Overview, Success Stories and Research Challenges. London, GB. IEEE Control Systems Society.
Hughes, A.M., Hallewell, E., Kutlu, M., Freeman, C.T. and Meadmore, K. L. (2014) Electrical Stimulation and Iterative Learning Control combined with real objects and simulated tasks to assist Motor Recovery in the Upper Extremity Post-Stroke. 19th IFESS Annual Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Kutlu, Mustafa, Freeman, Christopher T., Hallewell, Emma, Hughes, Ann-Marie and Laila, Dina Shona (2015) Electrode-array based functional electrical stimulation for upper-limb stroke rehabilitation with innovative sensing and control. TAR 2015: Technically Assisted Rehabilitation, Berlin, Germany. 12 - 13 Mar 2015. 4 pp .
Hughes, Ann-Marie, Hallewell, Emma, Kutlu, Mustafa, Freeman, Christopher and Meadmore, Katie (2014) Combining electrical stimulation mediated by iterative learning control with movement practice using real objects and simulated tasks for post-stroke upper extremity rehabilitation. Neurosonology and Cerebral Hemodynamics, 10 (2), 117-122.
Copur, E.H., Freeman, C.T., Chu, B. and Laila, D.S. (2016) System identification for FES-based tremor suppression. European Journal of Control, 27, 45-59. (doi:10.1016/j.ejcon.2015.12.003).
Kutlu, M., Freeman, C. T., Hallewell, E., Hughes, A.M. and Laila, D.S. (2016) Upper-limb stroke rehabilitation using electrode-array based functional electrical stimulation with sensing and control innovations. Medical Engineering & Physics, 38 (4), 366-379. (doi:10.1016/j.medengphy.2016.01.004).
Cannella, G., Laila, D.S. and Freeman, C. T. (2015) Design of a Hybrid Adaptive Support Device for FES Upper Limb Stroke Rehabilitation. In, New Trends in Medical and Service Robotics. (Mechanisms and Machine Science) Springer-Verlag.
Kutlu, M., Freeman, C. T., Hallewell, E., Hughes, A.M. and Laila, D.S. (2015) Goal-Orientated Upper-Limb Stroke Rehabilitation Utilising Functional Electrical Stimulation with Advanced Sensing and Control. SET for BRITAIN, , London, United Kingdom. 01 - 09 Mar 2015.
Cannella, G., Laila, D.S. and Freeman, C. T. (2015) Design of an Affordable Adaptive Orthosis for Upper Limb Stroke Rehabilitation. SET for BRITAIN, , London, United Kingdom. 01 - 09 Mar 2015.
Copur, E. H., Freeman, C. T., Chu, B. and Laila, D.S. (2015) Repetitive Control for Tremor Suppression Using Electrical Stimulation. 5th Annual Conference of the International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society (IFESS) (UK and Ireland Chapter), Sheffield, United Kingdom.
Kutlu, M., Freeman, C. T., Hallewell, E., Hughes, A.M. and Laila, D.S. (2015) Upper Limb Stroke Rehabilitation combining Electrode-Arrays with Low-cost Sensing and Advanced Control. 5th Annual Conference of the International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society (IFESS) (UK and Ireland Chapter), Sheffield, United Kingdom.
Yang, Kai, Freeman, C. T., Torah, R, Beeby, S. P. and Tudor, M. J. (2015) Fabrication and Evaluation of Screen Printed Fabric Electrode Arrays. 5th Annual Conference of the International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society (IFESS) (UK and Ireland Chapter), Sheffield, United Kingdom.
Kutlu, M., Freeman, C.T., Hallewell, E., Hughes, A.M. and Laila, D.S. (2015) FES-based upper-limb stroke rehabilitation with advanced sensing and control. International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, Singapore, Singapore. 10 - 13 Aug 2015. pp. 253-258 .
Cannella, G., Laila, D.S. and Freeman, C. T. (2015) Mechanical design of an affordable adaptive gravity balanced orthosis for upper limb stroke rehabilitation. Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, An International Journal. (doi:10.1080/15397734.2015.1054513).
Chu, B., Freeman, C. T. and Owens, D.H. (2015) A Novel Design Framework for Point-to-Point ILC Using Successive Projection. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 23 (3), 1156-1163.
Freeman, C.T., Rogers, E., Burridge, J.H., Hughes, A.M. and Meadmore, K. L. (2015) Iterative Learning Control for Electrical Stimulation and Stroke Rehabilitation (SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering), Springer, 134pp.
Freeman, C.T. and French, M. (2015) Estimation Based Multiple Model Iterative Learning Control. 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, , Osaka, Japan. 15 - 18 Dec 2015. pp. 6075-6080 .
Chen, Yiyang, Chu, Bing and Freeman, Christopher T. (2015) Point-to-point iterative learning control with optimal tracking time allocation. In 2015 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). IEEE. pp. 6089-6094 . (doi:10.1109/CDC.2015.7403177).
Chu, B., Owens, D.H. and Freeman, C. T. (2015) Predictive Gradient Iterative Learning Control. 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, , Osaka, Japan. 15 - 18 Dec 2015. pp. 2377-2382 .
