Ibanez Gonzalez, Luis and Simperl, Elena (2022) A comparison of dataset search behaviour of internal versus search engine referred sessions. In ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval. ACM Press.. (In Press)
Smart, Paul, Andrada, Gloria and Clowes, Robert (2022) Phenomenal Transparency and the Extended Mind. Synthese, 200 (4), 1–25, [335]. (doi:10.1007/s11229-022-03824-6).
Smart, Paul, Hall, Wendy and Boniface, Michael (2022) Relativistic conceptions of trustworthiness: implications for the trustworthy status of national identification systems. Data & Policy, 4, [e21]. (doi:10.1017/dap.2022.13).
Smart, Paul R. (2022) Toward a mechanistic account of extended cognition. Philosophical Psychology. (doi:10.1080/09515089.2021.2023123).
Andrada, Gloria, Clowes, Rob and Smart, Paul (2022) Varieties of transparency: exploring agency within AI systems. AI & Society. (doi:10.1007/s00146-021-01326-6).
Smart, Paul, O'hara, Kieron and Hall, Wendy (2021) Applying mechanical philosophy to web science: The case of social machines. European Journal for Philosophy of Science, 11 (3), 1-29, [72]. (doi:10.1007/s13194-021-00388-z).
Smart, Paul, Hall, Wendy and Boniface, Michael (2021) Extended computation: wide computationalism in reverse. Seneviratne, Oshani, Singh, Vivek, Freire, Ana and Luo, Jar-Der (eds.) In Proceedings of the 13th ACM Web Science Conference 2021 (Companion Volume). ACM Press. 76–79 . (doi:10.1145/3462741.3466810).
Smart, Paul and Clowes, Robert (2021) Intellectual virtues and internet-extended knowledge. Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective, 10 (1), 7-21. (doi:10.5281/zenodo.4451862).
Smart, Paul (2021) Predicting me: The route to digital immortality? In, Clowes, Robert, Gärtner, Klaus and Hipólito, Inês (eds.) The Mind-Technology Problem: Investigating Minds, Selves and 21st Century Artefacts. (Studies in Brain and Mind, 18) Cham, Switzerland. Springer International Publishing, 185–207. (doi:10.1007/978-3-030-72644-7_9).
Smart, Paul, Hall, Wendy and Boniface, Michael (2021) Relativistic Conceptions of Trustworthiness: Implications for the Trustworthy Status of National Identity Systems. Turing Trustworthy Digital Identity Conference, , London, United Kingdom. 13 Sep 2021. 1–3 .
Smart, Paul, Pickering, Brian, Boniface, Michael and Hall, Wendy (2021) Risk Models of National Identity Systems: A Conceptual Model of Trust and Trustworthiness The Alan Turing Institute, London, UK. University of Southampton 37pp.
Smart, Paul (2021) Shedding light on the extended mind: HoloLens, holograms, and internet-extended knowledge. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 1–16, [675184]. (doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.675184).
Enríquez-Reyes, Robert, Cadena-Vela, Susana, Fuster-Guilló, Andrés, Mazón, Jose-Norberto, Ibáñez, Luis-Daniel and Simperl, Elena (2021) Systematic mapping of open data studies: classification and trends from a technological perspective. IEEE Access, 9, 12968-12988, [9326343]. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3052025).
Smart, Paul (2020) Artificial economics. In, Shanahan, Timothy and Smart, Paul (eds.) Blade Runner 2049: A Philosophical Exploration. Abingdon, Oxon, UK. Routledge, pp. 185-205.
Smart, Paul, O'hara, Kieron, Cox, Adrian JM and Hall, Wendy (2020) Cyber-physical systems and social machines 10pp. (doi:10.2139/ssrn.3705252).
Maddalena, Eddy, Ibáñez, Luis-Daniel and Simperl, Elena (2020) Mapping points of interest through street view imagery and paid crowdsourcing. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 11 (5), [63]. (doi:10.1145/3403931).
Smart, Paul (2020) Planet Braitenberg: experiments in virtual psychology. Cognitive Systems Research, 64, 73–95. (doi:10.1016/j.cogsys.2020.06.001).
Smart, Paul (2020) The Joi of holograms. In, Shanahan, Timothy and Smart, Paul (eds.) Blade Runner 2049: A Philosophical Exploration. Abingdon, Oxon, UK. Routledge, pp. 127-148.
Shadbolt, Nigel and Smart, Paul (2020) The eyes of God. In, Shanahan, Timothy and Smart, Paul (eds.) Blade Runner 2049: A Philosophical Exploration. Abingdon, Oxon, UK. Routledge, pp. 206-227.
Smart, Paul (2020) The story of our lives: Human 'Heptapods' and the gift of language. In, Hegland, Frode (ed.) The Future of Text: A 2020 Vision. Future of Text 2020 Symposium (20/11/19 - 20/11/19) London, UK. Future Text Publishing.
Ibanez Gonzalez, Luis, Millard, Ian, Glaser, Hugh and Simperl, Elena (2019) An assessment of adoption and quality of linked data in European open government data. Ghidini, C. (ed.) In The Semantic Web – ISWC 2019. Springer. pp. 436-453 .
Kacprzak, Emilia, Magdalena, Koesten, Laura, Mylena, Ibáñez, Luis-Daniel, Blount, Tom, Tennison, Jeni and Simperl, Elena (2019) Characterising dataset search – an analysis of search logs and data requests. Journal of Web Semantics, 55, 37-55. (doi:10.1016/j.websem.2018.11.003).
Ibanez Gonzalez, Luis, Reeves, Neal and Simperl, Elena (2019) Crowdsourcing and human-in-the-loop for IoT. In, Exploiting the Internet of Things (IoT) Data Deluge. Wiley. (Submitted)
Chapman, Adriane, Simperl, Elena, Koesten, Laura, Konstantinidis, Georgios, Ibanez Gonzalez, Luis, Kacprzak, Emilia and Groth, Paul (2019) Dataset search: a survey. The VLDB Journal, 1-22. (doi:10.1007/s00778-019-00564-x).
Smart, Paul, Chu, Ming-Chin Monique, O'Hara, Kieron, Carr, Leslie and Hall, Wendy (2019) Geopolitical drivers of personal data: the four horsemen of the datapocalypse Southampton, UK. University of Southampton 104pp.
Maddalena, Eddy, Zeni, Mattia, Ibanez, Luis Daniel, Song, Donglei, Simperl, Elena, Gomer, Richard and Giunchiglia, Fausto (2019) Hybrid human machine workflows for mobility management. Liu, Ling and White, Ryen (eds.) In The Web Conference 2019 - Companion of the World Wide Web Conference, WWW 2019. ACM Press. pp. 102-109 . (doi:10.1145/3308560.3317056).
Smart, Paul, Madaan, Aastha and Hall, Wendy (2019) Where the smart things Are: social machines and the Internet of Things. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 18 (3), 551-575. (doi:10.1007/s11097-018-9583-x).
Smart, Paul (2018) (Fake?) News alert: Intellectual virtues required for online knowledge! Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective, 7 (2), 45–55.
Smart, Paul (2018) Emerging digital technologies: Implications for extended conceptions of cognition and knowledge. In, Carter, J. Adam, Clark, Andy, Kallestrup, Jesper, Palermos, S. Orestis and Pritchard, Duncan (eds.) Extended Epistemology. Oxford. Oxford University Press, pp. 266-304. (doi:10.1093/oso/9780198769811.003.0015).
Parlato, Gennaro (2018) Finding rare concurrent programming bugs:: An automatic, symbolic, randomized, and parallelizable approach. Fischer, Bernd and Uustalu, Tarmo (eds.) In Theoretical Aspects of Computing – ICTAC 2018: 5th International Colloquium, Stellenbosch, South Africa, October 16–19, 2018, Proceedings. Springer..
Smart, Paul R. (2018) Human-extended machine cognition. Cognitive Systems Research, 49, 9-23. (doi:10.1016/j.cogsys.2017.11.001).
Smart, Paul (2018) Knowledge machines. The Knowledge Engineering Review, 33, [e11]. (doi:10.1017/s0269888918000139).
Kacprzak, Emilia, Magdalena, Gimenez-Garcia, Jose M., Piscopo, Alessandro, Koesten, Laura, Mylena, Ibanez Gonzalez, Luis, Tennison, Jeni and Simperl, Elena (2018) Making sense of numerical data - semantic labelling of web tables. In Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. Springer. 15 pp . (doi:10.1007/978-3-030-03667-6_11).
Smart, Paul R. (2018) Mandevillian intelligence. Synthese, 195 (9), 4169–4200. (doi:10.1007/s11229-017-1414-z).
Smart, Paul R. (2018) Mandevillian intelligence: from individual vice to collective virtue. In, Carter, Adam J, Clark, Andy, Kallestrup, Jesper, Palermos, Orestis Spyridon and Pritchard, Duncan (eds.) Socially-Extended Epistemology. Oxford. Oxford University Press, 253–274. (doi:10.1093/oso/9780198801764.001.0001).
Ibanez, Luis-Daniel, O'Hara, Kieron and Simperl, Elena (2018) On Blockchains and the General Data Protection Regulation EU Blockchain Forum and Observatory 13pp.
Luo, P.P., Xu, H.S., Chen, Y.W. and Wu, S.P. (2018) Periodontal disease severity is associated with micronutrient intake. Australian Dental Journal, 63 (2), 193-201. (doi:10.1111/adj.12606).
Hoffman, Michal R., Ibanez Gonzalez, Luis, Fryer, Huw and Simperl, Elena (2018) Smart Papers: Dynamic publications on the Blockchain. In The Semantic Web: 15th International Conference, ESWC 2018, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 3–7, 2018, Proceedings. vol. 10843, Springer. pp. 304-318 .
Prieto, Alvaro E., Mazón, Jose Norberto, Lozano-Tello, Adolfo and Ibáñez, Luis Daniel (2018) Supporting open dataset publication decisions based on Open Source Software reuse. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2062.
Smart, Paul R. and Shadbolt, Nigel (2018) The World Wide Web. In, Chase, James and Coady, David (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Applied Epistemology. New York, New York, USA. Routledge.
Kacprzak, Emilia, Koesten, Laura M., Ibáñez, Luis-Daniel, Simperl, Elena and Tennison, Jeni (2017) A query log analysis of dataset search. In, Cabot, J., De Virgilio, R. and Torlone, R. (eds.) Intelligent End User Development Platform Towards Enhanced Decision-Making. (HASH(0xd6613d0), 10360) Cham. Springer, pp. 429-436. (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-60131-1_29).
Smart, Paul R (2017) COGWEB—Cognition and the Web: Social Minds, Distributed Brains, and Talkative Technologies. 9th International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications (COGNITIVE 2017), Athens, Greece. 19 - 23 Feb 2017. 3 pp .
Nguyen, Truc L., Fischer, Bernd, La Torre, Salvatore and Parlato, Gennaro (2017) Concurrent program verification with Lazy sequentialization and interval analysis. In The 5th Edition of The International Conference on Networked sYStems. Springer. pp. 255-271 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-59647-1_20).
Smart, Paul R. (2017) Extended cognition and the Internet: a review of current issues and controversies. Philosophy & Technology, 30 (3), 357-390. (doi:10.1007/s13347-016-0250-2).
Wu, Sisi, Mahmoodi, Sasan, Darker, Angela, Vollmer, Brigitte, Lewis, Emma and Liljeroth, Maria (2017) Feature extraction and classification to diagnose hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy patients by using susceptibility-weighted MRI images. In Medical Image Understanding and Analysis. MIUA 2017. vol. 723, Springer. 11 pp . (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-60964-5_46).
NGUYEN, TRUC L, Inverso, Omar, Fischer, Bernd, La Torre, Salvatore and Parlato, Gennaro (2017) Lazy-CSeq 2.0: combining lazy sequentialization with abstract interpretation: (Competition contribution). Legay, Axel and Margaria, Tiziana (eds.) In Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 23rd International Conference, TACAS 2017, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2017, Uppsala, Sweden, April 22-29, 2017, Proceedings, P. vol. 10206, Springer. 4 pp . (doi:10.1007/978-3-662-54580-5_26).
Smart, Paul R (2017) Machine Intelligence and the Social Web: How to Get a Cognitive Upgrade. 9th International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications (COGNITIVE 2017), Athens, Greece. 19 - 23 Feb 2017. 8 pp .
Smart, Paul, Clowes, Robert and Heersmink, Richard (2017) Minds Online: The interface between web science, cognitive science and the philosophy of mind (Foundations and Trends® in Web Science, 6), vol. 6, Now Publishers Inc, 232pp.
Enea, Constantin, Habermehl, Peter, Inverso, Omar and Parlato, Gennaro (2017) On the path-width of integer linear programming. Information and Computation, 257-271. (doi:10.1016/j.ic.2016.07.010).
Nguyen Lam, Truc, Schrammel, Peter, Fischer, Bernd, La Torre, Salvatore and Parlato, Gennaro (2017) Parallel bug-finding in concurrent programs via reduced interleaving instances. Rosu, Grigore, Di Penta, Massimiliano and Nguyen, Tien N. (eds.) In ASE '17: Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering. IEEE. pp. 753-764 .
Uzun, Emre, Parlato, Gennaro, Atluri, Vijayalakshmi, Ferrara, Anna Lisa, Vaidya, Jaideep, Sural, Shamik and Lorenzi, David (2017) Preventing unauthorized data flows. Livraga, G. and Zhu, S. (eds.) In Data and Applications Security and Privacy XXXI. DBSec 2017. vol. 10359, Springer. pp. 41-62 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-61176-1_3).
Ibanez Gonzalez, Luis, Simperl, Elena, Gandon, Fabien and Story, Henry, Joseph (2017) Redecentralizing the web with distributed ledgers. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 32 (1), 92-95. (doi:10.1109/MIS.2017.18).
Simperl, Elena, Gandon, Fabien, Domingue, John and Ibáñez, Luis Daniel (2017) Session details: LD-DL'17: 1st Workshop on Linked Data and Distributed Ledgers. In WWW '17 Companion Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion. International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee. pp. 1427-1428 .
Smart, Paul R. (2017) Situating machine intelligence within the cognitive ecology of the Internet. Minds and Machines, 27 (2), 357-380. (doi:10.1007/s11023-016-9416-z).
Ibanez, Luis-Daniel and Simperl, Elena (2017) TRiC: Terms, RIghts and Conditions semantic descriptors for smart contracts. Blomqvist, E., Hose, K., Paulheim, H., Lawrynowicz, A., Ciravegna, F. and Hartig, O. (eds.) In The Semantic Web: ESWC 2017 Satellite Events. vol. 10577, Springer. pp. 317-326 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-70407-4_40).
