The University of Southampton


Osborne, J.J., Chambers, A.R., Roberts, G.T. and Gabriel, S.B. (2000) Reusable metal oxide semiconductor atomic oxygen sensors. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on "Materials in a Space Environment", Arcahon, France. 04 - 08 Jun 2000.

Rogers, E., Aglietti, G.S., Gabriel, S.B., Stoustrup, J. and Langley, R.S. (2000) A comparison of optimal feedback control algorithms for the suppression of microvibrations. In Proceedings of UKACC international conference on Control 2000. Institution of Engineering and Technology..

Hobbs, S.E., Bowling, T.S., Gabriel, S.B., Tatnall, A.R.L. and Snelling, M. (2000) A UK student nanosatellite. ESA 2nd Conference on Academic and Industrial Cooperation, Graz, Austria. 15 - 17 Nov 2000.

Feynman, Joan and Gabriel, S.B. (2000) On space weather consequences and predictions. Journal of Geophysical Research, 105 (A5), 10543-10564.

Veres, S.M., Gabriel, S.B., Rogers, E. and Mayne, D.Q. (2001) Analysis of formation flying control of a pair of nano-satellites. Proceedings of the 40th IEEE Conference on Design and Control, 2001, Orlando, United States. 04 - 07 Dec 2001. pp. 1095-1100 . (doi:10.1109/.2001.981031).

Veres, S.M., Rokityanski, D.Y., Gabriel, S.B. and Rogers, E. (2001) Ellipsoid methods for formation flying control of two nano-satellites. Fradkov, A.L. and Kurzhanski, A.B. (eds.) In Nonlinear Control Systems 2001 (Nolcos 2001): A Proceedings Volume from the 5th IFAC Symposium. Elsevier. 9 pp .

Aglietti, G.S., Langley, R.S., Rogers, E., Gabriel, S.B. and Stoustrup, J. (1998) Modelling of equipment loaded panels for robust control investigations. ISMA23 International Conference on Noise & Vibration Engineering, Leuven, Belgium. 15 - 17 Sep 1998. pp. 1209-1216 .

Aglietti, G.S., Gabriel, S.B., Langley, R.S. and Rogers, E. (1996) Initial modelling and controller design for active control of spacecraft microvibrations. Burke, W.R. (ed.) In Proceedings of the European Space Agency Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials, and Mechanical Testing. European Space Agency (ESA). pp. 633-640 .

Veres, S.M., Gabriel, S.B., Mayne, D.Q. and Rogers, E. (2002) Analysis of formation flying control of a pair of nanosatellites. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 25 (5), 971-974.

Aglietti, G.S., Stoustrup, J., Langley, R.S., Rogers, E. and Gabriel, S.B. (2002) Active control of microvibrations. In, Tokhi, M.O. and Veres, S.M. (eds.) Active sound and vibration control: theory and applications. Institution of Electrical Engineers, pp. 241-274.

Aglietti, G.S., Stoustrup, J., Rogers, E., Langley, R.S. and Gabriel, S.B. (1998) LTR control methodologies for microvibrations. In Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. pp. 624-628 . (doi:10.1109/CCA.1998.728572).

Aglietti, G.S., Langley, R.S., Rogers, E. and Gabriel, S.B. (1998) Active control strategies for equipment loaded panels. In Proceedings of MOVIC '98 - The Fourth International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control. Institute of Robotics ETH. pp. 515-520 .

Aglietti, G.S., Langley, R.S., Rogers, E. and Gabriel, S.B. (2002) Model verification for active control of microvibrations. In Control Applications, 2002. Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. pp. 465-470 . (doi:10.1109/CCA.2002.1040230).

Crawford, F. and Gabriel, S. (2002) Modelling small hollow cathode discharges for ion microthrusters. 33rd Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, Hawaii, USA. 19 - 22 May 2002.

Gessini, Paolo, Gabriel, Stephen B. and Fearn, DavidG. (2002) Hollow cathode thrust measurement using a target: system calibration and development. In, 38th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibition. 38th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibition (06/07/02 - 09/07/02) Reston, USA. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

Michelareas, G., Gabriel, S.B. and Rogers, E. (2002) Spacecraft attitude estimation based on magnetometer measurements and the covariance intersection algorithm. In Proceedings of IEEE Aerospace Conference 2002. IEEE. pp. 2205-2219 . (doi:10.1109/AERO.2002.1035387).

Gabriel, S.B. and Patrick, G. (2002) Solar energetic particle events: phenomenology and prediction. World Space Environment Forum - WSEF2002, Adelaide, Australia. 21 - 24 Jul 2002.

Rudwan, I.F.M. Ahmed and Gabriel, S.B. (2002) Investigation of the discharge characteristics of the T6 hollow cathode operating on several inert gases and Kr/Xe mixture. 11th International Congress on Plasma Physics. ICPP2002, Sydney, Australia. 14 - 18 Jul 2002. pp. 294-297 .

Aglietti, G.S., Rogers, E., Langley, R.S., Gabriel, S.B. and Stoustrup, J. (1997) Robust control of microvibrations. IEE Colloquium On Active Sound And Vibration Control, London, UK. 24 Nov 1997. 42 pp .

Stoustrup, J., Aglietti, G., Rogers, E., Langley, R.S. and Gabriel, S.B. (1999) H-infinity controllers for the rejection of microvibration disturbances. 5th European Control Conference (ECC'99), Karlsruhe, Germany. 30 Aug - 02 Sep 1999.

Gabriel, S.B. and Patrick, G.J. (2003) Solar energetic particle events: phenomenology and prediction. Space Science Reviews, 107 (1-2), 55-62. (doi:10.1023/A:1025599000778).

Paine, M.D., Gabriel, S., Schabmueller, C.G.J. and Evans, A.G.R. (2004) Realisation of very high voltage electrode-nozzle systems for MEMS. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 114 (1), 112-117. (doi:10.1016/j.sna.2004.02.013).

Pongvuthithum, R., Veres, S.M., Gabriel, S.B. and Rogers, E. (2004) Universal adaptive output tracking of double integrators. Conference. pp. 279-305 .

Gession, P., Gabriel, S.B. and Veres, S.M. (2005) Propulsion system optimisation for satellite formation flying. International Space Systems Conference, Brazil. 01 Mar 2005.

Osborne, J.J., Roberts, G.T., Chambers, A.R. and Gabriel, S.B. (1999) Initial results from ground-based testing of an atomic oxygen sensor designed for use in earth orbit. Review of Scientific Instruments, 70 (5), 2500 -2506. (doi:10.1063/1.1149782).

Thanapalan, K.K.T., Veres, S.M., Rogers, E. and Gabriel, S.B. (2006) Fault tolerant controller design to ensure operational safety in satellite formation flying. CDC 2006: 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego, USA. 13 - 15 Dec 2006. pp. 1562-1567 .

Veres, S.M., Lincoln, N.K. and Gabriel, S.B. (2006) Facility for satellite formation flying control system verification. 9th International Workshop on Simulation for European Space Programmes - SESP 2006, Noordwijk, The Netherlands. 06 - 08 Nov 2006.

Pottinger, S.J., Gessini, P., Webb, D., Intini Marques, R. and Gabriel, S.B. , UoS (2006) Electric propulsion research at the University of Southampton. Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, 59 (5), 176-185.

Gessini, P., Coletti, M., Bevan, N., Intini Marques, R., Michalareas, G. and Gabriel, S. (2006) Solar electric propulsion for lunar transfer. 1st Hellenic-European Student Space Science and Technology Symposium, Patras, Greece. 08 - 10 Oct 2006.

Gessini, P., Gabriel, S.B. and Fearn, D.G. (2006) A study of the thrust generated by a T6 hollow cathode. 42nd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, Sacramento, CA, USA. 08 - 11 Jul 2006.

Veres, S.M., Thanapalan, K., Gabriel, S. and Rogers, E. (2006) Reconfigurable controller design for operational safety in satellite formation flying. International Control Conference 2006, Glasgow, Scotland, UK. 29 - 31 Aug 2006.

Chan, S., Zhang, X. and Gabriel, S. (1970) The attenuation of cavity tones using plasma actuators. 11th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (26th AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference), Monterey, California. 22 - 24 May 2005. 14 pp .

Coletti, M. and Gabriel, S.B. (2007) A chemical model for barium oxide depletion from hollow cathode’s insert. In Proceedings of the 43rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. 11 pp .

Grubisic, A.N. and Gabriel, S.B (2007) Preliminary thrust characterization of a T5 hollow cathode. 43rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, Cincinnati, United States. 07 - 10 Jul 2007. 16 pp . (Submitted)

Grubisic, Angelo and Gabriel, S.B. (2007) Preliminary thrust characterization of the T-Series hollow cathode thrusters for all-electric spacecraft. 30th International Electric Propulsion Conference. 16 - 19 Sep 2007. 29 pp .

Grubisic, A.N., Gabriel, S.B. and Fearn, D.G. (2007) Characterization of a T6 Based Hollow Cathode Thruster. 58th International Astronautical Federation Congress, , Hyderabad, India. 23 - 27 Sep 2007. 15 pp .

Coletti, Michele, Grubisic, Angelo and Gabriel, Stephen (2007) Numerical simulation of the insert chemistry of the hollow cathode from the deep space 1 ion engine 30,000 Hrs life test. 30th International Electric Propulsion Conference (IEPC 2007), Florence, Italy. 16 - 19 Sep 2007.

Goulty, D.N.O., White, C.B., Gabriel, S.B., Roberts, G.T., Chambers, A.R. and Ross, J.N. (2006) The Southampton Transient Oxygen and Radiation Monitor (STORM). In Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Materials in a Space Environment. European Space Agency. 7 pp .

Ahmed Rudwan, Ismat M., Wallace, Neil, Coletti, Michele and Gabriel, Stephen (2007) Emitter depletion measurement and modeling in the T5&T6 Kaufman-type ion thrusters. 30th International Electric Propulsion Conference (IEPC 2007), Florence, Italy. 16 - 19 Sep 2007. 26 pp .

Huang, Xun, Chan, Sammie, Zhang, Xin and Gabriel, Steve (2008) Variable structure model for flow-induced tonal noise control with plasma actuators. AIAA Journal, 46 (1), 241-250. (doi:10.2514/1.30852).

Coletti, Michele and Gabriel, Stephen B. (2007) A model for low work function compound deposition on hollow cathode insert surface. In Proceedings of the 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. pp. 1-15 .

Coletti, M. and Gabriel, S.B. (2008) Hollow cathode chemical modelling. 5th International Spacecraft Propulsion Conference (Space Propulsion 2008), Heraklion, Greece. 04 - 07 May 2008. 11 pp .

Huang, X, Zhang, X and Gabriel, S. (2008) Bluff body flow control with atmospheric plasma actuators. 14th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Vancouver, Canada. 04 - 06 May 2008. 9 pp .

Coletti, M. and Gabriel, S.B. (2008) Hollow cathode life-time prediction from low work function surface coverage evolution. 44th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, Hartford, United States. 20 - 22 Jul 2008.

Glynne-Jones, Peter, Coletti, Michele, White, Neil M., Gabriel, Stephen and Bramanti, Cristina (2008) A feasibility study on using inkjet technology, micropumps, and MEMs as fuel injectors for bipropellant rocket engines. 44th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, Hartford, United States. 20 - 22 Jul 2008.

Aglietti, G.S., Stoustrup, J., Rogers, E., Langley, R.S. and Gabriel, S.B. (1999) Further results on robust control of microvibrations on equipment loaded panels. IEE Colloquium Inter-Active '99. 31 May 1999.

Rogers, E., Stoustrup, J., Aglietti, G.S., Langley, R.S. and Gabriel, S.B. (1999) Hi-Inf controllers for the rejection of microvibration disturbances. European Control Conference, ECC '99, Karlsruhe, Germany. 30 Aug - 02 Sep 1999.

Grubisic, Angelo and Gabriel, Stephen (2007) Hollow cathode thrusters for all-electric spacecraft. 58th International Astronautical Federation Congress, , Hyderabad, India. 23 - 27 Sep 2007. 15 pp .

Grubisic, Angelo N. and Gabriel, Stephen B. (2008) Hollow cathodes as a plasma propulsion device. In Proceedings of the 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibition. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. 20 pp .

Grubisic, A.N. and Gabriel, S.B. (2008) Development of an indirect measurement Micro-to-Milli-Newton thrust balance. 2nd International Symposium on Propulsion for Space Transportation, Crete, Greece. 04 - 07 May 2008. 11 pp .

Grubisic, Angelo N., Cranny, Andy and Gabriel, Stephen B. (2008) Feasibility of MEMS hollow cathode devices for micro-spacecraft plasma propulsion. 14th International Congress on Plasma Physics, Fukuoka, Japan. 07 - 11 Sep 2008. 11 pp .

Grubisic, Angelo and Gabriel, S.B. (2009) Hollow cathode thrust mechanisms. In Proceedings of the 45th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibition. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. 24 pp .

Grubisic, A.N. and Gabriel, S.B. (2009) Understanding hollow cathode thrust production mechanisms. 31st International Electric Propulsion Conference, Ann Arbor, USA. 20 - 24 Sep 2009. 27 pp .

Grubisic, A.N. and Gabriel, S.B. (2010) Thrust production mechanism in hollow cathode microthrusters. IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, USA. 06 - 13 Mar 2010. 18 pp .

Tighe, A.P., van Eesbeek, M., Duzellier, S., Dinguirard, M., Falguere, D., Pons, C., Inguimbert, V., Durin, C., Gabriel, S., Goulty, D. and Roberts, G.T. (2009) Preliminary flight data from the Materials Exposure and Degredation Experiment (MEDET). In, Kleiman, Jacob I. (ed.) Protection of Materials and Structures from the Space Environment. (AIP Conference Proceedings - Materials Physics and Applications, 1087) Springer, pp. 195-206. (doi:10.1063/1.3076834).

Coletti, Michele and Gabriel, S.B. (2008) A model for hollow cathode surface work function evolution. International Review of Aerospace Engineering, 1 (6).

Jiggens, P.T.A. and Gabriel, S.B. (2009) Time distributions of solar energetic particle events: Are SEPEs really random? Journal of Geophysical Research, 114 (A10105), 20-[pp]. (doi:10.1029/2009JA014291).

Glynne-Jones, Peter, Coletti, M., White, N.M., Gabriel, S.B. and Bramanti, C. (2010) A feasibility study on using inkjet technology, micropumps, and MEMs as fuel injectors for bipropellant rocket engines. Acta Astronautica, 67 (1-2), 194-203. (doi:10.1016/j.actaastro.2010.01.027).

Coletti, M., Grubisic, A, Collingwood, C., Wallace, N., Wells, N. and Gabriel, S.B. (2009) European Student Moon Orbiter solar electric propulsion subsystem architecture: an all-electric spacecraft. Acta Astronautica, 65 (3-4), 354-364. (doi:10.1016/j.actaastro.2009.03.001).

Coletti, Michele and Gabriel, Stephen B. (2009) A model for barium oxide depletion from hollow cathode inserts. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 37 (1), 58-66. (doi:10.1109/TPS.2008.2006898).

Coletti, Michele and Gabriel, Stephen B. (2009) Hollow cathode life time model. Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research Series, 8, 1595-1601.

Coletti, Michele and Gabriel, Stephen B. (2010) Barium oxide depletion from hollow cathode insert, modelling and comparison with experiments. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 26 (2), 364-369. (doi:10.2514/1.41345).

Aglietti, G S, Langley, R.S., Rogers, E. and Gabriel, S. (1999) Monte Carlo studies of control system robustness for an equipment loaded satellite panel. 4th International Conference on Dynamics and Control of Structures in Space, Cranfield, United Kingdom. 23 - 27 May 1999. pp. 54-60 .

Aglietti, G.S., Gabriel, S.B., Langley, R.S. and Rogers, E. (1997) A modelling technique for active control design studies with application to spacecraft microvibrations. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 102 (4), 2158-2166. (doi:10.1121/1.419631).

Aglietti, G.S., Rogers, E., Stoustrup, J., Langley, R. and Gabriel, S.B. (2000) Optimal feedback control of microvibrations. UKACC International Conference Control 2000, Cambridge, United Kingdom. 03 - 06 Sep 2000.

Aglietti, G.S., Langley, R.S. and Gabriel, S.B. (2000) An efficient model of an equipment loaded panel for active control design studies. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 108 (4), 1663-1673. (doi:10.1121/1.1287844).

Veres, S.M., Rokitianski, D.Y., Gabriel, S.B. and Rogers, E. (2002) Ellipsoid methods for formation flying control of two nano-satellites. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Control Applications, 2002. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. pp. 298-303 . (doi:10.1109/CCA.2002.1040202).

Aglietti, G.S., Langley, R.S., Rogers, E. and Gabriel, S.B. (2004) Model building and verification for active control of microvibrations with probabilistic assessment of the effects of uncertainties. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 218 (4), 389-399. (doi:10.1177/095440620421800404).

Pongvthithum, R., Veres, S.M., Gabriel, S.B. and Rogers, E. (2005) Universal adaptive control of satellite formation flying. International Journal of Control, 78 (1), 45-52. (doi:10.1080/00207170412331330887).

Coletti, M. and Gabriel, S.B. (2012) A dual Stage ion engine for high impulse missions. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 40 (2), 1053 -1063. (doi:10.1109/TPS.2012.2185953).

Gabriel, S.B., Jiggens, P.T.A., Heynderickx, D., Crosby, N., Glover, A. and Hilgers, A. (2012) ESA SEPEM Project: peak flux and fluence model. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 59 (4), 1066-1077. (doi:10.1109/TNS.2012.2198242).

Grubišić, A.N. and Gabriel, S.B (2010) Development of an indirect counterbalanced pendulum optical-lever thrust balance for micro- to millinewton thrust measurement. Measurement Science and Technology, 21 (10), 105101. (doi:10.1088/0957-0233/21/10/105101).

Gabriel, S B, Rogers, E and Leomanni, M (2013) The Applicability of Pulsed Plasma Thrusters to Rendezvous and Docking of Cubesats. 33rd International Electric Propulsion Conference,, George Washington University, Washington, United States. 06 - 10 Oct 2013. 13 pp .

Leomanni, M., Rogers, E. and Gabriel, S.B. (2014) Explicit model predictive control approach for low-thrust spacecraft proximity operations. Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics, 37 (6), 1780-1789.

Golosnoy, I.O., Gabriel, S.B., Ciaralli, Simone and Coletti, M. (2015) Development of an engineering optimization tool for miniature Pulsed Plasma Thrusters. 34th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Kobe city, Hyogo, Japan. 04 - 10 Jul 2015. 11 pp .

Daykin-Iliopoulos, A., Gabriel, S.B., Golosnoy, I.O., Kubota, K. and Funaki, I. (2015) Investigation of heaterless hollow cathode breakdown. 34th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Kobe city, Hyogo, Japan. 04 - 10 Jul 2015. 9 pp .

Ciaralli, S., Coletti, M. and Gabriel, S.B. (2016) Results of the qualification test campaign of a Pulsed Plasma Thruster for Cubesat Propulsion (PPTCUP). Acta Astronautica, 121, 314-322. (doi:10.1016/j.actaastro.2015.08.016).

Frollani, Daniele, Coletti, Michele and Gabriel, Stephen (2014) A thrust balance for low power hollow cathode thrusters. Measurement Science and Technology. (doi:10.1088/0957-0233/25/6/065902).

Gessini, Paolo, Coletti, Michele and Gabriel, Stephen (2014) The thrust generated by a T6 ion engine hollow cathode. Acta Astronautica, 102, 249-257. (doi:10.1016/j.actaastro.2014.05.003).

Coletti, Michele, Ciarall, Simone and Gabriel, Stephen (2014) PPT development for Nanosatellites applications: experimental results. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 218-225. (doi:10.1109/TPS.2014.2368054). (In Press)

Ciaralli, Simone, Coletti, MIchele and Gabriel, Stephen (2015) Performance and lifetime testing of a pulsed plasma thruster for Cubesat applications. Aerospace Science and Technology, 47, 291-298. (doi:10.1016/j.ast.2015.09.031).

Coletti, Michele, Grubisic, Angelo, Collingwood, Cheryl and Gabriel, Stephen (2011) Electric propulsion subsystem architecture for an all-electric spacecraft. In, Advances in Spacecraft Technologies. Rijeka, HR. INTECH, pp. 123-138. (doi:10.5772/13567).

Grubisic, Angelo and Gabriel, Stephen B. (2016) Assessment of the T5 and T6 hollow cathodes as reaction control thrusters. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 32 (4), 810-820. (doi:10.2514/1.b35556).

Golosnoy, I.O., Gabriel, S.B., Ciaralli, S. and Coletti, M. (2016) Development of an engineering optimization tool for miniature pulsed plasma thrusters. Space Propulsion 2016 (the 5th conference on space propulsion), Rome, Italy. 01 - 05 May 2016. 11 pp .

Daykin-Iliopoulos, Alexander, Gabriel, S.B. and Golosnoy, I.O. (2016) An investigation into the glow discharge phase of an LaB6 heaterless hollow cathode. Space Propulsion 2016 (the 5th conference on space propulsion), Rome, Italy. 01 - 05 May 2016. 13 pp .

Grubisic, Angelo and Gabriel, Stephen (2010) Thrust production mechanisms in Hollow cathode microthrusters. IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, USA. 06 - 13 Mar 2010. pp. 1-18 . (doi:10.1109/AERO.2010.5446770).

Grubisic, Angelo and Gabriel, Stephen (2009) Feasibility of MEMS hollow cathode devices for micro-spacecraft plasma propulsion. International Congress on Plasma Physics.

Grubisic, Angelo and Gabriel, Stephen (2007) Characterization of the T-series hollow cathode thrusters for all-electric spacecraft. 30th International Electric Propulsion Conference. 16 - 19 Sep 2007.

Grubisic, Angelo and Gabriel, Stephen (2007) Thrust characterization of a T5 hollow cathode. 43rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, Cincinnati, United States. 07 - 10 Jul 2007.

Coletti, Michele, Grubisic, Angelo, Collingwood, Cheryl and Gabriel, Stephen (2011) Electric propulsion subsystem architecture for an all-electric spacecraft , INTECH, 17pp.

Gabriel, Stephen B., Golosnoy, Igor O. and Daykin-Iliopoulos, Alexander (2017) Electric propulsion at the University of Southampton. Electric Propulsion Innovation & Competitiveness Workshop 2017, CDTI, Madrid, Spain. 23 - 24 Oct 2017. 14 pp .

Daykin-Iliopoulos, Alexander, Golosnoy, Igor and Gabriel, Stephen (2017) Thermal profile of a lanthanum hexaboride heaterless hollow cathode. 35th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States. 08 - 12 Oct 2017. IEPC -2017 -291 .

Praeger, Matthew, Daykin-Iliopoulos, Alexander and Gabriel, Stephen (2018) Vacuum current emission and initiation in an LaB6 hollow cathode. Space Propulsion 2018, , Seville, Spain. 13 - 18 May 2018. 17 pp .

Daykin-Iliopoulos, Alexander, Golosnoy, Igor O. and Gabriel, Stephen (2018) Development of a high current heaterless hollow cathode. Space Propulsion 2018, , Seville, Spain. 13 - 18 May 2018. pp. 1-8 .

Fazio, Nazareno, Gabriel, Stephen and Golosnoy, Igor O. (2018) Alternative propellants for gridded ion engines. Space Propulsion 2018, Barcelo Renacimiento Hotel, Convention Center, Avenida Alvaro Alonso Barba, Isla de la Cartuja, 41092 Seville, Spain, Seville, Spain. 14 - 18 May 2018. SP2018_00102 .

Dobranszki, Cristian, Golosnoy, Igor O. and Gabriel, Stephen (2018) Development of ignition unit for a liquid pulsed plasma thruster. Space Propulsion Conference, Barcelo Renacimiento Hotel, Seville, Spain. 14 - 18 May 2018. 8 pp .

Guo, Ning, Xie, Kan, Sangregorio, Miguel, Wang, Ningfei, Zhang, Zun and Gabriel, Stephen B. (2019) 3D printing of ion optics for electric propulsion. Frontiers in Physics, 6, 1-12, [145]. (doi:10.3389/fphy.2018.00145).

Fazio, Nazareno, Gabriel, Stephen, Golosnoy, Igor O. and Wollenhaupt, Birk (2019) Mission cost for gridded ion engines using alternative propellants. 36th International Electric Propulsion Conference: IEPC, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria. 15 - 20 Sep 2019. 21 pp .

Dobranszki, Cristian, Golosnoy, Igor O., Gabriel, Stephen and Gessini, Paolo (2019) Development of electrostrictive force-feeding sub-system for liquid pulsed plasma thrusters. 36th International Electric Propulsion Conference: IEPC, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria. 15 - 20 Sep 2019. 11 pp .

Daykin-Iliopoulos, Alexander, Golosnoy, Igor O., Gabriel, Stephen and Bosi, Franco (2019) Characterisation of a 30 a heaterless hollow cathode. 36th International Electric Propulsion Conference: IEPC, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria. 15 - 20 Sep 2019. 14 pp .

Gessini, Paolo, Possa, Gabriela C., Intini Marques, Rodrigo, Dobranszki, Cristian, Golosnoy, Igor O. and Gabriel, Stephen (2019) Enabling low-cost high-energy missions with small spacecraft by using pulsed plasma thrusters. 36th International Electric Propulsion Conference: IEPC, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria. 15 - 20 Sep 2019. 9 pp .

Daykin-Iliopoulos, Alexander, Bosi, Franco, Coccaro, Fabio, Magarotto, Mirko, Papadimopoulos, Athanasios, Del Carlo, Paola, Dobranszki, Cristian, Golosnoy, Igor O. and Gabriel, Stephen (2020) Characterisation of a thermionic plasma source apparatus for high-density gaseous plasma antenna applications. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 29 (11), [115002]. (doi:10.1088/1361-6595/abb21a).


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Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chair

Cyber Security Group, Head

NCSC/EPSRC Academic Centre of Excellence for Cyber Security Research, Director

Cyber Security Academy, Founding Director

I am a Professor of Cyber Security at the University of Southampton, where I hold a Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chair and lead the University's activities on cyber security. Specifically, I am the Head of the Cyber Security Group (CSG), the Director of the NCSC/EPSRC Academic Centre of Excellence for Cyber Security Research (ACE), and have been the Founding Director of the Cyber Security Academy (CSA), a partnership between Academia, Industry and Government to advance cyber security through research, innovation, education and training.

A  computer scientist by training, I have since acquired strong expertise by research on cyber security, including social and human factors, cyber-crime, data privacy (including anonymity and anonymisation), internet-of-things, trust, provenance, blockchain, internet computing, foundations of computation and AI, and developed large networks of collaborators in academia, industry and government. I authored about 250 publications, reaching an h-index of 38 and around 3800 citations (source PoP at the time of writing).

I am enthusiastic about spreading best practice: I developed cyber security education and outreach programmes for undergraduates, graduates and industry, and collaborate with industry and public bodies internationally, including Cabinet Office, FCO, DBEIS, NCA, ICO, NAO, FCA and Bank of England. I worked with ministers in the UK, Italy, Malta and West Bengal, and with government bodies such as NCSC/GCHQ, DSTL, the Regional Organised Crime Units (ROCUs) and Hampshire Police. I am the Chief Scientific Officer for the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF).


Research interests

My activity focusses on cyber security since 2001. I worked on (idealised) programming languages for mobility of ambients over untrusted networks (444 citations in total at the time of writing), on trust management (122 citations), and was among the originators of the notion of 'trust structures' (257 citations), a novel approach to distributed trust management. I then focussed on `predictive' trust-and-reputation models. These are models of behaviour aimed at assessing the trustworthiness of computational agents, encompassing machine-learning and decision-making probabilistic techniques (189 citations).

More recent work focussed on anonymity and privacy, its interactions with trust and attackers' belief systems, with particular focus on understanding and analysing collaboration mechanisms in anonymity networks (47 citations). I am one of the originators of the information-theoretic measure of vulnerability with beliefs (34 citations). This quantifies data leakages in the presence of uncertain external information, which currently is one of the major threats to privacy in open network such as the Internet.

Recently, I have been focussing on distributed ledger technologies (DLT), aka blockchains, and their applications to distributed and cloud computing, and to the Internet-of-Things (IoT). DLT provides a first-time concept of decentralised digitally-enforceable contracts which do not rely on a trusted third-party, making the realisation of fully decentralised computations in trustless scenarios possible. This makes blockchains suited to a broad area of problems, including IoT and Cloud computing, and to application domains as diverse as smart energy and supply chain security. Decentralised computation, democratic control of data and immutability of records pave the way for blockchains to be the next-generation infrastructure for building reliable aggregations of IT components. This was exemplified very neatly by the first-ever blockchain-based solution to security and trust weaknesses in cloud computing, which I conceived to bring innovative solutions to the Police in the UK, MEF in Italy and Inland Revenue in Malta, and which is now drawing attention from other public administrations and applications worldwide.


I have inspired and contributed to the development of the MSc in Cyber Security and the MEng in Computer Science with Cyber Security. Over the past few years, I have driven the development of a comprehensive programme of professional cyber training for industry. In this context, I have worked on innovative `gamification' techniques to deliver complex cyber concepts in a non-technical manner.


Montanari, U. and Sassone, V. (1992) Dynamic Congruence vs. Progressing Bisimulation for CCS. Fundamenta Informaticae, 16 (2), 171-199.

Meseguer, J., Montanari, U. and Sassone, V. (1996) Process versus Unfolding Semantics for Place/Transition Petri Nets. Theoretical Computer Science, 153 (1-2), 171-210.

Sassone, V., Nielsen, M. and Winskel, G. (1996) Models for Concurrency: Towards a Classification. Theoretical Computer Science, 170 (1-2), 297-348.

Sassone, V. (1996) An Axiomatization of the Algebra of Petri Net Concatenable Processes. Theoretical Computer Science, 170 (1-2), 277-296.

Meseguer, J., Montanari, U. and Sassone, V. (1997) On the Semantics of Place/Transition Petri Nets. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 7, 359-397.

Sassone, V. (1998) An Axiomatization of the Category of Petri Net Computations. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 8, 117-151.

Hildebrandt, T. and Sassone, V. (1997) Transition Systems with Independence and Multi-Arcs. Peled, D., Pratt, V. and Holzmann, G. (eds.) Partial Order Methods in Verification, POMIV '96. pp. 273-288 .

Nielsen, M. and Sassone, V. (1998) Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency. Reisig, W. and Rozenberg, G. (eds.) Lectures on Petri Nets I: Basic Models. pp. 587-642 .

Sassone, V. (2000) On the Algebraic Structure of Petri Nets. Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science, 72, 133-148.

Bruni, R. and Sassone, V. (2001) Two Algebraic Process Semantics for Contextual Nets. Ehrig, H., Juhäs, G., Padberg, J. and Rozenberg, G. (eds.) Unifying Petri Nets. pp. 427-456 .

Sassone, V. and Sobocinski, P. (2003) Deriving Bisimulation Congruences using 2-Categories. Nordic Journal of Computing, 10, 163-183.

Kwiatkowska, M., Milner, R. and Sassone, V. (2004) Science for Global Ubiquitous Computing. Bulletin of EATCS, 82, 325-333.

Milicia, G. and Sassone, V. (2005) Jeeg: Temporal Constraints for the Synchronization of Concurrent Objects. Concurrency and Computation: Practice & Experience, 17 (5-6), 539-572.

Sassone, V. and Sobocinski, P. (2005) Locating Reactions using 2-Categories. Theoretical Computer Science, 333 (1-2), 297-327.

Kwiatkowska, M. and Sassone, V. , Hoare, T. and Milner, R. (eds.) (2005) GC2: Science for Global Ubiquitous Computing. Grand Challenges in Computing, 9-12.

Bruni, R., Montanari, U. and Sassone, V. (2005) Observational Congruences for Dynamically Reconfigurable Tile Systems. Theoretical Computer Science, 335 (2-3), 331-372.

Carbone, Marco, Nielsen, Mogens and Sassone, Vladimiro (2005) Trust in Global Computing. ALP Newsletter, 17 (4), 4 pp..

Bugliesi, M., Crafa, S., Merro, M. and Sassone, V. (2005) Communication and Mobility Control in Boxed Ambients. Information and Computation, 202 (1), 39-86.

Barbanera, F., Bugliesi, M., Dezani, M. and Sassone, V. (2007) Space-Aware Ambients and Processes. Theoretical Computer Science, 373 (1-2), 41-69.

Braghin, C., Gorla, D. and Sassone, V. (2006) Role-based access control for a distributed calculus. Journal of Computer Security, 14 (2), 133-155.

Gorla, D., Hennessy, M. and Sassone, V. (2005) Security Policies as Membranes in Systems for Global Computing. Logical Methods in Computer Science, 1 (3:2), 163-21.

Chadha, R., Macedonio, D. and Sassone, V. (2006) A Hybrid Intuitionistic Logic: Semantics and Decidability. Journal of Logic and Computation, 16 (1), 27-59.

Conforti, G., Macedonio, D. and Sassone, V. (2006) BiLog: Spatial Logics for Bigraphs University of Southampton

Krukow, K., Nielsen, M. and Sassone, V. (2007) A Logical Framework for Reputation Systems. Journal of Computer Security, (In pr.

Chadha, R., Macedonio, D. and Sassone, V. (2004) A Distributed Kripke Semantics s.n.

Sassone, V. (2002) Foundations of Global Computing.

Sassone, V. (2003) Building the Case for Global Computing.

Sassone, V. (2003) Global Computing II. Terms of reference for the FP6-EU-FET call. Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science, 82, 319-324.

Varadharajan, V. and Sassone, V. (1991) A unifying Petri net model of non-interference and non-deducibility information flow security s.n.

Meseguer, J., Montanari, U. and Sassone, V. (1993) ω-Inductive completion of monoidal categories and infinite petri net computations. Workshop on Topology and Completion in Semantics, Chartres, France. 51 pp .

Sassone, V. (1994) On the Semantics of Petri Nets: Processes, Unfoldings and Infinite Computations. s.n.

Bugliesi, M., Castagna, G., Crafa, S., Focardi, R. and Sassone, V. (2004) Name-passing calculi and crypto-primitives: A survey. International School on Foundations of Security Analysis and Design, FOSAD 01/02.. pp. 91-138 .

Sassone, V. (2004) The Algebraic Structure of Petri Nets. In, Paun, G., Rozenberg, G. and Salomaa, A. (eds.) Current Trends in Theoretical Computer Science. World Scientific, pp. 385-410.

Klin, B., Sassone, V. and Sobocinski, P. (2005) Labels from Reductions: Towards a General Theory. First International Conference on Algebras and Coalgebras in Computer Science.. pp. 30-50 .

Milicia, G. and Sassone, V. (2003) Temporal Constraints for Concurrent Object Synchronisation. International Workshop on Object Oriented Developments, WOODS 2003.. 3 pp. .

Montanari, U. and Sassone, V. (1991) CCS Dynamic Bisimulation is Progressing. 16th International Symposium on the Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, MFCS 1991.. pp. 346-356 .

Sassone, V. (2004) Engineering Trust-based Software Intensive Systems. Wirsing, M. and Ronchaud, R. (eds.) Joint EU/NSF Strategic Research Workshop on Engineering Software Intensive Systems.

Meseguer, J., Montanari, U. and Sassone, V. (1992) On the Semantics of Petri Nets. 3rd International Conference on Concurrency Theory, CONCUR 92.. pp. 286-301 .

Di Meglio, R. and Sassone, V. (1993) A Unification Free Introduction to Logic Programming. 8th Meeting on Logic Programming, GULP '93.

Sassone, V. (1993) A Note on Logic Programming Fixed-Point Semantics. 8th Meeting on Logic Programming, GULP '93..

Sassone, V., Nielsen, M. and Winskel, G. (1993) A Classification of Models for Concurrency. 4th International Conference on Concurrency Theory, CONCUR '93.. pp. 82-96 .

Sassone, V., Nielsen, M. and Winskel, G. (1993) Deterministic Behavioural Models for Concurrency. 18th International Symposium on the Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, MFCS '93.. pp. 682-692 .

Nielsen, M., Sassone, V. and Winskel, G. (1994) Relationships between Models for Concurrency. REX School '93. A Decade of Concurrency: Reflections and Perspectives.. pp. 425-476 .

Meseguer, J., Montanari, U. and Sassone, V. (1994) On the Model of Computation of Place/Transition Petri Nets. 15th International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets, ICATPN '94.. pp. 16-38 .

Sassone, V. (1994) An Approach to the Category of Net Computations. 6th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory, NWPT '94.. pp. 385-399 .

Sassone, V. (1995) On the Category of Petri Net Computations. 6}th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Software Development, TAPSOFT '95.. pp. 334-348 .

Sassone, V. (1995) Axiomatizing Petri Net Concatenable Processes. 10th Conference on Fundamentals of Computation Theory, FCT '95.. pp. 414-423 .

Nielsen, M., Priese, L. and Sassone, V. (1995) Characterizing Behavioural Congruences for Petri Nets. 6th International Conference on Concurrency Theory, CONCUR '95.. pp. 175-189 .