Copur, E. H., Freeman, C. T., Chu, B. and Laila, D.S. (2015) FES Based Tremor Suppression Using Repetitive Control. 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, , Osaka, Japan. 15 - 18 Dec 2015. pp. 6023-6028 .
Chu, B., Owens, D.H. and Freeman, C.T. (2015) Iterative learning control with predictive trial information: convergence, robustness and experimental verifications. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 1-8. (doi:10.1109/TCST.2015.2476779).
Chen, Y., Chu, B. and Freeman, C. T. (2015) Point-to-Point Iterative Learning Control with Optimal Tracking Time Allocation. Control & Optimisation UK, Oxford, United Kingdom.
Freeman, C. T. (2016) Robust Control Design for Electrical Stimulation Electrode Arrays. 2016 American Control Conference, ACC 2016, , Boston, United States. 05 - 07 Jul 2016. (In Press)
Freeman, C.T. (2016) Control system design for electrical stimulation in upper limb rehabilitation: modelling, identification and robust performance , 1 ed. Cham. Springer International Publishing, 192pp.
Al-Gburi, A., Freeman, C. T. and French, M. C. (2017) Gap metric based robustness analysis of nonlinear systems with full and partial feedback linearization. International Journal of Control, 91 (6), 1385-1402. (doi:10.1080/00207179.2017.1316425).
Freeman, C. T., Yang, K., Tudor, J. and Kutlu, M. (2016) Feedback Control of Electrical Stimulation Electrode Arrays. Medical Engineering & Physics, 38 (11), 1185-1194. (doi:10.1016/j.medengphy.2016.07.002).
Wang, Liuping, Freeman, Christopher T. and Rogers, Eric (2016) Predictive iterative learning control with experimental validation. Control Engineering Practice, 53, 24-34. (doi:10.1016/j.conengprac.2016.04.001).
Freeman, Christopher, Tudor, Michael, Torah, Russel, Hughes, Ann-Marie, Beeby, Stephen and Yang, Kai (2016) Printed e-textiles for wearable stroke rehabilitation. Printed Electronics Europe, Berlin, Germany. 26 - 27 Apr 2016. 1 pp .
Hughes, Ann-Marie, Freeman, Christopher, Banks, Tom, Savelberg, Hans and Gobbi, Mary (2016) Using the Tuning Methodology to design the founding benchmark competences for a new academic professional field: the case of advanced rehabilitation technologies. Tuning Journal for Higher Education, 1-26. (In Press)
Freeman, Christopher, Yang, Kai, Tudor, Michael and Kutlu, Mustafa, Cagri (2016) Dataset for Feedback Control of Electrical Stimulation Electrode Arrays. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/396293 [Dataset]
Rogers, Eric, Freeman, Christopher, Hughes, Ann-Marie, Burridge, Jane, Meadmore, Katie and Exell, Timothy (2016) Iterative learning control as an enabler for robotic-assisted upper limb stroke rehabilitation. In, Dimirovski, Georgi M. (ed.) Complex Systems: Relationships between Control, Communications and Computing. (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 55) Cham, CH. Springer International Publishing, pp. 157-187. (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-28860-4).
Chen, Yiyang, Chu, Bing and Freeman, Christopher T. (2016) Spatial path tracking using iterative learning control. In 2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). IEEE. pp. 7189-7194 . (doi:10.1109/CDC.2016.7799378).
Freeman, Christopher and Schauer, Thomas (2016) Editorial. Advances in functional electrical stimulation modelling and control. Medical Engineering & Physics, 38 (11), 1157-1158. (doi:10.1016/j.medengphy.2016.09.004).
Freeman, C.T. (2017) Robust ILC design with application to stroke rehabilitation. Automatica, 81, 270-278. (doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2017.04.016).
Chen, Yiyang, Chu, Bing and Freeman, Christopher (2018) Point-to-point iterative learning control with optimal tracking time allocation. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 26 (5), 1685-1698, [8013126]. (doi:10.1109/TCST.2017.2735358).
Copur, Engin, Freeman, Christopher, Chu, Bing and Laila, Dina (2019) Repetitive control of electrical stimulation for tremor suppression. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 27 (2), 540-552. (doi:10.1109/TCST.2017.2771327).
Ljesnjanin, Merid, Tan, Ying, Oetomo, Denny and Freeman, Christopher (2017) Spatial iterative learning control: systems with input saturation. In American Control Conference (ACC), 2017. IEEE. pp. 1-6 . (doi:10.23919/ACC.2017.7963749).
Ljesnjanin, Merid, Tan, Ying, Oetomo, Denny and Freeman, Christopher (2017) Spatial iterative learning control: output tracking. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 50 (1), 1977-1982. (doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2017.08.166).
