The University of Southampton


Roper, Bernard, Chapman, Adriane, Martin, David and Morley, Jeremy (2018) A graph testing framework for provenance network analytics. In Provenance and Annotation of Data and Processes - 7th International Provenance and Annotation Workshop, IPAW 2018, Proceedings. vol. 11017 LNCS, Springer-Verlag. pp. 245-251 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-98379-0_29).

Roper, Bernard, Chapman, Adriane, Martin, David and Cavazzi, Stefano (2021) Mapping Trusted Paths to VGI. Glavic, Boris, Braganholo, Vanessa and Koop, David (eds.) In Provenance and Annotation of Data and Processes - 8th and 9th International Provenance and Annotation Workshop, IPAW 2020 + IPAW 2021, Proceedings. vol. 12839 LNCS, Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH. pp. 207-210 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-030-80960-7_13).

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Nadesakumar, A, Crowder, R M and Harris, C. J. (1995) Advanced system concepts for future civil aircraft-an overview of avionic architectures. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 209, 265-272. (doi:10.1243/PIME_PROC_1995_209_300_02).

Crowder, Richard M., Wills, Gary B., Heath, Ian and Hall, Wendy (1997) An Open Hypermedia Solution to Information Overload in Industrial Applications. IEE colloquium on IT Strategies for Information Overload..

Hall, Wendy, Weal, Mark J., Heath, Ian, Wills, Gary B. and Crowder, Richard M. (1997) Flexible Interfaces in the Industrial Environment. International Conference Managing Enterprises- Stakeholders, Engineering, Logistics and Achievement (ME-SELA'97) Loughborough, UK.. 453--460 .

Wills, Gary B., Heath, Ian, Crowder, Richard M. and Hall, Wendy (1997) Evaluation of a user interface developed for industrial applications University of Southampton

Wills, Gary B., Heath, Ian, Crowder, Richard M. and Hall, Wendy (1997) Hypermedia Authoring in an Industrial Environment University of Southampton

Wills, Gary B., Crowder, Richard M., Heath, Ian and Hall, Wendy (1998) Industrial Hypermedia Design. s.n.

Wills, Gary B., Heath, Ian, Crowder, Richard M. and Hall, Wendy (1997) Factory Information Resource Management: Industrial Strength Hypermedia? s.n.

Wills, Gary B., Heath, Ian, Crowder, Richard M. and Hall, Wendy (1998) Expert Review for the Pilot of a Large-scale Industrial Hypermedia Application. s.n.

Wills, Gary B., Heath, Ian, Crowder, Richard M. and Hall, Wendy (1998) A Model for Authoring and Costing an Industrial Hypermedia Application. s.n.

Crowder, R M, Wills, G B, Heath, I and Hall, W (1997) The Application of Hypermedia in the Factory Information Environment. Proceedings of Factory 2000, 5th IEE Conference on Factory Automation. 411--415 .

Crowder, Richard M., Wills, Gary B., Heath, Ian and Hall, Wendy (1998) Hypermedia Information Management: A New Paradigm. 3rd International Conference on Managing Innovation in Manufacture, University of Nottingham, 6-8 July 1998, pages 329-334.

Crowder, Richard M., Hall, Wendy, Heath, Ian and Wills, Gary B. (1999) Integration of Manufacturing Information using Open Hypermedia. Computers in Industry, 38, 31--42.

Knudsen, T, Auriol, E, Rowe, R, Scott, C J, McKendrick, R J and Crowder, R (2000) HELPMATE Final Project Report IT Innovation

Auriol, E, Crowder, R M, McKendrick, R J, Rowe, R and Knudsen, T (1999) Integrating Case-Based Reasoning and Hypermedia Documentation: An Application for the Diagnosis of a Welding Robot at Odense Steel Shipyard. Althoff, K -D, Bergmann, R and Branting, L K (eds.) International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR'99), Seeon Monastery, Munich, Germany. 26 - 29 Jul 1999.

Auriol, E, Crowder, R, McKendrick, R J, Rowe, R and Knudsen, T (1999) Integrating case-based reasoning and hypermedia documentation: an application for the diagnosis of a welding robot at Odense steel shipyard. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 12, 691-703.

Crowder, Richard M, Hall, Wendy, Health, Ian and Wills, Gary (2000) Industrial strength hypermedia : Design, Implementation and Application. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 13 (3), 173-86.

Crowder, R M, McKendrick, R, Rowe, R, Auriol, E and Tellefsen, M (2000) Maintenance of Robotic Systems using Hypermedia and Case-Based Reasoning. In Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). vol. 3, IEEE. pp. 2422-2427 . (doi:10.1109/ROBOT.2000.846390).

Crowder, R M (1977) Static four quadrant control of the three phase induction motor. University of Leicester, Doctoral Thesis.

Crowder, Richard M (1995) Electric Drives and their Control: Ist (Mongraphs in Electrical and Electronic Engineering), Clarendon Press

Crowder, R M (1998) Electric Drives and their Control: Ist (Monographs in Electrical and Electronic Engineering), Clarendon Press

Crowder, R M (1988) Sensors - Touch, Force and Torque Measurement. In, Dorf, R and Nof, S (eds.) International Encyclopedia of Robotics. John Wiley, pp. 1544-63.

Crowder, R M (1990) Sensors - Touch, Force and Torque Measurement. In, Dorf, R (ed.) Concise International Encyclopedia of Robotics. Applicationa and Automation. John Wiley, pp. 896-902.

Crowder, R. and Maxwell, C. (1998) Simulation of a prototype electrically powered integrated actuator for civil aircraft. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 211 (G4), 381-94.

Crowder, R.M., Fateh, M.M., Chappell, P.H. and Whatley, D.R. (1999) Drive issues in articulated end-effectors. 2nd Intn. Conf. Climbing Walking Robots,. pp. 679-87 .

Crowder, R.M., Hall, W., Heath, I., Bernard, R. and Gaskell, D. (1996) A hypermedia maintenance information system. Computing & Control Engineering Journal, 7 (3), 121-128.

Crowder, R.M., Hall, W., Heath, I. and Wills, G. (1998) Factory information provision using hypermedia. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 11 (6), 422-53.

Crowder, R.M. and Hall, W. (1996) Factory information using hypermedia. Proceedings of 2nd IInternational Conference on Managing Integrated Manufacturing. pp. 283-8 .

Crowder, R.M. and Hall, W. (1996) Industrial information resource management. Proc.of conf.on integration in manufacturing. pp. 206-14 .

Crowder, R.M., Nadesakumar, A. and Wills, G. (1996) Electrically Powered Integrated Control Actuation. s.n.

Crowder, R.M. (1996) Electrically powered actuation for civil aircraft. IEE Symposium on Actuator Technolgy: current practice and new developments.

Crowder, R.M. (1998) The authoring and delivery challenges for industrial strength hypermedia. IEE Colloquium on Hypermedia in Manufacturing.

Crowder, R.M. (1998) Industrial strength hypermedia. Manufacturing Engineer, 77 (6), 257-60.

Crowder, R.M. (1998) Whole Arm Manipulator: Upgrade Assessment s.n.

Crowder, R.M., Dubey, V.N., Chappell, P.H. and Whatley, D.R. (1999) A multi-fingered end effector for unstructured environments. Proc IEEE, Intn. Conf. Robotics and Automation,. pp. 3038-43 .

Dubey, V.N., Crowder, R.M., Chappell, P.H. and Whatley, D.R. (1997) A Robotic End Effector for Unstructured Environments. Proceedings of the American Nuclear Society's 7th Topical on Robotics and Remote Systems. pp. 452-60 .

Dubey, V.N., Crowder, R.M. and Chappell, P.H. (1999) Optimal object grasp using tactile sensors and fuzzy logic. Robotica, 17, 685-93.

Hall, W., Crowder, R.M., Heath, I. and Bernard, R. (1996) The application of large-scale hypermedia information systems in manufacturing industry. In 1995-6 Research Journal of Department of Electronics and Computer Science, Southampton.

Hall, W. and Crowder, R.M. (1997) Multimedia information systems in manufacturing. IMechE 150th Anniversary Conference.

Heath, I., Hall, W., Crowder, R.M. and Wills, G. (1999) The application of a hypermedia research system in industry. 10th ACM conf. on Hypertext and Hypermedia, Darmstadt. pp. 203-4 .

Heath, Ian, Wills, Gary, Crowder, Richard, Hall, Wendy and Ballantyne, Jim (2000) Towards a new authoring methodology for large scale hypermedia applications. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 12 (2/3), 129-44.

Crowder, Richard, Hall, Wendy, Wills, Gary, Humpreys, Dave and Ash, Jon (2001) Hypermedia Information Systems in Industry. Computing & Control Engineering Journal, 12 (1), 21-28.

Crowder, R and Hall, W (1992) The Use of Interactive Media as a Training and Operational Interface in the Advanced Factory. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Factory 2000, University of York. pp. 106-110 .

Hall, W, Crowder, R, Bernard, R and Health, I (1993) Use of Open Hypermedia Systems for Maintenance in Large-Scale Industrial Plant. Osterbye, K (ed.) Proceedings of Hypertext'93 Workshop on Hypertext in Engineering, Seattle, Washington. Published as IES TEchnical REport 93-2030, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Aalborg University, Denmark.

Crowder, RM, Hall, W, Bernard, R and Heath, I (1993) Open Hypermedia Systems for Training and Maintenance. European Conference on Automation and Robotic Training, London.

Crowder, RM and Hall, W (1995) Open Hypermedia Systems as an Operational Interface to Engineering Systems. Proceedings of the 6th Topical on Robotics and Remote Systems, Monterey California.

Bernard, R, Crowder, RM, Heath, I and Hall, W (1995) Authoring a Large Scale Industrial Hypermedia Application: a Case Study. Proceedings of the LIRM International Workshop on Hypermedia Design, Montpellier, France. pp. 33-36 .

Crowder, R, Hall, W, Heath, I and Bernard, R (1995) The Application of Large-Scale Hypermedia Information Systems to Training. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 32 (3), 245-255.

Bernard, R, Crowder, RM, Heath, I and Hall, W (1995) Multimedia Information Management: Authoring Large Scale Industrial Applications. Proceedings of Multimedia for Business Processes Workshop (key-note), Coventry.

Chappell, P H, Fateh, M M and Crowder, R M (2001) Kinematic control of a three-fingered and fully adaptive end-effector using a Jacobian matrix. Mechatronics, 11, 355-68.

Wellington, S., King, G and Crowder, R M (1991) A tracking vision sensor system. Colloquium on "Binary Image Processing - Techniques and Applications". 3/1-3/5 .

Crowder, Richard, Sim, Y W, Wills, Gary and Greenough, Richard (2001) A review of the benefits of using hypermedia manuals. Davis, Hugh, Douglas, Yellowlees and Durand, David (eds.) Proceedings of the twelfth ACM conferance on Hypertext and Hypermedia. pp. 245-6 .

Crowder, Richard, Wills, Gary and Hall, Wendy (2001) Provision of industrial information resources through hypermedia. Proceedings of the ASME 2001 Design Engineering Technical Conferance and Computer and Information in Engineering Conference.

Crowder, R M (1983) PWM servodrives: their operation and application. Proceedings of Drives/Motors/Controls 83. pp. 33-39 .

Nightingale, J M and Crowder, R M (1987) The hierarchical control of subsea manipulators. Proceedings of Fifth International Conferance on Electronics for Ocean Technology. pp. 131-8 .

Bernard, R and Crowder, R M (1992) Semiconductors for aerospace power applications.

Williams, M S J and Crowder, R M (1992) Advanced civil aircraft electrical systems.

Crowder, R M (1995) Electrically powered actuation in civil aircraft applications. Sixth European Conferance on Power Electronics and Applications. 3.793-8 .

Crowder, R M (1988) The application and control of brushless d.c. motors in high power robotic joints. Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on power electronics and varible speed drives. pp. 253-256 .

Crowder, R.M. (1990) Special Purpose Multifingered Robotic End Effectors. American Nuclear Society's 1990 Winter meeting. pp. 596-7 .

Crowder, R M, Dubey, V and Chappell, P H (2000) Dynamic Control of fingertip force using Tactile Sensors and Fuzzy Logic. Proceeding of the 6th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision.

Crowder, Richard and Hall, Wendy (1995) The Use of Open Hypermedia Systems in Engineering Applications. International Journal of Engineering Applications, 11 (6), 427-434.

Wills, Gary, Sim, Yee-Wai, Crowder, Richard and Hall, Wendy (2002) Open Hypermedia for Product Support. International Journal of Systems Science, 33 (6), 421-432.

Dubey, Venketesh and Crowder, Richard (2002) A finger mechanism for adaptive end effectors. ASME 27th Biennial Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Montreal. 28 Sep - 01 Oct 2002. p. 437 .

Wellington, S J and Crowder, R M (1994) A non-tactile sensor for seam tracking and vision applications. Control'94. pp. 822-826 .

Wills, Gary, Alani, Harith, Ashri, Ronald, Crowder, Richard, Kalfoglou, Yannis and Kim, Sanghee (2002) Design Issues for Agent-based Resource Locator Systems. Karagiannis, Dimitris and Reimer, Ulrich (eds.) Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management, Vienna. 02 - 03 Dec 2002. pp. 156-168 .

Dominguez-Lopez, J. A., Damper, R. I., Crowder, R. M. and Harris, C. J. (2003) Optimal object grasping using fuzzy logic. International Conference on Robotics, Vision, Information and Signal Processing (ROVISP'2004), Penang, Malaysia. pp. 367-372 .

Crowder, Richard, Hughes, Gareth and Hall, Wendy (2002) An Agent Based Approach to Finding Expertise. Karagiannis, Dimitris and Reimer, Ulrich (eds.) Fourth International Conference on Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management, Vienna, Austria. 02 - 03 Dec 2002. pp. 179-188 .

Crowder, R M, McKendrick, R, Rowe, R, Auriol, E and Knudsen, T (1999) Maintenance of Robotic Systems using Hypermedia Documentation and Case-Based Reasoning. 2nd International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots (CLAWAR'99), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, United Kingdom. 12 - 14 Sep 1999. pp. 877-887 .

Crowder, Richard (1991) A Manipulator for Glovebox Operation. Mechatronics, 1 (1), 37-58.

Crowder, Richard, Wills, Gary and Hall, Wendy (2003) Evaluation of a hypermedia maintenance support application. Computers in Industry, 51 (3), 327-344.

Crowder, Richard, Bracewell, Rob, Hughes, Gareth, Kerr, Micky, Knott, David, Moss, Mike, Clegg, Chris, Hall, Wendy, Wallace, Ken and Waterson, Patrick (2003) A Future Vision For The Engineering Design Environment: A Future Sociotechnical Scenario. Folkeson, A, Gralen, K, Norell, M and Sellgren, U (eds.) 14th International Conference on Engineering Design, Stockholm. 18 - 20 Aug 2003. pp. 249-250 .

Crowder, Richard, Hughes, Gareth and Hall, Wendy (2003) An Agent Based Approach To Finding Expertise In The Engineering Design Environment. Folkeson, A, Gralen, K, Norell, M and Sellgren, U (eds.) 14th International Conference on Engineering Design, Stockholm. 18 - 20 Aug 2003.

