The University of Southampton


Forcer, T.M., Hey, A.J.G., Ross, D.A. and Smith, P.G.R. (2002) Superposition, Entanglement and Quantum Computation. Quantum Information and Computation, 2 (2), 97-116. (doi:10.26421/QIC2.2-1).

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Head of Sustainable Electronics Technology group


1988-1994 Mphys degree, University of Groningen, Groningen,the Netherlands

1994-1998 Research Assistant, Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven, the Netherlands

1998-2000 Research Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA, USA

2000-2012 Assistant/Associate Professor, University of Southampton, Southampton, U.K.

2012 onwards: Full Professor, University of Southampton, Southampton, U.K.


Research interests

My main interest is the integration of novel nanomaterials and devices with silicon electronics processing with particular emphasis on the semiconducting and dielectric properties of oxides, chalcogenides, and carbides. Our recent breakthroughs in these areas include 100nm GeSbTe phase change memory and monolayers metal dichacogenides by (non-aqueous) electrodeposition, SIC resistive memory with a record 9 orders of magnitude on/off ratio, and selective growth by chemical vapour deposition of thermo-elecric materials Bi2Te3 and Sb2Te3.

Pushing the boundarie of e-beam lithography  to create functional structures  underpins much of my additional research, resulting in magneto-electronic and plasmonic devices with sub 10nm features and ultrafast or smart modulation of optical and dielectric properties of ITO, AZO, and VO2 by optical, electrical, and thermal methods.


Electromagnetism (ELEC1206): Maxwell's equations

Green Electronics (ELEC3202): Anthropogenic Global Warming, Radiative Cooling, Thermo-electricity


Kiziroglou, M. E., Li, X., Zhukov, A. A., de Groot, P.A.J. and de Groot, C.H. (2008) Thermionic field emission at electrodeposited Ni–Si Schottky barriers. Solid-State Electronics, 52 (7), 1032-1038. (doi:10.1016/j.sse.2008.03.002).

Kiziroglou, M.E., Zhukov, A., LI, X, Gonzalez, D.C., de Groot, P.A.J., Bartlett, Philip N. and de Groot, C.H. (2006) Analysis of thermionic emission from electrodeposited Ni–Si Schottky barriers. Solid State Communications, 140 (11-12), 508-513. (doi:10.1016/j.ssc.2006.09.027).

Uchino, Takashi, Ayre, G.N., Smith, D.C., Hutchison, J.L., de Groot, C.H. and Ashburn, Peter (2009) Growth of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Using Germanium Nanocrystals Formed by Implantation. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 156 (8), K144-K148. (doi:10.1149/1.3147248).

Ayre, G.N., Uchino, T., Mazumder, B., Hector, A.L., Hutchison, J.L., Smith, D.C., Ashburn, P. and de Groot, C.H. (2011) On the mechanism of carbon nanotube formation: the role of the catalyst. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 23 (39), 394201. (doi:10.1088/0953-8984/23/39/394201). (PMID:21921315)

Lamb, A. C., Riley, L. S., Hall, S., Kunz, V.D., de Groot, C.H. and Ashburn, P. (2001) A 50nm channel vertical MOSFET concept incorporating a retrograde channel and a dielectric pocket. ESSDERC 2001. pp. 347-350 .

de Groot, C.H., Buschow, K.H.J. and Boer, F.R. de (1997) Magnetic properties of R2Co17-xAlx compounds (R=Ho,Dy,Y). Physica B, 229, 213.

de Groot, C.H., Buschow, K.H.J., Boer, F.R. de, Hu, Z. and Yelon, W.B. (1996) Magnetic properties of Nd2Co17-xAlx compounds studied by magnetic measurements and neutron diffraction. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 233, 188.

de Groot, C.H., Buschow, K.H.J., Boer, F.R. de and Kort, K. de (1998) Two powder Nd2Fe14B magnets with DyGa addition. Journal of Applied Physics, 83, 388.

de Groot, C.H., Boer, F.R. de, Hautot, D., Long, G.J. and Grandjean, F. (1996) Magnetic and Mossbauer spectral properties of the compound Nd6Fe13Au. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 233, 161.

de Groot, C.H., Buschow, K.H.J. and Boer, F.R. de (1996) Re-entrant ferromagnetism in the ThFe3-xAlx system. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 157/15, 641.

de Groot, C.H. and Kort, K. de (1999) Magnetoelastic anisotropy in NdFeB permanent magnets. Journal of Applied Physics, 85, 8312.

Giovanelli, L., Moze, O., Knockelmann, W.A., de Groot, C.H., Boer, F.R. de and Buschow, K.H.J. (1998) Neutron diffraction and magnetization measurements of Tb2Co17-xGax intermetallics. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 177-181 (2), 1044-1045. (doi:10.1016/S0304-8853(97)00827-5).

Hautot, D., Long, G.J., Grandjean, F., de Groot, C.H. and Buschow, K.H.J. (1997) A Mossbauer spectral study of Nd6Fe13X compounds where X is Si, Cu, Ag, and Au. Journal of Applied Physics, 81, 5435.

Hu, Z., Luo, H., Yelon, W.B., de Groot, C.H., Boer, F.R. de and Buschow, K.H.J. (1997) Magnetic properties of Tb2Mn17Cx compounds studied by magnetic measurements and neutron diffraction. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 248, 121.

Janssen, Y, Brueck, E, de Groot, C.H., Boer, F.R. de and Buschow, K.H.J. (1998) Low-temperature magnetisation and specific heat in antiferromagnetic rare-earth germanides of the type R3Ge4. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 177/18, 1147.

Li, Zisen, de Groot, C.H. and Moodera, J.S. (2000) Gallium Oxide as an insulating barrier for spin-dependent tunneling junctions. Applied Physics Letters, 77, 3630.

Li, Q.A., de Groot, C.H., Boer, F.R. de and Buschow, K.H.J. (1997) Metamagnetic behaviour of La1-xGdxFe12B6 compounds. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 256, 82.

Moze, O., de Groot, C.H., Boer, F.R. de and Buschow, K.H.J. (1996) Crystal structure and magnetic properties of CeNi11-xSix compounds. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 241, 124.

Moze, O., Giovanelli, L., Kockelmann, W., de Groot, C.H., Boer, F.R. de and Buschow, K.H.J. (1996) Structure and magnetic properties of Nd2Co17-xGax compounds studied by magnetic measurements and neutron diffraction. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 189, 329.

Moze, O., Giovanelli, L., Kockelmann, W., de Groot, C.H., Boer, F.R. de and Buschow, K.H.J. (1998) Magnetic properties of Tb2Co17-xGax compounds studied by magnetic measurements and neutron diffraction. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 264 (1-2), 76-81. (doi:10.1016/S0925-8388(97)00261-2).

Moze, O., Giovanelli, L., Kockelmann, W., de Groot, C.H., Boer, F.R. de and Buschow, K.H.J. (1996) Note on the crystal structure and magnetic properties of Ce2Ni17Si9 and Ce2Co17Si9 compounds. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 235, 62.

Oleksyn, O., Schobinger-Papamantellos, P., Ritter, C., de Groot, C.H. and Buschow, K.H.J. (1997) Antiferromagnetic ordering in the novel Dy3Ge4 and DyGe1.3 compounds studied by neutron diffraction and magnetic measurements. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 262/26, 492.

Oleksyn, O., Schobinger-Papamantellos, P., Ritter, C., de Groot, C.H. and Buschow, K.H.J. (1997) Structure and magnetic ordering in the defect compounds ErGe1.83. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 252, 53.

Oleksyn, O., Schobinger-Papamantellos, P., Ritter, C., de Groot, C.H. and Buschow, K.H.J. (1997) Crystallographic and magnetic structure of the novel compound ErGe1.83. Physica B, 234/23, 652.

Schobinger-Papamantellos, P., Fischer, P., de Groot, C.H., Boer, F.R de and Buschow, K.H.J. (1996) Magnetic properties and neutron diffraction of TbMn4Al8. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 232, 154.

Schobinger-Papamantellos, P., Andre, G., Rodriguez-Carvajal, J., de Groot, C.H., Boer, F.R de and Buschow, K.H.J. (1996) The magnetic ordering of the novel compound TbGe3. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 232, 165.

Schobinger-Papamantellos, P., Oleksyn, O., Ritter, C., de Groot, C.H., Boer, F.R de and Buschow, K.H.J. (1997) Canted antiferromagnetic structure of the novel compound Er3Ge4 by neutron diffraction and magnetic measurements. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 169, 253.

Schobinger-Papamantellos, P., Oleksyn, O., Ritter, C., de Groot, C.H., Boer, F.R de and Buschow, K.H.J. (1999) Magnetic ordering of ErFe4Ge2 by neutron diffraction and magnetic measurements. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 191, 261.

Schobinger-Papamantellos, P., Buschow, K.H.J., de Groot, C.H., Boer, F.R de and Ritter, C. (2000) Magnetic ordering of the R6Fe13Sn (R=Nd,Pr) compounds studied by neutron diffraction. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 218, 31.

Schobinger-Papamantellos, P., Buschow, K.H.J., de Groot, C.H., Boer, F.R de, Ritter, C., Fauth, F. and Boetiger, G. (1998) On the magnetic ordering of R6Fe13X compounds. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 232, 44.

Schobinger-Papamantellos, P., Buschow, K.H.J., de Groot, C.H., de Boer, F.R., Boetiger, G. and Ritter, C. (1999) Magnetic ordering of Pr6Fe13Si and Nd6Fe13Au studied by neutron diffraction. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 11, 4469.

Zhang, D., de Groot, C.H., Bruck, E., Boer, F.R. de and Buschow, K.H.J. (1997) Magnetic properties of Pr2Co17-xAlx and Y2Co17-xAlx. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 259, 42.

Zhao, Z.G., de Groot, C.H., Boer, F.R. de and Buschow, K.H.J. (1995) Antiferromagnetic interactions in Nd6Fe12Ga2 based compounds. Physica B, 211, 102.

Zhao, Z.G., de Groot, C.H., Bruck, E., Buschow, K.H.J. and Boer, F.R. de (1996) Magnetic anisotropy of RCo10Si2 compounds (R=Y,Gd,Dy,Ho,Er,Tm). Physica B, 228, 214.

Brabers, J.H.V.J., de Groot, C.H., Buschow, K.H.J. and Boer, F.R. de (1996) Susceptibility of (Gd,La)Mn2(Ge,Si)2 compounds in the magnetically ordered regime. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 57/58, 639-640.

de Groot, C.H., Ouyang, Y, Koo, Sang-Mo, Kendall, E, Shu, Q Q and Moodera, J S (2002) Resonant tunnelling in Dy- or Gd-doped Al2O3 magnetic tunnel junctions. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 14, 5153-5159.

Moodera, J.S., Kim, T-H, Tanaka, C. and de Groot, C.H. (2000) Spin-polarized tunneling, magnetoresistance and interfacial effects in ferromagnetic junctions. Phil. Mag. B, 80, 195.

de Groot, C H, Kunz, V D, Ashburn, P, Donaghy, D and Hall, S (2002) Ion-implanted vertical MOSFETs. Nano and Giga challenges in Microelectronics research, Moscow.

Donaghy, D.C., Hall, S., Kunz, VD, de Groot, C.H. and Ashburn, P. (2002) Investigating 50nm channel length vertical MOSFETs containing a dielectric pocket in a circuit environment. ESSDERC 2002, Florence. pp. 499-502 .

de Groot, C.H., Buschow, K.H.J. and Boer, F.R. de (1998) Magnetic properties of R6Fe13-xM1+x and their hydrides. Physical Review B, 57, 11472-11482.

de Groot, C.H. and Moodera, J.S. (2001) Growth and characterization of a novel In2Se3 structure. Journal of Applied Physics, 89 (8), 4336-4340.

Kunz, V.D., de Groot, C.H., Hall, S., Anteney, I.M., Abdul-Rahim, AI and Ashburn, P. (2002) Application of polycrystalline SiGe for gain control in SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistors. ESSDERC 2002, Florence. pp. 171-174 .

Kunz, V Dominik, Uchino, Takashi, de Groot, C.H.(Kees), Ashburn, Peter, Donaghy, David C, Hall, Steven, Wang, Yun and Hemment, Peter L F (2003) Reduction of Parasitic Capacitance in Vertical MOSFETs by Spacer Local Oxidation. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 50 (6), 1487-1493.

Gili, E, Kunz, V D, de Groot, C H, Uchino, T, Donaghy, D, Hall, S and Ashburn, P (2003) Electrical Characteristics of Single, Double and Surround Gate Vertical MOSFETs with Reduced Overlap Capacitance. 33rd European Solid State Device Research Conference, Estoril, Portugal. 15 - 17 Sep 2003. pp. 171-174 .

Kunz, V Dominik, de Groot, C H, Hall, Steven and Ashburn, Peter (2003) Polycrystalline Silicon - Germanium Emitters for Gain Control, With Application to SiGe HBTs. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 50 (6), 1480-1486.

Hall, S, Donaghy, D, Buiu, O, Gili, E, Uchino, T, Kunz, V D, de Groot, C H and Ashburn, P (2003) Recent developments in deca-nanometer vertical MOSFETs. Insulating Films on Semiconductors Conference, Barcelona. 17 - 19 Jun 2003.

Gili, E, Kunz, V D, de Groot, C H, Uchino, T, Ashburn, P, Donaghy, D C, Hall, S, Wang, Y and Hemment, P L F (2004) Single, double and surround gate vertical MOSFETs with reduced parasitic capacitance. Solid-State Electronics, (48), 511-519.

Hall, Stephen, Buiu, Octavian, Ashburn, Peter and de Groot, C.H. , Szczepanski, P (ed.) (2004) Recent developments in vertical MOSFETs and SiGe HBTs. Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 1/2004 (1), 26-34.

Donaghy, D, Hall, S, de Groot, C H, Kunz, V D and Ashburn, P (2004) Design of 50nm Vertical MOSFET Incorporating a Dielectric Pocket. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 51 (1), 158-161.

Hall, S., Donaghy, S., Buiu, O., Gili, E., Uchino, T., Kunz, V.D., de Groot, C.H. and Ashburn, P. (2004) Recent developments in deca-nanometer vertical MOSFETs. Microelectronic Engineering, 72, 230-235. (doi:10.1016/j.mee.2003.12.042).

Gili, E., Kunz, V. D., Uchino, T., de Groot, C.H. and Ashburn, P. (2003) Realization and characterization of vertical MOSFETs with reduced parasitic capacitance. PREP, Exeter (), United Kingdom. 13 - 15 Apr 2003. pp. 81-82 .

Kunz, V D, de Groot, C H, Gili, E, Uchino, T, Hall, S and Ashburn, P (2004) CMOS-compatible vertical MOSFETs and logic gates with reduced parasitic capacitance. 34th European Solid State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC), Leuven, Belgium. 20 - 22 Sep 2004. pp. 221-224 .

Gili, E., Uchino, T., Hakim, M.M.A., de Groot, C.H., Ashburn, P. and Hall, S. (2005) A new approach to the fabrication of CMOS compatible vertical MOSFETs incorporating a dielectric pocket. 6th International Conference on ULtimate Integration of Silicon (ULIS), Bologna, Bologna, Italy. 06 - 07 Apr 2005. 4 pp .

Hakim, M. M. A., de Groot, C.H., Gili, E., Uchino, T., Hall, S. and Ashburn, Peter (2005) Effect of transition from PD to FD operation on the depletion isolation effect in vertical MOSFETs. 6th International Conference on ULtimate Integration of Silicon (ULIS), Bologna, Bologna, Italy. 06 - 07 Apr 2005. pp. 131-134 .

Hakim, M. M. A., Ashburn, Peter, de Groot, C.H., Gili, E., Uchino, T. and Hall, S. (2005) Germanium seeded crystallisation of alpha-Si for application in 3D integration. Proceedings of PREP,, Lancaster (), United Kingdom.

Mallik, Kanad, Chong, Lit Ho and de Groot, Kees (2004) Observation of Fowler-Nordheim tunneling for room temperature operation of the vertical metal-oxide tunnel transistor. IVC-16 (16th International Vacuum Congress), Venice, Italy. 27 Jun - 01 Jul 2004.

Uchino, T., Bourdakos, K.N., de Groot, C.H., Ashburn, P., Kiziroglou, M.E., Dilliway, G.D. and Smith, D.C. (2005) Metal catalyst-free low-temperature carbon nanotube growth on SiGe islands. Applied Physics Letters, 86 (23), 233110. (doi:10.1063/1.1946191).

Uchino, T., Bourdakos, K.N., Ashburn, P., de Groot, C.H., Kiziroglou, M.E. and Smith, D.C. (2005) Catalyst free low temperature direct growth of carbon nanotubes on SiGe islands and Ge quantum dots. 6th International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes, NT05, Gothenburg, Sweden. 25 - 30 Jun 2005.

Uchino, T., Bourdakos, K.N., de Groot, C.H., Ashburn, P., Wang, S., Kiziroglou, M.E., Dilliway, G.D. and Smith, D.C. (2005) Catalyst free low temperature, direct growth of carbon nanotubes. IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology, IEEE-NANO, Nagoya, Japan. 10 - 14 Jul 2005.

Kiziroglou, M.E., Zhukov, A.A., Abdelsalam, M., Li, X.L., de Groot, P., Bartlett, P.N. and de Groot, C.H. (2005) Electrodeposition of Ni-Si Schottky barriers. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 41 (10), 2639-2641. (doi:10.1109/TMAG.2005.854737).

Zhukov, A.A, Kiziroglou, M.E., Goncharov, A.V., Boardman, R., Ghanem, M.A., Abdelsalam, M., Novosad, V., Karapetrov, G., Li, X., Fangohr, H., de Groot, C.H., Bartlett, P.N. and de Groot, P.A.J. (2005) Shape-induced anisotropy in antidot arrays from self-assembled templates. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 41 (10), 3598-3600. (doi:10.1109/TMAG.2005.854734).

Zhukov, A.A., Kiziroglou, M.E., Goncharov, A.V., Boardman, R., Ghanem, M.A., Novosad, V., Karapetrov, G., Li, X., Fangohr, H., de Groot, C.H., Bartlett, P.N. and de Groot, P.A.J. (2005) Shape induced anisotropy in hybrid anti-dot arrays from guided self-assembly templates. In Digests of the IEEE International Magnetics Conference, 2005. INTERMAG Asia 2005. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. pp. 923-924 .

Chong, LH, Mallik, K, de Groot, CH and Kersting, R (2006) The structural and electrical properties of thermally grown TiO2 thin films. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 18, 645-657.

Bourdakos, K. N., Smith, D. C., Uchino, T., de Groot, C.H., Ashburn, P., Kiziroglou, M. E. and Dilliway, G. (2005) Catalyst free low temperature carbon nanotube growth on SiGe islands. Nanotechnology in Carbon and Related Materials (Brighton, UK).

Bourdakos, K. N., Uchino, T., De Groot, C.H., Ashburn, Peter, Kiziroglou, M. E., Dilliway, G. and Smith, D. C. (2005) Catalyst-free low temperature carbon nanotube growth on SiGe islands. Physics 2005, An Institute of Physics conference (Warwick, UK).

Bourdakos, K. N., Smith, D. C., Uchino, T., de Groot, C.H., Ashburn, Peter, Kiziroglou, M. E. and Dilliway, G. (2005) Catalyst free low temperature carbon nanotube growth on SiGe islands. PREP (Lancaster, UK).

Mallik, Kanad, de Groot, C.H., Ashburn, P. and Wilshaw, P.R. (2006) Semi-insulating silicon by deep level doping for radio frequency applications. 15th Surrey Ion Beam Centre Users' Workshop, Surrey, United Kingdom.

Hakim, M.M.A., de Groot, C. H., Gili, E., Uchino, T., Hall, S. and Ashburn, P. (2006) Depletion isolation effect in Vertical MOSFETS during transition from partial to fully depleted operation. IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices, 53 (4), 929-933.

Chong, Lit Ho, Mallik, Kanad and de Groot, C. H. (2005) The vertical metal insulator semiconductor tunnel transistor: A proposed Fowler-Nordheim tunneling device. Microelectronic Engineering, 81 (2-4), 171-180.

Gili, E., Kunz, D., Uchino, T., Hakim, M.M.A., de Groot, C.H., Ashburn, P. and Hall, S. (2006) Asymmetric gate induced drain leakage and body leakage in vertical MOSFETs with reduced parasitic capacitance. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 53 (5), 1080-1087.

Uchino, T., Bourdakos, K.N., de Groot, C.H., Smith, D.C. and Ashburn, P. (2006) Growth of SiOx nanowires on Ge nanodots. NT06: 7th International conference on the science and application of nanotubes, Nagano, Japan. 17 - 22 Jun 2006.

Gili, E., Uchino, T., Hakim, M.M.A., de Groot, C.H., Buiu, O., Hall, S. and Ashburn, Peter (2006) Shallow junctions on pillar sidewalls for sub-100-nm vertical MOSFETs. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 27 (8), 692-695. (doi:10.1109/LED.2006.879031).

Mallik, K., de Groot, C.H., Ashburn, P. and Wilshaw, P.R. (2006) Semi insulating Czochralski silicon for radio frequency applications. Applied Physics Letters, 89, 112122.

Uchino, T., de Groot, C.H., Ashburn, P., Bourdakos, K.N. and Smith, D.C. (2006) Ge catalysed vapour liquid solid growth of carbon nanotubes. European Solid State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC), Montreux, Switzerland. 18 - 20 Sep 2006. pp. 214-217 .

Mallik, K., de Groot, C.H., Ashburn, P. and Wilshaw, P.R. (2006) Semi-insulating Czochralski silicon for radio frequency applications. European Solid State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC), Montreux, Switzerland. 18 - 20 Sep 2006. pp. 435-438 . (doi:10.1109/ESSDER.2006.307731).

Kiziroglou, M.E., Li, X., Gonzalez, D.C., de Groot, C.H., Zhukov, A.A., de Groot, P.A.J. and Bartlett, P.N. (2006) Orientation and symmetry control of inverse sphere magnetic nanoarrays by guided self-assembly. Journal of Applied Physics, 100 (11), 113720-113725. (doi:10.1063/1.2386936).