Smart, Paul R., Heersmink, Richard and Clowes, Robert W. (2017) The cognitive ecology of the Internet. In, Cowley, Stephen J. and Vallée-Tourangeau, Frédéric (eds.) Cognition beyond the brain: computation, interactivity and human artifice. 2nd ed. Cham, Switzerland. Springer International Publishing, pp. 251-282. (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-49115-8_13).
Smart, Paul R. and Madaan, Aastha (2017) The social scaffolding of machine intelligence. International Journal On Advances in Intelligent Systems, 10 (3&4), 261-279.
Ibanez Gonzalez, Luis, Mazón, José-Norberto and Simperl, Elena (2017) Towards semantic assessment of summarizability in self-service business intelligence. In New Trends in Databases and Information Systems. Springer.. (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-67162-8_18).
Tomasco, Ermenegildo, Nguyen, Truc, Fischer, Bernd, La Torre, Salvatore and Parlato, Gennaro (2017) Using shared memory abstractions to design eager sequentializations for weak memory models. In SEFM 2017: Software Engineering and Formal Methods. vol. 10469, Springer. pp. 185-202 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-66197-1_12).
Brejza, Matthew, Hooker, Jeffrey, Sowman, Jonathan, Oakley, David and Maunder, Robert (2016) Design of digital testbeds for undergraduate microelectronics teaching. 11th European Workshop on Microelectronics Education, Southampton, United Kingdom. 10 - 12 May 2016. 4 pp .
Brejza, Matthew, Sowman, Jonathan, Hooker, Jeffrey and Oakley, David (2016) Digital Testbeds for Undergraduate Microelectronics Teaching - Design Files.
Tomasco, Ermenegildo, Nguyen Lam, Truc, Fischer, Bernd, La Torre, Salvatore and Parlato, Gennaro (2016) Embedding weak memory models within eager sequentialization Southampton, GB. University of Southampton 29pp.
Tang, Yuqing, Lebiere, Christian, Sycara, Katia, Morrison, Don, Lewis, Michael and Smart, Paul (2016) Information Sharing for Collective Sensemaking. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Kauai, Hawaii, United States. 05 - 08 Jan 2016. 9 pp . (doi:10.1109/HICSS.2016.53).
Smart, Paul R, Scutt, Tom, Sycara, Katia and Shadbolt, Nigel (2016) Integrating ACT-R Cognitive Models with the Unity Game Engine. In, Turner, Jeremy O, Nixon, Michael, Bernardet, Ulysses and DiPaola, Steve (eds.) Integrating Cognitive Architectures into Virtual Character Design. (Advances in Computational Intelligence and Robotics) Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA. IGI Global.
Tomasco, Ermenegildo, Nguyen Lam, Truc, Inverso, Omar, Fischer, Bernd, La Torre, Salvatore and Parlato, Gennaro (2016) Lazy Sequentialization for TSO and PSO via Shared Memory Abstractions. Piskac, Ruzica and Talupur, Muralidhar (eds.) In FMCAD '16 Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design. FMCAD Inc. pp. 193-200 .
Nguyen Lam, Truc, Fischer, Bernd, La Torre, Salvatore and Parlato, Gennaro (2016) Lazy sequentialization for the safety verification of unbounded concurrent programs. 14th International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA), Chiba, Japan. 16 - 18 Oct 2016. 16 pp . (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-46520-3_12).
Tomasco, Ermenegildo, Nguyen, Truc, Inverso, Omar, Fischer, Bernd, La Torre, Salvatore and Parlato, Gennaro (2016) MU-CSeq 0.4: individual memory location unwindings: (competition contribution). 22nd International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS).
Smart, Paul, O'Hara, Kieron and Hall, Wendy (2016) Predicting me, experiencing us: predictive processing, big data and the mind of society. Minds, Selves and 21st Century Technology, Lisbon, Portugal. 22 - 23 Jun 2016. 3 pp .
La Torre, Salvatore, Napoli, Margherita and Parlato, Gennaro (2016) Scope-Bounded Pushdown Languages. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 27 (2), 215-233. (doi:10.1142/S0129054116400074).
Tomasco, Ermenegildo, Nguyen Lam, Truc, Fischer, Bernd, La Torre, Salvatore and Parlato, Gennaro (2016) Separating computation from communication: a design approach for concurrent program verification Southampton, GB. University of Southampton 31pp.
Smart, Paul (2016) The rise of the (social) machines. 17th IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, Porto, Portugal. 02 Oct 2016. 1 pp .
Tang, Yuqing, Sycara, Katia, Lebiere, Christian, Morrison, Don and Smart, Paul R (2015) Cognitive and Probabilistic Models of Group Decision Making. Cassenti, Daniel N. and Kennedy, William G. (eds.) In 24th Conference on Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation (BRiMS). 8 pp .
Tang, Yuqing, Lebiere, Christian, Sycara, Katia, Morrison, Don, Smart, Paul R. and Stone, Paul (2015) Cognitive and Probabilistic Models of Group Decision Making. Annual Fall Meeting of the International Technology Alliance, Maryland, United States. 14 - 16 Sep 2015. 8 pp .
Shadbolt, Nigel and Smart, Paul R (2015) Knowledge Elicitation: Methods, Tools and Techniques. In, Wilson, John R and Sharples, Sarah (eds.) Evaluation of Human Work. Boca Raton, Florida, USA. CRC Press, pp. 163-200.
Inverso, Omar, Nguyen, Truc, Tomasco, Ermenegildo, Fischer, Bernd, La Torre, Salvatore and Parlato, Gennaro (2015) Lazy-CSeq 1.0: (Competition Contribution) Southampton. University of Southampton
Inverso, Omar, Nguyen Lam, Truc, Fischer, Bernd, La Torre, Salvatore and Parlato, Gennaro (2015) Lazy-CSeq: A Context-Bounded Model Checking Tool for Multi-Threaded C-Programs. 30th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2015).
Tomasco, Ermenegildo, Inverso, Omar, Fischer, Bernd, La Torre, Salvatore and Parlato, Gennaro (2015) MU-CSeq 0.3: Sequentialization by read-implicit and coarse-grained memory unwindings (competition contribution). 21st International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS), London, United Kingdom. 10 - 14 Apr 2015. 3 pp .
Parlato, Gennaro (2015) On Sequentializing Concurrent Programs -- Bounded Model Checking. UPMARC Summer School on Multicore Computing 2015, Uppsala, Sweden.
Parlato, Gennaro (2015) On sequentializing concurrent programs. UPMARC Summer School on Multicore Computing 2015, Uppsala, Sweden.
Smart, Paul R. and Sycara, Katia (2015) Place Recognition and Topological Map Learning in a Virtual Cognitive Robot. 17th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Las Vegas, United States. 26 - 29 Jul 2015. 7 pp .
Smart, Paul R. and Sycara, Katia (2015) Situating Cognition within the Virtual World. 6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States. 25 - 29 Jul 2015. 8 pp .
Smart, Paul R. and Sycara, Katia (2015) Situating cognition in the virtual world. Procedia Manufacturing, 3, 3836-3843. (doi:10.1016/j.promfg.2015.07.887).
Smart, Paul R., Sycara, Katia, Tang, Yuqing and Powell, Gavin (2015) The ACT-R Unity Interface: Integrating ACT-R with the Unity Game Engine Southampton, UK. University of Southampton (Submitted)
Nguyen, Truc, Inverso, Omar, Tomasco, Ermenegildo, La Torre, Salvatore, Fischer, Bernd and Parlato, Gennaro (2015) Unbounded Lazy-CSeq: A Lazy Sequentialization Tool for C with unboundedly many Context Switches: (Competition Contribution) University of Southampton
Lam Nguyen, Truc, Fischer, Bernd, La Torre, Salvatore and Parlato, Gennaro (2015) Unbounded Lazy-CSeq: a lazy sequentialization tool for C programs with unbounded context switches (competition contribution). 21st International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS), London, United Kingdom. 10 - 14 Apr 2015. 3 pp .
Smart, Paul R. and Sycara, Katia (2015) Using a Cognitive Architecture to Control the Behaviour of Virtual Robots. EuroAsianPacific Joint Conference on Cognitive Science, Turin, Italy. 24 - 26 Sep 2015. 6 pp .
Tomasco, Ermenegildo, Inverso, Omar, Fischer, Bernd, La Torre, Salvatore and Parlato, Gennaro (2015) Verifying concurrent programs by memory unwinding. 21st International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS), London, United Kingdom. 10 - 14 Apr 2015. 15 pp .
Smart, Paul R, Simperl, Elena and Shadbolt, Nigel (2014) A Taxonomic Framework for Social Machines. In, Miorandi, Daniele, Maltese, Vincenzo, Rovatsos, Michael, Nijholt, Anton and Stewart, James (eds.) Social Collective Intelligence: Combining the Powers of Humans and Machines to Build a Smarter Society. Berlin, Germany. Springer, pp. 51-85. (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-08681-1_3).
La Torre, Salvatore, Napoli, Margherita and Parlato, Gennaro (2014) A unifying approach for multistack pushdown automata. In 39th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2014). vol. 8634, 18 pp . (doi:10.1007/978-3-662-44522-8_32).
Inverso, Omar, Tomasco, Ermenegildo, Fischer, Bernd, La Torre, Salvatore and Parlato, Gennaro (2014) Bounded model checking of multi-threaded c programs via lazy sequentialization. Biere, A. and Bloem, R. (eds.) In Computer Aided Verification. CAV 2014. vol. 8559, Springer. pp. 585-602 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-08867-9_39).
Smart, Paul R., Sycara, Katia and Lebiere, Christian (2014) Cognitive architectures and virtual worlds: Integrating ACT-R with the XNA framework. Annual Fall Meeting of the International Technology Alliance, Cardiff, United Kingdom. 14 Sep 2014. 2 pp .
Smart, Paul R and Sycara, Katia (2014) Cognitive social simulation and collective sensemaking: An approach using the ACT-R cognitive architecture. 6th International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications (COGNITIVE 2014), Venice, Italy. 24 - 28 May 2014. 10 pp .
Atig, Mohamed Faouzi, Bouajjani, Ahmed and Parlato, Gennaro (2014) Context-bounded analysis of tso systems (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8415), vol. 8415, Springer
Smart, Paul R (2014) Embodiment, Cognition and the World Wide Web. In, Shapiro, Lawrence A (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Embodied Cognition. New York, New York, USA. Routledge, pp. 326-334. (doi:10.4324/9781315775845).
Hare, Jonathon, Dupplaw, David, Lewis, Paul H., Hall, Wendy and Martinez, Kirk (2014) Exploiting multimedia in creating and analysing multimedia Web archives. [in special issue: Archiving Community Memories] Future Internet, 6 (2), 242-260. (doi:10.3390/fi6020242).
Dupplaw, David, Matthews, Michael, Johansson, Richard, Boato, Giulia, Costanzo, Andrea, Fontani, Marco, Minack, Enrico, Demidova, Elena, Blanco, Roi, Griffiths, Thomas, Lewis, Paul H., Hare, Jonathon and Moschitti, Alessandro (2014) Information extraction from multimedia web documents: an open-source platform and testbed. International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval, 3 (2), 97-111. (doi:10.1007/s13735-014-0051-2).
Inverso, Omar, Tomasco, Ermenegildo, Fischer, Bernd, La Torre, Salvatore and Parlato, Gennaro (2014) Lazy-CSeq 0.6c: An improved lazy sequentialization tool for C (competition contribution) Southampton, GB. University of Southampton 3pp.
Inverso, Omar, Tomasco, Ermenegildo, Fischer, Bernd, La Torre, Salvatore and Parlato, Gennaro (2014) Lazy-CSeq: a lazy sequentialization tool for C. 20th International Conference Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS). 04 - 12 Apr 2014. pp. 398-401 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-642-54862-8_29).
Inverso, Omar, Tomasco, Ermenegildo, Fischer, Bernd, La Torre, Salvatore and Parlato, Gennaro (2014) Lazy-CSeq: a lazy sequentialization tool for c (competition contribution). Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems - TACAS (SV-COMP).
Tomasco, Ermenegildo, Inverso, Omar, Fischer, Bernd, La Torre, Salvatore and Parlato, Gennaro (2014) MU-CSeq: sequentialization of c programs by shared memory unwindings (competition contribution). TACAS (SV-COMP).
Enea, Constantin, Habermehl, Peter, Inverso, Omar and Parlato, Gennaro (2014) On the Path-Width of Integer Linear Programming. Peron, Adriano and Piazza, Carla (eds.) In Proceedings Fifth International Symposium on Games, Automata, Logics and Formal Verification. vol. 161, pp. 74-87 . (doi:10.4204/EPTCS.161.9).
Hare, Jonathon, Davies, Jamie, Samangooei, Sina and Lewis, Paul H. (2014) Placing Photos with a Multimodal Probability Density Function. International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR'14), Glasgow, United Kingdom. (doi:10.1145/2578726.2578768).
La Torre, Salvatore, Napoli, Margherita and Parlato, Gennaro (2014) Scope-bounded pushdown languages. In 18th International Conference on Developments in Language Theory (DLT 2014). vol. 8633, 12 pp . (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-09698-8_11).
Uzun, Emre, Atluri, Vijayalakshmi, Vaidya, Jaideep, Sural, Shamik, Ferrara, Anna Lisa, Parlato, Gennaro and Madhusudan, P. (2014) Security analysis for temporal role based access control. Journal of Computer Security. (doi:10.3233/JCS-140510).
Smart, Paul R and Shadbolt, Nigel R (2014) Social Machines. In, Khosrow-Pour, Mehdi (ed.) Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology. Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA. IGI Global, pp. 6855-6862. (doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-5888-2.ch675).
Smart, Paul R., Tang, Yuqing, Stone, Paul, Sycara, Katia, Bennati, Stefano, Lebiere, Christian, Mott, David, Braines, Dave and Powell, Gavin (2014) Socially-distributed cognition and cognitive architectures: towards an ACT-R-based cognitive social simulation capability. Annual Fall Meeting of the International Technology Alliance, Cardiff, United Kingdom. 14 Sep 2014. 8 pp .
Smart, Paul R (2014) The Web-Extended Mind. In, Halpin, Harry and Monnin, Alexandre (eds.) Philosophical Engineering: Toward a Philosophy of the Web. Oxford, UK. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 116-133.
Smart, Paul R, Richardson, Darren P., Sycara, Katia and Tang, Yuqing (2014) Towards a cognitively realistic computational model of team problem solving using ACT-R agents and the ELICIT experimentation framework. 19th International Command and Control Research Technology Symposium (ICCRTS'14), Alexandria, United States. 15 - 18 Jun 2014. 22 pp .
