Godfrey, Keith , (2020) Evaluation of the expanded Southampton pilot study (Phase 2) for use of saliva-based lamp testing in asymptomatic populations: Final report, 16th November 2020 Southampton. University of Southampton 120pp. (doi:10.5258/SOTON/P0045).
Telephone: +44 (0) 23 8059 2900
Email: kath@soton.ac.uk
Wald, Michael, Ding, Chaohai, Draffan, E.A. and Newman, Russell (2020) Can a web accessibility checker be enhanced by the use of AI? Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12376, 67-73. (doi:10.1007/978-3-030-58796-3_9).
Currently Chair of ECS Student Staff Liaison Committee.
Has previously had a number of roles, including Associate Dean for Education and the Student Experience, Faculty of Physical and Applied Sciences from 2010 to 2015.
Born in 1956. Studied maths and computer science at University. Worked as a software developer for 7 years. In 1987 joined ECS, Southampton, as a lecturer in computer science, and then as senior lecturer / associate professor / principal teaching fellow from 2002 onwards. Has supervised and graduated over a dozen PhD students, mostly conducting empirical research into agile software development.
Agile Software Development Methods. Computer Science Education.
I currently teach E-Business Strategy, and Engineering Management.
Previously I have taught Advanced Operating Systems, Agile Software Development, Applications of IT, Compiler Engineering, Computer Architecture, Discrete Mathematics, Digital Electronics, Formal Methods, Object-Oriented Development, Professional Issues, Programming, Research Methods, Software Engineering, Systems Integration, Theory of Computing, and Web Development.
Gravell, A. M. and Pratten, C. H. (1998) Embedding a Formal Notation: Experiences of Automating the Embedding of Z in the Higher Order Logics of PVS and HOL. Grundy, J. and Newey, M. (eds.) Proc. Int. Conf. Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics (TPHOLs), supplementary proceedings. pp. 73-84 .
Gravell, A. M. and Pratten, C. H. (1998) A Prototype Generic Proof Tool Supporting the Embedding of Formal Notations. Grundy, J. and Newey, M. (eds.) Proc. Int. Conf. Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics (TPHOLs), supplementary proceedings. pp. 63-72 .
Gravell, A. M. and Henderson, P. (1996) Executing Formal Specifications Need Not be Harmful. Software Engineering Journal, 11 (2), 104-110.
Hehner, E. C. R. and Gravell, A. M. (1999) Refinement Semantics and Loop Rules. Wing, J. M., Woodcock, J. and Davies, J. (eds.) Proc. FM'99: World Congress on Formal Methods. pp. 1497-1510 .
Gravell, A. M. (1989) Review of Chandy, K.M. and Misra, J. Parallel Program design: A Foundation. International CIS Journal, 3 (1), 70-72.
Gravell, A. M. (1990) Minimisation in Formal Specification and Design. Nicholls, J. E. (ed.) Proc. Z User Workshop. pp. 32-45 .
Gravell, A. M. (1991) What is a Good Formal Specification. Nicholls, J. E. (ed.) Proc. 5th Int. Conf. Annual Z User Meeting. pp. 137-150 .
Gravell, A. M. and Henderson, P (1991) Why Execute Formal Specifications? Neumann, B. De, Simpson, D. and Slater, G. (eds.) Mathematical Structures for Software Engineering. pp. 165-184 .
Gravell, A. M. (1991) Specialising Abstract Programs. Morris, J. M. and Shaw, R. C. (eds.) Proc. Proceedings of the 4th Refinement Workshop. pp. 34-50 .
Gravell, A. M. (1992) Constructive Refinement of First Order Specifications. Proc. Proceedings of the 5th BCS FACS Refinement Workshop. pp. 181-210 .
Gravell, A. M. (1992) 1-2 trees and $\sigma$-trees: balanced structures for random sequential data s.n.
Gravell, A. M. and Pratten, C. H. (1995) Formal Methods and Open Systems. Software-Concepts and Tools, 16, 183-188.
Gravell, A. M. (1995) A First Order Refinement Calculus s.n.
Gravell, Andrew M (2000) Logical Refinement of Imperative Programs: generating code from verified conditions. Gupta, Gopal and Ramakrishnan, I.V. (eds.) Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming and Software Engineering LPSE2000. pp. 2-16 .
Augusto, Juan C., Ferreira, Carla, Gravell, Andy M., Leuschel, Michael and NG, Karen M.Y. (2003) The Benefits of Rapid Modelling for E-Business System Development. Jeusfeld, Manfred A. and Pastor, Oscar (eds.) 4th International Workshop on Conceptual Modeling Approaches for e-Business (eCOMO2003), Chicago, Illinois, United States. 12 - 15 Oct 2003. pp. 17-28 .
Doche, Marielle and Gravell, Andrew M (2002) Extraction of Abstraction Invariants for Data Refinement. Bert, Didier, Bowen, Jonathan P, Henson, Martin C and Robinson, Ken (eds.) ZB 2002, Grenoble. pp. 120-139 .
Howard, Yvonne, Gruner, Stefan, Gravell, Andrew M, Ferreira, Carla and Augusto, Juan-Carlos (2003) Model-Based Trace-Checking. UK Software Testing Research II, University of York.
Gravell, Andrew M, Howard, Yvonne, Augusto, Juan-Carlos, Ferreira, Carla and Gruner, Stefan (2003) Concurrent Development of Model and Implementation. 16th International Conference on Software & Systems Engineering and their Applications, CNAM, Paris.
Gravell, Andrew M (2006) Verification Conditions are Code. Acta Informatica, 43, 431-477.
Augusto, J, Howard, Y, Gravell, A, Ferreira, C, Gruner, S and Leuschel, M (2003) Model-Based Approaches for Validating Business Critical Systems. System Testing and Validation Workshop, The, Netherlands. pp. 225-233 .
Abbas, Noura, Gravell, Andrew M and Wills, Gary B (2007) Agile Software Assurance. PhD Symposium in the 8th International Conference on Agile Processes in Software Engineering and eXtreme Programming (XP 2007), Como, Italy. 17 - 21 Jun 2007. pp. 165-166 .
Abbas, Noura, Gravell, Andrew and Wills, Gary (2008) An Empirical Comparison of Two Agile Projects in the Same Organization. Agile 2008 Conference, Toronto, Canada. 03 - 07 Aug 2008.
Tao, Feng, Khoja, Shakeel, Davis, Hugh and Gravell, Andy (2008) Academic administration and management scenarios on the semantic web. Eighth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT '08), Santander, Spain. 30 Jun - 04 Jul 2008. pp. 149-151 . (doi:10.1109/ICALT.2008.92).
Abbas, Noura, Gravell, Andrew and Wills, Gary (2008) Historical roots of Agile methods: where did “Agile thinking” come from? Agile Processes and eXtreme programming in Software Engineering, Limerick, Ireland. 09 - 13 Jun 2008. pp. 94-103 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-540-68255-4_10).
Rebenich, Till and Gravell, Andrew M (2008) An Adaptive Time Management System for Student Learning. World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2008, Vienna, Austria. pp. 5357-5366 .
Chen-Wilson, Lisha, Blowers, Rob, Gravell, Andrew and Argles, David (2009) Towards an secured e-Certificate System for use in e-Portfolios. International conference on Multimedia and Information and Communucation Technologies in Education (m-ICTE 2009), Lisbon, Portugal. 21 - 23 Apr 2009.
Joochim, Tossaporn, Snook, Colin, Poppleton, Mike and Gravell, Andrew (2010) Timing diagrams requirements modeling using Event-B formal methods. IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering (SE2010), Innsbruck, Austria. 16 - 18 Feb 2010.
Rebenich, Till, Gravell, Andrew and Tiropanis, Thanassis (2010) Motivating University Students Using a Location-Aware Time Management System with Social Networking Features. World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications 2010, Toronto, Canada. 27 Jun - 01 Jul 2010.
Rebenich, Till, Gravell, Andrew and Tiropanis, Thanassis (2010) Survey of Students' Technology Use for Time Management. World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications 2010, Toronto, Canada. 27 Jun - 01 Jul 2010.
Abbas, Noura, Gravell, Andy and Wills, Gary (2010) The Impact of Organization, Project and Governance Variables on Software Quality and Project Success. Agile 2010, Orlando, Florida. 08 - 12 Aug 2010.
Abbas, Noura, Gravell, Andy and Wills, Gary (2010) Using Factor Analysis to Generate Clusters of Agile Practices. Agile 2010, Orlando, Florida. 08 - 12 Aug 2010.
Asnawi, Ani Liza, Gravell, Andrew and Wills, Gary (2010) An Empirical Study: Understanding Factors and Barriers for Implementing Agile Methods in Malaysia. 5th International Doctoral Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering (IDoESE), Bolzano-Bozen, Italy.
Chen-Wilson, Lisha, Gravell, Andrew and Argles, David (2011) Giving You back Control of Your Data: Digital Signing Practical Issues and the eCert Solution. The World Congress on Internet Security (WorldCIS-2011), London, United Kingdom. 21 - 23 Feb 2011.
Rebenich, Till, Gravell, Andrew and Tiropanis, Thanassis (2011) Evaluating a Web-Based Information System for Managing Master of Science Summer Projects. ITiCSE 2011, 16th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, Darmstadt, Germany. 26 - 28 Jun 2011. pp. 123-127 .
Asnawi, Ani Liza, Gravell, Andrew and Wills, Gary (2011) Empirical Investigation on Agile Methods Usage: Issues Identified from Early Adopters in Malaysia. XP2011, 12th International conference on Agile Software Development,, Madrid, Spain. 09 - 12 May 2011. pp. 192-207 .
Chen-Wilson, Lisha, Gilbert, Lester, Wills, Gary, Gravell, Andrew and Argles, David (2011) A User-Centric Approach for Secured eDocument Transmission: Digital Signing Practical Issues and the eCert Solution. International Journal for Information Security Research (IJISR), 1 (3).
Asnawi, Ani Liza, Gravell, Andrew and Wills, Gary (2012) Emergence of Agile Methods: Perceptions from Software Practitioners in Malaysia. International Conference on Agile and Lean Software Methods (AgileIndia2012), Bengaluru, India. 17 - 19 Feb 2012. (Submitted)
Asnawi, Ani Liza, Gravell, Andrew and Wills, Gary (2012) Factor Analysis: Investigating Important Aspects for Agile Adoption in Malaysia. International Conference on Agile and Lean Software Methods (AgileIndia2012), Bengaluru, India. 17 - 19 Feb 2012. (Submitted)
Qahtani, Abdulrahman, Wills, Gary and Gravell, Andrew (2012) Toward a Framework for Localisation of Product Software across Organisational Boundaries. (In Press)
Qahtani, Abdulrahman, Gravell, Andrew and Wills, Gary (2012) Toward a framework for software development across organisational boundaries. PhD Symposium in 13th International Conference on Agile Software Development (XP2012), Malmo, Sweden. 20 - 24 May 2012. 4 pp .
Alnatheer, Ahmed, Gravell, Andrew and Argles, David (2010) Agile security issues: a research study. 4th International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, Bolzano - Bozen, Italy. 15 - 16 Sep 2010. pp. 1-11 .
Alnatheer, Ahmed, Gravell, Andrew and Argles, David (2010) Agile security issues: an empirical study. ACM / IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, Bolzano - Bozen, Italy. 15 - 16 Sep 2010.
Alnatheer, Ahmed, Gravell, Andrew and Argles, David (2010) Major security issues in Agile software development methodologies. XPDay 2010, London, United Kingdom.
Qahtani, Abdulrahman, Wills, Gary and Gravell, Andrew (2013) Customising software products in distributed software development a model for allocating customisation requirements across organisational boundaries. International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2013), Toronto, Canada. 23 - 25 Jun 2013.
Qahtani, Abdulrahman, Wills, Gary and Gravell, Andrew (2013) A framework of challenges and key factors for applying agile methods for the development and customisation of software products in distributed projects. International Journal for Digital Society, Special Issue (1/1), 766-773.
Akeel, Fatimah Y., Wills, Gary B. and Gravell, Andrew M. (2013) SecureDIS: A Framework for Secure Data Integration Systems. The 8th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST-2013). pp. 588-593 . (doi:10.1109/ICITST.2013.6750270).
Akeel, Fatimah Y., Wills, Gary and Gravell, Andrew (2014) Exposing data leakage in data integration systems. The 9th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST-2014), London, United Kingdom. 08 - 10 Dec 2014. 6 pp .
Akeel, Fatmah, Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh, Paci, Federica, Gravell, Andy and Wills, Gary (2016) Formal modelling of data integration systems security policies. Data Science and Engineering, 1 (3), 139-148. (doi:10.1007/s41019-016-0016-y).
Gravell, Andrew, Howard, Yvonne and Aldahmash, Abdullah, M (2017) A review study on the critical success factors of agile software development. EuroSpi 2017, , Ostrava, Czech Republic. 06 - 08 Sep 2017. 10 pp .
Gravell, Andrew, Aldahmash, Abdullah, M. and Howard, Yvonne (2017) Using factor analysis to study the critical success factors of agile software development. ICCSIT 201: 10th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT) 2017, Florence, , Florence, Italy. 23 - 25 Oct 2017. 6 pp .
Altaleb, Abdullah and Gravell, Andrew (2018) Effort estimation across mobile app platforms using Agile processes: a systematic literature review. Journal of Software, 13 (4), 242, [4]. (doi:10.17706/jsw.13.4.242-259).
Aldahmash, Abdullah M. and Gravell, Andrew (2018) Measuring success in agile software development projects: a GQM approach. In ICSEA2018: TheThirteenthInternationalConferenceonSoftwareEngineeringAdvances. IARIA. 7 pp .
Gravell, Andy M. and Gruner, Stefan (2018) On more or less appropriate notions of 'Computation'. South African Computer Journal, 30 (1), 161-181. (doi:10.18489/sacj.v30i1.580).
Bakheet, Eman Madani and Gravell, Andrew M. (2019) Flipped classroom from computer science instructors’ perspectives: a proposed model. In ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. vol. Part F148151, ACM Press. pp. 131-136 . (doi:10.1145/3318396.3318447).
Altaleb, Abdullah and Gravell, Andrew (2019) An empirical investigation of effort estimation in mobile apps using agile development process. Journal of Software, 14 (8), 356-369. (doi:10.17706/jsw.14.8.356-369).
Altaleb, Abdullah, Altherwi, Muna and Gravell, Andrew (2020) A pair estimation technique of effort estimation in mobile app development for agile process: Case study. In Proceedings of the 2020 3rd International Conference on Information Science and System, ICISS 2020. ACM Press. pp. 29-37 . (doi:10.1145/3388176.3388212).
Altaleb, Abdullah, Rashed, Altherwi, Muna and Gravell, Andrew (2020) An industrial investigation into effort estimation predictors for mobile app development in agile processes. In ICITM 2020 - 2020 9th International Conference on Industrial Technology and Management. IEEE. pp. 291-296 . (doi:10.1109/ICITM48982.2020.9080362).
Al Hashimi, Hussein and Gravell, Andrew (2019) A critical review of the use of spikes in agile software development. In ICSEA 2019: The Fourteenth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances. IARIA. pp. 154-162 .
Altaleb, Abdullah Rashed, Al Hashimi, Hussein and Gravell, Andrew (2020) A case study validation of the Pair-estimation technique in effort estimation of mobile app development using agile processes. In 2020 10th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies (ACIT). IEEE. pp. 469-473 . (doi:10.1109/ACIT49673.2020.9208985).
Al Hashimi, Hussein, Altaleb, Abdullah and Gravell, Andrew (2020) An empirical investigation of spikes in agile software development. In ACM Digital Library, Proceedings of the 2020 European Symposium on Software Engineering. ACM Press. pp. 37-43 . (doi:10.1145/3393822.3432342).
Al Hashimi, Hussein and Gravell, Andrew (2021) Spikes in agile software development: an empirical study. In IEEE Xplore, 2020 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI). IEEE. pp. 1715-1721 . (doi:10.1109/CSCI51800.2020.00319).
Telephone: +44 (0) 23 8059 2741
Email: amg@ecs.soton.ac.uk
ECS Impact Champion
ECS Fellowship Champion
Professor Steve P Beeby, RAEng Chair in Emerging Technologies. Prof Beeby obtained a BEng (Hons) degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Univeristy of Portsmouth, UK, in 1992. He obtained his PhD from the University of Southampton, UK, in 1998 on the subject of MEMS resonant sensors. He has been awarded two EPSRC Research Fellowships to investigate the combination of screen printed active materials with micromachined structures and textiles for energy harvesting. Following the first Fellowship, he became a lecturer in ECS, was appointed a Reader in 2008 and was awarded a personal Chair in 2011. His research interests include energy harvesting, e-textiles, MEMS and active printed materials development. He leads the UK’s E-Textiles Network and is Chair of the International Steering Committee for the PowerMEMS conference series. His leading role in e-textiles research and his support for the community has been recognised through the award of a highly prestigious RAEng Chair in Emerging Technologies which will support his research until 2030. He is currently PI/Southampton lead on 4 UK/EU funded research projects, Co-I on 3 other projects and he has secured over £14M in research funding as PI or Southampton lead. He has co-authored/edited five books and has published over 140 journal papers/letters, 190 refereed conference papers, 4 patents and given 27 plenary, keynote or invited talks. He has an h-Index of 52 with >16600 citations. He is a co-founder of Perpetuum Ltd, a University spin-out based upon vibration energy harvesting formed in 2004 and Smart Fabric Inks Ltd.
Electronic textiles (e-textiles)
Wearable electronics
Energy harvesting
Smart materials
Autonomous systems
Sensors and actuators
Sensors and Instrumentation
Hill, Martyn, Townsend, Rosemary J., Harris, Nicholas R., White, Neil M., Beeby, Steve P. and Ding, Jiexiong (2005) An Ultrasonic MEMS Particle Separator with Thick Film Piezoelectric Actuation. In 2005 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, 18-21 Sep 2005, Rotterdam, Netherlands. IEEE. pp. 1160-1163 .
White, N.M., Glynne-Jones, P., Beeby, S.P., Tudor, M.J. and Hill, M. (2001) Design and modelling of a vibration powered micro-generator. Measurement and Control, 34, 267-271.
Harris, N.R., Hill, M., Beeby, S.P., Shen, Y., White, N.M., Hawkes, J.J. and Coakley, W.T. (2002) A silicon microfluidic ultrasonic separator. Eurosensors XVI, Prague, Czech Republic. 01 Jan 2002. pp. 846-849 .
Townsend, R.J., Hill, M., Harris, N.R., White, N.M., Wood, R.J.K. and Beeby, S.P. (2004) Fluid modelling of microfluid separator channels. Eurosensors XVIII, Rome, Italy. 31 Aug 2004. pp. 124-125 .
Harris, N.R., Torah, R.N., White, N. M., Hill, M. and Beeby, S.P. (2004) A PZT multilayer actuator for ultrasonic applications. 15th MicroMechanics Europe Workshop, , Leuven, Belgium. 04 - 06 Sep 2004. pp. 17-20 .
Harris, N.R., Hill, M., Townsend, R., White, N.M. and Beeby, S.P. (2005) Performance of a micro-engineered ultrasonic particle manipulator. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 111-112, 481-486. (doi:10.1016/j.snb.2005.03.036).
Harris, N. R., Hill, M., Torah, R., Townsend, R., Beeby, S. P., White, N. M. and Ding, J. (2005) A multilayer thick-film PZT actuator for MEMs applications. Eurosensors XIX, Barcelona, Spain. 01 Jan 2005.
Hill, M., Townsend, R.J., Harris, N.R., White, N.M., Beeby, S.P., McDonnell, M.B. and Cant, N. (2005) Particle concentration using a microfabricated ultrasonic resonator. WCU/UI'05: World Congress on Ultrasonics, Beijing, China. 27 - 31 Aug 2005. p. 48 .
Townsend, R.J., Hill, M., Harris, N.R., White, N.M. and Beeby, S.P. (2005) Numerical modelling of a microfluidic ultrasonic particle separator. NSTI Nanotechnology Conference & Trade Show, Anaheim, USA. 07 - 11 May 2005. pp. 194-197 .
Swabey, M.A., Beeby, S.P., Brown, A.D. and Chad, J.E. (2004) Using Otoacoustic emissions as a biometric. Zhang, D. and Jain, A.K. (eds.) In Biometric Authentication. vol. 3072, Springer. pp. 600-606 .
Li, Xiaohong, Koukharenko, Elena, Nandhakumar, Iris S., Tudor, John, Beeby, Steve P. and White, Neil M. (2009) High density p-type Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 nanowires by electrochemical templating through ion-track lithography. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 11 (18), 3584-3590. (doi:10.1039/B818040G).
Rodamporn, S., Beeby, S., Harris, N., Brown, A., Hill, M. and Chad, J. (2007) Microfluidic system for cell transfection using sonoporation and ultrasonic particle manipulation. International Conference on Cellular & Molecular Bioengineering, Singapore. 10 - 12 Dec 2007. p. 57 .