Mallik, K., de Groot, C.H., Ashburn, P. and Wilshaw, P.R. (2006) Enhancement of resistivity of Czochralski silicon by deep level manganese doping. Applied Physics Letters, 89 (11), 1-4, [112122]. (doi:10.1063/1.2349836).

Gonzalez, D.C., Kiziroglou, M.E., Li, X., Zhukov, A.A., Fangohr, H., de Groot, P.A.J., Bartlett, Philip and de Groot, C.H. (2007) Long range ordering in self-assembled Ni arrays on patterned Si. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 316 (2), e78-e81. (doi:10.1016/j.jmmm.2007.02.059).

Goncharov, A.V., Zhukov, A.A., Metlushko, V.V., Bordignon, G., Fangohr, Hans, de Groot, C.H., Unguris, J., Uhlig, W.C., Karapetrov, G., Ilic, B. and de Groot, P.A.J. (2006) Anisotropy of magnetization reversal and magnetoresistance in square arrays of permalloy nano-rings. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 42 (10), 2948-2950. (doi:10.1109/tmag.2006.878429).

Hakim, M. M. A., de Groot, C.H., Gili, E., Uchino, T., Hall, S. and Ashburn, Peter (2006) Depletion-Isolation Effect in Vertical MOSFETs During the Transition From Partial to Fully Depleted Operation. IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices, 53 (4), 929-933.

Li, X., Husain, Muhammad K, Claudio Gonzalez, David, Zhukov, A. A., Bartlett, P. N., de Groot, P.A.J. and de Groot, Kees (2006) Transport mechanisms at Ni-Si Schottky barriers for spin injection. The 2006 IEEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG 2006), San Diego, United States. 07 - 11 May 2006. p. 123 . (In Press)

Fangohr, Hans, Zimmermann, Jürgen P., Boardman, Richard P., C. Gonzalez, David and de Groot, Cornelis H. (2008) Numerical investigation of domain walls in constrained geometries. Journal of Applied Physics, 103 (7), [07D926]. (doi:10.1063/1.2838474).

Li, X., Gonzalez, D. C., Zhukov, A. A., Kiziroglou, M. E., Bartlett, P. N., de Groot, P.A.J., Fangohr, H. and de Groot, C.H. (2006) Magnetic Domain Structures in Self-assembled Ni Anti-dot Stripes on Si. III Joint European Magnetic Symposia (JEMS'06), San Sebastian, Spain. 25 - 29 Jun 2006. (In Press)

Claudio Gonzalez, David, Li, Xiaoli, Zhukov, A. A., Kiziroglou, Michail, Barttlet, P. N., de Groot, P. A. J., Fangohr, H. and de Groot, Kees (2006) Magnetic Domain Structures in Self-assembled Ni Antidot Stripes on Si. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (CMMP), Exeter, United Kingdom. 19 - 20 Apr 2006. (In Press)

Claudio Gonzalez, David, Kiziroglou, Michail, Li, Xiaoli, Zhukov, A. A, Fangohr, H., de Groot, P. A. J., Bartlett, P. N. and de Groot, Kees (2006) Orientation, symmetry control and long range ordering in self-assembled Ni arrays on patterned Si. INternational Workshop on Nanomagnets by Self-organization, Eisenerz, Austria. 07 - 10 Oct 2006. (In Press)

Claudio Gonzalez, David, de Groot, Kees, Bordignon, G., Fischbacher, T., Franchin, M. and Fanghor, H. (2008) Fabrication and simulation of Nanostructures for magnetoresistance studies on Ni. IEEE Magnetics Society Summer School, Colorado Springs, United States. 01 - 07 Aug 2008. (Submitted)

Claudio Gonzalez, David, Husain, Muhammad, de Groot, Kees, Bordignon, G., Fischbacher, T and Fangohr, H. (2008) Fabrication of magnetic Ni nanostructures for magnetoresistance studies. Joint European Magnetic Symposia (JEMS), Dublin, Ireland. 13 - 18 Sep 2008. (Submitted)

Li, X., Gonzalez, D. C., Kiziroglou, M. E, Zhukov, A. A., Bartlett, P. N., de Groot, P.A.J. and de Groot, C. H. (2007) Nano Inverse Sphere Ni Arrays by Guided Self-assembly. 10th Joint Intermag-MMM, Baltimore, United States. 07 - 11 Jan 2007. (In Press)

Li, X., Kiziroglou, M. E., Husain, M. K., Zhukov, A. A., de Groot, P.A.J. and de Groot, C. H. (2007) Transport Mechanisms at Ferromagnet-Si Schottky barrier contact for spin injection. WUN-SPIN 2007, York, United Kingdom. 06 - 09 Aug 2007. (In Press)

Li, Xiaoli V., Milhano, Clelia A., Cole, Robin M., Bartlett, Phil N., Baumberg, Jeremy J. and de Groot, Cornelis H. (2008) Fabrication of Nano-Structured Gold Arrays by Guided Self-assembly for Plasmonics. Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 1077E.

Husain, M. K., Li, X. and de Groot, C.H. (2008) High quality NiGe/Ge diodes for Schottky barrier MOSFETs. E-MRS Spring Meeting,, Strasbourg, France. (In Press)

Husain, M. K., Li, X. and de Groot, C. H. (2008) High quality Schottky contacts for limiting leakage currents in Ge based Schottky barrier MOSFETs. UK Semiconductors, Sheffield, United Kingdom. (In Press)

Husain, M.K., Li, X. and de Groot, C.H. (2009) High quality Schottky contacts for limiting leakage currents in Ge-based Schottky barrier MOSFETs. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 56 (3), 499-504. (doi:10.1109/TED.2008.2011724).

Husain, M. K., Li, X and de Groot, C.H. (2007) A study on Ge based spin-LED for spintronic applications. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, University of Leicester, United Kingdom. 11 - 12 Apr 2007.

Husain, Muhammad, Li, Xiaoli and de Groot, C.H. (2008) High-quality NiGe/Ge diodes for Schottky barrier MOSFETs. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 11 (5-6), 305-309. (doi:10.1016/j.mssp.2008.11.007). (In Press)

Claudio Gonzalez, David, Husain, Muhammad Khaled, de Groot, Kees, Bordignon, Giuliano, Fischbacher, Thomas and Fangohr, Hans (2010) Fabrication and simulation of nanostructures for domain wall magnetoresistance studies on nickel. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 322, 1467-1470. (doi:10.1016/j.jmmm.2009.02.142).

Husain, Muhammad, Li, Xiaoli and de Groot, Kees (2009) Electrical Spin Injection and Extraction in Si in a Vertical Transport Geometry. IEEE International Magnetics Conference, Sacramento, CA, United States. (Submitted)

Ayre, G.N., Smith, D.C., Mazumder, B., Hector, J., Uchino, T., de Groot, C.H. and Ashburn, P. (2007) CMOS compatible synthesis of carbon nanotubes. Materials Research Society Conference, San Francisco, United States. 24 - 27 Mar 2007.

Husain, Muhammad, Li, Xiaoli and de Groot, Kees (2009) A Vertical Transport Geometry for Electrical Spin Injection and Extraction in Si. Solid State Communications, 149, 1565-1568.

Li, Xiaoli, Husain, Muhammad, Kiziroglou, Michail and de Groot, Kees (2009) Inhomogeneous Ni/Ge Schottky barriers due to variation in Fermi-level pinning. Microelectronic Engineering, 86 (7-9), 1599-1602.

Li, X.V., Cole, R.M., Milhano, C.A., Bartlett, P.N ., Baumberg, J.J., Soares, B.F . and de Groot, C.H. (2009) The fabrication of plasmonic Au nano-void trench arrays by guided self-assembly. Nanotechnology, 20 (28), 285309-285316. (doi:10.1088/0957-4484/20/28/285309).

Husain, Muhammad, Li, Xiaoli V. and de Groot, Cornelis H. (2009) Observation of negative differential conductance in a reverse-biased Ni/Ge Schottky diode. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 30 (9), 966-968. (doi:10.1109/LED.2009.2025673).

Hakim, M.M.A., Mallik, K., de Groot, C.H., Redman-White, W, Tan, L., Hall, S. and Ashburn, P. (2009) A self-aligned silicidation technology for surround-gate vertical MOSFETS. 39th European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC 2009), Athens, Greece. 13 - 17 Sep 2009. pp. 978-981 .

Usgaocar, Ashwin and de Groot, Kees (2009) Electrodeposited PdNi as possible ferromagnetic contacts for Carbon nanotubes. Physica Status Solidi (c), 247 (4), 888-891.

Uchino, T., Ayre, G.N., Smith, D.C., Hutchison, J.L., de Groot, C.H. and Ashburn, P. (2009) Fe/Ge catalyzed carbon nanotube growth on HfO2 for nano-sensor applications. Tsoukalas, Dimitris (ed.) In Proceedings of the 39th European Solid-State Device Research Conference. IEEE. pp. 197-200 .

Uchino, T., Ayre, G.N., Smith, D.C., Hutchison, J.L., de Groot, C.H. and Ashburn, P. (2009) Fe/Ge catalyzed carbon nanotube growth on HfO2 for nanosensor applications. IEEE Solid State Devices & Materials (SSDM) Conference, , Miyagi, Japan. 06 - 08 Oct 2009.

Ayre, G.N., Uchino, Takashi, Mazumder, M, Hector, A.L., Smith, D.C., Ashburn, Peter, de Groot, Kees and Hutchinson, J.L. (2010) Chemical Vapour Deposition of CNTs Using Structural Nanoparticle Catalysts. In, Carbon Nanotubes. INTECH, pp. 19-39.

Tan, L., Hakim, M.M.A., Connor, S., Bousquet, A., de Groot, C.H., Redman-White, W, Hall, S. and Ashburn, P. (2010) Compact model extraction issues of nonstandard CMOS compatible vertical MOSFETs. 11th International Conference on ULtimate Integration of Silicon, , Glasgow, United Kingdom. 17 - 19 Mar 2010.

Shen, C., Trypiniotis, T., Lee, K.Y., Holmes, S.N., Mansell, R., Husain, M., Shah, V., Li, X.V., Kurebayashi, H, Farrer, I, de Groot, C H, Leadley, D R, Bell, G, Parker, E H C, Whall, T, Ritchie, D A and Barnes, C H W (2010) Spin transport in Germanium at room temperature. Applied Physics Letters, 97 (162104), 1-3. (doi:10.1063/1.3505337).

Hakim, M.M.A., Tan, L., Abuelgasim, A., de Groot, C.H., Redman-White, W., Hall, S. and Ashburn, P. (2010) Self-aligned silicidation of surround gate vertical MOSFETs for low cost RF applications. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 57 (12), 3318-3326. (doi:10.1109/TED.2010.2082293).

Uchino, T., Ayre, G.N., Smith, D.C., Hutchison, J.L., de Groot, C.H. and Ashburn, P. (2010) Metal-Catalyst-Free Growth of Carbon Nanotubes for CMOS Integration. IEEE Solid State Device Meeting, Tokyo, Japan. 21 - 23 Sep 2010.

Abuelgasim, Ahmed, Mallik, Kanad, de Groot, Kees, Ashburn, Peter, Jordan, D.M. and Wilshaw, P.R. (2010) High-resistivity Czochralski-silicon using Deep Level Doping Compensation. ESSDERC 2010, Sevilla, Spain. (In Press)

Mallik, Kanad, Abuelgasim, Ahmed, Ashburn, Peter and de Groot, Kees (2010) Deep level dopant compensated Czochralski silicon substrates for MMICs. ARMMS RF & Microwave Society Conference, Northampton. (In Press)

de Groot, Kees, Li, Xiaoli and Husain, Muhammad (2010) Electrodeposited Ni-Ge Schottky barriers: Fermi-level pinning, Negative Differential Conductance, Germanides, and Spin Transport. 3rd International Conference on Spintronic Materials and Technology, Urbana-Champain, Ill, U.S.A.. (In Press)

Wang, Yudong, Claudio-Gonzalez, D., Fangohr, H. and de Groot, Kees (2010) Magneto-resistance in a lithography defined single constrained domain wall spin valve. Applied Physics Letters, 97, 262501-262503. (doi:10.1063/1.3531666).

Usgaocar, Ashwin, de Groot, Kees, Boulart, C. and Chavagnac, V.M.C. (2010) Low Power Hydrogen Sensors Using Electrodeposited PdNi Schottky Diodes. Eursosensors, Linz, Austria. (In Press)

Uchino, Takashi, Ayre, G., Smith, D. C., Hutchison, J. L., de Groot, C.H. and Ashburn, Peter (2010) Growth of Carbon Nanotubes on HfO2 towards Highly Sensitive Nano-Sensors. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 49, 04DN11-1-04DN11-4.

Uchino, Takashi, Hutchison, J. L., Ayre, G., Smith, D.C., de Groot, C.H. and Ashburn, Peter (2011) Metal-catalyst-free growth of silica nanowires and carbon nanotubes using Ge nanostructures. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 50 (4).

Uchino, T., Ayre, G., Smith, D.C., Hutchison, J.L., de Groot, C.H. (Kees) and Ashburn, P. (2011) Metal-catalyst-free growth of carbon nanotubes and their application in field-effect transistors. Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, 14 (4), K21-K23. (doi:10.1149/1.3534829).

Hakim, M.M.A., Abuelgasim, A., Tan, L., de Groot, C.H., Redman-White, W., Hall, S. and Ashburn, P. (2011) Improved drive current in RF vertical MOSFETS using hydrogen anneal. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 32 (3), 279-281. (doi:10.1109/LED.2010.2101042).

Usgaocar, A.R., de Groot, C.H., Boulart, Cédric, Castillo, Alain and Chavagnac, Valérie (2012) Low power hydrogen gas sensors using electrodeposited PdNi-Si Schottky diodes. [in special issue: Eurosensors XXIV, 2010] Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 170, 176-181. (doi:10.1016/j.snb.2011.06.022).

Husain, Muhammad, Li, Xiaoli and de Groot, Kees (2009) Electrodeposited Ni/Ge contacts for limiting leakage currents in Schottky barrier MOSFETs. International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, United States. 09 - 11 Dec 2009.

Johari, Z., Schmidt, Marek E., de Groot, Kees, Ismail, R. and Chong, Harold (2011) Raman Spectroscopy and Electrical Characterisation of Reactive Ion Etched Multilayer Graphene. Micro and Nano Engineering, Berlin, Germany. 18 - 22 Sep 2011. (In Press)

Abuelgasim, A., Mallik, Kanad, Ashburn, P. and de Groot, C. H. (2011) Fabrication of low loss coplanar waveguides on gold-doped Czochralski-silicon. In Bioelectronics, Biomedical, and Bioinspired Systems V; and Nanotechnology V. The International Society for Optical Engineering. p. 806811 . (doi:10.1117/12.886552).

Wang, Yudong, Boden, S.A., Bagnall, D.M., Rutt, H.N. and de Groot, C.H. (2012) Helium ion beam milling to create a nano-structured domain wall magnetoresistance spin valve. Nanotechnology, 23, 395302-1. (doi:10.1088/0957-4484/23/39/395302).

Abb, Martina, Wang, Yudong, Albella, Pablo, de Groot, C.H., Aizpurua, Javier and Muskens, Otto (2012) Interference, coupling, and nonlinear control of high-order modes in single asymmetric nanoantennas. ACS Nano, 6 (7), 6462-6470. (doi:10.1021/nn3021579). (PMID:22708624)

de Groot, C.H., Gurnani, Chitra, Hector, Andrew L., Huang, Ruomeng, Jura, Marek, Levason, William and Reid, Gillian (2012) Highly selective chemical vapor deposition of tin diselenide thin films onto patterned substrates via single source diselenoether precursors. Chemistry of Materials, 22 (24), 4442-4449. (doi:10.1021/cm302864x).

Bartlett, Philip N., Cook, David A., de Groot, C.H., Hector, Andrew L., Huang, Ruomeng, Jolleys, Andrew, Kissling, Gabriela P., Levason, William, Pearce, Stuart and Reid, Gillian (2013) Non-aqueous electrodeposition of metals and metalloids from halometallate salts. RSC Advances, 3 (36), 15645-15654. (doi:10.1039/c3ra40739j).

Dong, Longtao, de Groot, C.H., Usgaocar, A. and Chavagnac, V. (2012) Electro-deposited PdNi-Si Schottky barrier hydrogen sensors with improved time response. Eurosensors 2012: The 26th European Conference on Solid-State Transducers, Krakow, Poland. 08 - 11 Sep 2012. 37 - 40 . (doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2012.09.078).

George, Kathryn, de Groot, Cornelis H., Gurnani, Chitra, Hector, Andrew L., Huang, Ruomeng, Jura, Marek, Levason, William, Reid, Gillian and Huang, R. (2013) Telluroether and Selenoether complexes as single source reagents for low pressure chemical vapor deposition of crystalline Ga2Te3 and Ga2Se3 thin films. Chemistry of Materials, 25 (9), 1829-1836. (doi:10.1021/cm400382j).

Huang, Ruomeng, Bartlett, Philip N., Benjamin, Sophie L., Gurnani, Chitra, Hector, Andrew L., Jolleys, Andrew, Kissling, G., Levason, William, Pearce, Stuart, Reid, Gillian and de Groot, C.H. (2013) Selective deposition of phase change materials by chemical vapor deposition and electrodeposition. European Phase Change and Ovonics Symposium, Berlin, Germany. 07 - 09 Sep 2013.

Wang, Yudong, Abb, Martina, Boden, Stuart, de Groot, C.H. and Muskens, Otto L. (2013) Controlled fabrication of plasmonic nanogaps using electron beam lithography and helium-ion beam milling. 39th International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering, , London, United Kingdom. 16 - 19 Sep 2013. 1 pp .

Wang, Yudong, Boden, Stuart, Bagnall, Darren, Rutt, H.N. and de Groot, C.H. (2012) Helium ion beam milling and electron beam lithography to create sub-20nm sized domain wall magnetoresistance spin-valve. 38th International Micro & Nano Engineering Conference, Toulouse, France. 15 - 19 Sep 2012.

Wang, Yudong, de Groot, C.H., Fangohr, H. and Gonzalez Diaz, C. (2011) Magneto-resistance in a lithography defined single constrained domain wall spin valve. IEEE Asia International Magnetics Conference, Taipei, Taiwan. 24 - 28 Apr 2011.

Wang, Y., de Groot, C.H., Claudio-González, D. and Charlton, M.D.B. (2011) Single domain wall magnetoresistance electron-beam fabrication and magnetoresistance measurement. In, Spintronics IV. (Proceedings of SPIE, 8100) Bellingham, US. The International Society for Optical Engineering, 81000P. (doi:10.1117/12.892299).

Dong, L., de Groot, C.H., Usgaocar, A. and Chavagnac, V. (2013) Effect of interfacial PdNi concentration on time response of Si-based electrodeposited hydrogen sensors. Transducers 2013 & Eurosensors XXVII: The 17th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems, Barcelona, Spain. 15 - 19 Jun 2013. 4 pp .

Benjamin, Sophie, de Groot, C.H., Gurnani, Chitra, Hector, Andrew L., Huang, Ruomeng, Ignatyev, Konstantin, Levason, William, Pearce, Stuart, Thomas, Fiona and Reid, Gillian (2013) Area selective growth of titanium diselenide thin films into micropatterned substrates by low-pressure chemical vapor deposition. Chemistry of Materials, 25 (23), 4719-4724. (doi:10.1021/cm402422e).

George, Kathryn, de Groot, C. H., Gurnani, Chitra, Hector, Andrew L., Huang, Ruomeng, Jura, M., Levason, William and Reid, Gillian (2013) Low pressure chemical vapour deposition of crystalline Ga2Te3 and Ga2Se3 thin films from single source precursors using telluroether and selenoether complexes. Physics Procedia, 46, 142-148. (doi:10.1016/j.phpro.2013.07.056).

Abb, Martina, Wang, Yudong, Papasimakis, Nikitas, de Groot, C.H. and Muskens, Otto L. (2014) Surface-enhanced infrared spectroscopy using metal oxide plasmonic antenna arrays. Nano Letters, 14 (1), 346-352. (doi:10.1021/nl404115g).

Benjamin, Sophie L., de Groot, C.H., Gurnani, Chitra, Hector, Andrew L., Huang, Ruomeng, Koukharenko, Elena, Levason, William and Reid, Gillian (2014) Controlling the nanostructure of bismuth telluride by selective chemical vapour deposition from a single source precursor. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2 (14), 4865-4869. (doi:10.1039/c4ta00341a).

Zhong, Le, Reed, P.A.S., Huang, Ruomeng, de Groot, C.H. and Jiang, Liudi (2014) Amorphous SiC based non-volatile resistive memories with ultrahigh ON/OFF ratios. Microelectronic Engineering, 119, 61-64. (doi:10.1016/j.mee.2014.02.004).

Zhong, Le, Reed, P.A.S., Huang, Ruomeng, de Groot, C.H. and Jiang, Liudi (2014) Resistive switching of Cu/SiC/Au memory devices with a high ON/OFF ratio. Solid-State Electronics, 94, 98-102. (doi:10.1016/j.sse.2014.02.013).

Wang, Yudong, Abb, Martina, Boden, Stuart A., Aizpurua, Javier, de Groot, C.H. and Muskens, Otto L. (2013) Ultrafast Nonlinear control of progressively loaded, single plasmonic nanoantennas fabricated using helium ion milling. Nano Letters, 13 (11), 5647-5653. (doi:10.1021/nl403316z). (PMID:24127754)

Wang, Yudong, Abb, Martina, Boden, Stuart A., Aizpurua, Javier, de Groot, C.H. and Muskens, Otto L. (2014) Ultrafine control of partially loaded single plasmonic nanoantennas fabricated using e-beam lithography and helium ion beam milling. CLEO:QELS Fundamental Science: Photonic Crystals and Complex Plasmonic Nanostructures (FF1K), , San Jose, United States. 08 - 13 Jun 2014. FF1K.1-FF1K.2 . (doi:10.1364/CLEO_QELS.2014.FF1K.1).

Wang, Yudong, Abb, Martina, Papasimakis, Nikitas, de Groot, C.H. and Muskens, Otto L. (2014) Surface-enhanced infrared spectroscopy using ultra-compact indium tin oxide (ITO) sensor arrays. CLEO: Science and Innovations: Nano-, Micro-, and Waveguide-sensing (SM3E), , San Jose, United States. 09 - 13 Jun 2014. SM3E.7-SM3E.9 . (doi:10.1364/CLEO_SI.2014.SM3E.7).