Cattani, G.L. and Sassone, V. (1996) Higher Dimensional Transition Systems. 11th Symposium of Logics in Computer Science, LICS '96.. pp. 55-62 .

Hildebrandt, T. and Sassone, V. (1996) Comparing Transition Systems with Independence and Asynchronous Transition Systems. 7th International Conference on Concurrency Theory, CONCUR '96.. pp. 84-97 .

Meseguer, J., Montanari, U. and Sassone, V. (1997) Representation Theorems for Petri Nets. Foundations of Computer Science : Potential - Theory - Cognition.. pp. 239-249 .

Bruni, R., Meseguer, J., Montanari, U. and Sassone, V. (1998) A Comparison of Petri Net Semantics under the Collective Token Philosophy. Advances in Computing Science, 4th Asian Computing Science Conference, ASIAN '98.. pp. 225-244 .

Bruni, R., Meseguer, J., Montanari, U. and Sassone, V. (1999) Functorial Semantics for Petri Nets under the Individual Token Philosophy. Category Theory and Computer Science, CTCS '99.. 18 pp. .

Bruni, R. and Sassone, V. (2000) Algebraic Models for Contextual Nets. 27th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming, ICALP 2000.. pp. 175-186 .

Bruni, R., Montanari, U. and Sassone, V. (2000) Open Ended Systems, Dynamic Bisimulation, and Tile Logic. IFIP International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science, IFIP TCS 2000.. pp. 440-456 .

Buscemi, M. and Sassone, V. (2001) High-Level Petri Nets as Type Theories in the Join Calculus. Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures, FOSSACS 2001.. pp. 104-120 .

Nielsen, M., Sassone, V. and Srba, J. (2001) Towards a Notion of Distributed Time for Petri Nets. 22nd International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets, ICATPN 2001.. pp. 23-31 .

Nielsen, M., Sassone, V. and Srba, J. (2001) Properties of Distributed Time Arc Petri Nets. Foundation of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, FST&TCS 2001.. pp. 280-291 .

Barbanera, F., Dezani, M., Salvo, I. and Sassone, V. (2001) A Type Inference Algorithm for Secure Ambients. Theory of Concurrency, Higher Order and Types, TOSCA Workshop 2001.. 19 pp .

Merro, M. and Sassone, V. (2002) Typing and Subtyping Mobility in Boxed Ambients. 13th Int. Conference on Concurrency Theory, CONCUR '02.. pp. 304-320 .

Godskesen, J.Chr., Hildebrandt, T. and Sassone, V. (2002) A Calculus of Mobile Resources. 13th Int. Conference on Concurrency Theory, CONCUR '02.. pp. 272-287 .

Milicia, G. and Sassone, V. (2002) Jeeg: A Programming Language for Concurrent Objects Synchronization. Joint ACM-ISCOPE Conference on Java Grande, JGI'02.. pp. 212-221 .

Sassone, V. and Sobocinski, P. (2002) Deriving Bisimulation Congruences: A 2-Categorical Approach. 9th Int. Workshop on Expressiveness in Concurrency, EXPRESS 2002.. 19 pp. .

Bugliesi, M., Crafa, S., Merro, M. and Sassone, V. (2002) Communication Interference in Mobile Boxed Ambients. 22nd Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, FST&TCS 2002.. pp. 71-84 .

Sassone, V. and Sobocinski, P. (2003) Deriving Bisimulation Congruences: 2-categories vs precategories. Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures, FOSSACS 2003.. pp. 409-424 .

Bugliesi, M., Crafa, S., Prelic, A. and Sassone, V. (2003) Secrecy in Untrusted Networks. 30th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming, ICALP 2003.. pp. 969-983 .

Carbone, M., Nielsen, M. and Sassone, V. (2003) A Formal Model for Trust in Dynamic Networks. Cerone, A. and Lindsay, P. (eds.) Int. Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods, SEFM 2003.. pp. 54-61 .

Bruni, R., Meseguer, J., Montanari, U. and Sassone, V. (2003) Algebraic theories for contextual pre-nets. Blundo, C. and Laneve, C. (eds.) 8th Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science, ICTCS 2003.. pp. 256-270 .

Barbanera, F., Bugliesi, M., Dezani, M. and Sassone, V. (2003) A Calculus of Bounded Capacities. Advances in Computing Science, 9th Asian Computing Science Conference, ASIAN'03.. pp. 205-223 .

Milicia, G. and Sassone, V. (2004) The Inheritance Anomaly: Ten years after. 19th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC'04.. pp. 1267-1274 .

Lhoussaine, C. and Sassone, V. (2004) A Dependently Typed Ambient Calculus. European Symposium on Programming, ESOP'04.. pp. 171-187 .

Braghin, C., Gorla, D. and Sassone, V. (2004) A Distributed Calculus for Role-Based Access Control. 17th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop, CSFW'04.. pp. 48-60 .

Carbone, M., Nielsen, M. and Sassone, V. (2004) A Calculus of Trust Management. 24th Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, FST&TCS 2004.. pp. 161-173 .

Sassone, V. and Sobocinski, P. (2005) A Congruence for Petri Nets. International Workshop on Petri Nets and Graph Transformations.. pp. 107-120 .

Sassone, V. and Sobocinski, P. (2005) Reactive Systems over Cospans. 20th Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, LICS 2005.. pp. 311-320 .

Conforti, G., Macedonio, D. and Sassone, V. (2005) Spatial Logics for Bigraphs. 32th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming, ICALP 2005.. pp. 766-778 .

Conforti, G., Macedonio, D. and Sassone, V. (2005) Bigraphical Logics for XML. 13th Symposium on Advanced Database Systems, SEDB 2005.. pp. 392-399 .

Krukow, K., Nielsen, M. and Sassone, V. (2005) A Formal Framework for Concrete Reputation Systems. 12th ACM Conference on Computer and Communication Security, CCS'05.. pp. 260-269 .

Sassone, V. (2002) Communication Interference in Mobile Boxed Ambients (talk).

Sassone, V. (2002) Capacity-Bounded Computational Ambients (talk).

Sassone, V. (2005) A Framework for Concrete Reputation Systems with applications to History-Based Access Control (talk).

Sassone, V. (2005) Labels from Reductions - the theory of relative pushouts (talk).

Sassone, V. (2006) BiLog - A Framework for Structural Logics (talk).

Sassone, V. (2003) Subtyping for Access Control (talk).

Sassone, V. (2003) A 2-Categorical Approach to Bisimulation Congruences (talk).

Sassone, V. (2003) Deriving Bisimulation Congruences: 2-categories vs precategories (talk).

Sassone, V. (2003) Temporal Constraints for Concurrent Object Synchronisation (talk).

Sassone, V. (2003) A Calculus of Bounded Capacities (talk).

Sassone, V. (2001) An Introduction to the π-Calculus - Model, Variations, Semantics (talk).

Sassone, V. (2004) Congruences for Contextual Graph-Rewriting (talk).

Sassone, V. (2004) Background and Structure of a Coordination Action (talk).

Sassone, V. (2003) Calculi and Types for Global Computing (talk).

Sassone, V. (2003) A Role for Theory in UbiNet (talk).

Sassone, V. (2004) A dependently typed ambient calculus (talk).

Sassone, V. (2004) Context-Aware Software-Intensive Systems - An autonomic approach (talk).

Sassone, V. (2004) Trust and Concurrency - A Theory Contribution to Ubiquitous Computing (talk).

Sassone, V. (2004) Foundations of Global Computing - A Personal Perspective (talk).

Sassone, V. (2004) Global Computing II - A new FET Programme for FP6 (talk).

Sassone, V. (2004) A Calculus for Trust Management (talk).

Sassone, V. (2004) Security Policies as Membranes in Systems for Global Computing (talk).

Sassone, V. (2004) A Distributed Calculus for Role-Based Access Control (talk).

Bundgaard, M. and Sassone, V. (2006) Typed polyadic pi-calculus in bigraphs. 8th Symposium on Principles ad Practice of Declarative Programming, PPDP'06, , Venice, Italy. pp. 1-12 .

Gorla, D., Hennessy, M. and Sassone, V. (2006) Inferring Dynamic Credentials for Role-based Trust Management. 8th Symposium on Principles ad Practice of Declarative Programming, PPDP'06, , Venice, Italy. pp. 213-223 .

Sassone, V. (2006) Elements towards a foundation of computational trust (talk).

Sassone, V. (2006) Semantic barbs: what's in an observation? (talk).

Rathke, J., Sassone, V. and Sobocinski, P. (2007) Semantic Barbs and Biorthogonality. Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures, FOSSACS 2007. pp. 302-316 .

Nielsen, M., Krukow, K. and Sassone, V. (2007) A Bayesian model for event-based trust. In, Cardelli, L., Fiore, M. and Winskel, G. (eds.) Festschrift in hounour of Gordon Plotkin. Elsevier.

Bruni, R., Meseguer, J., Montanari, U. and Sassone, V. (2001) Functorial Models for Petri Nets. Information and Computation, 170 (2), 207-236.

Sassone, V., Nielsen, M. and Krukow, K. , de Boer, F.S. (ed.) (2007) Towards a Formal Framework for Computational Trust. Formal Methods for Components and Objects, LNCS 4, 175-184.

Klin, B. and Sassone, V. (2008) Structural Operational Semantics for Stochastic Process Calculi. Proceedings of FOSSACS 2008. pp. 428-433 .

Conforti, G., Macedonio, D. and Sassone, V. (2007) Static BiLog: a Unifying Language for Spatial Structures. Fundamenta Informaticae, 80, 1-20.

Sassone, V. , Sassone, V. (ed.) (2008) Preface. Theoretical Computer Science, 390 ((2-3)), 127-128. (doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2007.09.019).

Sassone, V. , Sassone, V. (ed.) (2008) Foundations of Software Science and Computational Structures (Theoretical Computer Science, 390(2-), vol. 390(2-, Elsevier

Sannella, D. and Sassone, V. , Sannella, D. and Sassone, V. (eds.) (2007) Semantic and logical foundations of global computing: Papers from the EU-FET global computing initiative (2001–2005). Theoretical Computer Science, 389 (3), 337-340.

Hamadou, Sardaouna, Palamidessi, Catuscia, Sassone, Vladimiro and ElSalamouny, Ehab (2009) Probable innocence in the presence of independent knowledge. International Workshop on Formal Aspects in Security and Trust (FAST2009), , Eindhoven, Netherlands. 05 - 06 Nov 2009. pp. 141-156 . (Submitted)

ElSalamouny, Ehab, Sassone, Vladimiro and Nielsen, Mogens (2009) HMM-based Trust Model. International Workshop on Formal Aspects in Security and Trust (FAST2009), , Eindhoven, Netherlands. 05 - 06 Nov 2009. pp. 21-35 . (Submitted)

ElSalamouny, Ehab, Krukow, Karl Tikjøb and Sassone, Vladimiro (2009) An analysis of the exponential decay principle in probabilistic trust models. [in special issue: Festschrift for Mogens Nielsen’s 60th birthday] Theoretical Computer Science, 410 (41), 4067-4084. (doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2009.06.011).

Hamadou, Sardaouna, Sassone, Vladimiro and Palamidessi, Catuscia (2010) Reconciling Belief and Vulnerability in Information Flow. IEEE Symposium of Security and Privacy. pp. 79-92 .

Bugliesi, Michele and Sassone, Vladimiro (2010) International Colloquium of Automata, Languages and Programming: Preface to the 'Logical Methods in Computer Science', special issue for ICALP 2006 , Creative Commons Licence

Sassone, Vladimiro, El-Salamouny, Ehab and Hamadou, Sardaouna (2010) Trust in Crowds: probabilistic behaviour in anonymity protocols. Symposium on Trustworthy Global Computing, TGC 2010, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6084. pp. 88-102 .

Bruni, Roberto and Sassone, Vladimiro (2008) Models of Computation: A Tribute to Ugo Montanari’s Vision. Concurrency, Graphs and Models. Essays Dedicated to Ugo Montanari on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday. pp. 503-509 .

Krukow, Karl, Nielsen, Mogens and Sassone, Vladimiro (2008) Trust models in ubiquitous computing. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 366 (1881), 3781-3793. (doi:10.1098/rsta.2008.0134).

Krukow, Karl, Nielsen, Mogens and Sassone, Vladimiro (2009) Probabilistic Computational Trust. Lodaya, Kamal, Mukund, Madhavan and Ramanunjan, R (eds.) Perspectives in Concurrency Theory.

Souilah, Issam, Francalanza, Adrian and Sassone, Vladimiro (2009) A Formal Model of Provenance in Distributed Systems. Cheney, James (ed.) Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance.

Abramsky, Samson, Gelenbe, Erol and Sassone, Vladimiro (2008) Visions of Computer Science - BCS International Academic Conference , BCS Press

Sassone, V. (2006) Typed polyadic pi-calculus in bigraphs (talk). 8th Symposium on Principles ad Practice of Declarative Programming, PPDP'06, , Venice, Italy. (In Press)

Sassone, V. (2006) Inferring Dynamic Credential for Rôle-based Trust Management (talk). (In Press)

Sassone, V. (2007) Opportunities for Formal Methods in the analysis of pervasive adaptation (talk). (In Press)

Sassone, V. (2007) A Bayesian model for event-based trust - Elements of a foundation for computational trust (talk). (In Press)

Sassone, V. (2008) Data Provenance in a Distributed Calculus (talk). (In Press)

Sassone, V. (2008) Inference of Probability Distributions for Trust and Security Applications (talk). (In Press)

Sassone, V. (2008) Data Provenance in a Distributed Calculus (talk). (In Press)

Sassone, V. (2008) Structural Operational Semantics for Stochastic Systems (talk). (In Press)

Sassone, V. (2009) Permission-based separation logic for message-passing concurrency (talk). (In Press)

Sassone, V. (2009) Exponential Decay in Probabilistic Trust Models (talk). (In Press)

Sassone, V. (2009) Exponential Decay in Probabilistic Trust Models (talk). (In Press)

Sassone, V. (2009) Elements of Foundations for Ubiquitous Computing (talk). (In Press)

Sassone, V. (2009) On the anonymity in the Crowds protocol (talk). (In Press)

Sassone, V. (2010) Trust in Crowds - Probabilistic Behaviour in Anonymity Protocols (talk). (In Press)

Sassone, Vladimiro (2009) I dag er det Mogens’ fødselsdag. Theoretical Computer Science, 410 (41).

Sassone, V (2008) Foundations of Software Science and Computational Structures: Selected papers from FOSSACS 2005. Theoretical Computer Science, 390, 127-128.

Sassone, Vladimiro, Hamadou, Sardaouna and Yang, Mu (2010) Trust in Anonymity Networks. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ARCoSS, 6269, 48-70.

Horne, Ross and Sassone, Vladimiro (2011) A Verified Algebra for Linked Data. Revara, Antonio and Mousavi, MohammadReza (eds.) 10th International Workshop on the Foundations of Coordination Languages and Software Architectures, EPTCS 58, Aachen, Germany. pp. 20-33 .

Horne, Ross, Sassone, Vladimiro and Gibbins, Nicholas (2012) Operational semantics for SPARQL Update. Pan, Jeff Z., Chen, Huajun, Kim, Hong-Gee, Li, Juanzi, Wu, Zhe, Horrocks, Ian, Mizoguchi, Riichiro and Wu, Zhaohui (eds.) In The Semantic Web. Joint International Semantic Technology Conference, JIST 2011, Hangzhou, China, December 4-7, 2011, Proceedings. Springer. pp. 242-257 .

Horne, Ross and Sassone, Vladimiro (2011) A Typed Model for Linked Data University of Southampton (Submitted)

Francalanza, Adrian, Rathke, Julian and Sassone, Vladimiro (2011) Permission-based separation logic for message-passing concurrency. Logical Methods in Computer Science, 7 (3), 1-47. (doi:10.2168/LMCS-7(3:7)2011).

Yang, Mu and Sassone, Vladimiro (2011) Minimising anonymity loss in anonymity networks under DoS attacks. In: 13th International Conference on Information and Communications Security, 23rd-26th, Nov, 2011, Beijing, China. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7043, 414-429.

Yang, Mu, Sassone, Vladimiro and Hamadou, Sardaouna , Degano, Pierpaolo and Guttman, Joshua (eds.) (2012) A Game-Theoretic Analysis of Cooperation in Anonymity Networks. Proceedings of Principles of Security and Trust, POST 2012 (a member of ETAPS 2012), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (ARCoSS). (In Press)

Horne, Ross and Sassone, Vladimiro (2012) A verified algebra for read-write linked data. Author's Original, 1-30. (Submitted)

Dezani, Mariangiola, Horne, Ross and Sassone, Vladimiro (2012) Tracing where and who provenance in Linked Data: a calculus. [in special issue: New Directions in Rewriting (Honoring the 60th Birthday of Yoshihito Toyama)] Theoretical Computer Science, 464, 113-129. (doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2012.06.020).

Klin, Bartek and Sassone, Vladimiro (2013) Structural operational semantics for stochastic and weighted transition systems. Information and Computation, 227, 58-83. (doi:10.1016/j.ic.2013.04.001).

Sassone, V., Dezani-Ciancaglini, M. and Horne, R. (2012) Tracing where and who provenance in linked data - a calculus - Southampton, GB. University of Southampton

Sassone, V. (2012) Dagstuhl Perspective Workshop 12452 “Publication Culture in Computing Research”. Publication Culture in Computing Research, Dagstuhl, Germany.

Yang, Mu, Sassone, Vladimiro and O'Hara, Kieron (2012) Appendix 3. Practical examples of some anonymisation techniques. In, Anonymisation: Managing Data Protection Risk Code of Practice. Wilmslow, GB. Information Commissioner's Office, pp. 80-103.

Hussein, Jamal, Moreau, Luc and Sassone, Vladimiro (2015) Obscuring provenance confidential information via graph transformation. Damsgaard Jensen, C., Marsh, S., Dimitrakos, T. and Murayama, Y. (eds.) In Proceedings of Trust Management IX. vol. 454, Springer. pp. 109-125 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-18491-3_8).

Hussein, Jamal, Sassone, vladi and Moreau, Luc (2016) A template-based graph transformation system for the PROV data model. GCM 2016: Seventh International Workshop on Graph Computation Models, Vienna, Austria. 03 Jul 2016. 15 pp .

Ciobanu, Gabriel, Horne, Ross and Sassone, Vladimiro (2016) A descriptive type foundation for RDF Schema. Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, 85 (5), 681-706. (doi:10.1016/j.jlamp.2016.02.006).

Hamadou, Sardouna, Palamidessi, Catuscia and Sassone, Vladimiro (2017) Quantifying leakage in the presence of unreliable sources of information. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 88, 27-52. (doi:10.1016/j.jcss.2017.03.013).

Ferdous, Sadek, Margheri, Andrea, Paci, Federica and Sassone, Vladimiro (2017) Decentralised runtime monitoring for access control systems in cloud federations Southampton, GB. University of Southampton 11pp.

Howard, Giles, Butler, Michael, Colley, John and Sassone, Vladimiro (2017) Formal analysis of safety and security requirements of critical systems supported by an extended STPA methodology. 2nd Workshop on Safety & Security aSSurance, , Paris, France. 29 Apr 2017. 6 pp . (In Press) (doi:10.1109/EuroSPW.2017.68).

Alansari, Shorouq, Paci, Federica and Sassone, Vladimiro (2017) A distributed access control system for cloud federations. In ICDCS 2017: pROCEEDINGS, IEEE 37th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems. IEEE. 6 pp . (doi:10.1109/ICDCS.2017.241).

Alansari, Shorouq, Paci, Federica, Margheri, Andrea and Sassone, Vladimiro (2017) Privacy-preserving access control in cloud federations. In 2017 IEEE 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD). IEEE. pp. 757-760 . (doi:10.1109/CLOUD.2017.108).

Aniello, Leonardo, Baldoni, Roberto, Gaetani, Edoardo, Lombardi, Federico, Margheri, Andrea and Sassone, Vladimiro (2017) A prototype evaluation of a tamper-resistant high performance blockchain-based transaction log for a distributed database. In 2017 13th European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC). IEEE. 4 pp . (doi:10.1109/EDCC.2017.31).

Margheri, Andrea, Ferdous, Md Sadek, Yang, Mu and Sassone, Vladimiro (2017) A distributed infrastructure for democratic cloud federations. In 2017 IEEE 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD). IEEE.. (doi:10.1109/CLOUD.2017.93).

Ferdous, Md Sadek, Margheri, Andrea, Paci, Federica, Yang, Mu and Sassone, Vladimiro (2017) Decentralised runtime monitoring for access control systems in cloud federations. In 2017 IEEE 37th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS). IEEE. pp. 2632-2633 . (doi:10.1109/ICDCS.2017.178).

Gaetani, Edoardo, Aniello, Leonardo, Baldoni, Roberto, Lombardi, Federico, Margheri, Andrea and Sassone, Vladimiro (2017) Blockchain-based database to ensure data integrity in cloud computing environments. Italian Conference on Cybersecurity, , Venice, Italy. 17 - 20 Jan 2017. 10 pp .

Hu, Runshan, Stalla-Bourdillon, Sophie, Yang, Mu, Schiavo, Valeria and Sassone, Vladimiro (2017) Bridging policy, regulation and practice? A techno-legal analysis of three types of data in the GDPR. In, Leenes, Ronald, van Brakel, Rosamunde, Gutwirth, Serge and De Hert, Paul (eds.) Data Protection and Privacy: the Age of Intelligent Machines. (Computers, Privacy and Data Protection, 10) Haywards Heath. Hart.

Yang, Mu, Margheri, Andrea, Hu, Runshan and Sassone, Vladimiro (2018) Differentially private data sharing in Cloud Federation with blockchain. IEEE Cloud Computing, 5 (6), 69-79. (doi:10.1109/MCC.2018.064181122).

De Angelis, Stefano, Aniello, Leonardo, Baldoni, Roberto, Lombardi, Federico, Margheri, Andrea and Sassone, Vladimiro (2018) PBFT vs proof-of-authority: applying the CAP theorem to permissioned blockchain. Italian Conference on Cyber Security, Milan, Italy. 11 pp .

Nicoletti, Luca, Margheri, Andrea, Lombardi, Federico, Sassone, Vladimiro and Schiavo, Francesco Paolo (2018) Cross-cloud management of sensitive data via blockchain: A payslip calculation use case. Ferrari, Elena, Baldi, Marco and Baldoni, Roberto (eds.) In Proceedings of the Second Italian Conference on Cybersecurity: ITASEC18. vol. 2058, 5 pp .

Lombardi, Federico, Aniello, Leonardo, De Angelis, Stefano, Margheri, Andrea and Sassone, Vladimiro (2018) A blockchain-based infrastructure for reliable and cost-effective IoT-aided smart grids. Living in the Internet of Things Conference: Cybersecurity of the IoT - A PETRAS, IoTUK & IET Event, Savoy Place, London, United Kingdom. 28 - 29 Mar 2018. 6 pp .

Massi, Massimiliano, Miladi, Abdallah, Margheri, Andrea, Sassone, Vladimiro and Rosenzweig, Jason (2018) Using PROV and Blockchain to Achieve Health Data Provenance 24pp.

Argento, Luciano, Margheri, Andrea, Paci, Federica, Sassone, Vladimiro and Zannone, Nicola (2018) Towards adaptive access control. In Data and Applications Security and Privacy XXXII - 32nd Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Conference, DBSec 2018, Proceedings. vol. 10980 LNCS, Springer. pp. 99-109 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-95729-6_7).

Stevens, Brian, Ashmore, Rob, Margheri, Andrea and Sassone, Vladimiro (2019) Developing critical software in the modern threat environment. Safety Critical System Symposium. 05 - 07 Feb 2019. 17 pp .

Howard, Giles, Butler, Michael, Colley, John and Sassone, Vladimiro (2019) A methodology for assuring the safety and security of critical infrastructure based on STPA and Event-B. International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems, 56-75. (doi:10.1504/IJCCBS.2019.098815).

Fadhel, Nawfal, Lombardi, Federico, Aniello, Leonardo, Margheri, Andrea and Sassone, Vladimiro (2019) Towards a semantic modelling for threat analysis of IoT applications: a case study on transactive energy. In IET Living in the Internet of Things 2019. Institute of Engineering and Technology, IET..

O'Sullivan, Michael, Aniello, Leonardo and Sassone, Vladimiro (2020) A methodology to select topology generators for ad hoc mesh network simulations. Journal of Communications, 15 (10). (doi:10.12720/jcm.15.10.741-746).

Hart, Stephen, Margheri, Andrea, Paci, Federica and Sassone, Vladimiro (2020) Riskio: A serious game for cyber security awareness and education. Computers and Security, 95, [101827]. (doi:10.1016/j.cose.2020.101827).

Margheri, Andrea, Masi, Massimiliano, Miladi, Abdallah, Sassone, Vladimiro and Rosenzweig, Jason (2020) Decentralised provenance for healthcare data. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 141, [104197]. (doi:10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2020.104197).

Dghaym, Dana, Hoang, Thai Son, Butler, Michael, Hu, Runshan, Aniello, Leonardo and Sassone, Vladimiro (2021) Verifying System-level Security of a Smart Ballot Box. In ABZ 2021 – 8th International Conference on Rigorous State Based Methods: ABZ 2021. Springer Nature Switzerland AG. 16 pp . (In Press)

Hussein, Raid, Khalid Hussein and Sassone, Vladimiro (2019) Threat modelling for the virtual machine image in cloud computing. In Computer Science & Information Technology. vol. 9, AIRCC Publishing Corporation. pp. 119-132 . (doi:10.5121/csit.2019.90911).

Thorburn, Robert, Paci, Federica, Sassone, Vladimiro and Stalla-Bourdillon, Sophie (2021) Connecting regulatory requirements to audit outcomes: a model-driven approach to auditable compliance. In Companion Proceedings - 24th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, MODELS-C 2021. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. pp. 641-642 . (doi:10.1109/MODELS-C53483.2021.00100).


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Senior Mentor

Director of the Centre for Health Technologies

Chair of Special Circumstances Board


Professor Neil White was Head of Electronics and Computer Science from 2011 to 2015. He obtained a PhD from the University of Southampton in 1988 for a thesis describing the piezoresistive effect in thick-film resistors. A paper based on this work was awarded the 1989 Educational Prize from the International Society for Hybrid Microelectronics (ISHM). Neil was appointed as a Lecturer within the School in 1990 and promoted to Senior Lecturer in 1999, Reader in 2000 and was awarded a personal Chair in 2002. He is co-author of the book Intelligent Sensor Systems, which was first published by the Institute of Physics Publishing in 1994. He is also co-author of the book MEMS: Mechanical Sensors, published by Artech House. His research interests include thick-film sensors, intelligent instrumentation, MEMS, self-powered microsensors and sensor networks. He lectures on digital electronics, electronic measurement techniques and advanced instrumentation and sensors. He is a Chartered Engineer, Fellow of the IET, Senior Member of the IEEE, Fellow of the IoP and a Chartered Physicist. He was Chairman of the Instrument Science and Technology (ISAT) group of the IoP from 1997 to 1999. He is a member of the Peer Review College for the EPSRC and is on the Editorial Board of the international journals Sensor Review and Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. Professor White is also a Series Editor for the Integrated Microsystems series for Artech House. He has published over 200 scientific papers in the area of sensors and instrumentation systems and holds 10 patents. He is a former Director and co-founder of the University spin-out company Perpetuum Ltd., which specialises in vibration energy harvesting. He was the recipient of the 2009 Callendar sliver Medal, awarded by the Institute of Measurement and Control for his 'outstanding contribution to the art of instruments or measurement'.


Research interests

Thick-film sensors

Energy harvesting

Intelligent sensors

Medical sensors


Hill, Martyn, Townsend, Rosemary J., Harris, Nicholas R., White, Neil M., Beeby, Steve P. and Ding, Jiexiong (2005) An Ultrasonic MEMS Particle Separator with Thick Film Piezoelectric Actuation. In 2005 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, 18-21 Sep 2005, Rotterdam, Netherlands. IEEE. pp. 1160-1163 .

Harris, N.R., Hill, M., Beeby, S.P., Shen, Y., White, N.M., Hawkes, J.J. and Coakley, W.T. (2002) A silicon microfluidic ultrasonic separator. Eurosensors XVI, Prague, Czech Republic. 01 Jan 2002. pp. 846-849 .

Townsend, R.J., Hill, M., Harris, N.R., White, N.M., Wood, R.J.K. and Beeby, S.P. (2004) Fluid modelling of microfluid separator channels. Eurosensors XVIII, Rome, Italy. 31 Aug 2004. pp. 124-125 .

Harris, N.R., Torah, R.N., White, N. M., Hill, M. and Beeby, S.P. (2004) A PZT multilayer actuator for ultrasonic applications. 15th MicroMechanics Europe Workshop, , Leuven, Belgium. 04 - 06 Sep 2004. pp. 17-20 .

Harris, N.R., Hill, M., Townsend, R., White, N.M. and Beeby, S.P. (2005) Performance of a micro-engineered ultrasonic particle manipulator. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 111-112, 481-486. (doi:10.1016/j.snb.2005.03.036).

Harris, N. R., Hill, M., Torah, R., Townsend, R., Beeby, S. P., White, N. M. and Ding, J. (2005) A multilayer thick-film PZT actuator for MEMs applications. Eurosensors XIX, Barcelona, Spain. 01 Jan 2005.

Hill, M., Townsend, R.J., Harris, N.R., White, N.M., Beeby, S.P., McDonnell, M.B. and Cant, N. (2005) Particle concentration using a microfabricated ultrasonic resonator. WCU/UI'05: World Congress on Ultrasonics, Beijing, China. 27 - 31 Aug 2005. p. 48 .

Townsend, R.J., Hill, M., Harris, N.R., White, N.M. and Beeby, S.P. (2005) Numerical modelling of a microfluidic ultrasonic particle separator. NSTI Nanotechnology Conference & Trade Show, Anaheim, USA. 07 - 11 May 2005. pp. 194-197 .

Boltryk, P.J., Harris, C.J. and White, N.M. , Prosser, S. J., Yan, Y. and Lewis, E. (eds.) (2005) Intelligent sensors—a generic software approach. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 15 (1), 155 -160. (doi:10.1088/1742-6596/15/1/026).

Townsend, R.J., Hill, M., Harris, N.R. and White, N.M. (2006) Particle manipulation using acoustic radiation forces. Institute of Acoustics Spring Conference 2006, Southampton, UK. 02 - 03 Apr 2006. pp. 851-857 .

Glynne-Jones, Peter, Coletti, Michele, White, Neil M., Gabriel, Stephen and Bramanti, Cristina (2008) A feasibility study on using inkjet technology, micropumps, and MEMs as fuel injectors for bipropellant rocket engines. 44th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, Hartford, United States. 20 - 22 Jul 2008.

Li, Xiaohong, Koukharenko, Elena, Nandhakumar, Iris S., Tudor, John, Beeby, Steve P. and White, Neil M. (2009) High density p-type Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 nanowires by electrochemical templating through ion-track lithography. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 11 (18), 3584-3590. (doi:10.1039/B818040G).

Metcalf, Cheryl, Collie, Stewart, Cranny, Andrew, Hallett, Georgie, James, Christopher, Adams, Jo, Chappell, Paul, White, Neil and Burridge, Jane (2009) Fabric-based strain sensors for measuring movement in wearable telemonitoring applications. Assisted Living 2009, London, UK. 24 - 25 Mar 2009. pp. 1-4 .

Feng, Xian, Flanagan, Joanne C., Frampton, Ken E., Petropoulos, Periklis, Price, Jonathan H.V., White, Nicholas M., Loh, Wei H., Rutt, Harvey N. and Richardson, David J. (2008) Developing single-mode tellurite glass holey fiber for infrared nonlinear applications. 3rd International Conference Smart Materials Structures Systems (CIMTEC 2008), Acireale, Sicily. 07 - 12 Jun 2008.

Koukharenko, E., Tudor, M. J., Beeby, S. P., White, N. M., Li, X. and Nandhakumar, I. S. (2008) Micro and nanotechnologies for thermoelectric generators. Measurement and Control, 41 (5), 138-142.

Glynne-Jones, Peter, Coletti, M., White, N.M., Gabriel, S.B. and Bramanti, C. (2010) A feasibility study on using inkjet technology, micropumps, and MEMs as fuel injectors for bipropellant rocket engines. Acta Astronautica, 67 (1-2), 194-203. (doi:10.1016/j.actaastro.2010.01.027).

Koukharenko, Elena, Kuleshova, Jekaterina, Fowler, Marcel, Kok, Stephen L., Tudor, Michael J., Beeby, Stephen P., Nandhakumar, Iris and White, Neil M. (2010) Ion track nanolithography using thick cross-linked poly(methyl methacrylate) 950 photoresist. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 49 (6), 06GE07. (doi:10.1143/JJAP.49.06GE07).

Kuleshova, Jekaterina, Koukharenko, Elena, Li, Xiaohong, Frety, Nicole, Nandhakumar, Iris S., Tudor, John, Beeby, Steve P. and White, Neil M. (2010) Optimization of the electrodeposition process of high-performance bismuth antimony telluride compounds for thermoelectric applications. Langmuir, 26 (22), 16980-16985. (doi:10.1021/la101952y). (PMID:20923228)

Koukharenko, E., Li, X., Nandhakumar, I., Frety, N., Beeby, S.P., Cox, D., Tudor, M.J., Schiedt, B., Trautmann, C., Bertsch, A. and White, N.M. (2008) Towards a nanostructured thermoelectric generator using ion-track lithography. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 18 (10), 104015. (doi:10.1088/0960-1317/18/10/104015).

Chambers, P., Grabham, N.J., Swabey, M.A., Lutman, M.E., White, N.M., Chad, J.E. and Beeby, S.P. (2011) A comparison of verification in the temporal and cepstrum-transformed domains of transient evoked otoacoustic emissions for biometric identification. International Journal of Biometrics, 3 (3), 246-264. (doi:10.1504/IJBM.2011.040818).

Brignell, J E and White, N M (1999) Sensors in Adaptronics. Janocha, H (ed.) In Adaptronics and Smart Structures. Springer. pp. 241-254 .

Koch, M, Harris, N, Evans, A G R, White, N M and Brunnschweiler, A (1998) A novel micromachined pump based on thick-film piezoelectric actuation. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, A70, 98-103.

Yasin, SMT Almodarresi and White, NM (1999) Application of artificial neural networks to intelligent weighing systems. IEE Proceedings - Science, Measurement and Technology, 146 (6), 1-6.

Papakostas, T and White, NM (1999) Polymer thick-film sensors and their applications. Proceedings of Sensors and their Applications X. pp. 125-30 .

Beeby, SP and White, NM (1999) Thick-film printed PZT actuator and polymer masking layers for micromachined silicon devices. Proceedings of Sensors and their Applications X. pp. 131-136 .

Yasin, SMT Almodarresi and White, NM (1999) Using artificial neural networks to determine the impulse response of sensors. Proceedings of Sensors and their Applications X. pp. 131-136 .

Beeby, SP, Stuttle, M, Papakostas, T and White, NM (1999) A low-cost micromachined silicon capacitive pressure sensor for industrial applications. Proceedings of Sensors and their Applications X. pp. 131-136 .

Beeby, SP, Blackburn, A and White, NM (1999) Silicon micromachining processes combined with thick-film printed PZT actuators for MicroElectroMechanical systems. Materials Letters, 40, 187-91.

Beeby, SP, Blackburn, A and White, NM (1999) Processing of PZT piezoelectric thick-films on silicon for microelectromechanical systems. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 9 (3), 218-29.

Papakostas, T, Harris, NR, Beeby, SP and White, NM (1998) Piezoelectric thick-film polymer pastes. White, NM (ed.) Eurosensors XII. pp. 461-64 .

Harris, NR and White, NM (1998) Practical properties of a thick-film elastic wave sensor structure. White, NM (ed.) Eurosensors XII. pp. 461-64 .

Dargie, PG, Harris, NR, Atkinson, JK and White, NM (1997) Formulation of a screen printable piezoelectric thick-film. Augousti, AT and White, NM (eds.) Sensors and their Applications VII. pp. 201-206 .

Scivier, PK, White, NM, Brignell, JE, Gardner, JW and Vidic, M (1997) Pulsed current analogue CMOS ASIC for excitation of polymer-based gas sensors. Proceedings of Eurosensors XI, , Warsaw, Poland. 20 - 23 Sep 1997.

Harris, NR and White, NM (1997) Hybrid delay line sensors. Augousti, AT and White, NM (eds.) Sensors and their Applications VII. pp. 201-206 .

Taner, A.H. and White, N.M. (1996) Virtual instrumentation: a solution to the problem of design complexity in intelligent instrumentation. Measurement and Control, 29 (6), 166-171. (doi:10.1177/002029409602900602).

Brignell, JE and White, NM (1996) Intelligent Sensor Systems: 2nd (Sensors), Institute of Physics Publishing

White, NM (1994) Thick-film technology. Prudenziati, M (ed.) In Thick-film Sensors.

White, NM and Augousti, AT (1999) Sensors and their Applications X. White, NM and Augousti, AT (eds.)