Smart, Paul, Sycara, Katia and Tang, Yuqing (2014) Using Cognitive Architectures to Study Issues in Team Cognition in a Complex Task Environment. SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing: Next Generation Analyst II. 14 pp .
Ferrara, Anna Lisa, Madhusudan, P., Lam Nguyen, Truc and Parlato, Gennaro (2014) VAC - verifier of administrative role-based access control policies. In 26th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV 2014). vol. 8559, 8 pp . (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-08867-9_12).
Preston, John, Hare, Jonathon, Samangooei, Sina, Davies, Jamie, Jain, Neha, Dupplaw, David and Lewis, Paul H. (2013) A Unified, Modular and Multimodal Approach to Search and Hyperlinking Video. MediaEval 2013 / Search and Hyperlinking of Television Content, Barcelona, Spain. (In Press)
Hare, Jonathon, Acosta, Maribel, Weston, Anna, Simperl, E., Samangooei, Sina, Dupplaw, David and Lewis, Paul H. (2013) An investigation of techniques that aim to improve the quality of labels provided by the crowd. MediaEval 2013 / Crowdsourcing for Social Multimedia, Barcelona, Spain. (In Press)
Hare, Jonathon, Dupplaw, David, Hall, Wendy, Lewis, Paul H. and Martinez, Kirk (2013) Building a Multimedia Web Observatory Platform. Building Web Observatories, Paris, France.
Fischer, Bernd, Inverso, Omar and Parlato, Gennaro (2013) CSeq: A Sequentialization Tool for C - (Competition Contribution). Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems - 19th International Conference, TACAS 2013. pp. 616-618 .
Fischer, Bernd, Inverso, Omar and Parlato, Gennaro (2013) CSeq: a concurrency pre-processor for sequential c verification tools (tool demonstration). 28th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE).
Smart, Paul R. and Sycara, Katia (2013) Collective sensemaking and military coalitions. [in special issue: Knowledge Systems for Coalition Operations] IEEE Intelligent Systems, 28 (1), 50-56.
Jain, Neha, Hare, Jonathon, Samangooei, Sina, Preston, John, Davies, Jamie, Dupplaw, David and Lewis, Paul H. (2013) Experiments in Diversifying Flickr Result Sets. MediaEval 2013 / Retrieving Diverse Social Images, Barcelona, Spain.
Hare, Jonathon and Lewis, Paul H. (2013) Explicit diversification of image search. the 3rd ACM conference on International conference on multimedia retrieval, Dallas, United States. pp. 295-296 . (doi:10.1145/2461466.2461513).
Smart, Paul, Sycara, Katia and Richardson, Darren P. (2013) Exploring the Dynamics of Collective Cognition Using a Computational Model of Cognitive Dissonance. SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing: Next Generation Analyst I.
Davies, Jamie, Hare, Jonathon, Samangooei, Sina, Preston, John, Jain, Neha, Dupplaw, David and Lewis, Paul H. (2013) Identifying the Geographic Location of an Image with a Multimodal Probability Density Function. MediaEval 2013 / Placing: Geo-coordinate Prediction for Social Multimedia, Barcelona, Spain. (In Press)
Inverso, Omar, La Torre, Salvatore, Tomasco, Ermenegildo and Parlato, Gennaro (2013) Looking at Computations from a Different Angle University of Southampton (Submitted)
La Torre, Salvatore, Napoli, Margherita and Parlato, Gennaro (2013) On Multi-stack Visibly Pushdown Languages. 20 pp .
Ferrara, Anna Lisa, Madhusudan, P. and Parlato, Gennaro (2013) Policy analysis for self-administrated role-based access control. TACAS 2013: 19th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS), Rome, Italy. 16 - 24 Mar 2013. 15 pp .
Garg, Pranav, Madhusudan, P. and Parlato, Gennaro (2013) Quantified Data Automata on Skinny Trees: an Abstract Domain for Lists. 20th Static Analysis Symposium.
Samangooei, Sina, Hare, Jonathon, Dupplaw, David, Niranjan, Mahesan, Gibbins, Nicholas, Lewis, Paul H., Davies, Jamie, Jain, Neha and Preston, John (2013) Social Event Detection via sparse multi-modal feature selection and incremental density based clustering. MediaEval 2013 / Social Event Detection for Social Multimedia, Barcelona, Spain. (In Press)
Hare, Jonathon S., Dupplaw, David, Hall, Wendy, Lewis, Paul and Martinez, Kirk (2013) The role of multimedia in archiving community memories. 1st International Workshop on Archiving Community Memories, Lisbon, Portugal. (In Press)
Hare, Jonathon, Samangooei, Sina, Dupplaw, David and Lewis, Paul H. (2013) Twitter's visual pulse. the 3rd ACM conference on International conference on multimedia retrieval, Dallas, United States. pp. 297-298 . (doi:10.1145/2461466.2461514).
Smart, Paul (2013) Understanding the Cognitive Impact of Emerging Web Technologies: A Research Focus Area for Embodied, Extended and Distributed Approaches to Cognition. 1st International Web for Wellbeing & Human Performance Workshop, Paris, France.
Richardson, Darren P., Smart, Paul R, Sycara, Katia, Stone, Paul, Giammanco, Cheryl and Powell, Gavin (2013) Using ACT-R to Model Collective Sensemaking in Military Coalition Environments. Annual Fall Meeting of the International Technology Alliance, Palisades, New York, United States. 8 pp .
Smart, Paul R. (2012) A computational model of collective sensemaking: differential effects of communication network structure on collective sensemaking abilities. 11th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling (ICCM 12), Berlin, Germany. 12 - 14 Apr 2012. 2 pp .
Smart, Paul R., Sycara, Katia and Klapiscak, Tom (2012) A constraint satisfaction model of collective sensemaking: insights into the effect of coalition communication environments on the dynamics of collective cognition. 6th Annual Conference of the International Technology Alliance (ACITA '12), Southampton, United Kingdom. 16 - 20 Sep 2012. 8 pp .
Uzun, Emre, Atluri, Vijayalakshmi, Sural, Shamik, Vaidya, Jaideep, Gennaro, Parlato, Ferrara, Anna Lisa and Madhusudan, Parthasarathy (2012) Analyzing temporal role based access control models. In SACMAT '12 Proceedings of the 17th ACM symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies. ACM Press. 177 -186 . (doi:10.1145/2295136.2295169).
Smart, Paul R. and Sadraie, Marjan (2012) Applications and Uses of Dental Ontologies. e-Society, Berlin, Germany. 07 - 10 Mar 2012.
Packer, Heather S., Samangooei, Sina, Hare, Jonathon S., Gibbins, Nicholas and Lewis, Paul (2012) Event Detection using Twitter and Structured Semantic Query Expansion. CrowdSens 2012 Workshop, Maui, HI, United States.
Hare, Jonathon, Samangooei, Sina, Dupplaw, David and Lewis, Paul H. (2012) ImageTerrier: an extensible platform for scalable high-performance image retrieval. ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR'12), Hong Kong, Hong Kong. 04 - 07 Jun 2012. 8 pp .
Dupplaw, David, Matthews, Michael, Richard, Johansson and Lewis, Paul (2012) LivingKnowledge: a platform and testbed for fact and opinion extraction from multimodal data. In Eternal Systems. vol. 255, Springer. pp. 100-115 .
Packer, Heather S., Smith, Ash and Lewis, Paul (2012) MemoryBook: Generating Narratives from Lifelogs. Narrative and Hypertext Workshop 2012, Milwaukee, WI, United States.
Smart, Paul R. and Shadbolt, Nigel R. (2012) Modelling the Dynamics of Team Sensemaking: A Constraint Satisfaction Approach. Knowledge Systems for Coalition Operations (KSCO'12), Pensacola, Florida, United States. 15 - 17 Feb 2012.
Hare, Jonathon S., Samangooei, Sina and Lewis, Paul H. (2012) Practical scalable image analysis and indexing using Hadoop. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1-34. (doi:10.1007/s11042-012-1256-0).
La Torre, Salvatore and Gennaro, Parlato (2012) Scope-bounded multistack pushdown systems: fixed-point, sequentialization, and tree-width. 32nd Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science Conference (FSTTCS), Hyderabad, India. 15 - 17 Dec 2012. pp. 173-184 .
Ferrara, Anna Lisa, Madhusudan, P. and Parlato, Gennaro (2012) Security Analysis of Role-based Access Control through Program Verification. 25th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF). pp. 113-125 .
Packer, Heather S., Hare, Jonathon S., Samangooei, Sina and Lewis, Paul (2012) Semantically Tagging Images of Landmarks. Knowledge extraction and consolidation from social media (KECSM) 2012 Workshop, Boston, MA, United States.
La Torre, Salvatore, Madhusudan, P. and Parlato, Gennaro (2012) Sequentializing parameterized programs. 4th International Workshop on Foundations of Interface Technologies. 21 pp .
Smart, Paul R. (2012) Studying the impact of minority views in a computational model of collective sensemaking: The role of network structure. 4th International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications (COGNITIVE'12), Nice, France. 21 - 26 Jul 2012. 8 pp .
Smart, Paul R. (2012) The Web-extended mind. [in special issue: Philosophy of the Web] Metaphilosophy, 43 (4), 426-445. (doi:10.1111/j.1467-9973.2012.01756.x).
Dupplaw, David, Croitoru, Madalina, Dasmahapatra, Srinandan, Gibb, Alex, Gonzalez-Velez, Horacio, Lurgi, Miguel, Hu, Bo, Lewis, Paul and Peet, Andrew (2011) A knowledge-rich distributed decision support framework: a case study for brain tumour diagnosis. [in special issue: Computational Intelligence for Neuro-Oncological Diagnosis] The Knowledge Engineering Review, 26 (3), 247-260. (doi:10.1017/S0269888911000105).
Carrabs, Francesco, Cerulli, Raffaele, Gentili, Monica and Parlato, Gennaro (2011) A tabu search heuristic based on k-diamonds for the weighted feedback vertex set problem. Network Optimization: 5th International Conference, (INOC), Hamburg, Germany. 12 - 15 Jun 2001. (In Press)
Madhusudan, P., Parlato, Gennaro and Qiu, Xiaokang (2011) Decidable logics combining heap structures and data. POPL '11. Proceedings of the 38th Annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, Austin, United States. 26 - 28 Jan 2011. pp. 611-622 . (doi:10.1145/1925844.1926455).
Penta, Antonio, Smart, Paul, Shadbolt, Nigel and Sieck, Winston (2011) Detection of Cognitive Features from Web Resources in Support of Cultural Modeling and Analysis. International Conference on Management of Emergent Digital Ecosystems (MEDES'11), San Francisco, California, United States. 21 - 24 Nov 2011.
Hare, Jonathon, Samangooei, Sina and Lewis, Paul (2011) Efficient clustering and quantisation of SIFT features: Exploiting characteristics of the SIFT descriptor and interest region detectors under image inversion. The ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR 2011), Trento, Italy. 16 - 19 Apr 2011.
Atig, Mohamed Faouzi, Bouajjani, Ahmed and Parlato, Gennaro (2011) Getting rid of store-buffers in TSO analysis. 23rd International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV 2011), Snowbird, United States. 13 - 19 Jul 2011. pp. 99-115 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-642-22110-1_9).
Smart, Paul R, Braines, Dave, Preece, Alun, Kao, Anne, Poteet, Stephen and Xue, Ping (2011) Integrative Use of Information Extraction, Semantic Matchmaking and Adaptive Coupling Techniques in Support of Distributed Information Processing and Decision-Making. 5th Annual Conference of the International Technology Alliance (ACITA'11), Maryland, United States. 25 - 27 Sep 2011.
Bouajjani, Ahmed, Emmi, Michael and Parlato, Gennaro (2011) On sequentializing concurrent programs. SAS, Venice, Italy. 13 - 15 Sep 2011. (In Press)
Hu, Bo, Croitoru, Madalina, Roset, Roman, Dupplaw, David, Lurgi, Miguel, Dasmahapatra, Srinandan, Lewis, Paul, Martinez-Miranda, Juan and Saez, Carlos (2011) The HealthAgents ontology: knowledge representation in a distributed decision support system for brain tumours. The Knowledge Engineering Review, 26 (3), 303-328. (doi:10.1017/S0269888911000130).
Xiao, Liang, Dasmahapatra, Srinandan, Lewis, Paul, Peet, Andrew, Gibb, Alex, Dupplaw, David, Croitoru, Madalina, Hu, Bo, Estanyol, Francesc, Martinez-Miranda, Juan, Gonzalez-Velez, Horacio and Lluch i Ariet, Magi (2011) The design and implementation of a novel security model for HealthAgents. [in special issue: Computational Intelligence for Neuro-Oncological Diagnosis] The Knowledge Engineering Review, 26 (3), 261-282. (doi:10.1017/S0269888911000117).
Madhusudan, P. and Parlato, Gennaro (2011) The tree width of auxiliary storage. POPL '11. Proceedings of the 38th Annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, Austin, United States. 26 - 28 Jan 2011. pp. 283-294 . (doi:10.1145/1925844.1926419).
Smart, Paul R (2011) Understanding and Shared Understanding in Military Coalitions s.n. (In Press)
Smart, Paul R, Sieck, Winston R and Shadbolt, Nigel (2011) Using Web-Based Knowledge Extraction Techniques to Support Cultural Modeling. International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling, and Prediction (SBP'11), Maryland, United States. 28 - 30 Mar 2011.
Smith, Ashley, O'Hara, Kieron and Lewis, Paul (2011) Visualising the Past: Annotating a Life with Linked Open Data. ACM Web Science Conference 2011, , Koblenz, Germany. 13 - 16 Jun 2011.
Penta, Antonio, Smart, Paul R, Sieck, Winston R and Shadbolt, Nigel (2011) Web-Based Knowledge Extraction and the Cognitive Characterization of Cultural Groups. Human Social Culture Behavior Modeling Program Focus 2011 Conference (HSCB'11), Chantilly, Virginia, United States. 08 - 10 Feb 2011.
Bao, Jie, Smart, Paul R, Mott, David and Braines, Dave (2010) A Formal Context Representation Framework for Network-Enabled Cognition. 4th Annual Conference of the International Technology Alliance (ACITA'10), London, United Kingdom. 13 - 15 Sep 2010.
Xiao, Liang, Hu, Bo, Croitoru, Madalina, Lewis, Paul and Dasmahapatra, Srinandan (2010) A knowledgeable security model for distributed health information systems. Computers and Security, 29 (3), 331-349.