Black, Leo-Jay, Wang, Yudong, de Groot, C.H., Arbouet, Arnaud and Muskens, Otto L. (2014) Optimal polarization conversion in coupled dimer plasmonic nanoantennas for metasurfaces. ACS Nano, 8 (6), 6390-6399. (doi:10.1021/nn501889s).

Huang, R., Sun, K., Kiang, K.S., Chen, R., Wang, Y., Gholipour, B., Hewak, D.W. and de Groot, C.H. (2014) Contact resistance measurement of Ge2Sb2Te5 phase change material to TiN electrode by spacer etched nanowire. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 29 (9), 1-9, [95003]. (doi:10.1088/0268-1242/29/9/095003).

Huang, Ruomeng, Sun, Kai, Kiang, Kian Shen, Chen, Ruiqi, Wang, Yudong, Gholipour, Behrad, Hewak, Daniel W., Hector, Andrew L., Reid, Gillian and de Groot, C.H. (2013) A novel top-down fabrication process for Ge2Sb2Te5 phase change material nanowires. 13th Non-Volatile Memory Technology Symposium (NVMTS), Minneapolis, United States. 11 - 13 Aug 2013. pp. 2-5 . (doi:10.1109/NVMTS.2013.6851047).

Uchino, T., Shimpo, F., Kawashima, T., Ayre, G.N., Smith, D.C., de Groot, C.H. and Ashburn, P. (2014) Electrical transport properties of isolated carbon nanotube/Si heterojunction Schottky diodes. Applied Physics Letters, 103 (19), 1-3. (doi:10.1063/1.4829155).

Abb, Martina, Wang, Yudong, de Groot, C.H. and Muskens, Otto L. (2014) Hotspot-mediated ultrafast nonlinear control of multifrequency plasmonic nanoantennas. Nature Communications, 5, [4869]. (doi:10.1038/ncomms5869).

Huang, R., Chen, R., Gholipour, B., Kiang, K.S., Sun, K., Wang, Y. and de Groot, C.H. (2013) Determination of specific contact resistance of Ge2Sb2Te5 phase change materials by spacer etched nanowires. 13th Non-Volatile Memory Technology Symposium, , Minneapolis, United States. 12 - 14 Aug 2013.

Zhong, Le, Jiang, Liudi, Huang, Ruomeng and de Groot, C.H. (2014) Nonpolar resistive switching in Cu/SiC/Au non-volatile resistive memory devices. Applied Physics Letters, 104 (9), 93507/1 - 93507/5, [93507]. (doi:10.1063/1.4867198).

Benjamin, Sophie L., de Groot, C.H., Hector, Andrew L., Huang, Ruomeng, Koukharenko, Elena, Levason, William and Reid, Gillian (2015) Chemical vapour deposition of antimony chalcogenides with positional and orientational control: precursor design and substrate selectivity. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 3, 423-430. (doi:10.1039/C4TC02327G).

Morgan, K., Huang, R., Pearce, S., Zhong, L., Jiang, L. and de Groot, C.H. (2014) Effect of stoichiometry of TiN electrode on the switching behavior of TiN/HfOx/TiN structures for resistive RAM. 2013 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston, United States. 01 - 06 Dec 2013. (doi:10.1557/opl.2014.218).

Morgan, Katrina, Huang, Ruomeng, Potter, Kenneth, Shaw, Chris, Redman-White, William and de Groot, Kees (2014) Total dose hardness of TiN/HfOx/TiN resistive random access memory. IEEE Transactions Nuclear Science, 61 (6), 1-6. (doi:10.1109/TNS.2014.2365058).

Bartlett, Philip N., Benjamin, Sophie L., de Groot, C.H. (Kees), Hector, Andrew L., Huang, Ruomeng, Jolleys, Andrew, Kissling, Gabriela, Levason, William, Pearce, Stuart J., Reid, Gillian and Wang, Yudong (2015) Non-aqueous electrodeposition of functional semiconducting metal chalcogenides: Ge2Sb2Te5phase change memory. Materials Horizons, 2 (4), 420-426. (doi:10.1039/C5MH00030K).

Gregory, Simon A., Wang, Yudong, de Groot, C.H. and Muskens, Otto L. (2015) Extreme Subwavelength Metal Oxide Direct and Complementary Metamaterials. ACS Photonics, 2 (5), 606-614. (doi:10.1021/acsphotonics.5b00089).

Morgan, Katrina, Fan, Junqing, Huang, Ruomeng, Zhong, Le, Gowers, Robert, Jiang, Liudi and de Groot, C.H. (2015) Switching kinetics of SiC resistive memory for harsh environments. AIP Advances, 5 (7), 077121-[7pp]. (doi:10.1063/1.4926674).

Potter, Kenneth, Morgan, Katrina, Shaw, Chris, Ashburn, Peter, Redman-White, William and de Groot, Kees (2014) Total ionizing dose response of fluorine implanted silicon-on-insulator buried oxide. Microelectronics Reliability, 54 (9-10), 2339-2343. (doi:10.1016/j.microrel.2014.07.018).

Huang, Ruomeng, Benjamin, Sophie, Gurnani, Chitra, Wang, Yudong, Hector, Andrew L., Levason, William, Reid, Gillian and De Groot, Cornelis (2015) Nanoscale arrays of antimony telluride single crystals by selective chemical vapour deposition. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/383539 [Dataset]

Huang, Ruomeng, Kissling, Gabriela, Jolleys, Andrew, Bartlett, Philip, Hector, Andrew, Levason, William, Reid, Gillian and de Groot, Cornelis (2015) Phase-change memory properties of electrodeposited Ge-Sb-Te thin film. Nanoscale Research Letters, 10, 1-7. (doi:10.1186/s11671-015-1136-4).

Black, Leo-Jay, Wiecha, Peter R., Wang, Yudong, de Groot, C. H., Paillard, Vincent, Girard, Christian, Muskens, Otto L. and Arbouet, Arnaud (2015) Tailoring second-harmonic generation in single L-shaped plasmonic nanoantennas from the capacitive to conductive coupling regime. ACS Photonics, 2 (11), 1592-1601. (doi:10.1021/acsphotonics.5b00358).

Fan, Junqing, Jiang, Liudi, Zhong, Le, Gowers, Robert, Morgan, Katrina and De Groot, Cornelis (2016) Microstructure and electrical properties of co-sputtered Cu embedded amorphous SiC. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/388275 [Dataset]

Muskens, Otto, Bergamini, Luca, WANG, YUDONG, Gaskell, Jeffrey M., Zabala, Nerea, De Groot, Kees, Sheel, David W. and Aizpurua, Javier (2016) Dataset for Antenna-assisted picosecond control of nanoscale phase-transition in vanadium dioxide. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/392922 [Dataset]

Fan, Junqing, Jiang, Liudi, Zhong, Le, Gowers, Robert P., Morgan, Katrina and de Groot, C.H. (2016) Microstructure and electrical properties of co-sputtered Cu embedded amorphous SiC. Materials Letters, 178, 60-63. (doi:10.1016/j.matlet.2016.04.144).

Morgan, Katrina, de Groot, Kees and Huang, Ruomeng (2014) The effect of atomic layer deposition temperature on switching properties of HfOx resistive RAM devices. IEEE International Symposium, Melbourne. 31 May - 04 Jun 2014.

Huang, Ruomeng, Sun, Sun Kai, Kiang, Kian S., Morgan, Katrina and de Groot, C.H. (2016) Forming-free resistive switching of tunable ZnO films grown by atomic layer deposition. Microelectronic Engineering, 161, 7-12. (doi:10.1016/j.mee.2016.03.038).

Huang, Ruomeng, Benjamin, Sophie, Gurnani, Chitra, Wang, Yudong, Hector, Andrew, Levason, William, Reid, Gill and de Groot, C.H. (Kees) (2016) Nanoscale arrays of antimony telluride single crystals by selective chemical vapor deposition. Scientific Reports, 6, 1-10, [27593]. (doi:10.1038/srep27593).

Morgan, Katrina, de Groot, Kees, Fan, Junqing, Gowers, Robert and Jiang, Liudi (2016) Switching mechanisms of Cu/SiC resistive memories with W and Au counter electrodes. 74th Device Research Conference, Newark, United States. 18 - 21 Jun 2016. 2 pp .

Muskens, Otto L., Bergamini, Luca, Wang, Yudong, Gaskell, Jeffrey M., Zabala, Nerea, de Groot, C.H., Sheel, David W. and Aizpurua, Javier (2016) Antenna-assisted picosecond control of nanoscale phase-transition in vanadium dioxide. Light: Science & Applications, 5 (10), 1-9, [e16173]. (doi:10.1038/lsa.2016.173).

Chatzikyriakou, Eleni, Potter, Kenneth, Redman-White, William and de Groot, Kees (2016) Three-dimensional Finite Elements method simulation of Total Ionizing Dose in 22 nm bulk nFinFETs. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 1-5. (doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2016.09.007).

Chatzikyriakou, Eleni and De Groot, Cornelis (2016) Dataset: RDF and TID simulation of PDSOI 45nm MOSFET. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/403024 [Dataset]

Chatzikyriakou, Eleni, Redman-White, William and de Groot, Kees (2017) Total Ionizing Dose, Random Dopant Fluctuations and its combined effect in the 45 nm PDSOI node. Microelectronics Reliability, 68, 21-29. (doi:10.1016/j.microrel.2016.11.007).

Fan, Junqing, Jiang, Liudi, Wang, Shuncai, Huang, Ruomeng, Morgan, Katrina, Zhong, Le and De Groot, Cornelis (2016) Dataset for Amorphous SiC resistive memory with embedded Cu nanoparticles. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/403082 [Dataset]

Hakim, M.M.A., de Groot, C.H., Hall, S. and Ashburn, Peter (2016) Drain current multiplication in thin pillar vertical MOSFETs due to depletion isolation and charge coupling. Journal of Computational Electronics, 15 (3), 839-849. (doi:10.1007/s10825-016-0853-y).

Fan, Junqing, Jiang, Liudi, Wang, Shuncai, Huang, Ruomeng, Morgan, Katrina, Zhong, Le and de Groot, Kees (2017) Amorphous SiC resistive memory with embedded Cu nanoparticles. [in special issue: Micro/Nano Devices and Systems Edited by Bernhard Jakoby and Roman Beigelbeck] Microelectronic Engineering, 174, 1-5. (doi:10.1016/j.mee.2016.12.005).

Riedel, Christoph (2017) Dataset for 'Nanoscale modeling of electro-plasmonic tunable devices for modulators and metasurfaces'. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/405054 [Dataset]

Huang, Ruomeng (2017) Selection by current compliance of negative and positive bipolar resistive switching behaviour in ZrO2−x/ZrO2 bilayer memory. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0028 [Dataset]

Huang, Ruomeng (2017) Dataset for Compliance-free ZrO2/ZrO2-x/ZrO2 resistive memory with controllable interfacial multistate switching behaviour. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0092 [Dataset]

Chatzikyriakou, Eleni, Morgan, Katrina, Ashburn, Peter, Redman-White, William and De Groot, Cornelis (2016) Total Ionizing Dose and random dopant fluctuation effects in 65-nm gate length partially depleted Silicon-on-Insulator nMOSFETs. In 2015 IEEE 15th International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO). IEEE. pp. 659-662 . (doi:10.1109/NANO.2015.7388691).

Riedel, Christoph A., Sun, Kai, Muskens, Otto L. and De Groot, Kees (2017) Nanoscale modeling of electro-plasmonic tunable devices for modulators and metasurfaces. Optics Express, 25 (9), 10031. (doi:10.1364/OE.25.010031).

Huang, Ruomeng, Yan, Xingzhao, Ye, Sheng, Kashtiban, Reza J., Beanland, Richard, Morgan, Katrina A., Charlton, Martin D.B. and de Groot, C.H. (2017) Compliance-free ZrO2/ZrO2−x/ZrO2 resistive memory with controllable interfacial multistate switching behaviour. Nanoscale Research Letters, 12, [384]. (doi:10.1186/s11671-017-2155-0).

Morgan, K.A., Fan, J., Huang, R., Zhong, L., Gowers, R., Ou, J.-Y., Jiang, L. and de Groot, C.H. (2017) Active counter electrode in a-SiC electrochemical metallization memory. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 50 (32), 1-7, [325102]. (doi:10.1088/1361-6463/aa7bbe).

Morgan, Katrina (2017) Dataset for Active Counter Electrode in a-SiC Electrochemical Metallization Memory. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0134 [Dataset]

Huang, Ruomeng, Yan, Xingzhao, Morgan, Katrina A., Charlton, Martin D.B. and De Groot, C.H. (Kees) (2017) Selection by current compliance of negative and positive bipolar resistive switching behaviour in ZrO2−x/ZrO2 bilayer memory. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 50 (17), [175101]. (doi:10.1088/1361-6463/aa64bc).

Chatzikyriakou, Eleni (2017) Total Ionizing Dose TCAD simulation of 400 nm SiO2 capacitor. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D137 [Dataset]

Chatzikyriakou, Eleni, Potter, Kenneth and De Groot, Cornelis (2017) A systematic method for simulating total ionizing dose effects using the finite elements method. Journal of Computational Electronics, 1-8. (doi:10.1007/s10825-017-1027-2).

Huang, Ruomeng, Ye, Sheng, Sun, Kai, Kiang, Kian and De Groot, Cornelis (2017) Dataset for Fermi level tuning of ZnO films through supercycled atomic layer deposition. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0248 [Dataset]

Huang, Ruomeng, Ye, Sheng, Sun, Kai, Kiang, Kian and De Groot, Cornelis (2017) Fermi level tuning of ZnO films through supercycled atomic layer deposition. Nanoscale Research Letters, 12. (doi:10.1186/s11671-017-2308-1).

Muskens, Otto, Riedel, Christoph, Sun, Kai and De Groot, Cornelis (2018) Dataset for Metasurface optical solar reflectors using AZO transparent conducting oxides for radiative cooling of spacecraft. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0283 [Dataset]

Sun, Kai, Riedel, Christoph A., Wang, Yudong, Urbani, Alessandro, Simeoni, Mirko, Mengali, Sandro, Zalkovskij, Maksim, Bilenberg, Brian, De Groot, C. H. and Muskens, Otto L. (2018) Metasurface optical solar reflectors using AZO transparent conducting oxides for radiative cooling of spacecraft. ACS Photonics, 52, 495-501. (doi:10.1021/acsphotonics.7b00991).

Morgan, Katrina, Fan, Junqing, Huang, Ruomeng, Zhong, Le, Gowers, Robert, Jiang, Liudi and De Groot, Cornelis (2015) Properties of SiC resistive memory for harsh environments. International Conference on Solid-State Devices and Materials (SSDM 2015), Sapporo, Japan. 26 - 28 Sep 2015. 2 pp .

Fan, Junqing, Jiang, Liudi, Zhong, Le, Wang, Shuncai, Huang, Ruomeng, Morgan, Katrina and De Groot, Cornelis (2016) Resistive memories using Cu nanoparticles embedded amorphous SiC. Micro and nano engineering 2016, Vienna, Vienna, Austria. 19 - 23 Sep 2016. 2 pp .

Morgan, Katrina, Huang, Ruomeng, Potter, K, Shaw, Chris, Redman-White, William and De Groot, Cornelis (2014) Total dose hardness of TiN/HfOx/TiN resistive random access memory devices. IEEE Nuclear & Space Radiation Effects Conference, Marriott Rive Gauche, Paris, France. 14 - 18 Jul 2014. 4 pp .

Chatzikyriakou, Eleni, Morgan, Katrina and De Groot, Cornelis (2018) Total Ionizing dose hardened and mitigation strategies in deep submicrometer CMOS and beyond. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, (99), 1-12. (doi:10.1109/TED.2018.2792305).

Morgan, Katrina (2015) Dataset for Switching kinetics of SiC resistive memory for harsh environments. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0506 [Dataset]

Urbani, Alessandro, Simeoni, Mirko, Mengali, Sandro, Zalkovskij, Maksim, Bilenberg, Brian, De Groot, Cornelis and Muskens, Otto (2018) Dataset for VO2 thermo-chromic metamaterial-based smart optical solar reflector. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0446 [Dataset]

Sun, Kai, Riedel, Christoph A., Urbani, Alessandro, Simeoni, Mirko, Mengali, Sandro, Zalkovskij, Maksim, Bilenberg, Brian, De Groot, C.H. and Muskens, Otto L. (2018) VO2 thermochromic metamaterial-based smart optical solar reflector. ACS Photonics, 5 (6), 2280-2286. (doi:10.1021/acsphotonics.8b00119).

Bakaimi, Ioanna, He, Xingli, Guerin, Samuel, Hashim, Nur, Luo, Qi, Reaney, Ian M., Gao, Steven, Hayden, Brian and De Groot, Cornelis (2018) Combinatorial synthesis and screening of (Ba,Sr)(Ti,Mn)O3 thin films for optimization of tunable co-planar waveguides. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2018 (6), 6222-6228. (doi:10.1039/C8TC01396A).

Benjamin, Sophie, De Groot, Cornelis, Gurnani, Chitra, Hawken, Samantha, Louise, Hector, Andrew L., Huang, Ruomeng, Jura, Marek, Levason, William, Reid, Eleanor, Reid, Gillian, Richards, Stephen and Stenning, Gavin B.G. (2018) Compositionally tunable ternary Bi2(Se1-xTex)3 and (Bi1-ySby)2Te3 thin films via low pressure chemical vapour deposition. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 6 (29), 7734-7739. (doi:10.1039/C8TC01285G).

Huang, Ruomeng (2019) Dataset for Towards a 3D GST phase change memory with integrated selector by non-aqueous electrodeposition. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0601 [Dataset]

Huang, Ruomeng, Kissling, Gabriela, Kashtiban, Reza J., Noori, Yasir, Cicvaric, Katarina, Zhang, Wenjian, Hector, Andrew L., Smith, David C., Reid, Gillian, Bartlett, Philip N. and De Groot, Cornelis (2018) Towards a 3D GeSbTe phase change memory with integrated selector by non-aqueous electrodeposition. Faraday Discussions, 1-17. (doi:10.1039/C8FD00126J).

Fan, Junqing, Kapur, Omesh, Huang, Ruomeng, King, Sean W., De Groot, Cornelis and Jiang, Liudi (2018) Back-end-of-line a-SiOxCy:H dielectrics for resistive memory. AIP Advances, 8 (9), [095215]. (doi:10.1063/1.5046564).

Hashim, Nur Z. and De Groot, Cornelius H. (2018) Gold-compensated high resistivity silicon as low-loss microwave substrate. In 2018 Australian Microwave Symposium, AMS 2018 - Conference Proceedings. vol. 2018-January, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. pp. 37-38 . (doi:10.1109/AUSMS.2018.8346970).

Kissling, Gabriela, Huang, Ruomeng, Jolleys, Andrew, Benjamin, Sophie L, Hector, Andrew L., Reid, Gillian, Levason, William, De Groot, Cornelis and Bartlett, Philip N. (2018) Electrodeposition of a functional solid state memory material – germanium antimony telluride from a non-aqueous plating bath. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 165 (11), D557-D567. (doi:10.1149/2.0981811jes).

Fan, Junqing, Kapur, Omesh, Huang, Ruomeng, King, Sean W., De Groot, Cornelis and Jiang, Liudi (2018) Dataset for Back-end-of-line a-SiOxCy:H dielectrics for resistive memory. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0641 [Dataset]

Kissling, Gabriela, Huang, Ruomeng, Jolleys, Andrew, Benjamin, Sophie L, Hector, Andrew L., Reid, Gillian, Levason, William, De Groot, Cornelis and Bartlett, Philip N. (2018) Data for Electrodeposition of a functional solid state memory material – germanium antimony telluride from a non-aqueous plating bath. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0628 [Dataset]

Kissling, Gabriela, Aziz, Mohsin, Lodge, Andrew, Zhang, Wenjian, Alibouri, Mehrdad, Huang, Ruomeng, Hector, Andrew L., Reid, Gillian, De Groot, Cornelis, Beanland, Richard, Bartlett, Philip N. and Smith, David C. (2018) Electrodeposition of crystalline HgTe from a non-aqueous plating bath. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 165 (16), D802-D807. (doi:10.1149/2.0421816jes).

Hawken, Samantha, Louise, Huang, Ruomeng, De Groot, Cornelis, Hector, Andrew L., Jura, Marek, Levason, William and Stenning, G.B.G. (2019) [Ge(TenBu)4]-a single precursor for the chemical vapour deposition of germanium telluride thin films. Dalton Transactions, 48, 117-124. (doi:10.1039/C8DT03263G).

Corsi, Josephine, Kissling, Gabriela, Aziz, Mohsin, Lodge, Andrew, Zhang, Wenjian, Alibouri, Mehrdad, Huang, Ruomeng, Hector, Andrew L., Reid, Gillian, De Groot, Cornelis, Beanland, Richard, Bartlett, Philip N. and Smith, David (2018) Dataset for Electrodeposition of crystalline HgTe from a non-aqueous plating bath. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0711 [Dataset]

Rebora, Charles, Huang, Ruomeng, Kissling, Gabriela P., Bocquet, Marc, Groot, Kees De, Favre, Luc, Grosso, David, Deleruyelle, Damien and Putero, Magali (2018) Conductive-bridge memory cells based on a nanoporous electrodeposited GeSbTe alloy. Nanotechnology, 30 (2), [025202]. (doi:10.1088/1361-6528/aae6db).

He, Xingli, Bakaimi, Ioanna, Zatil Ismah Hashim, Nur, Wang, Yudong, Mostaed, Ali, Reaney, Ian M., Luo, Qi, Gao, Steven, Hayden, Brian E. and Kees De Groot, C. H. (2018) (Ba, Sr)(Ti, Mn)O3 perovskite films for co-planar waveguide tunable microwave phase shifters. In EuMIC 2018 - 2018 13th European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference. IEEE. pp. 166-169 . (doi:10.23919/EuMIC.2018.8539889).

Meng, Lingcong, Cicvarić, Katarina, Hector, Andrew L., de Groot, C.H. and Bartlett, Philip N. (2019) Electrodeposition of bismuth telluride from a weakly coordinating, non-aqueous solution. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 839, 134-140. (doi:10.1016/j.jelechem.2019.03.021).