Kutlu, Mustafa, Freeman, Christopher, Hughes, Ann-Marie and Spraggs, Matthew (2016) A home-based FES system for upper-limb stroke rehabilitation with iterative learning control. World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, Toulouse, France. 08 - 13 Jul 2017. (In Press)
Kutlu, Mustafa, Freeman, Christopher and Spraggs, Matthew (2017) Functional electrical stimulation for home-based upper-limb stroke rehabilitation. TAR 2017: Technically Assisted Rehabilitation, Berlin, Germany. 08 - 10 Mar 2017. (In Press)
Chen, Yiyang, Chu, Bing and Freeman, Christopher (2017) Point-to-point iterative learning control with optimal tracking time allocation: a coordinate descent approach. In 2017 36th Chinese Control Conference (CCC). IEEE. pp. 3298-3303 . (doi:10.23919/ChiCC.2017.8027867).
Chen, Yiyang, Chu, Bing and Freeman, Christopher (2017) Generalized norm optimal iterative learning control: constraint handling. IFAC 2017 World Congress, The 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, Toulouse, France. 08 - 13 Jul 2017.
Freeman, Christopher (2017) Multiple Model Switched Repetitive Control. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Melbourne, Australia. 12 - 15 Dec 2017. (Submitted)
Yang, Kai, Meadmore, Katie, Hughes, Ann-Marie, Grabham, Neil, Spraggs, Matthew, Freeman, Christopher, Beeby, Stephen, Torah, Russel and Tudor, John (2016) Low-cost personalised instrumented clothing with integrated FES electrodes for upper limb rehabilitation. Researcher Links Workshop on Healthcare Technologies for Aging Populations, Chengdu, China. 06 - 08 Dec 2016.
Wang, Liuping, Freeman, Christopher and Rogers, Eric (2017) Observer-based predictive repetitive control with experimental validation. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 50 (1), 3674-3679. (doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2017.08.560).
Meadmore, Katie, Hughes, Ann-Marie, Grabham, Neil, Spraggs, Matthew, Freeman, Christopher, Beeby, Stephen, Tudor, John and Yang, Kai (2017) Understanding the relationship between engagement in upper limb activity and expectation of motor recovery. RehabWeek 2017: Translation and Clinical Delivery: Rehab Week London 2017, , London, United Kingdom. 17 - 21 Jul 2017.
Meadmore, Katie, Exell, Timothy, Burridge, Jane, Hughes, Ann-Marie, Freeman, Christopher and Benson, Valerie (2017) Upper limb and eye movement coordination during reaching tasks in people with stroke. Disability and Rehabilitation, 40 (20), 2424-2432. (doi:10.1080/09638288.2017.1336649).
Chu, Bing, Owens, David, Freeman, Christopher and Liu, Yanhong (2017) Point-to-point ILC with accelerated convergence. IEEE 6th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference, Convention Center of Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing, China. 26 - 27 May 2017. (doi:10.1109/DDCLS.2017.8068127).
Yang, Kai, Meadmore, Katie, Hughes, Ann-Marie, Grabham, Neil, Spraggs, Matthew, Freeman, Christopher, Beeby, Stephen, Torah, Russel and Tudor, John (2017) Fabric based wearable technology for stroke rehabilitation. International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society, , London, United Kingdom. 17 - 21 Jul 2017.
Wang, Liuping, Freeman, Christopher and Rogers, Eric (2017) Experimental evaluation of automatic tuning of PID controllers for an electro-mechanical system. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 50 (1), 3063-3068. (doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2017.08.676).
Meadmore, Katie, Hughes, Ann-Marie, Freeman, Christopher, Grabham, Neil, Beeby, Stephen, Tudor, Michael and Yang, Kai (2017) Restoring arm movement post stroke using electrical stimulation technology in clothing. STEM for Britain: Exhibition of Posters by early-career research scientists, engineers and mathematicians, Westminster, London, United Kingdom. 13 Mar 2017. (In Press)
Meadmore, Katie, Hughes, Ann-Marie, Lundrigan, Kelly, Spraggs, Matthew, Freeman, Christopher, Grabham, Neil, Beeby, Stephen, Tudor, John and Yang, Kai (2018) Exploring stroke patients' expectations for upper limb motor recovery and the barriers to achieving those expectations. 10th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation, Renaissance, Mumbai Convention Centre Hotal, Mumbai, India. 07 - 10 Feb 2018.
Meadmore, Katie, Hughes, Ann-Marie, Spraggs, Matthew, Freeman, Christopher, Grabham, Neil, Beeby, Stephen, Tudor, John (Michael) and Yang, Kai (2017) Engagement in upper limb activity and expectation of motor recovery. Sensing our World - Southampton Neuroscience Group Conference, University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom. 13 Sep 2017.
Freeman, Christopher (2017) Dataset for Robust ILC design for electrical stimulation in upper limb rehabilitation. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0032 [Dataset]
Tan, Ying, Freeman, Chris and Barton, Kira (2018) Special Issue on “Theoretical and Practical Challenges in Learning Control”. Asian Journal of Control, 20 (3), 973-974. (doi:10.1002/asjc.1845).