White, NM and Brignell, JE (1991) A planar, thick-film load cell. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 37-38 (1/3), 313-319. (doi:10.1016/0924-4247(91)87010-Z).

Holford, KM, Bakopoulos, CP and White, NM (1990) The development of a high pressure, thick-film sensor. Proceedings of I Mech E Mechatronics Conference. pp. 47-59 .

Shi, WJ, White, NM and Brignell, JE (1993) Adaptive filters in load cell response correction. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 37-38, 280-85.

White, NM and Ko, VTK (1993) Thick-film acoustic wave sensor structure. Electronics Letters, 29 (20), 1807-08.

White, NM and Leach, GR (1995) Fabrication of a thick-film force sensor employing an ultrasonic oscillator. IEE Proceedings - Science, Measurement and Technology, 142 (3), 249-54.

White, NM and Brignell, JE (1995) Excitation of thick-film resonant sensor structures. IEE Proceedings - Science, Measurement and Technology, 142 (3), 244-48.

Beeby, SP, Ross, JN and White, NM (1999) A novel thick-film PZT/micromachined silicon accelerometer. Electronics Letters, 25 (23), 2060-62.

Papakostas, T and White, NM (2000) Screen printable polymer piezoelectrics. Sensor Review, 20 (2), 135-138.

Grabham, NJ, White, NM and Beeby, SP (2000) Thick-film magnetostrictive material for MEMS. Electronics Letters, 36 (4), 332-334.

Beeby, S.P., Ensell, G., Lambert, R.A. and White, N.M. (2000) Plucked excitation of micromachined silicon resonators. Electronics Letters, 36 (13), 1119-1120. (doi:10.1049/el:20000788).

Papakostas, T. V. and White, N. M. (2000) Influence of substrate on the gauge factor of polymer thick-film resistors.

Papakostas, T. V. and White, N. M. (2000) The effect of blending polymer thick-film resistors with elastomers on the force sensitivity of the films. Eurosensors XIV - Copenhagen. pp. 531-534 .

Papakostas, T. V. and White, N. M. (2000) Investigating polymer thick-films on silicon for the implementation of hybrid microsystems. IMAPS 2000 - Boston (33rd International Symposium on Microelectronics). pp. 432-437 .

Glynne-Jones, P., Dargie, P., Beeby, S.P., Papakostas, T. and White, N.M. (2000) An investigation into the effect of modified firing profiles on the piezoelectric properties of thick-film PZT layers on silicon Southampton, GB. University of Southampton

Beeby, SP, Ross, JN and White, NM (2000) Design and fabrication of a micromachined silicon accelerometer with thick-film printed PZT sensors. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 10 (3), 322-9.

Beeby, S.P., Stuttle, M. and White, N.M. (2000) Design and fabrication of a low-cost microengineered silicon pressure sensor with linearised output. IEE Proceedings - Science, Measurement and Technology, 147 (3), 127-130. (doi:10.1049/ip-smt:20000355).

El-hami, M, Jones, P Glynne, Beeby, S P and White, N M (2000) Design analysis of a self-powered micro-renewable power supply. In Proceedings of ICEM 2000. ICEM. pp. 1466-1470 .

Beeby, SP, White, NM and Grabham, N J (2000) Combined thick-film PZT/micromachined silicon accelerometer with self-test. pp. 577-580 .

El-hami, M., Glynne-Jones, P., James, E., Beeby, S.P., White, N.M., Brown, A.D. and Hill, M. (2000) A new approach towards the design of a vibration-based microelectromechanical generator. In Proceedings of The 14th European Conference on Solid State Transducers (Eurosensors 2000). Eurosensors 2000. pp. 483-486 .

Beeby, SP and White, NM (2001) Silicon micromechanical resonator with thick-film printed vibration excitation and detection mechanisms. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical.

Harris, N R, Beeby, S P, White, N M, Koch, M and Evans, A G R (1998) Thick-film printing of PZT onto silicon for micromechanical applications. Proc. Micromechanics Europe (MME '98). pp. 78-81 .

Beeby, S P and White, N M (2000) Micromachined silicon sensors at USITT : capacitive pressure sensor, resonant strain gauge and combined silicon/thick-film accelerometer. Proc. Int. Conf. in Sensors and Transducers (MTEC 2000).

Beeby, S. P., White, N. M. and Ensell, G. (2000) Silicon resonant strain gauges fabricated using SOI wafers. Demonstrated Micromachining Technologies for Industry, Birmingham, United Kingdom. 2/1-4 .

Beeby, S P, Ross, J N and White, N M (2000) Combined thick-film PZT/micromachined silicon accelerometer. pp. 105-112 .

Beeby, S P, Ensell, G and White, N M (2001) Micro-engineered silicon double ended tuning fork resonators. IEE Engineering, Science and Education.

Beeby, S P and White, N M (2000) Thick-film PZT-silicon micromechanical resonator. Electronics Letters, 36 (19), 1661-62.

James, EP, Glynne-Jones, P, El-hami, M, Beeby, SP, Ross, JN and White, NM (2001) Planar Signal Extraction Techniques for a Self-Powered Micro-System.

Henderson, Neil J., Papakostas, Thomas V., White, Neil M. and Hartel, Pieter H. (2001) Polymer thick-film sensors: possibilities for smartcard biometrics. Grattan, K. T. V. and Khan, S. H. (eds.) Sensors and their applications XI. pp. 83-8 .

Henderson, Neil J., White, Neil M. and Hartel, Pieter H. (2001) iButton Enrolment and Verification Requirements For The Pressure Sequence Smartcard Biometric. Attali, Isabelle and Jensen, Thomas (eds.) Smart Card Programming and Security. pp. 124-34 .

Beeby, S P, Grabham, N J and White, N M (2001) Micromachined accelerometer with microprocessor controlled self-test procedure. Sensor Review, 21 (1), 33-37.

James, E P, Jones, P Glynne, El-hami, M, Beeby, S P, Ross, J N and White, N M (2001) Planar signal extraction techniques for a self powered microsystem. Measurement and Control, 34 (2), 37-39.

Beeby, S P, Grabham, N J and White, N M (2001) Microprocessor implemented self validation of thick-film PZT/Silicon accelerometer. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 92, 168-174. (doi:10.1016/S0924-4247(01)00559-3).

El-hami, M., Glynne-Jones, P., White, N.M., Beeby, S., James, E., Brown, A.D. and Hill, M (2001) Design and fabrication of a new vibration-based electromechanical generator. [in special issue: Selected Papers for Eurosensors XIV] Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 92 (1-3), 335-342. (doi:10.1016/S0924-4247(01)00569-6).

Glynne-Jones, P., Beeby, S.P., James, E.P. and White, N.M. (2001) The modelling of a piezoelectric vibration powered generator for microsystems. Obermeier, E. (ed.) In Transducers ’01 Eurosensors XV. Springer. pp. 46-49 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-642-59497-7_10).

Glynne-Jones, P., Beeby, S.P. and White, N.M. (2001) A method to determine the aging rate of thick-film PZT layers. Measurement Science and Technology, 12 (6), 663-670. (doi:10.1088/0957-0233/12/6/302).

White, N M, Glynne-Jones, Peter and Beeby, S P (2001) A novel thick-film piezoelectric micro-generator. Smart Materials and Structures, 10 (4), 850-852. (doi:10.1088/0964-1726/10/4/403).

Grabham, NJ, Beeby, SP and White, NM (2002) The formulation and processing of a thick-film magnetostrictive material. Measurement Science and Technology, 13 (1), 59-64.

Grabham, NJ and White, NM (2001) Development of a Magnetostrictive Thick-Film Material for MEMS Applications. Proceedings of Sensors and their Applications XI. pp. 297-301 .

Glynne-Jones, P., Beeby, S.P. and White, N.M. (2001) Towards a piezoelectric vibration-powered microgenerator. IEE Proceedings - Science, Measurement and Technology, 148 (2), 68-72. (doi:10.1049/ip-smt:20010323).

Glynne-Jones, P. and White, N.M. (2001) Self-powered systems: a review of energy sources. Sensor Review, 21 (2), 91-98. (doi:10.1108/02602280110388252).

White, NM, PGlynne-Jones, None, Beeby, SP, Tudor, MJ and Hill, M (2001) Design and modelling of a vibration-powered microgenerator. Measurement and Control, 34 (9), 267-71.

Henderson, NJ, White, NM, Hartel, P, Veldhuis, R and Slump, K (2002) Sensing pressure for authentication. SO1-4 .

Henderson, NJ, White, NM, Papakostas, TV and Hartel, PH (2002) Low-cost planar PTF sensors for the identity verification of smartcard holders.

Grabham, N.J., Beeby, S.P. and White, N.M. (2002) Development of a Magnetostrictive Thick-Film Material for MEMS Devices. Proceedings of Eurosensors XVI.

James, EP, Glynne-Jones, P, El-Hami, M, Ross, JN and White, NM (2001) A planar interface for wireless micro-systems.

James, EP, Glynne-Jones, P, El-Hami, M, Beeby, SP, Ross, JN and White, NM (2001) Review article: Planar Signal Extraction Techniques for a Self-Powered Micro-System: Volume 21 No.3. pp. 190-191 .

James, EP, Tudor, MJ, Beeby, SP, Harris, NR, Glynne-Jones, P, Ross, JN and White, NM (2002) A Wireless Self-Powered Micro-System for Condition Monitoring.

Torah, R. N., Beeby, S. P. and White, N. M. (2002) Influence of milling process and powder preparation on the d33 coefficient of thick-film piezoelectric layers. Proc. Ferroelectrics UK 2002. p. 58 .

Harris, N R, Beeby, S and White, N M (2002) A Silicon Microfluidic Ultrasonic Separator.

Hill, M, Harris, N, Townsend, R, Beeby, S, White, N, Shen, Y, Coakley, W and Hawkes, J (2002) A Microfluidic Device for Ultrasonic Separation. Forum Acusticum - 3rd EAA European Congress on Acoustics, Sevilla, Spain. 15 - 19 Sep 2002. 6 pp .

Beeby, SP, Ensell, G, Tudor, MJ, White, NM and Baker, BR (2000) Micromachined silicon resonant strain gauges fabricated using SOI wafer technology. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 9 (1), 104-111.

Jones, P Glynne, Tudor, MJ, Beeby, SP and White, NM (2002) An electromagnetic vibration powered generator for intelligent sensor systems.

Dyakowski, T., Hale, J., Jaworski, A., White, N. M., Harris, N. and Nowakowski, A. (2003) Characterisation of heterogeneous mixtures by using thick-film ultrasonic transducers. 3rd World Congress in Industrial Process Tomography, Alberta, Canada. 01 - 04 Sep 2003.

Torah, Russel N, Beeby, Stephen P and White, Neil M (2002) A study of the effect of powder preparation and milling process on the piezoelectric properties of thick-film PZT. Saneistr, J and Ripka, Pavel (eds.) EUROSENSORS XVI, Prague, Czech Republic. 14 - 17 Sep 2002. pp. 93-94 .

Cranny, A, Chappell, P H, Beeby, S P and White, N M (2003) Improving the functionality of a prosthetic hand through the use of thick film force sensors. EuroSensors 17, University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal. 20 - 23 Sep 2003. pp. 795-798 .

Harris, N.R., Hill, M., Beeby, S., Shen, Y., White, N.M., Hawkes, J.J. and Coakley, W.T. (2003) A silicon microfluidic ultrasonic separator. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 95 (1-3), 425-434. (doi:10.1016/S0925-4005(03)00448-9).

Harris, N, White, N, Townsend, R and Hill, M (2003) Modelling of Particle Paths passing through an Ultrasonic standing wave. Ultrasonics International 30 June – 3 July 2003 Granada, Spain, Granada, Spain. 29 Jun - 02 Jul 2003.

Harris, N, White, N, Beeby, S, Shen, Y and Hill, M (2003) A Dual Frequency, ultrasonic, microengineered particle manipulator. Ultrasonics International, Granada, Spain. 29 Jun - 02 Jul 2003.

Hill, M, Harris, N, Beeby, S and Townsend, R (2003) Separation of particles from a fluid using a microfabricated, ultrasonic device. 5th World Congress on Ultrasound, Paris. 06 - 09 Sep 2003.

Dyakowski, T, Harris, N, White, N, Hale, J and Jaworski, A (2003) A Sensor System for Oil-Water Separators: Materials Considerations. Sensors and their Applications XII, Limerick. 01 - 03 Sep 2003. pp. 71-76 .

Torah, Russel N., Beeby, Stephen P. and White, Neil M. , French, Paddy (ed.) (2004) Improving the piezoelectric properties of thick-film PZT: the influence of paste composition, powder milling process and electrode material. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 110 (Issues), 378-384. (doi:10.1016/j.sna.2003.09.027).

Grabham, Neil J., Beeby, Steve P. and White, Neil M. (2004) Effects of the binder material on the mechanical properties of thick-film magnetostrictive materials. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 110 (1-3), 365-370. (doi:10.1016/j.sna.2003.09.005).

Glynne-Jones, P, Tudor, MJ, Beeby, SP and White, NM , French, Paddy (ed.) (2004) An electromagnetic, vibration-powered generator for intelligent sensor systems. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 110 (1-3), 344-349.

Aoyagi, M, Beeby, SP and White, NM (2002) A novel multi-degree-of-freedom thick-film ultrasonic motor. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 49 (2), 151-8.

Grabham, Neil, Beeby, Steve and White, Neil (2003) Evaluation of glass frit binder materials for use in thick-film magnetostrictive actuators. Prosser, S.J. and Lewis, E. (eds.) Sensors and their Applications XII, Limerick. 01 - 03 Sep 2003. pp. 63-69 .

Harris, N.R., Hill, M., Shen, Y., Townsend, R., Beeby, S.P. and White, N.M. (2004) A dual frequency, ultrasonic, microengineered particle manipulator. Ultrasonics, 42 (1-9), 139-144. (doi:10.1016/j.ultras.2004.01.056).

Townsend, R.J., Hill, M., Harris, N.R. and White, N.M. (2004) Modelling of particle paths passing through an ultrasonic standing wave. Ultrasonics, 42 (1-9), 319-324. (doi:10.1016/j.ultras.2004.01.025).

Yan, T, Jones, B E, Rakowski, R T, Beeby, S P, Tudor, M J and White, N M (2003) Thick-film PZT-metallic triple beam resonator. Electronics Letters, 39 (13), 982-983.

Yan, T., Jones, B., Rakowski, R., Tudor, M., Beeby, S. and White, N. (2003) Metallic triple-beam resonant force sensor with thick-film printed piezoelectric vibration excitation and detection mechanisms. In, Prosser, S.J. and Lewis, E. (eds.) Sensors and Their Applications XII. (Series in Sensors) Sensors and their Applications (01/09/03 - 03/09/03) Bristol, GB. Institute of Physics Publishing, pp. 77-82.

Yan, T, Jones, B, Rakowski, R, Tudor, M, Beeby, S and White, N (2003) Metallic Triple Beam Resonator with Thick-film Printed Drive and Pickup. The 17th European Conference on Solid State Transducers (Eurosensors XVII), , Guimaraes, Portugal. pp. 10-13 .

Torah, R N, Beeby, S P and White, N M (2003) A study of powder size combinations for improving piezoelectric properties of PZT thick-film devices. The 17th European Conference on Solid State Transducers (Eurosensors XVII), , Guimaraes, Portugal. pp. 610-613 .

Torah, R N, Beeby, S P and White, N M (2004) Experimental investigation into the effect of substrate clamping on the piezoelectric behaviour of thick-film PZT elements. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 37, 1074-1078.

Beeby, Stephen, Ensell, Graham, Kraft, Michael and White, Neil (2004) MEMS Mechanical Sensors (Microelectromechanical systems series), Artech House, Inc

Jafaripanah, Mehdi, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and White, Neil M. (2004) Design Consideration and Implementation of Analog Adaptive Filters for Sensor Response Correction. 12th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2004), Mashhad, Iran, Islamic Republic of. 10 - 12 May 2004. pp. 109-114 .

Jafaripanah, Mehdi, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and White, Neil M. (2003) Load Cell Response Correction Using Analog Adaptive Techniques. 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS2003), Bangkok, Thailand. 24 - 27 May 2003. IV-752-IV-755 .

Cranny, Andy and White, Neil M (1987) Design and fabrication of thick film sensors. Hybrid Circuits, 12, 32-35.

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White, Neil M and Cranny, Andy (1986) Design and fabrication of thick film sensors (Proceedings of the International Measurement Conference: Test + Transducer, 3), vol. 3, Trident

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Atkinson, John K, Cranny, Andy, Fraigi, Lilliana B and White, Neil M (1989) Thick film sensors: characterisation and application. Transducers '89, Montreux, Switzerland.

White, NM and Al-Modaressi Yasin, SMT (2004) Calendar conversion for real-time systems. Advances in Engineering Software, 35 (8-9), 511-516.

Jafaripanah, Mehdi, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and White, Neil M. (2005) Adaptive Sensor Response Correction Using Analog Filter Compatible with Digital Technology. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ( ISCAS 2005), Kobe, Japan. 22 - 25 May 2005.

Cotton, D P J, Cranny, A, White, N M, Chappell, P H and Beeby, S P (2004) Design and development of integrated thick-film sensors for prosthetic hands. 7th Biennial ASME Conference Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, Manchester, United Kingdom. 18 - 21 Jul 2004. pp. 1-17 .

Cranny, A, Cotton, D P J, Chappell, P H, Beeby, S P and White, N M (2005) Thick-film force, slip and temperature sensors for a prosthetic hand. Measurement Science and Technology, 16, 931-941.

Cranny, A, Cotton, D P J, Chappell, P H and White, N M (2004) Thick film force and slip sensors for a prosthetic hand. EuroSensors 18, Rome. 11 - 14 Sep 2004.

Jafaripanah, Mehdi, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and White, Neil M. (2005) Application of Analog Adaptive Filters for Dynamic Sensor Compensation. IEEE Transaction On Instrumentation and Measurement, 54 (1), 245-251.

Jafaripanah, Mehdi, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and White, Neil M. (2005) Dynamic Sensor Compensation Using Analogue Adaptive Filter Compatible with Digital Technology. IEEE Proceedings on Circuits, Devices and Systems.

Dorey, R, Whatmore, R, Beeby, S P, Torah, R and White, N (2003) Screen Printed PZT Thick Films Using Composite Film Technology. Integrated Ferroelectrics, 54, 651-658.

Dorey, R, Whatmore, R, Beeby, S, Torah, R and White, N (2004) Screen Printed PZT Composite Thick Films. Integrated Ferroelectrics, 63, 89-92.

Harris, N.R., Hill, M., White, N.M. and Beeby, S.P. (2004) Acoustic power output measurements for thick-film PZT transducers. Electronics Letters, 40 (10), 636-637. (doi:10.1049/el:20040428).

Yan, T, Jones, B E, Rakowski, R T, Tudor, M J, Beeby, S P and White, N M (2004) Development of metallic digital strain gauges. Measurement and Control, 37 (7), 214-216. (doi:10.1177/002029400403700705).

Yan, T, Jones, B E, Rakowski, R T, Tudor, M J, Beeby, S P and White, N M (2004) Stiff Load Cell With High Overload Capability and Direct Frequency Output. 18th European Conference on Solid-State Sensors (Eurosensors 2004), Rome. pp. 442-443 .

Harris, N R, Hill, M, Townsend, R, White, N M and Beeby, S P (2004) Performance of a micro-engineered ultrasonic particle manipulator. 18th European Conference on Solid-State Sensors (Eurosensors 2004), Rome. pp. 203-204 .

Beeby, S P, Tudor, M J, Koukharenko, E, White, N M, O'Donnell, T, Saha, C, Kulkarni, S and Roy, S (2004) Micromachined silicon Generator for Harvesting Power from Vibrations. The 4th International Workshop on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications (PowerMEMS 2004), Kyoto, Japan. pp. 104-107 .

Jaworski, Artur, Meng, Guangtian, Dyakowski, Tom, Hale, Jack and White, Neil (2005) Design and testing of a thick-film dual-modality sensor for composition measurements in heterogeneous mixtures. Measurement Science and Technology, 16, 942-954. (doi:10.1088/0957-0233/16/4/006).

Merrett, Geoff, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M., White, Neil M. and Harris, Nick R. (2005) Information Managed Wireless Sensor Networks with Energy Aware Nodes. 2005 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show (NanoTech 2005), Anaheim, California. 07 - 11 May 2005. pp. 367-370 .

Boltryk, P.J., Harris, C.J. and White, N.M. (2005) An Algorithmic Approach to the Optimal Extraction of Signals from Intelligent Sensors. 2005 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference & Trade Show, Anaheim, USA. 07 - 11 May 2005.

Dyakowski, Tom, Hale, Jack, Jaworski, Artur, White, Neil, Nowakowski, Andrew, Meng, G and Rwifa, S (2005) Dual-Modality Probe for Characterization of Heterogeneous Mixtures. IEEE Sensors Journal, 5 (2), 134-138.

Merrett, Geoff V., Al-Hashimi, Bashir M., White, Neil M. and Harris, Nick R. (2005) Resource Aware Sensor Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensors & their Applications XIII, Chatham Maritime, Kent. 05 - 07 Sep 2005. pp. 137-142 .

Torah, R., Beeby, S.P. and White, N.M. (2005) An improved thick-film piezoelectric material by powder blending and enhanced processing parameters. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 52 (1), 10-16.

Beeby, S P, Tudor, M J, Koukharenko, E, White, N M, O'Donnell, T, Saha, C, Kulkarni, S and Roy, S (2005) Design and performance of a microelectromagnetic vibration-powered generator. The 13th Internation Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, Seoul, Korea. pp. 780-783 .

Beeby, S P, Tudor, M J, Koukharenko, E, White, N M, O'Donnell, T, Saha, C, Kulkarni, S and Roy, S (2005) Design, fabrication and simulations of microelectromagnetic vibration powered generator for low power MEMS. Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS, Montreux, Switzerland. pp. 374-379 .

Cranny, A, Cotton, DPJ, Chappell, PH, Beeby, SP and White, NM , French, PJ (ed.) (2005) Thick-film force and slip sensors for a prosthetic hand. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 123-12, 162-171.

Cranny, A, Cotton, DPJ, Chappell, PH and White, NM (2005) The use of design software in biomechanical engineering; the design of a force sensitive, single degree of freedom digit for a myoelectric prosthetic hand. Ainslie, G and Dennis, JL (eds.) Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine, Annual Scientific Meeting 2005, Glasgow. 06 - 08 Sep 2005. p. 31 .

Frood, A.J.M., Beeby, S.P., Tudor, M.J. and White, N.M. (2005) Improved registration technique for fabricating thick-film piezoelectric sensors. Eurosensors XIX, , Barcelona, Spain. 10 - 13 Sep 2005.

Harris, NR, Hill, M, Townsend, R, White, NM and Beeby, SP (2005) Performance of a Microengineered ultrasonic particle manipulator. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, (111), 481-486.

Townsend, R.J., Hill, M., Harris, N.R., White, N.M., Beeby, S.P. and Wood, R.J.K (2005) Fluid modelling of microfluidic separator channels. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 111-112, 455-462. (doi:10.1016/j.snb.2005.03.035).

Harris, NR, Hill, M, Torah, R, Townsend, R, Beeby, SP, White, NM and Ding, J (2005) A Multilayer Thick-film PZT Actuator for MEMs Applications. Eurosensors XIX, , Barcelona, Spain. 10 - 13 Sep 2005.

Harris, NR, Torah, RN, White, NM, Hill, M and Beeby, SP (2004) A PZT Multilayer Thick_film Actuator for Ultrasonic Applications. MME 2004, Leuven.

Jafaipanah, Mehdi, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and White, Neil (2005) Dynamic sensor compensation using adaptive filter compatible with digital technology. IEEE Proceedings on Circuits, Devices and Systems, 152 (6), 745-751.

Cotton, D.P.J., Cranny, A., Chappell, P.H., White, N.M. and Beeby, S.P. (2005) Thick-film piezoceramic “slip sensors” for a multifunctional prosthetic hand. MEC’ 05 Integrating Prosthetics and Medicine, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada. 17 - 19 Aug 2005.

Hamidon, MN, Skarda, V, White, NM, Krispel, F, Krempl, P, Binhack, M and Buff, W (2005) Fabrication of high temperature surface acoustic wave devices for sensor applications. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 123-124, 403-407.

Meng, Guantiang, Jaworski, Artur and White, Neil (2006) Composition measurements of crude oil and process water emulsions using thick-film ultrasonic transducers. Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification, 45 (5), 383-391.

Merrett, G. V., Harris, N. R., Al-Hashimi, B. M. and White, N. M. (2006) Rule Managed Reporting in Energy Controlled Wireless Sensor Networks. Eurosensors XX, Gothenburg, Sweden. 16 - 19 Sep 2006. pp. 402-403 .

Merrett, Geoff V., Weddell, Alex S., Harris, Nick R., White, Neil M. and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2006) The Unified Framework for Sensor Networks: A Systems Approach University of Southampton

Grabham, Neil, Torah, Russel, Beeby, Steve, Harris, Nick and White, Neil (2006) Thick-Film Actuation Technologies For MEMS Applications. 17th MicroMechanics Workshop Europe (MME06), Southampton, UK, United Kingdom. 02 - 04 Sep 2006. pp. 61-64 .

Merrett, Geoff V., Harris, Nick R., Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and White, Neil M. (2006) Energy Controlled Reporting for Industrial Monitoring Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Sensors 2006, Daegu, Korea. 21 - 24 Oct 2006. pp. 892-895 .

Harris, N.R., Hill, M., Torah, R., Townsend, R., Beeby, S., White, Neil and Ding, J. (2006) A multilayer thick-film PZT actuator for MEMs applications. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 132 (1), 311-316. (doi:10.1016/j.sna.2006.06.006).

Hale, Jack, White, Neil, Jaworski, Artur, Meng, Guan and Dyakowski, Tom (2006) The design of a modular probe incorporating thick-film sensors for detecting phase interfaces in oil well primary separator plant. Experimental Techniques, 30 (6), 37-43.

Hamidon, MN, Skarda, V, White, NM, Krispel, F, Krempl, P, Binhack, M and Buff, W (2006) High-temperature 434 MHz surface acoustic wave devices based on GaPO4. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 53 (12), 2465-2470.

Cotton, DPJ, Cranny, A, White, NM, Chappell, PH and Beeby, SP (2007) A novel thick-film piezoelectric slip sensor for a prosthetic hand. IEEE Sensors Journal: Special Issue on Intelligent Sensors, 7 (5), 752-761. (doi:10.1109/JSEN.2007.894912).

Cotton, DPJC, Cranny, A, Chappell, PH, White, NM and Beeby, SP (2006) Control strategies for a multiple degree of freedom prosthetic hand. UKACC Control 2006 Mini Symposia, Glasgow. pp. 213-218 .

Townsend, R.J., Hill, M., Harris, N.R. and White, N.M. (2006) Investigation of two-dimensional acoustic resonant modes in a particle separator. Ultrasonics, 44 (Supple), e467-e471. (doi:10.1016/j.ultras.2006.05.025).

Chorti, Arsenia, Karatzas, Dimosthenis, White, Neil M. and Harris, Chris J. (2006) Use of the Extended Kalman Filter for State Dependent Drift Estimation in Weakly Nonlinear Sensors. Sensor Letters, 4 (4), 377-379.

Chorti, Arsenia, Karatzas, Dimosthenis, White, Neil M. and Harris, Chris J. (2006) Intelligent Sensors in Software: The Use of Parametric Models for Phase Noise Analysis. 4th International Conference on Intelligent Sensing and Information Processing (ICISIP2006), Bangalore, India. 15 - 18 Dec 2006. pp. 191-196 .

Karatzas, Dimosthenis, Chorti, Arsenia, White, Neil M. and Harris, Chris J. (2007) Teaching old sensors New tricks: archetypes of intelligence. IEEE Sensors Journal.

Chappell, Paul H, Cranny, Andy, Cotton, Darryl P J, White, Neil M and Beeby, Steve P (2007) Sensory motor systems of artificial and natural hands. International Journal of Surgery, 5, 436-440.

Cotton, D.P.J., Cranny, A., Chappell, P.H., White, N.M. and Beeby, S.P. (2007) Control strategies for a multiple degree of freedom prosthetic hand. Measurement and Control, 40 (1), 24-27. (doi:10.1177/002029400704000108).

Beeby, SP, Tudor, MJ and White, NM (2006) Energy harvesting vibration sources for microsystems applications. Measurement Science and Technology, 17 (12), R175-R195.

Koukarenko, E, Beeby, S, Tudor, M, White, N, O’Donnell, T, Saha, T, Kulkani, S and Roy, S (2006) Microelectromechanical systems vibration powered electromagnetic generator for wireless sensor applications. Microsystem Technologies, 12 (11), 1071-1077.

Frood, A. J. M., Beeby, S. P., Tudor, M. J. and White, N. M. (2007) Photoresist patterned thick-film piezoelectric elements on silicon. Journal of Electroceramics, 19 (4), 327-331. (doi:10.1007/s10832-007-9049-y).

Torah, R, Beeby, S, Tudor, M and White, N (2007) Thick-film Piezoceramics and Devices. Journal of Electroceramics. (doi:10.1007/s10832-007-9040-7).

Yan, T, Jones, B, Rakowski, R, Tudor, M, Beeby, S and White, N (2005) Stiff Torque Transducer with High Overload Capability and Direct Frequency Output. 19th International Conference on Force, Egypt.

Yan, T, Jones, B, Rakowski, R, Tudor, M, Beeby, S and White, N (2004) Development of Metallic Digital Strain Gauges. International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics.

Yan, T, Jones, B, Rakowski, R, Tudor, M, Beeby, S and White, N (2003) Applications of metallic digital strain gauges for load and torque measurement. Institute of Materials Conference on line measurement for quality in the metals industries, London.

Yan, T., Jones, B., Astrup, J., Rakowski, R., Tudor, M., Beeby, S. and White, N. (2004) Design and characterisation of a stiff load cell with high overload capability and direct frequency output. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical.

Beeby, S, Torah, R, Tudor, M, Grabham, N and White, N (2004) Thick film piezoelectric materials for high temperature applications. Ferroelectrics.

Yan, T, Jones, B, Rakowski, R, Tudor, M, Beeby, S and White, N (2004) Design and fabrication of thick film PZT-metallic triple beam resonators,. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical.

Cotton, D.P.J., Chappell, P.H., Cranny, A and White, N.M. (2007) A new binderless thick-film piezoelectric paste. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 18 (10), 1037-1044.

Yan, T, Jones, B, Rakowski, R, Tudor, M, Beeby, S and White, N (2005) Metallic strain gauges with high overload capability. Sensor Review.

Yan, T, Jones, B, Rakowski, R, Tudor, M, Beeby, S and White, N (2004) Development of Metallic Digital Strain Gauges. In, Lucas, B (ed.) Advances in Experimental Mechanics. Trans Tech.

Tudor, M, Beeby, S, Harris, N and White, N (2004) Microgenerator (multiple vibration)(Patent).

Tudor, M, Beeby, S, Harris, N and White, N (2004) Microgenerator (wafers)(Patent).

Glynne-Jones, P, Tudor, M, Beeby, S, Harris, N and White, N (2003) An electromagnetic device for converting mechanical vibrational energy into electrical energy (Patent).

Jones, B, White, N, Tudor, M and Beeby, S (2003) Resonant Sensor Assembly (Patent).

Beeby, S, Glynne-Jones, P, James, E, Tudor, M and White, N (2002) Kinetic Energy Harvesting for Wireless Sensor Systems. IEE Wheatstone Measurement Event, London.

Cotton, D. P. J., Cranny, A, White, N. M. and Chappell, P. H. (2007) Slip sensors for a prosthetic hand. Creating the Future: Postgraduate Research Showcase, Southampton., United Kingdom. p. 46 .

Cotton, D. P. J., Cranny, A., White, N. M. and Chappell, P. H. (2007) A thick-film piezoelectric slip sensor for a prosthetic hand. Cotton, D. P. J. and Metcalf, C. D. (eds.) 3rd Life Science Interface Conference, Southampton, United Kingdom. 15 Mar 2007. p. 6 .

Cotton, D. P. J., Cranny, A., Chappell, P. H., White, N. M. and Beeby, S. P. (2005) Fingertip force, slip and temperature sensors for prosthetic hands. International Society of Prosthetics and Orthotics (ISPO) Trent Prosthetic Symposium, Nottingham, United Kingdom. 22 - 24 May 2005.

Cotton, D.P.J., Cranny, A, Chappell, P.H. and White, N.M. (2007) Thick-film piezoelectric slip sensors for automatic grip control in prosthetic hands. 12th World Congress of the International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics, Vancouver, BC, Canada. 28 Jul - 02 Aug 2007. p. 313 .

Mathioudakis, I, Harris, NR and White, NM (2007) Wireless Sensor Networks:Applications utilizing Satellite links. The 18th Annual IEEE International Symposium an Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC'07), Athens. 02 - 06 Sep 2007.

Merrett, Geoff V., Harris, Nick R., Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and White, Neil M. (2008) Energy managed reporting for wireless sensor networks. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 142 (1), 379-389. (doi:10.1016/j.sna.2007.04.040).

Weddell, Alex S., Harris, Nick R. and White, Neil M. (2008) Alternative Energy Sources for Sensor Nodes: Rationalized Design for Long-Term Deployment. International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. 11 - 14 May 2008. pp. 1370-1375 . (Submitted)

Barbosa, Pedro Nuno, White, Neil and Harris, Nick (2008) Wireless Sensor Network for Localized Maritime Monitoring. Advanced Information Networking and Applications - Workshops, 2008. AINAW 2008. 22nd International Conference on, Gino-wan, Okinawa, Japan. 25 - 28 Mar 2008.

Merrett, Geoff V., Weddell, Alexander S., Lewis, Adam P., Harris, Nick R., Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. and White, Neil M. (2008) An Empirical Energy Model for Supercapacitor Powered Wireless Sensor Nodes. 17th International IEEE Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, St Thomas, Virgin Islands (), United States. 02 - 06 Aug 2008.

Merrett, Geoff V, Weddell, Alex S., Harris, Nick R, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M and White, Neil M (2008) A Structured Hardware/Software Architecture for Embedded Sensor Nodes. 17th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, St Thomas, Virgin Islands (), United States. 02 - 06 Aug 2008.

Kok, S. L., White, N. M. and Harris, N. R. (2008) Thick-film Piezoceramic Microgenerators. Measurement + Control, 41 (4), 120-125.

Kok, S. L., White, N. M. and Harris, N. R. (2008) Free-standing thick-film piezoelectric device. Electronics Letters, 44 (4), 280-281.

Weddell, Alex S., Grabham, Neil J., Harris, Nick R. and White, Neil M. (2008) Flexible Integration of Alternative Energy Sources for Autonomous Sensing. Electronics System-Integration Technology Conference, Greenwich, United Kingdom. 31 Aug - 03 Sep 2008. pp. 597-600 . (Submitted)

Merrett, Geoff V., Weddell, Alex S., Berti, Luca, Harris, Nick R., White, Neil M. and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (2008) A Wireless Sensor Network for Cleanroom Monitoring. Eurosensors 2008, Dresden, Germany. 06 - 10 Sep 2008. pp. 1553-1556 .

Weddell, A.S., Harris, N.R. and White, N.M. (2008) An efficient indoor photovoltaic power harvesting system for energy-aware wireless sensor nodes. Eurosensors 2008, Dresden, Germany. 07 - 11 Sep 2008. 4 pp .

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Kok, S. L., White, N. M. and Harris, N. R. (2008) Free-Standing Pb(Zr, Ti)O3 Thick-Films Prepared By a One-Step Air Co-Firing Technique. Electroceramics XI, Manchester, United Kingdom. 31 Aug - 02 Sep 2008. (Submitted)

Kok, S. L., White, N. M. and Harris, N. R. (2008) A novel piezoelectric thick-film free-standing cantilever energy harvester. Eurosensors XXII, Dresden, Germany. 06 - 10 Sep 2008. (Submitted)

Kok, S. L., White, N. M. and Harris, N. R. (2008) A Free-Standing, Thick-Film Piezoelectric Energy Harvester. IEEE Sensors 2008, Lecce, Italy. 25 - 29 Oct 2008.

Mathioudakis, Ioannis, White, Neil M., Harris, Nick R. and Merrett, Geoff V. (2008) Wireless Sensor Networks:A case study for Energy Efficient Environmental Monitoring. Eurosensors 2008, Dresden, Germany. 06 - 10 Sep 2008.

Grabham, Neil and White, Neil (2008) Use of a novel keypad biometric for enhanced user identity verification. FMTC 2008 – IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Victoria, Canada. 11 - 14 May 2008. pp. 12-16 .