Luo, Qi, Gao, Steven, Li, Wenting, Sobhy, Mohammed, Bakaimi, Ioanna, De Groot, C. H.Kees, Hayden, Brian, Reaney, Ian and Yang, Xuexia (2019) Multibeam dual-circularly polarized reflectarray for connected and autonomous vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 68 (4), 3574-3585, [8633341]. (doi:10.1109/TVT.2019.2897218).

Shaw, Chris, Potter, Kenneth, Morgan, Katrina, Ashburn, Peter, De Groot, Kees and Redman-White, Bill (2019) Total dose radiation hardening of MOS transistors by fluorine implantation. In 2017 17th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems, RADECS 2017. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.. (doi:10.1109/RADECS.2017.8696125).

Newbrook, Daniel, William, Huang, Ruomeng, Richards, Stephen P., Sharma, Shivank, Reid, Gillian, Hector, Andrew L. and De Groot, Cornelis (2019) Mathematical model and optimization of a thin-film thermoelectric generator. Journal of Physics: Energy. (doi:10.1088/2515-7655/ab4242).

Jenkins, Melanie, Austin, Dustin, Conley Jr, John, Fan, Junqing, De Groot, C.H., Jiang, Liudi, Fan, Ye, Ali, Rizwan, Ghosh, Gargi, Orlowski, Marius and King, Sean W. (2019) Review—Beyond the highs and lows: A perspective on the future of dielectrics research for nanoelectronic devices. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 8 (11), N159-N185. (doi:10.1149/2.0161910jss).

Nabet, Massinissa, Rack, Martin, de Groot, C.H. (Kees) and Raskin, Jean-Pierre (2019) Behavior of gold-doped silicon substrate under small- and large-RF signal. Solid-State Electronics, [107718]. (doi:10.1016/j.sse.2019.107718).

Sun, Kai, Xiao, Wei, Ye, Sheng, Kalfagiannis, Nikolaos, Kiang, Kian Shen, de Groot, C H Kees and Muskens, Otto L. (2020) Embedded metal oxide plasmonics using local plasma oxidation of AZO for planar metasurfaces. Advanced Materials, 32 (25), [e2001534]. (doi:10.1002/adma.202001534).

Zhang, Shi, Zhu, Xupeng, Xiao, Wei, Shi, Huimin, Wang, Yasi, Chen, Zhiquan, Chen, Yiqin, Sun, Kai, Muskens, Otto L, De Groot, C H, Liu, Shao-Ding and Duan, Huigao (2020) Strongly coupled evenly divided disks: a new compact and tunable platform for plasmonic Fano resonances. Nanotechnology, 31 (32), 325202, [325202]. (doi:10.1088/1361-6528/ab8d68).

Noori, Yasir and De Groot, Cornelis (2020) Modelling resistive and phase‑change memory with passive selector arrays: a MATLAB tool. Journal of Computational Electronics, 19 (3), 1203-1214. (doi:10.1007/s10825-020-01504-7).

Newbrook, Daniel William, Richards, Stephen P., Greenacre, Victoria, Hector, Andrew L., Levason, William, Reid, Gillian, De Groot, Cornelis and Huang, Ruomeng (2020) Selective chemical vapor deposition approach for Sb2Te3 thin film micro-thermoelectric generators. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 3 (6), 5840-5846. (doi:10.1021/acsaem.0c00766).

Thomas, Shibin, Smith, Danielle E., Greenacre, Victoria, Noori, Yasir, Hector, Andrew L., De Groot, Cornelis, Reid, Gillian and Bartlett, Philip N. (2020) Electrodeposition of MoS2 from dichloromethane. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 167 (10), [106511]. (doi:10.1149/1945-7111/ab9c88).

Cicvarić, Katarina, Meng, Lingcong, Newbrook, Daniel W., Huang, Ruomeng, Ye, Sheng, Zhang, Wenjian, Hector, Andrew L., Reid, Gillian, Bartlett, Philip N. and De Groot, C.H. Kees (2020) Thermoelectric properties of bismuth telluride thin films electrodeposited from a non-aqueous solution. ACS Omega, 5 (24), 14679-14688. (doi:10.1021/acsomega.0c01284).

Newbrook, Daniel William, Richards, Stephen P, Greenacre, Victoria, Hector, Andrew L., Levason, William, Reid, Gillian, De Groot, C.H. and Huang, Ruomeng (2020) Improved thermoelectric performance of Bi2Se3 alloyed Bi2Te3 thin films via low pressure chemical vapour deposition. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 848, [156523]. (doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2020.156523).

Noori, Yasir, Thomas, Shibin, Ramadan, Sami, Smith, Danielle E., Greenacre, Victoria, Abdelazim, Nema, Han, Yisong, Beanland, Richard, Hector, Andrew L., Klein, Norbet, Reid, Gillian, Bartlett, Philip N. and De Groot, Kees (2020) Large-area electrodeposition of few-layer MoS2 on graphene for 2D material heterostructures. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12 (44), 49786-49794. (doi:10.1021/acsami.0c14777).

Robinson, Fred, Newbrook, Daniel William, Curran, Peter, De Groot, Kees, Hardie, Duncan, Hector, Andrew L., Huang, Ruomeng and Reid, Gillian (2021) Low temperature CVD of thermoelectric SnTe thin films from the single source precursor, [nBu3Sn(TenBu)]. Dalton Transactions, 50 (3), 998-1006. (doi:10.1039/D0DT03760E).

Ye, Sheng (2020) Dataset for: Direct observation of surface charge redistribution in active nanoscale conducting channels by Kelvin Probe Microscopy. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1600 [Dataset]

Ye, Sheng, Yan, Xingzhao, Husain, Muhammad K, De Groot, Kees, Saito, Shinichi and Tsuchiya, Yoshishige (2021) Direct observation of surface charge redistribution in active nanoscale conducting channels by Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy. Nanotechnology, 32 (32), [325206]. (doi:10.1088/1361-6528/abfd55).

Huang, Ruomeng, Dai, Peng, De Groot, Kees, Muskens, Otto and Duan, Huigao (2021) Dataset for Accurate Inverse Design of Fabry–Pérot-Cavity-Based Color Filters far beyond sRGB via a Bidirectional Artificial Neural Network. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1686 [Dataset]

Abdelazim, Nema, Noori, Yasir, Thomas, Shibin, Greenacre, Victoria, Han, Yisong and Smith, Danielle (2021) Dataset for Lateral growth of MoS2 2D material semiconductors over an insulator via electrodeposition. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1856 [Dataset]

Dai, Peng, Huang, Ruomeng, De Groot, Kees, Muskens, Otto, Wang, Yasi and Duan, Huigao (2021) Accurate inverse design of Fabry–Perot-cavity-based color filters far beyond sRGB via a bidirectional artificial neural network. Photonics Research, 9 (5), B236-B246. (doi:10.1364/PRJ.415141).

Robinson, Fred, Curran, Peter J., De Groot, Kees, Hardie, Duncan, Hector, Andrew L., Holloway, Katherine, Huang, Ruomeng, Newbrook, Daniel, William and Reid, Gillian (2021) nBu2Sn(SnBu)2 and nBu3SnEnBu (E = S or Se) - effective single source precursors for the CVD of SnS and SnSe thermoelectric thin films. Materials Advances, 2 (14), 4814-4823. (doi:10.1039/D1MA00331C).

Noori, Yasir, Abdelazim, Nema, Thomas, Shibin, Greenacre, Victoria, Han, Yisong, Smith, Danielle E., Piana, Giacomo M, Zhelev, Nikolay, Hector, Andrew L., Beanland, Richard, Reid, Gillian, Bartlett, Philip N. and De Groot, Kees (2021) Lateral growth of MoS2 2D material semiconductors over an insulator via electrodeposition. Advanced Electronic Materials, 7 (9), 1-8, [2100419]. (doi:10.1002/aelm.202100419).

Noori, Yasir, Meng, Lingcong, Hamdiyah, Ayoub Hassan Jaafar, Zhang, Wenjian, Kissling, Gabriela, Han, Yisong, Abdelazim, Nema, Alibouri, Mehrdad, Leblanc, Kathleen, Zhelev, Nikolay, Huang, Ruomeng, Beanland, Richard, Smith, David C., Reid, Gillian, De Groot, Kees and Bartlett, Philip N. (2021) Phase change memory by GeSbTe electrodeposition in crossbar arrays. ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 3 (8), 3610-3618. (doi:10.1021/acsaelm.1c00491).

Noori, Yasir, Meng, Lingcong, Hamdiyah, Ayoub Hassan Jaafar, Han, Yisong and Abdelazim, Nema (2021) Dataset for Phase Change Memory by GeSbTe Electrodeposition in Crossbar Arrays. University of Southampton [Dataset]

Du, Yuxin, Sun, Kai, Zheng, Zihang, De Groot, Kees and Fang, Xu (2021) Optical modulation in a Si microring resonator inspired by biological classical conditioning. Photonics in Switching and Computing (PSC), Online. 27 - 29 Sep 2021. 1 pp .

Thomas, Shibin, Greenacre, Victoria, Smith, Danielle E., Noori, Yasir, Abdelazim, Nema, Hector, Andrew L., De Groot, Kees, Levason, William, Bartlett, Philip N. and Reid, Gillian (2021) Tungsten disulfide thin films via electrodeposition from a single source precursor. ChemComm, 57 (79), 10194-10197. (doi:10.1039/D1CC03297F).

Robinson, Fred, Sethi, Vikesh, De Groot, Kees, Hector, Andrew L., Huang, Ruomeng and Reid, Gillian (2021) Low pressure CVD of GeE (E = Te, Se, S) thin films from alkylgermanium chalcogenolate precursors and effect of the deposition temperature on the thermoelectric performance of GeTe. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13 (40), 47773-47783. (doi:10.1021/acsami.1c14237).

Zhu, Yuxiao, Newbrook, Daniel, William, Dai, Peng, De Groot, Kees and Huang, Ruomeng (2022) Artificial neural network enabled accurate geometrical design and optimisation of thermoelectric generator. Applied Energy - Elsevier, 305, [117800]. (doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.117800).

Hamdiyah, Ayoub Hassan Jaafar, Meng, Lingcong, Noori, Yasir and Han, Yisong (2021) Dataset for Electrodeposition of GeSbTe Based Resistive Switching Memory in Crossbar Arrays. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D2026 [Dataset]

Noori, Yasir, Thomas, Shibin, Ramadan, Sami, Greenacre, Victoria, Abdelazim, Nema, Han, Yisong, Zhang, J, Beanland, Richard, Hector, Andrew L., Klein, Norbert, Reid, Gillian, Bartlett, Philip N. and De Groot, Kees (2021) Electrodeposited WS2 monolayers on patterned graphene. 2D Materials, 9 (1), [015025]. (doi:10.1088/2053-1583/ac3dd6).

Muskens, Otto, Bergamini, Luca, Chen, Bigeng, Traviss, Daniel, Wang, Yudong, De Groot, Kees, Gaskell, Jeffrey M., Sheel, David W. and Aizpurua, Javier (2021) Dataset for: Single-nanoantenna driven nanoscale control of the VO2 insulator to metal transition. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1917 [Dataset]

Soule, Samantha, Moehl, Gilles, Ernest Heinrich Karl, Huang, Ruomeng, Noori, Yasir, Kiang, Kian Shen, De Groot, Kees, Beanland, Richard, Smith, David and Hector, Andrew (2022) Dataset for Confining the growth of mesoporous silica films into nanospaces: towards surface nanopatterning. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D2093 [Dataset]

Noori, Yasir (2021) Electrodeposited WS2 Monolayers on Patterned Graphene. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D2045 [Dataset]

Jaafar, Ayoub H., Meng, Lingcong, Noori, Yasir J., Zhang, Wenjian, Han, Yisong, Beanland, Richard, Smith, David C., Reid, Gillian, De Groot, Kees, Huang, Ruomeng and Bartlett, Philip N. (2021) Electrodeposition of GeSbTe-based resistive switching memory in crossbar arrays. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 125 (47), 26247-26255. (doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.1c08549).

Soulé, Samantha, Moehl, Gilles E., Huang, Ruomeng, Noori, Yasir J., Kiang, Kian Shen, Kees de Groot, C. H., Beanland, Richard, Smith, David C. and Hector, Andrew L. (2022) Confining the growth of mesoporous silica films into nanospaces: towards surface nanopatterning. Nanoscale Advances, 4 (4), 1105-1111. (doi:10.1039/d1na00654a).

Noori, Yasir, Abdelazim, Nema, Thomas, Shibin, Reid, Gillian, Bartlett, Philip N., Klein, Norbert, Beanland, Richard, Hou, Yaonan, Skandalos, Ilias, Gardes, Frederic and De Groot, Kees (2022) 2D material based optoelectronics by electroplating. In Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics (SIOE) Conference. 1 pp .

Zheng, Zihang, Sun, Kai, Du, Yuxin, Muskens, Otto, De Groot, Kees and Fang, Xu (2022) Vertical growth models outperform effective medium models in analyzing VO2 phase transition. CLEO, , San Jose, United States. 15 - 20 May 2022. 1 pp . (In Press)

Dai, Peng, Sun, Kai, Yan, Xingzhao, Muskens, Otto, De Groot, Kees, Zhu, Xupeng, Hu, Yueqiang, Duan, Huigao and Huang, Ruomeng (2022) Inverse design of structural color: Finding multiple solutions via conditional generative adversarial networks. Nanophotonics, 11 (13), 3057-3069. (doi:10.1515/nanoph-2022-0095).

Huang, Ruomeng, Kapur, Omesh, Guo, Dongkai, Jiang, Liudi, Han, Yisong, Beanland, Richard, De Groot, Kees and Reynolds, Jamie (2022) Dataset for the journal article: "Back-end-of-line SiC based memristor for resistive memory and artificial synapse". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D2165 [Dataset]

Noori, Yasir, Abdelazim, Nema, Ramadan, Sami, Greenacre, Victoria, Han, Yisong, Beanland, Richard, Klein, Norbert, Reid, Gillian, Bartlett, Philip N. and De Groot, Kees (2022) Vertical and Lateral Electrodeposition of 2D Material Heterostructures. Graphene 2D Materials 2022, , Aachen, Germany. 05 - 08 Jul 2022. 1 pp .

Kapur, Omesh, Radhev, Guo, Dongkai, Reynolds, Jamie, Han, Yisong, Beanland, Richard, Jiang, Liudi, De Groot, Kees and Huang, Ruomeng (2022) Back-end-of-line SiC based memristor for resistive memory and artificial synapse. Advanced Electronic Materials. (doi:10.1002/aelm.202200312).

Zheng, Zihang, Sun, Kai, Du, Yuxin, Muskens, Otto, De Groot, Kees and Fang, Xu (2022) Vertical growth models for analysing vanadium dioxide phase transition in thin films. Photon 2022. 30 Aug - 02 Sep 2022. (In Press)

Sun, Kai, Vassos, Evangelos, Yan, Xingzhao, Wheeler, Callum, Wiecha, Peter R., Gregory, Simon A., Feresidis, Alex, De Groot, Kees and Muskens, Otto (2022) Dataset for: Wafer-scale 200 mm Metal Oxide Infrared Metasurface with Tailored Differential Emissivity Response in the Atmospheric Windows. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D2141 [Dataset]

Sun, Kai, Vassos, Evangelos, Yan, Xingzhao, Wheeler, Callum, Churm, James, Wiecha, Peter R., Gregory, Simon A., Feresidis, Alex, de Groot, Cornelis H. and Muskens, Otto L. (2022) Wafer-Scale 200 mm Metal Oxide Infrared Metasurface with Tailored Differential Emissivity Response in the Atmospheric Windows. Advanced Optical Materials. (doi:10.1002/adom.202200452).

Sun, Kai, Xiao, Wei, Wheeler, Callum, Simeoni, Mirko, Urbani, Alessandro, Gaspari, Matteo, Mengali, Sandro, De Groot, Kees and Muskens, Otto (2022) Dataset to support the journal article: VO2 Metasurface Smart Thermal Emitter with High Visual Transparency for Passive Radiative Cooling Regulation in Space and Terrestrial Applications. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D2144 [Dataset]

Dai, Peng, Sun, Kai, Yan, Xingzhao, Muskens, Otto, De Groot, Kees, Zhu, Xupeng, Hu, Yueqiang, Duan, Huigao and Huang, Ruomeng (2022) Dataset for "Inverse Design of Structural Color: Finding Multiple Solutions via Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D2182 [Dataset]


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Harris, Ethan William Albert, Niranjan, Mahesan and Hare, Jonathon (2019) Foveated convolutions: improving spatial transformer networks by modelling the retina. In Shared Visual Representations in Human and Machine Intelligence: 2019 NeurIPS Workshop. 8 pp .

Harris, Ethan William Albert, Mihai, Andreea Daniela and Hare, Jonathon (2019) Spatial and colour opponency in anatomically constrained deep networks. In Shared Visual Representations in Human and Machine Intelligence: 2019 NeurIPS Workshop. pp. 1-10 .

Harris, Ethan William Albert, Mihai, Andreea Daniela and Hare, Jonathon (2020) How convolutional neural network architecture biases learned opponency and colour tuning. Neural Computation. (In Press)

Harris, Ethan William Albert, Mihai, Andreea Daniela and Hare, Jonathon (2020) Anatomically constrained ResNets exhibit opponent receptive fields; so what? In Shared Visual Representations in Human and Machine Intelligence: 2020 NeurIPS Workshop. 10 pp .


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Packer, Heather S., Gibbins, Nicholas and Jennings, Nicholas R (2009) Ontology evolution through agent collaboration. Workshop on Matching and Meaning 2009: Automated Development, Evolution and Interpretation of Ontologies, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. 08 Apr 2009.

Isaksen, Leif, Martinez, Kirk, Gibbins, Nicholas, Earl, Graeme and Keay, Simon (2010) Interoperate with whom? formality, archaeology and the semantic web. Web Science Conference 2010, , Raleigh, United States. 25 - 26 Apr 2010. 1 pp .

Isaksen, Leif, Martinez, Kirk, Earl, Graeme, Gibbins, Nicholas and Keay, Simon (2011) Interoperate with whom? Archaeology, formality and the semantic web. In Proceedings of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. 8 pp . (In Press)

Isaksen, Leif, Earl, Graeme, Martinez, Kirk, Keay, Simon and Gibbins, Nicholas (2010) Linking archaeological data. Frischer, Bernard and Fischer, Lisa (eds.) In Proceedings of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology Conference. Archaeopress. 8 pp .

DeRoure, David C., El-Beltagy, Samhaa, Gibbins, Nicholas M., Carr, Les A. and Hall, Wendy (1999) Integrating Link Resolution Services using Query Routing. 5th Workshop on Open Hypermedia Systems (OHS5), ACM Hypertext'99 Conference. pp. 17-22 .

Moreau, Luc, Gibbins, Nick, DeRoure, David, El-Beltagy, Samhaa, Hall, Wendy, Hughes, Gareth, Joyce, Dan, Kim, Sanghee, Michaelides, Danius, Millard, Dave, Reich, Sigi, Tansley, Robert and Weal, Mark (2000) SoFAR with DIM Agents: An agent framework for Distributed Information Management. The Fifth International Conference and Exhibition on The Practical Application of Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agents. 369--388 .

Gibbins, Nicholas and Hall, Wendy (2001) Scalability Issues for Query Routing Service Discovery. Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Infrastructure for Agents, MAS and Scalable MAS. pp. 209-217 .

Beales, Richard, Cruickshank, Don, De Roure, David, Gibbins, Nick, Juby, Ben, Michaelides, Danius T. and Page, Kevin R. (2001) The Pipeline of Enrichment: Supporting Link Creation for Continuous Media. In, Openness, Structural Awareness, and Adaptivity: International Workshops. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2266) Hypermedia: Openness, Structural Awareness, and Adaptivity (International Workshops OHS-7, SC-3 and AH-3) (01/08/01) Springer-Verlag, pp. 47-58.

Moreau, Luc, Tan, Victor and Gibbins, Nicholas (2001) Transparent migration of mobile agents. IEE Seminar: Mobile Agents --- Where are They Going?. 2/1--2/11 . (doi:10.1049/ic:20010002).

Alani, Harith, Dasmahapatra, Srinandan, Gibbins, Nicholas, Glaser, Hugh, Harris, Steve, Kalfoglou, Yannis, O'Hara, Kieron and Shadbolt, Nigel (2002) Managing Reference: Ensuring Referential Integrity of Ontologies for the Semantic Web. 13th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW'02), Sigenza, Spain. pp. 317-334 .

Gibbins, Nicholas, Harris, Stephen and Shadbolt, Nigel (2003) Agent-based Semantic Web Services. Twelfth International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2003).

Harris, Stephen and Gibbins, Nicholas (2003) 3store: Efficient Bulk RDF Storage. 1st International Workshop on Practical and Scalable Semantic Systems (PSSS'03), Sanibel Island, Florida. pp. 1-15 .

schraefel, m.c., Shadbolt, Nigel R., Gibbins, Nicholas, Glaser, Hugh and Harris, Stephen (2004) CS AKTive Space: Representing Computer Science in the Semantic Web. World Wide Web Conference 2004. pp. 384-392 .

Gibbins, Nicholas, Harris, Stephen and schraefel, monica (2003) Applying mSpace Interfaces to the Semantic Web. World Wide Web Conference 2004.

schraefel, monica m.c., Millard, Ian, Millard, Dave, Hughes, Gareth V., Weal, Mark J., Michaelides, Danius T., Harris, Steve and Gibbins, Nick (2003) Connecting Physical+Temporal Events to Digital Contexts.

Shadbolt, Nigel R., schraefel, m.c., Gibbins, Nicholas, Glaser, Hugh and Harris, Stephen , Goble, Carol (ed.) (2004) Walking Through CS AKTive Space: A demonstration of an integrated SemanticWeb Application. Journal of Web Semantics, 1 (4), 415-420.

Gibbins, Nicholas, Harris, Stephen and Shadbolt, Nigel (2003) Agent-based Semantic Web Services. Web Semantics, 1 (2), 141-154.