Hughes, Gareth and Crowder, Richard (2003) Experiences in designing highly adaptable expertise finder systems. Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Emgineering, Chicago. 01 - 05 Sep 2003.

Crowder, Richard (2000) Sensors: Touch, Force, and Torque: 1st. In, Shell, Richard L and Hall, Ernest L (eds.) Handbook of Industrial Automation. Handbook of Industrial Automation (30/09/00) Marcel Dekker Inc, pp. 377-392.

Crowder, Richard, Hughes, Gareth and Hall, Wendy (2003) Approaches to Locating Expertise using Corporate Knowledge. Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management, 11, 185-200.

Dominguez-Lopez, J. A., Damper, R. I., Crowder, R. M. and Harris, C. J. (2003) Hybrid neurofuzzy online learning for optimal grasping. IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Xi'an, China. pp. 803-808 .

Sunderland, R. M., Crowder, R. M. and Damper, R. I. (2004) An approach to the simulation of robotic systems using XML-based configuration files. DETC'04, Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Salt Lake City, UT. 31 Aug - 30 Sep 2004. no pagination-CD-ROM .

Dominguez-Lopez, J. A., Damper, R. I., Crowder, R. M. and Harris, C. J. (2004) Adaptive neurofuzzy control of a robotic gripper with online machine learning. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 48 (2-3), 93-110. (doi:10.1016/j.robot.2004.06.001).

Dominguez-Lopez, J. A., Crowder, R. M., Damper, R. I. and Harris, C. J. (2004) Adaptive neurofuzzy control of a robotic gripper with external disturbances. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, The Hague, The, Netherlands. pp. 3193-3198 .

Dubey, Venketech and Crowder, Richard (2004) Grasping and Control Issues in Adaptive End Effectors. ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Salt Lake City, Utah. 27 Sep - 01 Oct 2004.

Crowder, Richard and Sim, Yee-Wai (2004) An Approach to Extracting Knowledge from Legacy Documents. ASME INternational Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information Engineering Conference, Salt Lake City. 27 - 30 Sep 2004.

Crowder, Richard and Smith, Gordon (1979) Induction motors for crane applications. IEE Journal of Electric Power Applications, 2 (6), 194-198.

Sim, Yee-Wai and Crowder, Richard (2004) Evaluation of an Approach to Expertise Finding. Karagiannis, Dimitris and Reimer, Ulrich (eds.) 5th International Conference on Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management, Vienna, Austria. pp. 141-152 .

Wills, Gary, Fowler, David, Sleeman, Derek, Crowder, Richard, Kampa, Simon, Carr, Leslie and Knott, David (2004) Issues in Moving to a Semantic Web for a Large Corporation. Karagiannis, Dimitris and Reimer, Ulrich (eds.) 5th International Conference on Practical Aspects of Knowledge Mangement, Vienna, Austria. 02 - 03 Dec 2004. pp. 378-388 .

Dominguez-Lopez, J. A., Damper, R. I., Crowder, R. M. and Harris, C. J. (2006) Intelligent neurofuzzy control of a robotic gripper. In, Patnaik, S., Jain, L. C., Tzafestas, S. G., Resconi, G. and Konar, A. (eds.) Innovations in Robot Mobility and Control. Springer-Verlag, pp. 155-199.

Sunderland, R. M., Damper, R. I. and Crowder, R. M. (2005) A framework for biologically-inspired control of reaching motions. 3rd International Symposium on Adaptive Motion in Animals and Machines (AMAM 2005), Ilmenau, Germany. no pagination-CD-ROM .

Crowder, Richard, Wills, Gary and Hall, Wendy (2005) Hypermedia maintenance support applications: Benefits and development costs. Computers in Industry, 56 (7), 681-698. (doi:10.1016/j.compind.2005.03.004).

Crowder, Richard (2005) Electric Drives and Electromechanical Systems , Newnes

Wong, Sylvia C, Crowder, Richard M and Wills, Gary B (2006) On a Service-Oriented Approach for an Engineering Knowledge Desktop. 15th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2006), Edinburgh, United Kingdom. 22 - 25 May 2006.

Sim, Y W, Crowder, R M and Wills, G B (2006) Expert Finding by Capturing Organisational Knowledge from Legacy Documents. IEEE International Conference on Computer & Communication Engineering (ICCCE '06), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 08 - 10 May 2006.

Dubey, Venketesh and Crowder, Richard (2006) A dynamic tactile sensor on photoelastic effect. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 128 (2), 217-225.

Crowder, Richard (2006) Toward Robots That Can Sense Texture by Touch. Science, 312 (5779), 1478-1479.

Wong, Sylvia C, Crowder, Richard M, Wills, Gary B and Shadbolt, Nigel R (2006) Knowledge Engineering - From Front-line Support to Preliminary Design. Brailsford, David F (ed.) ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng), Amsterdam, The, Netherlands. 09 - 12 Oct 2006. pp. 44-52 .

Wong, Sylvia C, Crowder, Richard M, Shadbolt, Nigel R and Wills, Gary B (2006) Knowledge Management for a Large Service-Oriented Corporation. Reimer, Ulrich and Karagiannis, Dimitris (eds.) Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management (PAKM), Vienna, Austria. 30 Nov - 01 Dec 2006. pp. 326-337 . (doi:10.1007/11944935_29).

Wong, Sylvia C, Crowder, Richard M, Wills, Gary B and Shadbolt, Nigel R (2007) Informing Preliminary Design by Incorporating Service Knowledge. 16th International Conference on Engineering Design, Paris. 27 - 30 Aug 2007.

Wong, Sylvia C, Crowder, Richard M, Wills, Gary B and Shadbolt, Nigel R (2007) Lesson Learnt from a Large-Scale Industrial Semantic Web Application. 18th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, Manchester, United Kingdom. 09 - 11 Sep 2007.

Wills, Gary B., Abbas, Noura, Chandrasekharan, Rakhi, Crowder, Richard M., Gilbert, Lester, Howard, Yvonne, Millard, David E., Wong, Sylvia C. and Walters, Robert J (2007) An Agile Hypertext Design Methodology. 18th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, Manchester, United Kingdom. 09 - 11 Sep 2007.

Jadhav, Pooja, Wong, Sylvia C, Wills, Gary B, Crowder, Richard M and Shadbolt, Nigel R (2007) Data Mining to Support Engineering Design Decision. Workshop on Semantic Web and Web 2.0 in Architectural, Product and Engineering Design, 6th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), Busan, Korea.

Wong, Sylvia C., Crowder, Richard M., Wills, Gary B. and Shadbolt, Nigel R. (2008) Knowledge transfer: from maintenance to engine design. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 8 (1). (doi:10.1115/1.2840777).

Romero, Maricarmen, Crowder, Richard, Sim, Yee Wai and Payne, Terry (2008) Applying Multi-Agent Systems to Organizational Modeling In Industrial Environments. 10th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Barcelona, Spain. 11 - 15 Jun 2008.

Crowder, Richard, Wong, Sylvia, Shadbolt, Nigel and Wills, Gary (2008) Knowledge-Based Repository to Support Engineering Design. Proceedings of the ASME 2008 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering, New York. 02 - 05 Aug 2008.

Crowder, Richard, Sim, Yee Wai, Payne, Terry, Robinson, Mark, Jackson, Helan and Romero Ternero, Maria (2008) An Approach to Modelling Integrated Product Teams. Proceedings of the ASME 2008 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering, New York. 02 - 05 Aug 2008.

Dubey, Venketesh and Crowder, Richard (2008) Evolution of a Novel Finger Mechanism for Robust Industrial End Effectors. Proceedings of the ASME 2008 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering, New York. 02 - 05 Aug 2008.

English, Stephen, Gough, Jeffrey, Johnson, Alexis, Spanton, Robert, Sun, Joanna, Crowder, Richard and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2008) Strategies for Maintaining Large Robot Communities. Artificial Life XI, Winchester. 04 - 07 Aug 2008. p. 763 .

Reul, Quintin, Sleeman, Derek and Crowder, Richard (2008) Technical Report: Integrated Products and Services. Knowledge Desktop: Evaluation of Demonstrator 3c (Designers) s.n. (In Press)

Hughes, Helen, Robinson, Mark, Crowder, Richard and Sim, Yee Wai (2009) Can multi-agent systems help us to understand team-working? British Psychological Society (BPS) Division of Occupational Psychology Annual Conference, Blackpool. 14 - 16 Jan 2009.

Diamantas, Sotirios and Crowder, Richard (2009) Localisation and Mapping Using a Laser Range Finder: A Goal-Seeking Approach. Fifth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems, Valencia, Spain. 19 - 24 Apr 2009.

Hughes, Helen, Robinson, Mark, Crowder, Richard and Sim, Yee Wai (2009) More than the sum of its parts: An agent-based model of team work. The 14th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. 12 - 15 May 2009.

Guan, Tao, Fowler, David, Crowder, Richard, Shadbolt, Nigel, Tao, Feng and Wills, Gary (2009) A Semantic System for Rapid Information Search and Access. European Semantic Web Conference 2009, Heraklion, Greece. 27 May - 03 Jun 2009.

Yusoff, Amri, Crowder, Richard, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2009) A conceptual framework for serious games. Ninth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Riga, Latvia. 14 - 16 Jul 2009.

Hughes, Helen, Robinson, Mark, Crowder, Richard and Sim, Yee Wai (2009) An Ironic Truth? Is Simulation a More Realistic Way to Study Real-World Engineering Design Teams? Third International Conference on Design Principles and Practices, Berlin. 15 - 17 Feb 2009.

Guan, Tao, Fowler, David, Crowder, Richard, Tao, Feng, Shadbolt, Nigel and Wills, Gary (2009) A Semantic Matching Approach for Distributed RDF Data Query on a Knowledge Bus. The Third Chinese Semantic Web Symposium, Nanjing, China. 28 - 30 Aug 2009.

Guan, Tao, Fowler, David, Bandara, Ayomi, Zaluska, Ed, De Roure, David, Crowder, Richard and Wills, Gary (2009) Enhancing Grid Service Discovery with a Semantic Wiki and the Concept Matching Approach. The 5th International Conference on Semantic, Knowledge and Grid. 09 - 11 Oct 2009.

Crowder, Richard, Hughes, Helen, Sim, Yee W. and Robinson, Mark (2009) An agent based approach to modeling design teams. International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED'09, Stanford, United States. 23 - 26 Aug 2009. 12 pp .

Crowder, Richard, Wilson, Max L., Fowler, David, Shadbolt, Nigel, Wills, Gary and Wong, Sylvia (2009) Navigation Over a Large Ontology for Industrial Web Applications. International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, San Diago, CA, United States. 29 Aug - 01 Sep 2009.

Sim, Yee Wai, Crowder, Richard, Robinson, Mark and Hughes, Helen (2009) An Agent-based approach to modelling integrated product teams undertaking a design activity. ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, San Diago, CA, United States. 29 Aug - 01 Sep 2009.

Crowder, Richard, Robinson, Mark, Hughes, Helen, Clegg, Chris and Sim, Yee Wai (2009) HIPARSYS Work Package 3 (WP3) FINAL REPORT s.n.

Crowder, Richard (1991) An anthropomorphic robotic end effector. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 7, 253-268.

Diamantas, Sotirios, Oikonomidis, Anastasios and Crowder, Richard (2010) Towards Optical Flow-based Robotic Homing. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence), Barcelona, Spain. (Submitted)

Diamantas, Sotirios, Oikonomidis, Anastasios and Crowder, Richard (2010) Depth Estimation for Autonomous Robot Navigation: A Comparative Approach. IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques, Thessaloniki, Greece. (Submitted)

Crowder, RM, Robinson, M, Sim, YW, Jackson, H, Payne, T and Ternero, MDR (2009) An approach to modeling integrated product teams. In Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference - 2008 : presented at 2008 ASME International Design Engineering Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineerin. ASME. pp. 29-36 .

Crowder, RM, Wong, S, Shadbolt, N and Wills, G (2009) Knowledge-based repository to support engineering design. DETC 2008: proceedings of the ASME international design engineering technical conferences and computers and informational in engineering conference, Vol 3, Pts A and B . pp. 585-593., New York, NY. pp. 585-593 .

Yusoff, Amri, Crowder, Richard and Gilbert, Lester (2010) Validation of Serious Games Attributes Using the Technology Acceptance Model. The 2nd International IEEE Conference on Serious Games and Virtual Worlds for serious applications (VSGAMES 2010), Braga, Portugal. 25 - 26 Mar 2010. pp. 45-51 .

Fowler, David, Crowder, Richard, Guan, Tao, Shadbolt, Nigel and Wills, Gary (2010) Requirements for semantic web applications in engineering. ASME 2010 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, , Montreal Quebec, Canada. 14 - 17 Aug 2010.

Crowder, Richard, Fowler, David, Reul, Quentin, Sleeman, Derek, Shadbolt, Nigel and Wills, Gary (2012) An information system to support the engineering designer. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 23 (5), 1545-1558. (doi:10.1007/s10845-010-0458-4).

Diamantas, Sotirios, Oikonomidis, Anastasios and Crowder, Richard (2010) Depth Computation Using Optical Flow and Least Squares. 2010 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII 2010), Sendai, Japan. 21 - 22 Dec 2010. (Submitted)

Diamantas, Sotirios, Oikonomidis, Anastasios and Crowder, Richard (2011) Biologically inspiring robot navigation by exploiting optical flow patterns. International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Algave, Portugal. 05 - 07 Mar 2011. (Submitted)

Dubey, Venky and Crowder, Richard (2011) A robotic finger mechanism for robust industrial applications. Industrial Robot: An International Journal, 38 (4). (In Press)

Yusoff, Amri, Wills, Gary, Crowder, Richard and Gilbert, Lester (2011) Pedagogy and Game Attributes for Teaching English as a Second Language. Universiti Malaysia Terengganu 10th International Annual Symposium (UMTAS 2011), Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia. 10 - 12 Jul 2011. (Submitted)

Yu, Tai-Tuck, Scanlan, James P., Crowder, Richard M. and Wills, Gary B. (2012) Approaches to modeling the gas-turbine maintenance process. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 12 (1), 011007-[9pp]. (doi:10.1115/1.3647876).

Hughes, Helen P.N., Clegg, Chris W., Robinson, Mark A. and Crowder, Richard M. (2012) Agent-based modelling and simulation: The potential contribution to organizational psychology. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 85 (3), 487-502. (doi:10.1111/j.2044-8325.2012.02053.x).

Crowder, Richard M., Robinson, Mark A. and Hughes, Helen P.N. et al. (2012) The development of an agent-based modeling framework for simulating engineering team work. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part A: Systems and Humans, 42 (6), 1425-1439. (doi:10.1109/TSMCA.2012.2199304).

Crowder, Richard M. and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2012) A Project-Based Biologically-Inspired Robotics Module. IEEE Transactions on Education. (doi:10.1109/TE.2012.2215862).

Alateyah, Sulaiman, Crowder, Richard M. and Wills, Gary (2012) Towards an integrated model for citizen adoption of E-government services. International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science, 6, 47-57.

Alateyah, Sulaiman, Crowder, Richard M. and Wills, Gary B. (2012) Towards an integrated model for citizen adoption of E-government services in developing countries: A Saudi Arabia case study. International Journal for Digital Society, 3 (3/4), 666-676.