Koukharenko, E., Tudor, M. J., Beeby, S. P., White, N. M., Li, X. and Nandhakumar, I. S. (2008) Micro and nanotechnologies for thermoelectric generators. Measurement and Control, 41 (5), 138-142.
Koukharenko, Elena, Kuleshova, Jekaterina, Fowler, Marcel, Kok, Stephen L., Tudor, Michael J., Beeby, Stephen P., Nandhakumar, Iris and White, Neil M. (2010) Ion track nanolithography using thick cross-linked poly(methyl methacrylate) 950 photoresist. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 49 (6), 06GE07. (doi:10.1143/JJAP.49.06GE07).
Kuleshova, Jekaterina, Koukharenko, Elena, Li, Xiaohong, Frety, Nicole, Nandhakumar, Iris S., Tudor, John, Beeby, Steve P. and White, Neil M. (2010) Optimization of the electrodeposition process of high-performance bismuth antimony telluride compounds for thermoelectric applications. Langmuir, 26 (22), 16980-16985. (doi:10.1021/la101952y). (PMID:20923228)
Koukharenko, E., Li, X., Nandhakumar, I., Frety, N., Beeby, S.P., Cox, D., Tudor, M.J., Schiedt, B., Trautmann, C., Bertsch, A. and White, N.M. (2008) Towards a nanostructured thermoelectric generator using ion-track lithography. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 18 (10), 104015. (doi:10.1088/0960-1317/18/10/104015).
Rodamporn, S., Harris, N.R., Beeby, S.P., Boltryk, R.J. and Sanchez-Elsner, T. (2011) HeLa cell transfection using a novel sonoporation system. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 58 (4), 927-934. (doi:10.1109/TBME.2010.2089521). (PMID:20977982)
Chambers, P., Grabham, N.J., Swabey, M.A., Lutman, M.E., White, N.M., Chad, J.E. and Beeby, S.P. (2011) A comparison of verification in the temporal and cepstrum-transformed domains of transient evoked otoacoustic emissions for biometric identification. International Journal of Biometrics, 3 (3), 246-264. (doi:10.1504/IJBM.2011.040818).
Beeby, SP and White, NM (1999) Thick-film printed PZT actuator and polymer masking layers for micromachined silicon devices. Proceedings of Sensors and their Applications X. pp. 131-136 .
Beeby, SP, Stuttle, M, Papakostas, T and White, NM (1999) A low-cost micromachined silicon capacitive pressure sensor for industrial applications. Proceedings of Sensors and their Applications X. pp. 131-136 .
Beeby, SP, Blackburn, A and White, NM (1999) Silicon micromachining processes combined with thick-film printed PZT actuators for MicroElectroMechanical systems. Materials Letters, 40, 187-91.
Beeby, SP, Blackburn, A and White, NM (1999) Processing of PZT piezoelectric thick-films on silicon for microelectromechanical systems. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 9 (3), 218-29.
Papakostas, T, Harris, NR, Beeby, SP and White, NM (1998) Piezoelectric thick-film polymer pastes. White, NM (ed.) Eurosensors XII. pp. 461-64 .
Beeby, SP, Ross, JN and White, NM (1999) A novel thick-film PZT/micromachined silicon accelerometer. Electronics Letters, 25 (23), 2060-62.
Grabham, NJ, White, NM and Beeby, SP (2000) Thick-film magnetostrictive material for MEMS. Electronics Letters, 36 (4), 332-334.
Beeby, S.P., Ensell, G., Lambert, R.A. and White, N.M. (2000) Plucked excitation of micromachined silicon resonators. Electronics Letters, 36 (13), 1119-1120. (doi:10.1049/el:20000788).
Glynne-Jones, P., Dargie, P., Beeby, S.P., Papakostas, T. and White, N.M. (2000) An investigation into the effect of modified firing profiles on the piezoelectric properties of thick-film PZT layers on silicon Southampton, GB. University of Southampton
Beeby, SP, Ross, JN and White, NM (2000) Design and fabrication of a micromachined silicon accelerometer with thick-film printed PZT sensors. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 10 (3), 322-9.
Beeby, S.P., Stuttle, M. and White, N.M. (2000) Design and fabrication of a low-cost microengineered silicon pressure sensor with linearised output. IEE Proceedings - Science, Measurement and Technology, 147 (3), 127-130. (doi:10.1049/ip-smt:20000355).
El-hami, M, Jones, P Glynne, Beeby, S P and White, N M (2000) Design analysis of a self-powered micro-renewable power supply. In Proceedings of ICEM 2000. ICEM. pp. 1466-1470 .
Beeby, SP, White, NM and Grabham, N J (2000) Combined thick-film PZT/micromachined silicon accelerometer with self-test. pp. 577-580 .
El-hami, M., Glynne-Jones, P., James, E., Beeby, S.P., White, N.M., Brown, A.D. and Hill, M. (2000) A new approach towards the design of a vibration-based microelectromechanical generator. In Proceedings of The 14th European Conference on Solid State Transducers (Eurosensors 2000). Eurosensors 2000. pp. 483-486 .
Glynne-Jones, P., El-hami, M., Beeby, S.P., James, E.P., Brown, A.D., Hill, M. and White, N.M. (2000) A vibration-powered generator for wireless microsystems. International Symposium on Smart Structures and Microsystems (IS3M 2000), Hong Kong, Hong Kong. 18 - 20 Oct 2000.
Beeby, SP and White, NM (2001) Silicon micromechanical resonator with thick-film printed vibration excitation and detection mechanisms. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical.
Beeby, S P and Tudor, M J (1998) Mechanical design of micromachined silicon resonators. White, N M (ed.) Eurosensors XII. pp. 385-8 .
Harris, N R, Beeby, S P, White, N M, Koch, M and Evans, A G R (1998) Thick-film printing of PZT onto silicon for micromechanical applications. Proc. Micromechanics Europe (MME '98). pp. 78-81 .
Beeby, S P and Tudor, M J (1999) Micromechanical resonators. In Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 12, Ma - Mi. John Wiley & Sons Inc. pp. 665-76 .
Beeby, S P and White, N M (2000) Micromachined silicon sensors at USITT : capacitive pressure sensor, resonant strain gauge and combined silicon/thick-film accelerometer. Proc. Int. Conf. in Sensors and Transducers (MTEC 2000).
Beeby, S. P., White, N. M. and Ensell, G. (2000) Silicon resonant strain gauges fabricated using SOI wafers. Demonstrated Micromachining Technologies for Industry, Birmingham, United Kingdom. 2/1-4 .
Beeby, S P, Ross, J N and White, N M (2000) Combined thick-film PZT/micromachined silicon accelerometer. pp. 105-112 .
Beeby, S P , Beeby, S P (ed.) (2000) USITT develops robust capacitive pressure sensors.
Beeby, S P, Ensell, G and White, N M (2001) Micro-engineered silicon double ended tuning fork resonators. IEE Engineering, Science and Education.
Beeby, S P and White, N M (2000) Thick-film PZT-silicon micromechanical resonator. Electronics Letters, 36 (19), 1661-62.
James, EP, Glynne-Jones, P, El-hami, M, Beeby, SP, Ross, JN and White, NM (2001) Planar Signal Extraction Techniques for a Self-Powered Micro-System.
Beeby, S P and Tudor, M J (1994) Modelling and optimisation of micromachined silicon resonators. pp. 44-47 .
Beeby, S P and Tudor, M J (1995) Modelling and optimisation of micromachined silicon resonators. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 5, 103-105.
Beeby, S P (1995) Micromachined sensors resonate into action. Design Engineering, April, 21-23.
Beeby, S P (1996) Resonance: picking up good vibrations. Sensor Review, 16 (2), 23-27.
Tudor, M.J. and Beeby, S.P. (1997) Fundamentals and state of the art. Sensors and Materials, 9 (8), 457-471, [S&M306].
Beeby, S P, Grabham, N J and White, N M (2001) Micromachined accelerometer with microprocessor controlled self-test procedure. Sensor Review, 21 (1), 33-37.
James, E P, Jones, P Glynne, El-hami, M, Beeby, S P, Ross, J N and White, N M (2001) Planar signal extraction techniques for a self powered microsystem. Measurement and Control, 34 (2), 37-39.
Beeby, S P, Grabham, N J and White, N M (2001) Microprocessor implemented self validation of thick-film PZT/Silicon accelerometer. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 92, 168-174. (doi:10.1016/S0924-4247(01)00559-3).
El-hami, M., Glynne-Jones, P., White, N.M., Beeby, S., James, E., Brown, A.D. and Hill, M (2001) Design and fabrication of a new vibration-based electromechanical generator. [in special issue: Selected Papers for Eurosensors XIV] Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 92 (1-3), 335-342. (doi:10.1016/S0924-4247(01)00569-6).
Glynne-Jones, P., Beeby, S.P., James, E.P. and White, N.M. (2001) The modelling of a piezoelectric vibration powered generator for microsystems. Obermeier, E. (ed.) In Transducers ’01 Eurosensors XV. Springer. pp. 46-49 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-642-59497-7_10).
Glynne-Jones, P., Beeby, S.P. and White, N.M. (2001) A method to determine the aging rate of thick-film PZT layers. Measurement Science and Technology, 12 (6), 663-670. (doi:10.1088/0957-0233/12/6/302).
White, N M, Glynne-Jones, Peter and Beeby, S P (2001) A novel thick-film piezoelectric micro-generator. Smart Materials and Structures, 10 (4), 850-852. (doi:10.1088/0964-1726/10/4/403).
Grabham, NJ, Beeby, SP and White, NM (2002) The formulation and processing of a thick-film magnetostrictive material. Measurement Science and Technology, 13 (1), 59-64.
Glynne-Jones, P., Beeby, S.P. and White, N.M. (2001) Towards a piezoelectric vibration-powered microgenerator. IEE Proceedings - Science, Measurement and Technology, 148 (2), 68-72. (doi:10.1049/ip-smt:20010323).
White, NM, PGlynne-Jones, None, Beeby, SP, Tudor, MJ and Hill, M (2001) Design and modelling of a vibration-powered microgenerator. Measurement and Control, 34 (9), 267-71.
Grabham, N.J., Beeby, S.P. and White, N.M. (2002) Development of a Magnetostrictive Thick-Film Material for MEMS Devices. Proceedings of Eurosensors XVI.
James, EP, Glynne-Jones, P, El-Hami, M, Beeby, SP, Ross, JN and White, NM (2001) Review article: Planar Signal Extraction Techniques for a Self-Powered Micro-System: Volume 21 No.3. pp. 190-191 .
James, EP, Tudor, MJ, Beeby, SP, Harris, NR, Glynne-Jones, P, Ross, JN and White, NM (2002) A Wireless Self-Powered Micro-System for Condition Monitoring.
Torah, R. N., Beeby, S. P. and White, N. M. (2002) Influence of milling process and powder preparation on the d33 coefficient of thick-film piezoelectric layers. Proc. Ferroelectrics UK 2002. p. 58 .
Harris, N R, Beeby, S and White, N M (2002) A Silicon Microfluidic Ultrasonic Separator.
Hill, M, Harris, N, Townsend, R, Beeby, S, White, N, Shen, Y, Coakley, W and Hawkes, J (2002) A Microfluidic Device for Ultrasonic Separation. Forum Acusticum - 3rd EAA European Congress on Acoustics, Sevilla, Spain. 15 - 19 Sep 2002. 6 pp .
Beeby, SP, Ensell, G, Tudor, MJ, White, NM and Baker, BR (2000) Micromachined silicon resonant strain gauges fabricated using SOI wafer technology. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 9 (1), 104-111.
Jones, P Glynne, Tudor, MJ, Beeby, SP and White, NM (2002) An electromagnetic vibration powered generator for intelligent sensor systems.
Torah, Russel N, Beeby, Stephen P and White, Neil M (2002) A study of the effect of powder preparation and milling process on the piezoelectric properties of thick-film PZT. Saneistr, J and Ripka, Pavel (eds.) EUROSENSORS XVI, Prague, Czech Republic. 14 - 17 Sep 2002. pp. 93-94 .
Sehr, H, Tomlin, I S, Huang, B, Beeby, S P, Evans, A G R, Brunnschweiler, A, Ensell, G J, Schabmueller, C J G and Niblock, T E G (2002) Time constant and lateral resonances of thermal vertical bimorph actuators. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 12 (4), 410-413.
Cranny, A, Chappell, P H, Beeby, S P and White, N M (2003) Improving the functionality of a prosthetic hand through the use of thick film force sensors. EuroSensors 17, University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal. 20 - 23 Sep 2003. pp. 795-798 .
Harris, N.R., Hill, M., Beeby, S., Shen, Y., White, N.M., Hawkes, J.J. and Coakley, W.T. (2003) A silicon microfluidic ultrasonic separator. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 95 (1-3), 425-434. (doi:10.1016/S0925-4005(03)00448-9).
Harris, N, White, N, Beeby, S, Shen, Y and Hill, M (2003) A Dual Frequency, ultrasonic, microengineered particle manipulator. Ultrasonics International, Granada, Spain. 29 Jun - 02 Jul 2003.
Hill, M, Harris, N, Beeby, S and Townsend, R (2003) Separation of particles from a fluid using a microfabricated, ultrasonic device. 5th World Congress on Ultrasound, Paris. 06 - 09 Sep 2003.
Torah, Russel N., Beeby, Stephen P. and White, Neil M. , French, Paddy (ed.) (2004) Improving the piezoelectric properties of thick-film PZT: the influence of paste composition, powder milling process and electrode material. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 110 (Issues), 378-384. (doi:10.1016/j.sna.2003.09.027).
Grabham, Neil J., Beeby, Steve P. and White, Neil M. (2004) Effects of the binder material on the mechanical properties of thick-film magnetostrictive materials. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 110 (1-3), 365-370. (doi:10.1016/j.sna.2003.09.005).
Glynne-Jones, P, Tudor, MJ, Beeby, SP and White, NM , French, Paddy (ed.) (2004) An electromagnetic, vibration-powered generator for intelligent sensor systems. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 110 (1-3), 344-349.
Aoyagi, M, Beeby, SP and White, NM (2002) A novel multi-degree-of-freedom thick-film ultrasonic motor. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 49 (2), 151-8.
Grabham, Neil, Beeby, Steve and White, Neil (2003) Evaluation of glass frit binder materials for use in thick-film magnetostrictive actuators. Prosser, S.J. and Lewis, E. (eds.) Sensors and their Applications XII, Limerick. 01 - 03 Sep 2003. pp. 63-69 .
Harris, N.R., Hill, M., Shen, Y., Townsend, R., Beeby, S.P. and White, N.M. (2004) A dual frequency, ultrasonic, microengineered particle manipulator. Ultrasonics, 42 (1-9), 139-144. (doi:10.1016/j.ultras.2004.01.056).
Yan, T, Jones, B E, Rakowski, R T, Beeby, S P, Tudor, M J and White, N M (2003) Thick-film PZT-metallic triple beam resonator. Electronics Letters, 39 (13), 982-983.
Yan, T., Jones, B., Rakowski, R., Tudor, M., Beeby, S. and White, N. (2003) Metallic triple-beam resonant force sensor with thick-film printed piezoelectric vibration excitation and detection mechanisms. In, Prosser, S.J. and Lewis, E. (eds.) Sensors and Their Applications XII. (Series in Sensors) Sensors and their Applications (01/09/03 - 03/09/03) Bristol, GB. Institute of Physics Publishing, pp. 77-82.
Yan, T, Jones, B, Rakowski, R, Tudor, M, Beeby, S and White, N (2003) Metallic Triple Beam Resonator with Thick-film Printed Drive and Pickup. The 17th European Conference on Solid State Transducers (Eurosensors XVII), , Guimaraes, Portugal. pp. 10-13 .
Torah, R N, Beeby, S P and White, N M (2003) A study of powder size combinations for improving piezoelectric properties of PZT thick-film devices. The 17th European Conference on Solid State Transducers (Eurosensors XVII), , Guimaraes, Portugal. pp. 610-613 .
Torah, R N, Beeby, S P and White, N M (2004) Experimental investigation into the effect of substrate clamping on the piezoelectric behaviour of thick-film PZT elements. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 37, 1074-1078.
Beeby, Stephen, Ensell, Graham, Kraft, Michael and White, Neil (2004) MEMS Mechanical Sensors (Microelectromechanical systems series), Artech House, Inc
Cotton, D P J, Cranny, A, White, N M, Chappell, P H and Beeby, S P (2004) Design and development of integrated thick-film sensors for prosthetic hands. 7th Biennial ASME Conference Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, Manchester, United Kingdom. 18 - 21 Jul 2004. pp. 1-17 .
Cranny, A, Cotton, D P J, Chappell, P H, Beeby, S P and White, N M (2005) Thick-film force, slip and temperature sensors for a prosthetic hand. Measurement Science and Technology, 16, 931-941.
Dorey, R, Whatmore, R, Beeby, S P, Torah, R and White, N (2003) Screen Printed PZT Thick Films Using Composite Film Technology. Integrated Ferroelectrics, 54, 651-658.
Dorey, R, Whatmore, R, Beeby, S, Torah, R and White, N (2004) Screen Printed PZT Composite Thick Films. Integrated Ferroelectrics, 63, 89-92.
Harris, N.R., Hill, M., White, N.M. and Beeby, S.P. (2004) Acoustic power output measurements for thick-film PZT transducers. Electronics Letters, 40 (10), 636-637. (doi:10.1049/el:20040428).
Yan, T, Jones, B E, Rakowski, R T, Tudor, M J, Beeby, S P and White, N M (2004) Development of metallic digital strain gauges. Measurement and Control, 37 (7), 214-216. (doi:10.1177/002029400403700705).
Swabey, Matthew A, Beeby, Stephen P, Brown, Andrew D and Chad, John E (2004) Investigation into the uniqueness of neonate transient otoacoustic emissions. Acoustic Research Letters Online, 5 (4), 139-142. (doi:10.1121/1.1771712).
Swabey, Matthew, Beeby, Stephen, Brown, Andrew and Chad, John (2004) Using Otoacoustic Emissions as a Biometric. Zhang, D and Jain, A N (eds.) First International Conference on Biometric Authentication (ICBA 2004), Hong Kong. pp. 600-606 .
Yan, T, Jones, B E, Rakowski, R T, Tudor, M J, Beeby, S P and White, N M (2004) Stiff Load Cell With High Overload Capability and Direct Frequency Output. 18th European Conference on Solid-State Sensors (Eurosensors 2004), Rome. pp. 442-443 .
Harris, N R, Hill, M, Townsend, R, White, N M and Beeby, S P (2004) Performance of a micro-engineered ultrasonic particle manipulator. 18th European Conference on Solid-State Sensors (Eurosensors 2004), Rome. pp. 203-204 .
Beeby, S P, Tudor, M J, Koukharenko, E, White, N M, O'Donnell, T, Saha, C, Kulkarni, S and Roy, S (2004) Micromachined silicon Generator for Harvesting Power from Vibrations. The 4th International Workshop on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications (PowerMEMS 2004), Kyoto, Japan. pp. 104-107 .
Torah, R., Beeby, S.P. and White, N.M. (2005) An improved thick-film piezoelectric material by powder blending and enhanced processing parameters. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 52 (1), 10-16.
Beeby, S P, Tudor, M J, Koukharenko, E, White, N M, O'Donnell, T, Saha, C, Kulkarni, S and Roy, S (2005) Design and performance of a microelectromagnetic vibration-powered generator. The 13th Internation Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, Seoul, Korea. pp. 780-783 .
Beeby, S P, Tudor, M J, Koukharenko, E, White, N M, O'Donnell, T, Saha, C, Kulkarni, S and Roy, S (2005) Design, fabrication and simulations of microelectromagnetic vibration powered generator for low power MEMS. Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS, Montreux, Switzerland. pp. 374-379 .
Cranny, A, Cotton, DPJ, Chappell, PH, Beeby, SP and White, NM , French, PJ (ed.) (2005) Thick-film force and slip sensors for a prosthetic hand. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 123-12, 162-171.
Frood, A.J.M., Beeby, S.P., Tudor, M.J. and White, N.M. (2005) Improved registration technique for fabricating thick-film piezoelectric sensors. Eurosensors XIX, , Barcelona, Spain. 10 - 13 Sep 2005.
Harris, NR, Hill, M, Townsend, R, White, NM and Beeby, SP (2005) Performance of a Microengineered ultrasonic particle manipulator. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, (111), 481-486.
Townsend, R.J., Hill, M., Harris, N.R., White, N.M., Beeby, S.P. and Wood, R.J.K (2005) Fluid modelling of microfluidic separator channels. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 111-112, 455-462. (doi:10.1016/j.snb.2005.03.035).
Harris, NR, Hill, M, Torah, R, Townsend, R, Beeby, SP, White, NM and Ding, J (2005) A Multilayer Thick-film PZT Actuator for MEMs Applications. Eurosensors XIX, , Barcelona, Spain. 10 - 13 Sep 2005.
Harris, NR, Torah, RN, White, NM, Hill, M and Beeby, SP (2004) A PZT Multilayer Thick_film Actuator for Ultrasonic Applications. MME 2004, Leuven.