Hare, Jonathan and Lewis, Paul (2010) Automatically Annotating the MIR Flickr Dataset: Experimental Protocols, Openly Available Data and Semantic Spaces. MIR '10: Proceedings of the international conference on Multimedia information retrieval, Philadelphia, United States. 28 - 30 Mar 2010. pp. 547-556 .
Fauzi, Mohammad Faizal Ahmad and Lewis, Paul (2010) Block-based Against Segmentation-based Texture Image Retrieval. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 16 (3), 402-424.
Smart, Paul (2010) Cognition and the Web. 1st ITA Workshop on Network-Enabled Cognition: The Contribution of Social and Technological Networks to Human Cognition, Maryland, United States. (In Press)
Smart, Paul, Huynh, Trung, Braines, Dave, Sycara, Katia and Shadbolt, Nigel (2010) Collective Cognition: Exploring the Dynamics of Belief Propagation and Collective Problem Solving in Multi-Agent Systems. 1st ITA Workshop on Network-Enabled Cognition: The Contribution of Social and Technological Networks to Human Cognition, Maryland, United States. (In Press)
Bao, Jie, Tao, Jiao, McGuinness, Deborah L. and Smart, Paul (2010) Context Representation for the Semantic Web. Web Science Conference, Raleigh, North Carolina, United States. 25 - 26 Apr 2010.
Sieck, Winston, Rasmussen, Louise and Smart, Paul R (2010) Cultural Network Analysis: A Cognitive Approach to Cultural Modeling. In, Verma, Dinesh (ed.) Network Science for Military Coalition Operations: Information Extraction and Interaction. IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA, pp. 237-255.
Smart, Paul, Bao, Jie, Braines, Dave and Shadbolt, Nigel (2010) Development of a Controlled Natural Language Interface for Semantic MediaWiki. Fuchs, Norbert (ed.) In Proceedings of the Workshop on Controlled Natural Language. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Berlin, Germany. pp. 206-225 .
Smart, Paul R, Huynh, Trung Dong, Braines, Dave and Shadbolt, Nigel (2010) Dynamic Networks and Distributed Problem-Solving. Knowledge Systems for Coalition Operations (KSCO'10), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 20 - 22 Sep 2010.
Braines, Dave, Smart, Paul R and Bao, Jie (2010) Emergent Capabilities for Collaborative Teams in the Evolving Web Environment. 4th Annual Conference of the International Technology Alliance (ACITA'10), London, United Kingdom. 13 - 15 Sep 2010.
Smart, Paul (2010) Extended Memory, the Extended Mind, and the Nature of Technology-Mediated Memory Enhancement. 1st ITA Workshop on Network-Enabled Cognition: The Contribution of Social and Technological Networks to Human Cognition, Maryland, United States.
Hu, Bo, Dasmahapatra, Srinandan, Lewis, Paul, Dupplaw, David and Shadbolt, Nigel (2010) Facilitating Knowledge Management in Pervasive Health Care Systems. In, Networked Knowledge - Networked Media. Integrating Knowledge Management, New Media Technologies and Semantic Systems.
Simpkins, Benjamin, Sieck, Winston, Smart, Paul and Mueller, Shane (2010) Idea Propagation in Social Networks: The Role of ‘Cognitive Advantage’. 1st ITA Workshop on Network-Enabled Cognition: The Contribution of Social and Technological Networks to Human Cognition, Maryland, United States. (In Press)
Zontone, Pamela, Boato, Giulia, Hare, Jonathon, Lewis, Paul, Siersdorfer, Stefan and Minack, Enrico (2010) Image and Collateral Text in Support of Auto-annotation and Sentiment Analysis. TextGraphs-5: Graph-based Methods for Natural Language Processing, Uppsala, Sweden. pp. 88-92 .
Wilson, Peter, Wilcock, Reuben, Swabey, Matthew and McNally, Iain (2010) Innovative Teaching of IC Design and Manufacture Using the Superchip Platform. IEEE Transactions on Education, 53 (2), 297-305.
Torre, Salvatore La, Madhusudan, P. and Parlato, Gennaro (2010) Model-Checking Parameterized Concurrent Programs Using Linear Interfaces. CAV, Edinburgh,, United Kingdom. 14 - 18 Jul 2010. pp. 629-644 .
Simpkins, Benjamin, Sieck, Winston, Smart, Paul and Mueller, Shane (2010) Modeling the Spread of Ideas in Networked Environments. 3rd International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Miami, Florida., United States. 16 - 19 Jul 2010.
Smart, Paul R, Sieck, Winston, Braines, Dave, Huynh, Trung Dong, Sycara, Katia and Shadbolt, Nigel R (2010) Modelling the Dynamics of Collective Cognition: A Network-Based Approach to Socially-Mediated Cognitive Change. 4th Annual Conference of the International Technology Alliance (ACITA'10), London, United Kingdom. 13 - 15 Sep 2010.
Poltrock, Steven and Smart, Paul R (2010) Network-Enabled Collaborative Problem Solving. 1st ITA Workshop on Network-Enabled Cognition: The Contribution of Social and Technological Networks to Human Cognition, Maryland, United States. (In Press)
Smart, Paul R, Sieck, Winston, Sycara, Katia and Shadbolt, Nigel R (2010) Semantic Networks and Shared Understanding: A Network-Based Approach to Representing and Visualizing Shared Understanding. 4th Annual Conference of the International Technology Alliance (ACITA'10), London, United Kingdom. 13 - 15 Sep 2010.
Hare, Jonathan and Lewis, Paul (2010) Semantic Retrieval and Automatic Annotation: Linear Transformations, Correlation and Semantic Spaces. Imaging and Printing in a Web 2.0 World; and Multimedia Content Access: Algorithms and Systems IV, San Jose, California, United States. 17 - 21 Jan 2010.
Smart, Paul R, Braines, Dave, Bao, Jie, Mott, David, Huynh, Trung Dong and Shadbolt, Nigel (2010) Supporting Distributed Coalition Planning with Semantic Wiki Technology. 4th Annual Conference of the International Technology Alliance (ACITA'10), London, United Kingdom. 13 - 15 Sep 2010.
Huynh, Trung Dong, Smart, Paul R, Braines, Dave, Shadbolt, Nigel and Sycara, Katia (2010) The Cognitive Virtues of Dynamic Networks. 4th Annual Conference of the International Technology Alliance (ACITA'10), London, United Kingdom. 13 - 15 Sep 2010.
La Torre, Salvatore, Madhusudan, P. and Parlato, Gennaro (2010) The Language Theory of Bounded Context-Switching. LATIN, Oaxaca, Mexico. 18 - 22 Apr 2010. pp. 96-107 .
Smart, Paul R, Engelbrecht, Paula C, Braines, Dave, Strub, Michael and Giammanco, Cheryl (2010) The Network-Extended Mind. In, Verma, Dinesh (ed.) Network Science for Military Coalition Operations: Information Extraction and Interaction. IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA, pp. 191-236.
Bao, Jie, Smart, Paul R, Shadbolt, Nigel, Braines, Dave and Jones, Gareth (2009) A Controlled Natural Language Interface for Semantic Media Wiki. 3rd Annual Conference of the International Technology Alliance (ACITA'09), Maryland, United States. 22 - 23 Sep 2009.
Bao, Jie, Smart, Paul, Braines, Dave and Shadbolt, Nigel (2009) A Controlled Natural Language Interface for Semantic Media Wiki Using the Rabbit Language. Workshop on Controlled Natural Language (CNL'09), Marettimo Island, Italy. 07 - 09 Jun 2009.
Bao, Jie, Ding, Li, Huang, Rui, Smart, Paul, Braines, Dave and Jones, Gareth (2009) A Semantic Wiki Based Light-Weight Web Application Model. 4th Asian Semantic Web Conference (ASWC), Shanghai, China. 06 - 09 Dec 2009.
Dupplaw, David, Dasmahapatra, Srinandan, Hu, Bo, Lewis, Paul and Shadbolt, Nigel (2009) A distributed, service-based framework for knowledge applications with multimedia. ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 27 (4), 22:1-22:29. (doi:10.1145/1629096.1629100).
Torre, Salvatore La, Madhusudan, Parthasarathy and Parlato, Gennaro (2009) Analyzing recursive programs using a fixed-point calculus. PLDI '09. Proceedings of the 2009 ACM SIGPLAN conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, Dublin, Ireland. 14 - 20 Jun 2009. pp. 211-222 . (doi:10.1145/1543135.1542500).
Smart, Paul R, Engelbrecht, Paula C, Braines, Dave, Strub, Michael and Hendler, James A (2009) Cognitive Extension and the Web. Web Science Conference: Society On-Line, Athens, Greece. 18 - 20 Mar 2009. (In Press)
Muda, Zurina, Lewis, Paul H., Payne, Terry R. and Weal, Mark (2009) Enhanced image annotations based on spatial information extraction and ontologies. IEEE International Conference On Signal & Image Processing 2009 (ICSIPA2009), , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 18 - 19 Nov 2009. (In Press)
Ferrante, Alessandro, Parlato, Gennaro, Sorrentino, Francesco Sorrentino and Ventre, Carmine (2009) Fast payment schemes for truthful mechanisms with verification. Theoretical Computer Science, 410 (8-10), 886-899.
Braines, Dave, Jones, Gareth, Smart, Paul R, Bao, Jie and Huynh, Trung Dong (2009) GIDS: Global Interlinked Data Store. 3rd Annual Conference of the International Technology Alliance (ACITA'09), Maryland, United States. 22 - 23 Sep 2009.
Jones, Gareth, Braines, Dave, Smart, Paul, Bao, Jie and Huynh, Trung Dong (2009) GIDS: Global Interlinked Data Store s.n. (In Press)
González-Vélez, Horacio, Mier, Mariola, Julià-Sapé, Margarida, Arvanitis, Thodoros N., Garcia-Gomez, Juan M., Robles, Montserrat, Lewis, Paul H., Dasmahapatra, Srinandan, Dupplaw, David, Peet, Andrew, Arús, Carles, Celda, Bernardo, Van Huffel, Sabine and Lluch-Ariet, Magí (2009) HealthAgents: distributed multi-agent brain tumor diagnosis and prognosis. [in special issue: Computational Intelligence Agents] Applied Intelligence, 30 (3), 191-202. (doi:10.1007/s10489-007-0085-8).
Hare, Jonathan and Lewis, Paul (2009) IAM@ImageCLEFPhotoAnnotation 2009: Naïve application of a linear-algebraic semantic space. Borri, Francesca, Nardi, Alessandro and Peters, Carol (eds.) CLEF 2009 Workshop, Corfu, Greece. 29 Sep - 01 Oct 2009. p. 66 .
Hare, Jonathan, Dupplaw, David and Lewis, Paul (2009) IAM@ImageCLEFphoto 2009: Experiments on Maximising Diversity using Image Features. Borri, Francesca, Nardi, Alessandro and Peters, Carol (eds.) CLEF 2009 Workshop, Corfu, Greece. 29 Sep - 01 Oct 2009. p. 42 .
Zontone, Pamela, Boato, Giulia, De Natale, F. G. B., De Rosa, Alessia, Barni, Mauro, Piva, Alessandro, Hare, Jonathan, Dupplaw, David and Lewis, Paul (2009) Image diversity analysis: context, opinion and bias. The First International Workshop on Living Web: Making Web Diversity a true asset, Collocated with the 8th International Semantic Web Conference ISWC-2009, Westfields Conference Center, Washington DC., United States.
Wilson, Peter, Wilcock, Reuben, McNally, Iain and Swabey, Matthew (2009) Innovative Teaching of IC Design and Manufacture Using the Superchip Platform. IEEE Transactions on Education. (In Press)
Zakaria, Lailatul Qadri, Hall, Wendy and Lewis, Paul (2009) Modelling Image Semantic Descriptions from Web 2.0 Documents using a Hybrid Approach. 11th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2009), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 14 - 16 Dec 2009.
Fauzi, Mohammad Faizal Ahmad and Lewis, Paul H. (2009) Query by low-quality image. Image and Vision Computing, 27 (6), 713-724. (doi:10.1016/j.imavis.2008.07.007).
Torre, Salvatore La, Madhusudan, P. and Parlato, Gennaro (2009) Reducing Context-Bounded Concurrent Reachability to Sequential Reachability. CAV, Grenoble, France. 25 Jun - 01 Jul 2009. pp. 477-492 .
Bao, Jie, Ding, Li, Smart, Paul R, Braines, Dave and Jones, Gareth (2009) Rule Modeling Using Semantic MediaWiki. 3rd Annual Conference of the International Technology Alliance (ACITA'09), Maryland, United States. 22 - 23 Sep 2009.
Hu, Bo, Dasmahapatra, Srinandan and Lewis, Paul (2009) Semantic Metrics. International Journal of Metadata, semantics and Ontologies. (In Press)
Smart, Paul R, Mott, David, Sycara, Katia, Braines, Dave, Strub, Michael and Shadbolt, Nigel R (2009) Shared Understanding within Military Coalitions: A Definition and Review of Research Challenges. Knowledge Systems for Coalition Operations, Southampton, United Kingdom. 30 - 31 Mar 2009. (In Press)
Smart, Paul R, Huynh, Trung Dong, Mott, David, Sycara, Katia, Braines, Dave, Strub, Michael, Sieck, Winston and Shadbolt, Nigel R (2009) Towards an Understanding of Shared Understanding in Military Coalition Contexts. 3rd Annual Conference of the International Technology Alliance (ACITA'09), Maryland, United States. 22 - 23 Sep 2009.
Smart, Paul R, Russell, Alistair, Liang, Shao, Shadbolt, Nigel R, Booth, Chris, Briscombe, Neil and Rankin, Andrew (2009) Using Semantic Technologies to Improve Information Exploitation in Military and Civilian Application Contexts. Knowledge Systems for Coalition Operations, Southampton, United Kingdom. 30 - 31 Mar 2009. (In Press)
Liang, Shao, Smart, Paul, Russell, Alistair and Shadbolt, Nigel (2009) Using Windmill Expansion for Document Retrieval. The Open Information Systems Journal, 3, 1-8.
Rasmussen, Louise J, Sieck, Winston R and Smart, Paul R (2009) What is a Good Plan? Cultural Variations in Expert Planners’ Concepts of Plan Quality. Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making, 3 (3), 228-253.
Correndo, Gianluca, Alani, Harith and Smart, Paul R (2008) A Community Based Approach for Managing Ontology Alignments. 3rd International Workshop on Ontology Matching, Karlsruhe, Germany. 25 - 30 Oct 2008.