Yang, Kai, Meadmore, Katie, Freeman, Christopher, Grabham, Neil, Hughes, Ann-Marie, Wei, Yang, Torah, Russel, Glanc-Gostkiewicz, Monika, Beeby, Stephen and Tudor, Michael (2018) Wearable electronic sleeve for muscle stimulation. In Annual Conference of the International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society 2018. (In Press)
Yang, Kai, Meadmore, Katie, Freeman, Chris, Grabham, Neil, Hughes, Ann-Marie, Wei, Yang, Torah, Russel, Glanc-Gostkiewicz, Monika, Beeby, Steve and Tudor, John (2018) Development of user-friendly wearable electronic textiles for healthcare applications. Sensors, 18 (8), [2410]. (doi:10.3390/s18082410).
Meadmore, Katie, Hallewell, Emma, Freeman, Christopher and Hughes, Ann-Marie (2018) Factors affecting rehabilitation and use of upper limb after stroke: views from healthcare professionals and stroke survivors. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation. (doi:10.1080/10749357.2018.1544845).
Freeman, Christopher, Spraggs, Matthew W., Hughes, Ann-Marie, Yang, Kai, Tudor, Michael and Grabham, Neil (2018) Multiple model adaptive ILC for human movement assistance. IFAC European Control Conference 2018, , Limassol, Cyprus. 12 - 15 Jun 2018. pp. 1-6 .
Sa-E, Sakariya, Freeman, Christopher and Yang, Kai (2018) Model-based control of FES embedding simultaneous volitional EMG measurement. In 2018 UKACC 12th International Conference on Control, CONTROL 2018. IEEE. pp. 480-485 . (doi:10.1109/CONTROL.2018.8516718).
Page, A. P., Freeman, C. T. and Chu, B. (2018) Point-to-point repetitive control with application to drop-foot. In 2018 European Control Conference, ECC 2018. IEEE. pp. 2399-2404 . (doi:10.23919/ECC.2018.8550097).
Chen, Shangcheng, Freeman, Christopher and Chu, Bing (2018) Gradient-based iterative learning control for decentralised collaborative tracking. In 2018 European Control Conference, ECC 2018. IEEE. pp. 721-726 . (doi:10.23919/ECC.2018.8550177).
Page, A. P., Freeman, C. T. and Chu, B. (2018) Weighted point-to-point repetitive control for drop-foot assistance. In 018 UKACC 12th International Conference on Control (CONTROL). IEEE. pp. 468-473 . (doi:10.1109/CONTROL.2018.8516840).
Chen, Yiyang, Chu, Bing and Freeman, Christopher (2019) A coordinate descent approach to optimal tracking time allocation in point-to-point ILC. Mechatronics, 59, 25-34. (doi:10.1016/j.mechatronics.2019.02.005).
Chen, Shangcheng and Freeman, Christopher (2019) Decentralised collaborative iterative learning control for MIMO multi-agent systems. In Proceedings of the IEEE American Control Conference. pp. 3352-3357 .
Chen, Yiyang, Chu, Bing and Freeman, Christopher T. (2019) Norm optimal iterative learning control for general spatial path following problem. In 2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). vol. 2018-December, IEEE. pp. 4933-4938 . (doi:10.1109/CDC.2018.8619378).
Chen, Yiyang, Chu, Bing and Freeman, Christopher T. (2017) Generalized norm optimal iterative learning control: constraint handling. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 50 (1), 13396-13401. (doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2017.08.2275).
Chen, Yiyang, Chu, Bing and Freeman, Christopher (2020) Generalized iterative learning control using successive projection: algorithm, convergence and experimental verification. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 28 (6), 2079-2091. (doi:10.1109/TCST.2019.2928505).
Sa-E, Sakariya, Freeman, Christopher and Yang, Kai (2019) Iterative learning control of FES with embedded simultaneous volitional EMG. In IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control. IEEE. 6 pp .
Huo, Benyan, Freeman, Christopher and Liu, Yanhong (2020) Model-free gradient iterative learning control for non-linear systems. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 52 (29), 304-309. (doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2019.12.667).
Chen, Yiyang, Chu, Bing and Freeman, Christopher (2019) Iterative learning control for minimum time path following. In 13th IFAC Workshop on Adaptive and Learning Control Systems. 6 pp .
Page, A.P. and Freeman, C.T. (2020) Point-to-point repetitive control of functional electrical stimulation for drop-foot. Control Engineering Practice, 96, [104280]. (doi:10.1016/j.conengprac.2019.104280).
Sa-E, Sakariya, Freeman, Christopher T. and Yang, Kai (2020) Iterative learning control of functional electrical stimulation in the presence of voluntary user effort. Control Engineering Practice, 96, 1-11, [104303]. (doi:10.1016/j.conengprac.2020.104303).
Chen, Yiyang, Chu, Bing, Freeman, Christopher T. and Liu, Yanhong (2020) Generalized iterative learning control with mixed system constraints: A gantry robot based verification. Control Engineering Practice, 95, [104260]. (doi:10.1016/j.conengprac.2019.104260).
Chen, Shangcheng and Freeman, Christopher (2019) Decentralised collaborative and formation iterative learning control for multi-agent systems. In 2020 American Control Conference (ACC). IEEE. 6 pp .