Cotton, D.P.J., Cranny, A., Chappell, P.H., White, N.M. and Beeby, S.P. (2005) Thick-film piezoceramic “slip sensors” for a multifunctional prosthetic hand. MEC’ 05 Integrating Prosthetics and Medicine, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada. 17 - 19 Aug 2005.
Grabham, Neil, Torah, Russel, Beeby, Steve, Harris, Nick and White, Neil (2006) Thick-Film Actuation Technologies For MEMS Applications. 17th MicroMechanics Workshop Europe (MME06), Southampton, UK, United Kingdom. 02 - 04 Sep 2006. pp. 61-64 .
Harris, N.R., Hill, M., Torah, R., Townsend, R., Beeby, S., White, Neil and Ding, J. (2006) A multilayer thick-film PZT actuator for MEMs applications. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 132 (1), 311-316. (doi:10.1016/j.sna.2006.06.006).
Cotton, DPJ, Cranny, A, White, NM, Chappell, PH and Beeby, SP (2007) A novel thick-film piezoelectric slip sensor for a prosthetic hand. IEEE Sensors Journal: Special Issue on Intelligent Sensors, 7 (5), 752-761. (doi:10.1109/JSEN.2007.894912).
Cotton, DPJC, Cranny, A, Chappell, PH, White, NM and Beeby, SP (2006) Control strategies for a multiple degree of freedom prosthetic hand. UKACC Control 2006 Mini Symposia, Glasgow. pp. 213-218 .
Torah, R., Beeby, S.P., Tudor, M.J., O'Donnell, T. and Roy, S. (2006) Development of a cantilever beam generator employing vibration energy harvesting. The 6th International Workshop on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications (PowerMEMS 2006), , Berkeley, United States. 29 Nov - 01 Dec 2006. pp. 181-184 .
Chappell, Paul H, Cranny, Andy, Cotton, Darryl P J, White, Neil M and Beeby, Steve P (2007) Sensory motor systems of artificial and natural hands. International Journal of Surgery, 5, 436-440.
Cotton, D.P.J., Cranny, A., Chappell, P.H., White, N.M. and Beeby, S.P. (2007) Control strategies for a multiple degree of freedom prosthetic hand. Measurement and Control, 40 (1), 24-27. (doi:10.1177/002029400704000108).
Beeby, SP, Tudor, MJ and White, NM (2006) Energy harvesting vibration sources for microsystems applications. Measurement Science and Technology, 17 (12), R175-R195.
Koukarenko, E, Beeby, S, Tudor, M, White, N, O’Donnell, T, Saha, T, Kulkani, S and Roy, S (2006) Microelectromechanical systems vibration powered electromagnetic generator for wireless sensor applications. Microsystem Technologies, 12 (11), 1071-1077.
Saha, C, O’Donnell, T, Loder, H, Beeby, S and Tudor, J (2006) Optimization of an Electromagnetic Energy Harvesting Device. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 42 (10), 3509-3511.
Kulkarni, S., Roy, S., O’Donnell, T, Beeby, S and Tudor, M (2006) Vibration Based Electromagnetic MicroPower Generator on Si. Journal of Applied Physics, 99 (8), 1-7. (doi:10.1063/1.2176089).
Frood, A. J. M., Beeby, S. P., Tudor, M. J. and White, N. M. (2007) Photoresist patterned thick-film piezoelectric elements on silicon. Journal of Electroceramics, 19 (4), 327-331. (doi:10.1007/s10832-007-9049-y).
Torah, R, Beeby, S, Tudor, M and White, N (2007) Thick-film Piezoceramics and Devices. Journal of Electroceramics. (doi:10.1007/s10832-007-9040-7).
Beeby, S, Tudor, M, Torah, R, Roberts, S, O'Donnell, T and Roy, S (2007) Experimental comparison of macro and micro scale electromagnetic vibration powered generators. Microsystem Technologies. (doi:10.1007/s00542-006-0374-x).
O'Donnell, T, Saha, C, Beeby, S and Tudor, J (2007) Scaling effects for electromagnetic vibrational power generators. Microsystem Technologies. (doi:10.1007/s00542-006-0363-0).
Torah, R, Beeby, S, Tudor, M, O'Donnell, T and Roy, S (2006) Kinetic energy harvesting using microscale electromagnetic generators. Micromechanics Europe, Southampton.
Kulkani, S, Roy, S, O'Donnell, T, Beeby, S and Tudor, M (2006) Electromagnetic micro power generator on silicon for wireless sensor nodes. IEEE International Magnetics Conference, San Diego.
O'Donnell, T, Saha, C, Beeby, S and Tudor, M (2006) Scaling Effects for Electromagnetic Vibrational Power Generators. DTIP.
Beeby, S, Tudor, M, Torah, R, Koukarenko, E, Roberts, S, O'Donnell, T and Saha, C (2006) Macro and Micro Scale Electromagnetic Kinetic Energy Harvesting Generators. DTIP.
Kulkani, S, Roy, S, O'Donnell, T, Beeby, S and Tudor, M (2005) Design, simulation and fabrication of electromagnetic micropower generator using electroplated Co50Pt50 micromagnet. MEMSNano Conference, Kharagpur, India. 19 - 22 Dec 2005.
Kulkani, S, Roy, S, O'Donnell, T, Beeby, S and Tudor, M (2005) Design and Fabrication of Electromagnetic Micropower Generator using Electroplated Micro-magnets on Silicon. 50th Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials.
Roy, S, Saha, S, O'Donnell, T, Kulkani, S, Tudor, J, Beeby, S, Bouffioux, A, Ammar, Y, Marzenki, M and Fayet, P (2005) Vibrational Energy Scavenging: Design and fabrication of micropower generator. International conference on Magnetic, MEMS and Micromachines.
Yan, T, Jones, B, Rakowski, R, Tudor, M, Beeby, S and White, N (2005) Stiff Torque Transducer with High Overload Capability and Direct Frequency Output. 19th International Conference on Force, Egypt.
Yan, T, Jones, B, Rakowski, R, Tudor, M, Beeby, S and White, N (2004) Development of Metallic Digital Strain Gauges. International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics.
Yan, T, Jones, B, Rakowski, R, Tudor, M, Beeby, S and White, N (2003) Applications of metallic digital strain gauges for load and torque measurement. Institute of Materials Conference on line measurement for quality in the metals industries, London.
Yan, T., Jones, B., Astrup, J., Rakowski, R., Tudor, M., Beeby, S. and White, N. (2004) Design and characterisation of a stiff load cell with high overload capability and direct frequency output. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical.
Beeby, S, Torah, R, Tudor, M, Grabham, N and White, N (2004) Thick film piezoelectric materials for high temperature applications. Ferroelectrics.
Yan, T, Jones, B, Rakowski, R, Tudor, M, Beeby, S and White, N (2004) Design and fabrication of thick film PZT-metallic triple beam resonators,. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical.
Kulkani, S, Koukarenko, E, Roy, S, O'Donnell, T, Beeby, S and Tudor, M (2007) Fabrication and test of integrated microscale vibration based electromagnetic generator. Transducers 07 and Eurosensors, Lyon, France. 09 - 13 Jun 2007.
Saha, C, O'Donnell, T, Godsell, J, Carlioz, L, Wang, N, McClosky, P, Beeby, S, Tudor, M and Torah, R (2007) Step up converter for electromagnetic vibrational energy scavenger. Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS, Stesa, Italy. 24 - 26 Apr 2007.
Beeby, S and Tudor, M (2007) Micromechanical resonators. In, Wiley Encyclopedia of Science.
Tudor, M and Beeby, S (2007) Automotive sensors: pressure sensors. In, Comprehensive Sensor Technology.
Yan, T, Jones, B, Rakowski, R, Tudor, M, Beeby, S and White, N (2005) Metallic strain gauges with high overload capability. Sensor Review.
Yan, T, Jones, B, Rakowski, R, Tudor, M, Beeby, S and White, N (2004) Development of Metallic Digital Strain Gauges. In, Lucas, B (ed.) Advances in Experimental Mechanics. Trans Tech.
Beeby, S and Tudor, M (2004) Silicon Resonant Microsensors. Intelligent Sensing Programme, London.
Tudor, M, Beeby, S, Harris, N and White, N (2004) Microgenerator (multiple vibration)(Patent).
Tudor, M, Beeby, S, Harris, N and White, N (2004) Microgenerator (wafers)(Patent).
Glynne-Jones, P, Tudor, M, Beeby, S, Harris, N and White, N (2003) An electromagnetic device for converting mechanical vibrational energy into electrical energy (Patent).
Jones, B, White, N, Tudor, M and Beeby, S (2003) Resonant Sensor Assembly (Patent).
Beeby, S, Glynne-Jones, P, James, E, Tudor, M and White, N (2002) Kinetic Energy Harvesting for Wireless Sensor Systems. IEE Wheatstone Measurement Event, London.
Beeby, S and Tudor, M (1997) Micromechanical resonators. In, Wiley Encyclopedia of Science.
Cotton, D. P. J., Cranny, A., Chappell, P. H., White, N. M. and Beeby, S. P. (2005) Fingertip force, slip and temperature sensors for prosthetic hands. International Society of Prosthetics and Orthotics (ISPO) Trent Prosthetic Symposium, Nottingham, United Kingdom. 22 - 24 May 2005.
Wang, Leran, Kazmierski, Tom, Al-Hashimi, Bashir, Beeby, Steve and Torah, Russel (2007) An Integrated Approach to Energy Harvester Modeling and Performance Optimization. IEEE Behavioral Modeling and Simulation Conference (BMAS 2007), San Jose, California, United States. 19 - 20 Sep 2007. pp. 121-125 .
Wang, Leran, Kazmierski, Tom, Al-Hashimi, Bashir, Beeby, Steve and Torah, Russel (2008) Integrated approach to energy harvester mixed technology modelling and performance optimisation. Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE 2008), Munich, Germany. 10 - 14 Mar 2008.
Beeby, S P, Torah, R N, Tudor, M J, Glynne-Jones, P, O'Donnell, T, Saha, C R and Roy, S (2007) A micro electromagnetic generator for vibration energy harvesting. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 17 (7), 1257-1265.
Kulkarni, S, Koukharenko, E, Torah, R N, Tudor, M J, Beeby, S P, O'Donnell, T and Roy, S (2008) Design, fabrication and test of integrated micro-scale vibration based electromagnetic generator. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 145-146, 336-342. (doi:10.1016/j.sna.2007.09.014).
Rodamporn, Somphop, Beeby, Steve, Harris, Nick, Brown, Andrew and Chad, John (2007) Design and Construction of a Programmable Electroporation system for Biological Applications. The 1st Symposium Thai Biomedical Engineering, Thailand. 18 - 19 Dec 2007. pp. 234-238 .
Beeby, Steve, Torah, R, Tudor, M, O'Donnell, T and Roy, S (2008) Wireless sensor system powered by an electromagnetic vibration energy harvester. Journal for the Institute of Measurement and Control, 41 (4), 109-113.
Zhu, Dibin, Roberts, Stephen, Tudor, John and Beeby, Steve (2008) Closed loop frequency tuning of a vibration-based micro-generator. PowerMEMS 2008+ microEMS2008, Sendai, Japan. 09 - 12 Nov 2008. pp. 229-232 .
Stamos, Marios, Nicoleau, Nicoleau, Torah, Russel, Tudor, John, Harris, Nick R., Niewiadomski, Andrzej and Beeby, Steve P. (2008) Screen printed piezoelectric generator for helicopter health and usage monitoring systems. 8th International Workshop on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications (PowerMEMS 2008), Sendai, Japan. 09 - 12 Nov 2008. 4 pp .
Torah, Russel, Glynne-Jones, Peter, Tudor, John, O'Donnell, T., Roy, S. and Beeby, Steve (2008) Self-powered autonomous wireless sensor node using vibration energy harvesting. Measurement Science and Technology, 19 (12), 125202. (doi:10.1088/0957-0233/19/12/125202).
Wang, Leran, Kazmierski, Tom, Al-Hashimi, Bashir, Beeby, Steve and Zhu, Dibin (2009) An automated design flow for vibration-based energy harvester systems. Design, Test and Automation in Europe (DATE 2009), Nice, France. 19 - 23 Apr 2009. pp. 1391-1396 . (In Press)
Owen, Thomas, Kestermann, Stefan, Torah, Russel and Beeby, Stephen (2009) Self powered wireless sensors for condition monitoring applications. Sensor Review, 29 (1), 38-43.
Zhu, Dibin, Beeby, Steve, Tudor, John and Harris, Nick (2009) A SELF POWERED TAG FOR WIRELESS STRUCTURE HEALTH MONITORING IN AERONAUTICAL APPLICATIONS. PowerMEMS 2009, Washington DC, United States. 01 - 04 Dec 2009. pp. 201-204 .
Zhu, Dibin, Tudor, John and Beeby, Steve (2010) Strategies for increasing the operating frequency range of vibration energy harvesters: a review. Measurement Science and Technology, 21 (2), 22001. (doi:10.1088/0957-0233/21/2/022001).
Zhu, Dibin, Roberts, Stephen, Tudor, John and Beeby, Steve (2010) Design and experimental characterization of a tunable vibration-based electromagnetic micro-generator. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 158 (2), 284-293. (doi:10.1016/j.sna.2010.01.002).
Qian, Y., Harris, N.R., Glynne-Jones, P. and Beeby, S.P. (2010) A new 2-D model of a thin annular disk using a modified assumption. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 57 (2), 421-426. (doi:10.1109/TUFFC.2010.1422). (PMID:20178908)
Qian, Y, Harris, NR and Beeby, SP (2009) Design of a Novel High Frequency Ultrasound Annular Array. Procedia Chemistry, 1, 413-416.
Hill, M., Harris, N.R., Townsend, R.J., White, N.M. and Beeby, S.P. (2003) A microfabricated ultrasonic particle manipulator with frequency selectable nodal planes. World Congress on Ultrasonics, Paris, France. 06 - 09 Sep 2003. pp. 1647-1650 .
Koukharenko, E., Li, X., Nandhakumar, I.S., Schiedt, B., Trautmann, C., Speed, J., Tudor, M.J., Beeby, S.P. and White, N.M. (2008) Development of nanostructures for thermoelectric microgenerators using ion-track lithography. Electronics Letters, 44 (7), 500-501. (doi:10.1049/el:20080111).
Koukharenko, E., Tudor, M.J. and Beeby, SP (2008) Performance improvement of a vibration-powered electromagnetic generator by reduced silicon surface roughness. Materials Letters, 62 (4-5), 651-654. (doi:10.1016/j.matlet.2007.06.050).
Ayala Garcia, Ivo, Zhu, Dibin, Tudor, John and Beeby, Steve (2009) Autonomous Tunable Energy Harvester. PowerMEMS 2009, Washington DC, United States. 01 - 04 Dec 2009. pp. 49-52 . (In Press)
Torah, Russel, Tudor, John, Patel, Kartik, Ayala Garcia, Ivo and Beeby, Steve (2007) Autonomous Low Power Microsystem Powered by Vibration Energy Harvesting. IEEE Sensors 2007, Atlanta, United States. 27 - 31 Oct 2007.
Koukharenko, Elena, Li, Xiaohong, Nandhakumar, Iris, Tudor, MJ, Beeby, SP, Schiedt, B, Trautmann, C and White, NM (2007) Development of thermoelectric generator for energy harvesting. IET letters, 44 (7), 500-501.
Koukharenko, Elena, Kuleshova, Jekaterina, Fowler, Marcel, Kok, Stephen, Tudor, MJ, Beeby, SP, Nandhakumar, Iris and White, NM (2010) Ion track technology for nanolithography using thick cross-linked PMMA 950 photoresist. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 49 (6).
Koukharenko, E, Li, X, Nandhakumar, I, Tudor, MJ, Beeby, SP, Schiedt, B, Trautmann, C and White, NM (2007) Nanostructured thermoelectric generator for energy harvesting. Power MEMS 2007, Freibourg.
Koukharenko, Elena, Kuleshova, J, Kok, S, Tudor, MJ, O'Connell, D, Pike, J, Beeby, SP, Nandhakumar, I and White, NM (2009) Ion Track Nanolithography for Nanotemplate Fabrication using Thick Cross-Linked PMMA 950 Photoresist. 22nd International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference, Sapporo, Japan. 16 - 19 Nov 2009. pp. 186-187 .
Koukharenko, E, Kuleshova, J, Fowler, M, Frety, N, Tudor, MJ, Beeby, SP, Nandhakumar, I and White, NM (2010) Correlation of microstructural properties with thermoelectric performance of Bi0.Sb1.Te3 film fabricated by electroplating. MRS 2010 Spring Meeting, San Francisco (), United States. 04 - 08 Apr 2010.
Harris, Nick, Beeby, Steve, Tudor, John and Zhu, Dibin (2010) Thick-film Piezoelectric Vibration Harvesting –A HUMS Application. APCOT2010, Perth, Western, Australia. 05 - 08 Jul 2010.
Ayala Garcia, Ivo, Zhu, Dibin, Tudor, John and Beeby, Steve (2010) A tunable kinetic energy harvester with dynamic over range protection. Smart Materials and Structures, 19 (11), 1-10. (doi:10.1088/0964-1726/19/11/115005).
Zhu, Dibin, Beeby, Steve, Tudor, John, White, Neil and Harris, Nick (2010) A Novel Miniature Wind Generator for Wireless Sensing Applications. IEEE Sensors 2010, Waikoloa, Hawaii, United States. 01 - 04 Nov 2010.
Ayala Garcia, Ivo, Zhu, Dibin, Tudor, John and Beeby, Steve (2010) Over Range Protection For A Tunable Kinetic Energy Harvester. PowerMEMS 2010, Leuven, Belgium. 01 - 03 Dec 2010.
Zhu, Dibin, Almusallam, Ahmed, Beeby, Steve, Tudor, John and Harris, Nick (2010) A Bimorph Multi-layer Piezoelectric Vibration Energy Harvester. PowerMEMS 2010, Leuven, Belgium. 01 - 03 Dec 2010.
Zhu, Dibin and Beeby, Steve (2011) Kinetic energy harvesting. In, Kazmierski, Tom and Beeby, Steve (eds.) Energy Harvesting Systems: Principles, Modeling and Applications. Springer, pp. 1-78.
Zhu, Dibin, Beeby, Steve, Tudor, John and Harris, Nick (2011) A credit card sized self powered smart sensor node. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 169 (2), 317-325. (doi:10.1016/j.sna.2011.01.015).
Zhu, Dibin, Beeby, Steve, Tudor, John, White, Neil and Harris, Nick (2011) Improving Output Power of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters using Multilayer Structures. Eurosensors XXV, Athens, Greece. 03 - 06 Sep 2011.
Zhu, Dibin, Beeby, Steve, Tudor, John, Harris, Nick and White, Neil (2011) Airflow Energy Harvester for Wireless Sensing in Air Duct. PowerMEMS 2011, Seoul, Korea. 15 - 18 Nov 2011.
Zhu, Dibin, Beeby, Steve, Tudor, John, Grabham, Neil, White, Neil and Harris, Nick (2011) Performance of a Piezoelectric Energy Harvester under Vibrations Taken from a Helicopter. PowerMEMS 2011, Seoul, Korea. 15 - 18 Nov 2011.
Zhu, Dibin, Tudor, John and Beeby, Steve (2011) Frequency Tuning of Vibration Energy Harvesters using Compressive and Tensile Axial Loads. PowerMEMS 2011, Seoul, Korea. 15 - 18 Nov 2011.
Zhu, Dibin, Beeby, Steve, Tudor, John and Harris, Nick (2011) A Planar Electromagnetic Vibration Energy Harvester with a Halbach Array. PowerMEMS 2011, Seoul, Korea. 15 - 18 Nov 2011.
Beeby, Steve and Zhu, Dibin (2011) Energy Harvesting Products and Forecast. In, Muensit, Nantakan (ed.) Energy Harvesting with Piezoelectric and Pyroelectric Materials. Materials Science Foundations, pp. 197-218.
Grabham, N.J., Swabey, M.A., Chambers, P., Lutman, M.E., White, N.M., Chad, J.E. and Beeby, S.P. (2013) Evaluation of otoacoustic emissions as a biometric. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 8 (1), 1-10. (doi:10.1109/TIFS.2012.2228854).
Wei, Yang, Torah, Russel, Yang, Kai, Beeby, Steve and Tudor, John (2012) A novel fabrication process for capacitive cantilever structures for smart fabric applications. Symposium on Design, Test, Integration & Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS 2012, Cannes, France. 24 - 26 Apr 2012. pp. 136-139 .
Zhu, Dibin, Beeby, Steve, Tudor, John and Harris, Nick (2012) Vibration energy harvesting using the Halbach array. Smart Materials and Structures, 21 (7), 075020-[11pp]. (doi:10.1088/0964-1726/21/7/075020).
Beeby, S.P., Torah, R.N. and Tudor, M.J. (2008) Kinetic energy harvesting. ACT Workshop on Innovative Concepts, Noordwijk-Binnen, Netherlands. 28 - 29 Oct 2008. 10 pp .