Glaser, Hugh, Alani, Harith, Carr, Les, Chapman, Sam, Ciravegna, Fabio, Dingli, Alexei, Gibbins, Nicholas, Harris, Stephen, schraefel, m.c. and Shadbolt, Nigel (2004) CS AKTive Space: Building a Semantic Web Application. Bussler, Christopher, Davies, John, Fensel, Dieter and Studer, Rudi (eds.) In The Semantic Web: Research and Applications (First European Web Symposium, ESWS 2004). Springer-Verlag. pp. 417-432 .

Shadbolt, Nigel R., Gibbins, Nicholas, Glaser, Hugh, Harris, Stephen and schraefel, m.c. (2004) CS AKTive Space or how we stopped worrying and learned to love the Semantic Web. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 19 (3), 41-47.

Gibbins, Nicholas M., Harris, Steve W., Michaelides, Danius T., Millard, David E. and Weal, Mark J. (2003) Exploring the Relationship Between FOHM and RDF. 1st International Workshop on Hypermedia and the Semantic Web (HTSW2003), Nottingham, United Kingdom.

Gibbins, Nicholas, Harris, Stephen, Dix, Alan and schraefel, mc (2004) Applying mSpace interfaces to the Semantic Web - working paper s.n.

schraefel, m.c., Preece, Alun, Gibbins, Nick, Harris, Steve and Millard, Ian (2004) Ghosts in the Semantic Web Machine? 1st Workshop on Friend of a Friend, Social Networking and the Semantic Web, Galway, Ireland. 31 Aug - 01 Sep 2004.

Alani, Harith, Gibbins, Nicholas, Glaser, Hugh, Harris, Stephen and Shadbolt, Nigel (2005) Monitoring Research Collaborations Using Semantic Web Technologies. 2nd European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC), Crete. pp. 664-678 .

Tuffield, Mischa, Harris, Stephen, Dupplaw, David P., Chakravarthy, Ajay, Brewster, Christopher, Gibbins, Nicholas, O'Hara, Kieron, Ciravegna, Fabio, Sleeman, Derek, Wilks, Yorick and Shadbolt, Nigel R. (2006) Image annotation with Photocopain. First International Workshop on Semantic Web Annotations for Multimedia (SWAMM 2006) at WWW2006, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

Millard, David E., Gibbins, Nicholas M., Michaelides, Danius T. and Weal, Mark J. (2005) Mind the Semantic Gap. the sixteenth ACM conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, Salzburg, Austria. pp. 54-62 .

Harris, Steven, Gibbins, Nicholas and Payne, Terry R. (2004) SemIndex: Preliminary Results from Semantic Web Indexing. 1st Workshop on Friend of a Friend, Social Networking and the Semantic Web, Galway, Ireland. 31 Aug - 01 Sep 2004.

Wang, Hai H., Gibbins, Nick, Payne, Terry, Saleh, Ahmed and Sun, Jun (2007) A Formal Semantic Model of the Semantic Web Service Ontology (WSMO). Dong, Jin Song and Sun, Jing (eds.) Twelfth IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, Auckland, New Zealand. 10 - 13 Jul 2007.

Wang, Hai H., Saleh, Ahmed, Payne, Terry and Gibbins, Nick (2007) Formal Specification of OWL-S with Object-Z: the Static Aspect. The 2007 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, Silicon Valley, United States.

Wang, Hai W., Saleh, Ahmed, Payne, Terry R. and Gibbins, Nicholas (2007) Formal Specification of OWL-S with Object-Z. The First ESWC Workshop on OWL-S: Experiences and Future Directions, Innsbruck, Austria.

Wang, Hai H., Dong, Jin-Song, Sun, Jing, Payne, Terry R., Gibbins, Nick, Li, Yuan-Fang and Pan, Jeff (2007) An Integrated Formal Approach to Semantic Work Environments Design. In, Emerging Technologies for Semantic Work Environments: Techniques, Methods. IDEA GROUP, pp. 262-280.

Wang, Hai H., Payne, Terry, Gibbins, Nick and Saleh, Ahmed (2007) Formal Specification of OWL-S with Object-Z: the Dynamic Aspect. The 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering, Nancy, France. pp. 237-248 .

Sah, Melike, Hall, Wendy, Gibbins, Nicholas M and De Roure, David C (2007) SEMPort – A Personalized Semantic Portal. 18th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, Manchester, United Kingdom. 09 - 11 Sep 2007. pp. 31-32 .

Au Yeung, Ching-man, Gibbins, Nicholas and Shadbolt, Nigel (2007) Mutual Contextualization in Tripartite Graphs of Folksonomies. The 6th International Semantic Web Conference, Busan, South Korea. 11 - 15 Nov 2007. pp. 966-970 .

Au Yeung, Ching Man, Gibbins, Nicholas and Shadbolt, Nigel (2007) Tag Meaning Disambiguation through Analysis of Tripartite Structure of Folksonomies. The 2007 IEEE / WIC / ACM International Conference on Intelligence Agent Technology - Workshops, Silicon Valley, California, United States. 02 - 05 Nov 2007. pp. 3-6 .

Au Yeung, Ching Man, Gibbins, Nicholas and Shadbolt, Nigel (2007) Understanding the Semantics of Ambiguous Tags in Folksonomies. The International Workshop on Emergent Semantics and Ontology Evolution (ESOE2007) at ISWC/ASWC 2007, Busan, South Korea.

Wang, Hai H., Gibbins, Nick, Payne, Terry, Saleh, Ahmed and Li, Yuan (2008) Transitioning Applications to Semantic Web Services: An Automated Formal Approach. International Journal of Interoperability in Business Information Systems (IBIS).

Boulain, Philip, Shadbolt, Nigel and Gibbins, Nicholas (2008) Hyperstructure Maintenance Costs in Large-scale Wikis. Social Web and Knowledge Management 2008, Beijing, China. (Submitted)

Au Yeung, Ching Man, Gibbins, Nicholas and Shadbolt, Nigel (2008) A Study of User Profile Generation from Folksonomies. Social Web and Knowledge Management, Social Web 2008 Workshop at WWW2008, Beijing, China. 20 - 24 Apr 2008. (In Press)

Bandara, Ayomi, Payne, Terry, Roure, David De, Gibbins, Nicholas and Lewis, Tim (2008) Semantic Resource Matching for Pervasive Environments: The Approach and its Evaluation s.n. (In Press)

Bandara, Ayomi, Payne, Terry, De Roure, David, Gibbins, Nicholas and Lewis, Tim (2008) A Pragmatic Approach for the Semantic Description and Matching of Pervasive Resources. 3rd International Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing (GPC 2008). (In Press)

Wang, Hai h., Gibbins, Nick, Payne, Terry, Saleh, Ahmed and Sun, Jun (2008) A Formal Model of Semantic Web Service Ontology (WSMO) Execution. The Thirteenth IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS 2008), Belfast, Northern Ireland. 30 Mar - 03 Apr 2008. pp. 111-120 .

Au Yeung, Ching Man, Gibbins, Nicholas and Shadbolt, Nigel (2008) Web Search Disambiguation by Collaborative Tagging. Workshop on Exploring Semantic Annotations in Information Retrieval at ECIR'08, Glasgow, United Kingdom. pp. 48-61 .

Packer, Heather S., Payne, Terry, Gibbins, Nicholas and Jennings, Nicholas R. (2008) Evolving Ontological Knowledge Bases through Agent Collaboration. Sixth European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems, Bath.

Owens, Alisdair, Seaborne, Andy, Gibbins, Nick and schraefel, mc (2008) Clustered TDB: A Clustered Triple Store for Jena s.n. (In Press)

Owens, Alisdair, Gibbins, Nick and schraefel, mc (2008) Effective Benchmarking for RDF Stores Using Synthetic Data s.n. (Submitted)

Au Yeung, Ching Man, Gibbins, Nicholas and Shadbolt, Nigel (2008) Collective User Behaviour and Tag Contextualisation in Folksonomies. 2008 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology - Workshops, Sydney, Australia. 09 - 12 Dec 2008. pp. 659-662 .

Au Yeung, Ching Man, Gibbins, Nicholas and Shadbolt, Nigel (2008) A k-Nearest-Neighbour Method for Classifying Web Search Results with Data in Folksonomies. 2008 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, Sydney, Australia. 09 - 12 Dec 2008. pp. 70-76 .

Au Yeung, Ching Man, Gibbins, Nicholas and Shadbolt, Nigel (2008) Discovering and Modelling Multiple Interests of Users in Collaborative Tagging Systems. 2008 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conferences on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology Workshops, Sydney, Australia. 09 - 12 Dec 2008. pp. 115-118 .

Kota, Ramachandra, Gibbins, Nicholas and Jennings, Nicholas R (2009) Self-Organising Agent Organisations. The 8th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS '09), Budapest, Hungary. 09 - 14 May 2009. pp. 797-804 .

Au Yeung, Ching Man, Noll, Michael, Gibbins, Nicholas, Meinel, Christoph and Shadbolt, Nigel (2009) On Measuring Expertise in Collaborative Tagging Systems. Web Science Conference: Society On-Line, Athens, Greece. 18 - 20 Mar 2009. (Submitted)

Au Yeung, Ching Man, Kagal, Lalana, Gibbins, Nicholas and Shadbolt, Nigel (2009) Providing Access Control to Online Photo Albums Based on Tags and Linked Data. AAAI Spring Symposium on Social Semantic Web: Where Web 2.0 Meets Web 3.0, Stanford, CA, United States. 23 - 25 Mar 2009.

Au Yeung, Ching Man, Gibbins, Nicholas and Shadbolt, Nigel (2009) Contextualising Tags in Collaborative Tagging Systems. 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, Torino, Italy. 28 - 30 Jun 2009.

Noll, Michael, Au Yeung, Ching Man, Gibbins, Nicholas, Meinel, Christoph and Shadbolt, Nigel (2009) Telling experts from spammers: expertise ranking in folksonomies. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR'09), Boston, United States. 18 - 22 Jul 2009. pp. 612-619 . (doi:10.1145/1571941.1572046).

Kota, Ramachandra, Gibbins, Nicholas and Jennings, Nicholas R (2009) A Generic Agent Organisation Framework For Autonomic Systems. 1st International ICST Workshop on Agent-Based Social Simulation and Autonomic Systems (ABSS 2009), Limassol, Cyprus. 08 - 10 Sep 2009. pp. 203-219 .

Zuo, Landong, Salvadores, Manuel, Imtiaz, Hazzaz, Darlington, John, Gibbins, Nicholas, Shadbolt, Nigel and Dobree, James (2009) Supporting Multi-view Network Analysis to Understand Company Value Chains. ISWC 2009, , Washington, United States. 24 - 29 Oct 2009. (Submitted)

Au Yeung, Ching Man, Gibbins, Nicholas and Shadbolt, Nigel (2009) User-induced Links in Collaborative Tagging Systems. 18th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Hong Kong. 02 - 06 Nov 2009. (Submitted)

Isaksen, Leif, Martinez, Kirk, Gibbins, Nicholas, Earl, Graeme and Keay, Simon (2009) Linking archaeological data. CAA 2009: 37th annual international conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Williamsburg, United States. 22 - 26 Mar 2009.

Gibbins, Nicholas and Shadbolt, Nigel (2009) Resource Description Framework (RDF). In, Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences. (Submitted)

Boulain, Philip, Shadbolt, Nigel and Gibbins, Nicholas (2009) Studies on Editing Patterns in Large-scale Wikis. In, King, Irwin and Baeza-Yates, Ricardo (eds.) Weaving Services and People on the World Wide Web. Springer, pp. 325-349.

Bandara, Ayomi, Payne, Terry, De Roure, David, Gibbins, Nicholas and Lewis, Tim (2010) A pragmatic approach for the semantic description and matching of pervasive resources. International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communication, 6 (1), 19-46.

Correndo, Gianluca, Salvadores, Manuel, Yang, Yang, Gibbins, Nicholas and Shadbolt, Nigel (2010) Geographical Service: a compass for the Web of Data. Linked Data on the Web (LDOW2010), , Raleigh, United States.

Yeung, CMA, Gibbins, N and Shadbolt, N (2009) Multiple Interests of Users in Collaborative Tagging Systems. Weaving Services and People on the World Wide Web, 255-274.

Zuo, LD, Salvadores, M, Imtiaz, SMH, Darlington, J, Gibbins, N, Shadbolt, NR and Dobree, J (2009) Supporting Multi-view User Ontology to Understand Company Value Chains. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 5823, 925-940. (doi:10.1088/1742-6596/817/1/012022).

Packer, Heather S., Gibbins, Nicholas and Jennings, Nicholas R. (2010) Collaborative Learning of Ontology Fragments by Cooperating Agents. IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology, Toronto, Canada. 31 Aug - 02 Sep 2010. pp. 89-96 .

Salvadores, Manuel, Correndo, Gianluca, Omitola, Temitope, Gibbins, Nicholas, Harris, Steve and Shadbolt, Nigel (2010) 4s-reasoner: RDFS Backward Chained Reasoning Support in 4store. Web-scale Knowledge Representation, Retrieval, and Reasoning (Web-KR3), Toronto, Canada.

Salvadores, Manuel, Correndo, Gianluca, Szomszor, Martin, Yang, Yang, Gibbins, Nicholas, Millard, Ian, Glaser, Hugh and Shadbolt, Nigel (2010) Domain-specific backlinking services in the Web of Data. Web Intelligence, , Toronto, Canada. 6 pp . (In Press)

Omitola, Tope, Millard, Ian, Glaser, Hugh, Gibbins, Nicholas and Shadbolt, Nigel (2010) From Information to Sense-Making: Fetching and Querying Semantic Repositories. In, KES 2010, Part IV, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, volume 6279. Springer.

Packer, Heather S., Gibbins, Nicholas and Jennings, Nicholas R. (2010) Forgetting Fragments from Evolving Ontologies. International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), Shanghai, China. 07 - 11 Nov 2010. pp. 577-592 .

Kota, Ramachandra, Gibbins, Nicholas and Jennings, Nick (2012) Decentralised Approaches for Self-Adaptation in Agent Organisations. ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, 7 (1), 1-28.

Cobden, Marcus, Black, Jennifer, Gibbins, Nicholas and Shadbolt, Nigel (2010) Consuming Linked Closed Data s.n. (Submitted)

Boulain, Philip, Shadbolt, Nigel and Gibbins, Nicholas (2010) A Model for Open Semantic Hyperwikis. In, Breslin, John G., Burg, Thomas N., Kim, Hong-Gee, Raftery, Tom and Schmidt, Jan-Hinrik (eds.) Recent Trends and Developments in Social Software. Springer, pp. 1-14.

Gibbins, Nicholas, Glaser, Hugh, Gutteridge, Christopher, Hall, Wendy, Millard, Ian and Shadbolt, Nigel (2010) The Web of Linked Data: A Tutorial. The Open Data Revolution and the Web of Linked Data. (In Press)

Horne, Ross, Sassone, Vladimiro and Gibbins, Nicholas (2012) Operational semantics for SPARQL Update. Pan, Jeff Z., Chen, Huajun, Kim, Hong-Gee, Li, Juanzi, Wu, Zhe, Horrocks, Ian, Mizoguchi, Riichiro and Wu, Zhaohui (eds.) In The Semantic Web. Joint International Semantic Technology Conference, JIST 2011, Hangzhou, China, December 4-7, 2011, Proceedings. Springer. pp. 242-257 .

Omitola, Temitope, Gibbins, Nicholas and Shadbolt, Nigel (2010) Provenance in Linked Data Integration. Future Internet Assembly, , Ghent, Belgium. 16 - 17 Dec 2010.

Omitola, Temitope, Zuo, Landong, Gutteridge, Christopher, Millard, Ian, Glaser, Hugh, Gibbins, Nicholas and Shadbolt, Nigel (2011) Tracing the Provenance of Linked Data using voiD. The International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics (WIMS'11), Norway. 24 - 26 May 2011.

Yang, Yang, Singh, Priyanka, Yao, Jiadi, Au Yeung, Ching Man, Zareian, Amir, Wang, Xiaowei, Cai, Zhonglun, Salvadores, Manuel, Gibbins, Nicholas, Hall, Wendy and Shadbolt, Nigel (2011) Distributed human computation framework for linked data co-reference resolution. 8th Extended Semantic Web Conference, LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE (LNCS), Volume 6643, , Herakilon, Greece. 28 May - 01 Jun 2011. pp. 32-46 .

Salvadores, Manuel, Correndo, Gianluca, Harris, Steve, Gibbins, Nicholas and Shadbolt, Nigel (2011) The Design and Implementation of Minimal RDFS Backward Reasoning in 4store. Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC).

Packer, Heather S., Gibbins, Nicholas and Jennings, Nicholas R. (2011) An on-line algorithm for semantic forgetting. IJCAI'11. Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence - Volume Three, Barcelona, Spain. 17 - 21 Jul 2011. pp. 2704-2709 . (doi:10.5591/978-1-57735-516-8/IJCAI11-450).

Au Yeung, Ching-man Au, Noll, Michael G., Meinel, Christoph, Gibbins, Nicholas and Shadbolt, Nigel (2011) Measuring expertise in online communities. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 26 (1), 26-32. (doi:10.1109/MIS.2011.18).

Omitola, Temitope, Millard, Ian, Glaser, Hugh, Gibbins, Nicholas and Shadbolt, Nigel (2010) Topological properties of the Linked Open Data Webgraph. First International Workshop on Consuming Linked Data (COLD2010). (Submitted)

Cobden, Marcus, Black, Jennifer, Gibbins, Nicholas, Carr, Les and Shadbolt, Nigel (2011) A Research Agenda for Linked Closed Data. Second International Workshop on Consuming Linked Data, , Bonn, Germany. 22 Oct 2011.

Wang, H.W., Gibbins, N., Payne, T.R. and Redavid, D. (2012) A formal model of the Semantic Web Service Ontology (WSMO). Information Systems, 37 (1), 33-60. (doi:10.1016/

Au Yeung, Ching-man, Noll, Michael G., Gibbins, Nicholas, Meine, Christoph and Shadbolt, Nigel (2011) SPEAR: spamming-resistant expertise analysis and ranking in collaborative tagging systems. Computational Intelligence, 27 (3), 458-488. (doi:10.1111/j.1467-8640.2011.00384.x).

Omitola, Tope, Freitas, Andre, Edward, Curry, O’Riain, Sean, Gibbins, Nicholas and Shadbolt, Nigel (2012) Capturing interactive data transformation operations using provenance workflows. The Third International Workshop on the Role of Semantic Web in Provenance Management (SWPM 2012), Heraklion, Greece. 26 - 27 May 2012. 12 pp .

Preotiuc-Pietro, Daniel, Samangooei, Sina, Cohn, Trevor, Gibbins, Nicholas and Niranjan, Mahesan (2012) Trendminer: an architecture for real time analysis of social media text. 6th International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM-12), Dublin, Ireland. 04 - 06 Jun 2012. 5 pp .

Correndo, Gianluca, Penta, Antonio, Gibbins, Nicholas and Shadbolt, Nigel (2012) Statistical analysis of the owl:sameAs network for aligning concepts in the linking open data cloud. International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2012 ), Wien, Austria. 02 - 06 Sep 2012. 15 pp . (doi:10.1007/978-3-642-32597-7_20).

Shadbolt, Nigel, O'Hara, Kieron, Berners-Lee, Tim, Gibbins, Nicholas, Glaser, Hugh, Hall, Wendy and schraefel, m.c. (2012) Linked open government data: lessons from IEEE Intelligent Systems, 27 (3), Spring Issue, 16-24. (doi:10.1109/MIS.2012.23).

Davies, Huw C., Halford, Susan and Gibbins, Nicholas (2012) Digital natives? Investigating young people’s critical skills in evaluating web based information. WebSci 2012, , Evanston, United States. 22 - 24 Jun 2012. 4 pp .

Nurmikko, Terhi, Dahl, Jacob, Gibbins, Nicholas and Earl, Graeme (2012) Citizen science for cuneiform studies. ACM Web Science 2012, , Evanston, United States. 6 pp .

Packer, Heather S., Samangooei, Sina, Hare, Jonathon S., Gibbins, Nicholas and Lewis, Paul (2012) Event Detection using Twitter and Structured Semantic Query Expansion. CrowdSens 2012 Workshop, Maui, HI, United States.

Albeladi, Rehab, Martinez, Kirk and Gibbins, Nicholas (2012) Distributed stream reasoning. European Semantic Web Conference, Heraklion, Greece. 26 - 30 May 2012.

Jalal, Asim, Gibbins, Nicholas, Millard, David and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2012) Enabling the discovery of Adaptive Learning Resources for mobile learner. 11th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning (mLearn 2012), Helsinki, Finland. 15 - 17 Oct 2012. 6 pp .

Jalal, Syed Asim, Gibbins, Nicholas M., Millard, David and Al Hashimi, Bashir (2013) Content-aware power saving multimedia adaptation for mobile learning. 7th International Conference on Next Generation Mobile Applications, Services, and Technologies (NGMAST' 2013), Prague, Czech Republic. 24 - 26 Sep 2013. 6 pp .

Samangooei, Sina, Hare, Jonathon, Dupplaw, David, Niranjan, Mahesan, Gibbins, Nicholas, Lewis, Paul H., Davies, Jamie, Jain, Neha and Preston, John (2013) Social Event Detection via sparse multi-modal feature selection and incremental density based clustering. MediaEval 2013 / Social Event Detection for Social Multimedia, Barcelona, Spain. (In Press)

Jalal, Syed Asim, Gibbins, Nicholas, Millard, David and Al-Hashimi, Bashir (2013) Energy-aware adaptation of educational multimedia in mobile learning. 11th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia (MoMM2013), Vienna, Austria. 02 - 04 Dec 2013.

Aljaloud, Saud, Luczak-Rösch, Markus, Chown, Tim and Gibbins, Nicholas (2014) Get All, Filter Details - On the Use of Regular Expressions in SPARQL Queries. 4th Workshop on Usage Analysis and the Web of Data in ESWC'2014, Crete, Greece. 24 May 2014.

Jalal, Syed Asim, Gibbins, Nicholas, Millard, David, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Aljohani, Naif (2014) Learner-Battery Interaction in Energy-Aware Learning Multimedia Systems. The 13th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia 2014, Melbourne, Australia. 24 - 28 Nov 2014. (doi:10.1145/2677972.2678005).