Weddell, Alex, Grabham, Neil, Harris, Nick and White, Neil (2008) Energy-Harvesting Sensor Nodes. Wireless Sensing Demonstrator Showcase, NPL. (In Press)

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Barbosa, Pedro, Harris, Nick and White, Neil (2008) Wireless Sensor Networks for Localised Maritime Monitoring (WiSE handout). (In Press)

Thorbjornsen, Bjorn, Reeve, Jeff and White, Neil (2008) Time-of-Flight Ranging for WSN Locationing (Project Information Sheet). (In Press)

Mazomenos, E.B., Reeve, J.S. and White, N.M. (2009) A Range-Only Tracking Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks. 23rd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA) Workshops, Bradford, United Kingdom. 25 - 28 May 2009. pp. 775-780 . (In Press)

Weddell, Alex S., Merrett, Geoff V., Harris, Nick R. and White, Neil M. (2009) Energy Devices for Sensor Networks: Properties for Simulation and Deployment. Wireless Communications, Vehicular Technology, Information Theory and Aerospace & Electronic Systems Technology (Wireless VITAE); Special Session: Energy-Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks, Aalborg, Denmark. 16 - 19 May 2009. pp. 26-30 . (In Press)

Kok, Swee Leong, White, Neil and Harris, Nick (2009) A Thick-film Piezoelectric Multimorph Cantilever. Dielectrics 2009, University of Reading, United Kingdom. 14 - 16 Apr 2009.

Mazomenos, E.B., Reeve, J.S. and White, N.M. (2009) Accurate Range-Only Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks. Mazomenos, E.B. (ed.) 7th ACM Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications and Services (ACM MobiSys), Krakow, Poland. 21 - 24 Jun 2009. (In Press)

Merrett, Geoff, White, Neil, Harris, Nick and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2009) Energy-Aware Simulation for Wireless Sensor Networks. Sixth Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (SECON 2009), Rome, Italy. 21 - 25 Jun 2009.

Weddell, Alex S., Grabham, Neil J., Harris, Nick R. and White, Neil M. (2009) Modular Plug-and-Play Power Resources for Energy-Aware Wireless Sensor Nodes. Sixth Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks - SECON 2009, Rome, Italy. 21 - 25 Jun 2009. (Submitted)

Barbosa, Pedro Nuno, White, Neil and Harris, Nick (2009) Medium Access Control in Large Scale Clusters for Wireless Sensor Networks. Advanced Information Networking and Applications, 2009. AINA 2009. 23rd International Conference on, Bradford, United Kingdom. 26 - 29 May 2009.

Weddell, A. S., Teacy, W. T. L., Grabham, N. J., Merrett, G. V., Harris, N. R., Rogers, A., White, N. M. and Jennings, N. R. (2009) Plug-and-Play Power Resources and Agent-Based Coordination for Energy-Aware Wireless Sensor Nodes. WiSIG Wireless Sensing Showcase 2009, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, United Kingdom.

Kok, Swee Leong, White, Neil and Harris, Nick (2009) Free-standing thick-film piezoelectric multimorph cantilevers for energy harvesting. 2009 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Roma, Italy. 19 - 22 Sep 2009. (Submitted)

Mazomenos, Evangelos, Reeve, Jeff and White, Neil , Brugger, Juergen and Briand, Danick (eds.) (2009) An accurate range-only tracking system using wireless sensor networks. [in special issue: Proceedings of the Eurosensors XXIII Conference] Procedia Chemistry, 1 (1), 1199-1202. (doi:10.1016/j.proche.2009.07.299).

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Mazomenos, E.B., Reeve, J.S. and White, N.M. (2009) Tracking with Range-Only Measurements Using a Network of Wireless Sensors. Sixth International Conference on Broadband Communications Networks and Systems (Broadnets 2009), Madrid, Spain. 13 - 16 Sep 2009.

Kok, Swee Leong, White, Neil and Harris, Nick (2009) Fabrication and characterization of free-standing thick-film piezoelectric cantilevers for energy harvesting. Measurement Science and Technology, 20 (12), 1-14, [124010]. (doi:10.1088/0957-0233/20/12/124010).

Grubisic, Angelo, Gabriel, Stephen B, Jiang, Liudi, Cranny, Andrew, Kraft, Michael and White, Neil (2009) On-a-chip microdischarge thruster arrays inspired by photonic device technology for plasma television s.n.

Muridan, N., Chappell, P.H, Cotton, D.P.J, Cranny, A. and White, N.M. (2009) Detection of slip from multiple sites in an artificial finger. Sensors and their applications XV, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. 04 - 06 Oct 2009. pp. 1-6 .

Thorbjornsen, Bjorn, White, Neil, Brown, Andrew and Reeve, Jeff (2010) Radio Frequency (RF) Time-of-Flight Ranging for Wireless Sensor Networks. Measurement Science and Technology, 21 (3), 1-12.

Mazomenos, Evangelos, Reeve, Jeff and White, Neil (2010) Tracking Manoeuvring Mobile Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks. 7th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control (IEEE ICNSC), Chicago Ridge, United States. 09 - 12 Apr 2010.

Merrett, Geoff V, Peters, Christian, Hallett, Georgina and White, Neil M (2009) An Instrumented Crutch for Monitoring Patients' Weight Distribution during Orthopaedic Rehabilitation. Eurosensors XXIII, Lausanne, Switzerland. 05 - 08 Sep 2009.

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Hill, M., Townsend, R.J., Harris, N.R. and White, N.M. (2004) Microfabricated acoustic resonators for manipulating particles within a fluid. Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, 26 (2), 442-451.

Koukharenko, E., Li, X., Nandhakumar, I.S., Schiedt, B., Trautmann, C., Speed, J., Tudor, M.J., Beeby, S.P. and White, N.M. (2008) Development of nanostructures for thermoelectric microgenerators using ion-track lithography. Electronics Letters, 44 (7), 500-501. (doi:10.1049/el:20080111).

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Barbosa, Pedro Nuno, White, Neil and Harris, Nick (2010) Sensor Networks for Maritime Deployment: Modeling and Simulation. IEEE 15th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference Melecon 2010, Valletta, Malta. 24 - 27 Apr 2010.

Koukharenko, Elena, Li, Xiaohong, Nandhakumar, Iris, Tudor, MJ, Beeby, SP, Schiedt, B, Trautmann, C and White, NM (2007) Development of thermoelectric generator for energy harvesting. IET letters, 44 (7), 500-501.

Koukharenko, Elena, Kuleshova, Jekaterina, Fowler, Marcel, Kok, Stephen, Tudor, MJ, Beeby, SP, Nandhakumar, Iris and White, NM (2010) Ion track technology for nanolithography using thick cross-linked PMMA 950 photoresist. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 49 (6).

Koukharenko, E, Li, X, Nandhakumar, I, Tudor, MJ, Beeby, SP, Schiedt, B, Trautmann, C and White, NM (2007) Nanostructured thermoelectric generator for energy harvesting. Power MEMS 2007, Freibourg.

Koukharenko, Elena, Kuleshova, J, Kok, S, Tudor, MJ, O'Connell, D, Pike, J, Beeby, SP, Nandhakumar, I and White, NM (2009) Ion Track Nanolithography for Nanotemplate Fabrication using Thick Cross-Linked PMMA 950 Photoresist. 22nd International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference, Sapporo, Japan. 16 - 19 Nov 2009. pp. 186-187 .

Koukharenko, E, Kuleshova, J, Fowler, M, Frety, N, Tudor, MJ, Beeby, SP, Nandhakumar, I and White, NM (2010) Correlation of microstructural properties with thermoelectric performance of Bi0.Sb1.Te3 film fabricated by electroplating. MRS 2010 Spring Meeting, San Francisco (), United States. 04 - 08 Apr 2010.

Merrett, Geoff V., Ettabib, Mohamed A., Peters, Christian, Hallett, Georgina and White, Neil M. (2010) Augmenting forearm crutches with wireless sensors for lower limb rehabilitation. Measurement Science and Technology, 21 (12), 1-10. (doi:10.1088/0957-0233/21/12/124008).

Muridan, N, Chappell, P H, Cranny, A and White, N M (2010) Texture sensor for a prosthetic hand. Eurosensors XXIV, Linz, Austria. 04 - 07 Sep 2010. pp. 1-4 .

Zhu, Dibin, Beeby, Steve, Tudor, John, White, Neil and Harris, Nick (2010) A Novel Miniature Wind Generator for Wireless Sensing Applications. IEEE Sensors 2010, Waikoloa, Hawaii, United States. 01 - 04 Nov 2010.

Barbosa, Pedro Nuno, White, Neil and Harris, Nick (2010) Design challenges in application-aware Wireless Sensor Networks. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), Santiago de Compostela. 15 - 18 Jun 2010.

Mazomenos, Evangelos, De Jager, Dirk, Reeve, Jeff and White, Neil , Marron, Pedro Jose and Whitehouse, Kamin (eds.) (2011) A Two-Way Time of Flight Ranging Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6567, 163-178.

Xun, Li, Shiqi, Tang, Merrett, Geoff and White, Neil (2011) Energy-Efficient Data Acquisition in Wireless Sensor Networks through Spatial Correlation. IEEE Int'l Conf. Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA 2011), Beijing, China. 06 - 09 Aug 2011. pp. 1068-1073 .

Huang, Hui, Merrett, Geoff and White, Neil (2011) Human-powered inertial energy harvesters: the effect of orientation, location and activity on obtainable power. Eurosensors XXV, Athens, Greece. 03 - 06 Sep 2011.

Page, Scott, Chen, Sheng, Harris, Chris and White, Neil (2011) Pareto repeated weighted boosting search for multiple-objective optimisation. 11th UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence, Manchester, United Kingdom. 06 - 08 Sep 2011. 6 pages .

Redman, Thomas, Sims, Tara, Chappell, Paul, Donovan-Hall, Maggie, Cranny, Andy, Metcalf, Cheryl and White, Neil (2011) The design of a myoelectrically controlled hand with multiple actuators for five-year old children. MEC '11 Raising the standard, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. 13 - 18 Aug 2011. pp. 83-86 .

Zhu, Dibin, Beeby, Steve, Tudor, John, White, Neil and Harris, Nick (2011) Improving Output Power of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters using Multilayer Structures. Eurosensors XXV, Athens, Greece. 03 - 06 Sep 2011.

Huang, Hui, Merrett, Geoff, Metcalf, Cheryl and White, Neil (2011) A Feasibility Study on Body-Worn Inertial Energy Harvesting during Walking and Running. Energy Harvesting 2011, IET London, Savoy Place, London, United Kingdom. (In Press)

Zhu, Dibin, Beeby, Steve, Tudor, John, Harris, Nick and White, Neil (2011) Airflow Energy Harvester for Wireless Sensing in Air Duct. PowerMEMS 2011, Seoul, Korea. 15 - 18 Nov 2011.

Zhu, Dibin, Beeby, Steve, Tudor, John, Grabham, Neil, White, Neil and Harris, Nick (2011) Performance of a Piezoelectric Energy Harvester under Vibrations Taken from a Helicopter. PowerMEMS 2011, Seoul, Korea. 15 - 18 Nov 2011.

Huang, Hui, Merrett, Geoff V. and White, Neil M. (2012) Design of a linearized magnetic spring for body-worn inertial energy harvesters. International Workshop on Algorithms and Concepts for Networked Sensing Systems Powered by Energy Harvesters (EnHaNSS'12), Antwerp, Belgium. 10 - 13 Jun 2012. 4 pp .

Manla, Ghaithaa, White, Neil M. and Tudor, Michael John (2012) Numerical model of a non-contact piezoelectric energy harvester for rotating objects. IEEE Sensors Journal, 12 (6), 1785-1793. (doi:10.1109/JSEN.2011.2175721).

Grabham, N.J., Swabey, M.A., Chambers, P., Lutman, M.E., White, N.M., Chad, J.E. and Beeby, S.P. (2013) Evaluation of otoacoustic emissions as a biometric. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 8 (1), 1-10. (doi:10.1109/TIFS.2012.2228854).

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Page, Scott F., Chen, Sheng, Harris, Chris J. and White, Neil M. (2012) Repeated weighted boosting search for discrete or mixed search space and multiple-objective optimisation. Applied Soft Computing, 12 (9), 2740-2755. (doi:10.1016/j.asoc.2012.03.056).

Harris, Nick, Grabham, Neil, Tudor, M.J., Beeby, Steve and White, Neil M. (2012) Practical implementation of a novel wind energy harvesting network. Eurosensors XXVI 2012: The 26th European Conference on Solid-State Transducers, Krakow, Poland. 08 - 11 Sep 2012.

Cranny, Andy, Harris, N.R., White, N.M., Barrett-Lennard, E., Coles, N., Rivers, M., Smettem, K. and Wu, J. (2012) Screen-printed potentiometric sensors for chloride measurement in soils. Procedia Engineering, 47, 1157-1160. (doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2012.09.357).

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Zhu, Dibin, Beeby, S.P., Tudor, M.J., White, N.M. and Harris, N.R. (2013) A novel miniature airflow energy harvester for wireless sensing applications in buildings. IEEE Sensors Journal, 13 (2), 691-700. (doi:10.1109/JSEN.2012.2226518).

Zhu, Dibin, Glynne-Jones, Peter, White, N., Harris, N.R., Torah, R N, Almusallam, Ahmed and Beeby, S. (2013) Screen printed piezoelectric films for energy harvesting. Advances in Applied Ceramics, 112 (2), 79-84. (doi:10.1179/1743676112Y.0000000022).

Naylor, Andrew J., Koukharenko, Elena, Nandhakumar, Iris S. and White, Neil M. (2012) Surfactant-mediated electrodeposition of bismuth telluride films and its effect on microstructural properties. Langmuir, 28 (22), 8296-8299. (doi:10.1021/la301367m).

Swabey, Matthew, Chambers, Paul, Lutman, Mark E., White, Neil M., Chad, John E., Brown, Andrew D. and Beeby, Stephen P. (2009) The biometric potential of transient otoacoustic emissions. International Journal of Biometrics, 1 (3), 349-364. (doi:10.1504/IJBM.2009.024278).

Lau, Sei Ping, Merrett, Geoff V. and White, Neil M. (2013) Energy-efficient street lighting through embedded adaptive intelligence. Symposium on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ICALT-ITS’2013), Sousse, Tunisia. 29 - 31 May 2013. (doi:10.1109/ICAdLT.2013.6568434).

Li, Xun, Merrett, Geoff V. and White, Neil M. (2013) Energy-efficient data acquisition for accurate signal estimation in wireless sensor networks. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2013 (230), 1-15. (doi:10.1186/1687-1499-2013-230).

Sun, Huihui, Zhu, Dibin, White, Neil and Beeby, Steve (2013) A miniature airflow energy harvester from piezoelectric materials. PowerMEMS 2013, London, United Kingdom. 03 - 06 Dec 2013. pp. 1-5 .

Mohamad Hanif, N.H.H., Chappell, P.H., Cranny, A. and White, N.M. (2014) Vibratory feedback for artificial hands. 2013 International Conference on Electronics, Computer and Computation (ICECCO), Ankara, Turkey. pp. 247-250 . (doi:10.1109/ICECCO.2013.6718275).

Lau, Sei Ping, Merrett, Geoff V., Weddell, Alex S. and White, Neil M. (2014) StreetlightSim: a simulation environment to evaluate networked and adaptive street lighting. IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile Technologies 2014, Bali, Indonesia. 28 - 30 Aug 2014. 6 pp . (Submitted)

Mohamad Hanif, Noor H.H., Chappell, Paul H., White, Neil M. and Cranny, Andy (2014) Development of vibrotactile sensory feedback for prosthetic hand users. IASTED International Conference Biomedical Engineering (BioMed 2014), Zurich, Switzerland. 22 - 24 Jun 2014. pp. 294-301 .

Merrett, Geoff V., Huang, Hui and White, Neil M. (2015) Modeling the effect of orientation on human-powered inertial energy harvesters. IEEE Sensors Journal, 15 (1), 434-441. (doi:10.1109/JSEN.2014.2346019).

Cranny, Andy, Harris, Nick and White, NM (2014) Screen-printed potentiometric chloride sensors. Eurosensors 2014, the 28th European Conference on Solid-State Transducers, Brescia, Italy. 06 - 09 Sep 2014.

Monkronthong, S., White, N.M. and Harris, Nick (2014) Multiple-level digital loudspeaker array. Eurosensors XXVIII, Brescia, Italy. 06 - 09 Sep 2014.

Lau, Sei Ping, Weddell, Alex S., Merrett, Geoff V. and White, NM (2014) Energy-neutral solar-powered street lighting with predictive and adaptive behaviour. 2nd International Workshop on Energy Neutral Sensing Systems (ENSsys 2014), Memphis, United States. 06 Nov 2014. pp. 13-18 . (doi:10.1145/2675683.2675690).

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Chappell, Paul H., Muridan, Norasmahan, Mohamad Hanif, N. Hazrin H., Cranny, Andy and White, Neil M. (2015) Sensing texture using an artificial finger and a data analysis based on the standard deviation. IET Science, Measurement & Technology, 1-9. (doi:10.1049/iet-smt.2015.0003).

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Monkronthong, Sangchai, White, Neil and Harris, Nicholas (2016) A study of efficient speaklet driving mechanisms for use in a digital loudspeaker array based on PZT actuators. Sensor Application Symposium, Catania, Italy. 19 - 21 Apr 2016. 5 pp .

Koukharenko, Elena, White, Neil, Li, X, and Nandhakumar, Iris (2015) Ion-track etched templates for the high density growth of nanowires of bismuth telluride and bismuth antimony telluride by electrodeposition. ECS Transactions, 64 (35), 9-14. (doi:10.1149/06435.0009ecst).

Mohamad Hanif, Noor, Chappell, Paul, Cranny, Andy and White, Neil (2015) Surface texture detection with artificial fingers. 2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Midecine and Biology Society (EMBC), Milan, Italy. 24 - 28 Aug 2015. 4 pp . (doi:10.1109/EMBC.2015.7320253).

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Esmaeili, Kamran, Zuercher, Manuel, Wang, Ling, Harvey, Terence, Holweger, Walter, White, Neil and Schlücker, Eberhard (2017) Advanced signal processing techniques for wind turbine gearbox bearing failure detection. First World Congress on Condition Monitoring 2017: Condition monitoring (CM) methods and technologies, ILEC Conference Centre, London, United Kingdom. 13 - 16 Jun 2017. 13 pp . (In Press)

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Zaghari, Bahareh, Weddell, Alexander and White, Neil (2017) Opportunities and challenges for energy harvesting sensor systems for harsh environments. In Proceedings of ENSsys’17. ACM Press. 3 pp . (In Press)

Koukharenko, E., Boden, S.A., Sessions, N.P., Frety, N., Nandhakumar, I. and White, N.M. (2018) Towards a thermoelectric nanostructured energy harvester for wearable applications. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 29 (4), 3423-3436. (doi:10.1007/s10854-017-8277-4).

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Jellard, Samuel Christopher Jack, Pu, Suan-Hui, Chen, Shuting, Yao, Kui and White, Neil M. (2019) Water droplet impact energy harvesting with P(VDF-TrFE) piezoelectric cantilevers on stainless steel substrates. Smart Materials and Structures, 28 (9), 1-11, [095002]. (doi:10.1088/1361-665X/ab2db2).

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Zaghari, Bahareh, Weddell, Alexander, Esmaeili, Kamran, Bashir, Imran, Harvey, Terence, White, Neil, Mirring, Patrick and Wang, Ling (2020) High temperature self-powered sensing system for a smart bearing in an aircraft jet engine. IEEE Transaction On Instrumentation and Measurement, 69 (9), 6165-6174, [8979443]. (doi:10.1109/TIM.2020.2971288).

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Chmiel, F. P., Azor, M., Borca, F., Boniface, M. J., Burns, D. K., Zlatev, Z. D., White, N. M., Daniels, T. W.V. and Kiuber, M. (2020) Identifying those at risk of reattendance at discharge from emergency departments using explainable machine learning. medRxiv. (doi:10.1101/2020.12.02.20239194).

Komolafe, Abiodun, Zaghari, Bahareh, Torah, Russel, Weddell, Alexander, Khanbareh, Hamideh, Michail Tsikriteas, Zois, Vousden, Mark, Wagih, Mahmoud, Tronco Jurado, Ulises, Shi, Junjie, Li, Yi, Yang, Kai, Savelli, Guillaume, White, Neil and Beeby, Stephen (2021) E-textile technology review: from materials to applications. IEEE Access, 9, 97152-97179, [9471836]. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3094303).

Duckworth, Christopher, Chmiel, Francis P., Burns, Daniel, Zlatev, Zlatko D., White, Neil M., Daniels, Thomas W. V., Kiuber, Michael and Boniface, Michael J. (2021) Using explainable machine learning to characterise data drift and detect emergent health risks for emergency department admissions during COVID-19. Scientific Reports, 11 (1), [23017]. (doi:10.1038/s41598-021-02481-y).

Chmiel, F. P., Burns, D. K., Azor, M., Borca, F., Boniface, M. J., Zlatev, Z. D., White, N. M., Daniels, T. W.V. and Kiuber, M. (2021) Using explainable machine learning to identify patients at risk of reattendance at discharge from emergency departments. Scientific Reports, 11 (1), [21513]. (doi:10.1038/s41598-021-00937-9).

Hoffmann, Falk-Martin, Holland, Keith R., Harris, Nicholas, White, Neil M. and Fazi, Filippo Maria (2021) The staircase drive—A novel actuator design optimised for daisy-chaining and minimum stress load coupling. Sensors, 21 (22), [7740]. (doi:10.3390/s21227740).

Hayward, Nick, Shaban, Mahdi, Badger, James, Jones, Isobel, Wei, Yang, Spencer, Daniel, Isichei, Stefania, Knight, Martin, Otto, James, Rayat, Gurinder, Levett, Denny, Grocott, Michael, Akerman, Harry and White, Neil (2022) A capaciflector provides continuous and accurate respiratory rate monitoring for patients at rest and during exercise. Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing. (doi:10.1007/s10877-021-00798-7).

White, Neil and Zaghari, Bahareh (2022) Energy harvesting: An overview of techniques for use within the transport industry. IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine, 38 (3), 24-32. (doi:10.1109/MEI.2022.9757916).

Zaghari, Bahareh, Stuikys, Aleksas, Weddell, Alexander, Grabham, Neil, White, Neil, Harvey, Terence and Wang, Ling (2022) A TEG-excited switched reluctance generator for self-powered sensing in next generation aircraft. In 2023 AIAA SciTech. 0-10 . (In Press)


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Zhang, Mingming, Shi, Junjie and Beeby, Stephen (2022) Improved charge density and stability in PDMS ferroelectrets using PTFE/PDMS composite materials. (Submitted)


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Kieron O'Hara is an associate professor in Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton. He has had a central involvement in the development of the discipline of Web Science. He is the author of several books, including: 'Plato and the Internet' (2002); 'Trust: From Socrates to Spin' (2004); ' Power, Poverty and the Digital Divide' (2006, with David Stevens); and 'The Spy in the Coffee Machine: The End of Privacy As We Know It' (2008, with Nigel Shadbolt), as well as 'A Framework for Web Science' (2006, with Tim Berners-Lee et al). He has also written extensively on British politics and political theory, and is a research fellow for the Centre for Policy Studies, and an associate fellow of Bright Blue. His latest book is 'The Anonymisation Decision-Making Framework' (2016, with Mark Elliot et al), and his latest edited collection is 'The Digital Enlightenment Forum Yearbook 2014: Social Networks and Social Machines, Surveillance and Empowerment' (2013, edited with M-H Carolyn Nguyen and Peter Haynes). He chaired the transparency sector panel for crime and criminal justice for the Ministry of Justice and the Home Office from 2011-15. His report on privacy in the context of the UK government's transparency programme, 'Transparent Government, Not Transparent Citizens', was published in September 2011. He is one of the leads for the UKAN network of anonymisation professionals. He is the editor of Foundations and Trends in Web Science.

His research interests are in the nature of digital modernity: in other words, the impact and future trajectory of networked digital technology on society, the economy and politics. The technologies available to us, to the groups and social machines we form, and to the institutions around us, are increasing in power and scope, on the back of the data revolution. This creates many economic and social opportunities, while at the same time innovation becomes more disruptive, and long-established practices are disintermediated. Privacy is harder to defend as AI, ML, big data, the Internet of Things, social networking and the free services economy threaten to overwhelm the data protection framework based around individual rights and personal data. Trust becomes more complex as understandings of trustworthy behaviour are disconnected from well-understood social norms. Different visions of the Internet’s future governance are being forged by geopolitical tensions, which will influence the affordances of the technology for individuals, social groups, companies and states. What does digital modernity look like, and where might its logic take us? Where do the opportunities lie, and how can we protect existing valuable practices and resources as we explore those opportunities?


Research interests

Privacy, trust, digital modernity, ethics, Web Science, anonymisation, politics of data


Zafeiropoulou, Aristea M., Millard, David E., Webber, Craig and O'Hara, Kieron (2011) Privacy implications of location and contextual data on the social web. ACM Web Science Conference 2011, , Koblenz, Germany. 13 - 16 Jun 2011. (Submitted)

Shadbolt, Nigel, O'Hara, Kieron and Crow, Louise (1999) The experimental evaluation of knowledge acquisition techniques and methods: history, problems and new directions. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 51 (4), 729-755. (doi:10.1006/ijhc.1999.0327).

O'Hara, Kieron, Shadbolt, Nigel and Heijst, Gertjan van (1998) Generalised Directive Models: Integrating Model Development and Knowledge Acquisition. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 49 (4), 497-522.

Motta, Enrico, Stutt, Arthur, Zdrahal, Zdenek, O'Hara, Kieron and Shadbolt, Nigel (1996) Solving VT in VITAL: A Study in Model Construction and Knowledge Reuse. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 44 (3/4), 333-371. (doi:10.1006/ijhc.1996.0018).

O'Hara, Kieron, Reichgelt, Han and Shadbolt, Nigel (1995) Avoiding omnidoxasticity in logics of belief: a reply to MacPherson. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 36 (3), 475-95.

Motta, Enrico, O'Hara, Kieron and Shadbolt, Nigel (1994) Grounding GDMs: A Structured Case Study. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 40 (3), 315-47.

O'Hara, Kieron and Shadbolt, Nigel (1993) Locating generic tasks. Journal of Knowledge Acquisition, 5 (4), 449-481.

O'Hara, K. and Shadbolt, N.R. (1997) Interpreting generic structures: expert systems, expertise and context. Feltovich, P., Ford, K. and Hoffman, R. (eds.) Expertise in Context. pp. 449-72 .

Shadbolt, Nigel and O'Hara, Kieron (1997) Model-based expert systems and the explanation of expertise. Feltovich, Paul J., Ford, Kenneth M. and Hoffman, Robert R. (eds.) Expertise in Context. pp. 315-37 .

O'Hara, Kieron and Shadbolt, Nigel (1996) The thin end of the wedge: efficiency and the generalised directive model methodology. Shadbolt, Nigel, O'Hara, Kieron and Schreiber, Guus (eds.) Advances in Knowledge Acquisition. pp. 33-47 .

Motta, Enrico, O'Hara, Kieron, Shadbolt, Nigel, Stutt, Arthur and Zdrahal, Zdenek (1994) A VITAL Solution to the Sisyphus II Elevator Design Problem. Proceedings of 8th Banff Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems Workshop.

O'Hara, Kieron and Shadbolt, Nigel (1993) AI models as a variety of psychological explanation. 13th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence IJCAI 93, , San Mateo, United States. pp. 188-193 .

O'Hara, Kieron, Shadbolt, Nigel and Tennison, Jeni (2000) Certifying KBSs: Using CommonKADS to Provide Supporting Evidence for Fitness for Purpose of KBSs: 1st. Dieng, Rose and Corby, Olivier (eds.) Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management: Methods, Models and Tools. pp. 419-34 .

Speel, Piet-Hein, Shadbolt, Nigel, Vries, Wouter de, Dam, Piet Hein van and O'Hara, Kieron (1999) Knowledge Mapping for Industrial Purposes. Proceedings of 11th Banff Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems Workshop.

O'Hara, Kieron and Scutt, Tom (1996) There is No Hard Problem of Consciousness. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 3 (4), 290-302.

Hughes, Rebecca and O'Hara, Kieron (1999) Cheever's "The Swimmer" and the abstract standpoint of Kantian moral philosophy. Hadfield, Andrew, Rainsford, Dominic and Woods, Tim (eds.) Literature and Ethics, , London, United Kingdom.

O'Hara, Kieron (1997) Carry On Cabby, Gender and the Local Industrial Power Nexus. The Journal of Popular Culture, 31 (3), 81-104.

Hughes, Rebecca and O'Hara, Kieron (1997) Review of Roy Harris, Signs of Writing (Routledge). Language and Literature, 6 (2), 151-6.

Hughes, Rebecca and O'Hara, Kieron (1997) The Filmmaker as Critic: Huston's Under the Volcano and The Dead. McCarthy, Patrick A. and Tiessen, Paul (eds.) Joyce/Lowry: Critical Perspectives. pp. 177-96 .

O'Hara, Kieron and Scutt, Tom (1997) There is No Hard Problem of Consciousness. Shear, Jonathan (ed.) Explaining Consciousness: The Hard Problem. pp. 69-82 .

Shadbolt, Nigel, O'Hara, Kieron and Schreiber, Guus (1996) Preface. Shadbolt, Nigel, O'Hara, Kieron and Schreiber, Guus (eds.) Advances in Knowledge Acquisition. V-IX .

Major, Nigel and O'Hara, Kieron (1995) Grounding DTMs: An Interview Tool for Acquiring Meta-Strategic Teaching Knowledge. Hallam, J. (ed.) Hybrid Problems, Hybrid Solutions. pp. 145-55 .

O'Hara, Kieron (1995) Self-Deception in Bleak House: A Reply to David Cowles. The Dickensian, 91 (2), 118-22.

Scutt, Tom and O'Hara, Kieron (1993) 3 2 1 ... We Have Cognition. Mind and Language, 8 (4), 559-68.

O'Hara, Kieron (1993) Sceptical Overkill: On Two Recent Arguments Against Scepticism. Mind, 102 (2), 315-27.

O'Hara, Kieron (1993) A Representation of KADS-I Interpretation Models Using a Decompositional Approach. Löckenhoff, Christiane, Fensel, Dieter and Studer, Rudi (eds.) 3rd KADS Meeting. pp. 147-69 .

O'Hara, Kieron (1993) "You Do Not Know Why You Dance": Comedy in "Under the Volcano", "Through the Panama" and "Tender is the Night". The Malcolm Lowry Review, (31-32), 68-84.

O'Hara, Kieron (1994) Mind as Machine: Can Computational Processes Be Regarded As Explanatory of Mental Processes? Worcester College, University of Oxford, Faculty of Philosophy : Faculty of Literae Humaniores, University of Oxford, and Worcester College, Oxford, Doctoral Thesis.

Major, Nigel and O'Hara, Kieron (1994) Using Generalised Directive Models to Express Teaching Strategy Knowledge: A Description of COCA (E.S.R.C. Centre for Research in Development, Instruction and Training Technical Report, 9) s.n.

Major, Nigel and O'Hara, Kieron , Steels, Luc (ed.) (1994) Using Generalised Directive Models to Express Teaching Strategy Knowledge: A Description of COCA (V.U.B. AI-Lab Technical Report, 94-2) s.n.

O'Hara, Kieron (2000) Democracy and the Internet. Ends and Means, 4 (3).

O'Hara, Kieron and Crow, Louise (2001) Review of Gordon Graham 'The Internet: A Philosophical Inquiry'.

O'Hara, Kieron (2002) Plato and the Internet (Postmodern Encounters), Icon Books

Alani, Harith, O'Hara, Kieron and Shadbolt, Nigel (2002) ONTOCOPI: Methods and Tools for Identifying Communities of Practice. IFIP 17th World Computer Congress - TC12 Stream on Intelligent Information Processing, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 24 - 29 Aug 2002.

O'Hara, Kieron, Alani, Harith and Shadbolt, Nigel (2002) Identifying Communities of Practice: Analysing Ontologies as Networks to Support Community Recognition. In Proceedings IFIP World Computer Congress. Information Systems: The E-Business Challenge., Montreal, Canada.

O'Hara, Kieron and Shadbolt, Nigel (2001) Issues for an Ontology for Knowledge Valuation. Proceedings of the IJCAI-01 Workshop on E-Business and the Intelligent Web.

O'Hara, Kieron (2002) The Internet: A Tool for Democratic Pluralism? Science as Culture, 11 (2), 287-298.

Alani, Harith, Dasmahapatra, Srinandan, Gibbins, Nicholas, Glaser, Hugh, Harris, Steve, Kalfoglou, Yannis, O'Hara, Kieron and Shadbolt, Nigel (2002) Managing Reference: Ensuring Referential Integrity of Ontologies for the Semantic Web. 13th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW'02), Sigenza, Spain. pp. 317-334 .

Alani, Harith, Kalfoglou, Yannis, O'Hara, Kieron and Shadbolt, Nigel , Coenen, Frans (ed.) (2002) Initiating Organizational Memories using Ontology-based Network Analysis as a Bootstrapping Tool. Expert Update, 5 (3), 43-53.

Alani, Harith, Dasmahapatra, Srinandan, O'Hara, Kieron and Shadbolt, Nigel (2003) Identifying Communities of Practice through Ontology Network Analysis. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 18 (2), 18-25.

O'Hara, Kieron (2004) Trust: From Socrates to Spin , Icon Books

Tennison, Jeni, O'Hara, Kieron and Shadbolt, Nigel (2002) APECKS: using and evaluating a tool for ontology construction with internal and external KA support. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 56, 375-422.

O'Hara, Kieron (2003) Why it's OK to be Bliar. New Statesman, 22-23.

O'Hara, Kieron (2004) We don't trust them an inch. New Statesman, 25-26.

O'Hara, Kieron, Alani, Harith, Kalfoglou, Yannis and Shadbolt, Nigel (2004) Trust Strategies for the Semantic Web. Workshop on Trust, Security, and Reputation on the Semantic Web, 3rd International (ISWC'04), Hiroshima, Japan. 07 - 11 Nov 2004.

Kalfoglou, Yannis, Alani, Harith, O'Hara, Kieron and Shadbolt, Nigel (2002) Initiating Organizational Memories Using Ontology Network Analysis. ECAI 2002 Workshop on Knowledge Management and Organizational Memories, Lyon, France.

Alani, Harith, O'Hara, Kieron and Shadbolt, Nigel (2005) Common features of killer apps: a comparison with Protégé. 8th International Protégé Conference, , Madrid, Spain. 17 - 20 Jul 2005. 4 pp .

Alani, Harith, Kalfoglou, Yannis, O'Hara, Kieron and Shadbolt, Nigel (2005) Towards a Killer App for the Semantic Web. 4th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2005), Galway, Irland. 06 - 10 Nov 2005.

Tuffield, Mischa, Harris, Stephen, Dupplaw, David P., Chakravarthy, Ajay, Brewster, Christopher, Gibbins, Nicholas, O'Hara, Kieron, Ciravegna, Fabio, Sleeman, Derek, Wilks, Yorick and Shadbolt, Nigel R. (2006) Image annotation with Photocopain. First International Workshop on Semantic Web Annotations for Multimedia (SWAMM 2006) at WWW2006, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

O'Hara, Kieron (2006) The Referendum Roundabout (Societas), Imprint Academic

Dasmahapatra, Srinandan and O'Hara, Kieron (2006) Interpretations of Ontologies for Breast Cancer. tripleC, 4 (2), 293-303.

O'Hara, Kieron (2005) The Ethics of Cyber Trust. In, Mansell, Robin and Collins, Brian S. (eds.) Trust and Crime in Information Societies. Edward Elgar, pp. 442-449.

O'Hara, Kieron and Stevens, David (2006) Democracy, Ideology and Process Re-Engineering: Realising the Benefits of e-Government in Singapore. Huai, Jinpeng, Shen, Vincent and Tan, C.J. (eds.) Workshop on e-Government: Barriers and Opportunities, WWW06, Edinburgh.

O'Hara, Kieron, Shadbolt, Nigel and Buckingham Shum, Simon (2001) The AKT Manifesto s.n.

Wills, Gary and O'Hara, Kieron (2002) Ontologies. In, Grange, Simon, Rezajooi, Kia and Moore, Tim (eds.) Building a Digital World: ICT Skills for Healthcare Professionals. University of Southampton, pp. 181-186.

Shadbolt, Nigel and O'Hara, Kieron (2003) AKTuality: An Overview of the Aims, Ambitions and Assumptions of the Advanced Knowledge Technologies Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration. In, Shadbolt, Nigel (ed.) AKT Selected Papers. School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, pp. 1-11.

Brewster, Christopher, O'Hara, Kieron, Fuller, Steve, Wilks, Yorick, Franconi, Enrico, Musen, Mark A., Ellman, Jeremy and Buckingham Shum, Simon (2004) Knowledge Representation with Ontologies: The Present and Future. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 19 (1), 72-81. (doi:10.1109/MIS.2004.1265889).

O'Hara, Kieron (2004) Ontologies and Technologies: Knowledge Representation or Misrepresentation. SIGIR Forum, 38 (2).