Li, Yi, Torah, Russel, Beeby, Steve and Tudor, John (2012) An all-inkjet printed flexible capacitor for wearable applications. Design, Test, Integration & Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS, Cannes, France. 24 - 26 Apr 2012.
Li, Yi, Torah, Russel, Beeby, S.P. and Tudor, John (2012) Inkjet printed flexible antenna on textile for wearable applications. 2012 Textile Institute World Conference, Selangor, Malaysia. 14 - 16 May 2012.
Zhu, Dibin, Roberts, Stephen, Mouille, Thomas, Tudor, John and Beeby, Steve (2012) General model with experimental validation of electrical resonant frequency tuning of electromagnetic vibration energy harvesters. Smart Materials and Structures, 21 (10), 105039. (doi:10.1088/0964-1726/21/10/105039).
Zhu, Dibin, Harris, Nick and Beeby, Steve (2012) Performance of Linear Vibration Energy Harvesters under Broadband Vibrations with Multiple Frequency Peaks. Eurosensors XXVI 2012: The 26th European Conference on Solid-State Transducers, Krakow, Poland. 08 - 11 Sep 2012.
Wei, Yang, Torah, Russel, Yang, Kai, Beeby, Steve and Tudor, Michael John (2012) Screen printed capacitive free-standing cantilever beams used as a motion detector for wearable sensors. Eurosensors XXVI 2012: The 26th European Conference on Solid-State Transducers, Krakow, Poland. 08 - 11 Sep 2012. 5 pp .
Harris, Nick, Grabham, Neil, Tudor, M.J., Beeby, Steve and White, Neil M. (2012) Practical implementation of a novel wind energy harvesting network. Eurosensors XXVI 2012: The 26th European Conference on Solid-State Transducers, Krakow, Poland. 08 - 11 Sep 2012.
Weddell, Alex S., Zhu, Dibin, Merrett, Geoff V., Beeby, S.P. and Al-Hashimi, B.M. (2012) A practical self-powered sensor system with a tunable vibration energy harvester. PowerMEMS 2012, Atlanta, United States. 02 - 05 Dec 2012. 4 pp .
Zhu, Dibin, Beeby, S.P., Tudor, M.J., White, N.M. and Harris, N.R. (2013) A novel miniature airflow energy harvester for wireless sensing applications in buildings. IEEE Sensors Journal, 13 (2), 691-700. (doi:10.1109/JSEN.2012.2226518).
Wei, Yang, Torah, Russel, Yang, Kai, Beeby, Steve and Tudor, John (2012) A novel fabrication process to realise piezoelectric cantilever structures for smart fabric sensor applications. IEEE Sensors 2012, Taipei, Taiwan. 27 - 31 Oct 2012. 4 pp .
Wei, Yang, Torah, Russel, Yang, Kai, Beeby, Steve and Tudor, John (2012) Screen printed capacitive free-standing cantilever beams used as a motion detector for wearable sensors. [in special issue: 26th European Conference on Solid-State Transducers, EUROSENSOR 2012] Procedia Engineering, 47, 165-169. (doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2012.09.110).
Li, Yi, Torah, Russel, Beeby, Steve and Tudor, John (2012) An all-inkjet printed flexible capacitor on a textile using a new poly(4-vinylphenol) dielectric ink for wearable applications. IEEE Sensors 2012, Taipei, Taiwan. 27 - 31 Oct 2012. 4 pp .
Zhu, Dibin, Beeby, S.P., Tudor, M.J. and Harris, N.R. (2012) Electromagnetic vibration energy harvesting using an improved Halbach array. PowerMEMS 2012, Atlanta, United States. 02 - 05 Dec 2012. pp. 251-254 .
Elliott, A.D.T., Zhu, D., Beeby, S.P. and Mitcheson, P.D. (2012) Multilayer piezoelectric energy harvesting using single supply pre-biasing for maximum power generation. PowerMEMS 2012, Atlanta, United States. 02 - 05 Dec 2012. pp. 141-144 .
Mukherjee, Anisha, Mitcheson, Paul, Wright, Steve, Yeatman, Eric, Zhu, Dibin and Beeby, SP (2012) Magnetic potential well tuning of resonant cantilever energy harvester. PowerMEMS 2012, Atlanta, United States. pp. 480-483 .
Dymarski, Piotr, Grabham, Neil J., Beeby, S.P. and Tudor, M.J. (2011) Survey of potential energy harvesting solutions for use in the built environment. ICT for Sustainable Homes Conference 2011, Nice, France. 23 - 24 Oct 2011.
Ayala-Gacia, Ivo, Mitcheson, Paul, Yeatman, Eric, Zhu, Dibin, Tudor, M.J. and Beeby, S.P. (2013) Magnetic tuning of a kinetic energy harvester using variable reluctance. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 189, 266-275. (doi:10.1016/j.sna.2012.11.004).
Zhu, Dibin, Glynne-Jones, Peter, White, N., Harris, N.R., Torah, R N, Almusallam, Ahmed and Beeby, S. (2013) Screen printed piezoelectric films for energy harvesting. Advances in Applied Ceramics, 112 (2), 79-84. (doi:10.1179/1743676112Y.0000000022).
Swabey, Matthew, Chambers, Paul, Lutman, Mark E., White, Neil M., Chad, John E., Brown, Andrew D. and Beeby, Stephen P. (2009) The biometric potential of transient otoacoustic emissions. International Journal of Biometrics, 1 (3), 349-364. (doi:10.1504/IJBM.2009.024278).
Wei, Yang, Torah, R., Yang, Kai, Beeby, S.P. and Tudor, John (2013) Screen printing of a capacitive cantilever-based motion sensor on fabric using a novel sacrificial layer process for smart fabric applications. Measurement Science and Technology, 24 (7), 075104-[11pp]. (doi:10.1088/0957-0233/24/7/075104).
Beeby, S.P., Wang, Leran, Zhu, Dibin, Weddell, Alex, Merrett, Geoff V., Stark, Bernard, Szarka, Gyorgy and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2013) A comparison of power output from linear and non-linear kinetic energy harvesters using real vibration data. Smart Materials and Structures, 22 (7), 75022. (doi:10.1088/0964-1726/22/7/075022).
Wei, Yang, Torah, R.N., Yang, Kai, Beeby, S.P. and Tudor, John (2013) A novel fabrication process to release a valveless micropump on a flexible substrate. The 17th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers '2013), Barcelona, Spain. 15 - 19 Jun 2013. 4 pp .
Zhu, Dibin and Beeby, S.P. (2013) A coupled bistable structure for broadband vibration energy harvesting. Transducers 2013 & Eurosensors XXVII, Barcelona, Spain. 15 - 19 Jun 2013.
Zhu, Dibin, Chen, Tong, Sun, Long and Beeby, S P (2013) Screen printed low frequency piezoelectric micro energy harvester with extended mass. Nanoenergy 2013, Perugia, Italy. 09 - 12 Jul 2013.
Beeby, S.P. and Zhu, Dibin (2013) The importance of applications in the design and testing of vibration energy harvesters. Nanoenergy 2013, Perugia, Italy. 09 - 12 Jul 2013.
Yang, Kai, Torah, Russel, Wei, Yang, Beeby, Steve and Tudor, John (2013) Waterproof and durable screen printed silver conductive tracks on textiles. Textile Research Journal. (doi:10.1177/0040517513490063).
Yang, Kai, Torah, Russel, Beeby, Steve and Tudor, John (2013) Flexible and washable conductive textile achieved by screen printing for smart fabric applications. 13th AUTEX World Textile Conference 2013, Dresden, Germany. 21 - 23 May 2013. 1 pp .
Yang, Kai, Torah, Russel N., Beeby, Steve and Tudor, John (2013) Investigation of screen printed flexible silver to achieve washable conductors on textiles. LOPE-C 2014. 10 - 12 Jun 2013. 12 pp .
Chauraya, Alford, Whittow, Wulliam, Vardaxoglou, J. Yiannis, Li, Yi, Torah, Russel, Yang, Kai, Beeby, Steve and Tudor, John (2013) Inkjet printed dipole antennas on textiles for wearable communications. IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, 7 (9), 760-767. (doi:10.1049/iet-map.2013.0076).
Li, Yi, Grabham, Neil J., Beeby, Steve P. and Tudor, John (2013) Energy harvesting from solar cells under typical illumination conditions in buildings. Nano Energy 2013, Perugia, Italy. 10 - 13 Jul 2013.
Zhu, Dibin, Beeby, SP, Tudor, MJ and Harris, Nick (2013) Increasing output power of electromagnetic vibration energy harvesters using improved Halbach arrays. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 203, 11-19. (doi:10.1016/j.sna.2013.08.008).
Wei, Yang, Torah, Russel, Yang, Kai, Beeby, Steve and Tudor, John (2013) A screen printable sacrificial fabrication process to realise a cantilever on fabric using a piezoelectric layer to detect motion for wearable applications. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 203, 241-248. (doi:10.1016/j.sna.2013.08.041).
Matiko, Joseph W., Beeby, Stephen and Tudor, John (2013) Real time eye blink noise removal from EEG signals using morphological component analysis. 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC’13), Osaka, Japan. 02 - 06 Jul 2013.
Torah, R., Yang, Kai, Beeby, S.P. and Tudor, M.J. (2012) Screen-printed multilayer meander heater on polyester cotton. 88th Textile Institute World Conference, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia. 14 - 16 May 2012.
Torah, Russel, Yang, Kai, Wei, Yang, Li, Yi, de Vos, Marc, Beeby, Steve and Tudor, John (2013) Screen and inkjet printed electronics on fabrics – the next generation of E-textiles. Plastic Electronics Conference 2013, Dresden, Germany. 07 - 09 Oct 2013.
Torah, R., Yang, Kai, Wei, Yang, Beeby, S.P. and Tudor, M.J. (2013) MICROFLEX project: microfabrication production technology for MEMS on new emerging smart textiles/flexibles. Micro Nano MEMS Exhibition, Birmingham, United Kingdom. 24 - 25 Sep 2013.
Matiko, J.W., Grabham, N.J., Beeby, S.P. and Tudor, M.J. (2014) Review of the application of energy harvesting in buildings. Measurement Science and Technology, 25 (1), 012002-[25pp]. (doi:10.1088/0957-0233/25/1/012002).
Weddell, Alex S., Zhu, Dibin, Merrett, Geoff V., Beeby, Stephen P. and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2013) Tunable vibration energy harvester. 1st International Workshop on Energy Neutral Sensing Systems (ENSsys 2013), Rome, Italy. 14 Nov 2013. (doi:10.1145/2534208.2534226).
Zhu, Dibin and Beeby, Steve (2013) A broadband electromagnetic energy harvester with a coupled bistable structure. PowerMEMS 2013, London, United Kingdom. 03 - 06 Dec 2013. pp. 1-5 .
Mohammad pour, Nima, Zhu, Dibin, Torah, Russel, Elliott, Alwyn, Mitcheson, Paul and Beeby, Steve (2013) A novel piezoelectric energy harvester designed for single-supply pre-biasing circuit. PowerMEMS 2013, London, United Kingdom. 03 - 06 Dec 2013. 5 pp .
Sun, Huihui, Zhu, Dibin, White, Neil and Beeby, Steve (2013) A miniature airflow energy harvester from piezoelectric materials. PowerMEMS 2013, London, United Kingdom. 03 - 06 Dec 2013. pp. 1-5 .
Zhang, Zhao, Zhu, Dibin, Tudor, John and Beeby, Steve (2013) Packaging strategy for maximizing the performance of a screen printed piezoelectric energy harvester. PowerMEMS 2013, London, United Kingdom. 03 - 06 Dec 2013. pp. 1-5 .
Paul, Gordon, Yang, Kai and Beeby, Steve et al. (2013) A smart textile based facial EMG and EOG computer interface. IEEE Sensors Journal, 14 (2), 1-8. (doi:10.1109/JSEN.2013.2283424).
Wei, Yang, Torah, Russel, Yang, Kai, Beeby, Steve and Tudor, John (2014) A novel fabrication process to realize a valveless micropump on a flexible substrate. Smart Materials and Structures, 23 (2), 25034. (doi:10.1088/0964-1726/23/2/025034).
Yang, Kai, Freeman, C T, Torah, R.N., Beeby, S P and Tudor, M. J. (2013) Flexible Screen Printed Fabric Electrode Array for Wearable Functional Electrical Stimulation for Medical Application. International Conference on Flexible and Stretchable Electronics, Eindhoven, Netherlands. 12 - 13 Nov 2013.
Yang, K., Freeman, C.T., Torah, R.N., Beeby, S.P. and Tudor, J. (2014) Screen printed fabric electrode array for wearable functional electrical stimulation. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 213, 108-115. (doi:10.1016/j.sna.2014.03.025).
Almusallam, Ahmed, Torah, Russel, Zhu, Dibin, Tudor, John and Beeby, Steve (2013) Screen-printed piezoelectric shoe-insole energy harvester using an improved flexible PZT-polymer composites. PowerMEMS 2013: the 13th International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications, , London, United Kingdom. 03 - 06 Dec 2013. 5 pp . (doi:10.1088/1742-6596/476/1/012108).
Almusallam, Ahmed, Torah, Russel, Yang, Kai, Tudor, John and Beeby, Steve (2012) Flexible low temperature piezoelectric films for harvesting from textiles. PowerMEMS 2012: the 12th International Workshop on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications, Atlanta, United States. 02 - 05 Dec 2012.
Tan, Y. K., Zhu, Dibin and Beeby, Steve (2014) Wind energy harvesting for recharging wireless sensor nodes: brief review and a case study. In, Cheng, Jiming, He, Shibo and Sun, Youxian (eds.) Rechargeable Sensor Networks: Technology, Theory and Application. Singapore, SG. World Scientific Publishing Company, pp. 1-30.
Kutzner, C., Lucklum, R., Torah, R., Beeby, S.P. and Tudor, J. (2013) Novel screen printed humidity sensor on textiles for smart textile applications. Transducers, Barcelona, Spain. 15 - 19 Jun 2013. 282 -285 . (doi:10.1109/Transducers.2013.6626757).
de Vos, Marc, Torah, Russel, Beeby, Steve and Tudor, John (2013) Functional electronic screen printing – electroluminescent smart fabric watch. Smart Textiles Salon, Ghent, Belgium.
Zhu, Dibin, Wang, Leran, Henaut, Julien and Beeby, Steve (2014) Comparisons of energy sources for autonomous in-car wireless tags for asset tracking and parking applications. Eurosensors 2014, Brescia, Italy. 05 - 09 Sep 2014. 4 pp .
Cao, Z., Koukharenko, E., Torah, R.N. and Beeby, S.P. (2013) Exploring screen printing technology on thermoelectric energy harvesting with printing copper-nickel and bismuth-antimony thermocouples. The 17th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers & Eurosensors XXVII), Barcelona, Spain. 15 - 19 Jun 2013. pp. 478-481 . (doi:10.1109/Transducers.2013.6626807).
Cao, Zhuo, Koukharenko, E., Tudor, M.J., Torah, R.N. and Beeby, S.P. (1970) Screen printed flexible Bi2Te3-Sb2Te3 based thermoelectric generator. [in special issue: The 13th International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications (PowerMEMS 2013) 3–6 December 2013, London, UK] Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1-6. (doi:10.1088/1742-6596/476/1/012031).
Zhu, D., Arthur, Derek and Beeby, S.P. (2014) A miniature coupled bistable vibration energy harvester. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 557, 12124. (doi:10.1088/1742-6596/557/1/012116).
Zhu, D., Henaut, Julien and Beeby, S.P. (2014) Power electronics design of a solar powered in-car wireless tag for asset tracking and parking applications. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 557, 12044. (doi:10.1088/1742-6596/557/1/012044).
Pancharoen, Kantida, Zhu, Dibin and Beeby, S.P. (2014) A hip implant energy harvester. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 557, 12038. (doi:10.1088/1742-6596/557/1/012038).
Shi, Junjie, Zhu, Dibin and Beeby, S.P. (2014) An investigation of PDMS structures for optimized ferroelectret performance. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 557, 12104. (doi:10.1088/1742-6596/557/1/012104).
Almusallam, Ahmed, Yang, Kai, Cao, Zhuo, Zhu, Dibin, Tudor, M. J. and Beeby, S.P. (2014) Improving the dielectric and piezoelectric properties of screen-printed low temperature PZT/polymer composite using cold isostatic pressing. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 557, 12083. (doi:10.1088/1742-6596/557/1/012083).
Almusallam, Ahmed, Yang, Kai, Zhu, Dibin, Torah, Russel, Tudor, M.J. and Beeby, S.P. (2014) Development of a low temperature PZT/polymer paste for screen printed flexible electronics applications. IEEE Sensors 2014, , Valencia, Spain. 02 - 05 Nov 2014. 4 pp .
Jamel, Nursabirah, Zhu, Dibin, Almusallam, Ahmed, Torah, Russel, Yang, Kai, Beeby, S.P. and Tudor, M.J. (2014) Screen printed free-standing resonator with piezoelectric excitation and detection on flexible substrate. Eurosesensors 2014, Brescia, Italy. 4 pp .
Li, Yi, Grabham, Neil J., Torah, Russel N., Tudor, M.J. and Beeby, Steve P. (2014) Screen printed flexible coils for wearable wireless power transfer systems. Manufacturing for Printed Electronics, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Li, Yi, Grabham, Neil J., Beeby, Steve P. and Tudor, John (2015) The effect of the type of illumination on the energy harvesting performance of solar cells. Solar Energy, 111, 21-29. (doi:10.1016/j.solener.2014.10.024).
Yang, Kai, Freeman, C. T., Torah, R, Beeby, S. P. and Tudor, M. J. (2015) Fabrication and Evaluation of Screen Printed Fabric Electrode Arrays. 5th Annual Conference of the International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society (IFESS) (UK and Ireland Chapter), Sheffield, United Kingdom.
Cao, Zhuo, Koukharenko, Elena, Torah, Russel, Tudor, John and Beeby, Steve (2014) Flexible screen printed thick film thermoelectric generator with reduced material resistivity. 14th International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications (PowerMEMS 2014), Hyogo, Japan. 18 - 21 Nov 2014. 5 pp .
Li, Yi, Grabham, Neil, Torah, Russel, Tudor, John and Beeby, Stephen (2015) Data for the figures in Smart Textile Based Flexible Coils for Wireless Inductive Power Transmission. University of Southampton [Dataset]
Cao, Z., Koukharenko, E., Torah, R.N., Tudor, J. and Beeby, S.P. (2014) Flexible screen printed thick film thermoelectric generator with reduced material resistivity. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 557 (12016), 1-6. (doi:10.1088/1742-6596/557/1/012016).
Arumugam, Sasikumar, Li, Yi, Sundaram, Senthilarasu, Torah, Russel, Kanibolotsky, Alexander, Inigo, Anto, Skabara, Peter and Beeby, Steve (2016) Fully spray-coated organic solar cells on woven polyester cotton fabrics for wearable energy harvesting applications. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 4 (15), 5561-5568. (doi:10.1039/C5TA03389F).
Arumugam, Sasikumar, Li, Yi, Sundaram, Senthilarasu, Torah, Russel, Kanibolotsky, Alexander L., Inigo, Anto, Skabara, Peter J. and Beeby, Stephen (2016) Dataset for Fully spray-coated organic solar cells on woven polyester cotton fabric for wearable energy harvesting applications. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/376690 [Dataset]
Almusallam, Ahmed, Yang, Kai, Torah, Russel, Komolafe, Abiodun, Tudor, Michael and Beeby, Stephen (2016) Clamping Effect on the Piezoelectric Responses of Screen-printed Low Temperature PZT/Polymer Films on Flexible Substrates. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/377082 [Dataset]
Zhu, Dibin and Beeby, Steve (2015) Scaling effects for piezoelectric energy harvesters. SPIE Microtechnologies, Barcelona, Spain. 03 - 06 May 2015. p. 95170 . (doi:10.1117/12.2178877).
Zhu, Dibin, Grabham, Neil, Clare, Lindsay, Stark, Bernard and Beeby, Steve (2015) Inductive power transfer in e-textile applications: reducing the effects of coil Misalignment. In 2015 IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference (WPTC). IEEE. 4 pp . (doi:10.1109/WPT.2015.7140116).
Adami, Salah-Eddine, Zhu, Dibin, Li, Yi, Mellios, Evangelos, Stark, Bernard and Beeby, Steve (2015) A 2.45 GHz rectenna screen-printed on polycotton for on-body RF power transfer and harvesting. In 2015 IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference (WPTC). IEEE. 4 pp . (doi:10.1109/WPT.2015.7140161).
Luo, Zhenhua, Zhu, Dibin, Shi, Jujie, Beeby, Steve, Zhang, Chunhong, Proynov, Plamen and Stark, Bernard (2015) Energy harvesting study on single and multilayer ferroelectret foams under compressive force. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 22 (3), 1360-1368, [7116323]. (doi:10.1109/TDEI.2015.7116323).