Yusoff, Amri, Crowder, Richard M., Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2012) A Conceptual Teacher-Learner Model for a Collaborative Learning with Serious Games. GAMES + LEARNING + SOCIETY CONFERENCE (GLS 8.0). 12 - 14 Jun 2012. pp. 601-602 .

Yosoff, Amri, Crowder, Richard, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2012) A Collaborative Learning with Conceptual Teacher-Learner Model. Pembentang Simposium Pendidikan Bestari 2012, Shah Alam, Malaysia. 9 pp .

Almutiry, Omar, Wills, Gary and Crowder, Richard (2013) Towards a framework for data quality in Electronic health records. IADIS International Conference, e-Society 2013, Lisbon, Portugal.

Alateyah, Sulaiman, Crowder, Richard M and Wills, Gary B. (2013) An integrated model for influencing Saudi Arabian citizens to adopt E-government services. International Conference on Cloud Computing and eGovernance., Dubai, United Arab Emirates. pp. 38-44 .

Alateyah, Sulaiman, Crowder, Richard M. and Wills, Gary B. (2013) Identified Factors Affecting the Citizen’s Intention to Adopt E-government in Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering, 7 (8), 244-252.

Alateyah, Suilaiman, Crowder, Richard M. and Wills, Gary B. (2013) Factors Affecting the Citizen’s Intention to Adopt E-government in Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering, 7 (9), 80-85.

Alotaibi, Hanan, Crowder, Richard and Wills, Gary (2013) Investigating Factors for Knowledge Sharing Using Web Technologies. i-know 2013, Graz, Austria.

Shang, Beining, Crowder, Richard and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2013) Simulation of hardware variations in swarm robots. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Manchester, United Kingdom. 12 - 15 Oct 2013. 6 pp .

Almutiry, Omar, Wills, Gary, Alwabel, Abdulelah, Crowder, Richard and Walters, Robert John (2013) Toward a framework for data quality in cloud-based health information system. 2013 International Conference on Information Scociety (i-society). 23 - 25 Jun 2013. pp. 153-157 .

Alateyah, Suilaiman, Crowder, Richard and Wills, Gary (2013) Factors influencing citizen intention to adopt egovernment in Saudi Arabia. 2013 International Conference on Information Society (i-Society), Toronto, Canada. pp. 250-255 .

Alateyah, Sulaiman, Crowder, Richard M. and Wills, Gary B. (2013) An exploratory study of proposed factors to adopt e-government services. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 4 (11). (doi:10.14569/IJACSA.2013.041108).

Fadhel, Nawfal, Wills, Gary and Crowder, Richard M. (2013) Approaches to maintaining provenance throughout the additive manufacturing process. 2013 World Congress on Internet Security (WorldCIS), London, United Kingdom. 09 - 11 Dec 2013. pp. 82-87 . (doi:10.1109/WorldCIS.2013.6751022).

Alotaibi, Hanan, Crowder, Richard and Wills, Gary (2014) Investigating factors for E-knowledge sharing amongst academic staff. Sixth International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management eKNOW 2014, Barcelona, Spain. 4 pp .

Alateyah, Sulaiman, Chang, Victor, Crowder, Richard and Wills, Gary (2014) Citizen intention to adopt e-government services in Saudi Arabia. Emerging Software as a Service and Analytics - ESaaSA 2014, Barcelona, Spain. 02 - 04 Apr 2014.

Pitonakova, Lenka, Crowder, Richard and Bullock, Seth (2014) Understanding the role of recruitment in collective robot foraging. Lipson, Hod, Sayama, Hiroki, Rieffel, John, Risi, Sebastian and Doursat, Rene (eds.) In ALIFE 14: The Fourteenth International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems. MIT Press. 8 pp .

Alateeyah, Sulaiman, Crowder, Richard and Wills, Gary B. (2014) Identifying Factors Affecting the Intention of Saudi Arabian Citizens to Adopt E-government Services. International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, 5 (4). (doi:10.7763/IJIMT.2014.V5.527).

Fadhel, Nawfal, Argles, David, Crowder, Richard M and Wills, Gary B. (2014) Transparent authentication methodology in electronic education. Engineering Management Reviews, 3, P23 - 32.

Fadhel, Nawfal, Crowder, Richard M. and Wills, Gary B. (2014) Maintaining provenance throughout the additive manufacturing process. International Journal for Information Security Research (IJISR), 3 (3/4).

Shang, Beining, Crowder, Richard and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2014) Swarm behavioral sorting based on robotic hardware variation. Simultech 2014, Wien, Austria. 27 - 29 Aug 2014. 6 pp .

Phadermrod, Boonyarat, Wills, Gary and Crowder, Richard (2014) Developing SWOT analysis from customer satisfaction surveys. The IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE 2015), Guangzhou, China. 05 - 07 Nov 2014. 8 pp .

Phadermrod, Boonyarat, Crowder, Richard and Wills, Gary B. (2015) Attribute importance measure based on back-propagation neural network: an empirical study. International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, 7 (2). (doi:10.7763/IJCEE).

Crowder, Richard (2014) Modelling design teams: an agent based approach. Digitally Designing Collaboration Panel at 2014 annual conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture, Los Angeles, United States.

Crowder, Richard (2014) Knowledge management for Engineering: A Web Science Perspective. In, Michopoulos, John, Paredis, Christiaan, Rosen, David and Vance, Judy (eds.) Advances in Computers and Information in Engineering Research. ASME, pp. 411-431.

Yusoff, Amri, Crowder, Richard, Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary (2014) A conceptual design for a teacher-learner framework for educational serious games. Journal of ICT in Education, 1 (1), 1-10.

Aaber, Zeyad, Crowder, Richard, Fadhel, Nawfal and Wills, Gary B. (2014) Preventing Document Leakage through Active Document. 2014 World Congress on Internet Security (WorldCIS), London, United Kingdom. 08 - 10 Dec 2014. 6 pp .

Aaber, Zeyad, Crowder, Richard M, Chang, Victor, Fadhel, Nawfal and Wills, Gary B. (2015) Towards a Framework for Securing a Document Outside an Organisational Firewall. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science, CloudCom. vol. 2015-February, IEEE Computer Society. pp. 1057-1062 . (doi:10.1109/CloudCom.2014.132).

Crowder, R.M. (1988) The development of the design criteria for the command input device for teleoperated systems. In Robot Control: Theory and Application. Peter Peregrinus Ltd. pp. 211-216 .

Khadidos, Adil, Crowder, Richard and Chappell, Paul (2015) Enhancing Exogenous Fault Detection in Swarm Robotics by Analysing Transferable Data. Eighth Saudi Student Conference.

Alotaibi, Hanan, Crowder, Richard and Wills, Gary (2017) Adoption of Web based Knowledge Sharing system amongst Academic Staff. Journal of Advanced Management Science, 5 (1), 57-63. (doi:10.18178/joams.5.1.57-63).

Fadhel, Nawfal, Crowder, Richard M. and Wills, Gary (2015) Provenance in the Additive Manufacturing Process. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 48 (3), 2345-2350. (doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2015.06.438).

Khadidos, Adil, Crowder, Richard M. and Chappell, Paul (2015) Exogenous Fault Detection and Recovery for Swarm Robotics. 2015 5th International Conference on Computer Communication and Management (ICCCM 2015).

Almutiry, Omar, Wills, Gary and Crowder, Richard (2016) A dimension-oriented taxonomy of data quality problems in electronic health records. IADIS International Journal on WWW/Internet, 13 (2), 98-114.

Pitonakova, Lenka, Crowder, Richard and Bullock, Seth (2016) Information flow principles for plasticity in foraging robot swarms: code and data set. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/385724 [Dataset]

Pitonakova, Lenka, Crowder, Richard and Bullock, Seth (2016) Task Allocation in Foraging Robot Swarms: The Role of Information Sharing: code and data set. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/386728 [Dataset]

Pitonakova, Lenka, Crowder, Richard and Bullock, Seth (2016) Information flow principles for plasticity in foraging robot swarms. Swarm Intelligence, 10 (1), 33-63. (doi:10.1007/s11721-016-0118-1).

Phadermrod, Boonyarat, Crowder, Richard M. and Wills, Gary B. (2016) Importance-performance analysis based SWOT analysis. International Journal of Information Management, 1-10. (doi:10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2016.03.009).

Shang, Beining, Crowder, Richard and Zauner, Klaus-Peter (2016) An approach to sorting swarm robots to optimize performance. In ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE2016). vol. 5A, American Society Of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). 8 pp . (doi:10.1115/DETC2016-59984).

Pitonakova, Lenka, Crowder, Richard and Bullock, Seth (2016) Task allocation in foraging robot swarms: the role of information sharing. Gershenson, Carlos, Froese, Tom, Siqueiros, Jesus, Aguilar, Wendy, Izquierdo, Eduardo J. and Sayama, Hiroki (eds.) In Proceedings of the Artificial Life Conference 2016. MIT Press. pp. 306-313 . (doi:10.7551/978-0-262-33936-0-ch053).

Jayasinghe, Dayani, Crowder, Richard and Wills, Gary (2016) Model for the adoption of telemedicine in Sri Lanka. SAGE Open, 1-14. (doi:10.1177/2158244016668565).

Jayasinghe, Dayani, Crowder, Richard and Wills, Gary (2016) Barriers preventing introduction of telemedicine. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/399944 [Dataset]

Pitonakova, Lenka, Crowder, Richard and Bullock, Seth (2017) Code and dataset for: The Information-Cost-Reward framework for understanding robot swarm foraging. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/403544 [Dataset]

Aaber, Zeyad, Sabah, Wills, Gary B. and Crowder, Richard M. (2017) Protecting Document Outside Enterprise Network: A Confirmed Framework. In, Chang, Victor, Ramachandran, Muthu, Walters, Robert J. and Wills, Gary (eds.) Enterprise Security: Second International Workshop, ES 2015, Vancouver, BC, Canada, November 30 – December 3, 2015, Revised Selected Papers. Cham. Springer International Publishing, pp. 259-275. (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-54380-2_12).

Alqahtani, Asma Aljarullah, Crowder, Richard and Wills, Gary (2017) A framework for the adoption of EHRs by primary healthcare physicians in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2017). Infonomics Society. 6 pp .

Alqahtani, Asma, Abdullah Jarullah Aljarullah, Crowder, Richard and Wills, Gary (2017) Barriers to the adoption of EHR systems in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: an exploratory study using a systematic literature review. Journal of Health Informatics in Developing Countries, 11 (2).

Pitonakova, Lenka, Crowder, Richard and Bullock, Seth (2017) Behaviour-data relations modelling language for multi-robot control algorithms. In 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). IEEE. pp. 727-732 . (doi:10.1109/IROS.2017.8202231).

Pitonakova, Lenka, Crowder, Richard and Bullock, Seth (2018) The information-cost-reward framework for understanding robot swarm foraging. Swarm Intelligence, 12 (1), 71–96. (doi:10.1007/s11721-017-0148-3).

Pitonakova, Lenka, Crowder, Richard and Bullock, Seth (2018) Information exchange design patterns for robot swarm foraging and their application in robot control algorithms. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 5. (doi:10.3389/frobt.2018.00047).

Pitonakova, Lenka, Crowder, Richard and Bullock, Seth (2018) The importance of information flow regulation in preferentially foraging robot swarms. Dorigo, Marco, Birattari, Mauro, Blum, Christian, Christensen, Anders L., Reina, Andreagiovanni and Trianni, Vito (eds.) In Swarm Intelligence: 11th International Conference, ANTS 2018, Rome, Italy, October 29–31, 2018, Proceedings. vol. 11172, Springer. pp. 277-289 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-030-00533-7_22).

Syafitri, Niken, Crowder, Richard, Chappell, Paul H and Mazlan, Jared (2015) A self-assembly strategy for swarm robots. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, , Hamburg, Germany. 27 Sep - 01 Oct 2015. p. 4750 .

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Maamria, Issam, Butler, Michael, Edmunds, Andrew and Rezazadeh, Abdolbaghi (2010) On an extensible rule-based prover for event-B. In Proceedings of ABZ 2010. Springer. 3 pp .

Rezazadeh, Abdolbaghi and Butler, Michael (2003) Event-Based Modelling and Refinement of Distributed Monitoring and Control Systems. Refinement of Critical Systems (RCS'03).

Rezazadeh, Abdolbaghi and Butler, Michael (2005) Some Guidelines for Formal Development of Web-based Applications in B-Method. 4th International Conference of B and Z Users (ZB 2005), 13-15 April 2005.

Rezazadeh, Abdolbaghi, Evans, Neil and Butler, Michael (2007) Redevelopment of an industrial case study using Event-B and Rodin. BCS-FACS Christmas 2007 Meeting - Formal Methods In Industry, , London, United Kingdom.

Rezazadeh, Abdolbaghi (2006) Formal Patterns for Web-based Systems Design. University of Southampton, School of Electronics and Computer Science, Doctoral Thesis.

Maamria, Issam, Butler, Michael, Edmunds, Andrew and Rezazadeh, Abdolbaghi (2009) On an Extensible Rule-based Prover for Event-B s.n. (In Press)

Yeganefard, Sanaz, Butler, Michael and Rezazadeh, Abdolbaghi (2010) Evaluation of a Guideline by Formal Modelling of Cruise Control System in Event-B. Proceedings of the Second NASA Formal Methods Symposium (NFM 2010), NASA/CP-2010-216215, Washington DC. 12 - 13 Apr 2010. pp. 182-191 .

Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh, Rezazadeh, Abdolbaghi and Butler, Michael (2011) Applying Atomicity and Model Decomposition to a Space Craft System in Event-B. THIRD NASA FORMAL METHODS SYMPOSIUM, Pasadena, California. 17 - 19 Apr 2011.

Edmunds, Andrew, Rezazadeh, Abdolbaghi and Butler, Michael (2011) From Event-B models to code: sensing, actuating, and the environment. SBMF2011, Sao Paulo, Brazil. 25 - 27 Sep 2011. 6 pp .

Edmunds, Andrew, Rezazadeh, Abdolbaghi and Butler, Michael (2012) Formal modelling for Ada implementations: tasking Event-B. Ada-Europe 2012: 17th International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies, Stockholm, Sweden. 10 - 14 Jun 2012. 14 pp .

Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh, Butler, Michael and Rezazadeh, Abdolbaghi (2012) A systematic approach to atomicity decomposition in Event-B. [in special issue: Software Engineering and Formal Methods. 10th International Conference, SEFM 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece, October 1-5, 2012. Proceedings] Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7504, 78-93. (doi:10.1007/978-3-642-33826-7_6).

Poppleton, Michael and Rezazadeh, Abdolbaghi (2012) Modelling the pacemaker in event-B: towards methodology for reuse Southampton, GB. University of Southampton 16pp.

Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh, Butler, Michael and Rezazadeh, Abdolbaghi (2015) Language and tool support for event refinement structures in Event-B. Formal Aspects of Computing, 27 (3), 499-523. (doi:10.1007/s00165-014-0311-1).