Braines, Dave, Kalfoglou, Yannis, Smart, Paul R, Shadbolt, Nigel and Bao, Jie (2008) A Data-Intensive Lightweight Semantic Wrapper Approach to Aid Information Integration. 4th International Workshop on Contexts and Ontologies (C&O 2008), Patraz, Greece. 20 - 21 Jul 2008. (Submitted)
Xiao, Liang, Vicente, Javier, Sáez, Carlos, Peet, Andrew, Gibb, Alex, Lewis, Paul, Dasmahapatra, Srinandan, Croitoru, Madalina, González-Vélez, Horacio, Lluch i Ariet, Magí and Dupplaw, David d (2008) A Security Model and its Application to a Distributed Decision Support System for Healthcare. The Third International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES'08), Barcelona, Spain. pp. 578-585 .
Smart, Paul R, Russell, Alistair, Braines, Dave, Kalfoglou, Yannis, Bao, Jie and Shadbolt, Nigel (2008) A Visual Approach to Semantic Query Design Using a Web-Based Graphical Query Designer. 16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2008), Acitrezza, Catania, Italy. 28 Sep - 02 Oct 2008.
Fauzi, Mohammad Faizal Ahmed and Lewis, Paul H. (2008) A multiscale approach to texture-based image retrieval. Pattern Analysis and Applications, 11 (2), 141-157. (doi:10.1007/s10044-007-0085-7).
Smart, Paul R and Engelbrecht, Paula C (2008) An Analysis of the Origins of Ontology Mismatches on the Semantic Web. 16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2008), Acitrezza, Catania, Italy. 28 Sep - 02 Oct 2008.
Torre, Salvatore La, Madhusudan, P. and Parlato, Gennaro (2008) An Infinite Automaton Characterization of Double Exponential Time. CSL, Bertinoro, Italy. 15 - 18 Sep 2008. pp. 33-48 .
Torre, Salvatore La, Madhusudan, P. and Parlato, Gennaro (2008) Context-Bounded Analysis of Concurrent Queue Systems. TACAS, Budapest, Hungary. 29 Mar - 05 Apr 2008. pp. 299-314 .
Smart, Paul R (2008) Controlled Natural Languages and the Semantic Web s.n. (In Press)
Xiao, Liang, Croitoru, Madalina and Lewis, Paul (2008) Delivery of secure health care across clinical centres. In BCS Healthcare Computing 2008. The British Computer Society..
Correndo, Gianluca, Kalfoglou, Yannis, Smart, Paul R and Alani, Harith (2008) Demo: A Community Based Approach for Managing Ontology Alignments. Demo track of the 16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2008), Acitrezza, Catania, Italy. 28 Sep - 02 Oct 2008. (In Press)
Xiao, Liang, Lewis, Paul and Gibb, Alex (2008) Developing a Security Protocol for a Distributed Decision Support System in a Healthcare Environment. The 30th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'08), Leipzig, Germany. pp. 673-682 .
Croitoru, Madalina, Xiao, Liang, Dupplaw, David and Lewis, Paul (2008) Expressive security policy rules using layered conceptual graphs. [in special issue: The 27th SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence] Knowledge-Based Systems, 21 (3), 209-216. (doi:10.1016/j.knosys.2007.11.006).
Hare, Jonathan, Sinclair, Patrick, Lewis, Paul and Martinez, Kirk (2008) Giving order to image queries. Gevers, Theo, Jain, Ramesh and Santini, Simone (eds.) Multimedia Content Access: Algorithms and Systems II, San Jose, California, United States. 30 - 31 Jan 2008. pp. 682005-1 .
Hare, JS, Sinclair, PAS, Lewis, PH and Martinez, K (2008) Giving order to image queries - art. no. 682005. MULTIMEDIA CONTENT ACCESS: ALGORITHMS AND SYSTEMS II, 6820, 82005-82005.
Smart, Paul R, Mott, David, Gentle, Edward, Braines, Dave, Sieck, Winston, Poltrock, Steven, Houghton, Peter, Preece, Alun, Nixon, Mark, Strub, Michael, Roberts, David, Verma, Dinesh and Shadbolt, Nigel (2008) Holistan Revisited: Demonstrating Agent- and Knowledge-Based Capabilities for Future Coalition Military Operations. 2nd Annual Conference of the International Technology Alliance (ACITA'08), London, United Kingdom. 15 - 17 Sep 2008.
Smart, Paul R (2008) Holistan Revisited: Development of a Demonstration Scenario for Future Military Coalition Operations s.n. (In Press)
Wilson, Peter, McNally, Iain, Swabey, Matthew and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2008) IC Design and Manufacture for Undergraduates: Theory, Design and Practice. 7th European Workshop on Microelectronics Education, Budapest, Hungary. pp. 22-23 .
Hare, Jonathan, Lewis, Paul, Gordon, Layla and Hart, Glenn (2008) MapSnapper: Engineering an Efficient Algorithm for Matching Images of Maps from Mobile Phones. Gevers, Theo, Jain, Ramesh and Santini, Simone (eds.) Multimedia Content Access: Algorithms and Systems II, San Jose, California, United States. 30 - 31 Jan 2008. 68200L-1 .
Hare, JS, Lewis, PH, Gordon, L and Hart, G (2008) MapSnapper: Engineering an efficient algorithm for matching images of maps from mobile phones - art. no. 68200L. MULTIMEDIA CONTENT ACCESS: ALGORITHMS AND SYSTEMS II, 6820, L8200-L8200.
Russell, Alistair and Smart, Paul (2008) NITELIGHT: A Graphical Editor for SPARQL Queries. 7th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2008), Karlsruhe, Germany. 25 - 30 Oct 2008.
Russell, Alistair, Smart, Paul R., Braines, Dave and Shadbolt, Nigel R. (2008) NITELIGHT: A Graphical Tool for Semantic Query Construction. Semantic Web User Interaction Workshop (SWUI 2008), Florence, Italy.
Tang, Jiayu and Lewis, Paul (2008) Non-negative Matrix Factorisation for Object Class Discovery and Image Auto-annotation. ACM International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval, Niagara Falls, Canada. 06 - 08 Jul 2008.
Lluch-Ariet, M, Estanyol, F, Mier, M, Delgado, C, Gonzalez-Velez, H, Dalmas, T, Robles, M, Saez, C, Vicente, J, Huffel, S.V., Luts, J, Arus, C, Silveira, A.C., Julia-Sape, M, Peet, A, Gibb, A, Sun, Y, Celda, B, Bisbal, M. M., Valsecchi, G, Dupplaw, David, Hu, Bo and Lewis, Paul (2008) On the Implementation of HealthAgents: Agent Based Brain Tumour Diagnosis. In, Annicchiarico, R., Cortes, U. and Uridiales, C. (eds.) Agent Technology and e-Health. (Whitestein Series in Software Agent Technologies and Autonomic Computing) Birkhäuser Basel, pp. 5-24. (doi:10.1007/978-3-7643-8547-7_2).
Robertson, D., Giunchiglia, F., van Harmelen, F., Marchese, M., Sabou, M., Schorlemmer, M., Shadbolt, N., Siebes, R., Sierra, C., Walton, C., Dasmahapatra, S., Dupplaw, D., Lewis, P., Yatskevich, M., Kotoulas, S., de Pinninck, A.P. and Loizou, A. (2008) Open Knowledge: coordinating knowledge sharing through peer-to-peer interaction. Languages, Methodologies and Development Tools for Multi-Agent Systems. First International Workshop, LADS 2007. Revised Selected and Invited Papers, 1-18. (In Press)
Kalfoglou, Yannis, Smart, Paul R, Braines, Dave and Shadbolt, Nigel (2008) POAF: Portable Ontology Aligned Fragments. International Workshop on Ontologies: Reasoning and Modularity (WORM 2008), Tenerife, Spain.
Xiao, Liang, Lewis, Paul and Dasmahapatra, Srinandan (2008) Secure Interaction Models for the HealthAgents System. The 27th International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security (SAFECOMP'08), Newcastle, United Kingdom. 21 - 24 Sep 2008. pp. 167-180 .
Braines, Dave, Kalfoglou, Yannis, Smart, Paul R, Bao, Jie, Shadbolt, Nigel and Hendler, James (2008) Semantic Web Techniques to Support Interoperability in Distributed Networked Environments. 2nd Annual Conference of the International Technology Alliance (ACITA'08), London, United Kingdom. 15 - 17 Sep 2008.
Hare, Jonathan, Samangooei, Sina, Lewis, Paul and Nixon, Mark (2008) Semantic spaces revisited: investigating the performance of auto-annotation and semantic retrieval using semantic spaces. CIVR '08: The 2008 international conference on Content-based image and video retrieval, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. 06 - 08 Jul 2008. pp. 359-368 .
Smart, Paul, Engelbrecht, Paula, Braines, Dave, Hendler, James and Shadbolt, Nigel (2008) The Extended Mind and Network-Enabled Cognition s.n. (In Press)
Wilson, Peter, Wilcock, Reuben, McNally, Iain, Swabey, Matthew and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2008) The Superchip: Innovative Teaching of IC Design and Manufacture. Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, San Jose, United States.
Rasmussen, Louise J, Sieck, Winston R and Smart, Paul R (2008) US/UK Mental Models of Planning: The Relationship Between Plan Detail and Plan Quality. NATO RTO HFM-142 Symposium on Adaptability in Coalition Teamwork, Copenhagen, Denmark. 20 - 22 Apr 2008.
Braines, Dave, Smart, Paul, Bao, Jie, Russell, Alistair, Shadbolt, Nigel and Hendler, James (2008) Using Semantic Web Technologies to Support Information Processing and Coalition Decision-Making s.n. (In Press)
Torre, Salvatore La, Napoli, Margherita, Parente, Mimmo and Parlato, Gennaro (2008) Verification of scope-dependent hierarchical state machines. Inf. Comput., 206 (9-10), 1161-1177.
Croitoru, Madalina, Hu, Bo, Dasmahapatra, Srinandan, Lewis, Paul, Dupplaw, David and Xiao, Liang (2007) A Conceptual Graph Description of Medical data for Brain Tumour Classification. Proc. 15th International Conference on Conceptual Structures: Knowledge Architectures for Smart Applications, Sheffield, United Kingdom. pp. 140-153 .
Torre, Salvatore La, Madhusudan, Parthasarathy and Parlato, Gennaro (2007) A Robust Class of Context-Sensitive Languages. LICS, Wroclaw, Poland. 09 - 11 Jul 2007. pp. 161-170 .
Tang, Jiayu and Lewis, Paul (2007) A Study of Quality Issues for Image Auto-Annotation with the Corel Data-Set. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 1 (NO. 3), 384-389.
Smart, Paul R, Russell, Alistair, Shadbolt, Nigel R, schraefel, monica c and Carr, Leslie A (2007) AKTiveSA: A Technical Demonstrator System for Enhanced Situation Awareness. The Computer Journal, 50 (6), 703-716.
Smart, Paul R, Russell, Alistair and Shadbolt, Nigel R (2007) AKTiveSA: Supporting Civil-Military Information Integration in Military Operations Other than War. 4th International Conference on Knowledge Systems for Coalition Operations (KSCO), Waltham, Massachusetts, United States. 01 - 02 May 2007.
Xiao, Liang, Robertson, Dave, Croitoru, Madalina, Lewis, Paul, Dashmapatra, Srinandan, Dupplaw, David and Hu, Bo (2007) Adaptive Agent Model: an Agent Interaction and Computation Model. The 31st IEEE Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC'07), Beijing, China. 22 - 26 Jul 2007. pp. 153-158 .
Xiao, Liang, Peet, Andrew, Lewis, Paul, Dashmapatra, Srinandan, Sáez, Carlos, Croitoru, Madalina, Vicente, Javier, Gonzalez-Velez, Horacio and Lluch i Ariet, Magí (2007) An Adaptive Security Model for Multi-agent Systems and Application to a Clinical Trials Environment. The 31st IEEE Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC'07), Beijing, China. 22 - 26 Jul 2007. pp. 261-266 .
Tang, Jiayu and Lewis, Paul H. (2007) An Image Based Feature Space and Mapping for Linking Regions and Words. 2nd International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), Barcelona, Spain. 08 - 11 Mar 2007. pp. 29-35 .
Guo, Baofeng, Wang, Yi, Smart, Paul R, Shadbolt, Nigel R, Nixon, Mark S and Damarla, Raju (2007) Approaching Semantically-Mediated Acoustic Data Fusion. 1st Annual Conference of the International Technology Alliance (ACITA'07), Maryland, United States. 24 - 26 Sep 2007.
Guo, Baofeng, Wang, Yi, Smart, Paul R, Shadbolt, Nigel R, Nixon, Mark S and Damarla, Raju (2007) Approaching Semantically-Mediated Acoustic Data Fusion. Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), Orlando, Florida, United States. 29 - 31 Oct 2007.
Sandom, Christine, Hare, Jonathan, Enser, Peter and Lewis, Paul (2007) Bridging the Semantic Gap in Visual Information Retrieval: End of Project Report s.n. (In Press)
Smith, Daniel Alexander, Owens, Alisdair, schraefel, mc, Sinclair, Patrick, André, Paul, Wilson, Max, Russell, Alistair, Martinez, Kirk and Lewis, Paul (2007) Challenges in Supporting Faceted Semantic Browsing of Multimedia Collections. The Second International Conference on Semantic and Digital Media Technologies (SAMT2007), Genova, Italy. 05 - 07 Dec 2007. pp. 280-283 .
Smith, Daniel A., Owens, Alisdair, schraefel, mc, Sinclair, Patrick, André, Paul, Wilson, Max, Russell, Alistair, Martinez, Kirk and Lewis, Paul (2007) Challenges in Supporting Faceted Semantic Browsing of Multimedia Collections. SAMT2007.
Croitoru, Madalina, Hu, Bo, Dasmahapatra, Srinandan, Lewis, Paul, Dupplaw, David, Gibb, A, Julia-Sape, M, Vicente, J, Saez, C, Garcia-Gomez, J.M., Roset, R, Estanyol, F, Rafael, X and Mier, M (2007) Conceptual Graphs Based Information Retrieval in HealthAgents. CBMS'07: 20th IEEE International Symposium on Computer Based Medical Systems, Slovenia. pp. 618-623 .
Bahrami, Ali, Yuan, Jun, Smart, Paul R and Shadbolt, Nigel R (2007) Context-Aware Information Retrieval for Enhanced Situation Awareness. Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), Orlando, Florida, United States. 29 - 31 Oct 2007.