Torah, Russel, Wei, Yang, Li, Yi, Yang, Kai, Beeby, Steve and Tudor, John (2015) Printed textile-based electronic devices. In, Tao, Xiaoming (ed.) Handbook of Smart Textiles. Singapore, SG. Springer-Verlag Singapur, pp. 653-687.
Beeby, S.P. and Zhu, D. (2015) Vibration energy harvesting: fabrication, miniaturisation and applications. SPIE Microtechnologies, Barcelona, Spain. 03 - 05 May 2015. 8 pp . (doi:10.1117/12.2179783).
Cao, Zhuo, Koukharenko, Elena, Torah, Russel, Tudor, John and Beeby, Steve (2015) Flexible screen printed thermoelectric generator with enhanced processes and materials. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. (Submitted)
CAO, ZHUO, Koukharenko, Elena, Torah, Russel, Tudor, Michael and Beeby, Stephen (2015) Dataset for Flexible screen printed thermoelectric generator with enhanced processes and materials. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/379416 [Dataset]
Yong, Sheng, Owen, John and Beeby, Stephen (2015) Fabrication and characterisation of fabric based supercapacitors. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/379744 [Dataset]
Pancharoen, Kantida, Zhu, Dibin and Beeby, Stephen (2016) Dataset: Design Optimization of a Magnetically Levitated Electromagnetic Vibration Energy Harvester for Body Motion. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/381021 [Dataset]
Pancharoen, Kantida, Zhu, Dibin and Beeby, Stephen (2016) Magnetically levitated electromagnetic vibration energy harvester: temperature dependence of the output and dynamic characteristics. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/381135 [Dataset]
Luo, Zhenhua and Beeby, Stephen (2015) Inexpensive triboelectric materials for large area energy harvesting and sensing applications. Innovations in Large-Area Electronics Conference (innoLAE) 2015 Conference. 03 - 04 Feb 2015.
Luo, Zhenhua and Beeby, Stephen (2015) Energy harvesting with ferroelectret materials. Early Career Researchers Colloquium, London, United Kingdom. (In Press)
Luo, Zhenhua and Beeby, Stephen (2014) Energy harvesting study on single and multilayer ferroelectret foam under compressive force. 15th International Symposium on Electrets (ISE15). 09 - 12 Aug 2014.
CAO, ZHUO, Tudor, Michael, Torah, Russel and Beeby, Stephen (2016) Dataset for Screen printable flexible BiTe-SbTe based composite thermoelectric materials on textiles for flexible wearable applications. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/381933 [Dataset]
Mitrovic, Ivona, Sedghi, Naser, Weerakkody, Ayendra, Ralph, Jason, Hall, Stephen, Wrench, Jacqueline, Chalker, Paul, Luo, Zhenhua and Beeby, Stephen (2015) Engineered tunnel-barrier terahertz rectifiers for optical nantennas. American Vacuum Science 62nd Symposium and Exhibition, San Jose, United States.
Almusallam, A., Yang, K., Zhu, Dibin, Torah, R.N., Komolafe, A., Tudor, J. and Beeby, S.P. (2015) Clamping effect on the piezoelectric responses of screen-printed low temperature PZT/Polymer films on flexible substrates. Smart Materials and Structures, 24 (11), 1-8, [115030]. (doi:10.1088/0964-1726/24/11/115030).
Luo, Zhenhua, Zhu, Dibin and Beeby, Stephen (2016) Data from: An Electromechanical Model of Ferroelectret for Energy Harvesting. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/387204 [Dataset]
Luo, Z., Zhu, D. and Beeby, S. (2016) An electromechanical model of ferroelectret for energy harvesting. Smart Materials and Structures, 25 (45010), 1-7. (doi:10.1088/0964-1726/25/4/045010).
Luo, Z., Zhu, D. and Beeby, S. (2015) Multilayer ferroelectret-based energy harvesting insole. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 660 (12118), 1-5. (doi:10.1088/1742-6596/660/1/012118).
Ahmed, Zeeshan, Torah, Russel, Yang, Kai, Beeby, Stephen and Tudor, Michael (2016) Data from Investigation and Improvement of the Dispenser Printing of Electrical Interconnections for Smart Fabric Applications. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/390074 [Dataset]
Freeman, Christopher, Tudor, Michael, Torah, Russel, Hughes, Ann-Marie, Beeby, Stephen and Yang, Kai (2016) Printed e-textiles for wearable stroke rehabilitation. Printed Electronics Europe, Berlin, Germany. 26 - 27 Apr 2016. 1 pp .
Matiko, Joseph W, Wei, Yang, Torah, Russel, Grabham, Neil, Paul, Gordon, Beeby, Stephen and Tudor, John (2015) Wearable EEG headband using printed electrodes and powered by energy harvesting for emotion monitoring in ambient assisted living. Smart Materials and Structures, 24 (12), [125028]. (doi:10.1088/0964-1726/24/12/125028).
Mitrovic, Ivona, Weerakkody, Ayendra, Sedghi, Naser, Hall, Stephen, Ralph, Jason, Wrench, Jacqueline, Chalker, Paul, Luo, Zhenhua and Beeby, Stephen (2016) Tunnel-barrier rectifiers for optical nantennas. [in special issue: 229th ECS Meeting] ECS Transactions, 72 (2), 287-289. (doi:10.1149/07202.0287).
Liu, Jingqi, Li, Yi, Arumugam, Sasi, Tudor, Michael and Beeby, Stephen (2018) Investigation of low temperature processed titanium dioxide (TiO2) films for printed dye sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) for large area flexible applications. Materials Today: Proceedings, 5 (5, Part 3), 13846-13854. (doi:10.1016/j.matpr.2018.02.026).
Arumugam, Sasi, Liu, Jingqi, Li, Yi, Tudor, Michael and Beeby, Stephen (2018) Optimised process of fully spray-coated organic solar cells on woven polyester cotton fabrics. Materials Today: Proceedings, 5 (5, Part 3), 13745-13752. (doi:10.1016/j.matpr.2018.02.014).
Liu, Jingqi, Li, Yi, Arumugam, Sasi, Tudor, Michael and Beeby, Stephen (2018) Screen printed dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) on woven polyester cotton fabric for wearable energy harvesting applications. Materials Today: Proceedings, 5 (5, Part 3), 13753-13758. (doi:10.1016/j.matpr.2018.02.015).
Cao, Zhuo, Tudor, Michael, Torah, Russel and Beeby, Stephen (2016) Screen printable flexible BiTe-SbTe based composite thermoelectric materials on textiles for wearable applications. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 63 (10), 4024-4030. (doi:10.1109/TED.2016.2603071).
Ojuroye, Olivia, Torah, Russel, Beeby, Steve and Wilde, Adriana (2016) Autonomy is the key: from smart towards intelligent textiles. In UbiComp '16: Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing: Adjunct. ACM Press. pp. 678-681 . (doi:10.1145/2968219.2968558).
Ojuroye, Olivia, Torah, Russel, Beeby, Stephen and Wilde, Adriana (2017) Smart textiles for smart home control and enriching future wireless sensor network data. In, Postolache, Octavian Adrian, Mukhopadhyay, Subhas Chandra, Jayasundera, Krishanthi P. and Swain, Akshya K. (eds.) Sensors for everyday life: healthcare settings. (HASH(0xb171108), 22, 22) Cham, CH. Springer, pp. 159-183. (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-47319-2_9).
Almusallam, Ahmed, Luo, Jerry, Komolafe, Abiodun, Yang, Kai, Robinson, Andrew, Torah, Russel and Beeby, Stephen (2017) Flexible piezoelectric nano-composite films for kinetic energy harvesting from textiles. Nano Energy, 33, 146-156. (doi:10.1016/j.nanoen.2017.01.037).
Almusallam, Ahmed, Luo, Zhenhua, Komolafe, Abiodun, Yang, Kai, Robinson, Andrew, Torah, Russel and Beeby, Stephen (2017) Datafile - Flexible piezoelectric nano-composite films for kinetic energy harvesting from textiles. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/403388 [Dataset]
Yong, Sheng, Owen, John, Tudor, Michael and Beeby, Stephen (2016) Integrated flexible solid-state supercapacitor fabricated in a single fabric layer. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/403405 [Dataset]
Ahmed, Z., Torah, R., Yang, K., Beeby, S. and Tudor, J. (2016) Investigation and improvement of the dispenser printing of electrical interconnections for smart fabric applications. Smart Materials and Structures, 25 (10), 1-15, [105021]. (doi:10.1088/0964-1726/25/10/105021).
Luo, Zhenhua, Shi, Junjie and Beeby, Stephen (2016) Novel thick-foam ferroelectret with engineered voids for energy harvesting applications. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 773 (12030), 1-4. (doi:10.1088/1742-6596/773/1/012030).
Grabham, N.J., Harden, C., Vincent, D. and Beeby, S.P. (2016) A design study of a wireless power transfer system for use to transfer energy from a vibration energy harvester. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 773 (1), 1-4. (doi:10.1088/1742-6596/773/1/012100).
Pancharoen, Kantida, Zhu, Dibin and Beeby, Stephen (2016) Design optimization of a magnetically levitated electromagnetic vibration energy harvester for body motion. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 773, [012056]. (doi:10.1088/1742-6596/773/1/012056).
Paul, Gordon, Torah, Russel, Beeby, Stephen and Tudor, Michael (2017) Dataset for A Printed, Dry Electrode Frank Configuration Vest for Ambulatory Vectorcardiographic Monitoring. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/404548 [Dataset]
Paul, Gordon, Torah, Russel, Beeby, Stephen and Tudor, John (2017) A printed, dry electrode Frank configuration vest for ambulatory vectorcardiographic monitoring. Smart Materials and Structures, 26 (2), 1-7, [025029]. (doi:10.1088/1361-665X/aa5436).
Rodriguez Arreola, Alberto, Balsamo, Domenico, Zhenhua, Luo, Beeby, Stephen, Merrett, Geoffrey and Weddell, Alexander (2017) Dataset supporting the Paper titled: Intermittently-Powered Energy Harvesting Step Counter for Fitness Tracking. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/405149 [Dataset]
Rodriguez Arreola, Alberto, Balsamo, Domenico, Zhenhua, Luo, Beeby, Stephen, Merrett, Geoff V. and Weddell, Alex S. (2017) Intermittently-powered energy harvesting step counter for fitness tracking. IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS) 2017, Rowan Univeristy, Glassboro, United States. 13 - 15 Mar 2017.
Yang, Kai, Meadmore, Katie, Hughes, Ann-Marie, Grabham, Neil, Spraggs, Matthew, Freeman, Christopher, Beeby, Stephen, Torah, Russel and Tudor, John (2016) Low-cost personalised instrumented clothing with integrated FES electrodes for upper limb rehabilitation. Researcher Links Workshop on Healthcare Technologies for Aging Populations, Chengdu, China. 06 - 08 Dec 2016.
Pancharoen, Kantida, Zhu, Dibin and Beeby, Stephen (2017) Temperature dependence of a magnetically levitated electromagnetic vibration energy harvester. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 256, 1-11. (doi:10.1016/j.sna.2017.01.011).
Meadmore, Katie, Hughes, Ann-Marie, Grabham, Neil, Spraggs, Matthew, Freeman, Christopher, Beeby, Stephen, Tudor, John and Yang, Kai (2017) Understanding the relationship between engagement in upper limb activity and expectation of motor recovery. RehabWeek 2017: Translation and Clinical Delivery: Rehab Week London 2017, , London, United Kingdom. 17 - 21 Jul 2017.
Yang, Kai, Meadmore, Katie, Hughes, Ann-Marie, Grabham, Neil, Spraggs, Matthew, Freeman, Christopher, Beeby, Stephen, Torah, Russel and Tudor, John (2017) Fabric based wearable technology for stroke rehabilitation. International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society, , London, United Kingdom. 17 - 21 Jul 2017.
Komolafe, Abiodun, Torah, Russel, Tudor, John and Beeby, Steve (2017) Improving the durability of screen printed conductors on woven fabrics for e-textile applications. Proceedings, 1 (4), [613]. (doi:10.3390/proceedings1040613).
Komolafe, Abiodun (2017) Improving the durability of screen printed conductors on woven fabrics for e-textile applications. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0149 [Dataset]
Li, Menglong, Tudor, Michael and Beeby, Stephen (2017) Stress analysis of flexible packaging for the integration of electronic components within woven textiles. In Proceedings - Electronic Components and Technology Conference. (doi:10.1109/ECTC.2017.23).
Balsamo, Domenico, Merrett, Geoff V., Zaghari, Bahareh, Wei, Yang, Ramchurn, Sarvapali, Stein, Sebastian, Weddell, Alexander and Beeby, Stephen (2017) Wearable and autonomous computing for future smart cities: open challenges. In 25th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM). IEEE. 5 pp . (doi:10.23919/SOFTCOM.2017.8115596).
Clare, L. R., Burrow, S. G., Stark, B. H., Grabham, N. J. and Beeby, S. P. (2015) Design of an inductive power transfer system with flexible coils for body-worn applications. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 660. (doi:10.1088/1742-6596/660/1/012135).
Fafoutis, Xenofon, Clare, Lindsay, Grabham, Neil, Beeby, Stephen, Stark, Bernard, Piechocki, Robert and Craddock, Ian (2016) Energy neutral activity monitoring: Wearables powered by smart inductive charging surfaces. In 2016 13th Annual IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking (SECON). IEEE.. (doi:10.1109/SAHCN.2016.7732986).
Yong, Sheng, Owen, John R. and Beeby, Stephen (2017) Dataset for Solid-State Supercapacitor Fabricated in a Single Woven Textile Layer for E-Textiles Applications. University of Southampton [Dataset]
Yong, Sheng, Owen, John R. and Beeby, Stephen (2018) Solid-state supercapacitor fabricated in a single woven textile layer for e-textiles applications. Advanced Engineering Materials, 20 (5), [1700860]. (doi:10.1002/adem.201700860).
Li, Menglong, Tudor, John, Torah, Russel and Beeby, Stephen (2018) Stress analysis and optimization of a Flip chip on flex electronic packaging method for functional electronic textiles. IEEE Transactions on Components Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 8 (2), 186-194. (doi:10.1109/TCPMT.2017.2780626).
Mitrovic, I.Z., Weerakkody, A.D., Sedghi, N., Ralph, J.F., Hall, S., Dhanak, V.R., Luo, Z. and Beeby, Stephen (2018) Controlled modification of resonant tunneling in metal-insulator-insulator-metal structures. Applied Physics Letters, 112 (1), 1-5, [012902].
Komolafe, Abiodun, Torah, Russel, Yang, Kai, Tudor, Michael and Beeby, Stephen (2015) Durability of screen printed electrical interconnections on woven textiles. In 2015 IEEE 65th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC). IEEE.. (doi:10.1109/ECTC.2015.7159738).
Grabham, Neil J., Li, Yi, Clare, Lindsay R., Stark, Bernard H. and Beeby, Stephen P. (2018) Fabrication techniques for manufacturing flexible coils on textiles for inductive power transfer. IEEE Sensors Journal, 18 (6), 2599-2606. (doi:10.1109/JSEN.2018.2796138).
Adami, Salah Eddine, Proynov, Plamen, Hilton, Geoffrey S., Yang, Guang, Zhang, Chunhong, Zhu, Dibin, Li, Yi, Beeby, Steve P., Craddock, Ian J. and Stark, Bernard H. (2018) A flexible 2.45-GHz power harvesting wristband with net system output from -24.3 dBm of RF power. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 66 (1), 380-395, [7955016]. (doi:10.1109/TMTT.2017.2700299).
Meadmore, Katie, Hughes, Ann-Marie, Freeman, Christopher, Grabham, Neil, Beeby, Stephen, Tudor, Michael and Yang, Kai (2017) Restoring arm movement post stroke using electrical stimulation technology in clothing. STEM for Britain: Exhibition of Posters by early-career research scientists, engineers and mathematicians, Westminster, London, United Kingdom. 13 Mar 2017. (In Press)
Meadmore, Katie, Hughes, Ann-Marie, Lundrigan, Kelly, Spraggs, Matthew, Freeman, Christopher, Grabham, Neil, Beeby, Stephen, Tudor, John and Yang, Kai (2018) Exploring stroke patients' expectations for upper limb motor recovery and the barriers to achieving those expectations. 10th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation, Renaissance, Mumbai Convention Centre Hotal, Mumbai, India. 07 - 10 Feb 2018.
Meadmore, Katie, Hughes, Ann-Marie, Spraggs, Matthew, Freeman, Christopher, Grabham, Neil, Beeby, Stephen, Tudor, John (Michael) and Yang, Kai (2017) Engagement in upper limb activity and expectation of motor recovery. Sensing our World - Southampton Neuroscience Group Conference, University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom. 13 Sep 2017.
Liu, Jingqi, Li, Yi, Yong, Sheng, Arumugam, Sasikumar and Beeby, Stephen (2019) Flexible printed monolithic-structured solid-state dye sensitized solar cells on woven glass fibre textile for wearable energy harvesting applications. Scientific Reports, 9 (1362). (doi:10.1038/s41598-018-37590-8).
Torah, Russel, Lawrie-Ashton, Jake, Li, Yi, Arumugam, Sasikumar, Sodano, Henry A. and Beeby, Steve (2018) Energy-harvesting materials for smart fabrics and textiles. MRS Bulletin, 43 (3), 214-219. (doi:10.1557/mrs.2018.9).
Li, Menglong, Tudor, Michael, Liu, Jingqi, Komolafe, Abiodun, Torah, Russel and Beeby, Stephen (2018) The thickness and material optimization of flexible electronic packaging for functional electronic textile. In 2018 Symposium on Design, Test, Integration & Packaging of MEMS and MOEMS (DTIP). IEEE. 6 pp . (doi:10.1109/DTIP.2018.8394186).
Shi, Junjie, Yong, Sheng and Beeby, Stephen (2018) An easy to assemble ferroelectret for human body energy harvesting. Smart Materials and Structures, 1-11. (doi:10.1088/1361-665X/aabdbc).
Promsawat, Napatporn, Promsawat, Methee, Janphuang, Phatthanapong, Luo, Zhenhua, Beeby, Steve, Rojviriya, Catleya, Pakawanit, Phakkhananan and Pojprapai, Soodkhet (2018) CNTs-added PMNT/PDMS flexible piezoelectric nanocomposite for energy harvesting application. Integrated Ferroelectrics, 187 (1), 70-79. (doi:10.1080/10584587.2018.1445684).
Yong, Sheng (2017) Dataset for: Solid-State Supercapacitor Fabricated in a Single Woven Textile Layer for E-Textiles Applications. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0045 [Dataset]
Li, Yi, Grabham, Neil, Torah, Russel, Tudor, M John and Beeby, Steve (2018) Textile-based flexible coils for wireless inductive power transmission. Applied Sciences, 8 (6), 1-19, [912]. (doi:10.3390/app8060912).
Komolafe, Abiodun, Torah, Russel and Tudor, Michael (2018) Dataset for Modelling and experimental validation of the effect of the elastic properties of fabrics on the durability of screen printed e-textiles. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0366 [Dataset]
Smilek, Jan, Hadas, Zdenek, Vetiska, Jan and Beeby, Steve (2018) Rolling mass energy harvester for very low frequency of input vibrations. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. (doi:10.1016/j.ymssp.2018.05.062).
Yang, Kai, Meadmore, Katie, Freeman, Christopher, Grabham, Neil, Hughes, Ann-Marie, Wei, Yang, Torah, Russel, Glanc-Gostkiewicz, Monika, Beeby, Stephen and Tudor, Michael (2018) Wearable electronic sleeve for muscle stimulation. In Annual Conference of the International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society 2018. (In Press)
Yang, Kai, Meadmore, Katie, Freeman, Chris, Grabham, Neil, Hughes, Ann-Marie, Wei, Yang, Torah, Russel, Glanc-Gostkiewicz, Monika, Beeby, Steve and Tudor, John (2018) Development of user-friendly wearable electronic textiles for healthcare applications. Sensors, 18 (8), [2410]. (doi:10.3390/s18082410).
Ojuroye, Olivia, Torah, Russel and Beeby, Steve (2018) Improving the integration of e-textile microsystems' encapsulation by modifying PDMS formulation. In Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS, DTIP 2018. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. 6 pp . (doi:10.1109/DTIP.2018.8394200).
Jamel, Nursabirah, Torah, Russel, Yang, Kai, Tudor, John and Beeby, Steve P. (2018) An all screen-printed free-standing piezoelectric diaphragm for application on textile. In Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS, DTIP 2018. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. pp. 1-4 . (doi:10.1109/DTIP.2018.8394208).
Yong, Sheng, Shi, Junjie and Beeby, Stephen (2018) Metal layer reinforced multilayer ferroelectret-based energy harvester. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1052 (1), [012115]. (doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1052/1/012115).
Hardy, Dorothy, Anastasopoulos, Ioannis, Nashed, M. Nour, Oliveira, Carlos, Hughes-Riley, Theodore, Komolafe, Abiodun, Tudor, John, Torah, Russel, Beeby, Steve and Dias, Tilak (2018) An automated process for inclusion of package dies and circuitry within a textile yarn. In Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS, DTIP 2018. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. pp. 1-5 . (doi:10.1109/DTIP.2018.8394189).