Jalal, Syed Asim, Gibbins, Nicholas, Millard, David, Al-Hashimi, Bashir and Aljohani, Naif R. (2014) Energy-Aware Streaming Multimedia Adaptation: An Educational Perspective. International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia (MoMM2014), Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. 08 - 10 Dec 2014. 9 pp . (In Press)

Hare, Jonathon, Samangooei, Sina, Niranjan, Mahesan and Gibbins, Nicholas (2015) Detection of Social Events in Streams of Social Multimedia. International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval, 4 (4), 289-302. (doi:10.1007/s13735-015-0085-0).

Webster, Jack, Gibbins, Nicholas, Halford, Susan and Hracs, Brian J. (2016) Towards a theoretical approach for analysing music recommender systems as sociotechnical cultural intermediaries. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Web Science (WebSci '16). ACM Press. pp. 137-145 . (doi:10.1145/2908131.2908148).

Kanza, Samantha, Willoughby, Cerys, Gibbins, Nicholas, Whitby, Richard J., Frey, Jeremy, Erjavec, Jana, Zupančič, Klemen, Hren, Matjaž and Kovač, Katarina (2017) Electronic lab notebooks: can they replace paper? Journal of Cheminformatics, 9, [31]. (doi:10.1186/s13321-017-0221-3).

Naja, Iman and Gibbins, Nicholas (2018) Using provenance to efficiently propagate SPARQL updates on RDF source graphs. Belhajjame, K., Gehani, A. and Alper, P. (eds.) In Provenance and Annotation of Data and Processes: IPAW 2018. vol. 11017, Springer. pp. 158-170 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-98379-0_12).

Spawforth, Callum, Gibbins, Nicholas and Millard, David (2018) StoryMINE: A System for Multiplayer Interactive Narrative Experiences. Rouse, R., Koenitz, H. and Haahr, M. (eds.) In Interactive Storytelling: ICIDS 2018. vol. 11318, Springer. pp. 534-543 . (doi:10.1007/978-3-030-04028-4_62).

Spawforth, Callum, Gibbins, Nicholas and Millard, David (2018) Uncommon patterns - Authoring with story specific structures. Authoring for Interactive Storytelling Workshop - ICIDS 2018, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. 08 Dec 2018. 6 pp .

Kanza, Samantha, Gibbins, Nicholas and Frey, Jeremy G. (2019) Too many tags spoil the metadata: Investigating the knowledge management of scientific research with semantic web technologies. Journal of Cheminformatics, 11 (1), [23]. (doi:10.1186/s13321-019-0345-8).

Salvadores, Manuel, Correndo, Gianluca, Harris, Steve, Gibbins, Nick and Shadbolt, Nigel (2010) 4sr - Scalable decentralized RDFS backward chained reasoning. In 2010 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology. vol. 658, pp. 137-140 .

Selway, Anna, Koops, Hendrik Vincent, Volk, Anya, Bretherton, David, Gibbins, Nicholas and Polfreman, Richard (2020) Explaining harmonic inter-annotator disagreement using Hugo Riemann's theory of ‘harmonic function’. Journal of New Music Research, 49 (2), 136-150. (doi:10.1080/09298215.2020.1716811).


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Babar, Zunaira, Ng, Soon Xin and Hanzo, Lajos (2013) Reduced-complexity syndrome-based TTCM decoding. IEEE Communications Letters, 17 (6), 1220-7798. (doi:10.1109/LCOMM.2013.050313.130182).

Babar, Zunaira, Ng, Soon Xin and Hanzo, Lajos (2014) EXIT-chart aided near-capacity quantum turbo code design. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 1-11. (doi:10.1109/TVT.2014.2328638).

Babar, Zunaira, Ng, Soon Xin and Hanzo, Lajos (2013) Near-capacity code design for entanglement-assisted classical communication over quantum depolarizing channels. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 61 (12), 4801-4807. (doi:10.1109/TCOMM.2013.111013.130035).

Babar, Zunaira, Botsinis, Panagiotis, Alanis, Dimitrios, Ng, Soon Xin and Hanzo, Lajos (2014) Quantum-aided solutions in wireless systems. International Workshop on Quantum Communication Networks, Leeds, United Kingdom. 09 - 10 Jan 2014.

Nguyen, Hung, Babar, Zunaira and Ng, Soon Xin et al. (2014) Network coded MIMO aided cooperative communications in the ambulance-and-emergency area. Mobile and Wireless Networking (MoWNet) 2014, Rome, Italy. 07 Sep 2014. 9 pp .

Babar, Zunaira, Botsinis, Panagiotis, Alanis, Dimitrios, Ng, Soon Xin and Hanzo, L. (2015) The road from classical to quantum codes: a hashing bound approaching design procedure. IEEE Access, 3, 1-31. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2015.2405533).

Botsinis, Panagiotis, Alanis, Dimitrios, Babar, Zunaira, Ng, Soon Xin and Hanzo, Lajos (2015) Non-coherent quantum multiple symbol differential detection for wireless systems. IEEE Access, 1-31. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2015.2432015).

Babar, Zunaira, Ng, Soon Xin and Hanzo, Lajos (2014) EXIT-chart aided code design for symbol-based entanglement-assisted classical communication over quantum channels. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall), Vancouver, Canada. 13 - 16 Sep 2014. 5 pp . (doi:10.1109/VTCFall.2014.6965974).

Botsinis, Panagiotis, Alanis, Dimitrios, Babar, Zunaira, Ng, Soon Xin and Hanzo, Lajos (2015) Iterative quantum-assisted multi-user detection for multi-carrier interleave division multiple access systems. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 63 (10), 3713-3727. (doi:10.1109/TCOMM.2015.2458857).

Babar, Zunaira (2015) Quantum error correction codes. University of Southampton, Physical Sciences and Engineering, Doctoral Thesis, 279pp.

Alanis, Dimitrios, Botsinis, Panagiotis, Babar, Zunaira, Ng, Soon and Hanzo, Lajos (2015) Non-dominated quantum iterative routing optimization for wireless multihop networks. IEEE Access, 3, 1-25. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2015.2478793).

Babar, Zunaira, Botsinis, Panagiotis, Ng, Soon Xin, Alanis, Dimitrios and Hanzo, Lajos (2015) Construction of quantum LDPC codes from classical row-circulant QC-LDPCs. IEEE Communications Letters, 1-5. (doi:10.1109/LCOMM.2015.2494020). (In Press)

Babar, Zunaira, Botsinis, Panagiotis, Alanis, Dimitrios, Ng, Soon Xin and Hanzo, Lajos (2015) Fifteen years of quantum LDPC coding and improved decoding strategies. IEEE Access, 3, 2492-2519. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2015.2503267).

Babar, Zunaira, Nguyen, Hung, Botsinis, Panagiotis, Alanis, Dimitrios, Chandra, Daryus, Ng, Soon Xing, Maunder, Robert and Hanzo, Lajos (2016) Research Data: Fully-Parallel Quantum Turbo Decoder. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/393128 [Dataset]

Botsinis, Panagiotis, Babar, Zunaira, Alanis, Dimitrios, Nguyen, Hung, Chandra, Daryus, Ng, Soon and Hanzo, Lajos (2016) Research Data: Quantum Error Correction Protects Quantum Search Algorithms Against Decoherence. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/396360 [Dataset]

Botsinis, Panagiotis, Alanis, Dimitrios, Babar, Zunaira, Ng, Soon and Hanzo, Lajos (2016) Research Data: Joint Quantum-Assisted Channel Estimation and Data Detection. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/396549 [Dataset]

Babar, Zunaira, Nguyen, Hung, Botsinis, Panagiotis, Alanis, Dimitrios, Chandra, Daryus, Ng, Soon and Hanzo, Lajos (2016) Research Data: Serially Concatenated Unity-Rate Codes Improve Quantum Codes Without Coding-Rate Reduction. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/398673 [Dataset]

Botsinis, Panagiotis, Alanis, Dimitrios, Babar, Zunaira, Nguyen, Hung, Chandra, Daryus, Ng, Soon and Hanzo, Lajos (2016) Research Data: Quantum-aided Multi-User Transmission in Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Systems. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/399147 [Dataset]

Botsinis, P., Alanis, D., Babar, Z., Nguyen, H. V., Chandra, D., Ng, S. X. and Hanzo, L. (2016) Quantum-aided multi-user transmission in non-orthogonal multiple access systems. IEEE Access, 4, 7402-7424. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2016.2591904).

Botsinis, Panagiotis, Alanis, Dimitrios, Babar, Zunaira, Ng, Soon Xin and Hanzo, Lajos (2016) Joint quantum-assisted channel estimation and data detection. IEEE Access, 1-23. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2016.2591903).

Babar, Z., Nguyen, H. V., Botsinis, P., Alanis, D., Chandra, D., Ng, S. X., Maunder, R. G. and Hanzo, L. (2016) Fully-parallel quantum turbo decoder. IEEE Access, 4, 6073-6085. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2016.2581978).

Babar, Zunaira, Nguyen, Hung, Botsinis, Panagiotis, Alanis, Dimitrios, Chandra, Daryus, Ng, Soon and Hanzo, Lajos (2016) Dataset for Unity-Rate Codes Maximize the Normalized Throughput of On-Off Keying Visible Light Communication. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/402170 [Dataset]

Babar, Z., Nguyen, H. V., Botsinis, P., Alanis, D., Chandra, D., Ng, S. X. and Hanzo, L. (2016) Serially concatenated unity-rate codes improve quantum codes without coding-rate reduction. IEEE Communications Letters, 20 (10), 1916-1919. (doi:10.1109/LCOMM.2016.2593874).

Babar, Z., Nguyen, H. V., Botsinis, P., Alanis, D., Chandra, D., Ng, S. X. and Hanzo, L. (2017) Unity-rate codes maximize the normalized throughput of on–off keying visible light communication. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 29 (3), 291-294. (doi:10.1109/LPT.2016.2625808).

Alanis, Dimitrios, Hu, Jie, Botsinis, Panagiotis, Babar, Zunaira, Ng, Soon and Hanzo, Lajos (2016) Research Data: Quantum-Assisted Joint Multi-Objective Routing and Load Balancing for Socially-Aware Networks. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/403120 [Dataset]

Nguyen, H. V., Babar, Z. and Alanis, D. et al. (2016) EXIT-chart aided quantum code design improves the normalised throughput of realistic quantum devices. IEEE Access, 4, 10194-10209. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2016.2591910).

Nguyen, Hung, Babar, Zunaira, Alanis, Dimitrios, Botsinis, Panagiotis, Chandra, Daryus, Ng, Soon and Hanzo, Lajos (2016) Research Data: EXIT-chart Aided Quantum Code Design Improves the Normalised Throughput of Realistic Quantum Devices. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/403518 [Dataset]

Botsinis, Panagiotis, Babar, Zunaira, Alanis, Dimitrios, Chandra, Daryus, Nguyen, Hung, Ng, Soon Xin and Hanzo, Lajos (2016) Quantum error correction protects quantum search algorithms against decoherence. Scientific Reports, 6 (38095), 1-13. (doi:10.1038/srep38095).

Aljohani, Abdulah, Babar, Zunaira, Ng, Michael and Hanzo, Lajos (2016) Distributed source-channel coding using reduced-complexity syndrome-based TTCM. IEEE Communications Letters, 20 (10), 2095-2098. (doi:10.1109/LCOMM.2016.2584598).

Babar, Zunaira (2017) Research Data: Reduced-Complexity Iterative Receiver for Improving the IEEE 802.15.7 Convolutional-Coded Color Shift Keying Mode. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0088 [Dataset]

Alanis, Dimitrios, Hu, Jie, Botsinis, Panagiotis, Babar, Zunaira, Ng, Soon and Hanzo, Lajos (2017) Quantum-assisted joint multi-objective routing and load balancing for socially-aware networks. IEEE Access, 4, 9993 - 10028. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2016.2629671).

Chandra, Daryus, Babar, Zunaira, Nguyen, Hung, Alanis, Dimitrios, Botsinis, Panagiotis, Ng, Soon and Hanzo, Lajos (2017) Research Data: Quantum Coding Bounds and a Closed-Form Approximation of the Minimum Distance Versus Quantum Coding Rate. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0131 [Dataset]

Chandra, Daryus, Babar, Zunaira, Nguyen, Hung, Alanis, Dimitrios, Botsinis, Panagiotis, Ng, Soon and Hanzo, Lajos (2017) Quantum coding bounds and a closed-form approximation of the minimum distance versus quantum coding rate. IEEE Access, 5, 11557-11581. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2716367).

Babar, Z., Zhu, C., Nguyen, H., Botsinis, P., Alanis, D., Chandra, D., Ng, S. and Hanzo, L. (2017) Reduced-complexity iterative receiver for improving the IEEE 802.15.7 convolutional-coded color shift keying mode. IEEE Communications Letters, 21 (9), 2005-2008. (doi:10.1109/LCOMM.2017.2705707).

Nguyen, H., Trinh, P., Pham, A., Babar, Z., Alanis, D., Botsinis, P., Chandra, D., Ng, S. X. and Hanzo, L. (2017) Network coding aided cooperative quantum key distribution over free-space optical channels. IEEE Access, 05, 12301-12317. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2712288).

Nguyen, Hung, Ng, Soon and Hanzo, Lajos (2017) Research Data: Network Coding Aided Cooperative Quantum Key Distribution Over Free-Space Optical Channels. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0151 [Dataset]

Botsinis, Panagiotis, HUO, YONGKAI, Alanis, Dimitrios, Babar, Zunaira, Ng, Soon and Hanzo, Lajos (2017) Research Data: Quantum Search-Aided Multi-User Detection of IDMA-Assisted Multi-Layered Video Streaming. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0186 [Dataset]

Nguyen, Hung, Alanis, Dimitrios, Botsinis, Panagiotis, Chandra, Daryus and Hanzo, Lajos (2017) Research Data: Towards the Quantum Internet: Generalised Quantum Network Coding for Large-scale Quantum Communication Networks. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0213 [Dataset]

Botsinis, Panagiotis, Alanis, Dimitrios, Feng, Simeng, Babar, Zunaira, Nguyen, Hung, Chandra, Daryus, Ng, Soon Xin, Zhang, Rong and Hanzo, Lajos (2017) Quantum-assisted indoor localization for uplink mm-wave and downlink visible light communication systems. IEEE Access, 5 (1), 23327-23351. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2733557).

Nguyen, Hung Viet, Babar, Zunaira, Alanis, Dimitrios, Botsinis, Panagiotis, Chandra, Daryus, Izhar, Azri, Ng, Soon and Hanzo, Lajos (2017) Towards the quantum internet: Generalised quantum network coding for large-scale quantum communication networks. IEEE Access. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2738781).

Botsinis, Panagiotis, Hemadeh, Ibrahim, Alanis, Dimitrios, Babar, Zunaira, Nguyen, Hung Viet, Chandra, Daryus, Ng, Soon, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2017) Research Data: Joint-Alphabet Space Time Shift Keying in mm-Wave Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0241 [Dataset]

Botsinis, Panagiotis, Alanis, Dimitrios, Feng, Simeng, Babar, Zunaira, Nguyen, Hung Viet, Chandra, Daryus, Ng, Soon, Zhang, Rong and Hanzo, Lajos (2017) Research Data: Quantum-Assisted Indoor Localization for Uplink mm-Wave and Downlink Visible Light Communication systems. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0242 [Dataset]

Babar, Zunaira (2017) Research Data: Unary-Coded Dimming Control Improves ON-OFF Keying Visible Light Communication. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0269 [Dataset]

Babar, Zunaira, Izhar, Azri, Nguyen, Hung Viet, Botsinis, Panagiotis, Alanis, Dimitrios, Chandra, Daryus, Ng, Soon Xin, Maunder, Robert G. and Hanzo, Lajos (2017) Unary-coded dimming control improves ON-OFF keying visible light communication. IEEE Transactions on Communications. (doi:10.1109/TCOMM.2017.2759271).

Botsinis, Panagiotis, Huo, Yongkai, Alanis, Dimitrios, Babar, Zunaira, Ng, Soon and Hanzo, Lajos (2017) Quantum search-aided multi-user detection of IDMA-assisted multi-layered video streaming. IEEE Access, 5 (1), 23233-23255. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2732358).

Izhar, Azri, Babar, Zunaira, Ng, Soon Xin and Hanzo, Lajos (2017) Research Data: Entanglement-Assisted Classical Communication Over Quantum Channels for Binary Markov Sources. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0342 [Dataset]

Chandra, Daryus, Babar, Zunaira, Nguyen, Hung Viet, Alanis, Dimitrios, Botsinis, Panagiotis, Ng, Soon and Hanzo, Lajos (2017) Research Data: Quantum Topological Error Correction Codes: The Classical-to-Quantum Isomorphism Perspective. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0349 [Dataset]

Chandra, Daryus, Babar, Zunaira, Nguyen, Hung Viet, Alanis, Dimitrios, Botsinis, Panagiotis, Ng, Soon and Hanzo, Lajos (2017) Quantum topological error correction codes: The classical-to-quantum isomorphism perspective. IEEE Access. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2784417).

Izhar, Azri, Babar, Zunaira, Ng, Soon and Hanzo, Lajos (2017) Entanglement-assisted classical communication over quantum channels for binary Markov sources. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. (doi:10.1109/TVT.2017.2778192).

Alanis, Dimitrios, Botsinis, Panagiotis, Babar, Zunaira, Nguyen, Hung Viet, Chandra, Daryus, Ng, Soon and Hanzo, Lajos (2018) A quantum-search-aided dynamic programming framework for Pareto optimal routing in wireless multihop networks. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 1-16. (doi:10.1109/TCOMM.2018.2803068).

Alanis, Dimitrios, Botsinis, Panagiotis, Babar, Zunaira, Nguyen, Hung Viet, Chandra, Daryus, Ng, Soon and Hanzo, Lajos (2018) Research Data: A Quantum-Search-Aided Dynamic Programming Framework for Pareto Optimal Routing in Wireless Multihop Networks. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0402 [Dataset]

Zhang, Xiaoyu, Babar, Zunaira, Zhang, Rong, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2019) Multi-class coded layered asymmetrically clipped optical OFDM. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 67 (1), 579-589. (doi:10.1109/TCOMM.2018.2869821).

Alanis, Dimitrios, Botsinis, Panagiotis, Babar, Zunaira, Nguyen, Hung Viet, Chandra, Daryus, Ng, Soon and Hanzo, Lajos (2018) Quantum-aided multi-objective routing optimization using back-tracing-aided dynamic programming. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 1-5. (doi:10.1109/TVT.2018.2822626).

Alanis, Dimitrios, Botsinis, Panagiotis, Babar, Zunaira, Nguyen, Hung Viet, Chandra, Daryus, Ng, Soon and Hanzo, Lajos (2018) Research Data: Quantum-Aided Multi-Objective Routing Optimization Using Back-Tracing-Aided Dynamic Programming. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0479 [Dataset]

Babar, Zunaira, Chandra, Daryus, Nguyen, Hung Viet, Botsinis, Panagiotis, Alanis, Dimitrios, Ng, Soon and Hanzo, Lajos (2018) Duality of quantum and classical error correction codes: Design principles and examples. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials. (doi:10.1109/COMST.2018.2861361).

Babar, Zunaira, Chandra, Daryus, Nguyen, Hung Viet, Botsinis, Panagiotis, Alanis, Dimitrios, Ng, Soon and Hanzo, Lajos (2018) Research Data: Duality of Quantum and Classical Error Correction Codes: Design Principles and Examples. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0616 [Dataset]

Hosseinidehaj, Nedasadat, Babar, Zunaira, Malaney, Robert, Ng, Soon and Hanzo, Lajos (2018) Satellite-based continuous-variable quantum communications: state-of-the-art and a predictive outlook. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 1-41. (doi:10.1109/COMST.2018.2864557).

Botsinis, Panagiotis, Alanis, Dimitrios, Xu, Chao, Babar, Zunaira, Chandra, Daryus, Ng, Soon Xin and Hanzo, Lajos (2018) Air-to-ground NOMA systems for the “Internet-Above-the-Clouds”. IEEE Access. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2867093).

Zhang, Xiaoyu and Babar, Zunaira (2018) Research Data - Multi-Class Coded Layered Asymmetrically Clipped Optical OFDM. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0646 [Dataset]

Botsinis, Panagiotis, Alanis, Dimitrios, Babar, Zunaira, Nguyen, Hung Viet, Chandra, Daryus, Ng, Soon and Hanzo, Lajos (2018) Research Data: Air-to-ground NOMA Systems for the “Internet-Above-the-Clouds”. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0640 [Dataset]

Botsinis, Panagiotis, Alanis, Dimitrios, Babar, Zunaira, Nguyen, Hung Viet, Chandra, Daryus, Ng, Soon and Hanzo, Lajos (2018) Quantum search algorithms for wireless communications. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials. (doi:10.1109/COMST.2018.2882385).

Babar, Zunaira, Zhang, Xiaoyu, Botsinis, Panagiotis, Alanis, Dimitrios, Chandra, Daryus, Ng, Soon and Hanzo, Lajos (2019) Research Data - Near-Capacity Multi-Layered Code Design for LACO-OFDM-Aided Optical Wireless Systems. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0795 [Dataset]

Babar, Zunaira, Zhang, Xiaoyu, Botsinis, Panagiotis, Alanis, Dimitrios, Chandra, Daryus, Ng, Soon Xin and Hanzo, Lajos (2019) Near-capacity multilayered code design for LACO-OFDM-aided optical wireless systems. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 68 (4), 4051-4054. (doi:10.1109/TVT.2019.2896764).

Chandra, Daryus, Babar, Zunaira, Ng, Soon and Hanzo, Lajos (2019) Research Data: Near-Hashing-Bound Multiple-Rate Quantum Turbo Short-Block Codes. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0883 [Dataset]

Chandra, Daryus, Babar, Zunaira, Ng, Soon and Hanzo, Lajos (2019) Near-hashing-bound multiple-rate quantum turbo short-block codes. IEEE Access, 7, 52712-52730. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2911515).