Hu, Bo, Dasmahapatra, Srinandan, Robertson, Dave and Lewis, Paul (2007) Decentralised Clinical Guidelines Modelling with Lightweight Coordination Calculus. The 2nd International Symposium on Languages in Biology and Medicine (LBM) 2007, Singapore.
Sinclair, Patrick, Lewis, Paul and Martinez, Kirk (2007) Dynamic Link Service 2.0: using Wikipedia as a linkbase. Hypertext 2007, Manchester, United Kingdom. 09 - 11 Sep 2007.
Enser, Peter G. B., Sandom, Christine J., Hare, Jonathon S. and Lewis, Paul H. (2007) Facing the reality of semantic image retrieval. Journal of Documentation, 63 (4), 465-481.
Hare, Jonathon S., Lewis, Paul H., Enser, Peter G. B. and Sandom, Christine J. (2007) How to spot a Dalmatian in a pack of Dogs; A data-driven approach to searching unannotated images using natural language. Multimedia Knowledge Management: Industry meets academia, KMi, Open University, Milton Keynes.
Hu, Bo, Croitoru, Madalina, Dasmahapatra, Srinandan, Lewis, Paul and Shadbolt, Nigel (2007) Indexing Ontologies with Semantics-enhanced Keywords. The Fourth International Conference on Knowledge Capture, Whistler, Canada.
Smart, Paul R, Beswick, Nicholas, Huynh, Trung Dong, McRae-Spencer, Duncan and Shingler, Steven (2007) MIMEX: Multivariant Information Management & Exploitation. DIF DTC Annual Conference 2007, Cardiff, UK, United Kingdom. 02 - 03 Sep 2007.
Field, Julian , Backhouse, Gaynor (ed.) (2007) MailScanner: a case study in sustainability. OSS Watch.
Dupplaw, David, Croitoru, Madalina, Loizou, Antonis, Dasmahapatra, Srinandan, Lewis, Paul, Tuffield, Mischa and Xiao, Liang (2007) Multimedia Markup Tools for OpenKnowledge. 1st Workshop on Multimedia Annotation and Retrieval enabled by Shared Ontologies, Genoa, Italy.
Torre, Salvatore La and Parlato, Gennaro (2007) On the Complexity of LtlModel-Checking of Recursive State Machines. ICALP, Wroclaw, Poland. 08 - 12 Jul 2007. pp. 937-948 .
Weal, Mark J., Alani, Harith, Kim, Sanghee, Lewis, Paul H., Millard, David E., Sinclair, Patrick A. S., De Roure, David C. and Shadbolt, Nigel R. (2007) Ontologies as Facilitators for Repurposing Web Documents. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 65 (6), 537-562.
Hu, Bo, Dasmahapatra, Srinandan, Dupplaw, David, Lewis, Paul and Shadbolt, Nigel , O'Hara, Kieron and Brewster, Christopher (eds.) (2007) Reflections on a Medical Ontology. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 65 (7), 569-582.
Smart, Paul R (2007) Rule-Based Intelligence on the Semantic Web: Implications for Military Capabilities s.n. (In Press)
Smart, Paul (2007) SEMIOTIKS Science & Technology Roadmap Part I: Task Decomposition and Project Timeline s.n. (In Press)
Smart, Paul (2007) SEMIOTIKS Science & Technology Roadmap Part II: System Architecture Specification s.n. (In Press)
Russell, Alistair, Booth, Chris, Smart, Paul R, Liang, Shao F and Rankin, Andrew (2007) SEMIOTIKS: Semantically-Enhanced Information Extraction for Improved Knowledge Superiority. DIF DTC Annual Conference 2007, Cardiff, UK, United Kingdom. 02 - 03 Sep 2007.
Rodhetbhai, Wasara and Lewis, Paul (2007) Salient Region Filtering For Background Subtraction (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4781/2), vol. 4781/2, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
Hare, Jonathon S., Lewis, Paul H., Enser, Peter G. B. and Sandom, Christine J. (2007) Semantic Facets: An in-depth Analysis of a Semantic Image Retrieval System. ACM CIVR 2007: The 6th International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval, Amsterdam, The, Netherlands. 08 - 10 Jul 2007.
McRae-Spencer, Duncan, Braines, Dave, Hendler, James A, Smart, Paul R and Shadbolt, Nigel R (2007) Semantic Integration Portal. 1st Annual Conference of the International Technology Alliance (ACITA'07), Maryland, United States. 25 - 27 Sep 2007.
Sinclair, P. A. S., Martinez, K., Lewis, P. H., Addis, M. J., Chapman, M. and Lowe, R. (2007) Semantic Integration of Cultural Heritage Multimedia Collections. MMKM Workshop: Multimedia Knowledge Management: Industry meets academia, Knowledge Media Institute of the Open University Milton Keynes, United Kingdom.
Smart, Paul R, Bahrami, Ali, Braines, Dave, McRae-Spencer, Duncan, Yuan, Jun and Shadbolt, Nigel R (2007) Semantic Technologies and Enhanced Situation Awareness. 1st Annual Conference of the International Technology Alliance (ACITA'07), Maryland, United States. 24 - 26 Sep 2007.
Smart, Paul R and Shadbolt, Nigel R (2007) The Semantic Battlespace Infosphere: A Knowledge Infrastructure for Improved Coalition Inter-Operability. 4th International Conference on Knowledge Systems for Coalition Operations (KSCO), Waltham, Massachusetts, United States. 30 Apr - 01 May 2007.
Tang, Jiayu and Lewis, Paul (2007) Using Multiple Segmentations for Image Auto-Annotation. ACM International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval (CIVR), Amsterdam, The, Netherlands. 08 - 10 Jul 2007.
La Torre, Salvatore, Napoli, Margherita, Parente, Mimmo and Parlato, Gennaro (2007) Verification of Succinct Hierarchical State Machines. Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications (LATA).
Hare, Jonathon S., Lewis, Paul H., Enser, Peter G. B. and Sandom, Christine J. , Sundaram, Hari, Naphade, Milind, Smith, John R. and Rui, Yong (eds.) (2006) A Linear-Algebraic Technique with an Application in Semantic Image Retrieval. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 4, 31-40. (doi:10.1007/11788034_4).
Gonzalez-Velz, H, Mier, M, Arus, C, Celda, B, van Huffel, S, Lewis, Paul, Peet, A and Robles, M (2006) Agent-Based Distributed Decision Support System for Brain Tumour Diagnosis and Prognosis. International Conference on Multidisciplinary Information Sciences and Technologies, Merida, Spain. pp. 288-292 .
Karam, Maria, Hare, Jonathon, Lewis, Paul and schraefel, m.c. (2006) Ambient Gestures s.n.
Fauzi, M.F.A. and Lewis, P.H. (2006) Automatic texture segmentation for content-based image retrieval application. Pattern Analysis & Applications, 9 (4), 307-323.
Hare, Jonathon S., Sinclair, Patrick A. S., Lewis, Paul H., Martinez, Kirk, Enser, Peter G.B. and Sandom, Christine J. (2006) Bridging the Semantic Gap in Multimedia Information Retrieval: Top-down and Bottom-up approaches. Bouquet, Paolo, Brunelli, Roberto, Chanod, Jean-Pierre, Niederée, Claudia and Stoermer, Heiko (eds.) Mastering the Gap: From Information Extraction to Semantic Representation / 3rd European Semantic Web Conference, Budva, Montenegro.
Dasmahapatra, Srinandan, Dupplaw, David, Hu, Bo, Lewis, Hugh, Lewis, Paul and Shadbolt, Nigel , Dorgham, M.A. (ed.) (2006) Facilitating multi-disciplinary knowledge-based support for breast cancer screening. International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management, 7 (5), 403-420. (doi:10.1504/IJHTM.2006.008428).
Tang, Jiayu and Lewis, Paul H. (2006) Image Auto-annotation using 'Easy' and 'More Challenging' Training Sets. 7th International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services, Hyatt Regency, Incheon International Airport, Korea. 18 - 20 Apr 2006. pp. 121-124 .
Tang, Jiayu, Hare, Jonathon S. and Lewis, Paul H. (2006) Image Auto-annotation using a Statistical Model with Salient Regions. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME), Hilton Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 08 - 11 Jul 2006.
Smart, Paul R. and Russell, Alistair (2006) Knowledge-Intensive Fusion for Situational Awareness: User Interaction Model s.n. (In Press)
Kalfoglou, Yannis, Dasmahapatra, Srinandan, Dupplaw, David, Hu, Bo, Lewis, Paul and Shadbolt, Nigel (2006) Living with the Semantic Gap: Experiences and remedies in the context of medical imaging. 1st International Conference on Semantics and Digital Media Technologies, Athens, Greece.
Hare, Jonathon S., Lewis, Paul H., Enser, Peter G. B. and Sandom, Christine J. (2006) Mind the Gap: Another look at the problem of the semantic gap in image retrieval. Chang, Edward Y., Hanjalic, Alan and Sebe, Nicu (eds.) Multimedia Content Analysis, Management and Retrieval 2006, San Jose, California, United States. 17 - 19 Jan 2006. pp. 607309-1 .
Arus, C, Celda, B, Dasmahapatra, Srinandan, Dupplaw, David, Gonzalez-Velez, H, van Huffel, S, Lewis, Paul, Lluch-Ariet, M, Mier, M, Peet, A and Robles, M (2006) On the Design of a Web-Based decision Support System for Brain Tumour Diagnosis using Distributed Agents. 2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence & Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT), Hong Kong. pp. 208-211 .
Hu, Bo, Kalfoglou, Yannis, Dupplaw, David, Alani, Harith, Lewis, Paul and Shadbolt, Nigel (2006) Semantic Metrics. EKAW, Czech Republic.
Sinclair, Patrick, Lewis, Paul, Martinez, Kirk, Addis, Matthew and Prideaux, Daniel (2006) Semantic Web Integration of Cultural Heritage Sources. 15th World Wide Web Conference, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. 22 - 25 May 2006.
Pitzalis, D., Lahanier, C., Pillay, R., Aitken, G., Russell, A., Smith, D. A., Sinclair, P. A. S., Addis, M. J., Lowe, R., Hafeez, S., Lewis, P. H., Martinez, K. and schraefel, m. c. (2006) Semantically Exposing Existing Knowledge Repositories: a Case Study in Cultural Heritage. The first international conference on Semantics And digital Media Technology (SAMT 2006), Divani Palace Acropolis, Athensm, Greece. 06 - 08 Dec 2006.
Veres, Galina V., Huynh, Trung Dong, Nixon, Mark S., Smart, Paul R. and Shadbolt, Nigel R. (2006) The Military Knowledge Information Fusion Via Semantic Web Technologies s.n. (In Press)
Enser, Peter G. B., Sandom, Christine J., Lewis, Paul H. and Hare, Jonathon S. (2006) The Reality of the Semantic Gap in Image Retrieval. The Reality of the Semantic Gap in Image Retrieval, tutorial held in conjunction with the 1st International Conference on Semantic and Digital Media Technologies, Athens, Greece.
Tuffield, Mischa M, Loizou, Antonis, Dupplaw, David, Dasmahapatra, Srinandan, Lewis, Paul H., Millard, David E. and Shadbolt, Nigel R. (2006) The Semantic Logger: Supporting Service Building from Personal Context. Capture, Archival and Retrieval of Personal Experiences (CARPE) Workshop at ACM Multimedia, Santa Barbara.
Addis, M. J., Hafeez, S., Prideaux, D., Lowe, R., Lewis, P. H., Martinez, K. and Sinclair, P. A. S. (2006) The eCHASE System for Cross-border Use of European Multimedia Cultural Heritage Content in Education and Publishing. AXMEDIS 2006: 2nd International Conference on Automated Production of Cross Media Content for Multi-channel Distribution, ICSRiM - University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, United Kingdom. 12 - 15 Dec 2006.
Sinclair, Patrick, Addis, Matthew, Choi, Freddy, Doerr, Martin, Lewis, Paul and Martinez, Kirk (2006) The use of CRM Core in Multimedia Annotation. First International Workshop on Semantic Web Annotations for Multimedia (SWAMM), Edinburgh.
Goodall, Simon, Lewis, Paul and Martinez, Kirk (2005) 3-D Shape Descriptors and Distance Metrics for Content-Based Artefact Retrieval. Lienhart, Rainer W., Babaguchi, Norboru and Chang, Edward Y. (eds.) Storage and Retrieval Methods and Applications for Multimedia 2005, San Jose, California, United States. 16 - 20 Jan 2005. pp. 87-97 .
Carrabs, Francesco, Cerulli, Raffaele, Gentili, Monica and Parlato, Gennaro (2005) A linear time algorithm for the minimum Weighted Feedback Vertex Set on diamonds. Inf. Process. Lett., 94 (1), 29-35.
Enser, Peter G.B., Sandom, Christine J. and Lewis, Paul (2005) Automatic Annotation of Images from the Practitioner Perspective. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 3, 497-506.
Sinclair, P. A. S., Goodall, S., Lewis, P. H., Martinez, K. and Addis, M. J. (2005) Concept browsing for multimedia retrieval in the SCULPTEUR project. The 2nd Annual European Semantic Web Conference, Heraklion, Crete. 28 - 31 May 2005.
Hare, Jonathon S. and Lewis, Paul H. (2005) Content-based image retrieval using a mobile device as a novel interface. Lienhart, Rainer W., Babaguchi, Noburu and Chang, Edward Y. (eds.) Storage and Retrieval Methods and Applications for Multimedia 2005, San Jose, California, United States. 16 - 20 Jan 2005. pp. 64-75 .
Ferrante, Alessandro, Parlato, Gennaro, Sorrentino, Francesco and Ventre, Carmine (2005) Improvements for Truthful Mechanisms with Verifiable One-Parameter Selfish Agents. WAOA. pp. 147-160 .
Smart, Paul R, Shadbolt, Nigel R, Carr, Leslie A and schraefel, monica c (2005) Knowledge-Based Information Fusion for Improved Situational Awareness. 8th International Conference on Information Fusion, Philadelphia, United States. 24 - 28 Jul 2005.
Smart, Paul R., Shadbolt, Nigel R., Carr, Leslie A., schraefel, monica c., Wilson, Max L. and Russell, Alistair (2005) Knowledge-Intensive Fusion for Improved Situational Awareness. 2nd Annual DIF DTC Conference, JSCSC Shrivenham, United Kingdom. 27 - 28 Sep 2005.