Li, Menglong, Torah, Russel, Liu, Jingqi, Tudor, Michael and Beeby, Stephen (2020) Finite element analysis (FEA) modelling and experimental verification to optimise flexible electronic packaging for e-textiles. Microsystem Technologies. (doi:10.1007/s00542-020-04813-w).
Wagih, Mahmoud, Wei, Yang, Yong, Sheng and Beeby, Stephen (2018) Connecting and powering flexible IoT, an insole case study. Arm Research Summit 2018, Robinson College, Cambridge, United Kingdom. 17 - 19 Sep 2018.
Li, Menglong, Tudor, John, Liu, Jingqi, Torah, Russel, Komolafe, Abiodun and Beeby, Steve (2019) Novel electronic packaging method for functional electronic textiles. IEEE Transactions on Components Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 9 (2), 216-225, [8610309]. (doi:10.1109/TCPMT.2019.2892404).
Arumugam, Sasikumar, Li, Yi, Glanc-Gostkiewicz, Monika, Torah, Russel N. and Beeby, Stephen P. (2018) Solution processed organic solar cells on textiles. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 8 (6), 1710-1715, [8479370]. (doi:10.1109/JPHOTOV.2018.2871334).
Mohamed, Mahmoud Ashraf Hassan Wagih, Wei, Yang and Beeby, Stephen (2018) Dataset for Flexible 2.4 GHz Node for Body Area Networks with a Compact High-Gain Planar Antenna. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0702 [Dataset]
Mohamed, Mahmoud, Wei, Yang and Beeby, Steve (2019) Flexible 2.4 GHz node for body area networks with a compact high-gain planar antenna. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 18 (1), 49-53. (doi:10.1109/LAWP.2018.2880490).
Li, Yi, Arumugam, Sasikumar, Krishnan, Chirenjeevi, Charlton, Martin and Beeby, Stephen (2019) Encapsulated textile organic solar cells fabricated by spray coating. ChemistrySelect, 4, 407-412. (doi:10.1002/slct.201803929).
Beeby, Stephen, Torah, Russel, Tudor, John, Li, Menglong, Komolafe, Abiodun and Yang, Kai (2018) Functional electronic textiles: circuit integration and energy harvesting power supplies. In 2018 International Flexible Electronics Technology Conference (IFETC). IEEE. 3 pp . (doi:10.1109/IFETC.2018.8583839).
Paosangthong, Watcharapong, Torah, Russel and Beeby, Steve (2019) Recent progress on textile-based triboelectric nanogenerators. Nano Energy, 55, 401-423. (doi:10.1016/j.nanoen.2018.10.036).
Hillier, Nick, Yong, Sheng and Beeby, Stephen (2019) Optimization of carbon electrodes for solid-state E-textile supercapacitors. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1407 (1), [012059]. (doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1407/1/012059).
Hardy, Dorothy Anne, Anastasopoulos, Ioannis, Nashed, Mohamad Nour, Oliveira, Carlos, Hughes-Riley, Theodore, Komolafe, Abiodun, Tudor, John, Torah, Russel, Beeby, Steve and Dias, Tilak (2019) Automated insertion of package dies onto wire and into a textile yarn sheath. Microsystem Technologies, 1-13. (doi:10.1007/s00542-019-04361-y).
Yong, Sheng, Shi, Junjie and Beeby, Stephen (2019) Wearable textile power module based on flexible ferroelectret and supercapacitor. Energy Technology, 7 (5), [1800938]. (doi:10.1002/ente.201800938).
Li, Yi, Arumugam, Sasikumar, Krishnan, Chirenjeevi, Charlton, Martin and Beeby, Stephen (2018) Data for 'Encapsulated Textile Organic Solar Cells Fabricated by Spray Coating'. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0574 [Dataset]
Torah, Russel, Komolafe, Abiodun, Li, Menglong, Ojuroye, Olivia, Olamide and Beeby, Stephen (2018) Novel manufacturing methods for functional electronic textiles. In Printed and Stretchable Congress.
Torah, Russel, Komolafe, Abiodun, Li, Menglong, Tudor, John, Ojuroye, Olivia, Olamide, Wei, Yang, Beeby, Stephen, Hardy, Dorothy, Dias, Tilak, Nunes Matos, Helga and Nashed, M. Nour (2018) FETT: Novel manufacturing methods for functional electronic textiles. 1 pp .
Ojuroye, Olivia, Olamide, Wilde, Adriana, Gabriela, Torah, Russel and Beeby, Stephen (2016) Autonomy is the key. UbiComp16, , Heidelberg, Germany. 12 - 16 Sep 2016. 1 pp .
Gordon, Paul, Torah, Russel, Beeby, Stephen and Tudor, Michael (2015) Novel active electrodes for ECG monitoring on woven textiles fabricated by screen and stencil printing. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 221, 60-66. (doi:10.1016/j.sna.2014.10.030).
Komolafe, Abiodun, Torah, Russel, Wei, Yang and Li, Menglong (2019) Dataset for Integrating Flexible Filament Circuits for E‐Textile Applications. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0365 [Dataset]
Yong, Sheng, Hillier, Nicholas, David George and Beeby, Stephen (2019) The influence of textile substrate on the performance of multilayer fabric supercapacitors. Journal of Industrial Textiles. (doi:10.1177/1528083719865038).
White, Neil, Beeby, Stephen and Grabham, Neil (2005) Thick-film piezoelectric and magnetostrictive devices. In, Setter, Nava (ed.) Electroceramic-Based MEMS: Fabrication-Technology and Applications. (Electronic Materials: Science and Technology) Springer, pp. 49-79.
Wagih, Mahmoud, Weddell, Alex S. and Beeby, Steve (2019) Millimeter-wave textile antenna for on-body RF energy harvesting in future 5G networks. Wireless Power Week 2019, IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference., IET Savoy Place, London, United Kingdom. 18 - 21 Jun 2019. pp. 1-4 . (In Press) (doi:10.1109/WPTC45513.2019.9055541).
Komolafe, Abiodun, Torah, Russel, Wei, Yang, Nunes‐matos, Helga, Li, Menglong, Hardy, Dorothy, Dias, Tilak, Tudor, Michael and Beeby, Stephen (2019) Integrating flexible filament circuits for e‐textile applications. Advanced Materials Technologies, 1900176. (doi:10.1002/admt.201900176).
Shi, Junjie, Luo, Zhenhua, Zhu, Dibin and Beeby, Stephen (2019) Optimization a structure of MEMS based PDMS ferroelectret for human body energy harvesting and sensing. Smart Materials and Structures, 28 (7), 1-13, [075010]. (doi:10.1088/1361-665X/ab1ce2).
Ojuroye, Olivia, Olamide, Torah, Russel, Komolafe, Abiodun and Beeby, Stephen (2019) Embedded capacitive proximity and touch sensing flexible circuit system for electronic textile and wearable systems. IEEE Sensors Journal, 1-11. (doi:10.1109/JSEN.2019.2911561).
Liu, Jingqi, Li, Yi, Li, Menglong, Arumugam, Sasikumar and Beeby, Stephen P. (2019) Processing of printed dye sensitized solar cells on woven textiles. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 9 (4), 1020-1024, [8721081]. (doi:10.1109/JPHOTOV.2019.2899432).
Komolafe, Abiodun, Torah, Russel, Tudor, Michael and Beeby, Stephen (2019) Integration of temperature sensors in fabrics. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems (FLEPS). IEEE. 2 pp . (doi:10.1109/FLEPS.2019.8792294).
Shi, Junjie and Beeby, Steve (2019) Textile based ferroelectret for foot pressure sensor. In FLEPS 2019 - IEEE International Conference on Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems, Proceedings. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. pp. 1-3 . (doi:10.1109/FLEPS.2019.8792228).
Wagih, Mahmoud, Weddell, Alex S. and Beeby, Stephen (2019) Characterizing and modelling non-linear Rectifiers for RF energy harvesting. PowerMEMS 2019: International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power generation and Energy Conversion Applications, , Krakow, Poland. 03 - 06 Dec 2019. 5 pp .
Liu, Meijing, Arumugam, Sasikumar, Li, Yi, Yong, Sheng, White, Neil, Yang, Kai and Beeby, Steve (2019) Printable piezoresistive carbon formulation for stretch and flex sensors in e-textile applications. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems (FLEPS). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.. (doi:10.1109/FLEPS.2019.8792236).
Yang, Kai, Isaia, Beckie, Brown, Laura J.E. and Beeby, Steve (2019) E-textiles for healthy ageing. Sensors, 19 (20), [4463]. (doi:10.3390/s19204463).
Wagih, Mahmoud, Weddell, Alex S. and Beeby, Steve (2019) Overcoming the efficiency barrier of textile antennas: a transmission lines approach. Proceedings, 32 (1), 1-5. (doi:10.3390/proceedings2019032018).
Paosangthong, Watcharapong, Wagih, Mahmoud, Torah, Russel and Beeby, Steve (2019) Textile-based triboelectric nanogenerator with alternating positive and negative freestanding grating structure. Nano Energy, [104148]. (doi:10.1016/j.nanoen.2019.104148).
Wagih, Mahmoud, Komolafe, Abiodun, Zaghari, Bahareh, Weddell, Alex S. and Beeby, Steve (2020) A broadband outlook on flexible and textile RF energy harvesting and wireless power transfer: from near-field to 5G. Innovations in Large-Area Electronics Conference (innoLAE 2020), , Cambridge, United Kingdom. (In Press)
Torah, Russel, Beeby, Stephen, Kostic, Milos, Keller, Thierry, Lanceros-Mendez, Senentxu, Andersson Ersman, Peter, Zillger, Tino, Dosen, Strahinja, Wendelbo, Rune, Chardonnens, Severine and Tauriainen, Antti (2019) Introduction to EU-H2020 project WEARPLEX: wearable multiplexed biomedical electrodes. Large-area, Organic & Printed Electronics Convention, Messe Munich, Munich, Germany. 20 Mar - 21 Nov 2019.
Komolafe, Abiodun, Torah, Russel, Tudor, Michael and Beeby, Stephen (2019) Modelling reliable electrical conductors for e-textile circuits on polyamide filaments. In E-Textiles 2019: International Conference on the Challenges, Opportunities, Innovations and Applications in Electronic Textiles. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI).. (In Press)
Wagih, Mahmoud, Weddell, Alex S. and Beeby, Steve (2020) Rectennas for radio-frequency energy harvesting and wireless power transfer: A review of antenna design [Antenna applications corner]. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, 62 (5), 95-107, [9214948]. (doi:10.1109/MAP.2020.3012872).
Beeby, Stephen, Torah, Russel, Tudor, John, Grabham, Neil, Yong, Sheng, Arumugam, Sasikumar, Li, Yi and Shi, Junjie (2019) Energy harvesting power supplies for electronic textiles. In FLEPS 2019 - IEEE International Conference on Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems, Proceedings. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.. (doi:10.1109/FLEPS.2019.8792260).
Arumugam, Sasikumar, Li, Yi and Beeby, Steve (2019) Spray coated textile solar cells. In FLEPS 2019 - IEEE International Conference on Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems, Proceedings. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.. (doi:10.1109/FLEPS.2019.8792318).
Li, Yi, Hillier, Nick, Yong, Sheng, Arumugam, Sasikumar, Craig, Chris, Harrowven, David and Beeby, Steve (2019) Water activated primary textile battery. In FLEPS 2019 - IEEE International Conference on Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems, Proceedings. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.. (doi:10.1109/FLEPS.2019.8792274).
Wagih, Mahmoud, Weddell, Alex S. and Beeby, Steve (2020) Sub-1 GHz flexible concealed rectenna yarn for high-efficiency wireless-powered electronic textiles. In 2020 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP). IEEE. 5 pp . (doi:10.23919/EuCAP48036.2020.9136041).
Paosangthong, Watcharapong, Wagih, Mahmoud, Torah, Russel and Beeby, Steve (2020) Textile manufacturing compatible triboelectric nanogenerator with alternating positive and negative freestanding grating structure. Proceedings, 32 (1), [23]. (doi:10.3390/proceedings2019032023).
Komolafe, Abiodun, Torah, Russel, Tudor, Michael and Beeby, Stephen (2019) Integration of flexible circuits in textiles for wearable health monitoring. 13th Vienna International Workshop on Functional Electrical Stimulation<br/>, , Vienna, Austria. 23 - 25 Sep 2019.
Torah, Russel, Komolafe, Abiodun, Yang, Kai, Tudor, Michael, Paul, Gordon and Beeby, Stephen (2019) Printed electrode structures for bio-potential monitoring in wearable e-textile garments. 13th Vienna International Workshop on Functional Electrical Stimulation<br/>, , Vienna, Austria. 23 - 25 Sep 2019.
Zaghari, Bahareh, Cottone, Francessco, Weddell, Alexander, Basset, Philippe, Lu, Yingxian and Beeby, Stephen (2020) Optimisation of nonlinear MEMS electrostatic kinetic energy harvesters to enable self-powered structural health monitoring. In 10th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM 2020).
Komolafe, Abiodun, Torah, Russel, Li, Menglong, Tudor, Michael and Beeby, Stephen (2020) Wearable functional e-textiles based on flexible filament circuits. In Innovations in Large-Area Electronics Conference (innoLAE 2020), Cambridge, United Kingdom. (In Press)
Liu, Meijing, Beeby, Stephen and Yang, Kai (2019) Electrode for wearable electrotherapy. Proceedings, 32 (1), [5]. (doi:10.3390/proceedings2019032005).
Wagih, Mahmoud, Weddell, Alex S. and Beeby, Steve (2020) High-efficiency sub-1 GHz flexible compact rectenna based on parametric antenna-rectifier co-design. IEEE International Microwave Symposium: IEEE Microwave Week, Los Angeles, United States. (In Press)
Wagih, Mahmoud, Hillier, Nicholas, Yong, Sheng, Weddell, Alex S. and Beeby, Steve (2020) Wearable e-textile wireless RF power supply based on a textile supercapacitor and a flexible rectenna filament. IEEE FLEPS 2020: IEEE International Conference on Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems, , Manchester, United Kingdom. 16 - 19 Aug 2020. (In Press)
Komolafe, Abiodun, Torah, Russel, Tudor, Michael and Beeby, Stephen (2019) Dataset for: Modelling Reliable Electrical Conductors for E-Textile Circuits on Polyimide Filaments. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1172 [Dataset]
Wagih, Mahmoud, Wei, Yang, Komolafe, Abiodun, Torah, Russel and Beeby, Stephen (2020) Reliable UHF long-range textile-integrated RFID tag based on a compact flexible antenna filament. Sensors, 20 (12), 1-15, [3435]. (doi:10.3390/s20123435).
Mohamed, Mahmoud, Wei, Yang, Komolafe, Abiodun, Torah, Russel and Beeby, Stephen (2020) Dataset for the paper: Reliable UHF Long-Range Textile-Integrated RFID Tag based on a Compact Flexible Antenna Filament. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1422 [Dataset]
Mohamed, Mahmoud, Cetinkaya, Oktay, Zaghari, Bahareh, Weddell, Alexander and Beeby, Stephen (2020) Dataset for "Real-World Performance of Sub-1 GHz and 2.4 GHz Textile Antennas for RF-Powered Body Area Networks". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1479 [Dataset]
Wagih, Mahmoud, Cetinkaya, Oktay, Zaghari, Bahareh, Weddell, Alex S. and Beeby, Steve (2020) Real-world performance of sub-1 GHz and 2.4 GHz textile antennas for RF-powered body area networks. IEEE Access, 8, 133746-133756, [9149585]. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3011603).
Mohamed, Mahmoud, Hilton, Geoffrey S., Weddell, Alexander and Beeby, Stephen (2020) Data for Broadband Millimeter Wave Textile-Based Flexible Rectenna. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1493 [Dataset]
Wagih, Mahmoud, Hilton, Geoffrey S., Weddell, Alex S. and Beeby, Steve (2020) Broadband millimeter-wave textile-based flexible rectenna for wearable energy harvesting. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 68 (11), 4960-4972. (doi:10.1109/TMTT.2020.3018735).
Li, Menglong, Torah, Russel, Nunes Matos, Helga, Wei, Yang, Beeby, Stephen, Tudor, Michael and Yang, Kai (2020) Integration and testing of a three-axis accelerometer in a woven e-textile sleeve for wearable movement monitoring. Sensors, 20 (18), 1-15, [5033]. (doi:10.3390/s20185033).
Wagih, Mahmoud, Weddell, Alex S. and Beeby, Steve (2020) Millimeter wave power harvesting: A review. IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation. (doi:10.1109/OJAP.2020.3028220).
Hillier, Nicholas, Yong, Sheng and Beeby, Stephen (2020) The good, the bad and the porous: A review of carbonaceous materials for flexible supercapacitor applications. Energy Reports, 6 (Supplement 5), 148-156. (doi:10.1016/j.egyr.2020.03.019).
Wagih, Mahmoud, Weddell, Alex S. and Beeby, Steve (2020) Omnidirectional dual-polarized low-profile textile rectenna with over 50% efficiency for sub-μW/cm2 wearable power harvesting. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. (doi:10.1109/TAP.2020.3030992). (In Press)
Arumugam, Sasikumar, Li, Yi, Pearce, James Edward, Harrowven, David C., Charlton, Martin, Tudor, Michael and Beeby, Stephen (2020) Spray coated light emitting electrochemical cells on standard polyester cotton woven textiles. IEEE FLEPS 2020: IEEE International Conference on Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems, , Manchester, United Kingdom. 16 - 19 Aug 2020.
Weddell, Alexander, Beeby, Stephen, Zaghari, Bahareh and Stuikys, Aleksas (2020) Dataset for Efficient Energy Conversion in Electrically Assisted Bicycles Using a Switched Reluctance Machine under Torque Control. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1617 [Dataset]
Mohamed, Mahmoud, Beeby, Stephen and Weddell, Alexander (2020) Data for Omnidirectional Dual-Polarized Low-Profile Textile Rectenna with over 50% Efficiency for Sub-µW/cm^2 Wearable Power Harvesting. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1571 [Dataset]
Mohamed, Mahmoud, Beeby, Stephen and Weddell, Alexander (2020) Dataset for: Millimeter-Wave Power Harvesting: A Review. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1568 [Dataset]
Mohamed, Mahmoud (2020) Data for Meshed High-Impedance Matching Network-Free Rectenna Optimized for Additive Manufacturing. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1632 [Dataset]
Hillier, Nicholas David George, Yong, Sheng and Beeby, Stephen (2020) Calendar life of textile supercapacitors. In 2019 19th International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications (PowerMEMS). IEEE. 5 pp . (doi:10.1109/PowerMEMS49317.2019.82063200604).
Wagih, Mahmoud, Weddell, Alex S. and Beeby, Steve (2020) Meshed high-impedance matching network-free rectenna optimized for additive manufacturing. IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 1-12. (doi:10.1109/OJAP.2020.3038001).
Li, Yi, Yong, Sheng, Hillier, Nicholas David George, Arumugam, Sasikumar and Beeby, Stephen (2020) Screen printed flexible water activated battery on woven cotton textile as a power supply for e-textile applications. IEEE Access, 8, 206958 - 206965, [9260210]. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3038157).
Liu, Meijing, Glanc-Gostkiewicz, Monika, Beeby, Stephen and Yang, Kai (2021) Fully printed wearable electrode textile for electrotherapy application. In MDPI proceedings. vol. 68, 5 pp . (doi:10.3390/proceedings2021068012).
Sun, Yixuan (2021) Dataset for Simulation of 2-Coil and 4-Coil Magnetic Resonance Wearable WPT Systems. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1716 [Dataset]
Torah, Russel, Beeby, Stephen, Komolafe, Abiodun, Dosen, Strahinja, Spaich, Erika, Kostic, Milos, Strbac, Matija, Keller, Thierry, Perinka, Nikola, Lanceros-Mendez, Senentxu, Pelaez Murciego, Luis, Andersson Ersman, Peter, Mulla, Yusuf, Hubler, Arved, Polomoshnov, Maxim, Wendelbo, Rune, Motealleh, Azadeh, Chardonnens, Severine, Junker, Katja, Tauriainen, Antti, Isotalo, Jenni and Aalpoel, Roelof (2020) Introduction to EU-H2020 project WEARPLEX: wearable multiplexed biomedical electrodes - alpha results. Innovations in Large-Area Electronics Conference (innoLAE 2020), , Cambridge, United Kingdom. 20 pp .
Wagih, Mahmoud, Hilton, Geoffrey S., Weddell, Alex S. and Beeby, Steve (2021) 2.4 GHz wearable textile antenna/rectenna for simultaneous information and power transfer. In 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2021. IEEE.. (doi:10.23919/EuCAP51087.2021.9411499).
Wagih, Mahmoud, Weddell, Alex S. and Beeby, Steve (2021) Powering e-textiles using a single thread radio frequency energy harvesting rectenna. International Conference on the Challenges, Opportunities, Innovations and Applications in Electronic Textiles. 03 - 04 Nov 2020. (doi:10.3390/proceedings2021068016).