Shadbolt, Nigel, Ciravegna, Fabio, Domingue, John, Hall, Wendy, Motta, Enrico, O'Hara, Kieron, Robertson, David, Sleeman, Derek, Tate, Austin and Wilks, Yorick (2004) Advanced Knowledge Technologies at the Midterm: Tools and Methods for the Semantic Web. In, Shadbolt, Nigel and O'Hara, Kieron (eds.) AKT Selected Papers 2004. School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, pp. 1-60.

Domingue, John, O'Hara, Kieron, Brewster, Christopher, Levine, John and Preece, Alun (2003) Re: AKT.

O'Hara, Kieron (2004) Conflict Overrules Consensus. The Times Higher Education Supplement, 14-14.

O'Hara, Kieron (2005) The Right Must Get Radical and Go Back to “Small-c” Roots. The Times Higher Education Supplement, 18-19.

O'Hara, Kieron (2005) Howard’s Panic Sets Party Back. Yorkshire Post, 13-13.

O'Hara, Kieron (2005) Your Bank Manager’s Car. New Statesman, 26-26.

O'Hara, Kieron (2005) Gaullistisch Europa. De Groene Amsterdammer, 13-13.

O'Hara, Kieron (2006) There Must Be No Right Turn for David Cameron. Yorkshire Post, 13-13.

O'Hara, Kieron (2006) More Power to the People Has Its Perils. Western Morning News, 10-10.

O'Hara, Kieron, Morris, Richard, Shadbolt, Nigel, Hitch, Graham J., Hall, Wendy and Beagrie, Neil (2006) Memories for Life: A Review of the Science and Technology. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 3 (8), 351-365.

O'Hara, Kieron (2006) Tory Dinosaurs Stalking Dave the Chameleon. Yorkshire Post, 13-13.

O'Hara, Kieron (2006) Ballot Box Boredom Symbol of our Society. Southern Daily Echo, (6th Ma), 23-23.

O'Hara, Kieron (2006) Review of Ted Honderich, Conservatism: Burke, Nozick, Bush, Blair?, Pluto Press, London, 2005 (revised edition) ISBN 0 7453 2129 1.

Shadbolt, Nigel, O'Hara, Kieron and Cottam, Hugh (2004) The Use of Ontologies for Knowledge Acquisition. In, Cuena, Jose, Demazeau, Yves, Garcia Serrano, Ana and Treur, Jan (eds.) Knowledge Engineering and Agent Technology. IOS Press, pp. 19-42.

Tuffield, Mischa M, Dupplaw, David P, O'Hara, Kieron, Shadbolt, Nigel R, Chakravarthy, Ajay, Brewster, Christopher, Ciravegna, Fabio and Wilks, Yorick (2006) Photocopain - Annotating Memories For Life. Memories for Life: The Future of our Pasts, British Library.

Berners-Lee, Tim, Hall, Wendy, Hendler, James A., O'Hara, Kieron, Shadbolt, Nigel and Weitzner, Daniel J. (2006) A Framework for Web Science. Foundations and Trends in Web Science, 1 (1), 1-130.

O'Hara, Kieron (2007) After Blair: David Cameron and the Conservative Tradition , Icon Books

O'Hara, Kieron (2007) Review of Martyn Amos, Genesis Machines: The New Science of Biocomputing (Atlantic Books). BBC Focus Magazine, 173.

O'Hara, Kieron (2006) Let the People Speak … But Make the Politicians Decide. Yorkshire Post, 13-13.

O'Hara, Kieron (2006) Cameron must hold nerve in Tory war of the tax cuts. Yorkshire Post, 15-15.

O'Hara, Kieron (2007) Brought to Book, Interview with Kieron O'Hara, author of After Blair, by Iain Dale, on

Denham, Andrew and O'Hara, Kieron (2007) The Three 'Mantras': 'Modernization' and the Conservative Party 1945-2005. British Politics.

Denham, Andrew and O'Hara, Kieron (2007) Cameron's 'Mandate': Democracy, Legitimacy and Conservative Leadership. Parliamentary Affairs.

O'Hara, Kieron (2007) Cameron steers long Tory trek out of the wilderness. Yorkshire Post, 11-11.

Szomszor, Martin, Cattuto, Ciro, Alani, Harith, O’Hara, Kieron, Baldassarri, Andrea, Loreto, Vittorio and Servedio, Vito D.P. (2007) Folksonomies, the Semantic Web, and Movie Recommendation. 4th European Semantic Web Conference, Bridging the Gap between Semantic Web and Web 2.0, Innsbruck, Austria.

O'Hara, Kieron (2005) Politics and Trust. Deloitte Leadership Forum on Rebuilding Trust in Canadian Societies, Toronto.

Alani, Harith, Dupplaw, David, Sheridan, John, O'Hara, Kieron, Darlington, John, Shadbolt, Nigel and Tullo, Carol (2007) Unlocking the Potential of Public Sector Information with Semantic Web Technology. The 6th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), Busan, Korea.

O'Hara, Kieron, Alani, Harith, Kalfoglou, Yannis and Shadbolt, Nigel (2008) Features for Killer Apps from a Semantic Web Perspective. In, Li, E and Yuan, S-T (eds.) Agent Systems in Electronic Business. Information Science Reference, pp. 265-288.

O'Hara, Kieron and Hall, Wendy (2008) Web Science. Association of Learning Technologies Newsletter, (12).

O'Hara, Kieron and Shadbolt, Nigel (2008) The Spy in the Coffee Machine: The End of Privacy As We Know It , Oneworld, Oxford

Alani, Harith, Hall, Wendy, O'Hara, Kieron, Shadbolt, Nigel, Chandler, Peter and Szomszor, Martin (2008) Building a pragmatic Semantic Web. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 23 (3), 61-68. (doi:10.1109/MIS.2008.42).

O'Hara, Kieron (2004) Socrates, Trust and the Internet. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Speech, Writing and Context. Kansaigaidai University..

O'Hara, Kieron (2008) Identity, Privacy and Technology in Singapore. Identity and the Information Society, Arona, Italy. 28 - 30 May 2008.

Szomszor, Martin, Alani, Harith, Cantador, Ivan, O'Hara, Kieron and Shadbolt, Nigel (2008) Semantic modelling of user interests based on cross-folksonomy analysis. 7th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), Karlsruhe, Germany. 25 - 30 Oct 2008. pp. 632-648 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-540-88564-1_40).

O'Hara, Kieron and Hall, Wendy (2008) Trust on the Web: Some Web Science Research Challenges. UoC Papers: E-Journal on the Knowledge Society, (7).

Hall, Wendy and O'Hara, Kieron (2008) It's All Semantics. The Parliament Magazine's European Research and Innovation Review, (7), 31-32.

O'Hara, Kieron (2009) In Defence of Adam Smith. Prospect.

O'Hara, Kieron (2009) Electing the Conservative Leader 1997-2005. E-pol, 2 (1), 18-20.

O'Hara, Kieron, Tuffield, Mischa M. and Shadbolt, Nigel (2009) Lifelogging: Privacy and Empowerment with Memories for Life. Identity in the Information Society, 1 (1), 155-172. (doi:10.1007/s12394-009-0008-4).

Hall, Wendy and O'Hara, Kieron (2009) Semantic Web. In, Robert A. Meyers (ed.), Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science. Springer.

O'Hara, Kieron and Hall, Wendy (2009) Semantic Web. In, Marcia J. Bates; Mary Niles Maack; Miriam Drake (eds), Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science Second Edition. Taylor & Francis.

O'Hara, Kieron (2009) “Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom, a Hundred Schools of Thought Contend”: Web Engineering in the Chinese Context. In, Zhang, Xiaoling and Zheng, Yongnian (eds.) China's Information and Communications Technology Revolution: Social changes and state responses. Routledge.

O'Hara, Kieron (2010) Arius in Cyberspace: Digital Companions and the Limits of the Person. In, Yorick Wilks (ed.), Close Engagements with Artificial Companions: Key social, psychological, ethical and design issues. John Benjamins (Amsterdam).

O'Hara, Kieron (2009) Vote Blue, Get Green Conservatism. E-pol, 2 (3), 20-22.

O'Hara, Kieron (2009) David Cameron, la Crescita di un leader. In, Campi, Alessandro and Mellone, Angelo (eds.) La Destra Nuova: Modelli di Partito, Leader e Politiche in Francia, Gran Bretagna e Svezia. Venice, IT. Marsilio, pp. 111-130.

O'Hara, Kieron, Berners-Lee, Tim, Hall, Wendy and Shadbolt, Nigel (2010) Use of the Semantic Web in e-Research. In, Dutton, William H. and Jeffrys, Paul W. (eds.) World Wide Research: Reshaping the Sciences and Humanities. Cambridge, US. MIT Press.

O'Hara, Kieron and Stevens, David (2009) The Devil's long tail: religious moderation and extremism on the Web. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 24 (6), 37-43. (doi:10.1109/MIS.2009.123).

O'Hara, Kieron (2010) The Enlightenment: A Beginner's Guide , Oneworld

O'Hara, Kieron (2010) Intimacy 2.0: Privacy Rights and Privacy Responsibilities on the World Wide Web. Zittrain, Jonathan, Domingue, John and Benn, Neil (eds.) Web Science Conference 2010, , Raleigh, United States. 25 - 26 Apr 2010.

Duncan, Pete, O'Hara, Kieron, Morton, Richard, Sandham, Andy and Caton, Hope (1999) Tomb Raider IV: The Last Revelation (script).

O'Hara, Kieron and Shadbolt, Nigel (2010) Privacy on the Data Web. Communications of the ACM, 53 (3), 39-41. (doi:10.1145/1666420.1666437).

O'Hara, Kieron (2007) Digital Divides and Web Science. Technologies, Contents and Services for Social Inclusion: Facing the Digital Divide and the Emergence of Ambient Assisted Living, Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior, Lisbon. 29 - 30 Oct 2007.

Shadbolt, Nigel, O'Hara, Kieron, Salvadores, Manuel and Alani, Harith (2011) eGovernment. In, John Domingue, Dieter Fensel & James Hendler (eds.), Handbook of Semantic Web Technologies. Springer-Verlag, pp. 840-900.

O'Hara, Kieron and Hall, Wendy (2010) Web Science and Reflective Practice. In, Moira Cockell, Jerome Billotte, Frederic Darbellay & Francis Waldvogel (eds.), Common Knowledge: The Challenge of Transdisciplinarity. EPFL Press, pp. 205-218.

O'Hara, Kieron (2010) Narcissus to a Man: Lifelogging, Technology and the Normativity of Truth. Second Annual SenseCam Symposium, Dublin.

O'Hara, Kieron (2010) Plato and the Internet: Liberating Knowledge From Our Heads. Philosophy of Engineering: Volume 1 of a the Proceedings of a Series of Seminars Held at the Royal Academy of Engineering, London. pp. 21-29 .

De Jager, Dirk, Wood, Alex L., Merrett, Geoff V., Al-Hashimi, Bashir M., O'Hara, Kieron, Shadbolt, Nigel R. and Hall, Wendy (2011) A low-power, distributed, pervasive healthcare system for supporting memory. 1st ACM MobiHoc Workshop on Pervasive Wireless Healthcare (MobileHealth 2011), Paris, France.

Zafeiropoulou, Aristea-Maria, Millard, David, Webber, Craig and O'Hara, Kieron (2011) Privacy implications of location and contextual data on the social web. ACM Web Science Conference 2011, , Koblenz, Germany. 13 - 16 Jun 2011.

Smith, Ashley, O'Hara, Kieron and Lewis, Paul (2011) Visualising the Past: Annotating a Life with Linked Open Data. ACM Web Science Conference 2011, , Koblenz, Germany. 13 - 16 Jun 2011.

O'Hara, Kieron (2011) Interim report on privacy and transparency with respect to the release of crime data: open letter to Francis Maude, Minister for the Cabinet Office. (In Press)

Pattanaphanchai, Jarutas, O'Hara, Kieron and Hall, Wendy (2011) DC Proposal: Evaluating trustworthiness of web content using semantic web technologies. The 10th International Semantic Web Conference, , Bonn, Germany. 22 - 26 Oct 2011.

O'Hara, Kieron , Cabinet Office (2011) Transparent government, not transparent citizens: a report on privacy and transparency for the Cabinet Office London, GB. Cabinet Office 84pp.

O'Hara, Kieron (2011) Transparent Government, Not Transparent Citizens: Executive Summary and Recommendations.

O'Hara, Kieron (2011) Conservatism , Reaktion Books

O'Hara, Kieron (2011) Conservatism. The Montreal Review.

O'Hara, Kieron, Whitley, Edgar and Whittall, Philip (2011) Avoiding the Jigsaw Effect: Experiences With Ministry of Justice Reoffending Data s.n.

O'Hara, Kieron (2012) Can Semantic Web Technology Help Implement a Right to Be Forgotten? Computers and Law, 22 (6).

O'Hara, Kieron and Hall, Wendy (2013) Web science. In, Dutton, William (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Internet Studies. (Oxford handbooks in Business and Management) Oxford, GB. Oxford University Press, pp. 48-68.

O'Hara, Kieron (2013) The technology of collective memory and the normativity of truth. In, Michelfelder, Diane, McCarthy, Natasha and Goldberg, David (eds.) Philosophy and Engineering: Reflections on Practice, Principles and Process. Part III. (Philosophy of Engineering and Technology, 15) Berlin, DE. Springer, pp. 279-290. (doi:10.1007/978-94-007-7762-0_22).

O'Hara, Kieron (2012) Review of Peter Dorey, Mark Garnett and Andrew Denham, From Crisis to Coalition: The Conservative Party 1997-2010. Political Studies Review. (Submitted)

Zafeiropoulou, Aristea M., O'Hara, Kieron, Millard, David and Webber, Craig (2012) Location data and privacy: a framework for analysis. In, Stiegler, Bernard (ed.) Réseaux Sociaux: Culture Politique et Ingénierie des Réseaux Sociaux. Limoges, FR. FYP éditions, pp. 185-200.

Vafopoulos, Michalis N., Stefaneas, Petros, Anagnostopoulos, Ioannis and O'Hara, Kieron (2012) A Methodology for Internal Web Ethics. PhiloWeb 2012, workshop at the2012 World Wide Web Conference, Lyon, France. 9 pp .

O'Hara, Kieron (2012) The politics of responsibility. The European.

Wood, Alex L., Merrett, Geoff V., de Jager, Dirk, Al-Hashimi, Bashir M., O'Hara, Kieron, Shadbolt, Nigel R. and Hall, Wendy (2012) DejaView: Help with memory, when you need it. SenseCam 2012: Third Annual Symposium, Oxford, United Kingdom. 03 - 04 Apr 2012. 20 pp .

O'Hara, Kieron (2012) Trust from the enlightenment to the digital enlightenment. In, Bus, Jacques, Crompton, Malcolm, Hildebrandt, Mireille and Metakides, George (eds.) Digital Enlightenment Yearbook 2012. Luxembourg, LU. IOS Press, pp. 169-183. (doi:10.3233/978-1-61499-057-4-169).

O'Hara, Kieron (2012) Transparency, open data and trust in government: shaping the infosphere. ACM Web Science 2012, Evanston, United States. 22 - 24 Jun 2012. 10 pp . (doi:10.1145/2380718.2380747).

O'Hara, Kieron (2012) Trust in social machines: the challenges. AISB/IACAP World Congress 2012: Social Computing, Social Cognition, Social Networks and Multiagent Systems (SOCIAL TURN/SNAMAS), Birmingham, United Kingdom. 01 - 02 Jul 2012. 6 pp .

O'Hara, Kieron (2012) Aldous Huxley: a beginner's guide , London, GB. Oneworld, 220pp.

O'Hara, Kieron (2012) Data quality, government data and the open data infosphere. AISB/IACAP World Congress 2012: Information Quality Symposium, Birmingham, United Kingdom. 03 Jul 2012.

O'Hara, Kieron (2012) Realitätskur: der konservatismus und die krise. The European.

Shadbolt, Nigel, O'Hara, Kieron, Berners-Lee, Tim, Gibbins, Nicholas, Glaser, Hugh, Hall, Wendy and schraefel, m.c. (2012) Linked open government data: lessons from IEEE Intelligent Systems, 27 (3), Spring Issue, 16-24. (doi:10.1109/MIS.2012.23).

Hall, Wendy, Shadbolt, Nigel, Tiropanis, Thanassis, O'Hara, Kieron and Davies, Tim (2012) Open data and charities (Nominet Trust State of the Art Reviews) Oxford, GB. Nominet Trust 87pp.

O'Hara, Kieron (2012) A general definition of trust Southampton, GB. University of Southampton 19pp.

O'Hara, Kieron (2013) The conservative dialectic of Margaret Thatcher’s first term. In, Hart, Bradley W. and Carr, Richard (eds.) The Foundations of the British Conservative Party. London, GB. Continuum. (In Press)

O'Hara, Kieron (2012) From crisis to coalition: the Conservative party 1997–2010 – by Peter Dorey, Mark Garnett and Andrew Denham. Political Studies Review, 10 (3), 450-451. (doi:10.1111/j.1478-9302.2012.00282_9.x).

Pattanaphanchai, Jarutas, O'Hara, Kieron and Hall, Wendy (2012) HETWIN: helping evaluate the trustworthiness of web information for web users framework using semantic web technologies. 8th International Conference on Semantic Systems (I-SEMANTICS 2012), , Graz, Austria.

Yang, Mu, Sassone, Vladimiro and O'Hara, Kieron (2012) Appendix 3. Practical examples of some anonymisation techniques. In, Anonymisation: Managing Data Protection Risk Code of Practice. Wilmslow, GB. Information Commissioner's Office, pp. 80-103.

O'Hara, Kieron (2013) The digital citizen: welcome to (and from) the digital citizen. IEEE Internet Computing, 17 (1), 92-95. (doi:10.1109/MIC.2013.17).

Berners-Lee, Tim and O'Hara, Kieron (2013) The read-write Linked Data Web. [in special issue: Discussion Meeting Issue ‘Web Science: a New Frontier'] Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 371 (1987), 20120513-[5pp]. (doi:10.1098/rsta.2012.0513).

O'Hara, Kieron (2013) Open data comes to market Southampton, GB. University of Southampton 7pp.

Zafeiropoulou, Aristea M., Millard, David E., Webber, Craig and O'Hara, Kieron (2013) Unpicking the privacy paradox: can structuration theory help to explain location-based privacy decisions? ACM Web Science 2013 (WebSci '13), , Paris, France. 01 - 03 May 2013. 10 pp . (In Press) (doi:10.1145/2464464.2464503).

O'Hara, Kieron (2013) The Digital Citizen: social machine politics are here to stay. IEEE Internet Computing, 17 (2), 87-90. (doi:10.1109/MIC.2013.36).

Byrne Evans, Maire, O'Hara, Kieron, Tiropanis, Thanassis and Webber, Craig (2013) Crime applications and social machines: crowdsourcing sensitive data. SOCIAM: The Theory and Practice of Social Machines, , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Pattanaphanchai, Jarutas, O'Hara, Kieron and Hall, Wendy (2013) Trustworthiness criteria for supporting users to assess the credibility of web information. the 22nd international conference on World Wide Web companion (WWW '13 Companion), , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 12 - 16 May 2013. pp. 1123-1130 .

O'Hara, Kieron (2013) The digital citizen: are we getting privacy the wrong way round? IEEE Internet Computing, 17 (4), 89-92. (doi:10.1109/MIC.2013.62).

Shadbolt, Nigel and O'Hara, Kieron (2013) Linked data in government. IEEE Internet Computing, 17 (4), 72-77. (doi:10.1109/MIC.2013.72).

Ceolin, Davide, Moreau, Luc, O'Hara, Kieron, Schreiber, Guus, Sackley, Alisatair, Fokkink, Wan, van Hage, Willem Robert and Shadbolt, Nigel (2013) Reliability analyses of Open Government Data. Uncertainty Reasoning Workshop at ISWC 2013, Sydney, Australia. 20 - 24 Oct 2013.

Hildebrandt, Mireille, O'Hara, Kieron and Waidner, Michael (2013) Introduction. In, Hildebrandt, Mireille, O'Hara, Kieron and Waidner, Michael (eds.) Digital Enlightenment Forum Yearbook 2013: The Value of Personal Data. Amsterdam, NL. IOS Press, pp. 1-25. (doi:10.3233/978-1-61499-295-0-1).

O'Hara, Kieron (2013) Conservatism and an end to poverty. In, Derbyshire, J. (ed.) Poverty in the UK: Can It Be Eradicated? London, GB. Prospect Publishing, pp. 65-69.

O'Hara, Kieron, Contractor, Noshir S., Hall, Wendy, Hendler, James A. and Shadbolt, Nigel (2013) Web Science: understanding the emergence of macro-level features on the World Wide Web. Foundations and Trends in Web Science, 4 (2-3), 103-267. (doi:10.1561/1800000017).

O'Hara, Kieron (2013) The digital citizen: the many-headed e-monster. IEEE Internet Computing, 17 (6), 88-92. (doi:10.1109/MIC.2013.121).

Van Kleek, Max, Smith, Daniel Alexander, Tinati, Ramine, O'Hara, Kieron, Hall, Wendy and Shadbolt, Nigel (2014) 7 billion home telescopes: observing social machines through personal data stores. SOCM2014 Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Social Machines, at WWW2014. (doi:10.1145/2567948.2578840).

Van Kleek, Max and O'Hara, Kieron (2014) The future of social is personal: the potential of the personal data store. In, Daniele Miorandi, Vincenzo Maltese, Michael Rovatsos, Anton Nijholt & James Stewart (eds.), Social Collective Intelligence: Combining the Powers of Humans and Machines to Build a Smarter Society. Heidelberg, DE. Springer-Verlag, pp. 125-158. (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-08681-1_7).

Shadbolt, Nigel, Elliot, Mark, O'Hara, Kieron, Atz, Ulrich, Tennison, Jeni, Tudor, Caroline, Spicer, Keith and Mackey, Elaine (2013) UK: anonymisation in the modern era: the UKAN's perspective. [in special issue: Time Capsule Edition: 10 years] Data Protection Law & Privacy, 10 (12), 8-9.

O'Hara, Kieron (2014) The digital citizen: the information spring. IEEE Internet Computing, 18 (2), 79-83. (doi:10.1109/MIC.2014.34).

O'Hara, Kieron (2014) Government open data and transparency: Oakeshott, civil association and the general will. Global Discourse, 4, 1-18. (doi:10.1080/23269995.2014.903720).

Ceolin, Davide, Moreau, Luc, O'Hara, Kieron, Fokkink, Wan, Van Hage, Willem Robert, Maccatrozzo, Valentina, Sackley, Alistair, Schreiber, Guus and Shadbolt, Nigel (2014) Two procedures for analyzing the reliability of open government data. 15th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU'2014), Montpellier, France. 14 Jul 2014. 10 pp .

O'Hara, Kieron (2014) Privacy and the internet of things. Internet of Things Ecosystem – the Next 40 Billion Devices, London, United Kingdom. 02 Jun 2014. 4 pp .

O'Hara, Kieron (2014) The digital citizen: in worship of an echo. IEEE Internet Computing, 18 (4), 79-83. (doi:10.1109/MIC.2014.71).

O'Hara, Kieron and Shadbolt, Nigel (2014) Who guards the guardians? Science, 345 (6195), 387. (doi:10.1126/science.1256398).

O'Hara, Kieron (2014) Social machines as an approach to group privacy. Group Privacy? New Challenges of Data Technologies, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 9 pp .

O'Hara, Kieron (2014) Enhancing the quality of open data. In, Floridi, Luciano and Illari, Phyllis (eds.) The Philosophy of Information Quality. (Synthese Library, 358) Cham, CH. Springer, pp. 201-215. (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-07121-3_11).

O'Hara, Kieron (2015) Comment on Goldstein and conservatism in India and elsewhere. [in special issue: Conservatism and Ideology] Global Discourse : An Interdisciplinary Journal of Current Affairs and Applied Contemporary Thought, 5 (1), 66-68. (doi:10.1080/23269995.2014.954458).

O'Hara, Kieron (2014) Conservatism, epistemology, risk and mind. Conservatism, Zürich, Switzerland. 06 - 07 Nov 2014. 25 pp .

O'Hara, Kieron (2014) The digital citizen: the fridge's brain sure ain't the icebox. IEEE Internet Computing, 18 (6), 81-84. (doi:10.1109/MIC.2014.122).

Robertson, David, Moreau, Luc, Murray-Rust, David and O'Hara, Kieron (2014) An Open System for Social Computation. In, O'Hara, Kieron , Nguyen, M.-H. Carolyn and Haynes, Peter D. (eds.) Digital Enlightenment Yearbook 2014: Social Networks and Social Machines, Surveillance and Empowerment. IOS Press.

Luczak-Rösch, Markus, Tinati, Ramine, O'Hara, Kieron and Shadbolt, Nigel (2015) Socio-technical computation. The 18th ACM conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, , Vancouver, Canada. 14 - 18 Mar 2015. 4 pp . (doi:10.1145/2685553.2698991).

O'Hara, Kieron, Nguyen, M.-H. Carolyn and Haynes, Peter (2014) Introduction. In, O'Hara, Kieron, Nguyen, M.-H. Carolyn and Haynes, Peter D. (eds.) Digital Enlightenment Yearbook 2014: Social Networks and Social Machines, Surveillance and Empowerment. Amsterdam, NL. IOS Press, pp. 3-21. (doi:10.3233/978-1-61499-450-3-3).

O'Hara, Kieron (2015) The digital citizen: data, legibility, creativity ... and power. IEEE Internet Computing, 19 (2), 88-91. (doi:10.1109/MIC.2015.34).

Pattanaphanchai, Jarutas, O'Hara, Kieron and Hall, Wendy (2015) TWINE: Supporting assessment of trustworthiness of Web information using linked data. 3rd International Conference of Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT2015), , Nusa Dua, Indonesia. 26 - 28 May 2015. 6 pp .

Leanne, Fry, Hall, Wendy, Koronios, Andy, Mayer, Wolfgang, O'Hara, Kieron, Rowland-Campbell, Anni, Stumptner, Markus, Tinati, Ramine, Tiropanis, Thanassis and Wang, Xin (2015) Governance in the age of social machines: the web observatory. The Australia and New Zealand School of Government, 1-34.

Wang, Xin, Tinati, Ramine, Mayer, Wolfgang, Rowland-Campbell, Anni, Tiropanis, Thanassis, Brown, Ian, Hall, Wendy, O’Hara, Kieron, Stumptner, Markus and Koronios, Andy (2015) Building a web observatory for south Australian government: supporting an age friendly population. 3rd International workshop on Building Web Observatories (BWOW). 10 pp .

Van Kleek, Max, Murray-Rust, Dave, Guy, Amy, Smith, Daniel Alexander, O'Hara, Kieron and Shadbolt, Nigel (2015) Self curation, social partitioning, escaping from prejudice and harassment: the many dimensions of lying online. Web Science 2015, Oxford, United Kingdom. 27 - 30 Jun 2015. 9 pp .

O'Hara, Kieron (2015) The digital citizen: the right to be forgotten: the good, the bad and the ugly. IEEE Internet Computing, 19 (4), 73-79. (doi:10.1109/MIC.2015.88).

Murray-Rust, Dave, O'Hara, Kieron, Oswald, Marion, Van Kleek, Max and Shadbolt, Nigel (2015) Privacy by obfuscation with personal data management architectures: possibilities and constraints. Workshop on the Economics of Surveillance, ACM Web Science Conference 2015, Oxford, United Kingdom. 6 pp .

O'Hara, Kieron and Stevens, David (2015) Echo chambers and online radicalism: assessing the Internet’s complicity in violent extremism. Policy and Internet, 1-22. (doi:10.1002/poi3.88).

O'Hara, Kieron (2015) The digital citizen: authority printed upon emptiness: the prospects for Bitcoin. IEEE Internet Computing, 19 (6), 72-76. (doi:10.1109/MIC.2015.122).

O'Hara, Kieron and Shadbolt, Nigel (2015) The right to be forgotten: its potential role in a coherent privacy regime. European Data Protection Law Review, 1 (3), 178-189. (doi:10.21552/EDPL/2015/3/5).

O'Hara, Kieron (2016) The digital citizen: the seven veils of privacy. IEEE Internet Computing, 20 (2), 86-91. (doi:10.1109/MIC.2016.34).

O'Hara, Kieron (2016) Little Platoons v Big Data: agonistic pluralism, law and conservatism in Hildebrandt’s Smart Technologies and Oakeshott’s On Human Conduct. Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP) 2016, Brussels, Belgium. 27 - 29 Jan 2016. 17 pp .

O'Hara, Kieron (2015) Conservatism. In, Segal, Robert A. and von Stuckrad, Kocku (eds.) Vocabulary for the Study of Religion Vol 1. Boston, US. Brill, pp. 347-349.

O'Hara, Kieron (2015) The Enlightenment. In, Segal, Robert A. and von Stuckrad, Kocku (eds.) Vocabulary for the Study of Religion Vol.1. Boston, US. Brill, pp. 510-515.

O'Hara, Kieron, Shadbolt, Nigel and Hall, Wendy (2016) A pragmatic approach to the right to be forgotten (Global Commission on Internet Governance Papers, 26) London, GB. The Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)/Chatham House 28pp.

Van Kleek, Max, Murray-Rust, Dave, Guy, Amy, O'hara, Kieron and Shadbolt, Nigel (2016) Computationally mediated pro-social deception. In Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings. The Association for Computing Machinery. pp. 552-563 . (doi:10.1145/2858036.2858060).

Thuermer, Gefion, Roth, Silke, Luczak-Roesch, Markus and O'Hara, Kieron (2016) Internet use, in- and exclusion in decision-making processes within political parties. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Web Science (WebSci '16). ACM Press. pp. 205-214 . (doi:10.1145/2908131.2908149).

Tsakalakis, Niko, O'hara, Kieron and Stalla-Bourdillon, Sophie (2016) Identity assurance in the UK: technical implementations and legal implications under the eIDAS regulation. WebSci '16 Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Web Science, , Hannover, Germany. 22 - 25 May 2016. pp. 55-65 . (doi:10.1145/2908131.2908152).

O'Hara, Kieron (2016) Conservatism, epistemology and value. [in special issue: Conservatism] The Monist, 99 (4), 423-440. (doi:10.1093/monist/onw014).

Van Hardeveld, Gert, Webber, Craig and O'Hara, Kieron (2016) Discovering credit card fraud methods in online tutorials. OnSt ’16: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Online Safety, Trust and Fraud Prevention, Hannover, Germany. 22 - 25 May 2016. 5 pp . (doi:10.1145/2915368.2915369).

Smart, Paul, O'Hara, Kieron and Hall, Wendy (2016) Predicting me, experiencing us: predictive processing, big data and the mind of society. Minds, Selves and 21st Century Technology, Lisbon, Portugal. 22 - 23 Jun 2016. 3 pp .

Elliot, Mark, Mackey, Elaine, O'Hara, Kieron and Tudor, Caroline (2016) The Anonymisation Decision-Making Framework , Manchester, GB. UKAN, 171pp.

Tsakalakis, Niko, Stalla-Bourdillon, Sophie and O'Hara, Kieron (2016) What's in a name: the conflicting views of pseudonymisation under eIDAS and the General Data Protection Regulation. Hühnlein, Detlef, Roßnagel, Heiko, Schunck, Christian H. and Talamo, Maurizio (eds.) In Open Identity Summit 2016: October 13–14, 2016, Rome, Italy. vol. P-264, Gesellschaft für Informatik. pp. 167-174 .

Parkinson, Brian, Laurence, Millard, David, O'hara, Kieron and Giordano, Richard (2017) The digitally extended self: a lexicological analysis of personal data. Journal of Information Science, 44 (4), 552-565. (doi:10.1177/0165551517706233).

Van Hardeveld, Gert, Jan, Webber, Craig and O'Hara, Kieron (2017) Deviating from the cybercriminal script: exploring tools of anonymity (mis)used by carders on cryptomarkets. American Behavioral Scientist, 61 (11), 1244-1266. (doi:10.1177/0002764217734271).

Thuermer, Gefion, Roth, Silke, O'Hara, Kieron and Staab, Steffen (2017) Online participation in democratic processes: the case of the Green Party, Germany. ECPR General Conference, , Oslo, Norway. 06 - 09 Sep 2017. 22 pp .

Tsakalakis, Nikolaos, Stalla-Bourdillon, Sophie and O'Hara, Kieron (2017) Identity Assurance in the UK: technical implementation and legal implications under eIDAS. The Journal of Web Science, 3 (3), 32-46. (doi:10.1561/106.00000010).

Stevens, David and O'hara, Kieron (2014) The Devil's long tail: religious and other radicals in the internet marketplace , Oxford University Press

O'Keefe, Christine M., Otarepec, Stephanie, Elliot, Mark, Mackey, Elaine and O'hara, Kieron (2017) The de-identification decision-making framework , CSIRO, 156pp.

O'hara, Kieron (2017) AI in the UK: a short history. In, Hall, Wendy and Pesenti, Jerome (eds.) Growing the artificial intelligence industry in the UK. London. Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, UK Government, pp. 18-20.

O'hara, Kieron and Robertson, David (2017) Social machines as an approach to group privacy. In, Taylor, Linnet, Floridi, Luciano and van der Sloot, Bart (eds.) Group Privacy: New Challenges of Data Technologies. (Philosophical Studies Series) Cham. Springer, pp. 101-122. (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-46608-8_6).

O'hara, Kieron (2017) Smart contracts - dumb idea. IEEE Internet Computing, 21 (2), 97-101. (doi:10.1109/MIC.2017.48).

O'hara, Kieron (2017) Privacy discourses and a Data Governance Stewardship Council. In Data Management and Use: Governance in the 21st Century. Royal Society/British Academy. pp. 28-29 .

O'hara, Kieron (2018) You are being watched: Review of Kevin Macnish, The Ethics of Surveillance, Routledge, 2018, ISBN 978-1-138-64379-6, 215+vii pp. Metascience, 27 (2), 271-274. (doi:10.1007/s11016-017-0285-8).

Elliot, Mark, O'hara, Kieron, Raab, Charles, O'Keefe, Christine M., Mackey, Elaine, Dibben, Chris, Gowans, Heather, Purdam, Kingsley and McCullagh, Karen (2018) Functional anonymisation: personal data and the data environment. Computer Law & Security Review. (doi:10.1016/j.clsr.2018.02.001).

Thuermer, Gefion, Roth, Silke, O'Hara, Kieron and Staab, Steffen (2018) Everybody thinks online participation is great – for somebody else: a qualitative and quantitative analysis of perceptions and expectations of online participation in the Green Party Germany. In WebSci '18 Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Web Science. ACM Press. pp. 287-296 . (doi:10.1145/3201064.3201069).

Coles-Kemp, Lizzie, Ashenden, Debi and O'Hara, Kieron (2018) Why should I?: Cybersecurity, the security of the state and the insecurity of the citizen. Politics and Governance. (doi:10.17645/pag.v6i2.1333).

O'Hara, Kieron (2018) Margaret Thatcher 1925-2013. In, Garnett, Mark (ed.) Conservative Moments: Reading Conservative Texts. (Textual Moments in the History of Political Thought) London. Bloomsbury Academic.

O'hara, Kieron (2018) Pity the Poor Engineer: Review of Massimo Ragnedda & Glenn W. Muschert (eds.), Theorizing Digital Divides, Abingdon: Routledge, 2018, ISBN 978-1-138-21040-0, and Hamid R. Ekbia & Bonnie A. Nardi, Heteromation, and Other Stories of Computing and Capitalism, Cambridge MA: M.I.T. Press, 2017, ISBN 978-0-262-03625-2. European Journal of Communication, 33 (3), 338-343.

O'Hara, Kieron (2018) The contradictions of digital modernity. AI & Society, 1-12. (doi:10.1007/s00146-018-0843-7).

Ibanez, Luis-Daniel, O'Hara, Kieron and Simperl, Elena (2018) On Blockchains and the General Data Protection Regulation EU Blockchain Forum and Observatory 13pp.

Madaan, Aastha, Nurse, Jason R.C., De Roure, David, O'Hara, Kieron, Hall, Wendy and Creese, Sadie (2018) A storm in an IoT Cup: the emergence of cyber-physical social machines 14pp.

O'Hara, Kieron (2018) Bullshit 2.0 Southampton. University of Southampton 7pp.

Luczak-Roesch, Markus, O'hara, Kieron, Dineen, Jesse David and Tinati, Ramine (2018) What an entangled web we weave: an information-centric approach to time-evolving socio-technical systems. Minds and Machines. (doi:10.1007/s11023-018-9478-1).

O'hara, Kieron (2018) Privacy: Essentially contested, a family resemblance concept, or a family of conceptions? 2018 Amsterdam Privacy Conference, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 05 - 08 Oct 2018. 17 pp .

O'hara, Kieron (2018) Where shall we draw the line?: Conservatism, privacy and digital modernity. 2018 Amsterdam Privacy Conference, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 05 - 08 Oct 2018. 18 pp .

O'hara, Kieron and Hall, Wendy (2018) Four internets: the geopolitics of digital governance (CIGI Papers, 206) The Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)/Chatham House 28pp.

O'hara, Kieron (2019) Data Trusts: Ethics, Architecture and Governance for Trustworthy Data Stewardship (WSI White Papers, 1) Southampton. University of Southampton 27pp. (doi:10.5258/SOTON/WSI-WP001).