Ward, Tyler, Grabham, Neil, Freeman, Christopher, Wei, Yang, Hughes, Ann-Marie, Power, Conor, Tudor, Michael and Yang, Kai (2020) Multichannel biphasic muscle stimulation system for post stroke rehabilitation. Electronics, 9 (7), 1-13, [1156]. (doi:10.3390/electronics9071156).
Huo, Benyan, Freeman, Christopher and Liu, Yanghong (2020) Data-driven gradient-based point-to-point iterative learning control for non-linear systems. Nonlinear Dynamics, 102, 269–283.
Chen, Shangcheng and Freeman, Christopher (2020) A decentralised iterative learning control framework for collaborative tracking. Mechatronics, 72, [102465]. (doi:10.1016/j.mechatronics.2020.102465).
Wang, Liuping, Freeman, Christopher and Rogers, Eric (2020) Disturbance observer-based predictive repetitive control with constraints. International Journal of Control. (doi:10.1080/00207179.2020.1839674).
Chen, Yiyang, Chu, Bing and Freeman, Christopher (2021) Iterative learning control for path following tasks with performance optimization. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 30 (1), 234-246. (doi:10.1109/TCST.2021.3062223).
Kazantzidis, Ilias, Norman, Timothy, Du, Yali and Freeman, Christopher (2022) How to train your agent: active learning from human preferences and justifications in safety-critical environments. International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Milti-Agent Systems 2022, Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand. 09 - 13 May 2022. (In Press)
Sun, Xiaoru and Freeman, Christopher (2022) Parametrised Function ILC with application to FES Electrode Arrays. In Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE American Control Conference. pp. 1-6 . (In Press)
Huo, Benyan, Liu, Yanghong, Qin, Yunhui, Chu, Bing and Freeman, Christopher (2020) Disturbance observer based iterative learning control for upper limb rehabilitation. In IECON 2020 The 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. IEEE. p. 2774 . (doi:10.1109/IECON43393.2020.9254696).
Chen, Yiyang, Chu, Bing and Freeman, Christopher (2022) Iterative learning control for robotic path following with trial-varying motion profiles. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics. (doi:10.1109/TMECH.2022.3164101).
Telephone: +44 (0) 23 8059 3486
Dr Tasmiat Rahman is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in the School of Electronics and Computer Science (ECS) at the University of Southampton. He graduated from Imperial College London in 2011, with a first-class honours degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and then awarded a PhD in 2016, for his work on light trapping nano-structures for silicon photovoltaics. He then joined ECS as a post-doctoral researcher, working on tandem-cells and quantum materials. He was promoted to Senior Research Fellow in 2018, where he worked on black silicon surfaces for industrial photovoltaics. Tasmiat was appointed as a lecturer for ECS in 2021. He now leads a team of researchers focusing on developing combined solar and energy storage technologies, building their sustainability through integration of IoT networks, and understanding the socio-economic barriers to implementation within developing communities.
Tasmiat has published 17 journal papers and delivered over 20 oral/poster presentations at national and international conferences. His research output is also highlighted by winning the IET Innovation Award in 2019. He is an organising committee member for the international PV-SAT conference and also co-ordinates the annual PV training day for the EPSRC SuperSolar Hub. Tasmiat currently teaches on a broad range of modules within electrical and electronic engineering, as well as supervising PhD and MSc students, and has been recognised as a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Rahman, Tasmiat, Bonilla, Ruy, Nawabjan, Amirjan, Wilshaw, Peter and Boden, Stuart (2017) Passivation of all-angle black surfaces for silicon solar cells. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 160, 444-453. (doi:10.1016/j.solmat.2016.10.044).
Nawabjan, Amirjan, Rahman, Tasmiat, Tarazona, Antulio, Bagnall, Darren and Boden, Stuart (2015) Epitaxial Interdigitated Back Contact (IBC) solar cell test platform for novel light trapping schemes. Proceedings of the 31st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC), Hamburg, Germany. 13 - 17 Sep 2015. pp. 783-787 . (doi:10.4229/EUPVSEC20152015-2AV.3.32).
Rahman, Tasmiat, Nawabjan, Amirjan, Tarazona, Antulio, Bagnall, Darren M. and Boden, Stuart (2016) Junction formation with HWCVD and TCAD model of an epitaxial back-contact solar cell. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 6 (6), 1-7. (doi:10.1109/JPHOTOV.2016.2598277).
Crudgington, Lee, Rahman, Tasmiat and Boden, Stuart (2016) Dataset for "Development of Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells with Plasmonic Light Scattering". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/404119 [Dataset]
Crudgington, Lee, Rahman, Tasmiat and Boden, Stuart (2017) Development of amorphous silicon solar cells with plasmonic light scattering. Vacuum, 139, 164-172.
Rahman, Tasmiat, To, Alexander, Pollard, Michael E., Grant, Nicholas E., Colwell, Jack, Payne, David N.R., Murphy, John D., Bagnall, Darren M., Hoex, Bram and Boden, Stuart A. (2018) Minimising bulk lifetime degradation during the processing of interdigitated back contact silicon solar cells. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 26 (1), 38-47. (doi:10.1002/pip.2928).