Wagih, Mahmoud, Weddell, Alex S. and Beeby, Steve (2021) Analyzing and maximizing the power harvesting efficiency of a textile rectenna through reflector-based shielding. In 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2021. IEEE.. (doi:10.23919/EuCAP51087.2021.9411484).
Yong, Sheng, Hillier, Nick and Beeby, Stephen (2019) Integrated flexible and rechargeable textile battery fabricated in a standard cotton fabric. PowerMEMS 2019: International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power generation and Energy Conversion Applications, , Krakow, Poland. 03 - 06 Dec 2019.
Arumugam, Sasikumar, Pearce, James Edward, Charlton, Martin, Tudor, John, Harrowven, David C. and Beeby, Stephen (2021) Visible and ultraviolet Light emitting electrochemical cells realised on woven textiles. Proceedings, 68 (1) (9). (doi:10.3390/proceedings2021068009).
Hillier, Nicholas David George, Yong, Sheng and Beeby, Stephen (2021) Culinary inspired electrolytes for textile supercapacitors. Energy Reports. (Submitted)
Wagih, Mahmoud, Hillier, Nicholas, Yong, Sheng, Weddell, Alex S. and Beeby, Steve (2021) RF-powered wearable energy harvesting and storage module based on e-textile coplanar waveguide rectenna and supercapacitor. IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2, 302-314, [9354848]. (doi:10.1109/OJAP.2021.3059501).
Wagih, Mahmoud, Weddell, Alex S. and Beeby, Steve (2021) Millimeter-wave textile-based monopole antenna for wearable wireless power transmission. In General Assembly of the International Radio Science Union (URSI). IEEE. 4 pp . (In Press)
Wagih, Mahmoud, Hilton, Geoffrey S., Weddell, Alex S. and Beeby, Steve (2021) Dual-band dual-mode textile antenna/rectenna for Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer (SWIPT). IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 69 (10), 6322-6332. (doi:10.1109/TAP.2021.3070230). (In Press)
Wagih, Mahmoud, Weddell, Alex S. and Beeby, Steve (2021) Dispenser printed flexible rectenna for dual-ISM band high-efficiency supercapacitor charging. In 2021 IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference (WPTC). IEEE. 4 pp . (In Press)
Mohamed, Mahmoud (2021) Data suppporting "RF-Powered Wearable Energy Harvesting and Storage Module based on E-Textile Coplanar Waveguide Rectenna and Supercapacitor". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1737 [Dataset]
Mohamed, Mahmoud (2021) Data associated with the Dual-Band Dual-Mode Textile Antenna/Rectenna for Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1777 [Dataset]
Valavan, Ashwini, Komolafe, Abiodun, Harris, Nicholas and Beeby, Stephen (2019) Encapsulation process and materials evaluation for E-textile gas sensor. International Conference on the Challenges, Opportunities, Innovations and Applications in Electronic Textiles (E-TEXTILES 2019), , London, United Kingdom. 12 Nov 2019. 5 pp . (doi:10.3390/proceedings2019032008).
Komolafe, Abiodun, Zaghari, Bahareh, Torah, Russel, Weddell, Alexander, Khanbareh, Hamideh, Michail Tsikriteas, Zois, Vousden, Mark, Wagih, Mahmoud, Tronco Jurado, Ulises, Shi, Junjie, Li, Yi, Yang, Kai, Savelli, Guillaume, White, Neil and Beeby, Stephen (2021) E-textile technology review: from materials to applications. IEEE Access, 9, 97152-97179, [9471836]. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3094303).
Wagih, Mahmoud, Hilton, Geoffrey S., Weddell, Alex S. and Beeby, Steve (2021) Dual-polarized wearable antenna/rectenna for full-duplex and MIMO Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer (SWIPT). IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2, 844-857, [9492275]. (doi:10.1109/OJAP.2021.3098939).
Wagih, Mahmoud, Komolafe, Abiodun, Torah, Russel, Weddell, Alex S. and Beeby, Steve (2021) Screen printing reliable wearable microstrip antennas on rough textile substrates. In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Symposium. IEEE. pp. 1-2 . (In Press)
Hillier, Nicholas, David George (2021) Data suppporting "Acetonitrile-free organic electrolyte for textile supercapacitor applications". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1902 [Dataset]
Hillier, Nicholas, David George, Yong, Sheng, Cruden, Andrew and Beeby, Stephen (2021) Acetonitrile-free organic electrolyte for textile supercapacitor applications. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 168 (8), [080520]. (doi:10.1149/1945-7111/ac1a58).
Wagih, Mahmoud, Hilton, Geoffrey S., Weddell, Alex S. and Beeby, Steve (2021) Millimeter wave power transmission for compact and large-area wearable IoT devices based on a higher-order mode wearable antenna. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. (doi:10.1109/JIOT.2021.3107594).
Mohamed, Mahmoud and Hilton, Geoffrey S. (2021) Data Supporting the Article: Dual-Polarized Wearable Antenna/Rectenna for Full-Duplex and MIMO Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer (SWIPT). University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1899 [Dataset]
Mohamed, Mahmoud and Hilton, Geoffrey S. (2021) Millimeter Wave Power Transmission for Compact and Large-Area Wearable IoT Devices based on a Higher-Order Mode Wearable Antenna Data. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1931 [Dataset]
Wagih, Mahmoud, Savanth, Anand, Gamage, Sahan, Weddell, Alex S. and Beeby, Steve (2021) CMOS UHF RFID Rectifier Design and Matching: an Analysis of Process and Temperature Variations. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on RFID Technology and Applications (RFID-TA). IEEE.. (In Press)
Wagih, Mahmoud, Hillier, Nicholas, David George, Weddell, Alex S. and Beeby, Steve (2021) E-Textile RF energy harvesting and storage using organic-electrolyte carbon-based supercapacitors. 2021 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on Advanced Materials and Processes for RF and THz Applications, , chongqing, China. 15 - 17 Nov 2021. 4 pp . (In Press)
Yong, Sheng, Hillier, Nicholas, David George and Beeby, Stephen (2021) Phase inverted co-polymer membrane for the enhancement of textile supercapacitors. (Submitted)
Yong, Sheng, Hillier, Nicholas, David George and Beeby, Stephen (2021) Flexible water activated battery on a polyester-cotton textile. E-Textiles 2021: International Conference on the Challenges, Opportunities, Innovations and Applications in Electronic Textiles, https://e-textilesconference.com/, Manchester, United Kingdom. 03 - 04 Nov 2021.
Paosangthong, Watcharapong, Torah, Russel, Beeby, Stephen and Wagih, Mahmoud (2021) Textile-based triboelectric nanogenerator with alternating positive and negative freestanding woven structure for harvesting sliding energy in all directions. Nano Energy, 92, [106739]. (doi:10.1016/j.nanoen.2021.106739).
Wagih, Mahmoud, Hilton, Geoffrey S., Weddell, Alex S. and Beeby, Steve (2021) 5G-enabled E-textiles based on a low-profile millimeter-wave textile antenna. In Engineering Proceedings. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI).. (In Press)
Wagih, Mahmoud, Malik, Obaid, Weddell, Alex S. and Beeby, Steve (2021) E-Textile breathing sensor using fully-textile wearable antennas. In Engineering Proceedings. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)..
Wagih, Mahmoud, Yong, Sheng, Yang, Kai, Weddell, Alexander and Beeby, Steve (2021) Printed non-metallic textile-based carbon antenna for low-cost green wearable applications. In European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, 2022 (EuCAP). IEEE.. (In Press)
Wagih, Mahmoud, Hillier, Nicholas, Weddell, Alex S. and Beeby, Steve (2021) Textile-based radio frequency energy harvesting and storage using ultra-compact rectennas with high effective-to-physical area ratio. In 2021 IEEE 20th International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications (PowerMEMS). IEEE. 4 pp . (doi:10.1109/PowerMEMS54003.2021.9658367).
Shi, Junjie and Beeby, Stephen (2022) The effect of fabric properties on the performance of a textile based ferroelectret generator toward human body energy harvesting. Smart Materials and Structures, 31 (4), [045015]. (doi:10.1088/1361-665X/ac56b8).
Arumugam, Sasikumar, Li, Yi, Court, Katie, Piana, Giacomo, Charlton, Martin, Tudor, Michael, Harrowven, David C. and Beeby, Stephen (2021) Solution processed blue light emitting electrochemical cells fabricated and encapsulated fully in ambient environment. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems (FLEPS). IEE. 4 pp . (doi:10.1109/FLEPS51544.2021.9469849).
Zhang, Mingming, Shi, Junjie and Beeby, Stephen (2022) Improved charge density and stability in PDMS ferroelectrets using PTFE/PDMS composite materials. (Submitted)
Wagih, Mahmoud, Komolafe, Abiodun, Weddell, Alex S. and Beeby, Steve (2022) Broadband compact substrate-independent textile wearable antenna for simultaneous near- and far-field wireless power transmission. IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 3, 398 - 411. (doi:10.1109/OJAP.2022.3167089).
Wagih, Mahmoud, Komolafe, Abiodun, Weddell, Alex S. and Beeby, Steve (2022) 1 μW-3.75 W dual-mode near/far-field wearable wireless power transfer using a hybrid rectenna. In IEEE Wireless Power Week (WPW 2022). IEEE. 4 pp .
Wagih, Mahmoud, Komolafe, Abiodun, Weddell, Alex S. and Beeby, Steve (2022) Watt-level low-SAR near-field wearable wireless power transfer using an all-textile receiver. In 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting. IEEE. 2 pp . (In Press) (doi:10.1109/MAP.2021.3121522).
Wagih, Mahmoud, Weddell, Alex S. and Beeby, Steve (2022) Body-proximity effects on the input impedance of a complex-conjugate SWIPT textile rectenna. In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Symposium. IEEE. 2 pp . (In Press)
Wagih, Mahmoud, Weddell, Alex S. and Beeby, Steve (2022) Towards multi-mode millimeter wave body area networks for information and power transmission: a co-existence study. In 2022 Mediterranean Microwave Symposium. IEEE. 4 pp . (In Press)
Arumugam, Sasikumar, Li, Yi, Pearce, James E., Court, Katie L., Piana, Giacomo, Jackman, Edward H., Ward, Oliver J., Charlton, Martin D.B., Tudor, John, Harrowven, David C. and Beeby, Steve P. (2022) Printable bifluorene based ultra-violet (UV) organic light-emitting electrochemical cells (OLECs) with improved device performance. Organic Electronics, 105, [106513]. (doi:10.1016/j.orgel.2022.106513).
Amin, Aran, Huang, Ruomeng, Newbrook, Daniel, Sethi, Vikesh, Yong, Sheng, Beeby, Stephen and Nandhakumar, Iris S. (2022) Screen-printed bismuth telluride nanostructured composites for flexible thermoelectric applications. Journal of Physics: Energy, 4 (2), [024003]. (doi:10.1088/2515-7655/ac572e).
Yong, Sheng, Hillier, Nicholas, David George and Beeby, Stephen (2022) Fabrication of a flexible textile zinc-Ion battery in a single fabric layer. Frontiers in Electronics. (doi:10.3389/felec.2022.866527).
Yong, Sheng and Beeby, Stephen (2022) Flexible supercapacitor in textile for wearable electronics. Innovations in Large Area Electronics (InnoLAE) 2022, , Cambridge, United Kingdom. 22 - 24 Feb 2022.
Wagih, Mahmoud and Beeby, Steve (2022) Thin flexible RF energy harvesting rectenna surface with a large effective aperture for sub-µW/cm2 powering of wireless sensor nodes. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 1-11. (doi:10.1109/TMTT.2022.3192532).
Paosangthong, Watcharapong, Wagih, Mahmoud, Torah, Russel and Beeby, Steve (2022) Textile manufacturing compatible triboelectric nanogenerator with alternating positive and negative woven structure. Engineering Proceedings, 15 (1). (doi:10.3390/engproc2022015019).
Wagih, Mahmoud, Weddell, Alex S. and Beeby, Stephen (2022) Battery-free wireless light-sensing tag based on a long-range dual-port dual-polarized RFID platform. Sensors, 22 (13), [4782]. (doi:10.3390/s22134782).
Telephone: +44 (0) 23 8059 6663
Email: spb@ecs.soton.ac.uk
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Mills, Rob and Watson, R. A. (2006) On crossing fitness valleys with the Baldwin Effect. Rocha, Luis M., Bedau, Mark, Floreano, Dario, Goldstone, Robert, Vespignani, Alessandro, Yaeger, Larry and Rocha, Luis M. (eds.) In Artificial Life X: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems. Bradford Books/MIT Press. pp. 493-499 .
Watson, Richard A. (2004) A simple two-module problem to exemplify building-block assembly under crossover. Yao, X. and , et al. (eds.) In Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN VIII. PPSN 2004. vol. 3242, Springer. pp. 161-171 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-540-30217-9_17).
Watson, Richard A. (2002) Compositional evolution: interdisciplinary investigations in evolvability, modularity, and symbiosis. Brandeis University, MA. USA, Computer Science, Doctoral Thesis, 337pp.
Watson, Richard A. (2001) Analysis of Recombinative Algorithms on a Non-Separable Building-Block Problem. In, Martin, Worthy N. and Spears, William M. (eds.) Foundations of Genetic Algorithms, Volume 6. Morgan Kaufmann, pp. 69-90.
Watson, Richard A. and Pollack, Jordan B. , Kelemen, Jozef and Sos, Petr (eds.) (2001) Symbiotic Composition and Evolvability. Proceedings of European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL 2001), 480-490.
Watson, Richard A. and Pollack, Jordan B. (1999) How Symbiosis Can Guide Evolution. Floreano, Dario, Nicoud, Jean-Daniel and Mondada, Francesco (eds.) In Advances in Artificial Life: 5th European Conference, ECAL'99, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 13-17, 1999 Proceedings. vol. 1674, Springer-Verlag. pp. 29-38 .
Watson, Richard A. and Pollack, Jordan B. , Spector, Lee (ed.) (2001) Coevolutionary Dynamics in a Minimal Substrate. Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2001), 702-709.
Watson, Richard A., Reil, Torsten and Pollack, Jordan B. , Bedau, M., McCaskill, J., Packard, N. and Rasmussen, S. (eds.) (2000) Mutualism, Parasitism, and Evolutionary Adaptation. Proceedings of Artificial Life VII (ALife VII), 170-178.
Watson, Richard A., Hornby, Gregory S. and Pollack, Jordan B. , Eiben, A. E., Back, T., Schoenauer, M. and Schweffel, H.-B. (eds.) (1998) Modeling Building Block Interdependency. Proceedings of Parallel Problem Solving from Nature V (PPSN V), 97-106.
Dauscher, Peter, Polani, Daniel and Watson, Richard A. , Rocha, M., Bedau, M., Floreano, D., Goldstone, R., Vespignani, A. and Yaeger, L. (eds.) (2006) A Simple Modularity Measure for Search Spaces based on Information Theory. Proceedings of Artificial Life X (ALife X).
De Jong, Edwin, Watson, Richard A. and Thierens, Dirk (2005) On the complexity of hierarchical problem solving. In GECCO '05 Proceedings of the 7th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation. ACM Press. pp. 1201-1208 . (doi:10.1145/1068009.1068207).
Watson, Richard A., Weinreich, Daniel and Wakeley, John (2006) Effects of intra-gene fitness interactions on the benefit of sexual recombination. Biochemical Society Transactions, 34 (4), 560-561.
Mills, Rob and Watson, Richard A. (2007) Variable discrimination of crossover versus mutation using parameterized modular structure. Thierens, Dirk and Lipson, Hod (eds.) In GECCO '07 Proceedings of the 9th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation. ACM Press. pp. 1312-1319 .
Mills, Rob and Watson, Richard A. , Almeida e Costa, Fernando, Rocha, Luis M., Costa, Ernesto, Harvey, Inman and Coutinho, Antonio (eds.) (2007) Symbiosis, Synergy and Modularity: Introducing the Reciprocal Synergy Symbiosis Algorithm. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1192-1201.
Powers, Simon T. and Watson, Richard A. (2007) Preliminary Investigations into the Evolution of Cooperative Strategies in a Minimally Spatial Model. Proceedings of the 9th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation (GECCO 2007), London. 06 - 10 Jul 2007. p. 343 .
Powers, Simon T. and Watson, Richard A. (2007) Investigating the Evolution of Cooperative Behaviour in a Minimally Spatial Model. e Costa, Fernando A., Rocha, Luis M., Costa, Ernesto, Harvey, Inman and Coutinho, António (eds.) In Advances in Artificial Life : Proceedings of the Ninth European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL 2007). Springer. pp. 605-614 .
Powers, Simon T., Penn, Alexandra S. and Watson, Richard A. (2007) Individual Selection for Cooperative Group Formation. e Costa, Fernando A., Rocha, Luis M., Costa, Ernesto, Harvey, Inman and Coutinho, António (eds.) In Advances in Artificial Life: Proceedings of the Ninth European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL 2007). Springer. pp. 585-594 .
Watson, Richard A. and Jansen, Thomas (2007) A building-block Royal Road where crossover is provably essential. Thierens, Dirk and Lipson, Hod (eds.) In GECCO '07 Proceedings of the 9th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation. ACM Press. pp. 1452-1459 .
Noble, J. and Watson, R. A. (2001) Pareto coevolution: Using performance against coevolved opponents in a game as dimensions for Pareto selection. Spector, L., Goodman, E., Wu, A., Langdon, W. B., Voigt, H.-M., Gen, M., Sen, S., Dorigo, M., Pezeshk, S., Garzon, M. and Burke, E. (eds.) In Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO-2001. Morgan Kauffman. pp. 493-500 .
Powers, Simon T. and Watson, Richard A. (2008) The Group Selection Debate and ALife: Weak Altruism, Strong Altruism, and Inclusive Fitness (abstract). In Artificial Life XI: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. p. 796 .
Mills, Rob and Watson, Richard A. (2008) Adaptive units of selection can evolve complexes that are provably unevolvable under fixed units of selection (abstract). Bullock, S., Noble, J., Watson, R. A. and Bedau, M. A. (eds.) In Artificial Life XI: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems. MIT Press. p. 785 .
Powers, Simon T, Penn, Alexandra S and Watson, Richard A (2008) The Efficacy of Group Selection is Increased by Coexistence Dynamics within Groups. Bullock, Seth, Noble, Jason and Watson, Richard (eds.) In Artificial Life XI: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. pp. 498-505 .
Groom, Graeme, Mills, Rob and Watson, Richard A. (2008) How epigenetic evolution can guide genetic evolution (abstract). Bullock, Seth, Noble, Jason, Watson, Richard A. and Bedau, M. A. (eds.) In Artificial Life XI: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. p. 772 .
Watson, Richard A., Mills, Robert, Penn, Alexandra and Powers, Simon T (2008) Can individual selection favour significant higher-level selection? (abstract). Bullock, Seth, Noble, Jason, Watson, Richard and Bedau, Mark (eds.) The Eleventh International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems (Alife XI), Winchester, United Kingdom. 04 - 07 Aug 2008. p. 818 .
James, E., Noble, J. and Watson, R. (2008) Solving the division of labour problem using stigmergy and evolved heterogeneity (abstract). Bullock, S., Noble, J., Watson, R. and Bedau, M. A. (eds.) In Artificial Life XI: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. p. 778 .
Bullock, S., Noble, J., Watson, R. and Bedau, M. (2008) Artificial Life XI: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems , MIT Press
Penn, Alexandra S, Powers, Simon T, Conibear, Tim, Kraaijeveld, Alex, Watson, Richard, Bigg, Zoe and Webb, Jeremy (2008) Co-operation and Group structure in Bacterial Biofilms. Society for General Microbiology, Autumn meeting., Trinity College, Dublin.
Watson, Richard A., Buckley, C. L. and Mills, Rob (2009) The Effect of Hebbian Learning on Optimisation in Hopfield Networks s.n. (In Press)
Mills, Rob and Watson, Richard A. , Kampis, George and Szathmáry, Erös (eds.) (2009) Symbiosis Enables the Evolution of Rare Complexes in Structured Environments. Proceedings of 10th European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL 2009), 110-117. (doi:10.1007/978-3-642-21314-4_14). (In Press)
Powers, Simon T and Watson, Richard A (2009) Evolution of Individual Group Size Preference can Increase Group-level Selection and Cooperation. In Advances in Artificial Life: Proceedings of the Tenth European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL 2009). Springer.. (Submitted)
Watson, Richard A., Buckley, C. L. and Mills, Rob (2009) Global Adaptation in Networks of Selfish Components: Emergent Associative Memory at the System Scale s.n. (Submitted)
Watson, Richard, Palmius, Niclas, Mills, Robert, Powers, Simon T and Penn, Alexandra , Kampis, George and Szathmáry, Erös (eds.) (2009) Can Selfish Symbioses Effect Higher-level Selection? Proceedings of 10th European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL 2009). (In Press)
Snowdon, James, Powers, Simon T and Watson, Richard (2009) Moderate contact between sub-populations promotes evolved assortativity enabling group selection. Proceedings of 10th European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL 2009). (In Press)
Powers, Simon T, Mills, Rob, Penn, Alexandra S and Watson, Richard A (2009) Social Environment Construction Provides an Adaptive Explanation for New Levels of Individuality. Levels of Selection and Individuality in Evolution: Conceptual Issues and the Role of Artificial Life Models, Budapest, Hungary. pp. 18-21 .