Shadbolt, Nigel, O'Hara, Kieron, De Roure, David and Hall, Wendy (2019) The theory and practice of social machines (Lecture Notes in Social Networks), Cham. Springer, 272pp.

O'Hara, Kieron (2019) Conservatism then and now. Cosmos + Taxis, 6 (3-4), 45-51.

Tsakalakis, Niko, Stalla-Bourdillon, Sophie and O'hara, Kieron (2019) Data protection by design for cross-border electronic identification: Does the eIDAS Interoperability Framework need to be modernised? Kosta, Eleni, Fischer-Hübner, Simone, Pierson, Jo, Slamanig, Daniel and Krenn, Stephan (eds.) In Privacy and Identity Management. Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency in the Age of Big Data: 13th IFIP WG 9.2, 9.6/11.7, 11.6/SIG 9.2.2 International Summer School, Vienna, Austria, August 20-24, 2018, Revised Selected Papers. vol. 547, Springer New York. pp. 255-274 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-030-16744-8_17).

O'hara, Kieron and Hall, Wendy (2020) Four internets. Communications of the ACM, 63 (3), 28-30. (doi:10.1145/3341722).

Alsaad, Arwah, Mohammed A, O'hara, Kieron and Carr, Leslie (2019) Institutional repositories as a data trust infrastructure. In WebSci '19 : Companion Publication of the 11th ACM Conference on Web Science. ACM Press. pp. 1-4 . (doi:10.1145/3328413.3329402).

O'Hara, Kieron (2021) Burkean conservatism, legibility and populism. Journal of Political Ideologies, 26 (1), 81-100. (doi:10.1080/13569317.2020.1844371).

Millard, David, Hewitt, Sarah, O'Hara, Kieron, Packer, Heather and Rogers, Neil (2019) The Unethical Future of Mixed Reality Storytelling. In 8th International Workshop on Narrative and Hypertext (NHT’19), September 17, 2019, Hof, Germany. ACM Press. 4 pp . (doi:10.1145/3345511.3349283).

Walker, Johanna, Simperl, Elena, Stalla-Bourdillon, Sophie and O'Hara, Kieron (2019) Decision making processes for data sharing: a framework for data trusts. ACM WomENcourage 2019: Celebration of Women in Computing, MAXII Rome, Rome, Italy. 16 - 18 Sep 2019. 1 pp .

Smart, Paul, Chu, Ming-Chin Monique, O'Hara, Kieron, Carr, Leslie and Hall, Wendy (2019) Geopolitical drivers of personal data: the four horsemen of the datapocalypse Southampton, UK. University of Southampton 104pp.

O'hara, Kieron and Hildebrandt, Mireille (2020) Introduction: life and the law in the era of data-driven agency. In, Hildebrandt, Mireille and O'Hara, Kieron (eds.) Life and the Law in the Era of Data-Driven Agency. Cheltenham. Edward Elgar, pp. 1-15. (doi:10.4337/9781788972000.00006).

Hildebrandt, Mireille and O'hara, Kieron (2020) Preface. In, Hildebrandt, Mireille and O'Hara, Kieron (eds.) Life and the Law in the Era of Data Driven Agency. Cheltenham. Edward Elgar, xii-xiv. (doi:10.4337/9781788972000.00005).

O'hara, Kieron and Garnett, Mark (2020) The conservative reaction to data-driven agency. In, Hildebrandt, Mireille and O'Hara, Kieron (eds.) Life and the Law in the Era of Data-Driven Agency. Cheltenham. Edward Elgar, pp. 175-193. (doi:10.4337/9781788972000.00017).

O'hara, Kieron and Hildebrandt, Mireille (2020) Between the Editors. In, Hildebrandt, Mireille and O'Hara, Kieron (eds.) Life and the Law in the Era of Data-Driven Agency. Cheltenham. Edward Elgar, pp. 16-43. (doi:10.4337/9781788972000.00007).

Hall, Wendy and O'Hara, Kieron (2019) The dream of a global internet is edging towards destruction. WIRED, 2020 Annual, 16-17.

O'hara, Kieron (2020) In no circumstances can or should explanations of AI outputs in sensitive contexts be wholly computable. Workshop on Explanations for AI: Computable or Not? at 12th ACM Web Science Conference, Southampton 2020, University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom. 07 Jul 2020. 3 pp .

O'hara, Kieron (2020) Big data, consequentialism and privacy. In, Macnish, Kevin and Galliott, Jai (eds.) Big Data and Democracy. Edinburgh. Edinburgh University Press, pp. 13-26.

O'hara, Kieron (2020) Data-driven government: the triumph of Thatcherism or the revenge of society. In, Mullen, Antony, Farrall, Stephen and Jeffery, David (eds.) Thatcherism in the 21st Century: the Social and Cultural Legacy. Cham. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 55-74. (doi:10.1007/978-3-030-41792-5_4).

O'Hara, Kieron (2020) Explainable AI and the philosophy and practice of explanation. Computer Law & Security Review, 39, [105474]. (doi:10.1016/j.clsr.2020.105474).

Hall, Wendy, Madaan, Aastha and O'Hara, Kieron (2020) Web observatories: Gathering data for internet governance. In, DeNardis, Laura, Cogburn, Derrick L., Levinson, Nanette S. and Musiani, Francesca (eds.) Researching Internet Governance: Methods, Frameworks, Futures. (Information Policy Series) Cambridge,MA. MIT Press, pp. 123-144. (doi:10.7551/mitpress/12400.003.0007).

Smart, Paul, O'hara, Kieron, Cox, Adrian JM and Hall, Wendy (2020) Cyber-physical systems and social machines 10pp. (doi:10.2139/ssrn.3705252).

O'hara, Kieron (2020) “Data are” or “data is”?: a pedant writes Web Science Trust 2pp.

Elliot, Mark, Mackey, Elaine and O'Hara, Kieron (2020) The anonymisation decision-making framework 2nd Edition: European practitioners' guide , Manchester. UKAN, 119pp.

Smart, Paul, O'hara, Kieron and Hall, Wendy (2021) Applying mechanical philosophy to web science: The case of social machines. European Journal for Philosophy of Science, 11 (3), 1-29, [72]. (doi:10.1007/s13194-021-00388-z).

Hall, Wendy and O'hara, Kieron (2021) Four Internets: data, geopolitics, and the governance of cyberspace , Oxford Univesrity Press, 344pp.

O'Hara, Kieron (2022) Privacy, privacy-enhancing technologies & the individual (HASH(0x8ee0fe0), 1) Web Science Trust 55pp.

O'hara, Kieron (2021) What Conservatives Value: Reply to Blackburn. Political Studies Review. (doi:10.1177/14789299211062039).


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Dr Bing Chu joined School of Electronics and Computer Science (ECS) at University of Southampton in March 2012 where he is currently an associate professor. Prior to this, he was a postdoctoral researcher at University of Oxford (June 2010 - March 2012).

He obtained his BEng degree in Automation and MSc degree in Control Science and Technology from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China in 2004 and 2007, respectively. In 2009, he completed a
PhD degree in Automatic Control and Systems Engineering from the University of Sheffield, UK. His thesis was on 'Iterative Learning Control using Successive Projection' and was under the  supervision of Professor David H Owens.


Research interests

His research is pushing the boundaries to fully exploit the power of learning in control systems design to achieve high system performance and to apply these methods to practical applications.


ELEC1206: Electrical Materials and Fields
ELEC6229: Advanced Systems and Signal Processing
ELEC3035: Control Systems Design


Chu, Bing and Owens, David H. (2009) Accelerated norm-optimal iterative learning control algorithms using successive projection. International Journal of Control, 82 (8), 1469-1484. (doi:10.1080/00207170802512824).

Chu, Bing and Owens, David H. (2010) Iterative learning control for constrained linear systems. International Journal of Control, 83 (7), 1397-1413. (doi:10.1080/00207171003758752).

Owens, David and Chu, Bing (2010) Modelling of non-minimum-phase effects in discrete-time norm-optimal iterative learning control. International Journal of Control, 83 (10), 2012-2027. (doi:10.1080/00207179.2010.501458).

Chu, B. and Owens, D.H. (2011) Accelerated predictive norm-optimal iterative learning control. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 225 (6), 744-759. (doi:10.1177/0959651811399541).

Chu, Bing and Liu, Yanhong (2007) On the asymptotic stability of positive 2-D systems described by the Roesser model. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 54 (12), 1102-1104. (doi:10.1109/TCSII.2007.908899).

Liu, Yanhong, Chen, Tiejun, Li, Chunwen, Wang, Yuzhen and Chu, Bing (2008) Energy-based disturbance attenuation excitation control of differential algebraic power systems. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 55 (10), 1081-1085. (doi:10.1109/TCSII.2008.2001966).

Owens, David, Chu, Bing and Songjun, Mutita (2012) Parameter optimal iterative learning control using polynomial representations of the inverse plant. International Journal of Control. (doi:10.1080/00207179.2012.658867).

Owens, D.H. and Chu, B. (2010) Accelerated norm-optimal iterative learning control. International Journal of Advanced Mechatronic Systems, 2 (1/2), 4-18. (doi:10.1504/IJAMECHS.2010.030844).

Chu, Bing, Duncan, Stephen, Papachristodoulou, Antonis and Hepburn, Cameron (2013) Analysis and control design of sustainable policies for greenhouse gas emissions. Applied Thermal Engineering, 53 (2), 420-431. (doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2012.04.022).

Owens, David and Chu, Bing (2012) Combined inverse and gradient iterative learning control: performance, monotonicity and robustness. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. (Submitted)

Chu, Bing, Duncan, Stephen and Papachristodoulou, Antonis (2012) A structure-preserving model reduction method. Automatica. (Submitted)

Chu, B, Cai, Z, Owens, D H, Rogers, E, Freeman, C T and Lewin, P L (2012) Experimental Verification of Constrained Iterative Learning Control Using Successive Projection. UKACC International Conference on Control 2012, Cardiff, United Kingdom. 02 - 04 Sep 2012. pp. 351-356 .

Owens, D.H., Freeman, C.T. and Chu, B. (2013) Multivariable norm optimal iterative learning control with auxiliary optimization. International Journal of Control, 86 (6), 1026-1045.

Owens, D H, Freeman, C T and Chu, B (2014) An Inverse Approach to Intermediate Point Norm Optimal Iterative Learning Control with Auxiliary Optimization. International Journal of Control, 87 (8), 1646-1671. (doi:10.1080/00207179.2014.880951).

Owens, D H, Freeman, C T and Chu, Bing (2013) Norm Optimal Iterative Learning Control with Auxiliary Optimization – An Inverse Model Approach. American Control Conference, 17-19 June 2013, Washington DC. 16 - 18 Jun 2013. pp. 6691-6696 .

Owens, D H, Freeman, C T and Chu, Bing (2013) Norm Optimal Iterative Learning Control with Auxiliary Optimization: A Switching Approach. IFAC International Workshop on Adaptation and Learning in Control and Signal Processing 2013, Caen, France. 02 - 04 Jul 2013. pp. 140-145 .

Chu, B, Duncan, Stephen and Papachristodoulou, Antonis (2011) A structured model reduction method for large scale networks. 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, , Orlando, United States. 12 - 15 Dec 2011. (In Press) (doi:10.1109/CDC.2011.6160773).

Chu, Bing, Duncan, Stephen, Papachristodoulou, Antonis and Hepburn, Cameron (2012) Using economic model predictive control to design sustainable policies for mitigating climate change. 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, United States. 10 - 13 Dec 2012.

Owens, D.H., Freeman, C.T. and Chu, B. (2013) Norm Optimal Iterative Learning Control for Planar Tracking Tasks. IFAC International Workshop on Adaptation and Learning in Control and Signal Processing, Caen, France. pp. 683-688 .

Chu, Bing, Duncan, Duncan, Papachristodoulou, Antonis and Hepburn, Cameron (2011) Analysis and control design of sustainable policies for greenhouse gas emissions. International Conference on Sustainable Thermal Energy Management, Newcastle, United Kingdom. 24 - 25 Oct 2011. 6 pp .

Chu, Bing, Duncan, Stephen and Papachristodoulou, Antonis (2011) A model for using control theory to design sustainable policies for greenhouse gas emissions. IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control, Denver, United States. 25 - 29 Sep 2011. pp. 748-753 .

Owens, D.H., Chu, B., Rogers, E., Freeman, C.T. and Lewin, P.L. (2014) The influence of non-minimum phase zeros on the performance of optimal continuous-time iterative learning control. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 22 (3), 1151-1158. (doi:10.1109/TCST.2013.2267743).

Copur, E. H., Freeman, C.T., Chu, B. and Laila, D.S. (2014) Repetitive Control Based Tremor Suppression using Electrical Stimulation. UKACC 10th International Conference on Control, Loughborough, United Kingdom. 08 - 10 Jul 2014. 6 pp .

Xu, W, Chu, Bing and Rogers, E (2013) Cascade based iterative learning control of robotic-assisted upper extremity stroke rehabilitation. 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, , Florence, Italy. 10 - 13 Dec 2013. pp. 6688-6693 .

Xu, W., Chu, Bing and Rogers, E. (2014) Iterative learning control for robotic-assisted upper limb stroke rehabilitation in the presence of muscle fatigue. Control Engineering Practice, 31, 63-72. (doi:10.1016/j.conengprac.2014.05.009).

Owens, David H., Freeman, Christopher and Chu, Bing (2015) Generalized Norm Optimal Iterative Learning Control with Intermediate Point and Sub-interval Tracking. International Journal of Automation and Computing, 12 (3), 243-253.

Owens, D.H. and Chu, Bing (2008) Iterative learning control using successive projection. 14th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics, Miedzyzdroje, Poland. 18 - 20 Aug 2008.

Owens, D.H. and Chu, B. (2009) Iterative learning control for constrained linear systems using successive projection. Symposium on Learning Control at 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. 14 - 15 Dec 2009.

Chu, B. and Owens, D.H. (2010) Iterative learning control for constrained linear systems using projection method. HAM: International Workshop on Human Adaptive Mechatronics, Loughborough, United Kingdom. 12 - 13 May 2010.

Copur, E.H., Freeman, C.T., Chu, B. and Laila, D.S. (2016) System identification for FES-based tremor suppression. European Journal of Control, 27, 45-59. (doi:10.1016/j.ejcon.2015.12.003).

Copur, E. H., Freeman, C. T., Chu, B. and Laila, D.S. (2015) Repetitive Control for Tremor Suppression Using Electrical Stimulation. 5th Annual Conference of the International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society (IFESS) (UK and Ireland Chapter), Sheffield, United Kingdom.

Chu, B., Freeman, C. T. and Owens, D.H. (2015) A Novel Design Framework for Point-to-Point ILC Using Successive Projection. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 23 (3), 1156-1163.

Chen, Yiyang, Chu, Bing and Freeman, Christopher T. (2015) Point-to-point iterative learning control with optimal tracking time allocation. In 2015 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). IEEE. pp. 6089-6094 . (doi:10.1109/CDC.2015.7403177).

Chu, B., Owens, D.H. and Freeman, C. T. (2015) Predictive Gradient Iterative Learning Control. 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, , Osaka, Japan. 15 - 18 Dec 2015. pp. 2377-2382 .

Copur, E. H., Freeman, C. T., Chu, B. and Laila, D.S. (2015) FES Based Tremor Suppression Using Repetitive Control. 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, , Osaka, Japan. 15 - 18 Dec 2015. pp. 6023-6028 .

Chu, B., Owens, D.H. and Freeman, C.T. (2015) Iterative learning control with predictive trial information: convergence, robustness and experimental verifications. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 1-8. (doi:10.1109/TCST.2015.2476779).

Chen, Y., Chu, B. and Freeman, C. T. (2015) Point-to-Point Iterative Learning Control with Optimal Tracking Time Allocation. Control & Optimisation UK, Oxford, United Kingdom.

Lee, Sze Sing, Chu, Bing, Idris, Nik Rumzi Nik, Goh, Hui Hwang and Heng, Yeh En (2016) Switched-battery boost-multilevel inverter with GA optimized SHEPWM for standalone application. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 1-17. (doi:10.1109/TIE.2015.2506626).

Wang, X, Chu, B and Rogers, E (2016) Repetitive Process based Higher-order Iterative Learning Control Law Design. 2016 American Control Conference, ACC 2016, , Boston, United States. 05 - 07 Jul 2016. (In Press)

Chu, Bing (2016) Iterative learning control for performance optimisation. 2016 American Control Conference, ACC 2016, , Boston, United States. 05 - 07 Jul 2016. 6 pp .

Chen, Yiyang, Chu, Bing and Freeman, Christopher T. (2016) Spatial path tracking using iterative learning control. In 2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). IEEE. pp. 7189-7194 . (doi:10.1109/CDC.2016.7799378).

Chen, Yiyang, Chu, Bing and Freeman, Christopher (2018) Point-to-point iterative learning control with optimal tracking time allocation. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 26 (5), 1685-1698, [8013126]. (doi:10.1109/TCST.2017.2735358).

Copur, Engin, Freeman, Christopher, Chu, Bing and Laila, Dina (2019) Repetitive control of electrical stimulation for tremor suppression. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 27 (2), 540-552. (doi:10.1109/TCST.2017.2771327).

Chen, Yiyang, Chu, Bing and Freeman, Christopher (2017) Point-to-point iterative learning control with optimal tracking time allocation: a coordinate descent approach. In 2017 36th Chinese Control Conference (CCC). IEEE. pp. 3298-3303 . (doi:10.23919/ChiCC.2017.8027867).

Chen, Yiyang, Chu, Bing and Freeman, Christopher (2017) Generalized norm optimal iterative learning control: constraint handling. IFAC 2017 World Congress, The 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, Toulouse, France. 08 - 13 Jul 2017.

Chu, Bing, Owens, David, Freeman, Christopher and Liu, Yanhong (2017) Point-to-point ILC with accelerated convergence. IEEE 6th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference, Convention Center of Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing, China. 26 - 27 May 2017. (doi:10.1109/DDCLS.2017.8068127).

Nowicka, Weronika, Natalia, Chu, Bing, Tutty, Owen and Rogers, Eric (2017) Load reduction in wind turbines with smart rotors using trial varying iterative learning control law. In Proceedings of the American Control Conference.

Wang, Xuan, Chu, Bing and Rogers, Eric (2017) Higher-order iterative learning control law design using linear repetitive process theory: convergence and robustness. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 50 (1), 3123-3128. (doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2017.08.320).

Luijten, Fons, Chu, Bing and Rogers, Eric (2018) Iterative learning control for stroke rehabilitation with input dependent muscle fatigue modeling. In Proceedings of American Control Conference (ACC) 2018. IEEE. 6 pp . (doi:10.23919/ACC.2018.8431755).

Nowicka, Weronika, Natalia, Chu, Bing, Tutty, Owen and Rogers, Eric (2018) Wind turbine aerodynamic load fluctuation reduction using model based iterative learning control. In 2018 Annual American Control Conference, ACC 2018. vol. 2018-June, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. pp. 6384-6389 . (doi:10.23919/ACC.2018.8431576).

Owens, D. and Chu, B. (2018) Error corrected references and acceleration of norm optimal iterative learning control. In, 2018 American Control Conference. American Control Conference 2018: ACC 2018 (27/06/18 - 29/06/18) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.. (doi:10.23919/ACC.2018.8431404).

Wu, Rebing, Chu, Bing, Owens, D and Rabitz, Herschel (2018) Data-driven gradient algorithm for high-precision quantum control. Physical Review A, 97 (4), [42122]. (doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.97.042122).

Johansen, Simon V., Jensen, Martin R., Chu, Bing, Bcndtsen, Jan D., Mogensen, Jesper and Rogers, Eric (2018) Broiler growth optimization using norm optimal terminal iterative learning control. In 2018 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, CCTA 2018. IEEE. pp. 1258-1264 . (doi:10.1109/CCTA.2018.8511464).

Page, A. P., Freeman, C. T. and Chu, B. (2018) Point-to-point repetitive control with application to drop-foot. In 2018 European Control Conference, ECC 2018. IEEE. pp. 2399-2404 . (doi:10.23919/ECC.2018.8550097).

Chen, Shangcheng, Freeman, Christopher and Chu, Bing (2018) Gradient-based iterative learning control for decentralised collaborative tracking. In 2018 European Control Conference, ECC 2018. IEEE. pp. 721-726 . (doi:10.23919/ECC.2018.8550177).

Page, A. P., Freeman, C. T. and Chu, B. (2018) Weighted point-to-point repetitive control for drop-foot assistance. In 018 UKACC 12th International Conference on Control (CONTROL). IEEE. pp. 468-473 . (doi:10.1109/CONTROL.2018.8516840).

Zhang, Zan, Liu, Yanhong and Chu, Bing (2018) Modeling and identification of electrically stimulated muscles for wrist movement. In 2018 15th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, ICARCV 2018. IEEE. pp. 1823-1828 . (doi:10.1109/ICARCV.2018.8581166).

Chen, Yiyang, Chu, Bing and Freeman, Christopher (2019) A coordinate descent approach to optimal tracking time allocation in point-to-point ILC. Mechatronics, 59, 25-34. (doi:10.1016/j.mechatronics.2019.02.005).

Chen, Yiyang, Chu, Bing and Freeman, Christopher T. (2019) Norm optimal iterative learning control for general spatial path following problem. In 2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). vol. 2018-December, IEEE. pp. 4933-4938 . (doi:10.1109/CDC.2018.8619378).

Chen, Yiyang, Chu, Bing and Freeman, Christopher T. (2017) Generalized norm optimal iterative learning control: constraint handling. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 50 (1), 13396-13401. (doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2017.08.2275).

Geng, Hua, Zheng, Zedong, Zou, Tianming, Chu, Bing and Chandra, Ambrish (2019) Fast repetitive control with harmonic correction loops for shunt active power filter applied in weak grid. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 55 (3), 3198-3206, [8626158]. (doi:10.1109/TIA.2019.2895570).

Chen, Yiyang, Chu, Bing and Freeman, Christopher (2020) Generalized iterative learning control using successive projection: algorithm, convergence and experimental verification. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 28 (6), 2079-2091. (doi:10.1109/TCST.2019.2928505).

Chen, Yiyang, Chu, Bing and Freeman, Christopher (2019) Iterative learning control for minimum time path following. In 13th IFAC Workshop on Adaptive and Learning Control Systems. 6 pp .

Chen, Yiyang, Chu, Bing, Freeman, Christopher T. and Liu, Yanhong (2020) Generalized iterative learning control with mixed system constraints: A gantry robot based verification. Control Engineering Practice, 95, [104260]. (doi:10.1016/j.conengprac.2019.104260).

Lee, Sze Sing, Chu, Bing, Lim, Chee Shen and Lee, Kyo-Beum (2019) Two-inductor non-isolated DC-DC converter with high step-up voltage gain. Journal of Power Electronics, 19 (5), 1069-1073. (doi:10.6113/JPE.2019.19.5.1069).

Chen, Yiyang, Chu, Bing and Freeman, Christopher (2021) Iterative learning control for path following tasks with performance optimization. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 30 (1), 234-246. (doi:10.1109/TCST.2021.3062223).

Cao, Guizhou, Chu, Bing, Huo, Benyan and Liu, Yanhong (2021) Design, modeling and control of an enhanced soft pneumatic network actuator. International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, 18 (1), [2150004].

Chu, Bing, Rogers, Eric, Rauh, Andreas, Aschemann, Harald and Owens, David H. (2021) Constrained iterative learning control for linear time-varying systems with experimental validation on a high-speed rack feeder. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology. (doi:10.1109/TCST.2021.3123744). (In Press)

Huo, Benyan, Liu, Yanghong, Qin, Yunhui, Chu, Bing and Freeman, Christopher (2020) Disturbance observer based iterative learning control for upper limb rehabilitation. In IECON 2020 The 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. IEEE. p. 2774 . (doi:10.1109/IECON43393.2020.9254696).

Chen, Yiyang, Chu, Bing and Freeman, Christopher (2022) Iterative learning control for robotic path following with trial-varying motion profiles. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics. (doi:10.1109/TMECH.2022.3164101).

Cao, Xi, Chu, Bing, Peng, Zhihui, Liu, Yuxi and Wu, Rebing (2021) Learning to calibrate quantum control pulses by iterative deconvolution. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 30 (1). (doi:10.1109/TCST.2021.3060321).

Johansen, Simon V., Jensen, Martin R., Chu, Bing, Bendtsen, Jan D, Mogensen, Jesper and Rogers, Eric (2021) Broiler FCR optimization using norm optimal terminal iterative learning control. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 29 (2), 580-592. (doi:10.1109/TCST.2019.2954300).

Xu, Zhiwei, Chu, Bing, Geng, Hua and Nian, Xiaohong (2022) Distributed power optimization of large wind farms using ADMM for real-time control. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. (doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2022.3149904).

Zhang, Zan, Chu, Bing, Liu, Yanhong, Li, Zhe and Owens, David H. (2022) Multi-muscle functional electrical stimulation based wrist tremor suppression using repetitive control. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics. (doi:10.1109/TMECH.2022.3150301).

Zhang, Zan, Chu, Bing, Liu, Yanhong, Ren, Haichuan, Li, Zhe and Owens, David H. (2021) Multi-periodic repetitive control for functional electrical stimulation based wrist tremor suppression. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 30 (4), 1494 - 1509. (doi:10.1109/TCST.2021.3111107).


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Chen, G., Brown, M.A., Davies, A.E., Rochester, C. and Doble, I. (1996) Charge formation at polymer interface using laser induced pressure pulse technique. IEEE 9th International Conference on Electrets. pp. 285-290 .

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Fu, M, Chen, G, Xue, C, Ling, M and Wang, N (2003) Furfural analysis for assessing overheating in 500kV shunt reactors. The 2nd International Conference on Insulation Condition Monitoring of Electrical Plant, , Chongqing, China. 27 - 30 Oct 2003. pp. 72-75 .

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Ho, Y. F. F., Chong, Y. L. and Chen, G (2003) Effect of the length of degassing period on the space charge dynamic in XLPE insulation under DC stressing condition. The 2nd International Conference on Insulation Condition Mornitoring of Electrical Plant, Chongqing, China. 27 - 30 Oct 2003. pp. 160-163 .

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Kuang, Y. C., Chen, G, Heywood, R and Jarman, P (2003) Recovery Voltage Measurement on Kraft Paper Pressboard. The 2nd International Conference on Insulation Condition Monitoring of Electrical Plant, , Chongqing, China. 27 - 30 Oct 2003. pp. 495-498 .

Li, J, Li, S and Chen, G (2003) The Effect of Strong Reducing Atmosphere on the Electrical Property and Microstructure of SrTiO3 Varistor Ceramics. The 2nd International Conference on Insulation Condition Monitoring of Electrical Plant, , Chongqing, China. 27 - 30 Oct 2003. pp. 507-510 .

Chen, G, Tanaka, Y, Vaughan, A. S. and Chong, Y. L. (2003) Effect of Morphology on Space Charge Dynamics In Polyethylene Insulation (invited plenary lecture). The 9th Chinese National Conference on Engineering Dielectrics, Xian, China. 23 - 25 Oct 2003. pp. 30-36 .

Fu, M and Chen, G (2003) Space Charge Measurements in XLPE Cable with a Temperature Gradient. IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Albuquerque, United States. 18 - 21 Oct 2003. pp. 217-220 .

Ho, Y. F. F., Chong, Y. L. and Chen, G (2003) Optimization of the aluminium target thickness on the space charge measurement using LIPP technique. IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Albuquerque, United States. 18 - 21 Oct 2003. pp. 237-240 .

Ho, Y. F. F., Chong, Y. L. and Chen, G (2003) Temperature effect on the space charge characteristics in as-received and degassed XLPE insulation under DC stressing condition. IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Albuquerque, United States. 18 - 21 Oct 2003. pp. 241-244 .

Brown, M. A., Chen, G. and Norman, P. A. (2003) High Voltage Performance of Bulk and Amalgamated PE Insulation Systems: Part I. Space Charge Characteristics. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 36, 3191-3196.

Tanaka, Y., Chen, G., Zhao, Y., Davies, A. E., Vaughan, A. S. and Takada, T. (2003) Effect of Additives on Morphology and Space Charge Accumulation in Low Density Polyethylene. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation, 10 (1), 148-154.

Brown, M.A., Chen, G., Davies, A.E., Vaughan, A.S. and Norman, P.A. (2003) High voltage performance of bulk and amalgamated PE insulation systems: Part II Breakdown Morphology and Lifetime. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 36 (24), 3197-3204. (doi:10.1088/0022-3727/36/24/016).

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Swaffield, D.J., Lewin, P.L., Chen, G. and Swingler, S.G. (2004) Variable pressure and temperature liquid nitrogen cryostat for optical measurements with applied electric fields. Measurement Science and Technology, 15 (11), 2325-2332. (doi:10.1088/0957-0233/15/11/019).

Kuang, Y C, Chen, G and Jarman, P (2004) A new model for recovery voltage of oil-paper insulation system. 2004 Intenational Conference on Solid Dielectrics, Toulouse, France. 04 - 08 Jul 2004. pp. 582-585 .

Kuang, Y C, Chen, G and Jarman, P (2004) Recovery voltage measurement on oil-paper insulation with simple geometry and controlled environment. 2004 IEEE International Conference on Solid Dielectrics, Toulouse, France. 04 - 08 Jul 2004. pp. 739-742 .

Chen, G, Chen, N, Garner, A L, Kolb, J, Swanson, R J, Beebe, S, Joshi, R P and Schoenbach, K H (2004) Conductivity in Jurkat cell suspension after ultrashort electric pulsing. 3rd International workshop on biological effect of EMFs, Kos, Greece. 03 - 07 Oct 2004. pp. 56-65 .

Fu, M, Chen, G and Liu, X (2004) Space Charge Behaviour in LDPE after AC Ageing. 2004 IEEE International Conference on Solid Dielectrics, Toulouse, France. 04 - 08 Jul 2004. pp. 217-220 .

Chong, Y L, Chen, G and Ho, Y F F (2004) The effect of degassing on morphology and space charge. 2004 IEEE International Conference on Solid Dielectrics, Toulouse, France. 04 - 08 Jul 2004. pp. 162-165 .

Chong, Y L, Miyake, H, Tanaka, Y, Takada, T, Nakama, H and Chen, G (2004) Space Charge in Polyethylene under AC Electric Stress using the Pulsed Electroacoustic Method. IEEE 2004 International Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Boulder, Colorado, United States. 16 - 19 Oct 2004. pp. 77-80 .

Chong, Y L, Chen, G, Miyake, H, Tanaka, Y and Takada, T (2004) Effect of AC Ageing on Space Charge Evolution in XLPE. 2004 IEEE International Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Boulder, Colorado, United States. 16 - 19 Oct 2004. pp. 81-84 .

Zhong, L, Chen, G and Xu, Y (2004) A novel calibration method for PD measurement in power cables and joints using capacitive couplers. Measurement Science and Technology, Vol.15, 1892-1896.

Chen, G, Zhong, L S, Xie, H K, Banford, H M and Davies, A E (2003) The influence of oxidation on space charge formation in gamma-irradiated low density polyethylene. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 6, 247-255.

Ho, Y F F, Chen, G, Davies, A E, Swingler, S G, Sutton, Simon and Hampton, R N (2003) Effect of semiconducting screen on the space charge dynamic in xlpe and polyolefin insulation under dc and 50Hz ac electric stresses conditions. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation, Vol. 1 (No. 3), 393-403.

Chen, G, Tanaka, Y, Takada, T and Zhong, L (2004) Effect of polyethylene interface on space charge formation. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation, Vol.11 (No.1), 113-121.

Swaffield, D J, Lewin, P L, Tian, Y, Chen, G and Swingler, S G (2005) Characterisation of surface partial discharge behaviour in liquid nitrogen. IEEE International Conference on Dielectric Liquids, Coimbra, Portugal. 25 - 30 Jun 2005. pp. 143-146 .

Wang, P, Swaffield, D J, Lewin, P L and Chen, G (2005) Thermal Bubble Dynamics in Cryogenic Liquids under Non-Uniform Electric Fields on Superconducting Power Apparatus. 2005 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Nashville, Tennessee, United States. 15 - 18 Oct 2005. pp. 353-356 .

Xu, Y, Zhong, L, Cao, X, Chen, G, Tian, Y and Davies, A.E. (2002) UHF Partial Discharge Detection in Cable and Cable Accessories. Advanced Technology of Electrical Engineering and Energy, 21 (1), 5-8.

Swaffield, D J, Lewin, P L, Chen, G and Sykulski, J K (2005) Cryogenic Dielectrics and HTS Power Apparatus: Research at the University of Southampton. IEEE DEIS Workshop on Cryogenic Dielectrics, Nashville, Tennessee, United States. CD-ROM .

Osman, M, Chen, G and Pilling, N (2003) Effect of high resistive barrier on earthing system. 13th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Delft, Netherlands. 24 - 28 Aug 2003. CD ROM .

Chen, G, Fu, M and Liu, X Z (2003) Influence of ac ageing on space charge dynamics in LDPE. 13th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Delft, Netherlands. 24 - 28 Aug 2003. CD-ROM .

Fu, M, Chen, G and Wang, S (2003) Practical application of on-line partial discharge monitoring technique on 500kV shunt reactor. 13th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Delft, Netherlands. 24 - 28 Aug 2003. CD-ROM .

Chen, G (2005) Space Charge in Solid Dielectrics (Keynote Lecture). 14th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Beijing, China. 24 - 28 Aug 2005. CD-ROM .

Chen, G and Tham, C H (2005) Electrical treeing in XLPE insulation in frequency range between 20 and 500 Hz. 14th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Beijing, China. 24 - 28 Aug 2005. CD-ROM .

Chen, G, Fu, M, Liu, X Z and Zhong, L S (2005) ac aging and space charge characteristics in low-density polyethylene polymeric insulation. Journal of Applied Physics, 97, 083713-1-7.

Fu, M, Chen, G and Fothergill, J C (2005) The Influence of Residue on Space Charge Accumulation in Purposely Modified Thick Plaque XLPE Sample for DC Application. 14th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Beijing, China. 24 - 28 Aug 2005. CD-ROM .

Fu, M, Chen, G and Fothergill, J C (2005) “Mirror Image Effect” Space Charge Distribution in XLPE Power Cable under Opposite Stressing Voltage Polarity. 14th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Beijing, China. 24 - 28 Aug 2005. CD-ROM .

Chong, Y. L., Chen, G., Hosier, I. L., Vaughan, A. S. and Ho, Y. F. F. (2005) Heat treatment of cross-linked polyethylene and its effect on morphology and space charge evolution. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation, 12 (6), 1209-1221.

Vaughan, A. S., Green, C. D., Zhang, Y. and Chen, G. (2005) Nanocomposites for high voltage applications: effect of sample preparation on AC breakdown statistics. 2005 Annual Report Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Nashville, TN, United States. 15 - 18 Oct 2005. pp. 732-735 .

Chong, Y L, Chen, G, Miyake, H, Matsui, K, Tanaka, Y and Takada, T (2006) Space charge and charge trapping characteristics of cross-linked polyethylene subjected to ac electric stresses. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 39 (8), 1658-1666.

Mitchinson, P M, Lewin, P L, Chen, G and Jarman, P (2006) A Large Scale Test Facility for Assessing the Performance of Oil/Paper Insulation. The 10th INSUCON International Electrical Insulation Conference, Birmingham, United Kingdom. 23 - 25 May 2006. pp. 316-321 .

Mitchinson, P M, Lewin, P L, Chen, G and Jarman, P (2006) An Experiment for Evaluating the Scale Effect of Moisture on High Voltage Transformer Insulation. 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation, Toronto, Canada. 10 - 13 Jun 2006. pp. 218-221 .

Chen, G. (2006) Space charge measurement as a diagnostic tool to monitor electrical ageing in polymeric materials. International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis, , Changwon, Korea, Republic of. 01 - 04 Apr 2006. 6 pp .

Lau, W S and Chen, G (2006) Simultaneous space charge and conduction current measurements in solid dielectrics under high dc electric field. International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis, , Changwon, Korea, Republic of. 01 - 04 Apr 2006.

Chen, G, Chong, Y L and Fu, M (2006) Calibration of the Pulsed Electroacoustic Technique in the Presence of Trapped Charge. Measurement Science and Technology, 17 (7), 1974-1980.

Chen, G (2005) Interfaces and Space Charge in Polymeric Insulating Materials (invited). MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, United States. 28 Nov - 02 Dec 2005.

Chen, G and Loi, S H (2005) Space Charge Modelling in Solid Dielectrics under High Electric Field Based on Double Charge Injection Model. MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, United States. 28 Nov - 02 Dec 2006.

Mitchinson, P. M., Hosier, I. L., Lewin, P. L., Vaughan, A. S., Chen, G. and Jarman, P. (2006) An Experiment to Evaluate the Benefits of Processing Aged Transformer Oil. 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation, Toronto, Canada. 10 - 13 Jun 2006. pp. 89-92 .