Dalvandi, Mohammadsadegh, Butler, Michael and Rezazadeh, Abdolbaghi (2015) From Event-B models to Dafny code contracts. 6th IPM International Conference on Fundamentals of Software Engineering, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of. 21 - 23 Apr 2015.

Sulskus, Gintautas, Poppleton, Michael and Rezazadeh, Abdolbaghi (2015) An Interval-Based Approach to Modelling Time in Event-B. In Fundamentals of Software Engineering. vol. 9392, pp. 292-307 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-24644-4_20).

Dalvandi, Mohammadsadegh, Butler, Michael and Rezazadeh, Abdolbaghi (2015) Transforming Event-B models to Dafny contracts. 15th International Workshop on Automated Verification of Critical Systems (AVoCS 2015), Edinburgh, United Kingdom. 31 Aug - 03 Sep 2015.

Sulskus, Gintautas, Poppleton, Michael and Rezazadeh, Abdolbaghi (2016) Modelling complex timing requirements with refinement. In Information Reuse and Integration (IRI), 2016 IEEE 17th International Conference on. IEEE. 9 pp .

Al-Brashdi, Ahmed, Butler, Michael, Rezazadeh, Abdolbaghi and Snook, Colin (2016) Tool support for model-based database design with Event-B. Ogata, K, Lawford, M and Liu, S (eds.) In Formal Methods and Software Engineering: ICFEM 2016. vol. 10009, Springer. pp. 210-225 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-47846-3_14).

Dalvandi, Mohammad Sadegh, Butler, Michael and Rezazadeh, Abdolbaghi (2017) Derivation of algorithmic control structures in Event-B refinement. Science of Computer Programming, 148, 49-65, [SCICO2103]. (doi:10.1016/j.scico.2017.05.010).

Al-Brashdi, Ahmed, Zahran Nasser, Butler, Michael and Rezazadeh, Abdolbaghi (2018) Incremental database design using UML-B and Event-B. 2nd Workshop on Formal and Model-Driven Techniques for Developing Trustworthy Systems, , Xi'an, China. 16 Nov 2017. pp. 34-47 . (doi:10.4204/EPTCS.271.3).

Dalvandi, Mohammad Sadegh, Butler, Michael, Rezazadeh, Abdolbaghi and Salehi Fathabadi, Asieh (2018) Verifiable code generation from scheduled event-B models. In Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM, and Z: ABZ 2018. vol. 10817, Springer. pp. 1-15 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-91271-4_16).

Al-Brashdi, Ahmed, Zahran Nasser, Butler, Michael and Rezazadeh, Abdolbaghi (2018) UB2DB Rodin plug-in for automated database code generation. 7th Rodin Workshop, , Southampton, United Kingdom. 04 Jun 2018. pp. 1-2 .

Omitola, Temitope, Butler, Michael and Rezazadeh, Abdolbaghi (2019) Making (implicit) security requirements explicit for cyber-physical systems: A maritime use case security analysis. Anderst-Kotsis, G., Tjoa, A. and Khalil, I. (eds.) In Database and Expert Systems Applications. vol. 1062, Springer. pp. 75-84 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-030-27684-3_11).


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Alnamnakani, Moneera, Habeeb, Mahmoodi, Sasan and Nixon, Mark (2019) On the potential for facial attractiveness as a soft biometric. Bebis, G. (ed.) In Advances in Visual Computing. ISVC 2019. vol. 11845, Springer. pp. 516-528 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-030-33723-0_42).


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Research interests

  • Research Software - what is the size and shape of the ecology of research software and research software producers? I'm one of the investigators on the Software Sustainability Institute


Coles, Simon J, Frey, Jeremy G, Hursthouse, Michael B, Carr, Leslie A and Gutteridge, Christopher J (2004) Crystal Structure EPrints: Publication @ Source Through the Open Archive Initiative. British Crystallography Association Spring Meeting 2004, Manchester, UK. 05 - 07 Apr 2004. 1 pp .

Coles, Simon, Frey, Jeremy, Hursthouse, Michael, Carr, Leslie and Gutteridge, Christopher (2004) Crystallographic ePrints. EPSRC eScience Testbed projects meeting, NeSC, Edinburgh, UK. 25 - 26 Mar 2004. 1 pp .

Lyon, Liz, Heery, Rachel, Duke, Monica, Coles, Simon J., Frey, Jeremy G., Hursthouse, Michael B., Carr, Leslie A. and Gutteridge, Christopher J. (2004) eBank UK: linking research data, scholarly communication and learning. In eScience All Hands Meeting. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. 8 pp .

Coles, Simon J, Hursthouse, Michael B, Frey, Jeremy G, Carr, Leslie A and Gutteridge, Christopher J (2004) eCrystallographyDataReports: an open archive route for the reporting and dissemination of crystal structures. International Symposium on Supramolecular Chemistry XIII, South Bend, Indiana, USA. 24 - 29 Sep 2004. 1 pp .

Hey, Jessie M.N., Simpson, Pauline and Carr, Leslie (2004) An Institutional Repository Model for the Humanities. DRH (Digital Resources for the Humanities) 2004, Newcastle, UK. 05 - 07 Sep 2004. (Submitted)

Hey, Jessie M.N., Simpson, Pauline, Brody, Tim and Carr, Leslie (2004) The Institutional Repository route to Open Access: implications for its evolution. ECDL (European Digital Library Conference) 2004, Bath, UK. 11 - 16 Sep 2004. (Submitted)

Heery, Rachel, Duke, Monica, Day, Michael, Lyon, Liz, Hursthouse, Michael B., Frey, Jeremy G., Coles, Simon J., Gutteridge, Christopher J. and Carr, Leslie A. (2004) Integrating research data into the publication workflow: the eBank UK experience. PV-2004: Ensuring the Long-Term Preservation and Adding Value to the Scientific and Technical Data, ESA/ESRIN, Frascati, Italy. 04 - 06 Oct 2004. 8 pp .

Carr, Leslie, Coles, Simon and Lyon, Liz (2004) Archiving research data and research publications. Research Councils UK Workshop on Publication of Research Results, London, UK. 17 Oct 2004.

Coles, Simon, Lyon, Liz, Carr, Les, Heery, Rachel, Hursthouse, Mike, Gutteridge, Christopher, Duke, Monica, Frey, Jeremy and De Roure, Dave (2004) eBank UK linking research data, scholarly communication and learning. Semantic Grid Workshop: Global Grid Forum 11, Honolulu, USA. 03 - 06 Jul 2004. 8 pp .

Carr, Leslie Alan (2004) Access Changes Everything: The Benefits of Open Access and Open Semantics for Researchers. ELPUB 2004: ICCC Electronic Publishing COnference 2004, Brasilia, Brazil. 22 - 25 Jun 2004.

Hey, Jessie M.N., Simpson, Pauline and Carr, Leslie A. (2005) The TARDis Route Map to Open Access: developing an Institutional Repository Model. Dobreva, Milena and Engelen, Jan (eds.) In ELPUB2005 From Author to Reader: Challenges for the Digital Content Chain: Proceedings of the 9th ICCC International Conference on Electronic Publishing, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven-Heverlee, Belgium, 8-10 June 2005. Peeters Publishing. pp. 179-182 .

Hey, Jessie M. N., Hitchcock, Steve, Carr, Leslie A. and Brody, Tim (2005) PRESERV (PReservation Eprint SERVices). JISC Joint Programmes Meeting, Homerton College, Cambridge, UK. 06 - 07 Jul 2005. 1 pp .

Coles, Simon, Frey, Jeremy, Hursthouse, Michael, Light, Mark, Carr, Leslie, DeRoure, David, Gutteridge, Christopher, Mills, Hugo, Meacham, Ken, Surridge, Mike, Lyon, Liz, Heery, Rachel, Duke, Monica and Day, Michael (2005) The 'end to end' crystallographic experiment in an e-Science environment: From conception to publication. the UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2005, Nottingham, United Kingdom. 18 - 21 Sep 2005.

Hey, Jessie M.N., Hitchcock, Steve, Brody, Tim and Carr, Leslie A. (2005) Digital preservation for Institutional Repositories: building on a collaborative approach. 9th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries (ECDL 2005), Vienna, Austria. 17 - 22 Sep 2005. (Submitted)

Hey, Jessie M.N., Brody, Tim, Hitchcock, Steve and Carr, Leslie A. (2005) PRESERV: Investigating and developing infrastructural digital preservation services for institutional repositories. 1st International Digital Curation Conference, Bath, UK. 28 - 29 Sep 2005. (Submitted)

Hitchcock, Steve, Brody, Tim, Hey, Jessie M.N. and Carr, Leslie (2005) Preservation for Institutional Repositories: practical and invisible. Ensuring Long-term Preservation and Adding Value to Scientific and Technical Data (PV2005), The Royal Society of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland. 21 - 23 Nov 2005. 9 pp .

Carr, Leslie (2006) Community Involvement Experience from EPrints. Open Repositories 2006, Sydney, Australia. 02 - 03 Feb 2006. 29 pp .

Coles, S.J., Frey, J.G., Hursthouse, M.B., Carr, L.A. and Gutteridge, C.J. (2005) Data publication @ source via the open archive initiative. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 229, U604-U604.

Carr, Les, White, Wendy, Miles, Susan and Mortimer, Bill (2008) Institutional Repository Checklist for Serving Institutional Management. Third International Conference on Open Repositories, University of Southampton. 31 Mar - 03 Apr 2008. 3 pp .

Coles, Simon J., Frey, Jeremy G., Hursthouse, Michael B., Milsted, Andrew J., Carr, Leslie A., Gutteridge, Christopher J., Lyon, Liz, Heery, Rachel, Duke, Monica, Koch, Traugott and Day, Michael (2006) Enabling the reusability of scientific data: Experiences with designing an open access infrastructure for sharing datasets. Designing for Usability in e-Science, Edinburgh, UK. 26 - 27 Jan 2006. 5 pp .

Coles, Simon J., Frey, Jeremy G., Hursthouse, Michael B., Light, Mark E., Milsted, Andrew J., Carr, Leslie A., De Roure, David, Gutteridge, Christopher J., Mills, Hugo R., Meacham, Ken E., Surridge, Michael, Lyon, Elizabeth, Heery, Rachel, Duke, Monica and Day, Michael (2006) An e-science environment for service crystallography: from submission to dissemination. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 46 (3), 1006-1016. (doi:10.1021/ci050362w).

Hey, Jessie M.N., Carr, Leslie A. and Simpson, Pauline (2006) Leveraging the Institutional Research Repository: harnessing the drive for quality assessment. Asserson, Anne G.S. and Simons, Eduard J. (eds.) In Enabling Interaction and Quality: Beyond the Hanseatic League. 8th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems, Bergen, Norway, 11-13 May 2006. Leuven University Press..

Coles, Simon J., Hursthouse, Michael B., Frey, Jeremy G., Milsted, Andrew J., Carr, Leslie A., Koch, Traugott, Lyon, Elizabeth and Duke, Monica (2006) eCrystals: A Route for Open Access to Small Molecule Crystal Structure Data. ECM 23, Leuven, Belgium. 05 - 09 Aug 2006. (Submitted)

Hey, Jessie, Brody, Tim, Hitchcock, Steve and Carr, Leslie (2006) Towards future proofing Institutional Repositories with PRESERV: PReservation Eprint SERVices. ALISS Quarterly, 1 (4), 35-39.

Coles, Simon, Carr, Leslie and Frey, Jeremy (2008) Experiences with repositories and blogs in laboratories. Open Repositories 2008, Southampton, UK. 31 Mar - 03 Apr 2008. 5 pp . (Submitted)

Davis, H.C.D., Carr, L.A., Hey, J.M.N., Francois, S., Miles-Board, T., White, S.A. and Morris, D. (2009) Sharing and the institution: choosing, changing and engaging. ALT-C 2009 In Dreams Begin Responsibility: choice, Evidence and Change, Manchester, United Kingdom. 07 - 09 Sep 2009. 13 pp .

Takeda, Kenji, Brown, Mark, Coles, Simon, Carr, Les, Earl, Graeme, Frey, Jeremy, Hancock, Peter, White, Wendy, Nichols, Fiona, Whitton, Michael, Gibbs, Harry, Fowler, Christine, Wake, Pam and Patterson, Steve (2010) Data management for all: the Institutional Data Management Blueprint Project. 6th International Digital Curation Conference, Chicago, United States. 12 pp .

Brown, Mark, White, Wendy, Takeda, Kenji, Coles, Simon, Carr, Les, Earl, Graeme, Frey, Jeremy, Hancock, Peter and Styles, Clint (2011) Institutional data management blueprint final report Southampton, GB. University of Southampton

Hill, Gary J., Hall, Wendy, DeRoure, David C. and Carr, Les A. (1995) Applying Open Hypertext Principles to the WWW. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Hypermedia Design '95, Montpelier, France.. 193--201 .

Hill, Gary J., Carr, Les A., DeRoure, David C. and Hall, Wendy (1995) The Distributed Link Service: Multiple Views on the WWW. Hypertext '96.

Hitchcock, Steve M., Quek, F., Carr, Les A., Hall, Wendy, Witbrock, A. and Tarr, I. (1998) Towards Universal Linking for Electronic Journals. Serials Review, 24 (1), 21--33.

Hitchcock, Steve M., Kimberley, R., Harris, Stephen W., Carr, Les A. and Hall, Wendy (1998) Webs of Research: Putting the User in Control. IRISS'98, Internet Research and Information for Social Scientists.

DeRoure, David C., Carr, Les A., Hall, Wendy and Hill, Gary J. (1996) A Distributed Hypermedia Link Service. Proceedings of the Third InternationalWorkshop on Services in Distributed and Networked Environments (SDNE96). 156--161 .

DeRoure, David C., Carr, Les A., Hall, Wendy and Hill, Gary J. (1997) Enhancing the Distributed Link Service for Multimedia and Collaboration. Sixth IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems. 330--335 .

Carr, Les A., DeRoure, David C., Hall, Wendy and Hill, Gary J. (1995) The Distributed Link Service: A Tool for Publishers, Authors and Readers s.n.

Carr, Leslie A. (1995) Structure in Text and Hypertext. University of Southampton, ECS : University of Southampton, Doctoral Thesis.

Hitchcock, Steve M., Carr, Les A. and Hall, Wendy (1996) A Survey of STM Online Journals 1990-95: the Calm before the Storm: sixth. In, Mogge, D. (ed.) Directory of Electronic Journals, Newsletters and Academic Discussion Lists, sixth edition. Directory of Electronic Journals, Newsletters and Academic Discussion Lists (31/05/96) Association of Research Libraries, pp. 7-32.

Hitchcock, Steve M., Carr, Les A. and Hall, Wendy (1997) Web Journals Publishing: a UK Perspective. Serials, 10 (3), 285--299.

Hitchcock, Steve M., Carr, Les A., Harris, Stephen W., Probets, Steve, Evans, David, Hall, Wendy and Brailsford, David (1998) Linking electronic journals: Lessons from the Open Journal project. D-Lib Magazine, (Decemb).

Hall, Wendy, Carr, Les A. and Rahtz, S. (1990) Creating multimedia documents: hypertext processing. ITNOW.

Hall, Wendy, Carr, Les A., Thorogood, P., Hutchings, Gerard A. and Sprunt, B. (1990) Is Hypermedia an Effective Tool for Education. Proceedings of Fifth World Conference on Computers in Education.