Chandra, Daryus, Babar, Zunaira, Nguyen, Hung Viet, Alanis, Dimitrios, Botsinis, Panagiotis, Ng, Soon and Hanzo, Lajos (2019) Research Data: Quantum Topological Error Correction Codes Are Capable of Improving the Performance of Clifford Gates. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1051 [Dataset]

Babar, Zunaira, Kaykac Egilmez, Zeynep Burcin, Xiang, Luping, Chandra, Daryus, Maunder, Robert, Ng, Soon and Hanzo, Lajos (2019) Polar codes and their quantum-domain counterparts. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 1-35. (doi:10.1109/COMST.2019.2937923).

Chandra, Daryus, Babar, Zunaira, Nguyen, Hung Viet, Alanis, Dimitrios, Botsinis, Panagiotis, Ng, Soon and Hanzo, Lajos (2019) Quantum topological error correction codes are capable of improving the performance of Clifford gates. IEEE Access. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2936795).

Liu, Xiaona, Gong, Chen, Zou, Difan, Babar, Zunaira, Xu, Zhengyuan and Hanzo, Lajos (2019) Signal characterization and achievable transmission rate of VLC under receiver nonlinearity. IEEE Access, 1-10. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2943051).

Lacava, Cosimo, Babar, Zunaira, Zhang, Xiaoyu, Demirtzioglou, Iosif, Petropoulos, Periklis and Hanzo, Lajos (2020) High-speed multi-layer coded adaptive LACO-OFDM and its experimental verification. OSA Continuum, 3 (9), 2614-2629. (doi:10.1364/OSAC.394227).

Botsinis, P., Hemadeh, I., Alanis, D., Babar, Z., Nguyen, H.V., Chandra, D., Ng, S.X., El-Hajjar, M. and Hanzo, L. (2017) Joint-alphabet space time shift keying in mm-wave non-orthogonal multiple access. IEEE Access, 22602-22621. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2736978).

Zhang, Xiaoyu, Babar, Zunaira, Petropoulos, Periklis, Haas, Harald and Hanzo, Lajos (2021) The evolution of optical OFDM. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 23 (3), 1430-1457, [9378787]. (doi:10.1109/COMST.2021.3065907).


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Ibanez Gonzalez, Luis, Simperl, Elena, Gandon, Fabien and Story, Henry, Joseph (2017) Redecentralizing the web with distributed ledgers. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 32 (1), 92-95. (doi:10.1109/MIS.2017.18).

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Personal homepage

Mohammed El-Hajjar is an Associate Professor in the Next Generation Wireless research group. He received his PhD in Wireless Communications from the University of Southampton in 2008. Then, following PhD, he joined Imagination Technologies as a design engineer, where he worked on designing and developing a multi-standard communications software defined platform.

In 2012, he joined the University of Southampton as a member of the academic staff, where he is currently an Associate Professor. He is the recipient of several academic awards and has published a Wiley-IEEE book and in excess of 80 journal and conference papers and many patents. He has been awarded several industry-funded projects as well as an industrial fellowship from the Royal Academy of Engineering.


Research interests

  • Millimeter wave (mMWave) wireless communications and positioning
  • Energy efficient, low-complexity, high-performance Transceiver design
  • V2X communications and networking
  • Machine learning for wireless communications and wireless networking
  • Radio over Fiber network design


  • Signal Processing
  • Future Wireless Techniques
  • Machine Learning for Wireless Communications


El-Hajjar, M., Alamri, O. and Hanzo, L. (2006) Differential Space-Time Spreading using Iteratively Detected Sphere Packing Modulation and Two Transmit Antennas. IEEE WCNC'06, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States. 02 - 05 Apr 2006. pp. 1664-1668 .

El-Hajjar, M., Alamri, O. and Hanzo, L. (2006) Differential Space-Time Spreading using Four Transmit Antennas and Iteratively Detected Sphere Packing Modulation. ISSSTA '06, Manaus, Amazon, Brazil. 27 - 30 Aug 2006. pp. 322-326 .

El-Hajjar, M, Alamri, O. and Hanzo, L. (2007) Adaptive Differential Space-Time-Spreading-Assisted Turbo-Detected Sphere Packing Modulation. IEEE WCNC, Hong Kong. 11 - 15 Mar 2007. pp. 645-649 .

El-Hajjar, M., Alamri, O. and Hanzo, L. (2007) Layered Steered Space-Time Codes Using Iterative Detection. IEEE SiPS'07, Shanghai, China. 16 - 18 Oct 2007. pp. 35-39 .

Othman, N.S., El-Hajjar, M., Alamri, O. and Hanzo, L. (2007) Soft-Bit Assisted Iterative AMR-WB Source-Decoding and Turbo-Detection of Channel-Coded Differential Space-Time Spreading Using Sphere Packing Modulation. IEEE VTC'07 (Spring), Dublin, Ireland. 21 - 24 Apr 2007. pp. 2010-2014 .

El-Hajjar, M., Zummo, S. and Hanzo, L. (2007) Near-Instantaneously Adaptive Cooperative Schemes based on Space-Time Block Codes and V-BLAST. IEEE VTC'07 (Spring), Dublin, Ireland. 21 - 24 Apr 2007. pp. 2200-2204 .

El-Hajjar, M., Maunder, R. G., Alamri, O., Ng, S. X. and Hanzo, L. (2007) Iteratively Decoded Irregular Variable Length Coding and Sphere-Packing Modulation-Aided Differential Space-Time Spreading. IEEE VTC'07 (Fall), Baltimore, MD, United States. 29 Sep - 02 Oct 2007. pp. 1238-1242 .

El-Hajjar, M. and Hanzo, L. (2007) Layered Steered Space-Time Codes and their capacity. Electronics Letters, 43 (12), 680 -682.

El-Hajjar, M, Tee, R, Hu, B, Yang, L-L and Hanzo, L (2007) Downlink Steered Space-Time Spreading Assisted Generalised Multicarrier DS-CDMA Using Sphere-Packing-Aided Multilevel Coding. IEEE VTC'07 (Fall), Baltimore, MD, United States. 29 Sep - 02 Oct 2007. pp. 472-476 .

El-Hajjar, Mohammed, Hu, B, Yang, L-L and Hanzo, L (2007) Coherent and Differential Downlink Space-Time Steering Aided Generalised Multicarrier DS-CDMA. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 6 (11), 3857-3863.

Hanzo, L., Alamri, O., El-Haijar, M. and Wu, N. (2008) Advanced Space-Time Coding: Near-Capacity Sphere-Packing, Multi-Functional MIMOs and Cooperative Space-Time Processing , IEEE Press - John Wiley (Submitted)

Xu, L., El-Hajjar, M., Alamri, O., Chen, S. and Hanzo, L. (2008) Iterative Detected Sphere Packing Modulated OFDM: An EXIT Chart Perspective. IEEE ICC'08, Beijing, China. 18 - 22 May 2008. pp. 631-635 .

Othman, N.S., El-Hajjar, M., Pham, A.Q., Alamri, O., Ng, S.X. and Hanzo, L. (2008) Over-Complete Source-Mapping Aided AMR-WB MIMO Transceiver Using Three-Stage Interative Detection. IEEE ICC'08, Beijing, China. 18 - 22 May 2008. pp. 751-755 .

Nguyen Dang, Thanh, El Hajjar, Mohammed, Yang, Lie-Liang and Hanzo, Lajos (2008) A Systematic Luby Transform Coded V-BLAST System. IEEE ICC'08, Beijing, China. 18 - 22 May 2008. pp. 775-779 .

El Hajjar, Mohammed, Alamri, Osamah, Ng, Soon and Hanzo, Lajos (2008) Turbo Detection of Precoded Sphere Packing Modulation Using Four Transmit Antennas for Differential Space-Time Spreading. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 7 (3), 943-952. (doi:10.1109/TWC.2008.060708).

Riaz, Raja, El Hajjar, Mohammed, Ahmed, Qasim, Ng, Soon, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2008) Convergence Analysis of Iteratively Detected Time Hopping and DS-CDMA Ultrawide Bandwidth Systems by EXIT Charts,. IEEE VTC'08 (Spring), Marina Bay, Singapore. 10 - 13 May 2008. pp. 1127-1131 .

Sahal, N., El Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2008) Downlink Steered Space-Time Spreading For Multi-Carrier Transmission Over Frequency Selective Channels. IEEE VTC'08 (Spring), Marina Bay, Singapore. 10 - 13 May 2008. pp. 943-947 .

Riaz, R.A., El-Hajjar, M., Ahmed, Q.Z., Ng, S.X., Chen, S. and Hanzo, L. (2008) EXIT chart aided design of DS-CDMA ultra wideband systems using iterative decoding. 2008 IEEE 68th Vehicular Technology Conference, , Calgary, Canada. 20 - 23 Sep 2008. 5 pages .

Nasruminallah, , El-Hajjar, M., Othman, Noor, Quang, A.P. and Hanzo, Lajos (2008) Over-Complete Mapping Aided, Soft-Bit Assisted Iterative Unequal Error Protection H.264 Joint Source and Channel Decoding. IEEE VTC'08 (Fall), Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 5 pages .

Othman, Noor, El Hajjar, Mohammed, Alamri, Osamah, Ng, Soon and Hanzo, Lajos (2009) Iterative AMR-WB Source and Channel Decoding Using Differential Space–Time Spreading-Assisted Sphere-Packing Modulation. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 484 -490.

El Hajjar, Mohammed, Alamri, Osamah, Maunder, Robert G. and Hanzo, Lajos (2009) Iteratively Detected Generalised MC DS-CDMA Using Layered Steered Space-Time Spreading. IEEE ICC'09, Dresden, Germany. 13 - 17 Jun 2009.

El Hajjar, Mohammed, Alamri, Osamah, Wang, Jin, Zummo, Salam and Hanzo, Lajos (2009) Layered steered space-time codes using multi-dimensional sphere packing modulation. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 8 (7), 3335-3340.

Othman, Noor, El Hajjar, Mohammed, Alamri, Osamah, Ng, Soon and Hanzo, Lajos (2009) Three-Stage Iterative Detection of a MIMO-aided Precoded AMR-WB Speech Transceiver. IEEE VTC'09 Fall, Anchorage, Alaska, United States. 19 - 22 Sep 2009.

El Hajjar, Mohammed, Alamri, Osamah and Hanzo, Lajos (2009) Distributed Turbo Coding in the Presence of Inter-User Channel Impairment. IEEE VTC'09 Fall, Anchorage, Alaska, United States. 19 - 22 Sep 2009.

El Hajjar, Mohammed, Alamri, Osamah and Hanzo, Lajos (2009) Iteratively Detected Three-Stage Multi-Dimensional Sphere Packing Modulation Aided Multi-Functional MIMO. IEEE Globecom 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States. 30 Nov - 04 Dec 2009.

El-Hajjar, Mohammed, Alamri, Osamah, Maunder, Robert G and Hanzo, Lajos (2010) Layered Steered Space–Time-Spreading-Aided Generalized MC DS-CDMA. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 59 (2), 999-1005.

El-Hajjar, M. and Hanzo, L. (2009) Robust Transmission of H.264 Coded Video Using Three-Stage Iterative Joint Source and Channel Decoding. IEEE Globecom 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States. 30 Nov - 04 Dec 2009. pp. 1-6 .

Othman, NS, El-Hajjar, M, Pham, AQ, Alamri, O, Ng, SX and Hanzo, L (2008) Over-complete source-mapping aided AMR-WB MIMO transceiver using three-stage iterative detection. IEEE ICC'08, Beijing, China. 18 - 22 May 2008. pp. 751-755 .

Othman, Noor, El-Hajjar, Mohammed, Pham Quang, Anh, Alamri, Osamah, Ng, Soon and Hanzo, Lajos (2010) Over-Complete Source-Mapping Aided AMR-WB Using Iteratively Detected Differential Space-Time Spreading. 2010 IEEE 71st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2010-Spring), , Taipei, Taiwan. 15 - 18 May 2010. pp. 1-5 . (doi:10.1109/VETECS.2010.5493798).

Xu, Chong, El-Hajjar, Mohammed, Maunder, Robert G., Yang, Lie-Liang and Hanzo, Lajos (2010) Performance of the Space-Time Block Coded DS-CDMA Uplink Employing Soft-Output ACO-Aided Multiuser Space-Time Detection and Iterative Decoding. 2010 IEEE 71st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2010-Spring), , Taipei, Taiwan. 15 - 18 May 2010. pp. 1-5 . (doi:10.1109/VETECS.2010.5493768).

Alamri, Osamah, Poupart, Blandine, El-Hajjar, Mohammed, Ng, Soon and Hanzo, Lajos (2010) On multidimensional BICM-ID constellation labelling. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Cape Town, South Africa. 22 - 26 May 2010. pp. 1-5 . (doi:10.1109/ICC.2010.5502739).

El Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2010) Dispensing with Channel Estimation…. IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, 5, 42-48.

El Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2010) Multifunctional MIMO systems: A combined diversity and multiplexing design perspective. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 17, 73-79.

Hanzo, Lajos, El Hajjar, Mohammed and Alamri, Osamah (2011) Near-capacity wireless transceivers and cooperative communications in the MIMO era: evolution of standards, waveform design, and future perspectives. Proceedings of the IEEE, 99 (8), 1343-1385. (doi:10.1109/JPROC.2011.2148150).

Minallah, Nasru, Butt, Muhammad Fasih, El Hajjar, Mohammed, Ng, Soon and Hanzo, Lajos (2011) Self-concatenated coding and multi-functional MIMO aided H.264 video telephony. VTC2011-Fall, San Francisco, United States. 04 - 07 Sep 2011. (doi:10.1109/VETECF.2011.6093304).

Huo, Yongkai, El Hajjar, Mohammed, Fasih Uddin Butt, Muhammad and Hanzo, L. (2013) Inter-layer-decoding aided self-concatenated coded scalable video transmission. Wireless Communications and Network Conference (WCNC 2013), Shanghai Shi, China. 06 - 09 Apr 2013. pp. 4600-4605 .

Thomas, Varghese Antony, Ghafoor, Salman, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2013) A Full-Duplex Diversity-Assisted Hybrid Analogue/Digitized Radio Over Fibre for Optical/Wireless Integration. IEEE Communications Letters. (In Press)

Huo, Yongkai, El Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2013) Inter-layer FEC aided unequal error protection for multi-layer video transmission in mobile TV. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. (In Press)

Thomas, Varghese Antony, Ghafoor, Salman, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2013) Baseband Radio over Fiber Aided Millimeter-Wave Distributed Antenna for Optical/Wireless Integration. IEEE Communications Letters, 17 (5), 1012-1015.

El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2013) A survey of digital television broadcast transmission techniques. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 1-26. (doi:10.1109/SURV.2013.030713.00220). (In Press)

Zhang, Bo, Chen, Hong and El-Hajjar, Mohammed et al. (2013) Distributed multiple-component turbo codes for cooperative hybrid ARQ. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 20 (6), 599-602. (doi:10.1109/LSP.2013.2259478).

El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2013) EXIT charts for system design and analysis. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials. (In Press)

Huo, Yongkai, El Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2013) Inter-layer turbo coded unequal error protection for multi-layer video transmission. 2013 IEEE 78th Vehicular Technology Conference, Las Vegas, United States. 01 - 04 Sep 2013. 5 pp . (In Press)

Yang, Ping, Zhang, Bo, Xiao, Yue, Dong, Binhong, Li, Shaoqian, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2013) Detect-and-forward relaying aided cooperative spatial modulation for wireless networks. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 61 (11), 4500-4511. (doi:10.1109/TCOMM.2013.100913.130278).

Zhang, Bo, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, L. (2013) Opportunistic relay selection for co-operative relaying in cochannel interference contaminated networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. (doi:10.1109/TVT.2013.2291162). (In Press)

Huo, Yongkai, El-Hajjar, Mohammed, Maunder, Robert G. and Hanzo, L. (2014) Layered wireless video relying on minimum-distortion inter-layer FEC coding. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 16 (3), 697-710. (doi:10.1109/TMM.2014.2300449).

Zhang, Jiankang, Zhang, Bo, Chen, Sheng, Mu, Xiaomin, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, L. (2014) Pilot contamination elimination for large-scale multiple-antenna aided OFDM systems. [in special issue: Signal Processing for Large-Scale MIMO Communications] IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 8 (5), 759-772. (doi:10.1109/JSTSP.2014.2309936).

Yang, Ping, Xiao, Yue, Zhang, Bo, Li, Shaoqian, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, L. (2014) Star-QAM signaling constellations for spatial modulation. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, PP (99), 3741-3749. (doi:10.1109/TVT.2014.2306986). (In Press)

El-Hajjar, Mohammed, Nguyen, Quoc, Maunder, Robert G. and Ng, Soon Xin (2014) Demonstrating the Practical Challenges of Wireless Communications Using USRP. IEEE Communications Magazine, 52 (5), 194-201. (doi:10.1109/MCOM.2014.6815912).

Zhang, Bo, Hu, Jie, Huang, Ying, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2015) Outage analysis of superposition modulation aided network coded cooperation in the presence of network coding noise. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 1-9. (doi:10.1109/TVT.2014.2322074).

Huo, Yongkai, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2014) Wireless video: an interlayer error-protection-aided multilayer approach. IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, 9 (3), 104-112. (doi:10.1109/MVT.2014.2334411).

Yang, Ping, Xiao, Yue, Zhang, Bo, Li, Shaoqian, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2014) Power allocation-aided spatial modulation for limited-feedback MIMO systems. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 1-16. (doi:10.1109/TVT.2014.2339297).

Yetgin, Halil, Cheung, Kent Tsz Kan, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2015) Cross-layer network lifetime maximization in interference-limited WSNs. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 64 (8), 3795-3803. (doi:10.1109/TVT.2014.2360361).

Yetgin, Halil, Cheung, Kent Tsz Kan, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2014) Cross-layer network lifetime optimization considering transmit and signal processing power in WSNs. [in special issue: Intelligent Wireless Sensor Networks and Applications] IET Wireless Sensor Systems, 4 (4), 176-182. (doi:10.1049/iet-wss.2014.0049).

Thomas, Varghese Antony, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, L (2015) Performance improvement and cost reduction techniques for radio over fiber communications. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials. (doi:10.1109/COMST.2015.2394911).

Yang, Ping, Xiao, Yue, Zhang, Bo, El-Hajjar, Mohammed, Li, Shaoqian and Hanzo, Lajos (2015) Phase rotation-based precoding for spatial modulation systems. IET Communications, 1-5. (doi:10.1049/iet-com.2014.1065).

Zhang, Bo, Dong, Chen, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2015) Outage analysis and optimization in single- and multiuser wireless energy harvesting networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 1-28. (doi:10.1109/TVT.2015.2409781).

Zhu, Chuan, Huo, Yongkai, Zhang, Bo, Zhang, Rong, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2016) Adaptive truncated HARQ aided layered video streaming relying on inter-layer FEC coding. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 65 (3), 1506-1521. (doi:10.1109/TVT.2015.2413790).

Halak, Basel, El-Hajjar, Mohammed, Hu, Qiongda and Lu, Yue (2015) Energy-Efficient Adaptive MIMO Decoders. Science and Information Conference. (In Press)

Bello, Ibrahim A., Halak, Basel, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Zwolinski, Mark (2015) VLSI Implementation of a Scalable K-best MIMO Detector. The 15th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT 2015), Japan, Japan. (doi:10.1109/ISCIT.2015.7458362).

Yetgin, Halil, Cheung, Kent Tsz Kan, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2015) Network-lifetime maximization of wireless sensor networks. IEEE Access, 3, 2191-2226. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2015.2493779).

Thomas, Varghese, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2016) Millimeter-wave radio over fiber optical upconversion techniques relying on link nonlinearity. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 18 (1), 29-53. (doi:10.1109/COMST.2015.2409154).

Thomas, Varghese, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2015) Single ODSB radio-over-fiber signal supports STBC at each RAP. IEEE Communications Letters, 1331-1334. (doi:10.1109/LCOMM.2015.2429574).

Bello, Ibrahim, Halak, Basel, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Zwolinski, Mark (2016) A survey of VLSI implementations of tree search algorithms for MIMO detection. Circuits Systems and Signal Processing, 35 (10), 3644-3674. (doi:10.1007/s00034-015-0218-y).

Thomas, Varghese Antony, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2016) Single sideband signal generation optical relying on a single-drive Mach–Zehnder modulator for radio over fibre communications. IET Communications, 10 (5), 534-539. (doi:10.1049/iet-com.2015.0498).

Armada, Ana Garcia, Thomas, Varghese Antony, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2014) Radio-over-fiber aided base station coordination for OFDM. IEEE 80th Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2014, Vancouver, Canada. 13 - 16 Sep 2014. pp. 1-6 . (doi:10.1109/VTCFall.2014.6966148).

Thomas, Varghese Antony, Kumar, Suman, Kalyani, Sheetal, El-Hajjar, Mohammed, Giridhar, K. and Hanzo, Lajos (2016) Error vector magnitude analysis of fading SIMO channels relying on MRC reception. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 1-12. (doi:10.1109/TCOMM.2016.2530797).

Hemadeh, Ibrahim, El-Hajjar, Mohammed, Won, Seunghwan and Hanzo, Lajos (2016) Layered multi-group steered space-time shift-keying for millimeter-wave communications. IEEE Access, 4, 3708-3718. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2016.2552078).

Halak, Basel and El-Hajjar, Mohammed (2016) Plagiarism detection and prevention techniques in engineering education. 11th European Workshop on Microelectronics Education, Southampton, United Kingdom. 10 - 12 May 2016. (doi:10.1109/EWME.2016.7496465).

Hemadeh, Ibrahim, El-Hajjar, Mohammed, Won, SeungHwan and Hanzo, Lajos (2016) Dataset: Multi-Set Space-Time Shift-Keying With Reduced Detection Complexity. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/394735 [Dataset]

Hemadeh, Ibrahim, El-Hajjar, Mohammed, Won, Seunghwan and Hanzo, Lajos (2016) Multi-set space-time shift-keying with reduced detection complexity. IEEE Access, 4, 4234-4246. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2016.2582462).

Hemadeh, Ibrahim, El-Hajjar, Mohammed, Won, SeungHwan and Hanzo, Lajos (2016) Dataset: Multi-User Steered Multi-Set Space-Time Shift-Keying for Millimeter-Wave Communications. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/397521 [Dataset]

Hemadeh, Ibrahim, El-Hajjar, Mohammed, Won, Seunghwan and Hanzo, Lajos (2017) Multi-user steered multi-set space-time shift-keying for millimeter-wave communications. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 66 (6), 5491-5495. (doi:10.1109/TVT.2016.2625805).