Chen, G. and Fu, M. (2006) The Influence of Gamma Irradiation on Space Charge in LDPE. 8th International Conference on Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materilas, Bali, Indonesia. 25 - 29 Jun 2006. pp. 131-134 .

Chen, G, Chong, Y L and Fu, M (2006) A Novel Calibration Method in the Presence of Space Charge in Dielectric Materials Using the Pulsed Electroacoustic Technique. 8th Internaional Conference on Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials, Bali, Indonesia. 25 - 29 Jun 2006. pp. 289-292 .

Swaffield, D.J., Lewin, P.L., Chen, G. and Sykulski, J.K. (2006) Cryogenic dielectrics and HTS power apparatus: research at the University of Southampton. IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine, 22 (5), 29-37. (doi:10.1109/MEI.2006.1705855).

Mitchinson, P M, Lewin, P L, Hosier, I L, Chen, G and Jarman, P (2006) Oil reclamation - just a question of moisture? 2006 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Kansas City, Missouri, United States. 14 - 17 Oct 2006. pp. 73-76 .

Vaughan, A S, Chen, G, Lewin, P L, Dodd, S J and Swingler, S G (2006) Dielectric Ageing: Materials, Measurements and Modelling of Nano- to Meso-Scale Processes. IET Seminar on Challenges in the Modelling and Measurement of Electromagnetic Materials, Savoy Place, London, United Kingdom. 24 - 25 Oct 2006. pp. 29-32 .

Fu, M, Chen, G, Disaado, L A and Fothergill, J C (2007) The Influence of Material Modification and Residues on Space Charge Accumulation in XLPE for DC Power Cable Application. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation, 14 (1), 53-64.

Chong, Y L, Chen, G and Ho, Y F F (2007) Temperature effect on space charge dynamics in XLPE insulation. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation, 14 (1), 65-76.

Daly, K. and Chen, G. (2006) Electroporation – how different length and shaped electrical pulses affect the permeability of cells. 2006 Annual Report on Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Kansas City, United States. 14 - 17 Oct 2006. pp. 353-356 .

Swaffield, D J, Lewin, P L, Tian, Y, Chen, G and Swingler, S G (2005) Partial Discharge Characterisation in Liquid Nitrogen Composite Systems. IEEE International Conference on Dielectric Liquids, Coimbra, Portugal. 25 - 30 Jun 2005. pp. 139-142 .

Liu, X. S., Vaughan, A. S. and Chen, G. (2003) A Raman spectroscopic study of bulk and surface ageing phenomena in polyethylene. 2003 Annual Report Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Albuquerque, NM, United States. 18 - 21 Oct 2003. pp. 145-148 .

Chen, G (2006) Space Charge Measurement as a Diagnostic Tool to Monitor Ageing in Polymeric Materials. Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials, 7 (5), 235-239.

Chen, G, Xu, Z and Zhang, L W (2007) Measurement of surface potential decay of corona-charged polymer films using the pulsed electroacoustic method. Measurement Science and Technology, 18, 1453-1458.

Xu, Z and Chen, G (2006) Space Charge Behaviour at LDPE Interface under AC Electric Stress. The 6th international space charge conference, Tour, France. 02 - 06 Jul 2006.

Chen, G and Xu, Z (2007) Space charge dynamics in low density polyethylene under dc electric fields. 12th International Conference on Electrostatics, Oxford, United Kingdom.

Zhang, L, Xu, Z and Chen, G (2007) Decay of Electric Charge on Corona Charged Polyethylene. 12th International Conference on Electrostatics, Oxford, United Kingdom.

Fu, M., Chen, G., Dissado, L. A., Fothergill, J. C. and Zou, C. (2007) The effect of gamma irradiation on space charge behaviour and dielectric spectroscopy of low-density polyethylene. 2007 IEEE International Conference on Solid Dilectrics, Winchester, United Kingdom. 07 - 12 Jul 2007. pp. 442-445 .

Xu, Z., Zhang, L. and Chen, G. (2007) Measurement and analysis of electric potential decay in corona charged low-density polyethylene films. 2007 IEEE International Conference on Solid Dielectrics, Winchester, United Kingdom. 07 - 12 Jul 2007. pp. 454-457 .

Chen, G. and Kamaruzzaman, M. R. (2007) Impact of mechanical deformation on space charge in XLPE. 2007 IEEE International Conference on Solid Dielectrics, Winchester, United Kingdom. 07 - 12 Jul 2007. pp. 510-513 .

Xu, Z., Choo, W. and Chen, G. (2007) DC electric field distribution in planar dielectric in the presence of space charge. 2007 IEEE International Conference on Solid Dielectrics, Winchester, United Kingdom. 07 - 12 Jul 2007. pp. 514-517 .

Wang, P, Swaffield, D J, Lewin, P L and Chen, G (2007) Thermal Bubble Motion in Liquid Nitrogen under Non-Uniform Electric Fields. 15th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Ljubjana, Slovenia. 26 - 30 Aug 2007. CD-ROM .

Garner, Allen, Chen, George, Chen, N, Sridhara, V, Kolb, J K, Swanson, R J, Beebe, S J, Joshi, R P and Schoenbach, K H (2007) Ultrashort electric pulse induced changes in cellular dielectric properties. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 362 (1), 139-144.

Chen, G. and Daly, K. (2007) Delayed poration after ultrashort electric pulses on Jurkat cell. 15th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Ljubjana, Slovenia. 27 - 31 Aug 2007. pp. 1-4 .

Chen, G, Choo, W and Fu, M (2007) Electric field determination of polymeric dc power cable in the presence of space charge. 15th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Ljubjana, Slovenia. 26 - 30 Aug 2007.

Mitchinson, P M, Lewin, P L, Chen, G and Jarman, P N (2007) Creep Stress Failure in High Voltage Transformer Interwinding Insulation. Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 13 - 16 Oct 2007. pp. 572-575 .

Wang, P, Swaffield, D J, Lewin, P L and Chen, G (2007) Thermal Bubble Behaviour in Liquid Nitrogen between Inclined Plane Electrodes. Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 13 - 16 Oct 2007. pp. 596-599 .

Chen, G and Zuber, H M (2007) Pre-breakdown Characteristics of Contaminated Power Transformer Oil. Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 13 - 16 Oct 2007. pp. 659-662 .

Chen, G, Zhang, C and Steven, G (2007) Space Charge in LLDPE Loaded with Nanoparticles. Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 13 - 16 Oct 2007. pp. 275-278 .

Chen, N, Garner, A L, Chen, G, Jing, Y, Deng, Y, Swanson, R J, Kolb, J F, Beebe, S J, Joshi, R P and Schoenbach, K H (2007) Nanosecond electric pulses penetrate the nucleus and enhance speckle formation. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 364, 220-225.

Choo, Wilson and Chen, George (2007) Electric Field Determination in DC Polymeric Power Cable in the Presence of Space Charge. IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, VANCOUVER BC, Canada. 13 - 16 Oct 2007. pp. 489-492 .

XU, Zhiqiang, Zhang, Linwen and Chen, George (2007) Decay of electric charge on corona charged polyethylene. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 40 (22), 7085-7089. (doi:10.1088/0022-3727/40/22/033).

Chen, George and Van Nguyen, T (2008) Apparent Mobility and its Relationship with Ageing in Polymeric Insulation Materials (invited talk). 2008 International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis, Beijing, China. 20 - 23 Apr 2008. pp. 633-637 .

Chen, George and Baharudin, Fauzan (2008) Partial Discharge Modelling Based on a Cylindrical Model in Solid Dielectrics. 2008 International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis, Beijing, China. 20 - 23 Apr 2008. pp. 74-78 .

Choo, Wilson and Chen, George (2008) Electric Field Determination in DC Polymeric Power Cable in the Presence of Space Charge and Temperature Gradient under dc Conditions. 2008 International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis, Beijing, China. 20 - 23 Apr 2008. pp. 321-324 .

Xu, Zhiqiang and Chen, George (2008) Interfacial Characteristics of Space Charge in Multi-layer LDPE. 2008 International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis, Beijing, China. 20 - 23 Apr 2008. pp. 332-335 .

Wang, P, Swaffield, D J, Lewin, P L and Chen, G (2008) Thermal Bubble Motion in Liquid Nitrogen under Nonuniform Electric Fields. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation, 15 (3), 626-634.

Swaffield, D J, Lewin, P L, Chen, G and Swingler, S G (2008) Partial Discharge Characterization of Streamers in Liquid Nitrogen under Applied AC Voltages. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation, 15 (3), 635-646.

Wang, P, Swaffield, D J, Lewin, P L and Chen, G (2008) The Effect of an Electric Field on Behaviour of Thermally Induced Bubble in Liquid Nitrogen. 16th IEEE International Conference on Dielectric Liquids, ICDL 2008, Poitiers, France. 29 Jun - 02 Jul 2008. pp. 22-25 .

Lewin, P L, Wang, P, Swaffield, D J and Chen, G (2008) A Model for Bubble Motion in Non-uniform Electric Fields. 16th IEEE International Conference on Dielectric Liquids, ICDL 2008, Poitiers, France. 29 Jun - 02 Jul 2008. pp. 50-53 .

Mitchinson, P M, Lewin, P L, Chen, George and Jarman, P N (2008) A new approach to the study of surface discharge on the oil-pressboard interface. 16th IEEE International Conference on Dielectric Liquids, ICDL 2008, Poitiers, France. 29 Jun - 02 Jul 2008. pp. 186-189 .

Fu, Mingli, Dissado, L.A., Chen, George and Fothergill, J.C. (2008) Space Charge Formation and its Modified Electric Field under Applied Voltage Reversal and Temperature Gradient in XLPE Cable. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation, 15 (3), 851-860. (doi:10.1109/TDEI.2008.4543123).

Zheng, Xiaoquan and Chen, George (2008) Propagation Mechanism of Electrical Tree in XLPE Cable Insulation by investigating a Double Electrical Tree Structure. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation, 15 (3), 800-807.

Illias, H A, Chen, G and Lewin, P L (2008) Modeling of Partial Discharges from a Spherical Cavity within a Dielectric Material under Variable Frequency Electric Fields. IEEE 2008 Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. 25 - 29 Oct 2008. pp. 447-450 .

Gherbaz, Gabriele, Chen, George and Vaughan, Alun (2008) Polyethylene/Dibenzylidene Sorbitol: effect of composition on space charge of polymeric insulation systems. Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Quebec, Canada. 25 - 29 Oct 2008. pp. 161-164 .

Hajiyiannis, Alexis, Chen, George, Zhang, Chao and Stevens, Gary (2008) Space Charge Formation in Epoxy Resin Including Various Nanofillers. Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Quebec, Canada. 25 - 29 Oct 2008. pp. 714-717 .

Hussin, N. and Chen, G. (2008) The Effect of Acetophenone and alpha-Methylstyrene on the Space Charge Properties of Low Density Polyethylene. Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Quebec, Canada. 25 - 29 Oct 2008. pp. 702-705 .

Fu, M and Chen, George (2003) Space charge measurement in polymer insulated power cables using flat ground electrode PEA. IEE Proceedings A, 150 (2), 89-96.

Chen, George and Xu, Zhiqiang (2008) Space charge dynamics in low density polyethylene under dc electric fields , vol. 142, IOP Publishing

Zhang, Linwen, Xu, Zhiqiang and Chen, George (2008) Decay of Electric Charge on Corona Charged Polyethylene , vol. 142, IOP Publishing

Chen, George and Tham, C H (2009) Electrical Treeing Characteristics in XLPE Power Cable Insulation in Frequency Range between 20 and 500 Hz. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation, 16 (1), 179-188.

Xie, Ansheng, Li, Shengtao, Zhwng, Xiaoquan and Chen, George (2009) The characteristics of electrical trees in the inner and outer layers of different voltage rating XLPE cable insulation. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 42 (125016), 1-10.

Illias, H A, Chen, G and Lewin, P L (2009) Partial Discharge Modelling in a Spherical Cavity within a Dielectric Insulation Material as a Function of Frequency. 2009 IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference, Montreal, Canada. 30 May - 02 Jun 2009. pp. 55-59 .

Wang, P, Lewin, P L, Swaffield, D J and Chen, G (2009) Boiling heat transfer of liquid nitrogen in the presence of electric fields. Dielectrics 2009, University of Reading, United Kingdom. 14 - 16 Apr 2009. p. 39 .

Choo, Wilson, Chen, George and Swingler, Steve (2009) Space Charge Accumulation under Effects of Temperature Gradient and Applied Voltage Reversal on Solid Dielectric DC Cable. International Conference on Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials, Harbin, China. 18 - 22 Jul 2009. pp. 946-949 .

Illias, H A, Chen, G and Lewin, P L (2009) Modelling of Partial Discharge Activity in Different Spherical Cavity Sizes and Locations within a Dielectric Insulation Material. The 9th International Conference on Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials, Harbin, China. 18 - 22 Jul 2009. pp. 485-488 .

Mohamed, R, Lewin, P L and Chen, G (2009) Partial Discharge Estimation in a High Voltage Transformer Using a Multi Signal Decomposition Technique. The 9th International Conference on Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials, Harbin, China. 18 - 22 Jul 2009. pp. 425-428 .

Wang, P, Lewin, P L, Swaffield, D J and Chen, G (2009) Electric field effects on boiling heat transfer of liquid nitrogen. Cryogenics, 49 (8), 379-389.

Chen, George (2009) Anomalous Phenomena in Solid Dielectrics under High Electric Fields (Keynote). The 9th International Conference on Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials, Harbin, China. 18 - 22 Jul 2009. pp. 954-960 .

Tang, Chao, Chen, George, Fu, Mingli and Liao, Ruijing (2009) Space charge characteristics of multi-layer oil-paper insulation under different DC voltages. The 9th International Conference on Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials, Harbin, China. 18 - 22 Jul 2009. pp. 914-917 .

Chen, George, Sadipe, T J, Zhuang, Y, Zhang, C and Stevens, G C (2009) Conduction in Linear Low Density Polyethylene Nanodielectric Materials. The 9th International Conference on Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials, Harbin, China. 18 - 22 Jul 2009. pp. 845-848 .

Hussin, Nuriziani and Chen, George (2009) Modification of Space Charge Pattern and Charge Mobility of Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) in the presence of Crosslinking Byproducts. The 9th International Conference on Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials, Harbin, China. 18 - 22 Jul 2009. pp. 950-953 .

Xie, Ansheng, Zheng, Xiaoquan, Li, Shengtao and Chen, George (2009) The Conduction Characteristics of Electrical Trees in XLPE Cable Insulation. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 114, 3325-3330.

Zhao, J, Li, X, Zhong, L and Chen, G (2009) Calculation of photonic band-gap of one dimensional photonic crystal. DIELECTRICS 2009: MEASUREMENT ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS, 40TH ANNIVERSARY MEETING, University of Reading, United Kingdom. 14 - 16 Apr 2009.

Illias, H, Chen, G and Lewin, P L (2009) Modeling of Surface Charge Decay in a Spherical Cavity within a Solid Dielectric Material using Finite Element Analysis. 16th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Cape Town, South Africa. 23 - 27 Aug 2009. pp. 1246-1251 .

Hussin, Nuriziani and Chen, George (2009) The trapping characteristic of low density polyethylene in the presence of crosslinking by-products. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 183, 12007.

Tang, Chao, Chen, George, Fu, M and Liao, R (2009) Effect of applied DC voltages and temperatures on space charge behaviour of multi-layer oil-paper insulation. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 183, 12006.

Choo, Wilson, Chen, George and Swingler, Steve (2009) Space charge accumulation under the effects of temperature gradient on solid dielectric DC cable. 16th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Cape Town, South Africa. 23 - 27 Aug 2009. pp. 186-190 .

Zhang, L, Xu, Zhiqiang and Chen, George (2009) Decay of Electric Charge on Corona Discharge Polyethylene. Acta Physica Polonica. Series A: General Physics, Physics of Condensed Matter, Optics and Quantum Electronics, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Applied Physics, 115 (6), 1197-1199.

Zhao, J, Xu, Z, Chen, G and Lewin, P L (2009) Effect of field-dependent mobility on current density and dynamics of space charge in polyethylene. 2009 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States. 17 - 20 Oct 2009. CD-ROM .

Illias, H, Chen, G and Lewin, P L (2009) Partial Discharge Measurements for Spherical Cavities within Solid Dielectric Materials under Different Stress and Cavity Conditions. 2009 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States. 17 - 20 Oct 2009. CD-ROM .

Chen, George (2009) Surface Potential Decay of Gamma-Irradiated Low-Density Polyethylene. 2009 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States. 17 - 20 Oct 2009.

Chen, George and Xu, Zhiqiang (2009) Charge trapping and detrapping in polymeric materials. Journal of Applied Physics, 106, 123707.

Chen, George (2010) A new model for surface potential decay of corona-charged polymers. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 43 (5), 55405. (doi:10.1088/0022-3727/43/5/055405).

Chen, G. and Van Nguyen, T. (2008) Apparent mobility and its relationship with ageing in polymeric insulation materials. In 2008 International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis. IEEE. pp. 633-7 . (doi:10.1109/CMD.2008.4580366).

Dissado, L, Laurent, C, Montanari, GC, Shimizu, N, Fothergill, J, Lewin, P L, Sekii, Y, Nelson, K, Densley, J, Morshuis, P, Rowland, S, Gerhard, R, Okamoto, T, Arnold, M, Stevens, G, Vaughan, A, Fukunaga, K, Chen, G, da Silva, E, Fouracre, T and Holboll, JT (2008) An open letter to members of the IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society. IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine, 24, 4-4.

Chen, G. (2009) Anomalous phenomena in solid dielectrics under high electric fields. In 2009 IEEE 9th International Conference on the Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials. IEEE. pp. 954-60 . (doi:10.1109/ICPADM.2009.5252255).

Chen, G and Xu, ZQ (2009) Space charge dynamics in low density polyethylene under dc electric fields - art. no. 012008. ELECTROSTATICS 2007, 142, 12008-12008.

Illias, H A, Chen, G and Lewin, P L (2010) Comparison of Partial Discharge Measurement and Simulation Results for Spherical Cavities within Solid Dielectric Materials as a Function of Frequency using Finite Element Analysis Method. IEEE 2010 International Symposium on Electrical Insulation, San Diego, California, United States. 05 - 08 Jun 2010. CD-ROM .

Zha, Junwei, Dang, Zhimin and Chen, George (2010) Space Charge Dynamics in Polyimide Based Nanocomposites. IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation, San Diego, California. CD-ROM, United States. 05 - 08 Jun 2010.

Xie, Ansheng, Zheng, Xiaoquan, Li, Shengtao and Chen, George (2010) Investigations of Electrical Trees in the Inner Layer of XLPE Cable Insulation Using Computer-aided Image Recording Monitoring. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation, 17 (3), 685-693.

Tang, Chao, Chen, George, Fu, Mingli and Liao, Rujin (2010) Space charge behavior in multi-layer oil-paper insulation under different DC voltages and temperatures. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation, 17 (3), 775-784. (doi:10.1109/TDEI.2010.5492250).

Mills, D H, Lewin, P L, Chen, G and Mohd Ariffin, A (2010) Electroluminescence of Ultraviolet and Thermally Aged Low Density Polyethylene. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Solid Dielectrics, , Potsdam, Germany. 04 - 09 Jul 2010. pp. 68-71 .

Wang, Q, Chen, G and Alghamdi, A S (2010) Influence of Nanofillers on Electrical Characteristics of Epoxy Resins Insulation. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Solid Dielectrics, , Potsdam, Germany. 04 - 09 Jul 2010. pp. 263-266 .

Illias, H A, Chen, G and Lewin, P L (2010) Modelling of Cycle to Cycle Behaviour for Partial Discharge Events within a Spherical Cavity in a Solid Dielectric Material by Using Finite Element Analysis. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Solid Dielectrics, , Potsdam, Germany. 04 - 09 Jul 2010. pp. 561-564 .

Chen, G, Zhao, J and Zhuang, Y (2010) Numerical Modeling of Surface Potential Decay of Corona Charged Polymeric Material. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Solid Dielectrics, , Potsdam, Germany. 04 - 09 Jul 2010. pp. 549-552 .

Zhao, J, Xu, Z, Chen, G and Lewin, P L (2010) Numerical Modeling of Space Charge in Polyethylene under AC Fields. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Solid Dielectrics, , Potsdam, Germany. 04 - 09 Jul 2010. pp. 565-568 .

Illias, H A, Chen, G and Lewin, P L (2010) Measurement and Modelling of Partial Discharge Behaviour in a Spherical Cavity within a Solid Dielectric Material as a Function of Cavity Diameter. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Solid Dielectrics, , Potsdam, Germany. 04 - 09 Jul 2010. pp. 573-576 .

Zhou, T, Lui, L, Liao, R and Chen, G (2010) Study on Propagation Characteristics and Analysis of Partial Discharges for Electrical Treeing in XLPE Power Cables. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Solid Dielectrics, , Potsdam, Germany. 04 - 09 Jul 2010. pp. 675-678 .

Choo, W, Chen, G and Swingler, S G (2010) Temperature Gradient Effect on the Conductivity of an XLPE Insulated Polymeric Power Cable. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Solid Dielectrics, , Potsdam, Germany. 04 - 09 Jul 2010. pp. 691-694 .

Illias, H A, Chen, G and Lewin, P L (2010) Measurement and Modelling of Partial Discharge Behaviour in a Spherical Cavity within a Solid Dielectric Material as a Function of Applied Voltage Amplitude. 2010 International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States. 10 - 13 Oct 2010. pp. 441-444 .

Illias, H A, Chen, G and Lewin, P L (2010) Modelling of Temporal Temperature and Pressure Change due to Partial Discharge Events within a Spherical Cavity in a Solid Dielectric Material using Finite Element Analysis. 2010 International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States. 10 - 13 Oct 2010. pp. 501-504 .

Li, Shengtao, Yin, Guilai, Chen, George, Li, Jianying, Bai, Suna, Zhong, Lisheng, Zhang, Yunxia and Lei, Qingquan (2010) Short-term Breakdown and Long-term Failure in Nanodielectrics: A Review. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation, 17 (5), 1523-1535.

Zha, J, Chen, G, Zhuang, Y and Dang, Z (2010) Novel surface potential decay of TiO2-based polyimide nanocomposite films. 2010 Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, United States. 16 - 19 Oct 2010. pp. 26-29 .

Hussin, N and Chen, G (2010) Space Charge Accumulation and Conductivity of Crosslinking Byproducts Soaked LDPE. 2010 Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, United States. 16 - 19 Oct 2010. pp. 125-128 .

Mills, D H, Lewin, P L and Chen, G (2010) Comparison between the Electroluminescence and Space Charge of Ultraviolet and Thermally Aged Low Density Polyethylene. 2010 Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, United States. 16 - 19 Oct 2010. pp. 129-132 .

Wang, Q, Curtis, P and Chen, G (2010) Effect of Nano-Fillers on Electrical Breakdown Behavior of Epoxy Resin. 2010 Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, United States. 16 - 19 Oct 2010. pp. 393-396 .

Illias, H, Chen, G and Lewin, P L (2010) Modelling of Partial Discharge Behaviour in a Spherical Cavity within a Solid Dielectric Material as a Function of Temperature. 2010 Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, United States. 16 - 19 Oct 2010. pp. 430-433 .

Chen, George (2010) Influence of gamma irradiation on surface potential decay of corona charged polyethylene. Journal of Electrostatics, 68 (6), 487-491.

Zha, Junwei, Fan, Benhui, Dang, Zhimin, Li, Shengtao and Chen, George (2010) Microstructure and electrical properties in three-component (Al2O3–TiO2)/polyimide nanocomposite films. Journal of Materials Research, 25 (12), 2384-2391.

Li, Shengtao, Zhong, Lisheng, Li, Jianying and Chen, George (2010) A Brief History and Research Progress on Solid Engineering Dielectrics in China. IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine, 26 (6), 14-21.

Zha, Jun-Wei, Dang, Zhi-Min, Song, Hon-Tao, Yin, Yi and Chen, George (2010) Dielectric properties and effect of electrical aging on space charge accumulation in polyimide/TiO2 nanocomposite films. Journal of Applied Physics, 108, 94113.

Zhou, Tianchun, Chen, George and Liao, Ruijin (2010) Calculation and Analysis of Two Level Traps Model in Polymeric Materials. 15th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharges, Xian, China. 07 - 11 Nov 2010. pp. 635-638 .

Zhao, Junwei, Xu, Zhiqiang, Chen, George and Lewin, Paul L (2010) Numeric description of space charge in polyethylene under ac electric fields. Journal of Applied Physics, 108 (12), 124107-1 -124107-7.

Mills, D H, Baudoin, F, Lewin, P L and Chen, G (2011) A Comparison between Electroluminescence Models and Experimental Results. UHVnet 2011, Winchester, United Kingdom. 18 - 19 Jan 2011. p. 74 .

Illias, H A, Chen, G and Lewin, P L (2011) The Influence of Spherical Cavity Surface Charge Distribution on PD Events. UHVnet 2011, Winchester, United Kingdom. 18 - 19 Jan 2011. p. 21 .

Hussin, N and Chen, G (2011) AC Breakdown Characteristics of LDPE in the Presence of Crosslinking By-products. UHVnet 2011, Winchester, United Kingdom. 18 - 19 Jan 2011. p. 66 .

Hao, J, Liao, R and Chen, G (2011) Ageing and Temperature Influence on Polarization/Depolarization Current Behaviour of Paper Immersed in Natural Ester. UHVnet 2011, Winchester, United Kingdom. 18 - 19 Jan 2011. p. 53 .

Hao, J, Chen, G, Liao, R and Li, W (2011) Space Charge Behaviour in Oil-Paper Insulation with Different Aging Condition. UHVnet 2011, Winchester, United Kingdom. 18 - 19 Jan 2011. p. 60 .

Zhao, J, Mills, D H, Chen, G and Lewin, P L (2011) Modelling of Electroluminescence in Polymers Using a Bipolar Charge Transport Model. UHVnet 2011, Winchester, United Kingdom. 18 - 19 Jan 2011. p. 28 .

Lau, K Y, Vaughan, A S and Chen, G (2011) Dielectric Breakdown Strength of Polyethylene Nanocomposites. UHVnet 2011, Winchester, United Kingdom. 18 - 19 Jan 2011. p. 58 .

Zhuang, Y, Chen, G and Rotaru, M (2011) Numerical Modelling of Needle-Grid Electrodes Negative Surface Corona Charge System. UHVnet 2011, Winchester, United Kingdom. 18 - 19 Jan 2011. p. 72 .

Xu, Z, Zhao, J and Chen, G (2011) An Improved Pulsed Electroacoustic System for Space Charge Measurement under AC Conditions. UHVnet 2011, Winchester, United Kingdom. 18 - 19 Jan 2011. p. 75 .

Illias, Hazlee, Chen, George and Lewin, Paul (2011) Modeling of Partial Discharge Activity in Spherical Cavities Within a Dielectric Material. IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine, 27 (1), 38-45.

Zha, Junwei, Dang, Zhimin, Zhao, Tao, Song, Hongtao and Chen, George (2010) Electrical properties of TiO2-filled polyimide nanocomposite films prepared via an in situ polymerization process. Synthetic Metals, 160, 2670-2674.

Choo, Wilson, Chen, George and Swingler, Steve (2011) Electric Field in Polymeric Cable due to Space Charge Accumulation under DC and Temperature Gradient. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation, 18 (2), 596-606.

Illias, Hazlee, Chen, George and Lewin, Paul (2011) Partial Discharge Behavior within a Spherical Cavity in a Solid Dielectric Material as a Function of Frequency and Amplitude of the Applied Voltage. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation, 18 (2), 432-443.

Illias, Hazlee, Chen, George and Lewin, Paul (2011) The effect of spherical cavity surface charge distribution on the sequence of PD events. Dielectrics 2011, The University of Kent, Canterbury, United Kingdom. 12 - 14 Apr 2011.

Mills, David, Lewin, Paul and Chen, George (2011) Affect of photo-oxidation products on electroluminescence emission and conduction current of LDPE. Dielectrics 2011, The University of Kent, Canterbury, United Kingdom. 12 - 14 Apr 2011.

Zhuang, Yuan, Chen, George and Rotaru, Mihai (2011) Numerical Modeling of needle-grid electrodes for negative surface corona charging system. Dielectrics 2011, The University of Kent, Canterbury, United Kingdom. 12 - 14 Apr 2011.

Lau, Kwan Yiew, Vaughan, Alun and Chen, George (2011) The effect of nanofiller on polyethylene system. Dielectrics 2011, The University of Kent, Canterbury, United Kingdom. 12 - 14 Apr 2011.

Zhao, Junwei, Chen, George and Lewin, Paul (2011) Measurement of mobility of positive charge carriers in polyethylene. Dielectrics 2011, The University of Kent, Canterbury, United Kingdom. 12 - 14 Apr 2011.

Hao, Jian, Liao, R, Chen, George and Ma, C (2011) Influence of copper on the by-products and dielectric properties of different oil paper insulation. Dielectrics 2011, The University of Kent, Canterbury, United Kingdom. 12 - 14 Apr 2011.

Hao, Jian, Chen, George and Liao, R (2011) Moisture effect on the dielectric response and space charge behaviour of mineral oil impregnated paper insulation. Dielectrics 2011, The University of Kent, Canterbury, United Kingdom. 12 - 14 Apr 2011.

Tang, Chao, Liao, Ruijin, Chen, George and Yang, Lijun (2011) Research on the feature extraction of DC space charge behavior of oil-paper insulation. Science China Technological Sciences, 54 (5), 1515-1324.

Zha, Junwei, Chen, George, Dang, Zhimin and Yin, Yi (2011) The influence of TiO2 nanoparticle incorporation on surface potential decay of corona-resistant polyimide nanocomposite films. Journal of Electrostatics, 69 (3), 255-260.

Illias, Hazlee Azil, Chen, George and Lewin, Paul (2011) The influence of spherical cavity surface charge distribution on the sequence of partial discharge events. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 44 (24), 1-15.

Mills, D H, Lewin, P L and Chen, G (2011) Ageing of High Voltage Cable Insulation. IEEE 2011 Electrical Insulation Conference, Annapolis, Maryland, United States. 04 - 07 Jun 2011. pp. 438-442 .

Chen, George and Zhao, Junwei (2011) Observation of negative differential mobility and charge packet in polyethylene. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 44 (21), 212001.

Hao, Jian, Chen, George and Liao, Ruijin (2011) Moisture effect on the dielectric response and space charge behaviour of mineral oil impregnated paper insulation. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 310, 12005.

Hao, Jian, Liao, Ruijin, Chen, George and Ma, Chao (2011) Influence of copper on the by-products of different oil-paper insulations. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 310, 12007.

Zhuang, Yuan, Chen, George and Rotaru, Mihai (2011) Numerical modelling of needle-grid electrodes for negative surface corona charging system. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 310, 12011.

Lau, K Y, Vaughan, Alun, Chen, George and Hosier, Ian (2011) On the effect of nanosilica on a polyethylene system. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 310, 12008.

Chen, George (2011) Applications of nanotechnology in high voltage power equipment - Nanodielectrics (invited talk). The nineteenth Annual International Conference on Composites or Nano Engineering, Shanghai, China. 23 - 29 Jul 2011.

Wang, Qi and Chen, George (2011) The Influence of Nano-fillers on The Insulation Properties of Epoxy Resin. The nineteenth Annual International Conference on Composites or Nano Engineering, Shanghai, China. 23 - 29 Jul 2011.

Hao, J, Ma, Z, Liao, R, Chen, G and Yang, L (2011) A Comparative Study of Moisture and Temperature Effect on the Frequency Dielectric Response Behaviour of Pressboard Immersed in Natural Ester and Mineral Oil. 17th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Hannover, Germany. 21 - 25 Aug 2011. CD-ROM .

Hao, J, Chen, G, Ma, Z, Liao, R and Yang, L (2011) Assessing Ageing Condition of Mineral Oil-Paper Insulation by Polarization/Depolarization Current. In 17th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering. CD-ROM .

Zhou, Tian-chun, Chen, George, Liao, Rui-jin and Xu, Zhiqiang (2011) Charge trapping and detrapping in polymeric materials: Trapping parameters. Journal of Applied Physics, 110 (4), 3626468.

Zhao, J, Chen, G and Lewin, P L (2011) Investigation into the Formation of Positive Charge Packets in Polyethylene. 14th International Symposium on Electrets, Montpellier, France. 26 - 30 Aug 2011. pp. 125-126 .

Zha, Junwei, Dang, Zhimin and Chen, George (2011) Preparation and Charge Transport of Polyimide Insulating Nanocomposite Films. International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materials, Kyoto, Japan. 05 - 09 Sep 2011. pp. 20-22 .

Chen, George (2011) Towards understanding of high electric field phenomena in polymeric dielectrics (invited talk). International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materails, Kyoto, Japan. 05 - 09 Sep 2011. pp. 156-160 .

Hussin, Nuriziani, Chen, George and Zhao, Junwei (2011) The AC breakdown and Space Charge Characteristics of LDPE in the presence of Crosslinking Byproduct. International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materails, Kyoto, Japan. 05 - 09 Sep 2011. pp. 65-68 .

Illias, Hazlee, Chen, George and Lewin, Paul (2011) Effect of Surface Charge Distribution on the Electric Field in a Void due to Partial Discharges. International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materials, Kyoto, Japan. 05 - 09 Sep 2011. pp. 245-248 .

Wan, Dai, Chen, Nan, Zhong, Lisheng, Yu, Qinxue and Chen, George (2011) Study on Simulation of Fiber Optic Current Sensor. International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materails, Kyoto, Japan. 05 - 09 Sep 2011. pp. 261-264 .

Hao, Jian, Chen, George and Liao, Ruijin (2011) Effect of thermally aged oil on space charge dynamics in oil/paper insulation system. CIGRE SC A2/D1 Joint Colloquium on Transformers, Materials and Emerging Test Techniques, Kyoto, Japan. 10 - 15 Sep 2011. pp. 1-9 .

Zhuang, Yuan, Chen, George and Rotaru, Mihai (2011) Charge Injection in Gold Ground Electrode Corona Charged Polyethylene Film: Surface Potential Decay and Corona Charging Current Measurement. International Symposium on Electrets, Montpellier, France. 26 - 30 Aug 2011. pp. 127-128 .

Zhuang, Yuan, Chen, George and Rotaru, Mihai (2011) Charge Injection in Gold Ground Electrode Corona Charged Polyethylene Film: Numerical Simulation on Surface Potential Decay. International Symposium on Electrets, Montpellier, France. 26 - 30 Aug 2011. pp. 129-130 .

Zhuang, Yuan, Zha, Junwei and Chen, George (2011) Surface Potential Decay and DC Conductivity of TiO2-based Polyimide Nanocomposite Films. International Symposium on Electrets, Montpellier, France. 26 - 30 Aug 2011. pp. 169-170 .

Liao, Ruijin, Hao, Jian, Chen, George, Ma, Zhiqin and Yang, Lijun (2011) A Comparative Study of Physicochemical, Dielectric and Thermal Properties of Pressboard Insulation Impregnated with Natural Ester and Mineral Oil. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation, 18 (5), 1626-1637.

Zhao, J, Xu, Zhiqiang, Chen, G and Lewin, P L (2011) Space Charge Behavior in Polyethylene under AC Electric Fields. 2011 Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Cancun, Mexico. 15 - 18 Oct 2011. pp. 105-108 .

Illias, H A, Chen, G and Lewin, P L (2011) Partial Discharge Behaviour within Two Spherical Cavities in a Dielectric Material. 2011 Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Cancun, Mexico. 15 - 18 Oct 2011. pp. 456-459 .

Illias, H A, Chen, G and Lewin, P L (2011) Measurement of Partial Discharge Activities within Two Artificial Spherical Voids in an Epoxy Resin. 2011 Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Cancun, Mexico. 15 - 18 Oct 2011. pp. 489-492 .

Lau, K Y, Vaughan, A S, Chen, G and Hosier, I L (2012) Polyethylene Nanocomposites - a Solution Blending Approach. The Fifth UHVnet Colloquium, University of Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom. 18 - 19 Jan 2012. p. 8 .

Mahmud, S, Chen, G, Golosnoy, I O, Wilson, G and Jarman, P (2012) Experimental Investigation on Bridge Formation in Contaminated Transformer Oil. The Fifth UHVnet Colloquium, University of Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom. 18 - 19 Jan 2012. p. 10 .

Zhou, Y, Hao, M, Chen, G, Wilson, G and Jarman, P (2012) Electrode Effect in New Mineral Oil studied by Dielectric Spectroscopy. The Fifth UHVnet Colloquium, University of Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom. 18 - 19 Jan 2012. p. 21 .

Mahmud, S, Golosnoy, I O, Chen, G, Wilson, G and Jarman, P (2012) Mathematical Modelling on Bridge Formation in Contaminated Transformer Oil. The Fifth UHVnet Colloquium, University of Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom. 18 - 19 Jan 2012. p. 35 .

Hao, Jian, Liao, Ruijin, Chen, George, Ma, Zhiqin and Yang, Lijun (2012) Quantitative Analysis Ageing Status of Natural Ester-paper Insulation and Mineral Oil-paper Insulation by Polarization/Depolarization Current. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation, 19 (1), 188-199.