Hall, Wendy and Carr, Les A. (1990) Using Hypercard and Interactive Video in Education: An Application in Cell Biology. ITNOW.

Probets, S., Brailsford, D., Carr, Les A. and Hall, Wendy (1997) Dynamic Link Inclusion in Online PDF Journals. Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems. 330--335 .

Probets, S., Brailsford, David F., Carr, Les A. and Hall, Wendy (1998) Dynamic Link Inclusion in Online PDF Journals. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Electronic Publishing, Document Manipulation and Typography. pp. 1-14 .

Carr, Les A., DeRoure, David C. and Hill, Gary J. (1996) Ongoing Development of an Open Link Service for the World-Wide Web s.n.

Carr, Les A., Davis, Hugh C., Hall, Wendy and Hey, Jessie M. N. (1996) Turning the Web into a Library. ELVIRA: The UK Digital Libraries Conference, De Montford University, UK.

Carr, Les A., Hill, Gary J., DeRoure, David C., Hall, Wendy and Davis, Hugh C. (1996) Open Information Services. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, 28 (7-11), 1027--1036.

Hall, Wendy, Carr, Les A. and Rahtz, S. (1990) Experiments with TeX and Hyperactivity. TeX90 Conference Proceedings: Tugboat.

Hall, Wendy, Hutchings, Gerard A., Carr, Les A., Thorogood, P. and Sprunt., B. (1993) Interactive Learning and Biology: A HyperMedia Approach. Ferguson, DL (ed.) In Advanced Educational Technologies for Mathematics and Science: Advanced Technologies in the Teaching of Science. vol. 107, Springer-Verlag. pp. 363-380 .

Hall, Wendy, Carr, Les A. and DeRoure, David C. (1995) Linking the World Wide Web and Microcosm. BCS workshop on New Directions in Software Development, Wolverhampton, UK..

Hill, Gary J., Carr, Les A., DeRoure, David C. and Hall, Wendy (1995) The Distributed Link Service: Multiple Views on the WWW. Technical Briefing for Hypertext '96.

Hutchings, Gerard A., Carr, Les A. and Hall, Wendy (1992) Stackmaker: An Environment for Creating Hypermedia Learning Material. Hypermedia, 4 (3), 197-211. (doi:10.1080/09558543.1992.12031210).

Carr, Les A., Hall, Wendy and Hitchcock, Steve M. (1998) Link Services or Link Agents? Proceedings of the Ninth Conference on Hypertext, Pittsburgh..

Carr, Les A., DeRoure, David C., Davis, Hugh C. and Hall, Wendy (1998) Implementing an Open Link Service for the World Wide Web. World Wide Web, 1 (2).

Carr, Les A., Davis, Hugh C., DeRoure, David C. and Hall, Wendy (1998) Application-Independent Link Processing. Seventh International World-Wide Web Conference.

Carr, Les A. (1988) HyperCard Extensions for Multimedia Databases. s.n.

DeRoure, David C., Hill, Gary J., Hall, Wendy and Carr, Les A. (1995) A Scalable, Distributed Multimedia Information Environment. Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia Communications, Southampton, UK.. 77--80 .

DeRoure, David C., El-Beltagy, Samhaa, Gibbins, Nicholas M., Carr, Les A. and Hall, Wendy (1999) Integrating Link Resolution Services using Query Routing. 5th Workshop on Open Hypermedia Systems (OHS5), ACM Hypertext'99 Conference. pp. 17-22 .

Carr, Les A., Barron, David W., Davis, Hugh C. and Hall, Wendy (1994) Why Use HyTime? Electronic Publishing: Origination, Dissemination and Design, 7 (3).

Carr, Les A., Hall, Wendy, Davis, Hugh C., DeRoure, David C. and Hollom, R. (1994) The Microcosm Link Service and its Application to the World Wide Web. Proceedings of the First WWW Conference, Geneva..

Carr, Les A., DeRoure, David C., Hall, Wendy and Hill, Gary J. (1995) The Distributed Link Service: A Tool for Publishers, Authors and Readers. Fourth International World Wide Web Conference: The Web Revolution, (Boston, Massachusetts, USA).. 647--656 .

Carr, Les A., DeRoure, David C., Hill, Gary J. and Hall, Wendy (1996) Web Links as User Artefacts s.n.

Carr, Les A. and Hall, Wendy (1998) The Implications of XML for Open Hypermedia. Submitted to the 4th Workshop on Open Hypermedia Systems at Hypertext '98. (Pittsburgh, America).

Hitchcock, Steve M., Carr, Les A., Quek, F., Hall, Wendy, Witbrock, A. and Tarr, I. (1997) Linking Everything to Everything: Journal Publishing Myth or Reality? ICCC/IFIP conference on Electronic Publishing 97: New Models and Opportunities.

Hitchcock, Steve M., Carr, Les A., Harris, Stephen W., Hey, Jessie M. N. and Hall, Wendy (1997) Citation Linking: Improving Access to Online Journals. Allen, R.B. and Rasmussen, E. (eds.) Second ACM International Conference on Digital Libraries. 115--122 .

DeRoure, David C., Carr, Les A., Hall, Wendy and Hill, Gary J. (1995) Enhancing Web support for resource-based learning. Teaching & Training Workshop, Third International World Wide Web Conference in Darmstadt, Germany..

Hall, Wendy and Carr, Les A. (1995) Electronic Publishing on the Internet. ITNOW.

Carr, Les, Hall, Wendy and Miles-Board, Timothy (2000) Writing and Reading Hypermedia on the Web ECSTR-IAM00-1, University of Southampton

De Roure, David, Walker, Nigel and Carr, Leslie (2000) Investigating Link Service Infrastructures. Proceedings of ACM Hypertext 2000. pp. 67-76 .

De Roure, David, Walker, Nigel and Carr, Leslie (1999) Integration of Diverse Hypermedia Link Servers using Request Routing. Tjoa, A Min, Cammelli, Antonio and Wagner, Roland R (eds.) In Tenth International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, 1999. Proceedings. IEEE.. (doi:10.1109/DEXA.1999.795264).

Carr, Les, Hitchcock, Steve, Hall, Wendy and Harnad, Stevan (2000) A usage based analysis of CoRR. ACM Journal of Computer Documentation, 24 (2), 54-59.

Hitchcock, Steve, Carr, Les, Jiao, Zhuoan, Bergmark, Donna, Hall, Wendy, Lagoze, Carl and Harnad, Stevan (2000) Developing services for open eprint archives: globalisation, integration and the impact of links. Proceedings of the 5th ACM Conference on Digital Libraries, San Antonio, Texas, June 2000.. pp. 143-151 .

Hughes, Gareth, Hall, Wendy, Hey, Tony and Carr, Les (1999) Academic information management: an open linking approach. Proceedings of WebNet 99 World Conference on the WWW and Internet 1999. pp. 526-531 .

Lewis, P.H., Hall, W, Carr, L.A. and DeRoure, D. (1999) The Significance of Linking. ACM Computing Surveys, 31 (4es).

El-Beltagy, Samhaa, DeRoure, David, Hall, Wendy and Carr, Leslie (2000) On the Usability of Software Agents for Creating and Employing Links in Context ECSTR-IAM00-6, University of Southampton

Rahtz, S, Carr, L and Hall, W (1990) Creating Multimedia Documents: Hypertext Processing. McAleese, R and Green, C (eds.) In Hypertext: State of the Art. Intellect Ltd..

Kampa, Simon, Miles-Board, Tim, Carr, Leslie and Hall, Wendy (2001) Linking with Meaning: Ontological Hypertext for Scholars s.n.

Hall, W., Hutchings, G., Carr, L., Thorogood, P. and Sprunt, B. (1990) Interactive learning and biology: a hypermedia application. NATO Workshop on Advanced Technologies in the Teaching of Mathematics and Science, , Milton Keynes, United Kingdom.

Hall, W, Thorogood, P, Hutchings, G and Carr, L (1989) Using Hypercard and Interactive Video in Education: An Application in Cell Biology. Educational Technology and Training International, 26 (3), 207-214.

Rahtz, S, Carr, L and Hall, W (1989) New Designs for Archaeological Reports. pp. 20-34 .

Carr, LA, Davis, HC and Hall, W (1993) Experimenting with HyTime Architectural Forms for Hypertext Interchange. Information Services and Use, 13 (2), 111-120.

Carr, L, Davis, HC and Hall, W , Pickering, JA (ed.) (1993) Using HyTime to Represent Microcosm Linkbases Department of Electronics & Computer Science, University of Southampton

Carr, L.A., Hall, W. and De Roure, D. , Pickering, J.A. (ed.) (1994) Microcosm extensions to the World Wide Web Southampton. University of Southampton

Carr, LA, De Roure, D and Hall, W (1995) Web Publishing with Multimedia Assets. Proceedings of ERCIM Workshop, Paris.

Hill, GJ, Carr, LA, De Roure, DC and Hall, W (1996) Microcosm and the WWW: A Distributed Link Service Department of Electronics & Computer Science, University of Southampton

Barron, DW, Carr, LA, Hill, GJ, De Roure, DC and Hall, W (1996) Using the Network to Enhance Teaching Department of Electronics & Computer Science, University of Southampton

Brown, Heather, Brown, Peter, Carr, Les, Hall, Wendy, Milne, Wendy and Moreau, Luc (2000) A Link-Oriented Comparison of Hyperdocuments and Programs. Eighth International Conference on Digital Documents and Electronic Publishing (DDEP'00).

Carr, Leslie, Hall, Wendy, Bechhofer, Sean and Goble, Carole (2001) Conceptual Linking: Ontology-based Open Hypermedia. Tenth International World Wide Web Conference, Hong Kong, May 1-5, Hong Kong. pp. 334-342 .

Harnad, Stevan and Carr, Les (2000) Integrating, Navigating and Analyzing Eprint Archives Through Open Citation Linking (the OpCit Project). Current Science, 79 (5), 629-638.

Harnad, Stevan, Carr, Les and Brody, Tim (2001) How and Why to Free All Refereed Research from Access- and Impact-Barriers, Now How and Why To Free All Refereed Research. High Energy Physics Library Webzine, 4.

El-Beltagy, Samhaa, Hall, Wendy, Roure, David De and Carr, Leslie (2001) Linking in Context. Proc The Twelfth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia (Hypertext '01). pp. 151-160 .

Carr, Leslie (1994) Structure and Hypertext. University of Southampton, : University of SOuthampton, Doctoral Thesis.

Liu, Xiaoming, Brody, Tim, Harnad, Stevan, Carr, Les, Maly, Kurt, Zubair, Mohammad and Nelson, Michael L (2002) A Scalable Architecture for Harvest-Based Digital Libraries - The ODU/Southampton Experiments.

Carr, Les, Hall, Wendy and Miles-Board, Timothy (2000) Is the WWW Killing Hypermedia? Ninth International World Wide Web Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 14 - 18 May 2000. pp. 42-43 .

Miles-Board, Timothy, Kampa, Simon, Carr, Les and Hall, Wendy (2001) Hypertext in the Semantic Web. Twelfth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia (HT'01), Aarhus, Denmark. 13 - 17 Aug 2001. pp. 237-238 .

Carr, Les, Kampa, Simon and Miles-Board, Timothy (2001) MetaPortal Final Report: Building Ontological Hypermedia with the OntoPortal Framework s.n.

Miles-Board, Timothy, Carr, Les and Hall, Wendy (2002) Looking for Linking: Associative Links on the Web. Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia (HT'02), Maryland, United States. 10 - 14 Jun 2002. pp. 76-77 .

Bechhofer, Sean, Carr, Les, Goble, Carol, Kampa, Simon and Miles-Board, Timothy (2002) The Semantics of Semantic Annotation. First International Conference on Ontologies, Databases, and Applications of Semantics for Large Scale Information Systems, Irvine, California. pp. 1151-1167 .

Miles-Board, Timothy, Carr, Leslie, Kampa, Simon and Hall, Wendy (2003) Supporting Management Reporting: A Writable Web Case Study. The Twelfth International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2003), Budapest, Hungary. 19 - 23 May 2003. pp. 234-243 .

Hughes, Gareth and Carr, Leslie (2002) Microsoft Smart Tags: Support, ignore or condemn them? Anderson, Kenneth M., Moulthrop, Stuart and Blustein, James (eds.) Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, College Park, Maryland, United States. 10 - 14 Jun 2002. pp. 80-81 .

Brody, Tim, Kampa, Simon, Harnad, Stevan, Carr, Les and Hitchcock, Steve (2003) Digitometric Services for Open Archives Environments. European Conference on Digital Libraries 2003, Trondheim, Norway. pp. 207-220 .

Carr, Les, Hitchcock, Steve, Hall, Wendy and Harnad, Stevan (2001) Enhancing OAI Metadata for Eprint Services: two proposals. Brody, T., Jiao, Z., Hitchcock, S., Carr, L. and Harnad, S. (eds.) Experimental OAI-based Digital Library Systems Workshop, Darmstadt. pp. 54-59 .

Carr, Les, Hitchcock, Steve, Hall, Wendy and Harnad, Stevan (2002) Evidence of Hypertext in the Scholarly Archive. HT'02, the 13th ACM Conference on Hypertext, University of Maryland. pp. 54-59 .

Harnad, Stevan, Carr, Les, Brody, Tim and Oppenheim, Charles (2003) Mandated online RAE CVs Linked to University Eprint Archives. Ariadne, 35.

Woukeu, Arouna, Wills, Gary, Conole, Grainne, Carr, Les, Kampa, Simon and Hall, Wendy (2003) Ontological Hypermedia in Education: A framework for building web-based educational portals. ED-MEDIA 2003-World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States. 22 - 27 Jun 2003. pp. 349-357 .

Conole, Grainne, Wills, Gary, Carr, Leslie, Vadcard, Lucile, Hall, Wendy and Grange, Simon (2003) Building a Virtual University for Orthopaedics. ED-Media: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications., Hawaii. 22 - 27 Jun 2003.

Grange, Simon, Wills, Gary, Power, Guillermo, Miles-Board, Timothy, Carr, Leslie and Hall, Wendy (2003) Building a Dynamic Review Journal (DRJ): Extending the Role of the Virtual Orthopaedic University. 3rd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Computer Assisted Surgery (CAOS International), Marbella, Spain. 17 - 20 Jun 2003. pp. 122-123 .

Woukeu, Arouna, Carr, Les, Wills, Gary and Hall, Wendy (2003) Rethinking Web Design Models: Requirements for Addressing the Content s.n.

Miles-Board, Timothy, Deveril, None, Lansdale, Janet, Carr, Leslie and Hall, Wendy (2003) Decentering the Dancing Text: From Dance Intertext to Hypertext. Fourteenth conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, Hypertext'03, Nottingham, United Kingdom. 25 - 29 Aug 2003. pp. 108-119 .

Wills, Gary, Woukeu, Arouna, Carr, Leslie and Hall, Wendy (2003) The Need for Deeper Design in a Semantic Web. HTSW2003 - First International ACM Workshop on Hypermedia and the Semantic Web, at HT03, Nottingham, United Kingdom. 25 - 29 Aug 2003.