Zhang, Bo, Dong, Chen, Lei, Jing, El-Hajjar, Mohammed, Yang, Lieliang and Hanzo, Lajos (2016) Buffer-aided relaying for the multi-user uplink: outage analysis and power allocation. IET Communications, 10 (8), 936-944. (doi:10.1049/iet-com.2015.0338).

Halak, Basel, El-Hajjar, Mohammed, Toma, Ogeen H. and Cheng, Zhuofan (2016) Energy-efficient hardware implementation of LR-aided K-Best MIMO decoder for 5G networks. Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications, 6 (12), 1-10. (doi:10.3390/jlpea6030012).

Halak, Basel and El-Hajjar, Mohammed (2016) How to prevent plagiarism in engineering education. TEM Workshop on Pedagogies: Best Practice Considerations, York, United Kingdom. 10 Jul 2016.

Toma, Ogeen H. and El-Hajjar, Mohammed (2016) Element-based lattice reduction aided K-Best detector for large-scale MIMO systems. 2016 IEEE 17th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), Edinburgh, United Kingdom. 02 - 05 Jul 2016. 5 pp . (doi:10.1109/SPAWC.2016.7536870).

Hemadeh, Ibrahim, El-Hajjar, Mohammed, Hanzo, Lajos and Won, Seung, Hwan (2016) Dataset of: Multi-Set Space-Time Shift Keying And Space-Frequency Space-Time Shift Keying for Millimeter-Wave Communications. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/403897 [Dataset]

Hemadeh, Ibrahim, El-Hajjar, Mohammed, Won, Seunghwan and Hanzo, Lajos (2017) Multi-set space-time shift keying and space-frequency space-time shift keying for millimeter-wave communications. IEEE Access, 5, 8324-8342. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2016.2642827).

Yetgin, Halil, Cheung, Kent Tsz Kan, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2017) A survey of network lifetime maximization techniques in wireless sensor networks. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 1-29. (doi:10.1109/COMST.2017.2650979).

Sacchi, Claudio, Hemadeh, Ibrahim and El-Hajjar, Mohammed (2017) Millimeter-wave transmission for small-cell backhaul in dense urban environment: a solution based on MIMO-OFDM and Space-Time Shift Keying (STSK). IEEE Access, 5, 400-4017. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2680435).

Faizur Rahman, Talha, Sacchi, Claudio and El-Hajjar, Mohammed (2017) Mm-Wave STSK-aided single carrier block transmission for broadband networking. IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, , Crete, Greece. 03 - 06 Jul 2017. 8 pp . (In Press)

Hemadeh, Ibrahim, Botsinis, Panagiotis, El-Hajjar, Mohammed, Won, SeungHwan and Hanzo, Lajos (2017) Dataset of the paper: "Reduced-RF-Chain Aided Soft-Decision Multi-Set Steered Space-Time Shift-Keying for Millimeter-Wave Communications". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0063 [Dataset]

Hemadeh, Ibrahim, Botsinis, Panagiotis, El-Hajjar, Mohammed, Won, SeungHwan and Hanzo, Lajos (2017) Reduced-RF-chain aided soft-decision multi-set steered space-time shift-keying for millimeter-wave communications. IEEE Access, 5, 7223-7243. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2694557).

Baeza, Victor Monzon, Armada, Ana Garcia, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2018) Performance of a non-coherent massive SIMO M-DPSK system. 86th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC Fall 2017, , Toronto, Canada. 23 - 26 Sep 2017. pp. 1-5 . (doi:10.1109/VTCFall.2017.8288015).

Satyanarayana, K., El-Hajjar, Mohammed, Kuo, Ping Heng, Mourad, Alain and Hanzo, Lajos (2018) Millimeter wave hybrid beamforming with DFT-MUB aided precoder codebook design. 86th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC Fall 2017, , Toronto, Canada. 23 - 26 Sep 2017. pp. 1-5 . (doi:10.1109/VTCFall.2017.8288023).

Li, Yichuan, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2018) Joint space-time block-coding and beamforming for the multi-user radio over plastic fiber downlink. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 67 (3). (doi:10.1109/TVT.2017.2723876).

Li, Yichuan (2017) Dataset for Joint Space-Time Block-Coding and Beamforming for the Multi-user Radio Over Plastic Fiber Downlink. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0150 [Dataset]

Katla, Satyanarayana, El-Hajjar, Mohammed, Kuo, Ping Heng, Mourad, Alain and Hanzo, Lajos (2018) Dual-function hybrid beamforming and transmit diversity aided millimeter wave architecture. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 67 (3), 2798-2803. (doi:10.1109/TVT.2017.2737782).

Katla, Satyanarayana, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2017) Dataset of Dual-Function Hybrid Beamforming and Transmit Diversity Aided Millimeter Wave Architecture. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0206 [Dataset]

Baeza, Victor Monzon, Garcia Armada, Ana, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2017) A non-coherent multi-user large scale SIMO system relying on M-ary DPSK and BICM-ID. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. (doi:10.1109/TVT.2017.2750114).

Botsinis, Panagiotis, Hemadeh, Ibrahim, Alanis, Dimitrios, Babar, Zunaira, Nguyen, Hung Viet, Chandra, Daryus, Ng, Soon, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2017) Research Data: Joint-Alphabet Space Time Shift Keying in mm-Wave Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0241 [Dataset]

Katla, Satyanarayana, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2017) Dataset for Adaptive Transceiver Design for C-RAN in mmWave Communications. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0306 [Dataset]

Hemadeh, Ibrahim, Katla, Satyanarayana, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2017) Dataset: Millimeter-Wave Communications: Physical Channel Models, Design Considerations, Antenna Constructions and Link-Budget. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0344 [Dataset]

Hemadeh, Ibrahim, Katla, Satyanarayana, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2017) Millimeter-wave communications: physical channel models, design considerations, antenna constructions and link-budget. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 20 (2), 870-913. (doi:10.1109/COMST.2017.2783541).

Satyanarayana, Katla, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2017) Adaptive transceiver design for C-RAN in mmWave communications. IEEE Access.

Hemadeh, Ibrahim, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2017) Dataset:"Hierarchical Multi-Functional Layered Spatial Modulation". University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0370 [Dataset]

Hemadeh, Ibrahim A., El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2018) Hierarchical multi-functional layered spatial modulation. IEEE Access. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2802863).

Lu, Siyao, Hemadeh, Ibrahim, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2018) Dataset - Compressed Sensing-Aided Space-Time Frequency Index Modulation. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0456 [Dataset]

Lu, Siyao, Hemadeh, Ibrahim, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2018) Compressed sensing-aided space-time frequency index modulation. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 1-14. (doi:10.1109/TVT.2018.2818298).

Li, Yichuan (2019) Dataset for folder Radio Over Fiber Downlink Design for Spatial Modulation and Multi-Set Space-Time Shift-Keying. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0476 [Dataset]

Li, Yichuan, Hemadeh, Ibrahim, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2018) Radio over fiber downlink design for spatial modulation and multi-set space-time shift-keying. IEEE Access. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2821642).

Li, Yichuan, Yang, Qianmei, Hemadeh, Ibrahim, El-Hajjar, Mohammed, Chan, Chun-Kit and Hanzo, Lajos (2018) Experimental characterization of the radio over fiber aided twin-antenna spatial modulation downlink. Optics Express, 26 (10), 12432-12440. (doi:10.1364/OE.26.012432).

Halak, Basel, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hassanein, Ahmed (2018) Hardware efficient architecture for element-based lattice reduction aided K-Best detector for MIMO systems. Journal of Sensors and Actuator networks, 7 (2), [22]. (doi:10.3390/jsan7020022).

Satyanarayana, K., El-Hajjar, Mohammed, Kuo, Ping Heng, Mourad, Alain and Hanzo, Lajos (2018) MBER transmit precoding for the rank-deficient MIMO-aided Internet of Things. In 2018 IEEE 29th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC). IEEE. pp. 1-5 . (doi:10.1109/PIMRC.2018.8580898).

Lu, Siyao, Hemadeh, Ibrahim, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2018) An adaptive multi-user MIMO scheme for the millimeter-wave downlink. IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Italy. 09 - 12 Sep 2018. 5 pp . (In Press)

Bello, Ibrahim A., Halak, Basel, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Zwolinski, Mark (2018) Hardware implementation of a low-power K-Best MIMO detector based on a hybrid merge network. In 2018 28th International Symposium on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS). IEEE.. (doi:10.1109/PATMOS.2018.8464169).

Prisiceanu, Denisa, Katla, Satyanarayana, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2018) Effects of mutual coupling on lattice reduction-aided millimeter wave hybrid beamforming. IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, , Bologna, Italy. 09 - 12 Sep 2018. 5 pp . (In Press)

Huang, Ying, Lei, Jing, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Li, Wei (2018) Multi-dimensional encryption scheme based on physical layer for fading channel. IET Communications, 12 (19), 2470-2477. (doi:10.1049/iet-com.2018.5238).

Hemadeh, Ibrahim, Lu, Siyao, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2018) Compressed sensing-aided index modulation improves space-time shift keying assisted millimeter-wave communications. IEEE Access, 6, 64742-64756. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2876307).

Satyanarayana, K., Ivanescu, T., El-Hajjar, M., Kuo, P.H., Mourad, A. and Hanzo, L. (2018) Hybrid beamforming design for dual-polarised millimetre wave MIMO systems. Electronics Letters, 54 (22), 1257-1258. (doi:10.1049/el.2018.5097).

Satyanarayana, Katla, El-Hajjar, Mohammed, Kuo, Ping Heng, Mourad, Alain and Hanzo, Lajos (2019) Hybrid beamforming design for full-duplex millimeter wave communication. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 68 (2), 1394-1404. (doi:10.1109/TVT.2018.2884049).

Katla, Satyanarayana, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2018) Hybrid beamforming design for full-duplex millimeter wave communication dataset. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0737 [Dataset]

Zhang, Yanqing (2018) Dataset for Multi-Set Space-Time Shift Keying Assisted Adaptive Inter-Layer FEC for Wireless Video Streaming. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0756 [Dataset]

Zhang, Yanqing, Hemadeh, Ibrahim, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2018) Multi-set space-time shift keying assisted adaptive inter-layer FEC for wireless video streaming. IEEE Access. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2888906).

Li, Yichuan and Katla, Satyanarayana (2019) Dataset-Analogue Wireless Beamforming Exploiting the Fiber-Nonlinearity of Radio Over Fiber Based C-RANs. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0776 [Dataset]

Li, Yichuan, Ghafoor, Salman, Katla, Satyanarayana, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2019) Analogue wireless beamforming exploiting the fiber-nonlinearity of radio over fiber based C-RANs. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. (doi:10.1109/TVT.2019.2893589).

Li, Yichuan and Katla, Satyanarayana (2019) Dataset-Analogue Radio Over Fiber Aided MIMO Design for Learning Assisted Adaptive C-RAN Downlink. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0800 [Dataset]

Katla, Satyanarayana, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2019) Data for Multi-User Hybrid Beamforming Relying on Learning-Aided Link-Adaptation for mmWave Systems. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0812 [Dataset]

Li, Yichuan, Katla, Satyanarayana, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2019) Analogue radio over fiber aided MIMO design for learning assisted adaptive C-RAN downlink. IEEE Access, 7, 21359-21371. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2897922).

Katla, Satyanarayana, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2019) Multi-user hybrid beamforming relying on learning-aided link-adaptation for mmWave systems. IEEE Access. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2900008).

Lu, Siyao, Hemadeh, Ibrahim, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2019) Compressed sensing-aided multi-dimensional index modulation. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 67 (6), 4074-4087. (doi:10.1109/TCOMM.2019.2902393).

Bello, Ibrahim, Halak, Basel, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Zwolinski, Mark (2019) VLSI implementation of a fully-pipelined K-best MIMO detector with successive interference cancellation. Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 1-23. (doi:10.1007/s00034-019-01079-0).

Katla, Satyanarayana, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2019) Multi-user full duplex transceiver design for mmWave systems using learning-aided channel prediction. IEEE Access, 66068 - 66083. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2916799).

Ishikawa, Naoki, Mysore Rajashekar, Rakshith, Xu, Chao, El-Hajjar, Mohammed, Sugiura, Shinya, Yang, Lie-Liang and Hanzo, Lajos (2019) Differential-detection aided large-scale generalized spatial modulation is capable of operating in high-mobility millimeter-wave channels. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing. (doi:10.1109/JSTSP.2019.2913130).

Katla, Satyanarayana, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2019) Dataset for: Multi-User Full Duplex Transceiver Design for mmWave Systems Using Learning-Aided Channel Prediction. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0924 [Dataset]

Lu, Siyao, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2019) Two-dimensional index modulation for the large-scale multi-user MIMO uplink. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 68 (8), 7904-7918. (doi:10.1109/TVT.2019.2926884).

Katla, Satyanarayana, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2019) Dataset for: Deep Learning Aided Fingerprint Based Beam Alignment for mmWave Vehicular Communication. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1067 [Dataset]

Jantzen, Senta, Lisa, Bannerman, Rex, Jantzen, Alexander, Mennea, Paolo, Smith, Devin H., Gates, James C., El-Hajjar, Mohammed, Boyd, Lewis, Smith, Peter G.R. and Holmes, Christopher (2019) Individual inscription of fibre Bragg gratings in multicore fibre using small-spot direct UV writing. OSA Topical Meeting - The International Photonics and Optoelectronics Meeting (POEM), , Wuhan, China. 11 - 14 Nov 2019.

Jantzen, Senta, Lisa, Bannerman, Rex, Jantzen, Alexander, Mennea, Paolo, Smith, Devin H., Gates, James, El-Hajjar, Mohammed, Boyd, Lewis, Smith, Peter G.R. and Holmes, Christopher (2019) Small-spot direct UV written fiber Bragg gratings in multicore fiber. In 2019 IEEE Avionics and Vehicle. Fiber-Optics and Photonics. Conference (AVFOP 2019). 2 pp .

Katla, Satyanarayana, El-Hajjar, Mohammed, Mazaud, Alain and Hanzo, Lajos (2019) Deep learning aided fingerprint based beam alignment for mmWave vehicular communication. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 68 (11), 10858 - 10871. (doi:10.1109/TVT.2019.2939400).

Katla, Satyanarayana, El-Hajjar, Mohammed, Mourad, Alain, Pietraski, Philip and Hanzo, Lajos (2020) Soft-decoding for multi-set space-time shift-keying mmWave systems: A deep learning approach. IEEE Access, 8, 49584-49595, [8993802]. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2973318).

Iqbal, Saeed, Raza, Aadil, Butt, Muhammed Fasih Uddin, Ghafoor, Salman and El-Hajjar, Mohammed (2020) A full-duplex radio over fiber architecture employing 12 Gbps 16 × 16 optical multiple input multiple output for next-generation communication networks. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 31 (8), [e3910]. (doi:10.1002/ett.3910).

Zhang, Yanqing (2020) Dataset for Scalable Panoramic Wireless Video Streaming Relying on Optimal-Rate FEC-Coded Adaptive QAM. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1465 [Dataset]

Zhang, Yanqing, Zhang, Jiankang, Huo, Yongkai, Xu, Chao, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2020) Scalable panoramic wireless video streaming relying on optimal-rate FEC-coded adaptive QAM. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 69 (10), 11206-11219, [9137387]. (doi:10.1109/TVT.2020.3008384).

Iqbal, Saeed, Iqbal, Muhammad, Raza, Aadil, Mirza, Jawad, Ghafoor, Salman, El-Hajjar, Mohammed, Fasih, Muhammad and Butt, Uddin (2020) Linearly polarized modes enabled PAM-4 data transmission over few-mode fiber for data center interconnect. Electronics Letters, 56 (21), 1125-1127. (doi:10.1049/el.2020.1848).

Zhang, Yanqing (2020) Dataset for Near-Instantaneously Adaptive Multi-Set Space-Time Shift Keying for UAV-Aided Video Surveillance. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1490 [Dataset]

Zhang, Yanqing, Xu, Chao, Hemadeh, Ibrahim, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2020) Near-instantaneously adaptive multi-set space-time shift keying for UAV-aided video surveillance. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 69 (11), 12843-12856, [9151370]. (doi:10.1109/TVT.2020.3012208).

Liu, Haochen (2020) Research Data - Machine Learning Assisted Adaptive Index Modulation for mmWave Communications. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D1519 [Dataset]

Liu, Haochen, Lu, Siyao, Yang, Lieliang and El-Hajjar, Mohammed (2020) Machine learning assisted adaptive index modulation for mmWave communications. IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 1425 - 1441. (doi:10.1109/OJCOMS.2020.3024724).

Li, Yichuan, Wang, Fasong, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2020) Analogue radio over fiber aided optical-domain MIMO signal processing for high-performance low-cost radio access networks. IEEE Communications Magazine, 59 (1), 126-132. (doi:10.1109/MCOM.001.2000479). (In Press)

Katla, Satyanarayana, Xiang, Luping, Zhang, Yanqing, El-Hajjar, Mohammed, Mourad, Alain A.M. and Hanzo, Lajos (2020) Deep learning assisted detection for index modulation aided mmwave systems. IEEE Access, 8, 202738-202754, [9247947]. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3035961).

Zhang, Yanqing, Zhang, Jiankang, Xu, Chao, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Hanzo, Lajos (2020) Optimal-power superposition modulation for scalable video broadcasting. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 69, 16230 - 16234. (doi:10.1109/TVT.2020.3036529).

Longman, Edward, Cetinkaya, Oktay, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Merrett, Geoff (2021) Wake-up radio-enabled intermittently-powered devices for mesh networking: A power analysis. IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, , Virtual Conference. 09 - 12 Jan 2021. (doi:10.1109/CCNC49032.2021.9369557).

Iqbal, Saeed, Raza, Aadil, Butt, Muhammad Fasih Uddin, El-Hajjar, Mohammed, Fasih, Muhammad, Ghafoor, Salman, Mirza, Jawad and Iqbal, Muhammad (2021) Millimeter-wave enabled PAM-4 data transmission over hybrid FSO-MMPOF link for access networks. Optical Review, 28, 278–288. (doi:10.1007/s10043-021-00659-3).

Riaz, R.A., El-Hajjar, Mohammed, Ahmed, Q.Z., Ng, Soon Xin, Chen, Sheng and Hanzo, Lajos (2008) EXIT chart aided design of DS-CDMA UltraWideBand systems using Iterative decoding. In VTC2008-Fall. pp. 1-5 .

Li, Kunlun, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Yang, Lie-Liang (2021) Millimeter-wave based localization using a two-stage channel estimation relying on few-bit ADCs. IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society. (In Press)

Longman, Edward, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Merrett, Geoff (2021) Intermittent opportunistic routing components for the INET framework. In 8th OMNeT++ Community Summit 2021. 5 pp .

Li, Yichuan, Ghafoor, Salman, Uddin Butt, Muhammad Fasih and El-Hajjar, Mohammed (2021) Analog radio over fiber aided C-RAN: optical aided beamforming for multi-user adaptive MIMO design. Frontiers in Communications and Networks. (doi:10.3389/frcmn.2021.725976).

Ivanescu, Teodor, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Merrett, Geoffrey (2021) Dataset for 'ANTS'21 W5 AIMLECV - Route Lifetime Analysis in Vehicular Networks'. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D2039 [Dataset]

Zhang, Mingze, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Ng, Soon Xin (2021) Intelligent Caching in UAV-Aided Networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. (doi:10.1109/TVT.2021.3125396).

Zhang, Mingze (2021) Intelligent Caching in UAV-Aided Networks. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D2028 [Dataset]

Ivanescu, Teodor, El-Hajjar, Mohammed, Merrett, Geoff and Yetgin, Halil (2021) Route lifetime analysis for vehicular networks. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS): W5 :AI/Machine Learning Enabled Connected Vehicles, , Hyderabad, India. 6 pp . (In Press)

Longman, Edward, El-Hajjar, Mohammed, Cetinkaya, Oktay and Merrett, Geoff (2022) Mesh networking for intermittently-powered devices: Architecture and challenges. IEEE Network. (doi:10.1109/MNET.105.2000782).

Li, Yichuan, Ghafoor, Salman and El-Hajjar, Mohammed (2022) Analogue radio over fiber aided multi-service communications for high speed trains. IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 3, 424-434. (doi:10.1109/OJCOMS.2022.3156382).

Li, Qingchao, El-Hajjar, Mohammed, Hemadeh, Ibrahim, Shojaeifard, Arman, Mourad, Alain, Clerckx, Bruno and Hanzo, Lajos (2022) Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces relying on non-diagonal phase shift matrices. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 71 (6), 6367-6383. (doi:10.1109/TVT.2022.3160364).

Li, Yichuan and El-Hajjar, Mohammed (2022) Intelligent analog radio over fiber aided C-RAN for mitigating nonlinearity and improving robustness. IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications. 30 Jun - 03 Jul 2022. 6 pp . (In Press)

Liu, Haochen (2022) Dataset supporting the article - Deep Learning Assisted Adaptive Index Modulation for mmWave Communications with Channel Estimation. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D2250 [Dataset]

Liu, Haochen, Zhang, Yaoyuan, Zhang, Xiaoyu, El-Hajjar, Mohammed and Yang, Lie-Liang (2022) Deep learning assisted adaptive index modulation for mmWave communications with channel estimation. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. (doi:10.1109/TVT.2022.3181825).


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Charlton, M.D.B., Zoorob, Majd E. and Parker, G.J. (1999) Recent developments in the design and fabrication of visible photonic band gap waveguide devices. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 10 (5-6), 429–440. (doi:10.1023/A:1008970112219).

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Netti, M.C., Harris, A., Baumberg, J.J., Whittaker, D.M., Charlton, M.B.D., Zoorob, M.E. and Parker, G.J. (2001) Optical trirefringence in photonic crystal waveguides. Physical Review Letters, 86 (8), 1526-1529. (doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.86.1526).

Netti, M.C., Finlayson, C.E., Baumberg, J.J., Charlton, M.D.B., Zoorob, M.E., Wilkinson, J.S. and Parker, G.J. (2002) Separation of Photonic Crystal Waveguides Modes using Femtosecond Time-of-Flight. Applied Physics Letters, 81 (21), 3927-3929. (doi:10.1063/1.1520709).

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