Rahman, Tasmiat and Boden, Stuart A. (2017) Optical modelling of black silicon for solar cells using effective index techniques. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 7 (6), 1556-1562. (doi:10.1109/JPHOTOV.2017.2748900).
Rahman, Tasmiat, Nguyen, Hieu T., Tarazona, Antulio, Shi, Jingxing, Han, Young Joon, Franklin, Evan, Macdonald, Daniel and Boden, Stuart A. (2018) Characterization of epitaxial heavily-doped silicon regions formed by HWCVD using Micro-Raman and Micro-Photoluminescence Spectroscopy. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 8 (3), 813-819. (doi:10.1109/JPHOTOV.2018.2818284).
Scheul, Tudor, Emilian, Khorani, Edris, Rahman, Tasmiat and Boden, Stuart (2018) Metal-assisted chemically etched black silicon for crystalline silicon solar cells. PV-SAT 14, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom. 18 - 20 Apr 2018. 4 pp .
Khorani, Edris, Scheul, Tudor, Emilian, Tarazona, Antulio, Rahman, Tasmiat and Boden, Stuart (2018) Optimisation of ex-situ annealing process for epitaxial silicon emitters via Hot Wire CVD. PV-SAT 14, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom. 18 - 20 Apr 2018.
Tyson, Jack, Rahman, Tasmiat and Boden, Stuart (2019) Optical simulation of black silicon surfaces using geometric randomisation and unit-cell based averaging. The 15th Photovoltaic Science, Applications and Technology Conference<br/>, University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom. 10 - 12 Apr 2019. 4 pp .
Tyson, Jack, Rahman, Tasmiat and Boden, Stuart (2019) Multiphysics simulations for robust computational modelling of stochastic nanostructures. 2019 COMSOL Conference, , Cambridge, United Kingdom. 24 - 26 Sep 2019.
Scheul, Tudor, Emilian, Khorani, Edris, Rahman, Tasmiat and Boden, Stuart (2019) Characterization of atomic layer deposited alumina thin films on black silicon textures using helium ion microscopy. In AIP Conference Proceedings. vol. 2147, AIP Publishing. 6 pp . (doi:10.1063/1.5123858).
Tyson, Jack, Rahman, Tasmiat and Boden, Stuart (2021) Angle-resolved Hemispherical Reflectometry for the Optical Characterisation of Photovoltaic Materials. SuperSolar/PVSAT Conference 2021. 08 - 10 Jun 2021.
Tyson, Jack, Rahman, Tasmiat and Boden, Stuart (2021) Ray tracing coupled with electromagnetic wave optics for nanoscale light propagation studies. 2020 COMSOL Conference, , Grenoble, France. 14 - 15 Oct 2020.
Tyson, Jack, Rahman, Tasmiat and Boden, Stuart (2020) A new mathematical interpretation of disordered nanoscale material systems for computational modelling. Computer Physics Communications, 255, 1-15, [107399]. (doi:10.1016/j.cpc.2020.107399).
Scheul, Tudor Emilian, Khorani, Edris, Rahman, Tasmiat, Charlton, Martin and Boden, Stuart (2020) Wavelength and angle resolved reflectance measurements of pyramidal textures for crystalline silicon photovoltaics. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 28 (12), 1248-1257. (doi:10.1002/pip.3319).
Pi, Hailong, Rahman, Tasmiat, Boden, Stuart A., Ma, Tianjun, Yan, Jize and Fang, Xu (2020) Integrated vortex beam emitter in the THz frequency range: design and simulation. APL Photonics. (In Press)
Khorani, Edris, Scheul, Tudor E., Tarazona, Antulio, Nutter, John, Rahman, Tasmiat and Boden, Stuart (2020) p+ polycrystalline silicon growth via hot wire chemical vapour deposition for silicon solar cells. Thin Solid Films, 705, [137978]. (doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2020.137978).
Khorani, Edris, McNab, Shona, Scheul, Tudor Emilian, Rahman, Tasmiat, Bonilla, Ruy Sebastian, Boden, Stuart and Wilshaw, Peter (2020) Optoelectronic properties of ultrathin ALD silicon nitride and its potential as a hole-selective nanolayer for high efficiency solar cells. APL Materials, 8 (11), [111106]. (doi:10.1063/5.0023336).
Mercier, Thomas M., Krishnan, Chirenjeevi, Rahman, Tasmiat, Shaw, Peter J., Lagoudakis, Pavlos G. and Charlton, Martin D.B. (2020) FDTD study of anti-reflective properties of photonic crystal slabs in silicon. Freundlich, Alexandre, Sugiyama, Masakazu and Collin, Stephane (eds.) In Physics, Simulation, and Photonic Engineering of Photovoltaic Devices IX. vol. 11275, SPIE.. (doi:10.1117/12.2544226).