Hitchcock, Steve, Woukeu, Arouna, Brody, Tim, Carr, Les, Hall, Wendy and Harnad, Stevan (2003) Evaluating Citebase, an open access Web-based citation-ranked search and impact discovery service s.n.

Carr, Leslie, Wills, Gary, Miles-Board, Timothy, Power, Guillermo, Bailey, Christopher, Hall, Wendy and Grange, Simon (2003) The Dynamic Review Journal: Support for Creating and Using the Literature. 1st International Workshop on Scholarly Hypertext, Nottingham, United Kingdom.

schraefel, m.c., Carr, Leslie, De Roure, David and Hall, Wendy , Ashman, Helen (ed.) (2004) You've Got Hypertext. Journal of Digital Information, 5 (1.253).

Glaser, Hugh, Alani, Harith, Carr, Les, Chapman, Sam, Ciravegna, Fabio, Dingli, Alexei, Gibbins, Nicholas, Harris, Stephen, schraefel, m.c. and Shadbolt, Nigel (2004) CS AKTive Space: Building a Semantic Web Application. Bussler, Christopher, Davies, John, Fensel, Dieter and Studer, Rudi (eds.) In The Semantic Web: Research and Applications (First European Web Symposium, ESWS 2004). Springer-Verlag. pp. 417-432 .

Miles-Board, Timothy, Bailey, Christopher, Hall, Wendy and Carr, Leslie (2004) Building a Companion Website in the Semantic Web. The Thirteenth International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2004), New York, NY, United States. 16 - 23 May 2004. pp. 365-373 .

Carr, LA, Davis, HC and White, SA (2004) AnnAnn - a Tool to Scaffold Learning about Programs. LTSN-ICS Fifth Annual Conference, Ulster, United Kingdom.

Wills, Gary, Woukeu, Arouna, Bailey, Christopher, Ong, A., Carr, Leslie, Conole, Grainne, Hall, Wendy and Grange, Simon (2004) Ontological Driven Learning Agreements. EDMEDIA 2004 - World Conference on Education Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, Lugano, Switzerland. 20 - 25 Jun 2004.

Carr, Leslie, Miles-Board, Timothy, Wills, Gary, Power, Guillermo, Bailey, Christopher, Hall, Wendy and Grange, Simon (2004) Extending the Role of Digital Library: Computer Support for Creating Articles. The Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, University of California, Santa Cruz, United States. 08 - 12 Aug 2004. pp. 12-21 .

Carr, Leslie, Miles-Board, Timothy, Woukeu, Arouna, Wills, Gary and Hall, Wendy (2004) The Case for Explicit Knowledge in Documents. ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 27 - 29 Oct 2004. pp. 90-98 .

Conole, Grainne, Wills, Gary, Carr, Les, Hall, Wendy and Grange, Simon (2003) Making pedagogy explicit - a Virtual University for Orthopaedics. ALT-C, Sheffield, United Kingdom. 07 - 09 Sep 2003.

Woukeu, Arouna, Carr, Les and Hall, Wendy (2004) WiCKEd: A Tool for Writing in the Context of Knowledge. Hypertext 2004 - Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, University of California, Santa Cruz, United States. 08 - 12 Aug 2004.

Carr, Leslie and Hitchcock, Steve (2007) EPrints: repositories for grassroots preservation. The Sun Preservation and Archiving Special Interest Group (Sun PASIG), , Paris, France. 14 - 16 Nov 2007.

Davis, HC, Carr, LA, Cooke, EC and White, SA (2001) Managing Diversity: Experiences Teaching Programming Principles. The 2nd LTSN-ICS Annual Conference, London. 27 - 29 Aug 2001.

Davis, HC, Carr, LA and White, SA (2004) Conducting Examinations On-line. The 11th International Conference ALT-C, Exeter.

Carr, Leslie, Miles-Board, Timothy, Wills, Gary, Power, Guillermo, Bailey, Christopher, Hall, Wendy and Grange, Simon (2004) Evolving a Digital Library Environment to the Changing Needs of its Users. Healthcare Digital Libraries Workshop 2004 (HDL 2004), University of Bath, Bath, United Kingdom.

Carr, Leslie, Miles-Board, Timothy, Wills, Gary, Woukeu, Arouna and Hall, Wendy (2004) Towards a Knowledge-Aware Office Environment. Karagiannis, Dimitris and Reimer, Ulrich (eds.) 5th International Conference on Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management (PAKM 2004), Vienna, Austria. 02 - 03 Dec 2004. pp. 129-140 .

Harnad, Stevan, Brody, Tim, Vallieres, Francois, Carr, Les, Hitchcock, Steve, Gingras, Yves, Oppenheim, Charles, Stamerjohanns, Heinrich and Hilf, Eberhardt (2004) The green and the gold roads to Open Access. Nature Web Focus.

Miles-Board, Timothy, Carr, Leslie, Woukeu, Arouna, Wills, Gary and Hall, Wendy (2004) Towards Semantic Web Support for Writing Project Proposals. The Fourteenth International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2005), Chiba, Japan.

Wills, Gary, Fowler, David, Sleeman, Derek, Crowder, Richard, Kampa, Simon, Carr, Leslie and Knott, David (2004) Issues in Moving to a Semantic Web for a Large Corporation. Karagiannis, Dimitris and Reimer, Ulrich (eds.) 5th International Conference on Practical Aspects of Knowledge Mangement, Vienna, Austria. 02 - 03 Dec 2004. pp. 378-388 .

Kalfoglou, Yannis, Dominque, John, Carr, Les, Motta, Enrico, Vargas-Vera, Maria and Buckingham-Shum, Simon (2001) On the integration of technologies for capturing and navigating knowledge with ontology-driven services Southampton. University of Southampton 8pp.

Wills, GB, Gilbert, L, Gee, Q, Davis, HC, Miles-Board, T, Millard, DE, Carr, LA, Hall, W and Grange, S (2005) A Grid Services Implementation for a Virtual Research Environment. 1st International ELeGI Conference on Advanced Technology for Enhanced Learning, Hotel Oriente, Vico Equense - Napoli (), Italy. 14 - 16 Mar 2005.

Brody, Tim, Harnad, Stevan and Carr, Les (2006) Earlier Web Usage Statistics as Predictors of Later Citation Impact. Journal of the American Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 57 (8), 1060-1072.

Conole, G, Miles-Board, T, Bailey, C, Carr, L, Gee, Q, Grange, S, Hall, W, Power, G, Woukeu, A and Wills, G (2005) Tool Kits for a Dynamic Review Journal. EDMEDIA 2005 - World Conference on Education Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications., Montreal,, Canada. 26 Jun - 01 Jul 2005.

Wills, GB, Gilbert, L, Gee, Q, Davis, HC, Miles-Board, T, Millard, DE, Carr, LA, Hall, W and Grange, S (2005) Towards Grid Services for a Virtual Research Environment. The 5th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2005), Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 04 - 07 Jul 2005. pp. 863-867 .

Wills, G. B., Gilbert, L., Sim, Y. W., Wang, C. and Carr, L. (2005) Virtual Research Environments: A Literature Review s.n.

Smart, Paul R, Shadbolt, Nigel R, Carr, Leslie A and schraefel, monica c (2005) Knowledge-Based Information Fusion for Improved Situational Awareness. 8th International Conference on Information Fusion, Philadelphia, United States. 24 - 28 Jul 2005.

Gee, Quintin, Carr, Leslie, Conole, Gráinne, Grange, Simon, Hall, Wendy and Wills, Gary (2005) Building a Virtual University for Orthopaedics. IFIP World Conference on Computers in Education 2005, Stellenbosch, South Africa. 03 - 06 Jul 2005.

Wills, Gary, Miles-Board, Timothy, Bailey, Christopher, Carr, Leslie, Gee, Quintin, Hall, Wendy and Grange, Simon , Buckingham Shum, Simon (ed.) (2005) The Dynamic Review Journal: a scholarly archive. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 11 (1), 69-89.

Sim, Y. W., Wang, C., Carr, L. A., Davis, H. C., Gilbert, L., Grange, S., Millard, D. E. and Wills, G. B. (2005) A Web/Grid Services Approach for a Virtual Research Environment Implementation. the Fourth e-Science All Hands Meeting (AHM 2005), Nottingham, United Kingdom.

Wilson, Max L., Russell, Alistair, Smart, Paul R., Shadbolt, Nigel, Carr, Leslie and schraefel, m.c. (2005) Using Semantic Web Technologies to Support Enhanced Situation Awareness. 4th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), Galway, Ireland. 06 - 10 Nov 2005.

Smart, Paul R., Shadbolt, Nigel R., Carr, Leslie A., schraefel, monica c., Wilson, Max L. and Russell, Alistair (2005) Knowledge-Intensive Fusion for Improved Situational Awareness. 2nd Annual DIF DTC Conference, JSCSC Shrivenham, United Kingdom. 27 - 28 Sep 2005.

White, S A and Carr, L A (2005) Brave New World: Can We Engineer a Better Start for Freshers? 35th Annual ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Pedagogies and Technologies for the Emerging Global Economy, Indianapolis, IN. 18 - 20 Oct 2005. pp. 26-31 .

Hajjem, Chawki, Gingras, Yves, Brody, Tim, Carr, Les and Harnad, Stevan (2005) Open Access to Research Increases Citation Impact s.n.

schraefel, m.c., Smith, Daniel Alexander and Carr, Leslie A. (2006) mSpace meets EPrints: a Case Study in Creating Dynamic Digital Collections s.n.

Smith, Ashley, Carr, Leslie and Hall, Wendy (2005) An Opportunistic Approach to Adding Value to a Photograph Collection. 4th International Semantic Web Conference, Galway, Ireland.

Miles-Board, T, Carr, L, Wills, G, Power, G, Bailey, C, Hall, W, Stenning, M and Grange, S (2006) Extending the role of a healthcare digital library environment to support orthopaedic research. Health Informatics Journal, 12 (2), 93-105.

Miles-Board, Timothy, Woukeu, Arouna, Carr, Leslie, Wills, Gary and Hall, Wendy (2005) Bringing the Semantic Web to the Office Desktop. 2005 ACM International Symposium on Document Engineering, Bristol, United Kingdom. 02 - 04 Nov 2005.

Shadbolt, Nigel, Brody, Tim, Carr, Les and Harnad, Stevan (2006) The Open Research Web: A Preview of the Optimal and the Inevitable. In, Jacobs, Neil (ed.) Open Access: Key Strategic, Technical and Economic Aspects. Chandos.

Carr, Les, Hitchcock, Steve, Oppenheim, Charles, McDonald, J. W., Champion, Tim and Harnad, Stevan (2006) Extending journal-based research impact assessment to book-based disciplines.

White, SA, Carr, LA, Davis, HC, Hooper, CJ, Griffith, TP and Wills, GB (2006) ANNANN – Next Steps for Scaffolding Learning About Programs. The 6th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2006), Kerkrade, The, Netherlands. 04 - 06 Jul 2006.

Carr, Les, Swan, Alma, Sale, Arthur, Oppenheim, Charles, Brody, Tim, Hitchcock, Steve, Hajjem, Chawki and Harnad, Stevan (2006) Repositories for Institutional Open Access: Mandated Deposit Policies.

Carr, Les, DeRoure, Dave, Harnad, Stevan, Hey, Jessie, Hey, Tony, Hitchcock, Steve and Oppenheim, Charles (2004) Written Evidence to 2003 House of Commons Science and Technology Committee.

Smith, A, Hall, W, Glaser, H and Carr, L A (2006) Towards Truly Ubiquitous Life Annotation. Memories for Life Colloquium 2006, The British Library, London, United Kingdom.

Andric, Mirjana, Devedzic, Vladan, Hall, Wendy and Carr, Leslie , Davenport, Tom and Lytras, Miltiadis (eds.) (2007) Keywords linking method for selecting educational web resources à la ZigZag. International Journal of Knowledge and Learning (IJKL), 3 (1), 30-45.

Andric, Mirjana, Hall, Wendy and Carr, Leslie (2004) Assisting artifact retrieval in software engineering projects. Munson, Ethan and Vion-Dury, Jean-Yves (eds.) ACM symposium on Document engineering (DocEng), Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States. 27 - 29 Oct 2004. pp. 48-50 .

Carr, Lesley, Hall, Wendy and De Roure, David (1999) The evolution of hypertext link services. ACM Computing Surveys, 31.

Reich, SiegFried, Carr, Leslie, De Roure, David and Hall, Wendy (1999) Where have you been from here? Trails in hypertext systems. Where have you been from here? Trails in hypertext systems, 31.

Rodriguez-Castro, Benedicto, Glaser, Hugh and Carr, Les (2006) Towards a Canonical Method to Solve Patterns of Ontology Modeling Issues (9 Month Report) s.n. (Submitted)

Grange, S., Wills, G.B., Bailey, C., Carr, L., Hall, W. and Warwick, D. (2004) Using a dynamic review process for orthopaedic hand research. Wessex Gauvain Orthopaedic Meeting 2004, Ark Centre. Basingstoke.

Carr, Leslie and Brody, Tim (2007) Size isn’t everything: sustainable repositories as evidenced by sustainable deposit profiles. D-Lib Magazine, 13 (7/8). (doi:10.1045/july2007-carr).

Carr, Leslie, Harnad, Stevan and Swan, Alma (2007) A Longitudinal Study of the Practice of Self-Archiving

Hooper, Clare, Carr, Leslie, Davis, Hugh, Millard, David, White, Su and Wills, Gary (2007) AnnAnn and AnnAnn.Net : Tools for Teaching Programming. Journal of Computers, 2 (5), 916.

Carr, L.A., Davis, H.C. and White, S.A. (2005) AnnAnn - a tool to scaffold learning about programs. The 6th Higher Education Academy Conference on Infromation and Computer Science, Ulster.

Hitchcock, Steve, Brody, Tim, Hey, Jessie and Carr, Leslie (2007) Digital Preservation Service Provider Models for Institutional Repositories: Towards Distributed Services. D-Lib Magazine, 13 (5/6). (doi:10.1045/may2007-hitchcock).

Brody, Tim, Carr, Les, Harnad, Stevan and Swan, Alma (2007) Time to Convert to Metrics. Research Fortnight, 17-18.

Smart, Paul R, Russell, Alistair, Shadbolt, Nigel R, schraefel, monica c and Carr, Leslie A (2007) AKTiveSA: A Technical Demonstrator System for Enhanced Situation Awareness. The Computer Journal, 50 (6), 703-716.

Brody, Tim, Carr, Les, Gingras, Yves, Hajjem, Chawki, Harnad, Stevan and Swan, Alma , Dirks, Lee and Hey, Tony (eds.) (2007) Incentivizing the Open Access Research Web: Publication-Archiving, Data-Archiving and Scientometrics. CTWatch Quarterly, 3 (3).

Carr, Leslie (2007) Why the Web Never Took Off. Learning Societies Laboratory Semninar, University of Southampton.

Hey, Jessie, Brody, Tim, Hitchcock, Steve and Carr, Leslie (2007) PRESERV: Preservation Services for OAI-Compliant Repositories. CERN workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI5), CERN, Switzerland.

Swan, Alma and Carr, Leslie (2008) Institutions, their repositories and the Web. Serials Review, 34 (1).