Smart, Paul R. (2005) Knowledge-Intensive Fusion for Situational Awareness: Band Sultan Dam Failure Scenario s.n. (In Press)
Smart, Paul R. (2005) Knowledge-Intensive Fusion for Situational Awareness: Requirements for Knowledge-Filtered Awareness s.n. (In Press)
Addis, M.J., Martinez, K., Lewis, P., Stevenson, J. and Giorgini, F. (2005) New Ways to Search, Navigate and Use Multimedia Museum Collections over the Web. Trant, J. and Bearman, D. (eds.) Museums and the Web 2005, Vancouver, Canada. 12 - 15 Apr 2005.
Hare, Jonathon S. and Lewis, Paul H. , Leow, Wee-Kheng, Lew, Michael S., Chua, Tat-Seng, Ma, Wei-Ying, Chaisorn, Lekha and Bakker, Erwin M. (eds.) (2005) On Image Retrieval using Salient Regions with Vector-Spaces and Latent Semantics. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 3, 540-549.
Hare, Jonathon S. and Lewis, Paul H. (2005) Saliency-based Models of Image Content and their Application to Auto-Annotation by Semantic Propagation. Multimedia and the Semantic Web / European Semantic Web Conference 2005, Heraklion, Crete.
Addis, M. J., Goodall, S., Lewis, P. H., Martinez, K., Sinclair, P. A. S., Giorgini, F., Lahanier, C., Stevenson, J., Cappellini, M., Serni, L. and Rimaboschi, R. (2005) Searching and exploring multimedia museum collections over the web. EVA 2005, Palazzo dei Congressi, Florence, Italy. 14 - 18 Mar 2005.
Enser, Peter G.B., Sandom, Christine J. and Lewis, Paul (2005) Surveying the reality of semantic image retrieval. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3736, 177-188.
Goodall, Simon, Lewis, Paul and Martinez, Kirk (2005) Towards Automatic Classification of 3-D Museum Artifacts using Ontological Concepts. Leow, W.-K, Lew, M. S., Chua, T.-S., Chaisorn, M.-Y and Bakker, L. (eds.) The 4th International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval (CIVR2005), National University of , Singapore, Singapore. 19 - 21 Jul 2005. pp. 435-444 .
Wilson, Max L., Russell, Alistair, Smart, Paul R., Shadbolt, Nigel, Carr, Leslie and schraefel, m.c. (2005) Using Semantic Web Technologies to Support Enhanced Situation Awareness. 4th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), Galway, Ireland. 06 - 10 Nov 2005.
Le Boeuf, P, Sinclair, P, Martinez, K, Lewis, P, Aitken, G and Lahanier, C (2005) Using an ontology for interoperability and browsing of museum, library and archive information. International Council of Museums 14th Triennial Meeting, The Hague.
Sinclair, Patrick, Lewis, Paul, Martinez, Kirk, Addis, Matthew, Pillinger, Adrian and Prideaux, Daniel (2005) eCHASE: Exploiting Cultural Heritage using the Semantic Web. 4th International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC 2005, Galway. 06 - 10 Nov 2005.
Sinclair, Patrick, Lewis, Paul, Martinez, Kirk, Addis, Matthew, Prideaux, Daniel, Fina, Daniela and Da Bormida, Giorgio (2005) eCHASE: Sustainable Exploitation of Electronic Cultural Heritage. 2nd European Workshop on the Integration of Knowledge, Semantic and Digital Media Technologies, IEE Savoy Place. 30 Nov - 01 Dec 2005.
Hare, Jonathon, Karam, Maria, Lewis, Paul and schraefel, m.c. (2005) iGesture: A Platform for Investigating Multimodal, Multimedia Gesture-based Interactions s.n.
Lewis, Paul H, Martinez, Kirk, Abas, Fazly S, Ahmad Fauzi, Mohammad F, Addis, Matthew, Lahanier, Christian, Stevenson, James, Chan, Stephen C. Y., Mike J., Boniface and Paul, Grimwood , Cappellini, V, Maitre, H, Pitas, I and Piva, A (eds.) (2004) An Integrated Content and Metadata based Retrieval System for Art. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 13 (3), 302-313.
Smart, Paul R. (2004) Knowledge-Intensive Fusion for Situational Awareness: Scenario Specification s.n.
Smart, Paul R. (2004) Knowledge-Intensive Fusion for Situational Awareness: Technical Progress Report s.n. (In Press)
Goodall, S, Lewis, P, Martinez, K, Sinclair, P, Addis, M, Lahanier, C and Stevenson, J (2004) Knowledge-based exploration of multimedia museum collections. European Workshop on the Integration of Knowledge, Semantics and Digital Media Technology (EWIMT), London, U.K. 25 - 26 Nov 2004.
Shadbolt, Nigel, Lewis, Paul, Dasmahapatra, Srinandan, Dupplaw, David, Hu, Bo and Lewis, Hugh (2004) MIAKT: Combining Grid and Web Services for Collaborative Medical Decision Making. AHM2004 UK eScience All Hands Meeting, Nottingham, United Kingdom. 31 Aug - 03 Sep 2004.
Field, Jules (2004) MailScanner: A User Guide And Training Manual , MailScanner
Carrabs, Francesco, Cerulli, Raffaele, Gentili, Monica and Parlato, Gennaro (2004) Minimum Weighted Feedback Vertex Set on Diamonds. CTW. pp. 81-85 . (In Press)
Carrabs, Francesco, Cerulli, Raffaele, Gentili, Monica and Parlato, Gennaro (2004) Minimum Weighted Feedback Vertex Set on Diamonds. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 17, 87-91. (doi:10.1016/j.endm.2004.09.001).
Dupplaw, David, Dasmahapatra, Srinandan, Hu, Bo, Lewis, Paul and Shadbolt, Nigel (2004) Multimedia Distributed Knowledge Management in MIAKT. Handshuh, Siegfried and Declerck, Thierry (eds.) Knowledge Markup and Semantic Annotation, 3rd International Semantic Web Conference, Hiroshima, Japan. pp. 81-90 .
Dasmahapatra, Srinandan, Dupplaw, David, Hu, Bo, Lewis, Hugh, Lewis, Paul, Poissonnier, Maud and Shadbolt, Nigel (2004) Ontology-based Decision Support for Multi- Disciplinary Management of Breast Cancer. INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON DIGITAL MAMMOGRAPHY 2004, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States.
Kim, Sanghee, Lewis, Paul, Martinez, Kirk and Goodall, Simon (2004) Question Answering Towards Automatic Augmentations of Ontology Instances. The Semantic Web: Research and Applications: First European Semantic Web Symposium, ESWS, Greece. pp. 152-166 .
Goodall, Simon, Lewis, Paul H., Martinez, Kirk, Sinclair, Patrick A. S., Giorgini, Fabrizio, Addis, Matthew J., Boniface, Mike J., Lahanier, Christian and Stevenson, James , Enser, Peter, Kompatsiaris, Yiannis, O'Connor, Noel E., Smeaton, Alan F. and Smeulders, Arnold W. M. (eds.) (2004) SCULPTEUR: Multimedia Retrieval for Museums. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3115/, 638-646.
Hare, Jonathon S. and Lewis, Paul H. , Enser, Peter, Kompatsiaris, Yiannis and O'Connor, Noel E. (eds.) (2004) Salient Regions for Query by Image Content. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3115 /, 317-325.
Kim, Sanghee, Lewis, Paul and Martinez, Kirk (2004) The impact of enriched linguistic annotation on the performance of extracting relation triples. In, Gelbukh, Alexander and Gelbukh, Alexander (eds.) Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing: 5th International Conference, CICLING 2004. Springer, pp. 547-558.
Alani, Harith, Kim, Sanghee, Millard, David E., Weal, Mark J., Hall, Wendy, Lewis, Paul H. and Shadbolt, Nigel (2004) Using Protege for Automatic Ontology Instantiation. 7th International Protégé Conference, Bethesda, Maryland, United States. 05 - 08 Jul 2004.
Fauzi, Mohammad F. A. and Lewis, Paul H. (2003) A Fully Unsupervised Texture Segmentation Algorithm. Harvey, Richard and Bangham, J. Andrew (eds.) British Machine Vision Conference 2003, Norwich, United Kingdom. 08 - 10 Sep 2003. pp. 519-528 .
Alani, Harith, Kim, Sanghee, Millard, David E., Weal, Mark J., Lewis, Paul H., Hall, Wendy and Shadbolt, Nigel R. (2003) Automatic Extraction of Knowledge from Web Documents. 2nd International Semantic Web Conference - Workshop on Human Language Technology for the Semantic Web abd Web Services, Sanibel Island, Florida, United States. 19 - 22 Oct 2003.
Alani, Harith, Kim, Sanghee, Millard, David E., Weal, Mark J., Hall, Wendy, Lewis, Paul H. and Shadbolt, Nigel R. (2003) Automatic Ontology-Based Knowledge Extraction from Web Documents. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 18 (1), 14-21.
Addis, M, Giorgini, F, Lewis, P and Martinez, K (2003) Content and concept-based retrieval and navigation tools in Sculpteur. EVA London 2003, University College, London. 23 - 24 Jul 2003.
Millard, David E., Alani, Harith, Kim, Sanghee, Weal, Mark J., Lewis, Paul, Hall, Wendy, De Roure, David and Shadbolt, Nigel (2003) Generating Adaptive Hypertext Content from the Semantic Web. 1st International Workshop on Hypermedia and the Semantic Web (HTSW2003), Nottingham, United Kingdom.
Torre, Salvatore La, Napoli, Margherita, Parente, Mimmo and Parlato, Gennaro (2003) Hierarchical and Recursive State Machines with Context-Dependent Properties. ICALP, June 30 - July 4, 2003. 29 Jun - 03 Jul 2003. pp. 776-789 .
Addis, M J, Boniface, M J, Goodall, S, Grimwood, P, Kim, S, Lewis, P, Martinez, K and Stevenson, A (2003) Integrated image content and metadata search and retrieval across multiple databases. Bakker, Ermin M., Huang, Thomas S. and Lew, Michael S. (eds.) Second International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval 2003, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, United States. pp. 91-100 .
Hu, Bo, Dasmahapatra, Srinandan, Lewis, Paul and Shadbolt, Nigel (2003) Ontology-based Medical Image Annotation with Description Logics. The 15th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, Sacramento, CA, United States. 03 - 05 Nov 2003. pp. 77-82 .
Addis, Matthew, Boniface, Mike, Goodall, Simon, Grimwood, Paul, Kim, Sanghee, Lewis, Paul, Martinez, Kirk and Stevenson, Alison (2003) SCULPTEUR: Towards a New Paradigm for Multimedia Museum Information Handling. Semantic Web ISWC. 582 -596 .
Hare, Jonathon S. and Lewis, Paul H. (2003) Scale Saliency: Applications in Visual Matching, Tracking and View-Based Object Recognition. Distributed Multimedia Systems 2003 / Visual Information Systems 2003, Florida International University, Miami, Florida, United States. 23 - 25 Sep 2003. pp. 436-440 .
Stevenson, A, Addis, M. J., Boniface, M. J., Goodall, S, Grimwood, P, Kim, S, Lewis, P and Martinez, K (2003) Semantic Web technologies for multimedia museum information handling. CIDOC/ADIT 2003, State Russian Museum, St Petersburg, Russia. 31 Aug - 04 Sep 2003.
Fauzi, Mohammad F. A. and Lewis, Paul H. (2003) Texture-based Image Retrieval Using Multiscale Sub-image Matching. Vasudev, Bhaskaran, Hsing, T. Russel, Tescher, Andrew G. and Ebrahimi, Touradj (eds.) IS&T/SPIE's 15th Annual Symposium Electronic Imaging: Image and Video Communications and Processing 2003 (SPIE vol. 5022), Santa Clara, California. 20 - 24 Jan 2003. pp. 407-416 .
Chen, Liming, Shadbolt, Nigel, Goble, Carole, Tao, Feng, Cox, Simon, Puleston, Colin and Smart, Paul R. (2003) Towards a Knowledge-Based Approach to Semantic Service Composition. 2nd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2003), Sanibel Island, Florida, United States. 19 - 22 Oct 2003. pp. 319-334 .
Alani, Harith, Kim, Sanghee, Millard, David E., Weal, Mark J., Hall, Wendy, Lewis, Paul H. and Shadbolt, Nigel (2003) Web based Knowledge Extraction and Consolidation for Automatic Ontology Instantiation. Knowledge Capture (K-Cap'03), Workshop on Knowledge Markup and Semantic Annotation, Sanibel Island, Florida, United States.
Addis, Matthew, Lewis, Paul and Martinez, Kirk (2002) ARTISTE image retrieval system puts European galleries in the picture. Cultivate Interactive.
Kim, Sanghee, Alani, Harith, Hall, Wendy, Lewis, Paul, Millard, David, Shadbolt, Nigel and Weal, Mark (2002) Artequakt: Generating Tailored Biographies from Automatically Annotated Fragments from the Web. Workshop on Semantic Authoring, Annotation & Knowledge Markup (SAAKM’02), the 15th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (ECAI’02), Lyon, France. 20 - 25 Jul 2002. pp. 1-6 .
Lahanier, Christian, Aitken, Geneviève, Shindo, Jiro, Pillay, Ruven, Martinez, Kirk and Lewis, Paul (2002) EROS: an internal open multilingual platform for image content retrieval dedicated to conservation-restoration exchange between cultural institutions. Proceedings of the International Council of Museums Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 21 - 27 Sep 2002. 12 pp .
Chen, Liming, Shadbolt, Nigel, Tao, F., Cox, Simon J., Keane, Andy, Goble, Carole, Roberts, A. and Smart, Paul (2002) Engineering knowledge for engineering grid applications. Euroweb 2002: The Web and the GRID: from e-science to e-business, Oxford, UK. 07 - 18 Dec 2002. 13 pp .
Grant, Michael G., Nixon, Mark S. and Lewis, Paul H. (2002) Extracting moving shapes by evidence gathering. [in special issue: Handwriting processing and applications] Pattern Recognition, 35 (5), 1099-1114. (doi:10.1016/S0031-3203(01)00078-4).
Allen, P, Boniface, M, Lewis, P and Martinez, K (2002) Interoperability between Multimedia Collections for Content and Metadata-Based Searching. WWW2002, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States. 06 - 10 May 2002.
Chen, L., Cox, S.J., Goble, C., Keane, A.J., Roberts, A., Shadbolt, N.R., Smart, P. and Tao, F. (2002) Knowledge Services for Distributed Service Integration. 1st UK e-Science all-hands meeting, Sheffield, UK. 01 - 03 Sep 2002.