Krishnan, Chirenjeevi, Mercier, Thomas, Rahman, Tasmiat, Piana, Giacomo, Brossard, Mael, Yagafarov, Timur, To, Alexander, Pollard, Michael E., Shaw, Peter, Bagnall, Darren M., Hoex, Bram, Boden, Stuart A., Lagoudakis, Pavlos G., Charlton, Martin D. B., Shaw, Peter and Shaw, Peter (2019) Efficient light harvesting in hybrid quantum dot-interdigitated back contact solar cells via resonant energy transfer and luminescent downshifting. Nanoscale, 11 (40), 18837-18844. (doi:10.1039/c9nr04003j).
Mercier, Thomas (2021) Data And Code For PhD Thesis Hybrid Solar Cells and Hybrid LEDs utilising Photonic Quasi Crystals and Colloidal Quantum Dots. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1852 [Dataset]
Scheul, Tudor, Khorani, Edris, Rahman, Tasmiat, Charlton, Martin and Boden, Stuart (2022) Light scattering from black silicon surfaces and its benefits for encapsulated solar cells. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 235, [111448]. (doi:10.1016/j.solmat.2021.111448).
Tyson, Jack, Rahman, Tasmiat and Boden, Stuart (2022) Angle-resolved spectrophotometry for the optical characterisation of material surfaces. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 71. (doi:10.1109/TIM.2022.3146947).
Tyson, Jack, Rahman, Tasmiat and Boden, Stuart (2021) Hybrid black silicon nanotextures and their Implications on the time-varying performance of solar photovoltaic technologies in the real world. The 16th Photovoltaic Science, Applications and Technology Conference, University of Salford, Salford, United Kingdom. 06 - 08 Apr 2022. (Submitted)
Rwaimi, Malek, Bailey, Christopher, Shaw, Peter, Mercier, Thomas M, Krishnan, Chirenjeevi, Rahman, Tasmiat, Lagoudakis, Pavlos, Horng, Ray-Hua, Boden, Stuart and Charlton, Matthew B (2022) FAPbBr3 perovskite quantum dots as a multifunctional luminescent-downshifting passivation layer for GaAs solar cells. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 234, [111406]. (doi:10.1016/j.solmat.2021.111406).
Telephone: +44 (0) 23 8059 3169
Modafferi, Stefano, Chakravarthy, Ajay and Sabeur, Zoheir (2013) Multi-level data fusion of environmental data in future internet applications. 21st Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems SEBD, Roccella Jonica, Italy. 29 Jun - 02 Jul 2013.
Middleton, Stuart E., Middleton, Lee and Modafferi, Stefano (2014) Real-time crisis mapping of natural disasters using social media. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 29 (2), 9-17. (doi:10.1109/MIS.2013.126).
Boniface, M.J., Modafferi, Stefano, Voulodimos, Athanasios, Salama, David and Murg, Sandra (2014) EXPERIMEDIA: Innovate in New Media - a multi-venue experimentation service supporting technology innovation through new forms of social interaction and user experience Southampton, GB. IT Innovation
Middleton, Stuart E. and Modafferi, Stefano (2015) Experiences monitoring and managing QoS using SDN on testbeds supporting different innovation stages. 2015 1st IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft), London, United Kingdom. 12 - 16 Apr 2015. pp. 1-5 . (doi:10.1109/NETSOFT.2015.7116136).
Boniface, Michael, Modafferi, Stefano, Voulodimos, Athanasios, Osborne, David and Murg, Sandra (2015) EXPERIMEDIA: Report on the features and opportunities for networked multimedia systems Southampton, GB. University of Southampton 23pp.
Modafferi, Stefano, Crowle, Simon, Middleton, Lee, Dimitropoulos, K., Dimaraki, E., Cobello, S., D'Andria, F., Garrido Gonzalez, J.M. and Boniface, M. (2015) ProsocialLearn: D2.3 - 1st system requirements and architecture Southampton, GB. University of Southampton 54pp.
Dimitropoulos, K., Vuillier, L., Modafferi, S., Middleton, L., Peters, C., d'Andria, F., Zoakou, A., Star, K., Thermos, S., Kaza, K., Psaltis, A., Stefanidis, K., Apostolakis, K. and Daras, P. (2015) ProsocialLearn: D2.5 evaluation strategy and protocols Thermi, GR. CERTH - The Centre for Research & Technology 68pp. (Submitted)
Apostolakis, K., Thermos, S., Kaza, K., Dimitropoulos, K., Daras, P., Middleton, L., Modafferi, S., Peters, C. and Vuillier, L. (2015) ProsocialLearn: D3.1 User data acquisition and mapping in game environments Therrmi, GR. CERTH - The Centre for Research & Technology 81pp. (Submitted)
Dimaraki, E., Zoakou, A., Dimitropoulos, K., Cobello, S., Boniface, M., Pickering, B., Modafferi, S., Peters, C., Star, K., Cannon, J. and Allsopp, J. (2015) D7.2 1st experiment planning and community management Pallini, GR. PROSOCIALLEARN: Ellinogermaniki Agogi (EA) 86pp.
Middleton, Stuart and Modafferi, Stefano (2016) Scalable classification of QoS for real-time interactive applications from IP traffic measurements. Computer Networks, 107 (1), 121-132. (doi:10.1016/j.comnet.2016.04.017).