Brody, Tim, Carr, Leslie, Hey, Jessie, Brown, Adrian and Hitchcock, Steve (2007) PRONOM-ROAR: Adding Format Profiles to a Repository Registry to Inform Preservation Services. The International Journal of Digital Curation, 2 (2).

Morris, D., Hey, J.M.N., Davis, H.C., White, S.A., Carr, L.A., Miles-Board, T. and Francois, S. (2008) EdShare: towards sharing resources for learning and teaching at the University of Southampton. Open Repositories 2008 - 3rd International Conference on Open Repositories, , Southampton, United Kingdom. 31 Mar - 03 Apr 2008.

Mosweunyane, Gontlafetse and Carr, Les (2008) Organizing and integrating knowledge on the desktop with repositories. Open Repositories Conference 2008, , Southampton, United Kingdom.

Rodriguez-Castro, Benedicto, Glaser, Hugh and Carr, Leslie (2007) On the practical modeling of conceptual overlap among multiple facets in ontology domain concepts (Mini-thesis) s.n. (Submitted)

Carr, Leslie, White, Wendy and Brown, Mark (2008) Collecting & Verifying RAE Output. Beyond the RAE 2008: Bibliometrics, League Tables and the REF, Kings College, London. (In Press)

Davis, H.C.D., Carr, L.A., Hey, J.M.N. and Morris, D. (2008) University of Southampton: EdSpace. JISC Institutional Exemplars Programme Meeting, , London, United Kingdom. 29 Jan 2008.

Harnad, Stevan, Brody, Tim, Vallieres, Francois, Carr, Les, Hitchcock, Steve, Gingras, Yves, Oppenheim, Charles, Hajjem, Chawki and Hilf, Eberhardt (2008) The Access/Impact Problem and the Green and Gold Roads to Open Access: An Update. Serials Review, 34 (1), 36-40. (doi:10.1016/j.serrev.2007.12.005).

Tarrant, David, Carr, Les and Payne, Terry (2008) Releasing the Power of Digital Metadata: Examining Large Networks of Co-Related Publications. Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, Pittsburgh, PA, United States. 15 - 18 Jun 2008.

Tarrant, David, Carr, Les and Payne, Terry (2008) Releasing the Power of Digital Metadata: Examining Large Networks of Co-Related Publications. European Conference on Digital Libraries 2008, Aarhus, Denmark.

Harnad, Stevan, Carr, Les, Swan, Alma, Sale, Arthur and Bosc, Helene (2009) Maximizing and Measuring Research Impact Through University and Research-Funder Open-Access Self-Archiving Mandates. Wissenschaftsmanagement, 15 (4), 36-41.

Harnad, Stevan, Carr, Les and Gingras, Yves , Kuramoto, Helio (ed.) (2008) Maximizing Research Progress Through Open Access Mandates and Metrics. Liinc em Revista. (Submitted)

Tarrant, David, O'Steen, Ben, Hitchcock, Steve, Jefferies, Neil and Carr, Les (2008) Applying Open Storage to Institutional Repositories. 2nd European Workshop on the Use of Digital Object Repository Systems in Digital Libraries (DORSDL2), Aarhus, Denmark. (In Press)

Hitchcock, Steve, Tarrant, David, Brown, Adrian, O’Steen, Ben, Jefferies, Neil and Carr, Les (2008) Towards smart storage for repository preservation services. iPRES 2008: The Fifth International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects, London, United Kingdom. 28 - 29 Sep 2008.

Tarrant, David, Carr, Les and Hitchcock, Steve (2008) EPrints and Preservation. Tackling the Preservation Challenge: Practical Steps for Repository Managers, London. (In Press)

Tarrant, David, Brody, Tim and Carr, Les (2009) From the Desktop to the Cloud: Leveraging Hybrid Storage Architectures in your Repository. The 4th annual international Open Repositories Conference (or09), Atlanta, Georgia. 17 - 20 May 2009. (Submitted)

Tarrant, David, O'Steen, Ben, Brody, Tim, Hitchcock, Steve, Jefferies, Neil and Carr, Les (2009) Using OAI-ORE to Transform Digital Repositories into Interoperable Storage and Services Applications. The Code4Lib Journal, 6.

Tarrant, David, Hitchcock, Steve and Carr, Les (2009) EPrints Preservation 2010. Preservation and Archiving Special Interest Group - Summer 2009, Malta. 23 - 25 Jun 2009.

Glaser, Hugh, Millard, Ian and Carr, Les (2009) RKBExplorer: Repositories, Linked Data and Research Support. Eprints User Group, Open Repositories 2009, Atlanta, GA, United States.

Davis, Hugh C., Carr, Leslie A., Hey, Jessie M.N., Howard, Yvonne, Millard, David E., Morris, Debra and White, Su (2010) Bootstrapping a culture of sharing to facilitate open educational resources. [in special issue: Open Educational Resources] IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 3 (2), 96-109. (doi:10.1109/TLT.2009.34).

Tarrant, David, Hitchcock, Steve and Carr, Les (2009) Where the Semantic Web and Web 2.0 meet format risk management: P2 registry. iPres2009: The Sixth International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects, San Francisco. 04 - 05 Oct 2009.

Vesse, Robert, Hall, Wendy and Carr, Les (2009) Preserving Linked Data Integrity on the Semantic Web by application of techniques from Hypermedia. ISWC 2009, , Washington, United States. 24 - 29 Oct 2009. (Submitted)

Tarrant, David, Brody, Tim and Carr, Les (2009) Ten Years of Digital Preservation with EPrints. Preservation and Archiving Special Interest Group - Fall 2009, San Francisco. 06 - 08 Oct 2009. (In Press)

Vesse, Robert, Hall, Wendy and Carr, Les (2009) All about that - a URI profiling tool for monitoring and preserving linked data. 8th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2009), Washington, United States. 24 - 29 Oct 2009. 1 pp .

Hitchcock, Steve, Hey, Jessie, Brody, Tim and Carr, Les (2007) Laying the Foundations for Repository Preservation Services. Final Report from the PRESERV project s.n. (In Press)

Hitchcock, Steve, Tarrant, David and Carr, Les (2009) Towards repository preservation services. Final report from the JISC Preserv 2 project s.n. (In Press)

Gargouri, Yassine, Hajjem, Chawki, Lariviere, Vincent, Gingras, Yves, Brody, Tim, Carr, Les and Harnad, Stevan (2010) Self-selected or mandated, open access increases citation impact for higher quality research. PLoS ONE, 5 (10), e13636-[5pp]. (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0013636).

Sale, Arthur, Couture, Marc, Rodrigues, Eloy, Carr, Les and Harnad, Stevan (2014) Open Access Mandates and the "Fair Dealing" Button. In, Dynamic Fair Dealing: Creating Canadian Culture Online (Rosemary J. Coombe & Darren Wershler, Eds.). University of Toronto Press.

Tarrant, David, Carr, Les, Wade, Alex and Warner, Simeon (2010) Interactive Multi-Submission Deposit Workflows for Desktop Applications. Open Repositories 2010, Madrid, Spain.

Carr, Les, Weal, Mark and White, Wendy (2010) Research Assessment and a Diverse Role for Repositories. Open Repositories 2010, Madrid, Spain.

Vesse, Robert, Hall, Wendy and Carr, Les (2010) Preserving Linked Data on the Semantic Web by the application of Link Integrity techniques from Hypermedia. Linked Data on the Web (LDOW2010), , Raleigh, United States.

Hitchcock, Steve, Tarrant, David and Carr, Les (2010) Transforming repositories: from repository managers to institutional data managers. ECA 2010, 8th European Conference on Digital Archiving, Geneva. 27 - 29 Apr 2010. (In Press)

Carr, Les and Harnad, Stevan (2011) Offloading cognition onto the Web. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 26 (1), 33-39. (doi:10.1109/MIS.2011.19).

Carr, Leslie, Pope, Catherine and Halford, Susan (2010) Could the Web be a temporary glitch? WebSci10, Raleigh, United States. 25 - 26 Apr 2010. pp. 1-6 .

Halford, Susan, Pope, Catherine and Carr, Leslie (2010) A manifesto for Web Science. Erickson, John and Gradmann, Stefan (eds.) Proceedings of the WebSci10: Extending the Frontiers of Society On-Line, Raleigh, United States. 25 - 26 Apr 2010. pp. 1-6 .

Carr, Leslie (2010) EPrints: a hybrid CRIS/repository. Workshop on CRIS, CERIF and Institutional Repositories, Rome, Italy. 09 - 10 May 2010. 2 pp .

Carr, Les (2010) Directions for Digital Repositories (Keynote). Texas Conference on Digital Libraries 2010, Austin, Texas. 16 - 17 May 2010.

Takeda, Kenji, Scott, M, Coles, S, Carr, Les, Frey, J and Cox, S (2010) Enabling Scientific Discovery with Microsoft SharePoint. Microsoft eScience Workshop, Berkeley, California. (Submitted)

Carr, Les (2010) Citation Services (Overview). International Workshop on Co-operation on Citation Services and Repositories, Utrecht, Netherlands. (In Press)

Tarrant, David, Hitchcock, Steve and Carr, Les (2010) A complete preservation workflow in EPrints (+ Plato) - 10 Minute Summary. Preservation and Archiving Special Interest Group (PASIG), Madrid, Spain. (In Press)

Tarrant, David, Hitchcock, Steve, Carr, Les, Kulovits, Hannes and Rauber, Andreas (2010) Connecting preservation planning and Plato with digital repository interfaces. 7th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (iPRES2010), Vienna, Austria. 18 - 23 Sep 2010. (Submitted)

Rodriguez-Castro, Bene, Glaser, Hugh and Carr, Les (2010) How to Reuse a Faceted Classification and Put it on the Semantic Web. The 9th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), Shanghai, China.

Carr, Leslie (2010) Directions for EPrints: The State and Future of EPrints. Open Repositories 2010, Madrid, Spain. (Submitted)

Carr, Les (2010) Web Science Big Wins: Information Big Bang & Fundamental Constants. Satellite Meeting of the Royal Society Discussion Meeting ‘Web Science: A New Frontier’, Kavli Royal Society International Centre, United Kingdom. (In Press)

Rodriguez-Castro, Bene, Glaser, Hugh and Carr, Les (2010) Faceted Classification Scheme ODP. The 2nd Workshop on Ontology Patterns (WOP2010) at the 9th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), Shanghai, China.

Tinati, Ramine, Pope, Catherine, Halford, Susan and Carr, Leslie (2010) (re) configuring the web user in the digital economy. Digital Futures 2010: Digital Economy All Hands Meeting, , Nottingham, United Kingdom. 11 - 12 Oct 2010.

Berezovskiy, Alex and Carr, Leslie (2010) A framework for dynamic data source identification and orchestration on the Web. 4th International Workshop on Web APIs and Services Mashups, Ayia Napa, Cyprus.

Brody, Tim and Carr, Les (2010) Citation Services Project Report s.n.

Carr, Les, Swan, Alma and Harnad, Stevan (2011) Creating and Curating the Cognitive Commons: Southampton’s Contribution. In, Simons, Maarten, Decuypere, Mathias, Vlieghe, Joris and Masschelein, Jan (eds.) Curating the European University. Universitaire Pers Leuven, pp. 193-199. (Submitted)

Carr, Les (2011) Repositories, Plugins & the REF. JISC 2011, Liverpool. 14 - 15 Mar 2011.

McSweeney, Patrick, Prince, Rikki, Hargood, Charlie, Millard, David and Carr, Les (2011) Aggregated Erevnametrics: bringing together alt-metrics through Research Objects. Altmetrics Workshop 2011, , Koblenz, Germany. 13 - 14 Jun 2011. (Submitted)

Tinati, Ramine, Halford, Susan, Carr, Leslie and Pope, Catherine (2011) Exploring the UK Open-PSI community. SharePSI: Removing the Roadblocks to a Pan European Market for Public Sector Information Re-Use, , Brussels, Belgium. 09 - 10 May 2011. 4 pp .

Tinati, Ramine, Halford, Susan, Carr, Leslie and Pope, Catherine (2011) Conceptualising a Web of Linked Actors. ACM WebSci '11, , Koblenz, Germany. 13 - 16 Jun 2011.

Tarrant, David and Carr, Les (2011) Building Social Networks from Institutional Repositories. Open Repositories 2011, Austen, Texas. (In Press)

Tarrant, David and Carr, Les (2011) Using the Co-Citation Network to Indicate Article Impact. Alt-Metrics Workshop @ Web Science 2011, Koblenz, Germany. 13 - 17 Jun 2011. (In Press)

Cobden, Marcus, Black, Jennifer, Gibbins, Nicholas, Carr, Les and Shadbolt, Nigel (2011) A Research Agenda for Linked Closed Data. Second International Workshop on Consuming Linked Data, , Bonn, Germany. 22 Oct 2011.

Carr, Les (2011) Mind the Gap! Moving From Aspiration to Experience in UK Institutional Research Data Management. eResearch Australasia 2011, Melbourne, Australia. 07 - 09 Nov 2011.

Tinati, Ramine, Carr, Les, Halford, Susan and Pope, Catherine (2011) Digital Innovation - Investigating the Sustainability of New Kinds of Web. Digital Engagement 2011, Newcastle.

Tinati, Ramine, Carr, Leslie, Hall, Wendy and Bentwood, Jonny (2012) Identifying communicator roles in Twitter. Mining Social Network Dynamics (MSND 2012), , Lyon, France. 16 - 20 Apr 2012. 8 pp .

Tinati, Ramine, Halford, Susan, Carr, Leslie and Pope, Catherine (2012) Using mixed methods to track the growth of the Web: tracing open government data initiatives. World Wide Web 2012 (Web Science Track), , Lyon, France. 16 - 20 Apr 2012. 6 pp .

Carr, Leslie (2012) Data, government and the open Web. GoOpen! 2012, Oslo, Norway.

Carr, Les (2012) Open Platforms. WAIS Seminar.

Gargouri, Yassine, Lariviere, Vincent, Gingras, Yves, Carr, Les and Harnad, Stevan (2012) Green and Gold Open Access percentages and growth, by discipline. 17th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators (STI), Montreal, Canada. 04 - 07 Sep 2012. 11 pp .

Hitchcock, Steve, Tarrant, David and Carr, Les (2012) Enhancing and testing repository deposit interfaces. 7th International Conference on Open Repositories (OR2012), Edinburgh, United Kingdom. 08 - 12 Jul 2012. 4 pp .

Carr, Les, DeRoure, David C., Harnad, Stevan, Hey, Jessie, Hey, A J G, Hitchcock, Steve and Oppenheim, Charles (2004) Southampton Recommendations to 2004 UK Parliamentary Select Committee on Science and Technology: Open Access Policy. UK Parliament Publications and Records, 10.

Tarrant, David and Carr, Leslie (2012) LDS3: applying digital preservation principals to linked data systems. Ninth International Conference on Digital Preservation (iPres2012), Toronto, Canada. 30 Sep - 04 Oct 2012. 8 pp .

Carr, Les (2012) Workshop Summary. Norwegian Open Data: Web Science DTC Workshop, Tromsø, Norway. 12 - 13 Sep 2012.