Fauzi, Mohammad F. A. and Lewis, Paul H. (2002) Query by Fax for Content-Based Image Retrieval. Lew, Micheal S., Sebe, Nicu and Eakins, John P. (eds.) International Conference on the Challenge of Image and Video Retrieval (Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 2383), London, United Kingdom. 17 - 18 Jul 2002. pp. 91-99 .
Westmacott, M., Lewis, P. and Martinez, K. (2002) Using Colour Pair Patches for Image Retrieval. First European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging and Vision, University of Poitiers, France. 01 - 04 Apr 2002. pp. 245-247 .
Chan, Stephen, Martinez, Kirk, Lewis, Paul, Lahanier, C. and Stevenson, J. (2001) Handling Sub-Image Queries in Content-Based Retrieval of High Resolution Art Images. Bearman, David and Garzotto, Franca (eds.) International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meeting. pp. 157-163 .
Tansley, Robert, Bird, Colin, Hall, Wendy, Lewis, Paul and Weal, Mark (2000) Automating the Linking of Content and Concept. Proceedings ACM Multimedia 2000. pp. 445-448 .
Dupplaw, David P. and Lewis, Paul H. (2000) Content Based Image Retrieval with Scale-Space Object Trees. Yeung, Minerva M., Yeo, Boon-Lock and Bourman, Charles A. (eds.) Storage and Retrieval for Media Databases 2000. pp. 253-61 .
Chown, Tim, Toller, Mark and Lewis, Paul (2000) Innovative Use of Data Networks to Improve Campus Security AIC, ECS, USouthampton
Grant, Michael G., Nixon, Mark S. and Lewis, Paul H. (2000) Parameterised Moving Shape Extraction. Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference BMVC2000. pp. 202-211 .
Joyce, Dan W., Lewis, Paul H., Tansley, Robert H., Dobie, Mark R. and Hall, Wendy (2000) Semiotics and Agents for Integrating and Navigating Through Media Representations of Concepts. Yeung, Minerva M., Yeo, Boon-Lock and Bourman, Charles A. (eds.) Storage and Retrieval for Media Databases 2000. pp. 120-31 .
Dobie, Mark R., Tansley, Robert H., Joyce, Dan W., Weal, Mark J., Lewis, Paul H. and Hall, Wendy (1999) A Flexible Architecture for Content and Concept Based Multimedia Information Exploration. Harper, David J. and Eakins, John P. (eds.) The Challenge of Image Retrieval, Newcastle, 1999. pp. 1-12 .
Chan, Stephen C. Y. and Lewis, Paul H. (1999) A Pre-filter Enabling Fast Frontal Face Detection. Huijsmans, Dionysius P. and Smeulders, Arnold W. M. (eds.) Visual Information and Information Systems (VISUAL'99). pp. 777-84 .
Kuan, Joseph K. P. and Lewis, Paul H. (1999) A Study on Data Point Search for HG-Tree. Journal of ACM SIGMOD Record, 28 (1), 90-6.
Joyce, Dan W. and Lewis, Paul H. (1999) Connectionist Models for Learning Choice Behaviour in Reactive Software. Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing. pp. 437-42 .
Grant, Michael G., Nixon, Mark S. and Lewis, Paul H. (1999) Finding Continuous-Model Moving Shapes by Evidence Gathering. IEE Colloquium "Motion Analysis and Tracking. 14/1-14/4 .
Grant, Michael G., Nixon, Mark S. and Lewis, Paul H. (1999) Finding Moving Shapes by Continuous-Model Evidence Gathering. Pridmore, Tony and Elliman, David (eds.) Proceedings British Machine Vision Conference 1999, BMVC99. pp. 554-563 .
Dobie, Mark R., Tansley, Robert H., Joyce, Dan W., Weal, Mark J., Lewis, Paul H. and Hall, Wendy (1999) MAVIS 2: A New Approach to Content and Concept Based Navigation. Proceedings of the IEE Colloquim on Multimedia Databases and MPEG-7. 9/1--9/5 .
Joyce, Dan W. and Lewis, Paul H. (1999) Modelling Learning for Intelligent Software Agents: A Connectionist Approach. Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Intelligent Virtual Agents. pp. 143-46 .
Dupplaw, David, Lewis, Paul and Dobie, Mark , Harper, David and Eakins, John (eds.) (1999) Spatial Colour Matching for Content Based Retrieval and Navigation.
Kuan, Joseph K. P., Joyce, Dan W. and Lewis, Paul H. (1999) Texture Content-Based Retrieval Using Content Descriptions. Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases VII. 75--85 .
Lewis, P.H., Hall, W, Carr, L.A. and DeRoure, D. (1999) The Significance of Linking. ACM Computing Surveys, 31 (4es).
Lewis, P.H., Davis, H.C., Dobie, M.R. and Hall, W (1999) Using Image Content for retrieval and Navigation. Journal of History and Computing, 10 (1), 112--119.
Chown, Tim, Roure, David De, Field, Julian and Thompson, Mark , Read, Jon. (ed.) (1999) Working Paper on: Secure Internet issues for the HE Community JISC Technology Applications Programme
Perry, Stephen T. and Lewis, Paul H. (1998) A Novel Image Viewer Providing Fast Object Delineation for Content Based Retrieval and Navigation. SPIE Conference on Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases VI. 436--445 .
Radhakrishnan, Periasamy and Lewis, Paul H. (1998) Agent-like Support for Content-based retrieval and Navigation. Storage and Retrieval of Image and Video Databases VI. 228--235 .
Lewis, Paul H., Kuan, Joseph K. P., Perry, Stephen T., Dobie, Mark R., Davis, Hugh C. and Hall, Wendy (1998) Content Based Navigation from Images. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 7 (2), 275--281.
Lewis, Paul H., Wilkins, Rob J., Griffiths, Steven R., Davis, Hugh C. and Hall, Wendy (1998) Content Based Navigation in an Open Hypermedia Environment. Image and Vision Computing, 16, 921--929.
Xu, Fenglian and Lewis, Paul H. (1998) Extracting Generalised Cylinder Models of Dendritic Trees from 3-D Image Stacks. Progress in Biomedical Optics: Three-Dimensional and Multdimensional Microscopy:Image Acquisition and Processing V. 149--158 .
Kuan, Joseph K. P., Joyce, Dan W. and Lewis, Paul H. (1998) Flexible Features in Texture Similarity. Proceedings of MVA'98 IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision Applications. 211--215 .
Toller, M. S., Lewis, P. H. and Nixon, M. S. (1998) Video Segmentation using Combined Cues. Proc. SPIE Electronic Imaging: Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases VI. pp. 414-425 .
Kuan, Joseph K. P. and Lewis, Paul H. (1997) Complex Textures Classification with Edge Information. Proceedings on Second International Conf. on Visual Information System. San Diego..
Kuan, Joseph K. P. and Lewis, Paul H. (1997) Complex texture Classification with Edge Information. VISual'97, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Visual Information Systems. 157--162 .
Xu, Fenglian, Lewis, Paul H., Chad, J.E. and Wheal, H.V. (1997) Curvilinear Feature Extraction from Stacks of Neuron Images. 26th AIPR Workshop on Exploiting New Image Sources and Sensors. pp. 144-153 .
Kuan, Joseph K. P. and Lewis, Paul H. (1997) Fast k nearest neighbour search for R-tree family. In Proceedings on First International Conf. on Information, Communications, and Signal Processing. Singapore.. 924--928 .
Lewis, Paul H., Kuan, Joseph K. P., Perry, Stephen T., Dobie, Mark R., Davis, Hugh C. and Hall, Wendy (1997) Navigating from Images using Generic Links Based on Image Content. Storage and Retrieval of Image and Video Databases V. 238--248 .
Lewis, Paul H., Davis, Hugh C., Dobie, Mark R. and Hall, Wendy (1997) Towards Multimedia Thesaurus Support for media-based Navigation. Image Databases and Multi-Media Search, Series on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering. 111--118 .
Harrison, R., Samaraweera, L. G., Dobie, M. R. and Lewis, P. H. (1996) An Evaluation of Code Metrics for Object-Oriented Programs. Information and Software Technology, 38 (7), 701-707.
Harrison, R., Samaraweera, L. G., Dobie, M. R. and Lewis, P. H. (1996) Comparing Programming Paradigms: an Evaluation of Functional and Object-Oriented Programs. Software Engineering Journal, 11 (4), 247-254.
Durham, P., Lewis, Paul H. and Shennan, S.J. (1996) Image Processing Strategies for Artefact Classification. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology 1995, Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia. 235--240 .
Lewis, P.H., Davis, H.C., Griffiths, S.R., Hall, Wendy and Wilkins, R.J. (1996) Media-based navigation with generic links. Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Hypertext (HYPERTEXT '96). pp. 215-233 . (doi:10.1145/234828.234849).
Hall, Wendy, Colson, F.C, Davis, Hugh C. and Lewis, Paul H. (1996) New Approaches to Working with Images in Large Scale Multimedia Archives. Proceedings of EVA'96.
Lewis, Paul H., Davis, Hugh C., Dobie, Mark R. and Hall, Wendy (1996) Towards Multimedia Thesaurus Support for Media-based Navigation. Presented at First International Workshop on Image Databases and Multimedia Search..
Durham, P., Lewis, Paul H. and Shennan, S.J. (1995) Artefact Matching and retrieval Using the Generalised Hough Transform. Wilcock, J. and Lockyear, K. (eds.) Proceedings of Computer Applications in Archaeology. 25--30 .
Lewis, Paul H., Wilkins, Robert J., Griffiths, Steven R., Davis, Hugh C. and Hall, Wendy (1995) Content Based Navigation in an Open Hypermedia Environment. Document Image Processing and Multimedia Environments. 5/1--5/6 .
Lewis, Paul H., Wilkins, Robert J., Griffiths, Steven R., Davis, Hugh C. and Hall, Wendy (1995) Content Based Navigation with Colour and Shape. Dept of Electronics and Computer Science: 1995 Research Journal.
Lewis, Paul H., Davis, Hugh C., Griffiths, Steven R., Hall, Wendy and Wilkins, Robert J. (1995) Content Based Retrieval and Navigation with Images in the Microcosm model. International Conference on Multimedia Communications. pp. 86-90 .
Lewis, PH, Wilkins, RJ, Griffiths, SR, Davis, HC and Hall, W (1995) Content-based Retrieval and Navigation with Images in the Microcosm Model. Proceedings of the IEE Colloquium of Document Image Processing and Multimedia Environments.
Harrison, R., Samaraweera, L. G., Dobie, Mark R. and Lewis, Paul H. (1995) Estimating the Quality of Functional Programs: an Empirical Investigation. Information and Software Technology, 37, 701--707.
Lewis, Paul H. and Dobie, Mark R. (1995) Novel Software Tools for Extracting Curvilinear Features from Remotely Sensed Images. Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference of the Remote Sensing Society. 1322--1328 .
Wilkins, RJ, Griffiths, S, Lewis, PH, Hall, W and Davis, HC (1995) The MAVIS Microcosm Extensions for Content Based Navigation and Retrieval. Proceedings of the LIRM International Workshop on Hypermedia Design, Montpelier, France. pp. 77-80 .
Shire, A.J. and Lewis, Paul H. (1994) A Flexible Architecture For Intelligent Parallel Image Analysis. Dept of Electronics and Computer Science: 1994 Research Journal, 185--187.
Wilkins, RJ, Griffiths, SJ, Hall, W, Lewis, PH and Davis, HC (1994) A Survey of Image Database Technology Department of Electronics & Computer Science, University of Southampton
Lewis, P.H., Dobie, M.R. and Nixon, M.S. (1994) Curvilinear network extraction from remotely sensed images. International Association for Pattern Recogition Workshop on Machine Vision Applications. pp. 123-126 .
Dobie, Mark R. and Lewis, Paul H. (1994) Data structures for image processing in C. Hawkes, Peter W. and Kazan, Benjamin (eds.) Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics. 63--110 .
Dobie, Mark R. and Lewis, Paul H. (1994) Extracting curvilinear features from remotely sensed images using minimum cost path techniques. First IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. 231--235 .
Harrison, R., Samaraweera, L.G., Dobie, Mark R. and Lewis, Paul H. (1994) Relating Product Metrics to Process Attributes: An Empirical Investigation s.n.
Wilkins, RJ, Griffiths, SJ, Hall, W, Lewis, PH and Davis, HC , Pickering, JA (ed.) (1994) The MAVIS Project - Extending Generic Links and Content Based Retrieval to Non-textual Documents in the Microcosm Model Department of Electronics & Computer Science, University of Southampton
Lewis, Paul H. and Dobie, Mark R. (1993) Tools for Handling Video Sequences in Multimedia Databases. Visual Search 2. 195--204 .
Shire, A.J. and Lewis, Paul H. (1993) Windowing versus Geometric Distribution in Image Analysis Using Course Grain Parallelism. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Visual Search.
Taylor, R.I. and Lewis, Paul H. (1992) Colour Image segmentation Using Boundary Relaxation. Proc. IAPR Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition. 721--724 .
Chown, Tim J. and Lewis, Paul H. (1992) EFRM-Based Detection and Extraction of Ridge and Valley Features in Grey Level Images. Proc. IAPR Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition. 339--342 .
Dobie, Mark R. and Lewis, Paul H. (1992) Object Tracking in Multimedia Systems. 4th IEE International Conference on Image Processing and its Applications. 41--44 .
Chown, Tim J. and Lewis, Paul H. (1992) The EFRM: An Intermediate Image representation Scheme. IEE Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Image Processing and Its Applications. 57--60 .
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Dobie, Mark R. and Lewis, Paul H. (1991) Data Structures for Image Processing in C. Pattern Recognition Letters, 457--466.
Goodson, K.J. and Lewis, Paul H. (1990) A Knowledge Based Line Recognition System. Pattern Recognition Letters, 11, 295--304.
Lewis, Paul H. and Goodson, K.J. (1990) Images, Databases and Edge Detection for Archaeological Object Drawings. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, 149--153.
Lewis, Paul H. and Dobie, Mark R. (1990) Tools for Handling Digital Video Sequences in Multimedia Databases. Second International Conference on Visual Search. 195--204 .
Chown, Tim J. and Lewis, Paul H. (1989) Image Analysis by Enhanced Facet Modelling. IEEE Proceedings of ICASSP 89. 1655--1658 .
Lewis, Paul H. and Goodson, K.J. (1988) Knowledge Based Interpretation of Line Drawing Images. IAPR Workshop on Computer Vision. 216--219 .
Lu, Songsong, Cook, Richard and Reed, Philippa (2021) Dataset: Effect on overall fatigue performance of varying thickness of an intermetallic sublayer within a soft multilayer coating. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1574 [Dataset]
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