Watson, Richard A., Buckley, C. L. and Mills, Rob (2011) Optimisation in ‘Self-modelling’ Complex Adaptive Systems. Complexity, 16 (5), 17-26.
Watson, Richard, Weinreich, Daniel M. and Wakeley, John (2011) Genome structure and the benefit of sex. Evolution, 65 (2), 523-536. (doi:10.1111/j.1558-5646.2010.01144.x). (PMID:21029076)
Watson, Richard A., Mills, Rob and Buckley, C.L. (2011) Global adaptation in networks of selfish components: emergent associative memory at the system scale. Artificial Life, 17 (3), Summer Issue, 147-166. (doi:10.1162/artl_a_00029).
Powers, Simon T., Penn, Alexandra S. and Watson, Richard A. (2011) The Concurrent Evolution of Cooperation and the Population Structures that Support it. Evolution, 65 (6), 1527-1543. (doi:10.1111/j.1558-5646.2011.01250.x).
Watson, Richard, Mills, Rob, Buckley, C. L., Penn, Alexandra, Davies, Adam, Noble, Jason and Bullock, Seth (2010) Adaptation without natural selection. Fellerman, Harold, Dörr, Mark, Hanczyc, Martin M., Ladegaard Laursen, Lone, Maurer, Sarah, Merkle, Daniel, Monnard, Pierre-Alain, Stoy, Kasper and Rasmussen, Steen (eds.) In Artificial Life XII: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems. MIT Press. pp. 80-81 .
Noble, Jason, Hebbron, Tom, Van Der Horst, Johannes, Mills, Rob, Powers, Simon T. and Watson, Richard (2010) Selection pressures for a theory-of-mind faculty in artificial agents. Fellerman, Harold, Dörr, Mark, Hanczyc, Martin M., Ladegaard Laursen, Lone, Maurer, Sarah, Merkle, Daniel, Monnard, Pierre-Alain, Stoy, Kasper and Rasmussen, Steen (eds.) In Artificial Life XII: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems. MIT Press. p. 615 .
Davies, Adam, Watson, Richard, Mills, Rob, Buckley, C. L. and Noble, Jason (2010) If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with: How individual habituation of agent interactions improves global utility. Fellerman, Harold, Dörr, Mark, Hanczyc, Martin M., Ladegaard Laursen, Lone, Maurer, Sarah, Merkle, Daniel, Monnard, Pierre-Alain, Stoy, Kasper and Rasmussen, Steen (eds.) In Artificial Life XII: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems. MIT Press. pp. 659-666 .
Watson, Richard A., Mills, Rob and Buckley, C. L. (2011) Transformations in the Scale of Behaviour and the Global Optimisation of Constraints in Adaptive Networks. Adaptive Behavior, 19 (4), 227-249. (doi:10.1177/1059712311412797). (In Press)
Mills, Rob, Watson, Richard A. and Buckley, Christopher L. (2011) Emergent associative memory as a local organising principle for global adaptation in adaptive networks. Eighth International Conference on Complex Systems, Boston, MA. pp. 417-430 .
Mills, Rob and Watson, Richard A. (2011) Multi-scale search, modular variation, and adaptive neighbourhoods. Author's Original. (Submitted)
McCabe, Connor, Watson, Richard, Prichard, Jane S. and Hall, Wendy (2011) The Web as an Adaptive Network: Coevolution of Web Behavior and Web Structure. ACM Web Science Conference 2011, , Koblenz, Germany. 13 - 16 Jun 2011.
Davies, Adam, Watson, Richard, Mills, Rob, Buckley, C.L. and Noble, Jason (2011) "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with": How individual habituation of agent interactions improves global utility. Artificial Life, 17 (3), Summer Issue, 167-181. (doi:10.1162/artl_a_00030).
Powers, Simon T, Heys, Christopher and Watson, Richard A (2011) How to Measure Group Selection in Real-world Populations. In, Advances in Artificial Life, ECAL 2011. MIT Press, pp. 672-679.
Penn, Alexandra S., Conibear, Tim C.R., Watson, Richard A., Kraaijeveld, Alex R. and Webb, Jeremy S. (2012) Can Simpson's paradox explain co-operation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms? [in special issue: Biofilms II] FEMS Immunology & Medical Microbiology, 65 (2), 226-235. (doi:10.1111/j.1574-695X.2012.00970.x).
Weinreich, Daniel M., Sindi, Suzanne and Watson, Richard A. (2012) Finding the boundary between evolutionary basins of attraction, and implications for Wright’s fitness landscape analogy. [in special issue: Statistical Mechanics and the Dynamics of Evolution] Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 523-536. (In Press)
Watson, Richard, Buckley, C. L., Mills, Rob and Davies, Adam (2010) Associative memory in gene regulation networks. Fellerman, Harold, Dörr, Mark, Hanczyc, Martin M., Ladegaard Laursen, Lone, Maurer, Sarah, Merkle, Daniel, Monnard, Pierre-Alain, Stoy, Kasper and Rasmussen, Steen (eds.) In Artificial Life XII: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems. MIT Press. pp. 659-666 .
Watson, Richard (2012) Is evolution by natural selection the algorithm of biological evolution? Adami, Christoph, Bryson, David M., Ofria, Charles and Pennock, Robert T. (eds.) In Artificial Life XIII: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems. MIT Press. pp. 121-128 . (doi:10.7551/978-0-262-31050-5-ch018).
Watson, Richard (2012) Individual and global adaptation in networks. Wróbel, Borys (ed.) In Artificial Life XIII: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems. MIT Press. 4 pp .
Doncaster, C. Patrick, Jackson, Adam and Watson, Richard A. (2013) Manipulated into giving: when parasitism drives apparent or incidental altruism. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 280 (1758), 20130108-[10pp]. (doi:10.1098/rspb.2013.0108). (PMID:23486440)
Doncaster, C. Patrick, Jackson, Adam and Watson, Richard A. (2013) Competitive environments sustain costly altruism with negligible assortment of interactions. Scientific Reports, 3 (2836), 1-6. (doi:10.1038/srep02836).
Gonzalez, Miguel, Watson, Richard A., Noble, Jason and Bullock, Seth (2014) The origin of culture: Selective conditions for horizontal information transfer. Lipson, Hod, Sayama, Hiroki, Rieffel, John, Risi, Sebastian and Doursat, Rene (eds.) In ALIFE 14: The Fourteenth International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems. MIT Press. 8 pp .
Calman, L., Redfern, SJ and Watson, Richard A. (2000) Competence to practice of student nurses: theoretical frameworks, instruments and concerns. The Royal College of Nursing Research Society Annual Nursing Research Conference, Sheffield, United Kingdom.
Watson, Richard, Mills, Rob, Buckley, C.L., Kouvaris, Konstantinos, Jackson, Adam, Powers, Simon T., Cox, Chris, Tudge, Simon, Davies, Adam, Kounios, Loizos and Power, Daniel (2015) Evolutionary connectionism: algorithmic principles underlying the evolution of biological organisation in evo-devo, evo-eco and evolutionary transitions. Evolutionary Biology, 43, 553–581. (doi:10.1007/s11692-015-9358-z).
Tudge, Simon, Brede, Markus and Watson, Richard (2013) Cooperation and the division of labour. Proceedings of the twelfth European Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems, Taormina, Italy. 02 - 06 Sep 2013. 8 pp . (doi:10.7551/978-0-262-31709-2-ch001).
Tudge, Simon, Brede, Markus and Watson, Richard (2015) The evolution of assortment with multiple simultaneous games. The European Conference on Artificial Life 2015, York, United Kingdom. 19 - 23 Jul 2015. 7 pp .
Tudge, Simon, Brede, Markus, Watson, Richard and Gonzalez, Miguel (2014) Hamilton’s rule in non-additive games. Author's Original, 1-11. (Submitted)
Power, Daniel A., Watson, Richard A., Szathmáry, Eörs, Mills, Rob, Powers, Simon T., Doncaster, C. Patrick and Czapp, Blazej (2015) What can ecosystems learn? Expanding evolutionary ecology with learning theory. Biology Direct, 10, 1-24, [69]. (doi:10.1186/s13062-015-0094-1).
Watson, Richard and Ebner, Marc (2013) Eco-evolutionary dynamics on deformable fitness landscapes. In, Richter, Hendrik and Engelbrecht, Andries (eds.) Recent Advances in the Theory and Application of Fitness Landscapes. (Emergence, Complexity and Computation, 6) Berlin, DE. Springer, pp. 339-368. (doi:10.1007/978-3-642-41888-4).
Watson, Richard and Szathmary, Eors (2016) How can evolution learn? Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 31 (2), 147-157. (doi:10.1016/j.tree.2015.11.009).
Watson, Richard A., Wagner, Gunter, Pavlicev, Mihaela, Weinreich, Daniel M. and Mills, Rob (2014) The evolution of phenotypic correlations and “developmental memory”. Evolution, 68 (4), 1124-1138. (doi:10.1111/evo.12337).
Tudge, Simon J., Watson, Richard A. and Brede, Markus (2016) Game theoretic treatments for the differentiation of functional roles in the transition to multicellularity. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 395, 161-173. (doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2016.01.041).
Kouvaris, Kostas, Clune, Jeff, Kounios, Loizos, Brede, Markus and Watson, Richard A. (2017) How evolution learns to generalise:: using the principles of learning theory to understand the evolution of developmental organisation. PLoS Computational Biology, 13 (4), 1-20, [e1005358]. (doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005358).
Mills, Robert, Jansen, Thomas and Watson, Richard (2014) Transforming evolutionary search into higher-level evolutionary search by capturing problem structure. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 18 (5), 628 - 642. (doi:10.1109/TEVC.2014.2347702).
Rago, Alfredo, Kouvaris, Kostas, Uller, Tobias and Watson, Richard (2019) How adaptive plasticity evolves when selected against. PLoS Computational Biology, 15 (3), e1006260. (doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006260).
Uller, Tobias, Moczek, Armin, Watson, Richard, Brakefield, Paul and Laland, Kevin (2018) Developmental bias and evolution: a regulatory network perspective. Genetics, 209 (4), 949-966. (doi:10.1534/genetics.118.300995).
Brun Usan, Miguel A., Thies, Christoph and Watson, Richard (2020) How to fit in: the learning principles of cell differentiation. PLoS Computational Biology, 16 (4), [e1006811]. (doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006811).
Webb, Jeremy, Penn, Alexandra, Watson, Richard and Kraaijeveld, Alex (2010) Systems Aikido: a novel approach to managing natural systems. In Proceedings of Alife XII Conference, Odense, Denmark. pp. 577-580 .
Caldwell, Jamie, Knowles, Joshua, Thies, Christoph, Kubacki, Filip and Watson, Richard (2021) Deep optimisation: multi-scale evolution by inducing and searching in deep representations. In, Castillo, Pedro A. and Jiménez Laredo, Juan Luis (eds.) Applications of Evolutionary Computation. (Applications of Evolutionary Computation, 12694) Springer, pp. 506-521. (doi:10.1007/978-3-030-72699-7_32).
Telephone: +44 (0) 23 8059 2690
Email: R.A.Watson@soton.ac.uk
IoT, Privacy, GDPR
Stalla-Bourdillon, Sophie and Thorburn, Robert, Henry (2020) The scandal of intermediary: Acknowledging the both/and dispensation for regulating hybrid actors. In, Petkova, B. and Ojanen, T. (eds.) Fundamental Rights Protection Online: the Future Regulation of Intermediaries. Edward Elgar.
Thorburn, Robert, Henry, Margheri, Andrea and Paci, Federica (2019) Towards an integrated privacy protection framework for IoT: contextualising regulatory requirements with industry best practices. Living in the Internet of Things, , London, United Kingdom. 01 - 02 May 2019.
Asieh Salehi Fathabadi is a senior research fellow in the cyber-physical systems group at the University of Southampton, UK. Her main research area is formal methods for software engineering. She has spent the past 10 years working on several research projects to propose and facilitate use of formal methods for design and verification of safe and secure software-based systems.
My main research interest is model-based formal methods, in particular a formal method called Event-B, for software engineering. Formal methods are mathematically rigorous techniques for the specification, development and verification of software and hardware systems and hence can contribute to the reliability and robustness of a design. My research work includes application, tools and methodology for formal methods.
I am also interested in Public Engagement (PE) activities to engage children with my ongoing research. A video of my PE activities is available here.
Research Projects:
Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh and Butler, Michael (2010) Applying Event-B Atomicity Decomposition to a Multi Media Protocol. FMCO Formal Methods for Components and Objects. pp. 89-104 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-642-17071-3_5).
Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh, Rezazadeh, Abdolbaghi and Butler, Michael (2011) Applying Atomicity and Model Decomposition to a Space Craft System in Event-B. THIRD NASA FORMAL METHODS SYMPOSIUM, Pasadena, California. 17 - 19 Apr 2011.
Butler, Michael, Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh and Silva, Renato (2012) Event-B and Rodin. In, Boulanger, Jean-Louis (ed.) Industrial Use of Formal Methods: Formal Verification. Chichester, GB. ISTE; Wiley, pp. 215-245.
Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh, Butler, Michael and Rezazadeh, Abdolbaghi (2012) A systematic approach to atomicity decomposition in Event-B. [in special issue: Software Engineering and Formal Methods. 10th International Conference, SEFM 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece, October 1-5, 2012. Proceedings] Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7504, 78-93. (doi:10.1007/978-3-642-33826-7_6).
Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh (2012) An approach to atomicity decomposition in the Event-B formal method. University of Southampton, Electronics and Computer Science, Doctoral Thesis, 276pp.
Dghaym, Dana, Butler, Michael and Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh (2014) Evaluation of graphical control flow management approaches for Event-B modelling. Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Automated Verification of Critical Systems (AVocS 2013), Guildford, United Kingdom. 15 pp . (doi:10.14279/tuj.eceasst.66.891).
Alkhammash, Eman, Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh, Butler, Michael and Cirstea, Corina (2013) Building Traceable Event-B Models from Requirements. Automated Verification of Critical Systems (AVoCS 2013).
Pereverzeva, Inna, Butler, Michael and Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh et al. (2014) Formal derivation of distributed MapReduce. 4th International ABZ 2014 Conference, , Toulouse, France. 01 - 05 Jun 2014. 17 pp .
Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh, Snook, Colin and Butler, Michael (2014) Applying an integrated modelling process to run-time management of many-core systems. 11th International Conference on Integrated Formal Methods (iFM), Bertinoro, Italy. 08 - 10 Sep 2014.
Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh, Butler, Michael and Rezazadeh, Abdolbaghi (2015) Language and tool support for event refinement structures in Event-B. Formal Aspects of Computing, 27 (3), 499-523. (doi:10.1007/s00165-014-0311-1).
Alkhammash, Eman, Butler, Michael, Fathabadi, Asieh Salehi and Cîrstea, Corina (2015) Building traceable Event-B models from requirements. Science of Computer Programming, 1- 21. (doi:10.1016/j.scico.2015.06.002).
Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh, Maeda-Nunez, Luis Alfonso, Butler, Michael, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Merrett, Geoff (2015) Towards automatic code generation of run-time power management for embedded systems using formal methods. 9th International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-core Systems-on-Chip (MCSoC-15), Turin, Italy. 22 - 24 Sep 2015. 8 pp .
Dghaym, Dana, Trindade, Matheus Garay, Butler, Michael and Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh (2016) A graphical tool for event refinement structures in Event-B. Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM, and Z: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference, ABZ 2016, Linz, Austria, May 23-27, 2016, Linz, Austria. pp. 269-274 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-33600-8_20).
Akeel, Fatmah, Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh, Paci, Federica, Gravell, Andy and Wills, Gary (2016) Formal modelling of data integration systems security policies. Data Science and Engineering, 1 (3), 139-148. (doi:10.1007/s41019-016-0016-y).
Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh, Butler, Michael and Snook, Colin (2016) Extending Code Generation to Support Platform-Independent Event-B Models. Rodin Developer Workshop, 2016. p. 21 .
Hoang, Son, Voisin, Laurent, Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh, Butler, Michael, Wilkinson, Toby and Beauger, Nicolas (2017) Theory plug-in for Rodin 3.x. arXiv, abs/1701.08625, 1-9.
Dghaym, Dana, Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh and Snook, Colin (2016) Using Rodin and BMotionStudio for public engagement. Rodin Developer Workshop 2016, Linz, Austria.
Hoang, Thai Son, Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh, Butler, Michael and Voisin, Laurent (2016) Theory plug-in for Rodin 3.x. 6th Rodin User and Developer Workshop, Linz, Austria. 22 May 2016. 2 pp .
Dghaym, Dana, Butler, Michael and Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh (2018) Extending ERS for modelling dynamic workflows in Event-B. 22nd International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, The Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan. 05 - 08 Nov 2017. pp. 20-29 . (doi:10.1109/ICECCS.2017.29).
Hoang, Thai Son, Snook, Colin, Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh, Butler, Michael and Ladenberger, Lukas (2017) Validating and verifying the requirements and design of a haemodialysis machine using the rodin toolset. Science of Computer Programming. (doi:10.1016/j.scico.2017.11.002).
Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh, Butler, Michael J., Yang, Sheng, Maeda-Nunez, Luis, Bantock, James, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and Merrett, Geoff V. (2018) A model-based framework for software portability and verification in embedded power management systems. Journal of Systems Architecture, 82, 12-23. (doi:10.1016/j.sysarc.2017.12.001).
Dalvandi, Mohammad Sadegh, Butler, Michael, Rezazadeh, Abdolbaghi and Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh (2018) Verifiable code generation from scheduled event-B models. In Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM, and Z: ABZ 2018. vol. 10817, Springer. pp. 1-15 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-91271-4_16).
Dalvandi, Mohammad Sadegh, Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh and Butler, Michael (2018) Using formal methods for automatic platform-independent code generation of run-time management. University Booth at DATE 2018, Maritim Hotel & Internationales Congress Center, Dresden, Germany. 19 - 22 Mar 2018.
Dalvandi, Mohammad Sadegh, Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh and Butler, Michael (2018) A report on PRiME code generation activities. 7th Rodin Workshop, , Southampton, United Kingdom. 04 Jun 2018.
Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh, Dalvandi, Mohammad Sadegh and Butler, Michael (2019) Developing portable embedded software for multicore systems through formal abstraction and refinement. In, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and Merrett, Geoff V. (eds.) Many-Core Computing: Hardware and Software. Institute of Engineering and Technology, IET.
Dalvandi, Mohammad Sadegh, Butler, Michael and Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh (2019) SEB-CG: Code generation tool with algorithmic refinement support for Event-B. Practical Formal Verification for Software Dependability: co-located with the Formal Methods 2019 (FM'19), , Porto, Portugal. 07 Oct 2019.
Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh, Dalvandi, Mohammadsadegh, Butler, Michael and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2019) Verifying cross-layer interactions through formal model-based assertion generation. IEEE Embedded Systems Letters. (doi:10.1109/LES.2019.2955316).
Snook, Colin, Hoang, Thai Son, Dghaym, Dana, Butler, Michael and Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh (2020) Dataset for: Domain-Specific Scenarios for Refinement-based Methods. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1026 [Dataset]
Snook, Colin, Hoang, Thai Son, Dghaym, Dana, Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh and Butler, Michael (2021) Domain-specific scenarios for refinement-based methods. Journal of Systems Architecture, 112, [101833].
Hoang, Thai Son, Snook, Colin, Dghaym, Dana, Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh and Butler, Michael (2021) The CamilleX Framework for the Rodin Platform. ABZ 2021- 8th International Conference on Rigorous State Based Methods: ABZ 2021, virtual. 07 - 11 Jun 2021. pp. 124-129 .
Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh, Snook, Colin, Hoang, Thai Son, Dghaym, Dana and Butler, Michael (2021) Extensible Record Structures in Event-B. ABZ 2021- 8th International Conference on Rigorous State Based Methods: ABZ 2021, virtual. 07 - 11 Jun 2021. pp. 130-136 .
Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh, Snook, Colin, Hoang, Thai Son, Dghaym, Dana and Butler, Michael (2021) Refinable record structures in formal methods. The International Workshop DETECT 2021. pp. 3-15 .
Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh, Aït Ameur, Yamine, Hoang, Thai Son and Snook, Colin (2021) Proceedings of the 9th Rodin User and Developer Workshop, 2021 ,
Hoang, Thai Son, Snook, Colin, Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh, Dghaym, Dana and Butler, Michael (2021) Towards CamilleX 3.0. 9th Rodin User and Developer Workshop, virtual. 08 - 11 Jun 2021.
Snook, Colin, Hoang, Thai Son, Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh, Dghaym, Dana and Butler, Michael (2021) Scenario Checker: An Event-B tool for validating abstract models. 9th Rodin User and Developer Workshop, virtual. 08 - 11 Jun 2021.
Email: asf1g08@soton.ac.uk