Field, Adam and Carr, Leslie (2012) Microblogging macrochallenges for repositories. Open Repositories 2012. 7th International Conference on Open Repositories (OR2012), Edinburgh, United Kingdom. 08 - 12 Jul 2012. 4 pp .

Gargouri, Y, Lariviere, V, Gingras, Y, Brody, T, Carr, L and Harnad, S (2012) Testing the Finch Hypothesis on Green OA Mandate Ineffectiveness. Open Access Week 2012.

Tinati, Ramine, Halford, Susan, Carr, Les and Pope, Catherine (2012) Mixing Methods and Theory to Explore Web Activity. Third Annual Web Science Conference (WebSci2012), Evanston, United States. 9 pp .

Tinati, Ramine, Carr, Les, Hall, Wendy and Bentwood, Johnny (2012) Scale Free: Twitter’s Retweet Network Structure. Network Science 2012, Evanston, United States.

Tinati, Ramine, Carr, Les, Halford, Susan and Pope, Catherine (2012) Exploring the Impact of Adopting Open Data in the UK Government. Digital Futures 2012, Aberdeen, United Kingdom. 3 pp .

Tinati, Ramine and Carr, Leslie (2012) ReFluence: A Real-Time and Historic Visualization Application for Twitter Conversations. Social Media Visualisation (SocMedVis) Workshop - ICWSM2012.

Tinati, Ramine and Carr, Leslie (2012) Identifying user roles in Twitter. Information Communication Technology in Development 2012, , Atlanta, United States.

Fyson, Richard, Carr, Leslie and Coles, Simon J. (2012) Dissemination through disintermediation. Digital Futures 2012 The Third Annual Digital Economy All Hands Conference, , Aberdeen, United Kingdom. 23 - 25 Oct 2012. 1 pp .

Fyson, Richard, Coles, Simon J. and Carr, Leslie (2013) AltOA: a framework for dissemination through disintermediation. ACM Web Science 2013, , Paris, France. 01 - 03 May 2013. 10 pp .

Hall, Wendy, Tiropanis, Thanassis, Tinati, Ramine, Booth, Paul, Gaskell, Paul, Hare, Jonathon and Carr, Les (2013) The Southampton University Web Observatory. 1st International workshop on Building Web Observatories, ACM Web Science 2013, 1-3 May 2013.

Yao, Jiadi, Carr, Les and Harnad, Stevan (2013) Understanding institutional collaboration networks computer science vs. psychology. 9th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics (WIS) & 14th COLLNET Meeting, , Tartumaa, Estonia. 14 - 16 Aug 2013.

Tinati, Ramine, Halford, Susan, Carr, Les and Pope, Catherine (2014) Big Data: methodological challenges and approaches for sociological analysis. Sociology, 48 (4), 663-681. (doi:10.1177/0038038513511561).

Tinati, Ramine, Carr, Leslie, Halford, Susan and Pope, Catherine (2013) Exploring the Use of #OpenData in UK Open Government Data Community. Digital Economy 2013, , Salford, United Kingdom.

Tinati, Ramine, Halford, Susan, Carr, Leslie and Pope, Catherine (2013) The promise of big data: new methods for sociological analysis. The World Social Science Forum. 7 pp .

Tinati, Ramine, Tiropanis, Thanassis and Carr, Leslie (2013) An approach for using Wikipedia to measure the flow of trends across countries. Web Observatories Workshop (WOW), WWW2013: 22nd International World Wide Web conference, 2013, , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 12 - 16 May 2013.

Tinati, Ramine, Carr, Leslie, Halford, Susan and Pope, Catherine (2013) The HTP Model: Understanding the development of social machines. SOCM Workshop, WWW2013: 22nd International World Wide Web conference, , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 12 - 16 May 2013.

Crouch, Stephen, Chue Hong, Neil, Hettrick, Simon, Jackson, Mike, Pawlik, Aleksandra, Sufi, Shoaib, Carr, Les, Roure, David De, Goble, Carole and Parsons, Mark (2013) The Software Sustainability Institute: changing research software attitudes and practices. Computing in Science & Engineering, 15 (6), 74-80. (doi:10.1109/MCSE.2013.133).

Tinati, Ramine, Carr, Leslie, Halford, Susan and Pope, Catherine (2014) (Re)integrating the Web: beyond ‘socio-technical’. International World Wide Web Conference (WWW'14), , Seoul, Korea, Republic of. 13 - 17 Apr 2014. 2 pp . (doi:10.1145/2567948.2576958).

Tinati, Ramine and Carr, Les (2012) Understanding social machines. Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust (PASSAT), 2012 International Conference on and 2012 International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom), , Amsterdam, Netherlands. 03 - 05 Sep 2012. pp. 975-976 . (doi:10.1109/SocialCom-PASSAT.2012.25).

Tinati, Ramine, Phillipe, Olivier, Pope, Catherine, Carr, Leslie and Halford, Susan (2014) Challenging social media analytics: Web Science perspectives. WebSci '14, , Bloomington, United States. 22 - 25 Jun 2014. 5 pp . (doi:10.1145/2615569.2615690).

Sufi, Shoaib, Chue Hong, Neil, Hettrick, Simon, Antonioletti, Mario, Crouch, Stephen, Hay, Alexander, Inupakutika, Devasena, Jackson, Mike, Pawlik, Aleksandra, Peru, Giacomo, Robinson, John, Carr, Les, De Roure, David, Goble, Carole and Parsons, Mark (2014) Software in reproducible research: advice and best practice collected from experiences at the collaborations workshop. 1st ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Reproducible Research Methodologies and New Publication Models in Computer Engineering (TRUST'14), Edinburgh, United Kingdom. 08 - 10 Jun 2014. pp. 1-4 . (doi:10.1145/2618137.2618140).

Walker, Johanna, Taylor, Jacqui and Carr, Leslie (2015) From public sector information catalogue to productive data: defining a national information infrastructure. Building Web Observatories Workshop 2015, Oxford, United Kingdom.

Adetunji, Christopher and Carr, Leslie (2016) Knowledge discovery from social media data: a case of public twitter data for SMEs. eKNOW 2016, The Eighth International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management, , Venice, Italy. 24 - 28 Apr 2016. pp. 119-125 .

Ogden, Jessica, Halford, Susan, Carr, Les and Earl, Graeme (2015) This is for everyone? Some steps towards decolonizing the Web. Digital Divides Workshop at Web Science 2015, Oxford, United Kingdom. 27 - 30 Jun 2015.

Murthy, Dhiraj, Powell, Alison B., Tinati, Ramine, Anstead, Nick, Carr, Les, Halford, Susan and Weal, Mark (2016) Automation, algorithms, and politics| bots and political influence: a sociotechnical investigation of social network capital. International Journal of Communication, 10, 4952-4971.

Luangmaneerote, Sakchan, Zaluska, Ed and Carr, Les (2016) Survey of existing fingerprint countermeasures. International Conference on Information Society (i-Society-2016), Dublin, Ireland. 09 - 12 Oct 2016. 5 pp .

Al-Barrak, Khalied, Carr, Les and Ryan, Matt (2016) Towards a model for monitoring public services projects in Saudi Arabia. In ECISM conference proceedings. Academic Conferences and Publishing International. pp. 1-11 .

Adetunji, Christopher and Carr, Leslie (2017) EMSoD — A conceptual social framework that delivers KM values to corporate organizations. International Journal on Advances in Software, 9 (3&4), 304-322.

Luangmaneerote, Sakchan, Zaluska, Edward and Carr, Leslie (2017) Inhibiting browser fingerprinting and tracking. In 2017 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Big Data Security on Cloud (bigdatasecurity), IEEE International Conference on High Performance and Smart Computing (HPSC), and IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data and Security (IDS). IEEE. pp. 63-68 . (doi:10.1109/BigDataSecurity.2017.40).

Ogden, Jessica, Halford, Susan and Carr, Leslie (2017) Observing web archives: The case for an ethnographic study of web archiving. In Proceedings of WebSci’17, Troy, NY, USA., June 25–28, 2017. ACM Press. 10 pp . (In Press) (doi:10.1145/3091478.3091506).

Anderson, Mark, Carr, Leslie and Millard, David (2017) There and here: patterns of content transclusion in Wikipedia. In HT '17: Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media. ACM Press. pp. 115-124 . (doi:10.1145/3078714.3078726).

Kaffee, Lucie-Aimée, Piscopo, Alessandro, Vougiouklis, Pavlos, Simperl, Elena, Carr, Leslie and Pintscher, Lydia (2017) A glimpse into Babel: an analysis of multilinguality in Wikidata. In OpenSym '17 Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Open Collaboration. ACM Press. 5 pp . (doi:10.1145/3125433.3125465).

Alrajebah, Nora, Tiropanis, Thanassis and Carr, Leslie (2017) Cascades on online social networks: a chronological account. Kompatsiaris, I. (ed.) In Internet Science. INSCI 2017. Springer. pp. 393-411 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-70284-1_31).

Alrajebah, Nora, Carr, Leslie, Luczak-Roesch, Markus and Tiropanis, Thanassis (2017) Deconstructing diffusion on Tumblr: structural and temporal aspects. In WebSci '17 Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Web Science Conference. ACM Press. pp. 319-328 . (doi:10.1145/3091478.3091491).

Halford, Susan, Weal, Mark, Tinati, Ramine, Pope, Catherine and Carr, Leslie (2018) Understanding the production and circulation of social media data: toward methodological principles and praxis. New Media and Society, 20 (9), 3341–3358. (doi:10.1177/1461444817748953).

Anderson, Mark, Carr, Leslie, Davis, Hugh, Fountain, A, Hall, Wendy, Hutchings, Gerard A., Marshall, Fiona, Rake, S.T. and Weal, Mark (2018) Microcosm (in a Virtual Machine). University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0750 [Dataset]

Alrajebah, Nora, Carr, Leslie and Tiropanis, Thanassis (2018) The platform effect: Analysing user activity on tumblr. Bodrunova, S. (ed.) In Internet Science: INSCI 2018. vol. 11193 LNCS, Springer. pp. 154-168 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-030-01437-7_13).

Alsaad, Arwah, Mohammed A, O'hara, Kieron and Carr, Leslie (2019) Institutional repositories as a data trust infrastructure. In WebSci '19 : Companion Publication of the 11th ACM Conference on Web Science. ACM Press. pp. 1-4 . (doi:10.1145/3328413.3329402).

Hettrick, Simon, Antonioletti, Mario, Carr, Leslie, Chue Hong, Neil, Crouch, Stephen, De Roure, David C, Emsley, Iain, Goble, Carole, Hay, Alexander, Inupakutika, Devasena, Jackson, Mike, Nenadic, Aleksandra, Parkinson, Tim, Parsons, Mark I, Pawlik, Aleksandra, Peru, Giacomo, Proeme, Arno, Robinson, John and Sufi, Shoaib (2014) Uk Research Software Survey 2014. Zenodo doi:10.5281/ZENODO.14809 [Dataset]

Walker, Johanna, Catherine, Carr, Leslie and Simperl, Elena (2019) A framework for data sharing for open innovation. 18th Open and User Innovation Conference<br/>, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands. 08 - 10 Jul 2019. pp. 112-113 .

Smart, Paul, Chu, Ming-Chin Monique, O'Hara, Kieron, Carr, Leslie and Hall, Wendy (2019) Geopolitical drivers of personal data: the four horsemen of the datapocalypse Southampton, UK. University of Southampton 104pp.

Hasselbring, Wilhelm, Carr, Leslie, Hettrick, Simon, Packer, Heather and Tiropanis, Thanassis (2020) Open source research software. Computer, 53 (8), 84-88. (doi:10.1109/MC.2020.2998235).

Hasselbring, Wilhelm, Carr, Leslie, Hettrick, Simon, Packer, Heather and Tiropanis, Thanassis (2020) From FAIR research data toward FAIR and open research software. it - Information Technology, 62 (1), 39-47. (doi:10.1515/itit-2019-0040).

Walker, Johanna Catherine, Thuermer, Gefion, Simperl, Elena and Carr, Leslie (2020) Smart rural: the open data gap. Data for Policy 2020, Online. 15 - 17 Sep 2020. 5 pp . (In Press)

Lavorgna, Anita and Carr, Leslie (2021) Tweets and quacks: network and content analyses of providers of non-science-based anti-cancer treatments and their supporters on Twitter. SAGE Open. (In Press)

Lavorgna, Anita and Carr, Leslie (2021) Tweets and quacks: Network and content analyses of providers of non-science-based anticancer treatments and their supporters on Twitter. SAGE Open, 11 (1). (doi:10.1177/21582440211003084).

Lavorgna, Anita, Ugwudike, Pamela, Carr, Leslie, Sanchez Benitez, Yadira and Rekha, Gopala Sasie (2021) To app or not to app? Understanding public resistance in using COVID-19 digital contact tracing and its criminological relevance. Law, Technology & Humans. (In Press)

Carr, Leslie, Packer, Heather and Hettrick, Simon (2021) Explaining the Value of Research Software. In Workshop on the Science of Scientific-Software Development and Use. (In Press)


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Sabet, M. Amin, Ghavami, Behnam and Raji, Mohsen (2018) GPU-Accelerated soft error rate analysis of large-scale integrated circuits. IEEE Design and Test, 35 (6), 78-85, [8426019]. (doi:10.1109/MDAT.2018.2863703).

Xun, Lei (2021) Dataset for "Dynamic-OFA: Runtime DNN Architecture Switching for Performance Scaling on Heterogeneous Embedded Platforms". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1804 [Dataset]

Lou, Wei, Xun, Lei, Sabetsarvestani, Mohammadamin, Bi, Jia, Hare, Jonathon and Merrett, Geoff (2021) Dynamic-OFA: Runtime DNN architecture switching for performance scaling on heterogeneous embedded platforms. In IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops 2021. pp. 3104-3112 .

Parry, Hishan (2021) Dataset for "Dynamic Transformer for Efficient Machine Translation on Embedded Devices". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1908 [Dataset]

Parry, Hishan, Xun, Lei, Sabetsarvestani, Mohammadamin, Bi, Jia, Hare, Jonathon and Merrett, Geoff (2021) Dynamic transformer for efficient machine translation on embedded devices. In 3rd ACM/IEEE Workshop on Machine Learning for CAD (MLCAD 2021). 6 pp .

Sabetsarvestani, Mohammadamin, Hare, Jonathon and Merrett, Geoffrey (2021) Data for Similarity-aware CNN for Efficient Video Recognition at the Edge. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D2067 [Dataset]

Sabetsarvestani, Mohammadamin, Hare, Jonathon, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Merrett, Geoff (2021) Similarity-aware CNN for efficient video recognition at the Edge. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. (doi:10.1109/TCAD.2021.3136815).


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Ralph, David, Li, Yunjia, Wills, Gary and Green, Nicolas G. (2019) Recommendations from cold starts in big data. Chang, Victor, Ramachandran, Muthu, Walters, Robert, Munoz, Victor Mendez and Wills, Gary (eds.) In IoTBDS 2019 - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security. Scitepress. pp. 185-194 .

Ralph, David, Li, Yunjia, Wills, Gary and Green, Nicolas G. (2020) Recommendations from cold starts in big data. Computing, 102 (6), 1323-1344. (doi:10.1007/s00607-020-00792-y).

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