Modafferi, Stefano, Boniface, Michael, Crowle, Simon, Star, Kam and Middleton, Lee (2017) Creating opportunities to learn social skills at school using digital games. Connolly, Thomas and Boyle, Liz (eds.) In 10th European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL 2016) : Paisley, United Kingdom, 6-7 October 2016. Academic Conferences Ltd. pp. 461-469 .
Phillips, Stephen, Walland, Paul, Modafferi, Stefano, Spagnuolo, Michela, Catalano, Chiara Eva, Oldman, Dominic, Tal, Ayellet, Shimshoni, Illan and Hermon, Sorin (2016) GRAVITATE: Geometric and semantic matching for cultural heritage artefacts. In GCH '16 Proceedings of the 14th Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage. ACM Press. pp. 199-202 . (doi:10.2312/gch.20161407).
Boniface, Michael, Modafferi, Stefano, Crowle, Simon, Middleton, Lee, Garido, Jose Miguel, Dimitropoulos, Kosmos and Apostolakis, Kostas (2016) D2.4 2nd system requirements and architecture for gamification of prosocial learning Southampton, GB. PROSOCIALLEARN: University of Southampton IT Innovation Centre 68pp.
Dimitropoulos, Kosmas, Vuiller, Laura, Modafferi, Stefano, Middleton, Lee, Peters, Christopher, D'Andria, Francesco, Zoakou, Anna, Star, Kam, Thermos, Spyridon, Kaza, Kyriaki, Psaltis, Athanasios, Stefanidis, Kyriakos, Apostolakis, Kostas and Daras, Petros (2015) D2.5 Evaluation strategy and protocols for gamification of prosocial learning Thermi, GR. PROSOCIALLEARN: CERTH 68pp.
Apostolakis, Konstantinos, Spyridon, Thermos, Kaza, Kyriaki, Psaltis, Athanasios, Dimitropoulos, Kosmas, Daras, Petros, Middleton, Lee, Modafferi, Stefano, Peters, Christopher and Vuiller, Laura (2015) D3.1 User data acquisition and mapping in game environments for gamification of prosocial learning Thermi, GR. PROSOCIALLEARN: CERTH 81pp.
Middleton, Lee, Crowle, Simon, Meacham, Kenneth, Apostolakis, Kostas, Dimitropoulos, Kosmas, Psaltis, Athanasios, Thermos, Spyridon, Kaza, Kyriaki, Stefanidis, Kyriakos, Modafferi, Stefano, Vuiller, Laura and Star, Kam (2015) D3.2 1st Prosocial affect fusion and player modelling for gamification of prosocial learning Southampton, GB. PROSOCIALLEARN: University of Southampton IT Innovation Centre 74pp.
Middleton, Lee, Crowle, Simon, Meacham, Kenneth, Boniface, Michael, Apostolakis, Kostas, Dimitropoulos, Kosmas, Psaltis, Athanasios, Thermos, Spyridon, Kaza, Kyriaki, Stefanidis, Kyriakos, Modafferi, Stefano, Vullier, Laura and Star, Kam (2016) D3.3 2nd Prosocial affect fusion and player modelling for gamification of prosocial learning Southampton, GB. PROSOCIALLEARN: University of Southampton IT Innovation Centre 91pp.
D'Andria, Francesco, Garrido, Jose, Boniface, Michael, Modafferi, Stefano, Crowle, Simon, Middleton, Lee, Apostolakis, Konstantinos, Dimitropoulos, Kosmos and Daras, Petros (2017) ProsocialLearn : a digital distribution platform for prosocial games. In 2017 9th International Conference on Virtual Worlds and Games for Serious Applications (VS-Games) (2017). IEEE. pp. 225-232 .
Boniface, Michael, Modafferi, Stefano, Voulodimos, Athanasios, Osborne, David Salama and Murg, Sandra (2017) EXPERIMEDIA – a multi-venue experimentation service supporting technology innovation through new forms of social interaction and user experience. In, Chen, K.C. and Shukla, Sandeep (eds.) Building the Future Internet through FIRE 2016 FIRE Book: a Research and Experimentation based Approach. River Publishers Series in Information Science and Technology, pp. 267-286.
Boniface, Michael, Modafferi, Stefano, Crowle, Simon, Middleton, Lee, D'Andria, Francesco, Garrido, Jose Miguel, Apostolakis, Konstantinos and Dimitropoulos, Kosmas (2018) ProsocialLearn: a Prosocial Games Marketplace. 9th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility & Security, Paris, France. 26 - 28 Feb 2018. 5 pp . (Submitted)
Usländer, Thomas, Berre, Arne, Granell, Carlos, Havlik, Denis, Lorenzo, Jose, Sabeur, Zoheir and Modafferi, Stefano (2013) The Future Internet Enablement of the Environment Information Space. In, Hřebíček, J., Schimak, G., Kubasek, M. and Rizzoli, A.E. (eds.) IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 413) ISESS 2013 (01/01/13) Springer Berlin, pp. 109-120. (doi:10.1007/978-3-642-41151-9_11).
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