Hussin, Nuriziani and Chen, George (2012) Analysis of Space Charge Formation in LDPE in the Presence of Crosslinking Byproducts. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation, 19 (1), 126-133.

Yin, Weijun, Tao, Fengfeng, Zhao, Junwei, Chen, George and Schweickart, Daniel (2010) Failure mechanisms of polyimide and perfluoroalkoxy films under high frequency pulses. IEEE International Power Modulator and High Voltage Conference, Atkanta, GA, United States. 22 - 26 May 2010. pp. 45-50 .

Illias, H.A., Chen, G. and Lewin, P.L. (2012) Partial discharge within a spherical cavity in a dielectric material as a function of cavity size and material temperature. IET Science, Measurement & Technology, 6 (2), 52-62. (doi:10.1049/iet-smt.2011.0091).

Wang, Qi and Chen, George (2012) Effect of nanofillers on the dielectric properties of epoxy nanocomposites. Advances in Materials Research, 1 (1), 93-107.

Chen, G, Zhao, J, Li, Shengtao and Zhong, Lisheng (2012) Origin of thickness dependent dc electrical breakdown in dielectrics. Applied Physics Letters, 100 (22), 222904-[4 pages]. (doi:10.1063/1.4721809).

Liao, Ruijin, Zhou, Tianchun, Chen, George and Yang, Lijun (2012) A space charge trapping model and its parameters in polymeric material. Acta Physica Sinica, 61 (1), 017201-[6pp].

Liao, Ruijin, Hao, Jian, Chen, George and Yang, Lijun (2012) Quantitative analysis of ageing condition of oil-paper insulation by frequency domain spectroscopy. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation, 19 (3), 821-830. (doi:10.1109/TDEI.2012.6215085).

Chen, George and Zhao, Junwei (2012) Space charge and DC dielectric breakdown in polymeric insulation. 39th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS2012), Edinburgh, United Kingdom. 07 - 11 Jul 2012.

Zhao, J., Chen, G. and Lewin, P.L. (2012) Investigation into the formation of charge packets in polyethylene: experiment and simulation. Journal of Applied Physics, 112 (3), 034116-[6pp]. (doi:10.1063/1.4745897).

Hao, J., Chen, G., Liao, R., Yang, L. and Tang, C. (2012) Influence of moisture on space charge dynamics in multilayer oil-paper insulation. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 19 (4), 1456-1464. (doi:10.1109/TDEI.2012.6260023).

Chen, George and Zhao, Junwei (2012) Space charge and thickness dependent dc electrical breakdown of solid dielectrics. In Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. pp. 12-15 .

Zhou, Yuan, Hao, Miao, Chen, George, Wilson, George and Jarman, Paul (2012) Frequency-dependence of conductivity of new mineral oil studied by dielectric spectroscopy. In Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. pp. 781-784 .

Mahmud, Skekhar, Chen, George, Golosnoy, Igor O., Wilson, George and Jarman, Paul (2012) Bridging phenomenon in contaminated transformer oil. In Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. pp. 180-183 .

Alghamdi, Hisham A., Chen, G. and Vaughan, A.S. (2012) Simulation of electro-thermal aging based on the generic life-expression. 2012 IEEE International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis, Bali, Indonesia. 22 - 26 Sep 2012. pp. 421-424 .

Illias, H.A., Lee, Z.L., Bakar, A.H.A., Mokhlis, H., Chen, G and Lewin, P L (2012) Electric field distribution in 132 kV one piece premolded cable joint structures. 2012 IEEE International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis, Bali, Indonesia. 22 - 26 Sep 2012. pp. 643-646 .

Lau, K.Y., Vaughan, A.S., Chen, G. and Hosier, I.L. (2012) Polyethylene nanodielectrics: the effect of nanosilica and its surface treatment on electrical breakdown strength. 2012 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Montreal, Canada. 13 - 16 Oct 2012. pp. 21-24 .

Illias, H.A., Bakar, A.H.A., Mokhlis, H., Tunio, M.A., Chen, G., Lewin, P.L. and Ariffin, A.M. (2012) Simulation of partial discharge within a void under square waveform applied voltage. 2012 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Montreal, Canada. 13 - 16 Oct 2012. pp. 76-79 .

Lau, K.Y., Vaughan, A.S., Chen, G. and Hosier, I.L. (2012) Dielectric response of polyethylene nanocomposites: the effect of surface treatment and water absorption. 2012 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Montreal, Canada. 13 - 16 Oct 2012. pp. 275-278 .

Mahmud, S., Golosnoy, I.O., Chen, G., Wilson, G. and Jarman, P. (2012) Numerical simulations of bridging phenomena in contaminated transformer oil. 2012 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Montreal, Canada. 13 - 16 Oct 2012. pp. 383-386 .

Zhuang, Y., Chen, G., Chappell, P.H. and Rotaru, M.D. (2012) Surface potential decay: effect of different corona charging times. 2012 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Montreal, Canada. 13 - 16 Oct 2012. pp. 620-623 .

Alghamdi, H.A., Chen, G. and Vaughan, A.S. (2012) Comparison of two schools of polymeric ageing models: causes and effects of space charge. 2012 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Montreal, Canada. 13 - 16 Oct 2012. pp. 827-830 .

Hao, Jian, Liao, Ruijin, Chen, George and Yan, Jiaming (2012) Influence of oil aging on the formation and migration behavior of space charge in oil-paper insulation dielectrics. Proceedings of the CSEE, 32 (16), 173-181.

Mohamad, A. and Chen, G. (2013) Polymeric insulation for high voltage DC application. 6th UHVnet Colloquium – High Voltage Technologies and Metrology, Glasgow, United Kingdom. 16 - 17 Jan 2013.

Hao, M, Zhou, Y and Chen, G (2013) Investigation of Space Charge Dynamics at the Interface between Oil and Impregnated Paper/Pressboard. UHVNet 2013, Glasgow, United Kingdom. 16 - 17 Jan 2013.

Hao, M, Zhou, Yuan, Chen, G, Wilson, G and Jarman, P (2013) Influence of Thermal Aged Paper on Space Charge Dynamics in Oil-paper Insulation System. UHVNet 2013, Glasgow, United Kingdom. 16 - 17 Jan 2013.

Zhou, Y, Hao, M, Chen, G, Wilson, G and Jarman, P (2013) Investigation on dielectric properties of mineral oil by AC and DC method under low electric strength. Dielectrics 2013, Reading, United Kingdom. 09 - 11 Apr 2013. p. 10 .

Zhou, Y, Hao, M, Chen, G., Wilson, G and Jarman, P (2013) Investigation on local field enhancement of a typical three electrode system in DC conductivity measurement. Dielectrics 2013, Reading, United Kingdom. 09 - 11 Apr 2013. p. 17 .

Mohamad, A and Chen, G (2013) Surface Fluorinated Polymeric Insulation for High Voltage DC Application. Dielectrics 2013, Reading, United Kingdom. 09 - 11 Apr 2013. p. 14 .

Mahmud, S, Chen, G, Golosnoy, I O, Wilson, G and Jarman, P (2013) Bridging in contaminated transformer oil under DC and AC electric field. Dielectrics 2013, Reading, United Kingdom. 09 - 11 Apr 2013. p. 15 .

Alghamdi, H A, Chen, G and Vaughan, A S (2013) A New Electro-Thermal Aging Model Based on Trapping and De-trapping Process in Polymeric Materials. Dielectrics 2013, Reading, United Kingdom. 09 - 11 Apr 2013. pp. 15-16 .

Lau, K Y, Vaughan, A S, Chen, G, Hosier, I L and Holt, A F (2013) Absorption Current Behaviour of Polyethylene/Silica Nanocomposites. Dielectrics 2013, Reading, United Kingdom. 09 - 11 Apr 2013. pp. 24-25 .

Lau, K.Y., Vaughan, A.S., Chen, G., Hosier, I.L and Holt, A.F. (2013) On the dielectric response of silica-based polyethylene nanocomposites. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 46 (9), 095303/1-095303/9. (doi:10.1088/0022-3727/46/9/095303).

Illias, H A, Yon, H R, Bakar, A H A, Mokhlis, H, Chen, G, Lewin, P L and Ariffin, A M (2013) Modelling of partial discharge pulses in high voltage cable insulation using finite element analysis software. IEEE 2013 Electrical Insulation Conference, Ottawa, Canada. 01 - 04 Jun 2013. pp. 52-56 .

Illias, H A, Otham, M E, Tunio, M A, Bakar, A H A, Mokhlis, H, Chen, G, Lewin, P L and Ariffin, A M (2013) Measurement and simulation of partial discharge activity within a void cavity in a polymeric power cable model. IEEE 2013 International Conference on Solid Dielectrics (ICSD), , Bologna, Italy. 29 Jun - 03 Jul 2013. pp. 105-108 .

Hao, M, Zhou, Y, Chen, G, Wilson, G and Jarman, P (2013) Space Charge Behaviour in Thick Oil-Impregnated Pressboard under HVDC Stresses. IEEE 2013 International Conference on Solid Dielectrics (ICSD), , Bologna, Italy. 29 Jun - 03 Jul 2013. pp. 397-400 .

Murakami, Y and Chen, G (2013) Influence of Film Thickness on Space Charge Formation under dc Ramp Voltage. IEEE 2013 International Conference on Solid Dielectrics (ICSD), , Bologna, Italy. 29 Jun - 03 Jul 2013. pp. 448-451 .

Lau, K Y, Vaughan, A S, Chen, G and Hosier, I L (2013) Space Charge Dynamics in Silica-based Polyethylene Nanocomposites. IEEE 2013 International Conference on Solid Dielectrics (ICSD), , Bologna, Italy. 29 Jun - 03 Jul 2013. pp. 880-883 .

Lau, K Y, Vaughan, A S, Chen, G, Hosier, I L and Holt, A F (2013) On Nanosilica Surface Functionalization Using Different Aliphatic Chain Length Silane Coupling Agents. IEEE 2013 International Conference on Solid Dielectrics (ICSD), , Bologna, Italy. 29 Jun - 03 Jul 2013. pp. 896-899 .

Chen, G and Wang, Y (2013) Comparison of Two Charge Packet Models under dc Electric Fields. IEEE 2013 International Conference on Solid Dielectrics (ICSD), , Bologna, Italy. 29 Jun - 03 Jul 2013. pp. 931-934 .

Chen, George (2013) Space charge and its impact on DC breakdown of polymeric materials. 18th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Seoul, Korea, Republic of. 24 - 29 Aug 2013. pp. 686-691 .

Chen, George and Yu, Guo (2013) Simulation of dielectric frequency response of transformer insulation system. 18th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Seoul, Korea, Republic of. 24 - 29 Aug 2013. pp. 848-853 .

Illias, H.A., Chen, George, Bakar, A.H.A., Mokhlis, H. and Tunie, M.A. (2013) Partial discharges within two spherical voids in an epoxy resin. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 46 (33), 335301-[10pp]. (doi:10.1088/0022-3727/46/33/335301).

Zhou, Y., Hao, M., Chen, George, Wilson, Gordon and Jarman, Paul (2013) Space charge polarization in insulating mineral oil. 2013 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Shenzhen, China. 19 - 22 Oct 2013. pp. 587-590 . (doi:10.1109/CEIDP.2013.6748322).

Zhou, Y., Hao, M., Chen, George, Wilson, Gordon and Jarman, Paul (2014) Study of the dielectric response in mineral oil using frequency-domain measurement. Journal of Applied Physics, 115. (doi:10.1063/1.4869546).

Zhou, Y., Miao, Hao, Chen, G., Wilson, Gordon and Paul, Jarman (2014) Study of a guarded electrode system in the dc conductivity measurement of insulating liquid. Measurement Science and Technology, 25, 075005-[8pp]. (doi:10.1088/0957-0233/25/7/075005).

He, M, Tian, J, Chen, G and Lewin, P L (2014) Investigation of Partial Discharge in Solid Dielectric under DC Voltage. UHVNet 2014, Guildford, United Kingdom. 15 - 16 Jan 2014.

Zhao, Junwei, Chen, George and Zhong, Lisheng (2014) Space charge in polyethylene under combined AC and DC voltages. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 21 (4), 1757-1763. (doi:10.1109/TDEI.2014.004213).

Wang, Qi and Chen, George (2014) Effect of pre-treatment of nanofillers on the dielectric properties of epoxy nanocomposites. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 21 (4), 1809-1816. (doi:10.1109/TDEI.2014.004278).

Zha, Junwei, Dang, Zhimin, Li, Weikang, Zhu, Yanhui and Chen, George (2014) Effect of micro-Si3N4–nano-Al2O3 co-filled particles on thermal conductivity, dielectric and mechanical properties of silicone rubber composites. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 21 (4), 1989-1996. (doi:10.1109/TDEI.2014.004330).

Alghamdi, Hisham A. and Chen, G. (2014) Relation between trapping parameters and ageing based on a new electro-thermo kinetic equation. IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP), Des Moines, United States. 18 - 21 Oct 2014. pp. 421-424 . (doi:10.1109/CEIDP.2014.6995765).

Chen, George (2014) The missing link – the role of space charge in polymeric insulation lifetime. ISEIM2014: International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materials, Niigata City, Japan. 31 May - 04 Jun 2014. pp. 12-16 .

Zha, Jun-Wei, Sun, Fang, Wang, Si-Jiao, Wang, Dongrui, Lin, Xiang, Chen, George and Dang, Zhi-Min (2014) Improved mechanical and electrical properties in electrospun polyimide/multiwalled carbon nanotubes nanofibrous composites. Journal of Applied Physics, 116 (13), 1-6. (doi:10.1063/1.4897230).

Lau, K.Y., Vaughan, A.S., Chen, George, Hosier, I.L., Holt, A.F. and Ching, Kuan Yong (2014) On the space charge and DC breakdown behavior of polyethylene/silica nanocomposites. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation, 21 (1), 340-351. (doi:10.1109/TDEI.2013.004043).

Hao, Miao, Zhou, Yuan, Chen, George, Wilson, Gordon and Jarman, Paul (2014) Space charge dynamics in oil and thick pressboard combined system under polarity reversal voltage. 2014 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, , Des Moines, United States. 18 - 21 Oct 2014. pp. 867-870 . (doi:10.1109/CEIDP.2014.6995811).

Hao, Miao, Zhou, Yuan, Chen, George, Wilson, Gordon and Jarman, Paul (2014) Space charge behaviour in oil and impregnated pressboard combined insulation system. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Liquid Dielectrics (ICDL), Bled, Slovenia. 28 Jun - 02 Jul 2014. pp. 1-4 . (doi:10.1109/ICDL.2014.6893154).

Zhou, Yuan, Hao, Miao, Chen, George, Wilson, Gordon and Jarman, Paul (2014) A new approach to understanding the frequency response of mineral oil. 2014 IEEE 18th International Conference on Dielectric Liquids (ICDL), Bled, Slovenia. 28 Jun - 02 Jul 2014. pp. 1-4 . (doi:10.1109/ICDL.2014.6893143).

Zhou, Yuan, Hao, Miao, Chen, George, Wilson, Gordon and Jarman, Paul (2014) Study of the depolarization current in mineral oils. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Liquid Dielectrics (ICLD). 29 Jun - 02 Jul 2014. pp. 1-4 .

Zhou, Churui and Chen, George (2014) Space charge behaviours in polyethylene under combined AC and DC electric fields. 2014 Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP), Des Moines, United States. 18 - 21 Oct 2014. pp. 1-4 .

Zhou, Churui and Chen, George (2014) The influence of frequency of AC component on space charge behaviours in polyethylene under combined AC and DC electric fields. 2014 Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP), Des Moines, United States. 18 - 21 Oct 2014. pp. 1-4 .

Liu, Ning, Chen, George and Xu, Yang (2014) Trapping parameters comparison between cable sections from different service conditions by a new trapping-detrapping model. IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP), Des Moines, United States. 18 - 21 Oct 2014. pp. 449-452 . (doi:10.1109/CEIDP.2014.6995737).

Wang, Yan, Chen, Guanghui and Vaughan, Alun (2014) Space charge dynamics in silica-based polyethylene nanocomposites. In 2014 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. pp. 727-730 . (doi:10.1109/CEIDP.2014.6995777).

Mohamad, A., Chen, G., Zhang, Y. and An, Z. (2014) Mechanisms for surface potential decay on fluorinated epoxy in high voltage DC applications. 2014 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, , Des Moines, United States. 18 - 21 Oct 2014. pp. 863-866 . (doi:10.1109/CEIDP.2014.6995892).

Mahmud, S., Chen, G., Golosnoy, I. O., Wilson, G. and Jarman, P. (2013) Bridging in contaminated transformer oil under DC and AC electric field. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 472, 012007- (6p). (doi:10.1088/1742-6596/472/1/012007).

Mahmud, S., Chen, G., Golosnoy, I.O., Wilson, G. and Jarman, P. (2014) Effect of different shapes of electrodes on bridging in contaminated transformer oil. 2014 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, , Des Moines, United States. 18 - 21 Oct 2014. pp. 114-117 . (doi:10.1109/CEIDP.2014.6995785).

Mahmud, S., Chen, G., Golosnoy, I.O., Wilson, G. and Jarman, P. (2014) Effect of Kraft Paper barriers on bridging in contaminated transformer oil. 2014 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, , Des Moines, United States. 18 - 21 Oct 2014. pp. 110-113 . (doi:10.1109/CEIDP.2014.6995865).

Mahmud, S., Chen, G., Golosnoy, I.O., Wilson, G. and Jarman, P. (2015) Experimental studies of influence of DC and AC electric fields on bridging in contaminated transformer oil. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 22 (1), Winter Issue, 152-160. (doi:10.1109/TDEI.2014.004573).

He, M., Qiang, D., Liu, N., Chen, G. and Lewin, P.L. (2015) Investigation of charge injection threshold field in epoxy resin. 2015 IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference (EIC), Seattle, United States. 06 - 09 Jun 2015. pp. 49-52 .

Mohamad, A., Chen, G. and Du, B.X. (2015) Influence of fluorination time on surface flashover of epoxy in insulating gas. 2015 IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference (EIC), Seattle, United States. 06 - 09 Jun 2015. pp. 384-387 .

Qiang, D., He, M., Chen, G. and Andritsch, T. (2015) Influence of nano-SiO2 and BN on space charge and AC/DC performance of epoxy nanocomposites. 2015 IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference (EIC), Seattle, United States. 06 - 09 Jun 2015. pp. 492-495 .

Liu, Ning, Chen, George and Xu, Yang (2015) Relationship between breakdown strengths and trapping parameters of a serviced XLPE cable. Jicable 2015.

Wang, Qian, Tang, Chao, Wu, Gaolin and Chen, G. (2014) Fault location in the outer sheath of power cables. Journal of Power Technologies, 94 (4), 250-258.

Chen, George, Miao, Hao, Xu, Z., Vaughan, A.S., Cao, Junzheng and Wang, Haitian (2015) Review of high voltage direct current cables. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 1 (2), 9-21. (doi:10.17775/CSEEJPES.2015.00015).

Liu, Ning, Zhou, Churui, Chen, George and Zhong, Lisheng (2015) Determination of threshold electric field for charge injection in polymeric materials. Applied Physics Letters, 106 (19), 192901/1-192901/5, [192901]. (doi:10.1063/1.4921050).

Zhou, Churui and Chen, George (2015) Space charge behaviours in polyethylene under combined AC and DC electric fields. High Voltage Engineering, 41 (4), 1167-1177. (doi:10.13336/j.1003-6520.hve.2015.04.014).

Liu, Ning, Chen, George and Xu, Yang (2015) Trapping parameters and their relation to insulation status of XLPE cables. High Voltage Engineering, 41 (4), 1154-1166. (doi:10.13336/j.1003-6520.hve.2015.04.013).

Mazzanti, G., Chen, George, Fothergill, J. C., Hozumi, N., Li, J., Marzinotto, M., Mauseth, F., Morshuis, P., Reed, C., Tzimas, A. and Wu, Kai (2015) A protocol for space charge measurements in full-size HVDC extruded cables. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 22 (1), 21-34, [7033367]. (doi:10.1109/TDEI.2014.004557).

Hao, M, Zhou, Y., Chen, George, Wilson, Gordon and Jarman, Paul (2015) Space charge behavior in thick oil-impregnated pressboard under HVDC stresses. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 22 (1), 72-80. (doi:10.1109/TDEI.2014.004570).

Li, Shengtao, Zhao, Ni, Nie, Yongjie, Wang, Xia, Chen, George and Teyssedre, Gilbert (2015) Space charge characteristics of LDPE nanocomposite/LDPE insulation system. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 22 (1), 92-100. (doi:10.1109/TDEI.2014.004524).

Mohamad, A., Chen, George, Zhang, Yewen and An, Zhenlian (2015) Surface fluorinated epoxy resin for high voltage DC application. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 22 (1), 101-108. (doi:10.1109/TDEI.2014.004574).

Illias, H.A., Tunio, M.A., Mokhlis, H, Chen, George and Bakar, A.H.A. (2015) Determination of partial discharge time lag in void using physical model approach. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 22 (1), 463-471. (doi:10.1109/TDEI.2014.004618).

Lau, K.Y., Vaughan, A.S. and Chen, George (2015) Nanodielectrics: opportunities and challenges. IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine, 31 (4), 45-54. (doi:10.1109/MEI.2015.7126073).

Illias, H.A., Tunio, M.A., Mokhlis, H., Chen, George and Bakar, A.H.A. (2015) Experiment and modeling of void discharges within dielectric insulation material under impulse voltage. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 22 (4), 2252-2260. (doi:10.1109/TDEI.2015.004817).

Illias, H A, Tunio, M A, Bakar, A H A, Chen, G and Lewin, P L (2015) Partial discharge phenomena within an artificial cavity in a cylindrical insulation material. 2015 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, , Ann Arbor, United States. 17 - 20 Oct 2015. pp. 334-337 .

Zhou, Churui and Chen, G. (2015) Space charge and AC electric breakdown strength in polyethylene. IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Ann Arbor, United States. 17 - 19 Oct 2015. 4 pp .

Xu, Zhiqiang and Chen, George (2015) Space charge dynamics in lapped dielectric. IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Ann Arbor, United States. 17 - 19 Oct 2015. 4 pp .

Alghamdi, Hisham A., Chen, George and Vaughan, Alun (2015) Simulation of the developed electro-thermal aging model based on trapping and detrapping process. IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Ann Arbor, United States. 17 - 19 Oct 2015. 5 pp .

Qiang, Dayuan, Chen, George and Andritsch, Thomas (2015) Influence of water absorption on dielectric properties of epoxy SiO2 and BN nanocomposites. IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Ann Arbor, United States. 17 - 19 Oct 2015. 4 pp .

Liu, Ning, Li, Ziyun, Chen, George, Fu, Mingli, Li, Ruihai and Hou, Shuai (2015) Trapping parameters estimation of fresh and thermally-aged low-density polyethylene by using an improved trapping/detrapping model. IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Ann Arbor, United States. 17 - 19 Oct 2015. 4 pp .

Hao, Miao, Hao, Jian, Fu, Jin, Wang, Qian, Tang, Chao and Chen, George (2015) Space charge dynamics in oil-impregnated pressboard under AC electric field. IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Ann Arbor, United States. 17 - 19 Oct 2015. 4 pp .

Wang, Yan, Xu, Zhiqiang, Chen, George and Vaughan, Alun (2015) DC current in nanosilica-based polyethylene nanocomposites. In 2015 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP). IEEE. pp. 515-518 . (doi:10.1109/CEIDP.2015.7352137).

Xu, Zhiqiang, Chen, George, Guo, Meng, David, Eric and Frechette, Michel (2015) Space charge properties of UHMWPE/OibPOSS composites. IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Ann Arbor, United States. 17 - 19 Oct 2015. 4 pp .

Li, Ziyun, Chen, George, Fu, Mingli and Hou, Shuai (2015) Thermal ageing and its impact on charge trap density and breakdown strength in ldpe LDPE. 19th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Pilson, Czech Republic. 22 - 27 Aug 2015. 6 pp .

Huang, Bo, Hao, Miao, Chen, George, Hao, Jian, Fu, Jin and Wang, Qian (2015) Space charge characteristics and the electric field distortion after polarity reversal operation in two layers of oil-impregnated paper and oil. 19th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Pilson, Czech Republic. 22 - 27 Aug 2015. 6 pp .

Hao, Miao, Chen, George, Jarman, Paul and Wilson, Gordon (2015) Space charge dynamics in oil combined with pressboard insulation system under AC and DC superimposed electric field. 2015 CIGRE SC A2 Colloquium, Shanghai, China. 19 - 24 Sep 2015. 9 pp .

Chen, George, Li, Shengtao and Zhong, Lisheng (2015) Space charge in nanodielectrics and its impact on electrical performance. IEEE 11th International Conference on the Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials, Sydney, Australia. 18 - 21 Jul 2015. pp. 36-39 .

Fu, Mingli, Luo, Bing, Hou, Shuai, Liao, Yifan, Hao, Miao and Chen, George (2015) Space charge dynamics in pressboard-oil-pressboard multilayer system under DC voltages. IEEE 11th International Conference on the Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials, Sydney, Australia. 18 - 21 Jul 2015. pp. 112-115 .

Zhou, Yuan, Hao, Miao, Chen, G., Gordon, Wilson and Jarman, Paul (2015) Study of the charge dynamics in mineral oil under a non-homogeneous field. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 22 (5), 2473-2482. (doi:10.1109/TDEI.2015.005061).

Zhou, Yuan, Hao, Miao, Chen, George, Gordon, Wilson and Jarman, Paul (2015) Quantitative study of electric conduction in mineral oil by time domain and frequency domain measurement. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 22 (5), 2601-2610. (doi:10.1109/TDEI.2015.005062).

Mahmud, S., Chen, G., Golosnoy, I.O., Wilson, G. and Jarman, P. (2015) Experimental studies of influence of different electrodes on bridging in contaminated transformer oil. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 22 (5), 2433-2441. (doi:10.1109/TDEI.2015.004846).

Hao, Jian, Tang, Chao, Fu, Jin, Chen, George, Wu, Gaolin and Wang, Qian (2015) Influence of oil aging on the space charge dynamics of oil-immersed paper insulation under a DC electric field. IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 10, 1-11. (doi:10.1002/tee.22064).

Lau, Kwan, Vaughan, Alun, Chen, Guanghui, Hosier, Ian, Ching, K.Y. and Quirke, Nick (2016) Polyethylene/silica nanocomposites: absorption current and the interpretation of SCLC. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 49 (29), [295305]. (doi:10.1088/0022-3727/49/29/295305).

Liu, Ning, He, Miao, Alghamdi, Hisham, Chen, George, Fu, Mingli, Li, Ruihai and Hou, Shuai (2015) An improved model to estimate trapping parameters in polymeric materials and its application on normal and aged low-density polyethylenes. Journal of Applied Physics, 118 (6), 1-12. (doi:10.1063/1.4928182).

Hao, M., Fazal, A., Vaughan, A., Chen, G., Cao, J. and Wang, H. (2016) The effect of electrode material and semicon bonding on space charge dynamics of XLPE. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Dielectrics (ICD), Montpellier, France. 02 - 06 Jul 2016. 4 pp . (doi:10.1109/ICD.2016.7547579).

Fazal, A., Hao, M., Vaughan, A., Chen, G., Cao, J. and Wang, H. (2016) The effect of composition and processing on electric characteristics of XLPE in HVDC cable applications. IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference (EIC), 2016, Montreal, Canada. 18 - 21 Jun 2016. pp. 440-443 . (doi:10.1109/EIC.2016.7548632).

Hao, M., Fazal, A., Vaughan, A., Chen, G., Zhou, Y. and Zhang, C. (2016) The impacts of degassing on space charge characteristics and DC conductivity in semicon-bonded XLPE For HVDC cable applications. IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP2016), Toronto, Canada. 15 - 18 Oct 2016. pp. 97-100 . (doi:10.1109/CEIDP.2016.7785533).

Hao, M., Fazal, A., Chen, G., Vaughan, A., Cao, J. and Wang, H. (2016) The impacts of the temperature and electric field on the electrical characteristics in semicon-bonded XLPE insulation. IEEE International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application (ICHVE 2016), Chengdu, China. 19 - 22 Sep 2016. 4 pp . (doi:10.1109/ICHVE.2016.7800830).

Hao, M., Fazal, A., Vaughan, A., Chen, G., Wang, H., Zhang, C. and Zhou, Y. (2016) The effects of semicon on space charge behavior under different temperature conditions for HVDC cable insulation. 2nd International Conference on HVDC - (HVDC2016), Shanghai, China. 24 - 26 Oct 2016. 6 pp .

Wei, Yanhui, Chen, George, Zhang, Guanqun, Liu, Ning and Li, Guochang (2016) Trap characterization in composite of solid-liquid using dual-level trap model and TSDC method. AIP Advances, 6 (75120), 1-8. (doi:10.1063/1.4960214).

Li, Guochang, Chen, George and Li, Shengtao (2016) Charge transport model in nanodielectric composites based on quantum tunnelling mechanism and dual-level traps. Applied Physics Letters, 109 (62901), 1-5. (doi:10.1063/1.4960638).

Han, Zhengyi, Chen, George, Cao, Junzheng, He, Zhiyuan, Wang, Haitian, Li, Wenpeng and Tang, Chao (2016) Data recovery algorithm in space charge measurement by PEA method. COMPEL - The International journal for Computation and Maths in Electrical and Electronic Eng, 35 (3), 1136-1149. (doi:10.1108/COMPEL-10-2015-0365).

Wang, SiJiao, Zha, Junwei, Li, Weikang, Wang, Ying, Wen, Yongqiang, Chen, George and Dang, Zhimin (2016) Influence of hierarchy structure on electrical properties of gradient-distribution aluminum oxide/polyethylene nanocomposites. Composites Science and Technology, 135, 100-105. (doi:10.1016/j.compscitech.2016.09.010).

Tang, Chao, Huang, Bo, Hao, Miao, Xu, Zhiqiang, Hao, Jian and Chen, George (2016) Progress of space charge research on oil-paper insulation using pulsed electroacoustic techniques. [in special issue: Power Transformer Diagnostics, Monitoring and Design Features] Energies, 9 (53), 1-35. (doi:10.3390/en9010053).

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Li, Shengtao, Min, Daomin, Wang, Weiwang and Chen, George (2016) Linking traps to dielectric breakdown through charge dynamics for polymer nanocomposites. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 23 (5), 2777-2785. (doi:10.1109/TDEI.2016.7736837).

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Qiang, Dayuan, Wang, Yan, Chen, George and Andritsch, Thomas (2016) Influence of water absorption on space charge behavior of epoxy nanocomposites. In 2016 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP). IEEE. pp. 603-606 . (doi:10.1109/CEIDP.2016.7785574).

Luo, Yongfen, Ye, Jianqu, Gao, Jiaping, Chen, George, Wang, Guoli, Liu, Lei and Li, Bin (2017) Recognition technology of winding deformation based on principal components of transfer function characteristics and artificial neural network. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 24 (6), 3922-3932. (doi:10.1109/TDEI.2017.006655).

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Zhuang, Yuan, Hao, Miao, Chen, George, Chen, Xin, Zhang, Chong, Li, Wenpeng, Wang, Haitian, Zhou, Mingyu and Lei, Xianzhang (2017) Effect of ground electrode on charge injection and surface potential of corona charged polyethylene film. Journal of Electrostatics, 90, 139-146. (doi:10.1016/j.elstat.2017.10.004).

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Chen, Guanghui, Zhu, Yuanwei, Li, Shengtao, Min, Daomin, Li, Shujun and Cui, Huize (2018) Space charge modulated electrical breakdown of oil impregnated paper insulation subjected to AC-DC combined voltages. Energies, 11, 1547. (doi:10.3390/en11061547).

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Wang, Yan, Hao, Miao, Xu, Zhiqiang, Qiang, Dayuan, Chen, George and Vaughan, Alun (2018) Experimental demonstration of deep traps in silica-based polyethylene nanocomposites by combined isothermal surface potential decay and pulsed electro-acoustic measurements. Applied Physics Letters, 113, [022904]. (doi:10.1063/1.5025633).

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Wang, Xinyu, Andritsch, Thomas, Chen, George and Virtanen, Suvi (2019) The role of the filler surface chemistry on the dielectric and thermal properties of polypropylene aluminium nitride nanocomposites. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation, 26 (3), 1009-1017. (doi:10.1109/TDEI.2019.007773).

Zhan, Yunpeng, Chen, George, Hao, Miao, Pu, Lu, Zhao, Xuefeng, Sun, Haofei, Wang, Sen, Guo, Anxiang and Liu, Jian (2019) Comparison of two models on simulating electric field in HVDC cable insulation. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation, 26 (4), 1107-1115. (doi:10.1109/TDEI.2019.007878).

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Feng, Yang, Suga, Takeo, Nishide, Hiroyuki, Ohki, Yoshimichi, Chen, George and Li, Shengtao (2019) How to install TEMPO in dielectric polymers—Their rational design toward energy-storable materials. Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 40 (4), 1 - 6, [1800734]. (doi:10.1002/marc.201800734).

Li, Ziyun and Chen, George (2018) Space charge in thermally aged polyethylene and its electrical performance. Materials Research Express, 6 (3), [035308]. (doi:10.1088/2053-1591/aaf61b).

Cao, Liang, Zhong, Lisheng, Li, Yinge, Zhang, Kai, Gao, Jinghui and Chen, George (2019) Enhanced high-temperature DC dielectric performance of crosslinked polyethylene with a polystyrene pinning structure. Materials, 12 (8), [1234]. (doi:10.3390/ma12081234).

Zhang, Siyu, Chen, George, Zhang, Hongliang, Yan, Jiaqi, Liu, Peng and Peng, Zongren (2019) Experimental and simulation study on space charge characteristics of epoxy resin filled with graphene oxide. IET Science, Measurement and Technology, 13 (3), 426-434. (doi:10.1049/iet-smt.2018.5398).

Zhang, Wei, Xu, Man, Huang, Kaiwen, Mu, Qiulin and Chen, George (2019) Effect of β-crystals on the mechanical and electrical properties of β-nucleated isotactic polypropylene. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 26 (3), 714-721, [8726016]. (doi:10.1109/TDEI.2019.8726016).

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Cheng, Qi, Zha, Jun Wei, Zhai, Jin Tao, Zhang, Dong Li, Bian, Xingming, Chen, George and Dang, Zhi Min (2019) Improved space charge suppression in PP/SEBS nanocomposites by controlling MgO nanoparticles with abundant surface defects. Applied Physics Letters, 115 (10), [102904]. (doi:10.1063/1.5123208).

Chen, Guanghui, Zhang, Siyu, Xu, Zhiqiang, Yan, Jiaqi, Peng, Zongren and Liu, Peng (2019) An improved pulsed electroacoustic system for space charge measurements under high temperatures and arbitrary waveform voltages. Review of Scientific Instruments, 90, 9, [105112]. (doi:10.1063/1.5113693).

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Chen, Guanghui, Feng, Yang, Hasegawa, Yui, Suga, Takeo, Nishide, Hiroyuki, Yang, Liuqing and Li, Shengtao (2019) Tuning conformational H‑bonding arrays in aromatic/alicyclic polythiourea toward high energy-storable dielectric material. Macromolecules, 52 (22), 8781-8787. (doi:10.1021/acs.macromol.9b01785).

Chen, Guanghui, Ru, Jiasheng, Min, Daomin, Lanagan, Michael and Li, Shengtao (2019) Energy storage properties of polyimide/BaTiO3 nanocomposite films and their breakdown mechanism in a wide content range. Applied Physics Letters, 115, 1-5, [213901]. (doi:10.1063/1.5115766).

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Jiang, Xiongwei, Sima, Wenxia, Chen, Guanghui, Peng, Qingjun and Sun, Potao (2020) Physicochemical characteristics and dynamic charge mapping in thermally aged two-layered polymer considering surface states: experiment and simulation. Polymers, 12 (3), [634]. (doi:10.3390/polym12030634).

Wang, Xinyu, Qiang, Dayuan, Hosier, Ian, Zhu, Yanqiu, Chen, George and Andritsch, Thomas (2020) Effect of water on the breakdown and dielectric response of polypropylene/nano aluminium nitride composites. Journal of Materials Science, 55 (21), 8900-8916. (doi:10.1007/s10853-020-04635-1).

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Zhang, Yanru, Zhou, Yingjie, Jiang, Changkun, Wang, Yan, Zhang, Ruichang and Chen, George (2021) Plug-in electric vehicle charging with multiple charging options: A systematic analysis of service providers’ pricing strategies. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 12 (1), 524 - 537, [9179771]. (doi:10.1109/TSG.2020.3020044).

Chen, George, Liu, Xue-Jie, Zheng, Ming-Sheng, Dang, Zhi-Min and Zha, Jun-Wei (2021) High-temperature polyimide dielectric materials for energy storage: theory, design, preparation and properties. Energy & Environmental Science. (doi:10.1039/D1EE03186D).


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